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柯善哲沈瑞 江兴方/主编






黯F I SBN 9 78 - 7 -03-062099-6


高教数理出版分社: (010)64015178 销售: (010)64031535
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柯善哲 沈 瑞 江兴方 主编

北 京
内 容 简 介
本书是柯善哲等所编《量子力学》(2005 年,科学出版社)的习题解答,
由于有些章节习题较少,进行了适当地补充. 这些习题主要是南京大学物

ISBN 978-7-03-062099-6

Ⅰ. ①量… Ⅱ. ①柯…②沈…③江… Ⅲ. ①量子力学-高等学校-

题解 Ⅳ. ①O413.1-44
中国版本图书馆 CIP 数据核字(2019)第 181061 号
责任编辑:昌 盛 龙嫚 嫚 / 责任校对:杨聪敏
责任印制:张 伟 / 封面设计:华路天然

北京东黄城根北街 16 号
北京捷迅佳彩印刷有限公司 印刷
科学出版社发行 各地新华书店经销
2020 年 3 月第 一 版 开本:720×1000 B5
2020 年 3 月第一次印刷 印张:22
字数:444 000
定价:69.00 元
前 言

一五”国家级规划教材)书中的习题作解答. 这些习题原是南京大学的量子力学教
学中所使用和长期积累的. 所有参加过该课程教学的老师,不管是主讲还是辅导,
都对本书的形成和发展作过贡献,所以这本习题解答真正是集体智慧的结晶. 特
别是这些习题的选定和解答,大部分经过当时课程组长蔡建华教授的审查. 历届
看习题解答,就是怕有些学生会抄题解来代替独立做作业. 但在教学实践中,我
成为其负担过重的主要原因. 当前,由于课时较紧,习题课和讨论课已经难以合
入独立做习题,可能困难会减少一些,收获可能会大一些. 这是我们编写《量子

柯善哲 谨识
2018 年 1 月 17 日
量子力学与量子计算机 ·iii·

体系以及开展高效并行计算等方面,有着重要的应用价值和光明的发展前景. 量
子力学课程正是设计量子计算机的基础. 这里我们特别针对量子计算机基本特点
为什么要发展量子计算机?从 1970 年到 2005 年,
每 18 个月集成电路上可容纳的元器件数目约增加 1 倍, 计算机性能也相应地提升
1 倍,但是在 2005 年以后,这种趋势开始放缓,极其微小的集成电路面临着散热
等问题的考验. 如果按这个趋势继续发展,当集成电路的尺寸接近于原子尺度时,
象将彻底让经典计算模型不再可靠. 因此,通过缩小单个器件尺寸来提高计算机
性能的方式已经没法持续下去,我们迫切需要一种全新的计算构架方式. 传统的
计算机全名是电子计算机,其运算的基本数据单位是比特. 作为一种全新的计算
构架,量子计算机则是以量子比特作为基本单位,一个量子比特是具有 2 维希尔
伯特子空间的一个量子自由度,可以由一个微观粒子或宏观量子体系来实现. 1 个
量子比特可以同时处于多个状态,而传统的电子计算机中的比特只能处于 0 和 1
的一种状态. 量子计算机可以对众多量子比特的叠加态并行操作. 通过对量子比
典算法更有效的量子算法,使得计算的时间复杂度呈指数下降. 当前广泛使用的
RSA 经典加密体系就是基于大数因数分解这个经典难题,但可以被量子计算机轻
易破解. 量子计算机在遍历搜索等问题上也有着经典计算机无可比拟的优越性.
成为当前量子计算机领域的重要问题. 2017 年年底美国 IBM 公司宣布推出全球首
款 50 个物理量子比特的量子计算机原型机, 量子计算机已经越来越接近实用的临
环境噪声,比特错误、可容错的普适量子纠缠等等一系列问题. 当一系列技术问
目 录 ·v·

目 录

第一章 量子力学的实验基础 ····································································· 1
第二章 量子力学的基本概念 ··································································· 45
第三章 量子力学的数学表述 ··································································· 82
第四章 单粒子问题 ·············································································· 160
第五章 含时问题的近似方法 ·································································· 188
第六章 定态问题的近似方法 ·································································· 223
第七章 自旋 ······················································································· 254
第八章 多粒子系的量子力学 ·································································· 286
第九章 散射 ······················································································· 304
第一章 量子力学的实验基础


1.1 若自由电子的动能为 3eV(电子伏特),求其德布罗意波长.

分析 电子的多晶衍射等实验证明了电子具有波动性,利用德布罗意关系可
解 德布罗意关系

E = =ω , p = =k = = , (1.1-1)
λ= . (1.1-2)
题设自由粒子的动能为 T = 3eV,因动能不大,可用非相对论动能公式 T = ,μ

为电子静质量,则 p = 2 μT ,代入式(1.1-2)得
h 6.62 × 10−27 erg ⋅ s
λ= = = 7.1Å (cmgs 制)
2 μT 2 × 9.1 × 10−28 g × 3 × 1.6 × 10−12 erg
h 6.62 × 10−34 J ⋅ s
λ= =
2 μT 2 × 9.1 × 10−31 kg × 3 × 1.6 × 10−19 J
6.62 × 10−34 kg ⋅ m ⋅ m ⋅ s −2 ⋅ s
2 × 9.1 × 10−31 kg × 3 × 1.6 × 10−19 kg ⋅ m ⋅ m ⋅ s −2
= 7.1× 10−10 m = 0.71nm (kgms 制)
答 该自由电子的德布罗意波长为 0.71nm.

1.2 两光子在一定条件下可以转化为正、负电子对. 如果两光子能量相等,

·2· 量子力学习题解答

分析 圆频率为 ω 的光子 =ω ,有一份能量 E = =ω . 能量 E 与动量 p 的关系为

E 2 = p 2c 2 + μ 2c 4 . (1.2-1)
式中, μ 为粒子的静止质量.
解 相同能量的两个光子 =ω ,在一定条件下转化为正、负电子对,
=ω + =ω → e+ + e− . (1.2-2)
该过程能量守恒,有 2=ω = pe2+ c 2 + μ 2c 4 + pe2− c 2 + μ 2c 4 ,当 pe+ = pe− = 0 时,光
子的最低能量为 =ωmin = μ c 2 ,即光子的最小圆频率为 ωmin = ,相应的最大的
2πc 2πc= h
λmax = = = = 2.4×10−2Å=0.002 4nm.
ωmin μc 2
μ c
λmax 在数值上等于康普顿波长.
答 光子的波长就是康普顿波长为 0.002 4nm .

1.3 钾和钨的光电效应红限 λ红限 分别为 6 000Å 和 2 700Å,它们的脱出功分

分析 光电效应方程为
=ω = T + Φ . (1.3-1)
式中 T 是动能. 6 000Å = 600nm ,2 700Å = 270nm ;光的频率与波长的乘积为光速.
2πc= ch
解 脱出功 Φ = =ωmin = = ,式中 ωmin 是 λ红限 相应的圆频率.
λ红限 λ红限
3 × 1010 cm ⋅ s −1 × 6.62 × 10−27 erg ⋅ s
对于钾, ΦΚ = −8
= 3.3 × 1012 erg = 3.3 × 105 J ;
6 000 × 10 cm
3 × 1010 cm ⋅ s −1 × 6.62 × 10−27 erg ⋅ s
对于钨, ΦW = = 7.3 × 1012 erg = 7.3 × 105 J .
2 700 × 10−8 cm
答 钾和钨的脱出功分别是 3.3 × 105 J 和 7.3 × 105 J .

1.4 求波长为 5 000Å 的绿光光子的质量、动量和能量.

分析 由光波长就可以求得光频率、能量、动量,利用能量 E 与动量大小 p
解 波长为 5 000Å 的绿光光子的圆频率为
第一章 量子力学的实验基础 ·3·

2πc 6.28 × 3 × 1010 cm ⋅ s −1

ω = 2πν = = = 3.77 × 1015 s −1 ;
λ 5 000 × 10−8 cm
E = =ω = 6.63 × 10−27 erg ⋅ s × 3.77 × 1015 s −1 = 3.96 × 10−12 erg = 3.96 × 10−19 J ;
E =ω 3.96 × 10−12 erg 3.96 × 10−19 kg ⋅ m ⋅ m ⋅ s −2
μ= = 2 = −1 2
= = 4.4 × 10−36 kg ;
c 2
c 10
(3 × 10 cm ⋅ s ) (3 × 108 m ⋅ s −1 ) 2
=ω 3.96 × 10−12 erg 3.96 × 10−19 kg ⋅ m ⋅ m ⋅ s−2
p = μc = = = = 1.32 × 10−27 kg ⋅ m ⋅ s −1 .
c 3 × 1010 cm ⋅ s −1 3 × 108 m ⋅ s −1
答 波 长 为 5 000Å 的 绿 光 光 子 的 质 量 为 4.4 × 10−36 kg , 动 量 为 1.32 ×
10−27 kg ⋅ m ⋅ s −1 ,能量为 3.96 × 10−19 J .

1.5 电子辐射的光波平均波长为 1.2×104Å,求每秒钟内 100W 灯泡辐射的光

分析 电功率 P = 100W ,除以一个光子的能量 =ω ,就得到每秒辐射的光子数.
解 光波长为 1.2×104Å 相应的圆频率
6.28 × 3 × 1010 cm ⋅ s −1
ω = 2πν = = = 1.57 × 1015 s −1 ;
λ 1.2 × 104 × 10−8 cm
每秒钟内 100W 灯泡辐射的光子数
100W 100 × 107 erg ⋅ s −1
n= = = 6.08 × 1020 s −1 .
=ω 1.05 × 10−27 erg ⋅ s × 1.57 × 1015 s −1
答 每秒钟内 100W 灯泡辐射的光子数为 6.08 × 1020 个.

1.6 在康普顿效应中,假设光子的散射角为 ,求反冲电子的动能.
分析 康普顿效应示意图如图 1.6-1 所示,入射的光子方向为 n0 ,与散射的
方向 n 成散射角 θ ,散射过程满足
⎧ =ω0 =ω
=ω =ω ⎪⎪ c = c cosθ + μ v cos ϕ
动量守恒: p = 0 n0 − n ,即 ⎨ ; (1.6-1)
c c ⎪ =ω sin θ = μ vsinϕ
⎪⎩ c
能量守恒: =ω0 + μ0c 2 = =ω + μ c 2 , (1.6-2)
·4· 量子力学习题解答

式中 μ0 为电子的静止质量, p = μ v ,入射的光子
2πc 2πc
波长为 λ0 = ,散射的光子波长为 λ = ,它
ω0 ω
Δλ = λ − λ0 = (1 − cosθ ) . (1.6-3)
μ0 c
图 1.6-1 康普顿效应示意图 解 1 利 用 式 (1.6-3) , 当 θ = 时, λ =
λ0 + ,由式(1.6-2),得反冲电子的动能为
μ0 c
=2πc hc hc 2 μ0
T = μ c 2 − μ0c 2 = =ω0 − =ω = =ω0 − = =ω0 − = hω0 − ,
λ λ0 +
h λ0 μ0c + h
μ0 c
2πc 2πc
式中 ω0 = , λ0 = ,
λ0 ω0
hcμ0c =μ0c 2ω0
T = =ω0 − = =ω0 −
2πc μ0c 2 + =ω0
μ0 c + h
=ω0 ( μ0c 2 + =ω0 ) − =μ0c 2ω0 = 2ω02
= = . (1.6-4)
μ0c 2 + =ω0 =ω0 + μ0c 2
解 2 由题意,康普顿效应散射示意图如图 1.6-2 所示.

能量守恒: c 2 p 2 + μ02c 4 = μ0c 2 + =ω0 − =ω ;

=ω =ω
动量守恒: p = 0 n0 − n; (1.6-6)
c c
μ0 v
注意 p = μ v = ,则
v2 图 1.6-2 题设康普顿散射
1− 2
⎛ ⎞
⎜ ⎟
μ0 v ⎟ + μ 2 c 4 = μ0 c v + μ 2 c 4
2 2 2
c 2 p 2 + μ02c 4 = c 2 ⎜
⎜ 2 ⎟ 0
⎜⎜ 1 − v2 ⎟⎟ 1− 2
⎝ c ⎠ c
第一章 量子力学的实验基础 ·5·

μ02c 2 v 2 + μ02c 4 − μ02c 4
c2 = μ02c 4 μ0 c 2
= = = μc2 ,
v2 v2 v 2
1− 2 1− 2 1−
c c c2
2 2
⎛ =ω ⎞ ⎛ =ω ⎞
由题意 n0 方向与 n 方向垂直,故 p 2 = p 2 = ⎜ 0 ⎟ + ⎜ ⎟ ,所以
⎝ c ⎠ ⎝ c ⎠
⎡⎛ =ω ⎞2 ⎛ =ω ⎞2 ⎤
c 2 ⎢⎜ 0 ⎟ + ⎜ ⎟ ⎥ + μ0 c = μ0c + =ω0 − =ω ,
2 4 2

⎣⎢⎝ c ⎠ ⎝ c ⎠ ⎦⎥

⎡⎛ =ω ⎞2 ⎛ =ω ⎞2 ⎤
c 2 ⎢⎜ 0 ⎟ + ⎜ ⎟ ⎥ + μ0 c = ( μ0c + =ω0 − =ω ) ,
2 4 2 2

⎣⎢⎝ c ⎠ ⎝ c ⎠ ⎦⎥

(=ω0 ) 2 + (=ω ) 2 + μ02c 4 = (=ω0 − =ω )2 + ( μ0c 2 ) 2 + 2μ0c 2 (=ω0 − =ω )

= (=ω0 ) 2 + (=ω ) 2 − 2= 2ω0ω + ( μ0c 2 )2 + 2 μ0c 2 (=ω0 − =ω ) ,
μ0c 2ω0
=ω0ω = μ0c 2 (ω0 − ω ) , (=ω0 + μ0c 2 )ω = μ0c 2ω0 ,即 ω = ,代入式(1.6-5)
=ω0 + μ0c 2
μ0c 2ω0
T = c 2 p 2 + μ02c 4 − μ0c 2 = =ω0 − =ω = =ω0 − =
=ω0 + μ0c 2
=ω0 (=ω0 + μ0c 2 ) − μ0c 2 =ω0
= ,
=ω0 + μ0c 2
= 2ω02
T= . (1.6-7)
=ω0 + μ0c 2
π = 2ω02
答 假设光子的散射角为 ,则反冲电子的动能为 T = .
2 =ω0 + μ0c 2

1.7 在康普顿散射实验中,求反冲电子动量
p 与入射光子动量 =k0 之间的夹角 ϕ 与光子散射
角 θ 之间的关系.
分析 康普顿效应示意图如图 1.7-1 所示,入
射光子动量 =k0 的方向为 n0 方向, =k0 的大小

=k0 = = = =ω0 ,入射光子的方向 n0 与散射的方 图 1.7-1 康普顿效应示意图
·6· 量子力学习题解答

向 n 成散射角 θ ,散射过程满足
⎧ =ω0 =ω
=ω0 =ω ⎪⎪ c = c cosθ + p cos ϕ
动量守恒: p = n0 − n ,即 ⎨ ; (1.7-1)
c c ⎪ =ω sin θ = p sin ϕ
⎪⎩ c

能量守恒: =ω0 − =ω + μ0c 2 = c 2 p 2 + μ02c 4 , (1.7-2)

式中 μ0 为电子的静止质量. 由式(1.7-1)和式(1.7-2)即可求得反冲电子动量 p 与入
射光子动量 =k0 之间的夹角 ϕ 与光子散射角 θ 之间的关系.
解 由式(1.7-2)得 c 2 p 2 + μ02c 4 = (=ω0 − =ω )2 + ( μ0c 2 ) 2 + 2 μ0c 2 (=ω0 − =ω ) ,
2 2
⎛ =ω ⎞ ⎛ =ω ⎞ 2= ω0ω
p2 = ⎜ 0 ⎟ + ⎜ ⎟ − + 2=μ0 (ω0 − ω ) , (1.7-3)
⎝ c ⎠ ⎝ c ⎠ c2
2 2 2 2
⎛ =ω =ω ⎞ ⎛ =ω ⎞ ⎛ =ω ⎞ ⎛ =ω ⎞ = 2ω0ω
p =⎜ 0 − cosθ ⎟ + ⎜ sin θ ⎟ = ⎜ 0 ⎟ + ⎜ ⎟ − 2 2 cosθ , (1.7-4)
⎝ c c ⎠ ⎝ c ⎠ ⎝ c ⎠ ⎝ c ⎠ c
=ω ω ω −ω 1 1
比 较 式 (1.7-3) 和 式 (1.7-4) , 得 μ0 (ω0 − ω ) = 20 (1 − cosθ ) , 0 = − =
c ω0ω ω ω0
(1 − cosθ ) ,
μ0 c 2
ω= . (1.7-5)
=ω θ
1 + 2 02 sin 2
μ0 c 2
=ω0 =ω =ω =ω0 =ω
− cosθ sin θ − cosθ
由式(1.7-1)得 cos ϕ = c c ,sinϕ = c ,cot ϕ = c c ,
p p =ω
sin θ
=ω0 θ ⎛ =ω0 ⎞ 2 θ
1+ 2 sin 2 − cosθ 2 ⎜1 + ⎟ sin
μ0 c 2
2 ⎝ μ0 c 2 ⎠ 2 ⎛ =ω0 ⎞ θ
cot ϕ = = = ⎜1 + 2 ⎟
sin θ θ θ ⎝ μ0 c ⎠ 2
2sin cos
2 2
⎛ ⎞
⎜ h ⎟ θ ⎛ λc ⎞ θ
= ⎜1 + ⎟ tan = ⎜1 + ⎟ tan
⎜ μc c ⎟ 2 ⎝ λ0 ⎠ 2
⎜ 0
ν ⎟
⎝ 0 ⎠
第一章 量子力学的实验基础 ·7·

式中 λc = 为康普顿波长, λ0 为入射光波长.
μ0 c
答 反冲电子动量 p 与入射光子动量 =k0 之间的夹角 ϕ 与光子散射角 θ 之间
⎛ λ ⎞ θ
的关系为 cot ϕ = ⎜1 + c ⎟ tan .
⎝ λ0 ⎠ 2

1.8 用相对论力学公式证明康普顿效应中散射光与入射光波长差的公式.
分析 相对论力学公式中能量 E 和动量 p 的关系是 E 2 = p 2 c 2 + μ02c 4 ,不难
μ0 c 2
证明 = p 2c 2 + μ02c 4 . 即
⎛ ⎞ v2
⎜ ⎟ μ02c 2 v 2 + μ02c 4 − μ02c 4 2
μ0 v
p 2c 2 + μ02c 4 = ⎜ ⎟ c 2 + μ 2c 4 = c
⎜ 2 ⎟ 0
v 2
⎜⎜ 1 − v2 ⎟⎟ 1− 2
⎝ c ⎠ c

μ02c 4 μ0 c 2
. = =
v2 v2
1− 2 1−
c c2
证明 康普顿效应示意图如图 1.8-1 所示,
入射光子的方向 n0 与散射的方向 n 成散射角 θ ,
=ω0 =ω
动量守恒: p = n0 − n ,即
c c
⎧ =ω0 =ω
⎪⎪ c = c cosθ + p cos ϕ
⎨ ; (1.8-1) 图 1.8-1 康普顿效应示意图
⎪ =ω sin θ = psinϕ
⎪⎩ c

能量守恒: =ω0 − =ω + μ0c 2 = c 2 p 2 + μ02c 4 , (1.8-2)

式中 μ0 为电子的静止质量.
由式(1.8-2)得 c 2 p 2 + μ02c 4 = (=ω0 − =ω )2 + ( μ0c 2 ) 2 + 2μ0c 2 (=ω0 − =ω ) ,
2 2
⎛ =ω ⎞ ⎛ =ω ⎞ 2= ω0ω
p2 = ⎜ 0 ⎟ + ⎜ ⎟ − + 2=μ0 (ω0 − ω ) , (1.8-3)
⎝ c ⎠ ⎝ c ⎠ c2
·8· 量子力学习题解答

=ω0 =ω =ω
由式(1.8-1) = cosθ + p cos ϕ , sin θ = p sin ϕ ,得
c c c
2 2 2 2
⎛ =ω =ω ⎞ ⎛ =ω ⎞ ⎛ =ω ⎞ ⎛ =ω ⎞ = 2ω0ω
p2 = ⎜ 0 − cosθ ⎟ + ⎜ sin θ ⎟ = ⎜ 0 ⎟ + ⎜ ⎟ − 2 2 cosθ . (1.8-4)
⎝ c c ⎠ ⎝ c ⎠ ⎝ c ⎠ ⎝ c ⎠ c
=ω ω ω −ω 1 1 λ λ =
μ0 (ω0 − ω ) = 20 (1 − cosθ ) , 0 = − = − 0 = (1 − cosθ ) ,
c ω0ω ω ω0 2πc 2πc μ0c 2

2πc= h 2h θ θ
λ − λ0 = (1 − cosθ ) = (1 − cosθ ) = sin 2 = 2λc sin 2 .
μ0 c 2
μ0 c μ0 c 2 2
式中 λc = 为电子的康普顿波长.
μ0 c

1.9 由光子概念求出圆频率为 ω ,能流密度为 P 的光束,作用于法线与光的

入射方向成 ϕ 角的完全反射面或完全黑面上的光压,并利用以上结果设计显示光
分析 能流密度即单位时间内通过与传播方向垂直的单位面积上的能量. 圆
频率为 ω 的光子有能量 =ω . 能量密度为 P 的光束,单位时间内通过垂直流动方
n= . (1.9-1)

解 一个光子以掠射角 θ 照射在完全反射面上时,如图 1.9-1(a)所示,其动量

Δp = 2 sin θ , (1.9-2)
因此反射面受到冲击. 如图 1.9-1(b)所示, ds′ = ds sin θ ,则单位时间内光照
在单位反射面积 ds = 1 上的光子数为

图 1.9-1 (a) 光子反射;(b) 斜入射光子

第一章 量子力学的实验基础 ·9·

sin θ ,n′ = n sin θ = (1.9-3)

=ω =ω P P sin 2 θ P cos 2 ϕ
sin θ ⋅ n′ = 2
f =2 sin θ sin θ = 2 =2 . (1.9-4)
c c =ω c c
的动量变化为 sin θ ,这时光压为

=ω P P
f = sin θ ⋅ n′ = sin 2 θ = cos 2 ϕ . (1.9-5)
c c c
面,理想黑面的反面是完全反射面,用强度为 P 的激光照射,则薄片因力矩而转
答 圆频率为 ω ,能流密度为 P 的光束,作用于法线与光的入射方向成 ϕ 角
P cos 2 ϕ P cos 2 ϕ
的完全反射面和完全黑面上的光压分别为 2 和 .
c c

1.10 从能量和动量必须同时守恒,证明下列过程是不可能发生的(用相对论
(1) 一个有一定动量的自由电子辐射一个光子,同时改变它的动量和减小它
(2) 一个有一定动量的自由电子吸收一个
分析 在微观世界中,同样遵循动量守恒定
证明 (1) 假设自由电子的动量为 p0 ,能辐
射光子 =ω ,辐射角为 θ ,而电子的动量相应地由
p0 变成 p , p0 和 p 之间的夹角为 ϕ ,如图 1.10-1
图 1.10-1 自由电子辐射光子

能量守恒: c 2 p02 + μ02c 4 − =ω = c 2 p 2 + μ02c 4 , (1.10-1)

动量守恒: p0 − n= p. (1.10-2)
·10· 量子力学习题解答

由 式 (1.10-1) 两 边 平 方 后 得 c 2 p02 + μ02c 4 + (=ω )2 − 2=ω c 2 p02 + μ02c 4 = c 2 p 2 +

μ02c 4 , c 2 p02 + (=ω ) 2 − 2=ω c 2 p02 + μ02c 4 = c 2 p 2 ,即

c 2 p02 + (=ω ) 2 − 2=ω c 2 p02 + μ02c 4

p2 = . (1.10-3)
=ω =ω
由式(1.10-2)分解成两个方向 p0 = cosθ + p cos ϕ , sin θ = p sin ϕ ,得
c c
2 2 2
⎛ =ω ⎞ ⎛ =ω ⎞ =ω ⎛ =ω ⎞
p 2 = ⎜ p0 − cosθ ⎟ + ⎜ sin θ ⎟ = p02 − 2 p0 cosθ + ⎜ ⎟ . (1.10-4)
⎝ c ⎠ ⎝ c ⎠ c ⎝ c ⎠
c 2 p02 + μ02c 4
由式(1.10-3)和式(1.10-4)得 = p0 cosθ ,则
p02 + μ02c 2 ⎛μ c⎞
cosθ = = 1 + ⎜ 0 ⎟ > 1 . (1.10-5)
p0 ⎝ p0 ⎠
(2) 假设 一 个 动 量 为 p0 的 自 由 电 子 能 吸
收一个向它射来的光子 =ω ,如图 1.10-2 所示,

其中 n 和 p0 成 θ 角,吸收光子后,电子的动
量为 p , p0 和 p 之间的夹角为 ϕ ,该过程满足守
图 1.10-2 自由电子吸收光子

能量守恒: =ω + c 2 p02 + μ02c 4 = c 2 p 2 + μ02c 4 , (1.10-6)

动量守恒: n + p0 = p . (1.10-7)
由 式 (1.10-6) 两 边 平 方 后 得 c 2 p02 + μ02c 4 + (=ω )2 + 2=ω c 2 p02 + μ02c 4 = c 2 p 2 +

μ02c 4 , c 2 p02 + (=ω ) 2 + 2=ω c 2 p02 + μ02c 4 = c 2 p 2 ,即

c 2 p02 + (=ω ) 2 + 2=ω c 2 p02 + μ02c 4

p2 = . (1.10-8)
=ω =ω
由式(1.10-7)分解成两个方向 p0 = − cosθ + p cos ϕ , sin θ = p sin ϕ ,得
c c
2 2 2
⎛ =ω ⎞ ⎛ =ω ⎞ =ω ⎛ =ω ⎞
p 2 = ⎜ p0 + cosθ ⎟ + ⎜ sin θ ⎟ = p02 + 2 p0 cosθ + ⎜ ⎟ . (1.10-9)
⎝ c ⎠ ⎝ c ⎠ c ⎝ c ⎠
第一章 量子力学的实验基础 ·11·

c 2 p02 + (=ω ) 2 + 2=ω c 2 p02 + μ02c 4

由 式 (1.10-8) 和 式 (1.10-9) 得 = p02 +
=ω ⎛ =ω ⎞ c 2 p02 + μ02c 4
2 p0 cosθ + ⎜ ⎟ , = p0 cosθ ,则
c ⎝ c ⎠ c
p02 + μ02c 2 ⎛μ c⎞
cosθ = = 1+ ⎜ 0 ⎟ > 1 . (1.10-10)
p0 ⎝ p0 ⎠

1.11 以速度 v 运动的原子,从能量为 E 的激发态跃迁到能量为 E0 的基态,

同时辐射光子. 根据能量及动量守恒定律,考虑到辐射光子时原子会反冲,求光
子的频率表示式. 设原子质量为无限大(即忽略反
E − E0
冲)时光子的频率为 ω0 = .
分析 由于原子的速度一般比光速 c 小得多,
解 设原子质量为 M ,则辐射前原子的动量
p = M v . 若辐射光子的圆频率为 ω ,原子的反冲
动量为 p′ ,辐射光子和原子速度 v 的夹角为 θ ,
如图 1.11-1 所示.
原子辐射光子的过程满足守恒定律 图 1.11-1 原子辐射光子
p 2
p′ 2
能量守恒: +E= + E0 + =ω , (1.11-1)
2M 2M

动量守恒: p = n + p′ , (1.11-2)

式中 p = M v , p′ = M v′ ,由式(1.11-2)分解为两个方向 M v = cosθ + M v′ cos ϕ ,
=ω ⎛ =ω ⎞ =ω
sin θ = M v′ sin ϕ ,得 ( M v′) 2 = ( M v)2 + ⎜ ⎟ − 2M v cosθ ,代入式(1.11-1)得
c ⎝ c ⎠ c
⎛ =ω ⎞ =ω
p2 + ⎜ ⎟ − 2p cosθ
p2 ⎝ c ⎠ c
+E= + E0 + =ω ,
2M 2M
⎛ =ω ⎞ =ω
⎜ ⎟ − 2M v cosθ
c ⎠ c
+ E0 + =ω ,
·12· 量子力学习题解答

⎡ =ω v cosθ ⎤
E − E0 = =ω0 = =ω ⎢ 2
− + 1⎥ .
⎣ 2 Mc c ⎦
=ω 1eV =ω v cosθ v cosθ
由于 2
≈ 4
≈ 10−10  1 ,故 2
− +1 ≈1− ,
2 Mc 2 × 10 × 0.51MeV 2 Mc c c
ω= .
v cosθ
答 光子的频率为 ω = .
v cosθ

1.12 说明在真空中德布罗意波也有色散(即不同波长平面波的相速不等),并
求色散公式(即相速与波长的关系). (1) 非相对论情形;(2) 相对论情形.
分析 粒子在真空中的能量仅动能一项. 动能并非与动量 p 成正比,
E = T ≠ kp ,那么不同波长德布罗意波的相速 不相等,有色散.
解 (1) 非相对论情形
, E= (1.12-1)

E p =k = 2π
式中,μ 是微观粒子的静止质量. 相速 u = = = = ,可见相速与 λ 成
p 2μ 2μ 2μ λ
(2) 相对论情形

E = c 2 p 2 + μ 2c 4 , (1.12-2)

E μ 2c 4 μ 2c 4
相速 u = = c 2 + 2 = c 2 + 2 λ 2 ,可见相速与 λ 成非线性关系.
p p h
= 2π
答 (1) 非相对论情形相速与波长 λ 成反比,色散公式 u = ;(2) 相对
2μ λ
μ 2c 4
论情形相速与波长 λ 成非线性关系,色散公式 u = c 2 + λ2 .
1.13 用雷利速度公式 Vg = u − λ
, u 为相速,以及 1.12 题的结果,分别

证明德布罗意波的群速 Vg 即为与德布罗意波相联系的粒子的运动速度 V .
第一章 量子力学的实验基础 ·13·

= 2π
分析 1.12 题的结果是,对于非相对论情形色散公式 u = ;对于相对论
2μ λ
μ 2c 4 du
情形色散公式 u = c 2 + λ 2 ,代入 Vg = u − λ 即可证明.
h2 dλ
du = 2π d ⎛ = 2π ⎞
证明 (1) 对于非相对论情形, Vg = u − λ = −λ ⎜ ⎟,
dλ 2 μ λ dλ ⎝ 2 μ λ ⎠
= 2π = 2π p
Vg = +λ = =V .
2μ λ 2μ λ 2 μ

du μ 2c 4 d ⎛ 2 μ 2c 4 2 ⎞
(2) 对于相对论情形, Vg = u − λ = c2 + 2 λ 2 − λ ⎜ c + 2 λ ⎟,
dλ h dλ ⎜ h ⎟
⎝ ⎠
μ 2c 4 μ 2c 4 μ 2c 4
λ2 c2 + λ2 − λ2
μ c
2 4
h 2
h 2
h 2 c2
Vg = c 2 + λ2 − = =
h2 μ 2c4 μ 2c 4 μ 2c 4
c2 + λ2 c2 + λ2 c2 + λ2
h2 h2 h2
c2 c2 p
= = = =V.
1 2 2 μ 2c 4 2 2 E μ
c p + 2 p λ p
p h

1.14 求氢原子的游离能.
分析 所谓氢原子的游离能,就是将氢原子从基态 n = 1 跃迁到 n = ∞ ,外力
所做的功. 玻尔对氢原子作出三条假设,第一是定态不辐射假设,即氢原子与核
e2 v2
= μ . (1.14-1)
4πε 0 r 2 r
第二是跃迁假设,氢原子从较低能级 Ei 吸收圆频率为 ω 的光子跃迁到 Ef ,
=ω = Ef − Ei . (1.14-2)
反之从高能级 Ef 跃迁到低能级 Ei ,则放出圆频率为 ω 的光子;第三角动量
μ vr = n= . (1.14-3)
由式(1.14-1)和式(1.14-3)即可得 μ v 2 r = , μ vr = n= ,则
4πε 0
·14· 量子力学习题解答

e2 n= 4πε 0 (n=)2 1
v= ,r= = , 核 外 电 子 绕 核 转 动 的 动 能 为 Ek = μ v 2 =
4πε 0 n= μv μ e2 2
2 2
1 ⎛ e2 ⎞ e2 e2 ⎛ e2 ⎞
μ⎜ ⎟ ,势能为 Ep = − =− = − μ ⎜ ⎟ ,动能与
2 ⎝ 4πε 0 n= ⎠ 4πε 0 r 4πε 0 (n=)2 ⎝ 4πε 0 n= ⎠
4πε 0
μ e2
2 2 2
1 ⎛ e2 ⎞ ⎛ e2 ⎞ 1 ⎛ e2 ⎞
E = Ek + Ep = μ ⎜ ⎟ − μ⎜ ⎟ = − μ⎜ ⎟ . (1.14-4)
2 ⎝ 4πε 0 n= ⎠ ⎝ 4πε 0 n= ⎠ 2 ⎝ 4πε 0 n= ⎠
解 1 由式(1.14-4)对于基态 n = 1 ,即
1 ⎛ 9 × 109 kg ⋅ m ⋅ s −2 ⋅ m 2 ⋅ C2 × (1.6 × 10−19 C) 2 × 6.28 ⎞
E1 = − × 9.1× 10−31 kg ⎜ ⎟ ,
2 ⎝ 6.62 × 10−34 J ⋅ s ⎠
E1 = −2.17 × 10−18 J = −13.6eV .
从基态跃迁到 n = ∞ ,即氢原子的游离能为 E∞ − E1 = 13.6eV .
e2 1
解 2 已知氢原子的能级公式 En = − , n = 1, 2, 3, " ,氢原子的游离
2a0 n 2
能是从 n = 1 的基态跃迁到 n = ∞ 的零能量态,氢原子的游离能为 E∞ − E1 = .
注意取 cm ⋅ g ⋅ s 单位制,有 e = 3 × 1.6 × 10−10 esu , a0 = 0.53 × 10−8 cm , 1eV = 1.6 ×
10−12 erg ,则
e2 (3 × 1.6 × 10−10 esu)2
E∞ − E1 = = = 13.6eV .
2a0 2 × 0.53 × 10−8 cm × 1.6 × 10−12 erg ⋅ eV −1
答 氢原子的游离能为 13.6eV .

1.15 若 H a 和 Da 分别是氢和氘的巴耳末系的第一条谱线,求 H a 和 Da 两光谱

线的波长差是多少?如果 H a 和 Da 的波长分别为 6 562.80Å 和 6 561.01Å,确定氘
分析 题中给出的波长或者实验测量结果有 6 位有效数字,则计算也应有 6
位有效数字. 才能与实验相比较. 对于氢原子(H),原子核有一个质子 p,电子和
μe μ p μe
μH = = . (1.15-1)
μe + μ p 1 + μe
第一章 量子力学的实验基础 ·15·

对于氘原子(D),原子核有一个质子 p 和一个中子 n,核质量为 μ N = μp + μn ,电

μe ( μ p + μ n ) μe
μD = = . (1.15-2)
μe + μ p + μ n 1 + μe
μp + μn
正因为 μH 和 μD 不同,导致了氢和氘相应谱线的波长有差别.
解 对于氢原子,由式(1.15-1)代入能级
e2 1
En(H) = − , n = 1, 2, 3, " (1.15-3)
= n2
μH e2
e2 1
En(D) = − , n = 1, 2, 3, " (1.15-4)
=2 n2
巴耳末线系的第一条是由 n = 3 → n = 2 能级的跃迁所产生的,因此 H a 的波长
e2 ⎛ 1 1 ⎞ 2π=c
− 2 ⎜ 2
− 2 ⎟ = =ω = ,
= ⎝3 2 ⎠ λH
μH e2
e2 ⎛1 1 ⎞ 2π=c
Da 的波长满足 − ⎜ 2 − 2 ⎟ = =ω = ,计算得
=2 ⎝ 3 2 ⎠ λD
μD e2
4π=3c 0.601379 × 10−31 4π=3c 0.601379 × 10−31
λH = 36 × = , λD = 36 × = , (1.15-5)
5e4 μH μH 5e4 μD μD
μe = 9.109 389 7 × 10−28 g ,μ p = 1.672 6231 × 10−24 g ,μn = 1.674 928 6 × 10−24 g ,
μe μ p μe 9.109 389 7 × 10−28 g
μH = = =
μe + μ p 1 + μe 9.109 389 7 × 10−28 g
μp 1.672 6231 × 10−24 g
9.109 389 7 × 10−28 g
= = 9.104 43 × 10−28 g;
1.000 544 6
·16· 量子力学习题解答

μe 9.109 389 7 × 10−28 g

μD = = = 9.106 91× 10−28 g .
μe 9.109 389 7 × 10 −28
1+ 1+
μp + μn 1.672 6231 × 10−24 g + 1.674 928 6 × 10−24 g

4π=3c 0.601379 × 10−31 g ⋅ A

λH = 36 × = −28
= 6616.32Å,
5e μH
9.104 43 × 10 g

4π=3c 0.601379 × 10−31 g ⋅ A °

λD = 36 × = = 6603.55Å,
5e 4 μD 9.106 91 × 10−28 g
Δλ = λH − λD = 12.77Å.
0.601379 × 10−31
由题意,结合式(1.15-5), λH = = 6 562.80Å,
0.601379 × 10−31
λD = = 6 561.01Å,故
μe μ
1+ 1+ e
μD 6 562.80A° μp + μn μp μ p + μe μ p + μ n
= = = = = 1.000 27 ,
μH 6 561.01A° μe μe μ p + μ n + μe μ p
μ μp + μn
1+ e
令 μp + μn = xμp ,则上式变为
μ p + μe x μ p μ p + μe
= 1.000 27 , x = 1.000 27 ,
x μ p + μe μ p x μ p + μe
1.672 6231 × 10−24 g + 9.109 389 7 × 10−28 g
x = 1.000 27 ,
x × 1.672 6231 × 10−24 g + 9.109 389 7 × 10−28 g
= 1.000 27 ,
1836.153x + 1

x = 1.983 72 .
答 H a 和 Da 两光谱线的波长差是 Δλ = 12.77Å;氘和氢的质量比 1.983 72 .

1.16 设氢原子半径为 0.5Å,用经典物理计算电子从半径为 0.5Å 的圆形轨道

分析 一个以加速度 w 运动的电荷,通过连续的辐射,在每秒钟内的损失能
第一章 量子力学的实验基础 ·17·

dE 3e2
= − 3 w2 , (1.16-1)
dt 2c
式中 e 是电荷的带电量.
解 设电子绕核作半径为 a 的圆周运动,能量为
1 e2
E = μ v2 − , (1.16-2)
2 a
式中 v 和 a 还由运动方程相联系
e2 v2 e2
= μ w = μ → μ v 2
= . (1.16-3)
a2 a a
, (1.16-4) E=−
式中负号“−”表示系统是由为库仑吸引力形成的束缚系统. 在经典力学中, a 和
dE 3e2 e2 v2 1 e2 e2
E 是连续变化的,已知 = − 3 w2 , E = − ,w= = = ,故
dt 2c 2a a a μa μa2
dE d ⎛ e2 ⎞ e2 da 3e2 3e2 ⎛ e2 ⎞
= ⎜− ⎟ = 2 = − 3 w2 = − 3 ⎜ 2 ⎟ ,
dt dt ⎝ 2a ⎠ 2a dt 2c 2c ⎝ μ a ⎠
2 2
da 3e2 ⎛ e2 ⎞ 2a 2 3 ⎛ e2 ⎞ 3e4 2 3e 4
即 =− 3⎜ 2⎟ 2 =− 3⎜ ⎟ = − 3 2 2 , a da = − 3 2 dt , 积 分 得
dt 2c ⎝ μ a ⎠ e c ⎝ μa ⎠ cμ a cμ
1 3 3e 4
a = − 3 2 t + c1 ,
3 cμ
当 t = 0 时, a = 0.5Å,故 c1 = × 10−24 cm3 ;
当 t = t 时, a = 0 ,故
× 10−24 cm3
t= 24 × (3 × 1010 cm ⋅ s −1 )3 × (9.1× 10−28 g)2 = 5.85 × 10−12 s .
3 × (1.6 × 10−19 × 3 × 109 esu) 4
按经典物理,原子的寿命只有 5.85 × 10−12 s ,但孤立的原子实际上是稳定的,
答 用经典物理计算电子从半径为 0.5Å 的圆形轨道跌落到核所需要的时间
是 5.85 × 10−12 s ,不能解释原子的稳定性.

1.17 问在玻尔轨道上运动的电子的速度,每秒绕核转几圈?
分析 利用玻尔第三条假设,即可求出基态轨道上的电子的运动速度,求出
·18· 量子力学习题解答

解 量子条件: L = n= = μ va ,式中 a = n 2 a0 , a0 = 0.529Å,所以 v = ,
对于基态 n = 1 ,
= 1.05 × 10−27 erg ⋅ s
= v= −28 −8
= 2.181 × 108 cm ⋅ s −1 .
μ a 9.1× 10 g × 0.529 × 10 cm
v n= = 1 1.05 × 10−27 erg ⋅ s
N= = = =
2πa 2πμ a 2
2πμ a0 n
2 3
6.28 × 9.1 × 10−28 g × (0.529 × 10−8 cm)2
1 −1
= 6.566 × 1015
s .
答 在玻尔轨道上运动的电子的速度 2.181 × 108 cm ⋅ s −1 ,每秒绕 6.566 × 1015 圈.

−en= −e=
1.18 用玻尔模型证明氢原子磁矩为 ,式中 n 为主量子数,τ 0 = 称
2μ c 2μ c
分析 利用玻尔第三条假设,即可求出基态轨道上的电子的运动速度,求出
证明 选择 cm ⋅ g ⋅ s 单位制,设电子的轨道半径为 a ,则原子磁矩为 τ = ,
i = −e , s = πa 2 ,于是
−e πa 2
2 π a vμ a L
τ= = −e = −e ,
c 2μ c 2μ c
由角动量量子化条件 L = n= ,则氢原子磁矩
L n= ⎛ e= ⎞
τ = −e = −e = n⎜ − ⎟ = nτ 0 .
2μ c 2μ c ⎝ 2μ c ⎠

1.19 索末菲推广玻尔量子化条件为 ∫ pi dqi = ni 2π= , ∫ pi dqi = ni = 1, 2, 3, " ,

pi 和 qi 分别为系统的广义动量和广义坐标, ni 为整数,积分对运动的一个周期进
行. 用索末菲量子化条件求简谐振动粒子的能级.
分析 利用谐振子动能和势能,以及量子化条件,计算简谐振动粒子的能级.
解 一维谐振子的能量守恒
第一章 量子力学的实验基础 ·19·

p2 1
E= + μω 2 x 2 . (1.19-1)
2μ 2
当 x = ± a 时, p = 0 , E = μω 2 a 2 . (1.19-2)
a −a
∫ pdx = ∫
量子化条件: n2π= = v
pdx + ∫
pdx , n = 1, 2, 3, "
1 a −a 1
n2π= = ∫
2 μ E − μω 2 x 2 dx + ∫ − 2μ E − μω 2 x 2 dx . (1.19-3)
−a 2 a 2
式(1.19-3)中考虑了从 − a → a 动量 p 为正,则从 a → − a 动量 p 为负,再由式(1.19-2)
得 2 E = μω 2 a 2 ,故式(1.19-3)变化为
a 1 a 1
n 2π= = 2 2 μ ∫ E − μω 2 x 2 dx = 4 2μ ∫ E − μω 2 x 2 dx
−a 2 0 2
a 1 1
= 4 2μ ∫ μω 2 a 2 − μω 2 x 2 dx
0 2 2
= 4 μω ∫ a 2 − x 2 dx.
令 x = a cos t , dx = −a sin tdt . 当 x = a 时 , t = 0 ; 当 x = 0 时 , t = . 则
a 2 − x 2 = a sin t ,
a t =0 t =0
n 2π= = 4 μω ∫ a 2 − x 2 dx = 4 μω ∫ π a sin t[− a sin tdt ] = 4 μω a 2 ∫ π sin t[− sin tdt ]
0 t= t=
2 2
π π π
t= t= ⎡π 1 ⎤
= 4 μω a 2 ∫ 2
sin 2 tdt = 2 μω a 2 ∫ 2
(1 − cos 2t )dt = 2 μω a 2 ⎢ − sin(2t ) |02 ⎥
t =0 t =0 ⎢⎣ 2 2 ⎥⎦
= 2πμω a 2 = 2π ,
式中 E = μω 2 a 2 . 即
E = n=ω , n = 1, 2, 3, " (1.19-4)
相邻两能级之差为 =ω .
答 简谐振动粒子的能级为 n=ω ,相邻两能级之差为 =ω .

1.20 用索末菲量子化条件求一个做一维运动而被关闭在两刚性墙之间的粒
分析 假设刚性墙的距离为 a ,以及量子化条件,计算被关闭在两刚性墙之
·20· 量子力学习题解答

解 刚性墙的势 V = ∞ ,粒子不能透入,如图 1.20-1 所示,能量 E 守恒.

E= + V ( x) , (1.20-1)

⎧∞, x < 0, x > a
V ( x) = ⎨
⎩0, 0 ≤ x ≤ a
由量子化条件,注意从 0 → a 时,动量为正;
a → 0 时,动量为负. 则有
a 0 a
n 2π= = ∫ 2 μ E dx − ∫ 2 μ E dx = 2 2 μ ∫ E dx
0 a 0

= 2 2μ Ea ,即
图 1.20-1 刚性墙 1 ⎛ nπ= ⎞
E= ⎜ ⎟ , n = 1, 2, 3, " .
2μ ⎝ a ⎠
1 ⎛ nπ= ⎞
答 被关闭在两刚性墙之间的粒子的能级为 E = ⎜ ⎟ .
2μ ⎝ a ⎠

1.21 一个 μ − 子(质量为电子的 207 倍,电荷也为 −e )取代原子中的一个电子

而组成 μ − 原子,试解释 μ − 子从 n ≤ 4 的能级向低能级跃迁而发射的光谱频率,不
会因原子的外层电子是否全部被剥而改变. 假如 τ− 子(质量为电子的 3 487 倍)取
分析 一个 μ − 子取代原子中的一个电子而组成 μ − 原子;一个 τ− 子取代原子
中的一个电子而组成 τ− 原子.
解 设原子核有 Z 个质子,n 个中子,其质量为 μ N = Aμp , A = Z + n ,在 μ −
μμ − μ N
原子中,μ − 子的质量 μμ− = 207 μe ,μ − 子对原子核的折合质量为 μ = ,μ −
μμ − + μ N
子受原子核的吸引力 F = ,不考虑 μ − 子和电子 e 之间的相互作用,则 μ − 子受
−e 2 Z 2
En = , n = 1, 2, 3, ", (1.21-1)
2a0μ n 2
=2 =2 2 a0
其中 a0μ = = , a μ
= n ,原子中 n ≥ 1 能态的电子轨道的半径
μ e2 μμ − μ N 2 n
μμ − + μ N
第一章 量子力学的实验基础 ·21·

n2 =2
anμ = , (1.21-2)
Z * μμ − μ N 2
μμ − + μ N

式中, Z * 为有效正电荷数. 考虑到 μ − 子的半径小, μ − 子对电子有屏蔽作用,则

Z * = Z − 1 . 对于 n = 1 的电子轨道
1 =2 1 + 1836 A = 2
a1e = = . (1.21-3)
Z − 1 μe × 1836 Aμe e2 1836 A( Z − 1) μe e2
μe + 1836 Aμe
若 μ − 原子的 anμ < a1e ,n = 1, 2, 3, 4 ,则原子中电子云应分布在 μ − 原子的外层,
有无电子不影响 μ − 原子中 n = 4, 3, 2,1 能级的高低,即不影响能级跃迁而发射的光
下面证明 anμ < a1e , n = 1, 2, 3, 4 .
n′2 =2 1 =2 μ μ
假 设 anμ′ = a1e , 即 = , 也 就 是 n′2 μ N =
Z μμ μ N 2 Z − 1 μ e μ N e 2 μμ + μ N
μμ + μ N μ e + μ N

μe μ N Z
μe + μ N Z − 1
μ N μe + μ N Z 207 × (1 + 1836 A)
n′2 = > .
μ e μμ + μ N Z − 1 207 + 1836 A

要 μ − 子绕原子核转,则核质量 1836 Aμe 应远大于 μ − 子的质量 207 μe ,为了简

207 × 1837
单起见,可设 A = 1 ,因 1836 比 207 大得多, n′2 > = 186.12 ,所以
2 043
n′ > 186.12 = 13.64 ,因此 n = 1, 2, 3, 4 的 μ − 原子的 anμ 均小于 a1e .
对于 τ− 子(质量为电子的 3 487 倍)取代了一个电子,形成 τ− 原子,要使 τ− 子
绕原子核旋转,则核的质量 Aμp 应远远大于 μτ . 证明如下:
n′2 =2 1 =2 μμ
假 设 anτ′ = a1e , 即 = , 也 就 是 n′2 τ N =
μ μ μ μ μτ + μ N
Z τ N
e2 Z − 1 e N e2
μτ + μ N μe + μ N
μe μ N Z
μe + μ N Z − 1
μτ μe + μ N 3 487 × (1 + 1836 A) 3 487 × 18 361
n′2 > = , 设 A = 10 , 则 n′ > =
μe μ τ + μ N 3 487 + 1836 A 3 487 + 18 360
54.13 . 因此, τ− 原子的 n = 1, 2, 3, ", 54 的 τ− 原子均有 anτ < a1e . 即不管外层电子
·22· 量子力学习题解答

是否全部被剥离,并不改变 τ− 原子 n = 1, 2, 3, ", 54 的能级跃迁而辐射的光谱频率.

答 (1) n = 1, 2, 3, 4 的 μ − 原子的 anμ 均小于 a1e ,即 μ − 子从 n ≤ 4 的能级向低能
级跃迁而发射的光谱频率,不会因原子的外层电子是否全部被剥而改变;(2) n = 1,
2, 3, ", 54 的 τ− 原子均有 anτ < a1e . 即不管外层电子是否全部被剥离,并不改变 τ−
原子 n = 1, 2, 3, ", 54 的能级跃迁而辐射的光谱频率.

1.22 计算介原子的第一玻尔轨道半径.
分析 介原子为一个 μ − 子与质子构成的类似于氢原子的系统.
=2 μμ μ p
解 a0μ = ,式中 μ = , μμ = 207 μe , μp = 1840μe ,故
μe 2
μμ + μ p
207 × 1840
μ= μe = 186.07 μe .
207 + 1840
=2 =2 =2 =2 =2
a0μ = = = = 0.005 374 ,由于 = 0.529Å ,
μ e2 186.07 μe e2 186.07 μe e2 μe e 2 μe e 2
a0μ = 0.005 374×0.529Å=0.002 84Å.
答 介原子的第一玻尔轨道半径为 0.002 84Å,小于氢原子第一玻尔轨道半径.

1.23 利用相对论公式,分别求出动能为 103 eV 、 105 eV 、 1010 eV 的电子的

德布罗意波长(电子静止能量为 0.5 × 106 eV ),并讨论电子动能大到什么量级时,
需要考虑相对论修正. 如果要造一个能分辨固体原子的电子显微镜,需要多大的
分析 德布罗意波长
h h h v2
λ= = = 1− 2 , (1.23-1)
p μ v μ0 v c
μ0 c 2
T = μ c 2 − μ0 c 2 =
(1.23-2) − μ0 c 2 ,
1− 2
式中 μ0 为电子静止质量, μ 为电子运动时的质量. 相对论动量与能量关系
E 2 = c 2 p 2 + μ02c 4 , (1.23-3)

解 根 据相对 论动 量与能 量关 系 E = T + μ0c 2 = c 2 p 2 + μ02c 4 ,即 c 2 p 2 +

第一章 量子力学的实验基础 ·23·

μ02c 4 = (T + μ0c 2 )2 ,
(T + μ0c 2 ) 2 − μ02c 4 T 2 + 2T μ0c 2 h =
p= = = = 2π . (1.23-4)
c 2
c 2
λ λ
当 T 2  2T μ0c 2 时, p = 2T μ0 ,回到了经典的 T =
,因此 T 2 和 2T μ0c 2
2 μ0
两项的比较决定了是否要考虑相对论效应. 由式(1.23-4)得
λ= , (1.23-5)
T + 2T μ0c 2

式 中 μ0c 2 = 0.5 × 106 eV , 1eV = 1.6 × 10−12 erg , c = 3 × 1010 cm ⋅ s −1 , = = 1.05 ×

10−27 erg ⋅ s ,
(1) 当 T1 = 103 eV 时,
6.28 × 3 × 1010 cm ⋅ s −1 × 1.05 × 10−27 erg ⋅ s
λ1 = = 3.908 × 10−9 cm = 0.039 08nm ;
6 3 6 −12
10 + 2 × 10 × 0.5 × 10 × 1.6 × 10 erg
(2) 当 T2 = 10 eV 时,
6.28 × 3 × 1010 cm ⋅ s −1 × 1.05 × 10−27 erg ⋅ s
λ2 = = 3.728 × 10−10 cm = 0.003 728nm ;
10 5 6 −12
10 + 2 × 10 × 0.5 × 10 × 1.6 × 10 erg
(3) 当 T3 = 10 eV 时,
6.28 × 3 × 1010 cm ⋅ s −1 × 1.05 × 10−27 erg ⋅ s
λ3 = = 1.236 3 × 10−14 cm = 1.236 3 × 10−7 nm ;
1020 + 2 × 1010 × 0.5 × 106 × 1.6 × 10−12 erg
因 1020  1016 ,相对论修正占优势. 固体中的原子间距是 10−8 cm 量级,要电
子的德布罗意波长达到 10−8 cm 量级,即 λ = = 10−8 cm ,
T + 2T μ0c 2

6.28 × 3 × 1010 cm ⋅ s −1 × 1.05 × 10−27 erg ⋅ s

= 10−8 cm ,
2 6 −12
T + 2T × 0.5 × 10 × 1.6 × 10 erg
6.28 × 3 × 10 cm ⋅ s −1 × 1.05 × 10−27 erg ⋅ s
T 2 + 2T × 0.5 × 106 = ,
10−8 cm × 1.6 × 10−12 erg
⎛ 6.28 × 3 × 1.05 ⎞
T 2 + 106 T = ⎜ 6
⎟ × 10 ,
⎝ 1.6 ⎠
T 2 + 106 T = 152.8623 × 106 ,
−106 ± 1012 + 4 × 152.8623 × 106
T= ,考虑到动能 T > 0 ,故
·24· 量子力学习题解答

−106 + 1012 + 4 × 152.8623 × 106

T= = 152.839(eV) .
T = 152.839eV 与电子的静止能量 0.5 × 106 eV 相比为万分之三 . 如果计算误
差允许 2%,则电子的加速电压小于 104 V 即可.
答 动 能 为 103 eV 、 105 eV 、 1010 eV 的 电 子 的 德 布 罗 意 波 长 分 别 为
0.039 08nm 、0.003 728nm 、1.236 3 × 10−7 nm . 如果计算误差只允许小于万分之三,
则电子的加速电压应小于 152.839 V,才能使用非相对论公式计算德布罗意波长;
如果计算误差允许小于 2%,则电子的加速电压应小于 104 V ,才能使用非相对论

1.24 与真空相比,电子在金属中有势能 −eV0 ,其中 V0 为金属的电势,可视

分析 由几何光学中的最小光程原理(费马原理)和经典力学中有最小作用原
解 几何光学中的最小光程(费马)原理
ds B
=0, δ∫ (1.24-1)
c/n A

δ ∫ pds = 0 , (1.24-2)

式中, p = 2 μ[ E − V ( x)] ,故 n( x) ∝ 2 μ[ E − V ( x)] ,所以折射率

n金属 2μ[ E + eV0 ]
n= = , (1.24-3)
n真空 2μ E
式中 V金属 = −eV0 , V真空 = 0 ,设电子在真空中的能量 E 由加速电势转换而来,记
E = eV ,故
n金属 2μ[eV + eV0 ] V
n= = = 1+ 0 . (1.24-4)
n真空 2 μ eV V
n金属 V
答 电子德布罗意波的折射率为 n = = 1+ 0 .
n真空 V

1.25 电子和光子各有波长 2Å,分别求出它们的(1) 动量;(2) 总能量;(3) 动

能. 问电子的德布罗意波的相速是多少?
分析 由于电子和光子各有波长 2Å,由题 1.24 的结论,可以采用非相对论
第一章 量子力学的实验基础 ·25·

h p2 hc
情形进行计算 . 动量 p = ,动能 T = ( 电子 ) ,总能量 E = ( 光子 ) , E =
λ 2μ λ
c 2 p 2 + μ02c 4 ≈ T + μ0c 2 (电子).
解 (1) 对于电子,其德布罗意波长为 2Å,则
6.62 × 10−27 erg ⋅ s
(a) 动量 p = =
= 3.31× 10−19 g ⋅ cm ⋅ s −1 .
λ 2 × 10 cm
p2 (3.31× 10−19 g ⋅ cm ⋅ s −1 )2
(b) 总 能 量 E = +V = = 0.598 × 10−10 erg = 0.598 ×
2μ 2 × 9.1× 10−28 g
10−17 J ,式中 V 为势能,对于动量不变的自由空间来说 V = 0 .
p 2 (3.31 × 10−19 g ⋅ cm ⋅ s −1 )2
(c) 动能 T =
= −28
= 0.598 × 10−10 erg = 0.598 × 10−17 J .
2μ 2 × 9.1 × 10 g
E 0.598 × 10−10 erg
u= = = 0.181× 109 cm ⋅ s −1 = 1.81× 106 m ⋅ s −1 .
p 3.31 × 10−19 g ⋅ cm ⋅ s −1
hc =2π h
(2) 对于光子,根据爱因斯坦关系 E = =ω = ,p= = ,求得
λ λ λ
6.62 × 10−27 erg ⋅ s
(a) 动量 p = = = 3.31× 10−19 g ⋅ cm ⋅ s −1 .
λ 2 × 10−8 cm
hc 6.62 × 10−27 erg ⋅ s × 3 × 1010 cm ⋅ s −1
(b) 总 能 量 E = = −8
= 9.93 × 10−9 erg = 9.93 ×
λ 2 × 10 cm
10 J .
(c) 动能即总能量 E = 9.93 × 10−9 erg = 9.93 × 10−16 J .
答 电子的动量 p = 3.31× 10−19 g ⋅ cm ⋅ s −1 ,电子的总能量 E = 0.598 × 10−17 J ,
电子的动能 T = 0.598 × 10−17 J . 电子的德布罗意波的相速 u = 1.81× 106 m ⋅ s −1 ;光子
的动量 p = 3.31× 10−19 g ⋅ cm ⋅ s −1 ,光子的总能量和动能都是 9.93 × 10−16 J .

热中子有平均动能 kT , T = 300K ,(1) 它的能量是多少?(2) 相应
分析 平均动能 kT ,式中 k = 1.38 × 10−23 J ⋅ K −1 为玻尔兹曼常量;能量
p2 1 ⎛h⎞
E= = ⎜ ⎟ ,可求出波长
2 μn 2 μn ⎝ λ ⎠
·26· 量子力学习题解答

λ= , (1.26-1)
2μn E
μn v 2 μn μn h2
能量 E = = (νλ )2 = ν2 ,求出
2 2 2 2μn E
ν= . (1.26-2)
解 (1) E = kT = 1.5 × 1.38 × 10−23 J ⋅ K −1 × 300K = 6.21× 10−21 J = 6.21× 10−14 erg .
(2) 由式(1.26-1),中子的质量 μn = 1.674 9 × 10−27 kg ,得
h2 6.62 × 10−34 J ⋅ s
λ= = = 1.451× 10−10 m ;
2μn E 2 × 1.674 9 × 10 −27
kg × 6.21× 10 −21
2 E 2 × 6.21× 10−21 J
= ν= = 1.876 × 1013 s −1 .
h 6.62 × 10−34 J ⋅ s
答 热中子的能量是 6.21 × 10−21 J ;相应的德布罗意波长为 1.451 × 10−10 m ,频
率为 1.876 × 1013 s −1 .

1.27 对于波长 4 910Å 的光,从受照射表面发射光电子的截止电势 Vc =

0.71V ,当光的波长改变时,截止电势 Vc 改变为 1.43V ,问对应的入射光的波长
分析 由光电效应方程
=ω = T + Φ , (1.27-1)
式中动能 T = eVc , Vc 就是截止电势(压). =ω = ,不同波长的入射光相应的截
止电势 Vc 则不同.
解 由 =ω = T + Φ ,得到当反向截止电势的大小等于光电子的动能时,光电
2πc hc
Φ == − eVc = − eVc , (1.27-2)
λ λ
注意,1eV = 1.6 × 10 erg ,由题意知入射光的波长为 4 910Å,截止电势 Vc =
0.71V ,则
hc 6.62 × 10−27 erg ⋅ s × 3 × 1010 cm ⋅ s −1
Φ= − eVc = −8
− 1.6 × 10−12 × 0.71erg
λ 4 910 × 10 cm
= 2.90 × 10−12 erg,
第一章 量子力学的实验基础 ·27·

当截止电势 Vc = 1.43V 时,
hc 6.62 × 10−27 erg ⋅ s × 3 × 1010 cm ⋅ s −1
Φ= − eVc = − 1.6 × 10−12 × 1.43erg
λ λ
= 2.90 × 10−12 erg,
6.62 × 10−27 erg ⋅ s × 3 × 1010 cm ⋅ s −1
λ= = 3.828 × 10−5 cm = 3 828Å=382.8nm.
1.6 × 10−12 × 1.43erg + 2.90 × 10−12 erg
答 截止电势 Vc 为 1.43V 所对应的入射光的波长为 382.8nm .

1.28 光照射在 AgBr 的照相版上,使 AgBr 分子分解所需要的最小能量为

10−12 erg ,求使照相版感光的截止波长. 距 100W 灯泡(1%变成光能)10cm 处放上
照相版,设 AgBr 分子的直径为 2Å,用经典理论估计使照相版感光需要多长曝光
分析 本题来源于日常生活中的拍照过程,只不过目前很少使用胶片成像,
大多用数码相机了,只是在医院里 CT 成像等还出胶片.
hc P
光子能量 E = =ω = ;点光源光强 I = ×η ,式中 P 为光源的功率,r 为
λ 4πr 2
离光源的距离, η 为发光效率.
解 设光的圆频率为 ω ,若该光能够使 AgBr 分子分解而感光,则
Emin = 10−12 erg ≤ =ω = h ,

hc 6.62 × 10 −27 erg ⋅ s × 3 × 1010 cm ⋅ s −1
λ≤ = −12
= 1.98 × 10−4 cm = 19800Å,
Emin 10 erg
将灯泡近似看作为一个点光源,离灯泡 10m 处的光强为
P 107 erg ⋅ s −1 107 erg ⋅ s −1
I= 2
×η = 2
= ,
4πr 4 × 3.14 × (10 × 100cm) 4 × 3.14 × (10 × 100cm) 2
AgBr 分子每秒吸收的能量
2 2
⎛ 2 × 10−8 cm ⎞ 107 erg ⋅ s −1 ⎛ 2 × 10−8 cm ⎞
IA = I π ⎜ ⎟ = × 3.14 × ⎜ ⎟ ,
⎝ 2 ⎠ 4 × 3.14 × (10 × 100cm)2 ⎝ 2 ⎠
已知使 AgBr 分子分解所需的最小能量为 Emin = 10−12 erg ,则曝光时间
Emin 10−12 erg
t= = 2
= 4 000s .
IA 107 erg ⋅ s −1 ⎛ 2 × 10−8 cm ⎞
× 3.14 × ⎜ ⎟
4 × 3.14 × (10 × 100cm)2 ⎝ 2 ⎠
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his name, And cast opprobrium on my saintly self, Because I
represent the ancient creed— The creed I learnt upon my mother’s
knee, From nurse and tutor, pastor and divine, Until at length I
grew to think it true. Of course between us, Sire, and these four
walls, I do not now believe it honestly, Nor more than you do,
Sire, or anyone, Who thinks the matter out. Ne’erless ’tis best To
steadfastly proclaim its sanctity, And force its worship on our
youth and men, Especially our women folk, for these Are Church’s
most devoted friends. Its foes Are more amongst the men, and yet
methinks Queen Isola has opened Woman’s eyes To a degree
disastrous, dangerous. Sire, I would pray your august Majesty To
lay your strict commands upon the Queen That she abstain and
instantly from this. Her precepts are the Evolutionists’. My chief
of Peerers secretly reports, That Isola devotes her privy purse To
bolster up these revolutionaries. I warn you, Sire, their principles
will sap The privileges of the Church and State, And tumble them
about our startled forms. Though Vergli is your son, he bastard is,
But strenuously resists this law of ours. And now he has a
powerful ally, Who will support him in the House of Bores, Isola’s
brother, Prince of Bernia.”
King Hector (starting). “What Bernia dead? What Sanctimonious?”
Sanctimonious. “So says the Chief of Peerers, Sire, to-day, He bore
me secret news. Fear not, ere long It will be quite officially
confirmed. Shafto is now the Prince of Bernia, An evolutionist in
heart and soul, Spit of Isola and of self-same mood, Indomitable
and outspoken too.”
King Hector (smiling sadly). “And honest I suppose, but as you say
This is not part of your concocted creed, Whose tenets we must
own, though in our hearts We scorn them and the lie they bolster
up. My part is one most difficult to play, I would be honest, yet
may not be so. The influence of poor, dead Merani Surrounds my
soul and whispers in my heart. Merani dead? If so, her spirit lives,
For day and night I hear it whispering, It tells me to be fair and to
be just, To clear her name of that unjust reproach, Which falsely
termed religious laws ordain Shall be hurled at the Woman who
declines To take the marriage vows ordained by them. And in my
heart, Ardrigh, I must confess I look on Merani as my true wife,
And Vergli as the rightful, royal heir. Isola did not love me. All her
heart Was given to the noble Escanior. Yet Arco, Prince of Bernia,
her stern sire, Slew him and forced her to become my Queen. But
in my heart, and in your own you know That she is nothing but a
prostitute, A slave, leased to me by unnatural laws Whom I
dishonour, calling her my wife! And now I must coerce her to
obey! You call on me to bid this toy of mine, This royalized and
legalized machine, This Queen in name, but not in deed, this
slave! To bend her neck and bow to bearing rein, That cruel goad
and foe of Nature’s form, Nature, so fair when undeformed by
man. ’Tis a hard part to play, Ardrigh, indeed. My humblest
subject need not envy me, I’d rather far be honest yokel man Than
a false Monarch of Saxscober land.”
Sanctimonious. “Sentiment, Sire; nothing but sentiment. Monarchs
must not allow so soft a thing To take possession of their hearts.
You reign. You are a King, and being such, must rule And shape
your conduct by Saxscober’s laws.”
King Hector. “A sorry fate to have been born a King, Or rather, I
should say, ‘the shade of one!’ My dullest Bores may vote, but I am
mute, The gilded Puppet of a huge machine! Isola is my slave, but
I am worse, I am the slave of an Automaton. But lo! I hear Isola’s
voice outside, She comes to tell me of fierce Arco’s death, And of
her brother Shafto’s accession, What——”
Sanctimonious (rising hurriedly). “Excuse the interruption, Sire,
the Queen Loves not the presence of the Chief Ardrigh; Her
tongue is cutting, though ’tis courteous, And I would fain escape
its moral sting. With your permission, Sire, I will retire Through
the aperture or the secret door, Which leads from here into the
private room, Where you conduct your personal affairs, And
correspondence intimate. But, Sire, Remember to admonish Isola,
Bear in your mind that you are still The King, And sink all
individuality; Be true to Church and State, uphold their laws, And
force the Queen to humbly bow to them.”
[He retires hurriedly through the secret door.
Enter Isola, saying: “Hector, I thought old Sanctimonious Filled up
the Audience Chamber’s narrow space; Is he not here? Whither
has he vanished? Into that Heaven, where I am denied The right
of entry, being Infidel? Or has he gone to Purgatory, where
Repentant souls are burning off their sins? Or—dare I say it,
Hector? To that Hell, Which God, the God of Sanctimonious, Has
made to torture wicked infidels, And all such carrion, though of
his Creation?”
Hector (sternly): “Isola, thou art over bold. Conform, And yield
respect to our religious faith. What matters it if thou art infidel,
And worship Nature’s God? Thou art my Queen, My Consort, my
annointed property, My Co-mate on the throne of Saxscober.
Now, understand that thou art this indeed, And must, as Queen,
obey the laws of Church, As well as those of State. Defy me not. By
those same laws I am thy master, girl, And will enforce
submission. Yield it now. Goad me not to Coercion. I would fain
Reign with thee peacefully and happily.”
Isola (passionately). “Hector, by an opponent law of Truth, I am
your queen and slave, a consort queen, A gilded, dressed-up slave,
not reigning, Sire, But just a sort of bauble, like a crown, A State-
kept mother of your progeny, Each one of whom is given right to
reign According to succession, while I am Declared to be a cast off
‘Dowager’! Is this right, Hector? No, ’tis infamy. A consort’s fate is
pitiable indeed, Whatever be the sex of the Misshape, But of the
two, the female one is most, Because Maternal rights are not her
own. Mind you not, Hector, of that male consort, Of Queen
Magenta, Prince of Citron called? He would not be her gilded
bauble sire, But shared with her the right to reign as King, As I
should share that right with you indeed, Were I your lawful Queen
and wedded wife, And you my lawful mate, which I deny, Because
by Nature’s law, poor Merani, Before you stole me from my
Escanior, Was your true Queen, and Vergli your true heir, She
having lived with you as wife, although She would not take those
church-made marriage vows, Born of the creed preached by the
great Saint Saul! Nor did you ask her to, because by law E’en had
she wedded you by Saint Saul’s creed, A rotten civil law denies to
her The right to take the title of the Queen. Because she was not a
princess before She mated with you! Out on all such laws! Fruits
of a creed the child of Selfishness, Mated with ill-omened
Superstition. No, Hector; Isola will not conform, She treats with
scorn such laws of Church and State, Nature’s true laws alone will
she obey, She will not own a creed which is a lie, She will not
practise laws which are unjust; Your slave she is, but most
unwillingly. She casts defiance on unnatural law, Isola is an
Hector (aside). “And I, too, in a way; for although reared And dosed
with selfish and ignoble tenets, Deep in my heart I feel Isola right,
And that her dauntless spirit pleads for this. She is not Man’s
opponent, but his friend, His true Co-mate, loving Companion,
Who only asks of him Justice and Truth. Oh! sorry fate, that I
must strive with her, And force submission where ’tis now
withheld. Yet must I do so. ’Tis my Kingly fate To be a tyrant and
to act the Sham.”
To Isola. “Isola, cease thy sentimental moans, Our age demands not
feeling, but a Show; Give it a pageant, be it royal Pomp, Or a
procession of dressed-up divines, And it will cheer them lustily
and long. I am a ruling Puppet, thou my Queen, Our business is to
play our sep’rate roles, I as the Public’s slave, and thou as mine. It
is the Law and Custom of our land; We are bound by them. Them
we must obey.”
(Pauses and then continues): “Understand this. Thou must obey our
laws, Both civil and ecclesiastical. Thou must not be an
Evolutionist, Thou must be what thou art, my Consort Queen.
And play thy part upon the royal stage. Defy me not, Isola, bear in
mind I am thy King, thy Master by the law.”
Isola (defiantly). “No need to tell me, for I know it well. But I defy
you, Hector, and your law. A fig for all such false authority. I never
sought to be your slave, nor asked To dangle at your side a bauble
toy. Do as you will, but I will not conform, Nor bow to sham
conventionality. Arco is dead, Shafto is Bernia’s prince, Let me
return to Bernia’s hills and dales, Give me my freedom once again,
I pray— If not, I’ll take it, Hector. Ponder well. Do as I ask; if not, I
warn you, King. I will not act the part of decked out slave.”
A rambling Castle, situated high up on the hillside of Rostraveen
Mountain, overlooking the Lakes of Killareen. It is the Castle of
Killareen, the Highland home of the Princes of Bernia. Shafto,
Prince of that name, is at this time occupying it, and from his eyrie
stronghold has defied the orders of his liege lord and King, to
yield up to the latter, Isola, who has fled from Saxa Isle and
claimed the protection of her brother, in consequence of having
refused to act the part of a Consort Queen to King Hector, or to
acknowledge her child by him as the Prince of Scota, averring that
Vergli is the rightful heir. She has refused to act the part of Queen
Consort on the principle that no reigning rights are attached to
the dignity making of her a mere nonentity, such a principle being
contrary to the Evolutionary principles of the Evolutionist Party,
of which Vergli, Member of Privilege for Stairway, is the leader,
Isola being a member thereof. Divorce proceedings have, in
consequence, been commenced against her.
Isola (leaning on the stone parapet of the Castle ramparts,
overlooking the lakes below, sings to herself): “Is there a fate on
ev’ry life Which weaves o’er each its darksome thread? Is there a
bosom free from strife? Is there a heart that has not bled? There
are in life some gleams of joy, But Sorrow’s darker shadows fall,
And tho’ sweet moments we enjoy, Pain lays its cruel grasp on all.”
Enter Vulnar. “A sad song, Lady Isola, methinks! Come, let me
cheer your heart with lighter lay. Laughter and joy should shine in
eyes so clear, And smiles oblige the pearly teeth to show; It is not
good to mourn, and Life is young, Laugh while you can, and cast
aside despair, A sorry imp to irritate your heart; Oh! Lady Isola,
chase it away. [Sings
Love the enchanter Hovers all near, Longing to cheer thee But full
of fear, Fear of offending What it loves best, Pining to give thee
Joy’s perfect rest. ‘Wilt thou not love me?’ Love whispers low, ‘Let
my caresses, On thee bestow Dreams of allurement, Visions of
bliss, May not my fond lips Give thine one kiss?’ Hearts were not
made sure, To pine alone? Drive away sorrow, Mourning begone!
Call up love once more, He will respond, Lady tie once more
Heaven’s sweet bond.”
Isola. “Vulnar, your voice is beautiful and rare, Where is the heart to
whom you sing these words? Oh! yes, the bond of love is Heaven’s
tie, Yet, when ’tis snapped, Hell’s chasms yawn below. ’Tis a fair
world, and all might be so gay, Laughter and song, playing with
gentle love, Were it not for bad laws and customs vile, And evil
teaching meted out to youth. How happy had my lot been but for
these. Nature gave me a birthright passing fair, First Life, then
health, the power to love and feel, The opportunity to taste of
each. Had Nature had her way, my path all strewn With fragrant
flow’rs, would have been smooth indeed! But human selfishness
makes mock of Truth, And rules life with one endless, searing lie.
Thus it swooped down upon Isola’s path And makes the way,
indeed, all stones and crags. Your song is sweet, Vulnar, but mine
more true, I simply sang of stern reality.”
Vulnar. “Lady Isola, Hector claims divorce, And, doubtless, will
obtain it speedily. Thus will the laws which bind you as his wife,
Release you from the union you abhor. Freedom will then be
yours. Ah! may I hope That you will love Vulnar as he loves you?
Lady Isola, I have loved you long, Loved you all secretly, more
than my life, Loved you since I was but a boy in years, Loved you
in silence when Escanior Found favour in your eyes and won your
heart. He was my friend, and your joy my whole life. I would not
try to steal your love from him. But he is gone, passed to the Great
Unknown, Passed o’er the boundless Ocean of Life’s space.
Whither? Who knows? Beyond our mortal ken. Will you not try to
give Vulnar your love? He would not force it on you, Isola, But be
content to wait and hope for it. At any rate, his whole love would
be yours, His heart no other Woman’s property.”
Isola. “Kind Vulnar, Nature’s Nobleman indeed. Ah! if such as you
ask for were but there, It would go forth from my poor heart to
you. But, Vulnar, what you seek no longer hides Its coy head in
Life’s throbbing mechanism. Isola’s heart held love for one alone,
That love went roving with Escanior, When the cold dagger drove
him from the side Of Isola beneath the Ocean wave. I cannot give
you what is mine no more, Vulnar, ’tis gone. It is with Escanior,
Wedded with his, all indissoluble, Part of his being, as his was of
mine. His love lives with me, ’tis imperishable; ’Twill guide me to
the Great Unknown some day, There to unite with my own love
again. Vulnar, your heart so noble and so kind Will understand
and feel with Isola.”
Vulnar. “Lady Isola, if the love I seek Has passed away to rove with
Escanior, Will you not give Vulnar the right he craves, The right to
love you and to live for you? He will not ask for that which cannot
be, Nor would he steal such love from Escanior, But give him just
the right to care for you, To be with you through Life’s lone
Pilgrimage. Ah! do not drive me from your side, I pray, I only ask
to be with you. No more.”
Isola. “No, Vulnar, ’tis impossible, I say; To mate where love is not
is Hell enough, But then at least, indifference can dull And make
one callous and like frigid stone. But no true Woman could treat
thus, a man So noble and so kind as you, Vulnar. Men such as you
are not so numerous, Hearts such as yours are jewels scarce and
rare. Isola would not wrong you as you ask; No, Vulnar, seek a
fitter mate than me. And yet, if you will give her Friendship’s aid,
She’ll cherish it as the most precious gift Which Vulnar’s
Generosity can give, The dearest treasure left to her on earth.”
Vulnar. “’Tis yours, Isola, given heart and soul, Nothing you asked
of me could I refuse; At least I ask but one return for it, It is that,
though you cannot love Vulnar, He may be licensed to love Isola,
All silently as in the past he’s loved, Loved with a love he feels can
never die, A love which, unobtrusive, yet shall stand The test of
time, faithful unto the end.”
Isola. “Brave heart, so tender and so true, pure soul, If gratitude for
love so infinite Will give you solace, then indeed ’tis yours, Isola’s
heart is grateful to Vulnar.”
Enter the Prince of Bernia, exclaiming: “What, Vulnar here?
Vulnar, news just to hand apprises me That Vergli is arrested,
charged with Crime, The Crime, conspiring against Church and
State. ’Twas in the House of Privilege he cast Defiance at their
laws and pleaded hard For a reform of both, which he declared
Must be both sweeping and far-reaching too. The overturning of
his Labour Bill— Wherein Co-operation is enforced Upon
employers who amass large hoards, By taking all the profits of
men’s toil, Giving but wages in return, instead Of that which is the
toiler’s rightful due, A share of Toil’s returns—aroused his ire.
Because, I’m told when this same Bill was lost, Defeated by a large
majority, The sneers and jeers, and cheers which hailed the fall Of
his much-cherished infant, maddened him. He rose, and in
impassioned accents, hurled The vials of his wrath on Church and
State, So that men shouted ‘Treason!’ Wonder reigned, And all
agape, demanded his arrest. This has been done, and Vergli is in
gaol, A bad look-out for Evolutionism.”
Vulnar. “’Tis that, indeed, a cause has oft been lost By shutting up
the brains that nurtured it, And closing lips that told it how to act.
Vergli had power, his words were all inspired, They rose upon his
lips like Heaven’s dew, And fell from them in show’rs of sparkling
rain. He said they were Merani’s whisperings, A Woman’s voice,
of which his was the echo; I doubt it not, believing, as I do That
Woman, disinherited by laws As false as they are wrong and
execrable, Has Mission, greater than to be a slave, That Mission to
be Man’s true comforter By guiding him along the path of Truth,
Not grovelling and fawning at his feet. Let her rise up and speak
aloud that Truth, Let her assault base Superstition’s lie; ’Tis
Superstition which has made her slave, The hideous lie of
teachings orthodox. ’Tis they who have brought sorrow upon Man,
Degrading Womanhood, in whose downfall Is swaddled up
Humanity’s drear woes. [Sings.
“Behold! thy handiwork, Oh! man, The outcome of thy cursed laws,
He who that wreck unmoved can scan, No friend of Woman is.
Her cause Shivers and writhes within thy grasp, Thou death-
importing, human asp; Thou who would’st seal her fate, I charge
thee with her bitter woe, ’Tis thou who thus hast dragged her low,
Hast doomed her to this state.
“Look at her in her form divine, A triumph of fair Nature’s art; Look
at her in those clothes of thine Condemned to play the monkey’s
part. Alas! from girlhood’s wasted days Base Superstition’s cruel
ways Hold her in slavery! One aim in life consumes her soul, It is
her one and only role, To grovel at thy knee.
“Where are her rights? She boasts of none, She is thy slave, by
priests controlled; And as the Sculptor moulds his stone, So
mouldest thou her soul. Look at that soul, caged and confined,
Bound helpless where it long has pined, A dreary sight forlorn.
With future empty, cramped and void, No hope to keep her spirit
buoy’d, A toy which men adorn!
“Oh! Woman, wake. Behold the dawn Rising from out that bank of
clouds. No longer grovel, cringe or fawn To Superstition, which
enshrouds Thy liberty. Awake! Awake! I bid thee for thine own
dear sake Cast off these cruel chains. Rise from thy many
thousand years Of degradation. Wipe thy tears, Truth’s golden
Dawn remains.”
Isola. “Vulnar, your invocation is not vain, Have I not half fulfilled it
hitherto? See, I will act as you invoke, indeed. Vergli in prison! I
will take his place, And carry on the War for Right and Truth.
Shafto, go prove your title to be Prince, Speak out the truth unto
your fellow Bores, Arouse the gilded chamber where it sleeps, And
shake those dressed-up tyrants called divines. Make
Sanctimonious tremble in his shoes, Shiver the awful Serpent they
have raised And bid them practise Sacrilege no more. Brave
Vulnar, you will stand by me, I know. Vergli in prison! Echoes of
Merani! Your whisperings shall play upon my lips, I’ll shout them
loudly into deafened ears, And make them ring throughout our
wide wide Erth. Dear Erth, so beautiful, and yet how wronged By
Superstition’s monster-featured creed.”
Shafto and Vulnar. “Agreed, agreed! Both of us are agreed!”

End of Act II.


A small room, sparsely furnished, in the Prison of Grillaway. The
room is the cell of a first class misdemeanant. The windows are
barred and look out on to exercising ground, which is surrounded
by high walls. The cell in question is that of Vergli, who is
confined therein.
Vergli, Solus: “Saxscober a free country? No, indeed! A slave of
mummified and ancient laws, Created by the undeveloped brains
Of men emerging from the feudal state. Must Evolutionism be
controlled By relics of a past barbaric age, When human beings
had no right to think And fashioned rules to suit their daily needs?
What right have dead men to control us now? Must we be
governed by their narrow vision? Shall rotten laws be solely the
support Of an increasing substance, whose new needs Require the
nourishment of true reform? Oh! prison bars, ye gaolers mute and
dumb, Guess ye the torture which consumes my soul, Longing for
freedom, longing for the pow’r To strike to earth Injustice and
Untruth, And raise upon their ruins fairer scenes? Alas! for
Evolutionism, who Will keep our party solid? Who will lead, Now
I am a caged pris’ner in this hole? Scrutus and Verita will do their
best, Good faithful hearts, yet lacking influence, And minus that
great pow’r which can enthuse And weld together diff’rent
characters. Well, I must seek to use the pow’r of Thought, And
draw towards me that which my heart loves, Isola, can I make
thee think of me? Can I enthuse thee to take Vergli’s place? The
people love thee, thou can’st lead them well, If thou wilt take the
lead, I have no fear. Isola, thou whom this lone heart adores,
Although thou can’st not love me in return, Thy heart being
wedded to Escanior, Wilt thou not fill the place I cannot fill? See, I
will waft to thee intense desire, And by the force of thought fill up
thy soul With the ambitions influencing me.”
He seats himself as he speaks, and leaning his head in his hand,
seeks to attract Isola to think of him and take up his cause by
stepping into the breach which he has been forced to abandon.
Suddenly he looks up, and intense relief is in his face as he
exclaims: “A great calm fills my soul. I seem to hear The whisper
of an inward voice, which says: ‘Vergli, fear not, Isola fills the
breach And will uphold your cause till you are free.’ Is it a dream
or glad reality? I feel it is the latter. As my thought Has sped into
the mind of Isola, So has hers come to mine and brought me
cheer, And filled my spirit with intense relief. Oh! Thought so
wonderful, which has evolved A mind from matter and, endowed
with life By this same matter, can magnetic-like Attract to us
flashes of hidden things, As thou increasest in us, wilt thou not
Vibrate into us knowledge now unknown, Knowledge of space and
of infinity, Of what has been, and of what is to be, By some
attractive force whose law is vague And still quite undeveloped in
our minds, Yet, all the same, a law as positive As that great law
which rules the Universe? If this attractive law can magnetise
Mind unto mind, will it not magnetise Those hidden facts which,
still unknown, ne’erless Are facts which Thought will some day
penetrate And draw into our minds, thus fashioning A knowledge
now unrealised, unknown. Yes, mighty, energetic, living Force—
Give it what name you will, it matters not— Thy pow’r will wax so
great within our brains As to attract to us that which we seek. As
Thought meets Thought, or draws it from afar, As I have drawn
the thought of Isola, So shall this unseen, veiled, but true reality
Conquer the secrets of the Universe And give Materialists the light
they need. Develop it, all scientific men! It is as much a substance,
though unseen, As any of the unseen substances Which influence
Creation’s mighty laws. Have you not studied much those things
we see, And drawn conclusions from the truths unveiled? Go,
study now the Unseen, cultivate That undeveloped faculty, whose
sight Will penetrate the mysteries of Life And open up the mists
enshrouding death. Oh! learned men, how unlearned yet ye are.
‘What! Thought a substance?’ sneeringly you ask. ‘I think it is,’ all
humbly I reply, ‘It is a thing which, though unseen, vibrates With
delicate pulsation all its own. Thought is the substance which shall
solve the past And open wide the future to our eyes.’ Yes, Isola, my
soul no longer fears, I feel that thou, attracted by this force, Wilt
do as I desire and do it well. A woman who has buried
Superstition And scorned to make herself the slave of Man, Albeit
she is his loving friend and mate, Can lead and will lead on
Humanity To win its freedom, and to recreate Noble conditions,
elevating all By evolutionary principles. I feel thy answer to my
mute appeal Circling around me like a soft, soft wind, Caressing
with kind kiss my anxious brain And soothing it as sleep lulls tired
thought. For thought being real and not imaginary, A substance
not a shadow, form unseen Of ethereal property, can tire and
hang Limp and all unemotional at times, Or dulled by over-use of
its great pow’r Which sleep and rest restore unfailingly. My thanks
Isola. From afar thy thoughts Have come to cheer me in my prison
cell, My soul’s at peace. I hear thy whispered words ‘I come,
Vergli, fear not, All shall be well.’”
Enter a Warder. “Your pardon, Sir, your lawyer’s clerk is here, He
bears an order of admittance, too— Is it your pleasure I should
show him in? He bade me say his mission was of note, Requiring
your immediate attention.”
Vergli. “Pray show him in, my friend; I’ll see him now, ’Tis not so
lively here that I should shun Or shirk communion with a fellow
man, Even although it be a lawyer’s clerk, Whose visits mean a bill
of long proportions, When that which he may do, or may not do,
Is done or left undone. Oft’ner the last! Methinks if we paid by
results, the Clique Known as solicitors and barristers Would find
their present lucrative profession, Somewhat the contrary! ‘No
fish; no pay,’ Would make these gentlemen a bit more keen And
less inclined to pile up the expenses! Poor Vergli! But for thee,
kind Isola, He could not have engaged the services Of one of these
noteworthy gentlemen, To pick his pocket so to line his own!
However, here he comes. I will attend And learn the purport of his
mission here. Good evening, Sir. Vergli you wish to see? He am I,
and the Prince of Scota, too.”
[Enter Maxim disguised as a Solicitor’s Clerk.
Warder. “I’ll leave you to yourselves. A Trinity Is rarely company,
and often breeds That most ungainly infant, Controversy. Ring,
when you have adjusted your affairs.”
Maxim. “Hist! Vergli; I am Maxim. Have a care. Ears are awake and
eyes wide open, too. Secrets are not well kept in prison walls,
There are too many listeners about. In a few days your trial will
take place, Counsel is offered by the Government; Your grave
Solicitor refused, howe’er, And said that ‘Vergli would defend
himself.’ I just think that he will, and rightly, too; For one speech
from his lips is worth ten score Of speeches from the windbags of
the bar, Who set much store upon their oratory— Pricing it highly,
changing briefs to gold And turning inside out their clients’
Vergli (laughing): “’Tis true, young clerk. Society’s odd ways Are
manifold; but, all drift down the tide Whereon the bark of Might
o’er-rides poor Right Seated in her frail skiff, and runs her down.
‘Out of my Way!’ cries Might. ‘Am I not large? Are you not frail
and of no consequence? The weak should die, the strong alone
prevail And Might rule over Right.’ This is the law, Or rather as it
is administered. And how can it be ever otherwise, Until to Earth
we strike the selfish creed, Which prating loud a few great Moral
Truths, Forthwith defies them, and sets up a reign Of Superstition
and of Mummery? Then, when men like myself would strike it
down And change those civil laws which owe their birth To
priestcraft and religious tyranny, Who in the past were Sires of
many sins, They are cast into prison instantly And doomed
therein to waste Life’s precious days. Oh! when will Man learn to
be kind to Man And practise brotherhood throughout the world?”
Maxim. “Not yet awhile; but some day it will come, As sure as Night
comes after Day, and Day Follows on Night, ever unerringly. But,
Vergli, you’ll prepare your own defence, Although I fear nothing
will clear your crime; The Ardrigh knows acquittal means his
doom, And ev’ry influence which he commands Will be exerted to
o’erthrow your cause And bolster up his own. Alas! I fear That
nothing will avert your punishment. Think, Vergli, of the Pow’rs
that you oppose, Think of the forces all arrayed in line Ready to
crush you to the earth, to kill. ’Tis an unequal fight. Oh! Vergli,
pause! Think of the future, think of liberty, Think of the horrid
doom which will be yours. Be wise and claim King Hector’s
clemency, Humble yourself to say the word ‘Forgive’; Plead guilty,
crave his Mercy, quit the Cause Of which you have so rashly made
Vergli. “Hush! Maxim. Hush! ‘Never!’ is my reply, I mean to fight
the Ogre Superstition, I mean to cry aloud the Woes of Man Born
of that ancient and insensate lie, I mean to ask for Justice. If I fall
Others will rise to fill the breach I quit. I war not against law and
order, or Against the King and Government. I fight Against
oppressive customs and beliefs, And social tyrannies which weigh
men down, Making both men and women common slaves—
Especially the latter. What I seek Is to give all Life’s opportunity. I
prate not of the word Equality I know, that until Man attains
Perfection, Equality is quite impossible; But give to all that
pressing human right, The right to live, to work and to enjoy The
recompense which is the due of toil, And opportunity to claim it,
too. No, Maxim, tempt me not; my mind’s made up, I fight for all
the disinherited.” [Rings.
Enter Warder: “You rang, Sir. Have you finished with your clerk?”
Vergli. “Yes, thank you, warder. Business is arranged, To-morrow
follows my Solicitor.” (To Maxim) “Remember to enjoin on him to
Maxim. “I will not fail. He’ll come assuredly.”
[Exit Maxim.
A small villa standing in a pretty garden, surrounded by a high wall,
in a quiet part of the suburbs of Elsington, and not far from the
public gardens and the King’s Palace of that name. In a sitting
room in the villa, seated at an escritoire, is Isola. She is no longer
Queen of the Saxscober people, King Hector having obtained a
divorce; and she is secretly engaged in carrying on the
evolutionary agitation of which Vergli, before his arrest, was the
leader. It is the day of his trial on a charge of conspiring against
the Church and State laws of the Kingdom of Saxscober. Isola is
dressed in male attire; her long hair has been cut off and now
curls about her head in short tresses. Her disguise is complete and
her appearance that of a slight youth.
Enter Verita (similarly disguised). She closes the door and says:
“The trial is proceeding. Vergli’s speech Was something too
magnificent for words, It held the Court enthralled, spellbound
and mute; A dropping pin might have been heard, indeed, So still
sat silence on the list’ning crowd. Truly he rose unto the great
occasion And looked the Prince of Scota ev’ry inch. Majestic wrath
fell from his scornful lips And bitter and sarcastic were his words.
He seemed inspired. Thought flowed like running stream,
Sparkling his wit, full of convulsing humour; Then pathos and
hard-headed Fact spoke out And touched and forced conviction
each in turn. If eloquence and truth could save Vergli, ’Twould not
be long before our chief was free; And yet, Oh! Lady Isola, I feel
That he is doomed. The verdict will be ‘Guilty.’”
Isola. “Hush, Verita, you must not name me thus; Remember I am
‘Fortunatus’ now. Yes Fortunatus, evolutionist, Deputed by Vergli
to lead his cause. What matter if the wise men find him Guilty?
We’ll save him e’er he reaches Grillaway. All is arranged, Vulnar is
on the spot; The prison van goes down a quiet street Ere entering
the crowded thoroughfare; A carriage and fleet-footed horses
wait, And Vergli will be many miles away When they are searching
for him in the town, Making conjecture as to where he is! Hasten
now, Verita, back to the Court, Tell Scrutus that I go to join
Vulnar, Bid him apprize us of the verdict quick, He knows where
we will be. Ready, Waiting; He knows full well the part he has to
play, Now go. Heav’n grant the Verdict will be fair.”
[Exit Verita.
In the High Court of Justice. The Judge has completed his summing
up. The jury, after a brief delay, have found the prisoner guilty of
conspiring against the Church and State, a crime in Saxscober
punishable with death. The usual question has been put “Say,
prisoner at the bar, have you any reason to give why sentence
should not be passed upon you?” and Vergli, who has been
standing with folded arms, unfolds them and bows his head
slightly in assent. The hum of voices in the Court, which had
broken out when the foreman of the jury had uttered the word
“Guilty,” at once subsides and a great silence falls as Vergli begins
to speak.
Vergli. “Reason to give against my murder? Yes. For Murder it will
be assuredly. What right have you to take from me God’s breath,
Because I seek to see His laws prevail? What is my crime? To have
demanded Truth? Truth in religion in the place of Sham? Yes, I
have asked for that and pleaded, too, For a vast Revolution in the
laws. I claim to be King Hector’s eldest son, The heir apparent to
the Monarchy; I am the Prince of Scota, Prince Bernis By Natural
law is not the King’s wife’s son. I claim that my dear Mother was
that wife, I claim that she with Hector should have reigned,
Reigned as a reigning not a Consort Queen; I claim the parents’
right, of either sex, To reign before their children. Out on laws
Which make a child usurp its Mother’s place, Or, if a female be an
elder child, Ousts her from heirship on account of sex! Imbecile
law! Worthy of priestly craft, Worthy of Superstition and Saint
Saul, Of men bedridden with such mistresses As are these soulless
and unnatural laws. All law is bad which Nature has not framed,
Be it of Civil or Religious sex, And all Religion is a cursèd lie
Whose God is otherwise than Nature’s form. Away with your man-
shaped and cruel God, In whose own image you declare you’re
made, Faith! He must be an ugly Barbary Ape, If the majority of
men reflect His Godlike features in their ill-formed masks. But
here I fling to Earth the Monster creed With which you mystify
our early years, Distort our reason, warp our faculties; And make
that fatal transformation scene In Human character, which would
be kind And sensible and brotherly in love, Were it not for the
Orthodox tirade That moulds it with false teachings and precepts
Throughput the whole of Life’s sad Pilgrimage. What right have
you to make of Life a hell? To disinherit men of their just rights?
Follow out Nature. To the fittest give The right to lead, to rule, to
fashion law. The fittest should survive, the unfit pass Into the
force that can evolve anew A better Life from Mediocrity. Men
should not starve while others feast and laugh. By what Almighty
Law of Nature’s God Do men step into Life outcasts and slaves?
Why? Yes, why? I ask; for Opportunity Is Man’s inherent right.
Sex should not be The disability you’ve made of it. Give all an
equal opportunity, The fittest will arise and lead and rule, And
make this world a heaven where now ’tis hell. Let all men work
from Monarch to workman, Let all reap benefit from honest toil.
Let Life be made Co-operative and See to it that Injustice shall be
slain. Build up a new religion based on Love, Away with Cruelty to
Man or Beast; Beasts have their rights just every much as Man,
Are they not our own kin, our mute, dumb friends? We have no
right to torture them for sport, For Scientific purposes or food.
Blood was not made for Man’s consumption. Grain And fruit, and
vegetables, and nuts and herbs Are what God Nature gives him for
his food; And Health demands he should adopt as such. Give us a
kind religion. Let the Truth Be the magnetic influence of our lives.
Let Sham and Superstition be condemned As false and hideous
idols of the past. Down with all law in Church and State which
kills The holy rights of Nature, our true God. Oh! Woman, wake!
Crush the black snake Untruth. Wake! Woman, wake! And you
shall wake the World. Are these the sentiments which merit
death?” [Cries of “No! No!” and “Yes! Yes!” “Should they not
rather live eternally? Are they not true? Is not all Truth divine?
What! Treason is it to condemn a lie? What made the lie? God?
No. Just little Man. Man, still in an imperfect, undrilled state.
Shall lies or laws based on them be immortal? Not so, I say. They
must be executed. Vergli will be their executioner. Is he a
Revolutionist? No, no. He is an Evolutionist. That’s all. Kill him?
You cannot! Thought will never die, It is a part of Immortality.
Silence this body? That which gives it life You cannot kill, because
it is of God. It is that which is speaking to you now. Silence it?
Never! ’Tis eternal Life. For Thought is Life and Life which cannot
die, It is the Soul and deathless part of Man.”
[He ceases speaking. Loud applause breaks out which is with
difficulty suppressed. The judge assumes the Black Cap and
pronounces the death sentence. It is received in contemptuous
silence by Vergli and gloomy silence in the Court.
As the prisoner is led away, Verita manages to pass near him and
whispers: “Hist! Vergli! Isola is all prepared. Fear not! Ere long
thou shalt be free as air.”
[She goes quickly away as she speaks.

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