ABC Drugs HSE Report

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Executive Summary
2. Factory Information Sheet
3. HSE Management System
4. Fire Safety Management
5. Plant Site Safety
6. Emergency response & trainings
7. Security Control
8. Miscellaneous Points
9. Risk Rating
10. Graphical Representation
11. Conclusion

1. There is no Hazard Identification study or process specific safety study conducted for
individual processes. The BPR document covers the quality related aspects but does not
cover the hazards associated with the activities. A dedicated Hazard Identification and risk
assessment must be conducted for all the processes and the same must be mapped to
prepare SOPs for individual activities.

2. The fire detection system did not cover all the areas and it is not possible to add further
detectors to the wireless fire detection system. A FRLS wired fire detection system must be
provisioned with an addressable fire alarm panel provided in the security control room. All
the areas mentioned in the report must be covered while planning for detection system.

3. Health and Safety trainings were limited and were covered as part of other trainings. During
the site visit, some workers were unaware of the hazards associated with the chemicals they
were handling. A dedicated HSE training calendar must be prepared covering electrical
safety trainings, chemical handling trainings, hazardous material handling trainings, Static
charge hazards and control measures trainings and BBS trainings (Top to lower
management) as separate.

4. Over storage of chemicals were observed in the Badminton court area and Liquid chemical
storage area. The storage of some chemicals was observed outside directly under sunlight
due to lack of space. Storage of chemicals must be moved to another location or warehouse
with proper detection and suppression system.

5. An emergency response plan was available, however was found to be incomplete and did
not cover all the emergencies’ scenarios in the plant. The emergency response plan must be
updated as mentioned in the ensuing report covering all possible scenarios.
6. Firefighting systems were under capacity and only a jockey pump is available for firefighting.
There are only 4 hydrant points provided covering the complete plant and there are no
internal hydrant points for the plant area. A dedicated main pump and DG pump of
sufficient capacity must be available for firefighting as mentioned in the ensuing report. The
number of hydrant points must also be increased and provision for internal hydrant points
and first aid hose reels for the plant area.
1. HSE Management System
Sr. Reference/Other
Area/Process Observation Objective Evidence Criticality Recommendation
No. requirement
(If Any)
A basic health and safety 1. The policy statement contains the
policy statement and manual vision of the plant. Specific targets or
has been made commonly for achievements can also be mapped in
both the units. Some of the the policy statement for each year
observations are as follows: and can be updated every year.
1. The health and safety A health and safety policy manual
policy manual are must have the following sub
incomplete and can be segments:
improved. The policy ISO 45001: Health a. Statement of intent mentioning the
manual did not cover the and safety visions and goals of the management
sections for the process Management
towards health and safety, it must be
Health and safety system
1 safety identification and Low counter signed by the top
Policy the hazards associated
IS 18001: Health management for accountability
with the process in the and Safety b. Roles and responsibilities of all the
plant. Management employees must be mentioned in the
2. The health and safety System manual
policy were not displayed
c. Arrangement sections: All the Safe
at prominent locations like
operating procedures including
at the entrance of the
plant and reception area. hazards associated with individual
activities and control measures,
procedure to conduct HIRA, EAIA,
Accident investigation, Management
of change etc. must be mentioned in
the manual
2. The health and safety policy should be
displayed at prominent locations like
at the entrance of the plant and
reception area to show the
management towards health and

A safety committee is Currently, the pending points from the

available for the facility, and it previous safety committee discussion is
includes members from all ISO 45001: Health carried on to the next safety committee
levels of workforce. and safety meeting minutes, however it is suggested
2 Safety Committee Low Management to prepare an excel sheet of all the
system pending observations under one single
sheet for easy access and follow up of the
open points.

3 Hazard A hazard identification and High System:

Identification and risk assessment study has not 1. A cross-functional team (CFT)
Risk Assessment yet been conducted for all the including the production team,
activities. safety team, QA team needs to be
formed and individual activities in
IS 18001 each of the plant area starting from
ISO 45001 raw materials storage and liquid
chemical storage needs to be
Health and Safety identified. (or can be done with
external help)
2. All the types of hazards identified
for each activity need to be
addressed and the risk rating for the
hazards needs to be finalized by the
3. Prepare an action plan to complete
the control measures and the status
of the HIRA report can be discussed
in the safety committee meeting.

Training must be provided to the selected
members of the health and safety team
on Hazard Identification and risk
Awareness to the supervisors and
operators on the identification of risks
associated with their respective activities
like hot work, work at height be
Environmental Aspect Impact System:
study has not yet been done 1. An environment aspect impact
for the facility. analysis must be carried out.
2. It must quantify the impact on the
Environmental Environmental
environment due to different
4 aspect impact Low Protection Act,
analysis ISO 14001 activities.
3. Risk rating must be provided both
before and after the application of
control measures.

5 Accident/ incident Accident investigation was System:

reporting available in excel format. Medium 1. An accident investigation team can
ISO 45001 and be formed which can be same as the
Some of the observations are Factories Act safety committee members, by
as follows: providing specific training on
accident investigation using why-
1. Accident investigation
why analysis or fishbone analysis.
reporting was not readily
used. This must also be added to the
2. A separate near-miss training calendar
reporting format is also 2. A simple format must be created for
not available reporting unsafe acts and unsafe
3. There is no culture of conditions/ near miss in the plant
reporting unsafe act and separately.
unsafe conditions at the 3. A culture to report unsafe acts and
site by the unsafe conditions needs to be
operational/process team. developed by sensitization and also
4. Trend analysis study was
by providing Behavioral Based
not conducted at the end
Safety (BBS) Trainings from top to
of the year.
bottom level
4. Trend analysis study must be
conducted at the end of the year to
identify the area or department with
maximum hazards and to identify
the focus areas.
(Safety indicators for analyzing
safety at site include the number of
accident/incidents, staff turnover,
absenteeism, employee workplace
grievances. All these indicators can
be analyzed for individual plant for
identifying the safety culture)

Training on Accident investigation can be
provided to selected people – to identify
root causes and methodology to device
control measures from why-why analysis.

6 Contractor Safety Contractor Safety Medium System:

management Management (CSM) document A contractor safety management
is not available for the plant. document must be created specific to the
aspects of the facility to ensure safe
working at site. The following points must
be checked while preparing contractor
safety management document.
1. Pre-qualification and contractor
ISO 45001: Health  Pre-qualification criteria for the
and safety
system  contractor selection criteria based
upon various safety parameters
 contract safety requirements
Contracted  Violation codes for contractors
Labour  Standardized HSE contract
(Regulation and
Abolition) Act
 Contractor liability insurance
2. Designing and Planning for Safety
 assessments tools for the pre-
planning and design phase
 procedures and protocols for the
pre-planning and design phase
3. Training and Orientation
 procedures and protocols for site
 procedures and protocols for task
specific trainings
 Safe work procedures
4. On-site Contractor Monitoring
 procedures and protocols for
monitoring and evaluation of
contractors HSE performance
based on a schedule.
 Roles, responsibilities and formats
for reporting and evaluation of
Accidents / Incidents / near miss
 Handover / Takeover protocols
 procedures and protocols for
Contractor site management
safety meetings
 Protocols for Toolbox talks /
meetings on-site
5. Post-Contract Evaluation
 Procedures and protocols for post
work evaluation of contractors HSE

7 Safe Operating 1. Standard Operating System:

Procedures procedures were available 1. Map the risk assessment study to
for all process activities Medium identify hazards pertaining to
Global Best individual activities. A section on
and Fire Equipment. The
Standard operating Hazards must be part of the SOPs.
procedures need to be The Procedures must also include
further upgraded as the control measures for each of the
hazards associated with hazards mentioned.
individual activities were 2. SOPs must be included in the main
not identified in the SOPs. HSE manual. Categorization of SOPs
can be as follows:
1. General SOPs – Accident and injury
response, Equipment mounting and
dismounting, fire safety, first aid,
traffic control, managing hazardous
material, Housekeeping and
sanitation, lifting, vehicle operations,
working near high voltage lines, ETP
2. Fire Equipment – operating different
fire extinguisher, Fire alarm etc.
3. Work activities – Process based SOPs,
Boiler operations, SOP for reactors,
Handling of Class A chemicals,
Handling of Class B chemicals etc.
4. Special Activities – Work at Height,
Manual handling, hazardous waste
handling and storages, chemical
storage, loading and unloading, duct
cleaning, night work, lone working,
5. Equipment – tractors, trucks,
Portable hand tools, Air compressor,
Generators etc.

The concerned HODs with their team
members must be trained on the
developed procedures.

8 Emergency A basic emergency response High System:

Response Plan plan is available for the plant. The current emergency response plan can
Some of the areas that needs be further improved by focusing on the
improvement are as follows: following parameters mentioned below:
1. Scenario for 1. All the accidents and scenario of fire
Toxic/flammable gas and explosion due to
leakage. Spillage of toxic/flammable gas release,
chemicals in large chemical spillage, static charge must
quantities depending on be made a part of the emergency
the type of chemicals has response plan
not been properly 2. Evacuation map of the facility to be
developed. added as an annexure to the ERP
2. Evacuation map was not The Factories Act 3. The zonal division like Zone 0, Zone
made as a part of the 1948 1, Zone 2 must also be updated in
annexure. the ERP and a dedicated Emergency
3. The plant has not been response team and Emergency
divided into zones and has Management team must be
not been updated in the identified to cater to the zones
emergency response plan identified.
4. Emergency response plan must be
updated at least once in every 2
years or whenever new activity-
related scenario is identified

The Emergency response team and
Emergency management team of
individual identified zones must be
briefed about their roles &
responsibilities. Simulation drills to be
planned and conducted for each zones
covering all identified scenarios in the

Procedure for permit to work System:

system was available. 5 types 1. Provide at least 3 copies of the
of permit systems were permit system - one with safety
available. Some of the areas officer, one at the work site with the
that require improvement are
worker and a third copy with the
as follows:
1. There is only one copy of IS 18001: Health area owner
the permit and safety 2. The checkpoints for different types
9 Permit to Work 2. There are only common Medium Management of permits must be separate and
system elaborate to individual work
checkpoints for all types of
permits whether it is for permits.
hot work permit or
confined space permit
1. An yearly health check-up System:
records were available. As per Factory rules, for workers involved
2. Lung function test has not in hazardous areas, health check-ups
must be carried out every 6 months and
been done for the
Health Records and must also include a lung function tests to
10 employees. Medium The Factory Rules
Health Check-ups identify any hazards due to inhalation of
the harmful chemicals.

The license for storage of System:

chemicals in the facility is The final license for the storage of
obtained currently for 2.5 KL chemicals must be obtained from PESO.
Petroleum License class A storage, however
for storage of onsite storage exceeded the
11 High Petroleum Rules
flammable limit.
materials (Application for extension of
quantity has been applied for
from 2.5kL to 12 KL, the final
license is yet to be obtained)
2. Fire Safety Management
Sr. Legal Reference
Area/Process Observation Objective Evidence Criticality Recommendation
No. (If Any)
Emergency lights have been System:
provisioned in the plant areas An exercise to be conducted by the plant
however the staircase team for the following:
illumination lights were not 1. Identify the exact requirement of all
functional. emergency evacuation lamps required
for the areas where they are missing.
E.g., Security room, Emergency
Assembly area and Main LT room
2. Create a documented record of the
emergency lights.
Emergency Lighting
1 NBC 2016 3. Recheck all the emergency lights for
System Medium
Volume1, part 4 their functioning and rectify any
Electrical safety issues if observed
4. Recheck the alignment of the existing
emergency lights to ensure that the
lights are focused on the exit
pathways and doors
5. Provide marking on the emergency
lights for easy identification.

2 Fire Pump Room, Information: System:

Pumps, Fire Hose 1. Underground Fire water 1. As per NBC, part 4, table 7 for an
reel and Sprinkler tank capacity of 50000 Industrial building in (G3- category), A
system liters was available. facility with covered area more than
2. There is no overhead fire 500 sq. meters must have an
water tank underground fire water tank of
3. Sprinkler system has not 150000 liters capacity and an
been provided inside the overhead tank of 20000 liters
plant for the office areas or capacity.
the RM storage areas. 2. Provision for a number of set of
Observation pumps consisting of 2 electrical
pumps and a DG pump (stand by) of
1. There is no main pump or capacity 2280 liters/minute each and
DG pump available for the
two electrical jockey pumps for
facility. IS 3844: 1989 leakage correction of capacity 180
2. The current pump capacity Extreme NBC 2016 Table 7
liters/ minute as per table 7.
is 7 cubic meter per hour
3. Overhead fire water tanks to be
or 116.6 LPM which is
under capacity and cannot interconnected with each other. All
be used for long term the fire water tanks to be labelled
firefighting. with storage capacity.
4. There are no internal 4. Provision of internal hydrant point
hydrant points or first aid and first aid hose reels for the plant
hose reels available for the floors near the exit staircase on
plant. individual floors.
5. There is only 4 external 5. External hydrant points must be
hydrant point provisioned provisioned around the plant, with at
for the facility. least one hydrant point for every 30-
6. It was observed that there meter distance. Provision for one
is no hydrant point
near the pantry area between the
available for fighting liquid
two entrance gates and on the rear
fires near the CLASS A
side, as there is no space for
storage and diesel storage.
movement of fire tender in case of an
6. Sprinkler system can be provided for
the office areas and the RM storage
areas. Above chemical storage,
reactive to water, separate gas-based
suppression system can be provided.

7. An additional Fire hydrant point along

with foam trailer and multipurpose
combination nozzle for jet spray and
fog arrangement to be planned near
the liquid chemical storage area
(Class A), so that it can be used for
both the chemical storage area.
8. Installation of firefighting pumps
must be as per standard IS 15301:
Installation and Maintenance of
firefighting pumps
9. Certain good practices which must be
sustained are:
a. Cleaning of fire water tanks to be
done on yearly basis and the same to
be displayed on the tanks
b. Individual fire pump operational
pressure charts to be displayed
c. Pressure gauge to be provided at the
farthest end of the hydrant line and
one more at any intermediate place
to record the pressure in the hydrant

Safety sensitisation training needs to be
provided to the maintenance team on the
importance of firefighting equipment and

3 Portable Fire Information: High System:

extinguisher The plant has a total of 62 fire 1. Conduct a fire mapping of the plant
extinguishers to find the exact additional
requirement (quantity and type) of
Observation: fire extinguishers. Follow the below
1. Foam type fire guidelines for selection of fire
extinguisher are not IS 2190:2010 – extinguishers:
provided near the Selection,
 Transformer area has high oil
Installation and
transformer & DG area spill fire risk for which Foam
Maintenance of
along with CO2 based extinguishers are must,
Fire extinguisher
extinguishers because foam- based
2. There is no inspection tag extinguishers are utilized in
provided on the fighting surface fire (the kind of
extinguishers fire that spreads rapidly on oil
surface). Provision for a fire point
3. External extinguishers
outside the DG set area covering
were not provisioned
the DG area and the transformer
under proper shade which area. The fire point must have a
could lead to shelf-life
deterioration. foam type extinguisher, CO2 type
4. There is no automatic extinguisher and sand buckets
suppression system in the  Electrical panels and electronic
server room items are sensitive so, in case of
an emergency, a CO2 extinguisher
will leave no residue and will not
cause further harm to the
 ABC extinguishers are the best-
known extinguishers to fight all
types of fire.
2. Provide inspection tags for all the
extinguishers for the ease of
identification of the date of
inspection and for periodic checking

3. Gas based clean agent automatic

suppression system is good for the
server room
4. As per IS 2190, extinguishers should
be placed every 15-meter radius even
in the plant area

The Department In charge needs to make
ensure that the maintenance of fire
extinguisher is based on the following:
 Location in designated place
 No obstruction to access or visibility
 Operating instructions on nameplate
legible and facing outward
 Safety seals and tamper indicators
not broken or missing
 Fullness determined by weighing or
 Examination for obvious physical
damage, corrosion, leakage, or
clogged nozzle
 Pressure gauge reading or indicator
in the operable range or position
Condition of tyres, wheels, carriage,
hose, and nozzle checked (for
wheeled units).
 Any observation identified must be
immediately reported to the safety
4 Smoke detectors Information: System:
and Fire Alarm Currently, the premise is To avoid such issues there are two
Control panel equipped with the wireless methods:
type detection system 1. It is recommended to replace the
wireless detection unit system with a
Observation: FRLS cable wired fire detection
There are many cons of these
system integrated with a fire alarm
wireless detection units:
control panel that must be placed in
 Additional number of
the security room (Emergency
detectors cannot be added
Control Room) for 24 x 7 monitoring
to the loop, in case of an
expansion and repeater panel at the reception.
2. An addressable panel is
 Battery Run out issues in recommended considering the
the detection unit number of detectors required.
 Intermixing of detection Manual call points, Smoke detectors
unit with the base and can be connected to the same panel
resulting in wrong and hooters.
indication in the panel
IS 2189: 2009
 Wireless alarm range
restriction and Power Installation and
backup Maintenance of
 Monitoring of detection High Automatic Fire·
units Detection and
1. There is no detection Alarm System-
system provisioned in the Code of Practice
electrical panel rooms,
servo room, office areas,
record rooms, UPS &
Battery storage rooms, 3. The fire alarm panel must be
Raw Material storage connected with the fire dampers in
room 1 & 3.
the ducts, access control doors &
2. AHU unit in plant area is
AHU supplying multiple floors. In case
not connected to fire
of an emergency, the fire dampers
detection system
must be in closed position and AHUs
3. Heat detectors were not
provisioned in the liquid eeshould be turned off to prevent the
chemical storage area. spread of smoke.
4. Manual call point was not 4. Access control doors must be free to
installed in the storage open for easy evacuation during an
room in block 58. emergency
(Badminton Court) 5. Heat Detectors are suitable for clean
5. The existing fire alarm burning fires, such as those involving
panel is not integrated
with the access control certain flammable liquids. Areas
doors in the plant areas subject to smoke, steam, dust or dirt
and the fire dampers or during normal use, fire that evolves
the AHU. heat and flame rapidly, suitable for
6. A log register is not rooms where heat producing
maintained at the security equipment like DG Area, class A
room to record the alarms
chemical storage, storage containing
and false alarms.
any flammable chemicals,
6. Smoke detectors can be provisioned
in the electrical panel rooms, record
rooms, UPS & battery storage rooms
and office areas.
7. Manual call points must be
provisioned in all the building blocks
such as QC building & storage
building in block number 58.
(Badminton court)
8. The fire alarm panel must be
connected with the access control
doors in the plant area and the Air
Handling units. As soon as the fire is
detected, the access control doors
must disengage, and the air handling
units must turn OFF automatically to
prevent smoke from travelling to
different floors.
9. A log register must be available to
record all the alarms, to identify
areas with maximum false alarms. It
will help in providing permanent
solutions to the false alarm.

Maintenance after Installation, As Per IS

Daily inspection by User
A check should be made every day to
ascertain that:
a. The panel indicates normal
operation; if not, fault indicated is
recorded in the logbook and is
receiving urgent attention; and
b. Any fault warning recorded the
previous day has received attention.

Weekly Inspection
a. Once a week, at least one trigger
device or end of line switch on one
zone circuit should be operated to
test the ability of the control, further
indicating equipment to receive a
signal and to sound the alarm and
operate other warning devices.
b. A visual examination of the battery
and connection should be made to
ensure that they are in good
c. Any defect noticed should be
recorded in the logbook and reported
to the responsible person, and action
should be taken to correct it.
Manual Call Points and Alarms
Every floor area must be provisioned with
Manual call points and fire alarms
installed near the exits and staircases.
These must be integrated to a common
fire alarm panel which can be installed in
the security control room at main gate.
5 Exit Doors and 1. Only a single exit is Medium System:
Evacuation available from the QC & 1. Provision for alternative exit route
Office building blocks from QC building
2. The emergency exit from 2. The exit route from the second floor,
the second floor in plant 2 (plant-2) must have sufficient width
was observed to be for the movement of people to the
obstructed due to AHU exit staircase.
ducts and other utilities. 3. All the exit to be identified with
NBC 2016, Part 4
3. Photoluminescent floor Fire and Life photoluminescent type exit marks and
marking not available for Safety kept unobstructed. The routes to the
exit routes.
exits can be provided with photo
4. Photoluminescent
luminescent floor markings too.
evacuation maps were not
displayed anywhere at
prominent locations in the

4. Evacuation maps to be updated and

displayed throughout the plant area
for individual areas. This can be of
Photoluminescent type

The Department In-charge should be
made responsible to ensure that all the
exits are kept unobstructed and

Firefighting PPEs including System:

SCBA set, and fireman suit is in The plant must have SCBA set and
the stage of procurement and fireman suit. All fire-fighting equipment
is not yet available. Global Best must be available in the security control
6 Fire-fighting PPEs High Practice room or Emergency control room.

The firefighting team must be trained in
the use of SCBA set.
3. Plant Site Safety

Sr. Legal Reference

Area/Process Observation Objective Evidence Criticality Recommendation
No. (If Any)
1. There is no secondary System:
containment for the diesel 1. Provision for secondary containment
storage area for the diesel storage area
2. Spillage of diesel was 2. Spillage of diesel must be cleaned
observed outside the open soon after any maintenance work in
Global Best
DG sets (Unsafe act) Practice the DG sets
3. The capacity of the diesel & 3. The capacity of the diesel tank must
1 DG Area High
tank was not displayed Petroleum Rules be displayed and the quantity of
outside and was observed storage inside must also be limited to
to exceed the licensing 990 liters.

2 Gas Cylinder 1. There is no mandatory High System:

Storage signage provisioned 1. As per Gas cylinder rules, Signage
outside the gas cylinder must be provisioned like “NO
storage area. SMOKING”, “FLAMMABLE GAS”,”NO
2. There was no lock and key MOBILE PHONES ALLOWED” must be
arrangement for the Gas cylinder Rules displayed.
cylinder storage outside 2. Provide lock and key arrangement for
the QC building. the gas cylinder storage

Note: There is a requirement for gas

cylinder license when the flammable gas
storage exceeds 200kg and the number of
cylinders exceeds 25 in number
(Hydrogen cylinders)
3 ETP Area 1. Chemical labelling on the Medium System:
chemicals provided was 1. Chemical labelling on the chemicals
not as per the standards. must be as per standards. Sample
2. Secondary containment below.
was missing for the liquid
chemicals in the ETP area.
3. Lime storage in the storage
room was in contact with
the walls of the storage
room, which will
deteriorate the quality of
the walls. Global Best 2. Secondary containment or spill trays
Practices can be provided for the liquid
chemicals in the ETP area.

3. Lime storage must be separated from

the walls using acrylic sheets to
prevent deterioration of the walls.

Training on handling chemicals and
dozing chemicals must be provided based
on the MSDS. Training on hazards
associated with the chemicals must also
be known to the ETP operators.

4 Hazardous waste There is a dedicated High System:

storage (ETP sludge hazardous waste storage area The storage of the hazardous waste to be
and Used Oil) where the sludge waste was upgraded to meet the minimum legal
observed to be kept in the standards. The guidelines that must be
Badminton court area but it followed for storage of hazardous waste
was not build as per standards at site are as follows:
1. All the hazardous waste to be taken
and was not well ventilated.
out of the plant premise within 90
days from the last disposal
Hazardous Waste 2. Hazardous waste storage area should
(Management incorporate the following (sample pic
and shown below):
Transboundary  The storage area should have a
Movement) Rules
proper containment system. The
containment system should have a
collection area to collect and remove
any leak, spill, or precipitation
 It should be designed in such a way
that the floor level of the storage area
is at least 150mm above the
maximum flood level
 No open storage is permissible, and
the designated hazardous waste
storage area shall have proper
enclosures, including safety
 Proper stacking of drums/storage
with wooden frames shall be
 In case of spills/leaks, sand and cotton
shall be used for mopping. NO WATER
to be applied
 Signboards with precautionary
measures to be displayed at
appropriate locations for normal and
emergency situations to be
 Manual operations within storage
area to be avoided to the extent
possible. In case of personnel use,
proper precautions need to be taken,
particularly during loading /unloading
of liquid hazardous waste in drums
 Portable extinguishers to be provided
 Storage areas should be provided with
adequate number of spill kits at
suitable locations. The spill kits should
be provided with compatible sorbent
Training on the hazards of the waste at
site and the handling of the waste must
be provided.
The operators were not System:
provided with correct PPEs The boiler operators must be provided
5 Boiler area while working on the boiler Medium The Boilers Act with boiler suits, goggles and heat-
resistant gloves while working on the
6 Badminton Court 1. The storage of chemicals in System:
Area (Chemical the badminton court was 1. All the lighting fixtures or electrical
storage) – plot observed to be unsafe, fixtures in the storage area must be of
no.58 (there were lighting flame and dust proof
fixtures with joints above 2. The maximum quantity of chemicals
the chemical storage). stored must be displayed.
2. Maximum quantity of 3. Provision of electrostatic dissipator
chemicals was not outside the chemical storage area to
Petroleum Rules,
be done.
3. There is no electrostatic
4. Secondary containment must be
dissipator provisioned
provided for the chemical storage
outside the storage area.
4. Secondary containment is
not provided for the
chemicals stored in the
5. Safety signages were not
provisioned for the
badminton court area.
6. Class A chemicals storage
was not as per standards.
7. Chemical compatibility 5. Provide warning signage like “No
study was reported to be Smoking”, “Danger – Flammable
completed however, not chemicals” and mandatory signage
displayed in the like the PPEs required for the area etc.
badminton court area and
6. Class A chemical storage areas must
the liquid chemical storage
be well ventilated and must be as per
the storage in the liquid chemical
8. There is no automatic
storage area.
detection or suppression
system in the badminton 7. Provision for heat detectors and
court storage area. suppression system in the badminton
court storage area to be done.

7 Liquid chemical 1. Over-storage of chemicals System:

Storage Area was observed in the liquid 1. The chemical storage in plant
chemical storage area in Extreme exceeded the capacity of storage and
plot no. 58. were observed unsafely in the
2. There is no secondary badminton court area and in the
containment for the liquid chemical storage area. The
Petroleum Rules
chemicals stored inside. storage must be taken to dedicated
3. There are no Electrostatic warehouse area with proper
dissipation devices outside
detection and suppression system.
to ensure that the people
2. Provision to be made for secondary
handling the class A liquid
spill containment for class A storage
are statically discharged. and ensure that the containers are
4. Some containers of the properly earthed.
class A chemicals were 3. Electro-static dissipators with display
observed to be exposed should be provided outside the class A
directly to the sunlight. storage areas (Chemical storage areas
The containers were also and plant areas wherever flammable
kept close to other
chemicals are handled). The earth pits
chemicals like HCL and
provided must be dedicated for static
charge dissipation and must not be
5. There was no safety
connected to other equipment
signage provisioned
outside the liquid chemical earthing.
storage area

4. The chemical containers (class A)

must be stored in a well-ventilated
area and away from direct sunlight,
external environment and all other
5. Provide warning signage like
“Flammable chemical storage”, “No
Smoking”, “No Mobile Phones
allowed” etc.
6. There are foam type extinguishers
provided outside. However, provision
of foam type trailer can be made
which could be connected with the
hydrant system. (The capacity of class
A storage is more than 2000 liters)
covering both the liquid chemical
storage areas.

8 Raw Material 1. There was only single AC Medium System:

Storage running in the raw 1. In all raw material and FG storage
& Engineering material storage and was areas, it is recommended to provide 2
Store not provid\ed with auto- ACs with auto change over, so that
change over. (Running of a single AC would not function for 24
single AC for 24 hours over hours
time could result in 2. Storage and stacking of materials
Global Best
overheating of the must not be directly done under the
fan/compressor resulting
ACs or any other electrical fixtures.
in fire)
3. The maximum height for stacking
2. In Raw Material storage
must be set and the maximum height
area 2, Raw materials were
limit must be marked in the storage
observed to be stacked
directly under the AC room
3. Stacking height was not set 4. The chemicals must be stored away
in RM storage 1 from other combustible materials and
4. The chemicals were not must be stored in its dedicated
segregated from other location.
combustible materials in
the engineering store

The workshop equipment System:

needs improvement. Some of 1. Flashback arrestors must be provided
the observations are as for the welding cylinders on the torch
follows: and cylinder side
1. There was no flashback 2. Housekeeping must be improved in
arrestors provided for the workshop area.
the welding cylinders 3. Provide appropriate PPEs for the
Global Best
9 Workshop 2. Housekeeping in the High
Practice workshop work like welding gloves,
workshop area was
and welding apron, safety goggles
observed to be poor
while working on grinders etc.
3. PPEs were not provided
for welding work-
Welding gloves, and
apron was not available

Fume hoods from the 1st floor System:

is released on top floor of the The fume hoods’ stack height needs to be
building which is an accessible increased above the height of the
10 QC building area. High Global Best building. The stack height of the DG set
Practice must also be increased above the height
of the building.

11 Plant Areas 1. There is no secondary Medium System:

containment for the raw 1. Provision for secondary containment
material storage area in for the chemical storage area to be
plant 2. made.
2. The isolation valve for the flammable
2. The isolation valve for the Global Best solvent supply must be identified and
flammable solvent supply Practice marked for initial manual cut-off
was not identified and during an emergency.
The team must be made aware of the
position of the isolation valve.

1. Acetone pumping was System:

observed without proper 1. Acetone pumping of any flammable
earthing and bonding. chemical pumping must be carried
2. The tools used for opening out with proper earthing and bonding.
flammable containers The earthing pit must be separate and
were not spark proof. must not be connected to any other
electrical equipment
Global Best 2. Spark proof drum openers must be
Vacuum Pumping Practice
12 High used.

4. Emergency Response & Trainings

Sr. Legal Reference
Area/Process Observation Objective Evidence Criticality Recommendation
No. (If Any)
Plant has identified and System:
displayed the list of emergency Identify plant personnel consisting of
responders at the entrance of plant management, technical, security,
the plant. administrative, support staff and plant
workers for:
The refresher training to the 1. First Aid team which should be
security officers on the use of identified shift wise and should
extinguishers and hydrant consist at least 30% of plant
needs attention. employees
2. Firefighting team which should be
identified shift wise and should
consist at least 40% of plant
Emergency The Factories Act
1 Response Training High
1948 People:
Training to be provided to the plant
management, technical, security,
administrative, support staff and
identified plant workers
1. First Aid training should include CPR
and electrocution module
2. Basic Fire Fighting training using
portable extinguishers
3. Advanced Fire Fighting training using
fixed lines
4. Workplace safety & Behaviour based
safety awareness workshops
5. Situation based simulation drills
2 HSE trainings HSE trainings at site are limited Extreme Global best Practice System:
and are made part of other HSE trainings must be separately mapped
trainings. There were only 3 in the training calendar and must include:
dedicated HSE trainings in the Behavioral based safety trainings (top to
list of trainings. lower management), Electrical safety
trainings (Basic & advanced), First Aid
trainings, Hazardous materials handling
trainings, Compressed Gas cylinder
trainings, Chemical handling trainings,
Static charge Hazards training.
5. Security Control & E-Vigilance
Legal Reference/
Area/Process Observation Objective Evidence Criticality Other requirement Recommendation
(If Any)
1 Physical security Security Strength: System:
Day shift – 3 Guards A. The security manual must cover the
following broad topics:
Night Shift – 4 guards
1. Organization Structure and Function
1. There is a basic SOP 2. Code of Conduct on:
available for security  Public Statements and
purpose, however Appearances
situational emergencies,  Neglect of Duty
code of conduct, List of  Leaving Duty Post
guards, security equipment Global Best  Sleeping on Duty
available are not completed Medium Practice
 Use of Tobacco
in the security SOPs.
2. The brick wall on the rear  Use of Alcohol
side of block 58 were not  Possession and Use of Drugs
provided with concertina  Locked Cars and trucks
wires 3. Duties and responsibilities
3. The duplicate keys available  Equipment and dress
are not well maintained and  Patrol vehicle
marked 4. Duty Schedule and Fitness for Duty
5. Reporting system
 Reporting internal violation
 Investigation of Alleged
 Filing safety and security related
incident reports
6. Issuance and Control of Keys
7. Security of Buildings and
8. Responding to
situations/emergencies such as:
 Unidentified objects and
dangerous goods
 Fire, Earthquake, hazardous
material spills etc.
 Effective vehicular and baggage
 Civil unrest and riots inside the
 Security guarding and patrolling
B. Ensure that the perimeter wall is
brick wall compartmentalized
completely and provided with
concertina wires.
C. Duplicate keys must be available for
emergency purposes for all the
critical areas like the storage rooms,
electrical panel rooms etc. It must
be in a transparent glass box, name
tagged, and the security team must
be communicated priorly on the
keys available inside.
Security team must be made a part of
emergency responders with dedicated
roles and responsibilities for each
Emergency scenarios without
comprising the duty at gate in an

1. CCTV cameras were not System:

displayed in the security 1. Conduct a study to identify all the
room. critical areas wherever CCTV
2. Some critical areas like the surveillance is required. E.g.: All
liquid chemical storage area storage areas, boiler electrical,
(rear side) – plot 58, were electrical panel rooms etc.
not covered under camera 2. CCTV surveillance must be available
surveillance. in the security room and n
NBC 2016 Vol 2 observation records must be
2 CCTV Low
maintained based on any findings on
CCTV cameras.

Personnel responsible for CCTV must be
trained on emergency/security related
importance of CCTV like- relevance of
probing any incident by visualising CCTV
footage, reporting the CCTV breakdown

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