Tanakh&Mishnah - Questions by (Hussien)

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The word Torah means.......

Prophets Teaching Writings Migillot
The word Nevi'im means.......
Prophets Teaching Writings Migillot
The word Ketuvim means.......
Prophets Teaching Writings Migillot
The word ‫ אמ"ת‬mean......
lamentations psalms Truth Scrolls
The word Tanakh was first recorded in the.......era and the proper title
Medieval-Miqra Modern-mishna Modern-Torah Old-Talmud
The first king of the united kingdom of Israel.........
Solomon Saul David Cyrus
The capital of the northern kingdom of Israel is........
Samaria Jerusalem Persia Judah
The capital of the southern kingdom of Judah is........
Samaria Jerusalem Persia Judah
The northern kingdom was conquered by.......in........BCE
Babylonians-722 Assyrians-586 Assyrians-722 Babylonians-586
The Southern kingdom was conquered by.......in........BCE
Babylonians-722 Assyrians-586 Assyrians-722 Babylonians-586
The first part of the Tanakh to gain it's Canonical Status is............
Nevi’im Writings Prophets Tora
The last part of the Tanakh to gain it's Canonical Status is..........
Nevi’im Writings Prophets Tora
The second part of the Tanakh to gain it's Canonical Status is..........
Ketuvim Writings Prophets Tora
The Hebrew bible received its final shape in the.........or........
Postexilic- Pre exilic- first Postexilic- first Pre exilic-
second temple temple temple second temple
The tanakh consists of.........books (according to Jewish people)
24 63 25 39
The Torah is known as.........
Genesis lamentations Ecclesiastes Pentateuch
The Torah consists of........books
6 5 8 24
The literal meaning of the word ‫ בראשית‬is...........
And he called In the beginning Genesis Things
The word ‫ שמות‬becomes.........in English Bible
Exodus Leviticus Genesis The names of
The word ‫ ויקרה‬Becomes .........in English Bible
Exodus Leviticus Genesis The names of
The word ‫ במדבר‬Becomes .........in English Bible
Things Numbers Deuteronomy In the desert of
The literal meaning of the word ‫ ויקרה‬is...........
And he called In the beginning Genesis Things
The word ‫ דברים‬Becomes .........in English Bible
Things Numbers Deuteronomy In the desert of
Nevi’im Consists of...........books (according to Jewish people)
12 19 11 8
The word ‫ נביאים ראשונים‬means.........
Major prophets Minor prophets Former prophets Latter prophets
The word ‫ נביאים אחרונים‬means.........
Major prophets Minor prophets Former prophets Latter prophets
The word ‫ נביאים גדולים‬means.......
Major prophets Minor prophets Former prophets Latter prophets
The word ‫ נביאים קטנים‬means.......
Major prophets Minor prophets Former prophets Latter prophets
‫ נביאים קטנים‬are also called..........
Major prophets Sheni Asar Trei Asar Ahd Asar
Book of ‫ שפטים‬means book of.......
Kings Emperors Lawyers Judges
Book of ‫ מלכים‬means book of.......
Kings Emperors Lawyers Judges
Nevi'im Rishonim consists of........books
3 4 8 5
Nevi'im Aharonim consists of........books
12 15 3 5
Job, psalms and proverbs are........
Poetic books Five scrolls chronicles Songs
The song of songs, Ruth, Esther ,lamentations, Ecclesiastes are
Poetic books Five scrolls chronicles Songs
The song of songs also known as.......
Song of Saul Song of David Song of Solomon Song of Esther
Five scrolls also known as.........
Hamisha Humshi Humash Hmesh megillot Scrolls of Solomon
All poetic books are written with a special system of cantillation notes,
however the beginning and end of the book of........are in normal prose
Psalms Job Proverbs Song of songs
The word lamentations means..........in Hebrew
‫איכה‬ ‫קהלת‬ ‫משלי‬ ‫דברי הימים‬
The word Ecclesiastes means..........in Hebrew
‫איכה‬ ‫קהלת‬ ‫משלי‬ ‫דברי הימים‬
The word proverbs means..........in Hebrew
‫איכה‬ ‫קהלת‬ ‫משלי‬ ‫דברי הימים‬
The word proverbs means..........in Hebrew
‫איכה‬ ‫קהלת‬ ‫משלי‬ ‫דברי הימים‬
The word chronicles means..........in Hebrew
‫איכה‬ ‫קהלת‬ ‫משלי‬ ‫דברי הימים‬
Two of them..........&......... are the only books in tanakh with
significant portions in Aramaic
Daniel & chronicles Ezra & chronicles Ezra & Nehemiah Ezra & Daniel

The Tractate "Berakhot" means...........
Blessings Seventh year Doubtfully tithed produce Mixed species
The Tractate " Pe'ah" means...........
First Tithes Corner Doubtfully tithed produce Mixed species
The Tractate " Demai" means...........
Blessings Corner Doubtfully tithed produce Mixed species
The Tractate " Kill'ayim" means...........
Blessings Corner Second Tithes Mixed species
The Tractate " Shevi’it" means...........
Seventh year Mixed species Donations First Tithes
The Tractate " Termout" means...........
First Tithes Seventh year Donations Dough
The Tractate " Ma'ser Rishon" means...........
Second Tithes Seventh year Mixed species First Tithes
The Tractate " Ma'ser sheni" means...........
First Tithes First fruits of trees Second Tithes Dough
The Tractate " Hallah" means...........
Dough First fruits of trees First fruits First Tithes
The Tractate " Orlah" means...........
First fruits First Tithes Dough First fruits of trees
The Tractate " Bikkurim" means...........
First Tithes First fruits Donations Second Tithes
The Tractate " Shabbat ‫ "שבת‬means...........
Shekels Sabbath Mixtures Passover Festivals
The Tractate " Eruvin‫ "ערובין‬means...........
Passover Festiva Mixtures Sabbath Shekels
The Tractate " Pesahim‫ "פסחים‬means...........
Mixtures Passover Festivals Shekels Sabbath
The Tractate " Shekalim ‫ "שקלים‬means...........
Shekels Mixtures Sabbath Passover Festivals
The Tractate " ‫ יומא‬Yoma" means...........
The Day Sabbath Shekels Egg
The Tractate " Sukkah‫ "סוכה‬means...........
Egg Booth Scroll Sabbath
The Tractate " ‫ ביצה‬Beitz" means...........
Sabbath Scroll Egg Mixtures
The Tractate " Rosh Hashanah ‫ "ראש השנה‬means...........
Mixtures New year Scroll
The Tractate " Ta'anit‫ "תענית‬means...........
New year Fasting Scroll The Day
The Tractate " Megillah ‫ "מגילה‬means...........
Mixtures Festival Offering The Day Scroll
The Tractate " Mo'ed Katan‫ "קטן מועד‬means...........
Scroll Festival Offering New year Little Festival
The Tractate " Hagigah‫ "חגיגה‬means...........
Fasting Scroll Festival Offering Booth
The Tractate " Yevamot‫ "יבמות‬means...........
Vows Brothers in Law One who abstains Wayward wife
The Tractate " Ketubot‫ "כתובות‬means...........
Vows Prenuptial agreements One who abstains Wayward wife
The Tractate " Nedarim‫ "נדרים‬means...........
Vows Wayward wife One who abstains Betrothal
The Tractate " Nazir ‫ "נזיר‬means...........
One who abstains Betrothal Vows Wayward wife
The Tractate " Sotah ‫ "סוטה‬means...........
Betrothal Wayward wife Documents Vows
The Tractate " Gittin ‫ "גיטין‬means...........
Betrothal Documents Vows Wayward wife
The Tractate " Kiddushin‫ "קידושין‬means...........
Vows One who abstains Betrothal Wayward wife
The Tractate " Bava Kamma‫ "בבא קמא‬means...........
First Gate Middle Gate Last Gate Oaths
The Tractate " Bava Metzia‫ "בבא מציעה‬means...........
First Gate Middle Gate Last Gate Oaths
The Tractate " Bava Batra‫ "בבא בתרא‬means...........
First Gate Middle Gate Last Gate Oaths
The Tractate " Sanhedrin‫ "סנהדרין‬means...........
The Sanhedrin Oaths Last Gate Fathers
The Tractate " Makkot‫ "מכות‬means...........
Oaths Lashes Foreign worship Decisions
The Tractate " Eduyot‫ "עדויות‬means...........
Fathers Testimonies Decisions Foreign worship
The Tractate " Avodah Zarah‫ "עבודה זרה‬means...........
Decisions Lashes Foreign worship Fathers
The Tractate " Avot‫ "אבות‬means...........
Fathers Foreign worship Testimonies Decisions
The Tractate " Horayot‫ "הוריות‬means...........
Foreign worship Fathers Decisions Lashes
The Tractate "Yom tov ‫ "יום טוב‬means...........
Holidays Egg Last gate First gate
The Tractate "Shevu'ot ‫ "שבועות‬means...........
Testimonies Fathers Oaths Lashes

By: Hussein Hashem

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