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Units 8K Light & 8L Sound – Test Markscheme – 45 marks

1. (a) (i) She saw the flash first.  if more than one box is ticked 1
award no mark
(ii) any one from 1
 light travels faster than sound
accept ‘the flash travelled faster than the
 sound travels more slowly than light
accept ‘the bang travelled more slowly
than the flash’
do not accept ‘the flash or light travels
very fast’
do not accept ‘sound takes time to
(b) It was louder.  if more than one box is ticked, 1
award no mark

2. (a) (i)

if more than one box is ticked, award

no mark
(ii) It is reflected 1
accept ‘it reflects’
accept ‘it bounces off’

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3. (a) (i) B 1
(ii) any one from 1
 light travels in straight lines
 light will not pass through the cardboard
accept ‘the cardboard blocks the light’
or ‘the cardboard is opaque’
 they are in the shadow of the cardboard
do not accept ‘they are in the shadow’
(b) green 1
(c) Q 1

4. (a) (i) vibrate accept ‘move in and out’ 1

‘move’ is insufficient
(ii) any one from 1
 it stops the sound waves oraccept ‘it stops sound reaching our eardrum’
vibrations reaching our accept ‘it absorbs sound’
eardrums accept ‘it blocks the ear’
 it stops the eardrum vibratingaccept ‘it stops the eardrum moving in and
 the eardrum vibrates less accept ‘soundwaves are reflected by the wax’
(b) (i) human and sparrow and rabbit accept ‘bird’ for sparrow 1
answers may be in any order
all three answers are required for the
(ii) cat 1

5. (a) predictions 1
if more than one box is ticked, award no
(b) any one from 1
 to make sure any effect of accept ‘so the sensor can detect the
everyone jumping was detected vibrations’
 to make the effect as large as
‘fair test’ is insufficient
‘to get the best results’ is insufficient
(c) (i) any one from 1
 there are vibrations in accept ‘there are more or bigger vibrations
recordings A and B only at A and B’
accept ‘wider lines in recordings A and B’
accept ‘bigger amplitude in A and B’
 no vibrations at C accept ‘no vibrations far away’

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(ii) any one from 1
 more people jumped near A accept ‘fewer jumped at B’
 people jumped from a accept the converse
greater height near A
 sensor A is nearer the accept the converse
site than sensor B accept ‘the sensor is nearer site A than B’
accept ‘sensor A is closer to the pupils’
 more sensitive detectors at accept the converse
A the ground could be accept ‘one concrete the other grass’
do not accept ‘different numbers of
‘different sensors’ is insufficient

6. (a) it is reflected accept ‘it is scattered’ 1

accept ‘it reflects or bounces off’
(b) one mark is for a ray from the headlamp to the light-coloured clothes and from1
them to the driver’s eye
both parts of the ray are required
accept small discontinuities in the ray
accept rays which are almost straight but
which have not been drawn with a ruler
do not accept dotted lines
 one mark is for accurately drawing the correct ray 1
this is a dependent mark do not award
this mark unless the first mark was also
the ray must touch the headlamp, touch
the cyclist’s clothes, and touch the
driver’s eye the ray must be continuous
both parts of the ray must be drawn with
a ruler
 an arrow showing that the light enters the eye or leaves the headlamp 1
accept a correct arrow on an
incomplete line
(c) it is absorbed accept ‘it absorbs’ 1
accept ‘most is absorbed’
accept ‘it is not reflected’
accept ‘only some is reflected’

7. (a) (i) any one from 1

 it is reflected accept 'bounces off'

 it is scattered
accept 'it is absorbed by the air'
do not accept 'it is absorbed by the

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or 'it is absorbed' or 'it goes into the air
(ii) refraction 1

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(b) green 1
all three colours in the correct order are
required for the mark
accept 'orange, yellow, green, blue,
indigo, violet' in the correct order

(c) The green part of the spectrum stays the same, but the other 1
colours disappear. 
i.e. a tick in the third box if more than
one box is ticked, award no mark

8. (a) the angles of incidence and reflection must be equal 1

the ray must be continuous and straight with an arrow in the correct direction 1

accept one arrow in the correct direction

on either the incident or the reflected ray
the ray must hit the screen in the middle
2 cm
(b) (i) any one from 1
 sound waves travel to the accept ‘sound travels to the window’
window or glass
 vibrations pass through
the air
 sound waves or vibrations accept ‘sound hits the window’
hit the window
(ii) the beam will vibrate or accept ‘scatter’ for vibrate 1
move or jump about accept ‘it would go to other places in the room’
accept ‘it would go in different directions’
accept ‘it shakes’ or ‘it wobbles’
do not accept ‘it is blurred’
‘it goes in a different direction’ is

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(c) B 1
if more than one box is ticked, award no

9. (a) one mark is for a ray which bends to the right when it enters the prism 1
the ray must be within the limits shown
g la ss
p rism
w h ite
ra y o f b lu e sc ree n
lig h t

one mark is for a ray which bends downwards when it leaves the prism 1
the ray must be within the limits shown
award no marks if the lines are not
(b) (i) a spectrum accept ‘all the colours’ or ‘the colours of 1
the rainbow’
do not accept ‘a rainbow’ or ‘colours’
(ii) a red spot or a red line accept ‘red light’ or ‘red’ or ‘all the 1
colours except red would disappear’
do not accept ‘a red screen’
(iii) it absorbs or stops all the other colours 1
accept ‘it only lets red light pass’
do not accept ‘it lets red light pass’

10. (a) the light is scattered by the ball accept ‘it is scattered or reflected 1
or bounces off the ball'
some of the light from the ball enters Naomi's eye 1
accept ‘it goes into or gets to her eye'
(b) (i)
colour colour of the colour
of ball the light the ball
appears to
white red red do not accept 'pink' or 'light red' 1
green white green do not accept 'light green' 1

(ii) any one from 1

 it absorbs all the light accept ‘it absorbs light'
 it does not scatter any light

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accept 'it does not reflect light'
(c) equal to 1
equal to accept 'equals' or 'the same as' 1
(d) one mark is for describing scattering and one mark is for describing
scattering sends or reflects light in all directions 1
accept 'scattered light goes all over
the place' or ‘the light from the
paper goes off in lots of rays' or ‘no
image can be seen in the paper'
reflection sends light in one direction or to one point 1
accept ‘the light from the mirror is
all in one ray or beam' or 'reflected
light goes at one exact angle’
or ‘an image can be seen in the

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