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Discrete Trial Training in the

Treatment of Autism

Tristram Smith

Discrete trial training (DTT) is a method for individualizing and simplifying instruction teacher may take the child’s hand
to enhance children’s learning. For children with autism, DTT is especially useful for and guide him or her to perform the
teaching new forms of behavior (e.g., speech sounds or motor movements that the response, or the teacher may model
child previously could not make) and new discriminations (e.g., responding correctly to the response. As the child progresses,
different requests). DTT can also be used to teach more advanced skills and manage
the teacher gradually fades out and
disruptive behavior. However, several cautions about DTT are noteworthy: First, the
method must be combined with other interventions to enable children to initiate the ultimately eliminates the prompt
use of their skills and display these skills across settings. Second, early in treatment, (e.g., guiding the student through
children with autism may require many hours of DTT per week, although controversy less and less of the response) so that
exists over precisely how much is appropriate. Third, to implement DTT effectively, the child learns to respond to the
teachers must have specialized training. Despite these limitations, DTT is one of the cue alone.

most important instructional methods for children with autism. 3. Response: The child gives a correct
or an incorrect answer to the

teacher’s cue.
4. Consequence: If the child has given
ypically developing children con- 2000). Perhaps the most extensively a correct response, the teacher im-

t tinually learn from their environ- studied approach is an applied behavior mediately reinforces the response
ment throughout their waking analytic (ABA) procedure called discrete with praise, hugs, small bites of food,
hours via exploration, creative play, mod- trial training (DTT). A discrete trial is access to toys, or other activities

eling, conversation, and so on (Brede- a small unit of instruction (usually last- that the child enjoys. If the child
kamp & Copple, 1997). Unfortunately, ing only 5-20 seconds) implemented by has given an incorrect response, the
children with autism tend to have little a teacher who works one to one with a teacher says &dquo;No,&dquo; looks away,
skill or inclination to learn in this man- child in a distraction-free setting. (For removes teaching materials, or
ner. Moreover, they often fail to under- simplicity, this article will refer to &dquo;teach- otherwise signals that the response
stand communicative efforts made by adults ers&dquo; and &dquo;children.&dquo; However, it should was incorrect.

attempting to help them learn (Spradlin be noted that not only teachers but also 5. Intertrial intervczl: After giving the
& Brady, 1999). As a result, these chil- professional and nonprofessional thera- consequence, the teacher pauses
dren are likely to experience frustration pists, including family members, can im- briefly (1-5 seconds) before present-
in teaching situations, and, understand- plement DTT, and that both children and ing the cue for the next trial.
ably, they may react to such frustration adults with autism can benefit; Smith,
with tantrums and other efforts to escape 1993.) Each discrete trial has five parts: Depending on the treatment program
or avoid future failures. Therefore, a crit- in which they are enrolled, children with
ical yet difficult task for service providers 1. Cue (technically called a discrimina- autism may receive anywhere from a few
is to find ways to increase learning op- tive stimulus): The teacher presents a minutes to several hours per day of DTT,
portunities for children with autism and brief, clear instruction or question, as discussed later in this article. In pro-
enhance their motivation to learn. such as &dquo;Do this&dquo; or &dquo;What is it?&dquo; grams at the high end of this range,
Fortunately, investigators have con- 2. Prompt: At the same time as the cue, children usually spend 2 to 5 minutes
ducted hundreds of studies on how to ac- or immediately after it, the teacher at a time in DTT sessions, with 1- or

complish this task and have identified a assists the child in responding cor- 2-minute breaks between sessions. They
wide range of effective approaches (Green, rectly to the cue. For example, the generally also receive a 10- to 15-minute

break at the end of every hour and a crete trial paradigm is

unquestionably When implementing DTT to teach
1- to 2-hour break in the middle of the useful, so are incidental
teaching, time new forms of behavior, the teacher se-
day. To maintain children’s interest, delay, peer tutoring, photographic and lects a short, simple cue for the behavior
teachers carefully select reinforcers and written activity schedules, script fad- that he or she wants the child to display.
implement a diverse set of instructional ing, and video modeling procedures&dquo; For example, the teacher might say, &dquo;Do
programs (focusing on communication, (p. 210). Hence, DTT is one important this&dquo; while performing an action, to cue
academic skills, self-help, play, motor ac- component of ABA treatment, but it the child to perform this action. Imme-
tivities, etc.). should not be the only component. The diately after the cue, the teacher prompts
Three aspects of DTT may increase present article is intended to elucidate the child (e.g., by physically guiding the
children’s learning and motivation to the role of DTT in ABA treatment by de- child to perform the action). In the early
learn. First, because each discrete trial is scribing its main uses; it also includes a stages of instruction, the teacher might
short, children have many learning op- discussion of the limitations of DTT, the reinforce the child for giving an approx-
portunities (up to 12 per minute). Sec- amount of DTT that children with imation of the action being taught-for
ond, because teachers work one to one autism should receive, and the qualifica- example, if the action is clapping, the
with a child, they can tailor instruction to tions that teachers need to implement teacher might reinforce the child for sim-
meet his or her individual needs. Third, DTT proficiently. ply putting his or her hands together.
because DTT has a precise format, it clar- However, as the child progresses, the
ifies the teaching situation for the child; teacher requires closer and closer ap-
Main Uses of DTT
specifically, every discrete trial has a defi- proximations of the correct action-a
nite starting and stopping point, and its Studies have indicated that DTT is espe- procedure called shaping. In addition,
components are kept simple (short in- the teacher gradually fades out the
cially useful for teaching children with
structions, salient prompts, etc.). Thus, autism to add new forms of behavior to prompts (e.g., provides less and less
DTT breaks down &dquo;the continuous flow physical guidance). With systematic
their repertoires and to make new dis-
of ordinary adult-child interactions into criminations between events. shaping and prompt-fading, the child
highly distinctive (discrete) events that are learns to perform the behavior accurately
more easily discriminated by the child&dquo; when cued to do so by the teacher. The
New Forms of Behavior
(Newsom, 1998, p. 426). In this way, amount of time required for this teach-
DTT maximizes children’s successes and &dquo;New forms of behavior&dquo; are actions that ing varies from a few minutes to several
minimizes their failures. children previously did not and could not weeks, depending on the behavior and
Much research exists on how to select perform. For example, many children the child. Even when it is relatively
responses to teach in DTT and how best with autism do not utter the speech lengthy, however, DTT enables children
to cue, prompt, and reinforce these re- sounds needed to say words or do not to acquire many new and important

sponses (Newsom, 1998; Schreibman, make the motor movements needed to forms of behavior that they would other-
1988; Smith, 1993). Moreover, studies use signs in sign language. In studies in- wise be unable to use. (See Lovaas et al.,
have documented that DTT helps chil- corporating a scientifically sound design, 1981, for a more detailed description of
dren with autism acquire a variety of skills DTT is the only approach with docu- DTT procedures.)
in important areas such as communica- mented effectiveness for teaching these
tion, social interaction, and self-care (New- children to add new speech sounds to
New Discriminations
som, 1998). In addition, some investiga- their repertoires and combine those
tors have reported that when it is applied sounds into words, syllables, and phrases Discriminations involve giving different
as part of a comprehensive ABA treat- (e.g., Lovaas, Berberich, Perloff, & and accurate responses to different cues.
ment program, DTT yields major long- Schaeffer, 1966; Young, Krantz, Mc- For example, if a teacher holds up a doll
term benefits for many children with au- Clannahan, & Poulson, 1994). It is also and asks, &dquo;What is it?&dquo;, the correct re-
tism (Smith, 1999), including increases the best-documented approach for sponse is &dquo;doll&dquo; and not, for example,
in IQ and decreases in the need for pro- teaching children to make signs in sign &dquo;car.&dquo; Likewise, if the teacher holds up a
fessional services such as special educa- language (e.g., Carr & Dores, 1981). In car and asks, &dquo;What is it?&dquo;, the correct re-

tion classrooms (e.g., McEachin, Smith, addition, DTT may be the instructional sponse is &dquo;car&dquo; (and not &dquo;doll&dquo;). When
& Lovaas, 1993). method of choice for teaching a new, implementing DTT to help a child make
In addition to DTT, many other ABA subtle motor movement, such as closing discriminations, the teacher uses the
methods are effective for children with fasteners on clothing, writing or draw- cuing, prompting, and shaping proce-
autism. As pointed out by McClannahan ing, or cutting with scissors (Lovaas dures described above to teach the child
and Krantz (2000), ABA treatment for et al., 1981), although methods for one response, such as &dquo;doll.&dquo; Once the

autism &dquo;should not ... be characterized teaching such behaviors have not been child has mastered this response, the
by any one procedure, such as discrete studied as extensively as methods for teacher uses the same procedures to teach
trial instruction.... Although the dis- teaching communication behaviors. a second response, such as &dquo;car.&dquo; After

mastery of the second response, the picking up a car when the teacher says guage regardless of the instructional ap-
teacher alternates between cues for these &dquo;car&dquo;). Almost all children with autism proach, investigators have examined how
two responses so that the child learns to either lack receptive language or are de- to teach alternative communication sys-
discriminate between cues. For example, layed in their development of this skill, tems, especially sign language and pic-
the teacher may hold up a doll and ask, relative to other children their age. DTT ture communication systems. Consistent
&dquo;What is it?&dquo; in one learning trial, then is the teaching approach with the with the findings for spoken language,
hold up a car and ask, &dquo;What is it?&dquo; in the strongest empirical support for helping DTT is the only method shown to be ef-
next two learning trials, then return to children with autism who lack receptive fective for teaching children their first
the doll in the following learning trial, language begin to acquire it (e.g., Lo- words and phrases in sign language (Carr
and so on. At this stage, the teacher may vaas, 1977). & Dores, 1981; Carr, Kologinsky, &
need to reintroduce prompts in order to Leff-Simon, 1987). DTT also can play a
help the child respond correctly. The Expressive Language. Expressive central role in teaching picture commu-
teacher also needs to be on the alert for language consists of giving a verbal re- nication systems, in which children select
strategies the child may be using to re- sponse to a visual cue (e.g., saying &dquo;doll&dquo; a picture to indicate what they want. As
when the teacher holds up a doll and a prerequisite for learning such systems,
spond correctly without learning the dis- &dquo;car&dquo; when the teacher holds up a car).
crimination. For example, the teacher children need to be able to match pic-
As with receptive language, almost all tures with the objects that correspond to
may inadvertantly mouth the correct
children with autism have no expressive them (e.g., putting a picture of a cookie
word, and the child may respond to this
action rather than to the presentation of language or are behind other children with a cookie; Romski & Sevcik, 1996).
the item. Also, the child may repeat the their age, and DTT is the only approach Children with autism may require DTT
last response that was reinforced rather with data-based evidence of effectiveness in order to learn to match (Lovaas,
for enabling such children to begin learn-
than attending to the object the teacher Koegel, & Schreibman, 1979). Some of
holds up. However, skilled teachers can ing this skill (Howlin, 1981). these children also require DTT to pro-
usually overcome these difficulties so that Conversation. Conversation entails ceed from matching to using picture
the child is truly discriminating between communication systems, though others
giving verbal responses to verbal cues
cues (see Lovaas, 1977, for more details). can learn such systems in a classroom set-
(e.g., answering questions or responding
Once the child has made this discrimina- to a statement with another statement on ting if a specially trained aide assists them
tion, the teacher can introduce additional the same topic). With DTT, teachers can (Schwartz, Garfinkle, & Bauer, 1998).
cues one at a time until the child is dis-
instruct many children with autism to
criminating among many different ones. start conversing (Hung, 1977; Krantz &
DTT is the best-studied approach for Additional Uses of DTT
McClannahan, 1981).
beginning instruction in the following
important kinds of discriminations: Sentences, Grammar, and Syntax. Expanding Children’s Skills
Grammar and syntax involve the use of Once children have acquired the forms of
Imitation. Imitation is defined as giv-
language to describe relations between behavior and discriminations outlined in
ing a response that is identical to a cue
objects (e.g., which object is bigger) or the preceding section, teachers often
(e.g., clapping when the teacher claps). between elements of a sentence (e.g., have the choice of either continuing to
Many children with autism have few or who did what to whom). DTT is the use DTT or employing other instruc-
no imitation skills. DTT is the only
most extensively validated approach for tional methods. This section presents
teaching method that has been clearly advancing children from speaking in sin- some common situations in which this
shown to enable such children to imitate
gle words to using sentences (e.g., Risley, choice arises and the alternative methods
actions such as clapping or waving, play
Hart, & Doke, 1972). It has also been that might be effective. A subsequent
activities such as rolling a car, and speech
used successfully to teach plurals (Baer, section (&dquo;Limitations of DTT and the
sounds such as &dquo;aaah&dquo; and &dquo;mmm&dquo;
Guess, & Sherman, 1972), adjectives Need for Other Forms of Instruction&dquo;)
(Coe, Matson, Fee, Manikam, & Lin-
(Risley et al., 1972), yes/no (Hung, presents considerations that teachers
arello, 1990; Lovaas, Frietas, Nelson, & should take into account when making
1980), opposites such as big/little and
Whalen, 1967; Young et al., 1994). such a choice.
botlcold, prepositions, pronouns, and time
Teaching these imitation skills is critical relations such as first/last and before/ Teachers can implement DTT to ex-
because children can learn to perform
tasks by watching teachers and others after (Lovaas, 1977). pand vocabularies in children with autism
who have already acquired some recep-
demonstrate them.
tive and expressive language (Lovaas,
Alternative Communication
Receptive Language. Receptive lan- ’
1977). However, incidental teaching ap-
guage involves performing an action in
Systems proaches may also be effective (McGee,
response to a verbal cue (e.g., picking up Because some children with autism have Krantz, Mason, & McClannahan, 1983;
a doll when the teacher says &dquo;doll&dquo; and great difficulty acquiring spoken lan- McGee, Krantz, & McClannahan, 1985;

Miranda-Linne & Melin, 1992). In inci- study, Stahmer and Schreibman (1992) enjoys; Dawson &
is familiar with and
dental teaching, the teacher sets up envi- instructed children with autism to refer Adams, 1984; Koegel, Dyer, & Bell,
ronments that encourage the child to ini- to a picture schedule to guide them 1987). However, it is unclear whether
tiate activities and then instructs the child through a series of play activities without the latter approach by itself can signifi-
in the context of the activities he or she adult supervision. The picture schedule cantly reduce escape behavior that occurs
has chosen. Thus, the teacher may put was composed of photographs that illus- in response to teaching efforts or re-
toys in sight but out of reach of the child. trated each activity. quests. Therefore, many programs com-
In the first step of instruction, whenever DTT and picture schedules are also bine rapport-building with DTT (e.g.,
the child attempts to gain access to one two feasible approaches for teaching Smith, Donahoe, & Davis, 2000).
of the toys, the teacher may say the name complex daily living skills. For example, Another application of DTT in behav-
of the toy and require that the child re- DTT can be used to teach children each ior management is as amethod for teach-
peat the name before receiving the toy. step involved in setting the table and to ing alternative, adaptive behaviors to take
Once the child has mastered this step, the perform those steps in sequence (select- the place of disruptive behaviors. For ex-
teacher may increase the difficulty of the ing utensils, placing them in the right lo- ample, a teacher might use DTT to teach
task by asking a question such as, &dquo;What cation on the table, bringing out plates, a child to verbally request a desired ob-
do you want?&dquo; rather than saying the and so on). However, teaching children ject or activity, instead of having a tan-
name of the object. Subsequently, the to refer to picture schedules may also be trum to get it (Carr & Durand, 1985).
teacher may stop saying anything at all an effective method for enabling children These alternative behaviors can some-
and simply look at the child expectantly with autism to carry out this task (Mc- times be taught in the context of on-
until the child states the name of the ob- Clannahan & Krantz, 1999). going, everyday interactions (Koegel,
ject. Koegel, & Dunlap, 1996), but DTT is
once children learn conver-
Similarly, also a viable method for teaching such
sational statements, teachers can con- Management of Disruptive behaviors.
tinue using DTT to teach additional
conversational statements (Krantz & Extensive research literature exists on
McClannahan, 1981; Lovaas, 1977). how to reduce the rate of disruptive be- Limitations of DTT and the
However, Charlop and Milstein (1989) haviors displayed by children with autism Need for Other Forms
found that such children could also ex- and how to replace such behaviors with of Instruction
pand their repertoires of conversational alternative, more adaptive behaviors
statements by watching videotapes in (Matson, Benavidez, Compton, Paclaw- Although DTT has many important uses
which models demonstrated these state- skyj, & Baglio, 1996). This research has in the treatment of children with autism,
ments. In addition, Krantz and McClan- yielded a sophisticated set of methods for it also has significant limitations. During
nahan (1993) instructed children to read modifying children’s everyday environ- DTT, children are responding to cues
scripts that prompted them to converse ments, both to discourage disruptive be- from the teacher; consequently, they may
with peers. As children progressed, havior and to reinforce adaptive behav- not learn to initiate behaviors in the ab-
words were gradually removed from the ior. In addition, it has highlighted some sence of clear cues. For example, they

scripts. Eventually, children conversed applications of DTT for behavior man- may use play skills only when asked to do
without the aid of a script. agement. For example, as noted in the so, not when they see toys. Additionally,
After children have learned to imitate introduction, children with autism may in DTT, the teacher sets up a tightly con-
play activities, teachers can use DTT to attempt to escape or avoid almost all trolled learning environment. Children
develop further play skills. For example, teaching situations, as well as any re- may not transfer skills acquired in DTT
they can request that children imitate a quests that adults make of them. One to other environments, such as class-
series of two play activities (&dquo;Do this and way to address this problem is for the rooms or family settings. For example,

this&dquo;), then a series of three activities, and teacher, during DTT, to request actions they may use a skill only if there are no
so on (Lovaas et al., 1981 ). However, in- that the child is likely to perform suc- distractions, if they are interacting indi-
vestigators have identified other viable cessfully (e.g., putting a block in a vidually with an adult, or if they are given
instructional approaches. In one study bucket, sitting down in a chair), reinforce a particular cue to use the skill. Finally,
(Carr & Darcy, 1990), children with the child for correct responses, and dis- DTT is highly labor intensive in the sense
autism wereinstructed to observe and regard the child’s efforts to escape the that teachers work individually with a
imitate action performed by a typically
an teaching situation (Carr, Newsom, & child and continually provide cues.
developing peer. Then, the peer was asked Binkoff, 1980; Piazza, Moes, & Fisher, Incidental teaching approaches, in
to guide the children with autism through 1996). An alternative to DTT involves which teachers respond to the child’s ac-
a foflow-the-leader game in which the attempting to build rapport by following tions rather than vice versa, have proven
children imitated a series of play activities the child’s lead (e.g., imitating the child’s to be particularly helpful for encouraging
demonstrated by the peer. In another actions, engaging in activities the child children to initiate the use of skills they

have acquired (reviewed by Matson et al., Age is the factor that has received the high-functioning children who enter

1996). Both incidental teaching and most attention. Studies have made clear treatment at age 4 to 5 years. However,
other instructional approaches, such as that DTT is an effective method for existing research does not support any
peer models, videotapes, and picture teaching new skills to individuals with firm conclusions.
schedules, involve a more flexible format autism at any age (Newsom, 1998). How- Regardless of when children with
than DTT. Thus, these approaches may ever, controversy has arisen over whether autism begin treatment or how much
(a) be more effective than DTT for help- intensive DTT (15-40 hours per week DTT they receive at that stage, they
ing children transfer skills to new settings for 2 or more years) is appropriate for should require less and less DTT over
and (b) impose fewer requirements on young children with autism. Several time. As previously discussed, when chil-
teachers to present cues to children. studies have indicated that intensive dren progress in treatment, approaches
Because of the utility of DTT for help- DTT may yield major gains for children other than DTT become viable. Indeed,
ing children learn skills and the utility of with autism who enter treatment at the some children may reach the point where

incidental teaching and other approaches age of 2 to 3 years (Smith, 1999) and they can succeed in classrooms for typi-
for fostering initiation, transfer of skills, perhaps also for high-functioning chil- cally developing children without special
and independence from teacher cues, dren (those having communicative lan- assistance (Lovaas, 1987; Smith, Groen,
these methods often complement each guage and full scale IQs above 60) who & Wynn, 2000). However, other chil-
other. In particular, when instructing begin treatment at the age of 4 to 5 years dren continue to require such assistance
children to use new forms of behavior (Eikeseth, Smith, Jahr, & Eldevik, 2001). throughout their schooling, and these
and make new discriminations, teachers Reported improvements have included children may benefit from continuing to
might begin with DTT. After the chil- average IQ increases of 20 points, similar receive DTT. From clinical experience,
dren achieve mastery in DTT, the teach- increases on other standardized tests, and Smith, Donahoe, and Davis (2000) sug-
ers might switch to other instructional placement in less restrictive classrooms gested 10 hours per week as an appro-
approaches (e.g., incidental teaching). than are usually offered to children with priate amount for most children with an
When expanding skills, teachers may fol- autism (Smith, 1999). The largest gains ongoing need for DTT after the age of
low this same sequence, or, as previously have been reported in the program with 5 years, but empirical research is needed
described, they may dispense with DTT the most intensive services (40 hours per to test this suggestion.
and rely on alternative methods. No week; Lovaas, 1987).
studies have examined how teachers de- Considering these findings, some pro-
termine which of these two approaches fessionals strongly recommend 40 hours Qualifications for
to expanding skills is preferable. Thus, at per week of DTT for children with Providing DTT
present, this determination is more of an autism who begin treatment prior to the
art than a science, with the appropriate age of 4 or 5 years (e.g., Green, 1996). Professionals have distinguished between
choice probably depending on the child However, others have argued that be- two levels of proficiency for providing
(how well the child learns in DTT vs. cause existing studies have had many DTT. At the first level, teachers can im-
other formats) and the skill (how easy or weaknesses, the reports of large gains plement DTT procedures correctly with
hard it tends to be for the child with may not be valid. Furthermore, it has supervision, but they are not trained to
autism to learn). been suggested that even if intensive develop DTT curricula for individual
DTT does yield large gains, the costs children, to instruct new teachers to im-
outweigh the benefits, given that the in- plement DTT, or to troubleshoot when
Amount of DTT tervention is expensive and potentially problems arise (e.g., when a child is mak-
stressful for children and their families ing slow progress). At the second level,
The question of how much DTT chil- (e.g., Schopler, Short, & Mesibov, teachers are trained to carry out all of
dren with autism should receive has gen- 1989). Additional investigation is neces- these responsibilities and thus can super-
erated much debate. Unfortunately, how- sary to resolve these uncertainties. vise children’s DTT programs. Studies
ever, scant data exist to move this Unfortunately, in the absence of de- have indicated that to reach the first level,
debate forward. As noted in the previous finitive studies, many disputes have arisen most teachers need 25 to 60 hours of su-
section, children’s individual learning between families and service agencies, pervised experience (Koegel, Russo, &
styles are likely to be one important with families requesting intensive DTT Rincover, 1977; Smith, Buch, & Gamby,
factor in determining the appropriate and agencies demurring (Feinberg & 2000; Smith, Parker, Taubman, & Lo-
amount of DTT. Skill level is probably Beyer, 1998). In this author’s judgment, vaas, 1992). To reach the second level,
another important variable, as children the balance of evidence indicates that in- teachers may need a year or more of
who have already acquired communica- tensive DTT is appropriate for most chil- fulltime, supervised practicum training
tion, play, and social skills may require dren with autism who enter treatment (Smith, Donahoe, & Davis, 2000) so
less DTT than children who lack those at age 2 to 3 years, and that this in- that they can obtain extensive experience
skills. tervention may also be appropriate for working with different children with au-

tism, become expert not only on DTT tion learning may reveal ways to enhance Carr, E. G., Kologinsky, E., & Leff-Simon,
but also on other instructional methods, DTT (Wilkinson & Mcllvane, 1997). S. (1987). Acquisition of sign language by
and acquire skills needed to assess chil- autistic children: III. Generalized descrip-
Thus, the outlook is favorable for the
dren’s progress. continued evolution and improvement tive phrases. Journal of Autism and Devel-
More generally, teachers may need to of DTT, which may substantially benefit opmental Disorders, 17, 217-229.
Carr, E. G., Newsom, C. D., & Binkoff, J. A.

possess these qualifications to supervise children with autism.

(1980). Escape as a factor in the aggressive
any appropriate treatment program for behavior of two retarded children. Journal
children with autism (whether or not the
ABOUT THE AUTHOR of Applied Behavior Analysis, 13, 101-117.
program emphasizes DTT). Autism is, Charlop, M. H., & Milstein, J. F. (1989).
after all, a complex disorder, and an array Tristram Smith, PhD, is an assistant professor Teaching autistic children conversational
of interventions is required to help chil- of pediatrics at the University of Rochester speech using video modeling. Journal of
dren with their special learning chal- Medical Center. He serves as the research direc- Applied Behavior Analysis, 22,
tor for the Multisite Young Autism Project,
lenges (Newsom, 1998). Unfortunately, Coe, D., Matson, J., Fee, V., Manikam, R., &
there is a substantial shortage of teachers which is a federally funded study on intensive, Linarello, C. (1990). Training nonverbal
who have such qualifications, and al- behavioral early intervention for children with and verbal play skills to mentally retarded
autism. He has authored or co-authored a and autistic children. Journal of Autism
though professionals are working to alle- number of studies on treatment outcomes for in-
viate this problem, it is likely to persist for and Developmental Disorders, 20, 177-187.
dividuals with autism spectrum disorders. Ad-Dawson, G., & Adams, A.
the foreseeable future. (1984). Imitation
dress: Tristram Smith, Children’s Hospital at and social responsiveness in autistic chil-
Strong, Strong Center for Developmental Dis- dren. Journal ofAbnormal Child Psychology,
abilities, 601 Elmwood Avenue, Box 671, , 209-226.
Discussion and Future Rochester, NY 14642 (e-mail: Tristram_ Eikeseth, S., Smith, T., Jahr, E., & Eldevik, S.
Directions Intensive behavioral treatment at
(in press).
school for four to seven year old children
The present review has presented DTT as with autism: A one-year follow-up. Behav-
a necessary but not sufficient element of AUTHOR’S NOTES
ior Modification.
ABA treatment for children with autism. Feinberg, E., & Beyer, J. (1998). Creating
1. Preparation of this report was supported in
DTT is the only instructional method part by a grant from the U.S. National In- public policy in a climate of clinical indeter-
shown by empirical research to be effec- stitute for Mental Health (Multisite Young minacy: Lovaas as the case example du jour.
tive for teaching many new forms of be- Autism Project, No. R 01 MH 48663). Infants and Young Children, 10, 54-66.
havior and new discriminations to these 2. The author thanks Jennifer Katz for com- Green, G. (1996). Early behavioral interven-
children. However, children also require menting on drafts of the manuscript. tion for autism: What does the research tell
us? In C. Maurice (Ed.), Behavioral inter-
incidental teaching and other instruc-
tional approaches to initiate the use of vention for young children with autism (pp.
REFERENCES 29-44). Austin, TX: PRO-ED.
skills they have acquired, transfer those
skills to new settings, and reduce their re- Baer, D. M., Guess, D., & Sherman, J. Howlin, P. A. (1981). The effectiveness ofop-
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