IFR Brief Summary

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Brief Y:406 Summary

IFR – Flight Plan

- IFR in advisory airspace

- Crossing international borders
- Flying in controlled airspace
- When flying IFR above 5000 ft MSL/3000 ft GND in uncontrolled airspace
- In TIZ/TIA (Radio Mandatory Zones)

• 60 minutes before EOBT

• Valid +-15 min of the EOBT
• All changes should be notified
• Flight rules:
o I – IFR
o Y- IFR-> VFR
o Z – VFR-> IFR
• STAY Indicator Example: DCT LE STAY1/0015 LE DCT

Weather for IFR-flying:

• Icing – SWC, LLF, SIGMETs, METAR (temp)

• Cloud CB (especially EMBD), TCU – Northavimet, SWC, LLF, TAF/METAR
• Low temp – temp correction (when OAT at AD is below 0 C)
o 1% per 2.5 C below ISA
o At 0 C add 6% of altitude
o Use temp correction table in OM
o Temp correct at least MSA, Minimums and crossing altitude.

IFR Regulations

• T/O Minima ESOW 400 m if RL or RCLM (500 m if no markings or lights)

• According to OM: Weather at Departure AD needs to be good enough for an approach at
that AD.
• Minimum RVR for approaches:
o According to plate except that:
▪ For Single Pilot operations not less than 800 m RVR
• For CAT 1 approach with A/P engaged RVR may be below 800 m
• However not below 600 m unless the AD has RTZL or RCLL
• Alternate Regulations (OM vs Part NCO:

Destination Alternate
No alternate required when: Not required when:
Same as Part.NCO.OP.140 The available current meteorological information
indicates that, for the period from 1 hour before
OM: C.6.12 until 1 hour after the estimated time of arrival, or
from the actual time of departure to 1 hour after the
estimated time of arrival, whichever is the shorter
period, the approach and landing may be made
under visual meteorological conditions (VMC)

Part NCO: NCO.OP.140

1 (one) Alternate required when: 1 (one) Alternate required when:
You cannot do the approach and landing under VMC You cannot do the approach and landing under VMC.

To be an alternate the airport must: To be an alternate the airport must:

• Have an instrument approach • Have an instrument approach
• Have an approved weather forecast at least • Have an approved weather forecast at least
+-1h of ETA (TAF) +-1h of ETA (TAF)
The weather must be at or better than the The weather must be at or better than the lowest
lowest planning minima; (Step up minima) planning minima
• CAT I approach: Use Non-Precision
Approach (NPA) RVR/VIS. Ceiling shall be at
or above MDH.
• NPA: Use NPA RVR/VIS + 1000m. Ceiling
shall be at or above MDH + 200ft.
• Circling: Use circling minima

OM: C.6.12

2 (two) alternates required when:

The planned destination does not fulfil required
2 (two) alternates required when:
weather minima (approach cannot be made) or no Never.
report is available.
Two alternates should be used, one with normal
minima and one with ‘step up’ minima

OM: C.6.12

• VMC: VMC at an altitude corresponding to the initial altitude of the planned approach. E.g. in
C airspace with initial altitude 2000 ft – cloud base must be at 3000 ft with 5 km visibility.
• The tables say that a precision approach is governed by the RVR/VIS (cloud ceiling is

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