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Q1. Jean was playing her guitar.

The sounds she made were picked up by a microphone

and shown on an oscilloscope screen. This is what the screen looked like when she
played a note quietly.

1 mark

(a) Draw what the screen would look like if she played the same note louder.

The dotted line shows the first quiet note.

1 mark

(b) Draw what the screen would look like if she played a higher note, of equal
1 mark

The dotted line shows the first quiet note.

Page 1
1 mark

Q2. (a) Mark is listening to the sound from his radio.

What effect does the sound have on Mark's ear drum?


1 mark

(b) Mark makes his radio play more loudly.

What is the difference that this louder sound has on his ear drum?


Page 2
1 mark

(c) The sound from Mark's radio changes to a lower pitch.

What is the difference that this lower pitched sound has on his ear drum?

1 mark

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