Viz Style Guide FromMLD

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F-150 Lariat Truck

- Global Scene Reposition & Scale with Rotation Controls

Matchup for Players/Teams

UNIVERSAL AR_Matchup - Global Scene Reposition & Scale Controls, Global League, Team Tri-Codes, Generic/Sport Theme Toggle, Primary Color for
Team 1 or Team 2 | Each Player has Name Plate On/Off, Image On/Off, First, Last, Number, Position, 1-2 Note Lines

Player/Team Stats

UNIVERSAL AR_PlayerStats - Global Scene Reposition & Scale Controls + Max Size & Reposition with Row Spacing, Global League, Team Tri-Codes,
Generic/Sport Theme Toggle | 1-3 Columns, 1-8 Rows | Content Toggle for Stats/Free Text | 3 Headers | Name Plate On/Off,
Image On/Off, First, Last, Number, Position, 1-2 Note Lines, Divider Controls | Footnote

Player/Team Comparison

UNIVERSAL AR_PlayerComp - Global Scene Reposition & Scale Controls, Global League, Team Tri-Codes, Generic/Sport Theme Toggle, Primary Color for
Team 1 or Team 2 | Each Player has Name Plate On/Off, Image On/Off, First, Last, Number, Position, 1-8 Rows for Cats/Stats

Score Summary for MLB / Baseball

UNIVERSAL AR_ScoreSumm_MLB - Global Scene Reposition & Scale Controls | Global League, Team Tri-Codes, 4 Qualifier/Header Tab Fields | Each Team has
Runs, Hits, Errors, LOB Stats Columns

Standings for All Sports

UNIVERSAL AR_Standings - Global Scene Reposition & Scale Controls, Global League, Team Tri-Codes, Generic/Sport Theme Toggle,
1-12 Teams with 3 Columns for Stats + Column Headers, Player Name with Jersey/Position, Big Logo on Far Right,
Actionshot/Clip Available on Far Left

Strike Zone for In-Studio

UNIVERSAL AR_StrikeZone - Global Scene Reposition & Scale Controls, Live Input Toggle, 9 Zones vs 13 Zones Toggle, Rim Width & Height Toggles, Each
Zone has Color Toggles, Highlights, Text & Percent, Moveable Balls with On/Off Toggle & Ball Color Toggle for Strike, Ball, Hit
Video Shell for Clips or Actionshots

- Global Scene Reposition & Scale Controls, Global League, Team Tri-Codes, Generic/Sport Theme Toggle, Optional Sponsor,
UNIVERSAL AR_VideoShell 3-5 Pods for Actionshot or Clips, Option to Play All or Stagger Clips via Continues, Player Name Optional for Each Pod

Billboard with NEWTEK Clip

- Sponsor Logo | Sponsor Clip | Background Image Option | NEWTEK Codec

Billboard for Sponsor Logos

- Sponsor Logo Only | Background Image Option

Billboard for Sponsor Logos

UNIVERSAL B1_Billboard
- Sponsor Logo Only | Background Image Option

Billboard for NEWTEK or MATROX Clips

UNIVERSAL B1_BillboardClip
- Sponsor Logo | Sponsor Clip | Background Image Option | NEWTEK/MATROX Codecs

Backup Bally Bar for Boxing

UNIVERSAL BallyBar_BU_BOX - Global League | Clock Type Toggle | Branding Toggle | Fighter Names | Fighter Trunk Colors via Materials | Sponsor
Takeover On/Off | Hide Clock Toggle | Rounds On/Off | Ticker On/Off | Ticker Text Options (2 Tab Fields)

Backup Bally Bar for Football - NFL - NCAA - High School

UNIVERSAL BallyBar_BU_FB - Global League | Clock Type Toggle | Branding Toggle | Tri-Code vs Logo Toggle | Team Tri-Codes | Team Names | Timeout
Toggles | Quarter Tab Field | Down & Distance Marker | Possession Marker | Scores | Optional Ticker Text

Backup Bally Bar for Baseball - MLB - NCAA - High School

UNIVERSAL BallyBar_BU_MLB - Global League | Clock Type Toggle | Branding Toggle | Tri-Codes | Team Names | Inning Top/Bottom Toggle | Pitch Counts |
Out Toggles | Men on Bases Toggle | Scores | Optional Ticker Text
Backup Bally Bar for Soccer - MLS - NCAA - High School

UNIVERSAL BallyBar_BU_MLS - Global League | Clock Type Toggle | Branding Toggle | Tri-Codes | Team Names | Home & Away Jersey Chip Colors via
Materials | Extra Time Toggle | Goal Animations | Scores | Optional Ticker Text & Sponsor Chip

Backup Bally Bar for Basketball - NBA - NCAA - High School

UNIVERSAL BallyBar_BU_NBA - Global League | Clock Type Toggle | Branding Toggle | Tri-Codes | Team Names | Quarter Toggle | Game Clock | Shot Clock |
Scores | Optional Ticker Text & Sponsor Chip

Backup Bally Bar for Hockey - NHL - NCAA - High School - Olympics

UNIVERSAL BallyBar_BU_NHL - Global League | Clock Type Toggle | Branding Toggle | Tri-Codes | Team Names | Period Toggle | Game Clock | Scores |
Optional Ticker Text & Sponsor Chip

CG Link for 1 Player or Team Note with 2-Lines of Text

UNIVERSAL CG_Ticker_2LineNote - Global League, Team Tri-Code, Optional Qualifier, Intro Text, 2 Stacked Text Lines, Top Line Bolder Font, Bottom Line
Lighter Font

CG Link for 2 Player/Team

UNIVERSAL CG_Ticker_2TeamNote - Global League, 2-Team Tri-Codes, Optional Qualifier, Qualifier Logo Toggle, Intro Text, Scrolling Text Line for Up To 140

CG Link for Player/Team Matchup Comparison

UNIVERSAL CG_Ticker_Matchup - Global League | Reposition | Team Tri-Codes | Qualifier | Intro Toggle for Text or Bally Sports | Custom Text Tab Field | Team
Color Toggle | Team Names | Game Time

CG Link for Team/Player Stats

UNIVERSAL CG_Ticker_PlayerStats - Global League | Reposition | Team Tri-Codes | Qualifer with Optional Logo | Intro Toggle for Text or Bally Sports | Custom
Text Tab Field | Cat-Stat Order Toggle | 4 Categories with Stats (Hide on Empty)

CG Link for Player/Team Comparison with 2 Stats

UNIVERSAL CG_Ticker_PlyrComp2Stat - Global League, 2-Team Tri-Codes, Optional Qualifier, Intro Text, 2 Cat & Stat Columns with Font Weight Toggle (Off, Thin,
CG Link for Player/Team Comparison with 3 Stats

UNIVERSAL CG_Ticker_PlyrComp3Stat - Global League, 2-Team Tri-Codes, Optional Qualifier, Intro Text, 3 Cat & Stat Columns with Font Weight Toggle (Off, Thin,

CG Link for Starting Five (Basketball) with Scrolling Text

UNIVERSAL CG_Ticker_StartingFive - Global League | Reposition | Team Tri-Code | Qualifier with Optional Logo | Intro Toggle for Text or Bally Sports | Team Name
| Number, Position & Name for 5 Players (Scrolling Text)

CG Link for Player/Team Comparison

UNIVERSAL CG_Ticker_TeamComp - Global League | Reposition | Team Tri-Codes | Qualifier with Optional Logo | Intro Toggle for Text or Bally Sports | Team
Name 1 and Stat 1 vs Team Name 2 and Stat 2

CG Link for Team Stats

UNIVERSAL CG_Ticker_TeamStats - Global League | Reposition | Team Tri-Code | Qualifier with Optional Logo | Intro Toggle for Text or Bally Sports | Custom
Text | Cat-Stat Order Toggle | 4 Categories with Stats (Hide on Empty)

Collage for Logos for Teams, Sponsors, etc.

- Background On/Off | 20 Logos with Position, Scale, Active Controls

Full Image Holder for Pictures, Artwork

UNIVERSAL F1_FllImg - Background On/Off | Full Graphics Rescale Tab Field | Image Holder | Container Width & Height Crops | Background Image

Contained Image with 2 Text Lines for Info

UNIVERSAL F1_FllImg_2Line - Background On/Off Toggle with Image Selection Option | Image Scale, Reposition with Width & Height Container Crops |
Text Reposition | Color Brackets for Text Lines

Full Image with L3rd - No Title Bar

UNIVERSAL F1_ImageL3Combo - Global League | Team/Generic | Team Tri-Codes | 2D/3D Logos | Left/Right Logo Controls for None/Team/Sponsor/Social |
Title | Subtitle | Qualifer | Sponsors | 1-5 Row Toggle with Column Reposition and Max Size | Background On/Off Toggle with
Image Selection | Full Image Rescale with Container Controls
Obituary Fullscreen - No Title

UNIVERSAL F1_Obit - Global League | Team Tri-Code | Generic/Team Toggle for Paint Splash Color | Headshot/Image Toggle with Scale &
Position Controls | Actionshot Option for Background | Team Logo On/Off | 2D/3D Togle | Player First Name, Nickname (Hide
on Empty) and Last Name | Dates Tab Field | Audio On/Off Toggle

Promo Fullscreen for Teams/Players Matchup

UNIVERSAL F1_PromoSngl - Global League | Network Logos (1 or 2) | Actionshot On/Off | Team Tri-Codes | Name Max Size | Name Reposition | First &
Lastnames for Players | Header Text | Time Text | Secondary Info Text | VS Text | Out Animation

Promo Fullscreen for Single-Team

UNIVERSAL F1_PromoTeams - Global League | Network Logos (1 or 2) | Actionshot On/Off | Team Tri-Code | Name Max Size | Name Reposition | First &
Lastnames for Players | Header Text | Time Text | Secondary Info Text | Out Animation

Text Slate for Pre- & Post- Game - Truck Sign Off
- 3 Lines of Text (Different Sizes)

Tablet Fullscreen with Text

UNIVERSAL F1_Tablet - Global League | Team Tri-Code | Main Background Image Finder | Tablet Screen Sport Toggle with Default Sport
Backgrounds | Custom Background Option | Text Toggle (White or Black) | Title Text | Subtitle | Body Text | Transition Logic

Whiteboard Fullscreen with Text & Optional Actionshot

UNIVERSAL F1_Whiteboard - Global League | Team Tri-Code | Main Background with Classroom BG Loaded | Whiteboard with Team Color Pennants &
Glows | Title, Subtitle, Main Logo & Text Box with Carriage Returns | Optional Actionshot

Fullscreen with 10 Actionshots & Title

UNIVERSAL FS_10Actionshots - Global League | Main Team Tri-Code for Single Big Logo | Title Team | Generic/Team Toggle | Title, Subtitle, Subheader,
Footer, Sponsor | Up to 10 Actionshots | Each Actionshot has a Scale, Reposition Controls | On/Off Toggle for Actionshots

10-Head Fullscreen with 2 Rows of Stats

UNIVERSAL FS_10HdStat - Global League | 3-5 Players Per Row | Each Row Toggles | Players 1 to 5 are B0001 to B0005 | Players 6 to 10 are B0006 to
B0010 | If you are Displaying Uneven Players, Adjust Team Tab Fields to Show Proper Player | Title | Subtitle | Subheader |
Sponsor | Footnote | Headshot/Logo Toggle | 2 Lines of Cat/Stat for Each Player Pod
16-Team Bracket with 8-4-2-1-2-4-8 Setup

- Global League | Title Team Tri-Code | 30 Seeds for Tri-Codes with 8-4-2-1-2-4-8 Order of Teams | First 15 Tri-Codes are for
UNIVERSAL FS_16TeamBracket Left Bracket | Second 15 Tri-Codes are for Right Bracket | Title | Subtitle | Subheaders (1-2 Toggle) | Round Headers | Sponsor
or Event Image | Logo/Text for Each Seed with Seed # Optional | Series Status for Each Matchup | Custom Background
Image Option

16-Team Bracket with 8-4-2-1-2-4-8 Setup - Text Only

NCAAHS FS_16TeamBracket_NCAA - Global League | Title Team Tri-Code | Title | Subtitle | Subheaders (1-2 Toggle) | Round Headers | Sponsor or Event Image |
Seed # Optional | Series Status for Each Matchup | Custom Background Image Option

16-Team Bracket with 8-4-2-4-8 Setup (for NHL)

UNIVERSAL FS_16TeamtoFinal4 - Global League | Generic/Team Toggle for Background | Custom image Option for Background | Seed 1 to 14 Control Left
Teams on Bracket for Tri-Codes & Seed 15 to Seed 28 are for Right Teams on Bracket | Tab Fields to Swap 2nd Round Shift
for Series Status Toggle | Round Headers | Sponsor or Event Image | Seed # Optional

2-Head Fullscreen - Categories on Left Side

UNIVERSAL FS_2HdCatLeft - Global League | Team Tri-Codes | Background Toggle | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Optional Footnote, Sponsor | 1-3 Row
Toggle | Reposition & Scale Controls | Each Team has Logo/Headshot/Actiopnshot Toggles, Name Bar | Highlights for Stats |
Footnote Image Option | Title Image Sponsor/Banner Toggle with Custom Banner

2-Head Fullscreen for Player/Team Comparison with Horizontal Sponsor Clip - No Title Bar

UNIVERSAL FS_2HdComp_HorSpon - Global League | Team Tri-Codes | Subheader | 1-3 Rows with Maxsize and Reposition Controls | Sponsor Logo & Clip | Image
Toggle for Clip | Namebar On/Off | First Name & Lastname | Headshot, Logo, Actionshot Toggle | Toggle for Stat or Note for
Each Row | Use Category for Note | Optional Footnote

2-Head Fullscreen for Player/Team Comparison with Note Box

UNIVERSAL FS_2HdNotes - Global League | Team Tri-Codes | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Footer | Sponsor | Namebar Toggle | Jersey & Position |
Logo/Headshot/Actionshot Toggle | 1-4 Text Lines | Open Tab Field to Hide Lines | Color Brackets | Case Sensitive | Title
Image Sponsor/Banner Toggle with Custom Banner

2-Head Fullscreen for Player/Team Comparison with Stats

- Global League | Team Tri-Codes | Subheader | 1-3 Rows with Maxsize and Reposition Controls | Sponsor Logo | Namebar
UNIVERSAL FS_2HeadComp On/Off | First Name & Lastname | Headshot, Logo, Actionshot Toggle | Toggle for Stat or Note for Each Row | Use Category
for Note | Optional Footnote | Achieve Big Stat by Setting C0000-NumRows to 1 and Enter Text into Category Tab Fields |
Title Image Sponsor/Banner Toggle with Custom Banner

2-Head Fullscreen for Score Leaders or Game Notes

UNIVERSAL FS_2TeamNote - Global League | Team Tri-Codes | Subheader | 1-5 Rows Per Team Note Area | Stat Lines or Note Lines with Color Brackets|
Scores with Highlights | Optional Sponsor, Footers | Title Image Sponsor/Banner Toggle with Custom Banner | Audio Toggle
3-Head Fullscreen - Categories on Left Side

UNIVERSAL FS_3HdCatLeft - Global League | Team Tri-Codes | Background Toggle | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Optional Footnote, Sponsor | 1-3 Row
Toggle | Reposition & Scale Controls | Each Team has Logo/Headshot/Actiopnshot Toggles, Name Bar | Highlights for Stats |
Footnote Image Option | Title Image Sponsor/Banner Toggle with Custom Banner

3-Head Fullscreen for Player/Team Comparison with Note Box

UNIVERSAL FS_3HdNotes - Global League | Team Tri-Codes | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Footer | Sponsor | Namebar Toggle | Jersey & Position |
Logo/Headshot/Actionshot Toggle | 1-4 Text Lines | Open Tab Field to Hide Lines | Color Brackets | Case Sensitive | Title
Image Sponsor/Banner Toggle with Custom Banner

3-Head Fullscreen for Player/Team Comparison with Stats

- Global League | Team Tri-Codes | Subheader | 1-3 Rows with Maxsize and Reposition Controls | Sponsor Logo | Namebar
UNIVERSAL FS_3HdStat On/Off | First Name & Lastname | Headshot, Logo, Actionshot Toggle | Toggle for Stat or Note for Each Row | Use Category
for Note | Optional Footnote | Achieve Big Stat by Setting C0000-NumRows to 1 and Enter Text into Category Tab Fields |
Title Image Sponsor/Banner Toggle with Custom Banner

3-Head Fullscreen for Player/Team Comparison with Stats & Horiziontal Clip

UNIVERSAL FS_3HdStat_HorSpon - Global League | Team Tri-Codes | Subheader | 1-3 Rows with Maxsize and Reposition Controls | Sponsor Logo & Clip | Image
Toggle for Clip | Namebar On/Off | First Name & Lastname | Headshot, Logo, Actionshot Toggle | Toggle for Stat or Note for
Each Row | Use Category for Note | Optional Footnote

4-Head Fullscreen - Categories on Left Side

UNIVERSAL FS_4HdCatLeft - Global League | Team Tri-Codes | Background Toggle | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Optional Footnote, Sponsor | 1-3 Row
Toggle | Reposition & Scale Controls | Each Team has Logo/Headshot/Actiopnshot Toggles, Name Bar | Highlights for Stats |
Footnote Image Option | Title Image Sponsor/Banner Toggle with Custom Banner

4-Head Fullscreen for Player/Team Comparison with Note Box

UNIVERSAL FS_4HdNotes - Global League | Team Tri-Codes | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Footer | Sponsor | Namebar Toggle | Jersey & Position |
Logo/Headshot/Actionshot Toggle | 1-4 Text Lines | Open Tab Field to Hide Lines | Color Brackets | Case Sensitive | Title
Image Sponsor/Banner Toggle with Custom Banner

4-Head Fullscreen for Player/Team Comparison with Stats

- Global League | Team Tri-Codes | Subheader | 1-3 Rows with Maxsize and Reposition Controls | Sponsor Logo | Namebar
UNIVERSAL FS_4HdStat On/Off | First Name & Lastname | Headshot, Logo, Actionshot Toggle | Toggle for Stat or Note for Each Row | Use Category
for Note | Optional Footnote | Achieve Big Stat by Setting C0000-NumRows to 1 and Enter Text into Category Tab Fields |
Title Image Sponsor/Banner Toggle with Custom Banner

4-Head Fullscreen for Player/Team Comparison with Stats & Horiziontal Clip

UNIVERSAL FS_4HdStat_HorSpon - Global League | Team Tri-Codes | Subheader | 1-3 Rows with Maxsize and Reposition Controls | Sponsor Logo & Clip | Image
Toggle for Clip | Namebar On/Off | First Name & Lastname | Headshot, Logo, Actionshot Toggle | Toggle for Stat or Note for
Each Row | Use Category for Note | Optional Footnote
5-Head Fullscreen - Categories on Left Side

UNIVERSAL FS_5HdCatLeft - Global League | Team Tri-Codes | Background Toggle | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Optional Footnote, Sponsor | 1-3 Row
Toggle | Reposition & Scale Controls | Each Team has Logo/Headshot/Actiopnshot Toggles, Name Bar | Highlights for Stats |
Footnote Image Option | Title Image Sponsor/Banner Toggle with Custom Banner

5-Head Fullscreen for Player/Team Comparison with Note Box

UNIVERSAL FS_5HdNotes - Global League | Team Tri-Codes | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Footer | Sponsor | Namebar Toggle | Jersey & Position |
Logo/Headshot/Actionshot Toggle | 1-4 Text Lines | Open Tab Field to Hide Lines | Color Brackets | Case Sensitive | Title
Image Sponsor/Banner Toggle with Custom Banner

5-Head Fullscreen for Player/Team Comparison with Stats

- Global League | Team Tri-Codes | Subheader | 1-3 Rows with Maxsize and Reposition Controls | Sponsor Logo | Namebar
UNIVERSAL FS_5HdStat On/Off | First Name & Lastname | Headshot, Logo, Actionshot Toggle | Toggle for Stat or Note for Each Row | Use Category
for Note | Optional Footnote | Achieve Big Stat by Setting C0000-NumRows to 1 and Enter Text into Category Tab Fields |
Title Image Sponsor/Banner Toggle with Custom Banner

5-Head Fullscreen for Player/Team Comparison with Stats & Horiziontal Clip

UNIVERSAL FS_5HdStat_HorSpon - Global League | Team Tri-Codes | Subheader | 1-3 Rows with Maxsize and Reposition Controls | Sponsor Logo & Clip | Image
Toggle for Clip | Namebar On/Off | First Name & Lastname | Headshot, Logo, Actionshot Toggle | Toggle for Stat or Note for
Each Row | Use Category for Note | Optional Footnote

6-Head Fullscreen for Player/Team Comparison with Stats

- Global League | Team Tri-Codes | Subheader | 1-3 Rows with Maxsize and Reposition Controls | Sponsor Logo | Namebar
UNIVERSAL FS_6HdStat On/Off | First Name & Lastname | Headshot, Logo, Actionshot Toggle | Toggle for Stat or Note for Each Row | Use Category
for Note | Optional Footnote | Achieve Big Stat by Setting C0000-NumRows to 1 and Enter Text into Category Tab Fields |
Title Image Sponsor/Banner Toggle with Custom Banner

6-Head Fullscreen for Player/Team Comparison with Stats & Horiziontal Clip

UNIVERSAL FS_6HdStat_HorSpon - Global League | Team Tri-Codes | Subheader | 1-3 Rows with Maxsize and Reposition Controls | Sponsor Logo & Clip | Image
Toggle for Clip | Namebar On/Off | First Name & Lastname | Headshot, Logo, Actionshot Toggle | Toggle for Stat or Note for
Each Row | Use Category for Note | Optional Footnote

6-Head Fullscreen - Comparison with Image Banner at Bottom (922x108 - Scale to 8, Position to 0)

- Global League | Team Tri-Codes | Subheader | 1-3 Rows with Maxsize and Reposition Controls | Sponsor Logo | Namebar
UNIVERSAL FS_6HdStat_Img On/Off | First Name & Lastname | Headshot, Logo, Actionshot Toggle | Toggle for Stat or Note for Each Row | Use Category
for Note | Optional Footnote | Achieve Big Stat by Setting C0000-NumRows to 1 and Enter Text into Category Tab Fields |
Title Image Sponsor/Banner Toggle with Custom Banner

8-Team Bracket with 4-2-1-2-4 Setup - Text Only - No Logos

NCAAHS FS_8TeamBracket_NCAA - Global League | Title Team Tri-Code | Title | Subtitle | Subheaders (1-2 Toggle) | Round Headers | Sponsor or Event Image |
Seed # Optional | Series Status for Each Matchup | Custom Background Image Option
9x9 (18 Weeks) Schedule

UNIVERSAL FS_9x9Schedule - Global League | Tri-Codes for Title, Team/League, Opponents with Logo On/Off Toggles | Week Text Tab Fields, Vs/At
Toggle | Sponsor | Subtitle | Footnote | Background Generic/Team Toggle | Custom Background Image Option

16-Player List Fullscreen for MLB All-Star Rosters

BASEBALL FS_AllStarReserves_MLB - Global League | Title Team Logo | Background Custom, Generic or Team | First 8 Tri-Codes for First List | Second 8 Tri-
Codes for Second List | 4-8 Row Toggle for Each Column | Row Position Controls | Sponsor On/Off or Event Image for Title |
Column Headers Hide on Empty | Logo On/Off and Optional Highlights for Each Row Pod | Footnote

16-Player List Fullscreen for NBA All-Star Rosters

BASKETBALL FS_AllStarReserves_NBA - Global League | Title Team Logo | Background Custom, Generic or Team | First 8 Tri-Codes for First List | Second 8 Tri-
Codes for Second List | 4-8 Row Toggle for Each Column | Row Position Controls | S

Baseball Diamond Fullscreen for MLB All-Star Starters

BASEBALL FS_AllStarSinglePlayerVotingMLB - Global League | Title Team Logo with Generic/Team Toggle | League Tri-Code | 9 Player Tri-Codes | Title | Subtitle |
Subheader | Sponsor | Footnote | Vote Bars Toggle | Text/Vote Toggle | Each Player has Position, Name, Votes, Text and
Position Controls

Baseball Diamond Fullscreen for MLB All-Star Vote Leaders

BASEBALL FS_AllStarVotesMLB - Global League | Title Team Logo with Generic/Team Toggle | League Tri-Code | Each Position has 2-3 Player Toggles |
Outfielders have 4-9 Player Toggles | Total Votes at H5000 | Each Player Toggled has Vote Bar That Uses H5000 as Meter |
Option Sponsor, Footer, Subtitle

Baseball Zone Chart for Player/Team - 3 Zones

BASEBALL FS_BallsInPlay3 - Global League | Team Tri-Code | Title | Optional Sponsor, Subheader & Footnote | Player Headshot/Actionshot with Name,
Jersey & Position | 3 Zones with Headers & Stat Area | Each Zone has Color Toggles based on the Team Logo Swactches

Baseball Zone Chart for Player/Team - 5 Zones

BASEBALL FS_BallsInPlay5 - Global League | Team Tri-Code | Title | Optional Sponsor, Subheader & Footnote | Player Headshot/Actionshot with Name,
Jersey & Position | 5 Zones with Headers & Stat Area | Each Zone has Color Toggles based on the Team Logo Swactches

Baseball Zone Chart for Player/Team - 10 Zones

BASEBALL FS_BallsInPlay10 - Global League | Team Tri-Code | Title | Optional Sponsor, Subheader & Footnote | Player Headshot/Actionshot with Name,
Jersey & Position | 10 Zones with Headers & Stat Area | Each Zone has Color Toggles based on the Team Logo Swactches
Fullscreen for Bally Baller Segments with BB Logo & QR Code

BASKETBALL FS_BallyBallerNBA - Global League | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Title Logo | 12 Tri-Codes for 6 Matchups | Headers for Columns | Side Bar with
Logo Toggles | Pods have VS/AT, Color Chip Toggle for Result | Date & Time Columns | Footnote with Image from Legal

Fullscreen for Bally Breakaway Segments with BB Logo & QR Code

HOCKEY FS_BallyBreakawayNHL - Global League | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Title Logo | 12 Tri-Codes for 6 Matchups | Headers for Columns | Side Bar with
Logo Toggles | Pods have VS/AT, Color Chip Toggle for Result | Date & Time Columns | Footnote with Image from Legal

Fullscreen for Bally Home Run Blast Segments with HRB Logo & QR Code

BASEBALL FS_BallyHRB - Global League | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Title Logo | 12 Tri-Codes for 6 Matchups | Headers for Columns | Side Bar with
Logo Toggles | Pods have VS/AT, Color Chip Toggle for Result | Date & Time Columns | Footnote with Image from Legal

Batting Order Fullscreen for MLB

BASEBALL FS_Batting_Order_MLB - Global League | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Footer | Sponsor | 9 Players | Each Row Consists of Position, Batting Stance,
Name, Batting Average Tab Fields - Highlights for Each Row

Bracket for ACC Basketball - Men’s & Women’s Tournaments

NCAAHS FS_Bracket_ACC - Global League | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Footer | Sponsor | Event Banner Option | Background Image Toggle | 29 Total
Team Tri-Code Tab Fields | 5 Rounds | Round Headers | Champion Pod | Bracket Auto Re-Center | Logo/Text Toggle for Pods
| Seed Numbers | Series Status | Men & Women Bracket Toggle

Bracket for CUSA Basketball - Men’s Tournament Only

NCAAHS FS_Bracket_CUSA - Global League | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Footer | Sponsor | Event Banner Option | Background Image Toggle | 27 Total
Team Tri-Code Tab Fields | 5 Rounds | Round Headers | Champion Pod | Bracket Auto Re-Center | Logo/Text Toggle for Pods
| Seed Numbers | Series Status

Bracket for MVC Basketball - Men’s Tournament Only

NCAAHS FS_Bracket_MVC - Global League | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Footer | Sponsor | Event Banner Option | Background Image Toggle | 23 Total
Team Tri-Code Tab Fields | 4 Rounds | Round Headers | Champion Pod | Bracket Auto Re-Center | Logo/Text Toggle for Pods
| Seed Numbers | Series Status

Bracket for High School Football - Text Only - 16-8-4-2-1

NCAAHS FS_BracketDiv_16Teams_HS - Global League | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Footnote | Optional Sponsor | Bracket Orientation Toggle, Seed On/Off, Round
Headers | Text Lines for Each Team on the Bracket
Bracket for Divisions 8-4-2-1

UNIVERSAL FS_BracketDivision - Global League | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Footer | Sponsor | Event Banner Option | Background Image Toggle | 15 Total
Team Tri-Code Tab Fields | 3 Rounds | Round Headers | Champion Pod | Bracket Auto Center | Logo/Text Toggle for Pods |
Seed Numbers | Series Status

Bracket for Semifinals 8-4

UNIVERSAL FS_BracketDivisionSemi - Global League | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Footer | Sponsor | Event Banner Option | Background Image Toggle | 12 Total
Team Tri-Code Tab Fields | 2 Rounds | Round Headers | Bracket Auto Center | Logo/Text Toggle for Pods | Seed Numbers |
Series Status | Bracket Orientation Toggle

Bracket with Headshots 4-2-1-2-4

UNIVERSAL FS_BracketHeadshot - Global League | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Footer | Sponsor | Event Banner Option | Background Image Toggle | 14 Total
Team Tri-Code Tab Fields | 3 Rounds | Round Headers | Bracket Auto Center | Champion or Logo Toggle | Smaller Logo Under
Final | Each Pod has Logo/Headshot/Text/Image Toggle | Seed Numbers | Series Status

Bracket for Olympic Hockey - Men & Women

UNIVERSAL FS_BracketOlympics - Global League | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Footer | Sponsor | Event Banner Option | Background Image Toggle | 19 Total
Team Tri-Code Tab Fields | 3 Rounds | Round Headers | Bracket Position Controls | Round 1 & 2 Bracket Connector Toggles
for Men vs Women | Seed Numbers | Series Status | Logo or Text for Each Pod

Bracket with Logo/Text 4-2-1-2-4

UNIVERSAL FS_BracketPlayoff - Global League | Title | Subtitle | 1-2 Subheader | Footer | Sponsor | Event Banner Option | Background Image Toggle | 14 Total
Team Tri-Code Tab Fields | 3 Rounds | Round Headers | Bracket Auto Center | Champion or Logo Toggle | Smaller Logo Under
Final | Each Pod has Logo/Text Toggle | Seed Numbers | Series Status

Bullpen Tracker Fullscreen for Baseball

BASEBALL FS_BullpenTracker - Global League | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Footer | Sponsor | Event Banner Option | Background Image Toggle | Team Tri-
Code | 1-10 Rows (for Players) | 1-7 Columns (for Dates) | Row Offset & Position Controls | 2D/3D Logo Toggle |

2-Week Calendar with Player Info (Optional)

UNIVERSAL FS_Calendar - Global League | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Footer | Sponsor | Event Banner Option | Player Info at Bottom with 1-3
Bullets/Players with Text or Headshots or Actionshots | Each Day Pod has None/Home/Away Toggles, Time, Date, Text Box,
Network Logo | Hub Offers Network Logos in Dark/Light for Home/Away

3-Week Calendar with Player Info (Optional)

UNIVERSAL FS_Calendar3Week - Global League | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Footer | Sponsor | Event Banner Option | Player Info at Bottom with 1-3
Bullets/Players with Text or Headshots or Actionshots | Each Day Pod has None/Home/Away Toggles, Time, Date, Text Box,
Network Logo | Hub Offers Network Logos in Dark/Light for Home/Away
4-Week Calendar with Player Info (Optional)

UNIVERSAL FS_CalendarFull - Global League | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Footer | Sponsor | Event Banner Option | Player Info at Bottom with 1-3
Bullets/Players with Text or Headshots or Actionshots | Each Day Pod has None/Home/Away Toggles, Time, Date, Text Box,
Network Logo | Hub Offers Network Logos in Dark/Light for Home/Away

Baseball Defense Fullscreen (3-Stages)

- Global League | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor | Team Tri-Code

BASEBALL FS_Defense_Lineup_MLB - Stage 1: Outfielders | Stage 2: Infielders | Stage 3: PItcher & Catcher
- Tab Through Scene To Show on Local Preview for Building

- Each Player Pod has Headshot | Jersey | Position | Drop Line for Stat/Text

Baseball Defense Fullscreen (2-Stages)

- Global League | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor | Team Tri-Code

BASEBALL FS_Defense_NoPitcher_MLB - Stage 1: Outfielders | Stage 2: Infielders & Catcher

- Tab Through Scene To Show on Local Preview for Building

- Each Player Pod has Headshot | Jersey | Position | Drop Line for Stat/Text

Hockey Defensive Pairings Fullscreen

HOCKEY FS_DefPairNHL - Global League | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor | Footer | Team Tri-Code | 3-4 Rows | Each Pod Has Option to Turn
On/Off (If Needed for Pairs) | Name, Jersey, Position, Headshot Tab Fields

Hockey Depth Chart Fullscreen

HOCKEY FS_DepthChart_NHL - Global League | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Footer | Sponsor | Title Image Takeover | Custom Background Image Option | 5
Headers | 5 Position Groupings | Each Grouping 3-4 Player Toggle | Player Name & Jersey
Hockey Division Standings Fullscreen

HOCKEY FS_DivStand_NHL - Global League | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Footer | Sponsor | Title Image Takeover | Custom Background Image Option | 12
Team Tri-Codes | Row Position Controls | 1-3 Stat Toggle | Division Headers | Team Names | Team Logos

Soccer Substitutes for Both Teams Fullscreen

SOCCER FS_DoubleTeamSubs_MLS - Global League | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Footer | Sponsor | Title Image Takeover | Team Tri-Codes | Row Offset, Position
Controls, Max Size | Column Reposition & Max Size | 5-10 Rows | Row Text Hides on Empty (For Less Than 5 Players) |
Logo/Headshot/Actionshot Toggle with Name Bars Optional | Name and Position for Each Player

NHL All-Star Voting Updates

HOCKEY FS_FanVoteDivisions - Global League, Title, Subtitle, Subheader, Footnote, Optional Sponsor, Title Logo Takeover, 2 Rows of: 1 Big Logo for
Division, 3 Pods with Headshot/Actionshot, Logo, Name, Jersey & Position

NHL All-Star Fan Vote Final Roster

HOCKEY FS_FanVoteRoster - Global League, Title, Subtitle, Subheader, Footnote, Optional Sponsor, Title Logo Takeover, 12 Total Player Pods with Name,
Jersey, Position, Logo

Boxing Fight Card Fullscreen

BOXING FS_FightCard - Global League | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor | Title Image Takeover | Team Tri-Codes | Weight Class Header |
Headshots | Names with Nicknames | Record | KO | 3-5 Matchup Toggle

Boxing Fighter Matchup Fullscreen

BOXING FS_FighterMatchup - Global League | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor | Title Image Takeover | Team Tri-Codes | Weight Class Header |
Headshots/Actionshots | Names with Nicknames | Record | KO | Height | Weight | Hometown | Footer with Image Option

Hockey Forward Lines Fullscreen

HOCKEY FS_FwdLnsNHL - Global League | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor | Footer | Team Tri-Code | 4 Rows | Bottom Player in Each Column Can
Be Toggled Off | Name, Jersey, Position, Headshot Tab Fields

Baseball Game Recap with Innings

BASEBALL FS_GameInningMLB - Global League | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor | Title Image Takeover | Team Tri-Codes | Footer | 1-15 Inning Toggle | R
H E LOB Headers | Innings Headers | Inning Run Totals | Player Headshot/Actionshot/Logo for Each Team with Stat Line or
Note Line | 1-5 Player Note Lines with Color Brackets and Row Offset
Generic Image Fullscreen with Title

UNIVERSAL FS_GenImg - Global League | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor | Title Image Takeover | Image Holder with Scale and Position Controls |
Footer Text or Image

Generic Quote Fullscreen

UNIVERSAL FS_GenQuote - Global League | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor | Title Image Takeover | Footer | Quote Box with Wrapping Text and
Alignment Toggle | Background Image Toggle

Generic Text Fullscreen with Line Reveals by Continue

UNIVERSAL FS_GenTextReveal - Global League | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor | Title Image Takeover | Footer | Background Image Toggle | 1-10 Rows
with Position, Spacing Controls | Column Size & Positon Controls | Text Scale | Text Justification Controls

Generic Text Fullscreen

UNIVERSAL FS_GenTxt - Global League | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor | Title Image Takeover | Footer | Background Image Toggle | 1-10 Rows
with Position, Spacing Controls | Column Size & Positon Controls | Text Scale | Text Justification Controls

Game Recap for Baseball (for FanDuel Sponsor) - Can Be Used for Hockey (If Needed)

BASEBALL FS_GmRecapMLB - Global League | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor | Title Image Takeover | Footer with Image | Background Image Toggle |
Team Tri-Codes | Team City & Names | R H E LOB Headers with 1-4 Column Toggle | Records | 3 Cats/Betting Stats (Could Be
For Spread, Moneyline, Total Runs or Stat Cats from the Game You Want to Feature (Doubles, Triples, etc.)

Game Recap for Basketball (for FanDuel Sponsor) - Can Be Used for Hockey (If Needed)

BASKETBALL FS_GmRecapNBA - Global League | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor | Title Image Takeover | Footer with Image | Background Image Toggle |
Team Tri-Codes | Team City & Names | 1-7 Column Toggle with Headers | 3 Cats/Betting Stats (Could Be For Spread,
Moneyline, Total Runs or Stat Cats from the Game You Want to Feature

Game Summary for Baseball

BASEBALL FS_GmSummMLB - Global League | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor | Title Image Takeover | Team Tri-Codes | R H E LOB Columns with
Headers | Player Headshot/Actionshot/Logo for Each Team with Stat Line or Note Line | Toggle Between Pitcher or Batter
Setup for Stat Columns | 2 Extra Player Spotlights with Stat/Notes for Each Team

Game Summary for Basketball

BASKETBALL FS_GmSummNBA - Global League | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor | Title Image Takeover | Team Tri-Codes | 4 Quarters & OT with Final
Columns & Headers | 2 Note Lines per Team | Footnote per Team | Headshot/Actionshot/Logo Toggle for Main Logo Area |
Team Names, Records
Game Summary for Hockey

HOCKEY FS_GmSummNHL - Global League | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor | Title Image Takeover | Team Tri-Codes | Up-to 5 Periods with Final
Columns & Headers | 2 Note Lines per Team | Footnote per Team | Headshot/Actionshot/Logo Toggle for Main Logo Area |
Team Names, Records

Goal Summary for Hockey

HOCKEY FS_GoalSummNHL - Global League | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor | Title Image Takeover | Team Tri-Codes | List 2 Players for Goals with
Up-to 3 Goal Times | Footnotes for Each Team | Team Logos or Player Headshot/Actionshots with Namebars

Half Bracket for NBA Play-In Tournament

BASKETBALL FS_HalfBracket_NBA - Global League | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor | Title Image Takeover | 13 Team Tri-Codes for Seeds | Background
Image Toggle | Footer | Big Logo for Conference | Seed Numbers Adjustable | Bracket will Auto-Center

Half Bracket for NCAA Tournament

NCAAHS FS_HalfBracketNCAA - Global League | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Footer | Sponsor | Event Banner Option | Background Image Toggle | 19 Total
Team Tri-Code Tab Fields | 4 Rounds | Round Headers | Champion Header | Bracket Position Controls | Seed Numbers | Series
Status | Logo or Text for Each Pod

Halftime Game Summary for Basketball

BASKETBALL FS_HalfStatNotesNBA - Global League | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor | Title Image Takeover | Team Tri-Codes | Big Status Text Line |
Namebar Option | Logo/Headshot/Actionshot | 1-5 Rows of Player Stat Lines | Big Scores with Header

Period Summary for Hockey

HOCKEY FS_HalfStatNotesNHL - Global League | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor | Title Image Takeover | Team Tri-Codes | Big Status Text Line |
Namebar Option | Logo/Headshot/Actionshot | 1-5 Rows of Player Stat Lines | Big Scores with Header

Halftime Summary for Soccer

SOCCER FS_Halftime_MLS - Global League | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor | Title Image Takeover | Team Tri-Codes | Big Status Text Line |
Namebar Option | Logo/Headshot/Actionshot | Red Card & Yellow Card Emoticons *YC and *RC | 1-8 Categories with Stats
Toggle | Maxsize & Reposition Controls | Intro Animation for 1-2 Logos | Color Brackets for Info Lines 3-6 Toggle

Halftime Comparison with Status/Score Title

SOCCER FS_Halftime_MLS_Status - Global League | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor | Title with Status/Scores | Team Tri-Codes | Big Status Text Line |
Namebar Option | Logo/Headshot/Actionshot | 1-8 Row Toggle with Reposition, Maxsize Controls | Intro Animation 1-2
Teams | Footnote with Image Option
Halftime Summary for Soccer with Status/Score Title

SOCCER FS_Halftime_MLS_StatusBar - Global League | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor | Title Status/Score | Team Tri-Codes | Big Status Text Line | Namebar
Option | Logo/Headshot/Actionshot | Red Card & Yellow Card Emoticons *YC and *RC | 1-8 Categories with Stats Toggle |
Maxsize & Reposition Controls | Intro Animation for 1-2 Logos | Color Brackets for Info Lines 3-6 Toggle

3-6 Player/Team Notes Fullscreen Horizontal Layout

UNIVERSAL FS_HdNotes_Hor - Global League | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor | Event Image Banner | Footnote with Image | 6 Team Tri-Codes | Each
Pod has: Headshot/Logo Toggle, Name, Jersey, Position & 1-4 Note Lines

Home Run Blast (with Coors Light) Fullscreen

BASEBALL FS_HRBlastMLB - Global League | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor | Event Image Banner | Footnote with Image | Background Image
Toggle | 12 Team Tri-Codes | 2-6 Game Toggle | Each Game has Time, Player vs Player, Noteline

Heat Map for Basketball

BASKETBALL FS_HtMpNBA - Global League | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor | Event Image Banner | Footnote | Logo/Headshot/Actionshot |
Firstname | Lastname | Jersey | Position | Highlights | Red, Yellow, Green Toggle for Zones | Percentages for Each Zone |
Player Info Area for Stats/Percentages

Box Score for Baseball Lineups

BASEBALL FS_InGame_BoxScore - Global League | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor | Event Image Banner | Footnote | Background Image Toggle | 1-10
Players with Position, At Bat Info & Noteline | Position Controls

Judge Scorecards Fullscreen

BOXING FS_JudgeScorecards - Global League | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor | Event Image Banner | Footnote | Background Image Toggle | 6-12
Round Toggle | 3 Judge Pods with Stacked Fighter Names, Round Total Column, Judge Name, Total Column

Sponsored Horizontal Clip Leaderboard

UNIVERSAL FS_Leaderboard_HorSpon - Global League | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor | Event Image Banner | Footnote | Background Clip | 1-10 Team Tri-
Codes | 3 Columns for Stats | Highlights | Sponsor Clip or Image

Headshots Leaderboard Fullscreen with Large Stat

UNIVERSAL FS_Leaders - Global League | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor | Event Image Banner | Footnote | Big Stat Leaders | 3-6 Player Toggle |
Each Pod has Big Stat, Stat Header, 1-2 Lines with Stat/Note Option | Headshot/Logo/Actionshot Toggle
League Schedule Fullscreen

UNIVERSAL FS_LgSched - Global League | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor | Event Image Banner | Footnote | Background Image Toggle | 1-10
Rows of Matchups | 20 Team Tri-Codes | Each Row has Date, Position Controls, VS/AT, Team Name Tab Fields, Noteline for
Additional Text

Starting 5 Lineups for Both Teams

BASKETBALL FS_LineupsNBA - Global League | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor | Event Image Banner | Footnote | Team vs Team Starting Lineups with
Jersey #, First & Lastnames | Positions Column | Big Team Names & Team Logos | Pod Toggle for Text vs Headshots

Map Hop for Team/Player Fullscreen

- Global League, 14 Team Tri-Codes, 1-14 Row Toggle, Info Layout (Stat, Bullet, Free Text) | Rank, Logo, Headshot Toggles | 1-
UNIVERSAL FS_Map_ProTeams 2 Lines of Text (Single Line Centers Up), Player Jersey & Position | Map Pause Toggle (Off, All States, Individual Drop,
Individual Keep) | State Abbreviation Tab Fields followed by City Name (Case Sensitive) Tab Fields | Connector Line Toggle |
Each Row has Option for Rank, Category & Stat | 10 Lines of Text | Free Text Area with Brackets/Emojis

Matches Fullscreen for Boxing

BOXING FS_Matches - Global League | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor | Event Image Banner | Footnote | 2-4 Bouts with
Text/Logo/Headshots/Actionshots Toggle on Left Side, Text/Logo Toggle on Right Side, Bout Header with 2 Lines of Text |
Left Side Image On/Off Toggle

Specialty Matchup Promo for Matchup/Comparison (3-Stages)

- 3-Stage Graphic with Global League | Team Tri-Codes | Sponsor Toggles for Section 1 and Section 3 | Section 1: Text/Image
UNIVERSAL FS_MatchUpSponPromo Toggle, Text Lines with Color Options | Section 2: Team Name with Title, Actionshots Toggle, Text with Color Toggles |
Section 3: Header Text with 1-6 Row Toggle and Reposition Controls & Maxsize | Auto-Cycles Through All-Three Sections On
Direct Take

5-Head for Hockey Lineups

HOCKEY FS_OfLnupNHL - Global League | Title Team Logo | Big Team Logo | 5 Player Pods with Headshot/Actionshot Toggle, Name Tab Fields,
Namebar Toggle, Jersey, Position | Footnote with Reposition Controls
Pie Chart Fullscreen

UNIVERSAL FS_PieChrt - Global League | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor | Title Image Takeover | Footnote | Team Tri-Code | 1-5 Rows with
Reposition & Maxsize | Namebar On/Off with Jersey & Position | Materials for Pie Chart Color Selection for Each Piece |
Headshot/Actionshot/Logo Toggle

1 Player Capper for Viz (Modeled After Pre-Rendered Clips from Design Team)

UNIVERSAL FS_Player_Capper_1-Up - Global League, Team Tri-Code, Sponsor on Front End with Background Toggle Option | Glow Team Color Toggle | First
Name, Last Name & Player Actionshot

2 Player Capper for Viz (Modeled After Pre-Rendered Clips from Design Team)

UNIVERSAL FS_Player_Capper_2-Up - Global League, 2 Team Tri-Code, Sponsor on Front End with Background Toggle Option | Glow Team Color Toggles | 2
Sides with First Name, Last Name & Player Actionshot

3 Player Capper for Viz (Modeled After Pre-Rendered Clips from Design Team)

UNIVERSAL FS_Player_Capper_3-Up - Global League, 3 Team Tri-Code, Sponsor on Front End with Background Toggle Option | Glow Team Color Toggles | 3
Sides with First Name, Last Name & Player Actionshot

4 Player Capper for Viz (Modeled After Pre-Rendered Clips from Design Team)

UNIVERSAL FS_Player_Capper_4-Up - Global League, 4 Team Tri-Code, Sponsor on Front End with Background Toggle Option | Glow Team Color Toggles | Right
Stacked Pods are Team 1, Left Stacked Pods are Team 2 | Each Section has First Name, Last Name & Actionshot | Team
Logos are Stacked in the Middle

Specialty Player Sponsor (3-Stages) - Only for High-End Sponsors

- 3-Stage Graphic with Global League | Team Tri-Codes | Sponsor Toggles for Section 1 and Section 3 | Section 1: Text/Image
UNIVERSAL FS_PlayerSponPromo Toggle, Text Lines with Color Options | Section 2: Team Name with Title, Actionshots Toggle, Text with Color Toggles |
Section 3: Stat Layout Toggle: Stat-Cat 1Col, Stat-Cat 2Col, Cat-Stat 1-3 Rows, Free Text, 2-Line Text Lines | Reposition
Controls & Maxsize | Auto-Cycles Through All-Three Sections On Direct Take
NHL Playoff Standings with Divisions, Wild Card & In The Hunt Teams

HOCKEY FS_Playoff_NHL - Global League | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor | Title Image Takeover | Footnote | Backgrround Image Toggle | 16-
Team Tri-Codes | Row Position Controls | Stat Column Toggle 1-3 | Team Toggle for In The Hunt Teams | Column Headers

NHL Playoff Bracket 4-2-1-2-4

HOCKEY FS_PlayoffBracket_NHL - Global League | Title | Subtitle | 1-2 Subheader | Footer | Sponsor | Event Banner Option | Background Image Toggle | 14 Total
Team Tri-Code Tab Fields | 3 Rounds | Round Headers | Bracket Auto Center | Champion or Logo Toggle | Smaller Logo Under
Final | Each Pod has Logo/Text Toggle | Seed Numbers | Series Status

NHL Playoff Half Bracket 4-2-1

HOCKEY FS_PlayoffHalfBracket_NHL - Global League | Title | Subtitle | 1-2 Subheader | Footer | Sponsor | Event Banner Option | Background Image Toggle | 7 Total
Team Tri-Code Tab Fields | 3 Rounds | Round Headers | Bracket Auto Center | Champion or Logo Toggle | Smaller Logo Under
Final | Each Pod has Logo/Text Toggle | Seed Numbers | Series Status

MLB Playoff Bracket with Wild Card Game

BASEBALL FS_PlayoffPicture_MLB - Global League | Title | Subtitle | 1-2 Subheader | Footer | Sponsor | Event Banner Option | Background Image Toggle | 22 Total
Team Tri-Code Tab Fields | 4 Rounds | Round Headers | Bracket Auto Center | Champion or Logo Toggle | Smaller Logo Under
Final | Each Pod has Logo/Text Toggle | Seed Numbers | Series Status | 2 Wild Card Matchups, DS, CS, WS

NFL Standings Fullscreen

FOOTBALL FS_PlayoffPictureRecapNFL - Global League | Title Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor with Title Banner Toggle | Row Position Controls | 1-7 Row
Toggle for Left Teams | 1-9 Row Toggle for Right Teams | 16 Team Tri-Codes | Week # | Records | Legend with Icons | Icon
Tabs for Each Pod | Footnote with Background Image Toggle

NHL Playoff Standings for Each Conference with Divisions, Wild Card & In The Hunt Teams

HOCKEY FS_PlayoffSmall_NHL - Global League | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor | Title Image Takeover | Footnote | Backgrround Image Toggle | 16-
Team Tri-Codes | Row Position Controls | 1-2 Stat Per Team Pod | Team Toggle for All Columns for Teams | Column Headers |
Legend with Icons | Icon Tabs for Each Pod

NBA Playoff Standings with Play-In & In The Hunt Teams

BASKETBALL FS_PlayoffStandings_NBA - Global League | Title Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor with Title Banner Toggle | Row Toggle | 1-2 Stat Columns
with Headers Logo/Text Options | Far Right Column has 2-5 Team Toggle | 15 Team Tri-Codes | Records & Game Back
Columns with Legend Icon Tabs for Each Team | Legend On/Off Toggle | Footnote with Background Image Toggle

Player/Team Comparison Fullscreen

UNIVERSAL FS_PlyrComp - Global League | Title Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor with Title Banner Toggle | Row Toggle 1-8 Rows with
Reposition & Maxsize | Global Reposition for Stat Columns | Intro Animation Toggle 1-2 Teams | Namebar with Jersey &
Position On/Off Toggle | Logo/Headshot/Actionshot Toggle | 2D & 3D Logo Toggle | Footnote with Image Option
Player/Team Comparison Fullscreen with Horizontal Clip

UNIVERSAL FS_PlyrComp_HorSpon - Global League | Title Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor Front End Animation with Horizontal Clip | Row Toggle 1-8
Rows with Reposition & Maxsize | Global Reposition for Stat Columns | Intro Animation Toggle 1-2 Teams | Namebar with
Jersey & Position On/Off Toggle | Logo/Headshot/Actionshot Toggle | 2D & 3D Logo Toggle | Footnote with Image Option

Player/Team Comparison Fullscreen with Vertical Clip

UNIVERSAL FS_PlyrComp_VerSpon - Global League | Title Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor Front End Animation with Vertical Clip | Row Toggle 1-8
Rows with Reposition & Maxsize | Global Reposition for Stat Columns | Intro Animation Toggle 1-2 Teams | Namebar with
Jersey & Position On/Off Toggle | Logo/Headshot/Actionshot Toggle | 2D & 3D Logo Toggle | Footnote with Image Option

2 Player/Team Comparison Stacked

UNIVERSAL FS_PlyrCompDouble - Global League | Title Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor with Title Banner Toggle | 1-4 Row Toggle with Color
Brackets, Maxsize, Position and Row Size Controls | Logo/Headshot Toggles with Namebar, Jersey & Position for Each
Player | Primarily used for Betting Sponsors | Footnote with Image Toggle | Footnote Toggle for Each Matchup/Comparison

Player/Team Comparison Fullscreen with Ranks

- Global League | Title Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor with Title Banner Toggle | Row Toggle 1-6 Rows with
UNIVERSAL FS_PlyrCompRank Reposition & Maxsize and Rank Toggle | Global Reposition for Stat Columns | Intro Animation Toggle 1-2 Teams | Namebar
with Jersey & Position On/Off Toggle | Logo/Headshot/Actionshot Toggle | 2D & 3D Logo Toggle | Footnote with Image

Player/Team Comparison Fullscreen with Title Bar Scores

UNIVERSAL FS_PlyrCompScore - Global League | Title Logos | Title with Scores & Status | Subheader | Sponsor with Title Banner Toggle | Row Toggle 1-8
Rows with Reposition & Maxsize | Global Reposition for Stat Columns | Intro Animation Toggle 1-2 Teams | Namebar with
Jersey & Position On/Off Toggle | Logo/Headshot/Actionshot Toggle | 2D & 3D Logo Toggle | Footnote with Image Option

3 Player/Team Comparison Stacked

UNIVERSAL FS_PlyrCompTriple - Global League | Title Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor with Title Banner Toggle | 1-3 Row Toggle with Color
Brackets, Maxsize, Position and Row Size Controls | Logo/Headshot Toggles with Namebar, Jersey & Position for Each
Player | Primarily used for Betting Sponsors | Footnote with Image Toggle | Footnote for Each Matchup/Comparison

Player/Team Notes

UNIVERSAL FS_PlyrNote - Global League | Title Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor with Title Banner Toggle | 1-10 Rows Text List/Quote
Options wtih Center/Left Justification | Intro Animation Toggle 1-2 Teams | Namebar with Jersey & Position On/Off Toggle |
Logo/Headshot/Actionshot Toggle | 2D & 3D Logo Toggle | Footnote with Image Option

Player/Team Notes or Text Lines Fullscreen with Horizontal Clip

UNIVERSAL FS_PlyrNote_HorSpon - Global League | Title Logo | Subheader | Sponsor Front End Animation with Horizontal Clip | 1-10 Rows Text List/Quote
Options wtih Center/Left Justification | Intro Animation Toggle 1-2 Teams | Namebar with Jersey & Position On/Off Toggle |
Logo/Headshot/Actionshot Toggle | 2D & 3D Logo Toggle | Footnote with Image Option
Player/Team Notes or Text Lines Fullscreen with Vertical Clip

UNIVERSAL FS_PlyrNote_VerSpon - Global League | Title Logo | Subheader | Sponsor Front End Animation with Vertical Clip | 1-10 Rows Text List/Quote Options
wtih Center/Left Justification | Intro Animation Toggle 1-2 Teams | Namebar with Jersey & Position On/Off Toggle |
Logo/Headshot/Actionshot Toggle | 2D & 3D Logo Toggle | Footnote with Image Option

Player/Team Notes or Text Lines Fullscreen - MLB Version

BASEBALL FS_PlyrNote_MLB - Global League | Title Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor with Title Banner Toggle | 1-8 Rows Text List with White &
Gray Text Split Up | Intro Animation Toggle 1-2 Teams | Namebar with Jersey & Position On/Off Toggle |
Logo/Headshot/Actionshot Toggle | 2D & 3D Logo Toggle | Footnote with Image Option

Player/Team Half/Full Rink Shot Chart with Manual Markers

HOCKEY FS_PlyrShotChart_ManualNHL - Global League | Title Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor with Title Banner Toggle | Half/Full Rink Toggle | Namebar
with Jersey/Position | Logo/Headshot/Actionshot with 2D/3D Logo Toggle | Goals, On Goal, Misses, Blocks On/Off Toggles |
Slot Zones Legend with On/Off Toggles

Player/Team Shot Chart for NBA

BASKETBALL FS_PlyrShotChartNBA - Global League | Title Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor with Title Banner Toggle | Player Namebar with
Jersey/Position | 12 Stats with Headers & Noteline | Footnote with Maxsize, Reposition Controls | Shot Marker Points for
Data Pulling

Player/Team Half/Full Rink Shot Chart (Not Manual Markers)

HOCKEY FS_PlyrShotChartNHL - Global League | Title Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor with Title Banner Toggle | Half/Full Rink Toggle | Namebar
with Jersey/Position | Logo/Headshot/Actionshot with 2D/3D Logo Toggle | Goals, On Goal, Misses, Blocks On/Off Toggles |
Slot Zones Legend with On/Off Toggles

Specialty Shot Chart for Team/Player (Not Manual Markers)

HOCKEY FS_PlyrShotChartNHL-2023 - Global League | Title Logo | Title & Subtitle On Ice | Player Name, Jersey, Position, Actionshot/Headshot
Shows Shot Attempts, SOG, Goals, Misses, Blocks with Different Markers on Ice for Each Category
Shot Chart can show Single Selection or Cycle Through All Active Options | Zone Toggles On/Off

Team/Player Stat Fullscreen

UNIVERSAL FS_PlyrStat - Global League | Title Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor with Title Banner Toggle | Player Namebar with
Jersey/Position | 1-8 Rows of Stats with 1-4 Columns that Hide on Empty | Row Position, Spacing and Maxsize Controls for
Stats/Columns | Logo/Headshot/Actionshot Toggle | Footnote with Optional Image | Color Brackets & Highlights for Stats

Team/Player Stat Fullscreens with Rank

- Global League | Title Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor with Title Banner Toggle | Player Namebar with
UNIVERSAL FS_PlyrStatRank Jersey/Position | 1-5 Rows of Stats with 1-4 Columns that Hide on Empty & Rank | Row Position, Spacing and Maxsize
Controls for Stats/Columns | Logo/Headshot/Actionshot Toggle | Footnote with Optional Image | Color Brackets & Highlights
for Stats
Team/Player Stat Fullscreen with Horizontal Clip

UNIVERSAL FS_PlyrStat_HorSpon - Global League | Subheader | Sponsor Animation with Horizontal Clip | Player Namebar with Jersey/Position | 1-8 Rows of
Stats with 1-4 Columns that Hide on Empty | Row Position, Spacing and Maxsize Controls for Stats/Columns |
Logo/Headshot/Actionshot Toggle | Footnote with Optional Image | Color Brackets & Highlights for Stats

Team/Player Stat Fullscreen with Vertical Clip

UNIVERSAL FS_PlyrStat_VerSpon - Global League | Subheader | Sponsor Animation with Vertical Clip | Player Namebar with Jersey/Position | 1-8 Rows of
Stats with 1-4 Columns that Hide on Empty | Row Position, Spacing and Maxsize Controls for Stats/Columns |
Logo/Headshot/Actionshot Toggle | Footnote with Optional Image | Color Brackets & Highlights for Stats

Hockey Pool Play for Olympics

HOCKEY FS_PoolPlay_NHL - Global League | Title Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor with Title Banner Toggle | 2-3 Column Toggle | 4-5 Row
Toggle | Headers | 15-Team Tri-Codes | Each Team Pod has School Name, Team Name, Seed #, Highlight | Footnote |
Background Image Toggle

Baseball Pool Play for Olympics

BASEBALL FS_PoolPlayGroups - Global League | Title Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor with Title Banner Toggle | 4 Columns | 3 Rows| Headers | 12-
Team Tri-Codes | Each Team Pod has School Name, Team Name, Seed #, Highlight | Footnote | Background Image Toggle

Generic Text with QR Code Panel

UNIVERSAL FS_QR_GenTxt - Global League | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor | Title Image Takeover | Footer | Background Image Toggle | 1-10 Rows
with Position, Spacing Controls | Column Size & Positon Controls | Text Scale | Text Justification Controls | Logo + QR Code
Image Toggle for Left Panel with Background Image Option

Team Scores for Gymnastics

GYMNASTICS FS_ScoreGYMN - Global League | Title Team Logo | 2 Team Tri-Codes | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor with Event Banner Toggle | 1-6
Categories with Headers | Player/Team Name | School Name | Scores | Records | 2 Footnotes

Multiple Scores for NCAAHS

NCAAHS FS_ScoreMulti_NCAA - Global League | Title Team Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor with Event Banner Toggle | 20-Team Tri-Codes | 1-10
Matchup Toggle | School Name | Scores | Game Status | Footnote

Multiple Scores for MLB

BASEBALL FS_ScoreMultiMLB - Global League | Title Team Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor with Event Banner Toggle | 12-Team Tri-Codes | 2-6
Matchup Toggle | Team Name | Scores | Game Status | Footnote For Each Game | Footer with Image Option & Background
Image Toggle
Multiple Scores for NBA

BASKETBALL FS_ScoreMultiNBA - Global League | Title Team Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor with Event Banner Toggle | 12-Team Tri-Codes | 2-6
Matchup Toggle | Team Name | Scores | Game Status | Footnote For Each Game | Footer with Image Option & Background
Image Toggle

Multiple Scores for NHL

HOCKEY FS_ScoreMultiNHL - Global League | Title Team Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor with Event Banner Toggle | 12-Team Tri-Codes | 2-6
Matchup Toggle | Team Name | Scores | Game Status | Footnote For Each Game | Footer with Image Option & Background
Image Toggle

Player/Team Shots on Goal Fullscreen for NHL

HOCKEY FS_ShotsOnGoalNHL - Global League | Title Team Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor with Event Banner Toggle | 5 Shot Zones with 6th
Zone On/Off Toggle | Namebar with Logo/Headshot/Actionshot | Goalie Silhouette or Actionshot Toggle | Color Chips for
Legend On/Off with Headers | Color Zones with Blue/Red/Off Toggle | Works with Data

Specialty Fullscreen for Shot or Save Anayltics

HOCKEY FS_ShotSaveAnalytics-2023 - Global League | Title | All Zones with Color Toggles, Single Stat Text | Player Name & Jersey/Position Area with Actionshot,
Headshot, Logo Toggle | Optional Sponsor | 1-3 Rows for Stats/Info & Header Area

Simple Score Fullscreen - Single Game

UNIVERSAL FS_SimpleScores - Global League | Title Team Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor with Event Banner Toggle | Big Team City, Name,
Record, Scores with Footnote for Each Team | 2D/3D Logo Toggle

Slideshow Fullscreen for Images or Text

UNIVERSAL FS_SlideShow - Global League | Team Logo | Start Screen Feed or Image | Bally Logo or Generic | Name with Reposition Controls | Option
for Images: Horizontal, 16x9, Square | Text Size Toggle Small, Large, Center, Left, TextBox or Grid | 1-6 Rows of Text |
Actionshot Option | Footnote

Social Media Fullscreen Option 1

UNIVERSAL FS_SocialMedia - Global League | Team Logo | Title | Subtitle | Sponsor Image with Event Banner | Namebar with Logo/Actionshot/Headshot |
Background Image | Footnote | Image Border Toggle | Social Media Image Shape for Quote, Square, Vertical, LongSocial
Media Fullscreen Option 1

Social Media Fullscreen Option 2

UNIVERSAL FS_SocialMediav02 - Global League | Team Logo | Title | Subtitle | Sponsor Image with Event Banner | Background Image | Footnote | Image
Border Toggle | Social Media Image Shape for Quote, Square, Vertical, LongSocial Media Fullscreen Option 1
Specialty Fullscreen with Double Text Lines

UNIVERSAL FS_Spec_2Line_Text - Global League, Team Tri-Code | Sponsor On/Off | Player Headshot/Actionshot with Scale/Position Controls | Name Tab
Fields | 1-4 Row Toggle for Text Lines

Specialty Fullscreen with 2 Stat/Cat Columns

UNIVERSAL FS_Spec_2StatCat - Global League, Team Tri-Code | Sponsor On/Off | Player Headshot/Actionshot with Scale/Position Controls | Name Tab
Fields with Max Size | 1-4 Row Toggle with 2 Headers for Columns

Specialty Fullscreen with 3 Stat/Cat Columns

UNIVERSAL FS_Spec_3StatCat - Global League, Team Tri-Code | Sponsor On/Off | Player Headshot/Actionshot with Scale/Position Controls | Name Tab
Fields with Max Size | 1-4 Row Toggle with 3 Headers for Columns

Specialty Fullscreen with Bars for Data

UNIVERSAL FS_Spec_BarChart - Global League, Team Tri-Codes for 1-5 Players, Optional Sponsor, Headshot/Acionshot/Logo Toggle, Fill In Bar Chart Data
and then Toggle Bar Colors to Differentiate Between Players/Teams

Specialty Fullscreen with Free Text

UNIVERSAL FS_Spec_FreeText - Global League, Team Tri-Code | Sponsor On/Off | Player Headshot/Actionshot with Scale/Position Controls | Name Tab
Fields with Max Size |Free Text Box with Position Controls

Specialty Fullscreen for Starting Lineup or Rankings

UNIVERSAL FS_Spec_Lineup - Global League, 5 Team Tri-Codes | Title, Subtitle, Footnote | 3-5 Player Toggle | Big Actionshot with Headshot Pods | Player
Names, Rank, Jersey & Stat Tab Fields

Specialty Fullscreen with Matchup

UNIVERSAL FS_Spec_MatchUp - Global League, 2 Team Tri-Codes | Optional Sponsor | Player Actionshots with Scale/Position Controls | 1-6 Stats with
Header - Scale/Position Controls

Specialty Fullscreen for NBA In-Season Tournament Groupings

BASKETBALL FS_Spec_NBA_InSeasonTournament - Global League, 30 Team Tri-Codes, League Tri-Code, Big Center Logo with Tri-Code, Title, Subtitle with Optional Title Logo
& Optional Sponsor
Specialty Fullscreen for NBA In-Season Tournament Groupings

BASKETBALL FS_Spec_NBA_IST_GroupSchedule - Global League, 5 Main Tri-Codes with 20 Extra Tri-Codes for Opponents, Title, Subtitle, Optional Sponsor & Optional Title
Logo, Optional Footnote | Each Matchup Pod has Date, Time Text Areas with vs/at Toggle & Optional Network Logo

Specialty Fullscreen for NBA In-Season Tournament Conf. Group Standings + Wildcard Standings

BASKETBALL FS_Spec_NBA_IST_GroupStnd - Global League, Team Tri-Codes, 3 Standings Pods for Groups A, B & C | 1 Wildcard Standings for Conf. Wildcard Standings
in Group Play

Specialty Fullscreen for NBA In-Season Tournament Groupings

BASKETBALL FS_Spec_NBA_SingleGroup - Global League, 15 Tri-Codes, Title, Subtitle, Optional Title Logo, Optional Sponsor Logo, 1-2 Logo Toggles on Left Panel, 5
Rows of Logos Grouped for NBA In-Season Group Play with Group Headers & Optional Footnote

Specialty Playoff Bracket - 4-2-1-2-4 Setup (Quarterfinals to Final)

UNIVERSAL FS_Spec_PlayoffBracket - Global League, Title, Subtitle with Optional Title Logo & Optional Sponsor, 1-2 Division Logos on Left Panel with Bracket
Setup on Right Panel | Optional Footnote | Each Round has Title, Series Status, Seed Number (Hides on Empty) | Losing
Team has Toggle to Desaturate Logo to Promote Winning Team Advancing

Specialty Playoff Bracket - 2-1-2 Setup (Semifinals to Final)

UNIVERSAL FS_Spec_PlayoffBracketSemi - Global League, Title, Subtitle with Optional Title Logo & Optional Sponsor, 1-2 Division Logos on Left Panel with Bracket
Setup on Right Panel | Optional Footnote | Each Round has Title, Series Status, Seed Number (Hides on Empty) | Losing
Team has Toggle to Desaturate Logo to Promote Winning Team Advancing

Specialty Fullscreen with Big Stat & Player Name

UNIVERSAL FS_Spec_PlyrBigStat - Global League, Team Tri-Code | No Sponsor | Player Actionshot with Position & Scale | Name with Position & Scale | Stat
with Position & Scale

Specialty Fullscreen with Player Notes

UNIVERSAL FS_Spec_PlyrNotes - Global League, Team Tri-Code | No Sponsor | Player Actionshot with Size/Position Controls | 1-2 Text Lines (Hide on Empty)
with Size/Position Controls

Specialty Fullscreen Report Card with Grades

BASEBALL FS_Spec_ReportCard - Global League, Team Tri-Code, Logo, Firstname, Lastname, Headshot, Title, 1-10 Rows for Categories & 1-3 Columns for
Specialty Shot Chart for NBA

BASKETBALL FS_Spec_ShotChartNBA - No Global League Needed, Programmed for NBA | Team Tri-Code | Scene Needs Patterns Folder & ShotMarks Folder for
Team Colors to Populate | Works with DTVI | 1-3 Camera Angles to Choose From | Actionshot, Name, Qualifier, Footnote |
Shot Chart with 1-5 Lines, 2 Columns, Headers, Title | Optional Sponsor Toggles

Specialty Standings Fullscreen

UNIVERSAL FS_Spec_Standings
- Global League, 1-12 Team Tri-Codes with Team Total Toggle | 1-3 Stat Columns | Optional Sponsor

Specialty Fullscreen with Stat/Cat Column

UNIVERSAL FS_Spec_StatCat - Global League, Team Tri-Code | Sponsor On/Off | Player Headshot/Actionshot with Scale/Position Controls | Name Tab
Fields with Max Size | 1-4 Row Toggle with Column Header & Position Controls

Specialty Sponsor 2-Line Text (2-Stages)

UNIVERSAL FS_Sponsor_2Line_Text - 2-Stage Graphic with Global League | Team Tri-Codes | Sponsor Toggles for Section 1 and Section 2 | Section 1: Text/Image
Toggle, Text Lines with Color Options | Section 2: 2-Line Text Lines, Actionshot/Headshot/Logo | Reposition Controls &
Maxsize | Auto-Cycles Through Both Sections On Direct Take

Specialty Sponsor 3-Stat Cat (2-Stages)

UNIVERSAL FS_Sponsor_3StatCat - 2-Stage Graphic with Global League | Team Tri-Codes | Sponsor Toggles for Section 1 and Section 2 | Section 1: Text/Image
Toggle, Text Lines with Color Options | Section 2: 6 Rows of Stats with 3 Columns, Actionshot/Headshot/Logo | Reposition
Controls & Maxsize | Auto-Cycles Through Both Sections On Direct Take

Specialty Sponsor Matchup (2-Stages)

UNIVERSAL FS_Sponsor_Matchup - 2-Stage Graphic with Global League | Team Tri-Codes | Sponsor Toggles for Section 1 and Section 2 | Section 1: Text/Image
Toggle, Text Lines with Color Options | Section 2:6 Rows of Stats, Cat | Logo/Headshot/Actionshots for Both Sides |
Reposition Controls & Maxsize | Auto-Cycles Through Both Sections On Direct Take

Soccer Standings with Dividers

SOCCER FS_Standings_MLS - Global League | Team Logo | Title | Subtitle | Sponsor Image with Event Banner | Footnote with Background Image Toggle |
14-Team Tri-Codes | 0-5 Stat Column Toggle | 13-14 Team Row Toggle } Highlights | Divider Toggles

Soccer Formation with Subs (Simple)

SOCCER FS_StartingFormation_MLS - Global League | Team Logo | Title | Subtitle | Sponsor Image with Event Banner | Logo/Headshot/Actionshot Toggle | 1-9
Sub List Toggle | Row Spacing & Position Controls | Formation Toggle (ie: 433, 442 etc) | Player Pods
Soccer Formation with Subs (Special) - 4 Stages (3 Continues)

SOCCER FS_StartingFormation_Special - Global League | Team Logo | Title | Subtitle | Sponsor Image with Event Banner | Logo/Headshot/Actionshot Toggle | 1-10
Sub List Toggle | Row Spacing & Position Controls | Formation Toggle (ie: 433, 442 etc) | Player Pods with Headshots |
Animate On & Hit Continue to Change to Next Line of Players

Starting Goalies Comparison

HOCKEY FS_StartingGoalies_NHL - Global League | Team Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor Image with Event Banner | Footnote | 2-Team Tri-Codes | 1-
3 Row Toggle | Spacing, Position and Maxsize Controls | Namebar with Jersey & Position | Logo/Headshot/Actionshot
Toggles | Dividers On/Off | Highlights

Player/Team vs Player/Team Stat Summary

HOCKEY FS_StatSummNHL - Global League | Team Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor Image with Event Banner | Each Team has Team Name
Area, Record, 2 Note Lines, Footnote, 1-6 Categories with Headers and Stat Columns with Highlights

12-Team Standings Fullscreen

UNIVERSAL FS_Stnd - Global League | Team Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor Image with Event Banner | Footnote | Background Image
Toggle | 12 Team Tri-Codes | 1-12 Team Toggle with Position and Stat Column 1-3 Toggle | Headers | Rank & Logo Toggles

18-Team Standings Fullscreen

UNIVERSAL FS_Stnd18Teams - Global League | Team Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor Image with Event Banner | Footnote | Background Image
Toggle | 18 Team Tri-Codes | 10-18 Team Toggle | Each Team Pod has 1-5 Stat Column Toggle | Highlights | Team Name |
Rank/Logo On/Off Toggles
10-Team Standings with 3 Scores

UNIVERSAL FS_Stnd3Scores - Global League | Team Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor Image with Event Banner | Footnote | Background Image
Toggle | 16 Team Tri-Codes | 1-10 Row Toggle with 1-3 Game Toggle | 1-3 Stat Toggle | Row Position Controls

10-Team Standings with 3 Scores for NHL (2 Division & Wild Cards)

HOCKEY FS_Stnd3Scores_NHL - Global League | Team Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor Image with Event Banner | Footnote | Background Image
Toggle | 16 Team Tri-Codes | 1-10 Row Toggle with 1-3 Game Toggle | 1-3 Stat Toggle | Row Position Controls

Baseball Division & Wild Card Standings Fullscreen

- Global League | Background Toggle | Title Logo | Background Logo | 15 Team Tri-Codes | Title | Subtitle | Subheader |
BASEBALL FS_StndPostseason Sponsor | Footnote | Column Y-Axis Position Controls | Legend has 1-3 Options (Hide on Empty) and Y-Axis Position Controls
| Column 1 has 3-5 Team Toggle | Column 2 has 2-10 Team Toggle | Each Column has a Header, Stat 2 On/Off | Each Team
pod has Logo, Tri-Code for Name, Record Column, Games Back Column

NBA Starting 5 Fullscreen

BASKETBALL FS_Strt5NBA - Global League | Team Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor Image with Event Banner | Footnote | 5 Player
Headshot/Actionshots with Jersey/Position, Names | Big Logo Behind Headshots | Each Player has a Qualifier & Optional
Highlight | Other Players Can Be Turned Gray to Highlight Selected Player(s)

Scoring Summary for Gymnastics

GYMNASTICS FS_SummGYMN - Global League | Team Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor Image with Event Banner | Each Team has Team Name
Area, Record, 2 Note Lines, Footnote, 1-6 Categories with Headers and Stat Columns with Highlights

Home Run Blast Talent Picks (Multiple Picks)

BASEBALL FS_TalentPicks_HR - Global League | Team Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor Image with Event Banner | Footnote | 4 Talent Pods with 3
Selections Each | Team Logos vs Opponent Logos | Names

Fullscreen for Bally Baller Segments with BB Logo & QR Code

UNIVERSAL FS_TalentPicksStacked - Global League | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Title Logo | 24 Tri-Codes for 6 Matchups | Headers for Columns | Talent Names
or Headshots | Side Bar with Logo Toggles | Pods have VS/AT, Color Chip Toggle for Result | Date & Time Columns | Footnote
with Image from Legal

Fighter Comparison Fullscreen

BOXING FS_TaleOfTheTape - Global League | Title Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor with Title Banner Toggle | Row Toggle 1-6 Rows with
Reposition & Maxsize | Global Reposition for Stat Columns | Intro Animation Toggle 1-2 Teams | Namebar with Jersey &
Position On/Off Toggle | Logo/Headshot/Actionshot Toggle | 2D & 3D Logo Toggle | Footnote with Image Option
Fullscreen Title Rejoin

UNIVERSAL FS_TitleRejoin - Global League | 2 Team Tri-Codes for Matchup | Optional Scores, Game Status, Records, City Name | Team Name with Color
Toggles via Swatches on Logo

Team Schedule

UNIVERSAL FS_TmSched - Global League | Team Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor Image with Event Banner | Footnote | Background Image
Toggle | 1-10 Teams with Date, VS/AT, Opponent Logo, Name, Noteline, 2 Network Logos Optional

NBA Bracket with Play-In Games

BASKETBALL FS_TournamentBracket_NBA - Global League | Team Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor Image with Event Banner | Footnote | Background Image
Toggle | 1-8 Seeds with Play-In Game Options for Seed 7-8-9-10 | Seed #, Name, Logo Options | Bracket Headers |
Conference Logo Options

Trade Tracker

UNIVERSAL FS_TradeTracker - Global League | Team Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor Image with Event Banner | Footnote | Background Image
Toggle | 1-6 Trade Toggle | Each Trade has Arrow Type Toggle, Headshot/Logo Toggle, Text Line Toggle | 1-3 Lines |

Interstitial with Generic Text (for Pro Sports)

- Text Line | Create New Line with Enter Key | Audio Toggle

Interstitial with Generic Text (for NCAA and HS)

- Text Line | Create New Line with Enter Key | Audio Toggle

Interstitial for Team vs Team

UNIVERSAL INT_MatchUp - Global League, 2 Team Tri-Codes | Enter Team City & Team Name for Home/Away Matchup | VS/AT (Hides on Empty) |
Bally Branding Toggle

Interstitial for Player (Needs Clip)

UNIVERSAL INT_PlayerName - Global League, Team Tri-Code, Team Name, Generic/Bally Branding | Namebar On/Off, First, Last, Actionshot On/Off, Logo
2D/3D, Audio Toggle
Interstitial for Player (No Clip)

UNIVERSAL INT_PlayerUni - Global League, Team Tri-Code, Team Name, Generic/Bally Branding | Headshot/Actionshot, First & Last Name with
Reposition for First, Last and Full Name | Audio Toggle

Interstitial for Player (No Clip)

- Global League, Team Tri-Code, Team Name, Generic/Bally Branding | Text Line with Enter for New Line | Audio Toggle

Large Banner for Parades, Promotions

UNIVERSAL L3_Bally_Banner - Manual Logo Placement | 1-2 Lines of Normal Text | Bally B Logo | 1-2 Lines of Bolder Text | All Text Centers If Only Single-

Bally Branded for Coming Up

UNIVERSAL L3_BallyComingUp
- 1-2 Lines of Text | Bally B Logo | Audio Toggle On/Off

Player Bio

UNIVERSAL L3_Bio - First & Lastname | Jersey & Position | Optional Qualifer, Footer, Sponsor | Logo/Headshot/Logo+Headshot Toggle | 2D/3D
Logo | 5 Stat Tab Fields | 2 Category Tab Fields | Audio Toggle On/Off

One-Week Calendar

UNIVERSAL L3_Calendar - 7 Day Calendar | Set Days SUN thru SAT | Pod Contents: Date | Time | Home/Away/None ToggleEmpty | Text | Logo |
Logo+Text | Matchup Toggle | Optional Qualifier, Footer, Sponsor

Coming Up for MLB

BASEBALL L3_ComingUp_MLB - Global League | Team Tri-Code | Bally Bar Reposition Toggle1-2 Lines of Text | Text Weight Toggle (Bold/Light)Team Logo
or Team LIVE Logo Toggle | 2D/3D Logo Toggle | Audio On/Off Toggle | No Out Transition (Snaps Off)

Coming Up for NBA

BASKETBALL L3_ComingUp_NBA - Global League | Team Tri-Code | Bally Bar Reposition Toggle1-2 Lines of Text | Text Weight Toggle (Bold/Light)Team Logo
or Team LIVE Logo Toggle | 2D/3D Logo Toggle | Audio On/Off Toggle | No Out Transition (Snaps Off)
Coming Up for NCAA & High School

NCAAHS L3_ComingUp_NCAA - Global League | Team Tri-Code | Bally Bar Reposition Toggle1-2 Lines of Text | Text Weight Toggle (Bold/Light)Team Logo
or Team LIVE Logo Toggle | 2D/3D Logo Toggle | Audio On/Off Toggle | No Out Transition (Snaps Off)

Coming Up for NHL

HOCKEY L3_ComingUp_NHL - Global League | Team Tri-Code | Bally Bar Reposition Toggle1-2 Lines of Text | Text Weight Toggle (Bold/Light)Team Logo
or Team LIVE Logo Toggle | 2D/3D Logo Toggle | Audio On/Off Toggle | No Out Transition (Snaps Off)

Team vs Team Score for NHL

HOCKEY L3_CompByP - Global League | Team 1 vs Team 2 Stacked | Optional Sponsor | 4 Periods Max | Final Score Toggle | 2D/3D Logo Toggle |
Header Text Columns

Team vs Team Score for NBA

BASKETBALL L3_CompByQ - Global League | Team 1 vs Team 2 Stacked | Optional Sponsor | 4 Periods Max | Final Score Toggle | 2D/3D Logo Toggle |
Header Text Columns

For Reads/Sponsors/Sales/Promotions

UNIVERSAL L3_Copy - Global League | Team Tri-Code | Title | Subtitle | Optional Sponsor | Title Bar On/Off | Text/Image Layout | 3 Lines of Text
with Different Sizes and Row Reposition Controls

For Fight Tease/Preview

BOXING L3_Fighters - Global League | Trunk Colors | Optional Qualifier, Footer, Sponsor | Small/Large Scene Scale | First & Lastname for Each
Fighter | Records and KO for Each Fighter

For Baseball Game Summary

BASEBALL L3_GameSummMLB - Global League | Team Tri-Codes | Score On/Off Toggle | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Optional Footer & Sponsor | Team City
& Team Names | Player Info with Batter & Pitcher Toggle | Logo, Headshot, Logo+Headshot Toggle for Each Batter or Pitcher

Generic Text L3rd

UNIVERSAL L3_GenTxt - Global League | Team Tri-Code | Logo On/Off Toggle | Optional Qualifier, Footer & Sponsor | 1-2 Lines for Name/Header
Area | 1-2 Lines of Text with Color Brackets & Case Sensitive | Audio On/Off Toggle
Generic Text with 2 Columns - Good for Fans, Family, Trivia, Lists

UNIVERSAL L3_GenTxt2Col - Global League | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | 1-6 Rows of Text | 1-2 Column Option | Optional Sponsor & Footer | Generic or
Team Color Toggle | Color Brackets & Emoticons for Text Lines

Generic Text with 3 Stacked Lines

UNIVERSAL L3_GenTxt3Line - Global League | Team Tri-Code | Optional Qualifier, Sponsor, Footer | Maxsize for Text | 1-3 Text Lines | Text Centers Up If
Less than 3 Text Lines | 2D/3D Logo Toggle | Audio On/Off Toggle

Large Zumme Font

UNIVERSAL L3_GladiatorFont
- Global League | Team Tri-Code | Text Position Controls | First & Lastname | White/Black Color Toggle for Text

Halftime Game Summary for Basketball

BASKETBALL L3_HalfStatNBA - Global League | Team Tri-Codes | Optional Qualifier, Footer & Sponsor | 1-5 Stat Category Toggle | Stat Headers in Column |
Logo/Headshot/Logo+Headshot Toggle | 2D/3D Logo Toggle

Image Banner for Tickets, Sales, Sponsors, Promos

- One Tab Field for Image - Image Size Specs: 960x165

Lederman Card - Can Be Used for Total Punches, Total Jabs, Etc.

BOXING L3_LedermanCard - Global League | 1-13 Round Toggle | Header | Round Headers | Optional Sponsor | Player Trunk Chip Color Finder &
Background for Black/Red/Blue Toggle for Corner Colors

Lineups - For All Sports/Situations

UNIVERSAL L3_Lineups - Global League | Team Tri-Code | Optional Qualifier, Footer, Sponsor | 1-5 Player Toggle | Headshot or Names Only Toggle |
2D/3D Logo Toggle | Each Player Pod: First & Lastname, Jersey & Position with Optional Headshot

Lineups - For Soccer

SOCCER L3_Lineups_MLS - Global League | Team Tri-Code | Optional Qualifier, Footer, Sponsor | 1-5 Player Toggle | Names Only | 2D/3D Logo Toggle |
Each Player Pod: First & Lastname, Jersey & Position
Head-to-Head Comparison - Team or Player
- Global League | Team Tri-Codes | Title | Subtitle | 1-6 Row Toggle | Reposition & Maxsize Controls | Optional Sponsor, Footer

For Commentators, Talent, Interviews, Etc.

UNIVERSAL L3_MultiTalent - Global League | Team Tri-Code | Generic/Team Color Toggle | 3-5 Commentators | First, Last & Social Handle | Optional
Qualifiers & Footnote

For Commentators, Talent, Interviews, Etc.

SOCCER L3_PenaltyKick - Global League | Team Tri-Code | Generic/Team Color Toggle | 3-5 Commentators | First, Last & Social Handle | Optional
Qualifiers & Footnote

Baseball Pitcher Pitch Count by Inning with Total

BASEBALL L3_PitchCount - Global League | Team Tri-Code | Optional Qualifier, Footnote, Sponsor | 1-15 Innings Toggle | Noteline Maxsize | Position
Controls | First & Lastname | Jersey & Position | Logo/Headshot Toggle | 2D/3D Logo Toggle

Baseball Pitcher’s Last 2 Outings

BASEBALL L3_PitcherOuting - Global League | Team Tri-Codes | Generic/Team Toggle | Header On/Off | Optional Subtitle, Qualifier, Footnote, Sponsor | 1-2
Row Toggle for Outings | First & Lastname | Jersey & Position | Small/Large Scale Toggle | Tab Fields for Last 2 Outings Can
Be Coded via SRDL

Generic Quote

UNIVERSAL L3_PlayerQuote - Global League | Team Tri-Code | Title | Subtitle | Optional Footnote & Sponsor | First & Lastname | Jersey & Position | Name
Bar Toggle | Logo/Headshot/Image Toggle | Quote Box with Wrapping Text

Player Text Fly-On Fly-Off

- Global League, Team Tri-Code, Global Position Controls, Color Toggles for Name

Batter Stats Today with Season Stats

BASEBALL L3_Plyr0Fer - Global League | Team Tri-Codes | Left-Center-Right Toggle | Top-Bottom Toggle | Season Stats Optional | Optional Sponsor
& Qualifier | Works with SRDL
Batter Stats Today (with Average) with Season Stats

BASEBALL L3_Plyr0Fer_Avg - Global League | Team Tri-Codes | Left-Center-Right Toggle | Top-Bottom Toggle | Batting Average | Season Stats Optional |
Optional Sponsor & Qualifier | Works with SRDL

Player Note for All Sports

UNIVERSAL L3_PlyrNote - Global League | Team Tri-Code | First & Lastname | Jersey & Position | Optional Headshot | Logo On/Off | 1-2 Notelines (One
Line Centers) | Optional Qualifier & Footnote

For Dual Player Shots or Single Player

UNIVERSAL L3_PlyrSplit - Global League | Team Tri-Codes | Optional Sponsor | Optional Headshots | First & Lastname | Jersey & Position | 3
Categories and Optional Footnote For Each Player | Stats Hide on Empty | Toggle for Single L3rd with Position Controls

Player Stats for Month-to-Month or Year-to-Year

UNIVERSAL L3_PlyrStat - Global League | Team Tri-Code | 1-4 Row Toggle | Maxsize & Reposition Controls | Headshot Optional | First & Lastname |
Jersey & Position |

Generic Score

UNIVERSAL L3_Score - Global League | Team Tri-Codes | Optional Qualifer, Footer, Sponsor | Event Image Option | Small/Large Scale Toggle |
Optional Headshots | Clock Toggle in Footnote Area

Full Score for Baseball

- Global League | Team Tri-Codes | 1-15 Innings Toggle | R-H-E-LOB Toggle | Optional Sponsor | Works with SRDL

Score Stats with Headshots - Good for Basketball or Hockey

UNIVERSAL L3_ScoreStats - Global League | Team Tri-Codes | Background Toggle | Optional Sponsor | Players On/Off | Players 1-3 Toggle |
Quarters/Period Toggle | Final Score Toggle | Optional Headshots for Players | Optional Footnote

Score Stats with Headshots

BASEBALL L3_ScoreStatsMLB - Global League | Team Tri-Codes | Background Toggle | Optional Sponsor | Players On/Off | Players 1-3 Toggle |
Quarters/Period Toggle | Final Score Toggle | Optional Headshots for Players | Optional Footnote
Game Summary with Text Lines (Good For Matchup Notes Pre-Game)

UNIVERSAL L3_ScoreSumm - Global League | Team Tri-Codes | No Scores | Title | Subtitle | Optional Sub Header, Footer, Qualifier, Sponsor | Optional
Headshots | 1-5 Text Lines with Toggle

Game Summary with Text Lines

UNIVERSAL L3_ScoreSumm2Col - Global League | Team Tri-Codes | Scores | Title | Subtitle | Optional Sub Header, Footer, Qualifier, Sponsor | Optional
Headshots | 1-5 Text Lines with Toggle for Each Team

Game Summary with Scoring Leaders

UNIVERSAL L3_ScoreSummLeaders - Global League | Team Tri-Codes | Scores | Title | Subtitle | Optional Sub Header, Footer, Qualifier, Sponsor | Optional
Headshots | 1-5 Text Lines with Toggle | Player Name & Points Scored

Game Summary with Text Lines (Good For Matchup Notes Pre-Game)

BASKETBALL L3_ScoreSummNBA - Global League | Team Tri-Codes | No Scores | Title | Subtitle | Optional Sub Header, Footer, Qualifier, Sponsor | Optional
Headshots | 1-5 Text Lines with Toggle

Game Summary with Text Lines (Good For Matchup Notes Pre-Game)

UNIVERSAL L3_ScoreSummWide - Global League | Team Tri-Codes | No Scores | Title | Subtitle | Optional Sub Header, Footer, Qualifier, Sponsor | Optional
Headshots | 1-6 Text Lines with Toggle

Hockey Shootout
- Global League | Team Tri-Codes | 3-20 Round Toggle for Shootout | Optional Sponsor

Hockey Shootout Score Bug

- Global League | Team Tri-Codes | Possession Toggle | Scores | Miss/Make/Null Toggle | Optional Qualifier

Hockey Shootout Player ID

HOCKEY L3_ShtOutPlayer - Global League | Team Tri-Code | Global Reposition | Left-Right Toggle | Cat-Stat/Stat-Cat Flip Toggle | First & Lastname |
Jersey & Position | Optional Qualifier
Single-Team Comparison L3rd

UNIVERSAL L3_SingleTeamSplit - Global League, Team Tri-Code with 1-5 Categories + Headers, Stacked Rows to Show Home vs Away, Month vs Month,
First Half vs Second Half, etc. for a Single-Team | Optional Footnote & Optional Sponsor

Social Media Image L3rd - Good for Tweets or Text Posts on Facebook

UNIVERSAL L3_Social - Global League | Tri-Code | Title | Subtitle | Social Logo Toggle | Title Bar Toggle | One-Multi Line Toggle | Image Option Tab
Field | Social Media Logos Available on Hub (Facebook, Instagram & Twitter)

Poll Question with 5 Options

UNIVERSAL L3_SocialMediaPoll - Global League | Tri-Code | Title | Subtitle | Optional Qualifier, Sponsor, Footer | Highlight for Each Option | Footnote Image
Option (For Sales or Legal Verbiage)

Specialty L3rd for Actionshot, Logo & Name

- Global League | Tri-Code | Bally Branding Toggle | Actionshot | First & Lastname

Specialty L3rd with Name Tag Sign Logos & Animated TEMO Signature

UNIVERSAL L3_SPC_NameTagSign - Global League | Manually Find NameTagSign Logos on Hub | Generic/Team Light Options | BG Bar On/Off Toggle | First &
Lastname | Number | Signature On/Off Toggle with Tab Field for Other Image Options

Specialty L3rd with 2 Text Lines Stacked

UNIVERSAL L3_SPC_PlayerNote_BB - Global League | Tri-Code | Bally Branding Toggle | Name | Jersey | Position | 1-2 Text Lines (Lines Center Up When Only 1

Specialty L3rd with Stats (Side-by-Side)

- Global League | Tri-Code | 1-5 Stat Toggle | Headshot/Actionshot Toggle | Name | Jersey | Position | Color Brackets

Specialty L3rd with Stats (Stacked)

UNIVERSAL L3_SPC_PlayerStatStacked_BB
- Global League | Tri-Code | 1-5 Stat Toggle | Headshot/Actionshot Toggle | Name | Jersey | Position | Color Brackets
For Matchups
UNIVERSAL L3_SplitScreen
- Global League | Tri-Codes | Optional Qualifier, Sponsor, Footer | Optional Clock in Footer

For Promo Reads/Giveaways

UNIVERSAL L3_Sponsor - Global League | Tri-Code | Header Logo/Sponsor Toggle | Title | Subtitle | Optional Qualifier, Footer, Sponsor | 1-3 Row
Toggle | Color Brackets | Footnote with Image Option Toggle for Legal Verbiage Images

Sponsor Title Bar for Multiple Sponsor Payoffs or Special Ceremonies for Jersey Retirements

UNIVERSAL L3_SponsorBar - Global League | Tri-Code | Event Theme Banner BG Tab Field | Sponsor Order Toggle (Off-On-Text) | 2 Sponsor Tab Fields |
Use Continue to Animate to Next Banner | Options for Black/White/Red/Team-Color Text | Optional Subtitle, Footer, Audio

Sponsor Title Bar with Clip + Logo

UNIVERSAL L3_SponsorClip
- Sponsor Logo & Clip Tab Fields with Optional Qualifier, Footer & Audio

L3rd Starting Five for Both Teams

BASKETBALL L3_StartLnupNBA - Global League | Team Tri-Codes | Title | Subtitle | 1-5 Rows | Column Max Size & Reposition Controls | Optional Sponsor,
Footer | Optional Headshots

Talent ID or Non-Athlete ID

UNIVERSAL L3_Talent - Global League | Team Tri-Code | Generic/Team Shell Toggle | Single/Double/Triple Toggle | Left-Center-Right Toggle |
Position Controls for Each Talent Pod | Optional Qualifier, Social Handle, Headshots

Talent Pick for Pre-Game

UNIVERSAL L3_TalentPick - Global League | Tri-Code | Title | Subtitle | 3-7 Talent Pick Toggle | Headshot/Logo/Name for Talent Toggle |
Headshot/Logo/Text for Pick Toggles | Optional Qualifier, Footer, Sponsor | Small/Large Scale Toggle

Team Comparison or Player Comparison

- Global League | Team Tri-Codes | Optional Subheader, Sponsor, Footer | 1-5 Stat Toggle
Team Comparison or Player Comparison
UNIVERSAL L3_TeamCompNotes
- Global League | Team Tri-Codes | Optional Subheader, Sponsor, Footer | Dynamic Text Rows for 2 Teams for Single-Note

Player Note for Bio Info

UNIVERSAL L3_TeamPlyrNotes - Global League | Team Tri-Code | Optional Qualifier | Note Maxsize | Optional Sponsor & Footer | Logo On/Off | First &
Lastnam | Jersey & Position | 2 Category Top Line Notes (Hide on Empty) | 5 Stats Bottom Line (Hide on Empty)

Player Stats with Category

UNIVERSAL L3_TeamPlyrStat - Global League | Team Tri-Code | Optional Qualifier, Footer, Sponsor | Noteline Maxsize | Cat-Stat/Stat-Cat Toggle | First &
Lastname | Jersey & Position | Optional Headshot | 1-6 Cat-Stat Options (Hide on Empty)

Text Overlay Lower Third for Promos

UNIVERSAL L3_TextOverlay
- L3 Manual Position Controls | 2 Text Lines - Hide on Empty | Logo On Off with Scale Controls and Position

Title Card with Sport Toggles

UNIVERSAL L3_TitleCard - Global League | Team Tri-Codes | Optional Qualifier, Footer, Sponsor Banner, Sponsor Chip | Records On/Off | Team City,
Name & Scores | 2-Stages (Sponsor Banner then hit Continue to get to Matchup with Sponsor Chip) | Added Small/Large
Scale Toggle | Generic, MLB, NBA or NHL Theme

Title Card with Headshots

BOXING L3_TitleCard_Boxing - Global League | Team Tri-Codes | Optional Qualifier, Footer, Sponsor Banner, Sponsor Chip | Fighter vs Fighter with
Nicknames, Record and KO | 2-Stages (Sponsor Banner then hit Continue to get to Matchup with Sponsor Chip) | Optional

Title Card with Clip

UNIVERSAL L3_TitleCard_Clip - Global League | Team Tri-Codes | Optional Qualifier, Footer, Sponsor Banner, Sponsor Chip, Sponsor Clip | Records On/Off |
Team City, Name & Scores | 2-Stages (Sponsor Clip then hit Continue to get to Matchup with Sponsor Chip)

Title Card - No Headshots

BOXING L3_TitleCard_Fighters - Global League | Team Tri-Codes | Optional Qualifier, Footer, Sponsor Banner, Sponsor Chip | Fighter vs Fighter with
Nicknames, Record and KO | 2-Stages (Sponsor Banner then hit Continue to get to Matchup with Sponsor Chip) | No
5-Head Leaders Title Card with Sponsor

UNIVERSAL L3_TitleCard_Lineups - Global League | Team Tri-Code | Optional Sponsor, Qualifier, Footer | 2-5 Player Toggle with Headshots, Jersey, Position,
Rank Options

5-Name (Text Only) Leaders Title Card with Sponsor

UNIVERSAL L3_TitleCard_LineupsTxt - Global League | Team Tri-Code | Optional Sponsor, Qualifier, Footer | 2-5 Player Toggle with Text, Jersey, Position, Rank

Title Card for NCAA and High School

NCAAHS L3_TitleCard_NCAA - Global League | Team Tri-Codes | Optional Qualifier, Footer, Sponsor Banner, Sponsor Chip | Records On/Off | Team City,
Name & Scores | 2-Stages (Sponsor Banner then hit Continue to get to Matchup with Sponsor Chip)

Title Rejoin with Multiple Continues

UNIVERSAL L3_TitleRejoin - Global League | Team Tri-Codes | Optional Qualifier, Footer, Sponsor Banner, Sponsor Chip | Records On/Off | Team City,
Name & Scores | 3-Stages (Text Banner /Continue Sponsor Banner /Continue Matchup with Sponsor Chip)

Title Rejoin with Multiple Continues

NCAAHS L3_TitleRejoin_NCAA - Global League | Team Tri-Codes | Optional Qualifier, Footer, Sponsor Banner, Sponsor Chip | Records On/Off | Team City,
Name & Scores | 3-Stages (Text Banner /Continue Sponsor Banner /Continue Matchup with Sponsor Chip)

Player or Team Stats with 3 Rows and 5 Columns

UNIVERSAL L3_TmPlyrStatLine - Global League | Team Tri-Code | Optional Header, Qualifier, Footnote, Sponsor | 1-3 Row Toggle | Column Reposition & Max
Size | Headers Hide on Empty | Box Highlights | Color Brackets for Footer

Lower Right Video Elevator

UNIVERSAL L3_VideoElevator
- Manual or Set Timer | Sponsor Clip | 480x270 | NEWTEK Codec

Lower Center Video Promo

- Manual or Set Timer | Sponsor Clip | 960x165 | NEWTEK Codec
New Specialty Slideshow

UNIVERSAL LU_Image - Global League, Team Tri-Code, Optional Sponsor, Title, Subtitle, Text On/Off, 4x3 or 16x9 Image Toggle, Player Info for
Jersey, Position, First & Lastnames with Optional Note

New Specialty Lineup

UNIVERSAL LU_Lineup - Global League, 5 Team Tri-Codes, 1-5 Player Toggle with Multi-Team On/Off, Optional Sponsor, 2D/3D Logo Toggle, Title,
Subtitle, Each Player Pod has Rank, Image, Jersey, Position, Firstname, Lastname & Noteline

MLB Monitor for Studios - 16x9 Version

BASEBALL MLB_Fill-1_16x9 - Global League, 2 Team Tri-Codes, No Logo, Single or Matchup Toggle, 2D/3D Logo Toggle, Color Toggles for Each Side for
Custom Color Selection

MLB Monitor for Studios - Wide Version

BASEBALL MLB_Fill-1_Wide - Global League, 2 Team Tri-Codes, No Logo, Single or Matchup Toggle, 2D/3D Logo Toggle, Color Toggles for Each Side for
Custom Color Selection

2-4 Head Mosaic

UNIVERSAL MO_2to4HdStat - Global League | Team Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Big Sponsor | Title Bar Image Toggle | Live Video or Key |
Background Clip/Still Toggle | No Scaleback Video Control (Use Rollout Instead) | 2-4 Rows with Headshot, Player Name, 2-
Note Lines

Batting Order Mosaic for Baseball

UNIVERSAL MO_BattingOrder - Global League | Team Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Big Sponsor | Title Bar Image Toggle | Live Video or Key |
Background Clip/Still Toggle | No Scaleback Video Control (Use Rollout Instead) | 1-10 Batters, Last Batter On/Off Toggle |
Each Player Pod has Position, Batting Stance, Name, 0-For Column and Highlights

Batting Stats Mosaic for Baseball

UNIVERSAL MO_BattingStats - Global League | Team Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Big Sponsor | Title Bar Image Toggle | Live Video or Key |
Background Clip/Still Toggle | No Scaleback Video Control (Use Rollout Instead) | Team Tri-Code | 1-10 Lines for Batters, 10th
Line is Optional | Each Line has Name & 2 Stat Columns

Defensive Diamond Mosaic for Baseball

BASEBALL MO_DefDiamond - Global League | Team Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Big Sponsor | Title Bar Image Toggle | Live Video or Key |
Background Clip/Still Toggle | No Scaleback Video Control (Use Rollout Instead) | Team Tri-Code for Diamond & Player Name
Bars | 9 Positions with Position Controls & Highlights
Generic Text Lines Mosaic

UNIVERSAL MO_GenTxt - Global League | Team Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Big Sponsor | Title Bar Image Toggle | Live Video or Key |
Background Clip/Still Toggle | No Scaleback Video Control (Use Rollout Instead) | Team Tri-Code | Name Bar with Dropline | 1-
8 Row Toggle with Color Brackets & Emoticons

Team Schedule Mosaic

UNIVERSAL MO_MosaicSchedule - Global League | Team Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Big Sponsor | Title Bar Image Toggle | Live Video or Key |
Background Clip/Still Toggle | No Scaleback Video Control (Use Rollout Instead) | Team Tri-Code | Header & Noteline | 2-6
Row Toggle with Date, vs/at, Logo, Name, Time, Network Logo Optional

Player/Team Notes Mosaic

UNIVERSAL MO_PlyrTeamNotes - Global League | Team Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Big Sponsor | Title Bar Image Toggle | Live Video or Key |
Background Clip/Still Toggle | No Scaleback Video Control (Use Rollout Instead) | Team Tri-Code | Player Name, Jersey,
Position, Headshot/Logo/Actionshot | Notes Header with Subheader & 1-4 Bullet Points

Player/Team Notes Mosaic - 2 Sections

UNIVERSAL MO_PlyrTeamNotes2 - Global League | Team Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Big Sponsor | Title Bar Image Toggle | Live Video or Key |
Background Clip/Still Toggle | No Scaleback Video Control (Use Rollout Instead) | Team Tri-Code | Player Name, Jersey,
Position, Headshot/Logo/Actionshot | 2 Sections with Note Header with 3 Lines

League Standings Mosaic

UNIVERSAL MO_Standings - Global League | Team Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Big Sponsor | Title Bar Image Toggle | Live Video or Key |
Background Clip/Still Toggle | No Scaleback Video Control (Use Rollout Instead) | Header & Subtitle | 1-10 Teams with Tri-Text
& 1-3 Categories with Headers

League Standings Mosaic with 2 Columns

UNIVERSAL MO_Standings2Col - Global League | Team Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Big Sponsor | Title Bar Image Toggle | Live Video or Key |
Background Clip/Still Toggle | No Scaleback Video Control (Use Rollout Instead) | Header & Subtitle | 1-10 Teams with Tri-Text
& 1-2 Categories with Headers & Wider Columns

Team/Player Stat Mosaic

UNIVERSAL MO_Stat - Global League | Team Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Big Sponsor | Title Bar Image Toggle | Live Video or Key |
Background Clip/Still Toggle | No Scaleback Video Control (Use Rollout Instead) | Player Headshot/Logo with Name, Jersey,
Position, Noteline | 1-5 Rows of Stats with 1-2 Columns

2-Team Stat Comparison Mosaic

UNIVERSAL MO_StatsComparison - Global League | Team Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Big Sponsor | Title Bar Image Toggle | Live Video or Key |
Background Clip/Still Toggle | No Scaleback Video Control (Use Rollout Instead) | 2 Team Headshots with Big Header &
Noteline | 1-8 Rows of Stats with 1-2 Columns + Headers
2-Team Comparison (Matchup) Mosaic

UNIVERSAL MO_TeamComparison - Global League | Team Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Big Sponsor | Title Bar Image Toggle | Live Video or Key |
Background Clip/Still Toggle | No Scaleback Video Control (Use Rollout Instead) | Team Logos with Scores & Names | 1-5 Row
Toggle with Categories & Stats with Reposition & Spacing Controls

Team Scores with Notes Lines Mosaic

UNIVERSAL MO_TeamScores - Global League | Team Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Big Sponsor | Title Bar Image Toggle | Live Video or Key |
Background Clip/Still Toggle | No Scaleback Video Control (Use Rollout Instead) | Team Pods with Name, Logo, Record,
Noteline, Score | Optional Stat/Note Lines Under Score | 1-5 Row Toggle with Reposition & Maxsize

Single-Team Stats Mosaic

UNIVERSAL MO_TeamStats - Global League | Team Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Big Sponsor | Title Bar Image Toggle | Live Video or Key |
Background Clip/Still Toggle | No Scaleback Video Control (Use Rollout Instead) | Big Team Logo with Name Bar and Noteline
| 1-5 Stat Line Toggle with Reposition, Maxsize & Justifcation Toggles with Color Brackets

Monitor for Team Matchups

- Global League | Team Tri-Codes | 1-2 Team Toggle | 2D/3D Logo Toggle | Team Logo/Info Reposition Controls

Vertical Monitor for Team Matchups

- Global League | Team Tri-Codes | 1-2 Team Toggle | 2D/3D Logo Toggle | Team Logo/Info Reposition Controls

Studio Monitor Wall for Baseball Lineup

UNIVERSAL MW_LineupBaseball - Global League | Monitor # Toggle | Team # Toggle | Team 1/2 Logo Positioning | 1-9 Player Toggle & Each Player has Name &
Position Columns | Optional Footnote | Optional Sponsor

Studio Monitor Wall for Notes

UNIVERSAL MW_NotesCustom - Global League | Team Tri-Codes | 1-2 Team Toggle | 2D/3D Logo Toggle | Team Logo/Info Reposition Controls | 3-6 Monitor
Toggle | Each Monitor has Line Toggle & Visibility | Color Bars with Position Controls | Sponsor Chip
Studio Monitor Wall for Stats

UNIVERSAL MW_NotesStats - Global League | Team Tri-Codes | 1-2 Team Toggle | 2D/3D Logo Toggle | Team Logo/Info Reposition Controls | 3-6 Monitor
Toggle | Each Monitor has Line Toggle, Stat Type Toggle | Title, Subtitle, Subheader, Footnote

Studio Monitor Wall for Players & Stats

UNIVERSAL MW_PlayerLogo - Global League | Team Tri-Codes | 1-2 Team Toggle | 2D/3D Logo Toggle | Team Logo/Info Reposition Controls | 3-6 Monitor
Toggle | Each Monitor has Line Toggle, Stat Type Toggle | Title, Subtitle, Subheader, Footnote, Actionshot or Headshot with
Logo Toggle

NBA_Fill-1_16x9 Monitor for Basketball Matchup

NBA_Fill-1_2xWide - Global League, 2 Team Tri-Codes, Team Color Toggle, Logo Toggle for No Logo, Single or Matchup

NHL_Fill-1_16x9 Monitor for Hockey Matchup

NHL_Fill-1_2xWide - Global League, 2 Team Tri-Codes, Team Color Toggle, Logo Toggle for No Logo, Single or Matchup

Nub Clock

UNIVERSAL NU_Clck - Global League | Position Toggle | Global Reposition | Sponsor | Vertical/Horizontal or Bottom/Left Toggles | Qualifier | Clock
Type | Countdown Tab Fields | Footnote

Nub Countdown Clock with Team Matchup

UNIVERSAL NU_CntdnClck - Global League | Position Toggle | Global Reposition | Sponsor | Vertical/Horizontal or Bottom/Eft Toggles | Qualifier | Clock
Type | Countdown Tab Fields | Footnote | Team Tri-Codes with Records, Header and Enter Date and Game Start for Auto-
Countdown Set
Specialty Nub Countdown

UNIVERSAL NU_CntdwnElmnt - Global League | Position Toggle | Tri-Code | Bally Bar Safe Toggle | Generic vs Team Look | Text or Countdown Toggle |
Number Start/End for Countdown Auto-Change on Animate | Text Lines with Enter Option

Nub Coming Up Promo Text & Sponsor

UNIVERSAL NU_ComUpPromo - Global League | Position Toggle |Team Tri-Code with Sponsor Logo Toggle | 1-2 Text Lines with Text Boldness Thick/Thin
Option | Qualifier & Footer

Nub Copyright
- Global League | Position Toggle | Sponsor | Qualifier | Light/Dark Toggle | Header, Quote, Logo On/Off

Specialty Nub for Dominos Tracker

UNIVERSAL NU_Dominos_Tracker
- Global League | Right Position | Title | Date for Countdown

Nub for Generic Name

- Position Controls | Headshot On/Off | First & Last Name with Footnote

Nub for Generic Text

- Position Controls | Header | Stadium Name | Qualifier

Nub for Generic Text (Smaller Version)

- Position Controls | Wrapping Text for 2-Lines | Bally Bar Safe Toggle

Nub for Live Video (MLB Pitch Clock)

- Default Position is Lower Right | Global Manual Reposition | Video & Clip Scale Controls
Nub for Location
- Position Controls | Global Reposition | Qualifier | Single Text Line

Nub for Logo (Logo Needs Alpha)

- Global League | Tri-Code | Global Position | Drop Shadow On/Off | 3D Logo Tilt Left/Right

Nub for Logo with Red/White Chip

- Global League | Tri-Code |Top/Bottom Position Toggle | Sponsor | Manual Logo | Bally Bar Safe

Nub for Mic'd Up or Sound

UNIVERSAL NU_LstnIn - Global League | Position Controls | Global Reposition | Title Option for Text/Logo | Team Tri-Code | Optional Sponsor |
Sound Bar Color Toggle | Title, Subtitle, Number, Position, Player Name with Last Name Color Toggle & Optional Qualifier

Nub with Team Matchup

- Global League | Team Tri-Codes | Global Position | Sponsor | Title, Subtitle, Footer

Specialty Nub with Counter for Milestone

UNIVERSAL NU_MilestoneNum - Global League | Team Tri-Code | Left/Right Toggle | Color Selectors for the Graphic: 3 Groups to Select from |
Logo/Headshot | Name | Qualifier | Sport Icon Toggle | Counter Digits from 1-4 with Start & End Number Tab Fields for the

Specialty Nub with Counter for Milestone (Larger)

UNIVERSAL NU_MilestoneSPC - Global League & Team Tri-Code | Optional Sponsor | Left/Right Toggle | Splash Intro Text, Player Name, Dropline |
Headshot/Actionshot Toggle with Scale/Position Controls | Counter for 1-4 Digits for Both Start/End

Nub for Twitter/Social (No Longer Music)

- Position Controls | Top Line & Drop Line with Social Color Toggle | Old Music Courtesy Nub
Nub for Music Videos
UNIVERSAL NU_MusCrstyGeneric
- Position Controls | Global Reposition | Top & Bottom Text | for Musicians, Bands

Pitch Clock Indicator

- Global League & Manual Reposition Controls | Animates Over Baseball Diamond on Bally Bar

Nub for Player Name

- Global League | Global Reposition | Team Tri-Code | Headshot/Logo with Player Name Lines & Footnote

Nub for Player/Team with Single-Stat

UNIVERSAL NU_PlyrSnglStat - Global League | Team Tri-Code | Global Reposition | Sponsor | Headshot/Logo with Player First & Last Name, Jersey &
Position, Arrow On/Off, Cat & Stat with Bottom Line & Qualifier

Nub for Gymnastics Scores (College)

NCAAHS NU_ScoreGYMN - Global League | Left/Right Toggle | Bottom/Top Toggle | Team Tri-Codes | Header Text or Clock | Qualifer | Sponsor | Team
Scores Stacked | Footnote | 2D/3D Logo Toggle

Nub for Baseball Score

BASEBALL NU_ScoreMLB - Global League | Left/Right Toggle | Bottom/Top Toggle | Team Tri-Codes | Qualifier | Sponsor | Team Scores Stacked |
Footnote | 2D/3D Logo Toggle | Inning Top/Bot Toggle | Out Toggles | Base Runner Toggles

Nub for Basketball Score

BASKETBALL NU_ScoreNBA - Global League | Left/Right Toggle | Bottom/Top Toggle | Team Tri-Codes | Qualifer | Sponsor | Team Scores Stacked |
Footnote | 2D/3D Logo Toggle

Nub for Hockey Score

HOCKEY NU_ScoreNHL - Global League | Left/Right Toggle | Bottom/Top Toggle | Team Tri-Codes | Qualifer | Sponsor | Team Scores Stacked |
Footnote | 2D/3D Logo Toggle
Specialty Nub for 1-2 Logos

UNIVERSAL NU_SpltyImg - Global League | Team Tri-Codes | Bally Bar Reposition | 2D/3D Logos | Light Color Toggle | Image Option Toggle |
Background Toggle | Text On/Off | 1-2 Lines of Text

Nub for Sponsor

- Global League | Position Controls | Title | Subtitle | Footnote | Sponsor Vertical / Horizontal / 16x9 Toggles

Nub for Sponsor - 2 Page with Continue

UNIVERSAL NU_Sponsor_2pg - Global League | Position Controls | Title | Subtitle | Footnote | Sponsor Vertical / Horizontal / 16x9 Toggles / Show 2
Sponsors Back to Back or League Logo then Sponsor

Nub for Stacked Sponsors

UNIVERSAL NU_SponsorDouble
- Global League | Position Controls | Footnote | 2 Sponsor Tab Fields to show 2 Sponsors at Once

Nub for Talent Headshots

UNIVERSAL NU_Talent - Global League | Team Tri-Code with Logo On/Off | 1-5 Player Headshot Toggle with Names & Headshots | Qualifer |
Footnote with Color Brackets

Nub for Team/Player Matchup

UNIVERSAL NU_TeamMatchup - Global League | Position Toggle | Team Tri-Codes | Title | Subtitle | Sponsor | Logo/Headshot Toggle | Team Stats and Team
Names | Footnote

Nub for Team Note

- Global League | Position Toggle | Global Reposition | Team Tri-Code | 2-Lines of Text | Dropline Optional | Telescoping Text

Nub for "Tracking The ______" - Hockey Only

HOCKEY NU_TrackingThe - Global League, Team Tri-Code, Left/Right Toggle, Bally Bar Safe Toggle, Glow Team Color Toggle, THE Text On/Off, Free
Text Line for RSN Team Name or Player Name
Nub for Win Probability

UNIVERSAL NU_WinProb - Global League, Left/Right, Bottom/Top Position Toggles | 2 Team Tri-Codes | Qualifier | Optional Sponsor with
Horizontal/Vertical Toggle | Score/Percentage Tab Fields for Each Team | 2D/3D Logo Toggle | Optional Footnote | Works
with VTW Template for All Sports

2-4 Head Rollout

UNIVERSAL RO_2to4HdStat - Global League | Team Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Big Sponsor | Title Bar Image Toggle | Live Video or Key |
Background Clip/Still Toggle | Animate Rollout then hit Continue to Squeezeback Video then hit Continue to Animate back to
Full Video | 2-4 Rows with Headshot, Player Name, 2-Note Lines

Batting Order Rollout

- Global League | Team Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Big Sponsor | Title Bar Image Toggle | Live Video or Key |
UNIVERSAL RO_BattingOrder Background Clip/Still Toggle | Animate Rollout then hit Continue to Squeezeback Video then hit Continue to Animate back to
Full Video | Team Tri-Code | 1-10 Lines for Batters, 10th Line is Optional | Each Line has Position, Stance, Player Name and
Batting Average

Batting Stats Rollout

UNIVERSAL RO_BattingStats - Global League | Team Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Big Sponsor | Title Bar Image Toggle | Live Video or Key |
Background Clip/Still Toggle | Animate Rollout then hit Continue to Squeezeback Video then hit Continue to Animate back to
Full Video | Team Tri-Code | 1-10 Lines for Batters, 10th Line is Optional | Each Line has Name & 2 Stat Columns

Defensive Diamond Rollout

BASEBALL RO_DefDiamond - Global League | Team Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Big Sponsor | Title Bar Image Toggle | Live Video or Key |
Background Clip/Still Toggle | Animate Rollout then hit Continue to Squeezeback Video then hit Continue to Animate back to
Full Video | Team Tri-Code | 9 Positions with Position Controls, Name Bar & Highlights

Generic Text Lines Rollout

UNIVERSAL RO_GenTxt - Global League | Team Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Big Sponsor | Title Bar Image Toggle | Live Video or Key |
Background Clip/Still Toggle | Animate Rollout then hit Continue to Squeezeback Video then hit Continue to Animate back to
Full Video | Team Tri-Code | Name Bar with Dropline | 1-8 Row Toggle with Color Brackets & Emoticons

Player Team Notes Style 1 Rollout

- Global League | Team Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Big Sponsor | Title Bar Image Toggle | Live Video or Key |
UNIVERSAL RO_PlyrTeamNotes Background Clip/Still Toggle | Animate Rollout then hit Continue to Squeezeback Video then hit Continue to Animate back to
Full Video | Team Tri-Code | Player Name, Jersey, Position, Headshot/Logo/Actionshot | Notes Header with Subheader & 1-4
Bullet Points

Player Team Notes Style 2 Rollout

- Global League | Team Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Big Sponsor | Title Bar Image Toggle | Live Video or Key |
UNIVERSAL RO_PlyrTeamNotes2 Background Clip/Still Toggle | Animate Rollout then hit Continue to Squeezeback Video then hit Continue to Animate back to
Full Video | Team Tri-Code | Player Name, Jersey, Position, Headshot/Logo/Actionshot | 2 Sections with Note Header with 3
Team Schedule Rollout

UNIVERSAL RO_Schedule - Global League | Team Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Big Sponsor | Title Bar Image Toggle | Live Video or Key |
Background Clip/Still Toggle | Animate Rollout then hit Continue to Squeezeback Video then hit Continue to Animate back to
Full Video | Team Tri-Code | Header & Noteline | 2-6 Row Toggle with Date, vs/at, Logo, Name, Time, Network Logo Optional

Standings Rollout

UNIVERSAL RO_Standings - Global League | Team Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Big Sponsor | Title Bar Image Toggle | Live Video or Key |
Background Clip/Still Toggle | Animate Rollout then hit Continue to Squeezeback Video then hit Continue to Animate back to
Full Video | Team Tri-Code | Header & Subtitle | 1-10 Teams with Tri-Text & 1-3 Categories with Headers

Standings with 2 Larger Columns Rollout

- Global League | Team Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Big Sponsor | Title Bar Image Toggle | Live Video or Key |
UNIVERSAL RO_Standings2Col Background Clip/Still Toggle | Animate Rollout then hit Continue to Squeezeback Video then hit Continue to Animate back to
Full Video | Team Tri-Code | Header & Subtitle | 1-10 Teams with Tri-Text & 1-2 Categories with Headers & Wider

Team/Player Stats Rollout

UNIVERSAL RO_Stat - Global League | Team Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Big Sponsor | Title Bar Image Toggle | Live Video or Key |
Background Clip/Still Toggle | Animate Rollout then hit Continue to Squeezeback Video then hit Continue to Animate back to
Full Video | Player Headshot/Logo with Name, Jersey, Position, Noteline | 1-5 Rows of Stats with 1-2 Columns

Matchup Stat Comparison Style 1 Rollout

UNIVERSAL RO_StatsComparison - Global League | Team Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Big Sponsor | Title Bar Image Toggle | Live Video or Key |
Background Clip/Still Toggle | Animate Rollout then hit Continue to Squeezeback Video then hit Continue to Animate back to
Full Video | 2 Team Headshots with Big Header & Noteline | 1-8 Rows of Stats with 1-2 Columns + Headers

Team Comparison with Score Rollout

UNIVERSAL RO_TeamCompare - Global League | Team Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Big Sponsor | Title Bar Image Toggle | Live Video or Key |
Background Clip/Still Toggle | Animate Rollout then hit Continue to Squeezeback Video then hit Continue to Animate back to
Full Video | Team Logos with Scores & Names | 1-5 Row Toggle with Categories & Stats with Reposition & Spacing Controls

Team Comparison with Score Style 2 Rollout

- Global League | Team Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Big Sponsor | Title Bar Image Toggle | Live Video or Key |
UNIVERSAL RO_TeamScores Background Clip/Still Toggle | Animate Rollout then hit Continue to Squeezeback Video then hit Continue to Animate back to
Full Video | Team Pods with Name, Logo, Record, Noteline, Score | Optional Stat/Note Lines Under Score | 1-5 Row Toggle
with Reposition & Maxsize

Team Stats Rollout

- Global League | Team Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Big Sponsor | Title Bar Image Toggle | Live Video or Key |
UNIVERSAL RO_TeamStats Background Clip/Still Toggle | Animate Rollout then hit Continue to Squeezeback Video then hit Continue to Animate back to
Full Video | Big Team Logo with Name Bar and Noteline | 1-5 Stat Line Toggle with Reposition, Maxsize & Justification
Toggles with Color Brackets
5-Head with Text Lines Slab

UNIVERSAL SL_5HdGenTxt - Global League | Generic/Team Shell | Left/Right Toggle | Thin/Wide Toggle | Sponsor | Title Logo On/Off | 5 Team Tri-Codes
| Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Footnote | 1-5 Row Toggle | Logo/Headshot Toggle | Player Name & 1-2 Text Lines per Row

5-Head with Text Lines Slab (Row Reveal via Continues)

UNIVERSAL SL_5HdGenTxtReveal - Global League | Generic/Team Shell | Left/Right Toggle | Thin/Wide Toggle | Sponsor | Title Logo On/Off | 5 Team Tri-Codes
| Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Footnote | 1-5 Row Toggle | Logo/Headshot Toggle | Player Name & 1-2 Text Lines per Row

Batting Order Slab for Baseball

BASEBALL SL_BattingOrder - Global League | Generic vs Team Shell | Rankings | Thin/Wide Toggle | Team Tri-Code | Title Logo On/Off | Title | Subtitle |
Subheader | 1-10 Row Toggle | 0-2 Column Toggle | Sponsor | Column Maxsize | Divider Color Toggle | Enter Rank, Player
Name, 1-2 Stats for Each Player Row

Batter Zone Slab for Baseball

BASEBALL SL_BtBxMLB - Global League | Shell Type | Splash Logo | Position Toggle | Team Tri-Code | Subheader | Sponsor | First & Last Name,
Jersey & Position | 14 Zones with Dark, Hot, Cold Toggle & Text Line to Enter Batting Average in Each Zone | Works with

Defense Diamond Slab for Baseball (1 or 2 Page via Continues)

BASEBALL SL_Def_Diamond - Global League | Shell Type | Splash Logo | Position Toggle | Team Tri-Code | Subheader | Sponsor | Option to Show Both
Infield & Outfield or Just One | Toggle Order of Infield and Outfield | Enter Position, Last Name & Toggle Position Controls (for
Shifts) for Each Name Bar on Diamond | Footnote

Defense Diamond All Positions Slab for Baseball (1 Page Only)

BASEBALL SL_Def_DiamondFull - Global League | Shell Type | Splash Logo | Position Toggle | Team Tri-Code | Subheader | Sponsor | Footnote | 9 Positions on
Diamond with Optional Highlights | Slab Size is Slightly Wider than Normal Wide Setting for Slabs

Defensive Pairings Slab for Hockey

HOCKEY SL_DefPairNHL - Global League | Shell Type | Left/Right Toggle | Title Logo | 6 Player Tri-Codes | Team Logo On Off | Sponsor | 1-3 Rows |
Logo/Headshot Toggle | Enter Player Headshot, Number, Position and Name for Each Player Pod | Footnote

Fighter Tease with Notes Slab for Boxing

BOXING SL_FightTease - Global League | Shell Type | Left/Right Toggle | Thin/Wide Toggle | Title Logo | 2 Fighter Tri-Codes | Team Logo On/Off |
Title, Subtitle, Subheader | 1-4 Rows | Reposition, Offset and Y Position Controls | Sponsor | Small/Large Scale Toggle for Text
Size | Category Header | Player Headshot/Actionshot Toggle | Names | Red/Blue/Black Backdrop Toggle | Namebar On/Off
Game Summary with Notes Slab for Baseball

BASEBALL SL_GameSumm_MLB - Global League | Shell Type | Left/Right Toggle | Header Logo with On/Off | 2 Team Tri-Codes | Title, Subtitle, Subheader,
Footnote, Sponsor | 1-3 Text Rows | Maxsize & Reposition | Text Center/Left Toggle | Team Pods have Optional Rank, Name,
Run, Hit & Error Columns

Game Summary with Text Lines Slab for Soccer

SOCCER SL_GameSummaryMLS - Global League | Shell Type | Left/Right | Thin/Wide Toggle | Title, Subtitle, Subheader, Sponsor, Footnote | 1-5 Rows of
Players/Teams with Logo/Headshot, Name, Goal Line, Text Line

Generic Image Slab (Small Image)

UNIVERSAL SL_GenImage - Global League | Shell Type | Left/Right Toggle | Intro Logo with On/Off | Title, Subtitle, Subheader, Sponsor, Footnote | Text
Line (Hides on Empty) | Image Scale/Position

Generic Image Slab (Large Image)

UNIVERSAL SL_GenImg - Global League | Shell Type | Left/Right Toggle | Intro Logo with On/Off | Title, Subtitle, Subheader, Sponsor, Footnote | Text
Line (Hides on Empty) | Image Scale/Position

Quote Slab

UNIVERSAL SL_GenQuote - Global League | Left/Right Toggle | Shell Type | Team Tri-Code | Title, Subtitle, Sponsor, Footnote | Wrapping Text Box for
Quote (Case Sensitive)

Large Image Slab with Text Lines

UNIVERSAL SL_GenTextImg - Global League | Shell Type | Left/Right Toggle | Intro Logo with On/Off | Title, Subtitle, Subheader, Sponsor, Footnote |
Quote Box with Wrapping Text | Image with Width/Hieght Crops

Generic Text Slab

UNIVERSAL SL_GenTxt - Global League | Shell Type | Left/Right Toggle | Thin/Wide Toggle | Title Team Logo with On/Off | Title, Subtitle, Subheader,
Sponsor, Footnote | 1-12 Text Row Toggle with Color Brackets, Emoticons, Case Sensitive Text | Open Text Row Tab Fields to
Access Highlights, Max Size, Position Controls

Generic 2-Line Text Slab

UNIVERSAL SL_GenTxt2Line - Global League | Shell Type | Left/Right Toggle | Thin/Wide Toggle | Title Team Logo with On/Off | Title, Subtitle, Subheader,
Sponsor, Footnote | 1-5 Double-Line Text Row Toggle with Color Brackets, Emoticons, Case Sensitive Text | Open Text Row
Tab Fields to Access Highlights, Max Size, Position Controls | Divider On/Off Toggles
Generic Text Slab with Lines Revealed via Continues

UNIVERSAL SL_GenTxtReveal - Global League | Shell Type | Left/Right Toggle | Thin/Wide Toggle | Title Team Logo with On/Off | Title, Subtitle, Subheader,
Sponsor, Footnote | 1-12 Text Row Toggle with Color Brackets, Emoticons, Case Sensitive Text | Open Text Row Tab Fields to
Access Highlights, Max Size, Position Controls

Multiple Scores with Notes Slab

UNIVERSAL SL_GroupScores - Global League | Shell Type | Left/Right Toggle | Header Logo & 6 Team Tri-Codes | Title, Subtitle, Subheader, Sponsor,
Footnote | Text Lines 1-3 Toggle with Center/Left Toggle | Game Rows 1-3 Toggle and Each Team Pod has Rank, Name,
Score | Each Matchup has Game Status

League Schedule Slab (Text Only)

UNIVERSAL SL_LeagueSched - Global League | Shell Type | Left/Right Toggle | Thin/Wide Toggle | Title Team Logo with On/Off | Title, Subtitle, Subheader,
Sponsor, Footnote | 1-10 Matchups with Toggle | Each Row has Team 1 Name, Team 2 Name, VS Tab Field, Divider, Reposition
and Highlight

League Stat Leaders Slab

UNIVERSAL SL_LeagueStat - Global League | Shell Type | Rankings On/Off | Logos On/Off | Left/Right Toggle | Thin/Wide Toggle | 10-Teams with Title
Logo | Title, Subtitle, Subheader, Sponsor, Footnote | 1-10 Row Toggle with 0-2 Stat Column Toggle with Reposition, Max
Size, Text Justification Controls | Each Row has Rank, Logo, Player Name, 0-2 Stats with Divider Color Toggle

Off Air Text with Logo Slab

UNIVERSAL SL_OffAir - Global League | Shell Type | Left/Right Toggle | Thin/Wide Toggle | Team Tri-Code | Logo On/Off | Title, Subtitle, Subheader,
Sponsor, Footnote | 1-5 Double Line Text Row Toggle | Image On/Off Underneath Double Line Text Rows

Players On Ice Slab for Hockey

HOCKEY SL_OnIce - Global League | Shell Type | Position Toggle | Team Tri-Code | Title, Subtitle, Sponsor, Footnote | Goalie Active Toggle | Each
Position has Name Tab Field, Position Abbreviated Tab Field, Position Controls & Highlight

Pie Chart Slab

UNIVERSAL SL_PieChart - Global League | Shell Type | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor | Title Image Takeover | Footnote | Team Tri-Code | 1-5
Rows with Reposition & Maxsize | Namebar On/Off with Jersey & Position | Materials for Pie Chart Color Selection for Each
Piece | Headshot/Actionshot/Logo Toggle

Player/Team Comparison Slab

UNIVERSAL SL_PlyrComparison - Global League, Shell Type, Left/Right Toggle, Thin/Wide Toggle | Title Logo, 2-Team Logos, On/Off Toggles, Title, Subtitle,
Subheader, Sponsor, Footer | 1-6 Row Toggle with Reposition & Max Size | Category Headers | Team/Player have options for
Logo/Logo+Headshot | Namebar On/Off with Jersey & Position | 1-6 Stats per Side
Player/Team Comparison with Ranks Slab

- Global League, Shell Type, Left/Right Toggle, Thin/Wide Toggle | Title Logo, 2-Team Logos, On/Off Toggles, Title, Subtitle,
UNIVERSAL SL_PlyrComparisonRank Subheader, Sponsor, Footer | 1-6 Row Toggle with Reposition & Max Size | Category Headers | Team/Player have options for
Logo/Logo+Headshot | Namebar On/Off with Jersey & Position | 1-6 Stats per Side | Ranks Under Stats with Optional Rank

Player/Team Notes Slab

UNIVERSAL SL_PlyrNotes - Global League | Shell Type | Left/Right Toggle | Thin/Wide Toggle | League Logo, Team Logo, Title On/Off, Title, Subtitle,
Subheader, Sponsor, Footnote | 1-7 Text Rows with Maxsize & Reposition | Player Name, Jersey, Position | Namebar On/Off,
Left/Center Justification | Color Brackets, Dividers, Highlights and Y-Reposition for Each Line of Text

Player/Team Stats Slab

UNIVERSAL SL_PlyrStats - Global League | Shell Type | Left/Right Toggle | Thin/Wide Toggle | League Logo, Team Logo, Title On/Off, Title, Subtitle,
Subheader, Sponsor, Footnote | 1-7 Rows with Category & Stat, Highlights, Y-Reposition

Player/Team Stats for 1-10 Rows & 2 Columns Slabs

UNIVERSAL SL_PlyrStats10 - Global League | Shell Type | Left/Right Toggle | Thin/Wide Toggle | League Logo, Team Logo, Title On/Off, Title, Subtitle,
Subheader, Sponsor, Footnote | 1-10 Rows with 1-2 Category & Stat Columns, Highlights, Y-Reposition

Simple Score Comparison Slab

UNIVERSAL SL_SimpleScoreComp - Global League, Shell Type, Left/Right Toggle | Title Team Logo with On/Off, 2-Team Tri-Codes | Title, Subtitle, Subheader,
Sponsor, Footnote | 1-2 Row Toggle, 1-2 Stat Toggle, Headers for Each Stat Column | Record On/Off, Highlight Tab Fields,
Game Status & Time

5-Head Single Stat Slab

UNIVERSAL SL_SingleStat - Global League, Shell Type, Left/Right Toggle | Title Logo On/Off, 5-Team Logos | Title, Subtitle, Subheader, Sponsor,
Footnote | 1-5 Row Toggle | Each Row has Logo/Headshot, Player Name, 2-Text Lines (2nd Hides on Empty)

Social Media Small Image Post Slab

UNIVERSAL SL_SocialMedia - Global League, Left/Right, Shell Type | Intro Logo, Title, Subtitle, Social Logo On/Off, Sponsor | Optional Text (Hides on
Empty) | Image/Video Toggle with Image Scale/Position Controls

Social Media Large Image Post Slab

UNIVERSAL SL_SocialMediaImage - Global League, Shell Type, Position Controls | Team Logo with On/Off | Title, Subtitle, Footnote | TItle On/Off, Background
Toggle, Social Media Image Type (Quote, Square, Vertical, Long) for Each Type of Social Media Post | Image with
Specialty Panel Comparison Slab (Left Side Only - Bally Bug Right Side)

UNIVERSAL SL_SPC_Comp - Global League | Team Tri-Codes | Title Text/Sponsor/Image Toggle | Left/Center Text Justification | Team/Player Name,
Subtitle, 1-3 Text Rows, Subtitle | Footnote for Each Team & Big Footnote for Slab

Speciality Floating Panel Slab - Left/Right Toggle

- Smaller Version of SL_SPC_TeamPlyrStat with Less Panels

Specialty Panel Team/Player Stats Slab (Left Side Only - Bally Bug Right Side)

UNIVERSAL SL_SPC_TeamPlyrNote - Global League | Team Tri-Codes | Title Text/Sponsor/Image Toggle | Left/Center Text Justification | Team/Player Name,
Subtitle, 1-5 Note Lines or Quote Box, Subtitle | Footnote | Color Brackets, Emoticons | Toggle for Logo, Headshot or

Specialty Panel Team/Player Stats Slab (Left Side Only - Bally Bug Right Side)

UNIVERSAL SL_SPC_TeamPlyrStat - Global League | Team Tri-Codes | Title Text/Sponsor/Image Toggle | Left/Center Text Justification | Team/Player Name,
Subtitle, 1-5 Stats Rows, Subtitle | Footnote | Color Brackets for Stats & Cats | Toggle for Logo, Headshot or Actionshot

Split Standings Slab with Dividers

UNIVERSAL SL_SplitStandings - Global League | Shell Type | Logos On/Off | Left/Right, Thin/Wide Toggles | Title, Subtitle, Subheader, Footnote, Sponsor | 13
Tri-Codes | 2 Sets of Team Lists Separated By Divider | Top Set of Teams 2-5 Toggle | Bottom Set of Team 1-7 Toggle | 1-2
Column Toggle | Reposition & Maxsize Controls | Logo Position | Column Justification | 2 Headers for Teams with Max Size

Playoff Standing Slab for NBA

- Global League, Shell Type, Logos On/Off, Rank On/Off, Thin/Wide, Left/Right Position Toggle | Title, Subtitle, Subheader,
BASKETBALL SL_StndPlayoffsNBA Footnote, Sponsor | 13 Tri-Codes | 6 Teams on Top & 6 Teams on Bottom | Each Section has 1-6 Team Toggle | 1-2 Column
Toggle | Reposition & Maxsize | Justification | Logo, Rank Reposition | Each Team Row has Logo, Rank, 1-2 Columns, Team
Name & Column Headers

Playoff Standing Slab for NHL

HOCKEY SL_StndPlayoffsNHL - Global League, Shell Type, Logos On/Off, Rank On/Off, Thin/Wide, Left/Right Position Toggle | Title, Subtitle, Subheader,
Footnote, Sponsor | 13 Tri-Codes |2 Divisions Stacked | 6 Wild Card Teams, with Top 2 and In The Hunt 0-4 Team Toggle |
Divider Color Toggle | Team Highlight

Substitution Slab for Soccer

SOCCER SL_Substitution - Global League, Shell Type, Left/Right Toggle | Team Logo, Title, Subtitle, Subheader, Footnote, Sponsor | Sub Out Name &
Number, hit Continue to Swap to Sub In Name & Number
Talent Name Slab

UNIVERSAL SL_Talent - Global League, Shell Type, Left/Right Toggle, Thin/Wide Toggle | Team Logo with On/Off | Title, Subtitle, Subheader,
Sponsor, Footnote | 1-5 Row Toggle | Each Row has Name & 2nd Line for Social Media Handle or Other Info

Player/Team Comparison with Notes Slab

UNIVERSAL SL_TeamCompNotes - Global League, Shell Type, Left/Right Toggle, Thin/Wide Toggle | Title Logo, Team Logos, with On/Off | Title, Subtitle,
Subheader, Sponsor, Footnote | 1-6 Row Toggle with Reposition & Justification Controls, Color Brackets | Background Toggle
| Each Pod has Logo/Logo+Headshot, Namebar, Jersey & Position

Player/Team Comparison for Single-Stat Slab

UNIVERSAL SL_TmPlyrCmprsnSingleStat - Global League, Shell Type, Left/Right Toggle, Thin/Wide Toggle | Title Logo with On/Off | Title, Subtitle, Subheader,
Sponsor, Footnote | Team Tri-Codes for Background Color of Pods | 1-2 Rows with Team Name, Stat & Highlight

Team Schedule Slab

UNIVERSAL SL_TmSched - Global League | Shell Type | Left/Right Toggle | Thin/Wide Toggle | Title Team Logo with On/Off | Title, Subtitle, Subheader,
Sponsor, Footnote | 1-10 Matchups with Toggle | Each Row has Date, VS/AT, Team Name

Weather Slab

UNIVERSAL SL_Weather - Global League | Shell Type | Position Controls | Team Logo with On/Off | City Location via Tri-Code | Location Marker
Auto/Manual | Title, Subtitle, Subheader, Sponsor, Footnote | Headers for Categories for TEMP, WIND, HUMIDITY, etc.

Topic Bar for Pre- & Post- Game Shows

UNIVERSAL TB_Main - Global League | 2 Logo Tab Fields for Left and 2 for Right | Qualifier | Countdown Clock On/Off | 2 Sponsor Logo Tab Fields |
Left Pod Controls: Sponsor/Logo/Headshot/2-Heads/2-Logos | Layout Toggle for 1-Line, 2-Line, Large-Small, Small-Large |
Clock with Manual/Enter-Date | Right Pod Controls: Sponsor/Logo/Headshot/2-Head

1 Video Box with Name Bar

UNIVERSAL VB_1Box - BG On/Off, BG Toggle 2D/3D/Event, Event Image, Global League, Namebar On/Off with Shell Color Toggle & Talent vs
Team Name | Team Tri-Code, Title (Open to Turn Off Title Bar), Subtitle, Background | Sponsor | Title Bar Options
Text/Banner/Logo | Tab Fields for Team Name, First/Last Names, Social for Up To 2 Talent

1 Video Box with 2 Optional Logos & No Title Bar Area

- BG On/Off, BG Toggle 2D/3D/Event, Event Image, Global League, Optional Logo on Each Side of Box
1 Video Box (Wider than VB_1Box)

UNIVERSAL VB_1BoxBig - BG On/Off, BG Toggle 2D/3D/Event, Event Image, Global League, Namebar On/Off with Shell Color Toggle & Talent vs
Team Name | Team Tri-Code, Title (Open to Turn Off Title Bar), Subtitle, Background | Sponsor | Title Bar Options
Text/Banner/Logo | Tab Fields for Team Name, First/Last Names, Social for Up To 2 Talent

2 Video Box (4x3)

UNIVERSAL VB_2Box - BG On/Off, BG Toggle 2D/3D/Event, Event Image, Global League, Namebar On/Off with Shell Color Toggle & Talent vs
Team Name | Team Tri-Code, Title (Open to Turn Off Title Bar), Subtitle, Background | Sponsor | Title Bar Options
Text/Banner/Logo | Tab Fields for Team Name, First/Last Names, Social for Up To 2 Talent for Each Video Box

2 Video Box (16x9)

UNIVERSAL VB_2Box_16x9 - BG On/Off, BG Toggle 2D/3D/Event, Event Image, Global League, Namebar On/Off with Shell Color Toggle & Talent vs
Team Name | Team Tri-Code, Title (Open to Turn Off Title Bar), Subtitle, Background | Sponsor | Title Bar Options
Text/Banner/Logo | Tab Fields for Team Name, First/Last Names, Social for Up To 2 Talent for Each Video Box

2 Video Box - Left Big / Right Little

UNIVERSAL VB_2Box_BigLittle - BG On/Off, BG Toggle 2D/3D/Event, Event Image, Global League, Namebar On/Off with Shell Color Toggle & Talent vs
Team Name | Team Tri-Code, Title (Open to Turn Off Title Bar), Subtitle, Background | Sponsor | Title Bar Options
Text/Banner/Logo | Floating Sponsor Logo Above Small Box

2 Video Box - Left Little / Right Big

UNIVERSAL VB_2Box_LittleBig - BG On/Off, BG Toggle 2D/3D/Event, Event Image, Global League, Namebar On/Off with Shell Color Toggle & Talent vs
Team Name | Team Tri-Code, Title (Open to Turn Off Title Bar), Subtitle, Background | Sponsor | Title Bar Options
Text/Banner/Logo | Floating Sponsor Logo Above Small Box

2 Video Box with Notes & Logo

UNIVERSAL VB_2Box_NotesLogo - Diagonal Box Setup for Alternate Broadcasts | BG Toggle | 1-5 Lines of Text Above Lower Left Box | Logo Placeholder
Under Upper Right Box

2 Video Box with Player/Team Comparison in Middle

- Global League | Title Logo | Title | Subtitle | Subheader | Sponsor with Title Banner Toggle | Row Toggle 1-8 Rows with
UNIVERSAL VB_2Box_PlyrComp Reposition & Maxsize | Global Reposition for Stat Columns | Intro Animation Toggle 1-2 Teams | Namebar with Jersey &
Position On/Off Toggle | Logo/Headshot/Actionshot Toggle | 2D & 3D Logo Toggle | Footnote with Image Option | 2 Video
Boxes for Player Shots

2 Video Box - Left Large / Right Small

UNIVERSAL VB_2BoxLarSma - BG On/Off, BG Toggle 2D/3D/Event, Event Image, Global League, Namebar On/Off with Shell Color Toggle & Talent vs
Team Name | Team Tri-Code, Title (Open to Turn Off Title Bar), Subtitle, Background | Sponsor | Title Bar Options
Text/Banner/Logo | Bally Bar Toggle
2 Video Box - Left Large / Right Small with Logo Option

UNIVERSAL VB_2BoxLarSma_Logo - BG On/Off, BG Toggle 2D/3D/Event, Event Image, Global League, Right Box Only Namebar On/Off with Shell Color Toggle &
Talent, Team Name, Logo | Team Tri-Code, Title (Open to Turn Off Title Bar), Subtitle, Background | Sponsor | Title Bar
Options Text/Banner/Logo

2 Video Box - Left Full Wide / Right Small with Logo Option

UNIVERSAL VB_2BoxLarSma_Logo_Wide - BG On/Off, BG Toggle 2D/3D/Event, Event Image, Global League, Right Box Only Namebar On/Off with Shell Color Toggle &
Talent, Team Name, Logo | Team Tri-Code, Title (Open to Turn Off Title Bar), Subtitle, Background | Sponsor | Title Bar
Options Text/Banner/Logo

2 Video Box - Center Column List (For Drafts)

UNIVERSAL VB_2BoxList - BG On/Off, BG Toggle 2D/3D/Event, Event Image, Global League, Right Box Only Namebar On/Off with Shell Color Toggle &
Talent, Team Name, Logo| Title Logo, 2-Team Logos, 6-12 Players with Actionshots and Name with Subname | Toggle
Selection Tab Fields In Order to Trigger a Player to a Team | Special Video Box for Reds Draft

2 Video Box - Left Small / Right Large

UNIVERSAL VB_2BoxSmaLar - BG On/Off, BG Toggle 2D/3D/Event, Event Image, Global League, Namebar On/Off with Shell Color Toggle & Talent vs
Team Name | Team Tri-Code, Title (Open to Turn Off Title Bar), Subtitle, Background | Sponsor | Title Bar Options
Text/Banner/Logo | Bally Bar Toggle

2 Video Box - Left Large / Right Small

UNIVERSAL VB_2BoxStacked - BG On/Off, BG Toggle 2D/3D/Event, Event Image, Global League, Namebar On/Off with Shell Color Toggle & Talent, Team
Name, Logo | Team Tri-Code, Title (Open to Turn Off Title Bar), Subtitle, Background | Sponsor | Title Bar Options

3 Video Box

UNIVERSAL VB_3Box - BG On/Off, BG Toggle 2D/3D/Event, Event Image, Global League, Namebar On/Off with Shell Color Toggle & Talent, Team
Name, Logo | Team Tri-Code, Title (Open to Turn Off Title Bar), Subtitle, Background | Sponsor | Title Bar Options
Text/Banner/Logo | Bally Bar On/Off | Each Box has Talent/Team Toggle for Namebar with Generic/Team Color

3 Video Box (16x9)

UNIVERSAL VB_3Box_16x9 - BG On/Off, BG Toggle 2D/3D/Event, Event Image, Global League, Namebar On/Off with Shell Color Toggle & Talent, Team
Name, Logo | Team Tri-Code, Title (Open to Turn Off Title Bar), Subtitle, Background | Sponsor | Title Bar Options
Text/Banner/Logo | Each Box has Talent/Team Toggle for Namebar with Generic/Team Color

3 Video Box for Alternate Broadcasts

UNIVERSAL VB_3Box_AltBroadcast - 2 Portrait Boxes Stacked Left to Edge of Screen | 1 Big Program Box Right to Edge of Screen | Optional Header | Optional
Namebars for Portrait Boxes | Background Toggle On/Off
3 Video Box - 2 Little Stacked Left

UNIVERSAL VB_3Box_BigLittleL - BG On/Off, BG Toggle 2D/3D/Event, Event Image, Title (Open to Turn Off Title Bar), Subtitle, Background | Sponsor | Title
Bar Options Text/Banner/Logo

3 Video Box - 2 Little Stacked Left (Sides of Screen)

UNIVERSAL VB_3Box_BigLittleL_Full - BG On/Off, BG Toggle 2D/3D/Event, Event Image, Title (Open to Turn Off Title Bar), Subtitle, Background | Sponsor | Title
Bar Options Text/Banner/Logo

3 Video Box - 2 Little Stacked Right

UNIVERSAL VB_3Box_BigLittleR - BG On/Off, BG Toggle 2D/3D/Event, Event Image, Title (Open to Turn Off Title Bar), Subtitle, Background | Sponsor | Title
Bar Options Text/Banner/Logo

3 Video Box - 2 Little Stacked Right (Sides of Screen)

UNIVERSAL VB_3Box_BigLittleR_Full - BG On/Off, BG Toggle 2D/3D/Event, Event Image, Title (Open to Turn Off Title Bar), Subtitle, Background | Sponsor | Title
Bar Options Text/Banner/Logo

3 Video Box without Title & 2 Optional Logos

- BG On/Off, BG Toggle 2D/3D/Event, Live VIdeo Toggles for Each Box | 2 Logos - Sides of Big Box

3 Video Box - Pyramid Stacking

UNIVERSAL VB_3BoxPyramid_16x9 - BG On/Off, BG Toggle 2D/3D/Event | Global League, 2 Team Tri-Codes | Title, Subtitle, Open Title To Turn Off Title Bar Area
| Sponsor | Toggle to Flip Boxes

3 Video Box - Left Big / Right Stacked

UNIVERSAL VB_3BoxStacked - BG On/Off, BG Toggle 2D/3D/Event | Global League, 2 Team Tri-Codes | Title, Subtitle, Open Title To Turn Off Title Bar Area
| Sponsor | Each Box has Team/Talent Toggle for Name Bar

4 Video Box - 3 Stacked on 1 Big with No Title & 2 Optional Logos

- BG On/Off, BG Toggle 2D/3D/Event, Live VIdeo Toggles for Each Box | 2 Logos - Sides of Big Box
4 Video Box - Vertical (Full Screen)
UNIVERSAL VB_4Box_Vertical
- BG On/Off, BG Toggle 2D/3D/Event | Title, Subtitle, Sponsor | Title Toggle Off By Opening Up Title Bar Tab Field

4 Video Box - Grid Layout

- BG On/Off, BG Toggle 2D/3D/Event | Title, Subtitle, Sponsor | Title Toggle Off By Opening Up Title Bar Tab Field

4 Video Box - Grid Layout (Full Screen)

- BG On/Off, BG Toggle 2D/3D/Event | Title, Subtitle, Sponsor | Title Toggle Off By Opening Up Title Bar Tab Field

6 Video Box (16x) with Optional Text

UNIVERSAL VB_6Box_16x9 - BG On/Off, BG Toggle 2D/3D/Event | Title, Subtitle, Sponsor | Title Toggle Off By Opening Up Title Bar Tab Field | Each Box
has Text Line (Hides On Empty) | Feature 1 or 2 Teams via Toggles

Video Box Background & Title Only - No Box

- BG On/Off, BG Toggle 2D/3D/Event | Optional Title with Text, Banner, Logo | Optional Sponsor

Video Box for Challenges or Talent

UNIVERSAL VB_ChllngBox - BG On/Off, BG Toggle 2D/3D/Event | Title, Subtitle, Sponsor | Title Toggle Off By Opening Up Title Bar Tab Field | 3 Vertical
Boxes - Full Length

Video Box - Frames 4x3 Footage

- For 4x3 Video

Video Box - Similar to a Mosaic or Rollout Setup

UNIVERSAL VB_GmBrk - BG On/Off, BG Toggle 2D/3D, Event Image Option, Global League, Team Tri-Codes | Title, Subtitle, Background Logo, Team
Name, Stat Titles with 3 Bullet Points Per Title
Video Box with Right Area for Player/Team Info

UNIVERSAL VB_LeftTxtSub - BG On/Off, BG Toggle 2D/3D, Event Image Option, Global League, Team Tri-Codes | Title, Subtitle, Background Logo, Team
Name, Stat Titles with 3 Bullet Points Per Title | Player Name, Headshot, Logo Toggle with Jersey & Position + Sub Line for

Video Box for Split Screen

UNIVERSAL VB_SpltScrn - BG On/Off, BG Toggle 2D/3D, Event Image Option, Global League, Team Tri-Codes | Title, Subtitle | Toggle Off Title Bar Area
By Opening Up Title Text Tab Field

3 Video Box - Use with L3_TalentPick

UNIVERSAL VB_TalentPicks - BG On/Off, BG Toggle 2D/3D, Event Image Option, Global League, Team Tri-Codes | Title, Subtitle | Toggle Off Title Bar Area
By Opening Up Title Text Tab Field | 3 Boxes Side-by-Side | Use with L3_TalentPicks for Polls, Shot Calls, etc.

Small Video Box for Runner on 3rd, Goalie Being Pulled, Interviews, etc.
- Lower Video Box with Position Controls | Title, Subtitle & Footnote - All Hide on Empty

Vertical Wall Monitor for Actionshot

UNIVERSAL W_VertWall_Actionshot
- Global League, Team Tri-Codes, 1-2 Team Toggle, Actionshot, Name On/Off with Reposition, Logo On/Off
Vertical Wall Monitor for Logos
- Global League, 2 Team Logos with 1-2 Team Toggle, Logo Reposition Controls

Player Note Widget for Matrox (WGM) and Newtek (WG)

UNIVERSAL - Global League, Shell Type, Left/Right Toggle, Thin/Wide Toggle | Title Logo, Team Logos, Sponsor, Sponsor Clip, Sponsor
WG_2PlyrNote Audio, Title On/Off, Subtitle, Subheader, Footnote | 1-2 Team/Player Toggle with Reposition & Maxsize | Text Tab Fields for 2
Players with Noteline & Logo On/Off | Divider On/Off

Generic Text Widget for Matrox (WGM) and Newtek (WG)

UNIVERSAL - Global League, Shell Type, Left/Right Toggle, Thin/Wide Toggle | Title Logo, Team Logos, Sponsor, Sponsor Clip, Sponsor
WG_GenTxt Audio, Title On/Off, Subtitle, Subheader, Footnote | 1-12 Rows of Text | Each Row has Highlight, Max Size and Position

League Stats Widget for Matrox (WGM) and Newtek (WG)

UNIVERSAL - Global League, Shell Type, Left/Right Toggle, Thin/Wide Toggle | Title Logo, Team Logos, Sponsor, Sponsor Clip, Sponsor
WG_LeagueStat Audio, Title On/Off, Subtitle, Subheader, Footnote | 1-10 Team Rows | 1-2 Column Toggle with Reposition, Max Size &
Justification | Each Team Row has Rank, Team Name, 1-2 Stats and Divider with Color Toggle
Player/Team Comparison Widget for Matrox (WGM) and Newtek (WG)
UNIVERSAL - Global League, Shell Type, Left/Right Toggle, Thin/Wide Toggle | Title Logo, Team Logos, Sponsor, Sponsor Clip, Sponsor
WG_PlyrComparison Audio, Title On/Off, Subtitle, Subheader, Footnote | Title Logo, Team Logos | 1-6 Rows of Category & Stats with Reposition &
Max Size | Each Player/Team has Logo/Headshot Options with Namebar, Jersey & Position Tab Fields (Hide on Empty)

Player/Team Stats Widget for Matrox (WGM) and Newtek (WG)

- Global League, Shell Type, Left/Right Toggle, Thin/Wide Toggle | Title Logo, Team Logos, Sponsor, Sponsor Clip, Sponsor
UNIVERSAL Audio, Title On/Off, Subtitle, Subheader, Footnote | Title Logo, Team Logos | 1-7 Rows of Category & Stat with Reposition &
WG_PlyrStats Max Size Controls | Player Name, Jersey & Position | Divider On/Off for Each Row | Stat Tab Fields have Highlights &
Reposition Controls

Sponsor Clip Only Widget for Matrox (WGM) Only

UNIVERSAL WGM_SponClipOnly_Matrox
- Clip Only Widget - Optional Audio

Temo Sequence Widget - Testing Still

UNIVERSAL WG_PlyrStat_Temo - Global League, Left/Right Toggle, Color Toggles using Team Tri-Code Swatches, 1-3 Rows of Stats, Sponsor Logo &
Sponsor Temo Tab Fields, Title, Jersey, Position, Playername

WGM_Sponsor2Page_Matrox 2-Page Sponsor Widget for Matrox (WGM) and Newtek (WG)

UNIVERSAL - Global League, Left/Right Toggle | Team Tri-Code, Title, Subtitle, Sponsor, Sponsor Clip, Sponsor Audio | Bally Bar
WG_Sponsor2Page Reposition Toggle | Small/Large Scale Toggle | Footnote

Batting Order or 9-Player List for Touchscreen

UNIVERSAL TS_BatOrd_manualData - Global League, Team Tri-Code | Logo/Player Toggles | Team Name, Position, Jersey with Big Actionshot | Title, Subtitle |
Enter 9-Players or Teams with Option for Batting Stance or Rank, Player Name/Team Name and Batting Average or Stat
Player/Team Comparison for Touchscreen

UNIVERSAL TS_Comp_manualData - Global League, Team Tri-Codes | 1-4 Row Toggle for Stats | Title, Subtitle | Actionshot+Logo with Player Name, Jersey &
Position | Team Names

Player/Team Stats Single for Touchscreen

UNIVERSAL TS_Silo_manualData - Global League, Team Tri-Codes | 1-5 Row Toggle | Team Name | Title, Subtitle | Player Name & Actionshot with Jersey &
Position | Columns for Stats and Categories

Player/Team Stats with 3 Columns for Touchscreen

UNIVERSAL TS_Stats_manualData - Global League, Team Tri-Codes | 1-4 Row Toggle & 1-3 Column Toggle | Team Name | Title, Subtitle | Player Name &
Actionshot with Jersey & Position | Columns for Stats and Categories

Top 5 Touchscreen with Team/Player Selection for Talent

UNIVERSAL TS_Top5_manualData - Global League, 10 Team Tri-Codes | 1-10 Row Toggle | Title, Subtitle, Text Box, Big Logo | Enter Player Name, Jersey,
Position & Headshots for Each Player Pod

Questions Touchscreen with Answer Selection for Talent

UNIVERSAL TS_Questions_manualData - Global League, 5 Team Tri-Codes | 1-5 Question Toggle | Title, Subtitle | Each Question has Pod with Short Text,
Actionshot/Logos, Jersey & Position, Full Question Box, Answer Tab Fields with Icons

Demo Wall for North Studio - 2 Player/Team Comp

UNIVERSAL DW_2HeadComp - Global League, Background Toggle, Team Tri-Codes, Title, Subtitle, Optional Sponsor
2 Player Pods with Player Name, Jersey, Position, Headshot/Actionshot, 1-3 Rows for Cats/Stats, Divider On/Off Toggles

Demo Wall for North Studio - 3 Player/Team Comp

UNIVERSAL DW_3HeadComp - Global League, Background Toggle, Team Tri-Codes, Title, Subtitle, Optional Sponsor
3 Player Pods with Player Name, Jersey, Position, Headshot/Actionshot, 1-3 Rows for Cats/Stats, Divider On/Off Toggles

Demo Wall for North Studio - 4 Player/Team Comp

UNIVERSAL DW_4HeadComp - Global League, Background Toggle, Team Tri-Codes, Title, Subtitle, Optional Sponsor
4 Player Pods with Player Name, Jersey, Position, Headshot/Actionshot, 1-3 Rows for Cats/Stats, Divider On/Off Toggles
Demo Wall for North Studio - 5 Player/Team Comp

UNIVERSAL DW_5HeadComp - Global League, Background Toggle, Team Tri-Codes, Title, Subtitle, Optional Sponsor
5 Player Pods with Player Name, Jersey, Position, Headshot/Actionshot, 1-3 Rows for Cats/Stats, Divider On/Off Toggles

Demo Wall for North Studio - 2 to 4 Head Players/Team

UNIVERSAL DW_2to4HdPlayers_Video - Global League, 4 Pods with Team Tri-Code, Logo, Headshot, Player Name & 2 Note Lines | Optional Sponsor | Title &
Subtitle | Background Toggle for Still/Clips

Demo Wall for North Studio - Batting Order

UNIVERSAL DW_BattingOrder - Global League, Row Toggle 1-9 Batters, Each Line has Player Position, Batting Stance, First & Lastname & Batting Average
| Highlights for Each Row - Optional Sponsor

Demo Wall for North Studio - Box Score

UNIVERSAL DW_BoxScore_MLB - Global League, Team Tri-Codes, Title, Subtitle, 1-4 Columns for R H E LOB, 2 Stacked Pods with Team Logo, Records,
Names, Big Right Area for WP, LP, SAVE or Note Area

Demo Wall for North Studio - Team/Player Comparison

UNIVERSAL DW_Comparison - Global League, Row Toggle 1-8 Categories with Stats, Each Team/Player Side has Color Toggles for Last Name, Optional
Headshot/Actionshot, Background Toggle for Still/Clips

Demo Wall for North Studio - Generic Quote

- Global League, Team Tri-Codes, Quote Box with Title, Subtitle, Optional Sponsors

Demo Wall for North Studio - Generic Text

UNIVERSAL DW_GenTxt - Global League, Row Toggle 1-8 Text Lines with Color Brackets, Header/Title Bar with Generic/Team Color Toggle | Title,
Subtitle, Optional Sponsor, Background Toggle for Still/Clips

Demo Wall for North Studio - Players Info

- Monitor Wall Featuring up to 6 Players, Pitching Cat Toggles vs Note Lines, Headshots for Each Player Pod
Demo Wall for North Studio - Player/Team Note

UNIVERSAL DW_PlyrNote - Global League, Logo, Player Headshot/Actionshot, Name Bar with Jersey/Position & Subline, Title, Subtitle, Optional
Sponsor, 1-10 Rows for Text Lines

Demo Wall for North Studio - Player/Team Stats

UNIVERSAL DW_PlyrStat - Global League, Logo, Player Headshot/Actionshot, Name Bar with Jersey/Position & Subline | 1-6 Rows & 1-4 Columns for
Stats & Cats with Optional Sponsor

Demo Wall for North Studio - Player/Team Stats with Rank

UNIVERSAL DW_PlyrStatRank - Global League, Logo, Player Headshot/Actionshot, Name Bar with Jersey/Position & Subline | 1-4 Rows & 1-4 Columns for
Stats & Cats with Ranks, Optional Sponsor

Demo Wall for North Studio - Player/Team Notes 1

UNIVERSAL DW_PlyrTeamNotes - Global League, Logo, Player Headshot/Actionshot, Name Bar with Jersey/Position & Subline | 1-4 Text Lines with Color
Brackets | Title, Subtitle, Optional Sponsor

Demo Wall for North Studio - Player/Team Notes 2

UNIVERSAL DW_PlyrTeamNotes2 - Global League, Logo, Player Headshot/Actionshot, Name Bar with Jersey/Position & Subline | 2 Sections with Large Title &
1-3 Row Toggle of Text Lines under Titles | Title, Subtitle, Optional Sponsor

Demo Wall for North Studio - Schedule

UNIVERSAL DW_Schedule - Global League, Main Team Tri-Code with 6 Opponent Tri-Codes | 2-6 Row Toggle for Games with Team Name, Time &
Optional Logo for Network or Text for Network | Title, Subtitle, Optional Sponsor

Demo Wall for North Studio - Standings

UNIVERSAL DW_Standings - Global League, League Tri-Code, 1-10 Rows with Team Logo, Ranking | 1-3 Stat Columns with Toggle | Row Highlights |
Title, Subtitle, Optional Sponsor | Header with Optional Subtitle

Demo Wall for North Studio - Standings 2 Columns

UNIVERSAL DW_Standings2Col - Global League, League Tri-Code, 1-10 Rows with Team Logo, Ranking | 1-2 Stat Columns with Toggle | Row Highlights |
Title, Subtitle, Optional Sponsor | Header with Optional Subtitle
Demo Wall for North Studio - Team/Player Stat

UNIVERSAL DW_Stat - Global League | Player Headshot/Actionshot or Logo Only with Namebar, Optional Subline & Jersey/Position | 1-5 Rows
for Categories | 1-2 Stat Columns with Color Brackets | Title, Subtitle, Optional Sponsor

Demo Wall for North Studio - Team/Player Stat Comparison

UNIVERSAL DW_StatComparison - Global League | Matchup Team Logos at Top with Header Line & Subline | 1-8 Rows with Team Tri-Code Color Takeover,
Optional Ranking, 1-2 Stat Columns | Title, Subtitle, Optional Sponsor

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