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Plagiarism Checker X Originality Report

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Date: Saturday, September 10, 2022

Statistics: 109 words Plagiarized / 867 Total words
Remarks: Low Plagiarism Detected - Your Document needs Optional Improvement.

Table Of Content 1.1 :- 1st Week Plan 2 1.2:- Week Clinical Objective 3 1.21:- Orientation
Of Hospital 3 1.22:- Arganogram Of Hospital 3 1.3:- Week Reflective Log 4 1.4:- Weak
Summary 5 1.5:- Nursing Care Plan Of First Week 6 1.6:- Concept Map Of 1st Week 7
Student Name : Shaheen Arshad Clinical Setting: Agha Khan University
Hospital ,Stadium Road Karachi Date: 11sep -15sep 2022 1.1 :- 1st Week learning Plan
Learning ObjectiveLearning Strategies/ ResoursesEvidenceCriteria For EvaluationDate of
Discussion 1: I Visit the Agha khan hospital with collage preceptor ,clinical coordinator
and hospital assistant 2:learn about AKUH Arganogram 1:By meeting the Nurse
Manager 2:communication, Orientation, Expectations, and benefits. I demonstrate my
learning by discussing it with my clinical coordinator 2.Focus group My evaluation will
be done course faculty 2: pre and post program Exams 15 SEP, 2022 1.2:- Week Clinical
Objective 1.2.1:- Orientation Of Hospital / / l/ INTRODUCTION: The Ag khan university
(AKUH) in Karachi National stadium road ; established in 1985,founded by Sir AGHA

the hospitl provides abroad rang of secondery and tertiary care ,including diagnosis of
diseases and team management of patient care .agha khan universty is pakistan largest
private medical institute and hospital. AKUH has 560 beds in operation, the hospital is
equipped to diagnose and treat medical including cardiac ,surgical ,obstetric and
gynecology ,pediatric and psychiatery patients. A total of 560 beds, 122 private and 117
semi perivate , ai r conitioed rooms , 251 general ward wrd beds and 52 special care
beds are available in icu ,ccu, nicu. The hospital has 17 main operating theaters,.

In addition to these, there are 4 operating theatres in surgical day care and 2 in Obs
/gynea the hospital. DAYCARE surgeries are performed at AKUH,
pharmacy ,Radiology ,laboratory,, Cardiopulmonary ,neurology Dept are available at
AKUH .Laboratary Operates 47 phelbotomy or specimen collection centers in Karachi,
AKU IN GALANCE / OUR VISION THE agha khan university will be an autonomous,
international institution of distinction, primarily serving the developing world and
Muslim societies in innovative and long-term ways. Mission The Agha Khan University is
dedicated to the development of human capacities through the discovery and
dissemination of knowledge, as well as its application through services.

It seeks to prepare individuals for constructive and exemplary leadership roles, as well as
shaping public and private policies, through strength in research and excellence in
education, all with the goal of making a meaningful contribution to society. Toadv once
this mission,AKUwill: Offer programmes ’of international quality. Respond to identified
needs in the countries and regions which it serves. Priorities Teaching and research
which will informand underpinin tell actual Innovation and change. Provide service to
advanceits educational and research mandate. Foster and develop leadership capacity
through its education and research programmes. 1.2.2


according the pt she was suffering epigastric pain , loss of appetite and weight loss since
1 month ,but 2 days back having vomiting of blood. OBJECTIVE data fatigue Weight loss
Nausea and vomiting Weight 111 Lbs Vital sign Bp 90/60 Pulse64/min RR16 Endoscopy
result show peptic ulcer In the body of stomach Imbalance nutrition less than body
requirement related to peptic ulcer as evidence by Nausea ,vomiting ,weight loss Patient
will exhibit tolerance of the diet and fluid as provide it Long term goal patient will be
increase her body weight to 2 ,3lbs with in 4 weeks Reassure the patient Small and small
frequent meal Maintain intravenous therapy and replace electrolytes replaced diet as per
order A lot of fluid and juices Monitor daily food intake Monitor weight as indicated
control pain and nausea before meal by PPI medicine and antacid as doctor order
consult to dietisn Patient will demonstrated increase oral intake Control anorexia nausea
and vomiting Weight increases 2 lbs Vital sign 100/70 pulse 72 Weight 113LBS 1.3:-
Week Reflective Log
1.4:- Weak Summary Orientation on the First Day at the Aga Khan Hospital A new
trainee's first day may be overwhelming due to the influx of new faces, introductions,
and information to help them get acclimated to their new surroundings.

It's crucial to provide the new hire with support as they transition into their career. Focus
on the trainee's personal workspace, office navigation, forms of communication,
equipment use, and office expectations on the first day. Some first-day activities may be
influenced by the job itself, so think about what's most crucial for the new trainer to
understand. Plan for some rest as well as time to look about the workplace and campus
on the first day. Afternoon:I came to The Aga Khan Hospital for Senior Elective from
DOW University to meet coordinator. Ms. Noureen She introduced me to a coworker
and an employee, and they showed me around the workspace, including the storage
area for personal items.

facilities, access details, security details, I met a representative of the Home Health
personnel to finish paperwork that needed assistance. Provide at our immediate facilities
(give personally ,or assign a buddy). Allow Senior related some time to familiarize
himself or herself with the workspace.
1.5:- Nursing Care Plan Of First Week
1.6:- Reflectionlog Description:
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