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STUDENT ID: 4223192


1. The supply chain components that are most directly involved in this scenario are
production planning, materials management, and procurement. Contract negotiations and
supplier selection are within the purview of procurement. The organization's internal
material flow is supervised by materials management, which also handles supplier
communications about operational concerns. Production planning establishes volume needs
and timetables. In order to keep the flow of materials flowing smoothly, procurement needs
to make sure suppliers are able to meet requirements, materials management needs to
make sure suppliers are aware of changes in production needs, and production planning
needs to match supplier capabilities with production schedules.

2. At first glance, the issue seems to be Foster Technologies' declining performance, which
is causing problems with material quality and delivery delays. The actual issue, though, is a
failure in communication about changes in manufacturing volume and schedule between
Foster Technologies and Avion Inc. The supplier faced operational difficulties as a result of
Foster's ineffective communication on Avion's increasing production needs.

3. It could not be simple to switch providers because of things like negotiating new
contracts, evaluating vendors, and locating a suitable substitute. Potential production
disruptions, unforeseen tooling or transition expenses, and doubts about the performance
and dependability of the new supplier might all lead to complications.

5. Building cooperative and mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers is a key

component of being a good customer. For a purchasing company to receive favourable
treatment, dependable supply, and access to innovations, it must be seen as a good client.
In order to be a good supply chain customer, a company has to work with suppliers to
improve processes, communicate clearly, estimate demand accurately, and respond quickly
to any problems or complaints that arise. Furthermore, upholding fairness and openness in
commercial operations promotes mutual respect and trust between the purchasing
company and its suppliers.

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