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The Civil War and Lenin

The Bolsheviks' failure to win showed significant opposition. Lenin justified disbanding the Assembly by claiming the
October Revolution had already provided the mandate for Bolshevik rule and accused the SR and Kadets of election
rigging. This move faced criticism from within the Bolshevik party and strong opposition from other political groups,
but there was minimal reaction from the general public, who focused on daily life and local soviets.

The Constituent Represented a move towards democracy and involved major political
parties, and extended voting rights to all citizens (men and women)
Assembly aged 20 and above, as well as servicemen aged 18 and above—radical
measures at the time.

• Made to create a constitution for • Established by the Provisional Government, involving major
Russia post-abdication of Nichola political parties, trade unions, and soviets.

Decree on Workers Control

Lenin's Decrees • Granted Workers' Committees authority to manage
• Empowered workers but often led to inefficiency and
The Red Terror mismanagement, contributing to economic difficulties.

Decree on Land
• Campaign of political repression and
violence carried out by the Bolsheviks • Seized and redistributed private landholdings to peasants.
during the Russian Civil War. • Gained peasant support for the Bolsheviks by addressing
land hunger, but disrupted agricultural productivity and
led to conflicts over land ownership.
• Involved mass arrests, executions, and
persecution of perceived enemies of the Formation of the Supreme Economic Council
Bolsheviks, including political opponents,
former tsarist officials, and anyone thought • Centralized management of key industries.
of doing counter-revolutionary activities. • Nationalized many enterprises

• The Bolsheviks launched the Red Terror to Decree on the Rights of the People of Russia
eliminate opposition and secure their hold
on power. As a result, thousands were killed • Addressed the treatment of various nationalities
or imprisoned, creating a climate of fear but promising:
also solidifying Bolshevik control over Russia - Equality and sovereignty.
- Abolition of national and religious privileges.
- Free development of national minorities.
• Initially reinforced the Bolsheviks' commitment to
national minorities' rights, which was later reflected in the
The Red Army first Soviet constitution. However, practical
implementation varied and was often limited by political
Crucial for the Bolshevik victory in the Civil
War. Initially, they barely existed, but it grew
to over 5 million by the war's end. Decree on Peace

• Called for an immediate end to World War I through

In contrast, the White opposition had around negotiations without annexations or indemnities.
500,000 troops. The Red Army, along with the • Led to the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk in March 1918, where
Cheka, enforced War Communism, ensuring Russia ceded significant territory to Germany but left the
Bolshevik control and suppressing dissent. war, allowing the Bolsheviks to focus on internal issues.

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