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Anti-Bolshevik rebellion near Petrograd.

Initially sparked by anger among sailors, it grew

when workers joined them, demanding more freedom. The revolt was alarming to Lenin and
Kronstadt Trotsky because it came from former Bolshevik supporters. Trotsky ordered 50,000 troops
Rising to calm the uprising, resulting in 10,000 Red Army casualties. The suppression was brutal,
with captured rebels executed or exiled. Lenin justified the crackdown by labelling the
rebels as enemies of the revolution, which wasn't fully accurate.

During the Civil War, the Bolsheviks implemented War Communism, a policy
aimed at supporting the war effort through strict state control over the
War Communism
economy and this was directed by Lenin. Overall, this wasn't successful

The Bolsheviks took control of major industries and banks. Due to extreme inflation , goods were rationed and
Peasants' food surpluses were forcibly taken, leading to widespread resentment. The government established
monopolies on foreign and domestic trade to control distribution.

Foreign By the end of 1919, most foreign troops had left Russia. The Bolsheviks
(reds) used the idea of foreign support for the Whites as propaganda,
intervention portraying White generals as foreign agents. This propaganda helped the
Bolsheviks gain widespread support and solidify their power.

Foreign intervention in the Russian Civil War had a minimal impact for several reasons. The end of WW1 led to a
lack of commitment from foreign countries such as Britain, France, and the USA Additionally, neither the fear of
communism nor the desire to maintain Russian autocracy was strong enough to sustain Western involvement in the

Civil War After getting control of Russia from the Provisional Government, the Bolsheviks had
gained power. Lenin negotiated peace with Germany and therefore an end to Russia's
role in WW1. However he could not avoid a civil war.

The Civil War started due to widespread dissatisfaction with Bolshevik rule. Their seizure of power, shutting down
the Constituent Assembly, centralizing administration, and signing the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk angered many.
Additionally, WW1 caused severe hardships, leading people to doubt the Bolsheviks' leadership. The Whites were a
mix of political opponents, who opposed the Bolsheviks. They lacked coordination and the Bolsheviks won the civil

Red Strengths White Weaknesses

Trotsky's strategies and tactics improved morale White leaders struggled with cooperation and
of his troops and overpowered the Whites coordination due to geographical separation
tactics and differing aims (some were socialists,
others conservatives).
Trotsky maintained Red Army communication
lines, disrupted White supply lines, and prevented Lack of unified aims led to no coherent plan
White coordination. Red’s controlled core of or effective tactics. Penetrating Bolshevik
Russian which had the biggest cities, majority urban strongholds was difficult, and without
of industry and the bulk of the population railway access, Whites and Greens couldn't
lived there. The majority of the rail network coordinate their activities.
was based there, allowing
for quick communication Whites had about 500,000 soldiers at any one
time, much fewer than the Reds, and relied on
Trotsky transformed the Red Army into a foreign armaments.
disciplined force, managing over 3.5 million
troops. They controlled industrial centres, Whites struggled to link their forces, and some
ensuring quick production of munitions. Former Green forces were just peasant bands, making
tsarist officers and Red cavalry units increased coordination and effective movement
their military strength. difficult.

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