Sequencing Problem MCQ Unit-3

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In a job sequencing problem with deadlines and profits, which of the following algorithms
ensures maximum profit?
a) First Come First Serve (FCFS)
b) Shortest Job First (SJF)
c) Earliest Deadline First (EDF)
d) Round Robin (RR)
Ans: c

2. In the context of job sequencing with deadlines and penalties, which of the following algorithms
aims to minimize the total penalty?
a) First Come First Serve (FCFS)
b) Shortest Job First (SJF)
c) Earliest Deadline First (EDF)
d) Critical Ratio Scheduling (CRS)
Ans: d

3. Which of the following scheduling algorithms is primarily used for minimizing the total flow time
in a sequencing problem?
a) Shortest Job First (SJF)
b) Longest Processing Time (LPT)
c) Johnson's Rule
d) Critical Path Method (CPM)
Ans: b

4. In the context of sequencing problems, which algorithm is used to minimize the total completion
time on a single machine?
a) Shortest Job First (SJF)
b) First Come First Serve (FCFS)
c) Earliest Due Date (EDD)
d) Johnson's Rule
Ans: d

5. Which scheduling algorithm aims to minimize the total flow time in a sequencing problem with
multiple machines?
a) Shortest Processing Time (SPT)
b) Longest Processing Time (LPT)
c) Johnson's Rule
d) Critical Path Method (CPM)
Ans: a

6. The total time required to complete all the jobs in a job sequencing problem is known as
a) Processing time
b) Waiting time
c) Elapsed time
d) Idle time
Ans: c

7. If jobs J=(j1, j2,j3,j4) are the given processing time T=(1,1,2,3) and deadlines are d=(3,4,2,3)
maximum how many jobs can be done?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) All
Ans: 3
8. In production planning and control sequencing problem can be solved using ..............
a) Gantt chart
b) Only Delphi method
c) Both break even point &Delphi method
d) Only break even point
Ans: a

9. Gantt chart is applicable for

a) Time study
b) Motion study
c) Sales forecasting
d) Production scheduling
Ans: d

10. Sequencing is the subset of

a) Routing
b) Scheduling
c) Expediting
d) None of these
Ans: b

11. Johnson’s rule is used for

a) Sequencing problem
b) Assignment problem
c) Aggregate problem
d) Scheduling
Ans: d

12. A sequencing problem involving 6 jobs & 3 machines requires evaluation of

a) (6!+6!+6!) sequence
b) (6!)3 sequence
c) (6.6,6)sequence
d) (6+6+6) sequence
Ans: a

13. If there are ‘n’ jobs and ‘m’ machine there will be.............sequence of doing the jobs
a) n*m
b )m*n
c) nm
d) (n!)m
Ans: d

14. In general sequencing problem will be solved by using..

a) Hungarian method
b) Simplex method
c) Johnson and bellman method
d) Flood technique
Ans: c

15. This is not allowed in sequencing of ‘n’ jobs on two machines

a) Passing
b) Loading
c) Repeating the jobs
d) Once loaded on the machine it should be completed before removing from the machine
Ans: a
16. If jobs A and B have same processing times under machine I and machine II then prefer
a) Job A
b) Job B
c) Both A and B
d) Either A or B
Ans: d

17. FIFO is most applicable to sequencing of

a) One machine and ‘n’ jobs
b) 2 machine and ‘n’ jobs
c) 3 machines ‘n’ jobs
d) ‘n’ machine and 2 jobs
Ans: a

18. At a petrol bunk when ‘n’ vehicles are waiting for serives then this service rule is used
c) Service in random order
d) Service by highest profit rule
Ans: a

19. The technological order of machine to be operated is fixed in a problem having

a) 1 machine and ‘n’ jobs
b) 2 machine and ‘n’ jobs
c) 3 machine and ‘n’ jobs
d) ‘n’ machine and 2 jobs
Ans: d
20. A sequencing problem is in feasible in case of:
a) 1 machine and ‘n’ jobs
b) 2 machine and ‘n’ jobs
c) 3 machine and ‘n’ jobs
d) 2 jobs and ‘n’ machine
Ans: c

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