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AI Revolution: Oppourtunities and

Obstacles in the Mordern Era
Empowering Women
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   ‚  ­    
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              4. What challenges have
            you faced as a female
       entrepreneur in the education
     sector, and how have you
              overcome them?
  ­    €      
We have come a long way in
      †      India with respect to women
             empowerment and we see many
               successful women in all walks
  †      of life. However, there are
ˆ    ‰Š‚   
      many barriers to still break,
 ‹Œ„      Ž „               mindsets to change, patriarchal
 ‚‘’  ŒŽ“                  ideas to be banished and glass
        ƒ    ceilings to be shattered.
    Right from finding the
right location for the school,
dealing with vendors, marketing
and admissions, we have faced
challenges at each stage to be
taken seriously and not be
mansplained. Many felt
that an all women management
"Babasaheb Ambedkar: Architect of a New India" team was more of a hobby idea
than a business investment.
However, when the other side
realized we mean business
and are here to slay, things
Even after his passing on Dr. Ambedkar’s major have eased over.
December 6, 1956, Dr. Ambedkar’s contributions was his pivotal
legacy continues to resonate across
India and beyond. He remains a role in drafting the Constitution
towering figure in the journals of of India. As the chairman of 5. How do you integrate
themes of gender equality
history, revered as the architect the Drafting Committee, he and empowerment into the
of social justice and the champion
played a pivotal role in curriculum and daily
of the oppressed.Dr. B.R.
Ambedkar’s life is a testament shaping the foundational activities of your play school?

to the power of education, document of independent At the outset, we considered

resilience, and unwavering commitment India. His vision for a every child enrolled with
to social justice. His tireless efforts have us as an individual and
left a permanent mark on Indian society, democratic and impartial society unique child. Our curriculum
inspiring countless individuals to strive is enshrined in the principles is design to cater to this
individuality and not
for a more equitable and inclusive world. of justice, liberty, and equality the gender. All activities
As we celebrate his legacy, let’s
reaffirm our commitment to upholding
that form the base of the are also designed keeping

Indian Constitution. the same philosophy in
n the colorful canvas of India’s history, the principles of justice, equality, mind. To further drive
there shines a star whose legacy continues and fraternity for all. Dr. Ambedkar’s keen efforts the point home, we have
to inspire generations. Dr. Bhimrao Ramji
However, Dr. Ambedkar’s extended beyond legal reforms. the same uniform for all.
Ambedkar, also known as Babasaheb, Children also learn a lot
stands as an emblem of resilience, intellect, journey was not merely He championed social reforms from what they see and
and social justice. Born on April 14, 1891, aimed at eradicating observe. After family,
in the town of Mhow in Madhya Pradesh, academic; it was a struggle the teachers are the best
caste-based discrimination
Dr. Ambedkar faced adversity from the for social justice and role models they learn from.
very beginning. He was born into the and uplifting the oppressed We hope that they will see
untouchable Mahar caste, which suffered equality. He dedicated his life the respect and affection
communities. His advocacy
severe discrimination and oppression in to fighting against caste-based amongst the staff and i
Indian society at that time. Despite facing for Dalits paved the way mbibe those values.
discrimination and advocating
immense challenges, young Bhimrao for affirmative action policies Also, through mechanisms
exhibited extraordinary determination for the rights of marginalized like story telling, play
and academic ability. Education became and reservations in education activities, we try to showcase
communities. Dr. Ambedkar
Dr. Ambedkar’s hope. He overcame societal and employment. real-life heros across all
barriers to pursue his studies, earning firmly believed that education genders and walks of lives.
degrees in economics and law from
prestigious institutions in India and abroad. and empowerment were the This further enforces
that the kids can achieve
His intellectual abilities and determined keys to liberating the whatever they want if
pursuit of knowledge distinguished
him as a brilliant scholar. oppressed masses. One of they strive for it,
regardless of their gender.

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