5 ESSAY2 Rivoire

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5 ESSAY Middle School Athénaïs

One day, I turned off my clock, and I fall asleep again. I rouse at
7 :35, and I had to go to school at 7 :40. It was stressed . I didn’t eat
my breakfast and I ran to go to school. Finally, I arrived at school at
8 :00 a.m. So, middle school can be difficult because of begginning of
school. Middle school can be horrible too because there are lots of
punishment, like detention. And you can be punished because of a
lots of reasons : you are late, you forgot your notebook or you don’t
do your homework. It can be difficult also because the marks
stressed, we rouse very early in the morning and we have tests in
each subjects.

Tests in each subjects in one of the worse parts of being in middle

school. For example, today, I have two tests in maths and english.
Next week, I will have four tests. It is very hard to study all tests in
the week . We don’t have time, becayuse we can’t have other things
to do after school. We have to study everyday, even the weekend.

The stress of marks is another worse pat of being in middle school.

For example, last semester, I had a good average of marks, but
maybe not for this semester. The average can fall or escalate at each
moment. It stress because we want a good mention, so if we had a
bad grade, it’s hard to catch up. We want to check it everytime.

To rouse very early at the morning is another part of being in middle

school. For example, eveyday, I have to wake up at 6 : 50 a.m. Some
of my friends have to wake up at 6 :30. It’s so early. We have class at
8 :00 a.m eveyday, and it’s important to sleep. For this who live very
far of the school, it is hard. Each morning, it is really hard to wake me

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