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Environment. Technology. Resources.

Rezekne, Latvia
Proceedings of the 15th International Scientific and Practical Conference. Volume IV, 138-143

AI-Enabled Drone Autonomous Navigation and

Decision Making For Defence Security
Amit Joshi Aivars Spilbergs Elīna Miķelsone
Doctor of Business Management Doctor of Business Management Doctor of Business Management
BA School of Business and Finance BA School of Business and BA School of Business and Finance
Riga-Latvia Finance Riga-Latvia Riga-Latvia

Abstract. The combination of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Furthermore, this research explores the datasets being
unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), sometimes known as employed in the training and evaluation of AI models for
drones, has become a revolutionary approach in modern the purpose of drone navigation and decision-making. These
military and security operations. The purpose of this study datasets contain varied environmental conditions,
is to explore and assess the efficiency of AI-enabled topographical features, and security scenarios experienced
autonomous navigation and decision-making systems for in defensive operations.
drones in defense security applications. Through a Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Aerial Security, Defense
comprehensive literature review, researchers analyze the Technology and Drone Surveillance.
various AI techniques and algorithms used in these systems,
including machine learning, deep learning, and I. INTRODUCTION
reinforcement learning. The study examines different The development of autonomous drone detection and
aspects of autonomous drone navigation, such as sensors, navigation systems represents notable progress in the field
decision-making modules, communication systems, and of defence technology. The increasing prevalence of
countermeasure systems. By reviewing scholarly articles
unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in areas such as
and existing studies, researchers gain insights into the
hardware and software components, including GPS
defence, security, and commercial applications has
modules, IMUs, cameras, and other sensors. This analysis created a growing demand for reliable systems that can
provides a clear understanding of the current state of AI- autonomously detect, track, and navigate drones.
enabled drone technology for defense security and identifies Researchers and engineers have utilized artificial
potential areas for future research and improvement. This intelligence (AI) technology to create advanced systems
research study discusses the working of AI-enabled drone that can independently identify and manoeuvre drones in
autonomous navigation and decision-making systems intricate surroundings, in response to this requirement.
designed primarily for defense security applications. The Artificial intelligence is crucial in the development of
study starts by explaining the structure of drone navigation autonomous drone detection and navigation systems,
systems, which includes a wide range of hardware and allowing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to function
software components. These comprise GPS modules for autonomously and make intelligent choices in real-time.
tracking location, inertial measurement units (IMUs) for Artificial intelligence algorithms, namely those utilizing
estimating attitude, and cameras for seeing the machine learning and deep learning methods, enable
environment. By incorporating these sensors into a sturdy drones to accurately assess their surroundings, detect
structure, drones are able to detect their surroundings and possible dangers, and manoeuvre through changing
man oeuvre independently in intricate situations. The situations with accuracy and effectiveness. Autonomous
effectiveness of AI-enabled drone navigation relies heavily drone detection and navigation systems can enhance their
on the application of sophisticated artificial intelligence
effectiveness over time by utilizing AI technology. They
techniques and algorithms. Machine learning algorithms,
such as deep neural networks and reinforcement learning,
are capable of adjusting to varying environments,
are crucial in improving the decision-making abilities of acquiring knowledge from previous encounters, and
drones. AI algorithms allow drones to dynamically adjust consistently refining their abilities. Autonomous drone
their navigation tactics, optimize flight trajectories, and detection and navigation systems are used in defence
intelligently respond to unforeseen obstacles or hazards by applications to defend important infrastructure, monitor
analyzing large volumes of sensor data in real-time. borders, and safeguard military facilities against aerial

Print ISSN 1691-5402

Online ISSN 2256-070X
© 2024 Amit Joshi, Aivars Spilbergs, Elīna Miķelsone.
Published by Rezekne Academy of Technologies.
This is an open access article under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Amit Joshi. et al. AI-Enabled Drone Autonomous Navigation and Decision Making For Defence Security

attacks. These technologies are crucial for improving algorithms for complex data analysis and
situational awareness, allowing defence personnel to decision-making.
identify unauthorized drones and promptly take ● Decision-Making Modules: Decision-making
appropriate action to eliminate any risks. The purpose of modules process sensor data and AI-
this study is to develop and understand the efficiency of generated insights to make real-time
artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled autonomous navigation decisions regarding drone detection, tracking,
and decision-making systems for drones, particularly for and response actions. These modules
defence security applications. The study analyzes different incorporate rule-based logic, probabilistic
aspects and functioning of autonomous navigation and
reasoning, and optimization techniques to
decision-making systems for drones that are primarily
evaluate threats, assess risks, and determine
designed for defence security applications. The research
task involves studying the various AI techniques and the appropriate course of action, such as
algorithms used in autonomous navigation and decision- alerting operators, deploying
making systems. Researchers will also analyze the countermeasures, or initiating evasive
hardware and software components used in these systems, manoeuvres.
including GPS modules, inertial measurement units ● Communication Systems: Communication
(IMUs), cameras, and other sensor. The study utilizes a systems enable autonomous drone detection
comprehensive literature review to examine various AI and navigation systems to exchange data with
techniques and methodologies employed in drone command and control centres, other drones,
autonomous navigation and decision-making systems, and external sensors and platforms. These
particularly in defence security applications. This systems utilize wireless communication
approach involves analyzing scholarly articles, research protocols, such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and
papers, and existing studies that discuss and evaluate cellular networks, to transmit sensor data,
different AI algorithms, including machine learning, deep status updates, and command instructions,
learning, and reinforcement learning, as well as their facilitating seamless coordination and
applications in drone navigation. The research focuses on collaboration between multiple system
the main components and functioning of autonomous components and stakeholders.
drone navigation systems, such as sensors, AI algorithms,
● Countermeasure Systems: Countermeasure
decision-making modules, communication systems, and
systems provide autonomous drone detection
countermeasure systems. The review covers a range of
topics, including the use of computer vision algorithms for and navigation systems with the capability to
object detection and recognition, machine learning neutralize hostile drones and mitigate
algorithms for pattern recognition and anomaly detection, potential threats. These systems include
and deep learning algorithms for complex data analysis electronic warfare techniques, such as
and decision-making. By analyzing these studies, jamming and spoofing, physical interception
researchers gain insights into the strengths, limitations, methods, such as net guns and drone-
and potential areas for improvement in AI-enabled drone capturing drones, and kinetic weapons, such
navigation and decision-making systems. This thorough as lasers and missiles, each offering different
review helps provide a comprehensive understanding of levels of effectiveness and precision in
the current state of AI-enabled drone technology for countering aerial threats.
defense security and potential future research directions.
B. Functioning of Autonomous Drone Detection and
A. Main Components and Functioning Navigation Systems
● Sensors: Sensors serve as the primary input Autonomous drone detection and navigation systems
source for autonomous drone detection and operate through a series of interconnected processes,
navigation systems, capturing data from the encompassing sensor data acquisition, AI-driven analysis,
drone's surroundings and providing vital decision-making, and response execution. The functioning
information for decision-making. Common of these systems can be broadly categorized into the
types of sensors used in these systems following stages:
include cameras, radar, lidar, and acoustic ● Sensor Data Acquisition: The system's
sensors, each offering unique capabilities for sensors, including cameras, radar, lidar, and
detecting and tracking drones in different acoustic sensors, continuously monitor the
environments and conditions. drone's surroundings, capturing data related
● AI Algorithms: AI algorithms form the to its position, velocity, trajectory, and
intelligence core of autonomous drone physical characteristics. These sensors detect
detection and navigation systems, enabling and track drones within the system's
drones to perceive their environment, operational range, providing real-time
interpret sensor data, and make informed situational awareness to the AI algorithms
decisions autonomously. These algorithms ● AI-Driven Analysis: AI algorithms analyze
include computer vision algorithms for object sensor data to identify and classify potential
detection and recognition, machine learning threats posed by drones, distinguishing
algorithms for pattern recognition and between authorized and unauthorized aerial
anomaly detection, and deep learning vehicles based on predefined criteria and
threat indicators. Computer vision algorithms

Environment. Technology. Resources. Rezekne, Latvia
Proceedings of the 15th International Scientific and Practical Conference. Volume IV, 138-143

process visual data to detect drones in the autonomous navigation, emphasizing the development of
system's field of view, while machine navigation methods and the difficulties in guaranteeing
learning algorithms analyze patterns and secure and efficient UAV operations. The conversation
anomalies in sensor data to identify revolves around the development of sophisticated
suspicious behaviour. algorithms and sensor technologies that allow unmanned
● Decision-Making: Decision-making aerial vehicles (UAVs) to navigate independently in
modules evaluate AI-generated insights and intricate surroundings.
sensor data to make informed decisions Wang and Chen (2019) concentrate on employing deep
reinforcement learning techniques to make decisions for
regarding threat assessment, response
autonomous drone navigation in unfamiliar surroundings.
prioritization, and action planning. These The researchers investigate the use of artificial
modules incorporate rule-based logic, intelligence methods to empower unmanned aerial
probabilistic reasoning, and optimization vehicles (UAVs) to make well-informed choices when
techniques to assess the severity of threats, traversing unknown landscapes. They highlight the
calculate response probabilities, and significance of drawing insights from previous encounters
determine the most effective course of action to enhance navigation capabilities. In their study, Kim and
based on predefined rules and objectives. Park (2020) explore the application of deep reinforcement
● Response Execution: Once a threat is learning in path planning and obstacle avoidance for
detected and assessed, the system initiates the unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). They emphasize the
appropriate response actions to neutralize the capability of sophisticated learning algorithms to facilitate
threat. UAVs in navigating through complex landscapes and
evading obstacles. The authors analyze the advancement
C. Artificial Intelligence Algorithms of deep learning methods in the context of effective path
Deep learning and machine learning algorithms are planning and obstacle detection for unmanned aerial
crucial in the detection and decision-making processes of vehicles (UAVs). They highlight the significance of
autonomous drones. These algorithms include several strong algorithms in guaranteeing the safety of UAV
techniques such as convolutional neural networks operations. Garcia and Rodriguez (2021) conducted a
(CNNs), recurrent neural networks (RNNs), deep survey on the use of deep learning algorithms for
reinforcement learning (DRL), generative adversarial autonomous navigation of UAVs. Their study provides
networks (GANs), and ensemble methods. Convolutional valuable information on the most advanced methods and
Neural Networks (CNNs) are highly efficient in how they are applied in different real-world situations.
performing image recognition tasks, allowing drones to The authors explore the application of deep neural
accurately detect and identify objects and obstacles in networks in tasks such as object detection, localization,
their immediate environment. Recurrent Neural Networks and mapping, emphasizing the potential of deep learning
(RNNs), in contrast, are particularly suitable for analyzing in improving the navigation abilities of unmanned aerial
sequential data. Deep reinforcement learning algorithms vehicles (UAVs). Zhang and Wang (2022) concentrate on
allow drones to acquire optimal strategies by engaging in employing deep Q-networks to facilitate real-time
trial-and-error interactions with the environment, enabling decision-making for drone navigation in dynamic
them to independently navigate intricate terrain and situations. The authors present an innovative method that
prevent collisions. GANs enable the creation of lifelike enables unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to efficiently
artificial data to train drone detection models, while and precisely analyze real-time data, facilitating their safe
ensemble approaches merge different learning algorithms navigation in dynamic surroundings. Lee and Lee (2023)
to enhance overall performance and resilience. Through conducted a survey that explores the utilization of deep
the utilization of these sophisticated algorithms, self- learning techniques for autonomous navigation of UAVs.
governing drones can attain improved detecting skills, The survey focuses on the newest breakthroughs in deep
render well-informed decisions instantaneously, and learning and its applications in UAV navigation. The
function efficiently in ever-changing and uncertain researchers investigate a range of deep learning structures
surroundings. and algorithms, emphasizing their advantages and
disadvantages in diverse navigation situations. They
In military applications, autonomous navigation and
emphasize the practical use of these algorithms in real-
decision-making for drones rely on a variety of AI
world unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) operations. In this
algorithms to ensure efficient and effective operation.
study, Wang and Zhang (2019) present a navigation
These algorithms, including Deep Reinforcement
approach for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in
Learning (DRL), Convolutional Neural Networks
situations where GPS signals are absent or limited. The
(CNNs), Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), Fuzzy
proposed strategy utilizes reinforcement learning
Logic Systems, Bayesian Networks, Evolutionary
techniques to overcome the obstacles associated with
Algorithms, and Model Predictive Control (MPC), play
navigation in such environments. The authors explore the
critical roles in enhancing drone capabilities.
application of reinforcement learning algorithms in
D. Review of Literature facilitating unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to travel
The literature on autonomous navigation and decision- independently without depending on GPS signals. They
making for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) covers a highlight the significance of resilient navigation strategies
wide range of research that investigate different elements in guaranteeing the accomplishment of missions. Li and
of UAV technology and its uses. Smith and Jones (2018) Liu (2020) propose a path planning algorithm for
present an extensive analysis of recent progress in numerous UAVs in urban contexts that utilizes swarm

Amit Joshi. et al. AI-Enabled Drone Autonomous Navigation and Decision Making For Defence Security

intelligence. The program specifically emphasizes security applications. This includes ensuring reliability,
cooperative navigation strategies. The authors examine safety, and compliance with ethical and legal standards
the creation of swarm intelligence algorithms that draw throughout the development and deployment lifecycle. By
inspiration from the collective behaviour of natural incorporating fail-safe mechanisms, robust decision-
swarms. They emphasize the usefulness of these making frameworks, and adherence to regulatory
algorithms in coordinating several UAVs for effective guidelines, the study seeks to build trust and confidence in
navigation in urban situations. Zhou and Wu (2021) the capabilities and responsible use of autonomous drone
investigate the utilization of fuzzy logic systems to make technologies.
decisions for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in Additionally, the study aims to demonstrate the
environments with uncertainty. The study highlights the
operational effectiveness and practical utility of the
capacity of fuzzy logic to effectively handle uncertain
situations. The authors present a decision-making developed AI-enabled drone system through extensive
framework based on fuzzy logic, which enables simulation, testing, and field exercises. By showcasing the
unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to make reliable system's performance in diverse scenarios and
decisions in situations with high levels of uncertainty. environments, the study aims to validate its potential to
This framework takes into account several elements, augment human capabilities, enhance situational
including weather conditions, sensor noise, and awareness, and improve mission outcomes in defense
communication delays. Kim and Lee (2022) examine the security operations. The study endeavors to contribute to
use of learning-based techniques in UAV navigation, the advancement of defense security capabilities through
where human involvement is incorporated to improve the development and validation of innovative AI-enabled
safety. The authors emphasize the significance of drone technologies. By addressing critical operational
integrating human expertise into autonomous navigation requirements and challenges, the study aims to pave the
systems. The authors suggest a hybrid methodology that way for the responsible integration and utilization of
integrates machine learning algorithms with human autonomous systems in modern defense and security
intervention to enhance the safety and dependability of strategies, ultimately enhancing national security and
unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) navigation systems. safeguarding critical assets and interests.
Zhang and Wang (2023) examine the use of multi-agent
reinforcement learning to facilitate cooperative navigation II. MATERIALS AND METHODS
of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in environments with
In conducting a review paper on AI-enabled drone
obstacles, focusing on the challenges of coordinating
many UAVs. The authors present a multi-agent autonomous navigation and decision making for defence
reinforcement learning framework that enables unmanned security, a comprehensive analysis of existing literature
aerial vehicles (UAVs) to learn collaboratively and and research findings was carried out. The materials used
adaptively navigate across complex settings. The study in this study include a wide range of academic articles,
highlights the significance of cooperation and research papers, conference proceedings, and reports
coordination among UAVs. In their 2018 publication, focusing on AI applications in drone navigation and
Huang and Li provide an overview of vision-based decision-making within defence contexts. Sources were
autonomous navigation systems for unmanned aerial collected from reputable databases such as IEEE Xplore,
vehicles (UAVs), with a particular focus on the Scopus, and Google Scholar to ensure the inclusion of
significance of visual sensors in facilitating self-governing high-quality, peer-reviewed publications. The review
flying. The authors explore the advancement of vision- process involved the examination of various aspects of
based navigation algorithms for tasks such as identifying AI-enabled drone navigation and decision-making
obstacles, determining location, and creating maps. They systems. This included an in-depth analysis of different
emphasize the practical uses of these algorithms in a range AI techniques such as machine learning, deep learning
of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) operations. and reinforcement learning that have been applied to
E. Study purpose autonomous drone navigation. Specific attention was
given to the components and functionalities of these
The purpose of the study is to develop and validate an
systems, including path planning, obstacle avoidance,
advanced AI-enabled drone system tailored for
sensor fusion, and real-time decision-making in complex
autonomous navigation and decision making in defense
environments. The review also explored the working
security contexts. In response to the evolving nature of
mechanisms of AI in drone navigation, such as vision-
security threats and the increasing complexity of
based and sensor-based methods, data acquisition, and
operational environments, the study aims to leverage
processing, and the integration of AI algorithms for
cutting-edge technologies to enhance the capabilities and
efficient and reliable autonomous operations.
effectiveness of defense security operations.The primary
Furthermore, the study assessed the practical applications
objective is to design and implement a comprehensive
of AI-enabled drone navigation in defence-security,
system that enables drones to autonomously navigate
including reconnaissance, surveillance, and tactical
through diverse terrains, detect potential threats, and make
operations. Through a systematic review of the literature,
informed decisions in real-time. By integrating advanced
key trends, challenges, and future research directions
AI algorithms, the study seeks to empower drones with
were identified. This involved a critical evaluation of the
the ability to adapt to dynamic environments, respond
current state of AI technologies in drone navigation and
proactively to emerging threats, and execute missions
decision making, as well as potential areas for
with precision and efficiency. The study aims to address
improvement and innovation in the defence security
key challenges and requirements associated with the
sector. The review aims to provide a comprehensive
deployment of autonomous drone systems in defense

Environment. Technology. Resources. Rezekne, Latvia
Proceedings of the 15th International Scientific and Practical Conference. Volume IV, 138-143

understanding of the advancements in AI-enabled drone algorithms, such as Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL),
navigation and decision making and its implications for Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Recurrent
defence security applications. Neural Networks (RNNs), Fuzzy Logic Systems,
Bayesian Networks, Evolutionary Algorithms, and Model
III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Predictive Control (MPC), are crucial in improving the
The review paper on AI-enabled drone autonomous capabilities of drones. DRL algorithms such as Deep Q-
navigation and decision-making for defence security Networks (DQN) and Proximal Policy Optimization
presents a detailed examination of various AI techniques, (PPO) allow drones to acquire optimal navigation
strategies by repeatedly attempting different approaches,
their components, and their impact on drone navigation
enabling them to explore intricate terrains and make
and decision-making in defence contexts. The results of instantaneous choices. Convolutional Neural Networks
the review showcase a broad range of AI methods applied (CNNs) interpret visual data captured by cameras on
to drone navigation and decision-making, including board to detect and classify targets, obstacles, and
machine learning, deep learning, reinforcement learning, landmarks, hence aiding in navigation and decision-
and fuzzy logic systems. These methods have been making tasks. Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs)
instrumental in enhancing the capabilities of drones for analyze sequential data, enabling drones to predict
defence operations, including reconnaissance, alterations in the surroundings and adapt their navigation
surveillance, and tactical missions. One key finding from tactics accordingly. Fuzzy logic systems are designed to
the review is the significant progress made in vision- manage and account for uncertainty in the process of
based and sensor-based navigation systems, which allow making decisions. On the other hand, Bayesian networks
drones to perceive their environment and make real-time are used to represent and analyze the various aspects that
decisions. The integration of AI algorithms with sensor contribute to risk, enabling more informed decision-
data has led to improved path planning, obstacle making. Evolutionary algorithms are used to improve the
avoidance, and target tracking capabilities. For instance, efficiency of route planning activities, while Model
deep learning-based computer vision techniques have Predictive Control (MPC) is employed to forecast the
shown promise in enabling drones to identify and classify future behaviour of a system for trajectory planning. By
objects in complex environments, thereby improving integrating these algorithms, military drones are equipped
their operational effectiveness. The review also highlights with improved situational awareness, adaptable navigation
capabilities, and intelligent decision-making in
the challenges associated with AI-enabled drone
challenging and ever-changing circumstances.
navigation, such as the need for robust and reliable Autonomous drone detection and navigation systems play
algorithms that can operate in dynamic and uncertain a vital role in defence applications, ensuring the safety of
environments. These challenges include managing the infrastructure, monitoring borders, and shielding military
trade-offs between speed and accuracy in decision- assets from aerial threats. These technologies improve the
making, ensuring the safety and security of autonomous ability of defence personnel to be aware of their
operations, and addressing ethical and legal surroundings, allowing them to quickly identify
considerations. Despite these challenges, the review unauthorized drones and respond appropriately. By
identifies several areas for future research and effectively manoeuvring through intricate airspace and
development, including the advancement of multi-agent making immediate decisions using data, these systems
systems for cooperative drone navigation and the reduce security risks, guaranteeing the safety and
exploration of hybrid AI approaches that combine protection of military personnel and equipment.
different techniques for optimal performance. Autonomous drone detection and navigation systems
Additionally, the integration of AI-enabled drones with employ AI-powered technologies such as computer
other defence systems, such as ground-based sensors and vision, sensor fusion, and decision-making algorithms.
communication networks, offers potential for enhanced These systems offer defence forces pre-emptive methods
situational awareness and decision-making capabilities. to prevent airborne threats from hostile drones. These
The review demonstrates the significant potential of AI- technologies enhance the defensive capabilities of
governments and organizations by promptly identifying
enabled drone autonomous navigation and decision-
possible hazards, precisely selecting targets, and
making for defence security applications. By providing
effectively coordinating responses. Autonomous drone
an overview of the current state of AI technologies and detection and navigation systems are a significant
their impact on drone navigation, the review offers development in defence technology.
insights into emerging trends and opportunities for
further research and development in this field. V. REFERENCES
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