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The Seventh
Night Where Nothing
An Interactive
Set in Leukish in the Duchy of Urnst
Version 2 - Gamestorm

by Jonathan and Michelle Ingram

Encounter Area Authors: Jonathan and Michelle Ingram, Herald Williams, David Thompson, Roy

At long last, the grand Leukish Garden will open to the public. The Mayor Governor of Leukish has
arranged a public festival to be held in the garden, and a grand bardic competition is being held. Noted
singers from across the Flanaess have been invited to perform, and already the first wedding is
scheduled for the garden. Security is tight to make sure that absolutely nothing happens.

Come and scavenge with the Rogues of Seltaren on new ground, the forbidden streets of Leukish!

Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and the new DUNGEONS &
DRAGONS game designed by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter Adkison.

This game product contains no Open Game Content. No portion of this work may be reproduced in any
form without permission of the author. To learn more about the Open Gaming License and the d20
system license, please visit

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, GREYHAWK and RPGA are registered trademarks of Wizards of the
Coast, Inc. LIVING GREYHAWK is a trademark of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
This scenario is intended for tournament use only and may not be reproduced without approval of the
RPGA Network.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................................... 2
Interactive Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 3
Sign Up............................................................................................................................................................ 3
Mingle Time..................................................................................................................................................... 3
Scavenger Hunt .............................................................................................................................................. 3
Scoring ............................................................................................................................................................ 3
History of Nothing ............................................................................................................................................... 4
Running the Sign-In Table .................................................................................................................................. 5
Judging the Night Where Nothing Happens ....................................................................................................... 7
Judge Roles for This Event............................................................................................................................. 7
Preparing for Your Role as a Table Judge ..................................................................................................... 7
Preparing for Your Role as a Shared Encounter Area Judge......................................................................... 8
Judge Rewards for This Interactive ................................................................................................................ 9
A General Note About Judging Nothing.......................................................................................................... 9
Mingling Time at the Festival ............................................................................................................................ 10
Required NPCs For Mingling Time ............................................................................................................... 10
Street Vendors for Mingling Time ................................................................................................................. 13
Other NPCs For Mingling Time..................................................................................................................... 14
Games for Mingling Time .............................................................................................................................. 16
Starting the Game............................................................................................................................................. 18
The Leukish Gardens ....................................................................................................................................... 20
Security At the Opening ................................................................................................................................ 20
If the Watch Catches On... ............................................................................................................................ 22
Escaping From Jail........................................................................................................................................ 22
The Garden of Songs Bardic Competition........................................................................................................ 23
Entering the Competition............................................................................................................................... 23
Participating In the Finals.............................................................................................................................. 23
Gathering Additional Information ...................................................................................................................... 24
Home Encounters Where Nothing Happens .................................................................................................... 25
The Leukish Garden...................................................................................................................................... 25
The Leukish Jail ............................................................................................................................................ 25
The Temple of Lydia ..................................................................................................................................... 28
The Church of Ehlonna ................................................................................................................................. 28
The Sweetwater Tavern ................................................................................................................................ 29
Shared Encounters Where Nothing Happens .................................................................................................. 31
HLG Warship The Golden Serpent ............................................................................................................... 32
Gates of the Coriner Wedding Reception ..................................................................................................... 38
Coriner Wedding Reception.......................................................................................................................... 43
The Loaf of Love Bakery ............................................................................................................................... 48
The Cathedral of Kord................................................................................................................................... 51
Folly by the Sea Tavern ................................................................................................................................ 57
The Leukish Office of Public Works .............................................................................................................. 60
The Leukish Shipyards.................................................................................................................................. 66
The Garden of Songs Bardic Competition Finals ......................................................................................... 68
Appendix One: Knowledge Checks .................................................................................................................. 70
Appendix Two: Map of Leukish ........................................................................................................................ 75

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 2

Interactive Overview
The Night Where Nothing Happens interactive has four distinct sections that must happen for the event to run

Sign Up
Interactive participants will register for the interactive before the interactive actually begins. At the sign-in
table, each player will fill out an Interactive Record Sheet for his/her character and will have a chance to
collect some information about the event (refer to the "Sign Up Table" section later in this document).

It is essential that as many players as possible complete sign up before the interactive actually starts. A large
number of signups during the interactive slot will adversely impact the performance of the teams during the
scavenger hunt.

Mingle Time
The first 90 minutes of the interactive takes place at the opening of the Leukish Gardens in Leukish. The
Mayor Governor of Leukish has organised a celebration to commemorate the event.

During mingle time, interactive judges will assume the role of a vendor at the festival. Details of vendors who
can be found at the festival are detailed in the "Mingling Time at the Festival" section (which can be found
later in this document).

Scavenger Hunt
Once mingle time is concluded, characters who are participating in the scavenger hunt will gather at a
warehouse in the dock district. Each team participating in the scavenger hunt will have a judge assigned to
them. It is the responsibility of the characters to organise themselves into teams for the scavenger hunt.

Once the scavenger hunt begins, the teams have four hours to collect items for the scavenger hunt and
make it back to the mustering point for the game to have their collection of items scored.

Those who are seeking a more lawful event will be recruited during mingling time by a representative from
the Church of Wee Jas.

Once the scavenger hunt is over, the players re-assemble and the Interactive Coordinator (working with the
home table judges) calculate the scores for each team. The winning teams are determined and ARs are

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 3

History of Nothing
While many believed that crime was vanquished in the Duchy when Duke Karll cleaned the thieves out of the
capital city of Leukish, it didn’t take them long to find a new home among the low-life cutthroats of Seltaren.
Very few people are aware that the chaos of Lower Seltaren has become (slightly) more organized in recent
years. Hidden in shadows, the “Rogues of Seltaren” are responsible for most of the shady activities that
occur in Seltaren, and whispers say their influence reaches far…
At the center of the Rogues was an enigmatic Oeridien who has managed to forge a tentative
cooperation between the different Bands for the benefit of all. "Masseri's" skills in diplomacy and the finer arts
of the Rogues, as well as his ability to arrange reduced jail sentences, make him well respected and able to
enforce a modicum of conformity to his rather informal rules. Above all, Masseri worked to regulate the level
of thievery in Seltaren, for if crime became too rampant; Duke Karll's attention might go after them in
As Masseri was starting to spread his influence, many of the rogues did not take well to regulation, and
complained that Masseri didn’t seem to want them to have any fun. In response, Masseri ran the first “Night
Where Nothing Happens.” It was a scavenger hunt with a twist; no one must know of the existence of the
game and no one would ever know that the items went missing. At the end of the night the items would be
returned and it would be as if the night had never happened. To the winning team would go prestige,
bragging rights, and valuable prizes.
The first scavenger hunt went off without a hitch and Masseri’s influence increased. It did not take long
for the rogues to start clamoring for another game. Masseri decided to make it an annual event.
Unfortunately, the second time the game was run it came very close to being a total disaster when the
demon-ridden Teranors decided to get involved [in URD1-05 The Night Where Nothing Happens]. It was a
big setback for Masseri, but he wasn’t one to give up. Few of the Rogues were willing to risk another
massacre in the third Night, so Masseri opened it up to outsiders, and invited some of the heroes who had
come to the Rogues’ aid. The Night was a success and the Rogues were delighted to find that the outsiders
brought a lot of easy money with them. Over successive years the event became a tradition and PCs from all
over the region gathered each year to compete.
Masseri disappeared in 595 CYt, but already had the wheels in motion for the next event. A part of
Masseri's detailed orders included the appointment of a "First Rogue of Seltaren" from the winning team.
Working from Masseri's plans, Tralkes was able to plan and execute the Sixth Night without much trouble.
Again profits were high from the event and it was a success on all fronts. The First Rogue provided a
counterpoint to Tralke's tendency towards caution.
Meanwhile, Lord Regent Ellis was chosen by the Honorable Chamber to rule in the absence of the
missing Duke Karll. As a part of the political maneuvers that got Lord Ellis elected, he agreed to remove from
office Lady Annora Mirathol, Mayor-Governor of Leukish. The new Mayor-Governor (Lord Admor Baerglund)
does not have the firm hand of Lady Annora. A loose grip combined with a great number of resignations (in
protest) and firings (due to a riot that involved the Watch and the Navy), has resulted in a city in turmoil. With
local authorities discredited in the public eye, weakened by dwindling numbers and disorganized due to lack
of strong leadership, crime is once more rampant in the city.
The Rogues decided is was time to return to Leukish but ran afoul of another group (the "Black Rats") that
was trying to claim control of the thieves in the city. With the help of adventurers, some initial contacts were
made and the Black Rat operations were damaged. Tralkes (with the encouragement of his First Rogue)
decided that they best way to recruit new bands in Leukish was to play to the Rogues strengths.
When the Mayor-Governor of Leukish announced a grand festival to celebrate the opening of the Leukish
Gardens, he saw his chance. He arranged for a ploy to convince the Black Rats to lay low for a bit, and
organized the first Nothing in Leukish.
Now it is time for the Seventh Night. No one can predict what will happen in Leukish, but one thing is
certain – if nothing doesn't happen, the Leukish City Watch (which prides itself on a lack of organized criminal
activity in the city) will take a firm hand in dealing with the rogues.

If you want more background on past Nights Where Nothing Happened you can check out the Duchy of Urnst
Wiki for teasers and results ( and find past files in in the files section of the Another Interactive Yahoogroup.

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 4

Running the Sign-In Table
The sign-in table should be available to all potential players during the slot before the interactive begins.
Depending on your prospective number of players, you may wish to open the sign-in table on previous days
as well.

This Night Where Nothing Happens is divided into two sections, one for low-level characters (those who wish
to play at APLs 2-8) and one for high-level characters (those who wish to play at APLs 10-16). There are
separate interactive record sheets for each (as labeled). Players should fill out the interactive record sheet
before coming to the sign in table.

Characters who wish to be disguised should fill out an additional interactive record sheet for each disguise.
While in disguise, characters have no influence or enmity.

Cohorts do not need an interactive record sheet. They will only be used to fill out the Lawful group's
table (if needed).

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 5

When a player comes to the table with their interactive record sheet, complete the following tasks:
1. Have the player fill in the sign-in sheet with name, RPGA #, CL, and whether they would prefer the
Lawful mission.
2. Record the character's gather information bonuses from the Table below.

Circumstance Low Leukish High Leukish

Character is dressed in a noble's outfit -4 +4
Character is dressed in a courtier's outfit -2 +2
Character is non-Suel (but not Rhenee) 0 -2
Character is Rhenee -2 -4
Living off the Wild lifestyle -2 -4
Adventurer's standard lifestyle 0 -2
Rich Lifestyle 0 +2
Luxury lifestyle -4 +4
Character is wearing a military uniform -2 0

3. Player rolls two Gather Information skill checks and records the results on their sheet. If the player
showed up for the interactive in costume, you may grant a +1 or +2 bonus to these checks. (If the
costume is truly elaborate, consult with the Interactive Coordinator about possibly giving a higher
4. Allow the player to draw from the appropriate "rumour jar."
5. Player rolls four more Gather Information skill checks. Costume bonuses do not apply to these
additional rolls. Record the results on the main sign-in sheet.
6. Ask the player if his character would prefer a Lawful mission for the interactive (i.e., not participating
in the scavenger hunt) or if the character would prefer to participate in the scavenger hunt. If the
player chooses the Lawful mini make sure the lawful box is checked on the sign in sheet and instruct
him that an NPC will be recruiting for the Lawful mini during Mingling Time.
7. If the character is in disguise, they will need to fill out a separate interactive record sheet for the
disguised personal. Have the player roll a Disguise skill check and record the result in the upper
right-hand corner of the sign-in sheet for that disguise. Characters in disguise have neither influence
nor enmity unless an observer sees through the disguise.
8. Hand Outs:
a. New players (or those who want it) get Player Handout #1.
b. All players who are not playing the lawful mini get Player Handout #2 (Rules for Nothing)
and Player Handout #4 (Invitation to Nothing). Those characters who don't have influence or
membership with the Rogues of Seltaren can come up with a reason they might have ended
up with the invitation.
c. Rogues of Seltaren also get Player Handout #3 (Rogues of Seltaren).
d. Legitimate or adopted children of any house and Officers in the Ducal Guard or Ducal Navy
get Player Handout #5 (Invitation to the Coriner Wedding Reception): Make sure to write
their name on the bottom of the invite and to print it on Judges Aide #1 (Guest List For the
Coriner Wedding Reception).
e. 5+ ranks of any Perform skill gets a copy of Player Handout #6 (Notice of the Bardic
9. Write an interactive number in the top right corner of the characters' interactive record sheet. If the
character has enmity of the Rogues of Seltaren, this should be a number that is composed of
repeated digits (11, 22, 33, 222, 333, etc). Otherwise, any number would do. Characters in disguise
will also need numbers (not double digit) on their additional interactive record sheet(s).
10. Complete a name tag for the character with the character's name, gender (if different) and race. Add
the following stickers to it as needed:
a. Legitimate and adopted children of a noble house get a red circle.
b. Officers in the Ducal Guard or Ducal Navy get a blue circle.
c. Characters with positions in the Houses of the Duchy meta-org get a gold circle.
11. Encourage the player to keep the interactive record sheet with them during the event and to wear the
name tag in a visible place.

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 6

Judging the Night Where Nothing Happens
The Night Where Nothing Happens is probably the longest running interactive in all of Living Greyhawk. It
has a reputation as a fun interactive for all participants and a long history of making most character types

The "Night Where Nothing Happens" is a team-based city-wide scavenger hunt organised by individuals who
are loosely affiliated with the Rogues of Seltaren. Although the Rogues themselves do not organise the
game, they do participate in it.

The basic principle of the Night Where Nothing Happens is that no PC or NPC who is not playing the game
knows that a game is taking place. At the end of the game, after scoring is complete, the game's organisers
return all the scavenger hunt items to their proper place and attempt to cover up any evidence of the game.

The twist on the scavenger hunt is that the list of items needed for the scavenger hunt is not shared openly –
hints are discretely dropped throughout the city and characters must work together and use their wits to
collect information and piece together a list of items that are worth points in the game.

To this end, making something happen is a bad thing that tends to reflect poorly on teams. An item that is
taken but not returned, damage that cannot be repaired, making something happen that is visible to those not
participating in the game – all of these things (and more) have ramifications for the game.

Judge Roles for This Event

Your job as a judge for this event is to impartially adjudicate two types of encounter areas: home encounters
(run solely by you) and shared encounter areas (usually run by a second judge who has specially prepared to
judge that encounter area).

Judges for this event usually have as much or more fun as the players.

Judges who accompany groups of players through the scavenger hunt are Table Judges. These judges
answer general questions for the players about the rules of the game.

All judges are typically asked to play the role of an NPC during "mingle time". If you are not comfortable with
doing this, we understand; however, having live "people" to talk to greatly enriches the interactive experience
for players. Please consider making an effort to try this as well.

Judges who control a single shared encounter area are Shared Encounter Judges. These judges handle
areas of the scavenger hunt where items can be found and are sometimes called upon to adjudicate a single
encounter area where two or more teams of characters are trying to obtain items they believe. Working as a
Shared Encounter Judge can be extremely demanding, but can also be a great deal of fun.

To insure secrecy, the master item list for the scavenger hunt is kept secret. However, if you are reading this
document, you may draw certain inferences from the special descriptions of certain items in this document.

To ensure a fair game, it is important that you do not give players any hints as to possible scavenger
hunt items.

Preparing for Your Role as a Table Judge

To prepare for your role as a Table Judge, you should read the following sections of this document:

1. Judging the Night Where Nothing Happens (this section)

2. Mingling Time at the Festival – you will assume the persona of one of the NPCs described in this
section during "mingle time."

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 7

3. The City Watch – Shared encounter areas set outside the Leukish Gardens are subject to the
guidelines described in this section.
4. The Leukish Gardens – you will need to be familiar with the details of security in the city during this
event, especially with security at the prime location of the interactive.
5. Gathering Additional Information – you will need to adjudicate any Gather Information skill checks the
characters want to make during the scavenger hunt.
6. Home Encounters Where Nothing Happens – you will be expected to be familiar with all these areas
and should resolve them with your players on your own.
7. Shared Encounters Where Nothing Happens – if no shared encounter area judge is available for a
particular area, you will have to run the area when your team visits. This will go a lot more smoothly if
you have a general understanding of each shared encounter area.
8. Appendix One: Knowledge Checks – players are your table will undoubtedly want to utilise their
Knowledge skills to figure out how to proceed in the scavenger hunt. The tables in this area will help
you provide them with relevant information.

Questions about your reading should be directed to the Interactive Coordinator or the author of this
interactive (

Adjudicating Forgery Skill Checks

If any of the characters at your table have ranks of the Forgery skill and wish to forge their own copies of
Player Handout documents (invitations, etc), have the character roll a Forgery skill check. Write the word
"FORGERY" at the bottom of the handout and follow it with the result of the Forgery skill check.

For example, if Bobbie Bootstrap rolls a 17 on his Forgery skill check to forge an invitation to a party, you
would write "FORGERY 17" on the bottom of a legitimate player handout invitation to the party. Judges
running NPCs who are checking for forgeries know that they have to equal or beat this number to detect the

Preparing for Your Role as a Shared Encounter Area Judge

To prepare for your role as a Shared Encounter Area Judge, you should read the following sections of this

1. Judging the Night Where Nothing Happens (this section)

2. Mingling Time at the Festival – you will assume the persona of one of the NPCs described in this
section during "mingle time."
3. The City Watch – Shared encounter areas set outside the Leukish Gardens are subject to the
guidelines described in this section.
4. The Leukish Gardens – Shared encounter areas set in the Leukish Gardens are subject to the
guidelines described in this section.
5. Shared Encounters Where Nothing Happens – You need to review the portion of this section that
describes the shared encounter area you have been assigned to run. On the day of the interactive,
you should also check with the Interactive Coordinator about any last minute changes or "secret
revisions" to your shared encounter area.

Questions about your reading should be directed to the Interactive Coordinator or the author of this
interactive (

Dealing With Documents

At least one of the Shared Encounter Areas in this encounter is accessible only with a proper invitation. It is
unlikely that the majority of characters will receive an invitation to these events, and thus forged documents
will inevitably be needed.

Forged copies of invitations will always be on legitimate player handouts. The judge who adjudicates the
forgery should write the word "FORGERY" at the bottom of the handout, and should follow it with a number

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 8

indicating the DC of the Forgery skill check required to detect the forgery. If a document is labelled
"FORGERY" and no DC is present, assume that the DC to detect the forged document is 15.

Judge Rewards for This Interactive

A judges mini for those who judge the Night Where Nothing Happens interactive will be available. If the
participants in the judges mini are successful in their objectives, their characters typically earn the same
rewards as if they had played the interactive and placed second.

A General Note About Judging Nothing

The Night Where Nothing Happens is a scavenger hunt where no one is supposed to know that anything
happened. If something happens, take careful note of it. Be sure to report it to the interactive coordinator. If
someone fixes something that another team made happen, also take careful note of it.

Many players will try to make their lives easier by using sentences like "I leave everything the way I found it"
or "I put everything back the way it was". This is not sufficient to make sure nothing happens. You should
encourage players to TELL you specifically what they are doing. For example, if a character doesn't ask what
page a book was open to before closing the book, she can't know for certainty that they reopened the book to
the same page.

If you aren't certain about how to handle a detail and whether or not player generalities would cover it,
consult with the Interactive Coordinator.

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 9

Mingling Time at the Festival
The setting for the LARP portion of the interactive is a large public festival in the newly opened Leukish
Gardens. During this portion of the interactive, participants in the scavenger hunt will be able to interact in
character with important NPCs, gather rumours and clues both inside and outside the garden, and express
an interest in doing "nothing" for the evening.

Required NPCs For Mingling Time

Each of these NPCs is required to be present at mingling time and should be run by a separate judge.

Omwall the All-Knowing

Goods for Sale: fortunes and prophecies (legal), forgeries (illegal), registration for the scavenger hunt
(definitely illegal), letter from Tralkes inviting the character to the scavenger hunt (the more the merrier)
Race: apparently Baklunish
Importance: REQUIRED

Participants from previous Nothings will probably recognize Omwall's purple tent. Omwall, as in previous
years, is Fest in disguise.

Those who don't recognize Omwall and his tent can get his attention about nothing in one of three ways:

1. Use the method described in Player Handout #4 (Invitation to Nothing) to get his attention.
2. Answer "nothing" to all questions he might ask.
3. Be introduced to him by someone

If the character has enmity of the Rogues of Seltaren, Omwall will not refer them to Erlin.

Omwall will attempt document forgeries for a minimum price of 25gp (his bonus is +12 and he takes 10).
However, he will try to get as much money as possible. Omwall's documents will not be accepted as
scavenger hunt items (if documents are even on the list of items). However, Omwall cannot forge a
document without an example to work from; thus, the character needs access to a real wedding invitation to
have Omwall forge one.

There are three forgery attempts that might be likely for this Nothing:

• A forgery of the invitation to the Coriner wedding reception takes approximately 30 minutes (send the
character away with instructions to come back after this much time has passed).
• A forgery of the bardic competition finals takes approximately 20 minutes (again, send the character
away with instructions to come back after this much time has passed).
• Changing the name on a stolen invitation to the wedding reception takes Omwall only ten minutes.
He will ask the character to wait, but won't mind if the character comes back later.

Judges Note: If you are asked to prepare a forgery, take a copy of the Player Handout involved and write the
phrase "FORGERY 22" on the bottom in capital letters. We must be able to identify forged handouts
elsewhere in the interactive.

Omwall will take those interested in Nothing aside to do team registration, then send folks over to the
costume shop with instructions to ask Erlin or his assistant about trying on a special costume.

If the character is interested in nothing but hasn't yet found a team, Omwall will suggest that the character go
and find some friends before coming back because this is a team game.

Team Registration
For each team registration you perform, write the character's team name on the player's nametag and on the
top of the interactive record sheet for the character. Have the players write the player name, character name,

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 10

and RPGA number on the team registration sheet. KEEP the registration sheets (as the interactive
coordinator will be checking them to see the number of teams and how many have found teams).

Make sure that the colour of the team registration form matches the colour of the character's interactive
record sheet. Make sure that the player knows that all team members must have the same colour registration

Erlin's Costumes
Goods For Sale: various costumes, CLUES
Race: Suel
Importance: REQUIRED

Erlin is not actually Erlin; he works for the rogues. Erlin is in charge of the back of the shop, where he
dispenses information about nothing to those referred by "Omwall".

Erlin's assistant deftly runs the costume shop, doing a brisk business in flowery masks and a few other items.

Talking Points for Erlin's assistant:

1. The Leukish Gardens: The assistance will gush about the gardens, talking about how he got a
private tour from his cousin, how lovely it is, etc.
2. The new Mayor-Governor: The assistant doesn't know much about him, but he likes his style –
anyone who sponsors a festival where costumes are welcome has some sense of fun inside.
3. Nothing: The assistant will pretend not to understand references to nothing. Anyone who says that
Omwall suggested that they try on a special costume will be directed to Erlin.
4. The situation in Leukish: The assistant will commiserate with the poor, but really thinks they should
be leaving the city if they're hungry – there are plenty of jobs for them in the country on the estates.
5. The Regency: The assistant doesn't understand what all the factions are fighting over.

Getting Clues For Nothing

This is where characters get clues for the scavenger hunt.

Erlin will only give clues to characters who don't have enmity with the Rogues. If the character is in disguise,
a Spot check (Erlin gets a 15 + the disguised character's level on his roll) is appropriate.

Assuming the character has no enmity from the Rogues, Erlin is eager to help. Characters can draw clues
from the hint jars. Use the pre-rolled Gather Information skill checks from the character's registration sheet to
determine which jars are appropriate; once each skill check is used, cross it off the sheet.

Low Level Characters:

Low level characters automatically get extra clues for the scavenger hunt from the "Random" hint jar. (Erlin
always bets the underdog!) This is based on the character's level:

Low-level hunt: 1st level, 3 extra; 2nd level, 2 extra; 3rd level, 1 extra.
High-level hunt: 7th level, 3 extra; 8th level, 2 extra; 9th level, 1 extra.

Remember to make sure that the clue colour matches the colour of the character's interactive record sheet.

Extra Clues
Characters can spend one extra time unit (1 TU) getting up to four extra clues from the "Random" hint jar.
OR, characters can spend a single influence point with the Rogues of Seltaren to get four extra clues from
the "Random" hint jar.

No one may get more than four (4) extra clues.

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 11

Duplicate Hints
Allow the player to re-draw any duplicate hints. Return the duplicatesto the jar for other players to get later.

Finishing Up
To make sure that you don't give clues to the same player more than once, circle the interactive number on
the character's interactive record sheet before letting the player leave your area.

Goods for Sale: none
Race: Suel
Importance: REQUIRED

Luyp (pronounced loop) is a street urchin who wanders around the festival. He extorts money from the
vendors at the festival by threatening to badmouth their goods. He has also figured out that Omwall the All-
Knowing knows more than he's letting on, and he has heard of Nothing. Putting two and two together, he will
tell anyone who seems to be in the dark about mingle time that they need to visit Omwall to find out about

Judge Notes: Luyp exists to make sure that folks figure out where to go to register for Nothing. He can also
be silenced as a special mission later in the evening.

Gella's Wine Stand

Goods for Sale: wines and ales, ranging in price from 3cp to 3gp
Race: Suel
Importance: REQUIRED

Talking Points:
1. The Leukish Gardens: Gella thinks the festival is a great idea, since her sales haven't been so good
lately. Lots of thirsty folks wandering around today.
2. The new Mayor-Governor: She's never met the man, but she thinks he prefers wine to ale from what
she's heard.
3. Nothing: Gella has heard about the Night Where Nothing Happens. If more then four people ask her
about it, she will start mentioning to everyone who comes into her shop that it's happening tonight in
Leukish (a dumb, but correct, guess on her part). If this happens, she may need to be silenced
during the scavenger hunt (her player should tell the interactive coordinator). If she figures out that
nothing is happening, she will offer free drinks to anyone who shares a clue with her; she will then
repeat clues later if folks pay her for them.
4. The situation in Leukish: It's awful that folks don't have money to eat. She helps out all she can, but
she has to eat too.
5. The Regency: Things have gotten worse since Lord Ellis took over. She hopes that Duke Karll comes
back very soon.

If a character gives Gella a real clue, she may reveal the character's name later if questioned properly when
she's silenced. This would earn the character who spilled the beans a minor enmity with the Rogues of
Seltaren (something happened). Giving Gella fake clues is okay, unless the player later tells someone else
that Gella has clues (this breaks the rules of the game).

If the character actually tells Gella that Nothing is happening in Leukish and she reveals this later to her
silencers, the character who squealed earns the major enmity of the Rogues (something really bad

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 12

Street Vendors for Mingling Time
Several vendors have set up booths and tents in the streets leading to and surrounding the gardens. These
vendors are a source of goods and services, but also occasionally of information. One judge could do two of
these NPCs if necessary.

Altra's Handmade Jewelry

Goods for Sale: cheap jewelry, 1-5gp in price (she has several rings and necklaces with hummingbird
Race: Suel
Importance: Medium – she can provide some additional red herrings if you throw in good jewelry descriptions
Very importantly, she has rose and hummingbird rings, earrings, and pendants available.

Talking Points:
1. The Leukish Gardens: Altra thinks the garden is nice, but stuffy – obviously not meant for the real
2. The new Mayor-Governor: Altra is too busy to know much about politics.
3. Nothing; Altra has a blank look on her face if pressed about "nothing". If the same person repeatedly
asks her about nothing, she will call the watch and have the character shooed away.
4. The situation in Leukish: She hopes that the situation gets better soon – the people are suffering.
5. The Regency: She doesn't know much about politics, but she thinks that Ellis should get off his butt
and help the people out.

Gath's Flowers
Goods for Sale: flowers of various kinds, ranging from 1sp to 5gp in price. Gath does sell roses of various
kinds, which could lead to some confusion if flowers are on the item list.
Race: Suel
Importance: Medium

Talking Points:
1. The Leukish Gardens: Gath loves the garden and thinks it will be a big hit.
2. The new Mayor-Governor: Gath thinks the new Mayor-Governor is just "fabulous"
3. Nothing: Gath heard some folks talking about nothing and thought they were a little crazy.
4. The situation in Leukish: Gath really wishes the hungry folks would take the time they're not spending
eating to learn to bathe.
5. The Regency: Gath once sold some flowers to Lord Jolen and his friend. He hopes the Lord Jolen
will stop by again to purchase some additional flowers.

Henna's Alecart
Goods for Sale: ale, from 2cp to 1gp in price
Race: Oeridian
Importance: Medium

Talking Points:
1. The Leukish Gardens: Doesn't much care – she's trying to peddle her wares.
2. The new Mayor-Governor: Heard that he tossed his cookies once when he drank real ale, and she
doesn't hold value in anyone who can't hold their ale.
3. Nothing: She knows nothing about it. If pestered four or more times about it by the same character,
she'll tell them to get lost before she calls the watch. If bribed to keep her ears open about it, she'll do
so and gladly report what she hears back to the briber.
4. The situation in Leukish: Thinks that all the poor are keeping her business bad by giving the city a
bad reputation.
5. The Regency: Thinks the White Harts need to "get over themselves"

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 13

Ernoh's Meat on a Stick
Goods for Sale: meat on a stick
Race: Oeridian
Importance: Low

Talking Points:
1. The Leukish Gardens: If folks come to the party to eat, he'll serve them.
2. The new Mayor-Governor: Ernoh doesn't know the man but he met another Baerglund once that he
didn't like, so this Baerglund must be pretty worthless.
3. Nothing: He won't understand – he knows nothing about nothing and just won't get the innuendo that
nothing is really something.
4. The situation in Leukish: He's had to cut corners wherever he can. He's sold a lot of rats in the poor
5. The Regency: On one hand, he doesn't like getting robbed and that's happened several times since
things started getting bad in Leukish. On the other hand, he likes selling rat meat for profit.

Other NPCs For Mingling Time

Lady Annora Durnix
Race: Suel

Lady Annora Durnix, like many nobles, is enjoying the festival. She has been visiting Leukish for two weeks
now. Her mother is pressing her to get married and feels that Leukish would be an excellent place for the
young lady to circulate in society.

Lady Annora is escorted by an older servant of Suel bloodline. He is quiet and reserved, simply nodding to
any request of Lady Annora's unless she asks him a direct question.

Lady Annora has an invitation to the Coriner wedding reception on her person. She does not advertise this,
but won't lie if asked. If she meets a handsome (Charisma 12+) officer of the Ducal Guard or Ducal Navy,
she would not be adverse to having that officer escort her to the reception.

Conversation points for Lady Annora:

1. She has been in Leukish for two weeks on a tour of the major cities. She was previously in
Meisselburg, admiring the excellent architecture there.
2. She finds the gardens lovely, but it isn't the best she has seen – her mother maintains a lovely
garden in Nellix. (She seems quite knowledgable about flora and will point out the positive attributes
of various plants – "My, what a lovely curvature this petal has – it's very rare in this species", etc.)
3. Of all the cities in the Duchy of Urnst, she found Pontyrel to be the loveliest.
4. She wants to visit the Celadon, but has heard that the elves have closed the forest. She has several
elven acquaintances that she met in and about Nellix.
5. She will be turning 20 in a few months and feels that her mother is pressing her to marry. However,
she is not in a hurry to do so.
6. She thinks Lord Ellis is a bit dashing.
7. She thinks Lord Jolen has excellent taste in flowers. She actually was introduced to Lord Jolen at a
party two weeks ago. She finds it odd that he found time to converse in private with his male friend
when so many young ladies were interested in dancing with him.
8. She doesn't quite know what to make of Leukish – parts of it are lovely, but parts of it she doesn't
think are safe for a young lady to walk through. A city watch patrol actually found her in the poor
quarter and insisted on escorting her back to the noble quarter.

Lady Annora does not know anything about the Nothing. If someone tells her something about it, she will be
fascinated and will want to participate. (You should make it obvious if this happens that she would be a
liability to her team – perhaps portray her as a bit clumsy.)

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 14

If molested, Lady Annora will cry for the watch. If physically harmed, she will flee to try to find the watch. If
she locates a city watch patrol, she will give a description of her attacker(s) to the city watch patrol.

NOTE: If you as a judge find that there are "sparks" between Lady Annora and a male officer of the Ducal
Guard/Ducal Navy, please report this for your interactive summary. Lady Annora's family, after a careful
vetting of the character's background, may propose a match between Lady Annora and the young officer. If
you intend to make this recommendation, please also check the character's racial background and make a
note of his rank. Officers in the Ducal Guard/Ducal Navy will have a blue dot on the player's badge.

Danole Isgothe
Race: Suel

Danole Isgothe is an immaculately dressed young Suel woman who is enjoying the first day of the gardens
being open by taking a long, leisurely walk. Her attire is of fine cloth and she wears simple, elegant jewelry of
gold and silver set with gemstones of several different types.

Danole will engage in conversation with anyone who treats her politely.

Conversation points for Danole Isgothe:

1. She has lived in Leukish for almost two years, after she graduated from Lady Coriner's finishing
2. She is a professional courtesan, who is skilled with the lute, singing, and at cards. (She is a
3. She very much likes the gardens.
4. Her favourite flowers are roses. Several of her clients send her roses two or three times a week.
5. Her favourite meal is a baked mixture of cheese with fresh vegatables served with noodles and fresh
6. She very much enjoys the strong coffee that is served at the Coriner estate.
7. She would very much like to attend the Coriner wedding reception this evening, but she doesn't have
an invitation. It would be an excellent opportunity to meet some interesting people and some
prospective clients. (If asked by a handsome young noble to go as a guest, she would gladly agree.)
She has the perfect white gown with amethyst buttons and a large amethyst pendant that she would
8. She knows that the groom, Lord Jasper Kilbourne, was also a courtesan once. It was through work
that he caught the eye of Lady Coriner's niece.

Danole has never heard of the Night Where Nothing Happens. If someone tells her about it, she will listen
quite intently. If told that it's a secret, she will promise to keep it quiet (this is true to an extent – she will not
go and blab to the city watch. However, Danole, like many courtesans, feeds information to Lady Coriner,
and Danole will be quite certain that Lady Coriner would love to know more about Nothing).

If molested, Danole will cry for the watch. If physically harmed, she will flee to try to find the watch. If she
locates a city watch patrol, she will give a description of her attacker(s) to the city watch patrol.

Nobles will, at the very least, have a red dot on the player's badge.

Elbann Kustir
Race: Suel
Elbann Kustir is a recruiter for the Church of Wee Jas who is looking for independent and dependable
adventurers to help arrange a private meeting.

Classes: Paladin 6/Hunter of the Dead 4

Important Skills: Sense Motive +4

Elbann is recruiting characters for the Lawful mini.

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 15

Games for Mingling Time
Several vendors have set up games for the crowd during the festival. These games actually continue into the
evening and become a home table area. Each game should have its own judge.

Archery Contest
A large portion of the well-manicured lawn inside the garden has been set aside for an archery contest.
Contestants are free to try their hand at any time. Crossbowmen are welcome as well.

The target size and range varies depending on how many previous hits the recipient has made:

Target Size To Hit Roll Prize Received If Next Shot Misses

standard/near 15 none
standard/med 17 none
standard/far 19 a white ribbon with a brass arrow on it
reduced/far 21 a white ribbon with a brass arrow on it
reduced/far+ 23 a red ribbon with a brass arrow on it
reduced/far+ 25 a red ribbon with a brass arrow on it
tiny/far++ 28 a blue ribbon with a brass arrow on it
tiny/far++ 30 a blue ribbon with a silver arrow on it

Entering the archery contest costs 5sp.

Ring Toss
Characters are handed five metal rings in various colours. The idea is that the character tosses the rings onto
a vertical stick from ten feet away in order from largest ring to smallest ring. As soon as the character misses,
the game begins again for the next contestant.

The to hit roll to successful drop each ring over the stick is shown below:

Ring Colour To Hit Prize Received If Next Ring Misses

Red 15 none
Yellow 17 A white ribbon.
Green 19 A brass ring on a white ribbon.
Blue 21 A brass ring on a red ribbon.
Black 25 A brass ring on a blue ribbon.

This is a simple ranged attack roll. The character may use his base attack bonus and Dex bonus for the rolls,
but no ranged attack feats can alter the die roll.

Characters can attempt to pocket rings during the game. Doing so requires a DC 25 Sleight of Hand check.
Other characters may assist this skill check by distracting the vendor; each person who does so gives the
character a standard +2 bonus on the skill check. A separate skill check is required for each ring that is

The vendor is also willing to sell rings. His first sale will be cheap (1gp for the set), but will double with each
additional set he sells. If the character inquiring about a purchase looks wealthy, he may ask for more.

Entering the ring toss costs 5cp.

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 16

Wrestling the Strong Man
Buris the strong man will challenge all comers to a wrestling match. His grapple check is +8 for low-level
characters and +18 for high-level characters. Buris has equivalent bonuses to Escape Artist. Buris' initiative
modifier is +7 (Improved Initiative, +3 Dex bonus) and his touch AC is 13.

Buris: Male human Ftr 6; CR 6; medium humanoid; HD 6d10+6; hp 56; Init +6 (+2 Dex, +4 improved
initiative); Spd 30 ft.; AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10; BAB/Grp: +6/+10; Atk: irrelevant; Full Atk: irrelevant; AL
LN; SV Fort +#, Ref +#, Will +#; Str 19, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 8.
Skills and Feats: Climb +10; Improved Unarmed Strike, Combat Expertise, Improved Grapple, Weapon
Focus (Improved Unarmed Strike), Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Great Fortitude, Skill
Focus (Tumble).
Possessions: clothing.
Physical Description: A stocky Oeridian man of strong build.
Commonly Used Phrases: Yah, I have you now!

The objective of the game is simple: pin your opponent. This requires two separate grapple checks, one to
grapple your opponent and another to pin your opponent.

If anyone deals lethal damage to Buris, he will call loudly for the watch. The offending character will be carted
off to jail.

The cost to wrestle Buris is 1 silver coin. The prize for winning against Buris is a bent iron disk tied to a string.
Buris bends the disk himself when he loses.

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 17

Starting the Game
By the end of mingling time, those players who want to participate in the game should have formed
themselves into teams. You may have to provide assistance here, as some people simply don't do well
during mingling time. Players should be grouped into teams that are roughly of equivalent character levels.

Characters who are interested in the Lawful mini-mission at this time should answer their summons from their
employer. However, don't force a Lawfully-aligned character to participate in the Lawful mini-mission – it's
perfectly okay for Lawful characters to participate in the scavenger hunt too! (Laws are only being bent, not

Once the scavenger hunt participants are assembled, read Tralkes' speech to them:

Tralkes steps up onto a crate and holds his hand up in the air, waiting for the room to be silent. Then
he shouts, "What are you all doing here?

"Surely you know that NOTHING is going on? If any of you are here for anything other than Nothing,
please leave now.

"Go ahead – we'll wait.

"Is anybody not on a registered team? Please stand with your team.

This should allow you to easily assign table judges to teams.

Tralkes continues, "I'm going to have to ask you to submit to Detect Magic and Zone of Truth spells.
Nothing personal, but it is important that we confirm that you don't already have any spells in place
and that you haven't broken any of the rules yet. Afterwards there will be Discern Lies spells you will
need to submit to, but for now we will trust your knowlde that we will be verifying things.

"If you have broken any rules, this is your chance to plead ignorance. If we can correct for your
mistake, we won't worry about it.

"To your knowledge:

• Has anybody interfered with any of your competitors?

• Has anybody lied about scavenger hunt items?
• Has anybody gathered any of the items already?
• Does anybody have any non-permanent spell effects currently in place? If so, casters with
Dispel Magic are available (for a small fee, of course).
• Is anybody planning on breaking any of the rules of the game?

"Remember to double check which spells are illegal.

"I have no doubt that you have all carefully read the rules (or had them read to you). We will subtract
points from teams that make something happen (such as setting off an alarm or leaving a door
unlocked behind you). In addition, I will consider myself in your personal debt if your team makes
another team's mistakes "go away."

"The elite teams have been issued speaking coins so that we can send you emergency messages. If
problems arise, we will ask you to help make sure that nothing comes of the problems. If you're in
doubt about the issue, you can always ask to try on a special costume again.

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 18

"I've never liked people starting with items that you need to win. This is scavenger hunt, after all. So,
anything you have with you now or had in your possession earlier doesn't count for the scavenger
hunt. You must attain all the scavenger hunt items after you leave here."
In case this wasn't clear, tThis means that "I Have That" cards cannot be used.

"Please remember that you have to be back here by midnight this evening. Those arriving lagte will
be penalized and won't be able to claim any items that we've already scored. So be on time!

"Oh, and this is a team event. I hear the city watch is out on the hunt tonight. Remember that this is a
team event and that we don't leave people behind. If your entire team doesn't make it back, you'll be

"Now, go and do Nothing for the next few hours. Have fun!" With that, Tralkes steps down and walks
away into the crowd.

Please rememember that we are all here to have fun. Don't let the competitive nature of the game
interfere with the fun. Now, go with your assigned judge to your home table. Once there, you will
complete Initiative Cards and take care of any pre-hunt details that need to be dealt with. Wait to start
scavenging until I give the go-ahead.

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 19

The Leukish Gardens
The Leukish Gardens were commissioned by Duke Karll Lorinar to bring some of the beauty of the Celadon
to Leukish, but (like most public projects of its scope) wasn't quite executed as originally conceived. Instead
of a bit of the Celadon in Leukish, the gardens have become a showcase for plants and flowers of all
varieties; it bears little resemblance to the Celadon, but is still quite lovely.

Security At the Opening

Security at the Leukish Gardens is tight – after recent unrest, the Mayor Governor does not wish for any
disruptions to occur at the festival celebrating the opening of the garden. Also, there will be several notable
persons attending private events in the garden on the same evening, including Lord Regent Ellis Lorinar.The
Mayor Governor considers the safety of these guests of paramount importance.

Consequently, the garden has been patrolled 24 hours a day for the past week by trustworthy city watchmen.
This has given the city watch ample knowledge of the gardens; if trouble is reported during the festival, a
squad of guardsmen can be on site in 10 + 2d10 rounds (1-3 minutes).

During "mingling time," a squad of guards will arrive at the scene of trouble in 1d5 rounds.

If no trouble has been reported, a squad of city watchmen passes any given encounter area within the
garden 1d10 minutes after the first group arrives at the area.

Statistics For Garden Patrols

A standard patrol for the evening in the gardens consists of eight men, one Senior Watchmen and seven

Senior Watchman of the Leukish City Watch: Male human Ftr 3/Rog 3; CR 6; medium humanoid; HD
3d10+3+3d6+3; hp 38; Init +6; Spd 30 ft.; AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12; BAB/Grp: +5/+7; Atk: +5
longsword (1d8+2, 19-20/x2) or +6 sap (1d6+2 SUBDUAL, x2); Full Atk: +5 longsword (1d8+2, 19-20/x2) or
+6 sap (1d6+2 SUBDUAL, x2); SA sneak attack +2d6; SQ evasion; AL LN; SV Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +2; Str
16, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 10.
Skills and Feats: Climb +9, Hide +8, Knowledge (local – NMR IV) +7, Listen +12, Move Silently +8, Search
+7, Sense Motive +9, Spot +12, Tumble +8; Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Skill Focus
(Spot), Skill Focus (Sense Motive), Skill Focus (Listen), Weapon Focus (sap).
Possessions: chain shirt, longsword, sap, masterwork manacles (two pair), key to manacles.

Watchman of the Leukish City Watch: male human War 3; CR 3; medium humanoid; HD 3d10+3; hp 25;
Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 13, touch 11, flat-footed 12; BAB/Grp: +3/+5; Atk: +5 sap (1d6+1, x2 SUBDUAL) or +5
longsword (1d8+1, 19-20/x2) or +4 light crossbow (1d8, 19-20/x2); Full Atk: +5 sap (1d6+1, x2 SUBDUAL) or
+5 longsword (1d8+1, 19-20/x2) or +4 light crossbow (1d8, 19-20/x2); SA none; SQ none; AL LN; SV Fort +4,
Ref +1, Will +3; Str 14, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 10.
Skills and Feats: Listen +2, Spot +2; Weapon Focus (sap), Alertness, Iron Will.
Possessions: leather armour, longsword, light crossbow, 10 bolts, sap, manacles, key to manacles.

Orders For Garden Patrols

Patrols in the garden have been ordered to quickly subdue any troublemakers. Each guard has been issued
a sap to allow them to quickly step into fights. The guards have also been assured that failure in the
apprehension of rabblerousers and troublemakers will have severe consequences for the guardsmen who
were lack in their duties; consequently, the guards are not in an especially trusting mood.

Each member of a patrol has also been equipped with alarm whistles that can be clearly heard for 250ft in
any direction without obstructions; with walls and large trees to reflect sound, it is unclear how much further
sound may travel inside the garden. At least two guards in each patrol have orders to relay their alarm signal
before taking any other actions.

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 20

When each alarm whistle is blown, there is a 20% chance that another patrol hears it. When a patrol hears
an alarm, they also sound an alarm before responding (and so on...). This means that there is a chance that
two patrols will be arriving on the scene of trouble within three minutes and that there is a chance that three
or more patrols will be arriving on the scene of trouble within four minutes. (Note that the vagaries of sound in
the garden may mean that the first alarm is heard by the troublemakers, but that a responding alarm may not
be heard – the same 20% chances apply to alarms sounded by patrols responding to an alarm).

Once troublemakers are captured, they are manacled (good locks, Open Locks DC 30). Two guards then
return the prisoners to the city jail.

Anyone with a weapon in hand or otherwise engaged in combat (including obviously hostile spellcasting)
when the watch shows up is considered a troublemaker and will be taken to jail; no Diplomacy or Bluff skill
check can prevent this from happening.

Characters without weapons in hand when the watch shows up can probably talk their way out of being taken
to jail; to do so, a Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate skill check is required to chance the attitude of the patrol
from unfriendly to friendly.

The base DC of this check depends in large part on the attitude of the patrol towards the character; this, in
turn, depends on the behaviour the character was engaged in when the patrol could observe the character:

• If the character was seen performing a suspicious action (hiding something, carrying a body, carrying
a sack that appears to be full, etc), the patrol's initial attitude towards the PC is hostile (base DC 35).
• If the character was seen acting in a friendly manner towards someone else seen performing a
suspicious action, the patrol's initial attitude towards the character is hostile (base DC 35).
• If the character was not seen performing a suspicious action, the patrol's initial attitude towards the
PC is unfriendly (base DC 25).

Apply situational modifiers to the DC for the skill check as follows:

Situational Modifier DC Modifier

Character can produce an invitation to the private concert for Lord Ellis. -4
Character is wearing a noble's outfit -4
Character has chosen Luxury lifestyle -4
Character can produce an invitation to the Coriner wedding -2
Character has chosen Rich lifestyle -2
Character is wearing a courtier's outfit -2
Character is wearing the uniform of an officer in the Ducal Guard or -2
Ducal Navy
Character appeared to be totally defensive in any situation witnessed by +2
one or more watchmen.
Character is wearing the uniform of an enlisted man in the Ducal Guard +2
Character is wearing the uniform of an enlisted man in the Ducal Navy +4
Character has chosen to live off the wild +4
This is the character's second attempt to avoid being taken in. +5
A description of a similar character causing trouble and escaping from +10
another patrol has been circulated.

To determine whether or not one of these items applies, start by checking the player's interactive record
sheet for the character. However, bear in mind the magical devices and spells can also be used to alter the
character's appearance during play, so it is best to ask the player if the character is wearing a specific
uniform or type of outfit.

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 21

(If you're not certain about which modifiers to apply, consult the the Interactive Coordinator or with one of the
Triad members present at the event.)

Characters who fail the initial check may receive a second check (with an increased DC as noted in the table
above); if the second check fails, the character will be taken to jail no matter how many additional attempts
the character makes.

If the character attempts to escape arrest, the patrol will give pursuit if it is able to do so under the

If a character escapes arrest, his description will be circulated among all other patrols inside the garden
within 30 minutes time and with all active city watch patrols in Leukish within two hours. Before those times
have elapsed, there is a 25% chance that any other patrol the character encounters will have received the
description and act approrpriately.

Characters who escape may attempt to disguise themselves. If this option is chosen, have the character roll
a Disguise skill check and note the result on the player's interactive record sheet. All watchmen in
subsequent patrols may roll a Spot check against this DC to determine that the character is a known
troublemaker and should be apprehended.

Being taken to jail does not in itself count as something happening unless the character tells the watchmen
that he is participating in the scavenger hunt.

If the Watch Catches On...

If a character reveals to the City Watch that "nothing" is happening, there are three primary impacts:

1. The City Watch immediately doubles the frequency and size of all patrols in the Temple and High
districts of Leukish (this includes the Leukish Gardens).
2. The Leukish Garden is closed. Everyone who does not possess an invitation to the private concert
for Lord Ellis or the Coriner Wedding is questioned by the watch. Anyone behaving suspiciously
during this questioning or who cannot provide a suitable answer is detained until they can be
questioned in more detail. This questioning can be avoided by a suitable Bluff, Diplomacy, or
Intimidate check; treat the guards as initially hostile for this check.
3. Something has happened. The character that spilled the beans earns the Major Enmity of the
Rogues of Seltaren and is banned from all future Nights Where Nothing Happen.

Escaping From Jail

Characters taken to jail may attempt to escape – the Table Judge for the character should adjudicate this
escape attempt from the "Leukish Jail" home table encounter.

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 22

The Garden of Songs Bardic Competition
As part of the festivities to celebrate opening the garden, the Mayor Governor is sponsoring a bardic
competition and several concerts for the public. The initial portion of the bardic competition is held during the
day, before the scavenger hunt begins.

Entering the Competition

Any professional performer or serious amateurs (i.e., those with five or more ranks of an appropriate Perform
skill) may enter an appropriate competition. Awards will be given in the following categories:

• Dance (Skill: Perform Dance)

• Singing (Skill: Perform Singing)
• Stringed Instrument (lutes, lyres, etc) (Skill: Perform Stringed Instrument)
• Wind Instrument (flutes, etc) (Skill: Perform Wind Instrument)

Characters are not allowed to use magical spells or instruments to enhance their performance. Anyone
caught doing so will be disqualified immediately. Ensemble performances are not allowed for this
competition, so no one else can assist performances.

Characters may enter more than one portion of the competition if they desire.

Each character participating in the competition should roll a Perform check. The character may not take 10
and may not take 20. If the character beats a DC of 15 + character level, the character has made it to the
finals and must return in the evening. Give the character a copy of Player Handout #7 (Invitation to the Final
Round of the Garden of Songs Bardic Competition).

Characters who make the finals earn a prize of 100gp. If a character makes the finals in more than one
category, the character earns a prize of 100gp for each category.

Characters may enter the competition as late as one hour into the scavenger hunt. After that, entries are

Participating In the Finals

Characters who advance to the finals receive a finalist's invitation to the "Garden of Songs Bardic
Competition" (Player Handout #7). The finals precede the private concert of the visiting artists for the Lord

Characters who advance to the finals must be at the Festival of Songs Bardic Competition Finals Shared
Encounter Area at the start of the 3rd hour of the interactive to participate. Arriving more than ten minutes late
forfeits the character's invitation.

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 23

Gathering Additional Information
Once the players have divided themselves into teams, they may wish to gather additional information during
the scavenger hunt. Teams that do this can find out more about what they need to do to win at the sacrifice of
additional time.

If your team wants to gather additional information, you should have your team roleplay their attempt at
gathering information with you.

You, as the table judge, should decide which character "rolls" the primary skill check based on which player
does most of the talking – the players should not be allowed to min/max this or resolve it with a die roll. Up to
two other characters can assist. Have the characters roll normally.

Once you have the result of the additional Gather Information skill check, go and get a soda or a drink of
water before you attempt to find the Interactive Coordinator. Give him your skill check and let him know
where to find you. He will select an appropriate clue from the hint jar and will deliver it to the table where the
players are waiting at his leisure. If no one is there when the Interactive Coordinator arrives with the hint, the
time spent gathering information was wasted.

All this may sound unfair to the players, but it is intended to represent the amount of time that must be spent
gathering information. The benefit gained by having additional information must be offset by the players
having spent valuable game time collecting that information.

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 24

Home Encounters Where Nothing Happens
There are five home encounter areas for this Night Where Nothing Happens:

1. The Leukish Garden (other than areas specifically detailed as Shared Encounter Areas)
2. The Leukish Jail (this should be visited only if one or more team members is captured by city watch
patrols during the event)
3. The Church of Ehlonna (in the Temple District)
4. The Church of Lendor library (in the Temple District)
5. The Torn Sail Tavern on the Leukish docks

All home encounter areas are to be run by the table DM.

The Leukish Garden

The Leukish Garden features numerous trees, shrubs, and flowers in a setting intended to showcase the
beauty of Leukish. The garden is located on the southwest side of Leukish (see Appendix Two for a map of
Leukish) in the Nobles District, just northwest of the cemetery.

Refer to the "Leukish Garden" section of this document for information about security in this area.

The Leukish Jail

If a character is arrested, he is taken to the Leukish jail until some determination can be made about what to
do with him.

Arriving At the Jail As a Visitor

A sergeant of the watch greets the characters as they arrive, inquiring politely what business they have. The
only business most visitors have here is bailing someone out.

Bailing Someone Out of Jail

Characters taken to jail can be bailed out by their teammates. The amount that must be paid depends on the
type of crime and the race/social standing of the character.

Crime Type Base Bail Base Bail Base Bail

Commoner Leg. Noble Rhenee
non-violent, mischievous (graffiti, picking 25gp 10gp 50gp
pockets, etc)
non-violent, expensive (stealing valuables) 100gp 50gp 200gp
violent 200gp 100gp 500gp
extremely violent (use of martial or exotic 500gp 250gp not available
weapons to do lethal damage)
murder of a commoner 500gp 250gp not available
murder of a noble not availabile 1000gp not available

If "not available" is listed, the character cannot be bailed out. The character will be held in jail until a trial can
be held.

Arriving At the Jail As a Prisoner

A prisoner arriving at the jail are evaluated by a sergeant of the watch, who makes a determination about the
character's status. Treatment at the Leukish jail depends in very large part on the character's apperance and
behaviour towards the watch sergeant and the guards who escorted the prisoner.

• If the character is a noble and behaves politely towards the guards, he will be stripped of weapons
and armour and placed in a comfortable holding cell (nice bed, comfortable chair, bookshelf with
books, writing table, etc.) He will be given an opportunity to send a note to a representative of his

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 25

noble house informing them of his situation. Reasonable requests for food and drink will be
accomodated. The character's cell probably won't even be locked, unless he is being held for a
violent crime.
• If the character is noble and behaves with hostility towards the guards, he will be stripped of
weapons and armours and placed in a comfortable holding cell. The door will be locked. The
character will be given an opportunity to contact his house, but will be treated coldly by the guards.
• If the character appears to be in the employ of a noble house and behaves politely, he will be treated
very similiarly to a noble. However, the holding cell will not be quite so comfortable, the door will be
locked, and the cell will likely be shared with one or two other prisoners of similar status.

For all the cases discussed so far, the character's possessions will be kept quite safe – the guards will not
risk offending most noble houses. Those of lesser status can expect a somewhat harsher treatment:

• All other characters will be stripped of all possessions except for necessary clothing (necessary
clothing does not include footwear, gloves, holy symbols, spell component pouches, and anything
else that radiates magic – detect magic will be used as insurance here) and tossed into the common
cell for prisoners. This is far from a pleasant place – it is cold and damp. A number of rough prisoners
circulate the cell, but do not turn violent unless provoked. (If violence does break out, the guards will
stop it by force and lock the character who initiated violence in a solitary cell.)
• If the character is Rhenee, he will be stripped naked and locked in a solitary cell in the basement.
Rats infest the place; the character will suffer 2d6 rat bites before morning and will need to make a
DC 15 Fortitude save to avoid catching a particularly nasty variant of filth fever. The character will be
unlikely to make bail unless he has some serious influence. (Influence with any noble house will have
the character freed from jail for lesser crimes in one hour, at the expense of the influence point.
Characters arrested for greater crimes can spend influence to be moved to more comfortable holding
cells, but the "no bail" limitations still apply.)

What Happens to My Stuff?

Commoners jailed run a serious risk of having one or more of their valuable belongings stolen – if more than
five items are taken from a prisoner, there is a 5% chance that one item goes missing. This is less likely with
obviously magical items. The item stolen should be determined randomly, but you should try to concentrate
on non-magical possessions.

For money seized from prisoners, roll 1d10. This is the percentage of the money that is taken by filching in
the property rooms.

For Rhenee characters, the chance of having items stolen and the amount of money stolen double.

The property of nobles is generally safe.

Bad Things To Do In the Holding Cell

Characters who cast obvious spells in the holding cell will be ordered to stop. The character will then be
moved to solitary confinement, gagged, and shackled. (How gently this is done depends on how politely the
character behaves when ordered to stop casting a spell.)

Breaking Out of Jail

Characters who are sent to jail are unlikely to want to stay there. Paying bail is the easy way to get out. Other
ways tend to have unpleasant consequences.

As befits Leukish, nobles have a much easier time getting out of jail than non-nobles.

Breaking Out of the Comfortable Holding Rooms

Those jailed in a comfortable holding room will have a fairly easy time. If the door is not locked and the
offense is light, the character can simply give his word to return for trial or to pay a reasonable fine that is
levied. This calls for a Bluff skill check at DC 10.

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 26

If the door is locked, the crime was a little more serious and the DC for the skill check increases to 15.

Breaking Out of the Holding Cell

The holding cell is considerably harder to break out of. The cell is quite large (50ft by 50ft). Three of the four
walls are stone and at least one foot thick. The fourth wall is a series of one inch thick iron bars (clean and in
good repair) with a door set into the bars. There are three superior locks on the door. Each lock has also
been enchanted to resist magical efforts to open it.

There are two long windows 9ft above the ground; each of these is covered with one inch thick iron bars that
are clean and in good repair. These windows do not open; a character using a gaseous form spell or device
could pass through them easily.

Four guards keep watch on the common holding cell. These guards do not listen to prisoner requests.
Someone attempting to talk his way out of this cell must succeed at a DC 40 Diplomacy or Bluff skill check
(this must be done without the use of any magical items).

If a fight breaks out in the cell, the guards will first call for backup before entering the cell. One dozen
additional guards will show up, half of which enter the cell and the other half of which threaten the prisoners
with ranged weapons. Prisoners that don't comply with orders from the guards will be subdued and moved to
solitary confinement. (All prisoners, with the possible exception of PCs, know this and will comply with all
orders from guards unless a PC promises to make it worth their while – a promise of at least 1000gp is
necessary to earn assistance in this regard. Oh, and the character just made a deal with a most unsavory
sort – failure to pay the promised money on the character's AR will have severe consequences!)

Magical transportation (dimension door, teleport, etc) will obviously allow the character to escape.

Breaking Out of Solitary

Characters in solitary are bound, gagged, and shackled to the wall in a dark and damp space that is infested
with rats. Escape from these circumstances is extremely difficult. The character might try to talk his way to
better accomodations, if he could talk and if there were guards around to listen.

Consequences of Breaking Out of Jail

The description of any escaped characters makes it to all city watch patrols within one hour. Until that time,
there is a 50% chance that any watchman the character meets is familiar with the character's description. If
the character is recaptured, he is returned to jail and his situation is worsed by one place (comfortable room
to holding cell, holding cell to solitary).

If the character was in solitary before, he is beaten into unconsciousness and placed in the same solitary cell
as before.

Characters that break out of jail and who are not recaptured receive the "Wanted in Leukish" designation on
the generic AR for this event. The only exception to this is that nobles may return to the jail willingly; those
that do so do not become wanted.

Any character who breaks out of jail loses all belonging that were confiscated by the guards.

NPCs At This Location

Senior Watchman of the Leukish City Watch: Male human Ftr 3/Rog 3; CR 6; medium humanoid; HD
3d10+3+3d6+3; hp 38; Init +6; Spd 30 ft.; AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12; BAB/Grp: +5/+7; Atk: +5
longsword (1d8+2, 19-20/x2) or +6 sap (1d6+2 SUBDUAL, x2); Full Atk: +5 longsword (1d8+2, 19-20/x2) or
+6 sap (1d6+2 SUBDUAL, x2); SA sneak attack +2d6; SQ evasion; AL LN; SV Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +2; Str
16, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 10.

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 27

Skills and Feats: Climb +9, Hide +8, Knowledge (local – NMR IV) +7, Listen +12, Move Silently +8, Search
+7, Sense Motive +9, Spot +12, Tumble +8; Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Skill Focus
(Spot), Skill Focus (Sense Motive), Skill Focus (Listen), Weapon Focus (sap).
Possessions: chain shirt, longsword, sap, masterwork manacles (two pair), key to manacles.
Watchman of the Leukish City Watch: male human War 3; CR 3; medium humanoid; HD 3d10+3; hp 25;
Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 13, touch 11, flat-footed 12; BAB/Grp: +3/+5; Atk: +5 sap (1d6+1, x2 SUBDUAL) or +5
longsword (1d8+1, 19-20/x2) or +4 light crossbow (1d8, 19-20/x2); Full Atk: +5 sap (1d6+1, x2 SUBDUAL) or
+5 longsword (1d8+1, 19-20/x2) or +4 light crossbow (1d8, 19-20/x2); SA none; SQ none; AL LN; SV Fort +4,
Ref +1, Will +3; Str 14, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 10.
Skills and Feats: Listen +2, Spot +2; Weapon Focus (sap), Alertness, Iron Will.
Possessions: leather armour, longsword, light crossbow, 10 bolts, sap, manacles, key to manacles.

The Temple of Lydia

The temple of Lydia is a large cathedral in the heart of the temple district. The inside of the cathedral is a
monument to light and music – harp music plays constantly, with young Suel men and women each taking
turns at the harp. The cathedral is full of light; someone inside would never guess that it is night outside.

The church is attended all evening by two acolytes of Lydia, who politely greet everyone who enters the

If a character wishes to obtain a prayer book here, it is freely given.

If a character wishes to obtain a harp string, a polite request to the harpist is all that's necessary – she has an
adequate supply of spare strings.

The church of Lydia has a beautiful garden with a greenhouse that is filled with roses, including the Suel
blonde and Duke's Grace variants. Each variant is fully labelled. The acolytes will gladly take visitors on a
tour of the gardens and greenhouse, but will politely decline requests to pick flowers from the greenhouse. If
someone wishes to snip a rose on the fly, a Sleight of Hand check at DC 15 is required.

If any combat of any kind takes place here, two full city watch patrols will arrive in one minute. This counts as
something happening.

The Church of Ehlonna

This description of the Church of Ehlonna is taken directly from URD2-05 Theft of a Flower.

The church of Ehlonna is a modest and somber church located near the edge of the city. Bells can be
seen in the steeple and a thick oak door at the front opens freely, allowing the warm sweet smell of
lavender incense to escape.

Inside, the large dimly lit church is serene. Wooden pews of two distinct sizes – smaller ones up front
with larger ones filling in behind – form an aisle up the middle which leads to a decorated wooden
altar. Passing each you see an intricate rampant unicorn carved into the side. On the oaken alter
ahead of you, a single candle gently burns.

To the either side of the altar is a stout oaken door.

The door to the right (facing the altar) is a small storeroom. It holds several prayer books, some robes, and a
case of lavender incense.

The church is attended tonight by Symoh, a 3rd level male human cleric of Ehlonna (who some characters
may have met in URD2-05 Theft of a Flower). Symoh is very gracious to the characters, inquiring after their
health and promising prayers on their behalf. If any character is injured, Symoh offers to heal the wound (for
the standard price). Symoh can also cast one cat's grace spell.

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 28

Characters who want to walk in the church's garden are allowed to do so unescorted. They will have no
difficulty in picking a rose here unobserved.

(Despite the cold air in Leukish, the garden here seems warm and comfortable – characters wearing any kind
of cold protection may become warm here. If anyone bothers to cast a detect magic, you can tell them that
the entire garden radiates some kind of abjuration effect. This effect keeps the garden warm and flowering in
all but the coldest of weather.)

Characters who wish to acquire incense can do so in one of two ways. If asked politely, Symoh will simply
give the character a stick of incense.

Two hummingbirds frequent the garden here; there is a 50% chance that a hummingbird will be present or
will arrive soon after the characters enter the garden. A speak with animals spell will convince either
hummingbird to accompany the party in exchange for some sugar water; the hummingbird will also come
along willingly without payment on a successful DC 20 Diplomacy check. A charm animals spell will cause
the hummingbird to not fear the character.

If a character wearing a holy symbol of Ehlonna inquires about obtaining a prayer book, Symoh will give the
character a prayer book and suggest that perhaps a donation could be made. If the character isn't wearing a
holy symbol of Ehlonna, Symoh will state that he would gladly give a prayer book to anyone who made a
proper donation (say, 1gp).

The characters could ask Symoh to show them the garden; he is quite proud of it and would gladly give a
tour. In the process, one or two lingering characters could acquire incense or a prayer book without difficulty.

The characters could also subdue Symoh and take whatever they want.

Killing Symoh is an evil action. If the characters do this, consult with the Interactive Coordinator about the
outcome of these actions. (In addition to being an evil act, killing Symoh would count as something

The Sweetwater Tavern

The Sweetwater Tavern is a fixture among sailors who visit Leukish. The two-story building has an open-air
bar facing the docks, with an awning out in rainy season. The second story appears to be the home for the

The tavern is usually crowded; at any time, there are 2d4+2 sailors here from various ships. In addition to
these sailors, a man in a stained Ducal Navy uniform sleeps soundly with his head on one of the tables in the

Alvos, the bartender, is rather ugly and mean-looking. When the characters talk to him, he turns out to be
quite jovial.

The sailors keep to themselves unless someone buys them a drink. The sailors know, among other things,
that the flagship of the Ducal Navy (His Lordly Grace's warship the Golden Serpent) is in port. That fella over
there is a sailor on that ship. They also know that the guards at the shipyard have been reduced tonight to
provide extra security at the Leukish Gardens.

The characters might be here to acquire any of the following items:

1. A beer stein – Alvos has two steins here, a white porcelain stein featuring a scene of a stag bounding
through the woods pursued by hunters and a very simple wooden stein crafted of rosewood, with a
rose carved on the top. He'll sell the rosewood stein for 5gp; the white porcelain stein sells for 50gp.
Both steins are kept behind the bar and Alvos will not leave the bar area, so it's not possible to simply
jump behind the counter and steal the stein. However, an invisibility spell would do the trick.

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 29

2. A skin of ale – Alvos will top up a skin for standard price (3cp), assuming the characters want the
cheap stuff. Only if specifically asked for Nightshade will he provide it.
3. A bit of rope from a ship – Alvos won't mind if the characters take a bit of rope, as long as they buy
ale. If they refuse to buy ale, he'll shout loudly for the watch.
4. To find a dwarf named Saf – Saf was here earlier, but left. He mentioned something about visiting
Folly By the Sea later.

Waking the Sailor

If the characters try to wake the sailor from the Golden Serpent, he can relate to them a great deal about the
layout of the Golden Serpent (assuming the characters buy him a drink first). The sailor's filthy clothing marks
him as a seaman, not an officer.

If anyone suggests buying his uniform, the sailor will readily agree for another drink. (For two drinks, he won't
even ask for clothing in exchange.)

For yet another drink, he will provide the password required to board the ship tonight ("A good ale beats a
great sunset.")

As soon as the characters leave, he finishes his drink and goes back to sleep.

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 30

Shared Encounters Where Nothing Happens
There are eight shared encounter areas for this Night Where Nothing Happens:

1. HLG warship The Golden Serpent at the Leukish docks

2. Gates of the Coriner Wedding Reception in the Leukish Garden
3. The Coriner wedding reception in the Leukish Garden
4. The Loaf of Love Bakery on Bakery Street (in the Merchants District)
5. The Cathedral of Kord (in the Temple District)
6. The Folly By the Sea Tavern on the Leukish docks
7. The Leukish Office of Public Works
8. The Leukish Shipyards
9. Festival of Songs Bardic Competition Finals

Each of these encounter areas is described in the following pages.

To preserve secrecy, the Interactive Coordinator may also have secret details about a shared encounter area
that are not published in this document. These details will be shared at the running of this event with the
judge of the affected area.

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 31

HLG Warship The Golden Serpent
by Jonathan Ingram

His Lordly Grace's warship The Golden Serpent is an heavily-armed greatship of four masts, with a length of
150 ft and a beam of 40ft. She carries four catapults forward and two catapults aft as heavy armament, as
well as 100+ ballistae on four decks. The large majority of the ballistae lie below decks and are concealed by
ports in the side of the ship.

The forecastle is predominantly occupied by ballistae, with some crew quarters as well. The forecastle
accounts for 30 of the ballistae that arm the ship on its three levels (including the upper forward deck).

The aftcastle is dominated by respectably-sized windows; it is obvious that the cabins for many of the
officers, including the captain, are located there. The other notable feature of the aft castle is the name of the
ship painted across the sterm in gold paint.

Location and Travel Time

The ship's permanent berth is at the northwesternmost fork of the city's second pier (the second pier to the
right of the Citadel shown on the map of Leukish in Appendix Two). This is one of only four berths in the
harbor capable of supporting a ship of this size.

The dock at this point is 20 feet wide. A gangplank runs from the dock to the ship, with guideropes on both
sides to keep the lubbers from falling into the water.

Travel time from the Leukish Gardens to the ship is approximately 20 minutes.

A paper map of the Golden Serpent's decks will be available at the interactive.

General Security
A pair of marines is stationed at both the top and bottom ends of the gangplank, with orders to challenge
non-officers who are leaving and boarding the ship.

Two watchkeeping master's mates are stationed forward and two are stationed aft, both pairs of mates being
stationed on the uppermost deck. Two ordinary seamen are stationed in the nests atop the forward and the
aft mizzenmasts. The primary objective of these watchers is to safeguard the general safety of the ship;
however, if they see anything on the deck that is of real concern, they will take appropriate measures to see
to the safety of the ship.

Four additional seamen are busy at duties that have them ranging over all the decks. At any given time, there
is a 50% chance that a sailor is on any deck; he will remain for 2-3 minutes before departing for the main
deck. Once no sailor is present on the current deck, another sailor will arrive in approximately five (5)

The forward watch will get Spot and Listen checks against anyone approaching the ship from forward. The
aft watch will get Spot and Listen checks against anyone approaching the ship from aft.

Once any watchman recognizes an intruder, he will instantly cry an alarm. The marines on duty on the main
deck will spread the alarm and respond to the call. Within ten rounds, the entire ship's complement that is
currently on board (approximately 80 crewmen, 20 marines, 20 mates, and 10 officers) will be available. The
marines on board will be on deck within three rounds, albeit without their armour.

On the lower aft deck, two marines are stationed with orders to secure the officers' quarters that are
accessible through that deck. None of the doors to the officers' quarters are locked. (Within the captain's and
admiral's quarters, some interior doors are locked.)

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 32

A patrol of two marines walks the deck following a set route. The marines will not enter the officers quarters
unless there is a disturbance there. Check the timetable below for the position of this patrol at any given time.
(Any "marine" found by an officer in officers quarters will trigger an immediate alarm from the officer.)

There is a 10% chance that a patrol of the city watch hears any alarm sounded aboard the ship. If this
happens, the patrol will also respond to the alarm within one minute. (If during the course of responding to
the alarm they encounter someone running in the opposite direction or climbing onto the dock who is wet,
that person will be stopped for questioning at the very least.)

Timeline For the Evening

Time Event
8:00PM Eight bells sounds. Captain Lord Reede and his aide depart for the
evening. Watch aboard the ship changes. 1st Lieutenant Lord Baerglund is
in his quarters doing quarterbills and duty rosters. The marine patrol
departs the main deck.
8:30PM One bell sounds. An officer uses the privy in area 6a. 3rd Lieutenant Lord
Durnix begins studying navigation in the officers quarters (area 6).
9:00PM Two bells sounds. The marine patrol returns to and departs from the main
9:30PM Three bells sounds. 1st Lieutenant Lord Baerglund uses his privy in area
10:00PM Four bells sounds. One of the officers uses the officers' privy in area 6a.
The marine patrol returns to and departs from the main deck.
10:30PM Five bells sounds. One of the officers uses the privy in area 6a.
10:40PM 1st Lieutenant Lord Baerglund walks the decks.
11:00PM Six bells sounds. Captain Lord Reede returns from the festivities. The
captain has a brief conversation with him on the lower rear deck.
Lieutenant Lord Durnix retires for the night. The marine patrol returns to
and departs from the main deck.
11:20PM 1st Lieutenant Lord Baerglung returns to his cabin, opens his safe to
retrieve some belongings, and begins composing a letter to his wife. The
captain returns to his cabin.
11:30PM Seven bells sounds. The captain uses the privy in area 7c. Captain Lord
Reede turns in. The captain's servant lays out the captain's uniform for
tomorrow and collects his uniform for today for cleaning. He takes the
uniform to area 8b and cleans it there for 15 minutes, then turns in.
12:00PM Eight bells sounds. Watch aboard the ship changes. 1st Lieutenant Lord
Baerglund retires for the night. The marine patrol returns to and departs
from the main deck.

Locations of Note
The ship is divided into several sections. Each is described below.

1. Upper Forecastle Deck

The upper forecastle deck is approximately 60 ft above the water. It houses ten ballistae and a stock of bolts.
As with other areas of the ship, at least four coils of rope and eight fire buckets are available in the event of
trouble. The foremast rises from this deck, sprouting three sails (all stowed). The ship's spirithead, with its
amber eyes, is accessible from here.

2. Lower Forecastle Deck

The lower forecastle deck is approximately 50 feet above the water. It houses no ballistae. Two ladders, one
port and one starboard, allow access to the upper forecastle deck. Two doors on this level lead to a wide

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 33

corridor that runs just inside of the forecastle and which contains ten ballistae with ammunition. There is also
a stairwell leading down to the main deck level inside this area, and the formast rises through here as well.

Anyone who succeeds at a DC 5 Listen check at either door (DC 0 at the top of the stairwell) will hear
snoring from the deck below.

Eight firebuckets are spread throughout this area for use in firefighting.

3. Main Deck
Two marines are stationed here at the top of the gangplank, with orders to question anyone who attempts to
leave the ship before allowing them to pass. Anyone other than an officer who is obviously taking anything
from the ship will be questioned more vigourously. If the marines are suspicious, the 1st lieutenant will be

The ship's forward mizzenmast rises here, sprouting three sails (all stowed). Atop this mast is a topdeck
where two bored seamen talk, whittle, listen to what's said on deck, and occasionally even look at the water.

Numerous coils of rope and firebuckets can be found here. Two catapults, one to port and one to starboard,
have been made fast to the deck here. No ammunition for the catapults is in evidence.

Two 10ft by 10ft hatches here allow access to the ship's cargo holds. Two blocks with tackle are arrayed
above each hatch to allow cargo to be swayed into place and lowered gently below.

A davit to port and another to starboard allow lifeboats and launches to be lowered to and raised from the
water. Four lifeboats and two larger launches are made fast here on deck, each covered by a sturdy canvas
cover that is tied into place (Use Rope DC 5 to unfasten the cover, Climb DC 5 to enter the boat).

Two single doors and a pair of double doors enter the forecastle here. The single doors lead to small
storerooms where cutlasses, glaives, longspears, nets, and other weapons may be found. The double doors
lead to a large crew quarter where 25 or so sailors sleep, play cards, and otherwise entertain themselves.
Also in this area are 12 ballistae with ammunition.

Two single doors and a pair of double doors enter the rearcastle here. The single doors lead to a line of small
cabins for lesser officers and guests. The double doors lead to a large mess for officers.

4. Lower Rearcastle Deck

The lower rearcastle deck boasts four ballistae with ammunition. The rear mizzenmast rises here, sprouting
three sails (all stowed). Several coils of rope and at least eight fire buckets are distributed here.

Two marines stand guard here, with general orders to allow no one to enter the officers' quarters other than
officers. Officers the marines do not recognise will be saluted, but will respectfully be denied entry and asked
to speak to the 1st lieutenant.

5. Upper Rearcastle Deck

The upper rearcastle deck boasts two catapults and six ballistae. No ammunition is presently stored here for
the catapults.

Numerous fire buckets and coiled ropes can be found here, all neatly stowed. The ship's wheel is here,
attended by a two mates.

The ship's bell is located here as well. At every half hour, a crew member rings the bell an appropriate
number of times. The bell can be disconnected with a Disable Device check at DC 15 or with a DC 20
Strength check. The bell is engraved with the name of the ship and with an image of a golden serpent that
twists all the way around the bell. (If the bell is replaced without the engravings, a DC 5 Spot check is made

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 34

by the mate at each bell ringing until the original bell is returned or someone notices that the bell has been

6. Officers' Quarters
The ship's six junior lieutenants are quartered here in three small (5ft by 10ft) rooms. There are respectable
furnishings (a large table and ten chairs, a small bookcase filled with texts on navigation and seamanship,
and several lamps). A sextant lies on the table as well.

Four firebuckets are secured in niches on the wall.

6.a. Officer's Privy
This privy is reserved for the use of the ship's junior lieutenants. The door has a simple latch inside for
privacy, but otherwise has no lock. There is also a showering space provided.

6.b. Officer's Quarters

This 5ft by 10ft room houses two of the ship's junior lieutenants. Each lieutenant has a narrow bunk and a
footlocker; the footlockers are locked with a a good lock.

6.c. Officer's Quarters

This 5ft by 10ft room houses two of the ship's junior lieutenants. Each lieutenant has a narrow bunk and a
footlocker; the footlockers are locked with a a good lock.

6.d. Officer's Quarters

This 5ft by 10ft room houses two of the ship's junior lieutenants. Each lieutenant has a narrow bunk and a
footlocker; the footlockers are locked with a a good lock.

7. 1st Lieutenant's Quarters

As the ranking lieutenant, the 1st lieutenant rates his own cabin. The accomodations are luxurious from the
perspective of the enlisted men and ensigns.

7.a. 1st Lieutenant's Bedchamber

1st Lieutenant Lord Baerglund is obviously a man who enjoys comforts. He has had a large feather mattress
brought aboard ship for his use. A footlocker of very good quality, with an Excellent lock, sits at the foot of the
bed. However, since the lieutenant has his own quarters, the footlocker is very rarely locked.

A bookshelf here includes a copy of The Divine Man.

7.b. 1st Lieutenant's Office

This is obviously an office space – a neat roll-top desk and uncomfortable chair dominate it. The desk is
unlocked, but inside the desk is a small safe with a combination lock that is locked (Excellent lock) containing
some personal correspondence and a tidy sum of coins (42 pp, 172gp) and a few gems (perhaps 500gp
worth) in a small velvet bag. Also present is a small magical hummingbird token on a gold chain, a gift from
the lieutenant's wife (a Coriner).

The 1st Lieutenant always sets the number on his fancy gnomish combination lock to 17 when he closes the
safe and always checks it before he opens the safe. If he determines that the safe is not set to the right
number, he will immediately order the guards to close the ship off and will then check on the contents of his

If anything is discovered missing in his safe, the entire crew will be called onto deck and a shipwide search
for the thief will begin. This counts as something happening.

7.c. 1st Lieutenant's Privy

The 1st lieutenant has his own hole through which to answer the call of nature. He also has a space for

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 35

8. Captain's Quarters
Spacious and luxurious, this set of rooms rivals the most prestigious inn in Leukish in quality. Plush carpets
fill the entire area (+2 bonus to all Move Silently skill checks) except for the privy (8c). A row of large windows
on either side of the hull and along the stern provide ample light during the days; the windows are adorned
with blue silk curtains. A cushioned bench runs along underneath the stern windows. The curtains are open
when the interactive begins and remain open until the admiral returns, when he closed them.

Each window can be opened. All the windows are locked when the interactive begins (Open Locks DC 25 to
open them from outside). A mage hand will also work to open the windows from the outside.

8.a. Captain's Privy

The captain has his own private washroom and privy, a luxury enjoyed by only one other officer (the 1st

8.b. Servant's Quarters

The captain's servant sleeps here. It is a simple room with an unlocked wooden chest that contains
appropriate clothing for a servant. There is nothing of value here.

8.c. Captain's Bedchamber

A large bed with a thick feather mattress is found here. There is also a desk here, which is locked with an
Excellent lock. Inside the desk is the ship's log as well as other important papers pertaining to the ship's
operations and crew.

The captain's uniforms and his admiral's bicorne are located in the armoire.

The bookshelf here contains a number of volumes of interest to a collector, including a rare book on growing

A spare naval ensign can be found folded in the captain's armoire.

What Can Be Found Here?

The characters could visit the Golden Serpent seeking one of several items:

• A naval officer's uniform – There are many officers uniforms aboard the vessel in areas 6, 7, and 8.
• The admiral's hat – Captain Lord Reede wears a very nice bicorne to the evenings' festivities, but his
magical bicorne remains in his cabin for the evening.
• The ship's bell – Located on the aft deck, the bell is constantly attended by two master's mates.
• A coil of rope – Numerous coils of rope can be found in most areas of the ship.
• A copy of The Divine Man – The 1st lieutenant is a noted skeptic and keeps a copy of this book with
is personal papers.
• A magical hummingbird – 1st Lieutenant Lord Reede keeps a small animated hummingbird pendant
on a gold chain in his safe.
• A naval ensign – The captain has a spare ensign in his armoire. The main ensign is stowed in a
locker next to the forward mizzenmast, ready to run up when the ship enters combat.

NPCs At This Location

ordinary seaman: male human Exp 3; CR 3; medium humanoid; HD 3d6+6; hp 20; Init +5; Spd 30 ft.; AC
11, touch 11, flat-footed 10; BAB/Grp: +2/+4; Atk: +4 dagger (1d4+2, 19-20x2) or +4 belaying pin (1d6+2,
x2); Full Atk: +2 dagger (1d4+2, 19-20x2) or +2 belaying pin (1d6+2, x2); SA none; SQ none; AL N; SV Fort
+3, Ref +2, Will +3; Str 14, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10.
Skills and Feats: Balance +9, Climb +8, Jump +9, Listen +6, Profession (sailor) +6, Spot +6, Swim +5, Use
Rope +7; Endurance, Athletic, Skill Focus (Profession – Sailor).
Possessions: dagger, belaying pin.

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 36

mate: male human Exp 6; CR 6; medium humanoid; HD 6d6+12; hp 38; Init +5; Spd 30 ft.; AC 12, touch 12,
flat-footed 10; BAB/Grp: +4/+6; Atk: +6 dagger (1d4+2, 19-20x2) or +6 belaying pin (1d6+2, x2); Full Atk: +6
dagger (1d4+2, 19-20x2) or +6 belaying pin (1d6+2, x2); SA none; SQ none; AL N; SV Fort +4, Ref +3, Will
+5; Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10.
Skills and Feats: Balance +12, Climb +11, Jump +12, Listen +11, Profession (sailor) +9, Spot +11, Swim +5,
Use Rope +10; Alertness, Endurance, Athletic, Skill Focus (Profession – Sailor).
Possessions: dagger, belaying pin.

marine: male human Ftr 4; CR 4; medium humanoid; HD 4d10+8; hp 36; Init +7; Spd 30 ft.; AC 17, touch 13,
flat-footed 14; BAB/Grp: +4/+6; Atk: +7 cutlass (1d6+2, 18-20/x2) or +7 light crossbow (1d8, 19-20/x2); Full
Atk: +7 cutlass (1d6+4, 18-20/x2) or +7 light crossbow (1d8, 19-20/x2); SA none; SQ none; AL LN; SV Fort
+6, Ref +4, Will +3; Str 14, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 8.
Skills and Feats: Climb +8, Swim +7; Endurance, Diehard, Weapon Focus (cutlass), Iron Will, Improved
Initiative, Weapon Specialization (cutlass).
Possessions: chain shirt, cutlass, light crossbow, 10 bolts, dagger.

generic lieutenant: male human Ftr 4; CR 4; medium humanoid; HD 4d10+8; hp 36; Init +7; Spd 30 ft.; AC
17, touch 13, flat-footed 14; BAB/Grp: +4/+6; Atk: +7 cutlass (1d6+2, 18-20/x2) or +7 light crossbow (1d8,
19-20/x2); Full Atk: +7 cutlass (1d6+4, 18-20/x2) or +7 light crossbow (1d8, 19-20/x2); SA none; SQ none; AL
LN; SV Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +3; Str 14, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 8.
Skills and Feats: Climb +8, Swim +7; Endurance, Diehard, Weapon Focus (cutlass), Iron Will, Improved
Initiative, Weapon Specialization (cutlass).
Possessions: chain shirt, cutlass, light crossbow, 10 bolts, dagger.

1st Lieutenant Lord Baerglund: male human Ftr 8; CR 8; medium humanoid; HD 8d10+16; hp 68; Init +8;
Spd 30 ft.; AC 23, touch 16, flat-footed 19; BAB/Grp: +8/+10; Atk: +13 +2 keen cutlass (1d6+4, 15-20/x2) or
+12 masterwork light crossbow (1d8, 19-20/x2); Full Atk: 13/+8 +2 keen cutlass (1d6+4, 15-20/x2) or +12
masterwork light crossbow (1d8, 19-20/x2); SA none; SQ none; AL LN; SV Fort +11, Ref +10, Will +7; Str 14,
Dex 18, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 8.
Skills and Feats: Climb +12, Swim +11; Endurance, Diehard, Improved Critical (cutlass), Iron Will, Improved
Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Weapon Focus (cutlass), Weapon Specialization (cutlass).
Possessions: +3 chain shirt, +2 keen cutlass, +2 ring of protection, +3 cloak of resistance, potion of cure
moderate wounds (x2).

Captain Lord Ellis Reede: male human Ftr 10; CR 10; medium humanoid; HD 10d10+20; hp 84; Init +8; Spd
30 ft.; AC 23, touch 16, flat-footed 19; BAB/Grp: +8/+10; Atk: +15 +2 keen cutlass (1d6+4, 15-20/x2) or +14
masterwork light crossbow (1d8, 19-20/x2); Full Atk: 15/+10 +2 keen cutlass (1d6+4, 15-20/x2) or +14
masterwork light crossbow (1d8, 19-20/x2); SA none; SQ none; AL LN; SV Fort +13, Ref +12, Will +10; Str
14, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 8.
Skills and Feats: Climb +14, Profession (sailor) +14, Swim +13; Endurance, Diehard, Improved Critical
(cutlass), Iron Will, Improved Initiative, Leadership, Lightning Reflexes, Weapon Focus (cutlass), Weapon
Specialization (cutlass).
Possessions: +3 chain shirt, +2 keen cutlass, +2 ring of protection, +4 cloak of resistance, potion of cure
serious wounds, potion of cure moderate wounds (x2).

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 37

Gates of the Coriner Wedding Reception
by Jonathan and Michelle Ingram

Earlier in the day, Lady Umina Coriner and Lord Jasper Kilbourne were wed. By prearrangement with the
manager of the Leukish Garden, their wedding reception is being held in the Cliffside Grotto section of the
garden. Security is tight, as Lord Regent Ellis Lorinar has accepted an invitation to the reception.

Location and Travel Time

The wedding reception for Lady Umina Coriner and Lord Jasper Kilbourne is being held in the northwest
corner of the Leukish Garden. It is a short walk (less than five minutes) from the west entrance of the
gardens. From the east and south entrances to the garden, the travel time is 15 and 10 minutes respectively.

A hand-drawn map of the reception area and the Leukish Gardens will be available at GameStorm.

General Security
Two gates have been set up at the wedding reception in the Cliffside Grotto: a main gate for guests and a
service gate for servants.

The reception itself is patrolled by pairs of guards. Each group of guards consists of one guard with Rogue
levels and one guard with Fighter levels. Guards will not hesitate to use lethal force if they feel there is a
serious threat to the safety of the guests (regardless of whether or not the characters have used lethal force

A team of four House Coriner guard captains waits in reserve near the reception, ready to deal with serious

If any pair of guards raises an alarm, four more pairs of guards will arrive at the scene of the alarm within
three rounds (roll 1d3 for each additional pair of guards to determine exactly when they will arrive and a
standard direction finding roll (1d8, 1 = north, 2 = northeast, etc) to determine the direction that they will arrive
from. In addition, any alarms sounded from inside the reception will cause the gate wardens to carry out the
following steps:

1. Seal the gate: The gate wardens' guards will close the gates, not allowing anyone to enter or leave.
2. Call for a city watch patrol: The gate wardens will each dispatch two messengers to locate city watch
patrols. It is guaranteed that at least one of the these messengers from each gate will find a patrol in
1d2 minutes; thus, it is guaranteed that at least two city watch patrols will arrive at the reception
within 2-4 minutes of the alarm being sounded. Each of these patrols will also sound their alarms;
this has normal chances for bring additional patrols.
3. Dispatch a force of four additional guards inside the reception area to quickly deal with the trouble.

Gaining Entry to the Reception Via the Main Gate

The main gate (or guest gate) is guarded by Adaym Graines, a wiry man who has worked for the Coriners for
over ten years. He is corruptable only by the rich and powerful; it is very expensive to bribe him.
Whenever he takes an invitation from someone, Adaym asks their name, compares the name with the
name on the invitation, checks for the name on the guest list, and makes a notation in the guest list that the
guest has arrived. If the name the character gives doesn't match the invitation or if the guest has already
arrived but doesn't look like the person who previously arrived, Adaym will quietly summon the guards by
drumming his fingers while telling the character that he needs to check the next list. (After many years of
doing this job, Adaym has a flawless memory for names and faces.)
Adaym gives guests a blue and white favor to wear on their wrist while at the reception.

Characters can attempt to gain entry into the reception in one of several ways at the main gate:

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 38

1. By presenting a legitimate invitation: Adaym Graimes will check the invitation against the list of
guests. If the name checks out, he will issue a favour and have a servant escort the guest to the
2. By pretending to be a wedding guest: Security at the reception is tight, so no one without an
invitation is supposed to be admitted. However, if a PC who is obviously a noble has arrived and
claims to have lost the invitation will have his name checked against the master guest list. If the
name is not on the guest list, the character will not be admitted. If the character's name is actually on
the list, Adaym will make a note that the guest has arrived but that the invitation has been lost –
anyone using that invitation later in the evening will be in trouble (unless they first have a forger
change the name). (Having Lady Annora Durnix, Danole Isgothe, or an PC Hummingbird or noble as
a companion grants the character a +4 bonus on the Bluff check to fool Adaym. Showing up without
a gift gives the character a -2 penalty.)
3. By using a forged invitation: The character using the forged invitation must make a Bluff roll
(opposed by Adaym's Sense Motive of +12). Having Lady Annora Durnix, Danole Isgothe, or a PC
Hummingbird or noble as a companion grants the character a +4 bonus on thier Bluff check.
Showing up without a gift gives the character a -2 penalty. If Adaym doesn't believe the character, he
will take his time looking at the invitation. If he believes them he will only glance quickly at it (taking a
-2 on his forgery roll).
Given Adaym's familiarity with the invitations, he has a total of +12 on his forgery roll. If he
detects a forgery (DC should be written on the forgery), he will have the guards take the "guest" into
custody and turn them over to the city watch. If he doesn't detect a forgery but made his sense
motive check, he will ask a guard to keep an eye on the character (inform the player's table judge).
4. By bribing the gate warden: The gate warden of the guest gate cannot be easily bribed; he has a
good job and has earned the trust of the Coriners; consequently, he is not cheap. He will order his
guards to take anyone attempting to bribe him into custody unless the initial offer is less than
1000gp; he won't take less than 1500gp to get someone in, but will try for as much as he can.
5. By attempting to deliver an urgent message for a guest: The gate warden will send a guard to
fetch the guest so that the message can be delivered. Under no circumstances will a messenger be
allowed into the reception. The messenger will wait 1d10+5 minutes for the intended recipient to
come out. If no message is forthcoming (or the guest questions the authenticity of the message), the
gate warden will have his guards apprehend the messenger and call for the the city watch. If the
"messenger" escapes, the gate warden will give a full description to the city watch patrols. This
means that the character's description will be available to all city watch patrols within the garden
within 30 minutes and within the city within two hours. Adaym will not deliver any messages or
packages himself; he expects the messenger to wait. If a messenger refuses to wait, Adaym lets the
messenger go and then has the messenger's description circulated to the city watch patrols in the
6. By impersonating a groundskeeper: The gate warden doesn't know what hours the
groundskeepers work, but he doesn't want one coming through his gate. He will tell the
"groundskeeper" to use the service entrance. If the character doesn't look like a groundskeeper, the
gate warden will have the guards take the character into custody. (A druid does not look like a
groundskeeper! A character with obvious weapons, spell component pouches, holy symbols, etc
does not look like a groundskeeper!) If more than one character uses the groundskeeper ruse,
Adaym will become suspicious; for every previous time someone has claimed to be a
groundskeeper, Adaym receives a +2 bonus on his Sense Motive skill check to detect the imposter.
7. By impersonating another guest: The gate warden has been briefed on the name and general
appearance of each guest, but he doesn't know them all. However, he has been doing his job for a
long time, is familiar with many influential people and common guests at Coriner events, and has
been trained in spotting party crashers. A PC can attempt to disguise herself as a guest; the DC for
the check depends on the importance of the person being impersonated:

PC is impersonating... DC
A high-ranking member of the Coriner family 60
Lord Regent Ellis Lorinar or somone who is regularly seen 55
with him

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 39

A member of the Honorable Chamber 50
A well-known member of the Coriner family 45
An individual who regularly attends Coriner parties in 45
An individual who regularly attends Coriner parties in 40
Impersonating an ambassador from some foreign land (if 40
the ambassador has no guards and servants
Impersonating an ambassador from some foreign land (if 35
the ambassador has fewer than four guards and two
Impersonating an ambassador from some foreign land 30
(with at least five guards and two servants in train)
An influential noble from another house who does not 25
frequent Coriner events in Leukish or Seltaren

However, for this ruse to work, the impersonator must know the name of the guest being
impersonated and must have an appropriate invitation. To do this, they will somehow have to gain
access to the master guest list or know the name of someone who was invited to the reception. The
only copy of the master guest list is in the possession of the gate warden. A properly timed detect
thoughts spell would allow someone to learn the name of a guest who has not yet arrived; this would
have to be done when Adaym Graines is checking the guest list. (Anyone casting an obvious spell in
the area of the gates will be asked to stop by the guards. Failure to comply results in the watch being
8. By possessing a letter from the Church of Wee Jas: When a group arrives with a letter from the
Church of Wee Jas, Adaym Graines will promptly outfit them with favours (no matter what names
they give) and have them escorted to the reception area. A second such party will arouse his

Gaining Entry to the Reception Via the Service Gate

The service gate is guarded by Dago Holinax, a stocky Suel servant who has worked for House Coriner for
seven years. He is greedy and ambitious; he knows that he is gate warden of the servants gate because of
lack of seniority, but still resents it – he knows that the tips and bribes at the main gate would be
considerable. When servants and groundskeepers are passed through the gate he gives them a red
and white favor to tie to their wrist.

Pretending to be a servant: A PC can attempt to impersonate a servant of House Coriner at the service
gate. To do this, they must first obtain the special livery that was issued specifically to servants who would be
working at the wedding and the reception. If the imposter obtains the appropriate clothing, she must then
deal with the gate warden. The gate warden knows many of the servants at the wedding, as they are for the
most part longtime servants of House Coriner and are trusted. The DC for the Disguise check to pass as a
servant is 20. If the gate warden fails to see through the disguise, he will ask the imposter what duties she
has inside the reception. This should be handled by a Bluff skill check by the PC that is opposed by the gate
warden's Sense Motive skill check.

Pretending to be a groundskeeper: Characters can attempt to impersonate a groundskeeper to get

through the service gate. If Dago does not make a successful Sense Motive skill check against the
character's Bluff skill check, the character will be admitted but warned to stay away from the reception area.
(To do this, the character should look like a groundskeeper. A druid does not necessarily look like a
groundskeeper! Anyone carrying obvious weapons, holy symbols, or spell component pouches does not look
like a groundskeeper!)

Getting caught: Failing to impersonate a servant causes the gate warden to hint that a bribe could be
arranged. He will accept a bribe of 50gp times the character's level to admit a single individual to the

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 40

reception; if this amount is increased to 100gp per character level, he will also provide the character with the
appropriate livery and an excuse that the interior guards will find acceptable. He will not accept less than
50gp per character level, as he is putting a rather cushy job on the line by accepting bribes at all. He will,
however, ask for more than this he thinks the character can afford it.

Dago Holinax can only be bribed this way three times this evening. He knows that getting too greedy will
cause problems down the line and he likes his job.

If no arrangement can be reached, the gate warden will have his guards take the imposter into custody and
turn her over to the city watch. If the imposter escapes, the imposter's description is circulated to the city
watch patrols.

Sneaking Over the Fence

The reception itself has no permanent physical security, but a "rope fence" has been set up as a perimeter.
Crossing the rope fence is not difficult, and much of it is under cover from garden foliage. So, sneaking into
the reception through the rope fence is guaranteed success (DC 0) unless the character does something
blatantly stupid (like try to walk under the rope in view of the gate warden, guards, or a city watch patrol).

Note that the simplicity of using this method of approach may lull some players into a false sense of security.
Feel free to take advantage of this.

NPCs At This Location

Dago Holinax, servant gate warden: Male Suel Human, Exp 5; CR 4; Medium Humanoid (human); HD
5d6+10; hp 32; Init +6; Spd 30 ft.; AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13; BAB/Grp: +3/+5; Atk: +6 melee
(masterwork dagger, 1d4+2, 19-20/x2); Full Atk: +6 melee (masterwork dagger, 1d4+2, 19-20/x2);
Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; SA None; SQ Class Skills: Appraise, Craft (any), Gather Information, Intimidate,
Knowledge (local), Knowledge (nobility & royalty), Listen, Profession (any), Sense Motive, Spot; AL NE; SV
Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +5; Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 10.
Skills and Feats: Appraise +9, Diplomacy +2, Forgery +9, Gather Information +10, Knowledge (local/Duchy of
Urnst) +9, Knowledge (nobility & royalty) +9, Listen +11, Sense Motive +9, Spot +11; Alertness, Improved
Initiative, Martial Weapon Proficiency (longsword).
Possessions: courtier's outfit, masterwork dagger.
Physical Description: Rather short, with sandy blond hair and blue eyes. Carries himself as if he were far
more important than he really is.
Commonly Used Phrases: Just who do you think you’re dealing with?

Adaym Graines, main gate warden: Male Suel Human, Exp 9; CR 8; Medium Humanoid (human); HD
9d6+36; hp 74; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; AC 15, touch 12, flat-footed 13; BAB/Grp: +6/+6; Atk: +7 melee
(masterwork dagger, 1d4, 19-20/x2); Full Atk: +7/+2 melee (masterwork dagger, 1d4, 19-20/x2);
Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; SA None; SQ Class Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Disable Device, Knowledge (local),
Knowledge (nobility & royalty), Listen, Open Lock, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Spot; AL N; SV Fort +7,
Ref +5, Will +7; Str 10, Dex 14, Con 18, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 10.
Skills and Feats: Appraise +13, Bluff +9, Disable Device +13, Diplomacy +4, Gather Information +2, Forgery
+8, Intimidate +2, Knowledge (local/Duchy of Urnst) +7, Knowledge (nobility & royalty) +7, Listen +18, Open
Locks +5, Sense Motive +16, Sleight of Hand +10, Spot +18; Alertness, Skill Focus (Sense Motive), Skill
Focus (Spot), Skill Focus (listen), Weapon Focus (dagger).
Possessions: courtier's outfit, masterwork dagger, masterwork thieves tools.
Physical Description: Aside from standard Suel traits, he is a fairly non-descript individual. Used to
avoiding attention, he speaks quietly and simply.
Commonly Used Phrases: "How can I help you sir?"

House Coriner operative: male human Rog 4; CR 4; medium humanoid; HD 4d6; hp 18; Init 7; Spd 30 ft.;
AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12; BAB/Grp: +3/+4; Atk: +7 masterwork sap (1d6+1, x2 SUBDUAL) or +7
masterwork rapier (1d6+1, 18-20/x2) or +7 masterwork light crossbow (1d8, 19-20/x2); Full Atk: +7
masterwork sap (1d6+1, x2 SUBDUAL) or +7 masterwork rapier (1d6+1, 18-20/x2) or +7 masterwork light

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 41

crossbow (1d8, 19-20/x2); SA sneak attack +2d6; SQ evasion; AL N; SV Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +3; Str 12, Dex
16, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 12.
Skills and Feats: Balance +10, Climb +8, Gather Information +8, Hide +10, Listen +10, Move Silently +10,
Open Lock +10, Sense Motive +8, Spot +10, Tumble +10; Alertness, Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse.
Possessions: masterwork leather armor, masterwork sap, masterwork rapier, potion of cure light wounds.

House Coriner guard: male human Ftr 4; CR 4; medium humanoid; HD 4d10+8; hp 36; Init +6; Spd 30 ft.;
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14; BAB/Grp: +4/+6; Atk: +8 masterwork longsword (1d8+2, 19-20/x2) or +7
masterwork light crossbow (1d8, 19-20/x2); Full Atk: +8 masterwork longsword (1d8+4, 19-20/x2) or +7
masterwork light crossbow (1d8, 19-20/x2); SA none; SQ none; AL LN; SV Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +3; Str 14,
Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 12.
Skills and Feats: Climb, Listen, Ride Spot; Alertness, Iron Will, Improved Initiative, Skill Focus (Spot),
Weapon Focus (longsword), Weapon Specialization (longsword).
Possessions: chain shirt, masterwork longsword, masterwork light crossbow, 10 bolts, dagger, potion of
cure light wounds.

House Coriner guard captain: male human Ftr 8; CR 8; medium humanoid; HD 8d10+16; hp 68; Init +6;
Spd 30 ft.; AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14; BAB/Grp: +8/+10; Atk: +12 masterwork longsword (1d8+2, 17-
20/x2) or +11 masterwork light crossbow (1d8, 19-20/x2); Full Atk: +12/+7 masterwork longsword (1d8+4, 17-
20/x2) or +11 masterwork light crossbow (1d8, 19-20/x2); SA none; SQ none; AL LN; SV Fort +8, Ref +5, Will
+4; Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 12.
Skills and Feats: Climb, Listen, Ride Spot; Alertness, Combat Expertise, Improved Critical (longsword),
Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Skill Focus (Spot), Weapon Focus (longsword), Weapon
Specialization (longsword).
Possessions: masterwork chain shirt, masterwork longsword, masterwork light crossbow, 10 bolts,
dagger, potion of cure serious wounds.

House Coriner Servant: male human Exp 4; CR 4; medium humanoid; HD 4d6; hp 18; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.;
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10; BAB/Grp: +3/+3; Atk: +4 masterwork dagger (1d4, 19-20/x2); Full Atk: +4
masterwork dagger (1d4, 19-20/x2); SA none; SQ none; AL N; SV Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5; Str 10, Dex 12,
Con 10, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 12.
Skills and Feats: Bluff +8, Climb +7, Gather Information +8, Hide +8, Listen +11, Move Silently +8, Sense
Motive +11, Swim +7, Spot +14, Tumble, +8; Alertness, Skill Focus (Sense Motive), Skill Focus (Spot).
Possessions: masterwork dagger.

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 42

Coriner Wedding Reception
by Jonathan and Michelle Ingram

Earlier in the day, Lady Umina Coriner and Lord Jasper Kilbourne were wed. By prearrangement with the
manager of the Leukish Garden, their wedding reception is being held in the Cliffside Grotto section of the
garden. Security is tight, as Lord Regent Ellis Lorinar has accepted an invitation to the reception.

Location and Travel Time

The wedding reception for Lady Umina Coriner and Lord Jasper Kilbourne is being held in the northwest
corner of the Leukish Garden. It is a short walk (less than five minutes) from the west entrance of the
gardens. From the east and south entrances to the garden, the travel time is 15 and 10 minutes respectively.

A hand-drawn map of the reception area and the Leukish Gardens will be available at GameStorm.

General Security
Two gates have been set up at the wedding reception in the Cliffside Grotto: a main gate for guests and a
service gate for servants.

The reception itself is patrolled by pairs of guards. Each group of guards consists of one guard with Rogue
levels and one guard with Fighter levels. Guards will not hesitate to use lethal force if they feel there is a
serious threat to the safety of the guests (regardless of whether or not the characters have used lethal force

A team of four House Coriner guard captains waits in reserve near the reception, ready to deal with serious

If any pair of guards raises an alarm, four more pairs of guards will arrive at the scene of the alarm within
three rounds (roll 1d3 for each additional pair of guards to determine exactly when they will arrive and a
standard direction finding roll (1d8, 1 = north, 2 = northeast, etc) to determine the direction that they will arrive
from. In addition, any alarms sounded from inside the reception will cause the gate wardens to carry out the
following steps:

1. Seal the gate: The gate wardens' guards will close the gates, not allowing anyone to enter or leave.
2. Call for a city watch patrol: The gate wardens will each dispatch two messengers to locate city watch
patrols. It is guaranteed that at least one of the these messengers from each gate will find a patrol in
1d2 minutes; thus, it is guaranteed that at least two city watch patrols will arrive at the reception
within 2-4 minutes of the alarm being sounded. Each of these patrols will also sound their alarms;
this has normal chances for bring additional patrols.
3. Dispatch a force of four additional guards inside the reception area to quickly deal with the trouble.

Gaining Entry to the Reception

Entry to the reception must be done through a previous shared encounter area, the Gates of the Coriner
Wedding Reception. All entry to this area happens through that area.

Inside the Reception

Each wedding guest has a blue and white favour tied to their left wrist. Each servant authorized to be in the
area wears the livery of House Coriner and also wears a white and red favour tied to their right wrist. If a
person inside the reception is seen without the appropriate favour, the guards will quietly ask that person
aside and escort them back the appropriate gate warden.

There are enough pairs of guards inside the reception insure that each guest is seen by at least one guard
each round and that typically three guards will see each person from three different angles. Roll opposed
Sense Motive or Spot checks for each guard vs a separate Hide check for the imposter. (Note that if an
imposter hides the favour, it automatically alerts the guards.)

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 43

The guards get a +8 bonus to their Sense Motive/Spot rolls against any character who is not Suel and who is
wearing servants livery. For those impersonating guests, the guards receive a +4 bonus to their Sense
Motive/Spot rolls aginst any character who is not Suel.

Timeline For the Evening

The following timeline of events happens at this shared encounter area:

Time Event
8:00PM Guests begin arriving at the reception.
8:15PM The bride and groom arrive at the reception. Entertainers perform in the
background as the bride and groom greet their guests. Once greeted,
guests mingle until the festivities begin.
9:00PM Guests are directed to their seats for dinner. The bride and groom open
gifts. Speeches are made. Toasts are given and drunk.
9:30PM Lord Regent Ellis Lorinar and Lady Irona Pontirun make a belated arrival
and makes a toast to the happy couple.
9:50PM Lord Ellis and Lady Irona depart for the final event of the bardic
10:30PM The bride and groom cut the cake. In accordance with tradition, the top
layer of the cake is broken over the bride's head (the two magical
hummingbirds are collected by a servant to be stored until needed later).
The remnants are gathered by a servant to be distributed to the hungry of
the city. The bride's wedding dress is stripped from her and each piece is
tossed to the assembled single female guests as a good luck charm.
11:00PM The bride and groom depart in a carriage. Servants begin collecting the
gifts and packaging them up for transport.
11:30PM The last of the guests leaves and servants begin cleaning up.
1:00AM The cleanup is complete and the servants depart.

Locations of Note
If there are specific sections of the shared encounter area that warrant description, note each one below
using the "Heading 4" style as a header. For example, a shared encounter area that is a specific building
might have interior rooms of interest. If so, these rooms should be described below.

Lord Regent Ellis Lorinar's Table

Naturally, the guest of honour at the wedding has a table reserved near the place of honour for the bride and
groom. This table is fully set, but remains unoccupied until Lord Ellis arrives at 9:30PM. The table remains
occupied for 20 minutes, until Lord Ellis departs for the final event in the bardic competition. During his stay at
the reception, Lord Ellis will drink and eat very little – just enough to be polite. He will publicly beg forgiveness
of Lady Coriner and of the bride and groom for not being able to remain longer.

The Bride and Groom's Table

Befitting the occasion, this table is reserved solely for the bride and groom. Two unarmed servants guard the
table; their responsibility is to safeguard the table for the bride and groom. Two additional armed servants are
always within a single move action of the bride and groom at any time during the reception, with potions of
cure light wounds and neutralize poison at the ready.

The armed servants use the stat block of a House Coriner Operative. The unarmed servants use the stat
block of a House Coriner Servant.

The Gift Table

The gift table is located to the left of the bride and groom's table. Two servants guard the table; their sole
responsibility is to safeguard the gifts. A scribe sits beside the table, recording each gift and who gave it.
Some of the gift wrapping is obviously magical in nature.

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 44

The servants and scribe use the stat block for a House Coriner servant.

The Cake Table

The wedding cake is located at its own table to the right of the bride and groom's table. Two servants guard
the table; their sole responsibility is to safeguard the cake.

These servants use the stat block for a House Coriner servant.

The four-tier cake itself is beautiful – ornate silver and gold veins run over white icing to icing flowers that rival
brilliant gems in colour. A pair of magical jeweled hummingbirds flitter over the top layer of the cake, feeding
on a brilliant ruby rose and a brilliant sapphire lilly.

What Can the Characters Do Here?

Characters at the wedding reception might attempt to perform several actions:

• Propose a toast to the bride and groom: The character should roll a Perform (oratary) skill check. If
the character beats a DC 15, the character impresses the attendees and earns an influence point
with House Coriner.
• Dance with the bride or groom: Guests at the wedding may reasonably attempt to dance with either
the bride or groom. As long as the request is politely worded and the character is a guest, the
request will be accepted.
• Dance with Lord Ellis or Lady Irona: Lord Ellis is in a foul mood and is not partial to dancing tonight,
but Lady Irona would be delighted if the prospective partner is male and has a Charisma of 14 or
higher (naturally, the prospective partner must also be a noble).

The characters might also attempt to obtain one or several items here.

A Gift From the Wedding

The gift table is covered with lavish gifts, some of which have obviously magical wrappings. The gifts come in
all sizes, from very small (say, the size of a wand) to very large (say, the size of a desk). The gift table is
guarded by two guards and a clerk. A Sleight of Hand check would be required against the guards Spot
checks to openly steal and item. Less than obviously though, a pair of House Coriner operatives also
watches the gift table; they also can opposed Sleight of Hand checks.

If the character chooses to make a move to steal a gift during the cake breaking or gown tossing, she
receives a +4 bonus on her Sleight of Hand check.

Anyone approaching the gift table without a gift in hand will draw extra attention from the guards; they receive
a +2 bonus on Spot checks made against those approaching without a gift in hand.

Using invisibility would allow a character to steal a gift practically unobserved. The guards' Spot check would
be at -4 if the gift stolen is small.

A Piece of the Bride's Gown

At Suel weddings, the bride's wedding gown is removed from her by the crowd. At noble weddings, this
removal is done by servants and the pieces of the gown are thrown into the crowd.

Lady Umina's gown is quite lovely, and a piece of it would be quite a conversation piece. Consequently, there
is a lot of competition to catch the pieces of the gown. Characters attempting to catch a piece of the wedding
gown must succeed at a Balance check (DC 12). There are 1d4 NPCs around the character who are also
trying to catch the gown; assume that each of them makes this Balance check. To determine who comes up
with the piece that was tossed, have each character and NPC roll a Dexterity check; the person with the
highest Dexterity check catches the piece (assume that all NPCs have a Dex bonus of +1).

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 45

In the event of a tie, all the characters who tied have hold on the piece. This comes down to a Strength
check; assume that all NPCs have a Strength bonus of +1.

There are six pieces of the wedding gown to be thrown: two arms, a veil, two pieces of the skirt, and the
torso. This gives the characters six chance to get a piece of the gown.

Servants attempting to catch a piece of the wedding gown would attract the attention of security – a servant
has no business participating in this wedding tradition.

A Piece of the Wedding Cake

Guests would certainly be served cake. Any guest would have no problem obtaining a piece of cake.

Someone impersonating a servant would attempt to convince the cake guardians to cut her a piece of the
cake after the bride and groom had made the first cut. A DC 15 Diplomacy check would be required, or a
bribe of at least 5gp.

The top tier of the cake is traditionally broken over the bridge's head in Suel weddings. In noble weddings,
the remnants of the top tier are gathered by a servant and distributed to poor in the area. A character
disguised as a servant could easily slip in here and gather several pieces of cake.

A Rose
The cake is decorated with several dozen roses in various bright gemstone shades. If a character can obtain
a whole piece of cake, there is a flat 25% chance that there is a rose on that piece of cake. The character
could also make a DC10 Diplomacy check with the cake guardians to have a piece with a rose cut for her.

A Hummingbird
There are no normal hummingbirds living in the immediate area. However, there are two magical
hummingbirds flitting about above the wedding cake. It is possible that the characters could distract the two
cake guardians if they work together as a team; in doing so, they might be able to acquire one or both of
these magical hummingbirds (touch AC 18). However, any distraction sufficient to distract both cake
guardians would also attract the attention of at least two pairs of guards, who would certainly investigate the

The hummingbirds are enchanted to make a loud warbling sound if touched (unless the pass phrase
"Pleasure is the nectar of life" has been spoken first). Triggering the alarm will draw the attention of the
guards. If it becomes a major event the characters involved will earn enmity from both House Coriner – for
ruining the party – and from the Rogues – something happened.

Just before the cake breaking, a cake guardian takes the two hummingbirds (speaking the pass phrase) from
atop the cake and puts them into a wooden case. He then stows the case in his belt pouch. A character
dressed as a guest or a servant could get close enough to attempt a Sleight of Hand check against the
servant. (The servant receives a +4 bonus to spot the pickpocket attempt because the case is a closed belt

A magical trap has been placed on the special case that houses the hummingbirds. Search DC 28, Disable
Device 28. If either hummingbird makes a warbling sound an invisibility purge is cast (centered on the case).

The servant could also be bribed to allow the character to use the hummingbirds for a few hours, at the cost
of at least 500gp, if the character succeeds at a DC 20 + character level Diplomacy check.

Lady Umina is also wearing a hummingbird signet ring. This could be slipped from her via a Sleight of Hand
check (DC 23).

After the Wedding

The gifts, hummingbirds, and one tier of the cake will all be loaded into a covered wagon for transport to the
Coriner's Estate. Two guards will travel with the wagon.

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 46

NPCs At This Location

House Coriner operative: male human Rog 4; CR 4; medium humanoid; HD 4d6; hp 18; Init 7; Spd 30 ft.;
AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12; BAB/Grp: +3/+4; Atk: +7 masterwork sap (1d6+1, x2 SUBDUAL) or +7
masterwork rapier (1d6+1, 18-20/x2) or +7 masterwork light crossbow (1d8, 19-20/x2); Full Atk: +7
masterwork sap (1d6+1, x2 SUBDUAL) or +7 masterwork rapier (1d6+1, 18-20/x2) or +7 masterwork light
crossbow (1d8, 19-20/x2); SA sneak attack +2d6; SQ evasion; AL N; SV Fort +2, Ref +8, Will +3; Str 12, Dex
16, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 12.
Skills and Feats: Balance +10, Climb +8, Gather Information +8, Hide +10, Listen +10, Move Silently +10,
Open Lock +10, Sense Motive +8, Spot +10, Tumble +10; Alertness, Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse.
Possessions: masterwork leather armor, masterwork sap, masterwork rapier, potion of cure light wounds.

House Coriner guard: male human Ftr 4; CR 4; medium humanoid; HD 4d10+8; hp 36; Init +6; Spd 30 ft.;
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14; BAB/Grp: +4/+6; Atk: +8 masterwork longsword (1d8+2, 19-20/x2) or +7
masterwork light crossbow (1d8, 19-20/x2); Full Atk: +8 masterwork longsword (1d8+4, 19-20/x2) or +7
masterwork light crossbow (1d8, 19-20/x2); SA none; SQ none; AL LN; SV Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +3; Str 14,
Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 12.
Skills and Feats: Climb, Listen, Ride Spot; Alertness, Iron Will, Improved Initiative, Skill Focus (Spot),
Weapon Focus (longsword), Weapon Specialization (longsword).
Possessions: chain shirt, masterwork longsword, masterwork light crossbow, 10 bolts, dagger, potion of
cure light wounds.

House Coriner guard captain: male human Ftr 8; CR 8; medium humanoid; HD 8d10+16; hp 68; Init +6;
Spd 30 ft.; AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14; BAB/Grp: +8/+10; Atk: +12 masterwork longsword (1d8+2, 17-
20/x2) or +11 masterwork light crossbow (1d8, 19-20/x2); Full Atk: +12/+7 masterwork longsword (1d8+4, 17-
20/x2) or +11 masterwork light crossbow (1d8, 19-20/x2); SA none; SQ none; AL LN; SV Fort +8, Ref +5, Will
+4; Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 12.
Skills and Feats: Climb, Listen, Ride Spot; Alertness, Combat Expertise, Improved Critical (longsword),
Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Skill Focus (Spot), Weapon Focus (longsword), Weapon
Specialization (longsword).
Possessions: masterwork chain shirt, masterwork longsword, masterwork light crossbow, 10 bolts,
dagger, potion of cure serious wounds.

House Coriner Servant: male human Exp 4; CR 4; medium humanoid; HD 4d6; hp 18; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.;
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10; BAB/Grp: +3/+3; Atk: +4 masterwork dagger (1d4, 19-20/x2); Full Atk: +4
masterwork dagger (1d4, 19-20/x2); SA none; SQ none; AL N; SV Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5; Str 10, Dex 12,
Con 10, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 12.
Skills and Feats: Bluff +8, Climb +7, Gather Information +8, Hide +8, Listen +11, Move Silently +8, Sense
Motive +11, Swim +7, Spot +14, Tumble, +8; Alertness, Skill Focus (Sense Motive), Skill Focus (Spot).
Possessions: masterwork dagger.

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 47

The Loaf of Love Bakery
by Roy Thalman

The Loaf of Love is a single medium sized building on Bakery Street in the more middle-class area of the city.
It has stonewalls with a few small windows in the front showing of a small assortment of baked goods, mostly
cakes and pies. The building has several chimney pipes leaving thru the roof.

Location and Travel Time

The Loaf of Love is about ten minutes walk from the Leukish Gardens.

The “shop” area of the bakery is thirty feet wide facing the street and twenty feet deep moving away from the
street. The main door is near the front left corner of the storefront. The rear and right wall have glass display
cases preventing access to the public. This effectively makes a 5’ perimeter along those walls that can only
be accessed by the staff. There is a small section of the blockade that has no display case, but instead a
small folding counter top for access to the front. An archway on the left side of the back wall leads into the
kitchen. There is also a closed door on the right side of the back wall leading to the larder.

The kitchen area is also thirty feet across and twenty feet deep (the same dimensions as the shop and
identically oriented). A row of ovens covers the back wall and preparation tables line the front. There are also
cupboards above and below the tables for storage.

The basement larder is down a short flight of stairs and has a very low ceiling (thought it does not require
medium sized creatures to squeeze). This area is packed with sacks and barrels of baking goods. This area
is roughly the same size as the store above, but the ceiling is only about five feet above the floor.

The street outside the bakery is fairly well traveled, but there are no actual guards for this building. If the PCs
create a commotion in the bakery assume someone hears or sees them, and reports it.

Timeline For the Evening

8:00 PM: Closed
9:00 PM: Assistants show up to prepare the shop. It is not officially open yet, and trespassers are breaking
9:45 PM: Baker arrives.
10:00 PM: Shop opens. The staff will take special requests, but depending on size it may take several hours.
11:00 PM: The staff stops taking special orders, but continues to make their normal faire.
12:00 AM: The shop closes, but the staff remains to continue baking.

What Can the Characters Do Here?

Characters might come to the bakery seeking one of several items:
• A piece of wedding cake: There is some leftover wedding cake here from a wedding that was held
yesterday. A piece can be purchased for 2cp. If the characters can come back in 11:30 hours, a
small wedding cake can be available; the characters will have to pay 25gp for this special order.
• A blueberry pastry: There was a run on blueberry pastries earlier today; a dwarf came in and bought
nearly all of them. Krinak won't have more ready until about 2AM (two hours after the scavenger hunt
ends). If asked about the dwarf, Tasy will tell the characters that he mentioned drinking at the Folly
By the Sea Tavern earlier that day. No bribe or inducement other than being threatened with
lethal force after one of his assistants is killed will convince the baker to make more blueberry
pastries early; obviously, this is bad course of action for the characters to follow.
• A flower made of frosting: Krinak can whip out as many frosting flowers are a character wants, but
will expect to be compensated for his time. Each flower takes five minutes of time, or more if the
colouring is unusual (judge's discretion).

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 48

NPCs At This Location

Krinak Briton aka “The Baker”: Male Human (Suel) Exp 4; CR 3; Medium Humanoid; HD 4d6+4; hp 18; Init
+0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 10, touch 10, flat-footed 10; BAB/Grp: +3/+4; Atk: +4 melee Knife or Rolling Pin 1d4+1 /
x2; AL N; SV Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +5; Str 13, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 12.
Skills and Feats: Appraise +9 (+11 w/ Breads & Pastries), Bluff +8, Craft (Breads) +9, Craft (Pastries) +12,
Diplomacy +14, Knowledge (Local: NMR) +9, Profession (Merchant) +8, Sense Motive +10, Spot +8;
Lightning Reflexes, Persuasive, Skill Focus: Craft (Pastries).
Physical Description: Krinak is a five and a half foot tall portly man in his late thirties. Once in the shop he
wears an apron and a skullcap to cover his blonde hair. He is usually working in the back, where the PCs can
only rarely catch a glimpse of him, but will come forward if there is something that needs his attention.
Personality: Krinak is very charismatic, but a little on the loud side. He warmly greets any returning
patrons he recalls. He is a little hard on Malv, as the boy is his apprentice, but friendly and patient with Tasy.
Commonly Used Phrases: (if significant) [Commonly used phrases]

Malv: Male Human (Suel) Exp 1; CR 1; Medium Humanoid; HD 1d6+4; hp 7; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 10, touch
10, flat-footed 10; BAB/Grp: +0/+1; Atk: +1 melee unarmed 1d3+1 non-lethal; AL N; SV Fort +1, Ref +0, Will
+3; Str 13, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 12.
Skills and Feats: Appraise 6, Bluff +5, Craft (Breads) +6, Craft (Pastries) +6, Diplomacy +5, Knowledge
(Local: NMR) +6, Profession (Merchant) +5, Sense Motive +5, Spot +5; Persuasive, Toughness.
Physical Description: Malv is a Suel boy of about fourteen years, almost old enough to strike out on his
own, but still apprenticed to Krinak. He stands just a few inches shy of six feet, and is a little more muscular
than your average Suel man. Malv does most of the bread baking while Krinak does the pastries, so Malv is
wearing a similar baker’s outfit to Krinak’s.
Commonly Used Phrases: (if significant) [Commonly used phrases]

Tasymina “Tasy”: Female Human (Suel) Exp 1; CR 1; Medium Humanoid; HD 1d6+4; hp 7; Init +0; Spd 30
ft.; AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10; BAB/Grp: +0/+0; Atk: +0 melee unarmed 1d3 non-lethal; AL N; SV Fort
+1, Ref +1, Will +3; Str 11, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 14.
Skills and Feats: Appraise 6, Bluff +6, Craft (Breads) +6, Craft (Pastries) +6, Diplomacy +6, Knowledge
(Local: NMR) +6, Profession (Merchant) +5, Sense Motive +5, Spot +5; Persuasive, Toughness.
Physical Description: Tasy is a very attractive mixed Suel woman of about seventeen years. She stands
a few inches over five feet with long light brown hair pinned up in a bun. She doesn’t do any cooking so she
wears more stylish and flattering clothing.
Commonly Used Phrases: (if significant) [Commonly used phrases]

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 49

Available Foods

Loaf of Bread 3 cp

Loaf of Exotic Nut Bread 8 cp

Loaf of Squash Bread 1 sp


Sugar Cookie 3 cp
- Dozen 3 sp

Nut Cookie 5 cp
- Dozen 5 sp

Frosted Cookie 5 cp
- Dozen 5 sp

Vanilla Cookie 7 cp
- Dozen 7 sp

Chocolate Cookie 7 cp
- Dozen 7 sp

Frosted Vanilla Pastry 1 sp

- Dozen 1 gp

Frosted Chocolate Pastry 1 sp

- Dozen 1 gp

Blueberry Pastry 5 sp
- Dozen 5 gp

- All cakes are custom orders made with love. Please speak with Tasy about making a special cake just for

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 50

The Cathedral of Kord
by Herald Williams

The cathedral of Kord is a massive stone structure on pleasant-looking grounds. A bell tower rises over 100
feet into the air, taller than any other building in the district. Stained-glass windows and a rose garden on the
south side are features of interest. The cathedral grounds are surrounded by a stone wall approximately 10 ft
high (Climb DC 25).

Location and Travel Time

The Cathedral of Kord is in the heart of the Temple District. It is a few minutes’ walk from the Leukish

A map will be provided at GameStorm.

General Security
The entire cathedral grounds are covered with a Hallow spell, with Remove Fear keyed to worshippers of
Kord affixed to it. Except where noted otherwise, continual flame torches are used to provide light throughout
the cathedral. With the exception of the nave at night, lighting is equivalent to full daylight. At night, the ceiling
in the nave combined with a few continual light torches around the walls provide the equivalent of candlelight
in that area. The bell tower is not lit at night, as the acolyte who rings the bell carries a torch with him during
that activity.

There are a total of 20 acolytes and 12 guards present at the cathedral site, in addition to the high priest and
his assistant.

Before 10pm, the cathedral is fairly active. Any party that is not very well disguised or hidden is basically
guaranteed to be seen and asked about their business by a cathedral guard or acolyte (50% chance of
either). PCs will only encounter Kohlath Maladaptor or Lacquitt if they enter an area they are in or cause a
general alarm.

From 10pm on, the cathedral is basically closed to outsiders. Two cathedral guards are stationed at the
entrance and will tell prospective visitors to come back tomorrow unless they are accompanied by a cleric of
Kord or member of the Priesthood of Kord meta-org. In this case, they will allow the member and those she is
willing to vouch for to enter the public areas of the cathedral as long as they behave themselves.

One acolyte is always present in the main cathedral area (1D), except for a couple of minutes before and
after each hour, when he climbs the bell tower, rings the bell, and returns. He otherwise behaves the same
as the other acolytes in the cathedral.

Each 15 minutes that the PCs are in the cathedral after 10pm, there is a 10% chance of encountering 1d2
acolytes or guards outside their rooms. The DM should choose what combination of acolytes and guards are
encountered based on the PCs’ location and activity.

If the cathedral’s occupants find any non-worshippers wandering about unescorted, they will bluntly and
firmly insist that they leave. If the PCs refuse to do so, an alarm will be raised and the cathedral guards will
attempt to grapple the PCs and throw them out bodily, with the acolytes supporting them with spells as
needed. The cathedral occupants resort to lethal violence only if it is used against them (in any form).

In the event of hostilities, cathedral guards will take a free action on their first turn to bellow a warning. Before
10pm, this will bring the full strength of the cathedral to bear within 3 rounds. From 10pm on, it will take
2d4+2 rounds for help to start arriving, with 1d3 cathedral guards/acolytes entering the fray each round

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 51

The actions of High Priest Kohlath and his assistant Lacquitt are outlined in the descriptions of their quarters
below. Note especially Lacquitt’s actions from Hour 3:45 on.

Timeline For the Evening

8PM: The cathedral is open to any who wish to visit (so long as they behave themselves). At any given time,
only 4 guards are “on-duty” and they are not terribly vigilant as they figure the level of activity and the
reputation of Kord’s followers as being able to take care of themselves is enough to keep troublesome people

High Priest Kohlath Maladaptor is not present on the cathedral grounds. Lacquitt is in his quarters (area 3D)
writing correspondence.

8:30PM: Kohlath arrives at the cathedral from other business and spends the next half hour in his study
preparing for the next Godsday’s services.

9PM: The acolytes – except for the one detailed to toll the bells – hold a wrestling match in the private
gymnasium (see area 2B below). Four of the guards loiter around watching the entire time while the others
continue “wandering patrols”. Kohlath acts as referee. Lacquitt continues working on his correspondence.

10PM: The cathedral “closes” for the night. The acolytes and guards who do not have specific duties (as
detailed in General Security above) retire to the barracks where they spend about 15 minutes in evening
prayers and then mostly go to sleep.

Kohlath goes to his bedroom and turns in. Lacquitt spends the next 45 minutes practicing somatic and verbal
components for various spells (i.e., he does not actually cast any spells).

10:45PM: Lacquitt casts Divination, asking what challenges he will face in the coming day. The response
includes hints about the activities going on with Nothing, but is vague enough that he only knows that it is
possible something “interesting” may happen by midnight. He does not want to set the cathedral on alert,
since the divination isn’t clear as to whether the event is good, bad, or indifferent, but it is enough to prod him
into donning armor and weapons and casting protective and enhancement spells that last for an hour or
more, as reflected in the second stat block for him below.

11PM: Except for those with specific duties and Lacquitt, everyone in the cathedral is asleep by this time.
Lacquitt keeps an eye on the nave through the peephole described in Area 3D. If he notices anything
unusual, he takes a round or two to cast appropriate spells, warns Kohlath, and then moves to act. More
details about his tactics are provided in the description of his quarters.

Locations of Note
1A – Cathedral Grounds Walls
The cathedral grounds are surrounded by a 10 foot high stone wall, with a large gate in the center of the
northern wall. The climb DC for this wall is 25.

1B – Cathedral Grounds
The cathedral grounds are well-kept and basically open. There are numerous places where the ground has
been trampled or torn up and restored – signs of various athletic activities. A flower garden has been planted
on the south side of the cathedral itself.

PCs examining the ground around the northern walls will notice that there are signs of a foundation about 20
feet north of the existing walls.

The north “wing” of the cathedral has an impressive stone façade. It rises some 40 feet, with a few small
windows at about 25 and 35 feet above ground level. The other wings are studded with magnificent stained-

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 52

glass windows showing Kord and champions of the faith. Near the point where the building flares out to
become the western wing, there is a ladder that leads up to the bottom of the bell tower.

Numerous statues of Kord are spread around the grounds. Each of them depicts Kord in some act of
prowess and strength – wrestling giants, etc.

1C – Entrance
Impressive doors of ironwood lead into the cathedral entrance. During hours 3 and 4, two guards stand just
outside the doors. Besides being heavy, the doors are weighted so that those not familiar with them must
make a DC 20 STR check to open them (all of the NPCs outlined below are familiar with the doors). The
entrance itself is simply decorated, with the primary item of interest being a donation box set next to each of
the archways leading to the nave (area 1D).

1D – Nave
This area encompasses most of the northern “wing”, plus the central intersection and southern end of the
cathedral. At the northern end, the ceiling rises to approximately 20 ft, then rises to over 30 ft in the central
and southern sections. The entire ceiling is magically enchanted to provide the appearance of being open to
the sky (which is always sunny and blue in the day, clear and star-studded with the moons in the appropriate
phases at night).

The nave is dominated by an enormous statue of Kord carved of granite, the whole measuring 15 ft high and
weighing some 20 tons. The statue carries a bronze shield decorated like the holy symbol of Kord (a star
made of spears and maces) over its left shoulder and a 20ft tall bronze spear in its right hand. In human
terms, the bronze shield is the equivalent of a tower shield; the spear is the equivalent of a huge longspear.
The shield and spear are each enchanted with a permanent alarm spell that is triggered if it is removed from
the statue.

The statue is also the focus of a permanent invisibility purge spell. This spell radiates from the entire statue,
making the use of invisibility very difficult in the cathedral.

Two small alcoves just south of the central area provide a place for the presiding priest(s) to meditate prior to
services. An altar of red stone covered with a blue cloth stands toward the southern end of the nave. PCs
poking around either of these areas at any time will draw suspicion and be questioned about their business.

1E – East and West Wings

These two areas provide additional space for worshippers and also host indoor athletic activities that require
goodly amounts of space. The ceiling is approximately 30 ft up and can be opened to the sky in good
weather (this effect is achieved through the muscle of a number of priests and acolytes pulling on thick
cables of rope located in the far northern corner of each wing).

The stairs next to the West wing lead up to level 2. The stairs next to the East wing lead up to level 3. PCs
will not be allowed to use these stairs under any normal circumstances.

2A – Nave
This area is open and has no floor – it is a continuation in the “Z-axis” of areas 1D and 1E and is included
merely for completeness’ sake. There are no access points between this area and the rest of level 2.

2B – Private Gymnasium
This area provides space for athletic contests between the acolytes and guards. This is where the wrestling
match mentioned in the timeline takes place.

2C – Barracks
The acolytes sleep in the western barracks and the guards in the eastern barracks. The rooms are furnished
with bunk beds and small chests. During hours 1 and 2, there are typically 1d4 people in each room, though
as the guards and acolytes are on good terms it is up to the DM to decide what mix of acolytes and guards to
use depending on circumstances.

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 53

3A - Nave
This area represents the very top of the nave. As with area 2A, there is no accessway between this area and
the rest of level 3.

3B – Kohlath’s Study
This area is very nicely decorated with tapestries and busts of previous high priests. A mahogany desk and
chair are set up along the western wall. A small bookshelf with a number of obviously neglected books
(primarily religious treatises on the worship and philosophies of Kord) stands next to the door to area 3C.

The floor is covered with a fine rug containing the symbol of Kord. Any cleric of Kord standing barefoot on the
rug can treat it as a divine focus for the purposes of clerical abilities.

3C – Kohlath’s Bedroom
The primary item of interest in this room is Kohlath’s bed – a heavy wooden frame covered with a mountain
of animal furs that sits in the northeast corner of the room. Other furnishings include a small bedside table, a
basin for washing up, and a sturdy wardrobe.

3D – Lacquitt’s Study
A small writing desk and simple chair sit in the northwest corner of this room. Five more chairs of a more
comfortable nature are arranged around a table in the center of the room. These items have all seen heavy
use, as Lacquitt frequently entertains guests (his way of keeping up on events in the Duchy).

Unbeknownst even to Kohlath, there is a small peephole in the southern wall angled such that Lacquitt can
see a fairly good section of the nave. Unless he becomes aware of trouble, Lacquitt remains in this room for
most of the evening, as described in the timeline above.

3E – Lacquitt’s Library
The walls of this room are covered with bookshelves that reach to the ceiling and are full of books, most of
which look used. A wide variety of topics are covered, although nothing illegal or particularly disturbing can
be found here. Perhaps the most controversial tome is a copy of “The Divine Man” autographed by the
author, though it is clear the book has never been read.

3F – Lacquitt’s Bedroom
Unlike Kohlath, Lacquitt prefers a more “civilized” sort of bed. The frame is made of wrought iron. The legs
are sculpted to look like four strong men bearing the rest of the frame. Otherwise, the furnishings are
basically the same as in Kohlath’s bedroom.

Level 4 – The Bell Tower

The bell tower sits atop the very center of the cathedral and rises over 100 feet high. A small door (not shown
on the map) leads inside the base of the tower. An iron ladder on the west side of the north wing of the
cathedral provides a way to reach the base of the bell tower.
4A – Tower Lift
The acolyte in charge of tolling the bells is required to pull himself up on this platform by sheer brute strength.
No strength check is needed as long as the weight being lifted does not exceed the combined amount of the
lifting characters’ “lift over head” limits.

4B – Tower Top
Four large bells are present at the top of the bell tower. Ringing them at any time other than on the hour or a
failure to ring on the hour will cause a general alarm and is very likely to bring the watch as well.

What Can the Characters Do Here?

The characters might come here looking for several items:
• An autographed copy of the Divine Man – Lacquitt has one in his library.

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 54

• A prayer book – Any acolyte would gladly provide a pious visitor with a prayer book. (For Kord, they
have lots of pictures of wrestling and stuff.) Prayer books can also be found in areas 3B, 3C, 3D, 3E,
and 3F.
• A statue of Kord – After 10PM, a party could get in and out with a statue without much trouble if they
are careful. However, there is a flat 20% chance that an acolyte or guard has decided to walk the
grounds and sees the characters. These statues weight about 50 pounds each (assume 30 pounds
base + 5d10 pounds for any random statue), making them unwieldly to get over the wall – the
characters might want to find another way to get the statue out. The statues are too large to fit inside
a Heward's Handy Haversack or Bag of Holding (but a portable hole would work nicely).
• The shield or spear of Kord – The characters might try to steal the shield and/or spear from the
statue of Kord in the nave of the cathedral.

The characters might also come here looking to complete one of several tasks:
• Wrestle a Kordite – any acolyte will welcome an offer to wrestle
• Best a Kordite in a feat of strength – Several large rocks are on the grounds. These can be lifted until
someone wins the contest.

NPCs At This Location

Cathedral Guard: Male human Ftr 3; CR 3; Medium humanoid (Suel human); HD 3d10+6; hp 28; Init +1;
Spd 30 ft.; AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14; BAB/Grp: +3/+10; Atk: +7 melee (2d6+4, MW greatsword) or +7
melee (1d3+3, unarmed strike) or +4 ranged (1d6+3, javelin); Full Atk: +7 melee (MW greatsword) or +7
melee (1d3+3, unarmed strike) or +4 ranged (1d6+3, javelin); Space/Reach 5 ft./5 ft.; SA None; SQ None; AL
CG; SV Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +3; Str 16, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 10.
Skills and Feats: Intimidate: +6, Listen: +5, Spot +5; Alertness (+2 listen/spot), Improved Grapple, Improved
Unarmed Strike, Iron Will, Weapon Focus (unarmed strike).
Possessions: Chain shirt, masterwork greatsword, 3 javelins.
Physical Description: The guards are selected as much for their physical appearance and bearing as for
their abilities. As such, they are uniformly tall, muscular, and quiet.
Commonly Used Phrases: None.

Cathedral Acolyte: Male/female human Clr 3 (Kord); CR 3; Medium humanoid (Suel human); HD 3d8+3; hp
21; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 10, touch 10, flat-footed 10; BAB/Grp: +2/+4; Atk: +4 melee (1d4+2, dagger) or +2
ranged (1d4+2, dagger); Full Atk: +4 melee (1d4+2, dagger) or +2 ranged (1d4+2, dagger); Space/Reach 5
ft./5 ft.; SA Spells, Spontaneous Casting, Turn Undead; SQ None; AL CG; SV Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +6; Str 14,
Dex 10, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 12.
Skills and Feats: Climb: +4, Concentration +5, Heal +9, Knowledge(religion: Kord) +4, Spellcraft +4, Swim
+4; Athletic (+2 climb/swim), Brew Potion, Run.
Domains: Chaos, Strength
Spells: 4/3+1/2+1 (DC 13+spell level), domain spells in bold
0: Detect Magic, Guidance, Purify Food and Drink, Resistance
1: Bless, Divine Favor, Enlarge Person, Magic Weapon
2: Bull’s Strength, Bear’s Endurance, Lesser Restoration
Possessions: Robes, dagger, holy symbol of Kord, spell component pouch.
Physical Description: Varies, though all are basically Suel in appearance and generally physically fit.
Commonly Used Phrases: None.

High Priest Kohlath Maladaptor: Male human Clr10(Kord)/Ari2; CR 12; Medium humanoid (Suel human);
HD 10d8+30 plus 2d8+6; hp 93; Init +6; Spd 30 ft.; AC 20, touch 14, flat-footed 18; BAB/Grp: +7/+13; Atk:
+12 melee (+1 anarchic greatsword, 2d6+5, 19-20/x2) or +9 ranged (javelin, 1d6+3, x2); Full Atk: +12/7
melee (+1 anarchic greatword, 2d6+4, 19-20/x2) or +9 ranged (javelin, 1d6+3, x2)]; Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.;
SA Spells, Spontaneous Casting, Turn Undead, DR 1/-; SQ None; AL CG; SV Fort +12, Ref +5, Will +16; Str
16, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 23, Cha 12.
Skills and Feats: Concentration +18, Diplomacy +15, Gather Information +6, Heal +16, Intimidate +6;
Diehard, Endurance, Great Fortitude, Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative, Improved Unarmed Strike.
Domains: Good, Strength

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 55

Spells: 6/6+1/6+1/4+1/4+1/3+1 (DC 16+spell level), domain spells in bold
0: Detect Magic, Guidance, Light, Mending, Purify Food and Drink, Resistance
1: Bless, Divine Favor, Enlarge Person, Entropic Shield, Obscuring Mist, Sanctuary, Shield of Faith
2: Aid, Bear’s Endurance, Hold Person, Lesser Restoration, Resist Energy, Silence, Zone of Truth
3: Dispel Magic, Invisibility Purge, Magic Vestment, Searing Light, Summon Monster III
4: Death Ward, Discern Lies, Freedom of Movement, Greater Magic Weapon, Spell Immunity
5: Dispel Evil, Greater Command, Righteous Might, Spell Resistance
Possessions: +2 glamered adamantine chain shirt, +1 anarchic greatsword, 3 javelins, adamantine holy
symbol, ring of protection +2, periapt of wisdom +4, belt of strength +4, pink rhomboid ioun stone, potions:
cure moderate wounds, bull’s strength, enlarge person.
Physical Description: Kohlath is about as pure Suel as they come, short of being from the northern
barbarian tribes. He is tall, muscular, handsome, and friendly-looking with short blond hair and clear blue
eyes. Picture Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime, but with the appropriate hair and eye color.
Commonly Used Phrases: None

Lacquitt: Male human Clr7 (Kord); CR 7; [Size] [type] [(subtype)]; HD 7d8+7; hp 45; Init +0; Spd 20 ft.; AC
23, touch 10, flat-footed 23; BAB/Grp: +5/+6; Atk: +7 melee (+1 heavy mace, 1d8+2, x2) or +5 ranged (dart,
1d4+1, x2); Full Atk: +7 melee (+1 heavy mace, 1d8+2, x2) or +5 ranged (dart, 1d4+1, x2); Space/Reach: 5
ft./5 ft.; SA Spells, Spontaneous Casting, Turn Undead; SQ None; CG; SV Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +8; Str 12,
Dex 10, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 17, Cha 14.
Skills and Feats: Concentration +9, Diplomacy +9, Heal +8, Knowledge(History) +8, Knowledge(Religion) +8,
Listen +5, Sense Motive +4, Spot +5; Alertness, Negotiator, Spell Focus (Enchantment), Spell Penetration.
Domains: Luck, Strength
Spells: 6/5+1/4+1/3+1/1+1 (DC 13+spell level, 14+spell level for Enchantment spells), domain spells
in bold
0: Detect Magic, Guidance, Light, Mending, Purify Food and Drink, Resistance
1: Bless, Divine Favor, Enlarge Person, Obscuring Mist, Sanctuary, Shield of Faith
2: Bull’s Strength, Calm Emotions, Hold Person, Silence, Sound Burst
3: Blindness/Deafness, Locate Object, Prayer, Protection from Energy
4: Divination, Freedom of Movement
Possessions: +1 full plate, Spined Shield, +1 bane (aberrations) heavy mace, amulet of natural armor +1,
figurine of wondrous power (silver raven), wand of cure light wounds (50 charges), 5 darts, silver holy
Physical Description: Lacquitt doesn’t quite fit the stereotype of a cleric of Kord. Although he is in good
health and certainly no 90-lb weakling, he has focused more on his intellectual prowess. His hair is blond,
though starting to show the least bit of grey. His eyes are not quite blue. He tends to cock his left ear towards
whoever is speaking.
Commonly Used Phrases: None

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 56

Folly by the Sea Tavern
by David Thompson

The tavern is a two-story building by the docks of Leukish. The current head chef and owner (now), a Gervrin
Halwain has served travelers in Leukish for years, and is well-known for his fine seafood dishes. Though the
clientele is often rough, with bar fights not uncommon, it is considered a fine establishment by most of the
population of Leukish. [taken from URD1-I01 An Empty Seat]

Location and Travel Time

As mentioned, the Folly By the Sea Tavern is down by the docks. It is built on a little jetty that has a clear
view [on the 2nd floor] of the water and vessels that are coming in and out as it is the only 2-story building
around. The 2nd floor clientele is more refined than those that partake in the food & drink on the 1st floor.
Gervrin is hailed by both clientele as a wonderful person. In addition, several Houses have taken an interest
in his cooking.

The travel time from Folly By the Sea Tavern to the Leukish Gardens is 20 minutes.

The building is 40’ x 50’. It has two main entrances, one on the 1st floor and one on the 2nd floor. The 2nd floor
dining area has glass windows that highlight the great view that is offered. In both general floors a 30’ x 30’
area can be used to convey the eating/drinking portion with the rest as a bar and then a kitchen (1st floor
only). There are private rooms along the 40’ side that are 10’ x 10’ and can be reserved. The wait staff is
extremely helpful and will do their utmost not to offend anyone.

The 2nd floor far private dining area is reserved and will remain closed for most of the evening.

General Security
Gervrin doesn’t hire security. Most of the clientele will be protective of any major disturbances and will call the
City Watch. Woe to those that cause a major disturbance to those on the 2nd floor. Those that are refined
have friends in high places or are in those high places themselves. So bad tidings to those, for instance, if
the Nyrond Ambassador was eating upstairs with several Honorable Chamber members. Many of the nobles
bring their own security that often waits in the downstairs private rooms, outside, or in the stairwell between

Outside the lighting is pretty good same with the 1st floor. The 2nd floor the lights are dimmed during the

Timeline For the Evening

8:00pm Nothing starts.

8:15pm Sev Ubul & Amea Tarnel enter the dining area on the 2nd floor. They seem to be waiting for
someone. PCs start talking with them find out that they are waiting for their friend from the OPW (as they call
it) to finish off her work. Seems their friend isn’t off of work until 9pm and so they are arriving early to get a
spot and relax and talk. [This friend is Morwenna Gavelkind, who is finishing off the documents on the new
Sewer System]

8:30pm Gorsh Bar, Maintenance Employee with the Office of Public Works enters the dining area on
the 1st floor. He is in his work uniform [Spot DC 20 to notice his badge in his back pocket]. He talks with folks
and generally wants to relax before heading off to work at 9:25. [1/2 hour travel time to arrive around 10pm]
He is quite proud of his job.

8:45 pm A hooded and cloaked man enters and heads to the 2nd floor, entering the reserved dining
room on the 2 floor and ordering a fancy meal meant to serve five to six people. The windows to the room
remain draped and the door remains closed.

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 57

9:15 pm The hooded and cloaked man from the 2nd floor reserved dining room leaves, heading out
the door and back into the temple district. If PCs wish to follow him they must make a DC 20 Survival check
(with the Track feat) or other appropriate check, but he subsequently disappears once he gets to the temple

9:45pm Morwenna Gavelkind arrives to the 2nd floor to meet up with her friends. Conversation can be
overhead [Listen DC 20] that she just approved the newest Sewer System. One of the three forms she had to
do over so hence why she was late. PC could attempt to Slight of Hands her Badge vs her Spot check. DC
20 to get the item too.

10:30pm Saf the dwarf enters the tavern and purchases a tankard of ale.

Sometime during the evening members of the lawful party will enter the tavern escorting a guest. They will
head to the 2nd floor reserved dining room and will remain there for 30 minutes after they arrive guarding the
door to the 2nd floor reserved dining room. They may or may not overhear, see, or interfere with anything.

Talking to the Dwarf

The dwarf is named Saf, and he has a fondness for blueberries. He bought out the blueberry pastries at the
Loaf of Love bakery yesterday and has only two remaining.

He won't sell the pastries, but he will arm wrestle for them. To run arm wrestling, roll opposed grapple
checks. Saf will only arm wrestle other Medium-sized creatures (or smaller). Saf's grapple bonus is +12.

If Combat Starts...
Norl the bartender immediately shouts for the watch, and at least two of the tavern patrols run out the doors
repeating the cries. If Norl is somehow subdued without shouting an alarm, the other patrons are alarmed
and flee in terror, reporting the incident to a nearby city watch patrol. The watch arrives in one minute (ten
rounds) and a second patrol arrives 30 seconds later.

None of the patrons put up any serious resistance. Saf the dwarf, while a formidable combatant, isn't looking
for trouble and goes along quietly if given the opportunity.

Characters Might Come Here Seeking...

The characters might be here to acquire any of the following items:
1. A beer stein – Plain wooden steins can be purchased here for 1gp each. With a little ingenuity, the
characters could even steal one. There are no porcelain steins here, and there are no white steins
2. A skin of ale – The bartender will top up a skin for standard price (7cp), assuming the characters
want the cheap stuff. If asked for Nightshade, he will say that he don't carry that swill here.
3. A blueberry pastry – Saf the dwarf is here with two blueberry pastries from 10:30PM on. Asking the
bartender for a blueberry pastry will simple get the characters a weird look. (Repeated requests to
the bartender for blueberry pastries will get the bartender to threaten to call the watch.)
4. A ribbon – Saba the barmaid has a red garter decorated with white ribbon that she wears under her
skirts. Asking politely for it will get a polite refusal unless the asker is male, has a Charisma of 14 or
higher, and agrees to give Saba a kiss in exchange for the garter. It isn't possible to use Sleight of
Hand to take the garter off of Saba without her knowing it (she's wearing it around her leg and
constantly moving around). Dealing any damage, lethal or otherwise, to Saba will result in the
bartender calling the city watch.

NPCs at this Location

Morwenna Gavelkind: Female Human (Suel) Exp5; CR 5; Medium Humanoid (Human); HD 5d6; hp 22; Init
+1; Spd 30 ft/x4; AC 11 (+1 dex), touch 11, flat-footed 10; Base Atk/Grapple +3/+3; SA&SQ None AL LN; SV
Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5; Str 10 (+0), Dex 12 (+1), Con 10 (+0), Int 14 (+2), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 14 (+2);

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 58

Skills: Bluff¹ +10, Decipher Script +8, Diplomacy¹ +18, Gather Information¹ +13, Knowledge (history) +6,
Knowledge (nobility) +10, Listen¹ +9, Profession (Lawyer) +12, Profession (Scribe) +7, Sense Motive¹ +11.
Feats: Negotiator, Skill Focus (Profession (Lawyer); Gather Information).
Possessions: Badge, OPW Keys
Physical Description: Nothing special
Commonly Used Phrases: Are you sure the laws support that?

Gorsh Bar: Male Human (Oeridian) Com2; CR 2; Medium Humanoid (Human); HD 2d4-2; hp 5; Init -1; Spd
30 ft/x5; AC 9 (-1 dex), touch 9, flat-footed 9; Base Atk/Grapple +1/+3; Full Atk +3 One-handed
(1d6+2;20/x2, Club); SA&SQ None; AL CG; SV Fort -1, Ref -1, Will +0; Str 14(+2), Dex 9(-1), Con 9(-1), Int
10(+0), Wis 10(+0), Cha 12(+1);
Skills: Climb¹ +4, Listen¹ +5, Profession (Cleaner) +8, Spot¹ +3.
Feats: Run, Skill Focus (Profession (Cleaner)).
Possessions: Badge, OPW Keys
Physical Description: Nothing special
Commonly Used Phrases: I’m a cleaner and I’m very good at it.

Norl the bartender: Male Human (Suel) Ftr 4/Exp 4

Saba the barmaid: Female Human (Suel) Com 3

Patrons (13): Male Human (Suel), various classes and levels

Hooded Man - Elbaan Kustir: Male Human (Suel) Pal 6/ Hunter of the Dead 4;

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 59

The Leukish Office of Public Works
by David Thompson

The Office of Public Works (aka OPW) is an ancient stone building in the Great Kingdom/Oeridian style, with
massive stone columns and small square windows. The marble is weather-stained gray and some windows
appear cracked. [URD3-02 Test of Faith]

Location and Travel Time

The OPW is in the Temple District. It is only a ten minute walk away from the Leukish Gardens.

Coming in by the front door you enter a 35’ W x 15’ L room that has two 10’ hallways on either side of the 15’
W greeting desk. In this encounter the hallway to the left is of importance. Down the hallway to the 3rd left
door is the Lunchroom. 5th left door is the Maintenance Equipment room. Just past that 5th door is stairs going
up and down and the 15’ hallway that connects over to the right side hallway. The 8th and last door on the left
side is Morwenna’s room. Each of the rooms are generally 15’ x 15’ w/ a window. Various office furniture are
in each of the rooms except the lunchroom and maintenance.

General Security
Outside the building there is no security patrolling.

The windows and doors have alarm spells on them which will emit a loud noise and alert the security that is
in the building along with the watch patrol down the street. Depending on the time the security inside the
building could be on lunch and therefore not on patrol.

There are maintenance workers cleaning the building during the evening.

Windows and door alarms can be deactivated by a badge from an employee. This will remove the alarm for
10 rounds and then the alarm will be active again. If a window or door is still open after the 10 rounds then it
will emit a noise that can be heard by folks who are not in the immediate area on the floor with a Listen DC

People inside the building that are not wearing a uniform of a maintenance worker or of the security or have a
badge will be immediately subdued for questioning on trespassing. Security and maintenance have message
buttons to contact each other if need be. Security has a message button to contact City Watch if given a

The first time an alarm sounds in the building, a city watch patrol will respond within two minutes. If they find
nothing wrong, they assume that it's a fluke.

The second time an alarm sounds, a city watch patrol will respond within two minutes. They secure the
building and conduct a room-by-room search of the building. Anyone found inside will be interrogated; if
someone is found inside with the proper credentials, the patrol will (at a minimum) take that person to jail for
questionning. If nothing is found wrong, the patrol shortens its patrol and hangs out in the area.

The third time an alarm is sounded and nothing is found wrong, the patrol will station itself outside the office.
Every 15 minutes, the patrol will make a full circuit of the building. Every hour, half the patrol will do a sweep
of the building for trouble.

Timeline For the Evening

At 8PM Morwenna Gavelkind, a worker in the City Public Works Office [1st floor, 8th door on the left] is
working late tonight on the newest sewer design specs. She is in the final review and will be approving the
design specs. tonight to put it in construction.

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 60

Dimpler Erq is on security duty tonight on the 1st floor, right hallway.

8pm-9pm As above. No change.

9pm-9:15pm Morwenna has finished her work. She has signed all three[3] original copies and placed one
in each of these places. 1. Out box outside door in sealed envelope labeled “City Controller’s Office Clerk, 3rd
floor, Sewer Design”. 2. File drawer labeled “Approved” under “Sewers”. 3. Folder on desk labeled “City
Public Works Clerk, 1st Floor, Sewer Design”. She leaves to go to The Folly By the Sea to meet up with

9pm-10pm Dimpler is making his rounds throughout the building. He has a Listen DC 20 to hear
“anything unusual going on” and will come investigate.

9:45PM The strike force prepares to move into the building unless they observe a city watch patrol
stationed outside the building. If a watch patrol shows up in the next 15 minutes, the strike force will wait until
ten minutes have passed before moving into the building (if this happens, you will have to adjust the timeline
below to account for the strike force's late arrival).

10pm Dimpler is on lunchbreak. He won’t hear anything unless he makes a Listen check vs Move
Silently w/ +3 circumstance bonus for each PC going by the door. If an Alarm goes off and he hears it he will
come to investigate only after trying to make contact with the Maintenance Team on whether it was them or
The Maintenance Team of Gorsh Bar, Upec Riv, and Wartell Vent arrive to work and start cleaning
up. They each have their uniforms on and have their badges that deactivate the Alarms. 4th team member
Cerii Indal doesn’t show up for work as she was killed by a strike force group for her badge and information.
If Gorsh’s badge is stolen at “The Folly By the Sea Tavern” then he thinks he forgot it somewhere. He has
done this before and it has been found later. He hasn’t had to resort to a Wizard from the City’s Security
Office to trace where the missing badge went, yet.

10:15pm Strike Force members arrive and find Dimpler in the lunchroom. He is quickly stunned then
killed before he could call for help. The Strike Force also finds and kills the members of the Maintenance
Team. They set up evidence that frames Cerii Indal. They plant the evidence in her locker box.

10:30-11pm Strike Force members enter in Morwenna’s Office and use Forgery to add additional works
into the sewers on all three originals. It is noted on it that no trace of these additions should show up on
public records. It is notarized by a Cynric Grek, Chief Executive to the Mayor Governor. If all originals are
taken as part of “Nothing” the Strike Force will wait around until a “team” shows up for them to “question”
where the meeting place is. If the character reveal the location of the meeting place, the strike force learns
(and later reports unless they are all killed) that Nothing has moved to Leukish. This earns the characters
who revealed the game a Major Enmity from Tralkes.

11pm-12am Strike Force are here or not depending on above circumstance. If here, they will attempt to
quickly subdue and kill anyone who arrives. They will wait for Masseri's men to replace the plans from
Nothing, complete their mission, and leave the bodies of Masseri's men behind to frame the Rogues of
Seltaren for the other deaths.

Please note what PCs do with the bodies. Remember the rules, nothing is supposed to draw attention to
Nothing. If the PCs leave the Brotherhood bodies then an investigation is opened up on “who dispatched
them”. The characters should take the Brotherhood bodies and dispose of them; in that way the trail is still
only after the killers.

Judges Note: If multiple groups of PCs are present at the same time, an APL-appropriate backup strike
force will arrive to engage the new group of characters. If one group of characters flees from one strike team,
the remaining team members from that strike team will give pursuit unless it looks like the other strike team is
getting beaten; in that eventuality, the second (or third or whatever) strike team will join forces with the strike
team that is having trouble.

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 61

Locations of Note
Building Doors & Windows
Strong Wooden Door, 2in, Hardness 5, 20 hp, Break 25, Open Lock 20
Glass Window, 2’ x 2’, Hardness 1, 1 hp, Break 1, Open Lock 25

Alarm Trap, CR 1, Magical, Location trigger [Doors & Windows], Automatic reset [10 rounds], Audible Alarm,
Search DC 26 (Detect Magic or Arcane Sight Automatic), Disable Device 21 or Badge to suppress for 10
rounds; Alarm doesn’t go off if door is opened from the inside.

1st Floor, 3rd Left Door-Lunchroom

Table, chairs, a small stove and cabinet with Dimbler’s food. If he is dead then his body is slumped into his
food. Nothing is taken from his body. Heal DC 15 to determine that he was killed with a blunt object. DC 20 to
determine it was an unarmed strike.

1st Floor, 3rd Right Door – Plan Room

Several large wooden tables dominate the center of this room, which seems to be extremely neat and tidy.
Large cases of books and special cases for larger documents (like blueprints and maps) are placed against
the wall. Each of these cases is locked with a Good lock. This room itself is locked with an Excellent lock at
night; anyone who works here who sees the door open, finds the door unlocked, or sees anyone coming from
or going to this room will get to safety and then call for the city watch.

1st Floor, 5th Left Door-Maintenance Room

This is the supply room for the Maintenance Team. Inside are 4 clean uniforms of Medium size. Cerii’s
Locker Box is here with the planted evidence. Inside are: a “hidden” holy symbol to Syrul. Also found is
information on the next Western Flanness Trade Company caravan (that could only be gotten by a member
of the Strong Harts faction [Strong Harts Faction members know this]), and a note from “MT” addressed to
“LT” saying to send the information from the last SH meeting to the next coven to the west.

1st Floor, 8th Left Door- Morwenna’s Room

Depending on time Morwenna could be here or not. If so she is busy working on the approval. If the PCs
(that she can see) all have uniforms on, then she thinks that the Maintenance Team is starting work early.
She will say hello and hand the trash over to be taken. She will then mention that she is almost done and if
they could come back after she is done to clean up the room she will appreciate it, say about 9:15pm. If PCs
have weapons showing, she will not say anything and proceed as normal. Sense Motive check can only be
attempted if the PCs are in the room and actively Sense Motive for 10 rounds (PHB pg 81). If combat occurs
Morwenna will grab something off her desk and throw it at the window to sound the Alarm.

Characters May Come Here Seeking...

Characters in the scavenger hunt may come here seeking:

• A sewer access permit – Blank permits are easily accessible in the first floor offices. All that's
required is getting inside the exterior security of the building and bypassing the guard.
• Plans for the sewers – Master plans for the sewers can be found in the plan room on the first floor.
• Plans for the sewer expansion – A copy of these plans is in Morwenna's office, Getting them may be
more difficult than the players expect, due to the presence of the strike team and/or Morwenna.

NPCs At This Location

Dimpler Erq: Male Human(Suel) War2; CR 2; Medium Humanoid (Human); HD 2d8; hp 13; Init +0; Spd 20
ft/x4; AC 15 (+5 armor), touch 10, flat-footed 15; Base Atk/Grapple +2/+3; Full Atk +4 One-handed
(1d8+1;19-20/x2, Longsword); SA&SQ None; AL LG; SV Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +1; Str 12(+1), Dex 10(+0),
Con 10(+0), Int 12(+1), Wis 12(+1), Cha 10(+0);
Skills: Intimidate¹ +5, Listen¹ +5, Sense Motive¹ +3, Spot¹ +5.
Feats: Alertness, Weapon Focus (Longsword).
Possessions: Badge, Longsword, Breastplate Armor, OPW Keys

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 62

Physical Description: Badly in need of a haircut, jaw may have been broken in the past
Commonly Used Phrases: Just doing my job!

Morwenna Gavelkind: Female Human(Suel) Exp5; CR 5; Medium Humanoid (Human); HD 5d6; hp 22; Init
+1; Spd 30 ft/x4; AC 11 (+1 dex), touch 11, flat-footed 10; Base Atk/Grapple +3/+3; SA&SQ None AL LN; SV
Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +5; Str 10(+0), Dex 12(+1), Con 10(+0), Int 14(+2), Wis 12(+1), Cha 14(+2);
Skills: Bluff¹ +10, Decipher Script +8, Diplomacy¹ +18, Gather Information¹ +13, Knowledge (history) +6,
Knowledge (nobility) +10, Listen¹ +9, Profession (Lawyer) +12, Profession (Scribe) +7, Sense Motive¹ +11.
Feats: Negotiator, Skill Focus (Profession (Lawyer); Gather Information).
Possessions: Badge, OPW Keys
Physical Description: Nothing special
Commonly Used Phrases: Are you sure the laws support that?

Strike Force Note:

If caught they'll say that they were hired mercenaries by a man that didn't show them his face who wanted
documents from the OPW. If they've had a chance to drop off the incriminating evidence, they'll go to jail
peacefully (trusting that they can buy or bribe their way out). If they haven't, they'll try to escape and head to
Cerii's home to plant the evidence.

APL 2 (EL 4)
Strike Force Monk: Male Human(Suel) Mnk2; CR 2; Medium Humanoid (Human); HD 2d8+2; hp 15; Init +7;
Spd 30 ft/x4; AC 15 (+3 dex, +2 misc), touch 15, flat-footed 12; Base Atk/Grapple +1/+2; Full Atk +4 One-
handed (1d6+1;20/x2, Unarmed Strike), +4 One-handed (1d6+1;20/x2, Kama); SA&SQ Armor Restriction,
AC Bonus(Ex), Flurry of Blows(Ex), Evasion(Ex); AL LE; SV Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +5; Str 12(+1), Dex 16(+3),
Con 12(+1), Int 12(+1), Wis 14(+2), Cha 8(-1);
Skills: Balance¹ +7, Climb¹ +5, Escape Artist¹ +7, Jump¹ +5, Listen¹ +7, Move Silently¹ +6, Spot¹ +7, Tumble
+8; Improved Initiative, Improved Unarmed Strike², Deflect Arrows², Stunning Fist², Weapon Finesse.
Possessions: Badge, OPW Keys (taken off of bodies), Potion of Cure Light Wounds, Disguise Kit,
Tanglefoot Bag, Alchemical Tooth

Strike Force Sneak: Male Human(Suel) Rog2; CR 2; Medium Humanoid (Human);

HD 2d6; hp 10; Init +6; Spd 30 ft/x4; AC 14 (+2 armor, +2 dex), touch 12, flat-footed 12;
Base Atk/Grapple +1/+2; Full Atk +3 One-handed (1d8+1;20/x2, Masterwork heavy mace), +2 One-handed
(1d6+1;20/x2, Sap); SA&SQ Evasion(Ex), Sneak Attack +1d6, Trapfinding(Ex); AL LE; SV Fort +0, Ref +5,
Will -1; Str 12(+1), Dex 14(+2), Con 10(+0), Int 14(+2), Wis 8(-1), Cha 10(+0);
Skills: Disable Device +7, Disguise¹ +5, Escape Artist¹ +7, Forgery¹ +10, Hide¹ +7, Listen¹ +4, Move Silently¹
+7, Open Lock +7, Search¹ +7, Spot¹ +4, Tumble +7.
Feats: Improved Initiative, Skill Focus (Forgery).
Possessions: Badge, OPW Keys (taken off of bodies), Masterwork Heavy Mace, Disguise Kit, Tanglefoot
Bag, Forger’s Kit
Physical Description: Nothing special
Commonly Used Phrases: Nothing

APL 4 (EL 6)
Strike Force Monk: Male Human(Suel) Mnk4; CR 4; Medium Humanoid (Human); HD 4d8+4; hp 27; Init +7;
Spd 40 ft/x4; AC 16 (+1 armor, +3 dex, +2 misc), touch 15, flat-footed 13; Base Atk/Grapple +3/+4; Full Atk
+6 One-handed (1d8+1;20/x2, Unarmed Strike), +6 One-handed (1d6+1;20/x2, Kama), +4/+4 One-handed,
Flurry of Blows (1d8+1;20/x2, Unarmed Strike); SA&SQ Armor Restriction, AC Bonus(Ex), Flurry of
Blows(Ex), Evasion(Ex), Fast Movement(Ex), Still Mind(Ex), Ki Strike(Su), Slow Fall(Ex); AL LE; SV Fort +5,
Ref +7, Will +6; Str 12(+1), Dex 16(+3), Con 12(+1), Int 12(+1), Wis 15(+2), Cha 8(-1);
Skills: Balance¹ +7, Climb¹ +5, Escape Artist¹ +7, Jump¹ +9, Knowledge (religion) +5, Listen¹ +9, Move
Silently¹ +8, Spot¹ +9, Tumble +10.
Feats: Improved Initiative, Improved Unarmed Strike², Deflect Arrows², Stunning Fist², Weapon Finesse,
Eyes in the Back of Your Head.
Possessions: Badge, OPW Keys (taken off of bodies), Bracers of Armor +1, Potion of Cure Light Wounds
x2, Disguise Kit, Tanglefoot Bag, Alchemical Tooth

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 63

Physical Description: Nothing special
Commonly Used Phrases: Nothing

Strike Force Sneak: Male Human(Suel) Rog4; CR 4; Medium Humanoid (Human); HD 4d6; hp 18; Init +8;
Spd 30 ft/x4; AC 16 (+2 armor, +4 dex), touch 14, flat-footed 16; Base Atk/Grapple +3/+4; Full Atk +8 One-
handed (1d6+2+Drow Poison;18-20/x2, +1 Rapier), +7 One-handed (1d6+1;20/x2, Sap); SA&SQ Uncanny
Dodge(Ex), Trap Sense(Ex), Evasion(Ex), Sneak Attack +2d6, Trapfinding(Ex); AL LE; SV Fort +2, Ref +9,
Will +1; Str 12(+1), Dex 19(+4), Con 10(+0), Int 14(+2), Wis 8(-1), Cha 10(+0);
Skills: Disable Device +11, Disguise¹ +7, Escape Artist¹ +11, Forgery¹ +12, Hide¹ +11, Listen¹ +6, Move
Silently¹ +11, Open Lock +11, Search¹ +9, Spot¹ +6, Tumble +11.
Feats: Improved Initiative, Skill Focus (Forgery), Weapon Finesse.
Possessions: Badge, OPW Keys (taken off of bodies), +1 Rapier, Potion of Cat’s Grace(used-stat
added), Vest of Resistance +1, Potion of Fox’s Cunning, Drow Poison x2[Injury, DC 13
Unconsciousness/Unconsciousness 2d4 hours], Disguise Kit, Tanglefoot Bag, Forger’s Kit
Physical Description: Nothing special
Commonly Used Phrases: Nothing

APL 6 (EL 8)
Strike Force Monk: Male Human(Suel) Mnk6; CR 6; Medium Humanoid (Human); HD 6d8+6; hp 39; Init +9;
Spd 50 ft/x4; AC 23 (+4 armor, +5 dex, +1 deflection, +3 misc), touch 19, flat-footed 18; Base Atk/Grapple
+4/+9; Full Atk +9 One-handed (1d8+1;20/x2, Unarmed Strike), +9 One-handed (1d6+1;20/x2, Kama), +8/+8
One-handed, Flurry of Blows (1d8+1;20/x2, Unarmed Strike); SA&SQ Armor Restriction, AC Bonus(Ex),
Flurry of Blows(Ex), Evasion(Ex), Fast Movement(Ex), Still Mind(Ex), Ki Strike(Su), Slow Fall(Ex), Purity of
Body(Ex); AL LE; SV Fort +6, Ref +10, Will +7; Str 12(+1), Dex 20(+5), Con 12(+1), Int 12(+1), Wis 15(+2),
Cha 8(-1);
Skills: Balance¹ +9, Climb¹ +5, Escape Artist¹ +13, Jump¹ +13, Knowledge (religion) +5, Listen¹ +11, Move
Silently¹ +12, Spot¹ +11, Tumble +14.
Feats: Improved Trip², Improved Initiative, Improved Unarmed Strike², Improved Grapple, Deflect Arrows²,
Stunning Fist², Weapon Finesse, Eyes in the Back of Your Head.
Possessions: Badge, OPW Keys (taken off of bodies), Bracers of Armor +2, Potion of Mage Armor(used-
stat added), Potion of Cat’s Grace(used-stat added), Potion of Cure Light Wounds x2, Disguise Kit,
Tanglefoot Bag, Alchemical Tooth
Physical Description: Nothing special
Commonly Used Phrases: Nothing

Strike Force Sneak: Male Human(Suel) Rog5/Asn1; CR 6; Medium Humanoid (Human); HD 6d6; hp 26; Init
+8; Spd 30 ft/x4; AC 19 (+5 armor, +4 dex), touch 14, flat-footed 19; Base Atk/Grapple +3/+4; Full Atk +9
One-handed (1d6+2;18-20/x2, +1 Rapier), +7 One-handed (1d6+1;20/x2, Sap); SA&SQ Uncanny
Dodge(Ex), Trap Sense(Ex), Evasion(Ex), Sneak Attack +4d6, Trapfinding(Ex), Death Attack(DC 14), Poison
Use; AL LE; SV Fort +2, Ref +11, Will +1; Str 12(+1), Dex 19(+4), Con 10(+0), Int 16(+3), Wis 8(-1), Cha
Skills: Disable Device +13, Disguise¹ +9, Escape Artist¹ +12, Forgery¹ +15, Hide¹ +17, Listen¹ +8, Move
Silently¹ +12, Open Lock +12, Search¹ +11, Spot¹ +8, Tumble +11.
Feats: Improved Initiative, Skill Focus (Forgery), Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Rapier).
Possessions: Badge, OPW Keys (taken off of bodies), +1 Rapier, Potion of Cat’s Grace(used-stat
added), Vest of Resistance +1, Potion of Fox’s Cunning, Drow Poison x2[Injury, DC 13
Unconsciousness/Unconsciousness 2d4 hours], Cloak of Elvenkind, +1 Chain Mail, Disguise Kit, Tanglefoot
Bag, Forger’s Kit
Physical Description: Nothing special
Commonly Used Phrases: Nothing

APL 8 (EL 10)

Strike Force Monk: Male Human(Suel) Mnk8; CR 8; Medium Humanoid (Human); HD 8d8+8; hp 51; Init +9;
Spd 50 ft/x4; AC 26 (+4 armor, +5 dex, +1 deflection, +6 misc), touch 22, flat-footed 21; Base Atk/Grapple
+6/+12; Full Atk +12/+7 One-handed (1d10+3;20/x2, +1 Unarmed Strike), +12/+7 One-handed
(1d6+2;20/x2, Masterwork kama), +11/+11/+6 One-handed, Flurry of Blows (1d10+3;20/x2, +1 Unarmed

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 64

Strike); SA&SQ Armor Restriction, AC Bonus(Ex), Flurry of Blows(Ex), Evasion(Ex), Fast Movement(Ex), Still
Mind(Ex), Ki Strike(Su), Slow Fall(Ex), Purity of Body(Ex), Wholeness of Body(Su); AL LE; SV Fort +7, Ref
+11, Will +11;
Str 14(+2), Dex 20(+5), Con 12(+1), Int 12(+1), Wis 20(+5), Cha 8(-1);
Skills: Balance¹ +9, Climb¹ +6, Escape Artist¹ +16, Jump¹ +14, Knowledge (religion) +6, Listen¹ +16, Move
Silently¹ +14, Spot¹ +16, Tumble +16.
Feats: Improved Trip², Improved Initiative, Improved Unarmed Strike², Improved Grapple, Deflect Arrows²,
Stunning Fist², Weapon Finesse, Eyes in the Back of Your Head.
Possessions: Badge, OPW Keys (taken off of bodies), Bracers of Armor +2, Potion of Mage Armor(used-
stat added), Potion of Cat’s Grace(used-stat added), Amulet of Mighty Fists +1, Gauntlets of Ogre Power +2,
Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds x2, Disguise Kit, Tanglefoot Bag, Alchemical Tooth
Physical Description: Nothing special
Commonly Used Phrases: Nothing

Strike Force Sneak (2): Male Human(Suel) Rog5/Asn1; CR 6 each; Medium Humanoid (Human); HD 6d6;
hp 26; Init +8; Spd 30 ft/x4; AC 19 (+5 armor, +4 dex), touch 14, flat-footed 19; Base Atk/Grapple +3/+4; Full
Atk +9 One-handed (1d6+2;18-20/x2, +1 Rapier), +7 One-handed (1d6+1;20/x2, Sap); SA&SQ Uncanny
Dodge (Ex), Trap Sense(Ex), Evasion(Ex), Sneak Attack +4d6, Trapfinding(Ex), Death Attack(DC 14), Poison
Use; AL LE; SV Fort +2, Ref +11, Will +1;Str 12(+1), Dex 19(+4), Con 10(+0), Int 16(+3), Wis 8(-1), Cha
Skills: Disable Device +13, Disguise¹ +9, Escape Artist¹ +12, Forgery¹ +15, Hide¹ +17, Listen¹ +8, Move
Silently¹ +12, Open Lock +12, Search¹ +11, Spot¹ +8, Tumble +11.
Feats: Improved Initiative, Skill Focus (Forgery), Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (Rapier).
Spells: DC 10 + Spell level + 3
1: Critical Strike, Distract Assailant
Possessions: Badge, OPW Keys (taken off of bodies), +1 Rapier, Potion of Cat’s Grace(used-stat
added), Vest of Resistance +1, Potion of Fox’s Cunning, Drow Poison x2[Injury, DC 13
Unconsciousness/Unconsciousness 2d4 hours], Cloak of Elvenkind, +1 Chain Mail, Disguise Kit, Tanglefoot
Bag, Forger’s Kit
Physical Description: Nothing special
Commonly Used Phrases: Nothing

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 65

The Leukish Shipyards
The Leukish shipyard is quite idle, but is normally well-guarded. However, tonight several of the regular
guards have taken "extra duty", hiring on as temporary guards for the city watch (which had to pull in quite a
few extras to provide all the tight security for the opening of the gardens).

Location and Travel Time

The Leukish Shipyard is in the Waterfront District. It is a 20 minute walk away from the Leukish Gardens.

A map of the shipyard will be provided at GameStorm.

General Security
A single guard sleeps near the locked front gate in the guardhouse. He has a -8 total effective Listen skill (+2
for Alertness, -10 for being asleep). The gate is locked with a good lock (DC 30).

The shipyard is surrounded by a six foot high wooden fence (Climb DC 10).

Two guard dogs wander the shipyard (use stats for a war dog). If the dogs spot the characters, they begin
barking loudly (roll a DC 10 Listen check for the guard to see if he wakes up, and don't forget to apply his -10
penalty for being asleep). Even if he wakes up, the guard does not arrive to investigate the noise for two

The characters could kill the dogs without too much impact (though it counts as something happening). If the
guard discovers the dogs dead when he arrives, he will call for a city watch patrol; the patrol will arrive in four

Subduing the dogs does not count as something happening.

Characters could also win the dogs over with a charm animal spell, a wild empathy check, or fresh meat. A
speak with animals spell would allow the characters to negotiate with the dogs; they will agree to stop barking
if the characters give them food.

Timeline For the Evening

8:00 PM: The guard takes a leisurely walk around the shipyard.
8:45 PM: The guard returns to his station and falls asleep.
9:00 PM: A stray cat wanders through the shipyard, exciting the dogs and causing them to bark furiously. The
dogs chase the cat through the shipyard, possibly causing alarm to any teams that might be trying
to be unobtrusive.
9:45 PM: The guard wakes up. He unwraps his "lunch" (bread and cheese with a partially drunk bottle of
wine) and eats.
10:00 PM: The guard starts taking a tour of the shipyard, but has to answer a call of nature.
10:20 PM: The guard returns from the outhouse and begins his tour of the shipyard.
10:35 PM: The guard calls for the dogs. If they do not come, he looks for them.
10:45 PM: The guard returns to his station near the gates.
10:50 PM: Two city watch patrols show up looking for a thief who was last seen in this area. They split up,
patrolling the shipyard and searching anyplace someone could reasonably try to hide. If the guard
is not present
11:40 PM: The city watch patrols leave the shipyard. The guard goes back to sleep.

What Can Be Found Here?

Characters might come here looking for any of the following items:

• A naval officer's uniform – There is a faded and often patched uniform of a naval officer (without a
bicorne) hanging in the wardroom closet on the brig. If the characters don't know that the brig has a

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 66

wardroom or what it's used for, they will have to search the entire ship. This should take around 10
minutes, assuming they make the reasonable conclusion that the officers would get cabins.
• A coil of rope from a warship – There is an old Ducal navy brig (the Duke's Cub) here that has been
decommissioned. Coils of rope are freely available aboard her.
• A carving of a hummingbird – the shipyard manager has a carving of a hummingbird feeding from a
flower on his desk. (One assumes it was made by a family member; it was, in fact, carved by the
shipyard manager.)
• A Ducal Navy ensign – There are no flags aboard the Ducal navy brig. However, a careful search of
the office would reveal that the shipyard manager has an ensign stashed away in his locker (Search
DC 28).
• A ship's bell – The decommissioned brig has a ship's bell, as do two other ships under construction.
The decommissioned brig's bell bears the name of the brig (the Duke's Cub). The other two bells
have not yet been engraved, as the ships are still under construction.

NPCs At This Location

shipyard guard: male human War 2; CR 2; medium humanoid; HD 2d10; hp 16; Init +1; Spd 30 ft.; AC 13,
touch 11, flat-footed 12; BAB/Grp: +2/+2; Atk: +2 light crossbow (1d8, 19-20/x2); Full Atk: +2 light crossbow
(1d8, 19-20/x2); SA none; SQ none; AL N; SV Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +0; Str 10, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 12, Wis
10, Cha 12.
Skills and Feats: Bluff +3, Listen +2, Sense Motive +3, Spot +2; Alertness, Skill Focus (Sense Motive).
Possessions: leather armor, light crossbow, 10 bolts, dagger.
Physical Description: A middle-aged Suel man who is quite plump about the waist and seems to be very

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 67

The Garden of Songs Bardic Competition Finals
The Garden of Songs bardic competition finals is an illustrious event. Many influential nobles are present,
including Lord Regent Ellis Lorinar. The characters do not get to interact with these people, but their mere
presence insures that entering the competition could do much for the character's reputation.

Location and Travel Time

The finals are held in the center of the Leukish Gardens. Public seating is available at a distance from the
stage; closer to the stage, security is tight as a number of influential nobles are in attendance, including Lord
Regent Ellis Lorinar.

General Security
A cordon of guards (Ftr 2) is stationed around the stage and central arena to keep those without business
here out. They are backed up by six Backup Guards (Ftr 8), who are considerably tougher. The guards here
will attempt to subdue troublemakers if combat breaks out, but won't hesitate to use lethal damage if their
attackers do.

Guard: male human Ftr 2; CR 2; medium humanoid; HD 2d10+2; hp 18; Init +2; Spd 20 ft.; AC 21, touch 11,
flat-footed 20; BAB/Grp: +2/+4; Atk: +5 glaive (1d10+2, 19-20/x2) or +4 longsword (1d8+2, 19-20/x2); Full
Atk: +5 glaive (1d10+2, 19-20/x2) or +4 longsword (1d8+2, 19-20/x2); SA none; SQ none; AL LN; SV Fort +4,
Ref +1, Will +2; Str 14, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10.
Skills and Feats: Listen +4, Ride +5, Spot +4; Alertness, Combat Reflexes, Iron Will, Weapon Focus (glaive).
Possessions: full-plate armor, longsword, heavy steel shield, glaive.

backup guards: male human Ftr 8; CR 8; medium humanoid; HD 8d10+16; hp 68; Init +6; Spd 30 ft.; AC 16,
touch 12, flat-footed 14; BAB/Grp: +8/+10; Atk: +12 masterwork longsword (1d8+2, 17-20/x2) or +11
masterwork light crossbow (1d8, 19-20/x2); Full Atk: +12/+7 masterwork longsword (1d8+4, 17-20/x2) or +11
masterwork light crossbow (1d8, 19-20/x2); SA none; SQ none; AL LN; SV Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +4; Str 14,
Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 12.
Skills and Feats: Climb, Listen, Ride Spot; Alertness, Combat Expertise, Improved Critical (longsword),
Improved Grapple, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Skill Focus (Spot), Weapon Focus (longsword), Weapon
Specialization (longsword).
Possessions: masterwork chain shirt, masterwork longsword, masterwork light crossbow, 10 bolts,
dagger, potion of cure serious wounds.

Timeline For the Evening

Time Event
8:00PM Competitors are still trying to qualify for the finals in numerous categories.
8:45PM The last qualification attempt finishes. An announcement is made that the
final competition will begin at 10PM. The organiser goes to have a bite of
dinner before the finals. Servants begin cleaning the area.
9:30PM The organiser returns.
10:00PM Lord Regent Ellis Lorinar arrives.
10:10PM Dagon Bluebeard, the second contestant to compete, is thrown out for
using magic to gain an advantage. A loud "boo" arises from the audience.
Dagon leaves quickly, leaving his invitation to the finals behind at the prep
area for the performers.
11:00PM The competition is over and prizes are awarded. Contestants and guests
begin filing out. Two contestants throw their invitations to the finals into the
11:45PM Drunken servants return to clean the area.

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 68

Running the Finals
Competitions are held in four categories:

• Dance (Skill: Perform Dance)

• Singing (Skill: Perform Singing)
• Stringed Instrument (lutes, lyres, etc) (Skill: Perform Stringed Instrument)
• Wind Instrument (flutes, etc) (Skill: Perform Wind Instrument)

Regardless of how many PCs have reached the finals in a particular category, there are at least two NPCs
present as well in the same category competing against the PC. It is quite possible that one of the NPCs
could win the competition.

The entire area is under the affects of an invisibility purge spell to rule out sabotage by invisible persons.

The use of magic is prohibited and two wizards actively maintain detect magic spells to detect cheating. If
someone is caught cheating, their name will be publicly announced and they will be escorted off the stage
and out of the area. (You should reveal this by having an NPC make the first Perform checks.) Characters
caught cheating should earn the Enmity of the Nobles on the influence certificate.

Use of magic is not impossible here, but a nondetection spell would go a long way towards making it

The following NPCs are competing in the competition:

1. Aatos Tay, a dancer from Greyhawk (Perform +11, Average of Rolls 18)
2. Sora Sobellios, a singer from Dyvers (Perform +13, Average of Rolls 20)
3. Milja Radayne (Suel), a singer from Nyrond (Perform +10, Average of Rolls 17)
4. Cyral, a lute player from Greyhawk (Perform +14, Average of Rolls 21)
5. Jorss, a flute player from Zeif (Perform +17, Average of Rolls 24)
6. Versenia Moonglow (elf), a pipe player from the Kingdom of Celene (Perform +14, Average of Rolls
7. Lady Mornaela U'morael (Suel), a lute player from Nellix (Perform +12, Average of Rolls 19)
8. Dvalor Wingfoot (elf), a dancer from unknown parts (Perform +9, Average of Rolls 16)
9. Dagon Bluebeard, a singer from parts unknown (thrown out early in the competition for cheating)

Each participant who has reached the finals must roll three Perform checks and average them. The character
may not take 10 or take 20 on these checks. The character who receives the highest average roll for their
category win the contest.

Performers who are Suel receive a +2 circumstance bonus to their perform check due to the audience. (This
bonus has already been figured in for NPCs.)

First prize for winning the contest is a beautiful wood carving of the character's instrument of choice (dancing
shoes for dancers, etc) as well as 1000gp.

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 69

Appendix One: Knowledge Checks
Knowledge skill checks extremely common requests during the Night Where Nothing Happens interactive.
Should characters attempt these skill checks, refer to the tables below to determine what they learn. Any
references to the Knowledge (local) skill should be interprested as Knowledge (local – Nyrond Metaregion).

Bakeries 15 Guests for the Coriner wedding have been

Knowledge (local), Craft (baking), or Craft arriving all week. All the best inns are full.
(Cooking) is appropriate for this skill check. 20 The main gate warden for House Coriner,
Adaym Grimes, controls the guest list.
DC What the Character Knows... 20 House Coriner placed a large order four
5 There are scores, if not over a hundred, weeks ago for red, white, and blue ribbons.
bakeries in Leukish. 25 Dago Holinax is gate warden of the
10 Many of the bakeries in Leukish are on servants gate for the reception.
Bakery Street. 30 Dago Holinax can be bribed, as he's a
10 Most bakeries don't open until around greedy fellow.
midnight, when they start the baking for the 30 Adaym Grimes can be bribed, if you have
next day. enough money. Don't offer him less than
15 Several famous bakeries are located in 1000 unless you want to go to jail.
Leukish. They cater almost exclusively to 30 Servants at the wedding will be given red
the rich and powerful. and white ribbon favours.
20 The Loaf of Love Bakery is very well 30 Guests at the wedding will be given blue
known, and the baker there, Krinak Briton, and white ribbon favours.
is said to be the best. 35 Guests at the wedding will be given blue
25 House Coriner upset several influential and white ribbon favours adorned with tiny
bakers by choosing the baker from Loaf of silver hummingbirds.
Love to make the wedding cake.
25 The Loaf of Love bakery opens at 9PM to The Divine Man
start the next day's preparations. Krinak Knowledge (local) or Knowledge (religion) is
Briton shows up around 10. appropriate for knowing this information.
30 Krinak Briton has an affinity for baking with
blueberries. DC What the Character Knows...
35 Krinak Briton bribed Dame Coriner to use 10 The Divine Man is a famous book about the
his bakery for the wedding cake. He Skeptic philosophy.
expects to earn it back quickly from the new 15 Several copies of the book are known to be
business that will follow – everyone does in Leukish.
what the Coriners do, after all. 20 One of the priests at the Cathedral of Kord
has a copy of the book.
Coriner Wedding Reception 20 At least one Ducal Navy officer is known to
Knowledge (local) or Knowlege (nobility and have a copy of the book. There are quite a
royalty) is appropriate for this information. few skeptics in the Ducal Navy.
25 A priest named Lacquitt at the Cathedral of
DC What the Character Knows... Kord has a copy of the book.
10 Lady Umina Coriner and Lord Jasper 30 1st Lieutenant Lord Baerglund of HLG The
Kilbourne are getting married today. Golden Serpent has a copy of the book.
10 The wedding reception for Lady Umina 35 1st Lieutenant Baerglund's copy of the book
Coriner and Lord Jasper Kilbourne is being is autographed by the author.
held in the arboretum of the Leukish
Garden tonight. Ducal Navy
10 There are usually two entrances to fancy Knowledge (local), Knowledge (nobility and
functions, one for guests and another for royalty), or Profession (Sailor) is appropriate for
servants. this information.
15 Security at the reception will be tight
because Lord Regent Ellis Lorinar will be DC What the Character Knows...
attending. 5 Leukish is the main port for the Ducal Navy.

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 70

5 Ducal Navy ships are frequently in Leukish. Serpent, has an autographed copy of The
5 The city watch doesn't trust sailors. Divine Man in his quarters.
5 Sailors have a reputation for drinking and Flowers
carousing with slattern women. See "Roses".
10 House Kaste recently declared itself for the
White Harts. Folly By the Sea Tavern
10 Officers in the Ducal Navy wear funny- Knowlege (local), Profession (sailor), or Craft
shaped hats called bicornes. (brewer) is appropriate for this information.
10 The Ducal Navy offices are in the
Waterfront district. DC What the Character Knows...
10 Ducal Navy ships use hourglasses to keep 5 Folly By the Sea is located in the Waterfront
time and ring the bell aboard ship every 30 District.
minutes. 10 Folly By the Sea is frequented by sailors.
15 The Ducal Navy is the second largest 10 It's a rough place.
customer for the Leukish Shipyard. 15 Folly By the Sea doesn't serve wine.
15 Large Ducal Navy ships carry a lot of 20 One of the barmaids at Folly By the Sea,
sailors and marines. Saba, has a weakness for cute guys.
15 No one of lower rank goes into the quarters 25 Saba wears a red garter.
of a higher-ranking officer on a navy ship 30 Saba decorates her garter with white
without orders. ribbons.
20 The Duke's Cub was recently
decommissioned. Gardens
25 The Duke's Cub was decommissioned See "Roses".
quickly, just days after House Kaste
declared itself for the Strong Harts. Captain HLG Warship The Golden Serpent
Kaste was drummed out of the service and Knowledge (history) or Profession (sailor) is
forced into retirement. appropriate for this information.
30 Lord Captain Ellis Reede, captain of the
Golden Serpent, wears a magical bicorne. DC What the Character Knows...
5 It's a big ship, with four masts.
Knowledge (history) is appropriate for this 10 The Golden Serpent is a greatship, sporting
information. four masts and five top decks.
10 She carries close to 100 ballista and two
DC What the Character Knows... large catapults.
5 The Ducal Navy mainly patrols the Nyr Dyv 15 She carries a complement of almost 1000
areas adjacent to the Duchy of Urnst. sailors and marines.
5 A few years back, Lord Regent Ellis lead a 20 Lord Baerglund is her 1st Lieutenant.
Ducal Navy attack on a pirate stronghold. 20 Lord Capaain Ellis Reede is her captain.
10 The Ducal Navy has several really big 25 There is a safe in Lord Baerglund's
ships, called greatships, that have four quarters.
masts and really big crews. 25 There is a safe in Lord Reede's quarters.
15 Even when in port, Ducal Navy ships are 25 Lord Baerglund is a noted skeptic.
supposed to stay at a high security state. 30 Lord Captain Ellis Reede has a book in his
Marines actively patrol the decks. quarters about growing roses.
15 HLG Warship The Golden Serpent is in 35 1st Lieutent Lord Baerglund has an
dock now. autographed copy of The Divine Man.
20 The 1st Lieutenant of the Golden Serpent is
Lord Baerglund. House Coriner
20 Lord Captain Ellis Reede is captain of the Knowlege (nobility and royalty) is appropriate for
Golden Serpent. this information.
20 Lord Captain Ellis Reede has something of
a green thumb. He likes roses. DC What the Character Knows...
25 1st Lieutenant Load Baerglund is a skeptic. 5 House Coriner is known for throwing lavish
30 Lord Captain Ellis Reede has a book on parties.
growing roses in his quarters. 5 House Coriner is throwing a wedding
35 1st Lieutenant Lord Baerglund of the Golden reception in the garden tonight.

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 71

10 The wedding reception tonight is for Lady her own private spy network.
Umina Coriner and Lord Jasper Kilbourne.
15 Lady Umina Coriner is Dame Coriner's Leukish Garden
granddaughter. Knowledge (local) is appropriate for this skill
15 House Coriner sponsors a group of check.
beautiful and well-educated courtesans
called the Hummingbirds. DC What the Character Knows...
15 Lord Jasper Kilbourne used to be a 5 The Leukish Garden is opening this week.
Hummingbird. 5 There is a giant party going on to celebrate
20 House Coriner spent a small fortune on the the opening, with lots of mercants and
wedding reception. games and even a bardic competition.
25 Dame Coriner commissioned two magical 10 The garden is extensive and has lots of
hummingbirds to fly above the wedding different kinds of flowers and trees.
cake. They're worth a fortune! 10 The city watch has been patrolling the
30 Krinak Briton, the baker at Loaf of Love, gardens for a week now in anticipation of
bribed Dame Coriner to let him make the the opening. The Mayor-Governor says
wedding cake. nothing can go wrong.
35 One of Dame Coriner's favorite savings is, 15 The rose garden in the Leukish Garden has
"Pleasure is the nectar of life." many common varieties of roses.
20 The manager of the garden tried to get the
Hummingbirds famous Suel Blonde rose for the rose
Knowledge (local) or Knowledge (nature) is garden, but was turned down.
appropriate for this information.
Leukish Government
DC What the Character Knows... Knowledge (local) is appropriate for this
5 Hummingbirds beat their wings really fast information.
and drink from flowers.
10 Hummingbirds like a warm environment. DC What the Character Knows...
That's why you don't see them in winter. 5 The Leukish government occupies several
15 Two hummingbirds live in the garden buildings in the Trade District.
behind the church of Ehlonna. It's kept 10 All the government buildings in Leukish
warm magically. have magical protections.
20 There are certain to be hummingbirds in the 10 Government employees have magical
gardens once spring arrives. cards that get them access to the buildings.
25 The Coriners have set up hummingbird 10 Most government buildings shut down at
feeders all over their estate. night.
10 The Office of Public Works is designed in
Knowledge (nobility and royalty) is appropriate for the Grand Kingdom style. It has two stories,
this information. small windows, and is built of grey stone.
Many of the windows appear cracked.
DC What the Character Knows... 15 Cleaners clean the government buildings at
5 House Coriner sponsors a group of night.
courtesans known as the Hummingbirds. 15 Sewer access is controlled by the Office of
10 Hummingbirds are trained at Dame Public Works.
Coriner's finishing school. 15 The city watch pays extra attention to the
10 Hummingbirds primarily serve the nobility, government buildings.
but wealthy merchants also utilise their 20 The Office of Public Works is planning to
services. expand the sewers.
20 25 Morwenna Gavelkind is one of the chief
25 Hummingbirds are often privy to valuable planners for the Office of Public Works. She
information, but they also have a reputation is assigned to the sewer expansion project.
for keeping quiet about what they see and 25 The Plan Room at the Office of Public
hear. Works contains plans for the city,
30 Dame Coriner uses the Hummingbirds to government offices, the sewers, and pretty
gain influence at court. much everything in the city.
35 Dame Coriner uses the Hummingbirds as

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 72

Urnst. He was appointed as regent by the
Honorable Chamber when Duke Karll had
Leukish Shipyards been missing for some time. Jolen and
Knowledge (local). Profession (sailor), or Craft Broden, Karll's sons, contend that the
(shipwright) are appropriate for this information. regency should have gone to one of them
as the rightful heir.
DC What the Character Knows... 10 Lord Regent Ellis is engaged to Lady Irona
5 Ships are built in the shipyard at the east Pontirun.
end of the harbour. 15 Lady Irona Pontirum is said to enjoy parties
10 The Ducal Navy does a lot of business with a great deal.
the shipyard. 20 Lady Irona Pontirun is an accomplished
10 The shipyard uses a lot of wood and nails. amateur dancer. She rarely misses an
15 The Ducal Navy owes money to the opportunity to dance.
shipyard. 30 Lady Irona is making preparations for her
15 The shipyard has four guards and two wedding to Lord Ellis.
guard dogs at night. 35 Lady Irona told Lord Ellis that she expects
20 There is a guard shack near the main gate him to dance with her tonight at the
of the shipyards. reception. He refused, and they've been
30 Several of the night guards for the shipyard giving each other the silent treatment ever
have signed on with the city watch for extra since.
patrols tonight.
Office of Public Works
Loaf of Love Bakery See "Leukish Government".
Knowledge (local) or Craft (baking) is appropriate
for this information. Roses
Knowledge (local) or Knowledge (nature) is
DC What the Character Knows... appropriate for this information.
5 It's on Bakery Street.
10 It's relatively new. The baker opened it last DC What the Character Knows...
year. He has a reptuation for doing good 5 Roses are very common in the gardens of
work. Leukish.
15 The baker's name is Krinak Briton. 10 There is a large rose garden in the Leukish
15 He makes fabulous blueberry pastries, Gardens. Many temples and churches also
which he absolutely refuses to rush order. grow roses, and most noble estates of
Once they're gone, they're gone until respectable size have at least a few roses.
tomorrow. 10 Most private gardens prohibit the picking of
15 The bakery opens at 9PM to sell off the roses.
day's leftovers. The baker shows up at 10 Roses do not bloom in cold weather.
10PM to start baking. 15 A few specific varieties of rose can be
20 Krinak Briton made the wedding cake for found only in Leukish, where they were
the Coriner wedding reception. bred.
20 Krinak Briton is said to make beautiful 20 Famed Suel Blonde roses are grown only in
flowers out of nothing but cake frosting. Leukish. The fame Duke's Grace rose is
35 The bakery sold out of blueberry pastries grown primarily on Lorinar estates across
today. the Duchy of Urnst.
35 Krinak Briton bribed Dame Coriner to let 30 The gardens of the Temple of Lydia boast a
him make the wedding cake. He's already greenhouse for growing roses.
made up the cost of the bribe in orders from 35 Both Suel Blonde and Duke's Grace roses
new customers for the next three months. can be found in the greenhouse at the
Temple of Lydia.
Lord Ellis/Lady Irona
Knowledge (local) or Knowledge (nobility & Knowledge (nobility & royalty) is appropriate for
royalty) is appropriate for this information. this information.

DC What the Character Knows... DC What the Character Knows...

5 Ellis Lorinar is Lord Regent of the Duchy of 15 The wedding cake for the Coriner wedding

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 73

reception is decorated with roses. 10 The Cathedral of Kord was completed very
20 Krinak Briton made beautiful frosting roses recently.
in jewel colours for the cake. 10 Duke Karll used to visit the church of
Ehlonna regularly. He and the priest there
Sewers seemed to be on good terms.
See "Leukish Government". 15 A few years back there was some trouble in
the old church of Zilchus.
Skeptics 15 The temple of Lydia is frequented by
Knowledge (local) or Knowledge (religion) is musicians and artists, as well as those in
appropriate for this information. need of healing. There is always a harpist
DC What the Character Knows... 15 There always seems to be wrestling going
5 Skeptics don't believe in gods. on in the Cathedral of Kord.
10 Skeptidcs doubt the divinity of those who 15 Most churches and cathedrals of any size
claim to be gods. use magical protections on their sacred and
15 A famous skeptic book, The Divine Man, is valauble items.
frequently discussed in Leukish social 20 The gardens at the Cathedral of Kord are
circles by skeptics. filled with statues and rocks of many sizes.
20 The 1st Lieutenant on The Golden Serpent, The Kordites find it entertaining to test
Lord Baerglund, frequently attends themselves against bigger and bigger
meetings with other skeptics. weights.
25 A copy of The Divine Man was seen a year 20 There is a large statue of Kord in the nave
or so ago inside the Cathedral of Kord. of the Cathedral of Kord. It is armed with a
35 1st Lieutenant Lord Baerglund has an shield and a spear.
autographed copy of The Divine Man in his 20 The insignificant church of Ehlonna in the
quarters aboard ship. city has a small garden behind it that is kept
warm by magic.
Taverns and Inns 25 There are magical protections in the
Knowledge (local) or Craft (brewing) is appropriate Cathedral of Kord.
for this information. 30 Two hummingbirds reside in the garden
behind the church of Ehlonna.
DC What the Character Knows... 35 Magical alarms are placed on the spear
5 There are hundreds of taverns in Leukish. and shield worn by the statue of Kord in the
5 Taverns are a great place to meet cathedral.
bartenders and barmaids.
5 Most people drink their ale from mugs,
except for snooty nobles.
10 The Waterfront district of Leukish is home
to scores, if not over a hundred, taverns.
15 Sailors say that the best ale in town can be
found at the Sweetwater Tavern.
15 Folly By the Sea is said to be a good place
to go to meet in confidence.
20 Fancy steins aren't too common in the
25 Alvos, the bartender at the Sweetwater
Tavern, has a couple of steins on display.

Temples and Churches

Knowledge (local) or Knowledge (religion) is
appropriate for this information.

DC What the Character Knows...

5 There are more than a dozen churches and
temples in Leukish, representing all the
major faiths.

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 74

Appendix Two: Map of Leukish

The Seventh Night Where Nothing Happens Page 75

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