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Cold Call
The Goal: Get the prospect feeling emotional about the problems you fix

The Purpose: Can this prospect identify the problems we fix in his/her own


Them: Hello

You: Oh Hey, *slight pause* John?

Them: Yes?

You: John, this is Chad

*Move to Bridge*



I’m *slight pause* gonna be upfront, this is a cold call. Do you want to hang
up or should I tell you why I’m calling?

If they say No:

You: “So you’re not the least bit curious to know why I’m calling?”

Them: Nope

You: So does that mean even if we could fix problems that [decision maker
title]’s like yourself deal with.

Like [problem 1], [problem 2], and [problem 3], you wouldn’t care to explore

Them: Nope

NEXT! (move on)

If they say Yes:

You: So I mostly work with [decision maker title]’s like yourself that are
responsible for [decision makers major responsibilities], not much different
than you guys.

John, they tell me they struggle with [problem 1], [problem 2], and [problem
3] and as a result it causes [undesirable outcome 1] and [undesirable outcome

Am I correct in assuming that you guys don’t relate to any of what I just said?

*Regardless of what they say, you follow up with:*

You: Oh *in a genuinely curious tone*. Can you tell me more about that?


*Try to get as much information as you can from the Prospect. You will either be
able to do some Discovery on this call, or at the minimum, just book the

Prospect: No I mean we can identify with some of what you said. What
company are you with?

You: Oh sorry, the name is [company name], but John, I don’t know if we
could help you yet,

But, I mean Let’s pretend we could fix some of those problems for you,
would it be unreasonable to set aside some time to jump on a call and
explore it further?

If Yes: *clarify and explore further*

If No: Book the appointment

*If you can do some Discovery, then focus on asking Process and Pain (Inefficiencies,
Challenges) questions. Here are some examples. Refer back to Part 4 for the
Questioning Framework*

Can you give me a high level overview of what your [name of department
you fix i.e Billing] process looks like at the end of each quarter?

If I could wave a magic wand and fix 1-2 problems in your

business/department, what would they be?

How long and/or often has that been going on?

Have you given up on trying to fix it?


Next Steps

You: So John, any questions before we get some time on the calendar?

If yes: Clarify and flip their question back to them i.e “What would you like to know
specifically?” or “Can you clarify what you mean you say XYZ?”

Make sure you are answering the RIGHT question AND leading the call forward

If no: Book the meeting

Pro tip: Suggest a day and timeframe like “How’s next Monday morning?” Let them
suggest a time. Then you “reject” the time they suggest and say you’re busy and then
you suggest another time. This raises your Status.


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