13-Chad Maxims

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Chad Maxims

A compilation of all my Chad Maxims from Twitter.

Chad Maxim #75: the higher your perceived status, the more likely you are to get better
quality answers from your questions.
Corollary to Chad Maxim #75: the lower your perceived status, the more likely you get bs
answers from the prospect.

Chad Maxim #74: every time you put someone else’s interest before yours, a little part of
your future self dies inside.

Chad Maxim #73: the more animated you are before closing the prospect, the more likely
you won’t close the prospect.

Chad Maxim #72: the more fluff you use in your language, the lower your perceived status
will be.

Chad Maxim #71: whoever is more conscious of time has higher status.

Chad Maxim #70: the longer you wait to break rapport and get “real” with a prospect, the
harder it will be to do it.

Chad Maxim #69: the more you try to be likeable, the less the prospect will like you.
Corollary to Chad Maxim #69: the more competent you are, the less likeable you need to be
for the prospect to like you.


Chad Maxim #68: the moment you begin to feel excited during the sale is the moment you
start losing the sale.

Chad Maxim #67: your solution doesn’t have to be the best one, just the right one.

Chad Maxim #66: to get to the level of performance the gurus claim you can get to following
their methods, you need to do the opposite of the methods the gurus tell you to do.

Chad Maxim #65: the more emotional you get, the harder it is to control the frame.

Chad Maxim #64: the more you try to be clever, the less clever you’ll be.

Chad Maxim #63: the higher your status relative to the prospect, the more you have to show
some vulnerability to seduce them.

Chad Maxim #62: the more you reveal about your credentials, the less experienced you look.

Chad Maxim #61: never pitch the gatekeeper.

Chad Maxim #60: when trust levels are low, the prospects uncertainty levels are high.
Corollary to Chad Maxim #60: when uncertainty levels are high, there is no sale.

Chad Maxim #59: the harder you qualify the prospect, the easier the sale will be.
Corollary to Chad Maxim #59: the easier you qualify the prospect, the harder the sale will be.

Chad Maxim #58: you’re butthurt cause she was your only option.

Chad Maxim #57: just because you don’t want to doesn’t mean you don’t have to.

Chad Maxim #56: the wider their smile, the harder you’re going to get f*cked over.

Chad Maxim #55: getting the sale is not success, getting the sale with customers who you are
excited to work with and respect is.


Chad Maxim #54: the higher your perceived status, the more your compliments are
validational to the prospect.
Corollary to Chad Maxim #54: the lower your perceived status, the more your compliments
are considered to be repulsive.

Chad Maxim #53: the more excited you sound, the more inexperienced you look.
Corollary to Chad Maxim #53: the more excited the prospect sounds, the more likely they are

Chad Maxim #52: changing your behaviors will change your mindset.

Chad Maxim #51: prospects want you to prioritize the relationship over the deal.

Chad Maxim #50: your quality of life depends on how good you are at sales.

Chad Maxim #49: the more you pitch your product/service before uncovering the prospects
pain, the more you push the prospect away.

Chad Maxim #48: you only accept lukewarm responses from prospects because somewhere
deep down you believe you’re not worth it.

Chad Maxim #47: the more you chase, the less self respect you have.

Chad Maxim #46: try to be one level below your prospects interest levels during the sales
Corollary to Chad Maxim #46: if you show more interest than the prospect, you will likely
reduce their interest.

Chad Maxim #45: showing too much enthusiasm scares prospects.

Chad Maxim #44: the more of a nice guy you are, the more aggressive you’ll have to be.
Corollary to Chad Maxim #44: if you’re a chad, the more aggressive you are, the more you
look desperate.

Chad Maxim #43: denying the use of persuasion doesn’t absolve you from the opportunity
cost of not using it in your sales calls.


Chad Maxim #42: the smaller the deal, the more pushy you can be.
Corollary to Chad Maxim #42: the larger the deal, the less pushy you can be.

Chad Maxim #41: the harder you try to fit in, the lower your perceived social status will be.
Corollary to Chad Maxim #41: the more you show you don’t care about fitting in, the higher
your perceived social status will be.

Chad Maxim #40: the more info you send the prospect before meeting them, the less likely
you will meet the prospect.

Chad Maxim #39: the more competent you are, the less of a numbers game sales is.
Corollary to Chad Maxim #39: clowns say that sales is purely a numbers game because
clowns are incompetent.

Chad Maxim #38: the higher your perceived status relative to the prospect, the more
dominant you can be to a prospect.

Chad Maxim #37: your desire for the deal is what prevents you from getting the deal.

Chad Maxim #36: the less desire you have, the more likely you will receive what you desire.
Corollary to Chad Maxim #36: being without desire doesn’t mean you don’t want the deal, it
means you treat the prospect as if they were any other regular person.

Chad Maxim #35: always be willing to walk away from a deal.

Chad Maxim #34: the quality of your life is directly proportional to how closely you’re living
your values.
Corollary to Chad Maxim #34: the more you ignore your inner voice, the more pain you’ll

Chad Maxim #33: you can persuade anyone on a long enough time frame.

Chad Maxim #32: the more competent you are at frame control, the less reliant you’ll be on


Chad Maxim #31: it’s better to be overly confident and wrong than to be insecure and right.
Corollary to Chad Maxim #31: it’s always better to be overly confident and right.

Chad Maxim #30: chad is not a demographic, it is a mindset.

Chad Maxim #29: the higher the tension, the more the prospect is paying attention.
Corollary to Chad Maxim #29: most salespeople are afraid to experience tension with a
prospect, which is why prospects are bored on calls

Chad Maxim #28: uncover the pain, then you can explain (your product)

Chad Maxim #27: the larger the deal, the less enthusiastic you must be in order to close the

Chad Maxim #26: the bigger perspective always wins the frame game.

Chad Maxim #25: the less the prospect knows, the more they want to know.

Chad Maxim #24: you don’t withhold information from your prospects, you just make them
work to get it out. there’s a time and place for it.

Chad Maxim #23: the more you show the prospect you’re receiving new information from
them, the less experienced you look.
don’t ever let a prospect tell you something you didn’t know.
you must assume mastery and a “been there done that” attitude

Chad Maxim #22: We chase that which moves away from us.
Corollary to Chad Maxim #22: the more you chase the prospect, the more they will run away.

Chad Maxim #21: the same prospect telling you they “need to think about it” is the same
prospect telling your competitor “let’s do it”

Chad Maxim #20: never under any circumstances begin the sales presentation without first
discovering the prospects pain and quantifying it.


Chad Maxim #19: ruthlessly control the frame while giving the impression you are not
controlling anything.

Chad Maxim #18: the more you try to create interest, the less interested the prospect will be.
Corollary to Chad Maxim #18: the more you test your prospect for non interest, the more
interested they will become.

Chad Maxim #17: the larger the social status gap between you and the prospect, the more
subtle you need to be to gain the upper hand.

Chad Maxim #16: the more ridiculous and out of line you think you’re acting, the more
ridiculous and out of line your prospect thinks you’re acting.

Chad Maxim #15: a better use of your time would be to generate more lead flow than it is to
chase a prospect who just isn’t that excited to work with you.

Chad Maxim #14: if your cold email requires a thoughtful response from a prospect, they are
less likely to respond.
Corollary to Chad Maxim #14: the easier you make it for your prospect to respond, the more
likely they will respond.

Chad Maxim #13: the more excited you sound, the less experienced you sound.
Corollary to Chad Maxim #13: the less experienced you sound, the more likely the prospect
will choose to buy from someone else more experienced.

Chad Maxim #12: a chad salesman is not bound to any one formula, tactic, or strategy.
Corollary to Chad Maxim #12: a chad salesman has completely internalized all the best
formulas, strategies, and tactics so it’s become part of who he is now.

Chad Maxim #11: the more you walk on eggshells around prospects, the less of a chance you
have to build deep rapport with them.
Corollary to Chad Maxim #11: the deeper the rapport you have with the prospect, the higher
the likelihood you will close the deal.


Chad Maxim #10: respect is everything. if your prospect doesn’t respect you, your product, or
your company, then no deal.
Corollary to Chad Maxim #10: if you don’t respect yourself, then how can you expect the
prospect to?

Chad Maxim #9: you can’t identify and solve your prospects problem in 30 seconds so stop
telling them you want to talk to them “real quick.”

Chad Maxim #8: prospects who are interested in working with you will not confuse you or
send you “mixed” signals.
Corollary to Chad Maxim #8: judge your prospect by their actions, not by what they tell you.

Chad Maxim #7: the better looking you are, the easier it will be for you to close.
Corollary to Chad Maxim #7: focusing on what you can control is more productive than
feeling bad for yourself: get in shape, wear nice clothes, get a haircut, have good posture,
practice tonality.

Chad Maxim #6: the more expensive your solution, the bigger the *perceived* problem
needs to be in order to close the deal.

Chad Maxim #5: whoever needs the other party the least has the most power.

Chad Maxim #4: average salespeople stop probing once they hear a prospects problem.
champion salespeople continue probing until they get a price tag on the prospects problem.

Chad Maxim #3: the person judging the other party is the one who has the higher status.

Chad Maxim #2: the longer you’ve lost the frame, the harder it is to get it back.
Corollary to Chad Maxim #2: you only have 60 seconds in the beginning of a call to convey
you’re powerful.

Chad Maxim #1: the more confident your prospect feels, the less open minded they will be.


Corollary to Chad Maxim #1: the more insecure your prospect feels, the easier it is to
persuade them. Too many agreements bolsters your prospects confidence making them
more “closed off” and harder to persuade.

Chad Maxim: the more you reassure your prospect, the less reassured they feel.

Chad Maxim: the more you want the deal, the less likely it will close.


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