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Topic: Energy crisis in Pakistan

Problem statement: Energy crisis in Pakistan

CAUSE 1: Lack of sufficient resources

CAUSE 2: Lack of advancement in the use of energy

CAUSE 3: Lack of government interest

EFFECT 1: A big threat to the developmental progress

EFFECT 2: Failures of energy will happen

EFFECT 3: Insufficient funds to develop energy resources

Pakistan is facing severe energy crisis that has not only adversely affected the industrial sector, but

also disrupted daily life activities.

One of its leading cause is the lack of sufficient resources as unfortunately, the country's indigenous
energy resources are limited, and the country has to rely heavily on imports. The lack of advancement in
the use of energy is another cause of the energy crisis in Pakistan. Despite the abundance of renewable
energy resources, like solar and hydropower. The lack of government interest and insufficient funds to
develop energy resources is another critical cause of the energy crisis in Pakistan, leading to lack of
modern infrastructure.

In conclusion, the energy crisis in Pakistan is a significant hindrance to the country's developmental
progress. To overcome the energy crisis, Pakistan must focus on developing its renewable energy sector,
attracting foreign investment, and upgrading its energy infrastructure.

(148 words)
Topic: Cell phones are really dangerous
Problem Statement: Cell phones are really dangerous.


1. Electromagnetic radiation emitted by cell phones

2. Distraction caused by cell phones while driving or operating machinery
3. Addiction to cell phones leading to mental health issues


1. Increased risk of cancer due to exposure to radiation

1. Increased risk of accidents and fatalities due to distraction
2. Social isolation and decreased productivity due to addiction to cell phones.

Ubiquitous means something that seems to be present and found everywhere.

Cell phones have become ubiquitous in our daily lives, but there is a growing concern about the
potential dangers they pose.

The first cause of this problem is electromagnetic radiation emitted by cell phones, which has been
linked to an increased risk of cancer. The second cause is the distraction caused by cell phones while
driving or operating machinery, leading to an increased risk of accidents and fatalities. The third cause is
addiction to cell phones, which can lead to mental health issues such as social isolation and decreased

In conclusion, it is essential to acknowledge the potential dangers of cell phone use and take
appropriate measures to minimize these risks. Limiting the amount of time spent on cell phones, using
hands-free devices and investing in protective measures are all steps that can be taken to mitigate the
potential dangers of cell phone use.

(145 -150 words)

Topic: Depreciation of currency in Pakistan.
Problem Statement: Depreciation of currency in Pakistan

Cause 1: Political Instability

Cause2: Low levels of foreign reserves

Cause3: Inflation

Effect 1: Increased cost of imported goods

Effect 2: Reduction in foreign investment

Effect 3: Leads to higher cost of living and reduces the quality of life

Currency depreciation is the loss of value of a country's currency with

respect to one or more foreign reference currencies, typically in a floating
exchange rate system. The depreciation of currency in Pakistan has been a major
problem for the economy, causing a number of adverse effects.

Political instability is one of the primary causes of currency depreciation in Pakistan. It can
create uncertainty in the economy, leading to a lack of confidence among investors. Another
major cause is extremely low foreign reserves which creates a situation where the currency is
vulnerable to market forces and can easily depreciate. When currency loses its value,
consumer’s purchasing power declines because products cost more money due to inflation.

In conclusion, Pakistan is facing a huge spike in its currency depreciation and it is imperative
that the government takes immediate action to stabilize the currency, which is vital for
sustainable economic growth and development in Pakistan.

(150 words)

Imperative means something of vital importance and crucial.

Topic: Social media is the real cause of teenage
Problem Statement: Social media is the real cause of teenage depression in Pakistan.


1. Teenagers are constantly exposed to cyberbullying on social media platforms, leading to

negative self-image and mental health issues.
2. Social media sets unrealistic standards of beauty, lifestyle, and success, leading to feelings of
inadequacy and low self-esteem among teenagers.
3. Teenagers spend excessive amounts of time on social media, leading to addiction.


1. Teenagers who spend more time on social media are more likely to experience anxiety and
2. Teenagers who are addicted to social media tend to perform poorly in academics due to lack of
focus and motivation.
3. Teenagers who spend more time on social media are more likely to become socially isolated and
have difficulty making meaningful connections in real life.

Social media has become an integral part of the lives of teenagers in Pakistan. It has also
become the root cause of several mental health issues among teenagers.

One of the major reasons is cyberbullying as teenagers are constantly exposed to it on social
media platforms, leading to negative self-image and mental health issues. Another major cause
of teenage depression in Pakistan is unrealistic standards set by social media, leading to feelings
of low self-esteem among teenagers. The excessive use of social media also leads to addiction,
which can cause depression and anxiety among teenagers.

In conclusion, while social media can have many benefits, it has also become a serious issue for
teenage mental health in Pakistan. It is imperative that parents, educators, and policymakers
work together to promote healthy social media use and educate teenagers about the potential
risks and harms associated with excessive use of social media.

(149 words)
Topic: Increasing threat of cybercrime

Problem Statement: The increasing threat of cybercrime to personal privacy and data protection

Cause 1

Lack of cybersecurity awareness.

Cause 2

Insufficient cybersecurity measures by organizations.

Cause 3

Increased dependence on technology.

Effect 1

Leads to heavy financial loss to individuals and businesses.

Effect 2

Reputation damage to organizations and individuals.

Effect 3

Breach of confidential information

Cybercrime is the criminal activity carried out by means of computers or internet.

Cybercrime has become a major concern in today's digital age.

The first cause of cybercrime is the lack of cybersecurity awareness. This leaves individuals and
organizations vulnerable to cyber-attacks, such as phishing and identity theft. The second cause is the
insufficient cybersecurity measures by organizations. Many do not invest enough in cybersecurity
measures, leaving them exposed to cyber threats, causing significant financial losses and reputational
damage. The third cause of cybercrime is the increased dependence on technology. With the rise of the
usage of internet, many devices are connected to the internet, creating more opportunities for
cybercriminals to carry out their activities.

All in all, cybercrime is a growing problem that affects individuals, businesses, and society at large. It is
crucial for individuals and organizations to take cybersecurity seriously and implement effective
measures to prevent cybercrime.

(148 words)
Topic: Impacts of deforestation
Problem Statement

Impacts of Deforestation C
ause 1

Agriculture and Livestock farming

Cause 2

Logging and wood harvesting

Cause 3

Infrastructure development

Effect 1

Soil erosion and degradation of land leading to increased pollution

Effect 2

Loss of biodiversity leading to negative health impacts on ecosystem

Effect 3

Climate change and altered weather patterns

Deforestation, the practice of clearing forests or trees from an area, has numerous negative
impacts on both the environment and humans. Deforestation leads to loss of biodiversity,
causes climate change, and negatively affects the local communities.

Deforestation leads to a significant loss of biodiversity. It is can also be the reason of reduction
in the population of a vast majority of species. It also leads to soil erosion and increases the risk
of floods and landslides. It also has a significant impact on the climate as carbon is released
back into the atmosphere, which can have adverse effects on human health.

In conclusion, to mitigate the impacts of deforestation, efforts must be made to conserve and
protect forests. Governments and individuals can support reforestation initiatives and promote
sustainable land practices. By taking action, we can help preserve our environment and ensure
its sustainability for future generations.

(153 words)
Topic: Impacts of homework on students
Problem statement
Impacts of homework on students

Cause 1

Schools often assign too much homework, which can be overwhelming for students.

Cause 2

If students do not understand the material, then homework can be frustrating and stressful.

Cause 3

Homework can take up a significant amount of time, leaving students with less time for extracurricular
activities, family, and rest.

Effect 1

Homework can contribute to stress and anxiety in students

Effect 2

Students may be forced to sacrifice sleep to complete homework, leading to fatigue and lower academic

Effect 3

Homework can lead to a decreased interest in learning and a lack of motivation

Homework is an essential part of a student's academic journey, as it helps to reinforce the concepts
taught in class. However, the negative impacts of homework on students have become a growing
concern among educators, parents, and students.
One of the primary causes of the negative impacts of homework on students is the heavy workload.
Schools often assign too much homework, which can be overwhelming for students. This can lead to
stress and anxiety, making it difficult for students to focus on their academics. Another cause is the
time-consuming nature of homework, leaving students with less time for extracurricular activities,
family, and rest which can lead to sleep deprivation and poor academic performance.

In conclusion, it is crucial for educators and parents to recognize the negative impacts of homework on
students and work together to ensure a healthy balance between academic responsibilities and
personal well-being.

(145 words)
Topic: Paper Money

Problem statement:
Impacts of Paper money

Cause 1:

Difficult to handle
Cause 2:
Susceptible to tearing, shredding, and burning
Cause 3:
Spreading of germs

Effect 1:
Easily stolen
Effect 2:
Prone to loss
Effect 3:
Health problems

Richard Abelling says; “The history of paper money is an account of abuse, mismanagement, and financial
disaster.” Paper money was first developed in Tang dynasty China during the 7th century. Paper money,
an object accepted as payment for goods and services, is difficult to manage as it can sufficiently be torn.
It is also a leading cause of health problems.

Money is a significant part of human civilization. But, paper money can be easily lost and stolen and is
more susceptible to burning and shredding. In these cases, the owner would have to bear a rather
tremendous amount of loss. Moreover, many germs may also spread during the transaction of money
from one person to another.

All in all, money has evolved over time. But, these changes invoked the threads to economic safety and
required the strengthening of the rules and regulations of crediting.

(144 words)

Susceptible means something that is likely/liable to be influenced or harmed by a particular thing.

Topic: Informal labor in Pakistan (Fishbone and Essay)
Problem statement: Informal labor in Pakistan
CAUSE#1: Lack of education.

CAUSE#2: Excessive tax and regulations.

CAUSE#3: People do not have proper skills.

EFFECT#1: Unable to find jobs.

EFFECT#2: Unable to establish formal firms.

EFFECT#3: Companies fire the unwanted employees.

Pakistan’s burgeoning informal economy is an impediment to the development of our country

as it promotes activities that decrease the revenue generation of our country, which results in
severe financial loss, and the government needs to formulate a robust strategy to unearth the
nexus of informal economic activity, which is necessary for stability.

The utmost reason for the flourishment of informal labour in Pakistan is the lack of education
due to which, people are unable to find jobs on a high scale. The second leading reason is
excessive taxation and regulations from the government, due to which people are unable to
establish formal firms. The last and leading reason is the lack of proper skills due to which,
people cannot work in the formal sector.

In conclusion, it is important for the government to address these causes and implement
policies that encourage formal employment and reduce the informal labor market

(150 WORDS)

Burgeoning means rapidly increasing or flourishing

Impediment means hindrance or barrier
Utmost means major or significant
TOPIC: Globalization and its impacts on society (Affinity and Essay)


Globalization and its impacts on society


Trading center


Greater trade in financial service


Cross-border entry activities


Invention of technology


Allows countries to gain easier access to foreign knowledge


Enhances international competition


Business establishment


Extending the existing businesses


Introducing new businesses

Globalization is considered to be a process that spreads science, businesses and technologies throughout the
globe by way of transportation, trade and communication. The increase of international trade over the years has
been a result of globalization. Trade plays an important role to ending of global poverty. Countries that are
open to international trade tend to grow faster, improve productivity and provide higher income.

The spread of knowledge and technology across borders has intensified because of globalization. It also allows
countries to gain easier access to foreign knowledge by which they can improve their quality of products that
enhances the international competition. There is no need to go somewhere to avail something. It has also key role
in establishing a business by expanding the existing businesses and by introducing new businesses.
The most visible part of globalization are definitely the ones affecting the economical world. It has led to sharp
increase in trade and financial exchanges.
TOPIC: Air pollution (Fishbone and Essay)

Fishbone Diagram

Problem statement

Air pollution

Cause 1:

Burning of fossil fuels

Cause 2:

Wildfire in forest

Cause 3:

Burning of garbage material

Effect 1:

It severely damages the atmosphere and ecosystem

Effect 2:

It increases the carbon dioxide and decreases the oxygen

Effect 3:

It causes severe ailments and other lungs related diseases


Air is one of most essential ingredients of life. Fresh air is another name of healthy life. The air that we
need most to live is being polluted carelessly.

The major cause of air pollution is industrialization. The heedless burning of fossil fuels to fuel the path
of industrial progress has made the situation worse even. Air pollution is turning Mother nature
prematurely grey (IRV KUPCINET), it is caused by wild fire which is an uncontrolled fire that burns the
wild land vegetation. Burning of garbage material release toxic chemicals which cause air pollutions such
as haze and smog.

In conclusion, air pollution is a complex issue that is caused by a range of factors. Policymakers need to
take steps to address these issues, such as reducing reliance on fossil fuels, preventing wildfires, and
promoting better waste management practices in order to help protect the well-being of people and the

(151 words)
Topic: Climate Change in Pakistan
Problem Statement: Climate change in Pakistan

Cause 1: Deforestation

Cause 2: Industrial activities

Cause 3: Burning of fossil fuels

Effect 1: Rise in temperature

Effect 2: Biodiversity loss

Effect 3: Increase in natural disasters

Climate change is a critical issue that poses significant threats to Pakistan’s environment, economy, and
people. Deforestation, industrial activities, and burning of fossil fuels are the primary drivers of climate
change, resulting in a rise in temperature, biodiversity loss, and natural disasters.

Deforestation is a significant contributor to climate change in Pakistan, leading to soil erosion, loss of
wildlife habitats, and decreased carbon sequestration. Industrial activities and burning of fossil fuels are
also significant culprits, releasing greenhouse gases that trap heat in the atmosphere, causing a rise in
temperature. This rise in temperature leads to changes in weather patterns, resulting in natural
disasters such as floods, droughts, and landslides. These changes also have a severe impact on
biodiversity, leading to the loss of species and habitats.

In conclusion, Pakistan must take urgent action to mitigate the negative impacts of climate change. This
includes implementing policies to reduce deforestation, promote sustainable industrial practices, and
transition to cleaner forms of energy.

(159 words)
TOPIC: Importance of organic food in our society (Essay
and Fishbone)
Problem Statement: Importance of organic food in our society

Cause1: Contains essential elements like vitamins, minerals, protein, calcium and iron

Cause2: Pesticides and chemical fertilizers are not used

Cause3: Have economic benefits as it is bought directly from local farmers

Effect1: Keeps the body healthy

Effect2: Helps to reduce carbon footprint

Effect3: Creates a sustainable food system by supporting local farmers

Organic food is gaining popularity in our society as it has numerous benefits. It is produced without the
use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and other harmful substances. As a result, organically produced
food is healthier, environment-friendly and has economic benefits.

Organic food promotes sustainable agriculture practices. By using natural fertilizers instead of synthetic
fertilizers and pesticides which are derived from fossil fuels, organic farming preserves biodiversity and
helps to reduce carbon footprint. In addition to the environmental benefits, organic food is considered
essential for human health as it contains elements like vitamins, minerals, protein, calcium and iron.
Moreover, organic food is purchased directly from the local farmers which helps create a sustainable
food system.

In conclusion, importance of organic food in our society cannot be ignored. It plays a huge role in
maintaining a healthy and sustainable food system which will be beneficial for the future generations.
(146 words)
Artificial intelligence and its impacts on society (Essay and Affinity)

Benefits of Artificial Intelligence Concerns of Artificial Intelligence Ethical Considerations of Artificial

Pointers Pointers Intelligence
• Increased Efficiency and  Job Displacement and  Privacy and Surveillance Concerns
Productivity Unemployment
• Improved Decision-Making  Lack of Transparency and  Autonomous Weapon Systems
Processes Accountability
• Enhanced Safety and Security Discrimination  Responsibility and Liability for Al

Artificial Intelligence (Al) has numerous benefits for society, including increased efficiency and
productivity, improved decision-making processes, and enhanced safety and security. However, these
benefits are tempered by several significant concerns.

Al can increase efficiency and productivity by analyzing large amounts of data and providing valuable
insights for decision-making. It can also enhance safety and security by detecting potential threats and
failures in critical infrastructure. However, job displacement and unemployment are concerns, as Al can
replace human workers in various industries. Furthermore, the lack of transparency and accountability
in Al-powered systems can perpetuate discrimination. Autonomous weapon systems also raise
concerns about loss of life and ethical responsibility.

In conclusion, Al has significant potential benefits for society, but its concerns and ethical
considerations must be addressed. Policymakers, businesses, and individuals must ensure that Al is
developed and used in a responsible and ethical manner that maximizes its benefits while minimizing
its risks.

(152 words)
TOPIC Scope of higher education in Pakistan
Affinity idea:
Scope of higher education in Pakistan

Main Idea 1:

Production of qualified human resources

Sub idea 1:

Crucial input to the growth of country

Sub idea 2:

Preparing qualified scientists

Main Idea 2:

Building the right kind of teaching-learning environment

Sub idea 1:

Improving the quality of teaching

Sub idea 2:

Enabling students to acquire global competencies

Main Idea 3:

Promotes social reforms

Sub idea 1:

Developing leadership qualities

Sub idea 2:

Encouraging social justice

There are three levels of Education namely -Primary Education level, Secondary Education Level, and Higher level.
The education after secondary education up to postgraduate of Research degree level is considered as Higher
Education (H.E). The chief aim of higher education is to produce adequate and qualified human resource
professionals for the economy as a whole.

It is the crucial input for growth and development of the country. H.E focuses on the creation and sustenance of
the right kind of teaching-learning environment by improving the quality of teaching and enabling students to
acquire global competencies in various fields of study. It also promotes social reforms by developing leadership
qualities and encouraging social justice. The more the higher education, the more the chances of progress of
our country.

All in all, higher education is the backbone of our society. It is the quality of higher education that decides the
future of Pakistan’s economy. (150 words)
TOPIC: Impacts of sleep deprivation

Consequences of sleep deprivation on academic performance


Irregular sleep schedule


Medical conditions such as insomnia


Psychological factors such as stress and depression


Inability to comprehend cognitive functions due to bad memory


Higher risk of sick leaves and missing school work


Can lead to physical health and behavioral issues


Sleep deprivation is described as a state of inadequate quantity or quality of sleep. Likewise, increasing
pressure of attaining academic validation means this issue has become more pronounced in students.

Therefore, as students tackle excessive workloads through pulling all-nighters, they are unable to be
vigilant and hyper-focused in lectures leading to inadequate learning. Further, as the body is over-
worked with minimum rest and an unbalanced diet, this can lead to students being vulnerable to
sicknesses, lethargy and fatigue and it can cause prolonged sick leaves and students burdened.
Moreover, these heath issues can be morphed into mental health issues, as students are subject to
anxiety and depression. This can adversely affect the quality of their work.

Conclusively, sleep deprivation is so prevalent in the lives of students that it is considered a normality.
However, it is still considerably impactful as students are subject to sleep inertia, academic burnout and
can be diagnosed with mental health disorders.

(156 words)
1) Affinity Diagram:

Idea 1: Children get addicted and become lazy

Sub idea 1: No interaction with family and friends

Sub idea 2: No interest in developing active hobbies

Idea 2: Exposure to inappropriate and violent content

Sub idea 1: Can induce terror

Sub idea 2: Development of aggressive attitude and behavior

Idea 3: Adverse effect on mental and physical health

Sub idea 1: Lack of creativity and focus

Sub idea 2: Can lead to poor vision


Television programs are one of the most popular sources of entertainment and are irresistibly watched
by children. However, these can be very harmful for children as they are addictive, they contain
unsuitable content and could damage your child's mental and physical health.

Watching too much television means that children do not have any interaction with their family and
friends, nor do they participate in physical activities like reading a book or playing sports. Moreover,
children can get exposed to violent and immoral programs that could instill terror in them or make them
adopt an aggressive attitude. Lastly, addiction to television programs can affect your child's brain
development and lead to lack of creativity and loss of concentration towards studies along with a blurry

To conclude, television programs can be dangerous for children but if their watch time is monitored by
parents and they are encouraged to acquire different hobbies then these problems can be easily solved.

(Words: 157)
TOPIC: Low customer satisfaction
Problem statement: Low customer satisfaction

Cause 1: Low quality product

Cause 2: High prices

Cause 3: Poor training and insufficient information of employees about the product

Effect 1: Brand reputation is tarnished

Effect 2: Loss of sales and revenue

Effect 3: Increased stress levels among employees

Customer satisfaction is defined as the measurements that determine how happy customers are with a
company's products, services and capabilities.

Quality of a product is a major determinant of customer satisfaction due to variation of production of a

product and unstandardized quality may have an adverse effect on customer satisfaction. High prices
are also a factor causing customer dissatisfaction so customers are reluctant to use services provided by
the company. Poor training and insufficient information of employees about product and services also
lowers customer satisfaction as employees aren’t able to satisfy customers to the fullest. Low customer
satisfaction can damage a brand's reputation and make it difficult for the business to not only attract
customers but also attract high level employees in the near future.

In conclusion, low customer satisfaction can have devastating effects on a business and so the business
should commit to provide good quality products at a reasonable price.

(153 words)
TOPIC: Is the IMF really beneficial for Pakistan?
(Affinity and Essay)

Main idea
Is IMF really beneficial for Pakistan

Header 1
Neo libral policy

Sub idea 1
The IMF don't distinguish between developed and developing countries

.Sub idea 2
Economies are affected due to this policy

Header 2
Free float of money

Sub idea 1
Cause devaluation of money

Sub idea 2
Inflation rate rises in a country

Header 3
Increase in interest rate

Sub idea 1
Increase in inflation

Sub idea 2

Increased capital cost slows down the economy

Essay :

The IMF works to achieve sustainable growth and prosperity for all of its
member countries. Pakistan has been a member of (IMF) since 1950 due to the
unpredictable nature of its economy and its dependence on imports.
IMF sees developing economies through the same lens as developed economies called neo
liberal policy which leads the countries towards disaster. Another policy which harms the
economy of Pakistan is free float of money resulting in currency devaluation also causing
inflation which is a gift of this policy. IMF demanded the government to increase the rate of
interest. As interest rate increases, inflation also increases. This also leads to high capital costs
which slows down the economy of Pakistan. This fall in GDP is also a main cause of increasing
unemployment in the country.
In conclusion, IMF has helped Pakistan on many occasions ,but its policies are not in favor of
economic growth of Pakistan.
Affinity TOPIC: Social media and its effect on human health

Header#1: Effects the physical and mental health of people

Sub idea #1: Arises mental health issues such as depression and anxiety

Sub idea #2: Feeling of loneliness

Header#2: Wastage of time

Sub idea #1: Watching unproductive content on social media

Sub idea #2: Unrealistic views of other people's lives and peer pressure.

Header#3: Increases cybercrimes

Sub idea #1: Unknown manipulative scammers looking to take advantages

Sub idea #2: Exposing them to cyberbullying

A slow and lacking knowledge world of past has largely been replaced by a fast and globalized village of
social media. By developing addictions, changing definition of privacy and spreading antisocial
messages, social media can prove to be harmful.

The sense of unusual comparison has affected people’s physical and mental well-being badly. The
pretentious photos of other people on social media drive a person to despair. The constant stream of
likes triggers the same kind of chemical reaction in a brain as cocaine does. Social media has the
power to engage a person for hours through its irresistible algorithm. Cyberbullying is another negative
factor that has made living difficult for many innocent internet users.

As Edward Tufte says: “There are only two industries that call their customers “users”: illegal drugs
and software.” There is no denying that social media can demise a person if he fails to realize its
negative impacts and counter them.
TOPIC: Is IMF financial support really beneficial for Pakistan (affinity
and essay)

 Main Idea
o Undercutting Pakistan’s productivity and growth
 Sub Idea 1
o Higher Taxation
 Sub Idea 2
o Financial crisis

 Main Idea 2
o Low income developing economy
 Sub Idea 1
o Increased poverty rate
 Sub Idea 2
o Causes global recession

 Main Idea 3
o IMF tightening monetary policy
 Sub Idea 1
o Increase inflation
 Sub Idea 2
o Devaluation of currency in Pakistan


International Monetary Funds (IMF), is currently supporting many poor countries financially but, are also
a cause of economic bankruptcy of many of them. Needless to say, Pakistan being a developing country
has also taken funds from IMF but the Pakistan's Government has applied immense taxes on people.

Moreover, a part of Pakistan GDP is invested on paying IMF's instalments instead of using it in country's
progress. Inflation is expected to continue due to high taxation and tightening monetary policies. IMF
loans arrangement contributes to increased poverty. In response to IMF demands, the government
increases the fuels and electricity prices, removes a cap on foreign exchange rate, leading to a drastic
depreciation of Pakistan rupee's value.
Conclusively, the economy of Pakistan is continuously deteriorating because of impacts created by the
policies of IMF. To become economically and financially a stable country, Pakistan has to overcome the
funds taken from IMF.

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