Short Questions Complete

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Q. 1: Write the dimensions of work and power?

Answer: Dimensions of work: Work = w = F .d Dimension of Power:
i.e. so W = Force  displacement Work w
Power = = so
time t
W  =  F    d  ..................( A)
 w   ML T 
2 −2

 F  =  ma  =  MLT −2  and  P = t =  T 
  
 d  =  L so Equation (A) becomes
 P  =  ML2T −3  .....................Ans
W  =  MLT −2   L
=  ML2T −2  ..................Ans

Q. 2: Write dimensions of momentum and force?

Answer: Dimension of momentum: Dimension of Force:
momentum = P = mass  velocity ( mv ) Force = F = mass  acceleration ( ma )
  F  =  m  a  =  M   LT −2 
  P  =  m  v  =  MLT −1 
=  MLT −2  .............................Ans
 P  =  MLT −1  ....................Ans

Q. 3: Write dimensions of Pressure and density?

Answer: Dimensions of pressure: Dimensions of density
Force 𝒎𝒂𝒔𝒔
Pr essure = 𝑫𝒆𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒕𝒚 =
F  𝒎 𝑴
 P  =  A  = A
F [𝝆] = [ ] = 𝟑
    𝒗 𝑳
[𝝆] = 𝑴𝑳−𝟑
 MLT − 2 
 L2 
=  ML−1T −2 

Q. 4: Write the dimensions of volume and torque?

Answer: Dimensions of volume Dimensions of Torque
𝑽𝒐𝒍𝒖𝒎𝒆 = 𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒈𝒕𝒉 × 𝒘𝒊𝒅𝒕𝒉 × 𝒉𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝝉 = 𝑭×𝒓
[𝑽] = [𝒍 × 𝒘 × 𝒉] [𝝉] = [𝑭 × 𝒓]
[𝑽] = [𝑳 × 𝑳 × 𝑳] [𝝉] = [𝑴𝑳𝑻−𝟐 × 𝑳]
[𝑽] = 𝑳𝟑 [𝝉] = 𝑴𝑳𝟐 𝑻−𝟐

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Q. 5: What are basic quantities in CGS system and what are their fundamental units?
Answer: There are three basic quantities in CGS system i.e length, mass and time. Their
fundamental units are centimeter (cm), Gram (g) and second (s) respectively.

Q. 6: Write supplementary fundamental SI quantities and their units?

Answer: There are Two (2) supplementary fundamental SI quantities i.e Plane angle and Solid
angle. Their units are radian (rad) and steradian (sr) respectively.

Q.7: Convert 72Km/h into m/s and cm/s?

Answer: 72Km / h → m / s
As 1 Km = 1000m and 1 h = 3600s thus
72  1000 m
 72Km / h = = 20m / s
3600 s
And 1 m = 100cm
72Km / h = 20m / s = 20  100cm / s = 2000cm / s
Q.8: What is the importance of dimensions?
Answer: The importance of dimensions is:
1. Convert units from one system to another.
2. To check the correctness of a given equation.
3. To establish a relationship between different quantities.

Q.9: What is the dimensional formula of acceleration?

Answer: The dimensional formula of acceleration is [𝑎] = 𝐿𝑇 −2

Q. 10: Convert 1N into dyne?

Answer: As N = Kgm / s 2 and dyne = g .cm / s 2

 1N = 1Kg  1m / s 2
As 1Kg = 1000g and 1m = 100cm
 1N = 1000 g 
1N = 1000  100 gcm / s 2 = 10 5 dyne

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Q. 11: Write fundamental SI units?
Answer: There are seven (7) fundamental SI units. These are Meter (m), Kilogram (Kg), Second (s),
Ampere (A), Kelvin (K), Mole (mol) and Candela (cd).

Q. 12: Write names of basic quantities in SI system?

Answer: There are seven (7) basic quantities in SI system. These are Length, Mass, Time, Electric
Current, Temperature, Quantity of Substance and Intensity of Light.

Q.13: Define fundamental and derived units?

Answer: Fundamental Units:
The units that are defined for some basic quantities are known as fundamental units or the
units that cannot be expressed in terms of other units are called fundaments units. For
example meter (m) is the unit of length, Kilogram (Kg) is the unit of mass.
Derived Units:
The units that are derived from fundamental units or the units that can be expressed in
terms of fundamental units are called derived units. For example unit of velocity (m/s), unit
of acceleration (m/s2).

Q. 14: What are basic quantities in MKS system and what are their fundamental units?
Answer: There are three basic quantities in MKS system i.e length, mass and time. Their
fundamental units are meter (m), Kilogram (Kg) and second (s) respectively.

Q. 15: Define meter?

Answer: It is the basic unit of length in SI system, and it is define to be the distance between two
finely drawn lines (clear lines) on metal bar placed in International Bureau of Weights and
Measures at Paris.

Q. 16: Convert density of 1000Kg/m3 into g/cm3.

Answer: Given that
1000  1000 g As 1Kg = 1000g
1000 Kg / m 3 =
( 100cm )
1m = 100cm
1 000  1 000 g So 1m3 = (100cm)3
1000 Kg / m =

1 000 000 cm
1000 Kg / m 3 = 1g / m 3

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Q.17: Define second.
Answer: 1
It is the basic unit of time in SI system, and is defined as part of a solar day.

Q. 18: Convert 25m/s into Km/h?

Answer: 25  3600 As 1Kg = 1000g and
 25m / s = Km / h
1000 1h = 3600sec
25m / s = 90Km / h

Q. 19: Define significant figures?

Answer: In any measurement, the meaningful digits and the first doubtful digit are called significant
figures. For example: 2114 (All Sig)

Q. 20: Convert 90Km/h into m/Sec?

Answer: Solution: As 1Km = 1000m and 1h = 3600sec
90  1000m
 90Km / h = = 25m / sec ...................Ans
3600 sec

Q. 21: Convert 25m/sec into Km/h?

Answer: Solution:
25  3600 As 1Kg = 1000g and
 25m / s = Km / h
1000 1h = 3600sec
25m / s = 90Km / h

Q. 22: Convert 5hours 30minutes into seconds?

Answer: Solution:
𝟓𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔 𝟑𝟎𝒎𝒊𝒏 = 𝟓 × 𝟔𝟎𝒎𝒊𝒏 + 𝟑𝟎𝒎𝒊𝒏
𝟓𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔 𝟑𝟎𝒎𝒊𝒏 = 𝟑𝟎𝟎𝒎𝒊𝒏 + 𝟑𝟎𝒎𝒊𝒏
𝟓𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔 𝟑𝟎𝒎𝒊𝒏 = 𝟑𝟑𝟎𝒎𝒊𝒏
𝟓𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔 𝟑𝟎𝒎𝒊𝒏 = 𝟑𝟑𝟎 × 𝟔𝟎𝒔
𝟓𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔 𝟑𝟎𝒎𝒊𝒏 = 𝟏𝟗𝟖𝟎𝟎𝒔

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Q. 23: Prove by dimensions that the equation is correct: 2as = Vf 2 − Vi 2
Answer: Solution:
Dimension of L. H . S =  2as  =  a  s 
=  LT −2 . L =  L2T −2 
Dimension of R. H . S : Vf 2 − Vi 2  = Vf 2  − Vi 2 

= ( LT −1 )  − ( LT −1 ) 
2 2

   
=  L T − L T 
2 −2 2 −2

=  L2T −2 
L.H.S=R.H.S so equation is correct.

Q. 24: Prove by dimensions that the equation is correct: T = 2 # 6
Answer: Solution:
Dim : L. H . S : T = T
 1

l  l  2 
Dim : R. H . S : 2 =  
g  g  
 
 1   −1 
= l 2   g 2 
  
 2
− 
=  l  ( LT ) −2 2

  
 1 −1 
=  L2 . L 2 .T 1 
 
= T  so L.H.S=R.H.S
Therefore equation is correct.

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Q. 1: Define scalar and vector quantities?

Answer: Scalars:
A quantity that can be completely specified by their magnitude only is called scalar
quantity. For example: mass, speed, temperature etc.
The quantities that can be completely specified by their magnitude and direction are called
vectors. For example: displacement, force, acceleration etc.

Q. 2: How vectors are represented graphically?

Answer: A vector is represented by an arrow graphically. Whose length shows the magnitude of
vector and Head of arrow show its direction.

magnitude direction

Q. 3: Describe law of triangle of forces?

Answer: Statement: if two vectors are represented by the sides of a triangle in order, their resultant
would be the third closing side of the triangle in reverse order.

Q.4: Describe Law of parallelogram of force?

Answer: Law of parallelogram of forces states that “If two vectors are represented by the sides of a

parallelogram )‫(وتمازیاالالضع‬, then their resultant will be the diagonal of parallelogram.”


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Q. 5: What do you mean by resolution of vector?

Answer: The process of splitting a vector into its components is called resolution of vector. In this
process we draw normal lines on x-axis and y-axis, so that x- and y- components of vectors
are formed.

Q.6: What are rectangular components of vector?

Answer: The components of a vector that are at right angle (at 900) to each other are called
rectangular components of vector. For example: Ax and Ay, are rectangular components of
vector A

A force of 10N is acting at an angle of 30deg with x-axis, find its horizontal and
Q. 7:
vertical components?
Answer: Given data:
𝑭 = 𝟏𝟎𝑵, 𝜽 = 𝟑𝟎°
𝑭𝒙 =?, 𝑭𝒚 =?
𝑭𝒙 = 𝑭𝒄𝒐𝒔𝜽 = 𝟏𝟎𝑵 × 𝒄𝒐𝒔𝟑𝟎° = 𝟏𝟎𝑵 × 𝟎. 𝟖𝟔𝟔 = 𝟖. 𝟔𝟔𝑵
𝑭𝒚 = 𝑭𝒔𝒊𝒏𝜽 = 𝟏𝟎𝑵 × 𝒔𝒊𝒏𝟑𝟎° = 𝟏𝟎𝑵 × 𝟎. 𝟓 = 𝟓𝑵

Q. 8: Define unit vector?

Answer: A vector whose magnitude is equal to 1 (one) is called unit vector. i.e. a = 1 . It is used to

show the direction of vector quantity. It is denoted by putting cap sign “  ” over any letter
̂ . So by definition of a vector we have 𝐴⃗ = |𝐴|𝑎̂
i.e. 𝒂
⇒ ̂=

Q. 9: Define component vector.

Answer: When two or more vectors are added to get a single vector called the resultant vector, then
each vector is said to be the component vector of the resultant. For example
⃗⃗ + ⃗𝑩
⃗⃗ + ⃗𝑪⃗ = ⃗𝑹
⃗⃗, then ⃗𝑨⃗, ⃗𝑩
⃗⃗ 𝒂𝒏𝒅 ⃗𝑪⃗ are known as component vectors.

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Q. 10: What do you mean by negative of a vector?
Answer: A vector having equal magnitude to that of given vector but opposite in direction is called
negative of a vector. It is denoted by putting negative sign before the vector symbol. i.e −𝑨



Q. 11: Describe Head to tail rule of vector addition?

Answer: Vectors are added by Head to tail rule, in this method, vectors are drawn on suitable scale,
such that the head of First Vector coincides with the tail of second vector and the Head of
second vector coincide with the tail of third vector and so on. Finally resultant is drawn
from the tail of First vector to the head of Last vector. For example:
To add A+B+C = R , we use Head to tail Rule.

Q. 12: State law of polygon of forces.

Answer: Statement: if several vectors are represented by the sides of a polygon in order, then their
resultant would be the last closing side of the polygon in reverse order.



Q. 13: Describe multiplication of a vector by a number.

Answer: If a vector is multiplied by a positive number “n”, then the magnitude of the vector becomes
n-times but its direction remains the same. Now If a vector is multiplied by a negative
number “−𝒏”, then the magnitude of the vector becomes n-times but its direction becomes
opposite to that of a given vector.


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Q. 14: Determine rectangular components of vector “F” making angle “θ” with x-axis?
Answer: We determine the components of vector “F” by the process of resolution, as shown in figure:
let use simple trigonometry i.e. in figure:
Sin =
 Fy = FSin
and Cos =
 Fx = FCos

Q. 15: Describe how to find a vector, if its components are given.

Answer: Let 𝑨𝒙 and 𝑨𝒚 be the components of a vector ⃗𝑨⃗ then we can find the vector by:

|𝑨| = √𝑨𝒙 𝟐 + 𝑨𝒚 𝟐 ---------magnitude of the vector ⃗𝑨⃗

𝜽 = 𝐭𝐚𝐧−𝟏 (𝑨𝒚 ) ------------direction of the vector ⃗𝑨⃗

Q. 16: Define scalar/dot product of vectors?

Answer: Definition: if the product of two vectors is such that they result a scalar quantity then the
product is said to be scalar/dot product. It is denoted by putting “.” Dot sign between the
vectors and it can be calculated as:
⃗𝑨⃗ . ⃗𝑩
⃗⃗ = 𝑨𝑩𝒄𝒐𝒔𝜽
Where 𝜽 is the angle between vectors A and B.

Q. 17: Define vector/cross product of vectors?

Answer: Definition: if the product of two vectors is such that they result a vector quantity then the
product is said to be vector/cross product. It is denoted by putting “×” cross sign between
the vectors and it can be calculated as:
⃗𝑨⃗ × ⃗𝑩
⃗⃗ = 𝑨𝑩𝒔𝒊𝒏𝜽 𝒏

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Where 𝜽 is the angle between vectors A & B, and 𝒏
̂ is the unit vector shows the direction
of the resultant vector quantity. It can be found by Right Hand Rule.

Q. 18: Describe the right hand rule to find the direction of the vector product of two
Answer: “Rotate first vector towards second vector, i.e. curl your fingers of right hand along the
⃗⃗ i.e.
direction of rotation, the thumb will show the direction of the resultant vector 𝑪
⃗⃗⃗ × 𝑩
𝑨 ⃗⃗⃗ = 𝑪

Q. 19: Write characteristics of scalar product.

Answer: The characteristics of scalar product are:
1. Commutative: Scalar product is commutative i.e. ⃗𝑨⃗ ⋅ ⃗𝑩
⃗⃗ = ⃗𝑩
⃗⃗ ⋅ ⃗𝑨⃗
⃗⃗⃗ ⋅ 𝒎𝑩
2. Scalar product is associative i.e. 𝒏𝑨 ⃗⃗⃗ = 𝒎𝑨
⃗⃗ ⋅ 𝒏𝑩
⃗⃗⃗ = 𝒎𝒏𝑨
⃗⃗ ⋅ ⃗𝑩

3. Scalar product is distributive i.e. ⃗𝑨⃗ ⋅ (𝑩

⃗⃗⃗ + ⃗𝑪⃗) = ⃗𝑨⃗ ⋅ ⃗𝑩
⃗⃗ + ⃗𝑨⃗ ⋅ ⃗𝑪⃗

4. For collinear vectors scalar product is ⃗𝑨⃗ ⋅ ⃗𝑩

⃗⃗ = ±𝑨𝑩

5. For perpendicular vectors scalar product is ⃗𝑨⃗ ⋅ ⃗𝑩

⃗⃗ = 𝟎

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Q. 20: Write examples of scalar/dot product.
Answer: The examples of scalar/dot product are:
⃗⃗ = 𝑭𝒅𝒄𝒐𝒔𝜽
⃗⃗⃗ . 𝒅
1. Work. 𝑭
2. Power: ⃗𝑭
⃗⃗ . ⃗𝑽
⃗⃗ = 𝑭𝑽𝒄𝒐𝒔𝜽
⃗⃗⃗ . 𝑽
3. Kinetic energy: 𝑲𝑬 = 𝟐 𝒎 𝑽 ⃗⃗⃗

4. Electric Flux: ⃗𝑬
⃗⃗ . ⃗𝑨⃗ = 𝑬𝑨𝒄𝒐𝒔𝜽

5. Magnetic Flux: ⃗𝑩
⃗⃗ . ⃗𝑨
⃗⃗ = 𝑩𝑨𝒄𝒐𝒔𝜽

Q. 21: Write characteristics of vector/cross product.

Answer: The characteristics of vector/cross product are:
⃗⃗ × 𝑩
1. Commutative: vector product is not commutative i.e. 𝑨 ⃗⃗⃗ ≠ 𝑩
⃗⃗⃗ × 𝑨
⃗⃗ × 𝒎𝑩
2. Vector product is associative i.e. 𝒏𝑨 ⃗⃗⃗ = 𝒎𝑨
⃗⃗ × 𝒏𝑩
⃗⃗⃗ = 𝒎𝒏𝑨
⃗⃗ × 𝑩

3. Vector product is distributive i.e. ⃗𝑨⃗ × (𝑩

⃗⃗⃗ + ⃗𝑪⃗) = ⃗𝑨⃗ × ⃗⃗⃗
𝑩 + ⃗𝑨⃗ × ⃗𝑪⃗

4. For collinear vectors, vector product is ⃗𝑨⃗ × ⃗𝑩

⃗⃗ = 𝟎

5. For perpendicular vectors, vector product is ⃗𝑨

⃗⃗ × ⃗𝑩
⃗⃗ = 𝑨𝑩 𝒏

Q. 22: ⃗⃗ × 𝑩
With the help of diagram, show that 𝑨 ⃗⃗⃗ = −𝑩
⃗⃗⃗ × 𝑨

Q. 23: Write two examples of vector/cross product.

Answer: The examples of vector/cross product are:
1. Torque. 𝝉 ⃗⃗ × ⃗𝑭⃗ = 𝒓𝑭𝒔𝒊𝒏𝜽 𝒏
⃗⃗ = 𝒓 ̂
2. Velocity: ⃗𝑽⃗ = 𝒓
⃗⃗ × 𝝎
⃗⃗⃗⃗ = 𝒓𝝎𝒔𝒊𝒏𝜽 𝒏
3. Magnetic force: ⃗𝑭⃗ = 𝒒( ⃗𝑽⃗ × ⃗𝑩

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Q. 24: Find the direction of vector if its x-component is 10 and y-component is −𝟏𝟔.
Answer: The given vector lies in 4th quadrant, because its x-component is positive and y- component
is negative. So its direction can be found as:
𝝋 = 𝟑𝟔𝟎° − 𝒕𝒂𝒏−𝟏 ( )
𝝋 = 𝟑𝟔𝟎° − 𝒕𝒂𝒏−𝟏 (𝟏𝟎)

𝝋 = 𝟑𝟔𝟎° − 𝒕𝒂𝒏−𝟏 (𝟏. 𝟔)

𝝋 = 𝟑𝟔𝟎° − 𝟓𝟖° = 𝟑𝟎𝟐°

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Q. 1: Define Rest and motion?

Answer: Rest:
If a body “A” does not change its position with respect to a body “B” then it is said to be in
state of rest.
If a body “A” changes its position with respect to a body “B”, it is said to be in state of

Q. 2: Differentiate between distance and displacement?

The total length of the path covered by a body during its motion is called distance. It is
scalar quantity.
The shortest distance between two points is called displacement. Or change in position of a
body is called displacement. It is vector quantity.

Q. 3: Differentiate between speed and velocity?

Answer: Speed:
The distance covered by a body per unit time is called speed. It is scalar quantity.
The displacement covered by a body per unit time is called velocity. It is vector quantity.

Q. 4: Define velocity and acceleration?

Answer: Velocity:
The rate of change of displacement is called velocity. Or the rate of change in position of a
body is called velocity. It is a vector quantity and its unit is m/s.
Mathematically it is given by
The rate of change of velocity of a body is called acceleration. It is a vector quantity and its
unit is m/s2. Mathematically it is given by
∆𝒗 𝒗𝒇 − 𝒗𝒊
𝒂= =
𝒕 𝒕

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Q. 5: Define uniform and variable velocity?
Answer: Uniform Velocity:
If a body covers equal displacement in equal internal of time, then it is called uniform
Variable Velocity:
If body does not cover equal displacement in equal internal of time then it is called variable

Q. 6: Define uniform acceleration?

Answer: If the velocity of a body changes equally in equal internal of time, then it is said to be in
uniform acceleration.

Q. 7: State Newton’s first law of motion (law of inertia).

Answer: Statement: “Everybody continues in its state of rest or state of uniform motion along straight
line unless acted upon by an unbalanced force”. OR “In the absence of an external force, a
body either remains at rest or moves with uniform velocity”.

Q. 8: Define inertia?
Answer: The property of a body by which it resist any change in its state of rest or state of uniform
motion. It only depends on mass of the body i.e. more mass means more inertia and less
mass means less inertia.

Q. 9: State Newton’s second law of motion.

Answer: Statement: “if net force acts on a body, acceleration is produced in the direction of force.
This acceleration is directly proportional to the force applied and inversely proportional to
the mass of the body”. i.e.
and 𝒂 ∝ 𝒎

⇒ 𝑭 = 𝒎𝒂

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Q. 10: State Newton’s third law of motion.
Answer: Statement: “To every action, there is an equal reaction but opposite in direction”.
|𝑭𝑨𝑩 | = −|𝑭𝑩𝑨 |
Where 𝑭𝑨𝑩 :force acting on B due to A & 𝑭𝑩𝑨 is the force acting on A due to B.

Q. 11: Prove first equation of motion.

Answer: Proof: Acceleration is defined as
∆𝒗 𝒗𝒇 − 𝒗𝒊
𝒂= =
𝒕 𝒕
⇒ 𝒂𝒕 = 𝒗𝒇 − 𝒗𝒊
⇒ 𝒗𝒇 = 𝒗𝒊 + 𝒂𝒕……….Proved

Q. 12: Define force and its unit?

Answer: Force is an agent that produce/try to produce motion in a body or stop/try to stop a moving
body. According Newton’s 2nd law.
F = ma ............(1)
The unit of force is Newton (N).
Definition of newton:
A force is said to be 1N if it produces an acceleration of 1m/s 2 in body of mass 1Kg. i.e.
1N = 1Kg  1m / s 2

Q. 13: Write equations for free fall motion (motion under gravity).
Answer: In order to write equations for free fall motion, we replace “a” in equations for linear motion
by either “+g (downward motion)” or “– g (upward motion)” i.e. acceleration due gravity
which is 9.8ms-2 and the distance “S” by “h” i.e. height. So the three equations are
1. 𝑽𝒇 = 𝑽𝒊 ± 𝒈𝒕
2. 𝒉 = 𝑽𝒊 𝒕 ± 𝟐 𝒈𝒕𝟐

3. ±𝟐𝒈𝒉 = 𝑽𝒇 𝟐 − 𝑽𝒊 𝟐

Q. 14: Define momentum. What is its unit?

Answer: The product of mass and velocity of a body is called momentum. Or the quantity of motion
in a body is called momentum. It depends on both mass and velocity of the body.
Mathematically it is given by
P = mv
It is vector quantity and its unit is Kg m/s or N-Sec.

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Q. 15: What do you mean by law of conservation of momentum?
Answer: In the absence of an external force, the total momentum of a system remains constant. Or
the momentum of an isolated system remains constant.
i.e. total initial momentum = total final momentum

Q. 16: Define isolated system with examples.

Answer: A system of bodies upon which no external force acts. Or a system of bodies free from the
influence of net external force is called isolated system.
Example: The collision of two balls on billiard table can be considered as isolated system
because the frictional force is negligible.

Q. 16: Define angular displacement.

Answer: In circular motion, the angle between two points is called angular displacement. It is denoted
by "𝜽"and its SI unit is radian (rad). Other units are degree, cycle, revolution, circle etc.

Q. 17: Define radian.

Answer: Radian (rad) is the unit of angular displacement in SI system and it is defined as “The angle
subtended at the center of the circle by an ‘arc length’ equal to the radius of the circle”. Or
“the angular displacement would be equal to one radian if arc length becomes equal to the
radius of the circle”.

Q. 18: Write the relation between radian and degree?

Answer: We know that
𝟏𝒓𝒆𝒗 = 𝟑𝟔𝟎° and
𝟏𝒓𝒆𝒗 = 𝟐𝝅 𝒓𝒂𝒅
⇒ 𝟐𝝅 𝒓𝒂𝒅 = 𝟑𝟔𝟎° ⇒ 𝟏 𝒓𝒂𝒅 = = 𝟓𝟕. 𝟑°

Q. 19: Prove that S = r ?

Answer: Proof: Let ‘S’ be the arc length and ‘r’ be the radius of the circle, then
If arc length = r , angular displacement = 1 rad
& if arc length = S , angular displacement = θ-rad
By taking ratio of arc lengths and angular displacements, we get
𝒓 𝟏 𝒓𝒂𝒅
⇒ =
𝑺 𝜽 𝒓𝒂𝒅
……….. by cross multiplication
⇒ 𝑺 = 𝒓𝜽

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Q. 20: Define angular velocity.
Answer: The rate of change of angular displacement is called angular velocity. It is denoted by 

= , Its unit is 𝒓𝒂𝒅/𝒔.

Q. 21: Prove that 𝑽 = 𝒓𝝎?

Answer: Proof: as we know that the relation between linear and angular displacement is
𝑺 = 𝒓𝜽 dividing both sides by time ‘t’ we get
⇒ 𝑺/𝒕 = 𝒓𝜽/𝒕 As 𝑽 = 𝑺/𝒕 and 𝝎 = 𝜽/𝒕
⇒ 𝑽 = 𝒓𝝎

Q. 22: Define angular acceleration?

Answer: The rate of change in angular velocity is called angular acceleration. It is denoted by 𝜶 and
is given by:
∆𝝎 𝝎𝒇 − 𝝎𝒊
𝜶= =
∆𝒕 𝒕
Its unit is rad/s2.

Q. 23: Prove that 𝒂 = 𝒓𝜶.

Answer: Proof: Acceleration is defined as
∆𝑽 𝑽𝒇 − 𝑽𝒊
𝒂= = … … . . 𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝑽 = 𝒓𝝎
𝒕 𝒕
𝒓𝝎𝒇 − 𝒓𝝎𝒊
⇒ 𝒂=
𝝎𝒇 − 𝝎𝒊 𝝎𝒇 − 𝝎𝒊
⇒ 𝒂 = 𝒓( ) … … … … 𝒂𝒔 𝜶 =
𝒕 𝒕
⇒ 𝒂 = 𝒓𝜶

Q. 24: Write equations for angular motion.

Answer: In order to write equations for angular motion, we replace 𝑺 → 𝜽, 𝑽 → 𝝎 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒂 → 𝜶
in linear equations. Therefore
1. 𝝎𝒇 = 𝝎𝒊 + 𝜶𝒕
2. 𝜽 = 𝝎𝒊 𝒕 + 𝟐 𝜶𝒕𝟐

3. 𝟐𝜶𝜽 = 𝝎𝒇 𝟐 − 𝝎𝒊 𝟐

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Q. 25: Define Centripetal force?
Answer: A force that compels to move a body in circle/circular path is called centripetal force. The
word centripetal means “center seeking” i.e. It is always directed towards the center of the
circle. It is given by
mv 2
Fc =

Q. 26: Define centripetal acceleration?

Answer: Acceleration produced in a body due to change in direction of velocity at every point while
moving in circular path is called centripetal acceleration. It is always directed towards the
center of the circle and is given by
V 2 
ac =  
 r 

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Q. 1: Define torque. Write its formula and unit.

Answer: Definition: The turning effect of force produced in a body about an axis of rotation is
known as torque. Or the cross product of force and position vector is called torque. i.e.
⃗ =𝒓
𝝉 ⃗ = 𝒓𝑭𝒔𝒊𝒏𝜽 𝒏
⃗ ×𝑭 ̂
Torque is vector quantity and its unit is Newton-meter (N-m).

Q. 2: Describe the factors upon which torque depends.

Answer: Torque depends on three (3) factors, these are:
1. Force (F)
2. Position vector (r)
3. Angle (𝜽) between position vector (r) and force (F).

Q. 3: What do you mean by clockwise and anti-clockwise torque and what is sign
convention for them?
Answer: Force acting on a body may produce clockwise rotation or anti-clockwise rotation about an
axis, so in case of clockwise rotation torque is taken negative and in case of anti-clockwise
rotation torque is taken positive.

Q. 4: Differentiate between rotatory and vibratory motion.

Answer: Rotatory motion: The motion of a body about an axis of rotation is called rotatory motion.
For example the motion of earth about its axis.
Vibratory motion: The to and fro motion of a body about a fixed point (mean position) is
called vibratory motion. For example motion of simple pendulum.

Q. 5: Define center of mass and center of gravity?

Answer: Center of mass: The point where whole mass of the body is considered to be concentrated
or the point of a body that has only translational motion is called center of mass.
Center of Gravity (C.O.G): The point where whole weight of the body acts is called center
of gravity. In case of regular shaped bodies, it lies exactly at its center while in case of
irregular shaped bodies, depends on its mass distribution.

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Q. 6: Define Equilibrium.
Answer: Equilibrium: A body is said to be in equilibrium if it is either at rest or moves with uniform
velocity or A body is said to be in equilibrium, if its acceleration is zero.
Dynamic Equilibrium: If a body moves with uniform velocity, then it is said to be in
dynamic equilibrium.

Q. 7: What are the types of equilibrium?

Answer: There are two types of equilibrium.
1. Static Equilibrium: If a body is at rest, then it is said to be in static equilibrium.
2. Dynamic Equilibrium: If a body moves with uniform velocity, then it is said to be in
dynamic equilibrium.

Q. 8: State first condition of equilibrium?

Answer: Statement: The sum of all forces acting on a body should be equal to zero. i.e.
F1 + F2 + F3 + .......... = 0

 F = 0 or

F x =0 and F y =0
First condition of equilibrium is also known as translational equilibrium.

Q. 9: State second condition of equilibrium?

Answer: Statement: The vector sum of all Torques acting on a body must be equal to zero.
 1 +  2 +  3 + .......... = 0 Or  = 0
Or total clockwise torque = total anti-clockwise torque.
Second condition of equilibrium is also known as rotational equilibrium or principal of

Q. 10: Write relation between torque and angular acceleration.

The relation between torque and angular acceleration is 𝝉 = 𝑰𝜶. This relation is also known
Answer: as Newton’s second law for rotational motion. Where “ "𝝉" is torque, “I” is moment of inertia
and "𝜶" is angular acceleration.

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Q. 11: Define moment of inertia/rotational inertia.
Answer: The product of mass (m) and square of its distance (r) from axis of rotation is called moment
of inertia. It is denoted by ‘I’ and is given by
I = mr 2
Its unit is Kgm2.

Q. 12: Define radius gyration?

Answer: The distance of center of mass of body from axis of rotation Or the root mean square (rms)
distance of a body from axis of rotation is called radius of gyration. It is given by

r1 2 + r2 2 + r3 2 + ......rn 2

Mass of flywheel is 2kg and its radius of gyration is 0.3m. Find its moment of
Q. 13:
Answer: Given data:
𝑴 = 𝟐𝒌𝒈 , 𝑲 = 𝟎. 𝟑𝒎 , 𝑰 =?
Solution: As we know that
𝑰 = 𝑴𝑲𝟐
⟹ 𝑰 = 𝟐𝒌𝒈 × (𝟎. 𝟑𝒎)𝟐
⟹ 𝑰 = 𝟐𝒌𝒈 × 𝟎. 𝟎𝟗𝒎𝟐
⟹ 𝑰 = 𝟎. 𝟏𝟖𝒌𝒈𝒎𝟐

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Q. 1: Define elasticity.
Answer: Definition: The property of a body by which it maintains its original shape. Or The property of a
body due to which it regain its original shape when deforming forces are removed. It can also be
defined as “the property of the body which opposes any deforming force.”

Q. 2: Define stress and write its types.

Answer: The resistive force acting per unit area of a body is called stress. Or the internal resistance
produced in a body when external forces are applied to it, which tends to restore the particles of
the body to their original positions is known as stress. Its unit is N/m2. Mathematically
Force F
Stress = = .
Area A
There are three types of stress:
1. Longitudinal or linear stress
2. Volumetric stress
3. Shearing stress

Q. 3: Define strain and write its types.

Answer: The change or deformation produced in a body due to applied force is called strain. Or the ratio in
change in measurement to original measurement of a body is called strain. Mathematically
𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆 𝒊𝒏 𝒎𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒖𝒓𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕
𝑺𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒏 =
𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒍 𝒎𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒖𝒓𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕
It has not unit as it is the ratio of similar quantities. There are three types of strain.
1. Longitudinal/ linear Strain: It is defined as the change in length per unit length of the body.
2. Volumetric Strain: It is defined as the change in volume per unit volume of the body.
3. Shearing Strain: It is defined as change in shape of a body without change in its volume.

Q. 4: State Hooke’s law of elasticity.

Answer: Statement: Within elastic limit, the change produced in a body is proportional to the force acting
on it. In other words, “within elastic limits, stress is directly proportional to strain.” Or within
elastic limit, the ratio of stress and strain remains constant. That is

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𝑺𝒕𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒔 ∝ 𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒏
𝑺𝒕𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒔 = 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒕 × 𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒏
𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒕 = 𝑬 =
Where ‘E’ is called constant of elasticity or modulus of elasticity.

Q. 5: What do you mean by elastic limit?

Answer: The limit beyond which the object will no longer go back to its original shape when deforming
forces are removed is called elastic limit, OR it is the maximum stress that may be developed such
that there is no permanent deformation when load is entirely removed.

Q. 6: Define Young’s modulus of elasticity.

Answer: It is defined as the ratio of stress to longitudinal/linear strain is called Young modulus. i.e.
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒈′ 𝒔 𝑴𝒐𝒅𝒖𝒍𝒖𝒔 =
𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒏
Mathematically it can be written as
𝑭⁄ 𝑨 𝑭𝒍
𝒀= =
∆𝒍⁄𝒍 𝑨∆𝒍
Its unit is N/m2

Q. 7: Define Bulk modulus of elasticity.

Answer: It is defined as the ratio of stress to volumetric strain is called bulk modulus. i.e.
𝑩𝒖𝒍𝒌 𝑴𝒐𝒅𝒖𝒍𝒖𝒔 =
𝒗𝒐𝒍𝒖𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒄 𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒏
Mathematically it can be written as
𝑩= =
∆𝑽 𝑨∆𝑽
Its unit is N/m2

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Q. 8: What do you mean by rigidity modulus?

Answer: It is defined as the ratio of stress to shearing strain is called rigidity modulus. i.e.
𝑹𝒊𝒈𝒊𝒅𝒊𝒕𝒚 𝑴𝒐𝒅𝒖𝒍𝒖𝒔 =
𝑺𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒏
Mathematically it can be written as
𝑭⁄ 𝑨 𝑭
𝑹= =
𝜽 𝑨𝜽
Its unit is N/m2

Q. 9: Write types of motion.

Answer: We have different types of motion as mentioned below.
1. Translatory Motion: The motion of a body along a straight line (rectilinear motion) or
curved path (curvilinear motion) is called Translatory motion. For example motion of a car
on road.
2. Rotatory Motion: The motion of a body around an axis of rotation that passes through it
is called rotatory motion. For example motion of spinning top.
3. Vibratory Motion: The to and fro motion of a body about its mean position is called
vibratory motion. For example motion of a violin string.
4. Periodic Motion: The motion of a body that repeats itself in equal interval of time is
called Periodic motion. For example the motion of a pendulum.

Q. 10: Define vibratory motion. Also write its conditions.

Definition: The to and fro motion of a body about its mean position is called vibratory motion.
There are two (2) conditions for vibratory motion to occur.
1. Inertia (mass)
2. Restoring force (that keeps the body in motion)

Q. 11: What do you mean by elastic restoring force?

Answer: The force that tries to restore the body back to its mean position is known as restoring force. If
the cause (‫ سبب‬،‫( وہج‬of this restoring force is elasticity of the body, then it is said to be elastic

restoring force.

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Q. 12: Define Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM).

Answer: The type of motion in which acceleration is always directed toward the mean position and is
directly proportional to the displacement of the body from the mean position is called simple
harmonic motion (SHM). i.e.
a  − x --------- (definition of SHM)

Q. 13: Write the characteristics of Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM).

Answer: The SHM has the following characteristics:
1. Vibratory Motion: SHM is a vibratory motion.
2. Direction of Acceleration: Acceleration is always directed towards the mean position.
3. Magnitude of Acceleration: Acceleration is zero at mean position and maximum at
extreme position.
4. Velocity: The velocity is zero at extreme positions and maximum at the mean position.
5. Kinetic Energy: The K.E is zero at extreme positions and maximum at mean position.
6. Potential Energy: The P.E of body in SHM is maximum at extreme positions and zero
at the mean position.
7. Total Energy: In SHM, The T.E of the body remains constant.

Q. 14: Give examples of Simple Harmonic Motion.

Answer: 1. Mass attached to a spring.
2. Circular motion
3. Simple pendulum with small amplitude compared with its length.
4. Prongs of vibrating tuning fork.
5. Vibrations of air particles when sound is propagating in air.

Q. 15: Define frequency and write its unit?

Answer: The number of vibrations/cycles completed in one second is called frequency. It is given by
Its unit is Hertz (Hz).

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Q. 16: Define time period in vibratory motion.

Answer: The time required to complete one vibration is called the time period. It is denoted by “T” and
its unit is Second (s).

Q. 17: Define seconds pendulum.

Answer: A simple pendulum whose time period is 2sec is called seconds pendulum that is 𝑻 = 𝟐𝒔𝒆𝒄,
Thus, the frequency of seconds pendulum is 𝑓 = 0.5𝐻𝑧

Q. 18: Write formula for time period of a simple pendulum.

Answer: The formula for time period of a simple pendulum is:

𝑻 = 𝟐𝝅√

Q. 19: Define resonance with examples.

Answer: When we apply such force on a vibrating body whose time period is equal to the natural time
period of the vibrating body, its amplitude of vibrations increases. Or
if the frequency of an external agent becomes equal to the natural frequency of the vibrating
body, the amplitude of vibrating body increases. This is called Resonance.
1. A child's playground swing.
2. Marching of troops on a bridge.
3. Tuning of radio circuit for a specific frequency.

Q. 20: Define stationary or standing waves.

Answer: When two identical waves travels in the same medium in opposite direction, they superimpose

(‫ )یسک ےش رپ یسک اور ےش وک ال رک رھک دانی‬to give Stationary or Standing Waves.

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Q. 21: Define nodes and anti-nodes.

Answer: In stationary waves, the points at zero displacement from mean position are called nodes. While the
points at maximum displacement from mean position are called anti-nodes.

Q. 22: Define fundamental frequency and harmonics (overtones).

Answer: The minimum frequency with which a stretched wire can vibrate is called fundamental frequency.
It is given by
f1 = -------- (fundamental frequency)
While the other higher frequencies ( f 2 , f 3 , f4 , − − − − f n ) ,which are integral multiple of
fundamental frequency are called harmonics or overtones. That is
fn = nf1 ----------- (Harmonics)

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Q.1: Define waves.

Answer: The disturbance produced in a medium that travels from one point to another is called waves. For
example: disturbance produced on surface of water that travels in the form of concentric circles.

Q.2: What is the difference between electromagnetic waves and mechanical waves?
Electromagnetic waves: The waves that do not require a material medium for their propagation
are known as electromagnetic waves. For example, light waves.
Mechanical waves: : The waves that require a material medium for their propagation are known
as mechanical waves. For example, sound waves.
Q.3: Differentiate between transverse and longitudinal waves?
Answer: Transverse waves:
The waves in which the particles of the medium vibrate about their mean position perpendicular to
the direction of propagation of the waves are called Transverse Waves. For example, light waves,
water waves, waves produced in string etc.
Longitudinal waves:
The waves in which the particles of the medium vibrate about their mean position parallel to the
direction of propagation of the waves are called Longitudinal or Compressional Waves. For
example sound waves

Q.4: Define sound. Write factors for sound.

Answer: Sound: The form of energy that provide us sense of hearing (‫ )سننےاکسح‬is known as sound.

For the production of sound waves three factors are important.

1. A Vibrating body (capable of disturbing the particles of the medium)
2. A material medium (which carries the disturbance from one location to another)
3. A receiver (that sense the disturbance as sound)

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Q.5: Define intensity of sound.

Answer: The amount of energy transferred by sound waves through unit area per unit of time is known
as the intensity of the sound wave. Or the power transmitted by sound waves per unit area is
called intensity of sound. It is denoted by ‘I”.

I= ------------ (Intensity of sound)
J watt
Its unit is 2
m . sec m2

Q.6: Define loudness of sound.

Answer: It is defined as the magnitude of auditory sensation (‫ )سننےاکااسحس‬produced in ear by sound waves

is called loudness of sound. It is denoted by ‘L’. It depends on intensity of sound, the sensitivity
of ear, the area of vibrating body etc.

Q.7: State Weber Fechner’s law.

Answer: It states that “loudness of sound is directly proportional to the logarithm of intensity.”
L  log10 I = L = K log10 I ----------- (Weber-Fechner Law)
Where ‘K’ is constant of proportionality and its value depend upon system of units.

Q.8: Define intensity level or loudness level.

Answer: The difference in loudness of two sounds where one sound is faintest audible (weakest sound
that can be heard) sound is called intensity level. If the intensities of two sounds are ‘I’ and I 
have loudness ‘L’ and L respectively, then according to Weber-Fechner Law
L = K log10 I and L = K log10 I
Intensity Level = L − L = K log ------- (1)
Where I  = 10−12 watt
Units of Intensity Level: The unit of intensity level is Bell. If the intensity of sound is 10 I  ,
then the intensity level of the given sound is called one bell.
1 bell = 10decibell =10dB

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Q.9: What is frequency response of the ear?

Answer: An average human ear can hear sounds between 20 Hz and 20,000 Hz. If the frequency of
sound is higher than 20,000 hertz, it cannot be heard, sounds of frequencies higher than 20,000
Hz are called Ultrasonic while sounds of frequencies lower than 20 Hz are called Infrasonic.

Q.10: What is pitch of sound?

Answer: The property of sound by which shrill sounds (‫ )باربک اور زیت ا وار‬can be distinguished (‫ )اگل ۔ جدا ۔ واحض‬from

grave (‫ ) اھبری ا وار‬one is called Pitch of sound. Pitch of sound depends on the frequency of sound,

greater the frequency, higher be the pitch and vice versa.

Q.11: What is quality of sound?

Answer: The property of sound by which we can distinguish two sounds of same pitch and loudness
produced by different sources is called quality of sound.

Q.12: Define frequency and wavelength.

Answer: Frequency: The number of vibrations/waves per second is called frequency. Its unit is Hertz (Hz)

Wavelength: The distance between two successive (‫لسلسم‬،‫ )اگلبار‬crests or troughs is called wavelength.

Its unit is meter (m).

Q.13: Define crest and trough.

Answer: The portion of wave above mean level is called crest and the portion of wave below mean level is
called trough.

Q.14: Differentiate between musical sound and noise.

Answer: Musical sound: The sounds that produces pleasant effect is called musical sound. They are
periodic and has uniform waveform.
Noise: The sounds that does not produce pleasant effect is called noise. They are non-periodic
and has irregular waveform.

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Q.15: What is interference of sound.

Answer: When two identical sound waves meet at a point, they either reinforce each other or cancel each
other. This is called interference of sound waves. There are two types of interference of sound
1. Constructive Interference
2. Destructive Interference

Q.16: Define constructive interference and what is the condition for it.
Answer: If the two waves reach to a point in phase (compression of one wave falls on compression of
other wave and vice versa), they reinforce each other and a loud sound will be heard. This is
called Constructive Interference. For Constructive Interference, the path difference between the
two waves is either zero or integral multiple of λ, i.e. Path Difference= 0, λ , 2λ , 3λ------nλ

Q.17: Define destructive interference and what is the condition for it?
Answer: If the two waves reach to a point out of phase (compression of one wave falls on rarefaction of
other wave and vice versa), they cancel each other and a minimum sound will be heard. This is
called Destructive Interference.
For Destructive Interference, the path difference between the two waves is either half
wavelength or integral multiple of λ/2, i.e.
   1
Path Difference = , 3 , 5 ----------- ( n + )
2 2 2 2

Q.18: Define silence zone.

Answer: Definition: A region where sound completely disappears because of destructive interference of
sound called silence zone.

Q.19: Define phenomenon of beats.

Answer: It is defined as the periodic changes of sound between maximum and minimum loudness are
called beats. It is a special type of interference that occurs due to minor difference in
frequencies of two sounds. The number of beats you would hear each second, is equal to the
difference in the frequencies of the two sounds i.e.
n = fa − fb
Beats are used to find the unknown frequency, tune a musical instrument and to produce variety
in music.

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Q.20: Describe two uses of beats.

Answer: The two uses of beats are:
1. It is used to find the unknown frequency
2. It is used to tune a musical instrument and to produce variety in music.

Q.21: Define Doppler’s effect.

Answer: The apparent change (‫ )ظاہریدبتیلی‬in frequency of sound waves due to the relative motion (‫ابکدورسے‬

‫ )ےکتبسن‬between source and listener is called Doppler’s effect. If the source and listener move

towards each other, then frequency of sound increase and if they move away from each other,
frequency of sound decreases.

Q.22: Describe any two applications of Doppler’s effect.

Answer: Applications of Doppler’s effect are:
1. It is used in RADAR, that can find the speed and direction of a jet.
2. It is used in SONAR, by submarines navigate ‫ رحبی رفس رکبا‬and find range of an obstacle.

Q.23: Differentiate between Echo and reverberations.

Answer: Both echo and reverberations are the reflection of sound from some obstacle like wall, that we hear
again after the original sound. The two are only differentiated by the time interval between the
original and reflected sounds, that is if the time interval is equal or greater than 0.1s, then we hear
echo other wise it is reverberation.

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Q.1: Define reflection of light.
Answer: Definition: The turning back of light to the same medium when it strikes the surface of other
medium is called reflection of light.

Q.2: Differentiate between regular and irregular reflection of light.

Answer: Specular/regular reflection Irregular/diffuse reflection
It occurs from very smooth surfaces It occurs from rough surfaces
An incident parallel beam of light remains An incident parallel beam of light does not
parallel after reflection. remain parallel after reflection.

Q.3: Describe laws of reflection?

Answer: There are two Laws of Reflection.
1. The incident ray, the reflected ray and the normal to the surface at the point of incidence,
all lies in the same plane.
2. The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection. i.e.  i = r OR i = r

Q.4: Define refraction of light.

Answer: Definition: The bending of light from its straight path when it enters from one medium to another
medium is called refraction of light.

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Q.5: What do you mean by refractive index.

Answer: The number that shows the amount of bending in a medium when light enters in it is called
refractive index of the medium. It has no unit. For example, for glass it is 1.5, for water it is 1.33.

Q.6: Describe laws of refraction?

Answer: The Laws of Refraction are:
1. The incident ray, refracted ray and normal to the surface at the point of incidence, all lies in
the same plane.
2. The ratio of the sine of angle of incidence to the sine of the angle of refraction is constant
for all angles of incidence.
Sin  i
Sin  r
Where ‘µ’ is constant and is called Refractive Index of the medium in which refraction (bending
of light) occurs. The second law of refraction is also known as Snell’s Law.

Q.7 Define mirror. Write its types.

Answer: A very smooth piece of glass/metal (coated with some metal film) that can form images by reflection
of light is called mirror. It has two types. Plane mirror: A flat reflecting surface.
Spherical mirror: A curved reflecting surface.

Q.8: What are the characteristics of the image formed by plane mirror?
Answer: The characteristics of the image formed by plane mirror are:
1. Image is always formed at the same distance as that of the object.
2. The size of the image is equal to the size of the object,
3. Image is always virtual.
4. It is erect but laterally inverted (that is the right side appears to be left and vice versa.)

Q.9: What do you mean by spherical mirrors.

Answer: A mirror that is a part of sphere is called spherical mirror. It has two types.
1. Concave/converging mirror: A spherical mirror whose inner surface is reflecting.
2. Convex/diverging mirror: A spherical mirror whose outer surface is reflecting

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Q.10: Define principal focus and focal length of a concave mirror?

Answer: Principal Focus or Focal Point: The point where a parallel beam of light converges ( ‫ایک ےطقن رپ عمج‬

‫ )وہیا‬after reflection is called principal focus or focal point.

Focal Length: The distance between the principal focus and the pole of the mirror is known as
focal length.

Q.11: What do you mean by real and virtual focus.

Answer: Real Focus: The point where a parallel beam of light converges ( ‫ )ایک ےطقن رپ عمج وہیا‬really after

reflection or refraction is called real focus. It is taken positive. Concave mirror and convex lens
have real focus.
Virtual Focus: The point from where a parallel beam of light seems to diverge after reflection or
refraction is called virtual focus. It is taken negative. Convex mirror and concave lens have virtual

Q.12: Differentiate between concave mirror and convex mirror.

Answer: Concave mirror Convex mirror
Its inner side is reflecting Its outer side is reflecting
It converges light after reflection It diverges light after reflection
Its focus is real Its focus is virtual

Q.13: Differentiate between real and virtual image.

Answer: Real image Virtual image
It is formed by the intersection of It is formed by the virtual extensions of
reflected/refracted rays reflected/refracted rays
It is always inverted It is always erect
Its distance is taken positive Its distance is taken negative

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Q.14: Draw ray diagram the image of an object placed in between F and C of a concave mirror.
Nature of the image:
· Formed beyond C
· Inverted
· Larger than object
· Real

Q.15: Draw ray diagram to show the image formed by convex mirror and describe its nature.

Nature of the image:

· Formed between P and F
· Erect
· Smaller than object
· Virtual


Q.16: What is the sign convention for the mirrors and lenses?
Answer: Sign conventions for mirrors and lenses are:
➢ ‘P’ is positive for real objects and negative for virtual objects.
➢ ‘q’ is positive for real images and negative for virtual images.
➢ Focal length is positive of converging mirrors/lenses and negative for diverging
➢ All distances measured in same direction of incident rays are positive.
➢ All distances measured against the incident rays are negative.

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Q.17: Define lens.

Answer: A transparent medium bounded by one or two spherical surfaces that can form images by refraction
of light is called lens. It has two types:
1. Convex lens/converging lens
2. Concave lens/diverging lens

Q.18: Define focal length of convex lens.

Answer: The point where a parallel beam of light converges ( ‫ )ایک ےطقن رپ عمج وہیا‬after reflection is called

principal focus or focal point. Therefore, the distance between the principal focus (F) and the
optical center (O) of the lens is known as focal length.

Q.19: Define power of lens. write its unit.

Answer: The reciprocal of the focal length (if it is measured in meters) of a lens is called the power of the
lens. Its unit is Diopter (D).
Power of a Lens =

Q.20: An object is in between F and 2F of convex lens. Draw its ray diagram and describe the
nature of image?

Nature of the image

· Formed beyond 2F
· Image is inverted
2F F F 2F · Larger than object
· Real

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Q.21: Draw ray diagram when the object is placed inside the focal length of a convex lens.

Nature of the image

· Formed beyond 2F
· Image is erect
· Larger than object
· Virtual

2F F F 2F

Q.22: Show by ray diagram the image formed by a concave lens and describe its nature?
Answer: Nature of the image
· Formed between O and F
· Image is erect
· Smaller than object
· Virtual

2F F O F 2F

Q.23: Define optical instruments with examples.

Answer: The instruments used to see objects more clear and distinct, that cannot be seen by naked eyes are
called optical instruments. Examples are:
1. Magnifying glass
2. Microscopes
3. Telescopes

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Q. 24: What do you mean by magnification?

Answer: The ratio of height of the image (𝒉𝒊 ) to height of the object (𝒉𝒐 ) is called magnification. It has no
unit and is given by:
𝒉𝒊 𝒒
𝑴= =
𝒉𝒐 𝒑

Q. 25: Define Least distance of distinct vision.

Answer: The minimum distance of an object from the human eye where it can be seen clear, distinct and
magnified is called least distance of distinct vision. For normal eye this distance is 25cm. If an
object is located at a distance less than 25cm, it cannot be seen clearly but it looks blurred.

Q. 26: What is magnifying glass or simple microscope?

Answer: A single convex lens of short focal length is called magnifying glass. It is used to see objects clear
and magnified. Its principle is to place the object to be see within focal length of convex lens.

Q. 27: Why a convex lens of short focal length is preferred for magnifying glass?
Answer: A convex lens of short focal length is preferred for magnifying glass because to get:
1. High magnification
2. Wider viewing angle

Q. 28: Define microscope.

Answer: An optical instrument used to see near and very small objects distinct and magnified is called

Q. 29: What is the difference between microscope and telescope?

Answer: The difference between Microscope and Telescope is tabled below.
Microscope Telescope
It is used to see the nearly and very small objects It is used to see the distant objects
It has objective of short focal length It has objective of large focal length
It has an eye piece of large focal length It has an eye piece of short focal length

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Q. 30: What is Sextant?

Answer: An optical instrument used to find the height and angle of the distant object is called sextant. It is
called sextant because its arc scale contains 60 degrees. If “h” is the height and “D” is the horizontal
distance of the object then:
𝒉 = 𝑫𝒕𝒂𝒏𝜽

Q. 31: Define wavefront.

Answer: The locus (path) of all points having the same phase from a fixed point is called wavefront. They are
spherical near the source of light and plane far away from the source.

Q. 32: Describe Huygens principal.

Answer: Huygens presented a principal about the motion of light waves. According to him
1. Every point on a wave front behaves like secondary source of light (called wavelets).
2. The new position of a wave front after time ‘t’ can be found be drawing a tangential plane to
the secondary sources.

Q. 33: Define interference of light.

Answer: When two light waves of the same frequency, wavelength and amplitude (called coherent waves)
meet at a point, they either reinforce each other or cancel each other. This is called interference
of light waves. There are two types of interference of light waves:
1. Constructive Interference
2. Destructive Interference

Q. 34: What is the constructive interference of light?

Answer: If the two waves reach to a point in phase (crest of one wave falls on crest of other wave and vice
versa), they reinforce each other and bright band is formed. This is called Constructive
Interference. For Constructive Interference, the path difference between the two waves is either
zero or integral multiple of λ, i.e.
Path Difference = 0, λ , 2λ , 3λ----------nλ

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Q. 35: What is the destructive interference of light?

Answer: If the two waves reach to a point out of phase (crest of one wave falls on trough of other wave
and vice versa), they cancel each other and dark band is formed. This is called Destructive
Interference. For Destructive Interference, the path difference between the two waves is either
half wavelength or integral multiple of λ/2, i.e.
   1
Path Difference = , 3 , 5 ----------- ( n + )
2 2 2 2

Q. 36: Write conditions for interference of light.

Answer: There are four conditions for interference of light:
1. Coherent sources of light
2. Mono-chromatic light (of single frequency or color)
3. The sources must close to each other
4. Principle of superposition

Q. 37: Define diffraction of light.

Answer: The bending/spreading of light around the edges of an obstacle whose size is comparable to the
wavelength of incident light is called diffraction of light.

Q. 38: Define polarization of light.

Answer: The process by which light is confined (‫ )دحمودرکیا‬to have electric field vectors only in one direction is

called polarization of light. Only polarization tells us that light waves are transverse waves.

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Q. 39: How would you distinguish between polarized and non-polarized light?
Answer: The light from the source that contains electric field vectors in all directions is called unpolarized
light, while the light that contains electric filed vectors only in one direction is called polarized light
as shown in fig.

Q. 40: Describe any two applications of polarization of light.

Answer: 1. Sunlight is reflected from smooth surfaces such as roads and lakes. The reflected light is
linearly polarized in the horizontal plane and thus glare of light can be avoided by using
sunglasses made out of a Polaroid sheet with its optic axis vertical. Thus, horizontally
polarized light cannot go through sunglasses.
2. It is used in stress analysis of certain materials.

Q. 41: What is polaroid?

Answer: A material in thin plastic sheets that produces a high degree of plane polarization in light passing
through it. A number of needle shaped crystals quinine iodosulphate with their axes parallel to
one another are packed between two sheets of plastic. This arrangement serves as the Polaroid.
The important uses are:
· These reduce excess glare and hence sun glasses are fitted with Polaroid sheets.
· These are also used to reduce headlight glare of cars.
· Wind shields of automobiles are also made of Polaroid sheets.

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Q.1: Define total internal reflection.
Answer: The complete reflection of light entering from denser medium to rare medium, when the angle of
incidence exceeds the critical angle is called total internal reflection. It is the working principle of
transmission of light through optical fibers.

Q.2: Define critical angle.

Answer: The angle incidence (< 𝒊) for which the angle of refraction (< 𝒓) becomes 90°is called critical
angle. It is denoted by 𝜃𝑐 . i.e. if < 𝑖 = 𝜃𝑐 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑛 < 𝑟 = 90°

Q.3: Write relationship between critical angle and refractive index.

Answer: The relation between critical angle and refractive index is given by:
𝜽𝒄 = 𝐬𝐢𝐧−𝟏 ( )

Q.4: What is optical fiber?

Answer: A hair like fiber, through which light signals can travel is called optical fiber. It is made of either
glass or transparent plastic. Its raw material is silica i.e. sand. Its working principle is total internal
reflection. Some times it is named as light pipe.

Q.5: Describe the construction of optical fiber.

Answer: Construction of optical fiber is as under:
1. Core 2. Cladding 3. Buffer 4. Kevlar 5. Outer jacket

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Q.6: Write types of optical fiber.

Answer: The types of optical fiber are:
1. Single of mono-mode optical fiber
2. Multi-mode optical fiber
a. Step index optical fiber
b. Graded index optical fiber

Q.7: Differentiate between step index and graded index optical fiber.
Answer: Step index optical fiber: An optical fiber in which the refractive index of the core remains
constant from its center to outer surface.
Graded index optical fiber: An optical fiber in which the refractive index of the core varies from
its center to outer surface.

Q.8: Write four uses of optical fiber.

Answer: Optical fibers are used in:
1. Internet: They transmit large amount of data at very high speed
2. Cable TV: Transmit HD channels
3. Telephone: Faster connection and clear conversation without any delay on either side.
4. Mechanical inspection: Lights hard to reach parts of a machine etc.

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Q.1: Describe Newton’s corpuscular theory of light.
Answer: According to this theory, light emitted from the source consists of tiny particles called corpuscles,
these tiny particles travel along straight line with high speed.

Q.2: Describe absorption of light.

Answer: If an electron jumps from lower energy level say 𝑬𝟏 to high energy level say 𝑬𝟐 , it will absorb
energy equal to 𝑬𝟐 − 𝑬𝟏 = 𝒉𝒇 . This is called absorption of light.

Q.3: Describe emission of light.

Answer: If an electron jumps from high energy level say 𝑬𝟐 to lower energy level say 𝑬𝟏 , it will emit
energy equal to 𝑬𝟐 − 𝑬𝟏 = 𝒉𝒇 . This is called emission of light.

Q.4: Define ground state and excited state.

Answer: Ground state: The least energy state of an atom is called ground state. It is stable state.
Excited state: The high energy state of an atom is called excited state. It is temporary and has life
time 𝟏𝟎−8 𝑠𝑒𝑐.

Q.5: Define spontaneous emission of light.

Answer: If an atom completes its lifetime i.e. 𝟏𝟎−8 𝑠𝑒𝑐 in excited state, it will automatically go from excited
state to ground state by emitting light. Such emission is called spontaneous emission of light.

Q.6: Define stimulated emission of light.

Answer: If we strike an atom by a photon during its stay in excited state, it will return from excited state to
ground state by emitting a photon, thus we get two photons in phase. Or if an atom is forced to go
from excited state to ground state before its lifetime completes, it will emit light. This is called
stimulated emission of light.

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Q.7: Define LASER or De-abbreviate the word LASER.

Answer: The word LASER stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. The working
principle of laser is stimulated emission of light.

Q.8: Write properties of laser light.

Answer: Laser light has following properties:
1. Laser light is mono-chromatic i.e. of single frequency
2. Laser light is bright and intense
3. Laser light is coherent
4. Laser light is highly directional

Q.9: Write conditions for laser.

Answer: The conditions to produce laser light are:
1. Collimated beam of light
2. Population inversion
3. Meta-stable state or temporary stable state

Q.10: Define population inversion in laser.

Answer: Normally we have more atoms in ground state than excited state, but this condition should be
reversed to produce light i.e. there should be more atoms in excited state than ground state. This
condition is called population inversion. Population inversion can only be achieved in atoms having
meta-stable state.

Q.11: Describe meta stable state in laser.

Answer: An excited state of an atom, in which it can stay longer than normal excited state (𝟏𝟎−8 sec⁡⁡) is
called meta-stable state or temporary stable state. Its lifetime is 𝟏𝟎−3 𝑠𝑒𝑐

Q.12: Define pumping source in laser.

Answer: The energy source that raise atoms from ground state to excited state is called pumping source. That
is it simply pumps atoms from ground state to excited state.

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Q.13: Describe active medium in laser.

Answer: A special type of material that can emit laser light is called active medium or laser material. It may
be in the form solid, liquid and gas.

Q.14: Enlist four industrial uses of laser.

Answer: The four industrial uses of laser are:
1. Laser welding
2. Laser cutting
3. Laser drilling
4. Laser assisted machining

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