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Prince Boamah Appiah


Value: 5% part of the interview assignment process

Due Date: April 8, 2024

Your assignment is to answer each of the following ‘Interview Questions’ as though you had applied
to a position within your field.

1. Tell me about yourself?

My name is Prince Boamah Appiah. I am from Ghana. I am an 18-year-old individual aspiring

to make a change in the field of Electronics Engineering. I am a student of Confederation
College enthusiastic about joining the Electronics Engineering industry. While I lack direct
experience in this field, I bring a strong work ethic, enthusiasm, and a genuine passion for
learning. I am eager to contribute to a team and gain valuable experience in the industry.

2. Have you ever done this kind of work before?

No. I have not done this kind of work. Although I lack the necessary and valuable experience
in this field, I am very optimistic about learning and have confidence in my ability to quickly
adapt to the environment and acquire new skills. I believe my academic background and
passion for success position me as a strong candidate for the role.

3. Why should we hire you instead of someone else?

Even though my experience is limited, I offer unique viewpoints, a strong thirst for knowledge,
and a commitment to diligent work and team collaboration. I am very enthusiastic about
engaging in any role I am given, gaining thoughts and advice from experienced colleagues, and
steadily advancing as an individual and an employee.

4. What are your greatest strengths?

My ability to adapt to dynamic environments is one of my greatest strengths. My willingness

to learn and improve, and my strong work ethic. While I may not have much experience in the
field, I am very willing to learn more about my strengths and build on myself.

5. What are your greatest weaknesses?

My lack of experience in the field is my greatest weakness. I am very determined and

dedicated to overcoming this weakness. I actively pursue learning opportunities and seek
constructive feedback to acquire the skills and knowledge needed to excel in the field.

6. What five words would you say describe you best?

Hardworking, passionate, enthusiastic, humble, and adaptable.

7. What are your long-range goals?

Prince Boamah Appiah

My long-range goals involve acquiring more knowledge and experience in the industry. I also
aspire to progress to a higher-level position where I can effectively contribute to the success
of the company.

8. Can you work under pressure or tight deadlines?

Due to my personal experience with tight schedules in school and being able to balance
everything out and be on time for deadlines, I firmly believe that I can work under pressure
and/or tight deadlines.

9. Tell me about a time when you had too many things to do and you were required to prioritize
your tasks.

In my experience with tight schedules in school, there were times I had multiple assignments
piled up on my head while having upcoming tests the following day. I was put in the position
to prioritize my tests as they had more weight before finishing up my assignments later on.

10. Tell me about a recent situation in which you had to deal with a very upset customer or co-

I have not been faced or put in a situation where I had to deal with a very upset customer
because I have not yet had experience in the field. If I find myself in a situation, I
believe that with active listening, calmness, and commitment to finding solutions, the
situation can be controlled and solved.

11. Describe a time when you were faced with a stressful situation that demonstrated your coping

During my final exams’ week, I had three very important exams falling back to back while I
was also on a job hunt to pay off my bills. I was crumpling down but picked myself back up
with enthusiasm. I created a schedule for those three days which I followed and everything
was good.

12. Tell me about a time when you had to go above and beyond the call of duty in order to get the
job done.

While I have not had the chance to go above and beyond the call of duty due to my lack of
experience in a professional setting, I am committed to taking on new challenges and
exceeding expectations wherever possible to help me achieve success in my role.

13. Give me an example of a time when you had to make a split decision.

A situation where I had to make a split decision was when I had a group study presentation.
My colleagues and I were brainstorming and we all came to a disagreement on how to
proceed with the slides. Being the group presentation leader, I kept shut observed everyone’s
input, and made a verdict on what I felt was the best for the team based on everyone’s input.

 List each of the 13 questions, then add your response below each of them.

 Can be as long as you need it to be – answer the questions as if you were in a face to face or
participating in a telephone interview.
Prince Boamah Appiah

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