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SCHOOL: ______________________________________

LEARNER: _____________________________________


Question 1:

Choose the correct answer for each of the following. Write only the question number and the
letter of your choice:

1.1 The remains of of plants and animals that lived millions of years ago form:

a) Nuclear Fuel
b) Biofuels
c) Fossil Fuels
d) Renewable fuels

1.2 A torch is an example of a(n):

a) Electrical System
b) Mechanical System
c) Thermal System
d) Biological System

1.3 There are ______ types of heat transfer.

a) 5
b) 6
c) 4
d) 3

1.4 The following is a good Insulator:

a) Copper
b) Styrofoam
c) Brass
d) None of the above.

1.5 The Input energy for a food mixer is _________energy.

The Output energy for a food mixer is _________energy.
The Wasted energy for a food mixer is _________ energy.

a) Movment; Electrical; Sound

b) Electrical; Movement; Sound
c) Sound; Electrical; Movement
d) Electrical; Sound; Movement
1.6 It takes the energy from the Sun approximately ______ to reach Earth.

a) 60 seconds
b) 8 minutes
c) 390 seconds
d) 4 minutes

1.7 A substance iin plants that traps energy from the Sun.

a) Chlorine
b) Chloroform
c) Chloracne
d) Chlorophyll

1.8 There are ______ distinct phases of the Moon.

a) 8
b) 6
c) 4
d) 16

1.9 The Julian calendar states that the beginning of each year starts on:

a) 1 January
b) 26 March
c) 31 December
d) 25 March

1.10 This man’s studies initially confirmed that the Earth was the centre of the Universe.

a) Halley
b) Ptolemy
c) Hawking
d) Brahe


Question 2:

2.1 Give one reason why there are not many wind farms in South Africa. (1)

2.2 There are many types of Renewable Energy Resources of which Hydro-electric
power and Solar Power are two. Which of these requires a lot of sunlight to
generate electricity.
2.3 Complete the following sentences using the words “Stored” and “Movement”:

2.3.1 Kinetic Energy is _________ energy. (1)

2.3.2 Potential Energy is _________ energy. (1)

2.4 Give a definition of the Law of Conservation of Energy. (3)

2.5 For each of the following definitions state what type of heat transfer takes place.

2.5.1 The transfer of heat through empty space. (1)

2.5.2 The transfer of heat through water or air. (1)

2.6 Name one more heat transfer method and give a definiton of the term. (3)

2.7 Complete the following sentence using the word “Insulator” and “Conductor”.

Air is a very poor (a)_________ of heat, which makes it a very good


2.8 What materials or building designs can reduce energy gains and losses in
indigenous homes? Name three.

2.9 Why do all systems require an Input Energy? (1)

2.10 Identify the Wasted energy that will come from an electric hair dryer.


2.11 Complete the following sentences:

2.11.1 About three quarters of the electricity made in South Africa is made
from the energy stored in _________.

2.11.2 This resource is running out. So the government is also investing in

other energy sources for making electrcity, such as _________.
2.12 Is the following defintion an example of Dyanmite or a Dynamo?

A small generator which changes movement energy into electrical energy. (1)


Question 3:

3.1 During which season are the days shorter? Summer or Winter? (1)

3.2 Explain why the Equator does not experience much variation in temperature
during the four season in a year.

Your answer needs to include the angle at which the Earth tilts. Include the
season the Equator area experiences the most.

3.3 What is the energy produced by the Sun called? (2)

3.4 Explain why every fourth year has an extra day in February. (5)

3.5 Looking from Earth, what is the largest and brightest object in the sky at night? (1)

3.6 What is Earth’s only natural satellite? How is it held in its orbit around the Earth? (2)

3.7 Excluding “Full Moon” and “New Moon”, name two other phases of the Moon. (1)

3.8 Identify which of the following is “Mass” and which one is “Weight”:

3.8.1 The measurement of the pull of gravity on an object. (1)

3.8.2 The measurement of the amount of matter (material) something

contains. (1)

3.9 Give a defintion of the term “Gravity”. (2)

3.10 Give the name and surname of the man who used mathematics to describe the
shape of an orbit accurately.

3.11 What is the general shape of an orbit? (1)

3.12 There were three other men who had significant findings about astronomy.
Name one of them and give a brief sentence about what they contributed to
the Astronomy world.
3.13 Before 1582, people made use of the Julian calender. In 1582, Pope Gregory XIII
altered the calender. What is this newer calendar called?


Total: 60 marks


Hair Dryer Image:

Adapted From:
Clker Free Vector Images, (2014), Blow Dryer Blow Drier Hair Blower [ONLINE]. Available at:
dryer-blow-drier-hair-blower-311549/ [Accessed 17 September 2018].



Cognitive Levels Summary:
Question Lower Order Middle Order Higher Order
1.1 1
1.2 1
1.3 1
1.4 1
1.5 1
1.6 1
1.7 1
1.8 1
1.9 1
1.10 1
2.1 1
2.2 1
2.3.1 1
2.3.2 1
2.4 3
2.5.1 1
2.5.2 1
2.6 3
2.7 2
2.8 3
2.9 1
2.10 1
2.11.1 1
2.11.2 1
2.12 1
3.1 1
3.2 5
3.3 2
3.4 5
3.5 1
3.6 1 1
3.7 1
3.8.1 1
3.8.2 1
3.9 2
3.10 2
3.11 1
3.12 3
3.13 1
Total 24 27 9
% 40% 45% 15%
No. Solution Explanation
1.1 C 1 mark each =
1.2 A 10
1.3 D
1.4 B
1.5 B
1.6 B Low
1.7 D
1.8 A
1.9 D
1.10 B
2.1 Any 1 of the following:
 Expensive to set up.
 Wind farms are unattractive Low
 Make a lot of noise.
 Can kill birds that fly into the blades. (1)
2.2 Solar Power Middle (1)
2.3.1 Movement Low (1)
2.3.2 Stored Low (1)
2.4 Energy cannot be created  or destroyed.  It can only
be transformed from one form to another.  Middle
2.5.1 Radiation Low (1)
2.5.2 Convection Low (1)
2.6 Conduction  - The tranfer of heat through an object
 OR from one object to another object.  ddle
Mi (3)
2.7 (a) Conductor
(b) Insulator
Low (2)
2.8 Accept any 3 answers:
Thatch grass for roof. 
Clay bricks for walls. 

Building designs: Middle

Thick walls  Small
windows 
Gap between the walls and roof that allows hot air to
escape. 
No. Solution Explanation
2.9 They won’t be able to work as nothing powers them. Low (1)
2.10 Wasted energy is Sound.  Middle (1)
2.11.1 Coal Low (1)
2.11.2 Wind OR Sunlight Low (1)
2.12 Dynamo Middle (1)
3.1 Winter Low (1)
3.2 The Earth tilts on its axis by 23,5ᵒ.  This causes the
changing seasons.  However, the Equator does not tilt
away from Sunlight very much  and thus the
temperatures are usually constant . The Equator area Middle
experiences perpetual summer. 
(Any answer where the above 5 concepts are reflected
in the learner’s answer.) (5)
3.3 Solar Power High (2)
3.4 One year is 365,25 days.  A ¼ day is not logically
possible.  Thus every 4th year an extra day is included
in the year.  This is to ensure our calendar
corresponds  to the Earth’s orbit around the Sun.  (5)
3.5 The Moon Low (1)
3.6 1 Low Earth’s natural satellite - The Moon
Low &
1 Mid Held in Earth’s orbit – The Moon is held in its
orbit around Earth by the pull of Earth’s gravity. (2)
3.7 Half mark each; any 2 of the following:
Waning Gibbons Moon Waxing Crescent Moon
Half Moon (Last Quarter) Half Moon (First Quarter)
Waning Crescent Moon Waxing Gibbons Moon (1)
3.8.1 Weight (Weight of e.g. 9.8 Newtons) Middle (1)
3.8.2 Mass (kilograms) Middle (1)
3.9 Gravity – The force of attraction  between the Earth
and and object with mass. Middle
3.10 Johannes  Kepler  Middle (2)
3.11 Elliptical orbit  OR Oval shaped orbit  Low (1)
No. Solution Explanation
3.12 Scientist Name =  Contribution to Astronomy =
(Accept if only the 
surname is given)
Nicolaus Copernucus First to suggest the Sun is the
centre of the Solar System.
Galileo Galilei First person to use a telescope
to study the starts and planets.
OR Discovered Jupiter’s four
largest moons. Middle
(He did NOT invent the
Isaac Newton Showed tha gravity held the
Solar System together. OR
Gravitation Law proving
Copernicus’s theory.
OR The three laws of motion
OR (3)
3.13 Gregorian Calendar High (1)
Total: 60 marks
Percentage Distribution: Strand 3 + 4
Topic 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Quest: 1.1 1
1.2 1
1.3 1
1.4 1
1.5 1
1.6 1
1.7 1
1.8 1
1.9 1
1.10 1
2.1 1
2.2 1
2.3.1 1
2.3.2 1
2.4 3
2.5.1 1
2.5.2 1
2.6 3
2.7 2
2.8 3
2.9 1
2.10 1
2.11.1 1
2.11.2 1
2.12 1
3.1 1
3.2 5
3.3 2
3.4 5
3.5 1
3.6 2
3.7 1
3.8.1 1
3.8.2 1
3.9 2
3.10 2
3.11 1
3.12 3
3.13 1
Total 3 6 6 6 3 3 15 9 9
% 5% 10% 10% 10% 5 25% 15%
5% 15%
Topic Marks 27 33
Topic % 45% 55%

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