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Kingdoms of Africa Activity

Instructions: Fill in the chart below using your notes and the Mastering the TEKS in
World History book.

Kingdoms of Africa
Kingdom Location Trade Items Achievements(3)

Ghana west africa gold,cocoa,oil ● wealthy

● strong
● goods such
as gold,
ivory, salt
and copper.
Mali west africa vory, kola nuts, ● Building
cloth, metal impressive
goods, beads, and mosques and
also human ● Advancing
beings Islamic
scholarship and
throughout West
● Establishing a
prosperous and
centralized state
under Emperor
Sundiata Keita,
Songhai centred on the middle salt, cloth, arms, ● surpassed
reaches of the Niger
River in what is now horses and the Malian
central Mali and copper. Empire in
eventually extending area
west to the Atlantic
coast and east into ● wealth, and
Niger and Nigeria. power
● absorbing
vast areas
of the Mali
Empire and
reaching its
Ife & Benin
southwe Slaves, cloth,
ivory and brass
lively trades,the
bronze works of

stern both Ife and Benin

are produced
Nigeria through the cire-
ed a refined and
highly naturalistic
tradition in stone,
terracotta, brass,
and copper
Zimbabwe southern Africa gold, tobacco, its large circular
metal alloys, wall and tower,an
cotton, and sugar economy based
on cattle
husbandry, crop
cultivation, and
the trade of gold
on the coast of the
Indian Ocean
Coastal Cities of located in ivory from the a number of
East Africa Mozambique south of Africa, independent city-
gold from the state arose around
interior, the 10th
frankincense from century.Gold from
the north, and the African interior
textiles from the was sent down the
eastern cities, as zambia river to
well as African these cities, where it
metals, like merchants from
copper and iron. arabia and india.

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