2022 Q3 Winner

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Vladimir Putin,

I ask you to look at yourself

My vast but fast knowledge of you is that you have no respect
The prospect of your determination brings a question to my nation;
What is the right world to conquer
If in the end all you fight for is a lost legend in rubble?

I ask you to look at yourself

From childhood streets to young students incomplete
You talk about the reunion of a so called Soviet Union
How can you call yourself human?

I ask you to look at yourself

You want control over another’s land
It comes to you're solutions that you think are revolutions
You wish that the union lives
But not the people within it.

I ask you to look at yourself

I ask you where’s your compassion
Your vast value and view of beautiful life,
Instead you result in violence for victory -
You’re just a tyrant, trying to repeat history
Your volume of destruction brings vomit to my world.

I ask you to look at yourself

Every bomb that hits the crust of the Earth
Every loss in trust in the human kind
How can you understand what it is to be kind
Every bomb that hits my mothers homeland
Is another fear in a kid saying “I don’t want to die” -
“YA ne hochu vmaratye”
Every raining death package delivery from the sky
Is another tear in my mother’s eye.

I ask you to look at yourself

For what happened in the city Mariupol
A barbaric bombing that destroyed a children's hospital
This happened yesterday, by the way
How can you call these war decisions logical
All these children's lives ended they were all just so little,
Now they sit still, buried in rubble
You have already lost the world’s respect
And you’re about to lose this war

In which president Zelensky -

Who actually lives up to the name “president”
Stands with his people, risking his life just like every other resident
Isn’t this the guy you said would fold under pressure,
Who you said was a coward?
I ask you to look at yourself
As you’re the one who cowards away in a bunker

I ask you to look at yourself

You turn colorful home streets that are gardens of freedom
Into hurtful dust rocks and gray-
But you see in some is still a desire to stay
You see you forget how much compassion there is in these people
The will and the right to fight
There is a powerful motivation to my heart,
And I’m not sure whether or not it also breaks my heart,
But a dear old grandmother of the street
Is what they call a “Babusya”
You see instead of cooking varanichkye for the children,
This babusya stands by to greet with a rifle and molotov cocktail.

I ask you to look at yourself

The people of Ukraine believe in democracy
But your efforts in control, to change our geography
Is forcing people into your totalitarian regime
You know, you're starting to sound a bit familiar

It’s the iron fist that rules with a demanding pillar,

It’s the evil monstrous rench that leaks from you, you’re an emitter,
It’s your defining and cruel face that reminds of a killer,
It’s the attitude to attack an innocent race that defines a bit bitter,
Holy crap, you're beginning to look a lot like hitler.

Let’s go over that one paper you wrote -
“On the Historical Unity of Russians and Ukrainians”
Which by the way, kind of sounds like a ninth grade history essay
Anyway, moving on from that embarrassing relay,
You state that within us we are one people - to which I say no doubt
We go way back from Kievan Rus’ in 882
Our cultures, our traditions, are closely tied from the start
Like two cubs, born tight at heart, but are lost in the darkest night
You feel a deep brotherhood, desperate for a reunion
But I say, that cub is all grown up, ready to roam on its own

In that essay you compare the relationship of Ukraine and Russia

Like it’s Germany and Austria, or America and Canada
We live border by border, our own slight ideas in order
But culture still welcomes, language is familiar
And when citizens from either crosses the border
You say they can still live laugh love and link
This invasion makes we wonder if you even think
You say they can still feel at home, feel a strong alliance tight
“Just like Ukraine and Russia” right?

I ask you to look at yourself

From childhood streets to young students incomplete
I ask you, how can a Ukrainian feel at home
In a country that took theirs away from them.

Slava Ukrainyi
Glory to Ukraine

By Marko Fedynsky

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