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Drugs and Medication

Name: Maia Mcleish

Teacher: Ms. Thompson
School: Distinction College
Drugs - Any chemical substance that affect the functioning of living things and

Cream – are the type of topical medication that can be used for a variety of
purposes such as: providing a barrier to protect the skin, cleanse and aids in the
retention of moisture.

Emulsion - emulsion are mixtures of two or more liquids that do not normally mix.
Emulsions are used for administration of nutrients, drugs and Diagnostic agents.

Liniment - Liniment Is a medicated topical preparation for application to the skin.
It is used to treat minor aches and pains of the muscles and joints.

Spirit - Surgical spirit is also known as Rubbing alcohol. It is an effective

antiseptic disinfectant. And solvent. Ethanol is also another type of spirit, that is
used to sterilize and cleanse prior to surgery.

Lozenge - Is a small, solid piece of medicated material that is held in the mouth, for slow
dissolution. It is used for treatment of the mouth or throat, especially sore throat or cough.

Paint - In the medical field, paint is a solution or suspension of one or more medicaments applied
to the skin. It is used to treat widespread eruptions and for therapeutic use.

Enema- Enema or fluids or solutions inserted into the rectum through the anal canal, which helps
to stimulate the emptying of the bowel. Enema is used to treat constipation and to help with
softening hard stools.

Pessary- Pessary is a prosthetic device that can be inserted into the vagina to support its internal
structure. It is used for urinary incontinence and vaginal prolapse.

Suppository- A Suppository is a solid, but readily meltable medication that is inserted into the
rectum, vagina or urethra. It is used to deliver different types of drugs for medical conditions.

Vaginal suppository- Vaginal suppositories are solid, oval-shaped treatments that are inserted
into the vagina using a plastic applicator. They become liquid as they warm to the body’s
temperature. vaginal suppository provides targeted relief from conditions affecting the
vagina. They also tend to be fast acting due to their rapid absorption.

Vaginal pessary- is a soft, flexible device that is inserted into the vagina to support pelvic
structures. The device can also be used to deliver medications intravaginally.

Antibiotics- Antibiotics are medicines used to treat or prevent some types of bacterial infections
by killing bacteria or preventing them from spreading. There are 7 main classes of antibiotics
e.g., macrolides, penicillin etc.

Mature - Maturity relates to a completeness of natural growth and development in plants and
animals. A mature organism is usually recognized by its ability to reproduce.

Elixir- Elixirs are sweetened liquid preparations that contain at least one active ingredient and are
used for medicinal purposes. They are usually taken orally or intended to cure an illness or to
improve one’s health.

Antacids- Antacids are medications used to treat the symptoms of indigestion and heartburn. It
neutralizes the acid (Pepsin) in the stomach to stop the breakdown of food for digestion. They
are available in liquid and chewable tablets over the counter without prescription.

Syrup- Syrup is a viscous concentrated solution of a sugar containing medicinal substances. They
are used as vehicles for drugs such as antibiotics, Antihistaminic, antitussives and vitamins Some
syrups are used principally to give a pleasant odor and taste to medicines that would other wise
be bitter and u pleasant over powers any underlying bitter, ideal for of patients that may have
difficulty swallowing pills.

Narcotic- A Narcotic is a drug that dulls ones senses, relieves pain and induces narcosis.
produces on a drug or other substance that affects mood or behavior and is consumed for. These
are prescribed for moderate to severe pain.and is effective and safe at reducing pain when used
carefully and under a health care provider's direct care.

Anticoagulant- Anticoagulants also commonly referred to as blood thinners are medications

that prevent or decrease your blood’s ability to clot. They are used in therapy for thrombotic
disorders and can be administered orally in pill or tablet form, or intravenously.

Topical application- Topical application is used directly on the skin or mucous membrane of a
specific area of the body. They can be used to protect and nourish the skin or treat an affected
area. It can be used to treat pain and other types of problems, many in the form of creams,
ointment, lotions, patches etc

Cathartic- A cathartic is a substance that accelerates defecation resulting in the evacuation of

the entire colon in the form of watery, unformed stool. It is possible for a substance to be both a
laxative and a cathartic.

Laxative- A laxative also known as a purgative, or aperient is a substance that loosens hard
stools, stimulates, and ease bowel movements. Most are available over the counter and is
generally used to treat and relieve constipation. Laxatives are administered in the form of liquids,
tablets, or capsules and may be administered orally or rectally.

Remedy- A Remedy is a medicine, application, or treatment that relieves or cures a disease or
injury and restore health.

Therapy- Therapy is the treatment of a disease, physical or mental disorder by medical or

physical means, through some remedial, rehabilitating, or curative process: usually excluding

Advertisement- An Advertisement is the public notification to promote a product, service, or
event or publicizing a job vacancy by way of print or broadcast.

Pharmacy- Pharmacy is the science and technique of preparing and dispensing medicinal drugs
to consumers and health care professional that are studied and produced by pharmacologists.
Pharmacies dispense and sell medicinal drugs.

Pharmacology- Pharmacology is a branch of medicine and biology which studies the interactions
living organism and chemicals that affect normal or abnormal biochemical function. Substances
that have medicinal properties, are considered pharmaceuticals.

Generic drug
A generic drug is a pharmaceutical drug that is not protected by patent, distributed and marketed
under its pharmaceutical or chemical name, usually by multiple manufacturers at a lower end-
user cost. A generic drug has the same active pharmaceutical ingredient as the original, but it
may differ in some characteristics such as the manufacturing process, formulation, excipients,
color, taste, and packaging.

Trade name- A trade name, trading name, or business name is a pseudonym used by companies
that do not operate under their registered company name. The term for this type of alternative
name is a “fictitious” business name. Registering the fictitious name with a relevant government
body is often required.

An aerosol is a suspension of fine solid particles or liquid droplets in air or another gas. Aerosols
can be natural or anthropogenic. The term aerosol commonly refers to the particulate/air mixture,
as opposed to the particulate matter alone. Examples of natural aerosols are fog or mist, dust,
forest exudates, and geyser steam. Examples of anthropogenic aerosols include particulate air
pollutants, mist from the discharge at hydroelectric dams, irrigation mist, perfume from
atomizers, smoke, dust, steam from a kettle, sprayed pesticides, and medical treatments for
respiratory illnesses. When a person inhales the contents of a vape pen or e-cigarette, they are
inhaling an anthropogenic aerosol.

Puff: [verb] to blow in short gusts. to exhale forcibly. to breathe hard : pant. to emit small whiffs
or clouds A short blowing sound heard on auscultation, usually a systolic murmur heard over the

Inhalant- Inhalants are a broad range of household and industrial chemicals whose volatile
vapors or pressurized gases can be concentrated and breathed in via the nose or mouth to produce
intoxication, in a manner not intended by the manufacturer. They are inhaled at room
temperature through volatilization or from a pressurized container, and do not include drugs that
are sniffed after burning or heating. For example, amyl nitrite, nitrous oxide and toluene – a
solvent widely used in contact cement, permanent markers, and certain types of glue – are
considered inhalants, but smoking tobacco, cannabis, and crack cocaine are not, even though
these drugs are inhaled as smoke or vapor.

Pill- A Pill is a medicinal or dietary preparation in a small rounded mass to be swallowed whole.

Tablet- A small disk or cylinder of a compressed solid substance, typically a measured amount of
a medicine or drug; a pill:


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