Approach To The Patient With Postoperative Pain

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ACS Surgery: Principles and Practice


Henrik Kehlet, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.C.S. (Hon.)

Approach to the Patient with Postoperative Pain

Pain may usefully be classified into two varieties: acute and chron- attributed to a variety of causes [see Table 1], which to some extent
ic. As a rule, postoperative pain is considered a form of acute pain, can be ameliorated by increased teaching efforts. In general, how-
though it may become chronic if it is not effectively treated. ever, the scientific approach to postoperative pain relief has not
Postoperative pain consists of a constellation of unpleasant sen- been a great help to surgical patients in the general ward, where
sory, emotional, and mental experiences associated with auto- intensive surveillance facilities may not be available.
nomic, psychological, and behavioral responses precipitated by the
surgical injury. Despite the considerable progress that has been
made in medicine during the past few decades, the apparently Guidelines for
simple problem of how to provide total or near total relief of post- Postoperative Pain
operative pain remains largely unsolved. Pain management does Treatment
not occupy an important place in academic surgery. However, The recommendations
government agencies have attempted to foster improved postoper- provided below are aimed at
ative pain relief, and guidelines have been published.1-3 In 2001, surgeons working on the gen-
the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organiza- eral surgical ward; superior
tions (JCAHO) introduced standards for pain management,4 stat- regimens have been constructed by specialized groups interested
ing that patients have the right to appropriate evaluation and man- in postoperative pain research, but these regimens are not cur-
agement and that pain must be assessed. rently applicable to the general surgical population, unless an
Postoperative pain relief has two practical aims.The first is pro- acute pain service is available. Consideration is given to the effi-
vision of subjective comfort, which is desirable for humanitarian ciency of each analgesic technique, its safety versus its side effects,
reasons. The second is inhibition of trauma-induced nociceptive and the cost-efficiency problems arising from the need for inten-
impulses to blunt autonomic and somatic reflex responses to pain sive surveillance. For several analgesic techniques, evidence-based
and to enhance subsequent restoration of function by allowing the recommendations are now available.7 For many others, however,
patient to breathe, cough, and move more easily. Because these there are not sufficient data in the literature to form a valid scien-
effects reduce pulmonary, cardiovascular, thromboembolic, and tific database; accordingly, recommendations regarding their use
other complications, they may lead secondarily to improved post- are made on empirical grounds only.
operative outcome. In the past few years, efforts have been made to develop proce-
dure-specific perioperative pain management guidelines. The
impetus for these efforts has been the realization that the analgesic
Inadequate Treatment of Pain efficacy may be procedure dependent and that the choice of anal-
A common misconception is that pain, no matter how severe, gesia in a given case must also depend on the benefit-to-risk ratio,
can always be effectively relieved by opioid analgesics. It has which varies among procedures. In addition, it is clear that some
repeatedly been demonstrated, however, that in a high proportion analgesic techniques will only be considered for certain specific
of postoperative patients, pain is inadequately treated.5,6 This dis- operations (e.g., peripheral nerve blocks, cryoanalgesia, and
crepancy between what is possible and what is practiced can be intraperitoneal local anesthesia).8-10 At present, these procedure-
specific guidelines are still largely in a developmental state and are
available only for laparoscopic cholecystectomy, colon surgery,
hysterectomy, and hip replacement.10-12
Table 1—Contributing Causes of THORACIC PROCEDURES
Inadequate Pain Treatment Pain after thoracotomy is
severe, and pain therapy
Insufficient knowledge of drug pharmacology
among surgeons and nurses
should therefore include a
combination regimen, pre-
Uniform (p.r.n.) prescriptions
ferably comprising epidur-
Lack of concern for optimal pain relief
al local anesthetics and
Failure to give prescribed analgesics
opioids plus systemic non-
Fear of side effects steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or cyclooxygenase-
Fear of addiction 2 (COX-2) inhibitors (depending on risk factors). If the epidural
regimen is not available, NSAIDs and systemic opioids should be
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Combine psychological preparation with

pharmacologic and other interventions to treat
postoperative pain

Consider recommended combination regimes.

Acetaminophen is recommended as a basic component
of multimodal analgesia in any of the settings below.

Thoracic Abdominal

Cardiac Noncardiac Major Minor (laparoscopic) Pelvic

Give systemic opioids with Give epidural local Give epidural local Give incisional/
NSAIDs. anesthetic–opioid combination anesthetic–opioid intraperitoneal local
with systemic NSAIDs or combination (add NSAIDs anesthetic with
Consider epidural or COX-2 inhibitors if
COX-2 inhibitors. systemic NSAIDs or
local anesthetic–opioid analgesia is insufficient).
If this combination is not COX-2 inhibitors.
combination If this combination is not
available, give systemic
opioids with NSAIDs or available, give systemic
COX-2 inhibitors. opioids with NSAIDs or
Consider cryoanalgesia. COX-2 inhibitors.


Give systemic opioids with

NSAIDs or COX-2 inhibitors.
Consider epidural local
combination in high-risk
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Approach to the Patient with Postoperative Pain


Vascular Superficial Major joint procedures

Give epidural local anesthetics Give incisional local anesthetic Give intrathecal local anesthetic
with systemic NSAIDs and systemic opioids with plus morphine and systemic
or NSAIDs or COX-2 inhibitors. NSAIDs or COX-2 inhibitors
Give systemic opioids with Consider peripheral nerve or
NSAIDs. blockade.
Give a peripheral nerve block
(single dose or continuous)
with systemic NSAIDs or
COX-2 inhibitors.
Consider continuous epidural
local anesthetic–opioid
combination in high-risk patients
Prostatectomy with systemic NSAIDs.

Open: Give epidural local

combination with systemic
NSAIDs or COX-2 inhibitors.
Transurethral resection:
Give systemic opioids with
NSAIDs or COX-2 inhibitors.

Final choice of treatment

Make final choice of treatment modality

on the basis of
• Efficiency of analgesic techniques
• Side effects and additive effects
• Availability of surveillance, if required
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given to obtain the documented synergistic-additive effect. Cryo- morphine combination will provide effective analgesia for the
analgesia is useful because it is moderately effective, easy to per- first 8 to 16 hours, after which NSAIDs or COX-2 inhibitors may
form, free of significant side effects, and relatively inexpensive. be added. The use of peripheral nerve blocks is gaining more
Paravertebral blocks are also effective but necessitate continuous popularity and may be continued postoperatively.15,16 Acetamin-
infusion. Acetaminophen is recommended as a basic analgesic ophen is provided as a basic analgesic for multimodal analgesia.
for multimodal analgesia. After arthroscopic joint procedures, instillation of a local anes-
Pain after cardiac operation with sternotomy is less severe, and thetic and an opioid analgesic (e.g., morphine) provides effective
systemic opioids plus NSAIDs are recommended. The combined early postoperative pain relief.
regimen of epidural local anesthetics and opioids is recommended During superficial procedures, systemic opioids combined with
when more effective pain relief is necessary, and it may reduce car- NSAIDs or COX-2 inhibitors should suffice. Acetaminophen is
diopulmonary morbidity.13 provided as a basic analgesic for multimodal analgesia.
PROCEDURES Treatment Modalities
Pain after major and up-
per abdominal operations is
severe, and a combined reg-
imen of epidural local anes- Individuals differ consid-
thetics and opioids is rec- erably in how they respond
ommended because it has to noxious stimuli; much of
proved to be very effective and to have few and acceptable side ef- this variance is accounted
fects.11,12,14 Furthermore, the epidural regimen will reduce postop- for by psychological factors. Cognitive, behavioral, or social inter-
erative pulmonary complications and ileus, as compared with treat- ventions should be used in combination with pharmacologic ther-
ment with systemic opioids. Systemic NSAIDs or COX-2 inhibitors apies to prevent or control acute pain, with the goal of such inter-
are added when needed. Acetaminophen is recommended as a ventions being to guide the patient toward partial or complete self-
basic analgesic for multimodal analgesia. control of pain.17,18 Sophisticated psychological techniques, such
After gynecologic operations,12 systemic opioids plus NSAIDs or as biofeedback and hypnosis therapy, are not applicable to a busy
COX-2 inhibitors are recommended except in patients in whom surgical unit, but simple psychological techniques are a valuable
more effective pain relief is desirable. In such patients, the combined part of good medical practice.
regimen of epidural local anesthetics and opioids is preferable. Acet- Psychological preparation in patients with postoperative pain
aminophen is recommended as a basic analgesic for multimodal has been demonstrated to shorten hospital stay and reduce post-
analgesia. operative narcotic use [see Table 2].19 Psychological techniques
Pain following prostatectomy is usually not severe and may be should be combined with pharmacologic or other interventions,
treated with systemic opioids combined with NSAIDs or COX-2 but care must be taken to ensure that the pharmacologic treat-
inhibitors and acetaminophen. However, blood loss and throm- ment does not compromise the mental function necessary for the
boembolic complications are reduced when epidural local anesthet- success of the planned psychological intervention.
ics are administered.This method is therefore recommended intra-
operatively and continued in selected high-risk patients for pain
relief after open prostatectomy and transurethral resection. In low- The terminology associated with the pharmacology of the opi-
risk patients, systemic opioids with NSAIDs or COX-2 inhibitors oids is confusing, to say the least. Opiate is an appropriate term
and acetaminophen alleviate postoperative pain. for any alkaloid derived from the juice of the plant (i.e., from
opium). The proper term for the class of agents, whether exoge-
nous, endogenous, natural, or synthetic, is opioid.
After vascular proce-
dures, postoperative pain
control is probably best
achieved with epidural Table 2—Psychological Preparation
local anesthetic–opioid mix- of Surgical Patients
tures, combined with sys-
temic NSAIDs or COX-2 inhibitors. Acetaminophen is recom- Procedural information—Give a careful and relevant description
mended as a basic analgesic for multimodal analgesia. This regi- of what will take place
men will be effective, and the increase in peripheral blood flow Sensory information—Describe the sensations that will be experienced
either during or after the operation
that is documented to occur with epidural local anesthetics may
lower the risk of graft thrombosis. Pain treatment information—Outline the plan for administering
sedative and analgesic medication, and encourage patients to
Pain relief after major joint procedures (e.g., hip and knee communicate concerns and discomforts
operations)12 may involve an epidural regimen in high-risk Instructional information—Teach patients postoperative exercises,
patients because such regimens have been shown to reduce such as leg exercises, and show them how to turn in bed or move so
thromboembolic complications and intraoperative blood loss and that pain is minimal
to facilitate rehabilitation. The severe pain noted after knee Reassurance—Reassure those who are mentally, emotionally, or
physically unable to cooperate that they are not expected to take an
replacement is probably best treated with epidural local anes- active role in coping with pain and will still receive sufficient analgesic
thetics combined with opioids. Otherwise, for routine manage- treatment
ment, a single intrathecal dose of a local anesthetic–low-dose
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Table 3—Opioid Receptor Types and Physiologic Actions

Prototypical Ligand
Receptor Type Physiologic Actions
Endogenous Exogenous

Mu1 β-Endorphin Morphine Supraspinal analgesia

Mu2 β-Endorphin Morphine Respiratory depression

Delta Enkephalin — Spinal analgesia

Kappa Dynorphin Ketocyclazocine Spinal analgesia, sedation, ?visceral


Epsilon β-Endorphin — ?Hormone

Sigma — N-Allylnormetazocine Psychotomimetic effect, dysphoria

Mechanisms of Action pharmacodynamic data are available. Use of this agent is recom-
mended; it may be given orally, intravenously, or intramuscularly
Opioids produce analgesia and other physiologic effects by
[see Table 5].
binding to specific receptors in the peripheral and central nervous
system [see Table 3]. These receptors normally bind a number of
Meperidine Detailed and sufficient pharmacokinetic and
endogenous substances called opioid peptides. These receptor-
pharmacodynamic data on meperidine are available. It is less suit-
binding interactions mediate a wide array of physiologic effects.20
able than morphine as an analgesic because its active metabolite,
Five types of opioid receptors and their subtypes have been dis-
covered: mu, delta, kappa, epsilon, and sigma receptors. Most normeperidine, can accumulate, even in patients with normal
commonly used opioids bind to mu receptors. The mu1 receptor renal clearance, and this accumulation can result in CNS excita-
is responsible for the production of opioid-induced analgesia, tion and seizures.20 Other agents should be used before meperi-
whereas the mu2 receptor appears to be related to the respiratory dine is considered. Like morphine, meperidine can be given oral-
depression, cardiovascular effects, and inhibition of GI motility ly, intravenously, or intramuscularly.
commonly seen with opioids. In studies from 2001 and 2004, Side Effects
investigators were able to obtain a reduction in the GI side effects
of morphine with a specific peripherally acting mu antagonist By depressing or stimulating the CNS, opioids cause a number
without interfering with analgesia.21,22 of physiologic effects in addition to analgesia.The depressant effects
The demonstration of the existence of peripheral opioid recep- of opioids include analgesia, sedation, and altered respiration and
tors has given rise to studies investigating the effect of administer- mood; the excitatory effects include nausea, vomiting, and miosis.
ing small opioid doses at the surgical site. Unfortunately, incision- All mu agonists produce a dose-dependent decrease in the
al opioid administration has no significant beneficial effect23; how- responsiveness of brain-stem respiratory centers to increased car-
ever, intra-articular administration does yield a modest benefit.24 bon dioxide tension (PCO2).This change is clinically manifested as
The relation between receptor binding and the intensity of the an increase in resting PCO2 and a shift in the CO2 response curve.
resultant physiologic effect is known as the intrinsic activity of an Agonist-antagonist opioids have a limited effect on the brain stem
opioid. Most of the commonly used opioid analgesics are agonists. and appear to elicit a ceiling effect on increases in PCO2.
An agonist produces a maximal biologic response by binding to its Opioids also have effects on the GI tract. Nausea and vomiting
receptor. Other opioids, such as naloxone, are termed antagonists are caused by stimulation of the chemoreceptor trigger zone of the
because they compete with agonists for opioid receptor binding medulla. Opioids enhance sphincteric tone and reduce peristaltic
sites. Still other opioids are partial agonists because they produce contraction. Delayed gastric emptying is caused by decreased
a submaximal response after binding to the receptor. (An excellent motility, increased antral tone, and increased tone in the first part
example of a submaximal response produced by partial agonists is of the duodenum. Delay in passage of intestinal contents because
buprenorphine’s action at the mu receptor.) of decreased peristalsis and increased sphincteric tone leads to
Drugs such as nalbuphine, butorphanol, and pentazocine are greater absorption of water, increased viscosity, and desiccation of
known as agonist-antagonists or mixed agonist-antagonists.20 bowel contents, which cause constipation and contribute to post-
These opioids simultaneously act at different receptor sites: their operative ileus. Opioids also increase biliary tract pressure. Finally,
action is agonistic at one receptor and antagonistic at another [see opioids may inhibit urinary bladder function, thereby increasing
Table 4]. The agonist-antagonists have certain pharmacologic the risk of urinary retention.
properties that are distinct from those of the more common mu Several long-acting, slow-release oral opioids are currently avail-
agonists: (1) they exhibit a ceiling effect and cause only submaxi- able, but their role (in particular, their safety) in the setting of
mal analgesia as compared with mu agonists, and (2) administra- moderate to severe postoperative pain remains to be established.
tion of an agonist-antagonist with a complete agonist may cause a In addition, modern principles of treatment increasingly empha-
reduction in the effect of the complete agonist.20 size the use of opioid-sparing analgesic approaches to enhance
recovery (see below).
Morphine Morphine is the opioid with which the most clin-
ical experience has been gained. Sufficient pharmacokinetic and Opioids were first used in the epidural and subarachnoid space
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Table 4—Intrinsic Activity of Opioids

Receptor Type
Mu Kappa Delta Sigma

Morphine Agonist — — —
Meperidine (Demerol) Agonist — — —
Hydromorphone (Dilaudid) Agonist — — —
Oxymorphone (Numorphan) Agonist — — —
Levorphanol (Levo-Dromoran) Agonist — — —
Fentanyl (Duragesic) Agonist — — —
Sufentanil (Sufenta) Agonist — — —
Alfentanil (Alfenta) Agonist — — —
Methadone (Dolophine) Agonist — — —

Buprenorphine (Buprenex) Partial agonist — — —
Butorphanol (Stadol) Antagonist Agonist Agonist —
Nalbuphine (Nubain) Antagonist Partial agonist Agonist —
Pentazocine (Talwin) Antagonist Agonist Agonist —
Dezocine (Dalgan) Partial agonist — — Agonist

Naloxone (Narcan) Antagonist Antagonist Antagonist Antagonist

in 1979. Since that time, they have become the mainstay of post- solubility of an opioid determines its access to the dorsal horn via
operative management for severe pain. Epidural opioids may be (1) diffusion through the arachnoid granulations and (2) diffusion
administered in a single bolus or via continuous infusions. They into spinal radicular artery blood flow.
are usually combined with local anesthetics in a continuous Subarachnoid opioids should be used when the required dura-
epidural infusion to enhance analgesia.14 tion of analgesia after surgery is relatively short. When protracted
analgesia is required, epidural administration is preferred; repeat-
Mechanisms of Action ed injections may be given through epidural catheters, or contin-
Opioids injected into the epidural or subarachnoid space cause uous infusions may be used. Smaller doses of subarachnoid opi-
segmental (i.e., selective, spinally mediated) analgesia by binding oids are generally required to produce analgesia. Ordinarily, no
to opioid receptors in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord.25 The more than 0.1 to 0.25 mg of morphine should be used. These
lipid solubility of an opioid, described by its partition coefficient, doses, which are about 10% to 20% of the size of comparably
predicts its behavior when introduced into the epidural or sub- effective epidural doses, provide reliable pain relief with few side
arachnoid space. Opioids with low lipid solubility (i.e., hydrophilic effects.26 Fentanyl has also been extensively used in the subarach-
opioids) have a slow onset of action and a long duration of action. noid space in a dose range of 6.25 to 50 µg. Pain relief after
Opioids with high lipid solubility (i.e., lipophilic opioids) have a administration of subarachnoid fentanyl is as potent but not as
quick onset of action but a short duration of action.Thus, the lipid prolonged as analgesia after administration of morphine.

Table 5—Suggested Regimens for

Systemic Morphine Administration

Intermittent Administration (Suggested Initial Dose)*

p.o. I.M. I.V. Duration (hr)

Morphine 30–50 mg 10 mg 5–10 mg 3–4

Continuous I.V. Infusion†

Morphine ≈ 3 mg/hr (loading dose: 5 –10 mg)

*Number of doses to be given is calculated with the following formula:
24 hr
actual duration of single effective dose (hr)
Single doses should be given at calculated fixed intervals approximately 30 min before expected
recurrence of pain. Single dose should be readjusted daily. Elderly patients may be more susceptible
to opioids.

Dose should be adjusted according to effect and side effects.
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Regimens for Acute Pain Relief

regional nerve blockade. In addition, there is a great deal of exper-
It is generally agreed that at least 2 mg of epidural morphine is imental evidence that documents the benefits of blocking noxious
needed to achieve a significant analgesic response, but the criteria impulses.28 Local anesthetic neural blockade is unique among
used to assess this response have varied greatly in reported stud- available analgesic techniques in that it may offer sufficient affer-
ies, and no firm conclusion can be derived from them.25,27 ent neural blockade, resulting in relief of pain; avoidance of seda-
Epidural opioids are less efficient in the earliest stages of the acute tion, respiratory depression, and nausea; and, finally, efferent sym-
pain state than on subsequent days; moreover, they appear to be pathetic blockade, resulting in increased blood flow to the region
more successful at alleviating pain after procedures in the lower of neural blockade.28 Despite the considerable scientific data doc-
half of the body than at alleviating upper abdominal and thoracic umenting these beneficial effects, the place of epidural local anes-
pain. In general, 2 to 4 mg of morphine administered epidurally is thesia as a method of pain relief remains somewhat controversial
sufficient after minor procedures, whereas about 4 mg is needed in comparison with that of other analgesic techniques. Its side
after vascular and gynecologic procedures and after major upper effects (e.g., hypotension, urinary retention, and motor blockade)
abdominal and thoracic procedures.20,25,27 On postoperative day 1, and the need for trained staff for surveillance argue against its use;
however, such a regimen, even when repeated as many as three however, these side effects can be reduced by using combination
times, relieves pain completely in fewer than 50% of patients; on regimens (see below).27
subsequent days, the success rate is substantially higher. The effi-
ciency of this approach is lowest after major procedures. Mechanism of Action
There is evidence to suggest that continuous epidural adminis- Local anesthetic neural blockade is a nondepolarizing block
tration of low-dosage morphine (0.1 to 0.3 mg/hr) or fentanyl (10 that reduces the permeability of cell membranes to sodium ions.29
to 20 µg/hr) may lower the risk of late respiratory depression and Whether different local anesthetics have different effects on differ-
may be more efficient than intermittent administration of higher ent nerve fibers is debatable.
dosages of morphine.27 The continuous low-dosage approach is
therefore recommended. Choice of Drug

Side Effects For optimal management of postoperative pain, the anesthetic

agent should provide excellent analgesia of rapid onset and long
The chief side effects associated with epidural and subarach- duration without inducing motor blockade. The various local
noid opioids are respiratory depression, nausea and vomiting, pru- anesthetic agents all meet one or more of these criteria; however,
ritus, and urinary retention.25-27 The poor lipid solubility of mor- the ones that come closest to meeting all of the criteria are bupi-
phine is responsible for its protracted duration of action but also vacaine, ropivacaine, and levobupivacaine. This should not pre-
allows morphine to undergo cephalad migration in the cere- clude the use of other agents, because their efficacy has also been
brospinal fluid. This migration can cause delayed respiratory demonstrated. Ropivacaine and levobupivacaine may have a bet-
depression, with a peak incidence 3 to 10 hours after an injection. ter safety profile, but the improvement may be relevant only when
The high lipid solubility of lipophilic opioids such as fentanyl high intraoperative doses are given.29
allows them to be absorbed into lipids close to the site of admin-
istration. Consequently, the lipophilic opioids do not migrate ros- Continuous Epidural Analgesia
trally in the CSF and cannot cause delayed respiratory depression.
No regimen has been found that provides complete analgesia in
Of course, the high lipid solubility of lipophilic opioids allows
all patients all of the time, and it is unlikely that one ever will be
them to be absorbed into blood vessels, which may cause early res-
piratory depression, as is commonly seen with systemic adminis-
tration of opioids. Table 6—Regimen for Pain Relief
Naloxone reverses the depressive respiratory effects of spinal with Continuous Epidural Bupivacaine during
opioids. In an apneic patient, 0.4 mg I.V. will usually restore ven-
tilation. If a patient has a depressed respiratory rate but is still
Initial 24 Postoperative Hours
breathing, small aliquots of naloxone (0.2 to 0.4 mg) can be given
until the respiratory rate returns to normal. Interspace
Type of Concentration Volume
for Catheter
Nausea and vomiting are caused by transport of opioids to the Operation Insertion (%) (ml/hr)
vomiting center and the chemoreceptor trigger zone in the medul-
la via CSF flow or the systemic circulation. Nausea can usually be Thoracic
T4–6 0.250–0.125 5–10
treated with antiemetics or, if severe, with naloxone (in 0.2 mg procedures
increments, repeated if necessary).
Upper laparotomy T7–8 0.250–0.125 4–12
Pruritus is probably the most common side effect of the spinal
opioids. Histamine is released by certain opioids, but this mecha- Gynecologic
T10–12 0.250–0.125 4–10
nism probably plays a negligible role in the genesis of itching. laparotomy
Treatment of pruritus is similar to that of nausea.
Hip procedures L2 0.125–0.0625 4–8
The mechanism of spinal opioid–induced urinary retention in-
volves inhibition of volume-induced bladder contractions and block- Vascular T10–12 0.250–0.125 4–10
ade of the vesical reflex. Naloxone administration is the treatment of procedures
choice, though bladder catheterization is sometimes required.
Note: indications for postoperative epidural bupivacaine may be strengthened if this
method is also indicated for intraoperative analgesia. Dosage requirements may vary
EPIDURAL LOCAL ANESTHETICS AND OTHER REGIONAL and should be assessed 3 hr after the start of treatment, every 6 hr thereafter on the
BLOCKS first day, and then every 12 hr (more often if pain occurs). The duration of treatment
is 1–4 days, depending on the intensity of the pain. The concentration of bupiva-
Local anesthetics have become increasingly popular because of caine employed should be the lowest possible and should be decreased with time
postoperatively. Some patients, especially those who have undergone major upper
the growing familiarity with both epidural catheterization and abdominal operation, require 0.5% bupivacaine initially.
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epidural local anesthetics are used in weak solutions.32 Motor

blockade may delay mobilization; however, its incidence can be
Table 7—Procedures for Maintenance of
reduced by using the weakest concentration of local anesthetic
Epidural Anesthesia for Longer Than 24 Hours that is compatible with adequate sensory blockade. Cerebral and
epidural analgesia should not be employed in patients already
1. Administer appropriate drug in appropriate dosage at selected
infusion rate as determined by physician. receiving anticoagulant therapy, but it may be started with cathe-
2. Nurse evaluates vital signs and intake and output as required for a ter insertion before vascular or other procedures in which con-
postoperative patient. trolled heparin therapy is used. Epidural analgesia has been used
3. Nurse checks infusion pump hourly to ensure that it is functioning in patients receiving thromboembolic prophylaxis with low-dose
properly, that infusion rate is proper, and that alarm is on. heparin and low-molecular-weight heparin without significant
4. Nurse also assesses risk,27 provided that current guidelines are followed.33,34 It should
• Bladder—for distention, if patient is not catheterized be emphasized that the heparin doses commonly employed in the
• Lower extremities—for status of motor function United States are higher than those recommended in Europe; the
• CNS—for signs of toxicity or respiratory depression higher doses may pose a risk when heparin prophylaxis is com-
• Relief of pain (drug dosage may require modification) bined with epidural analgesia.33,34 The complications associated
• Skin integrity on back (breakdown may occur if motor function with the epidural catheter are minimal when proper nursing pro-
is not present) tocols are followed [see Table 7].27 The decision to employ epidur-
• Tubing and dressing (disconnection of tubing or dislodgment al local anesthetics in such patients should be made only after the
of catheter may occur) risks33,34 are carefully compared with the documented advantages
5. Every 48 hr, the catheter dressing should be removed, the of such anesthetics.27,31 It is important that the level of insertion
catheter entrance site cleaned, and topical antibiotic applied
(much as in care of a central venous catheter). into the epidural space correspond with the level of incision.
Other Nerve Blocks
The popularity of single-dose intercostal block and intrapleural
found. As a rule, the block should be limited to the area in which regional analgesia has decreased in comparison with that of con-
pain is felt. Care should be taken to avoid motor blockade and to tinuous epidural treatment. Intermittent or continuous administra-
spare autonomic function to the urinary bladder, as well as to for- tion of local anesthetics through a catheter inserted into the paraver-
mulate a regimen that requires only minimal attention from staff tebral space seems to be a promising approach to providing anal-
members and carries no significant toxicity. Given these require- gesia after thoracic and abdominal procedures,35 but further data
ments, continuous infusion [see Table 6] is more effective and reli- are needed. Intravenous and intraperitoneal administration of local
able than intermittent injection.27 Whether low hourly volume and anesthetics cannot be recommended for postoperative analgesia,
high concentration approaches are preferable to high hourly vol- because they are not efficacious,36 except in laparoscopic cholecys-
ume and low concentration approaches remains to be deter-
tectomy.12,37 Intraincisional administration of bupivacaine, which has
mined.27 The weaker solutions may produce less motor blockade
negligible side effects and demands little or no surveillance, is rec-
while continuing to block smaller C and A-delta pain fibers and
ommended for patients undergoing relatively minor procedures.38
are recommended in lumbar epidural analgesia as a means of
Several studies have now reported that continuous administra-
reducing the risk of orthostatic hypotension and lower-extremity
tion of local anesthetics into the wound improves postoperative
motor blockade.27
analgesia in a variety of procedures38-44; however, there is still a
Specific indications for continuous epidural analgesia that are
need for more procedure-specific data before general recommen-
supported by data from controlled morbidity studies include (1) pain
dations can be made. Continuous peripheral nerve blocks are grow-
relief and reduction of deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism,
ing in popularity, and the analgesic treatment may be continued
and hypoxemia after total hip replacement and prostatectomy; (2)
after discharge.15,16,45 Before general recommendations for contin-
pain relief, facilitation of coughing, and reduction of chest infec-
uous peripheral blockade can be formulated, however, further
tions after thoracic, abdominal, and orthopedic procedures; (3)
safety data are required.
pain relief, control of hypertension, and enhancement of graft flow
after major vascular operations; and (4) pain relief and reduction More detailed information on special blocks can be found in the
of paralytic ileus after abdominal procedures.30,31 anesthesiology literature. In general, despite its disadvantages,
neural blockade with local anesthetics is recommended for relief of
Side Effects
The main side effects of epidural local anesthesia are hypoten- Table 8—Recommended Dosages of
sion caused by sympathetic blockade, vagal overactivity, and NSAIDs or COX-2 Inhibitors for
decreased cardiac function (during a high thoracic block). Under
Relief of Postoperative Pain
no circumstances should epidural local anesthetics be used before
a preexisting hypovolemic condition is treated. Hypotension may
NSAID Dosage
be treated with ephedrine, 10 to 15 mg I.V., and fluids, with the
patient tilted in a head-down position. Atropine, 0.5 to 1.0 mg Acetylsalicylic acid 500–1,000 mg q. 4–6 hr
I.V., may be effective during vagal overactivity. Acetaminophen 500–1,000 mg q. 4–6 hr
Urinary retention occurs in 20% to 100% of patients. Indomethacin 50–100 mg q. 6–8 hr
Fortunately, urinary catheterization for only 24 to 48 hours in the Ibuprofen 200–400 mg q. 4–6 hr
course of a high-dose regimen probably has no important side Ketorolac 30 mg q. 4–6 hr
effects, and many patients for whom epidural analgesia is indicat- Celecoxib 200–400 mg q. 12 hr
ed need an indwelling catheter for other reasons in any case. The Rofecoxib 12–25 mg q. 12 hr
incidence of urinary retention is probably below 10% when
© 2005 WebMD, Inc. All rights reserved. ACS Surgery: Principles and Practice

moderate to severe postoperative pain because of the advanta- this setting,58,59 and the investigators concluded that these drugs
geous physiologic effects it exerts and the reduction in postopera- were therefore contraindicated in CABG patients. The larger
tive morbidity it brings about. question is whether these drugs should also be contraindicated for
perioperative use, or at least used with caution, in high-risk car-
diovascular patients who are undergoing procedures other than
NSAIDs are minor analgesics that, because of their anti-inflam- CABG. At present, the data are insufficient to allow any conclu-
matory effect, may be suitable for management of postoperative sions, but in my view, until more information is available, it may
pain associated with a significant degree of inflammation (e.g., be prudent to avoid perioperative use of COX-2 inhibitors in all
bone or soft tissue damage).46 They may, however, have central high-risk cardiovascular patients (i.e., those with uncontrolled
analgesic effects as well and thus may have analgesic efficacy after hypertension, previous myocardial infarction, heart failure, or pre-
all kinds of operations. Conventional NSAIDs inhibit both COX- vious cerebral vascular disorders). In other patients, however, peri-
1 and COX-2. Selective COX-2 inhibitors, which do not inhibit operative administration of selective COX-2 inhibitors may be jus-
COX-1, have the potential to achieve analgesic efficacy compara- tified if the advantageous effects appear to outweigh the potential
ble to that of conventional NSAIDs but with fewer side effects [see (low) risk of complications.
Table 8].47-49 Finally, the already quite low risk of NSAID-induced asthma may
Only a few of the NSAIDs may be given parenterally.The data be further reduced by the use of selective COX-2 inhibitors.48,49
now available on the use of NSAIDs for postoperative pain are Peripheral (i.e., surgical site) administration of NSAIDs may
insufficient to allow definitive recommendation of any agent or have a slight additional analgesic effect in comparison with sys-
agents over the others, and selection therefore may depend on temic administration,60 but further data on safety are required.
convenience of delivery, duration, and cost.46 It is clear, however, Acetaminophen also possesses anti-inflammatory capability,
that these agents may play a valuable role as adjuvants to other both peripherally and centrally. Its analgesic effect is somewhat
analgesics; accordingly, they have been recommended as basic (about 20% to 30%) weaker than those of conventional NSAIDs
analgesics for all operations in low-risk patients. All of the NSAIDs and COX-2 inhibitors; however, it lacks the side effects typical of
have potentially serious side effects: GI and surgical site hemor- these agents.61-63 Combining acetaminophen with NSAIDs may
rhage, renal failure, impaired bone healing and asthma. The endo- improve analgesia, especially in smaller and moderate-sized oper-
scopically verified superficial ulcer formation seen within 7 to 10
days after the initiation of NSAID therapy is not seen with selec-
tive COX-2 inhibitor treatment in volunteers. The clinical rele-
vance of these findings for perioperative treatment remains to be
established, however, given that acute severe GI side effects
(bleeding, perforation) are extremely rare in elective cases.
Because prostaglandins are important for regulation of water
and mineral homeostasis by the kidneys in the dehydrated patient,
perioperative treatment with NSAIDs, which inhibit prostaglandin
synthesis, may lead to postoperative renal failure. So far, specific
COX-2 inhibitors have not been demonstrated to be less nephro-
toxic than conventional NSAIDs.48-51 Although little systematic
evaluation has been done, extensive clinical experience with NSAIDs
suggests that the renal risk is not substantial.51 Nonetheless, con-
ventional NSAIDs and COX-2 inhibitors should be used with
caution in patients who have preexisting renal dysfunction.
Although conventional NSAIDs prolong bleeding time and
inhibit platelet aggregation, there generally does not seem to be a
clinically significant risk of increased bleeding. However, in some
procedures for which strict hemostasis is critical (e.g., tonsillectomy,
cosmetic surgery, and eye surgery), these drugs have been shown to
increase the risk of bleeding complications and should therefore be
replaced with COX-2 inhibitors, which do not inhibit platelet
aggregation.52,53 The observation that prostaglandins are involved in
bone and wound healing has given rise to concern about potential
side effects in surgical patients. Although there is experimental evi-
dence that both conventional NSAIDs and COX-2 inhibitors can
impair bone healing,54-57 the clinical data available at present are
insufficient to document wound or bone healing failure with these
drugs.This is a particularly important issue for future study, in that
many orthopedic surgeons remain reluctant to use NSAIDs.
Currently, there is widespread concern about the increased risk
of cardiovascular complications associated with long-term treat-
Figure 1 Illustrated is the procedure for performing cryoanalge-
ment with selective COX-2 inhibitors. Generally, such side effects sia in a thoracotomy. The intercostal nerve in the thoracotomy
have appeared after 1 to 2 years of treatment. In the past few years, space is isolated, together with the two intercostal nerves above the
however, two studies of patients undergoing coronary artery space and the two below it, and the cryoprobe is applied to the
bypass grafting (CABG) found that the risk of cardiovascular nerves for 45 seconds. The probe is then defrosted and reapplied to
complications was increased significantly (two- to threefold) in the nerves for 45 seconds.The analgesia obtained lasts about 30 days.
© 2005 WebMD, Inc. All rights reserved. ACS Surgery: Principles and Practice

ations61-62; accordingly, this agent is recommended as a basic com-

ponent of multimodal analgesia in all operations.
Table 9—Prescription Guidelines for Intravenous
Despite the gaps in our current understanding of the workings and Patient-Controlled Analgesia
differential effects of NSAIDs and COX-2 inhibitors, what is known
is sufficiently encouraging to suggest that they should be recommend- Drug (Concentration) Demand Dose Lockout Interval (min)
ed for baseline analgesic treatment after most operative procedures,
with the exceptions already mentioned (see above). This recom- 0.5–3.0 mg 5–12
(1 mg/ml)
mendation is based not only on their analgesic efficacy but also on their
opioid-sparing effect, which may enhance recovery (see below). Meperidine
5–30 mg 5–12
(10 mg/ml)
Glucocorticoids are powerful anti-inflammatory agents and
have proven analgesic value in less extensive procedures,64 espe- Fentanyl
10–20 µg 5–10
(10 µg/ml)
cially dental, laparoscopic, and arthroscopic operations. In addi-
tion, they have profound antiemetic effects. Concerns about pos- Hydromorphone
0.1–0.5 mg 5–10
sible side effects in the setting of perioperative administration have (0.2 mg/ml)
not been borne out by the results of randomized studies.64 Oxymorphone
0.2–0.4 mg 8–10
(0.25 mg/ml)
Tramadol is a weak analgesic that has several relatively minor 0.5–2.5 mg 8–20
(1 mg/ml)
side effects (e.g., dizziness, nausea, and vomiting).65 It can be com-
bined with acetaminophen to yield analgesic activity comparable 1–5 mg 5–10
(1 mg/ml)
to that of NSAIDs.66
Several systematic reviews have suggested that some analgesic
and perioperative opioid-sparing effects can be achieved by adding the widespread patient satisfaction with patient-controlled analge-
an N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonist (e.g., ketamine),67-69 sia (PCA).75,76 It must be emphasized, however, that the effect of
gabapentin, or pregabalin70 [see Combination Regimens, below]. PCA on movement-associated pain is limited in comparison with
that of epidural local anesthesia.14

Cryoanalgesia is the application of low temperatures (–20º to Mechanisms of Action

–29º C) to peripheral nerves with the goal of producing axonal Traditional I.M. dosing of opioids does not result in consistent
degeneration and thus analgesia [see Figure 1]. Axonal regeneration blood levels,75,76 because opioids are absorbed at a variable rate
takes place at a rate of 1 to 3 mm/day, which means that analgesia from the vascular bed of muscle. Moreover, administration of tra-
after intercostal blocks lasts about 30 days. Cryoanalgesia has no ditional I.M. regimens results in opioid concentrations that exceed
cardiac, respiratory, or cerebral side effects, and local side effects the concentrations required to produce analgesia only about 30%
(e.g., neuroma formation) are extremely rare. In this context, it of the time during any 4-hour dosing interval. PCA avoids these
should be emphasized that postthoracotomy patients are at sub- pitfalls by allowing repeated dosing on demand. PCA yields more
stantial risk (~30%) for chronic neuropathic pain without the use of constant and consistent plasma opioid levels and therefore pro-
cryoanalgesia71; however, this technique can be used only on senso- vides better analgesia.75,76
ry nerves or on nerves supplying muscles of no clinical importance.
At present, no information is available on the use of cryoanal- Modes of Administration and Dosing Parameters
gesia in operative procedures other than herniotomy and thoracot- There are several modes by which opioids can be administered
omy.72 Cryoanalgesia is not efficacious after herniotomy.73 The data under patient control. Intermittent delivery of a fixed dose is known
on postthoracotomy cryoanalgesia, however, suggest improved as demand dosing. Background infusions have been used to sup-
pain alleviation and a concomitant reduction in the need for nar- plement patient-administered doses, but this practice increases the
cotics, which, in conjunction with the simplicity and low cost of risk of respiratory depression and should therefore be avoided.75,76
the modality and the absence of side effects, present a strong argu- There are several basic prescription parameters for PCA: load-
ment for more extensive use of cryoanalgesia. ing dose, demand dose, lockout interval, and 4-hour limits [see
Table 9].75,76 When PCA is used for postoperative care, it is usual-
ly initiated in the recovery room.The patient is made comfortable
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is the by administering as much opioid as is needed (i.e., a loading
application of a mild electrical current through the skin surface dose). When the patient is sufficiently recovered from the anes-
to a specific area, such as a surgical wound, to achieve pain relief; thetic, he or she may begin to use the infuser.
the exact mechanism whereby it achieves this effect is yet to be
explained. Many TENS devices are available for clinical use, but Side Effects
the specific values and the proper uses of the various stimulation Minor side effects associated with PCA include nausea, vomiting,
frequencies, waveforms, and current intensities have not been sweating, and pruritus. Clinically significant respiratory depression with
determined. Unfortunately, the effect of TENS on acute pain is PCA is rare.There is no evidence to suggest that PCA is associated with
too small to warrant a recommendation for routine use.74 a higher incidence of side effects than are other routes of systemic
opioid administration.75,76 Side effects are the result of the pharma-
cologic properties of opioids, not the method of administration.75,76
Patient-controlled administration of opioids has experienced a
dramatic increase in use. This increase may be attributed to (1)
awareness of the inadequacy of traditional I.M. opioid regimens, Because no single pain treatment modality is optimal, combi-
(2) the development of effective and safe biotechnology, and (3) nation regimens (e.g., balanced analgesia or multimodal treatment)
© 2005 WebMD, Inc. All rights reserved. ACS Surgery: Principles and Practice

offer major advantages over single-modality regimens, whether by The potential of combination regimens is especially intriguing
maintaining or improving analgesia, by reducing side effects, or by with respect to the concept of perioperative opioid-sparing anal-
doing both.77,78 Combinations of epidural local anesthetics and gesia.The use of one or several nonopioid analgesics in such regi-
morphine,14,27 of NSAIDs and opioids,46,77,78 of NSAIDs and mens may enhance recovery, in that the concomitant reduction in
acetaminophen,61,62 of acetaminophen and opioids,63 of aceta- the opioid dosage will lead to decreased nausea, vomiting, and
minophen and tramadol,66 and of a selective COX-2 inhibitor and sedation.80-84 Both the adverse events associated with postopera-
gabapentin79 have been reported to have additive effects. At pres- tive opioid analgesia and the relatively high costs of such analgesia
ent, information on other combinations (involving ketamine, argue for an opioid-sparing approach.85,86 Another argument that
clonidine, glucocorticoids, and other agents) is too sparse to allow has been advanced is that the introduction of the JCAHO pain ini-
firm recommendations; however, multimodal analgesia is tiative may precipitate increased use of opioids (and thereby an
undoubtedly promising, and multidrug combinations should cer- increased risk of side effects), though it is not certain that this will
tainly be explored further. be the case.87,88
Perception of Pain

Figure 2 Shown are the major neural pathways involved in

nociception. Nociceptive input is transmitted from the
periphery to the dorsal horn via A-delta and C fibers (for
somatic pain) or via afferent sympathetic pathways (for vis-
ceral pain). It is then modulated by control systems in the
dorsal horn and sent via the spinothalamic tracts and spin-
oreticular systems to the hypothalamus, to the brain stem
and reticular formation, and eventually to the cerebral cor-
tex. Ascending transmission of nociceptive input is also mod-
ulated by descending inhibitory pathways originating in the
brain and terminating in the dorsal horn. Nociception may
be enhanced by reflex responses that affect the environment
of the nociceptors, such as smooth muscle spasm.


To the Limbic System Descending Inhibitory Pathway

Neurotransmitters at
Dorsal Horn Level:
Norepinephrine Release of:
Serotonin Substance P
Enkephalins Histamine
Primary Afferent Bradykinin
Neurotransmitter Prostaglandins
Substance P
Spinothalamic Tract L-Glutamate
VIP Release of:
CCK-8 Norepinephrine
Sensory Nerve


Motor of Other Efferent Nerve

Segmental Reflexes:
Increased Skeletal Muscle Tension
Decreased Chest Compliance
More Nociceptive Input
Increased Sympathetic Tone
Decreased Gastric Mobility
IIeus, Nausea, Vomiting
© 2005 WebMD, Inc. All rights reserved. ACS Surgery: Principles and Practice

Physiologic Mechanisms of Acute Pain injury tissue, thereby generating smooth muscle spasm, which am-
The basic mechanisms of acute pain are (1) afferent transmis- plifies the sensation.
sion of nociceptive stimuli through the peripheral nervous system POSTINJURY CHANGES IN PERIPHERAL AND
after tissue damage, (2) modulation of these injury signals by con- CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEMS
trol systems in the dorsal horn, and (3) modulation of the ascend-
ing transmission of pain stimuli by a descending control system After an injury, the afferent nociceptive pathways undergo phys-
originating in the brain [see Figure 2].89-92 iologic, anatomic, and chemical changes.91,92 These changes
include increased sensitivity on the part of peripheral nociceptors,
PERIPHERAL PAIN RECEPTORS AND NEURAL as well as the growth of sprouts from damaged nerve fibers that
TRANSMISSION TO SPINAL CORD become sensitive to mechanical and alpha-adrenergic stimuli and
eventually begin to fire spontaneously. Moreover, excitability may
Peripheral pain receptors (nociceptors) can be identified by
be increased in the spinal cord, which leads to expansion of recep-
function but cannot be distinguished anatomically. The respon-
tive fields in dorsal horn cells. Such changes may lower pain
siveness of peripheral pain receptors may be enhanced by endoge-
thresholds, may increase afferent barrage in the late postinjury
nous analgesic substances (e.g., prostaglandins, serotonin,
state, and, if normal regression does not occur during convales-
bradykinin, nerve growth factor, and histamine), as well as by
cence, may contribute to a chronic pain state.91
increased efferent sympathetic activity.89 Antidromic release of
Neural stimuli have generally been considered to be the main
substance P may amplify the inflammatory response and thereby
factor responsible for initiation of spinal neuroplasticity; however,
increase pain transmission.The peripheral mechanisms of visceral
it now appears that such neuroplasticity may also be mediated by
pain still are not well understood90 —for example, no one has yet
cytokines released as a consequence of COX-2 induction.92
explained why cutting or burning may provoke pain in the skin but
Improved understanding of the mechanisms of pain may serve as
not provoke pain in visceral organs. Peripheral opioid receptors
a rational basis for future drug development and may help direct
have been demonstrated to appear in inflammation on the periph- therapy away from symptom control and toward mechanism-spe-
eral nerve terminals, and clinical studies have demonstrated that cific treatment.94
there are analgesic effects from peripheral opioid administration In experimental studies, acute pain behavior or hyperexcitabili-
during arthroscopic knee surgery.93 ty of dorsal horn neurons may be eliminated or reduced if the
Somatic nociceptive input is transmitted to the CNS through afferent barrage is prevented from reaching the CNS. Preinjury
A-delta and C fibers, which are small in diameter and either neural blockade with local anesthetics or opioids can suppress
unmyelinated or thinly myelinated. Visceral pain is transmitted excitability of the CNS; this is called preemptive analgesia.
through afferent sympathetic pathways; the evidence that afferent Because similar antinociceptive procedures were less effective in
parasympathetic pathways play a role in visceral nociception is experimental studies when applied after injury, timing of analgesia
inconclusive.90 seems to be important in the treatment of postoperative pain;
DORSAL HORN CONTROL SYSTEMS AND MODULATION however, a critical analysis of controlled clinical studies that com-
pared the efficacy of analgesic regimens administered preopera-
tively with the efficacy of the same regimens administered postop-
All incoming nociceptive traffic synapses in the gray matter of eratively concluded that preemptive analgesia does not always pro-
the dorsal horn (Rexed’s laminae I to IV). Several substances may vide a clinically significant increase in pain relief.95,96 Nonetheless,
be involved in primary afferent transmission of nociceptive stimuli it is important that pain treatment be initiated early to ensure that
in the dorsal horn: substance P, enkephalins, somatostatin, neu- patients do not wake up with high-intensity pain. As long as the
rotensin, γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), glutamic acid, angiotensin afferent input from the surgical wound continues, continuous
II, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP), and cholecystokinin treatment with multimodal or balanced analgesia may be the most
octapeptide (CCK-8).91 From the dorsal horn, nociceptive infor- effective method of treating postoperative pain.95,97
mation is transmitted through the spinothalamic tracts to the
hypothalamus, through spinoreticular systems to the brain stem
and reticular formation, and finally to the cerebral cortex. Effects of Pain Relief


A descending control system for sensory input originates in the It still is not generally appreciated that acute pain in the post-
brain stem and reticular formation and in certain higher brain operative period or after hospitalization for accidental injury not
areas. The main neurotransmitters in this system are norepineph- only serves no useful function but also may actually exert harmful
rine, serotonin, and enkephalins. Epidural-intrathecal administra- physiologic and psychological effects.Therefore, except in the ini-
tion of alpha-adrenergic agonists (e.g., clonidine) may therefore tial stage in acutely injured hypovolemic patients for whom
provide pain relief.91 increased sympathetic activity may provide cardiovascular sup-
port, the pain-induced reflex responses that may adversely affect
respiratory function, increase cardiac demands, decrease intestinal
Nociception may be enhanced by spinal reflexes that affect the motility, and initiate skeletal muscle spasm (thereby impairing
environment of the nociceptive nerve endings. Thus, tissue dam- mobilization) should be counteracted by all available means.
age may provoke an afferent reflex that causes muscle spasm in the The traditional view of the physiologic role of the stress response
vicinity of the injury, thereby increasing nociception. Similarly, to surgical injury is that it is a homeostatic defense mechanism that
sympathetic reflexes may cause decreased microcirculation in helps the body heal tissue and adapt to injury. However, the neces-
© 2005 WebMD, Inc. All rights reserved. ACS Surgery: Principles and Practice

sity for the stress response in modern anesthesiology and surgery greater extent than a local anesthetic regimen would.22 Another
has been questioned.28 Thus, concern about the detrimental effects explanation may be inadequate study design in some cases: most
of operative procedures (e.g., myocardial infarction, pulmonary studies to date have focused on the effects of a single factor (i.e.,
complications, and thromboembolism) that cannot be attributed epidural analgesia) on overall postoperative morbidity, which is
solely to imperfections in surgical technique has led to the hypoth- probably too simplistic an approach, given that overall postopera-
esis that the unsupported continuous injury response may instead tive outcome is known to be determined by multiple factors.103,104
be a maladaptive response that erodes body mass and physiologic Besides postoperative pain relief, reinforced psychological prepa-
reserve.28,98 Because neural stimuli play an important role in releas- ration of the patient, reduction of stress by performing neural
ing the stress response to surgical injury, pain relief may modify this blockade or opting for minimal invasive procedures, and enforce-
response, but this modulation is dependent on the mechanism of ment of early oral postoperative feeding and mobilization may all
action of the pain treatment modality employed.28 play a significant role in determining outcome.103,104 Prevention of
Alleviation of pain through antagonism of peripheral pain medi- intraoperative hypothermia, avoidance of fluid overloading, and
ators (i.e., through use of NSAIDs) has no important modifying avoidance of hypoxemia may be important as well.103,104
effect on the response to operation.22,30 The effects of blockade of Therefore, although adequate pain relief is obviously a prereq-
afferent and efferent transmission of pain stimuli by means of uisite for good outcome, the best results are likely to be achieved
regional anesthesia have been studied in detail.22,31 Spinal or by combining analgesia with all the aforementioned factors in a
epidural analgesia with local anesthetics prevents the greater part multimodal rehabilitation effort.103,104 Observations from patients
of the classic endocrine metabolic response to operative proce- undergoing a variety of surgical procedures suggest that such a
dures in the lower region of the body (e.g., gynecologic and uro- multimodal approach may lead to significant reductions in hospi-
logic procedures and orthopedic procedures in the lower limbs) tal stay, morbidity, and convalescence.103,104 Admittedly, these pre-
and improves protein economy; however, this effect is consider- liminary observations require confirmation by randomized or
ably weaker in major abdominal and thoracic procedures, proba- multicenter trials. The role of the acute pain service105 and the
bly because of insufficient afferent neural blockade. The modify- effect of establishing a postoperative rehabilitation unit should be
ing effect of epidural analgesia on the stress response is most pro- assessed as well.
nounced if the neural blockade takes effect before the surgical
insult.The optimal duration of neural blockade for attenuating the TOLERANCE, PHYSICAL DEPENDENCE, AND ADDICTION
hypermetabolic response has not been established, but it should Continued exposure of an opioid receptor to high concentra-
include at least the initial 24 to 48 hours.22,31 tions of opioid will cause tolerance. Tolerance is the progressive
Alleviation of postoperative pain through administration of decline in an opioid’s potency with continuous use, so that higher
epidural-intrathecal opioids has a smaller modifying effect on the and higher concentrations of the drug are required to cause the
surgical stress response, in comparison with the degree of pain same analgesic effect. Physical dependence refers to the produc-
relief it provides22,31; furthermore, it does not provide efferent sym- tion of an abstinence syndrome when an opioid is withdrawn. It is
pathetic blockade. Systemic administration of opioids, either ac- defined by the World Health Organization as follows106:
cording to a fixed administration regimen or according to a demand-
based regimen, has no important modifying effect on the stress A state, psychic or sometimes also physical, resulting from interactions
between a living organism and a drug, characterized by behavioural
response.22 The effects of pain relief by acetaminophen, tramadol,
and other responses that always include a compulsion to take the drug
cryoanalgesia, or TENS on the stress response have not been estab- on a continuous or periodic basis in order to experience its psychic
lished but probably are of no clinical significance. Further studies effects, and sometimes to avoid discomfort from its absence.
aimed at defining the effects of multimodal analgesia on the sur-
gical stress response are required. This definition is very close to the popular conception of addic-
tion. It is important, however, to distinguish addiction (implying
POSTOPERATIVE MORBIDITY compulsive behavior and psychological dependence) from toler-
The effects of nociceptive blockade and pain relief on postop- ance (a pharmacologic property) and from physical dependence
erative morbidity remain to be defined, except with respect to (a characteristic physiologic effect of a group of drugs). Physical
intraoperative spinal or epidural local anesthetics in lower-body dependence does not imply addiction. Moreover, tolerance can
procedures, about which the following four conclusions can be occur without physical dependence; the converse does not appear
made.22,99 First, intraoperative blood loss is reduced by about to be true.
30%. Second, thromboembolic and pulmonary complications are The possibility that the medical administration of opioids could
reduced by about 30% to 40%. Third, when epidural local anes- result in a patient’s becoming addicted has generated much debate
thetics are continuously administered (with or without small doses about the use of opioids. In a prospective study of 12,000 hospi-
of opioids) to patients undergoing abdominal or thoracic proce- talized patients receiving at least one strong opioid for a protract-
dures, pulmonary infectious complications appear to be reduced ed period, there were only four reasonably well documented cases
by about 40%.30 Fourth, the duration of postoperative ileus is of subsequent addiction, and in none of these was there a history
reduced14,31; this effect may be of major significance, in that reduc- of previous substance abuse.107 Thus, the iatrogenic production of
tion of ileus allows earlier oral nutrition,31 which has been demon- opioid addiction may be very rare.
strated to improve outcome.
The impact of continuous epidural analgesia on postoperative
outcome after major operations remains the subject of some debate. The choice of therapeutic intervention for acute postoperative
Three large randomized trials from 2001 and 2002 found no pos- pain is determined largely by the nature of the patient’s problem,
itive effects except for improved pulmonary outcome.100-102 One the resources available, the efficacy of the various treatment tech-
explanation for these negative findings may be the use of a pre- niques, the risks attendant on the procedures under consideration,
dominantly opioid-based epidural analgesic regimen, which would and the cost to the patient.108 Whereas trauma has been the sub-
hinder the normal physiologic responses supporting recovery to a ject of intensive research, the mechanisms of the pain associated
© 2005 WebMD, Inc. All rights reserved. ACS Surgery: Principles and Practice

with trauma and surgical injury and the optimal methods of reliev- morbidity, will stimulate more surgeons to turn their attention to
ing such pain have received comparatively little attention from sur- this area. Effective control of postoperative pain, combined with a
geons. It is to be hoped that our growing understanding of basic high degree of surgical expertise and the judicious use of other
pain mechanisms and appropriate therapy, combined with the perioperative therapeutic interventions within the context of mul-
promising data supporting the idea that adequate inhibition of timodal postoperative rehabilitation, is certain to improve surgical
surgically induced nociceptive stimuli may reduce postoperative outcome.


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