Ero Manga Sensei Volume 10 Chapter 2

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== Chapter two ==

“ – And that’s why you’re going to go to a festival together ~ hmmmm!”

The same day that I visited the Umezono household: that night.

In the living room, I told my little sister everything.

We sat in front of each other on the sofa. Recently, that’s how we hold a conversation.

“Err….you don’t have to say it that way…”

“But…. Muramasa-chan asked you because you are important to her. But you have a fiancé
already! Me! We are in love…! Yet she wrote that …novel….uhhhhh~~”

Sagiri’s charm as my fiancé is so wonderful!

By the way, I already told her about the content of Muramasa-senpai’s novel.

“I don’t think she was lying when she said it’s for her novel…but I bet she was hiding

There was a Montblanc cake on the table, which was being furiously devoured by Sagiri.

She took another bite, and said:

“You knew that I wouldn’t like it, so you tried to placate me with cake, didn’t you? I won’t be


“…….I want to… go to the festival with you too….”

As my little sister, my lover, and my fiancé, Sagiri seemed to be against the decision I made in
the Umezono household.

No, that’s not it.

If our roles were reversed, and Sagiri accepted an invitation from a male fan to go to a festival
with him ---

I wouldn’t be okay with it. Of course I wouldn’t. Because we are lovers.

Although I asked Muramasa-senpai “…Is that everything?” for Sagiri, it’s already too much. I
was too naïve.

As a man, I was too careless. I deserved her wrath.

“Really…you are so careless….”

I took another look at Sagiri, realizing my mistake. I sincerely apologized

“Sorry, Sagiri.”


She was taken back. Her anger quickly subsided.

“I, I’m not that angry….”

Noticing that her voice still sounded uneasy, I told her again, “Sorry”.

She looked down, and said:

“…I’m not really angry. I know what Muramasa-chan was thinking…I also understand what was
going through your mind when you heard that request…”

We were both concerned about the other’s problem. We were both trying to be understanding.

“So, I forgive you.”

She said exactly what she thought I would want to hear the most. Even thought she must hate
that her fiancé is taking another girl to a festival.

“Let’s talk about it later.”

“Sure, thanks.”

And then…

“How about letting me read that story too?”


Now that was something I didn’t want to hear.

“….That story…you mean…Muramasa-senpai’s…?”

“Yes, the erotic story.”


“That erotic story is interesting, right? And its main characters are based on Muramasa-chan and
Nii-san! Maybe there is another character based on me!”

“Well, but….”
By the way, there was no character similar to Sagiri. The male protagonist had a fiancé, but that
person is totally unlike her. Not a hikikomori or an illustrator, much less a step-sister who loves
to wear pajamas all day.

Because making a character based on Sagiri would take too much time, I think senpai simply left
out what she deemed unnecessary

If senpai made a character exactly like Sagiri, then the female lead will have no chance of
winning – of course, I might be over thinking things on my part.

Anyway, aside from senpai’s novel, to me, Sagiri is the strongest female lead. And now her eyes
are shining.



Why am I blushing when talking with her?

As expected of Eromanga-sensei.

She raised her hand, and announced:

“I have to read it! I have to!”

“….I have to say this beforehand, this is an extremely erotic novel even by my standards. Do you
still want to read it?”

“That’s exactly why I want to read it! Wahhhh!!” She closed her eyes and began to imagine it.
“An erotic novel by Muramasa-chan must be super ero!”

“Sometimes I wonder if you are really a girl. How can you have the mentality of an adult male?”

“How rude! It’s normal for an illustrator to be interested in erotic things!”

“Even if it isn’t something you drew?”

“No problem. I can’t exactly describe it…but we have to look for erotic stuff a lot…otherwise
we won’t be able to draw anything erotic.”

She said seriously. Ah, how cool. At least, as a fellow creator, I can understand her reasoning.

But why do I have a feeling that Eromanga-sensei was telling me that to hide the fact she is also
a pervert?

Sagiri held out her hand.

“So, let me take a look. At Muramasa-chan’s erotic story.”

“The erotic part wasn’t the main focus of the story, okay? I don’t think Muramasa-senpai would
be happy hearing that.”

“Just give it to me! I --- wanna – read --- Muramasa-chan’s erotic novel!”


Even when Sagiri approached me in her Eromanga-sensei mode, I still don’t want to give that
story to her. I brought the printed version with me though, so if I want to, I could give it to her

But the content is…

She only wrote half of the book, but I have a hunch that it will be a bestseller. However, it isn’t
something Sagiri should read.

It is just as what Rintarou-san said earlier.

If I allowed this story to be published, it’s not like the world will say it’s just an erotic story.

It might become a famous novel.

The best novel from the young genius, Senjyu Muramasa.

A story of a forbidden love!

Just like that.

Or, in some cases, it might earn a place in a school library, becoming common reading material.
Which, I must admit, would make it thousands of times worse than a typical erotic light novel.

Anyway, I was getting off topic. My judgment aside, I think that Muramasa-senpai’s story is too
much of a bad influence to let Sagiri read it.

-- I slowly closed my eyes for a moment.

By the time I reopened them…

“Huh….the setting is vastly different from reality.”

“I can’t let my guard down around you.”

When I wasn’t paying attention, she took it out on her own and started reading it. Just like when
she was reading her story’s doujinshi. As expected of Eromanga-sensei; to think that I was
troubled because of this…

Okay, fine. It’s not my fault if Japan’s Broadcasting Ethics and Program Improvement
Organization gets involved.

She even let out weird noises. Now, even I couldn’t easily take the manuscript back.


I really want to get out of here right now…but that isn’t possible. I have to stay.

How many times have I seen her reading?

The first time was when I was fighting against Yamada Elf. That was what originally led to me
making Sekaimo.

She was reading my love letter in embarrassment. I was so nervous back then.

Now, I’m nervous too. But for a different reason.


She sounded like a high school boy who suddenly found a dirty magazine.


I have a strange feeling. Is it okay for me to keep watching this?

“ ~~ Sooooooo that’s how it is.”

Sometimes, she showed a very disappointed expression while reading.

How should I put it? If that were my book, then I would be very happy.

About half an hour later, suddenly Sagiri looked up.

“Nii-san! I have finished reading!”

“Ah…I see.”

Now, what should I say?

I did prepare myself a bit… but it’s still difficult, because my little sister just read an erotic

It’s troublesome, but I had to say:

“So, how is it?”

“Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm ~~”

Sagiri hesitated.
By the way, from my point of view, since the main character was based on me, all I could think
was that it was “super erotic”. But what will Sagiri think? Her character didn’t appear, but will
she imagine herself as a character in the story?

"I see…. the female protagonist is based on Muramasa-chan, and the male protagonist is an elder
brother… It's clearly based on us…."

I waited for my fiancé to finish reading. If she was hurt because of it, then I need to comfort her.

She --

"Wah, it's so erotic! I'm so fired up!"


She was saying something strange. I didn’t expect it at all.


Sagiri suddenly jumped on top of the sofa, then yelled in vigor:

"…This…what is this feeling!? An erotic scene between Nii-san and another girl, I should feel
hurt …yet…I feel so excited! What is this feeling!?"

"Sagiri! Stop! You won't be able to come back!"

I told you, it has a negative influence. It's all Muramasa-senpai's fault. Because of her… Sagiri…
she… she has now awoken a weird fetish!

"Ah…I didn’t expect to be taught a lesson in eroticism by Muramasa-chan… Wah… to think

that Senjyu Muramasa is such wonderful novelist…. What a genius…"

Sagiri was shaken. I can now say that she considers Senjyu Muramasa as her "NTR master".

"From now on, I will have to call her Master Muramasa! No, God Muramasa!”

"Stop it, I'm going to cry!"

I highly doubt she wrote this novel with THAT in mind. Nor did she want to use an erotic
opening to lure the reader in.

She herself said -- that she wanted Izumi Masamune to love her story.

Umezono Rintarou-san said --- this novel's aim is to brainwash the reader; to make sure they
could fully experience the character's feelings.

I will say it again: Sagiri could be considered another character, not simply a reader, so she will
get affected by the author's influence.
And the result?

To Sagiri, Senjyu Muramasa-sensei is the teacher who showed her another way.

Now she had awakened her NTR fetish.

Suddenly, she lowered her voice:

"Just now was only my opinion as an ero-illustrator."

Is that so?

That means, next is Sagiri's personal opinion.

She became serious.

"This novel is Muramasa-chan's declaration of war."

Wow, wow….a bit too serious…

"Of course I don’t think she noticed it. This novel -- that must be what Muramasa-chan thinks
when facing her love."

She narrowed her eyes.

…A beauty with a scary expression looks quite threatening…

"Uhh, Sagiri…I don’t think what is written here is the same as what the author was thinking…"

I, myself, sometimes purposefully do such a thing, but I don’t think Muramasa-senpai let her
character speak for her. Especially on this battlefield of love.

"I said war declaration… but Muramasa-chan never treated me like her opponent. That was what
I thought after reading this story. Her female lead only thinks about her male lead - the rest, she
doesn’t care."

"Isn’t that…a bit too much?"

Despite what I said, I somewhat agree with Sagiri.

--- Are the disadvantages that great?

I checked my memories about her actions and realized that she never treated Sagiri like a big

--- I like Sagiri. That's all.

The one who she noticed wasn't Sagiri.

--- When she had an argument with Elf.

Elf: who was both giving her a push and was her competitor.

--- You, still, like me?

She asked me if I like her.

She kept moving forward for "her love".

"…. Un, so, Muramasa-chan must … think that I'm her friend, and she probably likes me --- but
she never thinks about the fact that she is trying to steal you from me, or that she should step
back for her friend?"

"Yeah, she doesn't."

She did everything for her objective. Kept looking forward and aiming for her dream.

Along the way, she does not care if she ends up being hated or if her actions would destroy the

After she reaches her dream: that will be the time for her to think about anything else. That's just
how she is.

Should I say that she was more like a heroine, or a final boss of an RPG?

Either I win or I live without regret. This is how most antagonists work. On the other hand…

"Elf said she 『 will make me happy 』"

--- I like you both, Masamune, Sagiri.

--- I want to get you both.

--- I will make sure both of you are happy.

“Yeah… senpai and Elf… are totally opposites”

From the way they loved someone, to their way of life. No wonder they always argue. It’s a
small miracle that they became friends.

“That’s why she is my enemy. Both Elf and Muramasa-chan… while their methods are different
from mine, they… still give it their all. I don’t want to lose to anyone… nor do I want to give
you up…

But I definitely don’t want to lose to Muramasa-chan.

Absolutely not!”
Sagiri said. The same words that she said long ago.

“Um um, so I said…”

Suddenly, she sat down on my lap. Like a child who was begging to be spoiled.

“? Sagiri?”

She looked up at me. Our eyes met. She said in a low voice:

“I want to make Nii-san like me even more. I don’t care how charming Muramasa-chan is or
how desperate her attack becomes; I will not let her win.”

This is the first time Sagiri has tried to charm me.

Since we became lovers… and became fiancées… while we have spent a lot of time together,
this is the first time she has actively tried to charm me.

Of course, all she did was sit on her fiancée’s lap. This is actually very normal among siblings
with a good relationship, so calling it “charm” was too much.

It was more of a tease. It’s not very erotic.

This was the first time Sagiri summoned all of her courage…to charm me. From an outsider’s
point of view, it was a bit naïve.

But not in my eyes.


The feeling of her skin, the smell of her body… it nearly made me fall unconscious. I felt so light

She…didn’t know how devastating her “charm” attack worked on me!

“I want you to like me even more” or “I want my fiancée to spoil me” -

She did it without thinking! So innocent, without any defenses!

“Sa, Sagiri…! Stay…back…!”

Her smell in my nose…her skin on my body…!

“Don’t want to. I told you, I want Nii-san…to like me even more.”

“My affection toward you is already at maximum! It can’t go any higher no matter what!”

“Nope. Nii-san has to like me even more.”

“Stop moving on my lap!”

I’m gonna die! My affection toward Sagiri will break the limits!

“Neeee, Nii-san! Are you acting that way because I’m erotic?”

“Are you still going to claim that you are not? Now you are Eromanga-sensei: mind, body, and

“I don’t know anyone by that name! By the way, when will we talk about that festival?”

“Are we going to talk in this state?”

“Muramasa-chan is showing her hand, I can’t afford to go easy.”

“I like Sagiri. There is no connection to senpai showing her hand!”

“Kuh…I believe in you, but…”


“I’m worried…”

She muttered, and blushed.

“…I’m worried that Nii-san will get attacked during the festival, and then I will receive an erotic
video tape…”

“You do not believe in me at all!”

How untrustworthy do you think I am? And what the heck is she expecting from Muramasa-

After THAT conversation, suddenly Sagiri became serious:

“Anyway, I believe in you.”

“Really? You were fantasizing about an NTR scene just a moment ago.”

“I believe in you, but I have to make preparations for the worst case scenario!”

Seems like she is serious.

“Now, let’s began our 「 Muramasa-chan counter measures strategy session. 」”


Sagiri said happily (still sitting on my lap).

Do whatever you want. I don’t care anymore.

“About the fact that Nii-san has to go to the festival with Muramasa-chan.”

“Actually…I did accept her invitation, but I planned to back out of it later.”

“It’s fine if you want to go.”

“…Can I?”

What if you receive an erotic video tape?

“Yes. With… one condition.”


“Yes… After reading that kind of novel… There is no way I can just let you go to a festival like
it’s normal.”

She looked down, and with a quiet voice:

“Besides… after reading Muramasa-chan’s request… I’m jealous... so… do you get it?”

She begged me:

“Let’s go to the festival… with everyone.”

“You mean with Elf – and Megumi?”

“Um. Is that okay?”

“…Okay, let’s see...”

Well, from the beginning, there is no way I can ignore Sagiri’s request.

“Sagiri… you said… everyone, does that mean…?”

“Me too.”


“I can’t.”

I see. So she must mean that she will attend via my tablet.

Going to a festival with a tablet… is a bit surreal, but I do want to let Sagiri experience a
festival’s atmosphere.
Sagiri… wanted to go to a festival too. Right, it’s a school activity; of course she would want to

With her friends

With her lover

Of course, she also might just want to make sure that Muramasa-senpai doesn’t have any time
alone with me.


“I think that… Muramasa-chan wants to experience the festival with 「 everyone 」, in order to
write the rest of her novel.”

The novel is a reflection of the author’s mind.

Have an experience together – like a normal girl. Even if it’s for just a day.

Sagiri is not normal. Just like Muramasa-senpai.

“I want to read the next part of Muramasa-chan’s novel, and she is my friend... I... can’t just
leave things that are unnecessary out like she does.”

Unlike Elf, Sagiri couldn’t just ignore her enemy. But unlike Muramasa-senpai, she couldn’t just
push herself forward.

“I can’t let you go… but I want to help her writing. I want to have 「 a youth experience 」. I
can’t go to the festival on my own... but… as long as everyone goes together… that’s enough.”

“…Is it really enough?”

The old Sagiri would never say that.

Not because she ignored 「things that are unnecessary 」.

But because she never thought from another person’s point of view.

I smiled:

“I see. Then I will tell everyone.”


Sagiri happily nodded.

“Nii-san, Muramasa-chan said that she could use this scene as a reference.”

So she didn’t simply want to continue reading, huh?

Without any other choice, I accepted her request and called Muramasa-senpai.

--- Go to the festival with everyone.

It will probably be a difficult request for her. Of course, I knew that forcing it would put her in a
tough spot.

“…It’s okay. Since I planned to go during the weekend, everyone can come too.”

Yet she accepted without any trouble.

“Is that okay, senpai?”

“Of course. I think that Sagiri’s request is reasonable enough. It’s regrettable that I have to give
up on going with you alone.”

“Sorry. I accepted your request first, and yet now I changed my mind.”

“Don’t worry about it. Still… if you are indeed worried, may I add another request?”

“Of course. As long as it’s something I can do.”

“I see. Thank you, Masamune-kun.”

What I meant was: “I can do it as long as Sagiri doesn’t hate it.”

Senpai said:

“The festival will last for three days, and it will be open to the public starting the second day. I’d
like for everyone to come during that time, when there would be many activities around. While
we can’t spend time alone together, I can still experience many emotions. Not just happiness, but
also darkness and depression. I think this is the youth that Sagiri spoke of. I want to experience
it, in order to write my story.”

The story that she can only write once in her life.

The story about “youthful love”.

I could feel her passion even through the phone. If I met her before I met Sagiri, I would have
fallen for her.

“After the second day, I will finish writing my novel. I think I will skip at least half of the third

“In other words, before the third day is over, you will finish writing.”

“That’s correct. So, Masamune-kun, can you wait for me at the school at the end of the third
day? I want you to read my novel there. That’s all I ask. You don’t have to tell me what you
think; you don’t have to say that you love me. Just read my story in front of me.” Muramasa-
senpai begged.

“Got it.”

I answered immediately. I didn’t even ask Sagiri for confirmation.

It’s not like I don’t need to think about it. But Sagiri will agree. This is not something I could
refuse. That was what I thought.

“I’m looking forward to it. Both the festival and senpai’s novel.”

“I see.”

I could feel her smile.

The festival will be held in October. I should call everyone beforehand. It’s only September now,
but I think it’s better to do it sooner rather than later. I don’t want to forget it by accident.

After finishing my call with senpai, I sent a message to everyone.

Less than ten seconds later, Megumi replied:

---- Of course I want to go ♪

Jinno Megumi. Sagiri’s classmate and class rep. She made a lot of friends as soon as she entered
school. A high-class girl, riaju among riaju. No wonder she replied so quickly.

The second person who replied was Elf.

--- Sounds interesting. I will go! Thank me!

Yamada Elf, my next door famous novelist. An important friend of mine and of Sagiri. While
our relationship did get a bit complicated after I started going out with Sagiri… her message
showed no distance between us.

Elf is just like the sun. She is that kind of girl.

As someone who already has had her story made into anime, she also gave me some advice:

--- Don’t relax just because you don’t have as much work as before!

“Got it, Elf-sensei.”

The next day: As usual, we held a meeting for the anime-making team
*Clang!* “This is the anime 「 The Cutest Little Sister in the World 」‘s promotional

Kagurazaka-san displayed a picture on the projector.

“Oh, is that it?”

On the screen was the brother-sister that we created standing side by side. This eye-catching
drawing looked like it was created exclusively for the anime.

--- This one is very important for us.

The little sister was standing in the most noticeable place. It felt like she was saying 「 what are
you looking at? 」

--- Um, not bad.

That was what I thought.

Yes! This is the expression that Sagiri usually has! This is it!

Looking around, I saw only old faces – anime director, producer, etc… Aside from the script
writer Aoi Makina, everyone was here.

--- There are seven months left until the anime will air.

After we finished the scenario – which is the hardest part of all, normally, the author (me) will
have a short break.

But Elf told me not to let my guard down.

I still have lots of supervising work to do; I have to take part in all sorts of related activities.

For an anime-maker, next comes the hard part.

I took another look at the plan, and nodded.


I can’t lose to Eromanga-sensei. I can’t let the anime making team do everything. As the author,
I have to do my best too.

“You…. seem to be very motivated, Izumi-sensei.”


The one who just asked me was a woman with glasses – Director Amamiya. While she is a
young-looking woman, she already has decades of experience.
I was quite surprised when I tried to do some research about her. Turns out many famous anime
that I watched when I was small came from her.

I took another look around. Nearly everyone besides me was a legend.

The memories of the anime 「 Stardust ☆ Witch Meruru 」, which was made by director
Amamiya and Makina-san, were still fresh in my mind. That was nothing short of a miracle.

It was such an honor to work together with such people.

“…You can relax a bit…”

That 「 legend 」 told me, sensing my nervousness.

Director Amamiya is not a person of words, but somehow today she spoke with me a lot.

Before I could figure out what she meant --

“Izumi-sensei… it’s a bit late, but congratulations on your engagement.”


I did a spit take.

So that was what she wanted to talk about.

“Er, thank you very much! Eto, by the way… who told you about it?”

"It was Makina-chan… Aoi-sensei."

Oh crap! I did agree to her demand, which she asked me over and over again, telling me to
notify her of any developments in our relationship.


During these kinds of meeting, we have talked about my love life a lot, so there is no need to
keep it a secret. But… she should have spoken with me about it beforehand.

Seeing how flushed I was, the director smiled and added:

"…If it's possible…please invite us to your wedding too."

"Of course! Well, I can only say this here, but I planned to show the anime Sekaimo during our
wedding on the main screen! I want to ask you to go on stage and say something too!"

"…Scary. Maybe it's better for me not to come."

"I was politely rejected?"

"…Well, half of it was a joke anyway. Still… we can't afford to lose now. Our product is going
to be connected to the bride and groom. We should make sure the audience… will be moved to

Producer Amamiya smiled

I don’t know whether or not the rom-com story Sekaimo could move the audience to tears, but
her words encouraged me.

Shizue Amamiya. While her name (and her characteristics) sounds like a calm, careful person,
sometimes, she shows the face of a hidden master. That's how our director is.

"…By the way, you said half of it was a joke…"

"Yes. Just half of it. If we are really going to do it, we will need to have a proper conversation
later." She reminded me seriously.

Suddenly --

"Hello everyone --thank you for your hard work ---"

The culprit, Makina-san arrived.

Aoi Makina.

Today, she had a loose T-shirt and her usual glasses. You guys probably know this already, but
this girl is the scenario writer for Sekaimo.

In the past, she was known as "the writer who does not work". For of many reasons, now, from
my point of view (as the author), she is the most trusted person on the anime-making team.

She walked toward the director, and asked:

"Director, what are you talking with Masamune-san about? It's strange."

"We were discussing Izumi-sensei's … wedding plans."


Makina-san's eyes widened and she stared at me:

"You guys planned the wedding already? I know that you two are engaged, but your age…? Isn't
your wife is still in middle school?"

Isn't your wife is still in middle school?

Even in manga, this isn't something you can find easily. Well, but calling my fiancée, “wife", is
pretty normal.
Even if I'm not a high school student, it's still a very dangerous thing to say.

"We are talking about the future, Makina-san."

"Ah, I see. So, am I invited?"

"If the anime is good."

"Wow, a condition huh. Sure, then I will have to do my best." Makina-san replied.

Good good, now the guest list is slowly being filled.

So… the anime should be fine, right?

The director didn't look very happy, but there is nothing I can do anymore.

"By the way, Makina-san. In October, Senjyu Muramasa-sensei's school is holding a festival."

"Hm? Sounds good."

"I plan to invite everyone. Do you want to tag along?"

"Really? A school festival, ah, how nostalgic. I'm going too."

She seemed to be interested in my invitation.

Another person chose this moment to say:

"Aoi-sensei. Before planning to have fun, please give us the planning script for today's meeting."

It was Akasaka Touko - the producer. Today, she also wore a black, western style outfit.

It's clear that she doesn’t trust Makina-san, but it's fine.

I said with a smile.

"Don’t worry, Akasaka-san. Makina-san is not the same useless writer as before."


"Masamune-san! To think that you trust me that much…!"

Not really. I still think that she is a useless person without hope. But for the moment, I can trust
her. Because she was trying to win against her opponent, she came to my home with maximum
motivation. I don’t need to push her: she will do her best.

"You are too naïve, Izumi-sensei."

"That's how Aoi-sensei has always acted. She makes you think that she is trustworthy, and then
she will ignore her work."

Is she a devil?

"No way! That's impossible!"

Makina-san! I believe in you!

I laughed, and then turned back to her.

And… she put a hand on her head.


She didn’t write anything.

She really didn’t write anything! Are you kidding me!!?

"I can’t belieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeve it! Give me back my trust!"

"No no! I meant, because my motivation is at maximum, so I want to give it my best! That's why
I couldn’t write it in time."

In the end, because of her, our meeting had to end early.

We decided that she can only go to the festival if her work attitude improves.

After the meeting, I met some unexpected people in the elevator.

"Oh, is that Izumi?"

"Hi, Izumi-kun."

It's Kusanagi-senpai and Shidou-kun.

Kusanagi Ryuuki is a love/comedy style author, who has blonde hair and is wearing a black

Kunimitsu Shidou is my junior, even though he is older than me, who looks like he is in college.
His story focuses on meals and light cooking… recently, he also wrote a loli-style light novel.
His newest story will be released next month.

"How was the meeting, anime-making author?"

Kusanagi-senpai joked. I replied in annoyance:

"Fine. What are you two doing?"

"I'm having a meeting about my newest novel."

"Oh? Are you writing something new?"

"Something like that. The anime is finished and there is no plan for a season two, so I was
thinking about what to do next."

His tone was flat, but I felt a hint of sadness.

"Is that so?"

I said nothing more. But when I looked at them, I noticed that Shidou-kun, who should be
happy, seemed a bit lost.

Seeing that I was looking at him, he said:

"I came to talk about the third volume of my story, but Kagurazaka-san didn’t come."

In other words, he has finished writing volume two.

I looked at the meeting room I just walked out of.

"Kagurazaka-san is having a conversation with my producer."

"I hope that she will come as soon as that meeting is over."

"By the way…Shidou-kun, you seem lost?"

"You noticed?"


He looks very tired… But I doubt it’s just because "Kagurazaka-san was too slow".

Kusanagi-senpai laughed:

"Listen to me, Izumi. This guy's interview was leaked onto the Internet today. It's about Shidou-
sensei's taste toward lolis."

"Ah, so that ugly news was made public, huh?"

"Don’t call it ugly!"

Shidou-kun was about to cry.

"I was so embarrassed after that interview made it onto the Internet."
He covered his head in despair, and continued:

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh! Why did I decide to accept that interview without changing my penname! I
want to erase the past! Why didn’t you two stop me back then?"

"Kusanagi-senpai said it's interesting."

"Hey, don’t pass the ball to me Izumi. You were so happy to go along with it."

"You are too much, Izumi-kun, Kusanagi-senpai!"

"Don’t cry. By the way, I think you did well with that interview. You trust in your story, don’t

Kusanagi-senpai comforted his junior.

"It's true that on the Internet there are some ugly interviews, but I think those things exist
because the person who was interviewed became one with their story. If you keep a distance,
you might not reveal your interests, but then no one will know about you."

"Can you please stop talking about it?" He said, hoping that we could be considerate of his

"That's why I believe such an innocent and daring interview will boost your fame. No matter
what result it brings, you will be famous."

"That's not assuring to hear."

Kusanagi-senpai tapped his fist against Shidou-kun's chest.

"Moe-style light novels would be boring without some incidents. Keep up the writing, lolicon."

"….You don’t have to say it like that." Shidou-kun smiled wryly.

Looked like he was getting better. He joked back:

"By the way, lolicon Kusanagi-senpai, what's going on between you and your apprentice?"

"Thank you so much for bringing it up! Nah, there's nothing special. We just chat a bit via Line
about writing."

"I'm so jealous. Talking with a girl via Line is illegal."

No it's not. Now this guy is talking nonsense.

You guys might have forgotten, so allow me to remind you:

Due to various reasons, Kusanagi-senpai took Aya-chan (who is an elementary school girl)
under his wing. Just like a light novelist.
Before the conversation steered too far toward dangerous ground, I interrupted:

"What do you mean, talking about writing? Did she give you a manuscript?"

"No, she said she couldn’t write a good manuscript. That's why she was sad and wanted to talk
with me."

"You vile criminal! Admit it! Where did you take her?"

"I didn’t even call her out or anything! Shut up for now, Shidou -- what would you do in my
position, Izumi?"

"Hm? What would I do if someone asked me how to fix sadness? I can't answer without
knowing the reason. If I myself couldn’t write…then I would think 『 even if you can’t write,
you must 』. I can't stop writing just because I am sad."

"By the way, that's how I recover too. 『 Even if I can’t heal, I still have to write 』. I think that
works for me. But she was mad and said 『 I don’t get it 』. I don’t get her."

"She must be thinking that unless she fixes it, she won’t be able to write. Even when she can't fix

"She clearly couldn’t."

Both Kusanagi-senpai and I were in agreement.

You shouldn’t wait for your sadness to pass, you should actively discard it.

It would be great if she could follow Shidou-kun's example.

"….Wait wait, what are you two talking about?" Shidou-kun asked

"Izumi, 『 a man who claimed that he understood women 』 is asking us a question."

"Don’t call me by such an ill-meaning nickname -- It must be that Aya-chan doesn’t just want to
escape sadness, she must want to talk with Kusanagi-senpai. But because you only told her how
to get rid of her sadness, that's why she said that she doesn’t get it in anger."

"Give me a break, a secret meaning? What a brat -- by the way, where did you get that idea,

"From your novel, senpai."


Kusanagi-senpai said nothing.

"………..Let's stop talking about me. Izumi, say something interesting."


He changed the topic too fast. What a man!

"Well, actually, Muramasa-senpai's school is going to hold a school festival. I planned to ask
everyone to join, what do you say?"

Shidou-kun and Kusanagi-senpai looked at each other, then turned to me:

"I will go."

"I will try to go."

After that, I finished my work at the editorial department and went home. It was 23:00 when I
got back.

"… That took longer than I expected."

I used to work too much and made Sagiri worry. So I didn’t plan to work anymore tonight and
just planned to go to bed immediately.

"I'm a bit hungry, but there is no time for dinner."

I wonder if Sagiri ate properly. Has she gone to bed yet?

Those thoughts were on my mind when I opened the door and saw Sagiri, in her apron, waiting.

"Ehehe, welcome home, Nii-san."

Since we started dating, Sagiri always greets me at the door like this.

In the past…every time I opened this door, I had to face an empty corridor. That scared me. My
only saving grace was the sound that my hikikomori little sister made when she hit the floor.

-- I'm no longer lonely.

"I'm home, Sagiri. You haven't gone to bed yet? Didn’t I tell you that I might be late and you
should go to bed early?"


She smiled in embarrassment, and then said:

"Um…dinner…I will get your dinner."

"Did you…make it?"

"Yes. You taught me."

Yes. Sagiri asked me to teach her how to make dinner.

My house's kitchen was made per the request of my mother, who was a food critic. Even Elf
admitted that it felt like a lady's castle. So in some way, this is my mother's relic.

In the past, Sagiri never entered this room. Only recently, after I began to teach her cooking, did
she enter it. So this shouldn’t be anything special… but…

-- I'm very happy.

I'm very, very happy.

"Don’t, don’t expect too much, okay? I could only do simple stuff… you know, Nii-san?"

"Anything Sagiri made will be good!"

"…Even though I made lots of mistakes when practicing."

"That is in the past, now is now -- let me try it."

"Um, sure, this way. I have done all of the prep work already: you can eat shortly."

Sagiri brought me to the living room. It felt so unreal.


Love will have a negative influence on the work. That was what my editor said, but this sweet
feeling is for me only, no other author could taste this.

Of course, I don’t think that the work's quality comes solely from the author's experience, but
with this love, I could surely write something that is only for me; for us.

That was what I thought.

I opened the door to the living room; then entered.

"Welcome home, Masamune."

Waiting for me at the living room is a cold-looking woman.

"I'm home, Kyouka-san."

Izumi Kyouka, our guardian and our family.

She was wearing at-home clothes and looking at me.

She seemed to be in a bad mood -- but that wasn't actually the case. Or rather… she was trying
to smile.

Recently, I think I can understand her expressions better. Of course, she seemed to have an
easier time reading me.

"Are you surprised that I'm here, Masamune? We are living together: this is normal, right?"

Izumi Masamune, Izumi Sagiri, Izumi Kyouka. Now, the three of us were living together.

Recently, Sagiri's hikikomori status improved a lot, so she could come down stairs when 『 a
trusted family member 』 is at home.

After that, we tried to eat as many meals together as possible.

But today I came home too late, so I asked them to eat without waiting for me.

"Not really. I thought that you would have already gone to bed."

"..How could I. Today is the first time we can eat Sagiri's homemade meal. Besides, I have the
day off tomorrow."

I knew that she was feeling happy.

"Is that so? Sorry, it took much longer than expected."

"You already called us, so it's okay. Or not, actually. I think that as a student, you shouldn’t push
yourself too hard, Masamune… But…. well, I will consider some other options...”

Kyouka-san didn’t say anything more.

I was a bit worried. What other options she was thinking about? She already has to do her job; I
don’t want to trouble her anymore.

Suddenly --

"Nii-san, Kyouka-chan, the meal is ready."

During our conversation, a nice smell came from the kitchen.

-- It was the smell of our family’s favorite food, special made Omurice.

It happens a lot in anime, right? Nah, who cares?

I dropped my bag and turned to Kyouka-san

"Then --"

"Let’s give her a hand."

We went back to the kitchen. While we didn’t do much, everything managed to turn out to be
okay. On the table, aside from Omurice, there was vinegar-salt salad. It didn’t really look like
much of a dinner, but considering how late it was, we were happy anyway.

It wasn’t quite enough food for all of us: Looked like Sagiri cooked based on how much she
usually eats.

We sat down and clapped our hands together.


"P... please."

The scenes that I could only dream of were happening in front of me.

I took a spoonful of omurice.

Sagiri looked at me with a bit of fear in her eyes:

"How is it?"

"Um, it's good."

"It's good, Sagiri."


Sagiri also took a bite; then nodded.

"Just like how I practiced. But... Nii-san's omurice is still better."

"Of course. My omurice is made with 『 my love for you 』."

"You... recently you keep saying embarrassing things."

"Recently? I think it was like that from the beginning." Kyouka-san added.

"Maybe." Sagiri acknowledged

Then we shared a moment of peace. We talked about our days, our work, our school -- just
typical daily stuff.

It was a conversation among family. Suddenly… a silence fell over us.

My chest hurt. My heart hurt.

What is this feeling? Why…?

And then...
"… Ah."


Both I and Sagiri noticed it.

"…. Yes?"

Only Kyouka-san didn’t.

There were tears on her face.

"Ah… ah… this."

She wiped her tears away, and tried to smile. But it failed: she didn’t fool anyone. Just stopping
herself from crying was all she could do.

"…It, it can't be helped… Sorry! I… I had an allergic reaction…! I couldn't... sneeze."

It was a clumsy explanation, but it was cute. Both Sagiri and I laughed.

I have my handkerchief from my second mom.

"Seems like… we also have an allergic reaction."

In such a short amount of time, we laughed and we cried.

After the happy time in the kitchen, we took a break in the living room.

"By the way, you two." Suddenly Kyouka-san asked, "What are you planning to do?"



My and Sagiri's eyes met, then we turned back to Kyouka-san.

"What… do you mean?"

"Masamune and Sagiri's engagement began with going out, right? Even without my permission."


What a hard question. Totally unlike just a moment ago. It’s no wonder that she is easily
misunderstood. If only you could understand her -- then you could realize that she is just like a
cute big sister.
I think for a moment then say:

"Well… everything is good. For now, at least."

Based on my experience, next, Kyouka-san would get to the main topic.

"Masamune. I will say it again; we are still not allowing you two to go out with each other."



We - included Kyouka-san, and our late parents.

We have decided that after the anime Sekaimo is aired and our dream is reached, we would tell
our parents at their grave.

--- Do not start going out before that. Was that what she meant?

I can't be sure. Especially when it comes from Kyouka-san, I need to finish listening to her and
think about things carefully. Otherwise I would make a mistake.

Kyouka-san is the one who mistakenly thought that -- Little sister (romcom character) equals
little sister (female)

"But I do not plan to stop you two from going out."

See? She was smiling.

"Masamune, Sagiri. Until I tell my brother everything, I will not allow you to go out. But I will
turn a blind eye."

"Kyouka-chan… thank you."

Too soon Sagiri. This is Kyouka-san. We have to listen till the end.

"But I have a condition."



"Yes. Of course, it's not something big. It's something very simple."

"Before I tell my brother and sister, please keep your relationship pure."

That was unexpected. Both Sagiri and I froze. Then we blushed immediately.

"… P… P… Pure…"

"Wh, wh, what are you talking about, Kyouka-san!!"

We yelled. Sagiri waved her hands in a panic.

"Kyouka-chan is a pervert! Ecchi! Hentai Onee-chan!"

"I'm not!!"

Sagiri made Kyouka-san blush too.

"You are a pervert! You wore an ecchi sailor uniform! You shot the Eromanga-beam!"

"Didn’t you tell me to do that?"

When she was reminded about those bad memories, Kyouka-san's eyes turned into a >< shape.
She coughed:

"Please don’t change the topic. I'm serious."

"………. Sorry."

Sagiri meekly apologized and sat down with me.

Kyouka-san recovered, and said:

"Listen well: anyway, my condition is, until you are legally married… no, it's fine as long as it's
after you speak with your parents, but do not cross that line as school children."

Well, that was how Kyouka-san cared for Sagiri. She is still in middle school after all.

Of course, we are very embarrassed, our faces were getting hotter.


Next to me, Sagiri was so embarrassed that she kept her head down, trembling.

Anyway, I understood what she meant. In short ---

Before we speak with our parents and get officially married, do not do any erotic stuff.

That's all. I looked down.

"Understood, Kyouka-san. It's okay. I myself also think that it was too soon to be talking about

"…That's good to know." She nodded.

She seemed to be in a good mood now that this embarrassing matter was solved. She looked
straight at us:

"Masamune, Sagiri. Then… please take care."


Sagiri bowed.

Late at night, the same day, I was inside my bed with a happy mind.

In the morning, I finished my workload.

I went to school, to the meeting at the editorial department… and I didn’t have to work at home.

Today I tried my best. Everything went well… Something good even happened just now.

I should sleep until morning and try my best tomorrow too.

I closed my eyes and waited for sleep. Suddenly….

There was a very small sound. My room's door was opened.


I opened my eyes… inside the darkness was the sight of a girl…

"… Sagiri?"

She was wearing her pajamas, holding her favorite pillow.

--- A dream?

That was what I thought. So I didn’t act. Usually, I think about Sagiri before falling asleep.

Because I promised not to do ecchi stuff, I went to bed dreaming about it? -- wait, is that why
Sagiri appeared in my erotic dream?

Like any normal high school student, I have my own erotic imagination. But this time, it looked
so real.

I rubbed my eyes and confirmed it by looking at her breasts. If this was a dream, then Sagiri's
breasts should be very good looking. But nope. There was nothing.

Conclusion -- this is reality.


I nearly jumped out of my bed. Thankful that I didn’t say something strange to her just because I
thought this was a dream.

"Wh, what---?"

"Nii-san, today… can we… sleep together?"


I could feel blood rushing to my head.

It's an erotic dream, right? Right?

"No no no…. we separated because we can't sleep together."

Yes. Until just recently, we slept in the same room.

Sagiri said -- that we are living 『 together 』. But after we started going out, that situation is no
good. That's why we separated again.

That's why I'm surprised.

Sagiri walked up to me, and said quietly:

"I know… but... can't we?"


I froze. I couldn’t even breathe.

Sagiri came closer

"…You don’t want to?"

"No, I do want to. But!"

"Shhhhh!!! Kyouka-chan will hear us."


Sagiri blocked my mouth.

There was another person inside the house. That was our guardian, our family, Kyouka-san.

It'd be bad if she knew. Especially after she had that conversation with us.

No! Sagiri must not come here for that very reason!

Sagiri removed her hand from my mouth;

“… Yes… we have to keep it a secret from Kyouka-chan… want to sleep together?”


It’s not like I refused to sleep together with her just because I don’t want to make Kyouka-san

Rather, before we became lovers, there were many times that I almost gave in to my instincts.
Now, when we are already aware of each other’s feelings, if I sleep together with Sagiri…

There is no way I could stop myself!


I don’t know how to break it to her. I could tell her straight up, but it’s embarrassing. And what
if she hated me because of that…


“Wait a sec, Sagiri!?”

Don’t just enter my bed without my permission.

“Ehehe, I’m inside.”


Oh crap. I’m about to faint.

“If you kick me out, I will yell for Kyouka-chan.”

“Are you kidding me? But, but everyone can see that you are launching a night attack on me!
This is my room!”

“Ni, night attack? Don’t say something perverted! We are just going to sleep together!”

I truly believe that there is no other word that’s more suitable to describe her.

“Besides, Kyouka-chan will believe me.”

“Crap, she is so fond of you.”

What should I do… wah… what should I do…?

I was acting calm, but in truth my mind was reaching its limit.

“Okay. Then… let’s talk a bit. After that, you will go back to your room, okay?”

I said, trying to be gentle.

On the bed, Sagiri let out a “hmm” sigh of displeasure. Then, she hugged me tightly.

“Crap crap crap!!!”

Rational thinking! Rational thinking!!!

“Sagiri! Stop!!”

I barely managed to push her away. She said in a confused tone:


“It’s not like I don’t want to.”

“Then what is it?”

“Well… that – actually, more importantly, Sagiri, what are you trying to do?”

I have to know the reason she was acting this way before I can do anything more.

“Nii-san is my fiancée – so you should be close to me.”


Suddenly, I felt so powerless.

“You want us to get close… but since we both have to work… we can’t… that’s why you
suggest sleeping together?”

Ah… I see… In that case, I can’t really say no.

So that’s what she thinks.

I put my hand on her head.

“Today, Sagiri was acting strange, so I was a bit confused.”

“Wh? What? Strange?”

“Yeah… you were so… mature… and… charming.”

“…. I see.”
She grinned.

Damn, so cute.

I said 「 charming 」 but her charm is not like a grown up. Tonight, Sagiri is naïve and ero.
Like a little demon ---

“---Sagiri. Did someone give you this plan?”

“Er… why are you asking that?”

“I see. My guess is Megumi was the one who gave you the idea.”

I have noticed it before. Tonight, Sagiri – was acting like Megumi.

“---Yes. After we talked, she gave me this plan.”

“What did you talk with her about?”

“I want to sleep together with you.”


What a big misunderstanding!

Wow~ Sagiri-chan is so bold!

I could almost see Megumi’s happy expression.

“Nii-san, why are you so against it? Are you afraid of making Kyouka-chan mad?”

“… Not really.”

“Then why?”

The previous problem that I was avoiding came back to me.

“……. Can I not say it?”

“No. You have to answer me truthfully.” She said with a hint of fear in her voice.

“… Okay. Fine.”

I should have known. Unless I tell her, this will happen again. Besides, she told me what she
truly thinks already.

“Sagiri, the reason that I am against sleeping with you…”

“Hm hm, it is?”

“Because I will think about doing erotic stuff with you.”


For a split second, Sagiri froze ---


And then she blushed madly.

“E… erotic… stuff… meaning….”

“Like kissing… and undressing…. and touching”



“I didn’t ask you that much!”

“Ah, what, do you mean by that?”



Our embarrassment passed. The room is totally quiet. I was still in my bed and Sagiri was
hugging me tightly.

Her body is very hot. Both of our bodies were getting hotter. I was beginning to sweat bullets.

I don’t know what she was thinking, but I couldn’t stand it anymore. It was hard to maintain my
consciousness. My mind was at its limit.

Suddenly, she let go of me, and then said in a terrified voice:

“… Nii-san.”

“… Yes?”

“… I... I’m worried. Am I a good… girlfriend…. do I have any charm as a girl…”


Even before we started dating, every time we met, I told her how cute she is.

“Because… both Muramasa-chan and Elf-chan... are very erotic… and charming… I can’t win
against them. I know this won’t happen, but after we started going out… I’m afraid that Nii-san
will hate me, will go away… will slowly lose interest in me….”
“How could that be!?”

Why are you talking nonsense now?

“… Really?”

She looked at me with moist eyes.

“You really… don’t reject me because you hate me? You don’t… hate touching me?”

“No! Actually, well – um… I want to… well, because I like you, so I don’t know if I could stop
myself… so I’m afraid of being touched by you….”

“I…. is that so…”

She breathed out a sigh of relief. Then, she put her head on my chest.


This time, I didn’t do anything.

This time, Sagiri should be able to understand my feelings.


Now thinking back, I was about to say something so embarrassing.

But it’s okay. As long as Sagiri could be at ease, I could swallow my pride.


“Yes, Sagiri?”

I asked. She hugged me even tighter.

“… Just doing a bit… is fine.”

I thought I was struck by lightning.

“Eh… eh…….. Just now … what?”

My body could barely move.

Sagiri repeated what she said in a simpler way:

“… Doing … a bit… of erotic stuff with me… is fine.”


Limit break.
Something broke.

My suppressed lust was released

I drew closer to her lips ---


“Masamune, is Sagiri in here?”


What a miracle, I didn’t scream.

Something huge happened --- Kyouka-san opened the door to my room.

Izumi Kyouka – my young aunt, our guardian. She was wearing green pajamas that show off her
adult charm.

“Eh!? Ky, ky, ky, Kyouka-san, wh, what, what do you need?”

I asked just like a very suspicious person would. Under the blanket, Sagiri began to tremble.

She probably couldn’t see us… right?

Like an 「 Ice Queen 」, Kyouka-san, still standing at the door….

“Tonight… I want to sleep with Sagiri, so I went to her room….”

She relaxed a bit. Seems like she is embarrassed.

Kyouka-san was very happy that she could be our family. Normally you couldn’t see it, but
unlike how she appears, she is a nice woman who can get along with almost everyone. That’s
why she wants to get closer to Sagiri and tried to sleep with her tonight.

But why? Why TONIGHT, of all times?

“I couldn’t find her anywhere. The only place that I haven’t looked is here.”

“Masamune, is Sagiri here?”

She repeated.

--- Crap, I can’t lie to her.

If I said no, then it’d be chaos.

I said, abandoning all hope.

“She is here.”

I pulled my blanket away. Kyouka-san’s eyes suddenly narrowed.

“…Sagiri. Masamune. Do you remember our discussion just now?”

….This time…. she really is mad.



We both kneeled on the floor. Our erotic fantasy had disappeared long ago.

Kyouka-san was looking at us, her aura equal to that of a blizzard.

“… You two are still children. Even if you already work like an adult, it is way too soon to be
doing this – as your guardian, I can’t turn a blind eye to this!”

“Ky, Kyouka-san, but…”

“… Yes… It’s hard to suppress your feelings with rational thinking. I have experience with
that.” She said



Kyouka-san raised her hand – which is holding a pillow – and showed a small smile.

“Tonight, let’s all sleep together.”

And so --

The three of us lied down next to each other and slept together.

For me, Sagiri and Kyouka-san, this must be like a dream. A happy dream.

But, allow me to ask one question:

Sagiri was sleeping defenselessly beside me, but Kyouka-san was right there watching me.

Is that cruel?

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