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1/ What are the significant of Isaiah and Jeremiah messages according to its interpretation?

The prophet Isaiah played an important role in Gods plan .

He foretold the Messiah's coming and brought hope to

His people during achallenging time.

This promise of hope is not only for the nation of Israel but also for all us.

2/ What is the significant of Jeremiah?

Becau Jeremiah prophesied in the final years of Judah before God's .

People were exiled to Babylon .

It makes sense that the books overarching theme is judgment.

Indeed,the first forty-five chapters focus primarily on be cause of its dis belief and disobedience .

The bible book of interpretation of Isaiah .

The book Isaiah addresses the problem of sin showing the need

for salvation.

Main messages of Isaiah.

The judgment of God's people followed by their ultimate salvation.

√Prophets receive direction from God to help people navigate challenges and situations.

Inthe bible prophets urged the people to repent and foretold of the birth,death and Resurrectiin of Jesus
christ .

To day prophets continue to testify of Jesus .

The also warn and advice all people about important topc.

2/What are the significant of minor prophets?

√ The purpose of the minor prophets in the Bible is to serve as an important communication between
God and His people the Jews.

Prophecy not only predicts future events.

But also emphasizes the truth of God's promises

Law and perfect caracter.

3/What is the implication of Hose's marriage?

√God uses the metaphor of Hosea's marriage to testify of his great love for and patience with us.Hosea
genuinely experiences

the horro of his wife's un faith fulness.

Salallows his pride works an his own heart and then sincerely asks his wife to also respond in

Humility and love.

The lord comnanded Hosea to marry and Hosea selected awoman named Gomer.

The lord used this marriage as asymbol to teach the Israelites

about His covenant relation ship with them.

The Israelites were un faith ful to the lord because they sought after false gods.

4/ What is the connection of Joel prophecy with the preaching of peter and interpret?

√Perer used the phenomenon of the pouring out of the Holy spirit to preach the Gospel to the crowds
gathered in Jerusalem for the festival.

He quoted (Joel 2:28-32) as the

opening text for his message (Act 2:16-21)

5/Write about the prophet Amos life testimony?

√Prophet Amos lived among agroup of shepherds in Tekoa

asmall twon approximately ten

Miles south of Jerusalem .

Amos made clear in his writings that he did.

6/Write the theological significance of Psalms?

As human words to and about God the psalms instruct us in

Myriad ways about how to wor ship God.

They teach us how to sing,dancr,rejoice, give thanks , confess sin ,grieve, express anger ,make requests
of God

Proclaim Gods name far and wide, and much more.

Significance of Psalms.
What is the big idea? The book of Psalms expresses wor ship Through out its many pages.

Psalms encourages its readers to praise God for who He is and

What He has done

The Psalms illuminate the greatness to us in absolute centrality of His word.

Major theological theme of Psalms teach us to neither ingore our pain nor let it determine our lives .

God will full fill his promises from the Torah and send the messiah .

This book is all about the lament, praise, faith and hope of God's people. They key theo themes

From the perspective of wisdom

literature are righteousness reflection ,and resolution.

7/Describe what kinds of kesson can we get from the book of Job?

The life of Job aman whose story is told in the book of the Bible by that name contains many kessons for
us to day.

in it we see the value of patience

Perseverance , and the importance of holding our tongue not to mention God's.

faith fulness restirative power and goodness.

We can learn from Job: These are 1/God vindicates Him self in the end .

2/God is sovereign ove suffering.

3/Epressing our faith through lament.

4/Don't be like Job's friends.

5/Learn from what they did right.

6/Be patient with the sufferer and 7/Accurately apply scripture

to your counselees life.

8/Intrepret about the day of the Lord.(Explain)

√ Thus the day of the lord is about God chastening his people

whether it be through the Babylonia invasion of Jerusalem

or alocust plague described in (Joel 2:1-11,) yet (Joel 2:32)

holds apromise that on the day of the Lord every one who calls

on the name of the LORD will be saved.

What is the meaning of the day of the Lord.

Aday inaugurating the eternal universal rule of God.

a, In the Old Testament an eschatological day of ultimate Judgment bringing final deliverance or doom ,
called also day of Yahweh.

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