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Vocabulary & Grammar

5th primary
Second Term

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Class: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
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Content Pages

Module 6
Unit 6a 4–7
Unit 6b 8 – 12
Unit 6c 13 – 15
Unit 6d 16 – 17
Unit 6e 18
Module 6 Round up 19 – 21

Module 7
Unit 7a 22 – 25
Unit 7b 26 – 27
Unit 7c 28 – 29
Unit 7d 30 – 32
Unit 7e 33 – 34
Module 7 Round up 35 – 36

Module 8
Unit 8a 37 – 42
Unit 8e 43 – 45
Module 8 Round up 46

Vocabulary Revision 47 – 49
Grammar Revision 50 – 55

Oliver Twist 56 – 66

Extra Pages 67 - 68

Futures Language Schools 1 5th primary – 2nd term

Module 6 Making a difference
Unit 6a

New vocabulary

act – article – be caught = get stuck – benefit (v) – celebrate (v) – chore (n)
community – design (v) – familiar with – give away – kindness – pay back
touched (adj) – raincoat - unpleasant – simple – expect – friendly – goal

Expressions with time

at all times – from time to time – give a hard time – have time to kill
make time pass the time – take your time – waste time
Complete the missing parts to have the word, its meaning & an example.
Use your dictionary.
New word Meaning
pay it forward an expression meaning to do something nice to someone
goal (n) an aim or purpose
Example: Do you think I'll be able to achieve my goal of losing five kilos before the summer?
expect (v) to think or believe something will happen
Example: I didn't expect to see you here!
celebrate (v) …………………………………………………………………………………………………..
benefit (v) to help
…………………….……… (n) a job or piece of work that needs to be done regularly

…………………….……… (n) the people living in one area or people who are considered as a unit
because of their common interests, social group, or nationality
…………………….……… (v) to draw plans for a product or a building to show how it looks
Example: Who designed this piece of furniture?
touched (adj) grateful for something kind that someone has done
…………………… (phr. v) to give something to somebody for free
friendly (adj) …………………………………………………………………………………………………..
raincoat (n) …………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Futures language Schools 2 5th primary – 2nd term

Time expressions
1. from time to time sometimes, but not often
2. at all times Always
3. give a hard time to make things difficult or unpleasant for someone
4. waste time to not make good use of the hours, etc.
5. make time to find enough time to do something
6. have a time to kill to have nothing to do
7. pass the time to do something to keep busy while waiting
8. take your time don’t hurry

Choose the suitable answer:

1. There was an interesting (print – design – article – act) on education in the paper yesterday.
2. We were (caught – bought – fought – designed) in the storm and got wet.
3. The people at the café were (catching – celebrating – doing – making) someone's birthday.
4. Washing the dishes is the easiest house (shore – chore – duty – job) for me.
5. The new arts centre will serve the whole (common – community – novel – design).
6. Don't (waste – give – make – take) time by playing games. You have an exam tomorrow.
7. She (draws – designs – passes – does) dresses for many celebrities.
8. You don’t have to finish this project today. (Pass – Kill – Find – Take) your time.
9. Mr John will give us a (magic – soft – hard – all) time because we didn’t do the homework.
10. From time to (time – line – sign – kind), she gave him an encouraging nod.
11. The baking smell is very (strange – weird – odd – familiar) to everyone who lives near a bakery.
12. We hope to prevent anything (pleasant – unpleasant – familiar – wise) from happening.
13. We shall never have friends if we (experiment – accept – except – expect) to find them without
14. The dark clouds reminded me to take my (trainers – raincoat – shorts – T-shirt) along.
15. It is an act of (kindness – madness – selfishness – cruelty) to help a blind man across the street.
16. The rules of the game are quite (soft – hard – difficult – simple) and easy.
17. You must (pay back – pay forward – pay off – pay out) the full amount of money that you owe.
18. You are never too old to set another (ball – goal – possible – team) or to dream a new dream.
19. Helping the poor was a kind (act – mat – bat – hat).
20. How can we (make – take – give – benefit) those who most need our help?
Futures language Schools 3 5th primary – 2nd term
Passive Voice (Present Simple – Past Simple)

Use of Passive
Passive voice is used when the focus is on the action. It is not important or not known, however, who
or what is performing the action.

Example: My bike was stolen.

In the example above, the focus is on the fact that my bike was stolen. I do not know, however, who
did it.

Form of Passive
Subject + appropriate form of verb to be + Past Participle (3rd column )

Example: A letter was written.

When rewriting active sentences in passive voice, note the following:

▪ the object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentence
▪ the verb is changed (to be + past participle)
▪ the subject of the active sentence becomes the object of the passive sentence (or is dropped)

Examples of Passive

Tense Subject Verb Object

Active: Rita writes a letter.

Simple Present
Passive: A letter is written by Rita.

Active: Rita wrote a letter.

Simple Past
Passive: A letter was written by Rita.

Futures language Schools 4 5th primary – 2nd term

1) Put the verbs in brackets into Present Simple Passive:
There is a chimpanzee which 1) ( call ) is called “Bubbles”. It 2) ( own ) …………………………… by
Michael Johnson. It 3) ( keep ) ………………………………… in his home. It 4) ( feed ) …………………………………
every day by Michael Johnson himself. It 5) ( always/dress ) ………………………………… in funny clothes. It
6) ( say ) ………………………………… that “Bubbles” is Michael Johnson’s only friend.

2) Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple Passive:

1- The air-conditioning ( turn on )………………………………… during the summer months.
2- Everybody’s birthday ( celebrate ) ………………………………… in England.
3- The baby ( put ) ………………………………… to bed early every night.
4- New houses ( build ) ………………………………… in our area every year.
5- Tin cans ( recycle ) ………………………………… in many neighbourhoods.

3) Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple Passive:

Two men 1) ( see ) were seen breaking into a house in my street last night. The policemen
2) ( call ) …………………………… and they arrived very quickly. One man 3) ( catch ) ………………………………
immediately. The other escaped, but he 4) ( find ) ………………….…………… very soon. Both men 5)( take )
………………………………. to the police station where they 6) ( question ) ………………………………… separately
by a police officer. The two men 7) ( charge ) ……………………………………… with burglary.

4) Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets.

1) Many people like the new recipe. (The new recipe …)
2) Billy baked the cake. (by Billy)
3) Dad repaired the broken chair. (was)
4) People make shirts of cotton. (are)
5) The pupils neglected the work. (The work…)

Futures language Schools 5 5th primary – 2nd term

Unit 6b

New vocabulary

chance – contact (v) – damage (v) – diver – shocked – rubbish

donate – encourage – experienced – government – harm (v) – location
make a promise – pollute – protect – raise money - recycle - reduce
reuse - support (v) – take measures – traffic – turn up – various

Complete the missing parts to have the word, its meaning & an example.
Use your dictionary.
New word Meaning
diver (n) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
pollution (n) damage caused to water, air, etc. by harmful substances or waste
Example: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
make a promise to tell someone that one will definitely do something in the future
Example: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
location (n) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
various (adj) several and different
recycle (v) to sort and collect rubbish in order to treat it and produce useful
materials that can be used again
reduce (v) to make something become smaller in size, amount, degree,
importance, etc.
reuse (v) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Example: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
……………………………. (v) to give money or goods to help a person or organization
…………………………….(v) to harm or spoil something

contact (v) communication with someone, especially by speaking or writing to

them regularly
…………………………….(v) to keep someone or something safe from injury, damage, or loss
take measures take action to achieve a particular purpose.

raise money collect money or encourage donations for the benefit of someone,
Example: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
turn up (phrasal verb) Happen
Futures language Schools 6 5th primary – 2nd term
Match the word to its meaning
1. amount ( ) a possibility or probability of anything happening
2. apply ( ) to put or set in the ground for growth, as seeds, young trees, etc.
3. chance ( ) to inspire with courage
4. plant (v) ( ) quantity of something
5. support (v) ( ) a written official request
6. encourage ( ) give assistance to somebody

Choose the suitable answer:

1. The (diver – driver – scuba – location) stayed under water for some time.
2. I was deeply (happy – funny – socked – shocked) by Jo's death.
3. Aspirin should help (recycle – reuse – reduce – recover) the fever.
4. There is a connection between (environment – pollution – scuba – humans) and the death of
5. I forgot to put the (location – beaches – rubbish – season) out for collection this morning.
6. I want to (write – apply – dive – use) for the job.
7. They (throw – wash – clean – recycle) empty tins to use the metal.
8. There are (same – various – piece – much) ways of getting to the station.
9. The campsite is in a beautiful (location – chance – team – amount) next to the beach.
10. Please do not hesitate to (dive – contact – apply – agree) us if you need any help.
11. Only Sue and Mark (made – found – came – turned) up for the meeting.
12. If you (do – make – give – take) a promise you should fulfil it.
13. We hope to (rise – raise – rose – rising) enough money to buy blankets for the homeless.
14. You have to (apply – clean – dive – donate) to take part in the festival.
15. Most of the (damage – money – rubbish – location) found in the park is from the kids.
16. Governments should take (moments – mechanics – measures – measurements) to protect the
17. If we use more (private – alone – solo – public) transport, we’ll re reduce air pollution.
18. She (supported – turned up – reduced – donated) her husband through many difficult times.
19. His coach (encouraged – courage – raised – protected) him throughout the marathon race to
keep on running.
20. Mothers always try to (damage – leave – protect – donate) their children against any harms.
Futures language Schools 7 5th primary – 2nd term
Complete the dialogue:
Tom: Today in class we were talking about Pay It Forward Day.
Lina: Oh, do you have any plans for the event?
Tom: Yes, ……………………………………………………………………..
Lina: What about giving cards explaining all about Pay It Forward.
Tom: Well, ……………………………………………………………………..
Lina: Cool, how can I help in that event?
Tom: ……………………………………………………………………………….

Complete the dialogue:

Kate: So how did the Pay It Forward Day go?
Ben: Well, ……………………………………………………………………..
Kate: Great. What did the participants say about their kind acts?
Ben: ………………………..……………………………………………………..
Kate: And what did you say?
Ben: ………………………..……………………………………………………..
Kate: I guess it was a very touching experience.

Complete the dialogue:

A: What are your plans for Sea Help Day?
B: ………………………………………………………………………………………….
A: What about asking people to donate money?
B: ………………………………………………………………………………………….?
A: We need the money to hire experienced divers to remove the rubbish from the sea.
B: ………………………………………………………………………………………….
A: We can also recycle the rubbish.
B: ………………………………………………………………………………………….

Futures language Schools 8 5th primary – 2nd term

Passive Voice (Present Perfect – Future (will) – Future (going to) – model verbs

Examples of Passive

Tense Subject Verb Object

Active: Rita has written a letter.

Present Perfect
Passive: A letter has been written by Rita.

Active: Rita will write a letter.

Future (will)
Passive: A letter will be written by Rita.

Active: Rita is going to write a letter.

Future (going to)
Passive: A letter Is going to be written by Rita.

Active: Rita can write a letter.

Model Verbs
Passive: A letter can be written by Rita.

Active: Rita may write a letter.

Model Verbs
Passive: A letter may be written by Rita.

Change to passive voice

1) People will use electric cars.
2) Tom is going to paint a new picture.
3) The government has taken serious measures.
4) Mr. Smith will teach us English.
5) People speak English all over the world.
6) People should recycle paper, glass and metal.

Futures language Schools 9 5th primary – 2nd term

Rewrite using the words in brackets
1) John collects money. [Money]
2) Anna opened the window. [The window]
3) We have done the homework. [The homework]
4) I will ask a question. [A question]
5) He can cut out the picture. [by him]
6) The sheep ate the hay. [was]
7) We may not clean our rooms. [Our rooms]
8) William will not repair the car. [be]
9) Mum has paid the bills. [been]
10) Could you feed the dog? [Could the dog...?]
11) Jane is going to buy a new laptop. [A new laptop]
12) Millions of people will visit the museum. [will be]
13) I have not read the book. [The book]
14) He must fill in the form. [The form]

Futures language Schools 10 5th primary – 2nd term

Unit 6c

New vocabulary

be in trouble – come true – count on sb – creature – deal with - panic

disappoint – head back – helpless – laugh at sb – run away – save up
situation – solution – suggest – rely on – let down – lie – make fun of

Complete the missing parts to have the word, its meaning & an example.
Use your dictionary.
New word Meaning
be in trouble being in a situation with a lot of problems
come true to become real or happen in the way that one wished or dreamed
Example: After 21 years, Carl's dream of owning a home came true.
…………………… (phr. v) to depend on someone
Example: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
creature something creature; an animal or a human, etc.
deal with (phr. v) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
disappoint (v) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
…………………… (phr. v) to start moving back to some place.
…………………… (phr. v) to laugh at somebody/something or make other people laugh at
Example: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
run away (phr. verb) to leave quickly in order to avoid or escape something
situation (n) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
solution (n) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
suggest (v) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
………………………. (v) to rescue someone
laugh at sb make fun of someone or make people laugh at someone or mock sb
Example: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
quills (n) sharp spines of a porcupine or hedgehog

Futures language Schools 11 5th primary – 2nd term

Choose the suitable answer
1. I got in (disappointment – trouble – fun – situation) for lying.
2. If there's anything I can do, (laugh at – make fun of – count on – deal with) me.
3. How do you intend to (deal with – laugh at – make fun of – count on) this problem?
4. It is rude to (make fun of – deal with – head back – rely on) other people.
5. The film is about (situations – creatures – pages – quills) from outer space.
6. She was sorry she (suggested – supported – disappointed – counted) her father.
7. He didn’t want to stay alone in the office so he (ran away – lied down – headed back – counted
on) home.
8. Thanks for (saving – letting – suggesting – solution) me. I didn’t know what to do.
9. We all (dealt with – laughed at – lied at – counted on) Sam in his new costume.
10. Please don’t (let me down – deal with – be in trouble – rely on). I am counting on you.
11. I would never (let – lay – lie – lend) to about that.
12. You can (laugh at – deal with – rely on – make fun of) Mark in your absence. He’s a hard worker.
13. Don’t be a coward and (laugh at – deal with – be in trouble – run away).
14. Finally, we agreed on a (support – solution – statement – sudden) to the problem.
15. He was so (funny – awkward – busy – brave) to jump into the water and save the boy from
drowning. I am so proud of him.

Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:

Mona: Good morning Maha. I’ve got a problem and I need your advice.
Maha: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………?
Mona: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
Maha: I believe it is a good idea to tell your parents.
Mona: I guess they will be angry.
Maha: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
Mona: You’re right. It is better than hiding the truth.
Maha: Yes. There is no need to panic. I hope everything goes well.
Mona: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
Futures language Schools 12 5th primary – 2nd term
If Conditional
We use the first conditional when there is a real possibility that something will happen in the
 If I don't call you tonight, you can call me.
 Will you wait for me if I am late?
 If it rains, I'll stay at home.

We use the second conditional when we imagine a situation or when there is very little or no
possibility that something will happen.
 What would you do if you found a lot of money in the street? In conditional sentences type 2:
 If Ali were older, he would travel on his own. "were" is often used instead of
"was" in the if-clause for all
 At the moment, it's raining. If it was sunny, I'd go out.

Unless means if...not.

Both of these examples have the same meaning and refer to the present time.

"You can't go on vacation unless you save some money."

"If you don't save some money, you can't go on vacation."

"You will feel cold if you don't wear a coat."

"You will feel cold unless you wear a coat."

Put the verb in the correct form to complete each sentence.

1. If global warming continues, temperatures will rise (rise) even higher.
2. What would you do if you ……………………………….…………. (win) a million dollars?
3. If people stopped using cars completely, there …………………….…………. (be) much less pollution.
4. When it ……………………………….…………. (rain) again, I won't forget to bring my umbrella.
5. If I spoke English fluently, I ……………………………….…………. (not/need) to take lessons.
6. Tom will be at the party tonight. If I see him, I ……………………………….…………. (say) hello.
7. If it ……………………….………. (not/rain) so much in England, you wouldn't see so many umbrellas.
8. Where ……………………….………….…………. (you/live) when you move out of your flat?

Futures language Schools 13 5th primary – 2nd term

Rewrite the following sentences using conditional sentences.
1. Peter lives with his parents because he can’t buy a flat. (If)
2. Mary is sad because she has a small flat. (if)
3. If you don’t study, you’ll fail your English exam. (Unless)
4. John will pass the driving exam if he isn’t nervous. (unless)
5. I don’t know his email so I can’t send him an invitation. (If)
6. You must leave home early or you’ll miss the flight. (if)
7. I’m not going out because I’m tired. (if)
8. I don’t know how this machine works so I don’t use it. (If)
9. I don’t have enough time to learn how to play golf. (If)
10. I’d like to buy a new car, but I haven’t got enough money. (If)
11. Don’t go out in the rain because you’ll get wet. (if)

12. I can’t meet my friend because I have to study. (If)


13. I won’t enjoy the film if you aren’t with me. (Unless)

14. If you don’t hurry, you’ll miss the bus. (unless)


Futures language Schools 14 5th primary – 2nd term

Unit 6d
New vocabulary

come with – cook (v) – ingredient – main course – mixture – napkin – oven
press (v) – recipe – sparkling – starter – still – topping – vegetarian


apple pie – cheese cake – chicken wings – flour – garlic – honey – lasagna –
olive oil - onion

Cooking Verbs

bake – boil – fry – melt – mix – pour – roast – stir

Kitchen Utensils

baking tray – bowl – cake tin – fork – frying pan

knife – plate – saucepan – spoon

Complete the missing parts to have the word, its meaning & an example.
Use your dictionary.
New word Meaning
main course the main part of a meal
starter a small amount of food eaten at the beginning of a meal - appetizer
Example: We had soup as a starter, followed by steak.
dessert a sweet course or dish usually served at the end of a meal
Example: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
come with ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

……………………………. (n) a piece of cloth used at table to wipe the lips or fingers and protect
the clothes
ingredient one of the things from which something is made
recipe (n) a set of instructions for making something from various ingredients
……………………………. (v) to cook by exposing to dry heat (as in an oven or before a fire)
Example: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
stir (v) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
pour (v) to dispense from a container

Futures language Schools 15 5th primary – 2nd term

Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
Waiter: Hello. Are you ready to order?
Sam: ……………………………………………………………………………..
Waiter: Great and for you?
Peter: ……………………………………………………………………………..
Waiter: I’m afraid there isn’t any left. Would you like to try the mushroom soup?
Peter: ……………………………………………………………………………..
Waiter: Very well. Would you like any salads?
Sam: ……………………………………………………………………………..
Peter: I’ll try the Greek salad.
Waiter: Would you like something to drink?
Sam: No, thanks.
Peter: ……………………………………………………………………………..
Waiter: What about dessert?
Sam: We’ll keep that for later.
Waiter: Very well. Is that all?
Peter: Yes, Thanks.

Choose the suitable answer

1. (Fry – Melt – Bake – Mix) the butter before you fry the eggs.
2. Cut the vegetables and (stir – fry – mix – roast) them together to make the salad.
3. You can bake the biscuits in the new (fridge – freezer – oven – fork).
4. I’d like a steak for the (main course – dessert – salad – starter).
5. Did you buy all the (recipes – mixtures – ingredients – napkins) needed for the cake?
6. I found a good (mixture – ingredient – recipe – napkin) for the carrot cake on the Internet.
7. Don’t (cut – pour – bake – roast) the sauce over my pasta. I like it plain.
8. I’d like to have (an apple pie – garlic – chicken wings – olive oil) for dessert.
9. He needs a (fork – knife – napkin – spoon) for the soup.
10. Mum wants a (baking tray – plate – sauce pan – frying pan) to make an omelet.

Futures language Schools 16 5th primary – 2nd term

Unit 6e

New vocabulary

a variety of – advice – bazaar – colourful – for a good cause – fundraiser

give sb a hand – prefer – race (v) – tell a joke – Do you mind helping me out?

Complete the missing parts to have the word, its meaning & an example.
Use your dictionary.
New word Meaning
variety several different sorts of the same thing
advice (n) an opinion or a suggestion about what somebody should do
Example: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
for a good cause worth doing or giving to because it will help other people
Example: We’re running the marathon to raise money for a good cause.
bazaar (n) A market consisting of a street lined with shops and stalls
fundraiser (n) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
prefer (v) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
give sb a hand help someone with something physical
Example: Can I give you a hand with that bag?
tell a joke to say things that are intended to make someone laugh
race (v) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:

Teacher: Have you ever attended a fundraiser event?
Student: ……………………………………………………………………………….
Teacher: Why were they raising money?
Student: ……………………………………………………………………………….
Teacher: What were the activities done on that day?
Student: ……………………………………………………………………………….
Teacher: How did you help?
Student: ……………………………………………………………………………….
Futures language Schools 17 5th primary – 2nd term
Module 6
Round up
Choose the suitable answer
1. I’m waiting for the waiter to bring me a to eat my soup with.
a. fork b. knife c. spoon
2. Are you familiar that area of the city?
a. with b. of c. to
3. Lots of people this local charity and offer volunteer work.
a. suggest b. support c. advise
4. We were by the kindness the nurses showed towards their patients.
a. touched b. experienced c. helpless
5. The government has new measures to reduce accidents on the road.
a. made b. given c. taken
6. When Mr Jones crashed his car into a tree, he it quite badly.
a. benefited b. disappointed c. damaged
7. I didn’t know the of the chocolate factory, so I wasted a lot of time searching for it.
a. community b. location c. recipe
8. How much money did the charity ?
a. raise b. encourage c. apply
9. Put the chicken in the baking tray, add potatoes and then it in the oven.
a. boil b. fry c. roast
10. I want to make an apple pie, but I’m not sure I have all the .
a. mixtures b. ingredients c. starters

Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

chance – simple - deal with – unpleasant – fun – protect - turn up - least

1. It is ………………………………to live in a city where there is a lot of pollution.

2. Parents try to ……………………………… their children from anything that might harm them.
3. You can just ……………………… at any of our fundraising events that are taking place this summer.
4. I’ll ……………………………… cooking the meal and you can bake a cake.
5. The solution to your problem is very……………………………… . Don’t worry.
6. I hope to have the ……………………………… to travel round the world one day.
7. It’s not nice to make ……………………………… of other people.
8. It will take you at ……………………………… half an hour to get there, so you must leave now if you
don’t want to be late.

Futures language Schools 18 5th primary – 2nd term

1. elderly a. water
2. main b. course
3. olive c. person
4. public d. oil
5. mineral e. transport

Choose a or b to complete the dialogues.
1. A: I need some help. I can’t manage this on my own.
a. Take your time. b. You can always count on me.
2. A: What does that come with?
a. Anything you like. b. There’s no need to panic.
3. A: Would you mind helping me with my shopping?
a. No problem. I have some time to kill. b. Sure from time to time.
4. A: Can you give me a hand?
a. Need any help? b. Of course. How can I help you?
5. A: All you have to do is make a poster for the school bazaar.
a. I won’t rely on you. b. I won’t let you down.

Complete the sentences with the Present Simple Passive or the Past Simple Passive of the verbs in
1. Most of the air pollution in cities ……………………………………………. (cause) by traffic.
2. When ……………………………. the novel Swallows and Amazons ……………………………………. (write)?
3. Last year, a large amount of money ………………………. (donate) by our school to a variety of charities.
4. Lots of trees ……………………………. (plant) every year by volunteers who care about the environment.
5. Luckily, the little girl ……………………………………. (not harm) when she fell off the horse she was riding.
6. German and French are two of the languages that ……………………………………. (speak) in Switzerland.

Futures language Schools 19 5th primary – 2nd term

Rewrite the sentences using the Passive Voice. Start with the words given.
1. They will hold a bazaar in the village hall next Saturday.
A bazaar…………………………………………………………………………………….
2. The local community is going to organise a beach clean-up.
A beach clean-up ………………………………………………………………………
3. Maria must print all the notices by three o’clock.
All the notices …………………………………………………………………………..
4. They should teach people how to care about the environment.
People …………………………………………………………………………………….
5. Your brother has drunk all the sparkling water.
All the sparkling water …………………………………………………………….

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets to form Conditional
Sentences Type 2.

1. I …………………………………. (not send) her a voicemail message if I ………………………………. (be) you.

2. If I ………………………………. (have) a raincoat, I ………………………………. (walk) to the stadium.
3. Jamie ………………………………. (be) in trouble if he ………………………………. (go) home late.
4. If we ………………………………. (not speak) English, we ………………………………. (not understand) what the
signs mean.
5. Where you………………………………. (live) if you………………………………. can) live anywhere in the world?
6. ………………………………. they ……………………………. (laugh) at me if I ………………………………. (tell) them
what actually happened?
Rewrite the sentences using the Passive Voice.
1. Tracy will paint the kitchen.
2. I gave an invitation to Mandy.
3. They are going to build a new theatre in my neighbourhood.
4. You should take your dog out for a walk.
5. Someone robbed a bank last night.

Futures language Schools 20 5th primary – 2nd term

Module 7 Material World
Unit 7a

New vocabulary

brand – casual – design (n) – designer – fit (v) – formal – graffiti – introduce
product – style – trend


make up one’s mind – a big deal – at the time – fine by me – not say a word in
fashion – out of fashion –


cotton – denim – leather – silk – woolen

Complete the missing parts to have the word, its meaning & an example.
Use your dictionary.
New word Meaning

fashion a popular style of clothes, hair, etc. at a particular time or place; the
state of being popular
fashion designer a person who designs fashionable clothes
Example: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
brand a trademark or distinctive name identifying a product
Example: Which brand of toothpaste do you use?
…………………….. clothes comfortable clothes that you choose to wear in your free time
fit (v) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
introduce (v) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
product an item that is made to be sold
Example: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
…………………………. (n) a special design or way of something
trend (n) fashion; mode

Futures language Schools 21 5th primary – 2nd term

Match the expressions to their meanings:

Expression Meaning
1. fine by me ( ) to decide
2. make up my mind ( ) something that is very important
3. never said a word ( ) It’s ok. I don’t mind.
4. a big deal ( ) didn’t say anything

Choose the suitable answer:

1. It’s not a big (mind – word – deal – style). It is just some flu.
2. This isn't my usual (fashion – graffiti – mind – brand) of deodorant.
3. Jean felt more comfortable in a (casual – formal – style – trend) T-shirt and jeans.
4. Chris likes music and has a large (pattern – collection – design – product) of albums and CDs.
5. The new (flare – spark – design – spot) will eventually replace all existing models.
6. The actress was dressed by a French dress (fashion – design – designer – trend).
7. The letter is written in a formal (fashion – trend – word – style).
8. His clothes did not (mind – fit – make – style) him very well. He needed a different size.
9. Their music will never go (on – in – out of – into) fashion. It is rather classical.
10. Sports clothes are not appropriate for a (formal – trend – brand – product) wedding.
11. Just a minute, Margaret, I want to (find – introduce – talk – collect) you to Betty.
12. Well, make up your (thinking – mind – fact – style). Which do you want? This one or that one?
13. Hats are (on – in – out of – into) fashion again this year. Would you like to choose one?
14. She likes to follow the newest (trend – stand – collection – graffiti) in fashion.
15. No artificial colours are used in this (style – product – design – fashion).

Name each item and its design or pattern:

baggy sweatpants …………………………… …………………………… …………………………… ……………………………

Futures language Schools 22 5th primary – 2nd term

Ways to use both / neither / either

1) Both refers to two people, things or groups and has a positive connotation. This is followed by
a verb in the plural.
✓ Both children study at this school.
✓ Both Mary and Kate like swimming.
✓ Both my friend and I like playing football. [ Both … and …. ]

2) Neither is related to two people, things or groups and has a negative connotation. Neither of +
plural noun + verb singular or plural in the affirmative.
✓ Neither of them is / are working hard.
✓ Neither of the restaurants we went to was / were expensive.
✓ Neither Tom nor his mother can play chess. [ Neither … nor …. ]

3) Either refers to two people, things or groups. This is followed by a countable noun
singular. During the construction either of + noun may be followed by a verb singular and
plural forms.
✓ You can buy red and pink skirt. Either colour is fine.
✓ Either of these books is / are interesting.
✓ Either Tom or Jack play basketball. [ Either … or …. ]

Complete the sentences with: both/ neither/ either

1) 'Do you want tea or coffee? ' ____________________, I really don’t mind.'
2) ____________________ Martin and James are brilliant students.
3) 'What day is it today the 18th or the 19th?' ____________________, It’s the 20th,'
4) 'There are two sandwiches here; which one shall I take? 'oh, take _____________.
5) I asked two people the way to the station but ________________ of them could help me.
6) 'When shall I phone you, morning or afternoon?' ______________, I’ll be in all day.
7) 'Where’s Kate? Is she at work or at home?' ___________, she’s away on holiday.'
8) To get to the town centre you can go along the footpath by the river or you can go along the
road. You can go ____________________ way.
9) Sarah and I play tennis together regularly but ____________________ of us can play very well.
10) I tried to call George twice but ____________________ times he was out.
11) _____________ of Tom's parents is English. His father is Polish and his mother is Italian.
12) I was invited to two parties last week but I didn't go to _____________ of them.
13) I tried two bookshops for the book I wanted but ________________ them had it.
14) Although it was my birthday and not my wife's, Mary brought a present for _________ of us.
15) Would you like to take ________________ of these two dresses, madam?

Futures language Schools 23 5th primary – 2nd term

Ways to use All, None

1) All refers to more than two people, things or groups & has a positive connotation. This is
followed by a verb in the plural.
✓ All the visitors were interested in the exhibition.
✓ All the kids were happy.
✓ All of them came here to watch the movie.

Both / All can go after the verb to Be, and after the auxiliary verb, but before the main verb.
✓ They are both / all interested in this job.
✓ We have both / all received the letter.
✓ They were both / all exhausted.
2) None of has to do with more than two people, things or groups and has a negative
connotation. It is used with nouns or pronouns in the object case. It may be followed by a verb in
the plural or singular.
✓ None of the children has / have time for playing.
✓ None of their friends was / were here.
✓ None of us is going to live in this house.

Complete the sentences with: None / All

1) There are five secretaries in our office. ____________________ of them can speak at least one
foreign language.
2) ____________________ of the libraries had this book available so I had to buy it.
3) ____________________ children over four have to go to school.
4) Jack has three brothers. ________________ of them is a good football player.
5) I watched __________________ of these three movies. I can watch any of them.
6) _______________ of the 30 students did their work correctly so I was so happy.
7) __________ of my five friends were eager to hear the news so they waited for me.
8) "Have you got any books on holidays in Scotland?" -"No, I'm sorry, _______ at all."
9) ________________ of the hand-bags in the shop was what I was looking for, so I didn't buy
10) ________________ of them spoke English. Not one of them understood English either.
11) ________________ cars have wheels, but some are faster than others.
12) ________________ of this money is mine. It all belongs to my sister.
13) ________________ of my neighbours are nice. I like all of them.
14) I have three brothers but ________________ of them lives nearby.
15) I know you don’t like nuts. Don’t worry. ________________ of the food has nuts.

Futures language Schools 24 5th primary – 2nd term

Unit 7b

New vocabulary

ancient – backwards – forwards – consist – contain – destroy – double

exchange – flexible – fold (v) – fur – germ – gold – light (adj) – long-lasting
produce – soft – spices – stone – study (research) – survive – tear (v)
touch (v) – useless – valuable – handle
Words related to money

banknote – cash – currency – paper money – coins

Complete the missing parts to have the word, its meaning & an example.
Use your dictionary.
New word Meaning

ancient belonging to a period of history that is thousands of years in the

consist to be made up or composed
Example: This cake consists mainly of sugar, flour, and butter.
………………………….. (v) to damage something so badly that it no longer exists
Example: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
………………………….. (v) to cause to have existence or to happen
survive (v) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
handle (v) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
…………………………. (adj) having little weight, not heavy
Example: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
…………………………. (adj) having or being of no use
valuable (adj) of great use or service, worth a lot of money

Futures language Schools 25 5th primary – 2nd term

Match the expressions to their meanings:

Word Meaning
1. forward ( ) the act of giving or taking one thing in return for another
2. backward ( ) toward the back
3. long-lasting ( ) able to change to suit new conditions or situations
4. exchange ( ) moving toward a position in front
5. flexible ( ) existing or continuing for a long time

Choose the suitable answer:

1. I opened the bag which (included – contained – touched – teared) all the papers.
2. The kids moved a little (double – example – light – forward) to see what was happening.
3. The Pyramids are a proof of the (ancient – old – new – young) Egyptians' engineering skills.
4. He looked (forward – backwards – upwards – downwards) to see who was following him.
5. Would you (change – exchange – fold – tear) this one-hundred-dollar bill with five twenties?
6. The building was completely (exchanged – destroyed – torn – contained) by fire.
7. The bag is so (lite – light – heavy – big). Did you put all the books inside?
8. We cannot (exchange – study – produce – survive) for long without food and drink.
9. Don’t ask her for help. She is (useful – useless – valuable – important).
10. Put away any (valuable – useless – light – thin) objects. The children might break them.
11. Wash your hands before you (hand – handle – light – earn) food.
12. The (gold – ancient – flexible – gold) sole of the shoes makes it very comfortable.
Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
Larry: What are you doing Freddy?
Freddy: I am reading a research about money.
Larry: Really, so what did you learn?
Freddy: ………………………………………………………………………………..
Larry: Wow. So how did they buy things in the past without money?
Freddy: ………………………………………………………………………………..
Larry: ………………………………………………………………………………..?
Freddy: China was the first to use copper coins, but it was difficult to carry a lot of coins.
Larry: ………………………………………………………………………………..?
Freddy: In the 7th century, they created the first paper money in the world.
Futures language Schools 26 5th primary – 2nd term
Unit 7c
New vocabulary

afford – avoid – be tired of – choice – end up – fell like doing sth – gift – junk
get bored of - get rid of – getting started – lifestyle – own (v) – pile – recent
seem – the rest – tough – untidy – reduce – donated – charity – impressive

Complete the missing parts to have the word, its meaning & an example.
Use your dictionary.
New word Meaning

junk (n) things that are considered useless or of little value that can be
reused by different people or in different ways.
untidy not neat or well arranged
Example: Try not to make the place untidy.
………………………….. (v) to make something less or smaller in size, quantity, price, etc.
Example: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

get tired of no longer wanting something or wanting to do something because

you are bored with it or annoyed by it.
tough (adj) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
own (v) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
pile (n) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Example: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
lifestyle (n) a way of life or living of a person or group
……………………….. (adj) something new or modern
choice (n) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Match the phrases to their meaning:
Phrase Meaning
( ) to make yourself free of something that is annoying you
1. end up
or that you do not want
2. get rid of ( ) to want to do something
3. feel like doing ( ) to begin doing or working on something
( ) to find yourself in a place or situation that you did not
4. get bored of
intend or expect to be in
( ) no longer wanting something or wanting to do
5. getting started
something because you are bored with it or annoyed by it.

Futures language Schools 27 5th primary – 2nd term

Choose the suitable answer
1. Don't spend more than you can (ford – avoid – afford – choose).
2. He is trying hard to (afford – avoid – end – get rid of) accidents because he bought a new car.
3. Mum is (get rid – tired – started – seem) of doing the same work every day.
4. He was (shocked – choked – untidy – tough) at the death of his father.
5. The room looked (tidy – untidy – neat – simple) with all the clothes and toys scattered.
6. I've cleared out all that old (junk – gift – amount – charity) in the garage.
7. They don’t go out often to (increase – include – avoid – reduce) the money they spend.
8. We (bought – sold – got rid – donated) our old clothes to charity.
9. The dinner was held to raise funds for (charity – shopping – living – cleaning).
10. We must (get rid – get started – get lost - get) of some of those old books.
11. Starting a new job can be (easy – tired – tough – untidy).
12. Each family (owns – seems – ends – does) its house and car.
13. In (choice – long – recent – hard) times, her looks have changed a lot.
14. Eating right and exercising are essential to having a healthy (mood – choice – lifestyle – stone).
15. My children never wash their clothes; they just leave a (file – pile – pill – mile) of dirty laundry
on the floor.
Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
Nancy: Dad, could you give me a hundred pounds.
Father: Why? Did you finish your money again?
Nancy: ……………………………………………………………………………………….
Father: Oh, and what did you buy this time?
Nancy: ……………………………………………………………………………………….
Father: I can’t believe it. You’ve got piles of clothes.
Nancy: ……………………………………………………………………………………….
Father: I hope you start spending your money more wisely.
Nancy: ……………………………………………………………………………………….
Father: Try to save a little bit each week.
Nancy: ……………………………………………………………………………………….

Futures language Schools 28 5th primary – 2nd term

Unit 7d
New vocabulary

altogether – bracelet – cover (n) – flat (adj) – handmade – hand-painted

keep - knitted – ring (n) – round – square (adj) – vase – coaster - stool


cardboard – clay – coloured paper – fabric – metal wire – wood – wool

Words related to shopping

change (n) – customer – department store – receipt – till


It’s made of – It’s something you use to – It’s used for

Complete the missing parts to have the word, its meaning & an example.
Use your dictionary.
New word Meaning
bracelet (n) an ornamental chain worn around the arm or wrist
flat (adj) smooth and level, with no lumps or curves
Example: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
hand-made made using the hands rather than a machine
Example: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
knitted made using wool or thick cotton and two long needles
round (adj) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
square (adj) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
………………………….. (n) a person who buys goods or a service
Example: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

………………………….. (n) something such as a piece of paper or message proving that money,
goods, or information have been received
………………………….. (n) cash register
department store (n) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Futures language Schools 29 5th primary – 2nd term

Match the word to its meaning:
Word Meaning
1. cardboard ( ) cloth or material for making clothes, covering furniture, etc
2. clay ( ) the soft, thick hair that grows on the bodies of some animals
3. fabric ( ) material like very thick, stiff paper used for making boxes
4. wood ( ) a hard substance that forms the branches and trunks of trees
( ) thick, heavy soil that is soft when wet, and hard when dry or
5. wool
baked, used for making bricks and containers
Choose the suitable answer:
1. The new sneakers came in a (card – paper – cardboard – wool) box.
2. We always try to please our (customers – bracelets – squares – fabrics) at the supermarket.
3. The dog hid under the bed (cover – ring – wire – wood).
4. You can find anything that you need at the (cover – customer – department store – receipt).
5. She wore gold (bracelet – ring – cover – paper) on her wrist.
6. The road ahead was (curved – bumpy – flat – rough) and smooth.
7. Open the (till – store – receipt – customer) and give me some change?
8. These cushions are (handmade – machine made – cheap – horrible), so they are expensive.
9. My grandmother (painted – used – changed – knitted) me some socks.
10. She put the flowers in the (jewellery box – vase – card = coaster).
11. Tennis balls and oranges are (circle – round – square – shapes).
12. He gathered some (wool – wood – plastic – fabric) to build a fire.
13. (Clay – Fabric – Wool – Paper) is used for making bricks and pots.
14. After she paid the bill, she placed the (till – store – receipt – customer) in her wallet.
15. (Keep – Make – Use – Find) medicines in a locked cupboard.
Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
Shop Assistant: Good morning. How can I help you?
Customer: I am looking for something, but I don’t know what it is called.
Shop Assistant: ………………………………………………………………………………………….?
Customer: Yes, it is made of glass. It is flat and square.
Shop Assistant: ………………………………………………………………………………………….?
Customer: It is put under the cup to protect the surface of the table.
Shop Assistant: Here you are. It is called a coaster.
Customer: Great. Thanks.
Futures language Schools 30 5th primary – 2nd term
Negative Questions
We use negative questions:
To express emotions such as surprise, anger, annoyance…
▪ Haven't you been to the city center before?
▪ Can't you do anything right?
When we expect the listener to agree with us.
▪ Don’t you want to come with us?
Negative questions are formed with

Auxiliary Verb +n't (short form of not) + Subject + Main Verb

We reply to negative questions the same way we reply to regular questions.

Didn't you finish your lunch?
No, I didn’t. I wasn’t hungry.

Change the following negative statements into negative questions using the appropriate tense
1. Robert does not eat meat. [……………………………………………………………………………]
2. She won’t visit her friend again. [……………………………………………………………………………]
3. Harry will not be in school tomorrow. [……………………………………………………………………………]
4. Our friends did not meet until college. [……………………………………………………………………………]
5. I don’t understand these questions. [……………………………………………………………………………]
6. He does not practice guitar very often. [……………………………………………………………………………]
7. They will not be able to find anywhere to park the car. […………………….………………………………]
8. You are not English. [……………………………………………………………………………]
9. You worked today at 3:00. [……………………………………………………………………………]
10. He is eating at the moment. [……………………………………………………………………………]
11. Remy has got a bike. [……………………………………………………………………………]
12. Juliet has a big family. [……………………………………………………………………………]
13. They will pass their exam. [……………………………………………………………………………]
14. Paul is French. [……………………………………………………………………………]
15. We went to the beach yesterday. [……………………………………………………………………………]

Futures language Schools 31 5th primary – 2nd term

Unit 7e

New vocabulary

crowded – disadvantage – environment – fitting room – nowadays – option

organised – pleasant – protected – queue – risk (n) – shop window – try sth on
weather conditions – agree – disagree – conclusion – absolutely – hang out

Complete the missing parts to have the word, its meaning & an example.
Use your dictionary.
New word Meaning
crowded full of people
queue a line of people waiting for something
Example: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

……………………………. (n) a room or area in a shop where you can put on clothes to check that
they fit before you buy them
Example: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
shop window a window of a shop, in which goods are displayed.
agree (v) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
disagree (v) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
option (n) one thing that can be chosen from a set of possibilities
Example: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
risk (n) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………
………………………. (adj) kept safe from danger or harm
…………………………………. to put on a piece of clothing to discover if it fits you or if you like it

Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:

Sam: Why do you like shopping?
Pam: …………………………………………………………………………..
Sam: What do you like shopping for?
Pam: …………………………………………………………………………..
Sam: …………………………………………………………………………..?
Pam: I prefer shopping with friends. I believe shopping alone is boring.
Futures language Schools 32 5th primary – 2nd term
Choose the suitable answer
1. The little child stared at the toys in the (queue - shop-window – option – environment).
2. The train was very (easy – lazy – wide – crowded), and we had to stand.
3. The best (risk – option – condition – hand) would be to cancel the trip altogether.
4. Mary speaks good English, but she has a/an (advantage – disadvantage – option – risk) because
her mother is English.
5. My lack of experience was a/an (advantage – disadvantage – option – conclusion).
6. I couldn’t sleep in such a noisy (conclusion – disadvantage – environment – risk).
7. You can try on the dress in the (lifting – bath – fitting – dining) room.
8. (Nowadays – Conclusion – Secondly – Personally) a lot of people work from home.
9. Students have the (option – risk – point – addition) of studying abroad in their second year.
10. The parade was well (conditioned – organised – risked – tried) and ended without any problems.
11. He was a very nice person, always (pleasant – nagging – noisy – crowded) and friendly.
12. The tent (risked – organised – found – protected) us from the worst of the weather.
13. Are you in the (shop – queue – credit – window) for tickets?
14. There's a high (risk – task – queue – condition) of another accident happening in this fog.
15. (Fit – Try on – Find – Make on) the shoes to see if they fit.
16. The bad (shopping – environment – weather – variety) conditions prevented the plane from
17. We should (agree – disagree – find – say) on what to buy before going to the mall.
18. Why don’t you ask her about her (conclusion – view – idea – opinion) before you buy the gift?
19. This (centre – offer – focus – risk) is available for a limited period only.
20. Just (move – believe – relax – sleep) and enjoy the movie.
Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:
Sam: Why do you prefer online shopping?
Pam: …………………………………………………………………………..
Sam: What are the disadvantages of online shopping?
Pam: …………………………………………………………………………..
Sam: …………………………………………………………………………..?
Pam: I can return it and take my money back.
Futures language Schools 33 5th primary – 2nd term
Module 7
Round Up
Circle the correct options.
1) You should buy those jeans; they fit / afford you really well.
2) My new handbag is made of cotton clay / fabric and is really light.
3) My brother is very untidy and never folds / tears his clothes after they’ve been washed.
4) Lynn always wears clothes that are in trend / fashion.
5) This starter contains / consists of fried mushrooms and garlic with a topping of cheese and
6) We’ve already taken the things we want to buy to the receipt / till and we’re waiting to pay for
Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

introduce products soft valuable own brand

1) I never buy ……………………………….. jewellery because I know I’d be upset if I lost it.
2) Morgan’s wearing her ……………………………….. purple woollen scarf today.
3) Our neighbours ……………………………….. a lot of beautiful hand-painted bowls and plates which
they bought in Greece.
4) Some of the ……………………………….. that are sold here are very expensive.
5) That ……………………………….. is very popular with teenagers nowadays, but I prefer to buy my
clothes from charity shops.
6) I was a bit disappointed because Tom didn’t ……………………………….. me to his cousin Jessica.
Match the words with their definitions.

1. customer a. to damage something so that it is useless

2. queue b. having the shape of a circle
3. tough c. someone who buys things
4. round d. very old
5. currency e. a line of people who are waiting
6. destroy f. difficult
7. tight g. the kind of money a country uses
8. ancient h. the opposite of baggy

Futures language Schools 34 5th primary – 2nd term

Choose a or b to complete the dialogues.

1. A: If you ask me, we shouldn’t exchange our cash here.

a. No way!
b. I couldn’t agree more.
2. A: Do you think I should buy this green silk shirt?
a. Very true.
b. Definitely.
3. A: Why are you in a hurry? Doesn’t the class start at five?
a. No, it starts in ten minutes.
b. Exactly.
4. A: How about visiting the coin museum today?
a. Fine by me.
b. You have a point.
5. A: So which lamp do you prefer, Colin?
a. I’m afraid I disagree.
b. I can’t make up my mind.

Complete the sentences with all, both, neither, none or either.

1. A: Do you prefer the knitted jacket or the leather one?

B: . I think they’re ugly.

2. of the designers at the fashion show were British, but they

spoke English.

3. My parents couldn’t understand the people in Spain, because of them

speak Spanish.

4. According to Stan, of the food has been eaten, so there’s nothing left
for us.

5. A: Which shirt can I borrow, the striped one or the spotted one?

B: . I don’t mind.

Futures language Schools 35 5th primary – 2nd term

Module 8 The Elements
Unit 8a
New vocabulary

authorities – because of – break out (fire) – destroy – breathing – bright

burn – catch fire – direction – electricity – smoke – headline – radio –
refuse – resident – spread – temperature – evacuated – cause - flames

Complete the missing parts to have the word, its meaning & an example.
Use your dictionary.
New word Meaning

authorities a group of people with official responsibility for a particular area of

break out If something dangerous or unpleasant breaks out, it suddenly starts
Example: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
…………………………… (v) to damage something so badly that it cannot be used
Example: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

………………………….. (n) a line of words printed in large letters as the title of a story in a
refuse (v) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
smoke (n) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
………………………….. (n) a person who lives somewhere permanently or on a long-term basis.
…………………………… (v) extend over a large area
Example: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
evacuate (v) remove (someone) from a place of danger to a safer place.
flames (n) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
breathe (v) take air into the lungs and then expel it
cause (v) make something bad happen
speed (n) how fast something moves
direction (n) the position towards which someone or something moves or faces
Example: He was going in the direction of the bedroom.
…………………………… (v) to be hurt, damaged, or destroyed by fire

Futures language Schools 36 5th primary – 2nd term

Choose the suitable answer
1. The (authorities – breathe – headlines – temperature) are doing what they can to keep the area
2. The match was postponed to the next day (cause – because – within – as) of bad weather.
3. He predicted when war would (put – burn – spread – break) out.
4. People (breathe – empty – rush – refuse) more slowly when they are asleep.
5. The wind helped the fire to (spread – burn – catch – break) the house quickly.
6. Those trees in the forest (move – catch – find – return) fire when lightning strikes them.
7. Tom went off in the (direction – headline – temperature – speed) of home.
8. I switched the light off to save (water – electricity – temperature – fire).
9. Did you (empty – spread – speed – refuse) your suitcase?
10. He quickly reads the (breath – headlines – residents – authorities) of the news at breakfast.
11. He asked me to give him another loan, but I (refused – spread – burned – moved).
12. The park is a popular meeting place for local (authorities – residents – houses – shops).
13. The fire (moved – rushed – spread – stopped) very rapidly because of the strong wind.
14. The fridge keeps food at a constant (breath – temperature – size – volume).
15. A thousand people were (followed – sent – evacuated – spread) from their homes because of
the floods.

Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:

Sam: Did you read the headlines?
Peter: ……………………………….……………………………………………………..?
Sam: They’re about the fire that broke out yesterday.
Peter: ……………………………….……………………………………………………..?
Sam: In the town of Norton.
Peter: What did the authorities do?
Sam: ……………………………….……………………………………………………..
Peter: Hope it rains soon.

Futures language Schools 37 5th primary – 2nd term

Reported Statements
If we report what another person has said, we usually do not use the speaker’s exact words
(direct speech), but reported (indirect) speech. Therefore, you need to learn how to transform direct
speech into reported speech. The structure is a little different depending on whether you want to
transform a statement, question or request.
When transforming statements, check whether you have to change:
✓ pronouns
Type Example
✓ place and time expressions direct speech “I speak English.”
✓ tenses reported speech He says that he speaks English.
(no backshift)
reported speech He said that he spoke English.
In reported speech, you often have to change the pronoun depending on who says what.
She said, “My mum doesn’t have time today.” – She said that her mum didn’t have time that day.
You must change the tense if the introductory clause is in Simple Past (e. g. He said). This is called
He said, “I am happy.” Ann said, ”Meg is getting married.”
He said (that ) he was happy. Ann said( that) Meg was getting married.

Direct Speech Reported Speech

Simple Present Simple Past
Present Progressive Past Progressive will → would
can → could
Simple Past Past Simple / Past Perfect
shall → should
Future I (going to) was / were going to may → might
must → had to
Future I (will) Conditional I (would) come → go

Futures language Schools 38 5th primary – 2nd term

1) ( said to → told )
Ann said to the teacher, " Mary is absent." Ann told the teacher (that ) Mary was absent.
2) If you have two sentences joined by a comma so when you change into a reported speech you
should remove the comma and put (and / and that / and added that)
For example:
➢ My dad said to me, "I’m tired, I need some rest”
➢ My dad told me that he was tired and he needed some rest.
3) Fact sentences:
We don’t change the verb backward to the past.
For example:
➢ “The Earth spins around the sun.”, he said
➢ He said that the Earth spins around the sun.
4) No Backshift:
Don’t change the tense if the introductory clause is in Present simple (e.g. He says).
You might have to change the form of the present tense verb to the third person singular
For example: He says, “I speak English.” He says that he speaks English.
Place and Time expressions
In the following table, you will find ways of transforming place and time expressions into reported

Direct Speech Reported Speech

Today that day

Tonight that night
Now Then
Yesterday the day before
… days ago … days before
last week the week before
next year the following year / the next year
Tomorrow the next day / the following day
Here There
This That
These Those

Futures language Schools 39 5th primary – 2nd term

We should follow these rules to change to a reported speech:
1) Cross the quotations & the comma and put (that). ( optional )
2) Change the pronouns.
3) Change some time expressions. ( adverbs )
4) Change the verbs backwards in tense. ( Change the verb tense to the past ).

Some changes of pronouns according to the meaning of the sentences and to who said the
I he / she
my his / her
me him / her
our their
us them
we they / we
Fill in the gaps with the correct pronouns or possessive adjectives:
1) Mary said, "I want to go with my friends."
* Mary said that ………………………… wanted to go with ………………………… friends.
2) Bob and Marie said, "We are taking our dog for a walk."
* Bob and Marie said that ……………………. were taking …………………. dog for a walk.
3) Andrew said, "My sister is coming to visit me next week."
* Andrew said that …………….. sister was going to visit ………………. the following week.
4) Mr. Jones said, "I need to buy a present for my wife."
* Mr. Jones said that ……………….. needed to buy a present for ……………….. wife.
5) Emma said, "I will visit my grandpa next weekend."
*Emma said that ……………….. would visit …………….. grandpa the following weekend.
6) I said to John, "We will go shopping with our friends."
*I told John that ………………. would go shopping with ……………… friends.
7) The girls said, "We played with our cousins last night."
*The girls said that ……………….. had played with …………… cousins the night before.
8) You said to me, "I will do this for you."
*You told me that …………. would do that for ……………. .

Futures language Schools 40 5th primary – 2nd term

Change the following into Reported Speech:
1) Ann said, "I have to tidy up my room."
2) The children said, "We are doing our H.W. now."
3) Tomas said, "This is my pencil case."
4) The pupils said, "We study our lessons well."
5) Kate said, "My mother is baking for me a cake."
6) I said to my friend, "My mum visited grandpa yesterday."
7) Carol said, "I can iron this shirt."
8) The girls said, "Our teacher gives us a new lesson".
9) Dad said; "The match will start at six this evening."
10) Mum said to Tom, "I am reading a story in the living room now."
11) The students said, "We are interested in these subjects."
12) "I may buy another dress next week," she said.
13)"We do our homework daily," we said.
14) He said to me, "You can ask me any question."

Futures language Schools 41 5th primary – 2nd term

Unit 8d

New vocabulary

clear - blow – chilly – clear blue skies – degrees – drop – foggy – icy – lightening
minus – rise – storm – sunshine – thunder – thunderstorm – weather forecast

Complete the missing parts to have the word, its meaning & an example.
Use your dictionary.
New word Meaning
blow (v) to move and make currents of air
foggy not clear because of fog
Example: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
chilly (adj) cold weather
Example: I felt a bit chilly so I put on a jacket.

…………………..…….. (n) an extreme weather condition with very strong wind, heavy rain,
and often thunder and lightning
…………………..…….. (n) the sudden loud noise that comes from the sky especially during a
lightening (n) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
weather forecast …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Example: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
sunshine (n) the light and heat that come from the sun

…………………..…….. (n) a unit of measurement of temperature, often shown by the symbol °

written after a number

Write the weather condition

Futures language Schools 42 5th primary – 2nd term

Choose the suitable answer
1. We could see hundreds of stars in the (foggy – rainy – clear – icy) desert sky.
2. The wind (fell – blew – rained – minus) harder and all the papers flew away.
3. She shivered in the (foggy – hot – chilly – sunny) night.
4. The temperature is expected to drop to ten (degrees – minutes – units – meters) below zero
5. The temperature will (clear – drop – minus – blow) tonight. Take a jacket.
6. We have had awful (windy – sunny – thunder – foggy) weather, no sun for days.
7. She opened the window and I was hit by an (clear – icy – foggy – thunder) blast of air.
8. The (lightening – temperature – degrees – thunder) was getting louder and louder.
9. Have you heard today's (wind – thunder – weather – sunshine) forecast?
10. The children were out playing in the (sunshine – thunderstorm – fog – storm).

Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:

Customer: Do you have anything for the rainy weather?
Shop Assistant: …………………………………………………………………………………..
Customer: No, I don’t want any umbrellas. I mean something to wear.
Shop Assistant: …………………………………………………………………………………..
Customer: Oh, no, they’re very expensive. Do you have anything to keep my feet warm?
Shop Assistant: …………………………………………………………………………………..
Customer: Yes, these are nice. Do you have any gloves?
Shop Assistant: …………………………………………………………………………………..
Customer: Yes, I’ll take them both.

Futures language Schools 43 5th primary – 2nd term

Subject Questions – Object Questions
Subject Questions: When we use the question words (who, which and what) to ask about the
subject of the verb, we form the question word without auxiliary verbs:

[Who/Which/What + verb in the affirmative form]

• Who paid the bill? Dad paid the bill.
• What happened in class? Tom fell down.
• Which jacket is yours? The brown one.

Object Questions : When we use the questions words (who, which and what) to ask about
the object of the verb, we form the question with the auxiliary verbs:

[Who/Which/What + verb in the question form]

• Who did you see at the park? I saw Tom.

• What is Tom doing? He is watching TV
• Which jacket is yours? The brown one.

Write questions. The words in bold are the answers.

1. …………………………………………………………………………………………?
I’m going to wear a dress to Alice’s dinner tomorrow.
2. …………………………………………………………………………………………?
Carol met Janet at the art gallery.
3. …………………………………………………………………………………………?
My grandmother is visiting us at the weekend.
4. …………………………………………………………………………………………?
Lucy is using the computer.
5. …………………………………………………………………………………………?
My sister is helping my mother.

Futures language Schools 44 5th primary – 2nd term

Module 8
Round Up

Choose a, b or c.
1. The firefighters told the of the building to leave immediately.
a. residents b. staff c. passengers

2. Strong winds caused the fire to quickly throughout the jungle.

a. break out b. glow c. spread

3. The temperature on Monday is expected to rise to four .

a. degrees b. limits c. directions

Rewrite the sentences using Reported Speech.

1. ‘I’ll bring the passports tomorrow,’ my father said to the travel agent.
My father told …………………………………………………………………………………………………..
2. ‘The weather forecast was wrong,’ Donald told Ellie.
Donald told Ellie …………………………………………………………………………………………………..
3. ‘The flight attendants may give us a snack,’ Sonia told me.
Sonia told me …………………………………………………………………………………………………..
4. ‘Julia isn’t wearing her sparkly socks,’ Mina said.
Mina said …………………………………………………………………………………………………..
5. ‘The authorities have agreed to reduce the price of electricity,’ he told us.
He told us …………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Write the questions. The words in bold are the answers.

1. A: ?
B: Neville took part in the crossword competition.
2. A: ?
B: They found a gold bracelet in the university canteen.
3. A: ?
B: I met Gillian yesterday morning.
4. A: ?
B: Lightning caused the fire to break out.

Futures language Schools 45 5th primary – 2nd term

Choose the suitable answer:
1. We're lucky to be able to get the full (article – chore – kindness – benefit) of her knowledge.
2. Have you seen that (chore – community – article – act) about young fashion designers?
3. The festival was a great way for the local (community – environment – protection – time) to get
4. Something about her voice was very (weird – familiar – wise – simple). She reminded me of my
5. My (chore – family – design – novel) was cleaning out the garage.
6. The (novel – patient – person – print) was admitted to the hospital this morning.
7. He nodded (patiently – wisely – simply – professionally) after listening to her suggestion.
8. She likes to read adventure (novels – coats – chores – patients).
9. Don’t (make – give – waste – find) time playing on the Internet.
10. Don't make a quick decision, (make – waste – give – take) your time and think about it.
11. She left the company because her boss was giving her a really (good – hard – soft – nice) time.
12. We're having a lottery to (raise – rise – find – make) money for homeless families.
13. We take all our bottles to be (polluted – encouraged – recycled – located).
14. Just give me a (plant – chance – promise – measure) and I'll prove it to you.
15. She (made – wrote – donated – applied) for a job with the local newspaper.
16. I want to thank everyone who (promised – encouraged – found – harmed) and supported me.
17. She’s (donated – promised – made – did) to do all she can to help.
18. The helmet law should (reduce – reuse – recycle – refund) injuries in motorcycle accidents.
19. The cover (uses – reuses – recycles – protects) the machine from dust.
20. The map shows the exact (price – measure – location – time) of the crash.
21. He's a man of his word, so you can (save – run – need – count) on him.
22. She felt (help – helpful – helpless – helping) and couldn’t do anything.
23. We will not rest until a satisfactory (situation – solution – hero – dream) is found.
24. I hated him because he always (made fun – ran away – count on – lie down) of me.
25. The band (saved – disappointed – counted – helped) the fans by cancelling at the last minute.
26. I'm worried about the current political (situation – hero – way – dream).
Futures language Schools 46 5th primary – 2nd term
27. I (thank – rely – suggest – make) we go out to eat.
28. Many working women (move on - rely on – deal with – head back) grandparents to help take care
of their children.
29. It is too late. I think we should (count on – come true – head back – lie down) home.
30. Don’t worry, I’ll (count on - deal with – move on – make fun of) the problem.
31. The food is home-cooked using fresh (recipes – courses – ingredients – mixtures).
32. She wiped her mouth with the table (fork – napkin – starter – course).
33. Preheat the (fridge – napkin – oven- recipe) to 200 degrees C.
34. I'm not a great cook, but I can follow a/an (recipe – ingredient – book – topping) pretty well.
35. Heat the butter in a frying (bowl – plate – knife – pan), then add the chicken wings.
36. Put the spaghetti into plenty of (roasting – boiling – frying – melting) salted water.
37. (Melt – Fry – Freeze – Mix) the butter in a saucepan.
38. Shake the bottle well so that the oil (mixes – fries – freezes – stirs) with the vinegar.
39. She (mixed – stirred – added – poured) her coffee with a plastic spoon.
40. He is a (vegetable – vegetables – vegetarian – vegetate). She doesn’t eat burger.
41. What (mark – brand – name – fashion) of detergent do you use?
42. Jean felt more comfortable in (casual – formal – style – collection) clothes.
43. Bright colours are in (mind – fashion – brand – product) this summer.
44. Do you like to follow (collections – words – trends – products)?
45. A style can (go out of – go into – leave – stop) fashion and then come back fifty years later.
46. He can’t (make up – follow – introduce – say a word) his mind about what to put on.
47. He was wearing (woolen – denim – silk – leather) jeans.
48. All the files were (destroyed – saved – found – produced) in the fire.
49. Only her son (survived – made exchanged – destroyed) the accident.
50. I'd like to (produce – contain – include- exchange) this sweater for a smaller one.
51. The bank can supply you with foreign (study – paper – coins – currency).
52. Their most (cheap – valuable – useless – light) jewels were locked in a safe in the bedroom.
53. Computers can (produce – survive – contain – handle) huge amounts of data.
54. (Move – Tear – Destroy – Start) off the slip at the bottom of this page and send it back to us.
55. You can carry this bag – it’s fairly (heavy – soft – spicy – light).

Futures language Schools 47 5th primary – 2nd term

56. Water had got into the mobile, and now it was completely (use – uses – useful – useless).
57. The traffic police will accept fines in (coins – cash – money – currency) immediately.
58. He can’t (afford – offer – offend – over) to buy an expensive car these days. He is in debt.
59. I’m (feeling like - tired of – into – end up) watching television; let’s go for a walk.
60. It was a small shop and there wasn’t much (choice – choose – chose – closed).
61. I thought we were going straight home, but we all (fell – got bored – got tired – ended up) at
Tom's place.
62. I must clean out this cupboard - it's absolutely full of (piles – rest – choice – junk).
63. It’s time we got (red – rid – rod – rad) of all these old toys.
64. Medical science has made amazing progress in (rest – recent – own – life) decades.
65. She tidied up the books and put them in neat (junks – gifts – piles – stones).
66. She likes to wear a gold (ring – necklace – bracelet – hat) around her wrist.
67. Mum (knitted – stored – painted – covered) me a nice woolen jumper.
68. We aim to offer good value and service to all our (stores – customers – departments – tills).
69. They took all the change in the (receipt – bill – till – credit).
70. Put some more (wool – wood – wire – clay) on the fire.
71. Keep your (bill – till – receipt – cash) in case you want to return the jacket.
72. The coaster is (found – made – consist – contain) of plastic.
73. It’s a great (protection – advantage – agree – belief) to be able to speak some English.
74. Please try on these pants in the (dining room – bathroom – fitting room – living room).
75. We stood in a (queue – risk – window – condition) for half an hour to buy the tickets.
76. She had the (risk – option – condition – belief) of staying for an extra year.
77. Because Laura is such a (rude – pleasant – selfish – nagging) person to be around she is always
making new friends.
78. Skiers always face the (option – conclusion – condition – risk) of serious injury.
79. (Find - Try on – Keep up – Fit) these sandals to see if they suit you.
80. In (environment – conclusion – final – opinion), I want to thank all the people who have
volunteered their time to our organization.
81. Parking spaces are for (flats – fees – residents – people) only.
82. She (refused – referred – regained – reused) a second piece of cake.
83. Twenty people were killed when the (sky – storm – drop – degrees) struck the Midwest.

Futures language Schools 48 5th primary – 2nd term


Choose the suitable answer

1. Have you ……………………. Mandy an invitation yet?
a. be given b. given c. been given
2. Which languages ……………………. in Belgium?
a. are spoken b. speak c. be spoken
3. The athlete ……………………. yesterday evening.
a. was interviewing b. be interviewed c. was interviewed
4. The email ……………………. yet.
a. hasn’t been sent b. hasn’t sent c. hasn’t be sent
5. We ……………………. the new sofa to your house tomorrow morning.
a. will be delivered b. will deliver c. will be deliver
6. This shirt ……………………. before you put it on.
a. has to iron b. has ironed c. has to be ironed
7. Jack ……………………. ice hockey before.
a. has never played b. was never played c. has never been played
8. Our school ……………………. this summer.
a. is painted b. has painted c. will be painted
9. They ……………………. a new café in the neighbourhood.
a. may opened b. may open c. may be opened
10. His last book ……………………. two years ago.
a. wrote b. was written c. will be written

Rewrite the sentences using the Passive Voice.

1. Trevor will paint the kitchen.
2. You have to tidy the house.
3. They are going to build a new library in our city.
4. He should take his cat to the vet.
5. Someone robbed the bank last night.
Futures language Schools 49 5th primary – 2nd term
6. Has anyone paid the electricity bill?
7. Alex may drive Peter to the train station.
8. Do they clean their house every weekend?
9. You cannot visit the museum at night.
10. We have to fill the car with petrol.

Complete with both, all, neither, none, either.

1. Barry and Ian love fishing so …………………… of them go to the lake near their town every
Saturday. Their friends Eddie and Ron find fishing really boring, so …………………… of them go with
Barry and Ian to the lake.
2. A: Do you want to go out or stay at home and watch a DVD?
B: …………………… is fine. You decide.
3. …………………… three girls watched the performance, but …………………… of them enjoyed it.
4. The six men who are sitting by the window are from China. …………………… of them speak French,
but …………………… of them speak English because they’ve studied in England.
5. John and Gary are my friends. …………………… of them had ever been camping before, but we
went camping at the weekend together and in the end they …………………… enjoyed it very much.
6. Mandy and her sister went to Egypt, but unfortunately …………… of them went to the museum.

Complete to form negative questions.

1. A: you like ice cream?
B: No, I dislike it.

2. A: you Sylvia’s cousin?

B: No, I’m Tina’s cousin.

3. A: Robert spend last year in New York?

B: Yes. He loved it there.

4. A: you finished the washing-up yet?

B: No, I’m almost finished.

5. A: that your sister standing outside the library?

B: Yes. She’s waiting for her friends.
Futures language Schools 50 5th primary – 2nd term
Choose the suitable answer:
1. Who (investigated – did investigate – investigate – investigating) the crime?
2. What (did Ali drink – Ali drank – Ali did drink – does Ali drink) two hours ago?
3. Who (she meets – she meet – did she meet – does she meet) at school every day?
4. Which dress (did you buy – you will buy – will you buy – you bought) yesterday?
5. Where (you going – you are going – are you going – were you going) at the moment?
6. If I (am – was – were – be you, I wouldn’t go out tonight. You look ill.
7. What (do - did – will – would) you choose if you want to buy a present for mum.
8. If I (know – knew – will know – would know) the answer, I wouldn’t ask you.
9. If she (has – have – will have – would have) a good pen, she will use it in the exams.
10. Ali (doesn’t make – didn’t make – won’t make – wouldn’t make) fun of you if you don’t make fun
of him.
11. If he (comes – came – will come – would come), we’d have lunch together.
12. He (said – said to – told – tell ) that Amr had bought a car.
13. She said that she (will – would – can – shall) be there.
14. He said that he (wants – wanted – has wanted – will want) to go to the club.
15. They told me that I (make – makes – made – will make) some spelling mistakes.
16. Mum told me that (this – these – that – those) books were useful.
17. Dad said that he was flying to London (yesterday – the following day – now – tomorrow).
18. (Did – Was – Were – Do) he born in Cairo?
19. They didn’t (clean – cleans – cleaned – cleaning) their house yesterday.
20. I (have – had – will have - has) a party last weekend.
21. We (use to – used to – used – use) to fly kites when we were kids.
22. He didn’t (use – use to – used to – used) play tennis two years ago.
23. (Is – Are – Do – Did) you use to get up early last year?
24. Grandpa (use – use to – used to – used) ride a bike when he was young.
25. Ali is the boy (who – which – whose - when) broke the window.
26. Last winter, I bought a jacket (where – who – which – whose) was really expensive.
27. The restaurant (who – where – which – when) my cousin works is nearby.
28. I have got a friend (who – which – whose – where) cousin is a pilot.

Futures language Schools 51 5th primary – 2nd term

29. Let’s go to the café (who – which – where - when) is in the city center.
30. He won’t be ill if he (doesn’t walk – didn’t walk – hasn’t walked - walking).
31. If – Unless – If not – Unless not) you work hard, you will fail.
32. If Rami wanted to be on time, he (leaves - will leave – would leave – leave) now.
33. Meg will leave tomorrow if the weather (is – would be – will be - be) good.
34. I (didn’t find – haven’t found – found – isn’t found) my mobile phone yet.
35. Kate (lived – has lived – have lived - living) in Cairo since 1998.
36. How many books (did she buy – she bought – does she buy – she buy) last week?
37. Mum (has already cooked – hasn’t cooked – cooked - cooking) lunch yet.
38. Peter (just arrived – just arrives - has just arrived – just arrives).
39. This movie is great. I (watched – watch – have watched - watching) it twice.
40. The table (repaired – is repaired – was repaired – repair) by the carpenter yesterday.
41. These pictures (painted – is painted – will paint – are painted) by me.
42. Patients (examined – is examined – are examined – examine) in hospitals.
43. Fires (are put out – put out – are to put out – puts out) by firemen.
44. The golden medal (awarded – is awarded – was awarded – will be awarded) to my son
45. An email (sent – is sent – was sent – will be sent) to me last week.
46. The kitchen (clean – cleaned – was cleaned – will be cleaned) in a few minutes.
47. The homework (do – must do – must be done – done) regularly.
48. (Isn’t – Didn’t – Hasn’t – Haven’t) you buy the tickets yesterday?
49. (Aren’t – Didn’t – Won’t – Isn’t) you going to play the piano?
50. (Isn’t – Won’t – Hasn’t – Didn’t) you visit your grandpa next week?
51. (Hasn’t – Haven’t – Won’t – Isn’t) Meg been to Paris before?
52. (Don’t – Didn’t – Aren’t – Isn’t) Sally interested in arts and crafts?
53. (Aren’t – Didn’t – Doesn’t – Isn’t) the music class start at 5:00 pm?
54. (Won’t – Didn’t – Hasn’t – Aren’t) she finished university yet?
55. What (use – used – did you use – using) to cut the cake?

Futures language Schools 52 5th primary – 2nd term

Rewrite using the words in brackets:

1. Yes, I want to go to the zoo with you. ( Don’t ... )

2. Is she talking to herself? ( Are you ... ? )
3. He didn’t study so he didn’t get high marks. ( If ... )
4. They don’t wake up early so they miss the bus. ( If ... )
5. Rami doesn’t save money so he borrows money from his brother. ( If )
6. We don’t read many books so we don’t have enough information. ( If )
7. They are doing their homework to go to the party. ( If )
8. I want to buy a camera to take photos. ( If )
9. Ahmed broke the window. ( Who ... ? )
10. Greg woke up early. ( not )
11. Manal said to him, “I will visit you tomorrow.” ( Manal told him .... )
12. Ali said to Mona, “My mother will go shopping today.” ( Ali told Mona ... )
13. She said to him, “My brother is sick now.” ( She told the doctor ... )
14. They said to her, “ We went to the zoo yesterday.” ( They told her ... )

Futures language Schools 53 5th primary – 2nd term

15. Hala said, “ I must go now.” ( then )
16. Mona said, “ I used to walk to school last year.” ( the previous year )
17. She drinks tea. ( Tea .... )
18. We eat rice twice a week. ( Rice ... )
19. The police arrested the robber. ( The robber .... )
20. Where did you find your lost pen? ( Where was ... )
21. Do they speak Spanish? ( Is Spanish ....? )
22. I’ll wash my clothes. ( My clothes ... )
23. They are still doing their homework. ( yet )
24. I bought a new mobile phone. ( already )
25. My friends are walking slowly. ( not )
26. My cousin is visiting us tomorrow. ( When ..... ? )
27. No, Ahmed doesn’t like reading stories. ( Does ..... ? )
28. I paid 70 pounds for this shirt. ( How much ... ? )
29. She sleeps at 9 pm. ( last night )
Futures language Schools 54 5th primary – 2nd term
“Imagination is more important than knowledge. “

Albert Einstein

Futures language Schools 55 5th primary – 2nd term

Chapter (6)
The Robbery
Answer the following questions:
1. How did Sikes and Tobby want Oliver to help them? Why did they choose him in particular?
2. "I can't help you steal! Please let me go!" Comment
3. "Stop you coward!" Comment
4. How did Oliver spend his night? What did he do in the morning?
5. How did Mrs. Maylie and Rose show kindness to Oliver?
6. "He's not as dangerous as you think." Comment

Futures language Schools 56 5th primary – 2nd term

1. Oliver decided to shout for ………………………………… as soon as he was in the house. He didn’t want
to be a ………………………………… .
2. ………………………………… was shot, ………………………………… grabbed him through the window.
………………………………… ran away towards some trees.
3. In the morning, Oliver staggered towards the …………………………… to ask for …………………………… .
4. Rose asked Giles to put Oliver in ………………………………… and asked Brittles to go and
………………………………… the doctor.
5. …………………………… took Rose in when she was young because she was an …………………………… .

Who am I?
1. I want Oliver to help me steal. He will sneak through the window and open the door for us. I
have a pistol and will kill him if he doesn’t obey me. [ ………………………………………. ]

2. I don’t want to be a thief. [ ………………………………………. ]

3. I ran as soon as I heard gun shots. [ ………………………………………. ]

4. I shot Oliver when he was in the house. [ ………………………………………. ]

5. I am a young girl. I am also an orphan. [ ………………………………………. ]

6. I am an old lady. I took Rose in when she was young. [ ………………………………………. ]

Futures language Schools 57 5th primary – 2nd term

Chapter (7)
A Home for Oliver
Answer the following questions:
1. How did Oliver spend his days with Mrs. Maylie and Rose?
2. Why did Mrs. Maylie write two letters? To whom?
3. What happened to Oliver while he was in town?
4. "Maybe you were just tired and imagined those strangers." Comment
5. "I'm afraid that if you marry me, your career will suffer." Explain
6. 'Oliver was worried during his stay in London.' Discuss

Futures language Schools 58 5th primary – 2nd term

1. Every morning, Oliver woke up early to pick up …………………..….…….. for …………….……….…….. and
…………………..….……... .

2. …………………..….…….. wasn’t feeling well. Mrs. Maylie called …………………..….…….. and gave him
two …………………..….……… . One for …………………..….…….. and one for …………………..….…….. .

3. Oliver was looking out of the window when he saw …………………..….…….. and the
…………………..….…….. . He was …………………..….…….. and shouted for …………………..….…….. .

4. The servants searched the fields around the house. …………………..….…….. went to the village to
ask about the strangers, but nobody knew anything. …………………..….…….. thought Oliver was
tired and …………………..….…….. those strangers.

5. …………………..….…….. wanted to marry Rose, but she refused as she was a …………………..….……..
…………………..….…….. and he wanted to be a …………………..….…….. …………………..….…….. .

Who am I?
1. I love Rose and I want to marry her. [ ………………………………………. ]

2. I love Harry and Rose and I want to see them happy. [ ………………………………………. ]

3. I was ill for a long time, but I feel better. [ ………………………………………. ]

4. I can't marry Harry because I am a poor orphan. It would ruin his career. [ ……………………………. ]

5. I am afraid to be in London. [ ………………………………………. ]

Futures language Schools 59 5th primary – 2nd term

Chapter (8)
The Plot Against Oliver
Answer the following questions:
1. Why was Monks in town?
2. How can Mr. Bumble help Monks?

3. What did Monks do with the things Mr. and Mrs. Bumble gave him? Why?

4. What did Nancy overhear? What did she do?

5. How will Rose meet Nancy again if she needs anything?

6. "Why do you have to go back to these people?" Comment


Futures language Schools 60 5th primary – 2nd term

7. "No, not a penny." Comment


1. Before Sally died, she told ………………………………………. a secret about ……………………………………….
and gave her the ………………………………………. and ………………………………………. .

2. Monks threw the ………………………………………. and ………………………………………. into the

………………………………………. to hide the truth forever.

3. ………………………………………. is Oliver's half-brother.

4. ………………………………. overheard ………………………………. talking to ………………………………. .

5. Nancy wanted to help ………………………………………., so she ran to the ……………………………………….

to speak to ………………………………………. .

6. Rose was puzzled, didn’t know who could help her ………………………………. ………………………………. .

Who am I?
1. I am the Master of the workhouse now. [ ………………………………………. ]

2. I'm Oliver's half-brother, but I want to hide the truth. [ ………………………………………. ]

3. I risked my life to save Oliver. [ ………………………………………. ]

4. I want to save Oliver but I don’t know what to do. [ ………………………………………. ]

Futures language Schools 61 5th primary – 2nd term

Chapter (9)
Nancy's Sacrifice
Answer the following questions:
1. Why do you think Rose didn’t ask her aunt to help her and asked a stranger; Mr Brownlow?

2. Why did Rose ask to speak to Mr Brownlow in private?

3. How did Bill prevent Nancy from going out?

4. Why did Fagin send one of his boys to follow Nancy?

5. What important news did Nancy tell Rose and Mr Brownlow?

6. 'Fagin suspected that Nancy has a secret.' Discuss

7. "I can't betray the man I love." Explain.


Futures language Schools 62 5th primary – 2nd term

8. Nancy sacrificed her life to save Oliver. Explain.


1. Oliver was happy because …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. .

2. On Sunday night, at …………………….. o'clock, Nancy got ready to go out to meet ………………………
at ………………………………………………. .

3. ……………………………………. sent one of his boys to follow ……………………………………. and bring him

4. Nancy told ……………………………………. and ……………………………………. where they could find

………………………………. , but she didn’t betray ……………………………………. because she loved him.

5. ……………………………………. killed Nancy because he thought she betrayed him.

Who am I?
1. I am very happy that Mr Brownlow is in London. I want to see him. [ …………………………………. ]

2. I still believe in Oliver and I am willing to help him again. [ …………………………………. ]

3. I think Nancy has got a secret. I'll tell one of my boys to follow her. [ …………………………………. ]

4. I am very angry and will kill Nancy for betraying us. [ …………………………………. ]

5. I didn’t betray Bill. I love him. [ …………………………………. ]

Futures language Schools 63 5th primary – 2nd term

Chapter (10)
Justice is Served
Answer the following questions:
1. Whom did Mr Brownlow send for to help him? Why?

2. Whom did Harry and Dr. Losberne bring to Mr Bownlow's house?

3. "You were my father's oldest friend! Why have you brought me here like a criminal?" Comment

4. Who was Mr Brownlow going to marry? Why didn’t he marry her?

5. How did Mr Brownlow recognise that Oliver was his friend's son?

6. What was in the papers that Mr Brownlow wanted Monks to sign?

7. What did Mr Brownlow threaten Monks to do if he didn’t sign the papers?

8. "Murderer! Murderer!" Comment


Futures language Schools 64 5th primary – 2nd term

9. How did Bill Sikes meet his end?

10. How were Oliver and Rose connected?

11. 'Oliver met kindness and cruelty in his life.' Illustrate

12. Greed and hatred were illustrated in the story. Explain

13. Charity and sacrifice were illustrated through characters of the story. Illustrate.

1. ……………………………………….. is Monk's real name.
2. When Oliver's father travelled abroad, he left ……………………………………… a ………………………….. of
his wife and asked him to take care of her if anything happened to him.
3. Mr. Brownlow recognised Oliver from the …………………………………………………………………………………
4. ………………………………….. adopted Oliver and bought a house near the ……………………………………. .

Futures language Schools 65 5th primary – 2nd term

Oliver Twist goes through a series of unfortunate events and hardships in his young life. Dickens
explores the lives of ‘street children’ through the victim Olive Twist who remains innocent and a
strong rebel and refuses to give in to the evils.

1. Oliver Twist is the first person to dare to raise voice against the mistreatment of orphans in the
workhouse where orphans would spend several nights without enough food. He becomes a
troublemaker by asking for another serving of food “Please sir I want some more”.
Don’t settle in life for less than what you deserve.

2. By demanding ‘MORE’ food, Oliver abandons the rules set by the cruel upper-class gentlemen.
Fight for your own right, sometimes it is costly, but you have to buy it anyway.

3. Oliver always stands for his own right, when Noah says bad stuffs about his mother, Oliver starts
hitting him. Oliver was very polite until he was had a reason to fight. He is far weak, shorter and
slimmer than him, but he doesn’t care.

4. When Oliver escapes to London, he has several occasions to quit in front of difficulties, but he gets
up every time he falls and doesn’t stop until he reaches his destination – London.
If you have started a journey, never be frightened or quit in fear of failure.

5. Oliver always wins the game of Good versus evil. He doesn’t help in robbing the house or
pickpocketing. He never does anything evil even to wicked people.
We are often trapped in the circle of good and evil, but the triumph is yours when choose right.

6. Oliver doesn’t give up to the idea of being poor and helpless. He always fights his destiny & digs to
find honesty, kindness and love. Learn to endure the pain and be persistent. Someday you will
wonder your endurance makes you greatest at any front of life.

7. Never think that world is full of bad people; good people are all around. When Mr. Brownlow
resolves to save innocent Oliver, nothing could stop him from rescuing the boy.

8. His attitude and manner of addressing people never changes even after he is frequently laughed
at. This attitude is his identity and charm that attracts the wealthy benefactor.

9. People who seem to be bad are not always evil from inside; nobody is born with criminality or
evil spirit. Nancy was a good example of a decent good girl who had to do evil deeds.

10. Be ready to forgive. Oliver forgives Fagin and is kind to him although Fagin used him in every way
he could.

Futures language Schools 66 5th primary – 2nd term

Activity (1): Diary Entries
Imagine you are Oliver Twist. Write 4-5 diary entries
➢ Arrival in London (Scene of London street)
➢ Meeting with Artful Dodger
➢ Training ‘To pick a pocket or two’ with Fagin
➢ Dance with Nancy ( I can do anything for you…)
➢ First meeting with Bill Sykes
➢ Waking up in the beautiful house with the street activities (Who will buy…)

Activity (2): Family Tree

After learning about Oliver and his family, draw your own family tree.

Futures language Schools 67 5th primary – 2nd term

Activity (3): Write short notes about:
Oliver Twist: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………



Fagin: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………



Nancy: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………



Rose Maylie: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………



Mr. Brwonlow: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………



Monks: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………



Agnes Fleming: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Futures language Schools 68 5th primary – 2nd term
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