2101 USS Enterprise 15mm Deckplans

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pl Li THE ROLE PLAYING GAME (one p el ia UNITED FEDERATION OF PLANETS STAR FLEET ACADEMY FRIENDLY POWERS UFP STAR FLEET | SHIP RECOGNITION HANDBOOK CONSTITUTION CLASS HEAVY CRUISER s7WOud GuvoRM UNITED FEDERATION OF PLANETS STAR FLEET ACADEMY SHIP RECOGNITION HANDBOOK FRIENDLY POWERS. UFP STAR FLEET CONSTITUTION CLASS HEAVY CRUISER. For use ship recognition deck plans~Constituion class heavy cruiser DIMENSIONS. Wight (empty) 190000 metre tons MOBILITY DATA wee Wes hl (tw (CREW COMPLEMENT Photon torpedoes ‘COMMAND a3 Mounted upper mé ENSIGN GRADE 387 OTHER FEATURES TOTAL 430 ‘Trans HULL NUMBERS AND NAMES: iy be commissioned with the same names as the Pictures Corporation CONSTELLATION, Nec 1017° GONSTITUTION (Class) STAR TREK™ i trademark of Paramount Pictures Corporation No part ofthis book or the contents of the basic game may be reproduced in any form, or by any means without permission ynufactured by FASA Corporation under exclusive license from Paramount YORKTOWN. Nec 1717 GENERAL NOTES. car grades only. These are the elite ‘crewmembers rank Ensign or above tun 1/4 t0 1/3 female loration of unkown worlds/eivi: F. Operating independently of higher authority when needed. DECK DESCRIPTIONS MAIN HULL DECK 0: Sensors NAVIGATION. igual readout on all ENGINEERING SUBSYSTEMS: Provides readouts Con al subsystems. Normally unmanned. ENERGY LAB ‘Canter deck, port to starbord BIOLOGY LAB: Used to study new life forms en- countered GEOLOGY LAB: Used to study geological and Aft dock PHYSICS, UPPER LEVEL The lab on deck 3 extends upward into this re DECK 3: Science labs Forward deck PHOTON TORPEDO BANK: 2 photon torpedo CONFERENCE ROOM: For the use of junior officers and passengers on this deck, and for beige person: el use. In ring around, as shown 'STATEROOMS: For the use of junior officers and important passengers requiring double occupancy. ship to ship, A Outer rings MACHINERY, BATTERIES, PHASER BANK ROOMS (port and starboard upper), AIR CONDITION: ING, ETC. DECK 6: Crew quarters aitdock IMPULSE ENGINES: Extends down into deck 7 ENGINEERING/IMPULSE: Equipment, controls for impulse engines, Extends down into deck 7. ELEVATOR MAINTENANCE SHOP: This ores contains equipment for repair and maintenance of turbo: rooms can slo be reserved for private use by small groups. DECK 7: Main deck. Forward deck ‘SENSOR/DEFLECTOR EQUIPMENT Att deck IMPULSE ENGINES: From deck 6. HEAD MEDICAL SUPPLIES STORAGE \EF SURI on and IEF SUR OPERATING ROOM/EXAMINING ROOM INTENSIVE CARE UNIT Ring? CONVALESCENT WARD: For the recovery of critical patients HEAD CONVALESCENT WARD THERAPEUTIC BATHS. HEAD STATEROOM: For Medical personnel DENTAL UNIT (3 Rooms) OBSTETRICS. STORAGE BIO-CHEMICAL LAB ‘MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST MEDICAL SECTION WAITING ROOM NURSE'S QUARTERS/OFFICE HEAD CONVALESCENT WARD HEAD CONVALESCENT WARD TRANSPORTER ROOM NUMBER 2: 6man transporter TRANSPORTER ROOM NUMBER 4: 6-man trans: SSSROOMWAITING ROOM: Used for secuirty personnel on duty. SCURITY OFFICE: Used by whomever is in charge of security detail on the current watch second in command. room is normally locked and guarded, either by personnel ‘oF monitor. Ring 5/6 Consists of double-cccupancy staterooms and lounges. DECK 8: Entertainment/Recreation Center core ‘SHIP'S COMPUTER BANKS: From deck 7. Forward deck ‘22MAN TRANSPORTER: Used for emergencies ‘only, such as abandoning ship. [Aft ofthis, moving clockwise lifts t0 the entie ship. Almost any type of food or dink {for simulation of high gravity worlds or zor0-G combat ENTERTAINMENT FACILITY: For large group such 95 receptions, movies, ete. Holographic Outer ring {AIR CONDITIONING EQUIPMENT FRESH WATER STORAGE DECK 9: Fabrication Genter core MATERIALS RECLAMATION FACILITY: All ma ‘ORGANIC FABRICATION Siba/ate NON-ORGANIC METALLIC FABRICATION PortiAtt ‘SANITARY WASTES RECOVERY SYSTEMS: All ‘waster are brought here for recycling, Nothing is wasted NON-ORGANIC NON-METALLIC FABRICATION Outer ring RAW MATERIALS STORAGE DECK 10: Cargo Aft deck ‘CARGO TRANSPORTER (See STAR TREK: The Role Playing Game rules on transporters.) Remainder of deck ‘CARGO HOLDS: RAW MATERIAL STORAGE DECK 11: Auxiliary Fire Control Center deck AUXILIARY FIRE CONTROL: ‘Phaser weaponry can be fired manual ‘allowing remote fring from the bridge is damaged. this location, Forward deck FORWARD PHASER BANK of deck |AW MATERIAL STORAGE DECK 11A: Lower sensor platform ‘SENSOR EQUIPMENT DECK 8-DORSAL, AUXILIARY MACHINERY ROOM. )BSERVATION LOUNGE: These occupy most of DECK 11-DORSAL ‘OBSERVATION LOUNGE DECK 12-DORSAL CAPTAIN'S VERANDA. An obse ‘the command officers, especially for quests and DECK 13-LOUNGE DECK 14-DORSAL LOUNGE (Cent SECONDARY HULL (ENGINEERING HULL) DECK 15: SECONDARY HULL STRONGBACK 'VISICOMS. DORSAL AND SECONDARY HULL AIR CONDI- TIONING EQUIPMENT Forward deck, por HEAD DENTAL OFFICES DOCTOR'S OFFICE MEDICAL RESEARCH LAB STORAGE LOCKER, Continuing Att, Stbd of corridor STORAGE Port of Corridor OPERATING/EXAMINING ROOM INTENSIVE CARE UNIT [Aft of Medical Unit MAINTENANCE SHOPS (8): Used by engineering {or all types of repairs. Some oft-used parts ar stored here, ‘although fabrication units can produce most items as ‘needed Aft of Dental Offices, stbd side of corridor ir and storage. MEDICAL STORAGE MEDICAL OFFICE: Unally the Assistant Chist ‘Surgeon, PRIVACY ROOMS: Used for private meditation for esty access by engineering department. [Aft of shops/computer WARP ENGINEER! both warp engines. Aft of engines. Support pylons Controls and panels for Aft deck ‘UPPER HANGAR DECK/HANGAR DOORS: This extends down 3 more decks. DECK 17: Crow quarters Forward deck, port to starboard MESSROOM BOTANICAL: Opening from deck 18 for tall vege- Center deck ‘STATEROOMS: 12 4 personnel atigned to. medies Cuter deck, port and stbd, fa to aft MESSROOM ENVIRONMENTAL SUIT LOCKERS: These are scattered throughout the ship on most decks ‘STORAGE Aft dock OBSERVATION GALLERY: Observation area for shuttle bay doors, shuttle elevator/turntable, ‘control, and cargo handling in the bay are handled trom here DECK 18: Botany quarters (Fw of deck is main senso Forward deck, port to starboard hobbyists, ‘BOTANY SECTION: (Lower level) Used to main- ‘in plant life for study oF transport. ‘Center deck, Port ‘MESSROOM LIBRARY ENVIRONMENTAL SUIT LOCKER Aft deck 'SHUTTLECRAFT HANGAR (open) DECK 19: Bridge, Hanger Forward deck BRIDGE/SHIP'S COMPUTER: Duplicate of pri- ‘mary ull bridge/eomputer, Used when secondary ull ‘operates independently of main hull ‘Aft of BRIDGE, port to starboard BRIEFING ROOM: Used primarily for personnel using shutleerat ‘STATEROOMS Center deck STATEROOMS (To shuttie deck) ‘Outer hut, port side BRIG SECURITY SECTION SMALL ARMS ARSENAL STORAGE ENVIRONMENTAL SUIT LOCKER (Outer hull stbd side ‘STORAGE, STORAGE ENVIRONMENTAL SUIT LOCKER Att deck. shuttleraft is ready for takeoff at all times DECK 20: Recrestion/shuttle maintenance POOL: Fullsize swimming pool (18:3 m) availble for use by aquatic alien races such as the Aquans of Argo. Aft of pool, port [RECREATION AREA: As in main hull Aft of pool, thd ‘SHOWER ROOMS LOCKER ROOMS IN GYMNASIUM Center deck, port to starboard STORAGE ENVIRONMENTAL SUIT LOCKER. STORAGE BATTERIES STORAGE BATTERIES ENVIRONMENTAL SUIT LOCKER STORAGE Aft deck, fore to aft 'SHUTTLECRAFT MAINTENANCE AREA: Repair area with shops and parts storage STORAGE ‘CARGO HOLS HANGAR DOORS OPERATING MACHINERY DECK 21: Food preparation, shuttle storage Forward deck POOL MACHINERY POOL (Second level) ‘STORAGE: Both sides of pool Center deck, fwd to aft, port to starboard SHIP'S LAUNDRY MATERIALS RECLAMATION FACILITY FOOD PREPARATION: Supplements primary hull facilities in addition to serving secondary and dorsal hulls. Aft deck SHUTTLECRAFT STORAGE AREA: Home to shurvies when not being serviced or on “standby”. DECK 22: Fabrication Forward deck, port to starboard ‘SANITARY WASTES RECOVERY 22MAN TRANSPORTER (Emergency use only) ENVIRONMENTAL SUIT LOCKER. MANUAL FOOD PREPARATION: Used by those personnel wishing to prepare food without the aid of the food preparation machinery. Available to thove hobbyists ‘who tke to cook 'MESSROOM: For food prepared manually 22. MAN TRANSPORTER. ENVIRONMENTAL SUIT LOCKER ‘Conter deck, port to starboard RAW MATERIALS STORAGE: along port side, ORGANIC FABRICATION. NON-ORGANIC NON-METALLIC FABRICATION REFRIGERATED AND FROZEN MATERIALS STORAGE: AAlong all of stbd side, Aft deck, STORAGE: As per rest of deck NON-ORGANIC METALLIC FABRICATION DECK 23: Cargo, storage Forward deck, port to starboard ‘STORAGE TRACTOR BEAM MACHINERY STORAGE Fest of deck, except f STORAGE Aft dock ‘CARGO TRANSPORTER DECK 24: Hull bottom Forward deck TRACTOR BEAM PROJECTOR Rest of deck i storage, cargo holds. T$@u.s.s. ENTERPRISE DECK PLANS .S.S. ENTERPRISE _ Constitution Class Heavy Cruiser Sheet lof 9 Side A Copyright 1966, 1983 Paramount Pictures Corporation e Single bed with Night stand A ' D-7 Main Deck ~s Say D-23 wea Storage Ba a U.S.S. ENTERPRISE Constitution Class Heavy Cruiser et lof 9 Side B iii lai cia ARO PROFILE _ STERN ELEVATION 2PRISE avy Cruiser side A Copyright 1966, 1983 Paramount Pietures Corporat BOW ELEVATION U.S.S. ENT Constitution Class Sheet 2 of aixny JOULNOD auId AUV! SUBLYVND $.439140 ‘sav 39N3I98 ‘S30N3I9S 30aiua 4% W3ONVH / 390Iua ONIN33NIONS dUYM / TvOIG3W = al eae ay a ca FEY U.S.S. ENTERPRISE Constitution Class Heavy Cruiser Sheet2 of 9 Side B D-5S Officer's Quarters U.S.S. ENTERPRISE Constitution Class Heavy Cruiser Sheet 3 of 9 Side A D-2l Food Preparation Shuttle Storage U.S.S. ENTERPRISE = apnea a Constitution Class Heavy Cruiser 27 \ Sheet 3 of 9 Side B ~= TT huttle Storag U.S.S. ENTERPRISE ae i) Constitution Class Heavy Cruiser E f Sheet 3 o0f9 Side B D-2! Food Preparation S a SBWEND 5.820 SA U.S.S. ENTERPRISE Constitution Class Heavy Cruiser SheetYUof9 Side A Let 3 = UORES09y JUSWU}EUZ 8-C U.S.S. ENTERPRISE Constitution Class Heavy Cruiser SheetYof 9 Side B 9 n 9 m = > ou 9° 5 + m u U.S.S. ENTERPRISE Constitution Class Heavy Cruiser Sheet Sof 9 Side A _oee0 | A AA A D-I| Dorsal D3 Dorsal D-I5 Secondary Hull Strongback Oo » wo n .& ct 1 8 3.S. ENTERPRISE stitution Class Heavy Cruiser |) Sheet6o0f9 Side A 2 a) 9 m = 6 wi U.S.S. ENTERPRISE Constitution Class Heavy Cruiser Sheet Gof 9 Side B ly o%| [ll] 604 a0a 408 oer lier li 8 g i ! * 7 g i e : i z $ g U.S.S. ENTERPRISE Constitution Class Heavy Cruiser Sheet 7o0f 9 Side A ‘MaLMOdSNYEL DVO AMS NOX Uu.S.S. ENTERPRISE Constitution Class Heavy Cruiser Sheet Sof 9 Side A SS Jouju0D 2uly fueyxny |-d D-l Auxiliary Fire Control os eee alee jaa ——_— JOujuoD duly fiuewxny j-d ki | ATI i am UK U.S.S. ENTERPRISE Constitution Class Heavy Cruiser Sheet 8 of 9 Side A pyright. 1966, 5, 1983 Paramount Pictures Corporstion ry Sy Sy U.S.S. ENTERPRISE Constitution Class Heavy Cruiser Sheet9oaf9 Side A \) ee 2 Fabrication Facilities Pre we i \ } } ——— U.S.S. ENTERPRISE Constitution Class Heavy Cruiser Sheet9of9 Side B a yo RE3I323Y O2-d

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