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Mock Exam -5th form 2024

Project 2: How have I changed?

1) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions

Shrink Fright

My name is Tom and this morning, I woke up feeling surprised because I had
shrunk a lot while I slept! I was so short that I couldn't reach anything comfortably
anymore. When I tried to put on my clothes, they didn't fit properly. My shirt was too
ls, friends, and even my teacher were amazed and curious about why I suddenly
shrank so much. I think it might be because I've always avoided foods that help you
grow, like beans, carrots, and corn. Being short is a bit inconvenient, because I
realized that I need to start growing up before I become too small for everything!
So, I came up with a plan. Today, I'm going to eat only tall foodong, and my pants
were too loose. Even my gloves and shoes were too big. Everyone around me was
shocked to see how short I had become overnight. My parents like asparagus and
spaghetti to see if it helps me start growing up again. I hope my plan works
because I don't want to get too short or start growing up uncontrollably!
1) Answer the following questions. Highlight the main verbs, so that you can know if
you have to answer in present or in past.
1. Why was Tom surprised when he woke up in the morning?


2. How did Tom’s clothes fit him after he shrank?


3. What foods does Tom believe could help him to grow up?


4. What is Tom's plan to stop growing up too quickly?


2) Write 3 Sentences using used to and 3 sentences using didn't use to

Affirmative (used to)

1) _______________________________________________________________

2) _________________________________________________________________


Negative (didn’t use to)

1) ________________________________________________________________

2) ________________________________________________________________

3) ________________________________________________________________
3) Use the information below to write a paragraph about the things my best friend could or
couldn’t do when he/she was younger.


comb your hair get dressed read cook

dive play chess write play basketball


glad confident satisfied enthusiastic

furious moody mad annoyed

Guided Questions.

1) What could he/she do when he/she was younger?

2) How did he/she feel when he/she could do something that he/she wanted to do ?

3) What couldn't he/she do when he/she was a small kid?

4) How did he/she feel when he/she couldn’t do something that he/she wanted to do ?

5) How did he/she feel about learning things when he/she was younger?

When my best friend was younger ________________________________________________






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