Nikki McCain, Shasta County PD

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SHASTA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE Incident # $CS023-017308-1 Reporting Officer: Maul, Gerry M Report Time: 12/01/2023 7:10:10 PM NARRATIVE On Friday, 12/01/23 at 2312 hours, | responded to Mercy Hospital in Redding, California to make contact with a female who shall be referred to in this report as “confidential victim’. The purpose of the contact was for a reported domestic violence incident involving herself and her husband of 13 years, Tyler McClain that occurred on 11/29/2023, between the hours of 2030 and 2330 hours at their listed address of Olinda Road in Anderson, California. It should be noted that the original call of the report came in at around 1910 hours on the date of 42/01/2023. Upon coming on duty {ater that evening, | attempted phone contact with confidential victim, but was told by her friend she was currently being treated in the ER and not able to speak to me In making contact with confidential victim at the hospital, | immediately noticed facial trauma to both of her eyes, as well as her forehead and facial areas. Both of her eyes were blackened severely, both were also swollen in what appeared to be the result of a physical assault. | asked confidential victim who did this to her. She stated it was her husband, Tyler McClain. Using my department issued iPhone I recorded a conversation and asked confidential victim to explain fo me what occurred, She relayed the following follow in summary, Confidential victim stated on Wednesday, 11/29/2023, she returned home to her address of ‘Olinda Road a residence she shares with her husband Tyler McClain. She said they had been together and married for approximately 16 years, and have four children in common, none ‘of whom live with them currently. Getting back to the night of the incident, confidential victim stated when she got home at around 2015-2030 hours, Tyler was not home, Confidential victim ‘went into her bedroom and started combing her hair when approximately 15 minutes later, Tyler returned home in a strange mood and for some reason went and locked the back door of the house. Confidential victim stated that for unknown reasons, Tyler seemed extremely agitated and was not making any sense. When he contacted her in the bedroom area, she said he immediately jumped on her, held her down on the ground and dragged her around, yelled at her and asked her "What's going on?, what are you doing?’ Confidential victim stated Tyler had a mepsh 12/05/2023 7:47:08 AM Page 20fS SHASTA COUNTY SHERIFF Incident #: $C$023-017308-1 Reporting Officer, Maul, Gerry M Report Time: 12/01/2023 7:10:10 PM. glazed, scary look in his eyes, as if he was having some sort of mental episode, Confidential victim tried to caim Tyler down, but to no avail, and he continued to torment her verbally, as well as hold her down and began to repeatedly hit her in the face. Confidential victim stated that Tyler's behavior began to grow more and more intense towards her, hitting her in her facial area with his open hands in a harsh, forceful manner. She said, in addition to hitting her face, her eyes and her cheek areas, he also pulled her hair numerous times and even poured large amounts of water onto her from a water jug that was sitting beside her, causing her to become very cold. Confidential victim stated this behavior by Tyler continued for approximately three hours during which time, he bound her ankles and wrists together with white tape. He also placed a piece of tape over her mouth, so she could not speak properly. Confidential victim stated part of the tape was not covering her mouth fully, so she was able to breathe, though she could not speak During this time, confidential victim stated Tyler tumed her over onto her stomach and straddled her from behind, pulled on her hair and forcefully pulled her head back, saying he was going to kill her. | asked confidential victim what state of mind she was if at this moment. Confidential victim said, she thought she was going to die, that Tyler may actually intend to kill her. Throughout the evening, Tyler periodically hit her as she laid on the ground. Confidential victim said one time Tyler attempted to wrap something around her neck but was not successful in doing that. | asked confidential victim, what type of object Tyler used to wrap around her neck She said she was not sure, she did not see, only that she feit it, In locking at confidential victim's neck, | did not notice any specific strangle or choke marks that could be attributed'to an attempted strangling. In looking at the eyes of confidential victim, it was clearly evident she had been struck numerous times with her injuries suggesting they came at the hands of being struck nother human being, It should also be noted confidential victim is a small person at 4'11" and ‘90 pounds In stature, Tyler is substantially larger and stronger than she is and there would be no way for her to fend him off in hs fit of rage during the assault. Confidential Vietim said Tyler has done this type of thing before but never this bad. During my interview with her, confidential victim said she was not sure about Tyler’s illegal drug use but believed he used methamphetamine periodically | asked confidential victim after the approximately three hour ordeal, how it all ended. She stated towards the end of the night, around 1130 or so, Tyler went ints the kitchen area where he remained for several minutes. Believing this was the opportunity for her to escape confidential victim grabbed her robe that contained her car keys, ran outside and got into her vehicle. She said, as she was leaving, Tyler came running out after her and jumped on the hood ‘of the car, telling her to stop which she ignored. | asked confidential victim if Tyler sexually assaulted her during the incident in any way. She said he did not. After leaving her residence, Confidential victim went to her sister's house in Redding, where she has been staying ever since and eventually made the report to law enforcement. | asked confidential victim to describe the punches Tyler hit her.with, She said it was not really a fist, more of an open hand and that he hit her 10 to 15 times in her facial area, including her eyes and forehead. Confidential could not see what he used to wrap around her neck but mrpsh 12/05/2023 7:47:08 AM Page 3 of 5 . SHASTA COUNTY SHERIE! Incident #: SCS023-017308-1 Reporting Officer: Maul, Gerry MM Report Time: 121012028 7:10:10 PM believed he may have been trying to suffocate her. Confidential Victim said she has not spoken to Tyler since and he has not called her. No one else was at the residence when this incident occurred and there were no witnesses to contact. Photos of the injuries to confidential victim, as well as a medical release form were signed and will be added to this report. The photos-will be booked into evidence after they art transferred toa CD-ROM. My recorded interview with confidential victim will also be converted to CD-ROM and later booked inte evidence. At this time, confidential victim will no longer be living at the Olinda Road address and will be staying for the foreseeable future with her sister in Redding, Confidential victim was advised to go to One Safe Place in Redding at her earliest convenience to get assistance in obtaining a restraining order against Tyler. She was also provided a \Marsy's card, a Victim of Violent Crimes pamphiet, a report number and my contact information in case she had any questions or concems. ‘After speaking to confidential victim, myself and assisting deputies responded to Olinda Road to contact Tyler McCiain. Upon responding to that location, Tyler subsequently came out of the residence and met us in the driveway. Tyler was taken into custody without incident placed’in handcuffs that were double locked and checked for proper fit. He was then placed in the back seat of a Sheriff's Office patrol vehicle and transported to Jail without incident, Prior to being transported, | informed Tyler he was being placed under arrest for domestic violence, as well as other charges for the injuries sustained by confidential victim during a domestic violence incident At the Jail, | read Tyler his Miranda Rights from my card issued to me by the Shasta County District Attorney's Office. Tyler verbally stated to me he-understoo¢ his rights and agreed to speak to me regarding this incident. | first confirmed confidential victim was in fact Tyler's wife. He stated she was, and that they had been together for 13 years now. | asked Tyler if herwas aware of the injuries his wife, confidential victim, had upon her face and body areas. Tyler said he is aware of them, but that he did not actually see them. He said he last saw his wife on the 28th, during evening hours at around 8:00 PM. When | asked if there was-any kind of disturbance between them, he said, no, there was not. Tyler then told me that he believed his wife had gotten into a fight with another female, that's how she received the injuries she currently has upon her body. asked Tyler if he saw the fight take place, he said he did not ‘Tyler's statement sounded inconsistent, saying that he believed the confidential victim was having an affair with another female, but then went on to say that they had got along great, and. have been together as a happy couple, never having any type of physical altercations between them. When { again asked Tyler if he saw the fight between confidential victim and this alleged female, or if he saw the injuries that she had upon her face, he said he did not. 1 informed Tyler, his wife and confidential victim, reported him a3 being the person who caused het numerous, and visible injuries to her face during a violent encounter ai their shared residence on Olinda Road on 41/29/23. Tyler sald he did not strike confidential victim in any way, ard did not know how she received the injuries she was treated at the hospital for. Based on the totality of the circumstances, and based on the fact that the injuries upon confidential victim were consistent with that of a domestic violence incident, | informed Tyler he mrpsh 12/05/2023 7:47:08 AM. Page 4 of 5 SHASTA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE Incident # SC$023-017308-1 Reporting Officer: Maul, Gerry Mt Report Time: 12/01/2023 7:10:10 PM was being charged with 273.5 PC, Felony Domestic Violence, as well as False Imprisonment, 4 {dons PC 236, a Felony, and PC 422(a) Terrorist Threats, also a Felony.: The Domestic Violence Corts related charges stem from'the fact | observed physical injuries upon confidential victim she sustained at the hands of Tyler McClain, her husband, ‘The False Imprisonment is due to the expard fact confidential victim stated Tyler Bound both-her hands and legs with tape preventing her ‘from leaving the house. The PC 422(a) Terrorist Threats for the fact Tyler threatened to kill confidential vietim numerous times during the course of the incident anid was in great fear for her own safety and well-being, This concluded my contact with Tyler and he was booked on the listed charges. Prior to transporting Tyler to jail, I was given permission by both confidential victim earlier at the hospital and by suspect Tyler McClain to enter residence and retrieve confidential victim's cell phones. During a cursory safety search of the residence, 5 firearms were found inside the bedroom area in plain view where both Tyler and confidential victim reside. Tyler is not a convicted felon and is not prohibited from owning firearms but a records check revealed that one of the firearms, an AK-47 style rifle was reported to be stolen out of Oregon. That rifie as, well, the other ones were taken for safekeeping, and later entered into evidence as recovered stolen property and for safekeeping. Sergeant Gusaas collected the firearms along with ammunition and booked them into the Shasta County ID Lab. Tyler McClain was later served with a receipt of the property at the jail that he signed in my presence that will be downloaded and added to this report. | also looked for the type white tape that confidential vietim reported as being tied up by Tyler with laying on the floor in the bedroom area but did not observe any in plain view. This report will be forwarded to the District Attorney's Office with the listed charges that based on the fotality of the circumstances in this incident, show that Tyler McClain was the primary aggressor in this matter: Case status: closed, forward to District Attorney's Office for review. APPROVING SUPERVISOR Supervisor Datertine rmrpsh 412/05 /2023-7:47:08 AM Page 5 of

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