ASC and Interception Abnormalities in Global Integration

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AUT0010.1177/1362361317738392AutismHatfield et al.

Original Article


Autism spectrum disorder and 2019, Vol. 23(1) 212­–222

© The Author(s) 2017
Article reuse guidelines:
interoception: Abnormalities in
DOI: 10.1177/1362361317738392

global integration?

Timothy R Hatfield1 , Rhonda F Brown1,

Melita J Giummarra2 and Bigna Lenggenhager3

Research over the past three decades has seen a revived interest in the way the human body—and the way in which it
is perceived—interacts with aspects of our experience. Consequently, interoception (i.e. the perception of physiological
feedback from the body) has recently been shown to be associated with a wide range of cognitive, emotional, and
affective functions, making it broadly relevant to the study of autism spectrum disorder. Although limited qualitative
accounts and empirical studies suggest that individuals with autism spectrum disorder encounter abnormalities when
perceiving and integrating physiological feedback from their bodies, other studies have suggested that people with/
without autism spectrum disorder do not differ in interoceptive ability after accounting for alexithymia. In this article,
we discuss the newly recognized importance of interoception in autism spectrum disorder with a focus on how deficits
in the perception of bodily feedback might relate to the core features and co-occuring psychopathology of autism
spectrum disorder. Finally, a new integrated theory is advanced which posits that people with autism spectrum disorder
may experience a reduced capacity to integrate interoceptive information that may result in a narrow attentional bodily
focus and reduced motivational and behavioral drives.

alexithymia, autism spectrum disorder, body, interoception, sensory experiences, weak central coherence

Sherrington’s (1906) classical taxonomy of the sensory nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS), and then on to the
system originally described interoception as the process hypothalamus and limbic sensory cortex (i.e. anterior
of monitoring sensory inputs exclusively from the viscera, insula) and limbic motor cortex (i.e. anterior cingulate;
such that it was functionally distinct from the propriocep- Craig, 2003). Following a posterior-to-anterior processing
tive (i.e. body and limb position) and exteroceptive (i.e. gradient, the interoceptive activity that represents sensory
touch, temperature, and pain) sensory modalities. qualities (e.g. itch, pain, temperature) is processed in the
However, recent advances in neurofunctional anatomy posterior insula, then re-represented and integrated in the
have provoked a substantial revision of the definition of mid-insula, and finally integrated in the anterior insula
interoception to describe the sense of the physiological cortex (Craig, 2011). Consequently, it has been suggested
condition of the entire body, not merely the viscera (Craig, that the integration of inputs in the insula provides the
2002, 2003, 2011, 2014). Thus, the interoceptive sensory
system is now considered to be maintained by a homeo-
1The Australian National University, Australia
static afferent pathway that originates within the small- 2Monash University, Australia
diameter sensory afferent fibers that innervate all tissues 3University of Zurich, Switzerland
and organs, and which terminates in the posterior insula
(Craig, 2002, 2011). Specifically, information from the Corresponding author:
Timothy R Hatfield, Research School of Psychology, College of Health
small-diameter fibers is projected to pre-autonomic and & Medicine, The Australian National University, Canberra, ACT 2601,
homeostatic sites in the caudal medulla via the lamina I Australia.
neurons in the spine, trigeminal dorsal horns, and the Email:
Hatfield et al. 213

template for a coherent representation of all feelings at Furthermore, bodily feelings alert us to our physiological
one moment or a “global emotional moment” (Craig, state of well-being, prompting us to seek water if we are
2009, 2010, 2011). Importantly, functional neuroimaging thirsty or warmth when we are cold.
studies suggest that activation of the anterior insula is Together, these types of enquires are broadly relevant to
uniquely associated with various subjective feelings the understanding of autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
including internal bodily states (e.g. pain, temperature, which is characterized by deficits in social communication
heart rate) and the experience of emotion (Craig, 2002, and social interaction across different contexts, difficulties
2009, 2011; Kober et al., 2008; Zaki et al., 2012). in socio-emotional reciprocity, presence of restricted inter-
Despite these recent neuroanatomical advances in map- ests and repetitive behavior, and atypical sensory process-
ping the mechanisms and systems involved in interocep- ing (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). While few
tion, there remain some inconsistencies in how the prior studies have directly examined interoception in peo-
definition and quantification of this multidimensional pro- ple with ASD, several authors have recently suggested that
cess have been applied. Several terms that have been used people with ASD may experience sensory under-respon-
to describe different aspects of interoception (e.g. intero- sivity to internal stimuli (Elwin et al., 2012; Fiene and
ceptive awareness, sensitivity, accuracy, and acuity) have Brownlow, 2015). In addition, a novel theoretical perspec-
been inconsistently employed in the literature, and the dif- tive has suggested that dysfunctional interoception in ASD
ferences between objective and subjective modes of evalu- may be the result of a disruption of the oxytocin system
ating interoception have generally not been acknowledged (Quattrocki and Friston, 2014). Specifically, the authors
(Garfinkel and Critchley, 2013). Recently, a tripartite suggest that an oxytocin-mediated interoceptive dysfunc-
model of discrete interoceptive processes has been pro- tion in early development prevents the contextualization of
posed which makes a clear distinction between the objec- interoceptive signals which are necessary to acquire asso-
tive, subjective, and metacognitive aspects of interoception, ciations between internal and external cues. However, the
and these have been shown to be dissociable in empirical manner in which a putative dysfunction in the interocep-
tests (Garfinkel et al., 2015). Thus, interoceptive accuracy tive system of people with ASD is related to the core fea-
refers to a person’s behavioral performance on objective tures and co-occurring symptomatology (e.g. anxiety and
tests of interoceptive ability, such as the heartbeat tracking depression) of the disorder is still unclear. Moreover, the
task (Schandry, 1981) and heartbeat discrimination task empirical findings to date have typically been viewed in
(Katkin et al., 1983). Interoceptive sensibility refers to a isolation, without consideration of the available neuropsy-
self-perceived interoceptive focus that is typically assessed chological frameworks for cognitive and perceptual pro-
using subjective questionnaires, such as the Body cessing in ASD, especially the local processing framework
Perception Questionnaire (BPQ; Porges, 1993) and (i.e. weak central coherence (WCC); Frith, 1989). At the
Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness least, based on the scant empirical findings, a local pro-
(MAIA; Mehling et al., 2012). However, both these scales cessing framework may offer insight into how interocep-
make reference to “interoceptive awareness” rather than tion operates at the perceptual level in people with ASD.
“interoceptive sensibility.” Finally, interoceptive aware- For example, as detailed below, people with ASD may
ness refers to the metacognitive awareness of interoceptive preferentially process the local features of interoceptive
accuracy which is the correspondence between objective states but fail to integrate them together so that their global
interoceptive accuracy and subjective self-reporting of significance can be ascertained. In this article, we critically
interoception (Garfinkel et al., 2015). evaluate the existing literature examining interoception in
Many contemporary studies that have examined the people with ASD and propose a new integrated theory of
awareness of bodily sensations highlight the importance of interoception in ASD that attempts to incorporate intero-
physiological feedback from the body to various cognitive, ception into the WCC framework.
motivational, emotional, and affective functions (Critchley
and Harrison, 2013). For example, awareness of physio-
logical changes in the body has been shown to be associ- Autism and interoception
ated with emotional experience (Wiens, 2005). In
particular, Füstös et al. (2013) showed that the accurate Historical traces
perception of bodily states can enable the more effective Dysfunctional bodily awareness in ASD is not a contem-
regulation of emotion. Moreover, Fukushima et al. (2011) porary realization. Despite the relative paucity of intero-
showed that physiological feedback from the body permits ception research in the ASD sensory processing literature,
us to make inferences about the affective state of others hints of interoceptive difficulties can be inferred from the
(e.g. empathy). Altogether, these findings suggest that the first descriptions of the disorder. For example, Kanner’s
perception of bodily sensations is an important part of sub- (1943) original case studies of early infantile autism noted
jective and social human experience that provides us with a father’s description of his 5-year-old son with autism:
a sense of homeostatic instinct and self-awareness. “He has never shown a normal appetite. Seeing children
214 Autism 23(1)

eating candy and ice-cream has never been a temptation to demonstrated that activation of the insula in people with
him” (p. 217). Similarly, another case describes an 8-year- ASD is modulated by the level of alexithymic traits (Bird
old girl: “At camp she slid into avitaminosis [i.e. vitamin et al., 2010), indicating that atypical activation of the
deficiency] and malnutrition but offered almost no verbal brain regions supporting interoception is not a necessary
complaints” (p. 229). In subsequent decades, Bettelheim feature ASD, but rather may be due to the frequently con-
(1967) also explicitly made reference to childhood diffi- comitant alexithymia. Nonetheless, a recent meta-analysis
culties in bodily awareness, commenting on a child’s per- of 24 functional neuroimaging studies that used social
ceived lack of awareness during defecation: “If autistic paradigms has identified that the right anterior insula is
children show no reaction whatsoever to defecation, we consistently hypoactive in people with ASD (Di Martino
must assume that the process of alienation from their own et al., 2009). Thus, the results of these system-level neu-
feelings has reached such proportions that they do not even roscience and functional neuroimaging studies provide a
feel what goes on in their bodies” (p. 111). Thus, although persuasive starting point to assert that interoceptive pro-
limited, this early clinical literature suggests that the pro- cessing may be dysfunctional in people with ASD due to
cessing of interoceptive information may be impaired in fundamental dysregulation in the brain networks subserv-
people with ASD. ing interoception.

Interoceptive brain structures and systems in The body beneath the skin
ASD Only in the past 5 years have researchers sought to exam-
The brains of people with ASD are characterized by struc- ine the way in which individuals with ASD attend to and
tural and functional abnormalities, with many theorists process internally derived signals. Within this time, there
suggesting that a difference in brain network connectivity has been a surge in empirical work on interoception in peo-
is responsible for many of the hallmark behavioral symp- ple with ASD, examining objective, subjective, and meta-
toms of the disorder (e.g. socio-emotional deficits). In cognitive aspects of interoceptive awareness (DuBois
particular, functional neuroimaging studies have consist- et al., 2016). However, much of this work has overlooked
ently demonstrated significant low connectivity between previous neuropsychological frameworks of ASD, and
different brain regions in people with ASD (Just et al., there has been little systematic examination of the extent
2004, 2007, 2012; Koshino et al., 2008; Müller et al., to which different methodologies and participant groups
2011), although some studies have reported higher con- have contributed to differences in the study results. As
nectivity (Belmonte et al., 2004; Keown et al., 2013; such, the previous research findings on alterations of inter-
Wass, 2011). Importantly, substantial differences in the oception in ASD have yielded inconsistent and often con-
functional connectivity of the networks subserving emo- tradictory results.
tion processing and interoception have been demonstrated Several studies have examined the subjective evalua-
in people with ASD relative to controls. In particular, tions of interoceptive ability in people with and without
Ebisch et al. (2011) showed disrupted functional connec- ASD. For example, a qualitative study by Elwin et al.
tivity between the insula, amygdala, and somatosensory (2012) examined the autobiographies of people with ASD
cortices in people with high-functioning ASD. They sug- and reported that they experienced persistent interoceptive
gested that the results were consistent with a dysfunc- abnormalities, especially hypo-sensitivities to internal
tional interoceptive awareness network which may alter cues such as a difficulty in detecting and recognizing bod-
subjective feelings and the ability to attribute emotional ily sensations (e.g. pain). However, as the participants had
valence to external events. written extensive autobiographies indicating normal or
Recent neuroimaging studies have also suggested that greater intelligence (DuBois et al., 2016), the findings can-
there are considerable group differences in the regions not be generalized to larger heterogeneous ASD popula-
that support interoceptive processing in people with ASD tions. Similar results were demonstrated in an online
relative to neurotypical controls (Barttfeld et al., 2012; Di survey assessing the subjective experience of functional
Martino et al., 2009). For example, in a disgust recogni- body and a thirst awareness in people with/without ASD.
tion task, people with ASD showed less activation in a People with ASD showed significantly lower body and
number of cortico-limbic brain regions including the left thirst awareness relative to controls (Fiene and Brownlow,
insula (Ogai et al., 2003). Silani et al. (2008) also showed 2015), using the Body Awareness Questionnaire (BAQ;
that people with ASD exhibited reduced activation of the Shields et al., 1989) and a novel Thirst Awareness Scale
anterior insula when they were required to introspect (TAS; Fiene and Brownlow, 2015), respectively. Although
about their feelings. However, the authors reported that it again, most participants with ASD were assumed to be on
was the degree of alexithymic traits that was predictive of the higher functioning end of the spectrum.
reductions in insula activation and that it was not attribut- Studies assessing behavioral performance (i.e. accu-
able to ASD, per se. In the same way, other authors have racy) on objective measures of interoception have tended
Hatfield et al. 215

to show mixed results. For example, Schauder et al. (2015) local features (e.g. specific details) are subordinate to
assessed interoceptive accuracy using a heartbeat detec- global features (e.g. complete picture). In neurotypical
tion task in children with/without ASD and found that individuals, the global features are typically processed
although they performed equally in their ability to men- before the local features, an effect termed global prece-
tally track heartbeats, the children with ASD were better at dence (Navon, 1977). In contrast, people with ASD often
tracking their heartbeats over longer time intervals. While display a preference for and show superiority in the local
it is not clear why the children with ASD demonstrated processing of sensory stimuli. For example, children with
superior heartbeat counting performance over longer inter- ASD have been shown to respond faster and more accu-
vals, the authors proposed that people with ASD may dis- rately on the Embedded Figures Task (EFT) relative to
proportionately allocate attentional resources to internal, controls (Jolliffe and Baron-Cohen, 1997; Shah and Frith,
rather than external sensory information. However, others 1983). The EFT requires participants to search for and
have suggested that it may be due to non-specific task detect a target figure that is hidden in a complex visual
adherence (Shah et al., 2016b). Alternately, Garfinkel et al. pattern as quickly as possible (Gottschaldt, 1926). In a
(2016b) reported that adults with ASD showed impaired recent meta-analysis, the pooled data demonstrated that
interoceptive accuracy but an exaggerated subjective people with ASD show superior visuospatial performance
awareness of bodily sensations relative to controls. They on tasks, such as the EFT and block design, and a stronger
suggested that this impaired ability to objectively detect local processing preference on Navon tasks (Muth et al.,
bodily signals accompanied by an inflated subjective per- 2014). Accordingly, several influential neurocognitive
ception of bodily signals represents an interoceptive trait models have been developed to better understand the per-
prediction error (ITPE) that manifests as deficits in emo- ceptual processing differences in people with ASD. In
tional sensitivity and increased anxiety. However, although particular, the WCC model (Frith, 1989) attempts to
the ASD participants completed a measure of autistic explain the above privileged access to local parts and
traits, these scores were not directly assessed against the details, and it has come to dominate the psychological
measures of interoceptive accuracy, sensibility, or aware- literature examining the local processing biases evident
ness. Thus, a direct relationship between ASD status or in people with ASD.
symptoms and interoception was not determined.
Several authors have argued that people with/without
ASD do not differ on measures of interoception after taking Weak Central Coherence
account of alexithymic traits. In fact, the alexithymia The term “central coherence” was first used by Frith
hypothesis suggests that where observed, the emotional (1989) to describe the propensity of neurotypical individu-
symptoms of autism will be due to alexithymia rather than als to pull together large amounts of information with
to the autism per se (Bird and Cook, 2013). Consistent with potential global significance and to process it in context,
this hypothesis, other researchers suggest that alexithymia often at the expense of their memory for specific details.
should be regarded as a reflection of a general impairment As such, central coherence is the typical drive to pursue
in interoception (Brewer et al., 2016). However, again, the meaning by extracting the gist or seeing the “big picture”
empirical results to date have tended to be inconsistent. For of the incoming information in everyday events. In con-
example, in a small study by David et al. (2013), autistic trast, WCC refers to a detail-focused local processing bias
traits but not alexithymic traits were positively correlated that may lead to a failure to see the “big picture” (Happe
with cardiac awareness score in a heartbeat counting task in and Frith, 2006). Frith (1989) suggested that this central
neurotypical adults. In contrast, other studies have empha- processing deficit will manifest as a failure to detect global
sized the unique importance of alexithymia in explaining meaning, and it may underlie many of the non-social defi-
the relationship between ASD diagnosis and interoception cits and aptitudes that are known to characterize the ASD
(Shah et al., 2016a, 2016b). However, most prior studies experience, such as enhanced attention-to-detail and
have typically used only a one-dimensional approach when greater sensory-perceptual discrimination.
measuring interoception (Livingston and Livingston, The WCC account of ASD has received notable atten-
2016). Thus, although it is generally appreciated that inter- tion, and it has undergone considerable refinements since
oception is atypical in people with ASD, there is little clar- its original formulation. Currently, WCC is conceptualized
ity as to the precise nature of the relationship between as a cognitive style that is the result of two separate dimen-
interoceptive deficits, alexithymic traits, and ASD. sions: (1) a reduced global integration of information and
(2) a bias toward local processing (Happé and Booth,
Local–global information processing 2008). Consistent with this approach, local processing
biases have been observed experimentally in people with
in ASD ASD in visuospatial, auditory, and verbal domains, with
The features of external sensory stimuli can be viewed as many of the observations related directly to perceptual
having a hierarchical organizational structure such that processing (Happe and Frith, 2006; Plaisted, 2001).
216 Autism 23(1)

Mechanisms of local processing bias under-connectivity is purported to give rise to WCC and
that dysfunctional anterior insula connectivity is consist-
Despite the prominence of the WCC model, the precise ently shown to play an important role in the social interac-
neural mechanism(s) underlying the local processing tion deficits of ASD (Anderson et al., 2010; Di Martino
biases in people with ASD is unclear. Two possible mecha- et al., 2009; Uddin and Menon, 2009).
nisms have been proposed to posit abnormalities in either
the specialized brain regions or pathways used in a given
task, or diffuse changes in neural connectivity throughout Local processing of interoceptive stimuli
the brain (Happe and Frith, 2006). For instance, studies
that have investigated hemispheric asymmetry have con- Current concepts of interoception suggest that it is a home-
sistently shown that global integrative processing is pre- ostatic sensory capacity that represents the ongoing status
dominantly lateralized to the right hemisphere, whereas of all tissues and organs in the body (Craig, 2002, 2011).
local processing is predominantly lateralized to the left Relying on specialized peripheral and central neural sub-
hemisphere (Boksem et al., 2012; Gable et al., 2013; strates that represent all afferent activities, this system is
Volberg and Hübner, 2004; Volberg et al., 2009). thought to generate distinct feelings from the body includ-
While functional abnormalities in the right hemisphere ing hunger, thirst, pain, temperature, itch, and all other bod-
may have potential implications for the WCC model, few ily sensations to assist us in meeting the challenges of the
prior studies have shown evidence of right hemisphere environment. At the core of this conceptualization is an
abnormalities in people with ASD (McKelvey et al., 1995; appreciation that it provides a composite representation of
Waiter et al., 2005), and some studies have suggested there all salient body states at each moment of time which is
are left hemisphere abnormalities (Peterson et al., 2015). encoded as a feeling (Craig, 2010). Thus, it is as if a person
In any case, two functional magnetic resonance imaging is presented with an ongoing interoceptive scene that is
(fMRI) studies have examined performance on a local– built on the integration of local physiological features to
global processing task in people with ASD, and they failed produce global features which may have homeostatic sig-
to find clear evidence of right hemisphere dysfunction nificance, and which represents the entire physiological
(Damarla et al., 2010; Ring et al., 1999). Alternately, condition of the body over time. This interoceptive scene is
abnormalities in the magnocellular pathway following the analogous to Craig’s (2010) cinemascopic model of aware-
dorsal stream of visual processing have been proposed to ness that is made up of a continuously updating series of
account for the observed weak visuospatial coherence global emotional moments for each moment in time.
(Milne et al., 2002; Pellicano et al., 2005). However, these Importantly, we propose that this conceptualization of
abnormalities cannot account for the auditory local pro- interoception can be combined with the WCC model to
cessing biases observed in people with ASD. test specific hypotheses about ASD. This integrated the-
In contrast to a regional approach, other researchers ory provides a novel framework for understanding how
have suggested that the mechanism underlying WCC is interoception may be impoverished if local bodily stimuli
reduced anatomical and functional connectivity and syn- are not integrated into a composite whole. For instance,
chronization between distant cortical regions in the brain. thirst is a homeostatic drive state that arises from multiple
For example, in an early study using fMRI during a sen- sensations and physiological signals such as mouth dry-
tence comprehension task, people with ASD showed con- ness, viscous saliva, hypovolemia, hypotension, and
sistently reduced functional connectivity throughout the increased osmolality (Stevenson et al., 2015), and the
cortical language system relative to controls (Just et al., individual elements of the thirst experience can, therefore,
2004). The results were interpreted to mean that there is be viewed as local stimulus inputs into the interoceptive
an underfunctioning of integrative neurocircuitry in peo- scene, which when integrated together with other motiva-
ple with ASD which results in impoverished information tional and affective elements will result in a global feeling
integration and is responsible for the occurrence of WCC. state of thirst. However, a deficit in the integration of
Similarly, another early study proposed that the features these signals, consistent with WCC, may lead to an
of ASD that are associated with WCC emerge due to an impaired ability to perceive global features of homeo-
impairment of temporal binding between specialized local static significance. As a result, thirst might not be accu-
neural networks (Brock et al., 2002). More recently, rately perceived consciously or subconsciously, resulting
review papers examining structural and functional con- in the failure to create appropriate motivational and
nectivity studies in ASD have shown aberrant connectiv- behavioral drive states to relieve the thirst. In short, a fail-
ity using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI; Travers et al., ure to properly integrate individual interoceptive inputs
2012), magnetoencephalography (MEG; Lajiness et al., into a homeostatic feeling or global emotional moment
2014), and fMRI (Rane et al., 2015). Thus, although a (Craig, 2010) is analogous to not recognizing the prover-
number of different explanatory frameworks have been bial forest for the trees. While the exact mechanism under-
advanced, the mechanisms underlying WCC are still lying this proposed dysfunction is not known, a failure
unclear. Nonetheless, it is noteworthy that neural could occur at the levels of the anterior and posterior
Hatfield et al. 217

Figure 1. Illustration of the potential disturbance to the interoceptive system in ASD proposed in the integrated theory.

insula, whereby hypo-activity and/or under-connectivity Subjective emotion can also be viewed as the unified
between these and other regions may reduce the likelihood representation of physiological activity, and consequently,
of the stimuli being integrated accurately. Such a proposal both historical and contemporary models of emotional
is complementary to the Bayesian account of neurodevel- processing have suggested that the subjective experience
opment in ASD which posits that an aberrant oxytocin of an emotion arises from the perception of physiological
system in infancy may disrupt the precision of interocep- feedback from the body (Damasio and Carvalho, 2013;
tive contextualization and integration (Quattrocki and James, 1884; Schachter and Singer, 1962). Thus, when we
Friston, 2014). Figure 1 shows an illustrated summary of are afraid, we will experience symptoms associated with
the potential failure to integrate local stimuli accurately autonomic arousal symptoms (e.g. elevated heart and
and the associated reduction in adaptive motivational and breathing rate, sweating, piloerection, vasoconstriction,
behavioral drive states. and pupil dilation; Kreibig, 2010; Levenson, 2003). Again,
218 Autism 23(1)

each of these individual physiological responses can be would perform better or at least the same, relative to typi-
viewed as discrete local stimulus inputs that contribute to cally developing individuals. Corroborating this assertion,
the ongoing interoceptive scene and which contribute to three prior studies that have compared interoceptive accu-
the global emotional feeling state of “fear.” Thus, if a per- racy using the heartbeat counting task between people with
son with ASD has both a bias toward local interoceptive ASD and controls have shown no difference in their inter-
information and a reduced capacity to integrate interocep- oceptive abilities (Schauder et al., 2015; Shah et al., 2016a,
tive information, then their interoceptive scene may be 2016b). Crucially, the study by Schauder et al. (2015)
fragmented, and this may prevent the accurate perception showed that children with ASD were superior at mentally
of emotion. tracking their heartbeats over longer time intervals.
Furthermore, a person’s failure to adequately integrate Although the authors suggested that the results may be due
the discrete interoceptive signals into a coherent whole to an increased attentional focus on interoceptive cues and
may lead to a narrowed attentional focus on local features a potential attentional trade-off between internal and exter-
in the body, and this may lead to uncertainty in the inter- nal cues, the results are also consistent with a bias for local
pretation of emotions and feelings in the self and others interoceptive information. On the contrary, Garfinkel et al.
(i.e. alexithymia). Importantly, deficits in emotion recog- (2016b) showed that while there was objective impairment
nition are fundamental to the clinical understanding of in the heartbeat counting task in adults with ASD, the ASD
ASD (American Psychiatric Association, 2013) and alex- group did not differ significantly from the control group
ithymia (Brewer et al., 2016) and they are known to be using heartbeat detection task. They suggested that because
related to hypo-activity in the brain regions which support accuracy on the heartbeat detection task requires simulta-
interoceptive awareness (i.e. anterior insula; Silani et al., neous multimodal internal–external integration, this sen-
2008). Thus, the interoceptive differences experienced by sory integrative process remains intact in people with
people with ASD could contribute to emotion recognition ASD. Although this is at odds with what would be pre-
and emotion regulation difficulties, social interaction dicted by a WCC model of interoceptive information pro-
problems (e.g. failure to share perspectives and empa- cessing, it may be worth exploring performance differences
thize), and mental health problems (e.g. anxiety due to across these two tasks in larger samples of people with
uncertainty as to how to interpret and regulate autonomic ASD and in those with a wider range of severity in ASD
arousal symptoms). traits and features. In any case, if a local processing bias
exists for internally derived signals in people with ASD,
then it raises questions as to the utility of the heartbeat
General discussion detection task, unless it is used in combination with other
The objective measurement of interoceptive ability typi- objective interoceptive measures.
cally relies on behavioral evaluations to determine how Qualitative accounts and subjective measures of bodily
well a person perceives their bodily sensations. By con- awareness may, therefore, offer the best means of disentan-
vention, methodological approaches to measuring intero- gling local and global interoceptive states. However, the
ception have typically emphasized the detection of cardiac existing research examining subjective measures of intero-
activity (Kleckner et al., 2015). Other measures (e.g. res- ception has produced mixed results and/or the differences in
piratory, gastrointestinal, and genitourinary) have also the measures do not permit direct comparison. For example,
been used (Cameron, 2002), but the findings related to one study showed that people with ASD scored significantly
interoceptive performance accuracy across different higher on the BPQ (Porges, 1993) relative to controls
modalities are mixed (Garfinkel et al., 2016a; Herbert (Garfinkel et al., 2016b), whereas others showed that people
et al., 2012; Suschinsky and Lalumière, 2012). Two widely with ASD scored significantly lower on the TAS (Fiene and
used cardiac interoception paradigms are the heartbeat Brownlow, 2015) and the BAQ (Shields et al., 1989) rela-
counting (or mental tracking) method (Schandry, 1981) tive to controls (Fiene and Brownlow, 2015). Thus, the con-
and the heartbeat detection task (Katkin et al., 1983). Both flicting results may be due, in part, to the use of different
tasks provide a measure of cardiac interoceptive accuracy, scale measures and the extent to which they assess local and
and they are often used interchangeably in the literature, global sensory processes. For example, the BPQ mostly
but the heartbeat counting task is the principle objective asks about localized bodily symptoms (e.g. dry mouth,
method that has been used to assess interoception in peo- facial twitches, heartbeat, and palms sweating; Porges,
ple with ASD (Garfinkel et al., 2016b; Schauder et al., 1993), whereas the BAQ frames the questions in terms of
2015; Shah et al., 2016a, 2016b). integrated global bodily states (e.g. “I know in advance if I
Heartbeat detection is generally thought to provide an am getting the flu,” “I am aware of a cycle in my activity
indicator of general interoceptive ability, but from the level throughout the day,” and “I notice distinct body reac-
standpoint of WCC, cardiac activity may be considered as tions when I am fatigued”). Indeed, some items in the TAS
a local feature in a person’s ongoing interoceptive scene. presume that a person already knows what the globally inte-
In this case, WCC would estimate that people with ASD grated sensory experience of thirst is to answer the questions
Hatfield et al. 219

about specific sensations (e.g. “I notice distinct body reac- in people with panic disorder such that their awareness of
tions when I am thirsty,” and “I notice distinct body reac- fear-related physiological processes (e.g. cardiac activity)
tions when I am no longer thirsty”). Thus, it may be possible is increased and their awareness of other processes is simul-
to reconcile at least some of the conflicting results in the taneously neglected (Fairclough and Goodwin, 2007;
literature by combining interoception with the WCC model Limmer et al., 2015). Thus, while people prone to panic and
and examining the prior relevant literature from this stand- anxiety may have learned to bias their attention toward car-
point. Therefore, future research may benefit from separat- diac activity due to its perceived potential for threat, people
ing local bodily symptoms and global bodily feelings when with ASD may preferentially process cardiac information
examining interoceptive sensibility in ASD. as it represents a salient local stimulus.
Specific predictions about emotion processing problems
in people with ASD can be tested by examining interocep-
Clinical implications
tion from the perspective of the WCC. If there is a local
processing bias for interoceptive signals, then general tasks The use of a local–global approach in examining interocep-
of central coherence should generate results that are tion in people with ASD and alexithymia may be informative
inversely correlated with the results of emotion recognition with regard to the use of therapy. For example, rather than
tasks in oneself and others. For example, the “Mind in the being a core deficit, WCC is conceptualized as a bias that can
Eyes Test” (Baron-Cohen et al., 2001), which has been be overcome with explicit task demands, and it is not consid-
used to test the ability of individuals to read emotions and ered to be a non-modifiable deficit (Happe and Frith, 2006).
other mental states from micro-expressions in the eyes of Thus, global interoceptive processing might be improved in
other people, has been shown to be inversely correlated people with ASD via the use of body-scan meditation tech-
with speed on the EFT in people with/without ASD (Baron- niques that focus on all bodily regions. A recent study of an
Cohen and Hammer, 1997; Jarrold et al., 2000). This pat- unsupervised brief body-scan meditation intervention
tern of results suggests that a perceptual bias toward the showed improvement in somatosensory perceptual decision-
local features of the environment will make the process of making in participants with medically unexplained symp-
recognizing emotions in others more difficult, as is the case toms (Mirams et al., 2013). While the authors suggested that
in people with ASD. Second, and by extension, feeling body-scan type meditation could reduce the misperception
states such as thirst which require the integration of multi- of physical symptoms in individuals with medically unex-
ple interoceptive inputs should be more difficult to perceive plained symptom, people with ASD and alexithymia may
and interpret for people with ASD than simple feeling also experience benefits from increased attention and sensi-
states. Pertinently, Fiene and Brownlow (2015) reported tivity to their bodies. In fact, adults with ASD showed sig-
that individuals with ASD show significantly lower subjec- nificant reductions in depression, anxiety, and rumination
tive thirst awareness relative to controls, which is consist- and an increase in positive affect in a randomized-controlled
ent with such a theorized local sensory processing bias. trial of mindfulness-based therapy which included a body-
The relationship between interoception and anxiety is scan component (Spek et al., 2013). Importantly, other prior
well established, with prior studies typically demonstrat- studies have also noted the potentially therapeutic pathway
ing positive associations between trait anxiety and meas- of interoception training and meditation in reducing distress
ures of interoceptive accuracy (e.g. heartbeat detection; and anxiety (Schaefer et al., 2014; Serpa et al., 2014).
Domschke et al., 2010). Indeed, anxiety is highly preva- Applying clinical remediation or training approaches such as
lent in people with an ASD diagnosis across all age these is likely to effectively enhance interoception in a range
groups and affects about one-half (42%–56%) of people of conditions in which local processing biases occur (e.g.
with the disorder (Lai et al., 2014; Simonoff et al., 2008). anorexia; Lopez et al., 2008).
Importantly, Garfinkel et al. (2016a) showed that the
divergence between interoceptive accuracy and intero-
ceptive sensibility, or ITPE, was predictive of anxiety
symptoms in people with ASD beyond the severity of the This review discusses the potential importance of intero-
disorder. Along with others (Paulus and Stein, 2010), ception in better understanding the experiences and behav-
they suggest that a person’s interoceptive structure may ior of people with ASD and also the potential mechanisms
represent a vulnerability factor for anxiety. A local pro- underlying some of the socio-emotional and sensory fea-
cessing bias toward interoceptive stimuli may emphasize tures of ASD. A picture of atypical interoceptive processing
the potential threat posed by autonomic reactivity (e.g. in ASD is starting to emerge in the literature which incorpo-
heart rate) relative to other interoceptive and exterocep- rates recent advances in systems neuroscience and recent
tive information that could be integrated into the intero- empirical studies investigating objective and subjective
ceptive scene to alleviate a person’s anxious feelings. bodily awareness. However, the impairments appear to be
Such a hypothesis has yet to be empirically examined, more strongly linked to alexithymia than to ASD, although
although a similar mechanism has been proposed to operate alexithymia frequently co-occurs with ASD. Furthermore,
220 Autism 23(1)

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