DM Fast Fashion 2

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Fast fashion : How clothes are linked to climate change

1. The provided text appears to be an article or a news report discussing the environmental
impact of the fashion industry and suggesting ways to reduce it.

2. The topic of the document is the environmental impact of the fashion industry,
particularly its contribution to climate change, and strategies to mitigate this impact.

3. The numbers "8-10%" correspond to the percentage of global emissions for which the
fashion industry is responsible.
The number "65%" corresponds to the projected increase in global clothes sales by the
year 2030, as suggested by the World Bank.
The number "43 million" corresponds to the amount of tonnes of chemicals used
annually in clothes production processes such as dyeing, according to the text.
The number "37%" corresponds to the potential reduction in fashion emissions in the
world's major cities if individuals limit their new clothing purchases to a maximum of
eight items per year, as indicated by research from Leeds University and Arup.

4. The brands mentioned in the text are H&M Conscious, Adidas x Parley, and Zara Join

5. The products used to make clothes include :

- Natural materials such as cotton
- Synthetic materials like polyester
- Chemicals for dyeing and other production processes

6. The text suggests several solutions to combat fast fashion and mitigate its environmental
impact :
• Utilizing organic and recycled materials in clothing production, as seen in "eco"
collections launched by brands like H&M Conscious, Adidas x Parley, and Zara Join
• Advocating for reduced consumption by buying fewer new items. Research from Leeds
University and Arup suggests that limiting purchases to a maximum of eight new items
per year could significantly reduce fashion emissions.

7. Here are the verbs in the present perfect tense from the text:

• "has bought" - "British shoppers have bought more clothes than any others in Europe."
• "have launched" - "Several firms have launched 'eco' collections which use organic and
recycled materials, including H&M Conscious, Adidas x Parley, and Zara Join Life."
• "suggests" - "And global clothes sales could increase by up to 65% by 2030, the World
Bank suggests."
• "uses" - "Producing clothes uses a lot of natural resources and creates greenhouse gas
emissions which are responsible for climate change."
• "is responsible" - "The fashion industry is responsible for 8-10% of global emissions,
according to the UN -more than the aviation and shipping combined."
• "has increased" - "Most of fashion's environmental impact comes from the use of raw
materials: cotton for the fashion industry uses about 2.5% of the world's farmland."
• "requires" - "Clothes production processes such as dyeing require 43 million tonnes of
chemicals a year."

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