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E O/L Practice Paper- 04

11 English Language I,II 3

Test 1
Match the following instructions with the places given below. Write the letter of the instruction
in the box given against the place. The first one is done for you. (5 marks)

Do not insert damaged notes. Please do not feed the animals. Outside food or drinks are not allowed.

(a) (b) (c)

No photography permitted. Adult supervision is required. Park at your own risk.

(d) (e) (f)

1. At a car park f 2. At a restaurant

3. At a cash deposit machine 4. At a museum
5. At a Children’s park 6. At a zoo
Test 02

Fill in the blanks of the dialogue using the words given in brackets (5 marks )
(pickup ,ran into, keep it up, run out of, taken up, )
Charith : Have you seen Gayan?
Nimal : Yes, actually I 1,_______________ him at the supermarket
Charith : Oh really?
Nimal : Yes ,My wife sent me to the supermarket because we had
2,______________ Sugar. I saw Gayan in the checked line and we
had a chat.
Charith : By the way you look fantastic. Have you been working out?
Nimal : Yes I have 3,______________________ yoga. I started classes last


Charith : That’s great. 4,__________________. It’s really good for your
Nimal : I need to 5,_______________________ my son.
Charith : Ah ! see you soon.
Nimal : Good Bye.
Charith : Good Bye.
Test 3
Study the picture. Fill in the blanks using the words given in the box. Write the correct word in
the blank. The first one is done for you. (5 marks)











This is a picture of a road on a rainy day. Two 1) children are walking along the pavement
wearing rain coats and 2) ……….. . They are 3) …………. an umbrella too. There are two
muddy 4) ……….... on the 5)………………. in front of them. The travelling cars on the road are
6)………….. water. Two 7) ……………. are there on one side of the road while
8)…………………. are there on either side of the road. One bird is 9) …………… a worm on
the 10)……………. and the other one is flying over the 11) …..………... . The whole road
seems to be covered with rain water.
Test 4
❖ Fill in the banks in the following dialogue using the words given in brackets. The first
one is done for you. (05 marks )
(at, with,to, in for, of, with)
Shani : Good morning! Uncle.


Uncle : Good morning Shani.
Shani : Where are you going so early in the morning?
Uncle : I’m going. 2......... Pinnawala.
Shani : Really how nice
Uncle : I’m waiting friend. He will come in his car 4.............his son
Shani : Ok uncle. our train leaves 5.......... six from Fort. I’m going for netball
practices . We have a match 6......... Under 21 team 7.. ........
Sangamiththa Girls' school.
Uncle : Good luck Shan!
Shani : Thank you uncle. Have a wonderful day!

Test 5
Read the following dialogue between Chenitha and Evin at a job agency. Fill in the blanks of the
summary given below. Select a suitable word/ phrase from the dialogue. The first one is done for
you. (5 marks)
Evin : Good morning. I’m Evin, one of the agency representatives. How can I help
Chenitha : Hi Evin, I’m Chenitha. I think we spoke over the phone regarding a job
vacancy, didn’t we?
Evin : That’s right. We did. Thank you for sending your CV. We have a job that might
be suitable for you.
Chenitha : Really, what is it?
Evin : It’s a company in Negombo. They are looking for an administrative assistant.
Chenitha : Ok, what sort of a company is it?
Evin : They are called House Solutions and they design and make furniture.
Chenitha : Oh, I don’t know much about that, but it sounds interesting.
Evin : Yes, they want someone responsible for data entry operating in their office.
Chenitha : Really? I have some experience regarding that.
Evin : That’s one thing they want. Also they expect the person they appoint to attend
meetings and take notes on them. Computer literacy and good interpersonal skills
will be the other requirements.


Chenitha : I think that would be alright as I have more than three years of experience in that
Evin : That’s good Chenitha, as they request for minimum two years of experience. I’ll
arrange an interview with them within two weeks. Good luck.
Chenitha : Thank you very much Evin.
1. The job mentioned in the dialogue: administrative assistant
2. The company produces : …………………….
3. Expected responsibilities are :
• data entry operating
• attend ………………. and take notes
4. Other requirements are :
• ……………………………
• ……………………………
5. Experience needed : ………………. two years of experience in the relevant field.

Test 06
Annual prize giving of Sumangala M. V will be held on 10th November 2022. Imagine you are
the secretary of the Prize giving committee and write an invitation for the parents of all prize
winners of the school. Use about 40- 50 words . (05 marks)
Include the following
Time Venue Chief guest

Test 07

Read the following story and answer the questions .

Once there lived a girl by the name Seetha. Her parents were poor, and she too was poor. They
had two cows which gave them milk. They sold the milk and bought their food and clothes.
Seetha’s birthday came around and on that day her mother gave her pot of milk saying., “Sell
this milk and buy some sweets for yourself”. Seetha was very happy and went away with the pot
of milk on her head.

On her way however she began to think “why must I waste this money on sweets? I shall buy a
hen and some eggs with it. The hen will sit on them and after about three weeks there will be
small chicks. I shall feed them well and help them grow. After about eight months the hens will
lay eggs and I shall sell them and buy a beautiful saree and a jacket to wear. I shall look smart


and pretty in my new dress. I shall then go on street s tossing my head at the other girls. With
that she tossed her head, and the pot of milk fell on the ground. Full of tears the unhappy girl
went back home, Without sweets and without the saree.

1. Were Seetha’s parents rich?

a) yes b) no c) Not sure
2. Was Seetha a proud girl?
a) Yes b) no c) not sure
3. Does Seetha have a sheep?
a) Yes b) no c) not sure
4. What happened to milk?
a) Taken by someone
b) Pot of milk fell down
c) Brother took it
5 Why did she cry?
a) She felt unhappy
b) She felt happy
c) She was annoyed

Test 8
Write a paragraph on one of the following topics. Use about 50 to 60 words. (5 marks)
a) My faovourite story book
b) An inspiring person in my life


Test 9
Complete the sentences by underlining the correct word from the words given within brackets.
(5 marks)
1. This coat is too big for me. Can you please …………………………… (sew, alter,
smaller) it.
2. We have to ………………………. ( apply, put, paste) butter on slices of bread before
making the sandwiches.
3. Don’t …………………………….. (fold, scribble, read) on books.
4. Mom, shall I ……………………………. (peel, fry, skin) the pineapple?
5. You should …………………………….. (cut, paint, trim) your nails short.

Test 10
Raini in Grade 8 class became the reading star of the month of September in Olu Maha
Vidyalaya. Given below are some statements/questions from the conversation that took place
among her friends. Rewrite each of them using reported speech. The first one is done for you. (5

(1) Raini: “I read Madolduwa last month.”

Raini said that she had read Madolduwa in the previous month.
(2) Santhu: “Martin Wickramasinghe wrote it in 1947.”
Santhu said that Martin Wickramasinghe ………………………………………..
(3) Raini: “The book sets a wonderful example of courage.”
Raini said that ……………………………………………………………………
(4) Raini: “My elder brother is reading it now at home.”
Raini said that her younger brother ………………………………………………
(5) Nethuli: “Where can I buy the book?”
Nethuli wanted to know where …………………………………………………..
(6) Anuki: “I will borrow it from the class library and read.”
Anuki said that …………………………………………………………………...
Test 11
Fill in the blanks with the words given in the box. There is one extra word. (7 marks)

these, destruction, being, raising, in, gases, changes, prediction, will, pollution, are,
end, and, after, reduce


Throughout Europe, and also in other areas of the world such as India, China and parts of
America, forests are 1) …………………. destroyed. According to one 2) ………………………,
90% of Germany’s forests 3)……………………… have vanished by the 4) ……………….....
Of the century. This 5)……………….... is caused by air 6) ……………… . Power stations and
cars 7) …………….…….. mainly responsible- they emit 8) ………………………….. into the
air which, 9) …................. a series of chemical 10) ….………………..., turn into toxic acids.
(11) ……………………………… acids fall as “acid rain”, 12) ..………………. the level of
acidity 13) .................................... the soil, in lakes 14) …………………….. in revers to
dangerous levels and destroying not only trees but also fish and other wild life.

Test 12
Join each of these pairs of sentences to form a complete sentence using the words given in the
box. You can use one word only once. The first one is done for you. (5 marks)

while, but, when, which, who, where

(1) I like to eat rice and curry for breakfast.

I don’t like bread for breakfast.
I like to eat rice and curry for breakfast but I don’t like bread.
(2) Last Sunday I went to the Lotus Tower.
It is the highest tower in Sri Lanka.
(3) We spent the day in Nuwara Eliya.
We could see the Piduruthalagala mountain.
(4) My father started watching the television.
He was drinking a cup of tea.
(5) My mother enjoyed doing crossword puzzles.
She was old then.
(6) Nethuli is a young writer.
She wrote many books for children.
Test 13
Read the poem and answer the questions given below. (5 marks)
I am always late
I am always late for school;
The reason why is obvious.
I am always in the pool,


So much, it is obnoxious.

When I don’t get there on time,

The teachers are so sad.
But if I could read and rhyme,
Surely they’d be glad.

I don’t know why I do this,

But I don’t think it’s a crime.
To be late again and again,
And again from time to time.

I am always late for school,

It drives the teachers crazy.
They tell me not to be a fool,
But I’m not, I’m just lazy!

1. Why is the poet late to school?

2. When are the teachers sad?
3. Does the poet think that it’s a crime to be late again and again?
4. What do the teachers tell the poet?
5. Write two pairs of rhyming words.
1) …………………………………….……..
2) ……………………………………………


Test 14
You are the class librarian in your class. Your English teacher asked you to write a letter to the
manager of a famous bookshop in your area to order some books for the class library. Include the
following information. Use about 100 words. (10 marks)
(a) The age group of the students (c) The amount of money you can spend
(b) The books you need and the quantity (d) Mode of payment
The following table indicates the extra-curricular activities that 250 students in Grade 10 and 11
like to take part in your school. Write a description based on the information given in the table.
Use about 100 words. (10 marks)
Number Percentage (%)
1 Scrabble Tournaments 30 12
2 Field Trips 60 24
3 English Camps 20 8
4 Exhibitions 56 22.4
5 Quiz Programs 20 8
6 Debates 14 5.6
7 Media Clubs 50 20

Test 15
Read the following text and answer the questions given below.
It was a sunny, clear day when two brothers named Jim and Ben went out on the boat to catch
some fish, although their father asked them not to step out of the house. They jumped on to the
boat with fishing rods in their hands. Both the brothers had been out on the boat five times
before. The water was sparkling and the sun was shining. They had no clue that a huge disaster
was about to occur.
The brothers were sitting in the boat out on the water when large, dark, grey clouds started to
form in the sky. Suddenly, enormous drops of rain started to fall. Lightening lit up the sky. Loud
roars of thunder boomed around them. The water started to rock the boat. The brothers kept
falling off their feet.
The brothers were so scared that they were going to fall into the water! They grabbed on tight to
the boat and shut their eyes. Both the boys were trembling and frightened. Every bang and crash
filled them with fear. They felt like whole boat was going to capsize!
The water kept coming. The lightning and thunder kept flashing and booming. They ran to the
radio to call for help. But there was nothing but static. They tried desperately to steer the boat
safely, failing started screaming and crying out. Suddenly their eyes lit. They saw their dad
coming towards them in a boat to rescue.” How nice it was if we had listened to dad in the
morning,” said Jim. “Parents are always loveable.” said Ben.
(1) State whether the following statements are True or False by putting a tick( ) in the relevant
column true mark.
True False
a.The two boys listened to their father
b.This was the first time that the two brothers were out on the boat.
c.The boys were scared and was shivering.
d.Their father was able to rescue the boys.
(1/2 x 4=02 marks)
(2) Underline the phrase that is closet in meaning to the following.
(a)” occur” in paragraph 1
(i) do (ii) go
(iii) fall down (iv) happen
(b)” Capsize” in paragraph 3
(i) Up side down (ii) row down
(iii) falling down (iv) break down
(1x 2=02 marks)
(3) Write a word similar in meaning to “enormous”
………………………………………………… (01 marks)
(4) What do the following words in the text refer to?
(i)” Them” in paragraph 2 line 3 :-………………………………….
(ii)” Their” in paragraph 4 line 3 :-………………………………….
(1/2 x 2=01 marks)
(5) Write the line that says that it began to rain heavily.
………………………………………………………… (01 marks)
(6) Underline the most suitable subheading for the 1st paragraph.
(i) Setting out to the sea.
(ii) How they planned the journey.
(iii) How the two boys got ready to escape.
(iv) Parental love. (01 marks)


Test 16
Write on one of the following. Use about 200 words. (15 marks)
(a) Write an article to the school magazine on the following topic.
“Recreation and Leisure in our lives”
▪ what recreation and leisure activities are?
▪ how we can have them in our lives
▪ benefits of having recreation and leisure
(b) Imagine you are the Secretary of the Social Services Club in your school. You have been
selected to make a speech at the assembly on “Value of being helpful to people”
▪ how we can help people
▪ what benefits we can gain from it
▪ its impact to the society

(c) Write an essay on “How public transportation helps a country”

▪ the mostly used modes of public transport in the country
▪ the advantages of public transportation
▪ the disadvantages of public transportation
▪ how can we promote public transportation in a country?
(d) Write a story. Begin as follows.
I woke up with a start, opened the door and came out to feel the heavy drops of the rain. It
was unbelievable. ….


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