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V2 Industry Codes April 2022

1 Farming, Ranching, Forestry Farming, Ranching, Forestry This industry includes entities that grow crops, raise
animals, harvest timber, and harvest fish and other animals
1 from a farm, ranch, or their natural habitats.
63 Farming Farming, Ranching, Forestry > This industry includes entities that grow crops mainly for
Farming food and fiber, such as farms, orchards, groves,
2 greenhouses, and nurseries.
150 Horticulture Farming, Ranching, Forestry > This industry includes entities that cultivate garden plants,
Farming > Horticulture such as fruits, vegetables, flowers, and ornamentals.
256 Ranching and Fisheries Farming, Ranching, Forestry > This industry includes entities that raise or fatten animals
Ranching and Fisheries and/or raise aquatic plants and aquatic animals in
controlled or selected aquatic environments. This includes
ranches, farms, and feedlots that keep animals for the
4 products they produce or for eventual sale.
64 Ranching Farming, Ranching, Forestry > This industry includes entities that raise cattle, milk dairy
5 Ranching and Fisheries > Ranching cattle, or feed cattle for fattening.
66 Fisheries Farming, Ranching, Forestry > This industry includes entities that commercially catch
Ranching and Fisheries > Fisheries finfish, shellfish, or miscellaneous marine products from a
natural habitat, such as bluefish, eels, salmon, tuna, clams,
crabs, lobsters, mussels, oysters, shrimp, frogs, sea urchins,
6 and turtles.
298 Forestry and Logging Farming, Ranching, Forestry > This industry includes entities that grow and harvest timber
Forestry and Logging on a long production cycle (i.e., of 10 years or more).
332 Oil, Gas, and Mining Oil, Gas, and Mining This industry includes entities that extract naturally
occurring mineral solids, such as coal and ores; liquid
minerals, such as crude petroleum; and gases, such as
natural gas. Included are entities that provide quarrying,
well operations, and other preparation customarily
8 performed as a part of mining activity.
V2 Industry Codes April 2022

57 Oil and Gas Oil, Gas, and Mining > Oil and Gas This industry includes entities that operate and/or develop
oil and gas field properties. Crude petroleum production,
extraction of oil from oil shale and oil sands, production of
natural gas, sulfur recovery from natural gas, and recovery
9 of hydrocarbon liquids are included.
3095 Oil Extraction Oil, Gas, and Mining > Oil and Gas > This industry includes entities that focus on the
Oil Extraction exploration, development, and/or the production of
petroleum from wells in which the hydrocarbons will
initially flow or can be produced using normal or enhanced
drilling and extraction techniques or on the production of
crude petroleum from surface shales or tar sands or from
reservoirs in which the hydrocarbons are semisolids.
3096 Natural Gas Extraction Oil, Gas, and Mining > Oil and Gas > This industry includes entities that focus on the
Natural Gas Extraction exploration, development, and/or the production of
natural gas from wells in which the hydrocarbons will
initially flow or can be produced using normal or enhanced
drilling and extraction techniques or the recovery of liquid
hydrocarbons from oil and gas field gases.
56 Mining Oil, Gas, and Mining > Mining This industry includes entities that mine, develop mine
sites, and prepare metallic minerals and nonmetallic
12 minerals, including coal.
13 341 Coal Mining Oil, Gas, and Mining > Mining > Coal This industry includes entities that:
Mining 1. Mine bituminous coal, anthracite, and lignite by
underground mining, auger mining, strip mining, culm bank
14 mining, and other surface mining;
15 2. Develop coal mine sites
3. Beneficiate coal (e.g., clean, wash, screen, and size coal).
V2 Industry Codes April 2022

345 Metal Ore Mining Oil, Gas, and Mining > Mining > This industry includes entities that develop mine sites or
Metal Ore Mining mine metallic minerals, and those that dress ore or
beneficiate (e.g., crush, grind, wash, dry, sinter,
17 concentrate, calcine, and leach).
356 Nonmetallic Mineral Mining Oil, Gas, and Mining > Mining > This industry includes entities that develop mine sites, or
Nonmetallic Mineral Mining mine or quarry nonmetallic minerals (except fuels).
Included are certain well and brine operations, and
preparation plants that beneficiate (e.g., crush, grind,
18 wash, and concentrate) nonmetallic minerals.
59 Utilities Utilities This industry includes entities that provide electric power,
natural gas, steam supply, water supply, and sewage
removal. Electric power includes generation, transmission,
and distribution; natural gas includes distribution; steam
supply includes provision and/or distribution; water supply
includes treatment and distribution; and sewage removal
includes collection, treatment, and disposal through sewer
systems and treatment facilities.
382 Electric Power Transmission, Control, Utilities > Electric Power This industry includes entities that operate electric power
and Distribution Transmission, Control, and transmission systems; control (i.e., regulate voltages) the
Distribution transmission of electricity; and/or distribute electricity to
distribution centers, other electric utilities, or final
20 consumers.
383 Electric Power Generation Utilities > Electric Power Generation This industry includes entities that operate electric power
generation facilities. These facilities convert other forms of
energy, such as water power (i.e., hydroelectric), fossil
fuels, nuclear power, and solar power, into electrical
energy provided to transmission or electric power
21 distribution systems.
V2 Industry Codes April 2022

384 Hydroelectric Power Generation Utilities > Electric Power Generation This industry includes entities that operate hydroelectric
> Hydroelectric Power Generation power generation facilities. These facilities use water
power to drive a turbine and produce electric energy
provided to transmission or electric power distribution
22 systems.
385 Fossil Fuel Electric Power Generation Utilities > Electric Power Generation This industry includes entities that operate fossil-fuel-
> Fossil Fuel Electric Power powered electric power generation facilities. These
Generation facilities use fossil fuels (coal, oil, or gas) in internal
combustion or combustion-turbine conventional steam
processes to produce electric energy provided to
23 transmission or electric power distribution systems.
386 Nuclear Electric Power Generation Utilities > Electric Power Generation This industry includes entities that operate nuclear electric
> Nuclear Electric Power Generation power generation facilities. These facilities use nuclear
power to produce electric energy provided to transmission
24 or electric power distribution systems.
387 Solar Electric Power Generation Utilities > Electric Power Generation This industry includes entities that operate solar electric
> Solar Electric Power Generation power generation facilities. These facilities use energy from
25 the sun to produce electric energy.
2489 Wind Electric Power Generation Utilities > Electric Power Generation This industry includes entities that operate wind electric
> Wind Electric Power Generation power generation facilities to drive turbines and produce
electric energy for electric power transmission systems or
26 for electric power distribution systems.
389 Geothermal Electric Power Utilities > Electric Power Generation This industry includes entities that operate geothermal
Generation > Geothermal Electric Power electric power generation facilities. These facilities use
Generation heat derived from the Earth to produce electric energy
provided to transmission or electric power distribution
27 systems.
390 Biomass Electric Power Generation Utilities > Electric Power Generation This industry includes entities that operate biomass electric
> Biomass Electric Power power generation facilities. These facilities use biomass
Generation (wood, waste, alcohol fuels) to produce electric energy
provided to transmission or electric power distribution
28 systems.
V2 Industry Codes April 2022

29 397 Natural Gas Distribution Utilities > Natural Gas Distribution This industry includes entities that:
30 1. Operate gas distribution systems (e.g., mains, meters)
2. Buy gas from the well and sell it to a distribution system
31 (i.e., gas marketers
3. Arrange the sale of gas over gas distribution systems
32 operated by others (i.e., gas brokers or agents)
33 4. Transmit and distribute gas to final consumers.
34 398 Water, Waste, Steam, and Air Utilities > Water, Waste, Steam, and This industry includes entities that:
Conditioning Services Air Conditioning Services 1. Operate water treatment plants and/or water supply
35 systems
36 2. Operate sewer systems or sewage treatment facilities
37 3. Provide steam, heated air, or cooled air.
400 Water Supply and Irrigation Systems Utilities > Water, Waste, Steam, and This industry includes entities that operate treatment
Air Conditioning Services > Water plants and/or water supply systems. This may include
Supply and Irrigation Systems pumping stations, aqueducts, and/or distribution mains,
38 for water used for drinking, irrigation, or other uses.
404 Steam and Air-Conditioning Supply Utilities > Water, Waste, Steam, and This industry includes entities that provide steam, heated
Air Conditioning Services > Steam air, or cooled air. The steam distribution may be through
39 and Air-Conditioning Supply mains.
1981 Waste Collection Utilities > Water, Waste, Steam, and This industry includes entities that collect and/or haul
Air Conditioning Services > Waste hazardous waste, nonhazardous waste, and/or recyclable
Collection materials within a local area and/or operate hazardous or
nonhazardous waste transfer stations and may be
responsible for the identification, treatment, packaging,
and labeling of waste for the purposes of transport.
1986 Waste Treatment and Disposal Utilities > Water, Waste, Steam, and This industry includes entities that operate waste
Air Conditioning Services > Waste treatment or disposal facilities (except sewer systems or
Treatment and Disposal sewage treatment facilities). Waste combustors or
incinerators, solid waste landfills, and compost dumps are
41 included in this industry; auto wreckers are not.
V2 Industry Codes April 2022

48 Construction Construction This industry includes entities that construct buildings or
engineer projects (e.g., highways and utility systems) and
42 perform specific activities (e.g., painting and plumbing).
406 Building Construction Construction > Building This industry includes entities that construct buildings,
Construction including temporary buildings and precut, panelized, and
prefabricated buildings assembled on-site. New work,
additions, alterations, or maintenance and repairs are also
43 included.
408 Residential Building Construction Construction > Building This industry includes entities that construct or remodel
Construction > Residential Building and renovate single-family and multifamily residential
Construction buildings. Included are residential housing general
contractors (i.e., new construction, remodeling, or
renovating existing residential structures), for-sale builders
and remodelers of residential structures, residential
project construction management firms, and residential
44 design-build firms.
413 Nonresidential Building Construction Construction > Building This industry includes entities that construct nonresidential
Construction > Nonresidential buildings (including new work, additions, alterations,
Building Construction[] maintenance, and repairs). This includes the work of
nonresidential general contractors, nonresidential for-sale
builders, nonresidential design-build firms, and
nonresidential project construction management firms.
51 Civil Engineering Construction > Civil Engineering This industry includes entities that conduct engineering
projects such as the construction of highways, dams, and
46 utility systems.
V2 Industry Codes April 2022

419 Utility System Construction Construction > Civil Engineering > This industry includes entities that construct distribution
Utility System Construction lines and related buildings and structures for utilities (i.e.,
water, sewer, petroleum, gas, power, and communication).
All structures (including buildings) that are integral parts of
utility systems (e.g., storage tanks, pumping stations,
power plants, and refineries) are included.
428 Subdivision of Land Construction > Civil Engineering > This industry includes entities that service land and
Subdivision of Land subdivide property into lots for subsequent sale to
builders. This may include excavation work for the
installation of roads and utility lines. Entities that perform
only the legal subdivision of land are not included.
431 Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction > Civil Engineering > This industry includes entities that construct highways
Construction Highway, Street, and Bridge (including elevated), streets, roads, airport runways, public
Construction sidewalks, or bridges. The work performed may include
new work, reconstruction, rehabilitation, and repairs.
435 Specialty Trade Contractors Construction > Specialty Trade This industry includes entities that perform specific
Contractors activities (e.g., pouring concrete, site preparation,
plumbing, painting, and electrical work) involved in
building construction or similar construction work, but are
not responsible for the entire project. This includes new
work, additions, alterations, maintenance, and repairs.
436 Building Structure and Exterior Construction > Specialty Trade This industry includes entities that provide specialty trades
Contractors Contractors > Building Structure and needed to complete the basic structure (i.e., foundation,
Exterior Contractors frame, and shell) of buildings. This includes new work,
additions, alterations, maintenance, and repairs.
V2 Industry Codes April 2022

453 Building Equipment Contractors Construction > Specialty Trade This industry includes entities that install or service
Contractors > Building Equipment equipment that forms part of a building mechanical system
Contractors (e.g., electricity, water, heating, and cooling). Contractors
installing specialized building equipment, such as elevators,
escalators, service station equipment, and central vacuum
52 cleaning systems are also included.
460 Building Finishing Contractors Construction > Specialty Trade This industry includes entities that provide specialty trades
Contractors > Building Finishing needed to finish buildings. This includes new work,
53 Contractors additions, alterations, maintenance, and repairs.
25 Manufacturing Manufacturing This industry includes entities that use mechanical,
physical, or chemical transformation of materials,
substances, or components to create new products.
Included are entities that assemble component parts of
54 manufactured products.
23 Food and Beverage Manufacturing Manufacturing > Food and Beverage This industry includes entities that transform livestock and
Manufacturing agricultural products into products for intermediate or final
consumption, typically sold to wholesalers or retailers for
distribution to consumers; retailers of bakery and candy
products made on the premises not for immediate
55 consumption are included.
481 Animal Feed Manufacturing Manufacturing > Food and Beverage This industry includes entities that manufacture food and
Manufacturing > Animal Feed feed for animals from ingredients, such as grains, oilseed
56 Manufacturing mill products, and meat products.
495 Sugar and Confectionery Product Manufacturing > Food and Beverage This industry includes entities that process agricultural
Manufacturing Manufacturing > Sugar and inputs, such as sugarcane, beet, and cacao, to give rise to a
Confectionery Product new product (sugar or chocolate) and those that begin with
57 Manufacturing sugar and chocolate and process these further.
504 Fruit and Vegetable Preserves Manufacturing > Food and Beverage This industry includes entities that freeze food and use
Manufacturing Manufacturing > Fruit and preservation processes such as pickling, canning, and
Vegetable Preserves Manufacturing dehydrating. Production processes begin with inputs of
58 vegetable or animal origin.
V2 Industry Codes April 2022

65 Dairy Product Manufacturing Manufacturing > Food and Beverage This industry includes entities that manufacture dairy
Manufacturing > Dairy Product products from raw milk, processed milk, and dairy
59 Manufacturing substitutes.
521 Meat Products Manufacturing Manufacturing > Food and Beverage This industry includes entities that slaughter animals,
Manufacturing > Meat Products prepare processed meats and meat byproducts, and render
Manufacturing and/or refine animal fat, bones, and meat scraps. Entities
that assembly cut and pack meats (i.e., boxed meats) from
60 purchased carcasses are included.
61 528 Seafood Product Manufacturing Manufacturing > Food and Beverage This industry includes entities that:
62 Manufacturing > Seafood Product 1. Can seafood (including soup)
63 Manufacturing 2. Smoke, salt, and dry seafood
3. Eviscerate fresh fish by removing heads, fins, scales,
64 bones, and entrails
65 4. Shuck and pack fresh shellfish
66 5. Process marine fats and oils
6. Freeze seafood. Factory ships that gather and process
67 seafood into canned seafood products are included.
68 529 Baked Goods Manufacturing Manufacturing > Food and Beverage This industry includes entities that:
Manufacturing > Baked Goods 1. Manufacture fresh and frozen bread and other bakery
69 Manufacturing products
2. Retail bread and other bakery products not for
immediate consumption made on the premises from flour,
70 not from prepared dough
3. Manufacture cookies, crackers, dry pasta, tortillas, or
prepared flour mixes or dough from flour ground
71 elsewhere.
142 Beverage Manufacturing Manufacturing > Food and Beverage This industry includes entities that manufacture soft drinks
Manufacturing > Beverage and ice; purify and bottle water; and manufacture brewery,
72 Manufacturing winery, and distillery products.
2500 Wineries Manufacturing > Food and Beverage This industry includes entities that focus on one or more of
73 Manufacturing > > Wineries the following:
V2 Industry Codes April 2022

1. Growing grapes and manufacturing wines and brandies
2. Manufacturing wines and brandies from grapes and
75 other fruits grown elsewhere
76 3. Blending wines and brandies.
562 Breweries Manufacturing > Food and Beverage This industry includes entities that brew beer, ale, lager,
Manufacturing > > Breweries malt liquors, and nonalcoholic beer.
564 Distilleries Manufacturing > Food and Beverage This industry includes entities that distill potable liquors
Manufacturing > > Distilleries (except brandies), distill and blend liquors, and/or blend
78 and mix liquors and other ingredients.
21 Tobacco Manufacturing Manufacturing > Tobacco This industry includes entities that stem and redry tobacco
Manufacturing and/or manufacture cigarettes and other tobacco
79 products.
60 Textile Manufacturing Manufacturing > Textile This industry includes entities that transform a basic fiber
Manufacturing (natural or synthetic) into a product, such as yarn or fabric
that is further manufactured into usable items, such as
sheets, towels, and textile bags for individual or industrial
80 consumption.
598 Apparel Manufacturing Manufacturing > Apparel This industry includes entities that purchase fabric and cut
Manufacturing and sew to make a garment, and those that first knit fabric
and then cut and sew to make a garment. This includes
apparel contractors that cut or sew on materials owned by
others, jobbers who perform entrepreneurial functions in
apparel manufacturing, and tailors who manufacture
custom garments for individual clients.
V2 Industry Codes April 2022

615 Fashion Accessories Manufacturing Manufacturing > Apparel This industry includes entities that manufacture apparel
Manufacturing > Fashion and accessories (except apparel knitting mills and cut and
Accessories Manufacturing sew apparel), including jobbers who perform
entrepreneurial functions in apparel accessories
manufacturing. Example products include belts, caps,
gloves (except medical, sporting, safety), hats, and
82 neckties.
616 Leather Product Manufacturing Manufacturing > Leather Product This industry includes entities that transform hides into
Manufacturing leather by tanning or curing and fabricating the leather into
products (except apparel). Included is the manufacture of
similar products made from leather substitutes, such as
rubber footwear, textile luggage, and plastic wallets.
622 Footwear Manufacturing Manufacturing > Leather Product This industry includes entities that manufacture footwear
Manufacturing > Footwear (except orthopedic extension footwear).
84 Manufacturing
625 Women's Handbag Manufacturing Manufacturing > Leather Product This industry includes entities that manufacture women's
Manufacturing > Women's Handbag handbags and purses of any material (except precious
85 Manufacturing metal).
784 Wood Product Manufacturing Manufacturing > Wood Product This industry includes entities that manufacture wood
Manufacturing products, such as lumber, plywood, veneers, wood
containers, wood flooring, wood trusses, manufactured
homes (i.e., mobile homes), and prefabricated wood
86 buildings.
61 Paper and Forest Product Manufacturing > Paper and Forest This industry includes entities that make pulp, paper, or
87 Manufacturing Product Manufacturing converted paper products.
83 Printing Services Manufacturing > Printing Services This industry includes entities that print on apparel and
textile products, paper, metal, glass, plastics, and other
88 materials, except fabric (grey goods).
V2 Industry Codes April 2022

679 Oil and Coal Product Manufacturing Manufacturing > Oil and Coal This industry includes entities that transform crude
Product Manufacturing petroleum and coal into usable products, as well as entities
that further process refined petroleum and coal products
to produce products such as asphalt coatings and
89 petroleum lubricating oils.
54 Chemical Manufacturing Manufacturing > Chemical This industry includes entities that transform organic and
Manufacturing inorganic raw materials by a chemical process and
formulate products. It includes the production of basic
chemicals as well as intermediate and end products
90 produced by further processing basic chemicals.
690 Chemical Raw Materials Manufacturing > Chemical This industry includes entities that manufacture chemicals
Manufacturing Manufacturing > Chemical Raw using basic processes, such as thermal cracking and
Materials Manufacturing distillation. These chemicals are usually separate chemical
elements or separate chemically-defined compounds.
703 Artificial Rubber and Synthetic Fiber Manufacturing > Chemical This industry includes entities that manufacture synthetic
Manufacturing Manufacturing > Artificial Rubber resins, plastics materials, and nonvulcanizable elastomers
and Synthetic Fiber Manufacturing and mixing and blending resins; synthetic rubber; and
cellulosic (e.g., rayon, acetate) and noncellulosic (e.g.,
nylon, polyolefin, polyester) fibers, including in the form of
monofilament, filament yarn, staple, or tow.
93 709 Agricultural Chemical Manufacturing Manufacturing > Chemical This industry includes entities that manufacture:
Manufacturing > Agricultural 1. Nitrogenous or phosphatic fertilizer materials with or
94 Chemical Manufacturing without mixing with other ingredients into fertilizers
95 2. Mixing ingredients made elsewhere into fertilizers
3. Fertilizers from sewage or animal waste. Included are
entities that formulate and prepare pesticides and other
96 agricultural chemicals.
97 15 Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Manufacturing > Chemical This industry includes entities that:
98 Manufacturing > Pharmaceutical 1. Manufacture biological and medicinal products
99 Manufacturing 2. Process botanical drugs and herbs
V2 Industry Codes April 2022

3. Isolate active medicinal principals from botanical drugs
100 and herbs
4. Manufacture pharmaceutical products intended for
internal and external consumption in such forms as
ampoules, tablets, capsules, vials, ointments, powders,
101 solutions, and suspensions.
722 Paint, Coating, and Adhesive Manufacturing > Chemical This industry includes entities that mix pigments, solvents,
Manufacturing Manufacturing > Paint, Coating, and and binders into paints and other coatings, as well as those
Adhesive Manufacturing that manufacture allied paint products, adhesives, glues,
102 and caulking compounds.
727 Soap and Cleaning Product Manufacturing > Chemical This industry includes entities that manufacture and
Manufacturing Manufacturing > Soap and Cleaning package soaps and other cleaning compounds, surface
Product Manufacturing active agents, and textile and leather finishing agents used
103 to reduce tension or speed the drying process.
18 Personal Care Product Manufacturing > Chemical This industry includes entities that prepare, blend,
Manufacturing Manufacturing > Personal Care compound, and package toiletry preparations, such as
Product Manufacturing perfumes, shaving preparations, hair preparations, face
creams, lotions (including sunscreens), and other cosmetic
104 preparations.
743 Plastics and Rubber Product Manufacturing > Plastics and This industry includes entities that make goods by
Manufacturing Rubber Product Manufacturing processing plastics materials and raw rubber, generally
105 restricted to products made solely of plastics or rubber.
117 Plastics Manufacturing Manufacturing > Plastics and This industry includes entities that process new or spent
Rubber Product Manufacturing > (i.e., recycled) plastics resins into intermediate or final
Plastics Manufacturing products, using such processes as compression molding,
extrusion molding, injection molding, blow molding, and
106 casting.
146 Packaging and Containers Manufacturing > Plastics and This industry includes entities that convert plastics resins
Manufacturing Rubber Product Manufacturing > into plastics packaging (flexible) film and packaging sheet.
Packaging and Containers
107 Manufacturing
V2 Industry Codes April 2022

763 Rubber Products Manufacturing Manufacturing > Plastics and This industry includes entities that process natural,
Rubber Product Manufacturing > synthetic, or reclaimed rubber materials into intermediate
Rubber Products Manufacturing or final products using processes, such as vulcanizing,
cementing, molding, extruding, and lathe-cutting.
145 Glass, Ceramics and Concrete Manufacturing > Glass, Ceramics This industry includes entities that transform mined or
Manufacturing and Concrete Manufacturing quarried nonmetallic minerals, such as sand, gravel, stone,
clay, and refractory materials, into products for
109 intermediate or final consumption.
773 Clay and Refractory Products Manufacturing > Glass, Ceramics This industry includes entities that shape, mold, glaze, and
Manufacturing and Concrete Manufacturing > Clay fire pottery, ceramics, and plumbing fixtures, and electrical
and Refractory Products supplies made entirely or partly of clay or other ceramic
Manufacturing materials or shape, mold, bake, burn, or harden clay
refractories, nonclay refractories, ceramic tile, structural
clay tile, brick, and other structural clay building materials.
779 Glass Product Manufacturing Manufacturing > Glass, Ceramics This industry includes entities that manufacture glass
and Concrete Manufacturing > Glass and/or glass products by melting silica sand or cullet, or
111 Product Manufacturing from purchased glass.
794 Lime and Gypsum Products Manufacturing > Glass, Ceramics This industry includes entities that manufacture lime from
Manufacturing and Concrete Manufacturing > Lime calcitic limestone, dolomitic limestone, or other calcareous
and Gypsum Products materials or manufacturing gypsum products.
112 Manufacturing
799 Abrasives and Nonmetallic Minerals Manufacturing > Glass, Ceramics This industry includes entities that manufacture
Manufacturing and Concrete Manufacturing > nonmetallic mineral products (except clay products,
Abrasives and Nonmetallic Minerals refractory products, glass products, cement and concrete
113 Manufacturing products, lime, and gypsum products).
807 Primary Metal Manufacturing Manufacturing > Primary Metal This industry includes entities that smelt and/or refine
Manufacturing ferrous and nonferrous metals from ore, pig or scrap, using
electrometallurgical and other process metallurgical
114 techniques.
V2 Industry Codes April 2022

840 Fabricated Metal Products Manufacturing > Fabricated Metal This industry includes entities that transform metal into
Products intermediate or end products, or treat metals and metal
formed products fabricated elsewhere. This industry does
not include machinery, computers and electronics, or
metal furniture. This industry includes firearms
115 manufacturing.
849 Cutlery and Handtool Manufacturing Manufacturing > Fabricated Metal This industry includes entities that manufacture one or
116 Products > Cutlery and Handtool more of the following:
Manufacturing 1. Metal kitchen cookware (except by casting (e.g., cast
iron skillets) or stamped without further fabrication),
utensils, and/or nonprecious and precious plated metal
117 cutlery and flatware
2. Saw blades, all types (including those for power sawing
118 machines);
119 3. Nonpowered handtools and edge tools.
852 Architectural and Structural Metal Manufacturing > Fabricated Metal This industry includes entities that manufacture one or
120 Manufacturing Products > Architectural and more of the following:
121 Structural Metal Manufacturing 1. Prefabricated metal buildings, panels and sections
122 2. Structural metal products
123 3. Metal plate work products
4. Metal framed windows (i.e., typically using purchased
124 glass) and metal doors
125 5. Sheet metal work
126 6. Ornamental and architectural metal products.
127 861 Boilers, Tanks, and Shipping Manufacturing > Fabricated Metal This industry includes entities that:
128 Container Manufacturing Products > Boilers, Tanks, and 1. Manufacture power boilers and heat exchangers
Shipping Container Manufacturing 2. Cut, form, and join heavy gauge metal to manufacture
129 tanks, vessels, and other containers
130 3. Form light gauge metal containers.
871 Construction Hardware Manufacturing > Fabricated Metal This industry includes entities that manufacture metal
Manufacturing Products > Construction Hardware hardware, such as metal hinges, metal handles, keys, and
131 Manufacturing locks (except coin-operated or time locks).
V2 Industry Codes April 2022

873 Spring and Wire Product Manufacturing > Fabricated Metal This industry includes entities that manufacture steel
Manufacturing Products > Spring and Wire Product springs by forming, such as cutting, bending, and heat
Manufacturing winding, metal rod or strip stock and/or wire springs and
fabricated wire products from wire drawn elsewhere
132 (except watch and clock springs).
876 Turned Products and Fastener Manufacturing > Fabricated Metal This industry includes entities involved in one of the
133 Manufacturing Products > Turned Products and following:
Fastener Manufacturing 1. Operating machine shops for machining metal and
plastic parts and parts of other composite materials on a
134 job or order basis
135 2. Machining precision turned products
1. Manufacturing metal bolts, nuts, screws, rivets, and
136 other industrial fasteners.
883 Metal Treatments Manufacturing > Fabricated Metal This industry includes entities that perform one or more of
137 Products > Metal Treatments the following services for metals and metal products:
138 1. Heat treating
139 2. Enameling, lacquering, and varnishing
140 3. Hot dip galvanizing
141 4. Engraving, chasing, or etching
142 5. Powder coating
6. Electroplating, plating, anodizing, coloring, and finishing
144 7. Other metal surfacing services.
887 Metal Valve, Ball, and Roller Manufacturing > Fabricated Metal This industry includes entities that manufacture fabricated
Manufacturing Products > Metal Valve, Ball, and metal products like valves, balls, and rollers (except
Roller Manufacturing forgings and stampings, cutlery and handtools,
architectural and structural metals, boilers, tanks, shipping
containers, hardware, spring and wire products, machine
shop products, turned products, screws, and nuts and
145 bolts).
V2 Industry Codes April 2022

55 Machinery Manufacturing Manufacturing > Machinery This industry includes entities that create end products
Manufacturing that apply mechanical force, for example, the application
146 of gears and levers, to perform work.
901 Agriculture, Construction, Mining Manufacturing > Machinery This industry includes entities that manufacture one or
147 Machinery Manufacturing Manufacturing > Agriculture, more of the following:
Construction, Mining Machinery 1. Farm machinery and equipment, power mowing
Manufacturing equipment, and other powered home lawn and garden
148 equipment
2. Construction machinery, surface mining machinery, and
149 logging equipment
3. Oil and gas field and underground mining machinery and
150 equipment.
135 Industrial Machinery Manufacturing Manufacturing > Machinery This industry includes entities that manufacture industrial
Manufacturing > Industrial machinery, such as food and beverage manufacturing
Machinery Manufacturing machinery, semiconductor manufacturing machinery,
sawmill and woodworking machinery (except handheld),
machinery for making paper and paper products, printing
and binding machinery and equipment, textile making
machinery, and machinery for making plastics and rubber
151 products.
147 Automation Machinery Manufacturing > Machinery This industry includes entities that use control systems for
Manufacturing Manufacturing > Automation machinery, processes in factories, and human-machine
Machinery Manufacturing interfaces with minimal or reduced human intervention.
Control systems can be discrete, sequential, or
computerized, and range in complexity from household
temperature control to large industrial systems with multi-
variable high-level algorithms. Artificial neural networks,
motion control, and robotics are included.
V2 Industry Codes April 2022

918 Commercial and Service Industry Manufacturing > Machinery This industry includes entities that manufacture
Machinery Manufacturing Manufacturing > Commercial and commercial and service industry machinery, such as optical
Service Industry Machinery instruments, photographic and photocopying equipment,
Manufacturing automatic vending machinery, commercial laundry and
drycleaning machinery, office machinery, automotive
maintenance equipment (except mechanics’ handtools),
153 and commercial-type cooking equipment.
923 HVAC and Refrigeration Equipment Manufacturing > Machinery This industry includes entities that manufacture ventilating,
Manufacturing Manufacturing > HVAC and heating, air-conditioning, and commercial or industrial
Refrigeration Equipment refrigeration and freezer equipment.
154 Manufacturing
928 Metalworking Machinery Manufacturing > Machinery This industry includes entities that manufacture
Manufacturing Manufacturing > Metalworking metalworking machinery, such as metal cutting and metal
Machinery Manufacturing forming machine tools; cutting tools; accessories for
metalworking machinery; special dies, tools, jigs, and
fixtures; industrial molds; rolling mill machinery; assembly
machinery; coil handling, conversion, or straightening
equipment; and wire drawing and fabricating machines.
935 Engines and Power Transmission Manufacturing > Machinery This industry includes entities that manufacture turbines,
Equipment Manufacturing Manufacturing > Engines and Power power transmission equipment, and internal combustion
Transmission Equipment engines (except automotive, gasoline and aircraft).
156 Manufacturing
24 Computers and Electronics Manufacturing > Computers and This industry includes entities that manufacture
Manufacturing Electronics Manufacturing computers, computer peripherals, communications
equipment, and similar electronic products, and entities
157 that manufacture components for such products.
V2 Industry Codes April 2022

3 Computer Hardware Manufacturing Manufacturing > Computers and This industry includes entities that manufacture or
Electronics Manufacturing > assemble electronic computers, such as mainframes,
Computer Hardware Manufacturing personal computers, workstations, laptops, and computer
servers; and computer peripheral equipment, such as
storage devices, printers, monitors, and input/output
158 devices and terminals.
964 Communications Equipment Manufacturing > Computers and This industry includes entities that manufacture
Manufacturing Electronics Manufacturing > communications equipment such as wire telephone and
Communications Equipment data communications equipment, and radio or television
159 Manufacturing broadcast and wireless communications equipment.
973 Audio and Video Equipment Manufacturing > Computers and This industry includes entities that manufacture electronic
Manufacturing Electronics Manufacturing > Audio audio and video equipment for home entertainment,
and Video Equipment motor vehicles, and public address and musical instrument
160 Manufacturing amplification.
7 Semiconductor Manufacturing Manufacturing > Computers and This industry includes entities that manufacture
Electronics Manufacturing > semiconductors and other components for electronic
161 Semiconductor Manufacturing applications.
144 Renewable Energy Semiconductor This industry includes entities that manufacture
Manufacturing semiconductors and other components for use in
photovoltaic cells and other renewable energy
162 applications.
983 Measuring and Control Instrument Manufacturing > Computers and This industry includes entities that manufacture
Manufacturing Electronics Manufacturing > navigational, measuring, electromedical, and control
Measuring and Control Instrument instruments. Examples of products made by these entities
Manufacturing are aeronautical instruments, appliance regulators and
controls (except switches), laboratory analytical
instruments, navigation and guidance systems, and
163 physical properties testing equipment.
V2 Industry Codes April 2022

994 Magnetic and Optical Media Manufacturing > Computers and This industry includes entities that manufacture optical and
Manufacturing Electronics Manufacturing > magnetic media, such as blank audio tapes, blank video
Magnetic and Optical Media tapes, and blank diskettes, and/or mass duplicate (i.e.,
Manufacturing making copies) audio, video, software, and other data on
164 magnetic, optical, and similar media.
112 Appliances, Electrical, and Manufacturing > Appliances, This industry includes entities that manufacture products
Electronics Manufacturing Electrical, and Electronics that generate, distribute, and use electrical power,
Manufacturing including small and major electrical appliances and parts;
electric motors; devices for storing electrical power (e.g.,
batteries); for transmitting electricity (e.g., insulated wire);
and wiring devices (e.g., electrical outlets, fuse boxes, and
165 light switches).
166 998 Electric Lighting Equipment Manufacturing > Appliances, This industry includes entities that manufacture
Manufacturing Electrical, and Electronics 1. Electric light bulbs and tubes, and parts and components
Manufacturing > Electric Lighting (except glass blanks for electric light bulbs) or
167 Equipment Manufacturing
2. Electric lighting fixtures (except vehicular), nonelectric
lighting equipment, lamp shades (except glass and plastics),
and lighting fixture components (except current-carrying
168 wiring devices).
1005 Household Appliance Manufacturing Manufacturing > Appliances, This industry includes entities that manufacture small
Electrical, and Electronics electric appliances, electric housewares, and major
Manufacturing > Household household appliances.
169 Appliance Manufacturing
2468 Electrical Equipment Manufacturing Manufacturing > Appliances, This industry includes entities that manufacture power,
Electrical, and Electronics distribution, and specialty transformers; electric motors,
Manufacturing > Electrical generators, and motor generator sets; switchgear and
170 Equipment Manufacturing switchboard apparatus; relays; and industrial controls.
1029 Transportation Equipment Manufacturing > Transportation This industry includes entities that manufacture equipment
171 Manufacturing Equipment Manufacturing for transporting people and goods.
V2 Industry Codes April 2022

53 Motor Vehicle Manufacturing Manufacturing > Transportation This industry includes entities that manufacture complete
Equipment Manufacturing > Motor automobiles, light duty motor vehicles, and heavy duty
Vehicle Manufacturing trucks (i.e., body and chassis or unibody) or manufacture
172 motor vehicle chassis only.
1042 Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturing Manufacturing > Transportation This industry includes entities that manufacture motor
Equipment Manufacturing > Motor vehicle gasoline engines and engine parts, motor vehicle
Vehicle Parts Manufacturing electrical and electronic equipment, motor vehicle steering
and suspension components (except springs), motor
vehicle brake systems, motor vehicle transmission and
power train parts, motor vehicle seating and interior trim,
motor vehicle metal stampings, and other motor vehicle
173 parts and accessories.
174 52 Aviation and Aerospace Component Manufacturing > Transportation This industry includes entities that:
Manufacturing Equipment Manufacturing > 1. Manufacture complete aircraft, missiles, or space
175 Aviation and Aerospace Component vehicles
Manufacturing 2. Manufacture aerospace engines, propulsion units,
176 auxiliary equipment or parts
177 3. Develop and make prototypes of aerospace products
178 4. Make major modifications to aircraft systems
5. Overhaul and rebuild complete aircraft or propulsion
179 systems.
1 Defense and Space Manufacturing Manufacturing > Transportation This industry includes entities that manufacture complete
Equipment Manufacturing > guided missiles and space vehicles and/or develop
180 Defense and Space Manufacturing prototypes.
181 62 Railroad Equipment Manufacturing Manufacturing > Transportation This industry includes entities that:
Equipment Manufacturing > 1. Manufacture and/or rebuild locomotives, locomotive
182 Railroad Equipment Manufacturing frames and parts
1. Manufacture railroad, street, and rapid transit cars and
183 car equipment for freight and passenger rail service
3. Manufacture rail layers, ballast distributors, rail tamping
equipment and other railway track maintenance
184 equipment.
V2 Industry Codes April 2022

58 Shipbuilding Manufacturing > Transportation This industry includes entities that operate shipyards or
Equipment Manufacturing > boatyards (i.e., ship or boat manufacturing facilities).
Shipbuilding Activities include the construction of ships, their repair,
conversion and alteration, production of prefabricated ship
and barge sections, and specialized services such as ship
185 scaling.
26 Furniture and Home Furnishings Manufacturing > Furniture and This industry includes entities that make furniture and
Manufacturing Home Furnishings Manufacturing related articles, such as mattresses, window blinds,
cabinets, and fixtures. Design may be performed by the
entity’s workforce or may be purchased from industrial
186 designers.
1080 Household and Institutional Manufacturing > Furniture and This industry includes entities that manufacture household-
Furniture Manufacturing Home Furnishings Manufacturing > type furniture, such as living room, kitchen and bedroom
Household and Institutional furniture and institutional (i.e., public building) furniture,
Furniture Manufacturing such as furniture for schools, theaters, and churches.
1090 Office Furniture and Fixtures Manufacturing > Furniture and This industry includes entities that manufacture office
Manufacturing Home Furnishings Manufacturing > furniture and/or office and store fixtures on a stock or
Office Furniture and Fixtures custom basis that may be assembled or unassembled (i.e.,
188 Manufacturing knockdown).
1095 Mattress and Blinds Manufacturing Manufacturing > Furniture and This industry includes entities that manufacture furniture
Home Furnishings Manufacturing > related products, such as mattresses, blinds, and shades.
Mattress and Blinds Manufacturing
17 Medical Equipment Manufacturing Manufacturing > Medical This industry includes entities that manufacture medical
Equipment Manufacturing equipment and supplies. Example products include surgical
and medical instruments, surgical appliances and supplies,
dental equipment and supplies, orthodontic goods,
ophthalmic goods, dentures, and orthodontic appliances.
20 Sporting Goods Manufacturing Manufacturing > Sporting Goods This industry includes entities that manufacture sporting
191 Manufacturing and athletic goods (except apparel and footwear).
V2 Industry Codes April 2022

133 Wholesale Wholesale This industry includes entities that distribute wholesale
merchandise, generally without transformation, and
render services incidental to the sale of merchandise.
Merchandise includes the outputs of agriculture, mining,
manufacturing, and certain information industries, such as
192 publishing.
1128 Wholesale Motor Vehicles and Parts Wholesale > Wholesale Motor This industry includes entities that distribute wholesale
Vehicles and Parts automobiles and other motor vehicles, motor vehicle
193 supplies, tires, and new or used parts.
1137 Wholesale Furniture and Home Wholesale > Wholesale Furniture This industry includes entities that distribute wholesale
Furnishings and Home Furnishings furniture (except hospital beds, medical furniture, and
194 drafting tables), home furnishings, and/or housewares.
49 Wholesale Building Materials Wholesale > Wholesale Building This industry includes entities that distribute wholesale
Materials building materials, such as lumber, plywood, millwork, and
wood panels; brick, stone, and related construction
materials; roofing, siding, and insulation materials; and
other construction materials, including manufactured
homes (i.e., mobile homes) and/or prefabricated buildings.
1153 Wholesale Photography Equipment Wholesale > Wholesale This industry includes entities that distribute wholesale
and Supplies Photography Equipment and photographic equipment and supplies (except office
196 Supplies equipment).
1157 Wholesale Computer Equipment Wholesale > Wholesale Computer This industry includes entities that distribute wholesale
197 Equipment computers and computer equipment.
1166 Wholesale Metals and Minerals Wholesale > Wholesale Metals and This industry includes entities that distribute wholesale
Minerals products of the primary metals industries (including metal
service centers) and coal, coke, metal ores, and/or
nonmetallic minerals (except precious and semiprecious
198 stones and minerals used in construction).
V2 Industry Codes April 2022

1171 Wholesale Appliances, Electrical, and Wholesale > Wholesale Appliances, This industry includes entities that distribute wholesale
Electronics Electrical, and Electronics electrical apparatus and equipment, wiring supplies, and
related equipment; household appliances, electric
housewares, and consumer electronics; and other
199 electronic parts and equipment.
1178 Wholesale Hardware, Plumbing, Wholesale > Wholesale Hardware, This industry includes entities that distribute wholesale
Heating Equipment Plumbing, Heating Equipment hardware; plumbing and heating equipment and supplies
(hydronics); warm air heating and air-conditioning
equipment and supplies; and refrigeration equipment and
200 supplies.
1187 Wholesale Machinery Wholesale > Wholesale Machinery This industry includes entities that distribute wholesale
construction, mining, farm, garden, industrial, service
establishment, and transportation machinery, equipment,
201 and supplies.
1206 Wholesale Recyclable Materials Wholesale > Wholesale Recyclable This industry includes entities that distribute wholesale
Materials automotive scrap, industrial scrap, and other recyclable
materials. Included in this industry are auto wreckers that
dismantle motor vehicles for the purpose of wholesaling
202 scrap.
1208 Wholesale Luxury Goods and Jewelry Wholesale > Wholesale Luxury This industry includes entities that distribute wholesale
Goods and Jewelry jewelry, precious and semiprecious stones, precious metals
and metal flatware, costume jewelry, watches, clocks,
203 silverware, and/or jewelers' findings.
1212 Wholesale Paper Products Wholesale > Wholesale Paper This industry includes entities that distribute wholesale
Products bulk printing and writing paper; stationery and office
204 supplies; and industrial and personal service paper.
1221 Wholesale Drugs and Sundries Wholesale > Wholesale Drugs and This industry includes entities that distribute wholesale
Sundries biological and medical products; botanical drugs and herbs;
and pharmaceutical products intended for internal and/or
external consumption in such forms as ampoules, tablets,
capsules, vials, ointments, powders, solutions, and
205 suspensions.
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1222 Wholesale Apparel and Sewing Wholesale > Wholesale Apparel and This industry includes entities that distribute wholesale
Supplies Sewing Supplies piece goods, notions, and other dry goods; men's and boys'
clothing and furnishings; women's, children's, and infants'
206 clothing and accessories; and footwear.
1230 Wholesale Footwear Wholesale > Wholesale Footwear This industry includes entities that distribute wholesale
footwear (including athletic footwear) of leather, rubber,
207 and other materials.
208 1231 Wholesale Food and Beverage Wholesale > Wholesale Food and This industry includes entities that distribute wholesale:
209 Beverage 1. General line of groceries
210 2. Packaged frozen food
211 3. Dairy products
212 4. Poultry and poultry products
213 5. Confectioneries
214 6. Fish and seafood
215 7. Meats and meat products
216 8. Fresh fruits and vegetables
217 9. Other grocery and related products.
1250 Wholesale Raw Farm Products Wholesale > Wholesale Raw Farm This industry includes entities that distribute wholesale
Products agricultural products (except raw milk, live poultry, and
fresh fruits and vegetables), such as grains, field beans,
livestock, and other farm product raw materials (excluding
218 seeds).
1257 Wholesale Chemical and Allied Wholesale > Wholesale Chemical This industry includes entities that distribute wholesale
Products and Allied Products chemicals, plastics materials and basic forms and shapes,
219 and allied products.
1262 Wholesale Petroleum and Petroleum Wholesale > Wholesale Petroleum This industry includes entities that distribute wholesale
Products and Petroleum Products petroleum and petroleum products, including liquefied
220 petroleum gas.
1267 Wholesale Alcoholic Beverages Wholesale > Wholesale Alcoholic This industry includes entities that distribute wholesale
221 Beverages beer, ale, wine, and/or distilled alcoholic beverages.
V2 Industry Codes April 2022

134 Wholesale Import and Export Wholesale > Wholesale Import and This industry includes entities that facilitate trade of goods
Export and commodities between domestic and foreign
companies. Entities may buy/sell goods on their own
account (import/export merchants) or on a commission
basis (import/export agents and brokers). Subject to trade
agreements between jurisdictions, they may handle tariffs
222 and customs declarations and procedures.
27 Retail Retail This industry includes entities that retail merchandise
generally in small quantities to the general public and
provide services incidental to the sale of the merchandise.
1292 Retail Motor Vehicles Retail > Retail Motor Vehicles This industry includes entities that primarily retail motor
vehicles and parts from fixed point-of-sale locations and
also provide repair and maintenance services for the
224 vehicles.
1309 Retail Furniture and Home Retail > Retail Furniture and Home This industry includes entities that primarily retail new
Furnishings Furnishings furniture and home furnishings from fixed point-of-sale
locations and many offer interior decorating services in
225 addition to the sale of products.
1319 Retail Appliances, Electrical, and Retail > Retail Appliances, Electrical, This industry includes entities that primarily retail new
Electronic Equipment and Electronic Equipment electronics and appliances, including heating and
refrigeration appliances, from point-of-sale locations and
may also offer maintenance and repair of the electronic
226 equipment and appliances.
1324 Retail Building Materials and Garden Retail > Retail Building Materials This industry includes entities that primarily retail new
Equipment and Garden Equipment building materials and garden equipment and supplies,
including hardware and plumbing fixtures, from fixed point-
227 of-sale locations.
1339 Food and Beverage Retail Retail > Food and Beverage Retail This industry includes entities that primarily retail food
and/or beverage merchandise from fixed point-of-sale
locations and guarantee the proper storage and sanitary
228 conditions required by regulatory authority.
V2 Industry Codes April 2022

22 Retail Groceries Retail > Food and Beverage Retail > This industry includes entities that retail a general line of
Retail Groceries food, such as canned and frozen foods; fresh fruits and
vegetables; and fresh and prepared meats, fish, and
poultry. Examples include grocery stores, supermarkets,
229 and delicatessens.
1359 Retail Health and Personal Care Retail > Retail Health and Personal This industry includes entities that primarily retail health
Products Care Products and personal care merchandise from fixed point-of-sale
locations and may offer services related to retailing,
advising customers, and/or fitting the product sold to the
230 customer's needs.
1370 Retail Gasoline Retail > Retail Gasoline This industry includes entities that primarily retail
automotive fuels (e.g., gasoline, diesel fuel, gasohol,
alternative fuels) and automotive oils or retail these
231 products in combination with convenience store items.
19 Retail Apparel and Fashion Retail > Retail Apparel and Fashion This industry includes entities that retail new clothing and
clothing accessories from fixed point-of-sale locations.
143 Retail Luxury Goods and Jewelry Retail > Retail Luxury Goods and This industry includes entities that retail one or more of
233 Jewelry the following items:
234 1. New jewelry (except costume jewelry)
235 2. New sterling and plated silverware
3. New watches and clocks. Also included are entities
retailing these new products in combination with lapidary
236 work and/or repair services.
111 Retail Art Supplies Retail > Retail Art Supplies This industry includes entities that retail art materials and
237 supplies.
1407 Retail Musical Instruments Retail > Retail Musical Instruments This industry includes entities that primarily retail new
musical instruments, sheet music, and related supplies; or
retailing these new products in combination with services
like musical instrument repair, rental, or music instruction.
V2 Industry Codes April 2022

1409 Retail Books and Printed News Retail > Retail Books and Printed This industry includes entities that primarily retail new
239 News books, newspapers, magazines, and other periodicals.
1423 Retail Florists Retail > Retail Florists This industry includes entities that primarily retail cut
flowers, floral arrangements, and potted plants purchased
240 from others.
1424 Retail Office Supplies and Gifts Retail > Retail Office Supplies and This industry includes entities that primarily retail new
Gifts office supplies, stationery, gifts, novelty merchandise, and
241 souvenirs.
138 Retail Office Equipment Retail > Retail Office Equipment This industry includes entities that retail office equipment,
such as printers, copiers, and other general office
242 machinery.
1431 Retail Recyclable Materials & Used Retail > Retail Recyclable Materials This industry includes entities that primarily retail used
Merchandise & Used Merchandise merchandise, antiques, and secondhand goods (except
motor vehicles, such as automobiles, RVs, motorcycles, and
boats; motor vehicle parts; tires; and mobile homes).
1445 Online and Mail Order Retail Retail > Online and Mail Order This industry includes entities that create and operate
Retail online-only and/or mail-order based marketplaces for the
sale of goods. This industry includes entities that retail all
types of merchandise using nonstore means, such as
catalogs, toll free telephone numbers, interactive
244 television, or the Internet.
116 Transportation, Logistics and Storage Transportation, Logistics and This industry includes entities that store and warehouse
Storage goods, transport passengers and cargo, provide scenic and
sightseeing transportation, and provide support activities
245 related to modes of transportation.
94 Airlines and Aviation Transportation, Logistics and This industry includes entities that provide air
Storage > Airlines and Aviation transportation of passengers and/or cargo using aircraft,
such as airplanes and helicopters. Included are scheduled
air transportation and nonscheduled, i.e. chartered air
transportation of passengers, cargo, or specialty flying
246 services.
V2 Industry Codes April 2022

1481 Rail Transportation Transportation, Logistics and This industry includes entities that primarily provide rail
Storage > Rail Transportation transportation of passengers and/or cargo using railroad
rolling stock that operate on networks, with physical
facilities, labor force, and equipment spread over an
extensive geographic area, or operate over a short distance
247 on a local rail line.
95 Maritime Transportation Transportation, Logistics and This industry includes entities that transport passengers
Storage > Maritime Transportation and cargo using watercraft, such as ships, barges, and
boats. This includes deep sea, coastal, and inland water
248 transportation.
92 Truck Transportation Transportation, Logistics and This industry includes entities that provide over-the-road
Storage > Truck Transportation transportation of cargo using motor vehicles, such as
trucks and tractor trailers. This includes general freight
trucking (i.e., palletized commodities transported in a
container or van trailer) and specialized freight trucking
(i.e., transportation of cargo that, because of size, weight,
or shape, requires specialized transportation equipment).
1495 Ground Passenger Transportation Transportation, Logistics and This industry includes entities that primarily provide a
Storage > Ground Passenger variety of ground passenger transportation services, such
Transportation as urban transit systems; chartered bus, school bus, and
250 interurban bus transportation; and taxis.
1497 Urban Transit Services Transportation, Logistics and This industry includes entities that primarily operate local
Storage > Ground Passenger and suburban passenger transit systems over regular
Transportation > Urban Transit routes and on regular schedules within a metropolitan
251 Services area.
1504 Interurban and Rural Bus Services Transportation, Logistics and This industry includes entities that primarily provide bus
Storage > Ground Passenger passenger transportation over regular routes and on
Transportation > Interurban and regular schedules, principally outside a single metropolitan
252 Rural Bus Services area.
V2 Industry Codes April 2022

1505 Taxi and Limousine Services Transportation, Logistics and This industry includes entities that primarily provide
Storage > Ground Passenger passenger transportation by automobile or van or
Transportation > Taxi and Limousine providing an array of specialty and luxury passenger
Services transportation services via limousine or luxury sedan
generally on a reserved basis, and do not operate over
253 regular routes and on regular schedules.
1512 School and Employee Bus Services Transportation, Logistics and This industry includes entities that primarily provide buses
Storage > Ground Passenger and other motor vehicles to transport pupils to and from
Transportation > School and school or employees to and from work.
254 Employee Bus Services
1517 Shuttles and Special Needs Transportation, Logistics and This industry includes entities that primarily provide other
Transportation Services Storage > Ground Passenger transit and ground passenger transportation (except urban
Transportation > Shuttles and transit systems, interurban and rural bus transportation,
Special Needs Transportation taxi services, school and employee bus transportation,
Services charter bus services, and limousine services (except shuttle
services)), including shuttle services (except employee bus)
and special needs transportation services.
1532 Sightseeing Transportation Transportation, Logistics and This industry includes entities that primarily use
Storage > Ground Passenger transportation equipment to provide recreation and
Transportation > Sightseeing entertainment.
256 Transportation
1520 Pipeline Transportation Transportation, Logistics and This industry includes entities that primarily use
Storage > Pipeline Transportation transmission pipelines to transport products, such as crude
oil, natural gas, refined petroleum products, and slurry,
257 which may include the storage of natural gas.
1573 Postal Services Transportation, Logistics and This industry includes government entities that provide
Storage > Postal Services mail services under a universal service obligation, including
the carriage of letters, printed matter, or mailable
packages, including acceptance, collection, processing, and
258 delivery.
V2 Industry Codes April 2022

87 Freight and Package Transportation Transportation, Logistics and This industry includes entities that primarily provide a
Storage > Freight and Package variety of transportation services for freight, packages, and
259 Transportation mail.
93 Warehousing and Storage Transportation, Logistics and This industry includes entities that operate warehouse and
Storage > Warehousing and Storage storage facilities for general merchandise, refrigerated
goods, and other warehouse products. They take
responsibility for keeping goods secure and do not sell the
goods they handle, but may provide services related to the
distribution of goods, such as labeling, inventory control,
260 and light assembly.
82 Book and Periodical Publishing Information and Cultural Products > This industry includes entities that publish newspapers,
Book and Periodical Publishing magazines, other periodicals, and books, as well as
261 directories and mailing lists.
81 Newspaper Publishing Information and Cultural Products > This industry includes entities known as newspaper
Book and Periodical Publishing > publishers. Entities in this industry produce and distribute
Newspaper Publishing newspapers (i.e., gather news; write news columns,
feature stories, and editorials; and sell and prepare
advertisements). These entities may publish newspapers in
262 print or electronic form.
1600 Periodical Publishing Information and Cultural Products > This industry includes entities known either as magazine or
Book and Periodical Publishing > periodical publishers that carry out the operations
Periodical Publishing necessary for producing and distributing magazines and
other periodicals, such as gathering, writing, and editing
articles, and selling and preparing advertisements and may
publish magazines and other periodicals in print or
263 electronic form.
1602 Book Publishing Information and Cultural Products > This industry includes entities known as book publishers
Book and Periodical Publishing > that carry out design, editing, and marketing activities
Book Publishing necessary for producing and distributing books, in print,
264 electronic, or audio form.
V2 Industry Codes April 2022

4 Software Development Information and Cultural Products > This industry includes entities that publish computer
Software Development software and carry out operations necessary for
production and distribution, such as design,
documentation, installation, and support services. They
may design, develop, and publish, or publish only; they
may publish and distribute remotely through subscriptions
265 and downloads.
3099 Embedded Software Products Information and Cultural Products > This industry includes entities that produce software (or
Embedded Software Products "firmware") for machines or devices that are not usually
thought of as computers, ex: routers, refrigerators, display
systems, washing machines, etc. i.e., software for the
internet of things but do not produce these devices.
3100 Mobile Computing Software Information and Cultural Products > This industry includes entities that produce software which
Products Mobile Computing Software runs on mobile computing devices such as smartphones
267 Products and tablet computers.
3101 Desktop Computing Software Information and Cultural Products > This industry includes entities that produce software which
Products Desktop Computing Software runs on desktop or laptop computers.
268 Products
5 Computer Networking Products Information and Cultural Products > This industry includes entities that produce software that
269 Computer Networking Products manages or runs on collections of connected computers.
109 Computer Games Information and Cultural Products > This industry includes entities that produce user-facing
270 Computer Games software for gaming on different platforms.
3131 Mobile Gaming Apps Information and Cultural Products > This industry includes entities that produce user-facing
Computer Games > Mobile Gaming software for gaming on mobile platforms.
271 Apps
3130 Data Security Software Products Information and Cultural Products > This industry includes entities that produce software to
272 Data Security Software Products ensure security of data and computing systems.
1611 Movie and Video Distribution Information and Cultural Products > This industry includes entities that primarily distribute
273 Movie and Video Distribution movies and videos.
V2 Industry Codes April 2022

35 Movies and Sound Recording Information and Cultural Products > This industry includes entities that primarily produce and
Movie and Video Distribution > distribute movies and sound recordings.
274 Movies and Sound Recording
126 Media Production Information and Cultural Products > This industry includes entities that produce multimedia
Movie and Video Distribution > content. Entities in this industry do not distribute or
275 Media Production broadcast this content themselves.
127 Animation and Post-production Information and Cultural Products > This industry includes entities that provide specialized
Movie and Video Distribution > motion picture or video postproduction services, such as
Animation and Post-production editing, film/tape transfers, subtitling, credits, closed
276 captioning, and animation and special effects.
1623 Sound Recording Information and Cultural Products > This industry includes entities that primarily produce and
Movie and Video Distribution > distribute musical recordings, publish music, or provide
277 Sound Recording sound recording and related services.
1625 Sheet Music Publishing Information and Cultural Products > This industry includes entities that primarily acquire and
Movie and Video Distribution > register copyrights for musical compositions in accordance
Sheet Music Publishing with law and promoting and authorizing the use of these
compositions in recordings, radio, television, motion
pictures, live performances, print, or other media.
1285 Internet Marketplace Platforms Information and Cultural Products > This industry includes entities that provide a web-based
Internet Marketplace Platforms platform for the buying and selling of goods owned by
others, or as a marketplace that creates a trading
opportunity between two entities or parties (e.g., matching
platforms), generally on a fee or commission basis.
3127 Social Networking Platforms Information and Cultural Products > This industry includes entities that provide services and
Social Networking Platforms infrastructure for social networking, primarily over the
280 internet.
36 Broadcast Media Production and Information and Cultural Products > This industry includes entities that create or license radio
Distribution Broadcast Media Production and or television content as well as distribute or broadcast it.
281 Distribution
V2 Industry Codes April 2022

1633 Radio and Television Broadcasting Information and Cultural Products > This industry includes entities that operate broadcast
Broadcast Media Production and studios and facilities for over-the-air or satellite delivery of
Distribution > Radio and Television radio and television programs and often generate revenues
Broadcasting from the sale of air time to advertisers, from donations and
282 subsidies, or from the sale of programs.
1641 Cable and Satellite Programming Information and Cultural Products > This industry includes entities that operate studios and
Broadcast Media Production and facilities for the broadcasting of programs on a subscription
Distribution > Cable and Satellite or fee basis which are usually delivered to a third party,
Programming such as cable systems or direct-to-home satellite systems,
283 for transmission to viewers.
8 Telecommunications Information and Cultural Products > This industry includes entities that provide
Telecommunications telecommunications and related services (e.g., telephony,
including Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP); cable and
satellite television distribution services; Internet access;
and telecommunications reselling services). They operate
and/or provide access to facilities for the transmission of
voice, data, text, sound, and video.
1644 Telecommunications Carriers Information and Cultural Products > This industry includes entities that operate, maintain,
Telecommunications > and/or provide access to switching and transmission
Telecommunications Carriers facilities and infrastructure that they own and/or lease for
the transmission of voice, data, text, sound, and video
using wired and wireless telecommunications networks.
119 Wireless Services Information and Cultural Products > This industry includes entities that operate and maintain
Telecommunications > Wireless switching and transmission facilities to provide
Services communications via the airwaves, such as cellular phone
services, paging services, wireless Internet access, and
286 wireless video services.
V2 Industry Codes April 2022

1649 Satellite Telecommunications Information and Cultural Products > This industry includes entities that provide
Telecommunications > Satellite telecommunications services to other entities in the
Telecommunications telecommunications and broadcasting industries by
forwarding and receiving communications signals via a
system of satellites or reselling satellite
287 telecommunications.
2458 Data Infrastructure and Analytics Information and Cultural Products > This industry includes entities that provide infrastructure
Data Infrastructure and Analytics for hosting including web or application hosting, streaming
services, and general time-share mainframe facilities to
clients, or they provide data processing, data entry, or data
288 analysis services.
3128 Business Intelligence Platforms Information and Cultural Products > This industry includes entities that provide content, data,
Data Infrastructure and Analytics > services, and/or computer hardware for gathering or
Business Intelligence Platforms distributing information specifically about markets and
289 business activities.
84 Information Services Information and Cultural Products > This industry includes entities that supply information,
Information Services store and provide access to information, search and
retrieve information, or operate Web sites that use search
engines to allow for Internet search. Examples are libraries,
290 archives, and Web search portals.
85 Libraries Information and Cultural Products > This industry includes entities that provide library or
Information Services > Libraries archive services. They maintain collections of documents
(e.g., books, journals, newspapers, and music) and archival
material of historical interest for informational, research,
educational, or recreational use. All or portions may be
291 accessible electronically.
6 Internet Publishing Information and Cultural Products > This industry includes entities that publish and/or
Internet Publishing broadcast content on the Internet exclusively. They do not
provide traditional (non-Internet) versions of the content
292 they publish or broadcast.
V2 Industry Codes April 2022

113 Online Audio and Video Media Information and Cultural Products > This industry includes entities that publish and/or
Internet Publishing > Online Audio broadcast content on the Internet exclusively. These
and Video Media entities publish in audio and video content primarily, and
293 do not publish news, business content, blogs or vlogs.
3124 Internet News Information and Cultural Products > This industry includes entities that publish and/or
Internet Publishing > Online Audio broadcast news content on the Internet exclusively or
and Video Media > Internet News operate Web sites that use a search engine to generate
and maintain extensive databases of news in an easily
searchable format, and do not provide traditional (non-
Internet) versions of the content that they publish or
294 broadcast.
3129 Business Content Information and Cultural Products > This industry includes entities that provide news and
Internet Publishing > Business content about markets and business activities.
295 Content
3125 Blogs Information and Cultural Products > This industry includes entities that produce content for the
296 Internet Publishing > Blogs internet: textual or video blogs.
43 Financial Services Financial Services This industry includes entities that make financial
transactions (creation, liquidation, or change in ownership
of financial assets) and/or that facilitate financial
297 transactions.
1673 Credit Intermediation Financial Services > Credit This industry includes entities that primarily lend funds
Intermediation raised from depositors or from credit market borrowing; or
facilitate the lending of funds or issuance of credit by
engaging in such activities as mortgage and loan brokerage,
clearinghouse and reserve services, and check cashing
298 services.
41 Banking Financial Services > Credit This industry includes entities that accept demand and
Intermediation > Banking other deposits and make commercial, industrial, and
consumer loans. Commercial banks and branches of
299 foreign banks are included.
V2 Industry Codes April 2022

1678 Savings Institutions Financial Services > Credit This industry includes entities that primarily accept time
Intermediation > Savings deposits, make mortgage and real estate loans, and invest
Institutions in high-grade securities, including savings and loan
300 associations and savings banks.
1696 Loan Brokers Financial Services > Credit This industry includes entities that primarily arrange loans
Intermediation > Loan Brokers by bringing borrowers and lenders together on a
301 commission or fee basis.
141 International Trade and Financial Services > Credit This industry includes entities that provide working capital
Development Intermediation > International funds to exporters; lend funds to foreign buyers of goods;
Trade and Development or lend funds to domestic buyers of imported goods.
303 129 Capital Markets Financial Services > Capital Markets This industry includes entities that:
1. Underwrite securities issues and/or make markets for
304 securities and commodities
2. Act as brokers between buyers and sellers of securities
305 and commodities
306 3. Provide securities and commodity exchange services
4. Manage portfolios of assets, provide investment advice,
and provide and trust, fiduciary, and custody services.
45 Investment Banking Financial Services > Capital Markets This industry includes entities that underwrite, originate,
> Investment Banking and/or maintain markets for issues of securities, and
entities that act as principals in buying or selling securities
on a spread basis, such as securities dealers or stock option
308 dealers.
1713 Securities and Commodity Exchanges Financial Services > Capital Markets This industry includes entities that furnish physical or
> Securities and Commodity electronic marketplaces to facilitate the buying and selling
Exchanges of stocks, stock options, bonds, or commodity contracts.
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46 Investment Management Financial Services > Capital Markets This industry includes entities that act as principals or
> Investment Management brokers in buying or selling financial contracts (except
investment bankers and securities and commodity
contracts dealers and brokerages). Also included are
investment services (except securities and commodity
exchanges) such as portfolio management, investment
310 advice, and trust, fiduciary, and custody services.
106 Venture Capital and Private Equity Financial Services > Capital Markets This industry includes entities that act as principals (except
Principals > Venture Capital and Private Equity investment bankers, securities dealers, and commodity
Principals contracts dealers) in buying or selling financial contracts
311 generally on a spread basis.
1720 Investment Advice Financial Services > Capital Markets This industry includes entities that provide customized
> Investment Advice investment advice to clients on a fee basis, but do not have
312 the authority to execute trades.
42 Insurance Financial Services > Insurance This industry includes entities that underwrite annuities
and insurance policies or sell insurance policies and provide
other insurance and employee-benefit-related services.
1725 Insurance Carriers Financial Services > Insurance > This industry includes entities that primarily provide
Insurance Carriers underwriting (assuming the risk, assigning premiums, and
so forth) annuities and insurance policies and investing
premiums to build up a portfolio of financial assets to be
314 used against future claims.
1737 Insurance Agencies and Brokerages Financial Services > Insurance > This industry includes entities that primarily act as agents
Insurance Agencies and Brokerages (i.e., brokers) in selling annuities and insurance policies.
1738 Claims Adjusting, Actuarial Services Financial Services > Insurance > This industry includes entities that primarily provide
Claims Adjusting, Actuarial Services services related to insurance (except insurance agencies
316 and brokerages).
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1742 Funds and Trusts Financial Services > Funds and This industry includes legal entities (i.e., funds, plans,
Trusts and/or programs) organized to pool securities or other
assets on behalf of shareholders or beneficiaries of
employee benefit or other trust funds to earn interest,
317 dividends, and other investment income.
1743 Insurance and Employee Benefit Financial Services > Funds and This industry includes legal entities (i.e., funds, plans,
Funds Trusts > Insurance and Employee and/or programs) organized to provide insurance and
Benefit Funds employee benefits exclusively for the sponsor, firm, or its
318 employees or members.
1745 Pension Funds Financial Services > Funds and This industry includes legal entities (i.e., funds, plans,
Trusts > Pension Funds and/or programs) organized to provide retirement income
benefits exclusively for the sponsor's employees or
319 members.
1750 Trusts and Estates Financial Services > Funds and This industry includes legal entities (i.e., investment pools
Trusts > Trusts and Estates and/or funds) organized to pool securities or other assets
(except insurance and employee benefit funds) on behalf
320 of shareholders, unitholders, or beneficiaries.
1757 Real Estate and Equipment Rental Real Estate and Equipment Rental This industry includes entities that rent, lease, or otherwise
Services Services allow the use of tangible or intangible assets, and entities
providing related services such as managing real estate for
others, selling, renting and/or buying real estate for others,
321 and appraising real estate.
44 Leasing Real Estate Real Estate and Equipment Rental This industry includes entities that rent or lease real estate
Services > Leasing Real Estate to others; manage, sell, buy, or rent real estate for others;
and provide other services related to real estate, such as
appraisals. Equity real estate investment trusts (REITs) that
lease buildings, dwellings, or other real estate property to
others are included. Property development organizations
322 are included in this industry.
1759 Leasing Residential Real Estate Real Estate and Equipment Rental This industry includes entities that primarily act as lessors
323 Services > Leasing Real Estate > of
324 Leasing Residential Real Estate 1. Residential buildings and dwellings
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325 2. Nonresidential buildings (except miniwarehouses)
326 3. Miniwarehouses and self-storage units
327 4. Other real estate property.
128 Leasing Non-residential Real Estate Real Estate and Equipment Rental This industry includes entities that act as lessors of
Services > Leasing Real Estate > buildings (except miniwarehouses and self-storage units)
Leasing Non-residential Real Estate that are not used as residences or dwellings.
1770 Leasing Real Estate Agents and Real Estate and Equipment Rental This industry includes entities that primarily act as agents
Brokers Services > Leasing Real Estate > and/or brokers in selling real estate for others; buying real
Leasing Real Estate Agents and estate for others; and/or renting real estate for others.
329 Brokers
1779 Equipment Rental Services Real Estate and Equipment Rental This industry includes entities that provide a wide array of
Services > Equipment Rental tangible goods, such as automobiles, computers, consumer
Services goods, and industrial machinery and equipment, to
customers in return for a periodic rental or lease payment.
1786 Consumer Goods Rental Real Estate and Equipment Rental This industry includes entities that rent personal and
Services > Equipment Rental household-type goods, generally short-term rental
Services > Consumer Goods Rental although in some instances, the goods may be leased for
331 longer periods of time.
1798 Commercial and Industrial Real Estate and Equipment Rental This industry includes entities that rent or lease
Equipment Rental Services > Equipment Rental commercial-type and industrial-type machinery and
Services > Commercial and equipment -- capital or investment-type equipment that
332 Industrial Equipment Rental clients use in their business operations.
10 Legal Services Professional and Technical Services This industry includes entities that offer legal services, such
> Legal Services as those offered by offices of lawyers, offices of notaries,
title abstract and settlement offices, and paralegal services.
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9 Law Practice Professional and Technical Services This industry includes offices of lawyers or attorneys (i.e.,
> Legal Services > Law Practice counselors-at-law) that provide expertise in a range or in
specific areas of law, such as criminal law, corporate law,
family and estate law, patent law, real estate law, or tax
334 law.
120 Alternative Dispute Resolution Professional and Technical Services This industry includes entities (except offices of lawyers,
> Legal Services > Alternative attorneys, and paralegals) that provide arbitration and
335 Dispute Resolution conciliation services.
47 Accounting Professional and Technical Services This industry includes entities that make accounting record
> Accounting audits, design accounting systems, prepare financial
statements, develop budgets, prepare tax returns, process
payroll, and perform bookkeeping and billing.
50 Architecture and Planning Professional and Technical Services This industry includes entities that plan and design
> Architecture and Planning residential, institutional, leisure, commercial, and industrial
buildings and structures by applying knowledge of design,
construction procedures, zoning regulations, building
337 codes, and building materials.
99 Design Services Professional and Technical Services This industry includes entities that provide specialized
> Design Services design services (except architectural, engineering, and
338 computer systems design).
3126 Interior Design Professional and Technical Services This industry includes entities that plan, design, and
> Design Services > Interior Design administer projects in interior spaces to meet the physical
and aesthetic needs of people using them, taking into
consideration building codes, health and safety regulations,
traffic patterns and floor planning, mechanical and
electrical needs, and interior fittings and furniture.
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140 Graphic Design Professional and Technical Services This industry includes entities that plan, design, and
> Design Services > Graphic Design manage the production of visual communication to convey
specific messages or concepts, clarify complex information,
or project visual identities, such as in the design of printed
materials, packaging, advertising, signage systems, and
logos. Commercial artists engaged exclusively in generating
drawings and illustrations requiring technical accuracy or
interpretative skills are included.
341 96 IT Services and IT Consulting Professional and Technical Services This industry includes entities that:
> IT Services and IT Consulting 1. Write, modify, test, and support software to meet the
342 needs of a customer
2. Plan and design computer systems that integrate
computer hardware, software, and communication
343 technologies;
3. Manage and operate clients' computer systems and/or
344 data processing facilities on-site
4. Provide other professional and technical computer-
345 related advice and services.
3102 IT System Custom Software Professional and Technical Services This industry includes entities that focus on creating,
Development > IT Services and IT Consulting > IT modifying, testing, and supporting software to meet the
System Custom Software needs of a particular customer.
346 Development
1855 IT System Design Services Professional and Technical Services This industry includes entities that plan and design
> IT Services and IT Consulting > IT computer systems that integrate computer hardware,
System Design Services software, and communication technologies.
3103 IT System Operations and Professional and Technical Services This industry includes entities that manage and/or operate
Maintenance > IT Services and IT Consulting > IT clients' computer systems and/or data processing facilities
System Operations and (on-site or remote).
348 Maintenance
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118 Computer and Network Security Professional and Technical Services This industry includes entities that provide services and
> IT Services and IT Consulting > technologies to protect computer systems from
Computer and Network Security unauthorized access, such as theft or damage to hardware,
software, or electronic data, including the disruption or
349 misdirection of the services they provide.
3105 IT System Training and Support Professional and Technical Services This industry includes entities that provide training and
> IT Services and IT Consulting > IT technical support for users and maintainers of IT systems.
System Training and Support
3106 IT System Data Services Professional and Technical Services This industry includes entities that provide human
> IT Services and IT Consulting > IT expertise for data collection, data annotation, data review,
System Data Services data normalization, and data entry and other manual or
351 semi-automated data services.
3107 IT System Testing and Evaluation Professional and Technical Services This industry includes entities that provide training for and
> IT Services and IT Consulting > IT evaluation of IT systems and components.
System Testing and Evaluation
3104 IT System Installation and Disposal Professional and Technical Services This industry includes entities that provide IT services
> IT Services and IT Consulting > IT related to installing and deploying new IT systems, disaster
System Installation and Disposal recovery services, and/or uninstalling, and disposing of no-
longer-needed IT systems or components.
11 Business Consulting and Services Professional and Technical Services This industry includes entities that provide advice and
> Business Consulting and Services assistance to businesses and other organizations on
administrative and operational issues, such as strategic and
organizational planning; financial planning and budgeting;
marketing objectives and policies; human resource policies,
practices, and planning; production scheduling, control
354 planning, and IT Consulting.
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102 Strategic Management Services Professional and Technical Services This industry includes entities that advise on administrative
> Business Consulting and Services > and management issues, such as financial planning and
Strategic Management Services asset management, records management, office planning,
strategic and organizational planning, site selection, new
business start-up, and business process improvement. This
does not include IT or operations consulting.
137 Human Resources Services Professional and Technical Services This industry includes entities that provide advice and
356 > Business Consulting and Services > assistance to businesses and organizations in:
Human Resources Services 1. Human resource and personnel policies, practices, and
357 procedures
2. Employee benefits planning, communication, and
358 administration
359 3. Compensation systems planning
4. Wage and salary administration. Outsourcing firms that
provide human resources services to their clients are not
360 included in this industry.
1862 Advertising Services Professional and Technical Services This industry includes entities that provide advertising,
> Business Consulting and Services > public relations, and related services, such as the purchase
Advertising Services of media, independent media representation, outdoor
advertisement, direct mail advertisement, and
361 advertisement material distribution services.
2401 Operations Consulting Professional and Technical Services This industry includes entities that provide operating
> Business Consulting and Services > advice and assistance to businesses and other
362 Operations Consulting organizations in:
363 1. Manufacturing operations improvement
364 2. Productivity improvement
365 3. Production planning and control
366 4. Quality assurance and quality control
367 5. Inventory management
368 6. Distribution networks
369 7. Warehouse use, operations, and utilization
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370 8. Transportation and shipment of goods and materials
371 9. Materials management and handling.
123 Outsourcing and Offshoring Professional and Technical Services This industry includes entities that provide operating
Consulting > Business Consulting and Services > advice on the practice of outsourcing and/or offshoring.
Outsourcing and Offshoring
372 Consulting
86 Environmental Services Professional and Technical Services This industry includes entities that provide advice and
> Business Consulting and Services > assistance to businesses and organizations on
Environmental Services environmental issues, such as control of environmental
contamination from pollutants, toxic substances, and
hazardous materials. They employ experts in fields such as
air and water quality, asbestos contamination,
remediation, ecological restoration, and environmental
law. Sanitation or site remediation consulting services are
373 included.
70 Research Services Professional and Technical Services This industry includes entities that conduct original
> Research Services investigation undertaken on a systematic basis to gain new
knowledge (research) and/or apply research findings or
other scientific knowledge to create new or significantly
improved products or processes (experimental
development). Techniques may include modeling and
374 simulation.
114 Nanotechnology Research Professional and Technical Services This industry includes entities that conduct
> Research Services > nanotechnology research and experimental development.
Nanotechnology Research Research may result in new nanotechnology processes
and/or products that may be reproduced, utilized, or
implemented by various industries.
12 Biotechnology Research Professional and Technical Services This industry includes entities that conduct biotechnology
> Research Services > Biotechnology (except nanobiotechnology) research and experimental
376 Research development.
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130 Think Tanks Professional and Technical Services This industry includes entities that conduct research and
> Research Services > Think Tanks analyses in sociology, psychology, economics, and other
377 fields in social sciences and humanities.
80 Marketing Services Professional and Technical Services This industry includes entities that provide operating
> Marketing Services advice and assistance to businesses and other
organizations on marketing issues, such as developing
marketing objectives and policies, sales forecasting, new
product development and pricing, licensing and franchise
378 planning, and marketing planning and strategy.
98 Public Relations and Professional and Technical Services This industry includes entities that design and implement
Communications Services > Marketing Services > Public public relations campaigns, i.e., campaigns to promote the
Relations and Communications interests and image of their clients. This includes lobbying,
Services political consulting, and public relations consulting.
148 Government Relations Services Professional and Technical Services This industry includes entities aimed at impacting public
> Marketing Services > Government policy at all levels of governance (local, regional, national
Relations Services and international) in order to promote the interests of a
particular organization or group of organizations.
97 Market Research Professional and Technical Services This industry includes entities that systematically gather,
> Marketing Services > Market record, tabulate, and present marketing and public opinion
381 Research data.
136 Photography Professional and Technical Services This industry includes entities that provide still, video, or
> Photography digital photography services. They may specialize in a
particular field of photography, such as commercial and
industrial photography, portrait photography, and special
events photography. Commercial or portrait photography
382 studios are included.
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16 Veterinary Services Professional and Technical Services This industry includes entities of licensed veterinary
> Veterinary Services practitioners that practice veterinary medicine, dentistry,
or surgery for animals. Entities that provide testing services
for licensed veterinary practitioners are included.
1905 Holding Companies Holding Companies This industry includes entities that hold equity interests in
companies and enterprises for the purpose of owning a
controlling interest or influencing management decisions.
Entities in this industry don't have any of their own
operations, but rather only have investments in other
firms. Parent companies that have their own independent
operations and also have subsidiaries are not included in
384 this industry.
1912 Administrative and Support Services Administrative and Support Services This industry includes entities that perform routine support
activities for the day-to-day operations of other
organizations, including office administration, hiring and
placing of personnel, document preparation and similar
clerical services, solicitation, collection, security and
surveillance services, cleaning, and waste disposal services.
1916 Office Administration Administrative and Support Services This industry includes entities that provide a range of day-
> Office Administration to-day office administrative services, such as financial
planning; billing and recordkeeping; personnel; and
physical distribution and logistics, for others on a contract
386 or fee basis.
V2 Industry Codes April 2022

122 Facilities Services Administrative and Support Services This industry includes entities that provide operating staff
> Facilities Services who perform a combination of services within a client's
facilities (excluding computer and/or data processing
facilities), such as janitorial, maintenance, trash disposal,
guard and security, mail routing, reception, and laundry.
Entities that provide private jail services or operate
correctional facilities on a contract or fee basis are
387 included.
1965 Janitorial Services Administrative and Support Services This industry includes entities that clean building interiors,
> Facilities Services > Janitorial interiors of transportation equipment (e.g., aircraft, rail
388 Services cars, ships), and/or windows.
389 2934 Landscaping Services Administrative and Support Services This industry includes entities that
> Facilities Services > Landscaping 1. Provide landscape care and maintenance services and/or
390 Services installing trees, shrubs, plants, lawns, or gardens
2. Provide these services along with the design of
landscape plans and/or the installation of walkways,
retaining walls, decks, fences, ponds, and similar
391 structures.
1956 Security Guards and Patrol Services Administrative and Support Services This industry includes entities that provide staff for guard
> Security and Investigations > and patrol services, such as bodyguard, guard dog, and
Security Guards and Patrol Services parking security services.
1958 Security Systems Services Administrative and Support Services This industry includes entities that sell security systems
> Security and Investigations > hardware , such as burglar and fire alarms and locking
Security Systems Services devices, along with installation, repair, or remote
393 monitoring of electronic security alarm systems.
394 104 Staffing and Recruiting Administrative and Support Services This industry includes entities that:
> Staffing and Recruiting 1. List employment vacancies and place or refer applicants
395 for employment
2. Provide executive search, recruitment, and placement
396 services
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3. Supply workers to clients' businesses for limited periods
397 of time
4. Provide day-to-day human resources and human
resources management services to client businesses and
households. Human resources outsourcing firms are
included in this industry. This industry does not include
entities that provide consulting on human resources
398 policies and procedures.
1923 Executive Search Services Administrative and Support Services This industry includes entities that provide executive
> Staffing and Recruiting > Executive search, recruitment, and placement services for clients
Search Services with specific executive and senior management position
requirements, including developing a search strategy and
position specification based on the culture and needs of
the client; researching, identifying, screening, and
interviewing candidates; verifying candidate qualifications;
and assisting in final offer negotiations and assimilation of
399 the selected candidate.
1925 Temporary Help Services Administrative and Support Services This industry includes entities that supply workers to
> Staffing and Recruiting > clients' businesses for limited periods of time to
400 Temporary Help Services supplement the working force of the client.
103 Writing and Editing Administrative and Support Services This industry includes entities that create documents or
> Writing and Editing resumes, edit or proofread documents, transcribe
documents, and/or provide other writing and editing
401 services.
108 Translation and Localization Administrative and Support Services This industry includes entities that translate written
> Translation and Localization material and interpret speech from one language to
402 another.
403 1931 Telephone Call Centers Administrative and Support Services This industry includes entities that
> Telephone Call Centers 1. Answer telephone calls and relaying messages to clients
404 or
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2. Provide telemarketing services on a contract or fee basis
for others, such as promoting clients' products or services
by telephone; taking orders for clients by telephone; and
soliciting contributions or that provide information for
405 clients by telephone.
1938 Collection Agencies Administrative and Support Services This industry includes entities that collect payments for
406 > Collection Agencies claims and remitting payments collected to their clients.
101 Fundraising Administrative and Support Services This industry includes entities that provide business
> Fundraising support services, in particular fundraising organization
407 services on a contract or fee basis.
30 Travel Arrangements Administrative and Support Services This industry includes entities that provide travel agency
> Travel Arrangements services, arrange or assemble tours, or provide other travel
408 arrangement and reservation services.
409 121 Security and Investigations Administrative and Support Services This industry includes entities that:
410 > Security and Investigations 1. Provide investigation, guard, and armored car services
2. Sell security systems, such as burglar and fire alarms and
locking devices, along with installation, repair, or
411 monitoring services
3. Provide remote monitoring of electronic security alarm
412 systems.
110 Events Services Administrative and Support Services This industry includes entities that organize, promote,
> Events Services and/or manage events, such as business and trade shows,
conventions, conferences, and meetings, held in facilities
they manage and operate or in facilities that are managed
413 and operated by others.
1999 Education Education This industry includes entities that provide instruction or
training in a wide variety of subjects from specialized
entities, such as schools, colleges, universities, and training
414 centers.
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67 Primary and Secondary Education Education > Primary and Secondary This industry includes entities that furnish academic
Education courses and associated coursework to provide basic
preparatory education, ordinarily kindergarten through
12th grade. School boards and school districts are included.
68 Higher Education Education > Higher Education This industry includes entities that furnish academic
courses and grant degrees at baccalaureate or graduate
levels, where the requirement for admission is at least a
high school diploma or equivalent general academic
416 training.
105 Business Skills Training Education > Business Skills Training This industry includes entities that offer training courses in
office skills, such as how to use software applications. Also
included in this industry are entities that offer short-term
courses for professional training. Computer repair training
417 is not included in this industry.
2018 Technical and Vocational Training Education > Technical and This industry includes entities that offer vocational and
Vocational Training technical training in a variety of technical subjects and
trades, including flight schools and apprenticeships but
418 excluding office skills.
2012 Secretarial Schools Education > Technical and This industry focuses on training for secretarial and
Vocational Training > Secretarial administrative staff and includes entities that offer courses
419 Schools in secretarial and other basic office skills.
2019 Cosmetology and Barber Schools Education > Technical and This industry includes entities that offer training in
Vocational Training > Cosmetology barbering, hair styling, or the cosmetic arts, such as
420 and Barber Schools makeup or skin care.
2020 Flight Training Education > Technical and This industry includes entities that offer aviation and flight
Vocational Training > Flight Training training.
2025 Fine Arts Schools Education > Technical and This industry includes entities that offer instruction in the
Vocational Training > Fine Arts arts, including dance, art, drama, and music.
422 Schools
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2027 Sports and Recreation Instruction Education > Technical and This industry includes entities, such as camps and schools,
Vocational Training > Sports and that offer instruction in athletic activities to groups of
423 Recreation Instruction individuals.
2029 Language Schools Education > Technical and This industry includes entities that offer foreign language
Vocational Training > Language instruction (including sign language).
424 Schools
132 E-Learning Providers Education > E-Learning Providers This industry includes entities that offer instruction using
electronic technologies, such as through web-based
trainings, online learning platforms, and live or recorded
lectures. Training may be tuition-based or open to the
425 public, accredited or non-accredited.
14 Hospitals and Health Care Hospitals and Health Care This industry includes entities that provide health care and
health-related social assistance for individuals. It includes
entities that provide medical care exclusively, health care
and social assistance, and only social assistance. These
entities deliver services by trained professional health
426 practitioners or social workers.
13 Medical Practices Hospitals and Health Care > Medical This industry includes individual medical practices that
Practices provide health care services directly or indirectly to
ambulatory patients. This industry does not include
427 hospitals.
2040 Physicians Hospitals and Health Care > Medical This industry includes health practitioners having the
Practices > Physicians degree of M.D. (Doctor of Medicine) or D.O. (Doctor of
Osteopathy) practicing general or specialized medicine
(e.g., anesthesiology, oncology, ophthalmology, psychiatry)
or surgery. This category does not include clinics or
428 hospitals.
2045 Dentists Hospitals and Health Care > Medical This industry includes health practitioners having the
Practices > Dentists degree of D.M.D. (Doctor of Dental Medicine), D.D.S.
(Doctor of Dental Surgery), or D.D.Sc. (Doctor of Dental
Science) practicing general or specialized dentistry or
429 dental surgery.
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2048 Chiropractors Hospitals and Health Care > Medical This industry includes health practitioners having the
Practices > Chiropractors degree of D.C. (Doctor of Chiropractic) practicing
430 chiropractic therapy.
2050 Optometrists Hospitals and Health Care > Medical This industry includes health practitioners having the
Practices > Optometrists degree of O.D. (Doctor of Optometry) practicing
431 optometry.
139 Mental Health Care Hospitals and Health Care > Medical This industry includes independent mental health
Practices > Mental Health Care practitioners (except physicians) that diagnose and treat
mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders and/or
individual or group social dysfunction brought about by
mental illness, alcohol and substance abuse, physical and
emotional trauma, or stress. They operate private or group
practices in their own offices or in the facilities of others
432 (e.g., hospitals).
2054 Physical, Occupational and Speech Hospitals and Health Care > Medical This industry includes independent health practitioners
Therapists Practices > Physical, Occupational who provide physical therapy services to patients who
and Speech Therapists require prevention, wellness or fitness services; plan and
administer educational, recreational, and social activities
designed to help patients or individuals with disabilities
regain physical or mental functioning or adapt to their
disabilities; or diagnose and treat speech, language, or
433 hearing problems.
125 Alternative Medicine Hospitals and Health Care > Medical This industry includes independent health practitioners
Practices > Alternative Medicine (except physicians; dentists; chiropractors; optometrists;
mental health specialists; physical, occupational, and
speech therapists; audiologists; and podiatrists),
acupuncturists (except medical or osteopathic doctors),
hypnotherapists, homeopaths, and naturopaths. These
practitioners operate private or group practices in their
own offices or in the facilities of others (e.g., hospitals).
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2060 Family Planning Centers Hospitals and Health Care > Medical This industry includes entities with medical staff that
Practices > Family Planning Centers provide a range of family planning services on an
outpatient basis, such as contraceptive services, genetic
and prenatal counseling, voluntary sterilization, and
therapeutic and medically induced termination of
435 pregnancy.
2063 Outpatient Care Centers Hospitals and Health Care > Medical This industry includes entities such as clinics or hospitals
Practices > Outpatient Care Centers with medical staff that provide general or specialized
outpatient care (except family planning centers and
outpatient mental health and substance abuse centers).
Centers or clinics of health practitioners with different
degrees from more than one industry practicing within the
436 same establishment are included in this industry.
2069 Medical and Diagnostic Laboratories Hospitals and Health Care > Medical This industry includes medical and diagnostic laboratories
Practices > Medical and Diagnostic that provide analytic or diagnostic services, including body
Laboratories fluid analysis and diagnostic imaging, generally to the
medical profession or to the patient on referral from a
437 health practitioner.
2074 Home Health Care Services Hospitals and Health Care > Medical This industry includes entities that provide skilled nursing
Practices > Home Health Care services in the home, along with a range of the following:
Services personal care services; homemaker and companion
services; physical therapy; medical social services;
medication; support for medical equipment and supplies;
counseling; 24-hour home care; occupation and vocational
therapy; dietary and nutritional services; speech therapy;
audiology; and high-tech care, such as intravenous therapy.
2077 Ambulance Services Hospitals and Health Care > Medical This industry includes entities that provide transportation
Practices > Ambulance Services of patients by ground or air, along with medical care.
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2081 Hospitals Hospitals and Health Care > This industry includes entities that provide varied medical,
Hospitals diagnostic, and treatment services that include physician,
nursing, and other health services to inpatients.
2091 Nursing and Residential Care Hospitals and Health Care > Nursing This industry includes entities that provide residential care
Facilities and Residential Care Facilities combined with either nursing, supervisory, or other types
441 of care as required by the residents.
88 Individual and Family Services Hospitals and Health Care > This industry includes entities that provide nonresidential
Individual and Family Services social assistance to children and youth, the elderly, persons
with disabilities, and all other individuals and families.
2122 Emergency and Relief Services Hospitals and Health Care > This industry includes entities that provide food, shelter,
Individual and Family Services > clothing, medical relief, resettlement, and counseling to
Emergency and Relief Services victims of domestic or international disasters or conflicts
443 (e.g., wars).
2125 Vocational Rehabilitation Services Hospitals and Health Care > This industry includes entities that provide vocational
Individual and Family Services > rehabilitation or habilitation services, such as job
Vocational Rehabilitation Services counseling, job training, and work experience, to
unemployed and underemployed persons, persons with
disabilities, and persons who have a job market
disadvantage because of lack of education, job skill, or
experience and/or training and employment to persons
444 with disabilities.
2128 Child Day Care Services Hospitals and Health Care > This industry includes entities that provide day care of
Individual and Family Services > infants or children who are not in school and may also
Child Day Care Services offer pre-kindergarten and/or kindergarten educational
445 programs.
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2115 Community Services Hospitals and Health Care > This industry includes entities offer short-term emergency
Community Services shelter, temporary residential shelter, transitional housing,
volunteer construction or repair of low-cost housing; or
food, shelter, clothing, medical relief, resettlement, and
counseling to the needy, or to victims of domestic or
international disasters or conflicts.
2112 Services for the Elderly and Disabled Hospitals and Health Care > This industry includes entities that provide services in
Community Services > Services for support of the elderly and disabled.
447 the Elderly and Disabled
448 28 Entertainment Providers Entertainment Providers This industry includes entities that:
1. Produce, promote, or participate in live performances,
449 events, or exhibits intended for the public
2. Preserve and exhibit objects and sites of historical,
450 cultural, or educational interest
3. Operate facilities or provide services that enable patrons
to participate in recreational activities or pursue
451 amusement, hobby, and leisure-time interests.
2130 Performing Arts and Spectator Sports Entertainment Providers > This industry includes entities that produce or organize and
Performing Arts and Spectator promote live presentations involving the performances of
Sports actors and actresses, singers, dancers, musical groups and
artists, athletes, and other entertainers, including
independent (i.e., freelance) entertainers and the entities
452 that manage their careers.
39 Performing Arts Entertainment Providers > This industry includes entities that produce live
Performing Arts and Spectator presentations featuring performances of actors and
Sports > Performing Arts actresses, singers, dancers, musicians and musical groups,
453 and other performing artists.
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2133 Theater Companies Entertainment Providers > This industry includes companies, groups, or theaters that
Performing Arts and Spectator offer the following live theatrical presentations: musicals;
Sports > Theater Companies operas; plays; and comedy, improvisational, mime, and
puppet shows and entities, commonly known as dinner
theaters, that produce live theatrical productions along
with food and beverages for consumption on the premises.
2135 Dance Companies Entertainment Providers > This industry includes companies, groups, or theaters
Performing Arts and Spectator producing all types of live theatrical dance (e.g., ballet,
455 Sports > Dance Companies contemporary dance, folk dance) presentations.
2139 Circuses and Magic Shows Entertainment Providers > This industry includes companies or groups (except theater
Performing Arts and Spectator companies, dance companies, and musical groups and
Sports > Circuses and Magic Shows artists) producing live theatrical presentations.
457 33 Spectator Sports Entertainment Providers > This industry includes:
Performing Arts and Spectator 1. Sports teams, clubs, or independent athletes that
458 Sports > Spectator Sports participate in live sports events before a paying audience
459 2. Entities that operate racetracks
3. Owners of racing participants that enter them in
460 spectator sports events
4. Entities such as trainers, that provide specialized services
461 to support participants.
2142 Sports Teams and Clubs Entertainment Providers > This industry includes professional or semiprofessional
Performing Arts and Spectator sports teams or clubs participating in live sporting events,
Sports > Spectator Sports > Sports such as baseball, basketball, football, hockey, soccer, and
462 Teams and Clubs jai alai games, before a paying audience.
2143 Racetracks Entertainment Providers > This industry includes entities that operate racetracks and
Performing Arts and Spectator may also present and/or promote the events, such as auto,
Sports > Spectator Sports > dog, and horse races, held in these facilities.
463 Racetracks
V2 Industry Codes April 2022

37 Museums, Historical Sites, and Zoos Entertainment Providers > This industry includes entities that preserve and exhibit
Museums, Historical Sites, and Zoos objects, sites, and natural wonders of historical, cultural,
464 and/or educational value.
2159 Museums Entertainment Providers > This industry includes entities that preserve and exhibit
Museums, Historical Sites, and Zoos objects of historical, cultural, and/or educational value.
465 > Museums
2161 Historical Sites Entertainment Providers > This industry includes entities that preserve and exhibit
Museums, Historical Sites, and Zoos sites, buildings, forts, or communities that describe events
> Historical Sites or persons of particular historical interest, such as
archeological sites, battlefields, historical ships, and
466 pioneer villages.
2163 Zoos and Botanical Gardens Entertainment Providers > This industry includes entities that preserve and exhibit live
Museums, Historical Sites, and Zoos plant and animal life displays.
> Zoos and Botanical Gardens
38 Artists and Writers Entertainment Providers > Artists This industry includes independent (i.e., freelance)
and Writers individuals that perform in artistic productions, create
artistic and cultural works, or provide technical expertise
468 necessary for these productions.
469 115 Musicians Entertainment Providers > This industry includes
Musicians 1. Groups that produce live musical entertainment (except
470 theatrical musical or opera productions)
2. Independent (i.e., freelance) artists that provide live
musical entertainment. Musical groups and artists may
perform in front of a live audience or in a studio; they may
or may not operate their own facilities for staging shows.
472 40 Recreational Facilities Entertainment Providers > This industry includes entities that
Recreational Facilities 1. Operate facilities where patrons can engage in sports,
473 recreation, amusement, or gambling activities and/or
V2 Industry Codes April 2022

2. Provide other amusement and recreation, such as
amusement devices in places of business operated by
others; operation of sports teams, clubs, or leagues that
play games for recreational purposes; and tours that do
474 not use transportation equipment.
2167 Amusement Parks and Arcades Entertainment Providers > This industry includes entities that operate amusement
Recreational Facilities > Amusement parks and amusement arcades and parlors.
475 Parks and Arcades
29 Gambling Facilities and Casinos Entertainment Providers > This industry includes entities that operate gambling
Recreational Facilities > Gambling facilities, such as casinos, bingo halls, and video gaming
Facilities and Casinos terminals, or that provision gambling services, such as
476 lotteries and off-track betting.
477 2179 Golf Courses and Country Clubs Entertainment Providers > This industry includes entities that
478 Recreational Facilities > Golf 1. Operate golf courses (except miniature) and
Courses and Country Clubs 2. Operate golf courses along with dining facilities and
other recreational facilities that are known as country
479 clubs.
2181 Skiing Facilities Entertainment Providers > This industry includes entities that operate downhill, cross
Recreational Facilities > Skiing country, or related skiing areas and/or operate related
480 Facilities equipment, such as ski lifts and tows.
481 124 Wellness and Fitness Services Entertainment Providers > This industry includes entities that:
Recreational Facilities > Wellness 1. Operate fitness and recreational facilities for sports,
482 and Fitness Services such as swimming, skating, or racquet sports; and/or
2. Provide non-medical services to assist clients in attaining
or maintaining a desired weight or healthfulness, such as
individual or group counseling and menu and exercise
483 planning.
2190 Accomodation Services Accomodation Services This industry includes entities that provide short-term
lodging in facilities, such as hotels, motels, and bed-and-
breakfast inns. In addition to lodging, they may provide a
484 range of other services to their guests.
V2 Industry Codes April 2022

31 Hospitality Accomodation Services > Hospitality This industry includes entities that provide customers with
lodging and/or prepared meals, snacks, and beverages for
485 immediate consumption.
2194 Hotels and Motels Accomodation Services > Hospitality This industry includes entities that provide short-term
> Hotels and Motels lodging specifically in facilities known as hotels, motor
486 hotels, resort hotels, and motels.
2197 Bed-and-Breakfasts, Hostels, Accomodation Services > Hospitality This industry includes entities that provide short-term
Homestays > Bed-and-Breakfasts, Hostels, lodging and food (except hotels, motels, and casino hotels).
487 Homestays
34 Food and Beverage Services Accomodation Services > Food and This industry includes entities that prepare meals, snacks,
Beverage Services and beverages to customer order, for immediate on-
488 premises and off-premises consumption.
32 Restaurants Accomodation Services > Food and This industry includes entities that provide food to patrons
Beverage Services > Restaurants who are served while seated and pay after eating, or those
who select items (e.g., at a counter, in a buffet line) and
pay before eating. Entities that prepare and/or serve
specialty snacks and/or nonalcoholic beverages for
consumption on or near the premises are included.
2217 Bars, Taverns, and Nightclubs Accomodation Services > Food and This industry includes entities known as bars, taverns,
Beverage Services > Bars, Taverns, nightclubs, or drinking places preparing and serving
490 and Nightclubs alcoholic beverages for immediate consumption.
2212 Caterers Accomodation Services > Food and This industry includes entities that provide single event-
Beverage Services > Caterers based food services and generally have equipment and
vehicles to transport meals and snacks to events and/or
491 prepare food at an off-premise site.
V2 Industry Codes April 2022

2214 Mobile Food Services Accomodation Services > Food and This industry includes entities that prepare and serve meals
Beverage Services > Mobile Food and snacks for immediate consumption from motorized
Services vehicles or nonmotorized carts. The entity is the central
location from which the caterer route is serviced, not each
vehicle or cart. Included in this industry are entities that
provide food services from vehicles, such as hot dog carts
492 and ice cream trucks.
91 Consumer Services Consumer Services This industry includes entities that repair cars, machinery,
electronics, furniture, footwear, and leather goods, and
those that provide personal services such as laundry, pet
493 care, and household services.
2225 Repair and Maintenance Consumer Services > Repair and This industry includes entities that restore machinery,
Maintenance equipment, and other products to working order and
provide general or routine maintenance (i.e., servicing) on
such products to ensure they work efficiently and to
494 prevent breakdown and unnecessary repairs.
2226 Vehicle Repair and Maintenance Consumer Services > Repair and This industry includes entities that provide repair and
Maintenance > Vehicle Repair and maintenance services for automotive vehicles, such as
495 Maintenance passenger cars, trucks, and vans, and all trailers.
2240 Electronic and Precision Equipment Consumer Services > Repair and This industry includes entities that repair and maintain one
496 Maintenance Maintenance > Electronic and or more of the following:
497 Precision Equipment Maintenance 1. Consumer electronic equipment
498 2. Computers
499 3. Office machines
500 4. Communication equipment
5. Other electronic and precision equipment and
501 instruments, without retailing these products as new.
V2 Industry Codes April 2022

2247 Commercial and Industrial Consumer Services > Repair and This industry includes entities that repair and maintain
Machinery Maintenance Maintenance > Commercial and commercial and industrial machinery and equipment,
Industrial Machinery Maintenance including either sharpening/installing commercial and
industrial machinery blades and saws or provide welding
(e.g., automotive, general) repair services; or repairing
agricultural and other heavy and industrial machinery and
equipment (e.g., forklifts and other material handling
equipment, machine tools, commercial refrigeration
equipment, construction equipment, and mining
502 machinery).
2253 Reupholstery and Furniture Repair Consumer Services > Repair and This industry includes entities that offer one or more of the
503 Maintenance > Reupholstery and following services:
504 Furniture Repair 1. Reupholstering furniture
505 2. Refinishing furniture
506 3. Repairing furniture
507 4. Repairing and restoring furniture.
2255 Footwear and Leather Goods Repair Consumer Services > Repair and This industry includes entities that repair footwear and/or
Maintenance > Footwear and other leather or leather-like goods without retailing new
Leather Goods Repair footwear and leather or leather-like goods, such as
508 handbags and briefcases.
2258 Personal and Laundry Services Consumer Services > Personal and This industry includes entities that provide personal and
Laundry Services laundry services to individuals, households, and businesses,
including personal care services; death care services;
laundry and drycleaning services; and a wide range of
other personal services, such as pet care (except
veterinary) services, photofinishing services, temporary
509 parking services, and dating services.
2259 Personal Care Services Consumer Services > Personal and This industry includes entities, such as barber and beauty
Laundry Services > Personal Care shops, that provide appearance care services to individual
510 Services consumers.
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2272 Laundry and Drycleaning Services Consumer Services > Personal and This industry includes entities that operate coin-operated
Laundry Services > Laundry and or similar self-service laundries and drycleaners; that
Drycleaning Services provide drycleaning and laundry services (except coin-
operated); and supply, on a rental or contract basis,
laundered items (e.g., uniforms, gowns, shop towels, etc.).
2282 Pet Services Consumer Services > Personal and This industry includes entities that provide pet care
Laundry Services > Pet Services services (except veterinary), such as boarding, grooming,
512 sitting, and training pets.
89 Religious Institutions Consumer Services > Religious This industry includes religious organizations, such as
Institutions churches, religious temples, and monasteries, and/or
entities that organize religion or promote religious
513 activities.
131 Philanthropic Fundraising Services Consumer Services > Philanthropic This industry includes grantmaking foundations, charitable
Fundraising Services trusts, and entities that raise funds for a wide range of
social welfare activities, such as health, educational,
514 scientific, and cultural activities.
90 Civic and Social Organizations Consumer Services > Civic and This industry includes entities that organize religious
Social Organizations activities; promote causes and beliefs for the public good;
support charitable and other causes through grantmaking;
advocate social and political causes; and promote and
515 defend the interests of their members.
107 Political Organizations Consumer Services > Civic and This industry includes entities that promote the interests of
Social Organizations > Political national or local parties or candidates. Political groups
Organizations organized to raise funds for a political party or individual
516 candidate are included.
1909 Industry Associations Consumer Services > Civic and This industry includes entities that promote the business
Social Organizations > Industry interests of their member companies and may conduct
Associations research on new products and services; develop market
statistics; sponsor quality and certification standards; lobby
public officials; or publish newsletters, books, or
517 periodicals for distribution to their members.
V2 Industry Codes April 2022

1911 Professional Organizations Consumer Services > Civic and This industry includes entities that promote the
Social Organizations > Professional professional interests of their individual members and their
Organizations profession as a whole; and may conduct research; develop
statistics; sponsor quality and certification standards; lobby
public officials; or publish newsletters, books, or
518 periodicals for distribution to their members.
100 Non-profit Organizations Consumer Services > Non-profit This industry includes entities that provide public benefit
Organizations on a nonprofit basis, including those that organize and
promote religious activities, support social and political
causes, and provide programs and facilities for emergency
relief, education, and donations of goods and services.
2318 Household Services Consumer Services > Household This industry includes private households that employ
Services workers on or about the premises in activities primarily
concerned with the operation of the household, including
cooks, maids, butlers, and outside workers, such as
gardeners, caretakers, and other maintenance workers.
75 Government Administration Government Administration This industry includes entities of federal, state, and local
government agencies that administer, oversee, and
manage public programs; organize and finance public
goods and services; and have executive, legislative, or
judicial authority over other institutions within a given
area. These agencies set policy, create laws, adjudicate civil
and criminal legal cases, and provide for public safety and
521 national defense.
79 Public Policy Offices Government Administration > This industry includes offices of government executives,
Public Policy Offices legislative bodies, public finance, and general government
522 support.
76 Executive Offices Government Administration > This industry includes government entities that serve as
Public Policy Offices > Executive offices of chief executives and their advisory committees
523 Offices and commissions.
V2 Industry Codes April 2022

72 Legislative Offices Government Administration > This industry includes government entities that serve as
Public Policy Offices > Legislative legislative bodies and their advisory committees and
524 Offices commissions.
73 Administration of Justice Government Administration > This industry includes government entities that administer
Administration of Justice justice, including courts, correctional institutions, and
525 other offices.
3065 Courts of Law Government Administration > This industry includes civilian courts of law (except
Administration of Justice > Courts of American Indian and Alaska Native tribal courts).
526 Law
3068 Correctional Institutions Government Administration > This industry includes government entities that manage
Administration of Justice > and operate correctional institutions designed for the
Correctional Institutions confinement, correction, and rehabilitation of adult and/or
527 juvenile offenders sentenced by a court.
3070 Fire Protection Government Administration > This industry includes government entities that offer
Administration of Justice > Fire firefighting and other related fire protection activities.
528 Protection
77 Law Enforcement Government Administration > This industry includes government entities that enforce
Administration of Justice > Law criminal and civil law, provide police activity, traffic safety,
Enforcement and other activities related to the enforcement of the law
and preservation of order. Combined police and fire
529 departments are included.
78 Public Safety Government Administration > This industry includes government entities that provide
Administration of Justice > Public public order and safety (except courts, police protection,
Safety legal counsel and prosecution, correctional institutions,
parole offices, probation offices, pardon boards, and fire
protection). Government administration of public order,
safety programs, and collection of statistics on public
530 safety are included.
2353 Health and Human Services Government Administration > This industry includes government entities that administer
531 Health and Human Services human resource programs.
V2 Industry Codes April 2022

69 Education Administration Programs Government Administration > This industry includes government entities that coordinate,
Health and Human Services > plan, supervise, and administrate funds, policies, activities,
Education Administration Programs statistical reports, data collection, and centralized
programs for educational administration. Government
scholarship programs are included.
2358 Public Health Government Administration > This industry includes government entities that plan,
Health and Human Services > Public administer, and coordinate public health programs and
Health services, including environmental health activities, mental
health, categorical health programs, health statistics, and
533 immunization services.
2360 Public Assistance Programs Government Administration > This industry includes government entities that plan,
Health and Human Services > Public administer, and coordinate programs for public assistance,
Assistance Programs social work, and welfare activities, including Social Security,
disability insurance, Medicare, unemployment insurance,
and workers' compensation programs.
388 Environmental Quality Programs Government Administration > This industry includes government entities that administer
535 Environmental Quality Programs environmental quality programs.
2366 Air, Water, and Waste Program Government Administration > This industry includes government entities that focus on
Management Environmental Quality Programs > administration, regulation, or enforcement of programs
536 Air, Water, and Waste Program related to one or more of the following:
537 Management 1. Air and water resources
538 3. Solid waste management
539 2. Water and air pollution control and prevention
540 4. Flood control
5. Drainage development and water resource consumption
6. Toxic waste removal and cleanup; and/or coordination
of these activities at intergovernmental levels.
V2 Industry Codes April 2022

2368 Conservation Programs Government Administration > This industry includes government entities that focus on
Environmental Quality Programs > the administration, regulation, supervision, and control of
Conservation Programs land use, including recreational areas; conservation and
preservation of natural resources; erosion control;
geological survey program administration; weather
forecasting program administration; and the
administration and protection of publicly and privately
owned forest lands, including game, fish, and wildlife
populations, including wildlife management areas and field
543 stations.
2369 Housing and Community Government Administration > This industry includes government entities that administer
Development Housing and Community programs for housing, urban planning, and community
544 Development development.
3081 Housing Programs Government Administration > This industry includes government entities that plan and
Housing and Community administer housing programs.
545 Development > Housing Programs
2374 Community Development and Urban Government Administration > This industry includes government entities that focus on
Planning Housing and Community the administration and planning of the development of
Development > Community urban and rural areas, including government zoning boards
546 Development and Urban Planning and commissions.
2375 Economic Programs Government Administration > This industry includes government entities that administer
547 Economic Programs economic programs.
3085 Transportation Programs Government Administration > This industry includes government entities that focus on
Economic Programs > the administration, regulation, licensing, planning,
Transportation Programs inspection, and investigation of transportation services and
facilities, including motor vehicle and operator licensing,
the Coast Guard (except the Coast Guard Academy), and
548 parking authorities.
V2 Industry Codes April 2022

3086 Utilities Administration Government Administration > This industry includes government entities that focus on
Economic Programs > Utilities administration, regulation, licensing, and inspection of
Administration utilities, such as communications, electric power (including
fossil, nuclear, solar, water, and wind), gas and water
549 supply, and sewerage.
3089 Space Research and Technology Government Administration > Space This industry includes government entities that administer
Research and Technology and operate space flights, space research, space
550 exploration, and space flight centers.
2391 Military and International Affairs Government Administration > This industry includes government entities that administer
Military and International Affairs programs of national security and international affairs.
71 Armed Forces Government Administration > This industry includes government entities engaged in
Military and International Affairs > national security and related activities.
552 Armed Forces
74 International Affairs Government Administration > This industry includes entities of local and foreign
Military and International Affairs > governments that focus on international affairs and
553 International Affairs programs relating to other nations and peoples.
1594 Technology, Information and Media Technology, Information and Media This industry includes entities that produce technology
products, such as software and data analytics, and provide
the means to transmit or distribute these products. Also
included are motion picture and sound recording;
traditional broadcasting and broadcasting exclusively over
the Internet; telecommunications; data processing; and
Web search portals and information services.
3133 Media and Telecommunications Technology, Information and Media This industry includes entities that provide
> Media and Telecommunications telecommunications and related services and media
production and distribution, including broadcast media,
555 movies, sound recordings, and animation
V2 Industry Codes April 2022

3132 Technology and Information Technology Information and Media This industry includes entities that publish computer
> Technology and Information software, provide data infrastructure and analytics, provide
web-based platforms (including marketplace platforms and
social media platforms, and media streaming services), and
provide information services, including internet publishing
556 and libraries.
1810 Professional Services Professional Services This industry includes entities that perform professional,
scientific, and technical activities for others, including legal
advice and representation; accounting, bookkeeping, and
payroll services; architectural, engineering, and specialized
design services; computer services; consulting services;
research services; advertising services; photographic
services; translation and interpretation services; veterinary
services; and other professional, scientific, and technical
557 services.
558 States)
559 Theme

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