Activity 10.

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Activity 10
Writing (250 words)

Write your autobiography including: date and place of birth, your academic studies, an anecdote,
what do you do now, and your plans for the future.

Hi, I am Tannia Hernandez Castellanos, I was born in Mazatlán on May 9, 1974, I studied primary
school in the elementary school JOSEFA ORTIZ DE DOMINGUEZ, I studied high school at the
COLEGIO EL PACÍFICO, I really enjoyed that time, then I tried to finish my degree in Psychology,
but I was able to finish the 7th trimester only, I got married, had 3 children and I dedicated myself to
them, my home and work, however, at this time I studied fashion design, and I spent a lot of time
designing and manufacturing clothes, at home without neglecting my children.
I currently work as a manager at FIDU... WHAT?... What do I do at my job? Well, we are dedicated
to managing permits from Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores, so that foreigners can buy properties
in a restricted area such as Mazatlán, we represent to BANCO AUTOFIN MEXICO, S.A as the
fiduciary, I love my job, I like meeting new people and customer service, that is why I decided to
study languages , starting with improving my knowledge of English and if it’s possible in the future
to study French, Italian and why not? Even German if the opportunity comes, I’ve had very good
teachers from whom I have learned a lot, and I have made good friends, in fact yesterday I gave my
teacher a gift for Teacher's Day, and everyone made jokes about it, it was very funny.
In my future plans, once I manage to study languages, I would like to dedicate myself to translation,
I know it’s a long way, but I think I’ll have the patience to make it, I think that there is a lot of field in
the translation of legal documents, and there aren´t many people who do it, I believe it´s a good
retirement plan, but, we’ll see.
For now, I just want to finish my English course and be able to speak and write fluently.
And of course, have grandchildren and have the health and energy to play with them.

Reflection: As a reflection on this topic, it is important for me not to give up on what I have planned
and enjoy the process.

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