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1. The graph given alongside shows the positions of a body at different times.
Calculate the speed of the body as it moves from :
(i) A to B.
(ii) B to C, and
(iii) C to D

2. The following velocity-time graph shows the motion of a cyclist. Find (i)
its acceleration, (ii) its velocity and (iii) the distance covered by the cyclist
in 15 seconds.

3. Figure represents the speed-time graph for a particle. Find the distance covered
by the particle between t=10min and t=30min

4. The velocity of a toy car is plotted below. What is the total distance
travelled by the toy?

5. Velocity-time graph for a train is shown in figure.
A. Find the total distance travelled by the train.
B. Calculate the average velocity of the train.

6. The velocity time graph of SUV is given below.

a. What is the distance travelled by SUV in first 2seconds?
b. What will be the deceleration after 5 sec to stop the SUV?
c. What is the braking force at the end of 5 second sto bring the SUV to
a stop wihtin one second?

7. The graph given shows how the speed of a car changes with time: -

i) What is the initial speed of the car?

ii) What is the maximum speed attained by the car?
iii) Which part of the graph shows zero acceleration?
iv) Which part of the graph shows varying retardation?
v) Find the distance travelled by the car from BC.
8. The following is the velocity-time graph for a moving body:
Find -

a) Velocity of the body at point C

b) Acceleration of the body between A & B
c) Acceleration of the body between B & C

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