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Large 8vo, half red-morocco gilt.
Dictionary of Slang and Colloquial English. By J. S.
FARMER and the late W. E. HENLEY. Abridged from
the seven-volume work. 542 pp.
Passing English of the Victorian Era. By J. BEDDING
WARE. (Forming a Supplement to the above.)
Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words, Obsolete
Phrases, &c. By J. 0. HALLIWELL. 998 pp.
Glossary of Words, Phrases, Names and Illusions. By
Archdeacon NARES. Edited by J. 0. HALLIWBLL and
T. WRIGHT. 992 pp.
English Quotations. By ROBINSON SMITH.
The Eosicrucians. By HARGRAVE JENNINGS. With 300
illustrations and 12 plates.
Shakespeare Word-book. By JOHN FOBTBR, M.A.
Prof. E. DOWDEN, writes :—
' One of the special distinctions of the book lies in its tracings
of the ramifications of meaning, and I think there is a delight-
ful training of the mind in following its guidance here. But,
apart from this, as a mere swift aid in getting past difficulties
in reading Shakespeare, it will be most useful, and all the more
useful because of its condensation. '




As forests shed their foliage by degrees,
So fade expressions which in season please. — BYRON.



This Work forms a Companion Volume to


HERE is a numerically weak collection of instances of 'Passing
English '. It may be hoped that there are errors on every page,
and also that no entry is ' quite too dull '. Thousands of words
and phrases in existence in 1870 have drifted away, or changed
their forms, or been absorbed, while as many have been added
or are being added. 'Passing English' ripples from countless
sources, forming a river of new language which has its tide and
its ebb, while its current brings down new ideas and carries away
those that have dribbled out of fashion. Not only is 'Passing
English ' general ; it is local ; often very seasonably local.
Careless etymologists might hold that there are only four divisions
of fugitive language in London — west, east, north and south. But
the variations are countless. Holborn knows little of Petty Italia
behind Hatton Garden, and both these ignore Clerkenwell, which is
equally foreign to Islington proper; in the South, Lambeth
generally ignores the New Cut, and both look upon Southwark
as linguistically out of bounds; while in Central London, Clare
Market (disappearing with the nineteenth century) had, if it no
longer has, a distinct fashion in words from its great and partially
surviving rival through the centuries — the world of Seven Dials,
which is in St Giles's — St James's being practically in the next
parish. In the East the confusion of languages is a world of
' variants ' — there must be half-a-dozen of Anglo-Yiddish alone —
all, however, outgrown from the Hebrew stem. ' Passing English '
belongs to all the classes, from the peerage class who have always
adopted an imperfection in speech or frequency of phrase associated
with the court, to the court of the lowest costermonger, who gives
the fashion to his immediate entourage. Much passing English
becomes obscure almost immediately upon its appearance — such
as ' Whoa, Emma ! ' or ' How's your poor feet ? ' the first from an
inquest in a back street, the second from a question by Lord
Palmerston addressed to the then Prince of Wales upon the

return of the latter from India. ' Everything is nice in my

garden' came from Osborne. 'O.K.' for 'orl kerrect' (All
Correct) was started by Vance, a comic singer, while in the
East district, 'to Wainwright' a woman (i.e. to kill her) comes
from the name of a murderer of that name. So boys in these
later days have substituted 'He's a reglar Charlie' for 'He's
a reglar Jack' meaning Jack Sheppard, while Charley is a
loving diminutive of Charles Peace, a champion scoundrel of our
generation. The Police Courts yield daily phrases to 'Passing
English ', while the life of the day sets its mark upon every hour.
Between the autumn of 1899, and the middle of 1900, a Chadband
became a Kruger, while a plucky, cheerful man was described
as a 'B.P.' (Baden Powell). Li Hung Chang remained in London
not a week, but he was called 'Lion Chang' before he had gone
twice to bed in the Metropolis. Indeed, proper names are a
great source of trouble in analysing Passing English. 'Dead
as a door nail' is probably — as O'Donnel. The phrase comes
from Ireland, where another fragment — Til smash you into
Smithereens' — means into Smither's ruins — though no one seems
to know who Smithers was. Again, a famous etymologist has
assumed 'Right as a trivet' to refer to a kitchen-stove, whereas
the 'trivet' is the last century pronunciation of Truefit, the
supreme Bond Street wig-maker, whose wigs were perfect — hence
the phrase. Proper names are truly pitfalls in the study of
colloquial language. What is a ' Bath Oliver,' a biscuit invented
by a Dr Oliver of Bath ; again there is the bun named after
Sally Lunn, while the Scarborough Simnel is a cake accidentally
discovered by baking two varying superposed cakes in one tin.
In Scarborough, some natives now say the cake comes down
from the pretender Simnel, who became cook or scullion to
Henry VII. Turning in another direction, it may be suggested
that most exclamations are survivals of Catholicism in England,
such as 'Ad's Bud'— 'God's Bud' (Christ); 'Cot's So'— 'God's
oath'; 'S'elp me greens '— meaning groans; more blue (still
heard in Devonshire) — morbleu (probably from Bath and the
Court of Charles II.)— the 'blue death ' or the 'blue-blood death '—
the crucifixion. ' Please the pigs ' is evidently pyx ; while the
dramatic 'sdeath is clearly 'His Death'; even the still common
' Bloody Hell 'is 'By our lady, hail ', the lady being the Virgin.
There are hundreds of these exclamations, many wholly local.

Amongst authors perhaps no writer has given so many words to

the language as Dickens — from his first work, ' Pickwick ', to
almost his last, when he popularised Dr Bowdler; anglicization
is, however, the chief agent in obscuring meanings, as, for instance,
gooseberry fool is just gooseberry fouille, moved about — of course
through the sieve. Antithesis again has much to answer for.
' Dude ' having noted itself, ' fade ' was discovered as its opposite ;
'Mascotte' a luck-bringer having been brought to England, the
clever ones very soon found an antithesis in Jonah, who, it
will be recalled, was considered an unlucky neighbour. Be it
repeated — not an hour passes without the discovery of a new
word or phrase — as the hours have always been — as the hours
will always be. Nor is it too ambitious to suggest that passing
language has something to do with the daily history of the
nation. Be this all as it may be — here is a phrase book offered
to, it may be hoped, many readers, the chief hope of the author,
in relation with this work, being that he may be found amusing,
if neither erudite nor useful. Plaudite.
J. R. W.
ab. . . about Mid. . Military
abbrev. . abbreviation Milit.
Amer. American M. P. Morning Pott
art. . artistic Mus. Hall . Music Hall
Austral. . . Australia
N. . . North
Bk. . . Book Newsp. Cutting . Newspaper cutting
N. Y. New York
Ca. . . Canto
c. Eng. . common English 0. Eng.
Old English
cent. . . century on ...
lowing as 1890 on=
cf. . compare
ch. . . chapter 1890 and years fol-
C. L. . . common life old style
0. S. .
com. , comui. common.
commerc. . . commercial P. House . Public House
corr. . . corruption Peo. .
Peop. The People
crit. . . criticism
D. C. . Daily Chronicle Public School
Pub. Sch.
polit. . . political
D. els. . Dangerous Classes Peoples'
D. M. . Daily Mail which see
D. N. . Daily News which (plural) see
q. v. .
D. T. . Daily Telegraph
E. E. . . . Railway, Koyal
. East qq.v
. for example Ref. . . .
e.g. . Referee
E. N. . Evening News South
Eng., Engl. . England, English Sat. Rev. . Society
Saturday Review
Soc. .
Hist. . . historical
. that is Span., Sp. . stanza
i.e. St.
. Spanish
/. L. N. . . Illustrated London Standard
News S. Exch. . Stock Exchange
Ind. . Indian
Theat., Theatr. . Theatrical
L. . . Low Class Tr. . Trade
L. C. and D. . London, Chatham
Dover University
Univ. .
L. C. . . Lower Class U.S.A. United States of
Lit. . . literary America
Lond., Lon. London V.

M. Class . . Middle Class against

Metrop. . Metropolitan W. . West

A. D. Academy Headache

A. D. (Ball-room programme). can, and will, chatter 'about and about

Drink, disguised, thus : the various arts is in quite unprecedented
PROGRAMME OF DANCES. disproportion to the number of those who
are content to study these various arts
1. Polka Polly J. in patience, and, above all, in silence —
2. Valse A. D. there was something eminently salutary
3. Valse Miss F. in Millais' bluff contempt for the more
4. Lanoers Polly J. presumptuous theories of the amateurs.
5. Valse A. D. — D. T., 14th August 1896.
6. Valse Miss M. A. T. Above - board (Peoples'}. Frank,
7. Quadrille Polly J.
8. Valse A. D. open. From
between decks orsailors'
in the lingo.
hold, Not
Etc., etc. above all the boards in the ship.
The ingeniousness of this arrangement Abraham's Willing (Rhyming}.
is that young ladies see 'A. D.', and Shilling. Generally reduced to willing,
assume the youth engaged.
e.g., ' Lend us a willing.'
Abernethy (Peoples'}. A biscuit, so He don't care an Abraham's willing for
named after its inventor, Dr Abernethy anybody. — Newsp. Cutting.
(see Bath Oliver). Absolutely True (Soc., ab. 1880).
Abisselfa (Suffolk). Alone. From Absolutely false, from the title of a
' A by itself, A ' ; an old English way book, the statements in which, of a
of stating the alphabet. ghostly character, were difficult of
Abney Park (Hast London). About acceptation.
1860. An abbreviation of Abney Park Abyssinian Medal (Military). A
cemetery, a burial ground for a large button gone astray from its button-
proportion of those who die in the hole, one in the region of the abdomen.
East End of London. Cemetery is a
difficult word which the ignorant Introduced
(See Star in after the Abyssinian "War.
the East.)
always avoid. Now used figuratively, Academy (London). A billiard-
e.g., 'Poor bloke, he's gone to Abney room. Imported from Paris, 1885.
Park ' — meaning that he is dead. An edict has been promulgated (Paris)
We had a friendly lead in our court forbidding the playing of games of chance
t'other night. on public thoroughfares or in cafes for
snuffed it, and soBilly
all theJohnson's kid
coves about money, and it is chiefly directed against
got up a ' friendly ' to pay for the funeral the billiard rooms, or academies as they
to plant it decent in Abney. — Cutting. are called here.— D. T., 26th July 1894.
About and About (Soc., 1890 on). Academy Headache. When art
Mere chatter, the conversation of fools became fashionable to a severe degree
who talk for sheer talking's sake, e.g., this malady appeared ; now applied
1 A more about and about man never generically to headaches acquired at
suggested or prompted sudden murder.' any art galleries.
In an age of windy and pretentious Art critics complain of 'Academy head-
gabble — when the number of persons who ache' and of the fatigue produced by
Academic Nudity Advertisement Conveyancers

leagues of coloured canvases. — D. N., an ordinary horse -lifting case in the

15th April 1885. West of U.S.A. The victim was
There has yet to arise the philosopher accused of stealing four horses from
who can explain to us the precise cause one point and four feeds of corn from
of the 'Academy headache'. ... It is another for the said four horses.
an experience
the great collection familiar to many whoHouse.
at Burlington ' do ' c I acknowledge the corn,' said the
Most persons who go to the Academy sufferer — but legend says he was
know the malady well. — D. N., 4th June lynched in spite of the admission.
1885. Acting Ladies (Theatrical, 1883).
Academic Nudity (Oxford). Appear- Indifferent artistes. Mrs Langtry,
ance in public without cap or gown. moving in society, having (1882)
appeared as an actress in London,
we After
set out a tranquil
again. pipe
Shall inwea friend's
take caproom
and and in the same year gone to America,
gown, or shall we venture forth in a where she made vast sums of money,
state of ' Academic nudity ' ? Perish many ladies of more education than
the slavish thought ! We go without dramatic ability turned their attention
them. — Cutting. to the stage. Eleven out of a dozen
Accident. A child born out of
wedlock. totally failed, and few ' twelfths ' kept
before the public : hence an ' acting
Accidented (Lit., 1884). Liable to lady' soon came, amongst theatrical
surprise. people, to represent an incapable
An operatic season thus accidented
can hardly prove prosperous, but may actress: e.g., 'She isn't a comedian,
be pregnant of good if it teach intending youActing
she's inan myacting lady.'
opinion, should
managers of Italian opera to rely on be severely left alone. There is no
general excellence of ensemble, rather pleasing them or their friends. —
than on stars that may at any moment
Entr'acte, February 1883.
be eclipsed.— Globe, 1st July 1885.
Actor's Bible (Theatrical). The
According to Cocker (Peoples'). Era. This phrase was one of the first
Quite correct, according to rule. directed against sacred matters, about
Cocker flourished in 1694, when the the time when Essays and Reviews was
first edition of his Arithmetic appeared
much discussed (1860-70).
at the sign of the Black Boy on
London Bridge. In the beginning Mr Sydney Grundy, whose sensitive-
there was no sense of the preposterous ness sometimes outruns his discretion,
issued a challenge to Mr Clement Scott
in declaring a thing was 'according in There
' the Actor's
to Cocker'. Probably the quaintness was a Bible
in the1883.
Court of
of the name brought down the dignity Chancery on Friday, before Mr Justice
of the phrase. Chitty, to commit the proprietor of the
According to Gunter (Peoples'). 'Actor's Bible' for contempt of Court
Used precisely as 'according to for allowing certain remarks about ' un-
Cocker '. Gunter was a distinguished principled imitators' of Miss Genevieve
arithmetician, and the inventor of a Ward to appear in print. — Cutting.
chain and scale for measuring. Adam and Eve's togs (Peoples').
'Gunter's chain' is dragged over the Nakedness. (See Birth-day suit.)
land to this day. ' Give me the Adam's Ale (Peoples'). Water-
Gunter' is as common a phrase probably from the time of the Stuart
amongst surveyors as 'Give me the Puritans. If so, it forms a good
chain '. example of national history in a word
Acknowledge the Corn (Amer. or phrase.
English}. Adroit confession of minor Ad's my Life (Peoples'; 18 cent.).
offence to intensify the denial of the
An 18 cent, form of ' God's my life '.
major offence: e.g., 'Sir, I believe (See Odd's life.)
you are after my wife — and you
certainly pocketed my meerschaum last Ad's Bud (18 cent.). God's Bud,
i.e., Christ. Common in H. Fielding.
Sunday evening at 10.30.' To which Advertisement Conveyancers (Soc. ,
the answer might be: 'Well, I 1883). Street Advertisement Board
acknowledge the corn — I took the Carriers. (See Sandwich Men.)
pipe by incident, so to speak ; but as
to Mrs H., I'm as innocent as the Brought in by W. E. Gladstone (2nd
May 1883), during his speech at the
skipping lamb.' Said to arise from
JEgis Agony in Red

inauguration dinner of the National You had not observed that sort of
Liberal Club in these words : thing before marriage? Never. What
These fellow-citizens of ours have it I saw of her was at afternoon calls. —
for their lot that the manly and interest- Lord Gerard's evidence in Lord Durham's
ing proportions of the human form are Nullity of Marriage suit, March 1885.
in their case disguised both before and Afternoonified (Soc.). Smart.
after by certain oblong formations which
appear to have no higher purpose than
What may prove a popular new adjec-
tive made its first appearance last week.
what is called conveying an advertise- A lady entered a fashionable drapery
ment.— Newsp. Cutting. store. The lady found nothing to please
Society accepted the phrase and the her. The shopwalker then was called.
This individual, with a plausible tale or
anent it. enemies shot many a shaft compliment, will invariably effect a sale
after all other means have failed. In
^Egis (Latin). A shield, hence pro- reply to his question whether the goods
tection, patronage, from Minerva's were not suitable, the fastidious customer
habit of putting her invisible shield
in front of her favourites when in answered : ' No, thank you ; they are
battle. not "afternoonified" enough for me.'
In the case of a lady armed with an
Madam Adelina Patti appeared yester- argument of such calibre what was the
day afternoon under the aegis of Messrs shopwalker to say or do? Like a wise
Harrison, and once more gathered a man, he expressed his regret and beat
great audience round her. — D. T., 4th a dignified retreat. The lady did the
June 1897.
same, but the adjective remained. —
^Estheticism (Soc., 1865 - 1890). D. T., July 1897.
Ideal social ethics, represented out- * After you with the push' (Peoples').
wardly by emblems, chiefly floral, the Said, with satirical mock politeness,
more significant flowers being the in the streets to any one who has
white lily and the sunflower. roughly made his way past the speaker,
The women wore their dresses chiefly
in neutral tints, and especially in three and 'smudged' him.
Aggeravators, Hagrerwaiters
series, viz. : — greens, dead leaf (the (Costermongers). Side-curls still worn
yellows, or yellowish, of the series) ; by a few conservative costennongers.
olive (the middle path of colour) ; and Of two kinds — the ring, or ringlet (the
sage (the blues of the series). In each more ancient), and the twist, dubbed,
of these series there were scores of doubtless in the first place by satirists,
tints. The pomegranate was also a
fetish. (See Grego. ) 'Newgate Knockers'. Indeed the
model of this embellishment might
The joke of sestheticism and sunflowers have been the knocker of the door of
had been smiled at and had died once
or twice between 1865 and 1878 before it the house of the governor of that gaol.
was familiar enough to the public for The aggravation may mean that these
dramatic purposes. — D. N.t 27th January adornments excite envy in those who
1887. cannot grow these splendours, or that
Affigraphy (Coster). To a T, they aggravate or increase the admira-
tion of the fair sex. The younger
exactly. A corruption of autograph costers wear rival forehead tufts — such
— the vulgar regarding a signature as as the Quiff, the Guiver, or the Flop.
of world-wide importance and gravity. There is, however, one golden rule for
(See Sivvy.)
these fashions — the hair must stop
Afters (Devon). Sweets — pies and short of the eyelids.
puddings. ' Bring in the afters ' is Agony in Red (Soc.). Vermilion
a common satirical remark in poor costume. When the aesthetic craze
Devonshire houses, especially when
there are no ' afters ' to follow. Also was desperately 'on' (1879-81), terms
used in music were applied to paint-
used in Scotland, e.g., 'Hey mon, a
dinner, an' nae afters ! ' ing, as a 'nocturne in silver-grey,' a
Afternoon Calls (Soc., 19 cent.). 'symphony in amber,' a 'fugue in
Referring to exclusive society, who purple,' an 'andante in shaded violet'.
Hence it was an easy transition to
have never accepted the afternoon apply terms of human emotions to
'drums' and five o'clock teas, but costumes.
adhered to the more formal 15 -minute There are many terrible tints even now
afternoon visit. to be found among the repertory of the
Agreeable Rattle Alhambra War Whoop

leaders of fashion — agonies in red, livid observing that 'ioukka', which it calls
horrors in green, ghastly lilacs, and 'really the national soup of Russia', to
monstrous mauves. —Newsp. Cutting. 'one of simple tastes, must resemble
Agreeable Rattle (Soc., ab. 1840). Hudson River sturgeon, otherwise known
A chattering young man. The genus as Albany beef, struck by Jersey
has long since disappeared. The A. R. lightning
30th June '.—G.
1883. A. Sala, in D. T.,
went out with the great Exhibition of
1857. Albertine (Soc. , 1860-80). An adroit,
Roderick Doo appeared to be what the calculating, business - like mistress ;
from the character of that name in
ladies call an agreeable rattle. — Albert
Le Pere Prodigue (A. Dumas fils). She
Smith,' Mr Ledbury (1842). is in his play an economical housewife,
Ah, dear me ! (Soc., 18 and 19 cents.).
An ejaculation of sorrow, perhaps from but looks to her own ledger with
remorseless accuracy. The word is
' Ah, Dieu mais ! ' which in its turn used and understood in England only
came from Ay de mi (q.v.). Probably
introduced by Catherine of Braganza by persons of high rank. In France
or one of her French contemporaries at it is used by all classes as a term of
reproach, addressed even to a wife for
Whitehall ('Ah, dear me, but it's a any display of niggardliness. (Sec
wicked world'). Nana, Oheri.)
Ah, que je can be bete ! (Half -Soc. ,
1899). A new macaronic saying — Alderman hung1 in Chains (City).
French and English. Amongst the A fat turkey decked with garlands of
sausages. From the appearance of
lower classes another ran ' Twiggy -
the City fathers, generally portly —
vous the chose ? ' becoming more so when carrying their
'Aipenny Bumper (London Streets). chains of office over their powerful
A two-farthing omnibus ride, descrip- busts.
tive of the vehicles in question which
were not generally great works in Alderman (Peoples'). Half a dollar
carriage - building, until the London = half a crown, which by the way is
County Council started (1899) a line of fivepence more than the American
£d. 'busses between Waterloo Station ' half. Its origin beyond the reach of
and Westminster along the Strand. discovery ; it is probably derived from
some remote alderman who when on
The L.C.C. 'busses were as good as the bench habitually ladled out this
any others, and better than most.
Air-hole (Soc., 1885-95). A small coin to applicants for relief.
public garden, generally a dismally Alexandra Limp (Soc., ab. 1872).
converted graveyard, with the ancient An affected manner of walking seen for
several years amongst women. Said to
the boundaryset walls. up at ' attention ' against have been imitated from the temporary
mode in which the then Princess of
For some years past the churchyard Wales walked after some trouble with
has been disused, and the Metropolitan
Public Gardens Association, with a keen a knee. (See Buxton Limp, Grecian
Bend, Roman Fall.)
eye for what it not inaptly terms 'air-
holes,' has been making strenuous efforts Alhambra War Whoop (Theatrico-
to secure it as an ornamental space. —
D. T., 1st June 1895. political,l87Q).
cast at each otherTheby'historical'
the Germansdefiance
Air-man-chair (Music-hall trans- French in London during the Franco-
position). Chairman — effected by German war. Speaking of the destruc-
taking the 'ch' from the beginning tion of the theatre by fire (Dec. 1882)
and adding it, with 'air', to the G. A. Sala wrote at the time in The
termination. Very confusing and once Illus. London News :
equally popular, e.g., 'The air-man- Do you remember the ' War Whoop at
chair is got up The
well dressed. no endchairmanto-night,'hasi.e.,
nowis the Alhambra'? That was during the
Franco-German war in 1870 — in the late
been abolished in music-halls. He Mr Sawyer's time, and just after the
was supposed to keep order and lead refusal of the dancing licence to the
choruses. The modern public now do place. The enterprising lessee, not to
these things for themselves. be baffled by the unkind action of the
Albany Beef (Amer.). Unattrac- Areopagus of Clerkenwell Green, deter-
tive viands. mined to 'take it out' in international
The New York Herald concludes by noise ; so every evening towards the close
All All of a Piece

of the performance he organised one All a treat (Street). Perfection of

band which ofplayed enjoyment, sometimes used satirically
the strains which the
immediately to depict mild catastrophe.
followed by the enlivening notes of the All-fired (Amer.). A euphemism
German ' Wacht am Rhein '. Then for hell-fired, used as a general
The the Alhambresque ' War Whoop
in the house cheered'. intensive, e.g., 'I was in an all-fired
their own melody to the echo, and
groaned, whistled, and yelled at the All it is worth (Amer.). To the
Teutonic air. The Germans, on their fullest extent, as fully as possible.
Scalchi, to use a side-walk phrase,
side, received the
with clamorous ' Wacht and
exultation, am Rhein
hooted ' played Siebel for all the character was
and bellowed at the ' Marseillaise '. The worth, and was evidently the favourite.
English portion of the audience im- — N. Y. Mercury, 1883.
partially screamed and howled. The All my eye and Betty Martin
appalling charivari nightly drew crowds (Peoples'1}. An expression
to the Alhambra ; but the excitement evasive declaration that of
did not last long. addressed is a liar. Perhaps the
All (L. Peoples'}. Perfect, extreme, finest example extant of colloquial
complete, absolute — the sum of street exclamations reaching to-day from
gentlemen's admiration, e.g., 'She's pre-Reformation times. St Martin
all there,' 'All a lark,' 'All on,' 'All was, and is, the patron saint of
a neat bit.' beggars. The prayer to St Martin
'It's all bosh.' All is a big word. opens, '0, mini, beate Martine.'
Does he refer to the meeting, the Royal This phrase was used by English
Exchange, the speeches, the speakers, or mendicants (and is still used by South-
the existence of unemployed thousands ? Italian beggars) when asking for alms.
His favourite word comes in again in the
When indiscriminate charity 'went
My friend says remark he is a : French
' It's all polisher,
a game.' out' in England at the date of the
and he smells like one. He further Reformation, this phrase fell into
informs me that he belongs to some bad repute as representing a lazy and
mysterious commonwealth, that he is lying class. It is still used by the
a teetotaler, a vegetarian, a non-smoker. commoner classes as an expression of
When I hint to him — emphasizing his doubt, though it has been very widely
own term — that he is all too good for me, superseded by 'humbug' (q.v.).
he cheerily comforts me with ' Not a bit All my own (London Apprentices,
of it ; it's all right '. This is as it should 19 cent.). Freedom, 'mastership. Its
be — all bosh, all a game, all right. — use is disappearing with the tendency
I). N., 5th February 1885. (See Neat.) to abolish apprenticeship.
All his buttons on (C. L., 1880 on).
I'm quite in the world alone
Sharp, alive, active, not to be deceived. And I'll marry you
He is eighty-three years of age, but as If you'll be true,
we say hereabouts, has all his buttons on
The day I'm all my own.— (1896).
(laughter), and he says, ' I never heard of All my eye and my elbow (London,
greater nonsense in all my life. Here I 1882). Fictional : appears to be a
am, W. G. of the "Blue Boar", who, if flight of genius starting from 'all
the Duke of So-and-So gives me notice in
September to quit next Lady Day, have my eye and Betty Martin', got into
to leave my licence behind me without form, not because Betty Martin had
any compensation.' — Sir W. Harcourt, become vulgar, but possibly because
Speech in Bermondsey, 20th May 1890. her vague identity led to conventional
All a-cock (Peoples'}. Overthrown, divergencies. There is a smart aspect
vanquished. It may be a version of about this term, for, while eye and
knocked into a cocked hat, (q.v.), or, elbow offered a weak alliteration, there
more probably it is derived from cock- is some sort of association and agree-
fighting ; e. g. , ' He's all a kick, ' meaning ment in the action of these personal
a dying bird, from the motion of the belongings, for one can wink with the
legs during the agony of death. This eye and nudge with the elbow at once.
would pass into ' cock ' readily, seeing All of a piece (Peoples'). Awkward,
that the conquering bird was always without proper distribution or relation
called ' a game ' one ; or ' he just only of parts, e.g., 'He lounged in— all of
tripped me, an' I was all a-cock in a a piece.' 'Have you seen his new
one-two '. Venus ? Awful — all of a piece.'
All over Grumble Ally Sloper

All over grumble (Peoples').

Obvious. cheat. 'Washy money allee samee,'
applied by Anglo -Asiatics in a satirical
In some of the things that have been spirit where things are not quite
seen here it has been a case of all over
satisfactory. ' It appeared that they
grumble, but Thursday's show was all were not quite married, but that they
over approval.— Re/., 28th March 1886.
All over red (Railway, to public, 1840 lived together allee samee.' — N. Y.
Mercury, February 1883.
on). Dangerous, to be avoided. From Alligators (Amer.). People of
red being the colour signal of danger Florida, so named from the alligators
throughout the railway world. The there ; used also because the Floridans
phrase has been accepted by the public are supposed to be as greedy as these
at large. (See Be Green, White Light, reptiles. Of course, an invention of
Paint the Town Red.) some other State or States.
All poppy cock (Amer.). Mere 'Will you kindly tell me which way
brag, nonsense. Perhaps a figure of the wind blows ? ' asked a Northern
speech drawn from the natural history invalid of the landlord of a Florida
of the field-poppy, which looks very hotel. 'Certainly, sir,' replied the
braw, military, cockish, and flaunting, landlord, stepping to the door ; ' the
but which tumbles to pieces if touched, wind now blows due north, sir.' ' Thank
or droops and faints almost directly it you.' A little later the landlord said to
is gathered. the bookkeeper : ' Have you made out
Mr Smith's bill yet ? ' ' No, sir.' ' Well,
All right up to now (Street}. just charge one dollar to his account
Smiling, serene. Derived from enceinte for information about the direction of
women making the remark as to their
condition. Used by Herbert Campbell theAlls
(Public-House). Waste pot at
as a catch-phrase in Covent Garden public-houses. On all public-house
Theatre Pantomime, 1878. pewter counters may be seen holes,
All-round muddle (Stock Exchange, down which go spillings of everything.
1870). Complete entanglement. Popular mistrust runs to the belief
that these collections are used up
Her ' bondage ' is not of lengthened — hence the comment upon bad beer.
duration, inasmuch as the husband,
finding himself in an all-round muddle, 'This must be alls.' As a fact, the
shoots himself dead. — Cutting. brewer allows a barrel of good beer for
When reporters get hold of a new every barrel of alls forwarded to the
phrase they are liable to work it to brewery. What does the brewer do
death. At present they are grinding with it? This is indeed wanting to
away at ' all-round '. They tell about know, at the end of the book, what
the all-round fighter, the all-round base- became of the executioner ? Pro-
ball player, the all-round reporter, the bability is in favour of the sewer-
all-round thief, and the all-round actor.
One reporter said the other day that grating.
whisky was the best all-round mischief- Allsopp (Peoples'). Short for
maker there was in the world, and he Allsopp's Pale Ale.
probably hasn't been all-round either. — Ally Luja lass (Lond. Street, 1886
Cutting, 1888. on). Hallelujah lass was the name
All very fine and large (Lond., given to the girl contingent of the
1886). Satirical applause ; from the Salvation Army, when the movement
refrain of a song sung by Mr Herbert rose into importance in London, and
General Booth made an effort to
How many people passed the turnstiles purchase all the theatres, succeeding,
at the Alexandra Palace I am not in a however, only in one case, that of the
position to say, but that the attendance Grecian Theatre, City Road.
was all very fine and large is beyond
dispute.— Ref., 7th August 1887. She sed thay wur Ally Luja's lasses.
'Ally Luja's asses,' I sed; 'thay wants
Alley (Peoples'). A go-between. Meeting —(1870).
kikkin.' Comic Report of a Salvation
Evidently from ' aller ', to go.
Mrs Cox was an alley for her. — Ally Sloper (Street, 1870 on). A
Bravo Coroner's Inquest. dissipated -looking old man with a red
Alice samee (Pidgeon English). All and swollen nose. Invented by Mr
the same. Used by Chinese cheap Charles Ross, who ran him in print
abourers when detected in trying to for a score of years.
Almighty Dollar Angel

Almighty dollar (Amer.). This with what we may call ' the cult of the
expression, a derisive synonym for altogether^. —D. T., 30th April 1896.
money os Mammon, originated with Altogether^ (Soc.). Drunk— from
Washington Irving. It is found in his the tendency of a drunken man to
Creole Village, and reads thus : lounge himself. Byron uses the term
in a letter of 1816.
'The Almighty Dollar, that great Amen Corner (California/a). A
object of urdversal devotion throughout
our land, seems to have no genuine church.
Sunday found them, judge and
devotees in these peculiar villages.'
Alphonse 'Soc., 1870 on). A man lawyers, seated
All the Year in the
Round, 31st' amen corner
October 1868.'.—
of position who accepts money from a
married woman or women richer, and A' mighty (Amer.). One of the
first evasions of an oath - like
probably older, than himself, as recom- word. It is, of course, a corruption
pense for remaking her or their lover.
Quite understood in Paris— not known of ' almighty '.
out of society ii London. From the As you know, young fellur, them goats
play Monsieur Alphonse (Alexandre is a'mighty
as kewrous anymal — as kewrous
weemen is.
Dumas, fils).
There was yesterday evening and up Ammedown Shop (Poor). Corrup-
to the small hours of the morning a tion of Hand-me-down Shop. A good
serious riot in the Latin Quarter, caused example of a phrase getting bastardized
by the students who continue from time into one meaningless word. ' George,
to time to make violent demonstrations
my dear, ammedown my gal's Turkey-
against those professional allies of
certain women — men who bear the name redAmok.
frock.' See Run a-muck.
of ' Alphonse ' — a sobriquet invented by
Alexandre Dumas, one which has passed AnatomyA thin (Peoples',
into the language. — Nwcsp. Cutting. Literary). needy boy,formerly
or old
withered soul. In common English ; it
Altogether (Soc., 1894). The nude has been reduced to natermy, e.g.,
in art. From Du Mauri er's Trilby,
who is an artist's model. ' I sit for 1 He were a perfick 'nattermy.'
A boy of twelve stood leaning against
the altogether.' a fence on Duffield Street, hat pulled
The New York Mercury, 27th down, feet crossed, and his right hand
September 1895, has this heading: going up occasionally to wipe his nose,
Will the next fad be photographs of when along came another anatomy about
modern woman taken in the ' altogether' ? his size. — Detroit Free Press.
Society women now have their busts Ancient Mariners (Cambridge
done in marble, their hands and arms in
bronze, and their legs photographed. Univ.). Graduates still associated
In The Demagogue and Lady Phayre, with the University who continue to
the labour leader appears as a figure row.
of rude nobility. The proportions are At Cambridge Fawcett rowed stroke
not heroic ; they are simply life-size. (the necessary position of a blind man) in
In the altogether they make up an the crew of ' Ancient Mariners ', as the
individuality rich, massive, and imposing. older members of the University who
— Weekly Sun, 29th December 1895. still ply the oar are called.— D. N., 7th
They wore little underclothing — scarcely November 1884.
anything — or no — thing — Androgynaikal (Art.). Appertain-
And their dress of Coan silk was quite ing to the nude figure, and to the
transparent in design — anatomy of both sexes.
Well, in fact, in summer weather, some-
Simeon Solomon's notion of the classic
thing like the ' altogether ', ideal in his picture called ' Sacramentum
And have
it's there
to drawI ratherthe linefancy,
! I shall amoris', a small figure, as nude as may
be, girt with a skin of a panther and
— Mr W. S. Gilbert's 'The Grand a light blue sash, and background of
Duke', March 1896. yellow drapery, but of that peculiar
There was no earthly necessity why
the Hotel du Libre Echange should be type of form to which the term ' andro-
an improper play, except that the gunaikal ' is applied in art, and holding
modern French audience revels in a long thyrsus. — Newsp. Cutting.
impropriety. They like it, they wallow Angel (N. London Street). A woman
in it, and they destroy their native of the town fringing the Angel at
ingenuity in construction and invention Islington, e.g., 'What are you doing
Angel-makers Apostle of Culture

here ? you ain't a Angel — you're only a but more especially referring to the
Sinker' (i.e., St Luker, from the Parish Elephant and Castle (S. London) ;
of St Luke, in the City Road, which is until (1882) this place was exception-
considered at the Angel as socially ally dubbed 'Jumbo' (q.v.).
below Islington, as it is comparatively Anno Domini, B.C. {Soc., 1890
depressed in its physical want of on). Relating to unknown longevity.
elevation in comparison with the Angel, 'He must be very anno domini,
which is quite at the top of the hill). mustn't he ? ' ' A.D. ? my dear fellow,
Angel-makers (Peop., 1889 on).
Baby-farmers ; because so many of the Anonyma (Soc., 186>). A name
farmed babies die. Probably from the say B.C.'to women of gaZlantry in an
article in the Times commenting on a
French ' Faiseuses des anges '. well-known Phryne of chat day. The
' ANGEL - MAKING '.— Another case of word lasted many years and came to
baby-farming, or ' angel-making', as it is be synonymous with a gay woman.
called in Austria, has just been dis-
covered by the Lemberg police, who She could kick highsr in the can-can
have arrested three women on the charge than
1882. any anony ma there. — N. Y. Mercury,
of systematically starving to death infants
committed to their care. — Newsp. Cutting, Anti-queer-uns (Soc., 18 cent.). A
December 1892. perversion of 'antiquarians', due to
They are not only under a cloud owing Foote.
to the deaths of Miss Thompson and So many interesting associations
Mademoiselle Madet, but every day a cluster around the remains of the old
fresh charge is laid at their doors, and nunnery at Godstow, a mile or two out
some people have even gone so far as of Oxford, that it is rather surprising
to describe them as members of a band so little attention has been bestowed on
of what Parisians call 'angel-makers'. — the ruin. Perhaps it may be difficult
D. T., 7th December 1896. even for ' Anti-queer-uns ', as Foote calls
Angels on Horseback (Virginia). them, to get up much enthusiasm over
1885. graves, — D. AT., 3rd February
Fricasseed oysters — meaning exquisite.
Origin not known.
Anglican Inch (Church, 1870 on). Anti-Tox (Amer. , reaching England
Description given by the ritualistic 1885). A drug to sober a drunken
clergy of the short square whisker person. Tox is, of course, the
abbreviation of intoxication.
which is so much affected by the A reporter noticed the singular fact
Broad Church party. The Hits (q.v.) that nearly every one who went into a
call themselves the * Church of England ', leading saloon was under the influence
the generally accepted Broad Church, of some powerful stimulant, and nearly
or Taits as they were called in Arch- every one who came out was painfully
bishop Tait's time, are 'Anglicans' — sober. Then he determined to go in and
hence the 'inch'. (See St Alban's see about it. 'Have a dose of Anti-
Clean Sweep.) Tox?' asked the barkeeper, recognising
Anguagela (Transposed) Language. the reporter. 'It's the greatest thing
A good example of the confusion on earth ; you come to me rocking from
one side of the saloon to the other and
produced by transposing and repeating reeking with the fumes of the vilest
a syllable or letter ; e.g., whisky, and I will make a new man of
How the Lord Chamberlain's people you while you are getting out a twenty-
pass this stuff goodness only knows.
cent piece.' — Minneapolis Oaz., 1885.
Perhaps they don't understand the
French anguagela. 'Apenny-lot day (Costers'). A bad
Animal (L. 0. and D. Railway time for business — really, when every-
Passengers, 1860). Synonym for the thing has to be sold cheap.
Apostle of culture (Soc., 1880).
1 Elephant and Castle ' station. ' Third- An individual who sets up as a perfect
class Animal ' is, or was, quite under- judge of taste. Probably started by
stood by the railway booking-clerks of Sir Francis Burn and in Punch.
the district.
Animal (Tavern). A disguised, or Our self -elected apostle of culture has
told us that it is as ridiculous to say that
flippant, reference amongst boon com- such and such a colour is the fashion as
panions to the tavern, used in common it would be to assert that B flat was the
when the sign is zoological, such fashionable key. — D. N., 13th January
as the Bull, Bear, Lion, Dragon —
Apostles of Murder Arfarfan'arf

Apostles of murder (Pol it., 1867 before him. It is short for 'Archer
on). A name given generally to is
political agitators who included an upabsolute
in the recklessness
saddle'. He which rode with
assassination in their programme. account for his end, for he shot
To say nothing of dynamite, and of himself. At once the phrase passed
that horrible compound found at Liver- away utterly, and was heard no more.
pool which presents the innocent appear- Arctics (Amer.). Winter clothing,
ance of sawdust but of which every grain which in the earlier settled States is
is an explosive agency, the apostles of decidedly built on a vast scale.
murder are reported to have employed I hate a hotel where you have to get
methods of offence even more diabolical.
up at 4.15 A.M., dress in a cold room,
— D. N., 6th April 1883. and walk down to the station because
Apple-jack (Amer. ). Spirit distilled the 'bus doesn't go to that train, and
from cider or from the pulp of apples about half-way down you discover that
already pressed for cider. (See Sweet you left your arctics in the office. — Newsp.
Waters. ) ' Jack ' is a common term
for spirits in U.S.A. In Normandy Ardent (Soc., 1870). A shortened
this liquor is calvados. form of 'ardent spirits'. From the
Mexican aqua ardente, through
'A grindstun can,' remarked a America.
weazened farmer, who had just called
for some apple-jack. — Newsp. Cutting, After this we all felt in such good
1883. humour that the bottle passed freely,
and I fear that more than one of our
Apples (Corruption of Rhyming number swallowed a little too much of
Slang}. Stairs, as thus : ' Apples and the ardent.— Newsp. Cutting, 1878.
pears — stairs.' 'Bill an' Jack's gone
Arer (Peoples'). More so. From
apples.' and pears in no birdlime
up 'Apples ' are ', emphatically used. ' We are,
—time.'— (Rhyming Street, 1882). and what's more, we can't be any arer.'
An obscure mode of describing sudden 'Arf-a-mo' (Peoples', 1890 on).
ejection from a house; e.g., Abbreviation of ' half a moment ',
The flunkeys had me down stairs cf., 'half a sec.' and 'half a tick' (of
a watch).
(apples and pears) in no time (birdlime).
'Appy dosser (Low Life, 19 cent.). I'll bet you never noticed all the things
A satirical description of a homeless that you can do
creature, so wretched as not to have In half a mo' — half a mo',
the few halfpence necessary to pay for So cock mention
your ears one and listen and I'll
or two,
a ' doss ', or bed in a common lodging-
house. In half a mo' — half a mo'.
Tho' you'recleanas off
as Satan
dot, you can go
Elizabeth, poor storm-tossed bit of one
of the myriad wrecks that strew the And then start backing gee-gees on a
ocean of life, homeless and starving, system very hot ;
dying of an agonizing ailment, was, Have five-and-twenty thousand quids and
having neither money nor friends, what lose the blessed lot
is professionally known as a "appy In half a mo' — half a mo'.
dosser '. That is to say, she would crawl Chorus : In half a mo' — half a mo'
at night into the open passages of a low Your pluck and perseverance
lodging-house, and fall down where she you can show,
could — in the yard or the passage — and You can go with other people
sleep.— Ref., February 1882. Down a sewer, climb -1896.
a steeple,
Archer up (London, 1881). Safe to Fall an' break your blooming
win. Formerly a popular phrase of neck in half a mo'.
congratulation. A man was seen
running for and catching a 'bus : Arf-an-arf (London Public-house,
'Archer up,' shouted the on-lookers. 19 cent.). Half-and-half. A mixture
A man appeared in new clothes : half of black beer (porter) and half
' Archer up ! ' Another threatened to ale. (See Cooper.)
knock another down : ' Archer up ! ' Arfarfan'arf (Peoples'). A figure
here used probably satirically. The of speech, stitution
phrase took its rise from a celebrated of cause 'drunk', the sub-
for effect, the
jockey who suddenly sprang to the intoxication being the latter, ' arfarf-
front in 1881, and carried everything anarf the former. It may be thug
Argol-bargol Ash-plant

explained, 'Arrico Veins (Common people, 19

= half andarf half- ' = halfhalf
of; and
half cent.). Varicose veins.
beer = half and half. This liquor is ' Bless yer, 'arrico veins don't kill. I
fourpence the quart, therefore, the know an old lady o' ninety-one, an' she's
mystic refreshment is called for as 'ad 'era these forty years. Ill-conwenient,
<arf o' four d arfanarf, the 'd' being but they ain't dangerous — on'y a leak.'
used to express pence = denarii. Is Artful Fox (Music-hall, 1882). A
used to describe drunken men, e.g.,
nonsense rhyme for ' box '.
' 'E's very arfarfanarf ' — really meaning You capture the first liker at him in a
that he has had many ' arfs '. snug artful fox at some chantin ken where
Argol-bargol. To have a row. there's a bona varderin serio comic, and
May be argue turned into argol, from Isle of Francer engaged. — From Bio-
graphy ofthe Staff Bundle Courier, the
the old term 'argil' (see the Grave- gentleman who accompanies ' serio -
digger in Hamlet), corrupted from comics' from music-hall to music-hall
' ergo '. The ' bargol ' is a rhymed when ' doing turns '.
invention following a common habit. Artistic Merit (Society, 1882). A
The whole term, however, is pervaded satirical criticism of a flattering
apparently by depreciation: — 'Well portrait. A celebrated sculptors' case
— well — d'yer want ter argol-bargol ? ' (Belt v. Lawes, 1882) brought this
Aristocratic veins (Theatrical). term into a general use. Belt com-
Blue lines of colour usually frescoed plained that Lawes had said of him
on the temples, and sometimes on the
backs of the hands and wrists. Sup- that
and he (Belt)
that all had his nomany
posed to be a mark of high and noble artistically finished by competent men,
birth. Sometimes adopted by women
Belt and hiscalled friends ' maintained
studio ghosts
in society. ' Pass me the smalt, girl —
want he possessed not only good modelling
the toPaint.)put in my veins.' (See
power, which was also denied, but
Arkansas tooth-pick (Amer.). A finishing power also. For Lawes, the
bowie-knife. Arkansas is notorious then President of the Royal Academy
for sudden blood-letting. (Sir F. Leighton) and many other
And he jabbed an eighteen Arkansas eminent art followers gave evidence
tooth-pick into— whoever it happened to that Belt had no artistic merit.
be. — Mark Twain. Gradually, during a long trial of over
He had a seductive way of drawing
his 18-inch Arkansas tooth-pick, and forty days, the public grew to com-
examining it critically with a sinister prehend that in sculpture 'artistic
smile, while humbly requesting the merit ' might mean the use of flattering
refinement in finish. Hence arose the
temporary loan of five dollars.— Texas use of the phrase as an euphemism for
Siftings. flattery.
'Arrydom (Soc., 1885). The
kingdom and rule of 'Any, the typical Sincerity may raise a costume ball
London cad. from the mere pastime of an evening
It seems a pity that the Whitehall to an undertaking involving culture,
Review did not confine itself to saying, patience, and self-denial, and bring about
in the speech of 'Arrydom, 'You're a result not perhaps without 'artistic
another,' instead of appealing to a merit'. — Newsp. Cutting, February 1885.
special jury.— Sat. Rev., 26th March Fancy asking a policeman to decide
1885. upon the morality or immorality of a
ballet ! You might as well ask a police-
'Arry's Worrier (Peoples', 1885 on). man to pass judgment on the decency of
The deadly and bronchitical concertina a statue of Venus, and at the same time
common to 'Arry's hand, and as deadly to criticise its 'artistic merits'. — Ref.,
as his fist or his ' Hinglish '. llth February 1883.
If our readers are inclined to be Ashkenazic. German and Polish
curious, they may, on further investiga- Jews.
tion, discover the player of "Arry's' Ash-plant (Military, 1870). Light,
favourite ' worrier ' in the form of a
patient-looking little lady, who sits on unvarnished, un peeled, rough-cut ash
the stonework of the railings which swish, for carrying in the hand.
guard the select piece of grass and trees. Subalterns at Dover first carried these
—People, 19th February 1897. swishes, value about Id., the head
Ask Another Auditorium

formed by a knot got at a branching. Atavism (Society, c. 1890-5). The

They became very fashionable, and antithesis of decadent. The difference
soon, owing to their valuelessness, between these newly meaninged words
very common. Therefore, after a time, is very marked. The decadent may
they were mounted in gold or silver, show ability, genius even, but his life
the swish remaining impeded, and in demonstrates that he is in a general
no way polished or varnished. way mentally, morally, and physically
Bringing his ash-plant down on the inferior to his forebears; and, as a rule,
counter with ten Slade force, he said, he dies childless, or his children have
' If that's the sort of man you are, I'm no families. The atavist, on the other
off to take tea with Miss Murnford.' hand, is a human being who is
March he1883. offed.— Bird o' Freedom, 7th relegated by some hidden natural force
Ask another (Street, 1896 on). A to a condition assimilating to an early
form of mankind. He is therefore, as
protest against a reiterated or worn- a rule, a physical improvement upon
out joke, an expression of boredom ; his immediate or modern forebears, and
directed at a 'chestnut', e.g., 'I say, even possibly a mental superior — but
Joe, when's a door not a door ? ' to morality from the modern standpoint
which Joe disgustedly replies, 'Oh, has little or no existence for him. He
ask another.' tends to the animal life — he takes
Aspect (Lond., chiefly Hatton what he wants; society calls him a
Garden district}. A look of eager love.
Used chiefly in the Italian quarter, kleptomaniac ; plain people dub him a
thief, while as a dipsomaniac he again
but spreading. Where there is a imitates the mammal, which, once
foreign colony in London, as French indulged in liquor, becomes a hopeless
in Soho, Italian in Clerkenwell Road,
German in Clerkenwell, the English drunkard. An atavist may become a
decadent ; a decadent never becomes
amongst them, to some extent an atavist.
fraternizing, adopt any forcible word
or phrase used by them, as, for Athletic Drolls (Music-hall, 1860
instance, in the White chapel district on). Comic performers whose songs
were interspersed with gymnastic feats.
the Jewish ' selah ' (God be with you, (See Knockabout Drolls, Singing Drolls.)
or good-bye) has become ' so long ', a Atlantic Greyhounds (Soc. ). Quick
phrase which has spread all over Atlantic steamers.
England. Amongst Italians ' aspetto ' The booking of passengers desirous of
is a very common word. Used alone
securing berths on board one or other of
no doubt it may be translated, * Hold the 'Atlantic greyhounds'
on a bit ! ' but it retains its meaning between the Old and New now plying
Worlds far
' look ', ' aspect ', and it is this trans- exceeds the accommodation available for
lation which has been accepted by the their reception.— D. T. , 20th May 1895.
observant English lower-middle-class
in the Italian district. A fiery youth Attorney-General's Devil (Legal).
looking too fiercely into the eyes of a He was chosen by Sir John Holker,
whose practical shrewdness was seldom
gutter donzella, she observes, ' aspetto at fault, to succeed the present Lord
— aspetto ! ' Her English sister has Justice Bowen as junior counsel to the
accepted the word, and under similar
Treasury, commonly called ' Attorney-
circumstances cries, ' Not too much General's Devil '.—Newsp. Gutting, 1883.
aspect, Tom ! ' Applied also in other The working barrister who does the
ways, e.g., 'Well, Jack, not too much heavy work of a K.C. or other legal
aspect, or you might run agin one o' big-wig
But the isterm
generally called
is dying out aowing
' devil to'.
my fists ! ' (Peoples'). Enamel. Also increased legal amenities.
a verb. From Aspinall, the
inventor and manufacturer of an Auctioneer (Peoples'). The fist —
oxidized enamel paint. because it ' knocks down '.
Astarrakan (Street, 1890). A Milo, the boxer, was an accomplished
man. He did not, however, use the
jocular mispronunciation of the
astrachan fur. Used satirically, after sculptor's hammer, but rather the
'auctioneer ' of the late Mr Thomas
Mr Gus Elen's (1898) song, the first Savers.— D. N.
line of the chorus running : Auditorium (Press, 1870). The
Astarrakan at the bottom of my coat. portion of a theatre occupied by the
Aunt Sally
Ay de mi
audience — called the theatre until hall song sung by Albert Chevalier,
Dion Boucicault took ' Astley's ', spoilt with the catch line, ' And 'Enery
the ceiling by cutting ventilating holes 'Awkins is a first-class name'.
in it, and then wrote a long letter to And, indeed, if not in Walworth,
the Times in which he spoke of the where should Mr Hawkins be supreme ?
improvements he had made in 'the It is the epical home, so to speak, of his
auditorium'. The word was at once race — a district traversed by that Old
accepted with much laughter. Now Kent-road in which their lyric hero
used seriously. ' knocked ' the passers-by with the un-
Some time before the curtain rose expected splendours of his attire and
turn-out. Disestablishment is not under-
large crowds of seat-seekers might have stood to trouble his repose, and the
been observed surging down the tunnels downfall of the Welsh Church would
that lead to the auditorium of this house
probably leave him as unmoved as the
(Opera Comique, now swept away). — just man in Horace, so long as the
Jief., 14th June 1885.
Aunt Sally (Low London). A ' Harp ' of the same nationality continues
to open its hospitable doors to himself
black-faced doll. Early in the century and Mrs Hawkins on their 'Sundays
the sign of a rag-shop ; afterwards out'.— D. T., 14th May 1895.
adopted as an entrancing cock-shy, a Axe to grind (Amer.-Engl.). I.e.,
pipe either forming the nose or being a personal end to serve, originally a
placed between the teeth. From Black favour to ask ; from men in backwoods
Sail and Dusty Bob, characters in the pretending to want to grind their axes
elder Pierce Egan's Life in London, when in reality they required a drink.
and probably adopted owing to the Mr Ebbs, an American etymologist,
popularity of that work, precisely as says that the origin of this phrase has
in a later generation
characters many ofwith
were associated Dickens's
trade been attributed to Benjamin Franklin.
It is true, many of his sayings in Poor
advertisements. Aunt Sally is vanish- Richard bear a striking similarity to
ing, even at race-courses. Soon, but the saying ; still, not one of them can
for a portrait, she will be only a be tortured into the above phrase.
memory. Very significant of Pierce Every one seems to have had what the
Egan's popularity, which from 1820 to Americans call ' an(1884). axe to grind '.—
1840 was as great as that of Dickens, Yates, Recollections
whose fame threw Egan into obscurity. Finally, Mr Irving stepped forward,
and in a voice trembling with emotion,
Aunt's sisters (London Middle-class). bade farewell to his American friends.
A foolish perversion of ' ancestors '. He said among other things: 'Now
Corrie Koy was once more restored to that I can speak without fear or favour,
the home of his aunt's sisters. — Qomic
Romance. and without the suspicion that I have an
axe to grind, I can say for the first time
how deeply grateful we are for the
Away (London Thieves' Etiquette). innumerable acts of kindness received
A man is never spoken of as ' in prison ',
though he is there for many a 'stretch*. from the American people.' — Newsp.
It would evince great want of etiquette Cutting, April 1885.
Conservatives with axes to grind will
to mention the detaining locality, e.g.,
soon make the word Beaconsh'eld as
'Mine's away, bless 'is 'art,' the grass- wearisome by mere iteration as the word
widow of lower life will say, as indica- Jubilee.— D. N., 7th April 1887.
tive that her husband is in jail. The
Axe-grinders (American}. Men
answer should be, ' A 'appy return 'ome who grumble, especially politically.
to 'im, mum.' Willard's Hotel was closed, and, even
'Awkins (Lower Classes, 1880 on). if it had not been, with its clientele of bar-
A severe man, one not to be trifled loafers, swaggerers, drunkards, and axe-
with. Name-word from the Judge, grinders (a class of politicians peculiar to
then Sir Frederic Hawkins, who about Washington hotels), it would not have
this time impressed the lower and been the place for Mr Dickens in his
criminal classes as a 'hanging' judge, state him,
knew of health. — Dolby, Dickens as I
e.g., 'Joe, don't you play around Tom
Barr — Vs a 'Awkins, and no mistake.' Ay de mi, sometimes Ay de my
'Awkins (Mid- London, 1905). A (Hist.). It pervades all Western
princely coster monger. From a music - European literature. It is found in
Back Answers
Tom xi.Cringle's Log, also in Gil Bias, please me, who don't pay, but the
bk. 5. B.P., who do.— Ref., 9th August 1
Ay de my ! un anno felice ' My dear Wilfred,— They tell me you
Parece un soplo ligero ; are in a wax about the exceptions I took
Per6 fin dicha un instante to your article. I am extremely sorry to
Es un siglo de tormento. touch any line of yours, but B.P. must
Smollett translates the phrase be considered, you know ! ' — Ouida, An
Altruist, 1896.
'alas'. It was Carlyle's favourite B. and P. (Land.). Initials of two
protest, and is found frequently in
young men whose public proceedings
Froude's biography of him : resulted, about 1870, in a long police-
The dinners, routs, callers, confusions court inquiry and trial. (See Beanpea. )
inevitable to a certain length. Ay de mi
— I wish I was far from it. B Flat (Peoples'). Proof of advance
It was probably brought to England of education, being a sort of pun lying
between si bemol or B flat, and an
by Catherine of Braganza. (See 'Oh intimate insect (now rapidly being
dear me ! ') evicted by a survival of the fittest),
which has been too fatally associated
with the family of Norfolk Howard
Baby (Tavern, 1875). The con-
B's. (Fenian, 1883). Patriotic viction amongst men given to creature-
Brotherhood. In questionable taste. comforts that the cheapest soda and
The members of the Patriotic Brother- spirits refresher rose to sixpence at least,
hood, or Irish Invincibles, thus styled led the serated water manufacturers to
themselves. It may have had some invent the half-bottle (2d. ), which from
absurd association with the ' busy bee '. its small size was dubbed ' baby ' by all
Patrick Duffy was sworn, and deposed men. ' Give me a baby lemonade '
was understood by all barmaids, who
— Finnegan and Devlin were at a meet- never blushed. The term has lapsed.
ing of the society held in the spring of
1881. I knew James Hauratty and Baby and Nurse (Tavern, 1876).
Patrick Geogeghan, who were both 'B's'. • A small bottle of soda-water and two-
—Report of the Patriotic Brotherhood pen y-worth ofspirit in it. This is
Conspiracy (Trial at Belfast, 26th March the nurse. Accepted terms even by
queens of the taps and handles. Where
B.C. play (Theatrical, 1885). more than ' two ' of spirits is required
Classical drama ; Before Christ. In- numerals come by their own again.
Theatre).vented apropos to Claudian (Princess's The phrase has lapsed.
The authors are wise to eschew low Baby's public-house (Peoples').
Nature's fount.
comedy. There wasn't much of it in the Among them is a six-year-old baby
time of Pericles. George cannot come in that is suckled at the breast when it asks
and talk about milking his hay and
for baby's public-house, and that fills up
One of our his best
cows low
as hecomedians,
did in ' Claudian
he is not'. the intervals between refreshment by
at home in a B.C. period. — Ref., 28th smoking cigarettes. Fact !— Ref., 5th
October 1884.
March 1886.
Bab'sky (Liverpool). Corruption of
B.H. (Peoples', 1880). Bank Bay o' Biscay.
The place where the arch was erected
B. K. 's (Military}. Barracks. _ Used is about the most exposed part of the
by officers, non-coms., and privates, town when the wind is high, and in
down to the drummer-boy. (See H. Q.) consequence is generally styled the
B.P. (Theatrical). British Public. < Bab'sky '.—Newsp. Cutting, May 1886.
(See Pub.) Back answers (C. Eng., 19 cent.).
Sharp retorts, quick-tongued replies,
' Have you read Leader's manifesto on dorsal eructations, without any conces-
taking possession of Her Majesty's sion to the laws of etiquette.
Theatre?' 'We have, and feel sure He went to the station and gave no
there's a good time coming for the
B.P.'— Bird o' Freedom, 1883. Cutting.
' cheek ' or ' back-answers ' to any one. —
Harvey writes and arranges, not to
Bad Egg
Back down

Back down (American). To yield. Backsheesh (Anglo-Arabic). Bribe.

If we may — we indicate an apologetic The origin of this word is historical.
foreign policy by remarking that the When Mohamed Ali endeavoured, after
Government ' backs down '. his lights, to bring Egypt within the
That is to say, ' makes a back ', as pale of civilization, he sought to abate
boys at leap-frog, to enable the other the endless begging exercised by most
players to get over. of his subjects. To this end he assured
his people that if they did not beg,
Back-hairing (Street}. Feminine foreigners would always make them a
fighting, in which the occipital locks
suffer severely. backsheesh, or 'present'. The natives
His Honour said no doubt there had accepted the theory, but only to apply
it to their old practice. They begged,
been a great deal of provocation, but the
rule was when a woman had her back as they beg to this day, as much as
hair pulled down and her face scratched, ever ; but they made their entreaties
she back-haired and scratched in return. elegant by asking for a backsheesh —
Newsp. Cutting. the one word of Arabic that every
Back-hair parts (Theatrical}. Englishman in Egypt learns, even if
Roles in which the agony of the he acquire no other.
performance at one point in the drama The people who talk of bribery and
admits of the feminine tresses in 'backsheesh' in such circumstances are
question floating over the shoulders. imperfectly informed as to desert
customs and slang. To give a Sheikh
Like the famous lady who never would who gets for you a hundred camels, say
£60, is not an act of bribery. It is
the Parisianany
undertake but 'back-hair'
comedienne could onlyparts,
with merely paying him a commission. —
difficulty be prevailed upon to become D. N.t 16th March 1883.
a stage heroine whose garments have to
express the depths of an unpicturesque Bad cess to ye ! (Irish). Cess — board
poverty.— D. N., November 1884. and lodging. An amiable Celtic bene-
diction. An Act of Parliament was
Back o' the green (Theatre and passed during Strafford's viceroyalty
Music-hall}. This is a sort of rebus, * for the better regulating of Ireland ',
the * green ' being an imperfect rhyme wherein we find these words : ' Whereas
for 'scenes', also referring to that there are many young gentlemen of
historical 'green' curtain which has this kingdom (Ireland), that have
now almost passed away. It represents little or nothing to live on of their
' behind the scenes '. own, and will not apply themselves to
Back row hopper (Theatrical}. labour, but live coshering on the
Chiefly used in taverns affected by the country, cessing themselves and their
commoner members of * the profession '. followers, their horses and their grey-
' He's a back row hopper ' is said of an
impecunious man who enters one of etc., etc.hounds,This
upon thephrase
in common
these houses on the pretence of looking use in England — where the two words
for somebody, and the certain hope of are supposed to mean ill-luck, as
finding somebody ready and willing to indeed they do, e.g., ' Bad cess to you,
pay for a drink. Joe — wherever you go ! '
Back slang it (Thieves1 }. To go out Bad crowd (Calif or nian). A man
the back way. of indifferent character.
Back-scene (Devonshire). Literal. She then went out to tell the feminine
The second word direct from the convention on the back stoop what a bad
French 'seant,', and an interesting crowd Jabez used to be when he kept a
example of evasive French- English — chicken-ranch on the Stanislaus in '51. —
San Francisco Mail.
found only in Devon.
Backs, The (Cambridge). Literally Bad egg (Peoples'). A person hope-
the backs of several of the greater lessly beyond cure, perfectly disreput-
able. Originally American, though no
colleges, notably Trinity and John's — longer used in the U.S. Colloquial in
seen from the opposite side of the Cam.
St Andrews boasts her links, Oban is England.
proud of her bay, Cambridge has her A man out West, by the name of
'backs', and whoever visited Liverpool Thomas Egg, having committed some
without hearing of her docks ?— D. N. crime, his neighbours gave him the
Bad Form Bag and Baggage

That the fatted calf, who had never

appellation of a ' bad Egg ', which, in its been a prodigal, should suffer death in
application to vice, with man, woman, or
child, they are invariably called bad honour of the bad young man has never
eggs. It is also used to denote a good seemed to me strict dramatic justice. —
man, by calling him a good egg. And Ref., 18th January 1885.
this is used either to denote his moral or
pecuniary standing. — American Paper. Badger, to (Peoples'). To worry.
From worrying a badger in his hole
Bad form (Soc., 1860 on). The until he comes out to show fight. (See
opposite of Correct Fashion. Derived Draw.) It forms a remarkable ex-
from the racing stable. ample of complete inversion of the
The very low bodices of some seasons original meaning, for it was the badger
which was worried — he was never the
ago are now considered ' bad form ' (a
quite untranslatable phrase). — D. N., worrier. Nowadays he is the aggressor.
' Dresses for dances ', 15th December Immediately after the explosion at the
1885. House of Commons on Saturday I went
This ingenious piece of tactics in to see 'the scene'. Thanks to the
taking cover was looked upon as ' bad courtesy of the officials in charge — sorely
form ', even by the other hill men, who badgered by M.P.'s, peers, and public
appreciated the scruples of British persons, who had come out of idle curi-
humanity. — Newsp. Cutting. osity— I was able to make a thorough
(See No class). inspection both of the House and of
Bad hat (Middle-class, 19 cent.). A Westminster Hall.— Ref., 1st February
1885. (See also G.O.M.)
queer chum, dissatisfactory mess-mate,
disreputable person. Probably Irish, Badges and Bulls' eyes (Army,
from the worst Hiberian characters 1899). In the Boer Revolt (October
always wearing bad high hats (caps 1899), the officers' medals and badges
are not recognised in kingly Ireland). offered fatal bulls' eyes for the Bore
What a shocking bad hat ! is the next
cry, with something of an historical The question has been much discussed
flavour about it, that I can recollect. whether, in view of the terrible gaps
The observation is not yet wholly extinct, made in the roll of officers, they were not
I should say, although its meaning has even yet too much marked out as Boer
entirely vanished from the public ken ; targets by what General Gatacre called
but, according to Sir William Fraser, in badges
his Words on Wellington, the origin of Decemberand1899.bulls' eyes.— D. T., 21st
this derisive criticism on a gentleman's Bag o' Beer. (Lowest people's).
head -gear was as follows : ' When the first Bacchanalian brevity — for it means,
Reform Parliament met, the Duke went
and nothing else than a quart — half of
into the Peers' Gallery of the House of fourpenny porter and half of fourpenny
Commons — Sir William Fraser says that
it was the Bar, but this part of his state- ale. This once stood ' pot o' four 'arf
ment is due, I should say, to a slip of the an' 'arf, reduced to 'four 'arf, and
pen— to survey the members. Expect- thence to ' bag o' beer '.
ing, of course to be questioned, and
knowing that his words would be Bags o' Mystery. (Peoples'). A
satirical term for sausages, because no
repeated, the Duke, prompt as usual, man but the maker knows what is in
was ready for the inquisition ; and when them.
asked, on walking back to the House of
Lords, what he thought of the new 'If they're going to keep running-in
Parliament, he evaded responsibility by polony fencers for putting rotten gee-
gee into the bags of mystery, I hope
saying, " I never saw so many shocking
bad hats in my life." The catchword they won't leave fried-fish-pushers alone.'
soon lost its political associations, and This term took its rise about 1850,
after a few years, was merged in the long before the present system of
purely imbecile query, ' ' Who's your market-inspection was organised. But
hatter ?'"— G. A. Sala, in D. T., 28th this term remained long after sausages
July 1894.
Bad Shilling (Common). The last, were fairly wholesome. The 'bag'
refers to the gut which contained the
e.g., 'That's a bad shillin', that is, for chopped meat.
there ain't another beyinde it, you Bag and Baggage. Thoroughly,
know.' completely. It once more became
Bad young man (L. Peoples', 1881). popular from a phrase in a speech by
Antithesis to Good Young Man (q.v.). Gladstone in reference to the Turk in
Bagger, Bag-thief

Europe, whom he recommended should recently as a place of detention rather

be turned out of Europe * bag and than as a prison for the punishment of
troublesome city apprentices bound to
The truth of the matter is that all the freed men of the City of London.
petty States which won over the sym- They were taken before the City
pathies of sentimental politicians by their Chamberlain, who in extreme cases
eternal whinings against that ' big bully, sent the youngsters to Bridewell, in
the Turk ', have proved themselves past Bridge Street, Blackfriars, where a
masters in the art of oppressing minorities,
now that the tables have turned. They painting
to be found. or two
Hereof the
Hogarth's are were
offenders still
would like to carry into effect the ' bag kept in honourable durance for a fort-
and baggage ' theory, and make a clean night or more without labour, their
sweep of foreigners, to whatever race or
religion these latter may belong. — D, T., only punishment being the absence of
13th August 1885. liberty. It was upon these neophytes
that the trick was played of telling
stealer Bag-thief.
of rings (Thieves').
by seizing the hand.A them that they were to have ' Baked
Dinner'. Their disappointment, and
ring. from the French 'bague', a the explanation of the term afforded
huge merriment, reiterated on every
Baiard (Peoples'). A good fellow. possible occasion.
Still now and again heard in the
provinces ; of course from Bayard, the Baker's Dozen. Thirteen — grimly
used fora family of twelve and another.
chevalier ' sans peur et sans reproche '. The ' baker's dozen ', meaning thirteen,
'Thou'rt a real baiard — thou art. dates back to the time of Edward I.,
How now, mates, what baiards have we when very rigid laws were enacted
here ? ' — Garrick, Abel Drugger. regarding the sale of bread by bakers.
Bailiff of Marsham (Fens, 17 cent.}. The punishment for falling short in the
Ague. sale of loaves by the dozen was so severe
that, in order to run no risk, the bakers
There was so much water constantly were accustomed to give thirteen or
lying about Ely, that in olden times the fourteen loaves to the dozen, and thus
Bishop of Ely was accustomed to go in
his boat to Cambridge. When the out- arose
Cutting.this peculiar expression. — Newsp.
falls of the Ouse became choked, the
surrounding districts were subject to Balaclava (1856-60). A full beard,
severe inundations ; and after a heavy fall first seen upon the faces of the English
of rain, or after a thaw in winter, when army upon their return to England
the river swelled suddenly, the alarm from Crimea. The new departure was
spread abroad— 'The Bailiff of Bedford instantly dubbed with the name of the
town. ' — But the there
Ouse was
even through
a more most popular of the three great battles
terrible bailiff than he of Bedford, for (Alma, Balaclava, Inkermann), the name
when a man was stricken down by the probably being chosen by reason of the
ague, it was said of him, he is arrested brilliancy of the charge of the Light
by the Bailiff of Marsham, this disease Brigade. French writers who had
extensively prevailing all over the visited the Great Exhibition of 1851,
district when the poisoned air of the and who had been struck by the
marshes began to work. — Smiles, Lives of absolute absence of the moustache
the Engineers. (except in the case of some military
A fine example of passing English men), and the utter absence of the beard,
being helped by old phrases, for when without exception, were astonished
the draining of the fens had been upon return visits half-a-dozen years
practically accomplished, ague ceased afterwards, to find Englishmen were
as an endemic disease. The term, bearded like the pard. Britons upon
however, is still heard now and again the principle of reaction always going
at any point between Boston in the the whole hog, grew all the hair they
north and Chelmsford in the south. could, and the mere moustache of
It is metaphorically used to suggest Frenchmen was nowhere in the fight.
approaching death. Interestingly enough, exactly as the
Baked dinner (Jocose, Prison, 1 9 cent. ),
wild, unkempt
dwindled into beard of ' The Terror
the moustache for the'
Bread — which is baked. The phrase
was habitually used at Bridewell, this young, and the cStelette (mutton-chop)
prison having been utilized until quite 16 for the elderly, so the Balaclava (which
Bang (To)

abated the razor, as a daily protesting an elephant instead of a bally jackass,

sacrifice to anti-gallicanism) toned you would have had your trunk on the
end of your nose, when you could have
down by '70, into the various beards
of to-day— the Peaked, the Spade, the seen to it yourself . '—Sporting Times.
llth April 1885.
Square, and other varieties of Tudor
beards. These remained until the Balmedest Balm (Low London).
Balm in the extreme.
Flange, or Dundreary (see 1872-73),came
in and cleared the chin, to be followed ' It is just a little the balmedest balm
you ever plastered on your love-stricken
by the Scraper. To-day the 'York' heart. Try it, Annetta ; and don't be
prevails — the short, pointed beard still Cutting.of it ; spread it on thick. ' — Newsp.
worn by the Prince of Wales. afraid
Bald-head (American). An old Balsam (Sporting}. Money. From
both medicaments being of such an
The house-fly flies an average of three agreeable character. Originally con-
miles per day. He can't be biting babies fined to dispensing chemists.
and bald heads all the time, you know. — Ban (Com. Irish, 18 cent. on). Lord-
Texas Sif tings. Lieutenant. There is a supposed
Byron used this term contemptuously
in The Two Foscari, Act iii., sc. 1. association between 'ban', curse or
MARINA.— 'Held in the bondage of ten edict, and ' banshee ', the precursor of
bald sorrow. Still in use, e.g., ' Bedad, one
Ten. heads,' — referring to the Council of ban or anoder, 'tis the same man. '
Bald-headed Butter (Com. Banbury (London, 1894). One of
London). Butter free from hairs. the more recent shapes of 'jam',
First publicly heard in a police-court 'biscuit', 'cake', 'confectionery', 'tart'
case, where the satire had led an (qq.v.) — a loose woman.
indignant cheesemonger to take law Witness took several names and
in his own hands. addresses, and some of the females
' Waiter, I'll take a bit of bald-headed described themselves as 'Banburys';
and said they got their living as best
butter, if you please.' they could. — Eaid on the Gardenia Club,
Bailey, To (Com. Lond. ). To be off, The People, 4th February 1894.
e.g., 'I thought it was time to be off, Baned rat, (Prov. ). Poisoned, e.g. , < I'll
so I balleyed.' (See Skip, Valse, Polka.) have 'ee baned like a rat.' Abbrevia-
Balloon (Tailors'). A week's en- tion of henbane.
forced idleness from want of work. What if my house is troubled with a
French, Ulan, officially a balance-sheet
book, figuratively a sentence, con- And I be pleased to give ten
demnation. thousand ducats
Balloon-juice (Public-house, 1883). To have it baned ?
Soda-water ; presumably suggested by — Merchant of Venice, Act iv.
its gassy nature. Banded (Low London). Hungry.
May be Romany, or literal, hunger
It's as good as a bottle of balloon- juice pressing like a band on the stomach,
Gutting.a night's hard boozing. — Newsp. e.g., 'I've been fair banded all the
Balloon-juice Lowerer. A total blooming
abstainer, the ' lowerer ' from the use Bang week.'
(S. Exchange). To loudly
of ' to lower ' for ' to swallow '. and plentifully offer a certain stock
To be a booze fencer now, is to be a with the intention of lowering its price.
mark for every balloon-juice lowerer who When any adventurers — call them
can't take a drop of beer or spirits bears or bulls, or any other animals —
without making a beast of himself. — start to bang the shares, do not lend
Newsp. Cutting. yourself to the game they are playing ;
Bally (Sporting, 1884 on). Ex- sit close on your shares. — D. T., 2nd
June 1898.
cessive, great. Perhaps an evasion of
'bloody'. Bang; (To) (Fashion, 1870-95). Mode
of dressing the hair in a line of fixed
' Too bad, too bad ! after getting curls over the forehead. Chiefly used
fourteen days or forty bob, the bally rag
don't even mention it. I shall turn by women in England. Introduced by
the then Princess of Wales. Commonly
teetotal '....' Has that bally Ptolemy
won, d'ye know? What price did he called to ' fringe ' the hair.
start at ? ' . . . 'If you had been born 17 An American lady has written : ' If for
Bang Mary Banyan Day

a few brief hours of triumphant bang you — comic since the time of Grimaldi.
are willing to undergo a long night of An evasion of the ' ist ' and invention of
anguish, roll three rows of these wooden a friendly term at the same time. Said
fire-crackers in your perfumed tresses.' — to be a trouvaille by the Prince of Wales,
D. N., 21st October 1886. who brought banjo orchestras into
The man who bangs his hair hasn't
enough sense to blow out his brains, even
fashion, being a banjoey himself.
if he possessed any. — N. Y. Commerc. Bank Up, To (N. Country coal
Advertiser. districts). To complete, to more than
This fashion at last gave way (1895) complete — referring to building up a
to ' undulated bands ' covering the huge fire, e.g., 'Us sooped yell till
forehead, and, more fashionably, also niight, an' then us poot away room !
the ears.
Then we banked up with a jolly dance —
Bang Mary (Kitchen). The and the tykes did go it.'
English cook's translation of 'bain The Helston Flora Day— or 'Furry
Marie', the small saucepans within Day' — was a go-as-you-please sort of
another saucepan of boiling water, an festivity, where people danced in the
apparatus devised by a French cook streets, waltzed in and out each other's
named Marie. This obvious simplifica- doors, and hilariously ' bankeda bird
up ' these
tion of French is a good example of the entertainments by holding show
vulgar habit of fitting foreign words to and running foot races. — D. T., 20th
well-known English ones of something August 1896.
Banker Chapel Ho (E. London).
like similar sound (' folk-etymology '). Whitechapel, and, in another shape,
Bang through the Elephant
(Low London). A finished course of vulgar language. The word got in
dissipation, as thus : drunk rhymed this way. In the first place, it is a
into elephant's trunk, abbrev. to ludicrous Italian translation— Bianca,
elephant. white; cappella, chapel = White Chapel.
'You're no fool, don't you know, Then Anglicization entering in, the
you're up to slum ; been right bang first word got into ' Banker ' and the
through the elephant.' second back into Chapel, with the
Bang Up (Low London). First- addition of the rousing and cheery
class, superior. ' Bang ' probably from 'Oh!' 'Ah, Mrs Dicks, but you
the commanding cry of a cannon or know the force of the sweet Italian
gun, while ' up ' is always an aspiring quotation "Giotto Cimabue di Fra
adverb, or even verb. However, ' bang ' Angelico in Sistine " ! ' To which
may be a vivid translation of ' at
bienthe', Mrs D , originally from the district,
an exclamation certainly used
court of Charles II. might reply : ' Now, Ned, there's a
good feller, none o' your Banker Chapel
Bang up to the Elephant (London,
1882). Perfect, complete, unapproach- Bant, To (Soc., 1860 on). To reduce
able. The ' Elephant ' (' Elephant and stoutness. From the name ' Banting ',
Castle Tavern,' South London), had for that of a very fashionable funeral
years been the centre of South London undertaker, who reduced himself many
tavern-life when (1882) Jumbo, an stones by the use of non-fat-producing
exceptionally large elephant at the food. He had a whale-bone frame
Zoological Gardens, became popular made to fit his once large waistcoats
through certain articles in the D. T. and coats, and wore the whole over his
The public were pleased to think reduced size — removing this armour to
Jumbo refused to leave England and produce a full effect.
the gardens for America. He, how- The Globe Dime under Meehan and
ever, did ultimately, with no emotion, Wilson has not been behind its neigh-
leave behind him this bit of passing boiirs in furnishing attractive novelties,
English. leading off with John Craig, a champion
' The fly flat thinks himself so blooming of obesity, who has ' banted ' down to a
sharp, so right bang up to the elephant, net weight of 758 pounds avoirdupois. —
that he's got an idea that no sharper N. Y. Mercury, 13th January 1885.
would ever try to take him on.' Banyan Day (Middle-class). No
Banian Day. See Banyan Day. meat ; only ' bread and cheese and
Banjoeys (Soc., 90's). Banjoists. kisses ' through twenty-four hours. Of
A happy application of the comic joey course from India and the Army, the

cooling banyan suggesting that all the Barclay Perkins (Peoples'). Stout
rupees went yesterday. From the brewing firm Barclay,
If the actor has been taking the M.P. Perkins & Co.
unawares on banyan day, when there
Barg-es (Peoples', c. 1884). Imita-
wasn't enough cold meat to go round, I tion breasts, which arrived from
certainly think he owes him an apology. France, and prevailed for about four
—Ref., 25th February 1882. years. Named probably from their
In Devonshire the word is even
likeness to the wide prow of canal-
applied to scrappy, tawdry dressing,
e.g. , ' What a banyan sight to be sure ! '
(The word must be pronounced as a Bark up a wrong- Tree (American,
spondee). e.g., 19 cent.}. Mr Rees, an American
Those were the halcyon days of British etymologist, says :
industries. The banyan days have been This is a very common expression at
with the miners since then, and seem the West. It originated, as many of
likely to stay.— Ref., 2nd May 1886. these vulgarisms do, from very simple
They told me that on Mondays, causes. In hunting, a dog drives a
racoon, as he imagines, up a certain tree,
Wednesdays, and Fridays, the ship's at the foot of which he keeps up a
company had no allowance for meat,
and that these meagre days were called constant barking, by which he attracts
banyan days, the reason of which they the attention of his master, who vainly
did not know ; but I have since learned looks on the tree indicated. While
they take their denomination from a endeavouring to find the animal he dis-
sect of devotees in some parts of the covers iton another tree, from which it
East Indies, who never taste flesh. — escapes and gets beyond his reach.
Smollett, Roderick Random, ch. xxv. Hence the phrase ' To bark up the wrong
' Banyan ' is sometimes used for the tree'. It has become general in its
skin. application, denoting that a person has
mistaken his object, or pursuing the
The first hour found him beastly wrong cause to obtain it, etc.
drunk ; the second, robbed and stripped
to his banyan. — Rattlin the Reefer, Barkis is Willin' (Peoples', 1850).
ch. xliii. Form of proposal of marriage, still very
Barbecue (Old English}. Any popular in lower-middle classes. From
animal, bird, or large fish cooked Dickens' David Gopperfield, ch. v.
whole, without cutting, from beard 'Ah,' he said, slowly turning his eyes
(barbe) to tail (queue). towards me. 'Well, if you was writin'
The triumphal procession of a band of to her p'raps you'd recollect to say that
music, to welcome Mrs Langtry, was a Barkis was willin1 : would you ? '
Characters hardly less distinguishable
comparatively ancient device smacking for truth as well as oddity are the kind
somewhat of both the circus and the old nurse and her husband, the carrier,
institution known in America as a whose vicissitudes alike of love and
' barbecue ' (a festival where a bullock or mortality are condensed into three words
sheep is roasted entire, set to music). — since become part of universal speech,
Newsp. Gutting. Barkis is willin . Foster, Life of Dickens,
In the United States the word now vol. in., p. 18.
represents a noisy political meeting. In cross-examination she said that the
I see they announce a big, old- drinking fits usually occurred when Mr
fashioned barbecue to be given next Dunn was from home. She did not
week by the Brooklyn Democrats, at think that the Walls were fit company
which Cleveland and Hendricks, Presi- for Mrs Dunn. Mr Wall did not pay the
dential candidates, are to participate. witness any attention. Mrs Wall wanted
to force her son on the witness, but she
This barbecue holdin' used to be a very resented it. — Sir C. Russell : ' Waa
popular form of political excitement in
the olden time. — Newsp. Gutting. "Barkis willing "? '—The witness: 'No.'
The barbecue was announced as a (Laughter.) — Dunn v. Dunn & Wall,
30th January 1888.
' Monster Democratic Kally ', and ' A
Grand Political Carnival and Ox-Roast '. Barmy (Peoples'). Generally «a
— Newsp. Cutting. bit barmy', rather mad, 'cracked'.
Barber's Cat (Peoples'}. A skinny From St Bartholomew, the patron
man. Perhaps a corruption of ' bare saint of mad people. The pronuncia-
brisket ', also used for a thin fellow — tion of the saint's name was Barthelemy
the brisket being the thinnest part of — passing into Bartlemy (cf. Bartlemy
beef, Fair), and Barmy became the final
Barn Bash

form, e.g., 'The family has always with incredulity. From the Latin
been a bit barmy in the crumpet.' phrase cum grano salts.
(Why crumpet should stand for head He is therefore to be taken with a
is, so far, beyond discovery. ) barrel of salt. — Newsp. Cutting.
Barn. A public ball-room ; pro- Barrel of Treacle (Low London).
bably because one of the last of the The condition of love, suggested by
London garden ball-rooms was High- the sweetness of this cloying synonym.
bury Barn, North London. (See Ton our sivey, we don't want to poke
Earner.) fun at chaps who've fallen into that
Barn - stormers (Theatrical, 18 barrel of treacle called love, and make
cent. on). Inferior actors who play up to their little lumps of soap in the
in barns. Used, of course, in scorn by operpro sort of way, and no blooming
those comedians who have reached kid.— Newsp. Gutting, 1883.
permanent footlights. The term has Barrered (Low Life). A corruption
now almost passed away in consequence of harrowed, from to barrow or put in
of the enormous increase in the number a barrow, not that of the gardener
but of the coster. Distinct from
of theatres which now exist, even in
the smallest towns. The 'barn- 'shettered' (q.v.), intimating that the
drunken gentleman was removed by
stormers' hire a barn near a village, his friends and not by the police ; e.g.,
and there give their performance —
frequently of Shakespeare. 'Which mum, we 'ad to barrer 'im 'ome.
Miss Helen Bancroft, who recently He were too that 'eavy to carry.' In
played in this city, was announced as St Giles the highest shapes of in-
with a barn-storming company. N. Y. voluntary locomotion is ' wheeled ' (in
Mercury, 1883. a cab) — then follows barrered — then
Barner (North London, 1860-80). the declension is reached in ' shettered '
(shuttered). This term is passing
A ' roaring ' blade, a fast man of North away with the shutters themselves.
London ; from Highbury Barn, one of Barrikin (Com. London). Barking,
those rustic London gardens which chatter.
became common casinos. The term
remained until the Barn was swept Let 'em say what they like, and howl
themselves dotty. Their barrikin only
away for building purposes. makes 'em thirsty, and when they've got
Barneries (Strand, 1887). Last hot coppers through chucking the
outcome of S. Kensington exhibitions barrikin out too blooming strong they go
in for a little quiet booze themselves,
ending in '-ries commotion
Considerable '. ensued at the make no error. — Newsp. Cutting.
Adelphi Stores, Strand, on account of Barrister's (Thieves'). A thieves'
the new proprietress, Miss Barnes, being coffee-house, derived from a celebrated
Eresented with a testimonial. Miss B. host of this name.
as already won favour in her new The witness remarked that he could
not waste his time ; and Richards said
venture, and it affected
will be much is thoughtby the
the 'Barneries'
profession. he could not make out where he was,
— Ref., 20th February 1887. and heforwould
Barney (L. Eng.}. A quarrel, row, look him. go(The to thewitness
' barrister's ' and
generally of an innocuous character. amid a roar of laughter, that a ' bar-
Then Selby runs out, and goes into the rister's' was a slang term for a coffee-
house frequented by thieves.)— Cutting.
lodging-house to get another knife, but Baseball (American, 1880 on).
I stops him, and the barney was all over, Small, insignificant. Sometimes heard
but as we was agoing along to the
in Liverpool. Suggested by the small
hospital up comes a copper. — People, size of the ball in question.
6th January 1895.
Baron George (S. London, 1882). Yesterday a Mercury reporter saw
Heer within the prison walls. As he
A portly man. This term was derived stepped into the corridor from his cell he
from the Christian name of a Mr George evinced some nervousness, and stroked a
Parkes, a portly theatrical lessee in ' baseball ' moustache faintly perceptible
S. London, who came to be called on his upper lip, with his cigarette-
Baron George; e.g., 'He's quite the stained fingers. — N. Y. Mercury, 1880.
Baron George ! ' Bash (Thieves', 1870). To beat
Barrel of Salt, To take with a 20 heavily with the fist only. Probably
(American). To accept under reserve, the most modern onomatope — the
Basher Bayreuth Hush

word doubtless being an attempt to of Bath, and took away with him to the
vocalize the sound made by a fist front a bountiful supply of Bath Olivers.
striking full in the face. He sent home for a further supply, which
Lady Roberts took with her when she
This real lady said, ' I ain't any the went to join him. It is not every one who
wuss for being able to take my own part, has heard of the Oliver. It is a biscuit,
and I should think myself very small and owes its name to the celebrated
beer, and no kid, if I couldn't bash any Dr Oliver, a Bath physician, and the
dona in our court.' — Newsp. Gutting. friend of Pope, Warburton, and other
Women of susceptible and nervous eighteenth century notabilities. When
temperaments are asked to come to
theatres and see for themselves how they on his death-bed, the doctor called for
his coachman, and gave him the recipe
hocuss and ' bash ' people at low river- for the biscuits, ten sacks of flour, and a
side houses. — Cutting. hundred sovereigns. The lucky fellow
Mr Chaplin : ' Bless me, yes ! Didn't started making and selling the biscuits
you know that he had offered Greenwood, in a small shop in Green Street, Bath.
of The Telegraph, a Civil List pension if And there they are made and sold to
he would get Lord Randolph "bashed" this day.— M. A. P., 19th May 1900.
1882. dropped into the Thames?'— Re/., Batter through (Peoples'). To
Basher (Mod. Low. Lond.). A struggle, beat thro', from French
name applied to low fighting rowdies battre, to beat, probably used in the
paid to bruise and damage. time of Charles II. ; e.g., ' He battered
The villain of the piece and the through the part somehow ! '
'bashers', or hireling assassins, are Batty-fang (Low London). To thrash
supposed to carry on their trade un- thoroughly. Evidently battre a Jin.
checked in Ratcliffe Highway and But how it passed into English, or
Wapping. whence it came, unless from the heated
Basket of Oranges (Australian, court of Charles II., it would be
passing to England). Pretty woman. difficult to say.
A metaphor founded on another Baub (Cockney, 19 cent.). One of
metaphor — the basket of oranges being the commonest modes of evasively
a phrase for a discovery of nuggets of referring to the Deity — modes in which
gold in the gold fields. One of the some idea of the original word, either
few flashes of new language from in length, syllable, or letters, or even
Australasia ; e.g., ' She's a basket of rhyme, is to be traced ; e.g., ' S'elp me
oranges fit for any man's table.' Baub, I didn't go for to do it.' How-
Bastile (Street, 18 cent. on). Any ever, the word really comes from
place of detention, but generally a Catholic the England, and is 'babe' —
prison or a workhouse. More meaning infant Saviour.
commonly ' Steel '. The horror of the Baudinguet (Parisian). A nick-
Bastile felt by all Frenchmen in the name given to Prince Napoleon in 1848,
18th century spread to England, and from the name of the mason who aided
the name was associated with oppres- the Prince to escape from Ham, where
sion. The word was particularly he was imprisoned. It stuck to
applied to Cold Bath Fields prison, Napoleon III. even to 1870, when a
Clerkenwell, which was called 'The war correspondent at Sarbriick (July
Steel' until its final fall about 1890. 1870) asked a soldier if he knew whether
The last new application of this word the emperor had arrived. The reply
was (1870) to the Peabody Buildings was : ' Oui ; Baudinguet est arrive.'
for working men, erected in the Bayreuth Hush (Soc., 1890).
Black Friars Road, London. It was Intense silence. From the noiseless-
the first of these buildings, which have ness of the opera house at Bayreuth
long since been accepted and even (Bavaria) when a Wagner festival is
battled for by working people. But about to commence.
at first the prejudice was very marked. If it cannot be said that the peculiar
The term has not been applied since order of stillness known as the ' Bayreuth
hush' made itself felt in the Covent
Bath Oliver (W. Eng., 18 cent. on). Garden opera house last evening, yet
A biscuit with a historical character. there is no denying the spirit of expecta-
tion and attention in which a full
'Bobs' fights on 'Bath Olivers'. audience brought itself to the opening
Shortly before leaving for the Cape he performance of the long-expected Ring
paid a visit to his sister, Mrs Sherston, 21 cycle.—Z?. T., 7th June 1898.
Bazaar Rumour Beaner

Bazaar Rumour (Army, 1882 Beak (Low London, 18 and 19 cent.).

on). Doubtful news. Equivalent to A magistrate. Probably from lawyers,
' Hamburg '. The result of the Egyptian as Thackeray has somewhere remarked,
occupation, referring to native news being celebrated for a vast expanse of
spread through the bazaars of Cairo. aquiline nose. Mr Gr. A. Sala (D. T.,
I am able to contradict on official 28th July 1896), urges a different
authority the statement published in origin :
London that there was a bazaar rumour A contributor to Notes and Queries
that the Mahdi and his followers were
states that Hookey Walker was a
marching on Dongola. — D. N., 10th magistrate of much-dreaded acuteness
November 1884.
and incredulity, whose Roman nose gave
Bazaar'd (Soc., 1882). Robbed. the title of ' beak ' to all his successors.
From the extortion exercised by remorse- The term is derived from the Anglo-
less, smiling English ladies at Saxon ' beag ', a necklace or collar worn
bazaars. Applied everywhere. Re- as an emblem of authority. Sir John
placed, 'rooked' in society; e.g., 'I Fielding, half-brother of the novelist,
was awfully bazaar'd at San down.' was known as the 'blind beak', and he
A gentleman coming home from a died in 1780, sixty years before the cry
bazaar met a highwayman, who accosted of ' Hookey Walker ' became popular.
him with the professional formula of
'Your money or your life.' 'My dear of Beak-hunter
poultry. (Thieves'). Annexer
sir,' said the gentleman, 'I should be Bean-eater (New York}. A term
most happy to give you my money if I of scorn for a citizen of Boston, refer-
had any, but I have just been to a ring to the former Sunday custom
bazaar. '< The highwayman at once observed by some Bostonians of accept-
acknowledged the force of this argument,
and further was so touched by the ing for dinner on that day cold belly
circumstances that he offered the victim of pork,
and Stripes.) and colder beans. (See Stars
a small contribution. — Newsp. Cutting.
Beach-comber (Nautical}. A pirate, Circus tricks ! circus tricks ! you bean-
a beach-loafer, or a yachting tourist. eaters ! —Can't you tell when a feller's
In its earlier shape it referred to the a-dying: Gutting.
pirate who made a landing and swept Beanfeast (Peoples'}. A treat.
up all he could— that is, he 'combed Used generally in reference to enjoy-
the beach '. The pirate being quite ments, and derived from the yearly
dead in the Western Seas, this sense of feast of employees in factories and
the term is now only applied in the shops, of which much of the expense
East, and generally to the Chinese is borne by the employer. Originally
marin d'industrie. The use of the the treat consisted of broad beans and
word in its earlier meaning is some- boiled bacon, which must have been a
times figurative, especially on the great delight when few green vegetables
American coast, e.g., 'I was beach- were obtainable throughout winter.
combed out of every red cent.' In its Oh, it was quite a beanfeast — only one
later sense the word means a globe- mouse [= black-eye]. — Cutting.
trotter, or rather a beach -trotter, who Sometimes it is used satirically to
travels only on land within easy denote a riot, e.g., 'What a bean-
distance of his wandering yacht. feast '! parallel with the American
It would be better to enter the army
from the ranks, or to go gold-mining in ' picnic '.
Chiapas, or try ivory and Central Africa, Beano (Peoples'). Great rejoicing.
or even to be a beach-comber in some From bean-feast, reduced to bean, with
insular paradise of the Southern Seas, the ever rejoicing o added. (See Boyno. )
which, as Mr Stevenson is showing, is It may be a connected coalition with
the best kind of lotus-eating life left to ' bueno ' — common in London Docks —
mankind.— D. N., llth February 1891. being Lingua Franca.
Probably Mr Stevenson would not be
displeased at the title of a literary beach- OneTo day
my last
kids,week I said and
my wife, ' Good-bye
home, ! '
comber.— D. N., 27th December 1890. I met some pals, and away we went
Beadles (American). People of For a ' beano ' by the foam. 1897.
Virginia ; probably from their high,
old-fashioned behaviour, which the Beaner (Peoples'}. Chastisement.
Northerner associates with that ex- ' To give beans ' is to inflict punish-
piring church functionary. 22 ment, a phrase derived from boys
Beanpea Beef-a-la-Mode

beating each other with a collection of A flat hook -shaped curl, after the
horse-beans in the foot of a sock. The Spanish manner, gummed on each
word 'beaner' is sometimes used temple, and made of the short temple
ironically, calling something agreeable hair, spelt sometimes bow-catcher. It
which is quite otherwise, e.g., 'That's is synonymous with ' Kiss curl'. Now
a beaner — that is ! ' obsolete on this side of the Pyrenees.
Beanpea (London Streets). A Beaver-tail (Mid. -class, 1860). A
coalescing of B and P (q.v.) into one feminine mode of wearing the back-
word, the d being dropped. Doubtless hair, turned up loose in a fine thread
the outcome of time, and the droll idea net to(called 'invisible')When
which the
of combining the two vegetables which on the shoulders.
come in almost at the same time. now worn, generally by lazy girls of
Still hastily, too hastily, applied to the people, it is fixed above the neck.
effeminate youths. The case was Obviously from the shape of the netted
thrown out of Court when it came hair to a beaver's flat and com-
before Lord Chief-Justice Cockburn. paratively shapeless tail. The well-
Beans. Sovereigns. Possibly a marked fashionwhich
women folk in hair for the was
followed people's
corruption of bien (a sovereign being
' Piccadilly Fringe ' (q.v.).
certainly a ' bien '). But it may be a
market-gardeners' trade phrase. But Bedder (Oxford-1 er'). Bedroom.
if so, why beans ? Why not straw- Bedford Go (Tavern, 1835-60). A
berries, or asparagus, or some other of peculiar oily chuckle usually accom-
the more valuable products ? panied bythe words, ' I b'lieve yer my
Be-argered (Peoples'}. Drunk. bu-o-oy.' From the style of Paul
Bedford, an actor for many years with
The ' argered ' is ' argumentative ', a Wright, at the old Adelphi. Bedford
drunken man being commonly full, not
only of beer, but also of argument. always was famous for his chuckle,
but he raised it to fame in connection
theBeast (Fowls', 1870).
first endearing metaphorA bicycle—
bestowed with the above credo, uttered in the
upon this locomotive. Used in no way celebrated melodrama, The Green
Bushes. (See Joey, 0. Smith.)
derogatively, but as though a horse — a
hunter. (See Bone-shaker, Craft, Bee (American). An industrious
Crock.) But, as time went on and the meeting — as quilting, or apple-
' byke ' became a power, it ceased to be gathering.
associated with a mere animal ; by One day the boys over in the Bend
1897 no term could be too distinguished had a hanging bee and invited us to
come down and see a chap swing for his
by which to designate the all-conquer- crimes. — Detroit Free Press, January
ing machine. 1883.
Beat-up (Soc., 19 cent.). To call Beef (Theatrical, 1880). A bawl or
upon unceremoniously ; from beating- yell. Probably the career of this word
up game, which is certainly not treated
with politeness when wanted, e.g., is— 'bull— bellow— beef, 'the last word
elegantly suggesting the declaration of
' I'll beat you up on Monday, or when a noisy bull.
I can.' (See Stir up, Have out.) At the back was the musical box, and
Beau (Peoples'). A man of fashion an obliging hammer-wholloper beefed
— early 18 century, of course direct the names of the different squallers and
from the French, and evidently from — they slung on the boards.
' est il beau ? ' for before ' homme ' it
changes its formation : ' un bel homme ! ' Beef (Clare Market— extinct). Cat's
Johnson says, ' A man whose great meat, e.g., 'Give me my mouser's one
care is to deck his person.' Still used
in country places. ' What a beau ye d. Beef
of beef.'
a Bravo (Music-hall). To
be, Tummis ! ' Earliest classic use by bellow, bravo like a bull, in order to
Dryden, ' What will not beaux attempt lead the applause for a friend who has
to please the fair ? ' Swift says, ' You just left the stage.
will become the delight of nine ladies Beef-a-la-Mode (Com. London).
in ten, and the envy of ninety-nine Stewed beef called d-la-mode on the
beaux in a hundred.' Never now lucus a non lucendo principle — for it is
heard in towns. (See Spark. ) not a fashionable dish. It came from
Beau-catcher (Peoples', 1854-60). 23 Paris, where, in the days of sign-
Beef -heads or Cow-boys Behind Yourself

boards, a restaurant where this dish some of the old nobility would be inclined
was sold showed the sign of a bullock to agree with his denunciation of the
seated in clothes of fashion. 'beerage' for other reasons — Newsp.
You can swill yourselves out with beef-
d-la-mode, as toffs call it, for two d., Beer-bottle (Street}. A stout, red-
or you can indulge in the aristocratic faced man.
sausage and mashed and half-a-pint of Beer-eaters (19 cent.}. A great
pongelow all for four d. — Cutting. consumer of beer, one who more than
Beef-heads or Cow-boys (Ameri- drinks it — who lives on it.
can). People of Texas and the West The Norwaygiansarea fine and a sturdy
of U.S.A. — from the general employ- race, but not at all like I had imagined
ment of the inhabitants being the them, after all I had read about Sigurd
harrying of cattle. and Sintram and Sea-egg-fried, and the
Beef-headed. Stupid. Cattle be- Beerseekers, who must not be confounded
with a race peculiar to London, found
ing heavy, stolid, and torpid.
mainly upon licensed premises, and dis-
Beef-tugging (City). Eating cook- tinguished among their kind as the Beer-
shop meat, not too tender, at lunch- eaters.— Ref., 21st August 1887.
time. Dinner is not clerkly known in
the E.G. district as occurring between Beer - juggers (Amer. Miner's}.
1 and 2 P.M.
Been and gone and done it The only busy people in the place were
the wife of the pianist, who sat by him
(Peoples'). Very general mode of say- industriously sewing, and the women
ing that the speaker has got married, who sold drink. These latter are called
N.B. — gone is in this relation generally beer-juggers, and fill a large place in the
pronounced evening life of the miner. Journey
Marius and'gorne'. Florence St John have Round the World : ' of LEADVILLE. ' —
'been and gorne and done it' at last. D. N., October 1883.
The registrar of hatches, matches, and Beer O ! (Trades). The cry when
dispatches has tied what for them is the an artisan does a something, or omits
'dissoluble' knot. — Newsp. Cutting. to do a something, the result of which
Been there (Amer.-Eng., 1870). in either case being a fine to be paid
Had experience; e.g., 'Thank 'ee — in pongelow. The exclamation is
no betting ; I've been there.' taken up by the whole shop, or rather
Some reasons why I left off drinking was, as the custom is now obsolete.
whiskey, by one who has been there. — Beetroot Mug (Street). A red
Paper in Philadelphia, Sat. Ev. Post, face— passed for many years into Ally
He wants a man who understands his Sloper, a character in comic fiction
case, who sympathises with him, who since 1870, invented by Charles Ross,
has been there himself, and who will a humorist of the more popular kind.
give him a vent for his emotions at a Before the War (Soc. , 1880). From
reasonable rate per line. — N. York Puck, America. A new shape of ' the good
14th September 1883. old times'. Whenever a ganache in
the U.S.A. wants to condemn the
Beer and Skittles (Peoples'). A present he compares it with the time
synonym for pleasure; e.g., 'Ah, Joe,
if a bloke's life was all beer and 'before the War (1860-65)'.
skittles we shouldn't be doing time.' ' How beautiful the moon is to-night ! '
But life on a yacht is not all beer and remarked an American belle to her lover,
skittles, nor is it always afternoon. as they spooned in the open. ' Yes, '
There is the dreadful morning time, was the reply ; ' but you should have
when the crew begin to stir on deck, seen it before the war !'— Newsp. Cutting.
and earthquake and chaos seem to have Begorra, also By Jabers (Irish).
come.— D. N., 22nd August 1885. Solemn Irish oaths. Both words have
Beerage (Soc. , 1 9 cent. ). A satirical been adopted by common English folk.
rendering of peerage, referring to the Spoken — Yes, by jabers ; he's the best
brewery lords, chiefly of the great boy that ofeverdiscernment
was. Sure he's
houses of Allsopp and of Guinness. powers ever shown
since such
Dr Edwards as a temperance worker first day he was born, that begorra he
had some very strong things to say a few knows
— Newsp. moreCutting.
now than ever I've forgotten.
months ago on the subject of the en-
noblement of rich brewers. Of course Behind Yourself (Peoples' , 1896 on).
he opposed it on moral grounds, but Too far behind, quite in the rear, far
BeJiindativeness Ben

from absolutely up to date. Antithesis round the cat's neck, that they might be
of Too previous; e.g., 'What — you apprized of her coming. The Earl of
thought to-day was Thursday ? Why, Angus replied that he would bell the
cat : which he accordingly did, and was
it's Saturday afternoon. You're behind ever after called Archibald Bell-Cat.
yourself, man, and a deal at that.'
Behindativeness (Soc., 1888). Belle a croquer (Soc., 1860). Beauti-
ful enough to command desire. Dating
Referring to the dress pannier — one second French Empire, it lasted into
of the shapes with which fashion is for
ever varying the natural outline of the 1883, in English Society, becoming in
feminine frame; e.g., 'That lady has lower circles ' beller- croaker '.
It possesses the further advantage of
got a deal of behindativeness.' being blue enough to make a blonde
Belcher (Sporting, 19 cent.). A
handkerchief pattern, round spots, belle cl croquer, and yet not too blue to
make her darker sister look as delightful
light or dark upon a dark or light as Nature meant her. — Newsp. Gutting,
ground. From a prize-fighter, Jim 1883.
Belcher, who always carried into the Bellering Cake (School). Cake in
ring a wiping handkerchief of this which the plums are so far apart that
kind. After Belcher's time, the they have to beller (bellow) when they
'belcher' split up into colours, every wish to converse.
prize-fighter having his own tints. Belly-washer (Amer. Saloon).
Belcher's original was white spots on Lemonade or aerated water. (See
dark blue ground. Until quite recent
years, a spotted neck-tie was called a Bellywengins (E. Anglian, chiefly
Belcher : now called a ' moon-tie '. Suffolk). A violent corruption of
At one time ' belchers ' were made of
that pattern which is affected in that ' belly- vengeance ', a cruel comment
spotty coat which Mr H. B. Con way upon the sour village beer of those
sports in The Widow Hunt.— Entr'acte, regions.
June 1885. Belt (Anglo-American). To assault.
Belittle, To. To make little of. From the army, where the belt was
An old word not found in most often used for aggressive purposes.
dictionaries, but brought into fresh Mrs Tice, who saw her approaching,
use in 1898 by Mr Joseph Chamberlain, said : ' There comes that old maid ; belt
her.' — Newsp. Cutting.
who about this time frequently used it. Belt Case, The (Soc.). A symbol
Our whole policy has been belittled for years of wearisome tardiness. From
and ridiculed by the men who, when a celebrated libel case, Belt v. Lawes
they were in office, kept our Colonies at
(1882), which lasted on and off for
arms' length.
December — Mr J. Chamberlain, 8th
1898. weeks.
It is more interminable than the Belt
The hard-won victories he gained in
the old times are belittled and made case.— D. N., 25th October 1883.
nothing of. —Sun, 6th December 1899. Ben (Theatrical, 19 cent.). Short
Bell the Cat (Peoples'). To risk the for 'benefit' — 'benefit' never being
lead. Still used without any real used under any consideration by any
knowledge of its origin, but with self-respecting actor when speaking in
thorough comprehension of its applica- the profession. 'Benefit' succeeded
tion, e.g., 'Yes, but who'll tell him ' bespeak ', which was in use when
she's no good — who'll bell the cat? Dickens wrote Nicholas Nickleby.
Some of us know he's got a bunch of Ben (Soc., 1880). A fib, a tarra-
fives.' diddle. The history of this word is
The proverb is of Scottish origin, and fortunately preserved. A well-known
was thus occasioned : The Scottish Italian proverb was converted into
nobility entered into a combination Se non e vero — e Benjamin trovato.
against a person of the name of Spence, The 'Ben' was too evident to be
the favourite of King James III. It resisted. Hence a fib was described
was proposed to go in a body to Stirling as a Benjamin Trovato, passing into
to seize Spence and hang him ; then to Ben Trovato, then Ben Tro, and
offer their services to the king, as his
natural counsellors ; upon which the Lord finally Ben, whence it has got fatally
Gray observed, ' It is well said, but who confounded with ' ben ', the abbrev.
will bell the cat ? ' alluding to the fable of 'benefit'.
of the mice, who proposed to put a bell The papers were rampant as to the
Ben-cull Best Eye Peeled

Czar's forty thousand dollar diamonds, up north. It is common to sailors

and Modjeska's ' over the ditch '.
attractions of thejewellery
one of this
There was a distant rumbling and
story isn't true. Anyway, it will do to groaning, as if old Vesuvius was on a
go into the Benjamin Trovato series. — bender. — Newsp. Gutting.
Ref., 29th March 1885. In England the Bender is the elbow.
Here is a little story which, if not (See Over the Bender. )
true, ought to be, for it is at least of
the Benjamin order. — Newsp. Gutting. Bengal Blanket (Anglo-Ind., 19
cent.). Used by soldiers who have
been in India to describe the sun ; e.g.,
is Ben-cull
from the(Thieves'). A friend.Italian
Hatton Garden Ben
bene. ' Yere's a London May — fifteen days,
and I ain't seen a corner o' Bengal
Bench Winner (Soc. ). A dog which Blanket—
Blanket.) what a climate ! ' (See Blue
has won many prizes at dog-shows —
from the exhibits being placed upon Benjamin (Maritime, 19 cent.). A
The result is a series of paintings very sailor's blue jacket, larger than the
' monkey ' jacket which barely passes
aptly termed ' A dog show on canvas and the hip-bones. It was the merciful
paper', for represented,
favourites not only are butall the thereKoyalis invention of a Hebrew sailors' -tailor on
scarcely a bench winner of note not Portsmouth Hard. The grateful tars
included.— D. T., llth February 1897. appear to have given the name of this
The hounds are the property of Mr watcher of their winter comforts to the
Edwin Brougb, who has devoted himself garment he invented. The word is
to bloodhound breeding. It has been now in general use for a jacket of
Mr bench
Brough's practice dark-blue or black cloth made long
for points, but tonot
trainonlyhis toanimals
and fitting to the figure. Generally
to exercise those peculiar faculties with
which they have been endowed by called
also callan the
' Upper
rare Benjamin '. Sailorsa
nautical waistcoat
nature.— D. N., 10th October 1888.
'Benjy'. Probably this was another
Bench Points (London). Ascer- invention, used in the diminutive form
tained and classified physical advan- of the beneficent Benjamin.
tages. From show animals, especially
dogs, being exhibited on benches. Benjo (Sailors', 1 9 cent. ). A riotous
holiday, a noisy day in the streets,
Applied also to women, e.g., 'Her probably from 'ben', or buen giorno;
bench points were perfect, but I
e.g., ' Jim's out on a benjo.'
shouldn't like a wife of her build.' Beong (Thieves'). A shilling — pro-
Bend o' the Filbert (Low, 18 cent.). bably a form of the is French
A bow or nod, filbert being elegantly for indeed a shilling very well' bien
when' ;
substituted for the 'nob' or 'nut', coppers only are, as a rule, ours.
both signifying head. Bermondsey Banger (London). A
She gives him a bend o' the filbert as society-leader among the South London
much as to crack 'ight-ri, its oper-pro tanneries. He must frequent ' The
for your nibs, you can take on '.— Cutting. Star', be prepared to hold his own,
The above describes a serio-comic and fight at all times for his social
lady accepting by a nod, while acting belt.
or singing, the attentions of an Bespeak (Theatrical, 1830-50). A
admirer. performance for the benefit of an actor
or actress. The name took its rise
Bender (London). A sixpenny
piece ; so called from the rapidity from the patrons called upon by the
with which this coin wears thin, and beneficiare at the country theatre, giv-
thereupon easily bends. This was ing a comparative consensus of opinion
especially the case thirty years since. as to the piece in which the applicant
should appear. It was superseded by
Bender (Anglo- Amer.). E.g., 'Three 'benefit', which yielded to 'ben'. A
sailors on a bender,' i.e., ' on a drunken good deal concerning bespeaks may be
spree.' Possibly a conception of a found in Dickens' Nicholas Nickleby.
'Bon Dieu' used exclamatorily='My Best Eye Peeled (Amer.). A figure
eye ! ' or ' Good heavens ! ' or it may be of speech for extreme alacrity.
from some Spanish word adopted by I tell you a driver on one of those
Texas cow-boys after that State was vane has got to keep his best eye peeled
wrested from Mexico (1845), creeping every minute. — Newsp. Gutting.
Bet yer Sweet Life Big Beck
Bet yer sweet life (Amer.-EngL). To this, one venerable old gentleman
Perfect assurance, complete conviction. in the circle responded that he could now
'Ob, no, certainly not,' said Mr Jones, see around him daily his friends who had
smiling blandly. 'There are ups and gone to the beyond, and that if he is
riding in a street car and it is not
downs in theatrical life ; can't always crowded, they enter and sit beside and
opposite him.— N. Y. Mercury, April
said Mr Lunk emphatically. — 1884. Beweep (1898). A new form of
Bet you a million to a bit of dirt 'weep' brought in by the Tzar of
(Sporting, 19 cent.}. ' The thing is so Kussia (20th May 1898) in a telegram
sure that there can be no uncertainty. referring to the death of W. E.
Gladstone. It took the fashion at
The betting man's Ultima Thule of
confidence. once.
Bet your boots ( W. Amer}. Ab- The whole of the civilised world will
solutely safe betting— the boots being beweep the loss of the great statesman
the most serious item of expense in the whose political views were so widely
Wild West uniform. humane and peaceful. — (Signed) Nicholas.
'You bet', or 'you bet yer life', or Bianca Capellas (E. London). An
' you bet yer bones ', while to ' bet yer elegant evasion in describing White
boots ' is confirmation strong as holy writ Chapellers — cigars understood ; a very
— in the mines, at least. — All the Year bad brand.
Round, October 1868.
There was adjoining this a smoking-
Betty Martin : v. All my eye and room or salle d'attente, in which were
Betty Martin. some stale English papers and the odour
Between the Devil and the Deep of equally stale cigars, also English —
Blue Sea. Scylla on the one side, veritable Bianca Capellas — but of the
Charybdis on the other— between two sort of thing that we wanted there was
equal menaces. The phrase has no no sign whatever.— Ref., 6th June 1886.
meaning as it reads— the devil and the Bible Mill (Com. London, 19 cent.}.
deep blue sea have no relation. May A public-house. An attack upon
this not be one of the frequent per- Bible classes : said of noisy talking in
versions ofproper names to words well a tavern.
understood of the people? For in-
stance, may it not refer to a couple Bible Class, Been to a (Printers'
Satire}. A gentleman with two black
of French admirals or generals 'Deville' eyes, got in a fight.
and ' Duplessy '— 'Between Deville and Bi-cameral (Polit., 1885). Two
Duplessy' — inferring disaster for the chambers, Lords and Commons. First
middle party. The phrase is quite
historical. heard in 1885— used satirically by the
opponents of a second chamber.
' I had to pay up — there was Hook Mr Labouchere complained that of
on one side, and Crook on the other —
I was between the Devil and the Deep the sixteen members of the Cabinet —
Blue Sea.' thirteen are peers, or the near kinsmen
He may indeed be said to be between of peers. This fact is an evil resulting
the devil and the deep sea — victims alike from several causes. The first is the
of Kurd and Turk.— Joseph Hatton, 6th bi-cameral system, to adopt the con-
February 1898. venient pedantry of Continental writers.
— D. N., 9th September 1885.
halt on (E.the Anglian).
road for a A drink.
four o'clock
An Bi-cennoctury (Theatrical, 1870).
interesting word, evidently from the The two hundredth night of a run,
Norman conjugation of boire. (See with which explanation we leave this
Levenses. ) marvellous bit of etymology to the
Bexandebs (E. London, 18 cent. on). mercy of a critical world.
A young easy-go Jewess in the Big Beck (Kent). A local oath,
Wentworth Street district. A com-
bination ofBecks (Rebeccas) and Debs e.g., 'By the big beck'— heard only
in remote places. Probably refers to
(Deborahs), used satirically, e.g., 'The Thos. a Becket, and has come down
bexandebs are in full feather— it's from his canonized bones. Sometimes
Pentecost Shobboth ! '
27 (still in Kent) ' By the Blessed Beck '.
Beyond, The (Amer. 1878). Heaven. (See More blue).
Big Bird Billy-ho

Big Bird (Theatrical}. A hissing This phrase is probably one of the

figurative reference to the goose (q.v.) few that filter down in the world
— a figure in itself for hissing; e.g., from Oxford, where, in the 50's it was
' Tom had the big bird last night, and the abbreviation of potentate. It
he is in bed this morning.' However, referred to a college don, or a social
this phrase sometimes has another magnate. It has remained per-
meaning. At the Britannia Theatre manently a peoples' phrase— the pot
the audiences began (about 1860) to being associated with the noblest
compliment the accomplished villainy pewter in a public-house.
of the stage-villain by politely hissing ' Some of the failures you meet at the
him at the end of one act, to prove "York" will try to impress you with
how well he had played the scoundrel. the fact that the comic singers in receipt
This thoroughly indigenous E. London of big salaries have made their reputa-
fashion came West about 1878 where tion by means of "smut", and that if
they (the unsuccessful ones) were to
it was heard, perhaps at the Princess' resort to a similar method of gaining
for the first time. It has since spread,
notoriously to the Adelphi (when still the applause of audiences, the ' ' big pots
a dramatic house) and Drury Lane ; would not be in it ".' — Newsp. Cutting.
but it has never become a W. London The 'York' is an hotel in the
institution. In the E., if the villain Waterloo Road, 8. London, where
music-hall people still meet.
did not get the 'big bird', he would Billy born drunk (L. London). A
consider that he was not on a par
with Titus, and that he had lost his drunkard beyond the memory of his
day, or rather evening, and he might neighbours.
fear for the renewal of his engagement. He did not have 30 or 40 pots of beer
that day. He could do a good many, but
Big end of a month (Anglo-
American). he was not going by the name of ' Billy
born drunk '.— People, 6th January 1895.
'The "big end of a month" is three Billy-cock (Provincial). A brimmed
weeks. I heard a market man- speak of
low, felt hat ; a modern amelioration
the "big end of a dozen" chickens.'
of bully-cock, a term now having little
Big Heap (Amer. — old mining
districts). A large sum of money — or no meaning, e.g., ' Do you cock
now current also in England. your hat at me, sir?' was the reply
Sam Adams had a ben. at the Pav. to this challenge — the cocking of the
hat. Other authorities hold the word
on Thursday night, and I hope he's to refer to William III., and his mode
made a big heap out of it. — Newsp. of wearing the hat.
Big Numbers (Anglo-French; old). Billygoat in Stays (Navy, 1870-85).
Bagnios. From the huge size of the A term of contempt : probably the
outcome of the astonishing use, by
number on the swinging door, never
shut, never more than two or three young naval officers, of waist-stays,
inches open. The English grooms, during or about these years. Intro-
stable-men, and their like in France duced by a young naval officer of the
highest, who afterwards, on shore,
often use this phrase : ' Joe's fond o'
the over
big numbers.' 'Tomfor Four can't came to be called 'cuffs'.
run to the old home Christmas Billy-ho (Peoples', Hist.). In
— he's left too many of Nap's likenesses excelsis ; suggests extreme vigour.
in the big numbers.' So extensively May instance,
for be from confounded
a proper name,
with ' Hough
the big'
known throughout Europe was the
association of big numbers and shady ' 0 ' so commonly used as a suffix to
houses that, when about 1880, people words of congratulation — as ' What
began to place the numbers of their cheer ho ! ' ' What ho ! ' etc.
houses on their fanlights, for night The Marquis of Salisbury and Mr
observation, their neighbours were Biggar were having a cigar together.
often quite unhappy (for a time); Said the Marquis : ' Weather keeps very
while even now many people shrink dry ; we want rain badly. I think
from the convenient custom. Canterbury ought to issue a prayer for
it.' 'Arrah! be asy wid yer Canter-
Big Pot (Music-hall, 1878-82). A 28 bury,' exclaimed Mr Biggar; 'it's just
leader, supreme personage, the ' don '. a new hat I'll be afther buying, and it's
Billy Turniptop Birmingham School

my umbrella I'll be lavin' at home, and the Greek. 'Bird' it remained until
shure it'll rain like billy -ho ! '—Ref., 9th General Booth of the Salvation Army
August 1885. bought it up (1882). To this day an
Billy Turniptop (1890 sqq). An effigy building.
of the 'bird' surmounts the
agricultural labourer. Probably an main (See Brit., Vic., Eff.,
outgrowth of Tommy Atkins. Delphy, Lane.)
'Billy Turniptop' does not seem a Birdlime (Low Class, 19 cent.).
very respectful description of the
agricultural labourer, especially during Nonsense-rhyme
election times, and the Unionist candi- We have been for ' timestoney
awfully '. in our
date for Doncaster has been sharply birdlime, and didn't know where to turn
pulled up for using that cognomen. for a yannep, so we've less
had than
to fill
His explanation was that he was only insides on something twoup quid
quoting the speech of a representative a week.
of the opposite party.— D. T., 10th July
1895. Birdofreedomsaurin (Amer.). Bird-
Bin (Harrogate}. A mineral spring. of-freedom soaring. A jocular mode of
describing the altitude of the American
Satire based upon the wine-cellar. eagle. Used mildly in England to
It is considered high treason at Harro-
gate to drink from the Old Sulphur, or deprecate any chance American extreme
any other 'bin', as a Scottish robust expression of patriotism.
invalid calls it, without first consulting I think that Prince Louis Napoleon
medical authority . —D. N. (Harrogate), was over-dressed. I know that in his
31st August 1883. green or purple stock (I forget which) he
Binder (Lower Class). An egg. wore an immense breastpin representing
an eagle in diamonds — not the eagle with
Pint o' wash, two steps, an' a binder ' displayed wings, that is, the American
— 'a pint of tea, two slices of bread- ' birdofreedomsaurin ' — but an aquiline
and-butter, and an egg.' Alludes to presentment with the wings closed — the
its constipating action. eagle of Imperial sway. — G. A. Sala, in
Bindery (Amer.-Eng., 1879). A D. T., 16th June 1894.
bookbinder's workshop. Birds may roost in my bonnet,
The word 'bindery', a new-comer in
England, though in common use in Any (Devonshire). Self - praise.
Canada and the United States, has Speaker so little given to slander
recently been welcomed with something that the most Aristophanic birds could
like a bonneting by correspondents of carry no disparagement of hers between
Notes and Queries.— Newsp. Cutting, 1879.
heaven and earth; e.g., 'Don't 'ee
Binned (Lond., 1883). Hanged; a b'lieve it, Mrs Mog — any bird may
ghastly word, referring to Bartholomew a-roost in my bonnet.' ' A little bird
Binns, a hangman appointed in 1883. told me ' is in close relation with this
Bird (Theatrical). Hissing — the phrase. The origin is to be found in
bird being the goose (q.v.), whose Ecclesiastes, x. 20. « For a bird of the
general statements are of a depreciatory air shall carry thee voice, and that
character. which belief
hath wings shall tell the messages
The that birds carry
Professor Grant, Q.C., had both 'the between earth and heaven is common
bird ' and ' the needle ' at the Royal on
Monday. — Age, January 1884. to all countries and times. In Europe
Pantomimes and Blackmailers. the dove and the robin are the birds
Threats of ' the bird '. Already three or most associated with this charming
four of the most prominent artistes
engaged at one house have been molested superstition.
after leaving the theatre at night, and Birmingham School (Soc.). A
threatened with 'the bird' — that is, polite evasion of radical ; e.g., ' We do
hissing — unless their tormentors are
well paid to remain quiet. — People, 6th not like his politics at the Duke's — he
January 1895. belongs too thoroughly to the Birming-
ham School'— about 1885. Since then
Bird ( Theatrical, 1 840). A figurative Birmingham has climbed down or up ;
name of The Eagle, which was the title and the centre of radicalism is supposed
of the tavern and pleasure-grounds out to be Newcastle. ' The Newcastle
of which grew the Grecian Theatre, Programme should be backed by the
an elegant name never accepted by its Marquis de Carabas ! ' (See Newcastle
patrons, except a few who called it Programme. )
Biscuit and Beer Bet Bit o' Raspberry

Biscuit and Beer Bet (Street, 19 of words designating woman imme-

cent. ). A swindle — because the biscuit diately following the introduction of
backer invariably loses, it being in- 1 jam ' as the fashionable term (in un-
tended that he should lose — to the fashionable quarters) for lovely woman.
extent of glasses round, for instance. Then Joe fell in love with a dona — oh,
The bet is as follows : that one youth what a bit of crumb. — Newsp. Gutting.
(the victim) shall not eat a penny Bit of fat from the eye, Have a
biscuit before his antagonist has (L. Class). Suggestive of compliment
swallowed a glass of beer by the aid of — this phrase being seriously used at
a teaspoon without spilling any of the
beer. The biscuit is so dry, and the a spread, or dinner of sheep's head,
anxious bettor so fills his mouth in the orbits of the eyes being lined with
the desire to win that he generally a fat supposed by the accustomed con-
sumer to be exceptionally delicate.
loses ; e.g., ' Yere's a mug— let's biscuit Bit o' grease (Anglo- Ind. Army).
an' beer 'un.' A Hindoo stout woman of a smiling
Bismarck (Political ; South German
and French, 1866). A term of con- character, e.g. , ' She's a nice bit o' grease
tempt. — she
A good story is told of a Bavarian Bit is.'
of haw-haw (London Tavern,
who, quarrelling the other day with one 1860 on). A fop. Possibly suggested
of his fellow-countrymen, abused him in by the hesitating commencing syllable
the most violent language, and, after used by many well-bred men — more
exhausting a very extensive vocabulary frequently from modesty or caution
of invectives, at last called him than from any sense of impressing the
' Bismarck ! ' The phlegmatic German idea of superiority.
had borne all previous insults with When these young bits of haw-haw
praiseworthy patience; but, on hearing borrow a swallow tail coat and a crook
himself thus apostrophised, he flew into stick, and a bit of window to shove into
a tremendous passion, and cited his their weak peepers, and then go into the
enemy before the courts. He was non- Gaiety with an order, strike us purple if
suited on the plea that ' Bismarck ' is a they're not at their best then. They
name, and does not necessarily imply an know all the actresses of course, and the
insult — at least, no such interpretation
was to be found in any of the Bavarian way they talk about some of 'em would
Cutting.a red stinker turn blue. — Newsp.
law precedents. This is not the first
time that the name of a Prime Minister
has thus been popularly applied as a Bit o' jam (1879). A pretty girl-
term of contempt. Under the Restora- good
tion it was a common incident to hear a He orkisses
bad. me, he hugs me, and calls
cabby apostrophising a sulky or restive me his bit o' jam, and then chucks me
horse, ' Va done, hS, Polignac ! ' and down stairs just to show me there's no ill
during the early part of the reign of feeling ; yet I love him like anything. —
the Grand Monarque, ' Mazarin ' was Newsp. Gutting.
equivalent to the refined exclamation, Everything you see you just feel you
' You pig ! ' which an attentive listener would like to buy and take it home to
may be edified by hearing exchanged by the bit of jam. — Newsp. Gutting.
the gamins of Paris in the present year
of grace. — Morning Star, 1867. Bit o' pooh ( Workmen's}. Flattery
— generally said of courtship — obtained
After 1870, Bismarck was 'accepted'
by Bavaria. very oddly.expressing
The exclamation ' pooh
generally nonsense, the '
Bit-faker (Thieves'). Counterfeit blarny.
phrase suggests flattering courtship or
money - maker — from ' bit ', money,
and 'fake', to make, or rather
cunningly to imitate. Bit o' prairie (Strand, 1850 on). A
momentary lull in the traffic at any
Bit o' Beef (Vulg. 19 cent.). A
quid of tobacco; less than a pipeful. point in the Strand, so that the tra-
veller can cross the road. From the
A playful, or possibly a grim, reference bareness of the road for a mere moment,
to tobacco-chewing staying hunger.
(See City sherry ; Pound o' bacca.) e.g., 'A bit o' prairie — go.'
Bit o' blink (Tavern). Drink- Bit o' raspberry (Street, 1883). An
rhyming slang. attractive girl. When ' jam ' came to
Bit o' crumb (C. L., 1882). A be used to describe a girl, the original
pretty plump girl— one of the series 30 double intendre suggested by a comic
Bit oy Red Black-ball

song having become known— raspberry, and marriages, especially the latter, to
as the most flavoursome of conserves, give an air of staid dignity to the
was used to describe a very pretty chief performers. ' Don't tell me — we
creature. Then the jam was dropped, had a small and early, all young —
and the classic.
' bit o ' affixed, and this phrase most miserable, growling, towering
became failure I ever endured. No stir-up
' So,' said Bill, ' you're the bloke who's for me without my bits of grey. They
spliced my bit o' raspberry'. — Cutting. give tone to the whole thing.' — Society
Bit o' ^(Historical, 18 and 19 cent.}. Novel, 1883.
A soldier, e.g., 'A bit of red so lights Bits o' soap (Com. Land., 1883).
up the landscape.' Charming girls —General
of a kind.
Bit o' stuff (Street, 19 cent.). A I can imagine Booth jumping
lovely woman — not perhaps of a in his boots when he piped that article in
Penelope-like nature — rarely at home. his paper. I wonder what all the con-
He waited for a bit of stuff near the verted bits o' soap thought about it. —
stage door of the Comedy Theatre. He Cutting, 1883.
was an elderly cove and he had great (Booth became the self-appointed
patience. — Cutting. general of the Salvation Army, 1882-83.)
Bit o' tripe (L. Class}. One of Bitter intensification
path (Peoples', 19 cent.}.
the endearing names given to the wife Emphatic of oath ; e.g.,
— probably a weak rhyme. Til take my bitter oath.' Oaths
Thisto paper may be divided into two classes —
only wrap always comes useful,
a Billingsgate if it's
pheasant in
to take home to the bit of tripe. — those which appeal to heaven, as ' By
Cutting. God', and those which relate to an
Bit on, To have a (Sporting). To antithesis, as ' By hell ', the former
being the better oath. The masses,
have incapable of discriminating one kind
race. a bet on — a ' bit ' of money on — a
I hear that all the shining lights of from the other, simplified 'better
the music hall who are accustomed to oath ' into ' bitter oath ', as possessing
more emphasis.
have a little ' bit on ' were on the right
side. — Newsp. Cutting. Bitties (Thieves'}. Evasive term
Bit to go with (Amer. - Eng.). for skeleton -key s.
Generosity — as the result of self- Bivvy (London). Beer ; evidently
satisfied superiority. from the French 'buvez' (Italian
An American railway train can give ' bevere ') — the imperative mood of
most things in this world a bit to go the verb being applied to the beer
with in the way of noise.— Ref., 20th itself. The difficulty is to find the
February 1887. descent. It may have come from
Bitch the pot (University, down to French prisoners very early in the
1850). Amongst a tea-drinking party nineteenth century, or from the French
of men it was asked, ' Who'll bitch colonies in Soho, or (more likely) from
the the Italian organ-grinding regiment in
the pot
tea. ? ' — meaning who will pour out the neighbourhood of Hatton Garden.
Bitched (Printers'). Spoilt, ruined, Black and white (Thieves' rhym-
in reference to type. ing}. Night. It would mean, when
Bite the tooth. To (Thieves'). To used, ' to-night '.
be successful. Origin unknown. Black-bagging (1884). Dynami-
tarding — from the fact that where
Bite-etite, perhaps Bity tite (Peoples', dynamite proceedings had failed at
E. London). Grotesque substitution
of bite for the first four letters of certain rail way- terminuses the explo-
sive charges were found in black bags.
' appetite '. (See Drinkitite. ) Five thousand pounds reward for the
Bite off more than one can chew
discovery of the perpetrators of the out-
(American - English). Referring to rage at London Bridge is too much. It
plug tobacco, and meaning that the is an encouragement to others to go
person spoken of has undertaken more black-bagging.— Ref., 4th January 1885.
than he can accomplish. Black-ball (Club, 1 9 cent. ). To reject
Bits of Grey (Soc., 1880). Elderly by ballot. The word is now absolutely
vietims of both sexes present at balls 31 inappropriate, though still used by
Block-bottle Scene Black Maria

1 correct ' clubmen. It had meaning might have passed unnoticed, but now
when club elections were effected by the rumour of a ' black bottle ' scene
each elector being given one white and was in every
Sullivan, 1877. one's mind. — A . M.
one black ball, so that upon opening
the ballot-box the colours decided, Black Eye (American, political and
black naturally being a negative. So social). A reverse, especially political.
far as the declaration of the election A black eye for Platt.— An Albany
was concerned, nothing could be better jury has decided that Governor Hill was
than this mode ; but unfortunately right, and Quarantine Commissioner
every elector was troubled by the pos- Platt wrong, and that the latter has all
session of the second ball, which he along been a resident of Owega, while
might drop and thereby betray his holding office in New York.— N. Y.
Mercury. 15th January 1888.
vote. This ball the voter certainly
would have some inconvenience in de- Often used to designate theatrical
positing, apart from the watchfulness This inheritance proved a black eye
of neighbouring eyes. Hence the new
to all concerned, because the new com-
mode of club-balloting with a box, pany lacked all the vocal and comedy
having a hole in front large enough requisites for a successful interpretation
for the entrance of the hand, the of this very popular work.
bottom of the box being divided by a
high partition, while the outside is Black Ivory (Slave - dealers). A
disguised way of referring to negro
marked 'Yes' (or 'Ay') and 'No' — slaves.
referring to the two boxes formed by
the partition. Only one ball is given Mr Steyn, a former Landdrost of
Potchefstroom, in both letters and
to each voter, and thus he gets rid of
his responsibility by depositing the speeches, complained that 'loads of
ball either on one side or the other. "black ivory" were being constantly
hawked about
Chesson, in the5thcountry'.
D. N., — F.1883.
November W.
Unfortunately nervous voters are fre-
quently fogged the moment they lose Black Jack (1 9 cent. ). A black port-
sight of the right hand, while the manteau ofpeculiar make.
ballot-box-carrier (where it is carried, William Wall deposed that he
instead of being placed on a table repaired the portmanteau produced,
for the approach of the voter) has a and recognised Burton as the man who
brought it. Burton also brought another
side of the habit box,of sotilting up the
that if the ball
' No is' second-hand portmanteau called in the
not firmly manipulated when inside trade ' Black Jack '. — Dynamite Case
the palladium, it may have a better Report, 4th March 1885.
chance of favouring the ' Ay '. Even Blackleg (Labour, 1889-90). A
this word itself is a difficulty, for its non-striker in industry. Blackleg had
long been used for a swindler, but at
complication between ' ay ' and ' ayes ', this date it was first applied to non-
together with its infrequency except
as an interjection, helps to confuse Union men or non -strikers. Directly
timid voters. More recently the ballot used in relation to the dock-strikes.
boxes have been bearing the legends Common to the labouring classes by
June 1890.
'yes', 'no' — the affirmative always It will be seen from the full report
preceding the negative.
of the situation, which we print else-
Black-bottle Scene (Dublin, 1822 where, that the present stage of the
on). Black beer-bottle throwing at conflict turns on the presence of the
. obnoxious persons. ' blackleg ', to use the designation which
On the 14th of December 1822, on the the Dock labourers first popularised. —
Chaos in the Post Office, in D. N., 10th
occasion of the Marquis Wellesley, visit-
ing the Theatre Eoyal, Dublin, an July 1890.
organized disturbance on the part of Black Maria (Thieves', 19 cent.).
the Orangemen took place, in resent- The prison van, probably Anglicizing
ment of his Excellency's sympathy with 'Black V.R.', this public conveyance
Catholic Emancipation. The affray is
being ink-coloured, and bearing V.R.
the 'black-bottle'
to as having on each side of it. To the ignorant
riot ; a referied
always black bottle been flung V.R. would have no meaning; while
at the Viceroy by an Orangeman in the
Maria would ; or it may be a rhyming
top gallery.— Newsp. Cutting. effort. The New York prison van,
On any other occasion the incident

Black-silk Barges

though of course very different from the The traditions respecting the kissing
English carriage, bears the same name. of the Blarney stone, to impart to the
devotee a peculiar suavity of speech, is
He 'protested' against entering the
Black Maria, and on the way up ' would about three hundred years old. —
Newsp. Cutting.
not admit' that he was going to the
Workhouse, but by this time he prob- Blase (Fr., 1840). Wearied, bored.
ably feels at home up there.— N. Y. Brought to England with a farce
Police Report, 1883.
Upon the death of Queen Victoria, called L'Homme Blast, subsequently
produced for Wright (Princess Theatre),
necessarily the initials on the prison in which version this actor was called
van were changed to E.R. — the term
for the vehicle, however, still remain- Blase. Succeeded by 'bored' about
ing. A phrase was immediately found
for E.R. — Energy Rewarded — a term Bleed (Peoples'). A perversion of
accepted by even the nation, with the word 'blood', as She'll have
applause. (See V. R. , Virtue Rewarded, his bleed' — usually said of a woman
Vagabonds Removed, Sardine Box.) who is rating her husband.
Blenheim Cloud (Polit.). The
Black-silk Barges (Ball - room). influence of the Dukes of Marlborough
Stout women who ought to avoid
dances. They dress in black silk over Woodstock, which lies in the
shadow of Blenheim.
to moderate in appearance their Against this the more sanguine point
amplitude. to the advantage of being free from
'It's time I sounded a retreat from
dancing — I've had to dance with what they call 'the Blenheim cloud',
the Duke having formally declared that
seventeen black-silk barges this blessed he takes no part in this election, and
evening. Never again — never again.' that all his people are free to vote as
Black Strap (Peoples', Old English). they choose.— D. N., 1st July 1885.
Port wine. A corruption of ' black Blenheim Pippin, The (Polit.,
stirrup ' cup. Sherry or sack (the first 1883). An application of the name
a corruption of Xeres, the second, an of a known variety of pippins, always
abbreviation, was always white wine ; a small apple, to describe Lord
clarets and burgundies red ; port black). Randolph Churchill, a diminutive
The stirrup cup was always potent. man, who, as a son of a Duke of
The passage from black stirrup to Marlborough, was associated with
black strap is too evident when port
shire. the family seat in Oxford-
came amongst the people — more
accustomed to strap than the stirrup. . . . the Tories are, as a rule, fol-
To this day strap is used for port. lowers of the strongest ; and after the
Blank please (American). A Blenheim Pippin's latest manifesto they
negative euphemism for the unending will hardly know whether to throw in
their lot with Tweedledum or Tweedle-
' damned ' — with a polite request
added. dee.— Entr'acte, 7th April 1883.
. . . that matter - of - fact business
manager of ours says that, although we Bless me soul (Peoples'). Bless me
—Saul. Probably one of the few
may put what we blank please in the Puritanic exclamations — all of which
editorial columns, he won't put a six- were Biblical, * Bless me, or my, soul '
inch display in the advertising end of
the paper for less than several hundred is nonsense, as it stands— for who
dollars cash, quarterly in advance. — blesses ? Hence probably arose ' God
Texas Siftings. bless my soul '. But this phrase is
Blarney (Irish). Flattery. The also meaningless, for the soul needs no
Blarney stone is a protruding one, blessing. ' God bless me ' is reason-
standing out from below a ruined
window of ruined Blarney Castle word. able.InBut here, ' soul ' is the important
this conversation it should
(near Cork). Whoever kisses this be remembered that Saul was held in
stone, a very difficult feat, and one high Puritanic esteem— as a patriarch
which requires help and strong hold- of much power.
ing hands while the aspirant leans Blessing (Irish). Gratuity. Poetic
over and down into space, is supposed way of putting it ; will contrast with
to possess for ever after the gift of 'backsheesh' (q.v.) 'Sure, he's a man
successful flattery. gives me a blessing every time he
Blew, To Bloke

passes without pretending not to see Blink. See Bit o' blink.
me, he does.' In Devonshire a Blister, To (Peoples', 1890 on).
'blessing' is a handful thrown in, To punish with moderation : a modi-
e.g., 'Plase to give' us a half-peck o' fication of'to pound'; e.g., Til blister
pays, and give us a blessing.' 'im when I ketch 'im'— a promise of
Blew, To (Com. Land.). To listing. Used chiefly by cabmen in
dissipate. This word is by no means relation to magisterial fines, e.g., 'I
to ' blow ', but is suggested by ' blue '. was blistered at Bow Street to-day for
* I blewed ' (or ' blew ') means ' I
twenty hog.' Collar (Soc., 1897). A
spent', and probably is suggested by
the dismal blue appearance of a man,
penniless and recovering from a high stand-up
jackets, coats. collar to women's
Suggestive of cold
drunken fit. The word was turned weather.
to very droll account by a comic- I must mention the very pretty Russian
singer, Herbert Campbell, in 1881. vests of fur that our elegantes have now
A medicinal pad to be worn over the adopted. They are tightly fitting, and
liver was very much advertised ; and fasten on the side ; they have a short
a half life-size cut of a masculine and basque all round, a blizzard collar, and
a fancy belting of jewelled enamelled
healthy patient with the 'liver pad* plaques.— D. T., 16th January 1897.
in situ created a great deal of comment.
The singer put both together and Bloater (Peoples').bloater
An :abbrevia-
came out with a ballad. ' Herbert tion of Yarmouth a fat
Campbell's favourite song now is person. From the fact that the first
called " Clara blued her Liver Pad" ', smoking process applied to the herring
meaning that she had sold her speci- results in a remarkable swelling, which
afterwards abates.
men and spent the proceeds in drink —
If intended for immediate eating, the
do spend only
for you it in ' drink.
blew ' money when you herring is taken down after one firing,
In about an hour he reached the when it is swelled and puffed out like a
Strand, and in less than another hour roasted apple. It is then known to the
he had blewed his half-a-dollar, so he true East Anglian as a blowen-herring—
sat on a doorstep and wept as only boys the word bloater is rejected by philo-
who have run away from home and logists at a foreign corruption — and here
have got the stomach-ache can weep. — you probably have the true etymology
Cutting. of the familiar word. — Yarmouth, by
W. Norman (Yarmouth, 1883).
Blewed his red 'un (Peoples'). Blob (Cricket, 1898). No runs.
'Red 'un' is an anglicization of
' Blob ' has taken the place of ' duck ',
' redding ' (a thieves') word for a or ' duck's egg '.
watch, probably the name of a watch-
receiver. The phrase therefore means Block (Scotch Thieves', 1868). A
' Spent in drink the money raised on policeman in one syllable.
I think it would be a good idea for
his watch.' Here brevity is indeed my mother to get the block privately
triumphant. and make an appeal to him ; he would
Blighter (TJieat., 1898). An actor have a little feeling for her, I think.—
of evil omen : it took the place of
Jonah (q.v.). Dundee garotter's letter, 1868.
'I never care about acting in a play Block (Linen Drapers'). A name
which is likely to fail. Look at Jones. applied curiously to the young lady of
Splendid actor, but he has been con- fine shape who in the mantle depart-
nected with so many failures that he ment tries on for the judgment of the
has got to be known, as a blighter, and lady customer.
no one will engage him.' — Cutting. Block a quiet pub. (Peoples'). To
Blind Hookey (Peoples'). A leap stop a long time in a tavern ; e.g., 'I
in the dark; e.g., 'Oh, it's Blind don't care for theayters or sing-songs ;
Hookey to attempt it.' From a card but I like to block a quiet pub. ', said
game. The centre card is the banker's the commercial ; i.e., to remain quietly
— the players put money against either drinking in an out-of-the-way public
of the four other cards. If the dealer's house. Generally said of a sot.
centre card is the highest of the five
he takes all the bets. If his card is Bloke (Lower Classes, 19 cent). A
the lowest, he pays all four. friendly soul, inclined to be charitable.
Blood Bloody Carpet Rags

This word has not the objectionable anglicization of words whose original
meaning it is often supposed to possess. meanings are from various causes lost.
On the contrary, it is mighty affec- Probably most of the Catholic adjura-
tionate; e.g., 'Got a bit o' bacca, tions have been applied in the same
such manner as this.
bloke ? ' if asked you in the streets
is by no means offensively said. It is Blood Ball (London Tr.). The
less than 'gentleman', more than butchers' annual hopser, a very lusty
' mate '. ' He's a proper bloke ' is and fierce-eyed function. The female
simply a paean.
Bloke is also a lover, or even an contingent never wear crimson — as
being too trady. (See Bung Ball. )
Master Edward Graham, aged eight, Blood Hole (E. London, 1880). A
and Miss Sarah King, aged nine, theatre in Poplar.
appeared at Bow Street as inseparable The irreverent ones of the district,
and incorrigible beggars in the Strand. whenever they mentioned the place,
' Sally and her bloke ' is said to be the called it ' The Blood Hole '—in allusion,
unpoetical designation of the pair in the I presume, to the style of drama pre-
Strand.— D. N., 1882. sented.— Newsp. Cutting.
In universities, an outsider, a mere Blood or Beer (Street). A challenge
book-grubber, e.g. , 'Balliol mere blokes.
to fight or stand, i.e., 'pay for' malt
But they carry off everything.' (See refreshment. A jocular phrase border-
Old Put, Muff.) ing on bullying. Real fighting is
Blood (Old). By our Lord— one of
the old Catholic exclamations. inducted by the phrase ' Take off your
Blood — it is almost enough to make coat ' ! This is serious. ' Come on,
my daughter undervalue my sense. — ruffian. It's blood or beer ' — is simply
Fielding, Tom Jones, bk. vii., ch. 4. friendly suggestion.
The extended form is ' bloody ' — Bloods (Lowest Glasses) Wall-
by our lady — an asseveration referring flowers, from a not too clear association
to the Virgin, which becomes an of colours. A higher figure of speech
apostrophe in the shape 'What the than Bugs (q.v.), but still painfully
bloody hell' — 'By our lady, hail.' disgusting in association with this
' What' thus appears to be a Protestant fresh - breathed blossom. ' Bloods,
addition. About 1875, when the Lon-
don School Board had influenced the bloods— penny a bunch, bloods.'
metropolis for some half dozen years Bloods (Navy). Sailor boys' title
— this word and phrase were super- for ' Penny Dreadfuls '.
They expect lots of blood, wonderful
adventures, gruesome illustrations, and
which sededhas by 'blooming', a sheer
survived the evasion
century, and has quite passed into the a good deal of cheap sentiment', and
they get it. As they get older, their
lower layers of the language. In 18th tastes change. — Rev. G. Goodenough,
century literature may be found the Navy Chaplain.
form ' blady hell ', which suggests the Blood-worms (London, 19 cent.).
origin very forcibly. Sausages in general, but a black-
Some actors have been known to
pudding of boiled hog's blood in
mutilate the speech in Macbeth, 'Be particular. 'S 'elp me sivvy, I've
bloody, bold, and resolute', lest it come down to blood- worms.' (See
should suggest the inconceivably wicked Sharp's Alley.)
thought, 'Be bloody-bold, and resolute '.
Now this extremely shocking word is Bloody carpet rags (Amer., im-
nothing more nor less than a corruption ported to Liverpool). A mutilated
of ' By'r lady '. How little do the dregs man.
of our population, who, when they hurl All of a sudden the burly coloured
out the word, imagine that it contains man drew a razor from his pocket and
some frightful explosive, dream that started for the light-weight with the
they are appealing to the Virgin. — D. T. remark that he'd make bloody carpet
Blood and 'ounds (Irish). Blood rags of him.— Newsp. Gutting.
It should be added that the razor
and wounds (Christ's) — an old pro-
nunciation rhyming with ' pounds ' ; is the American negro's favourite
e.g., 'Blood an' 'ounds — how the weapon, carried as a rule in a high
blood runs out uv 'un thin.' This boot — something after the manner
phrase is a good example of the of a Scotch dirk in a Scotch sark.
Blooming Emag

Blooming Emag (Street, 1870). just eats whatever is set before him, and
asks no questions. — Cutting.
Back spelling : ' Emag ' is ' game '.
Selfishness in its perfect degree.
There nothing like cheek, yobs, what- Blow me tight (Peoples'). Below
me with a firm hand— that is, sent to
ever you're blooming emag may be. Hades. Used generally as a protest
But be honest, even if you have to go
out nailing to be honest. — Cutting. on the part of the speaker, and an
assurance of truth. Generally followed
Blopmeration mination. First(London,
heard 9th1891). Illu-
November by 'if, and sometimes 'but'. He
means that he is willing to be damned
at Prince of Wales' illuminations. if he lies.
Blooming little holiday (Lowest It was reckoned out we'd get to
Brighton at six o'clock last Saturday,
Peoples'). Saturnalia — liberty to be blow me tight. — Cutting.
free, to be perfectly tyrannical.
An English defeat and panic, on Blow-out (Peoples'). Dissipation —
English soil, would seem to the English literally stretching the digestive
rough the very beginning of the mil-
lennium, or, in his own language, ' a At the end of a month a miner finds
blooming little holiday.' — Newsp. Cutting) himself in possession of from £25 to £30,
1879. and, as a corollary, has what he calls ' a
Blouser (obscure). To cover up, to blow-out'. — Newsp. Cutting, 1883.
hide, to render nugatory, e.g., 'Joe — Blowing (Thieves'). 'A pick-
you won't blouser me Vs From the pocket's trull ', quotes Byron in a
French, evidently. Probably used in note to the line ' Who on a lark
an anti - Gallican spirit, when the with black-eyed Sal (his blowing)'
blouse first appeared to cover over (Don Juan, ca. xi. st. 19). Some-
an honest Englishman's waistcoat ; or timesblowen
' '.
it may be from the court of Charles II.
The Army is warned that the clergy Blowsa-bella (TJieat. 18 cent.). A
will try to 'blouser' or mislead them, vulgar, self-assertative woman, gener-
and to persuade people to refuse the use ally stout. Blowsa is probably from
of halls, while all the time professing the French ' blouser ', a verb got from
interest in the Army's holy labours. — ' blouse ', meaning to attract by
Newsp. Cutting (about 1881). gutter arguments. Bella is of course
an abbreviation of Isabella, and the
noise (Peoples'}.
when a To boast—
whale blowsfromwater
the whole phrase probably would mean
through and up from the nostrils, with a vulgar woman of the people giving
much noise. Introduced by sailors in herself false airs of grandeur. The
the whale trade, common to England Daily News (22nd Feb. 1883) throws
and America, and still surviving perhaps some light on the word in
amongst the lower classes. A good reference to the Salvation Army.
example of a word arising from a new Bluchers (Mid. Class-, 1815 on).
industry and passing away with it. Plural of blucher, referring to the
About the veracity of big game commonest of boots. From General
shooters, one is sometimes obliged to von Bliicher, the Prussian general-in-
feel now and then a lingering doubt. chief at the battle of Waterloo.
They might remind an Australian reader When some clever bootmaker invented
of ' him who tried to blow ', in a well- the now extinct Wellington boots, a
known line of a modern poet. ' Blow ', humble imitator followed with the
it may be necessary to explain, is the
handy Blucher, and made quite a
Australian equivalent for 'brag' or
4 boast '. Thus Othello ' blew ' in the large fortune out of this idea — and
account of his adventures with which the boots — the most frequent name
he obliged Desdemona. — D. N., 25th for workmen's boots known to Britons,
February 1885. who have found this manufacture a
' Blow ' and ' blow upon ' are some- handy weapon. (See Wellingtons.)
times still used in their old form, in
the sense of to expose or betray. Blue (Old English). Dismal —
All he asks is to pass him along his evidently from the appearance of the
plate with whatever happens to be handy countenance when showing anxiety or
mistrust — as distinct from red anger.
and blow the pantry,
how poorand the
he won't
steak gois.away
He In this sense it is used in U.S.A. to
Blue Blanket Blue Moon

this day ; e.g., 'This news will make it may be further said that it is calcu-
our return to Yonkers rather blue', lated todevelop his most approved strain
i.e., melancholy. It will be found of humour, which in schoolboy parlance
temp. George III. in a ballad, is known as blue funk.— People, 28th
February 1897.
published in Dublin by Trojanus
Laocoon, called The All -devouring He will, no doubt, tell people at home
that he left the Soudan because he was
Monster ; or New Five per 0 — t, a invalided. That is not the case. He
satirical work which attacked a pro- left us because he was in a blue funk. —
ject, dating from England, of course, D. T., 6th July 1897.
to put a duty of 5 per cent, upon
all imports. Here is a triplet from Blue Grass (Amer.). People of
the ballad in question : Kentucky— from the peculiar tint of
The effects of the Tax will soon make the grass.
us look Blue, The Kentucky correspondent of the
Its nature, Cincinnati News - Journal is evidently
to few ; its drift being known but hard hit. This is what he writes : When
Reverse of the Glass Act — this all men the Bona Dea, out of her bounteousness,
saw through. makes a Bluegrass woman, she takes care
never to spoil the job. A soft, white,
In England, 19th century, 'blue' warm body, translucent with divine
has been abandoned as describing light, and curving to lines of beauty
melancholy, owing to its new meaning as naturally as the tendrils of a vine,
— one of vulgar, coarse, double en- is the groundwork upon which nature
tendre', e.g., 'Have you got any new limits the human angel. . . . The brow
blue?' mayforbeerotic asked entertainment.
by one who of Juno and the bust of Hebe ; the sea-
is athirst
nymph's pearly ear, the wood-nymph's
Perhaps comes in some obscure way springy step — these are a few of the
from the French, where a bluette charms nature gives the maiden of the
certainly means a short song, which Bluegrass.— Newsp. Cutting.
skirts the wind of impropriety. The Even accepted as the title of a paper.
earlier meaning of blue is however still Blasphemous Libel. — Louisville (Ky.),
sometimes applied. 21st April.— Mr C. E. Moore, Editor of a
And yet, though things are all so blue, newspaper, published here, known as
it's funny, The Blue Grass Blade, and who has been
My missus never lets me blue the money. Cutting.
in prison for the last fortnight.— Newsp.
—Elephant and Castle pantomime, 1882.
Blue Grass Belle. A Kentuckian
Blue Blanket (Peoples', 19 cent.).
The sky. 'I slept under the blue While down in Kentucky last Fall,
blanket last night. (See Bengal
Blanket.) buying horses, he tipped a wink at a
blue grass belle.— Newsp. Cutting.
Blue Caps (Indian Mutiny, 1857). Blue-handled Rake. The railing
Dublin Fusiliers.
and steps leading to the platform of
The Dublin Fusiliers are 'The Blue a fair-booth stage.
Caps'. A despatch of Nana Sahib was
intercepted, in which he referred to Blue Hen's Chick (Devonshire). A
' those blue-capped English soldiers who clever soul, e.g., 'You're a blue hen's
fight like devils '. The name stuck. At chick hatched behind the door ' — said
the Siege of Lucknow the bridge of
Char Bagh was raked by four guns and
defended on the flanks by four others. Blue Jack (Nautical). Cholera
'Who is to carry it?' asked Outram. morbus— from the colour of the skin
' My Blue Caps ', replied Havelock ; and in this disease. (See Yellow Jack.)
they did.— Rev. E. J. Hardy.
Blue Damn. Evasive swearing. Blue-jacket (Peoples', 19 cent.). A
sailor — given from the colour of jacket.
Celestial curse — the blue referring to (See Lobster, Robin Redbreast.)
the sacred purple blood of the Crucified. Blue Moon (General, in all classes).
Blue Funk (Pub. Sch.). Absolute Absolutely lost in mystery, but prob-
panic— from the leaden colour of the ably an Anglicism of a word or words
skin when the owner is beyond ques- with which neither ' blue ' nor ' moon '
tion afraid. has anything to do. It imports
Of Mr Weedon Grossmith's assumption 37 indefinite futurity. Possibly meaning
Blue Noses Blue Roses

' never ', because a blue moon is never Blue Ribbonite (M. Class, 1880).
A sort of pun between 'nite' and
' I ain't a going to make a speech ', 'knight', and one which gave the
said he, in a voice husky with emotion, phrase rapid popularity. Outcome of
' because if I was to jaw till a blue moon the custom of wearing a blue ribbon
I couldn't tell you more about her we've on left breast of coat to demonstrate
been and buried than you know already.' that the wearer was an abstainer.
— 'Cadgers in Mourning', D. T., 8th With respect to the inconsistencies in
February 1863.
Blue Noses (American). Canadians the man who married Miss Dash drinking
champagne and port, it should be
— obviously from the force of sharp remembered that he had not taken the
weather on the Canadian nose. Prob- pledge, and that he was concealing his
ably contemptuous. identity. Besides, he said before the
In Nova Scotia, has died a centenarian wedding breakfast that he was almost
who had fought under Nelson and under a blue-ribbonite — Brighton Bigamy Case,
Wellington. Did a grateful people 20th and 24th October 1885.
follow the hero to the grave with proud
tears? Not much. John Aberton was Blue Ribbon Fakers (London,
buried in a rough box on the day he 1882). The progress of abstinence
died. There were no prayers, no funeral principles, practically started by
procession, no formalities, but the old Father Mathews (1815-71), is very
patriot received the burial of a dog. interesting. The original abstainers
This ought to make recruiting brisk in made no daily public parade of their
Canada and incite the blue noses to
volunteer in a mass to defend Queen principles, and were not forbidden
to associate with men who drank
Victoria's codfish. — N. Y. Mercury, 1st
January 1895. fermented liquors, or to have * drinks '
in the house, or to pay for drinks.
Blue o'clock in the morning Then followed the Good Templars
(Street}. Pre-dawn, when black sky (1860), who prohibited their followers
gives way to purple. Rhyming fancy,
from paying for others' alcoholic
suggested by two o'clock in the morn. drinks, from having liquor in the
Suggestive of rollicking late hours. house, or entering a tavern, even to
The birdcatcher has often to be up
buy a biscuit, but they showed no
f at blue o'clock in the morning '. The visible signs of their temperance. Then
rime is on the grass when he lays his
nets. It is bitterly cold standing about came the Blue Ribbon Army who
in the fields.— D. N.t 12th October 1886. (1882) instituted the daily assertion
of their principles by wearing a scrap
Blue Pencil (To) (Theat., 1885 on). of bright blue ribbon in the left breast
Cutting down literature — first applied buttonhole of the coat. Street satirists
to dramatic pieces. From the colour dubbed them Blue Ribbon fakers.
of the pencil used. c More blue pencil ', The Blue Ribbon fakers may say
said Mr Tree — it is the only way of what they fair like, but there are times
writing a successful piece.
The actor will have a better chance when good brandy is new life — ask the
after the blue pencil has eliminated the squirts. About 1896 these blue ribbons
unnecessary verbiage in the dialogue. — became in some degree unpopular with
D. N.y 17th February 1899. abstainers, and were discarded. But
Blue Pig (Maine, U.S.A. ). Whisky. so far no abstinence supporters had
tabooed tobacco. It remained for the
Maine is a temperance state, therefore
liquor has to be asked for under various Salvation Army to add to all the
strange names, which have generally abstinence principles hitherto adopted
been satirically distinguished by a that of the rejection of tobacco in all
its forms. As they operated chiefly
strange contradiction in their com-
ponent parts, as in this instance. The amongst youths, their success as anti-
tobacconalians was considerable. So
phrase common in Liverpool. far moderation or abstinence in rela-
There have been remarkable animals
discovered in Maine before now — to wit, tion to animal food has not yet been
striped and blue pigs and Japanese dogs advanced — but it must follow in due
of scarlet hue. These creatures, however, course.
have usually been found to be of the
genus stalking - horse — that is, they Blue Roses (Literary). Unattain-
merely served as screens for the sale able — sometimes blue dahlias, or
of prohibited intoxicating fluids. — D. N. tortoise-shell Tom cat, equal to squar-
Blue 'Un Bols

ing the circle. Blue roses is the most Bluffer (Californian, 1849 on). The
poetical of these phrases. noun followed the verb very rapidly.
The blue cloud of a fame beyond The stranger went away and returned
Core's reach floated ever before him ; with the bluffer. — Newsp. Cutting.
he was eternally allured by the blue Bobby (Scottish). A faithful person
roses of an impossible success. — D. N., — abbreviation of Greyfriars Bobby,
25th June 1885. who has become a household word in
Blue 'un (Sporting). A journal the Canongate, Edinburgh. He was
named Winning Post — so named from a devoted little terrier who kept watch
its tint, no doubt given to enter the and ward for a dozen years over the
ranks with the * Pink 'un ' and ' Brown grave of his unknown master, buried
'un' (see) — all three fine examples of in the strangers' corner of Greyfriars
language produced by the habitually Cemetery, Edinburgh. Lady, then
obvious, and of the tendency to shorten Miss Burdett Coutts, was so touched
frequent phrases. Technically, blue by this fidelity that she erected a little
'un is a learned woman. monument to his memory. ' Hey,
The application of the term to women,
mon, nae mair thanks, or maybe ye'll
originated with Miss Hannah Moore's
admirable description of a ' Blue Stock- be getting the name o' Bobbie.'
ing Club' in her 'Bas Bleu'.— Mill. Bobby Atkins . See Tommy Atkins.
Bluchers (London). Outsider cabs, Bobby's Labourers (Volunteers,
not allowed, except upon emergency, 1868). Name given to special con-
to enter railway termini — probably stables, chiefly volunteers, during this
in contradistinction to Wellingtons, year — one of Fenian alarm — upon the
just aa the Wellington boot was the
principle that the s.c's did the work
aristocratic foot-covering — the Blucher of the policemen — that is ' bobby'.
that of the general. The Blucher boot Bob, Harry and Dick (Rhyming,
survives ; the Wellington is a fossil.
It appears that when there is a 1868). Sick — disguised way of
deficiency of cabs at any station, outside admitting a crushed condition, the
or non-registered vehicles are called in Micky.)
morn following a heavy drink. (See
on payment of a penny for the right of
taking stand in the yard. With a nice Bobolink (American). A talkative
regard for history, the drivers of these person, from being like a bird of this
' understudy ' cabs are, in the vernacular name. Abbreviation of Bob o'
of the fraternity, dubbed 'Bluchers'. — Lincoln.
D. T., 'Cab Strike', 23rd May 1894. This is the way somebody translates
Bluff (Californian, 1849 on). To the bobolink's libretto : ' Chink a link,
humbug, hector, bully, from an chink a link, tink tink, tinkle tootle,
American card-game wherein the Tom Denny, Tom Denny, come pay me,
player sheerly seeks to domineer over with your chink a link, tinkle linkle,
his opponent, and gain by sheer toodle loodle, popsidoodle, see, see,
audacity, without absolute reference see ! ' making not the slightest pause
to the cards he (the bluffer) holds. from beginning to end.
Probably from 'bluff', Californian for Bobs (Soc., passing to People, 1900).
cliff; the word suggesting tall Plural of Bob, exactly as Roberts is
boasting. the plural of Robert — hence the
'I bluffed 'im for a hour, but 'e genesis of the familiar name for
wouldn't 'ave it at not no price. Mr General Roberts. Bobs was much
Newton, the magistrate at Maryborough applied in this year, especially to
Street observed : This is a case of bluff. smart Irish terriers. B.P. (passing to
—Sir George Lewis : If you have made
up your mind, I will retire from the case. Bups), the
course was initials
also inof great vogue
General — of
— Mr Newton: Can you contradict the
constables ?— People, 3rd October 1895. Powell. This pluralising of nick-
Tom Gossage afforded in his own names had been growing for years.
character and habits an amusing Mr Ernest Wells, one of the founders
example of how a man could get and managers of the Pelican Club, and
imbued with the peculiar vice of the familiarly known in sporting, dramatic,
time — and that was the game of brag and literary circles by his journalistic
— brag and the hard old vices of its pseudonym of ' Swears ', has, etc. — D. T.,
kindred — bluff and poker. — Newsp. 25th July 1900.
Cutting. Tales, old Chestnuts, Hairs, Pots,
Bobtail Boko

became one of the results of time.

Pumps, were some of the plural nick-
names in use about this period. The Nell Gwynne was once a Bohemian
If a limber's 'Ook slipped
on Bobsa ;trace, Bohemian down to his boots (Art
If a marker's lost 'is place, and Lit.). Bohemian in excelsis.
Dress by Bobs ;
For 'e's eyes all up 'is coat, ' He is a . . . — such as they are ' —
An' a bugle in 'is throat, that is ' the boots '.
At that time a young man, Nelson
An' you will not play the goat, Kneass, a scion of an old and proud
Under Bobs.
— Rudyard Kipling. family, was horrifying ' society ' by going
round blacking his face as a negro
Bobtail (Peoples'). Name given minstrel. He was a brother of District
early in the 19th century to the Attorney Kneass, of this city, was highly
dandies who wore the pointed tail- educated, but was a 'Bohemian down
coats which followed the wide skirts of to his boots '. — N. Y. Mercury, 15th
the 18th century, tails which must January 1888.
have been very striking. Name still
given to a waiter by common classes. as Boiled
a boiledOwl owl.(People's).Here there Drunk—
is no
(See Claw-hammer.) common sense whatever, nor fun, wit,
Bobtail (Irish). Appealing to the nor anything but absurdity. Prob-
masses, to the passing penny. Irish, ably another instance of a proper
name being changed to a common or
and probably dating from the intro- even uncommon word. May be drunk
duction of the swallow-tail coat from
England — doubtless despised at first, as Abel Doyle — which would suggest
but still retained by the peasantry. an Irish origin like many incom-
Boucicault said ' I introduced The Poor prehensible proverbs too completely
of Liverpool — a bobtail piece — with local Anglicised.
scenery and Mr Cowper in the principal It is a well-known fact in natural
part (Badger). I share after £30 a night, history that a parrot is the only bird
and I am making £100 a week on the which can sing after partaking of wines,
damned thing. I localise it for each spirits, or beer ; for it is now universally
town, and hit the public between the agreed by all scientific men who have
eyes ; so they see nothing but fire. I investigated the subject that the expres-
can spin out these rough-and-tumble sion,Drunk
' as a boiled owl ' is a gross
dramas as easily as a hen lays eggs. It's libel upon a highly respectable teetotal
a degrading occupation, but more money bird which, even in its unboiled state,
has been made out of guano than out drinks nothing stronger than rain-water.
— D. T., 12th December 1892.
of poetry.' Also whitish, washed-out counten-
Body Lining (Drapers'). Bread — ance, with staring sleepy eyes.
very opposite, lining in this trade Both were admirably made up, and
being what goes inside the bodice (or Twiss had just the boiled-owlish appear-
body) of a dress. 'Pass me half a ance that is gained by working all night
yard of body -lining.' Body -lining in
1885.a printing-office. — Ref., 31st May
itself is a strong twill.
Body Snatcher (Street, London, (See Dead as O'Donnel, Smithereens.)
1840-1860). A cabman— from the Boiled Shirt (Middle Class). Clean,
habit, before higher civilization white— from the fact that if the shirt
amongst cabmen prevailed, of snatch- is not boiled it remains dull grey. W.
ing their victim-patrons. Suggested America, but common in England.
by that other body-snatcher — the ' Waal now, say, you with the boiled
resurrection - man, who was but a shirt. What did Miss Maslam reply
memory in 1840. when you put the question?' — Newsp.
Gutting, 1897.
Bohemian Bungery (Strand
District). Public -house patronized by Boko (Common). A huge nese.
struggling authors. Bohemian having Corruption
been introduced by Murger for a national andof 'preferred
beaucoup to
', the
the ' o'French
fighting author, artist, or musician, ' ou '. Said to be descended from the
and the tea-pot brigade having dubbed time of Grimaldi, who would observe
a licensed victualler a bung, from that 40 while 'joey-ing' (g.v.) 'C'est beau-
adjunct to the beer barrel — this phrase coup', and tapping his nose. The
Boko-smasher Bono Johnny

phrase still remains, Anglicised, for a — which is popularly supposed to in-

rough observing to another rough of a duce muscle.
third gentleman's nose, will make the Bone Idle (Scottish}. Could not be
statement, ' I say — boko ! ' When one more so. Probably the one atom of
Espinosa, a French dancer, came to slang, if this can be called slang, which
London (1858), the size of his wonderful Carlyle exercised ; may be found in a
nose drew so much gallery observation letter to his mother (15th Feb. 1847).
of 'boko' that Mr J. Oxenford, in the ' I have gone bone idle these four weeks
Times, especially referred to the organ and more, and have been well done to
and assumed it was art. Thereupon,
Espinosa wrote explaining that the every way.'
nose in question was un don de la Bone-shaker (Youths^ 1870 on).
nature. The earliest bicycle — which tried to
He was as thin and pale as a coffee break bones incessantly.
palace bit of roast beef, and his boko Bone-shop (Lower Classes). Work-
was as high and red as the sun on a house— another of the more figurative
foggy morning. and satirical names for this establish-
If he thought he had a black spot on ment. Here it refers presumably and
his boko he'd go into convulsions. untruly to the nature of the nourish-
Boko-smasher (Street}. For elucida- ment as producing nothing visible over
tion of this elegant occupation see Boko. the pauper bones.
' Two of 'em lives in the blooming bone-
Bolt -upright (Peoples'). A good shop and the other little devil is in the
example of graphic application. From small-pox hospital.'
the rigidity of a bolt, e.g., 'he was Boner Nochy (Clerkenwell ; Italian
bolt-upright, mum — and were so all the quarter). Good-night — imitated by
time, as 'is dear father was a-thrashin' the Clerkenwellians, from the bona
of him.' notte of the Italians in Eyre Street
Bolted to the Bran (Polit.). Hill, Little Bath Street, and Hatton
Thoroughly sifted — one of the few Garden ; or it may be from the
puns or jocular phrases of which Glad- Spanish 'noche' — through the U.S.A.
stone could ever be accused. 'In any case', said Don Miguel,
Now the great questions are initiated, rising and preparing to retire for the
discussed, sifted, ' bolted to the bran ', Inight, ' in any case, can you wonder that
hate the Argentine, and everything
to use an expression more than once connected with it ? Buenas noches,
adopted by Mr Gladstone, before they
come formally under the notice of the senor ! '— Ev. News, 9th December 1898.
House of Commons. — D.N.. 12th August Bonner (Oxford fer'). Bonfire.
This specimen of 'er' shows a spice
of satirical wit, for it is suggestive of
Bombast (Hist.). Windy words — Bishop Bonner, who certainly lit up
from Bumbast — the word, with a double
entendre used for the material for many bonfires — Smithfield way.
stuffing out trunk hose, 16th and 17th Bonnet (Lower Class). To smash
centuries. another's hat over the eyes. From
When I came to unrip and unbumbast French (bonnet - a • cap), and time
this Gargantuan bag-pudding, I found Charles II. Bonnet passed into hat,
nothing in it but dog's tripes.— Gabriel but 'to bonnet' went sliding down
Harvey. until now it is in the gutter. (See
Cloak, In his sleeve, Shawl.)
I. Disraeli says 'Bombast was the
tailors' term in the Elizabethan era Bonny Robby (Provincial). Pretty
for the stuffing of horse-hair or wool but frail girl, probably from ' buona
used for the large breeches then in roba ' — common in the time and court
of Charles II.
fashion — hence the term was applied
to high-sounding phrases "all sound DRUG : There visits me a rich young
widow ? FACE : A bona roba ? —
and fury, signifying nothing".' Garrick's Alel Drugger.
Bone (London, 1882). A thin man.
Bono Johnny (Pigeon Chinese). A
Hence — 'The bone has made a remark.' good fellow. A Chinese invention ;
(Surrey Pantomime, London, 1882.) used by English sailors as warrant of
Bone-clother (Medical}. Port wine good intentions.
Bonse Boot

Bonse (School). Head. 'Lookout, and chappie, adapted to bookmaker.

or I'll fetch you a whack across the The
added. ' maker ' dropped — the suffix
bonse '.
Boo; Boo-ers (Theatrical, 1900). Booking (Public School). Anything
First-night gallery critics who replaced but — for it is casting volumes from
you as missiles at the enemy for the
the goose (hissing) by ' booing ' —
probably because it was easier and time being, e.g., 'Jannery split — book
more secretive.
Who would have thought, when an ill- himIt would
togetherbe !a' pity to deprive them of
mannered gallery ' booed ' Mr Kerker's the chance of such ' glorious fun ' as the
sparkling entertainment more than ' mobbing ' and ' booking ' (that is pelting
twelve months ago that it would achieve with books) of the model school tyrant.
an unparalleled success at the Shaftes- — Newsp. Cutting.
bury?— D. T., 9th May 1899. Boomerang (American, 1882). A
(See Wreckers.)
vain folly, the consequence of which
Boobies' Hutch (Military, 19 cent. ). returns upon the perpetrator. This
A drinking point in barracks, which, phrase is of course based upon the
under certain circumstances, is open peculiar trajectory of the Australian
after canteen is closed. Satire prob- boomerang, which, properly thrown,
ably upon the fools who have never returns to the feet of the missile-
had enough. thrower. In 1883 a play was pro-
Boodle (Liverpool). One of the duced by Mr Daly in New York,
New York terms for money. Probably with the title c 728 — or Casting the
from the Dutch. Boomerang'. A New York dramatic
critic in the course of an article upon
Hangman ain't such a bad fellow. He
always treats the boys after he receives this play, wrote: — 'the various follies
'the boodle' from the Sheriff for send- or boomerangs of the principal char-
ing an unfortunate to the other side ; acters return in the course of the play
although some folks are really afraid to
go near him, and wouldn't even pass his to Boomlet
plague them(City,
'. 1896). A small
house, I'd just as leave drink with him ' boom '. Satirical invention used to
as I would with you. — N. Y. Mercury,
3rd May 1885. attack the prosperous enemy.
In vain did one of the American comic Without troubling you with details,
journals some time ago depict, with I may mention that during the recent
becoming scorn, a hoard of needy West Australian boom — or, as some of
European nobles struggling for the my Stock Exchange friends prefer to
possession of a dermire American beauty call it, 'boomlet' — we succeeded in
who bears a bag of what is locally known realising, etc. — Mr H. Bottomley, 10th
December 1897.
as ' boodle ', and in polite society as
lucre, in her shapely arms. — D. N., Boomster (City, 1898). One who
15th September 1890. booms.
Book-maker (Racing, 19 cent.). A Boost (Liverpool - American). A
professional betting man who makes hoist, toss, elevation — from the mode
a betting book upon every race, or of raising one in the world hurriedly,
about every race in a season. He lays exercised by an angry bull or even
against all horses. A bookmaker of cow.
position must make immense profits, The cowcumber kin be made an orna-
under the two conditions of betting ment, will stand in any climate, and the
with men who can pay and with men placques and chromos will encourage art
who will accept all the conditions and give a fresh boost to decoration.
offered by the bookmaker. In fact,
under these 'circs', he rarely loses, Boot (Tailors' and Bootmakers', 19
while the money he may make is cent. ). Money — one of the trade
almost limitless. Sometimes, however, applications to describe money —
just exactly as the grocer calls coin
when a favoiirite wins, the ' ring ' (that ' sugar ' or the milkman ' cream '.
is the mass of betting men), is hit
heavily. 'We've had the boot for that job.'
Probably an abbreviation of 'beauti-
Bookie (Sporting, 1881). The ful', this being an obviously likely,
endearing 'ie', common in Johnnie vulgar, poetical naine for money. (See
Booth Star Born Days

Needful. ) Sometimes only a shilling. that there are more real gentlemen
'Can I have the boot?'— asked for among them than among any other class,
upper ten included. — Newsp. Cutting.
at the end of a day's work. Indeed
' boot ' in its most ordinary form is an Booze-pushers (Low London, 19
advance on the weekly wages — but one cent.). Variant of booze-fencer.
never under a shilling. The lower When a bloke is flatch kennurd the
advance, sixpence, is called a slipper. booze pushers will give him any rot in
Also used in the tailoring trade. A the house, and that's very hard lines. —
worker will say at closing time, Newsp. Cutting.
' Please, sir, could you oblige me Booze-shunters (P. House, 1870).
with the boot', while a more retiring They have never robbed a man of a
soul would ask — * Could I have a
slipper, sir?' hard day's in
shunters work,
are the best booze
without ever
Booth Star (Minor Stage). Lead- getting slewed.
ing actor or actress in a 'booth'. To 'shunt' in railway life is to
' Let me tell you a booth star is a move from place to place. The booze-
good thing. You often get four parts
a night. It is great experience — and shunter moves the beer, or 'booze,' from
the pot into his visceral arrangements.
it is the first step to Drury Lane.' The term was started by the S.W.R.
Booze (Low London). Intoxicants porters and guards, who use the larger
of all kinds, but particularly beer. public-houses in the neighbourhood of
May be from a name, but probably is the terminus in the Waterloo Koad
an onomatope of quite modern date, (London).
from the boozing noise made by Bo-peep (Nursery}. Exclamation
drunkards when falling off to sleep. of fun. Johnson does not compre-
Booze is drink in general — boozy, the hensively elucidate this word when
result of drinking slowly and tandem,
also to sleep. he gravely says it is from 'bo' and
'peep'. 'The art', he says, 'of look-
At the hearing of the Southampton ing out, and drawing back, as if
election petition, witness describing a frighted, or with the purpose to fright
procession of costermongers said : ' I one another.' SHAKESPEARE, who has
heard some men shout that they wanted
everything, has this phrase once —
some more booze '. Mr Justice Wright : ' Then
' What ? ' Mr Willis : < Booze, my lord, And they I forforsorrow
joy did weep
drink '. Mr Justice Wright : ' Ah ! ' That such a king should play bo-peep
Booze plausibly claims a sort of corrupt
descent from the genuine, if low, English And go the fools among.'
word to ' bouse, ' which occurs in our DRYJDEN has : ' There devil plays at
literature as early as 1567.— D. T., 2nd
December 1895. bo-peep, puts out his horns, etc.'
Bor (E. Anglian}. May be a
Mr O'Donovan, the Eastern traveller, shortening of neighbour, but is pro-
said to a press - interviewer ( World, bably a corruption of boy — politely
31st January 1885), 'this word is applied even to the oldest male
Persian for * ' beer " '. Was he indulging inhabitant.
in one of his ordinary jokes ? If not, Bore (Soc.t 19 cent.). Weary.
then the coalescing of these words and
From tunnelling operations — steady,
meanings is a very remarkable etymo-
logical fact. deadly, incisive 'jaw'. One of the
trade metaphors which has passed into
Boozer (Street, 19 cent.). The society and still stops there. Never
public - house, as well as the public- has come down in ' the social scale.
house frequenter. 'Lord Tom bores one to death with
Big Tim goes with him, while I pops Tel-el-Kebir.'
1895. the boozer.— People, 6th January To bore in the hills, is it? Well—
don't bore me about it. — Miss M.
Booze-fencers (Com. Lon., 1880). EDGEWORTH, The Absentee (1809).
Licensed victuallers — from ' booze ' Born Days (Peoples'). Intensifies
drink, and fencers sellers — probably Days that are born in an individual
a wilful corruption of * dispensers '. life. ' In all my born days I was
You may run down booze fencers as never so insulted.' Other authorities
much as you like, but you take my tip maintain it should be 'borne,' or
Born a Bit Tired Bouguereau Quality

burdened, days — while still more Bottle Nose (Amer. Boys}. Scorn-
recondite etymologists maintain it is ful designation of the aged nose — an
— fromwhence
our progress daily to organ which so frequently derogates
that no traveller from the promise of youth. Applied
returns. Fine example of three without mercy to those no longer
different words with the same sound young. Heard in Liverpool. (See
offering as many meanings. Almost Bald-head, Scare-crow.)
as good or as bad as * mala '.
Born a bit tired (Soc., 1870 on). Bottle oneself;
restrain up (People's).
in anotherTo sense,
Sarcastic excuse for a chronically lazy tively.
hem in the enemy, literally or figura-
man. 'You can't reasonably expect
him to work a couple of hours per The old story of Spanish lack of pre-
— he was toborn a bit tired'. paration was repeated ; vessels were foul
Mr Alderman Taylor, of from long absence from dock, coal was
the London County Council, there exists deficient, ammunition ran short, and in-
the man who is 'born a bit tired'. — stead of commanding a fleet ' in being ',
D. T., 13th February 1897. Admiral Cervara was glad to bottle him-
Born with a sneer (Literary, 1850 self up in the harbour of Santiago. — D.
on). Said of an implacable critic, T., 17th June 1898.
attributed to Douglas Jerrold, who
Bottled (People's, 1898). Arrested,
was good at sneering himself.
stopped, glued in one place — re-intro-
' Lord X would laugh at the Holy duced during the American-Spanish
Sepulchre — hehas was,familiarised
etc.'. war, immediately after the U.S.A.
Light opera the public squadron had bottled the Spanish fleet
with the man who was 'born with a in Santiago by closing the narrow
sneer'.— D. T., 13th February 1897. opening to the harbour of that city ;
Bosh (Lower Official English). A
term applied by market inspectors to e.g., 'My wife's come to town — I'm
butterine, oleomargarine and other bottled. Next week, Jane.'
preparations practically too long - Bottle o' Spruce (Peoples', 18 cent.).
Zero, nothing, abbreviation of Bottle
windedly named to please the official
mind. Now extended to all adulter- of Spruce Beer, which was cheap, com-
ants or adulterated food. Mr monplace, almost valueless; e.g., 'Of
O 'Donovan declared this word to be course, you say I don't care a bottle of
Persian, and that it means 'empty'. It also implies twopence ; this sum,
Certainly the word used as an ex- early in the 19th century being the price
clamation isreplete with the idea of ofspruce.
a bottle' of spruce beer. A man now
emptiness. (See World, 31st January seeking twopence asks for the price of
a pint. His grandfather would have
Boss Time (Anglo- Amer.). Great asked for a bottle of spruce.
pleasure, a supreme holiday ; e.g.,
Boughten or Bought (Provincial).
' Eve had a boss time last winter hunt- Adj ecti ve of disparagement. Bought as
ing deer up in Michigan.' distinct from superior home-madegoods.
Now used in England.
No longer heard. Very pleasant, as
Botany Beer Party (Soc., 1882). illustrating a time when every country-
A meeting where no intoxicants are house, large and small, had its spinsters,
drunk. In this year temperance, weavers, stocking-knitters, and straw -
which had been growing in society for plaiters. This word is the more
years, became drunk on affectation. interesting from a modern instance in
Botany Beer, it has recently been de- Ireland, where vanned bread that is
cided on judicial authority, is not beer carted from the baker's is a term of
at all.— G. A. Sala, in III. Lond. News, disparagement as compared with home-
10th March 1883. made bread.
Botherums (Agricultural). Yellow
marigolds. Bouguereau quality (Art, 1884).
Riskily effeminate. From the name of
Among the turnips the yellow mari- the great French painter, whose style
golds flourish mightily, so mightily that
is almost unwholesomely refined. The
they are called
the farmers, for locally
they are' botherums ' by
most difficult word has become cruelly perverted by
to get rid of. — Newsp. Gutting. its translation into common-place art
Boulevard-journalist Bowl

chat. Now very extensively used. Every one who mixes much in society in
The Bouguereau quality is not only Whitechapel will understand the functions
applied to figure painting and to of the bouncer. When tavern liberty
sculpture, but reaches landscape and verges on licence, and gaiety on wanton
portrait painting, decoration, and even delirium, the bouncer selects the gayest
literature. The Bouguereau quality in of the gay and — bounces him. To
letters is now very marked, and refers ' bounce ' is simply to prevail on persons
whose mirth interferes with the general
to work by both sexes. It is also enjoyment to withdraw from society
applied to manners, speech, and even which they embarrass rather than adorn.
dress — remarkable example of rapid The bouncer almost invariably uses gentle
growth of a word. means and moral persuasion. He bounces
The exhibition includes several the erring 'as if he loved them'. His
notable works by famous painters. M. reputation for strength and science are
so great that no one cares to resist the
Bouguereau 'a group called 'Spring' is bouncer, and the boldest hold their
alone worth seeing, being a very refined
example of his exquisite painting of the breath and let themselves be bounced
nude.— I). N., 19th July 1886. without a murmur. (See ' Chucker out '. )
— D. N., 26th July 1883.
Boulevard -journalist (Fr., 1856).
Immediately after Louis Napoleon Bouncing (Peoples'). Big, rotund
seized upon the throne of France, a — probably from bonse — a huge round
number of contentious little journals Moreover, he has females in his employ
appeared, mostly of a personal and who have been with him ten years, and
scandalous character, for politics had many of them are the healthy mothers
been practically slain. The serious
journals styled these new issues of bouncing
quite sure under boys and
whatgirls. I'm not
'journaux des boulevards', their children bounce, but I believe the ex-
writers ' Les journalistes boulevar- pres ion isapplied to strapping infants ;
though, again, I do not know under what
diers '. These literary gnats especially circumstances children strap. — G. K.
attacked England, as a rule, hence
the English press willingly Anglicised Sims, Ref., 28th December 1884.
the term to describe an unscrupulous Bound to Shine (Amer.). Praise.
writer until 'Society journalist' was The antithesis of ' clouded over' (q.v.).
discovered and accepted. Bournemouth (Theatri., 1882-83).
Boulevardier (Franco-Eng.y 1854- The deported Gaiety Theatre (London)
70). Paris man about town of third- — said satirically. The house was very
rate position ; accepted in England ; icy that winter, and produced colds,
while Bournemouth is the sanatorium
e.g., ' He is only a boulevardier. ' for weak-chested invalids.
Bounced (Avier., 1880). Igno- We don't care about Bournemouth —
miniously ejected. Derivation speaks our pleasant name for the Gaiety, as
fatally for itself. everybody there is dying of coughs and
While he did not feel greatly injured colds. — Sporting Times, 3rd February
by being bounced from a club which num- 1883.
bered only seven lame old men and two
dogs, he wanted to feel that justice was Bowl for Timber (Cricketers'). To
on his side, and he therefore appealed to send the ball at the martyr-player's
the Lime-Kiln Club for its decision. — legs — the timber. Discountenanced in
Newsp. Cutting. later years— rather as waste of time
Quite accepted in England. than with any view of repression of
Bounced muchly (Amer. Tavern}. personal injury. ' Try for timber —
To be expelled with exceeding vigour. he's quivery' — that is to say, nervous.
Bounced is a modern discovery, but Bowl (Thieves', 1 9 cent. ). Discovery
the adverb 'muchly' is due to the — from ' bowl out ' — a cricketing term.
Good as illustrating how a national
wild philology of the mirth-provoking pastime always provides new language.
Artemus Ward.
Grizard went with them, and said he
Bouncer (P. House, 380's). Ex- wanted them to look sharp and get to
peller of noisy or even mildly drunken Covent Garden before the market was
customers. (See * Chucker out '. ) open,
The ' bouncer ' of the House of Com- was at infour casein itthe
came to a ' bowl
morning. The '.Alder-
mons, going into the gallery, tried to find man : What is a « bowl ' ? Witness : I
the guilty individual,— Newsp. Cutting. understand it to be a find-out.
Bowler Brayvo Hicks

Bowler (Middle Glass). Hard, boot-making trade, and is still in use

in the north. Brads are small nails.
dome-shaped, man's felt hat. This hat
('80) ' Hey, lass, thee shalt hev' thy tay-tray
whichtook wasthethe place of the
first deer-stalker,
modern felt hat when t' brads coom along.'
produced in London. The bowler was Bradshaw (Middle Class). Precise
a make of a smaller kind altogether.
person, great at figures. From ' Brad-
Origin not known — but probably from shaw's Railway Guide' ; e.g., ' Quite a
the nam« of the manufacturer. Has
quite passed into the language. Bradshaw — my dear. '
All the description that the railway Brag (Soc., 1800-30). A game of
officials can give of the man is that he cards in which the players tried to give
appeared well dressed, and wore a dark the idea that they held better cards
overcoat, closely buttoned, and a bowler than they did. Hence the phrase,
hat.— Z). T., 15th February 1897. ' Don't brag by the card.'
Speculation does not greatly surprise
Bow - wow - mutton (Naval). So me, I believe, because I feel the same
bad that it might be dog-flesh. myself ; but it mortifies me deeply be-
Boxing put (Austral, from Amer.). cause speculation was under my patron-
Boxing outing — or bout. age ; and, after all, what is there so
delightful in a pair royal of Braggers?
Boy (Boltoii). Man. There are no It is but three nines or three knaves, or a
men in Bolton — all are boys, even at mixture of them. — Jane Austen's Letters,
ninety. This quality they share alone, 1809.
throughout England, with post-boys —
who never grow up. Bran New (Peoples'). A corrup-
tion of brand new, that which is
Boy Jones, The (about 1840). branded with the name of the maker.
Secret informant. A chimney boy- Probably from Sheffield.
sweep of this name tumbled out of a
chimney at Buckingham Palace, or was Brandy and Fashoda (Soc.t October
1898). Brandy and soda, of course.
found there under a bed, and was sup- Good example of droll pleonasm.
posed to have heard State secrets as
between the Queen and the then From the discovery of the French
Prince Albert. Event supposed to captain, Marchand, at Fashoda, almost
immediately after the conquest of the
have accelerated chimney-sweeping by dervishes at Omdurman (1898). (See
machinery. For years ' the boy Jones' S. andB.)
was suggestive of secrecy. ' The per- Brandy-shunter (L. Class). He
son who told me, my son, was the boy
Jones.' (See 'Jinks the Barber', that swalloweth frequent eau-de-vie.
Thomas Spencer Carlton, the eminent
'Postman's Sister'.) brandy-shunter, was born about thirty-
Boyno ! (Nautical — from Lingua five years ago of wealthy yet honest
Franca, or S. American). Friendly parents. — Newsp. Cutting.
valediction; sometimes been used at
Brass (Metallic England). Money.
meeting as ' Hullo ! ' ' Boyno— how The commonest term for cash all over
is it ? ' England, and almost the only one used
At parting, 'Well — so long! Boy- in the copper and iron industries.
no!' From the Spanish 'bueno', The prisoner and another man stopped
equivalent of 'God speed you.' the prosecutor, and explained that it was
' Bueno, senoretta !' said the dwarf, and ' money to buy beer ' that they wanted.
walked away with the superintendent.
' Haven't any ' said he. ' Yes, you have '
Brace up (Thieves'). Pawn stolen shouted Quain ; ' and we've got to have
property. Corruption perhaps from some of it. Now, then, brass up, or we'll
Fr. ' Eraser ', to fabricate— at length ; shove you through it.' — Neivsp. Cutting.
'braser des faffes'— to fabricate false Brass-knocker (Cadgers'). Broken
papers. May have been introduced by victuals. This may be a corruption
French criminals. from the Romany, but it is now
Bracelets (Thieves'). Humorous suggestive of a house whose superior
title for hand-cuffs ; in itself a satirical respectability warrants the absence of
description. complete economy and the presence of
Brads (North Country). One of the
trade names for money — in this case Brayvo Hicks (Theat., 1830). A
halfpence. The word comes from the peculiar form of applause only used
Brayvo Rouse Bremerhaven Miscreant

in approbation of muscular demonstra- from his place; coming from the old
tion on the lower stage — especially French settlements of America, prob-
broadsword exercise. Derived from
Hicks, a celebrated favourite actor for ably a corruption
Anglicised or rather of ' Rigodon ' —
I have heard of burlesque actors
many years, more especially 'upon
the Surrey side'. After he passed dancing a 'breakdown', but the other
away the applausive phrase first day the jEcho, on its broadsheet,
applied to him was inherited for announced, 'breakdown of an excursion
many years by his natural successors. train ! ' — Entr'acte, January 1883.
It may still be heard in out-of-the-way Breakers Ahead (Nautical).
little theatres. Applied in S. London Necessarily, warning of coming danger.
'Melita' enjoyed a very short and
widely ; e.g., ' Brayvo Hicks — into 'er inglorious career. It started with
again. Mary — give 'er the gravil 'breakers ahead' and ended with
rash.' brokers on the spot, I believe. — Ref.,
Brayvo Rouse (E. London). 14th January 1883.
Applause — approval. From the name Breaking Camp (American back-
of an enterprising proprietor of * The woods). To change one's camping
Eagle ' , afterwards ' The Royal place ; figuratively, to leave it by
Grecian ', a theatre situated in the way of death.
City Road, now the Central London I could have braced up under it if
headquarters of the Salvation Army.
This clever man was one of the first my poor Mary had got sick and died at
home with me holdin' of her hand and
managers to give a long series of consolin' her as she was breakin' camp
well-presented French light operas in for the other world. — Newsp. Cutting.
English. All the best of Auber's Breast the Tape (Sporting).
work was dressed in English by
Rouse — who, it is to be feared, Conquer, lead, overcome — from touch-
ing the tape with breast in running
annexed without ' authorial ' complica- matches.
tions. Whenever he appeared it was Leeds at the best of times does not
always * Brayvo Rouse '. Old players rejoice in a very clear atmosphere ; but
still show his house in the City Road. when she wraps herself in a fog, she can
* Buck up — to it again — bray vo give London a good start in the race for
objectionableness and breast the tape an
Rouse ! ' easy winner at the finish. — Ref., 27th
Bread and Meat Man (Military). November 1887.
An officer of the Army Service Corps.
Breath strong enough to carry
Bread-basket (London Trade, 19 coal (Anglo. -Amer.). Drunk.
cent.). Obvious invention of genius . . . comes home at three o'clock in
for stomach. Hence never extended to the morning with a breath strong enough
Ireland, where the equivalent is tater- to carry the coal. — Newsp. Cutting.
sack, the mouth being tatur-trap.
Miss Selina Slops was invited before Brekker (Oxford ' er'). Breakfast
his Worship, on the charge of smearing — a great find in the ' er ' dialect, but
the face of B.O. 44 with a flatiron, while nursery. in origin dating from the
hot, and also with jumping upon his
bread-basket, while in the execution of Bremerhaven Miscreant (Amer.
his duty. — Gutting. polit., 1883). At this place were made
Break (L. Class). Ruin, overcome, the clock-work dynamite torpedoes
expose, injure — justly or unjustly. society. ('80 - '83) alarmed European
Expression of victory — ' I broke 'im ' Bremerhaven miscreant '. These toys,
— I broke 'im through and through ! ' in which a charge of dynamite is ex-
In middle classes 'to break a man' ploded byclockwork, are manufactured,
is an abbreviation of break away it is commonly believed, by Mr Crowe,
from him — to cease to know him — to of Peoria. In a free country, of course,
cut him. This word obtains ever- where there is a large Irish vote, a clever
increasing significations. mechanic may make what he pleases, and
we are far from expressing the futile
Breakdown (Negro -plantation). A hope that the Government of the United
particular kind of dance, for one States will interfere with the industry of
generally, where the steps are varied, Mr Crowe and his followers. But our
but the performer does not move far nation, though averse to a policy of
Briar Bristols

Protection, might not unreasonably lay a sentimental Irish servant women in

heavy prohibitive duty on ' infernal New York — much of which has, it
machines '.— D. N., March 1883. has been declared, aided the Irish
Nationalist movement in the House
Briar (Peoples', 1870). A briar-root
pipe. A modern invention, supposed of Commons. Term now applied in
to be of god-like comfort. * Briar-root many directions.
is sometimes used to describe a corru-
Brief (Peoples'}. Letter, or piece
gated, badly-shaped nose.' of paper with writing. Probably
Brickfielder (Australian). Hot ancient. May be from the use by the
north wind, bringing with it a red First or Second George of this term
impalpable dust from the interior. It for letter.
penetrates even locks, and stains Brief (19 cent.). False reference.
fabrics in drawers of a dull brick red The system of false references has so
— hence the graphic name. Generally increased that many masters do not
comes after great heat in January, ask for references, but accept the ser-
and portends a grateful change in the vant or clerk, discovering him to be
weather. 'What a brickfielder you honest or dishonest, as the peculiar
are !' — meaning nuisance. disposition of the employer lies.
Bricky (Peoples'). Brave, Brenner said, ' I've given the Jew boy
adroit — after the manner of afearless,
brick ; another brief. I hope he'll pay me this
said even of the other sex, ' What a time.' Alleged conspiracy to defraud
Licensed Victuallers. — Morning Adver-
bricky girl she is.' (See 'Plucky', tiser, 25th February 1892.
Bridges-bridges (Printers'). A cry Brief (Lawyers' Clerks'). Pawn-
to arrest a long-winded story. Prob- broker's ticket, suggested perhaps by
the shape. The synonyms for this
ably corruption of ' abregeons-abre- signal of woe are countless, and the
geons' — in a deal Anglicized. (See list is always growing.
' Grasses ', ' Chestnuts '. )
' Ah, Sam, how are yer ? 'ere, will
Bridges and no Grasses (Printers1). you buy the brief of a good red 'un, in
Secret. A bridge is an absentee with- for a fifth its value?' — Newsp. Cutting.
out leave, who has not sent a substi- This mystic enquiry refers to the
tute, or grass. When a combination duplicate (this paste-board being a
is made to prevent a master from simulacrum of a card firmly pinned
getting out his paper by the printers to the pledge) of a pawned watch — a
absenting themselves, this would be red 'un, a term which is probably the
called Breaking the Bridge. The corruption of a proper name — say
whole system belongs to a system of Redding. (See Tombstone.)
rattening, a system which is being Brighton Bitter (Public House).
swept away by the strides of education. Mild and bitter beer mixed — satirical
Bridgeting (Amer.-Eng., 1866 on). reference to some Brighton ale-house
Obtaining money under false pretences, keepers, who, knowing Sunday and
or even by criminal process, from ser- Monday excursionists are only chance
vant girls. This word has taken customers, never give these customers
astounding journeys. It dates from bitter beer, though they pay its price.
Ireland, where so many female chil- Brim (Thieves'). A fearless woman
dren are named after Saint Bridget of the town. Origin evidently foreign
that the name became as typical of the — probably the French army, where
Irish serving-girl in New York as Pat a ' brimade ' is equal to English mili-
(from St Patrick) is typical of the tary making
' hay ', and introduced to
Irish working-man. From the fifties London by way of Soho.
onward Bridget became synonymous Bristols (Soc.t 1830 on). Visiting
in New York with domestic servant. cards, from the date when these articles
In the sixties the Fenian leaders in
New York discovered a new way of were printed upon Bristol — i.e., card-
board ;a superior Bristol make.
getting money by issuing notes of the Inside Madame Bernhardt's house there
Bank of the Republic of Ireland at 50 is a register open for the signatures of
per cent, discount. Large sums were callers, and the card basket shows a
obtained through many years, and large collection of 'Bristols'. — D. T.t
money is obtained even now from 48 17th February 1898.
Brit Broom

Brit (Theatr. ). An endearing dimi- this debt for another man, as her
nutive conferred by its denizens on husband was only surety. — D. T., 20th
November 1897.
the Britannia Theatre ; as, ' How do
you get to the Brit ?' ' Take a train Brolly (Public School, 1875 on).
east — one station this side of Jericho.' Umbrella. This is evidently a corrup-
(See )Bird, Vic, Eff, 'Delphi, and tion of umbrella. How did it come
Lane. about ? It descends from good society.
British Roarer (Peoples'}. Our Let us suppose the then Prince of
heraldic and symbolical lion. Wales hears one of his children when
The tribunes are dressed in red cloth, very young make an effort to say
and are guarded by four comic Byzantine umbrella, with 'brolly' for result,
lions, which act as symbols of our British that he therefore applies the word very
roarer.— D. N., May 1883. naturally to his umbrella ; that he is
heard at the Marlborough, where the
Broad Faker (Thieves'). Card- word is adopted, and so passed on
player, probably not wholly dissociated
from cheating. Broad may simply to the sons of the members of the club,
refer to the width of the card ; but it who carry it down into their schools —
probably refers to the name of an early whence it spreads. In King's College
maker of cards — probably marked for the word is quite naturalised. (See
cheating. 'Gamp,' 'Gingham,' 'Sangster'.)
Broad - gauge Lady (Railway Brompton Boilers (Art, 1870 on).
A three-roofed iron-built museum at
Officials', passing to Peoples'). One who
makes rather a tight fit for five on a S. Kensington. It got this name from
side. ' I know I'm a broad-gauge the aspect of the building, and retained
lady — but I can't help it, can I ? ' it nearly fifty years. They were only
demolished in 1898.
Herbert Campbell's ' gag ', Drury Lane As little is there room or reason for
Panto. 1884-85. Passed away with
the broad-gauge in the '90's. carting them (the pictures left to the
Brogue (Irish). Local lingual nation by Sir Richard Wallace), off to
accent — from the name of the foot- South Kensington, especially so long as
the administrative powers leave the
covering worn by the peasants. ' From 'Brompton boilers' in their present
the brogue to the boot ' (gentleman) absolutely disgraceful condition.— D. T.,
'all speak the same of him, and can 2nd April 1899.
say no other
Absentee, ch. '.9. Maria Edgeworth, The Brooks of Sheffield (M. CL, 1853
on). Nemo — warning to be careful as
Broken Brigade (Soc., 1880 on). to names. ' Who was he ? ' oh —
Poor, younger sons living on their wits. Brooks of Sheffield. From the first
' Broken ' — another form of * stone- three numbers of David Copperfield —
broke'. where David is referred to by Mr
The younger son has been brought up Murdstone in this name. Now passiug
in almost precisely the same fashion as
his elder brother. . . . When, therefore, away — but
all fours withstill used the
Binks in the '80's. On
he finds himself without the legitimate
means to live and enjoy life, as he has Never mind ; I hear that Smith, the
been trained to do, he must either find champion pugilist of the universe and all
illegitimate means or else join that party England, is going to find out who that
which has earned for itself the un- there Brooks of Sheffield is who boasts
enviable name of the broken brigade. that he knocked Smith out in a private
— D. N., 26th September 1887. glove fight.— Ref., 31st July 1887.
Brokered (L. C., 1897). A Broom (Soc., 1860 on). A would-be
specimen of the daily making of swell — a total pretence. Corruption
language — here upon the pre-historic of Brum, with the 'u' long, it being
basis of the noun creating the verb. an abbreviation of Brummagem, which
How much more concise than 'got is a contemptuous pronunciation of
the brokers in', and so much nearer Birmingham — for many years, until
the literal, for one broker who brokers, the '80s, a synonym for pinchbeck
as a rule, suffices. manufactures. Good example of sub-
Defendant complained that she had stituting aknown word for another
less known — on this occasion the
been 'brokered' by mistake, and that
she had to go out to wash to help pay process taking place in Society itself.
Broomstick Brulee

Broomstick (Canadian). A gun or The height of respectability is to

rifle. No word could more perfectly live in a brown stone-fronted house —
outline the peaceful character of the that is to say, to show a bold veneer of
Canadian as distinct from his American brown stone to the world that passes
brother, when it is borne in mind that along the main street, putting off your
neighbours at the back with ordinary
the latter calls his gun, shooting iron. brick. — Neicsp. Cutting.
The domesticity of ' broomstick ' Brown Study (Soc.) Deep study.
yields history in itself.
Brother Bung (London Tavern). A But why brown ? Blue, or black and
white would be more appropriate.
fellow - publican ; as, ' Oh, they're Possibly from a celebrated 'varsity man
brother bungs', said contemptuously. given to being lost in thought.
However, after the usual smart English
manner of taking even Mr John Bull Brown to (Com. Classes). To
by the horns, the less dignified understand. Origin very obscure —
publicans have accepted the situation probably from a keen man of this
amongst themselves, and will fre- name. ' He didn't brown to what she
quently say when meeting, ' How goes was saying— not a little bit.' Possibly
from meat proving its goodness by
it, brother bung ? ' handsomely browning while on the
Brougham (Soc.t 1820 [?]). A roast.
small, close carriage, named after Lord
Brougham — it is even said invented Brown 'un, The (Sporting, 1870).
by him. The name has lasted to this The Sporting Times — from the then
day as 'broom' amongst high-class tone of its paper. (See Pink 'un. )
people — though less well-informed Brownies (Loiver London, 1896).
souls will give the two syllables. Common cigarettes — three for one half-
Recently a smaller brougham with penny. From proper name, Brown.
rounded front has come to be called, Outcome of cigarette-smoking.
by leading people, 'cask', and even To meet humbler feminine wants there
'tub'. are now halfpenny packets of cigarettes
Brown (Mooney's, Strand). Two containing
Z>. T., 3rd three,
March known1898. as ' Brownies.' —
pennyworth of whisky. Evasive,
delicate mode of getting a 2d. drink, Bruffam (Soc., 1860 on). A droll
the usual whisky - gargle being half variation of Brougham, the small car-
sixpence. Good example of a singu- riage known by that name — Brough
larly local passing word. Mooney's itself being pronounced Bruff. Another
is the Irish whisky - house of the illustration of the ' gh ' eccentricities.
whole Strand. A story runs that Brougham, on being
Brown George (Oxford fin, 1890 rallied by the Iron Duke as a man whose
on). Large jug holding bath-water, name would go down to posterity as a
from its colour, and the name of the great lawyer, statesman, etc., but who
earth en warer. would be best known by the name of the
carriage which had been christened after
Brown Polish (Anglo - Amer.). him,
A mulatto. Outcome of the use of would retorted
no doubt that the toDuke's
go down nameas
tan - coloured boots. Grotesquely that of a great general and the hero of
a hundred fights, but that he would be
graphic — on the lines of Day and best remembered by having a particular
Martin (1840) describing a negro,
kind of boot named after him. — Neivsp.
black. D. & M.'s blacking was so
Brulee (chiefly Naval, 1863). A very
Brown Stone Fronts (Amer. poli-
tical). Aristocrats. obscure word. ' Term is used at Vingt
et un, and consists of the dealer help-
The dream of the rich New Yorker, ing himself to two cards, one from the
realised in the case of Mr Vanderbilt, is top of the pack, the other from the
to live in a brown stone house.
bottom. This is permissible before the
In New York politics, efforts are some- new dealer commences his deal. He
times made to bring about what are called
the primary elections in July, because in has the option of making the brulee or
not. If the two cards are not a natural
that month, as it is said, ' the brown
stone fronts are (one ace and one court card or ten), he
10th October 1883,out of town'. — D. N., pays the unit to each player of the
Brums Buck

money played for — if it is a natural, he Bryant & May's 'Chuckaways'

(E. London, 1876). Girls employed in
takes from each player from four to six
times the stake, according to agree- B. & M.'s lucifer match factory. Here
ment. Sheer gambling. Not good one reading is droll, the other perhaps
form. 'N.B. Nap' (Napoleon) has very cruel— a combination too frequent
completely swept away Vingt et un — in peoples' wit. Chuckaways is
and 'brulee avec' — as the French one of the graphic names given
golden youth might say. Probably to lucifer matches, simply because
from the name of the inventor. after striking and using, the remainder
Brums (R. S. Exchange). N.W. of the lucifer is thrown or ' chucked '
away. Here, in effect, the lucifer is
Railway stock. All railway stocks applied to the cause, the maker. The
have names of convenient brevity.
rhyming too should be remarked.
The nicknames of stocks at the Ex- This same cruel meaning of chuckaway
change are, on the whole, disrespectful. maybe left to the imagination. Of course
Thus, the ordinary stock of the London
and North- Western Kailway is known as girl lucifer match-makers, following a
miserable and unhealthy industry, are
' Brums ', although ' Brummagem ' is any- not the equals of Belgravian match-
thing but a proper description of so solid
making mothers.
a property. ' Mids ' will readily be re-
cognized asMidland Railway stock ; and
an equal facility of identification may Bub (Old'iEng. — now American). In
The Country Girl the author often calls
be claimed for 'Chats' (Chatham and her husband ' bub.' In the States it
Dover), ' Mets ' (Metropolitan), ' Dis- is a friendly term addressed to a boy.
' District), and some
others. ' Dovers ', however, would ' Your husband ought to be arrested
scarcely sugggest at first sight the for working on Sunday ! ' ' Working on
- Eastern Sunday — come here, bub ! Now, bub,
the and Railway, nor 'Souths'
South- Western ; while if you'll prove that my husband ever
the North Staffordshire shares are irre- worked on Sunday, or any other day in
Potteries. verently spoken of as ' Pots,' after the the week,
lived with I'll himgive
for you a dollar
twenty years,! I've
The pet names are in every way pre- have always had to buy even his whiskey
ferable. Who would not cheerfully lose and tobacco, and now if he's gone to
money on ' Berthas ' (Brighton Ordinary), work I want to know it ! ' The boy
on ' Doras ' (South-Eastern Deferred), backed off without another word. — 1882.
on ' Noras ' (Great Northern Deferred), Bubble (Soc.t 17 cent.). To cheat.
on 'Saras' (Manchester, Sheffield, and
Lincoln Deferred), or even on ' Dinahs ' ' To bubble you out of a sum of money.'
(Edinburgh and Glasgow Ordinary) ? On Decker's Horn-book, 1609.
the other hand, there is an added The well-meaning ladies of England,
exasperation in the thought of having when they subscribed for that monu-
ment, had not the faintest notion of
rashly ' put one's pile ' on ' Caleys '
(Caledonian Ordinary) or 'Haddocks' what they were doing. They were in-
(Great Northern of Scotland Ordinary.) de dbubbled
' ', to use a phrase of Queen
— Neivsp. Cutting. Anne's time.— D. N., 1882.
POLLY. I'm bubbled.
Brush (Public House). Odd name LUCY. I'm bubbled.
for a small glass, which is an inverted
cone fixed on a thick stem of glass ; POLLY. Oh, how I'm troubled.
— Beggars' Opera.
used for dram-drinking in London — Still used by the lowest. ' I bubbled
and thus fancifully named from its out- 'im to rights.'
line to a house-painter's brush. * modern word. Equal to ' bilk ' — a more
That little bloke, with no more flesh
on him than on a one and ninepenny Bubble around ( Amer. - Eng. ).
Rather a strong verbal attack, gener-
fowl, kervoortens
three put away six pots satin
of cold of four-halt",
in a two- ally by way of the press. ' I will back
out brush, a 'arf kervoorten of rum, and a first-class British subject for bubbling
a bottle of whisky. — Newsp. Cutting. around
& Rice, against all humanity.'
The Golden Butterfly, —ch.Besant
Brush Power (Artists', 1882).
Simply— painting, e.g. ( Never was Mr Buck (Soc., 18 cent.). Young man
Millais' brush power so manly and of fashion, derived not from the male
assured.'— Grit, of R. Academy, 1883, deer, but a diminutive of ' buckram ',
John Forbes-Robertson. a stiffening fabric used in setting out
Buck Against Bucking the Tiger

the full-skirted coats of the eighteenth plan tin' Was

done. facilities
the of yer own ait'sbuck
lamented got toor bea
century. The word lasted fashionably
to about 1820. It is now only used by doe?'— 1883.
thoroughly vulgar people. Its fashion- Buck Parties (Soc.). Bachelor
able equivalent in the middle of the meets. From Australia.
nineteenth century was ' swell ', which The ono drawback to our pleasure has
is rapidly being vulgarized. * Toff ' is been the delicate state of Mrs Pen's
health. This sent me out to what are
an invention of the envious enemy.
Buck obtained an other meaning during called here 'buck parties', i.e., parties
of men only, when otherwise I should
the '70's — a sham cab fare. During the have gone with her to (what she calls)
evening the Strand being gorged with more civilised gatherings. — Ref., 19th
crawler cabs, it was determined to keep September 1888.
empty cabs out of that thoroughfare
from 10 to 11 P.M. Cabmen desirous Bucket-shop (City, 1870 on). Stock-
of getting through on the chance of From U.S.A. jobber's, or outside broker's office.
obtaining a fare from a Strand theatre RUINED BY BUCKET SHOPS — A once
or restaurant would ask passing young
men — fairly dressed, if poor, to pretend prosperous
suicide. Montreal.merchant's defalcation .and
SamuelJohnson . .
to be a fare in order to get past the line absconded. . . . Two detectives started
of police. This fraudulent passenger with him for this city. . . . This morn-
came to be called by cabmen, and after- ing he jumped from the train at the
wards by the police, ' a buck ', used Tanneries, and was found dead with two
no doubt satirically. bullets through his brain. Johnson is
When a cabman wants to drive past another victim of bucket-shop specula-
the police to get access to theatre exits
tion. It is known that he has lost
out of his own turn he puts a man into thousands of dollars in these places. The
his cab and drives rapidly on, as if taking community is indignant at the manner
a fare away. This sham fare in street in which so many citizens are being ruined
by bucket shops, and steps will certainly
parlance, we learn, is 'only a buck'. — be taken to close them. — N. Y. Mercury,
D. N., 26th September 1887. 2nd October 1887.
Mr Bridge said in this case it had not
been shown that the man was ' a buck ' Bucking match (Negro). Fight
in the ordinary acceptance of the term. with heads. Fine example of throw-
Defendant had evidently allowed his back to savage life. Sheer atavism.
friend to ride on the spring. This was
Stacey appeared to be the more belli-
an offence against the regulations, in gerent of the two, insisted on having the
addition to entailing extra labour on the quarrel out, and challenged Kline to
horse. He hoped it would be understood fight him without fists or weapons. This
that in future in such cases, and where is the usual manner among Philadelphia
' bucks ' were employed, the full penalty negroes to denominate a ' bucking
would be imposed. — Newsp. Cutting, match', which is not an infrequent
October 1887. Gutting. of settling disputes. — Newsp.
Buck against (Anglo-Amer.). To
oppose violently. From the stubborn Bucking the Tiger (Anglo-Amer.).
bucking habit of stag and goat. Gambling heavily.
Buck up and take a chilly (Navy). Entering by a green baize door, the
visitors found themselves in a large and
Advice to a man to pull himself to- well-lighted room — the lair of the tiger.
gether after a hard drink. The Gamblers usually speak of faro playing
* chilly ' may be literal, since cayenne as ' bucking the tiger ', but if any one
is supposed to be a signal help imagines that the animal is other than a
in restoring the collapsed patient to fat, sleek, attractive-looking feline they
sense and sobriety. make a great mistake. Only the furry
coat is exposed ; one must join in the
Buck or a doe (Anglo-Amer. ). A play in order to get a glimpse of the
man or woman, obviously from the fangs and claws. — Newsp. Cutting.
habit and mode of thinking by back- An oil region correspondent of a Phila-
woods' men. delphia journal, who evidently ' has
The startled girl gave him a glance, been there' — at both places — says that
but no other demonstration of recog- ' boring for oil is like " bucking the
' kinder rough to rattle 'em tiger " ', or eating mushrooms ; if you
along like freight in this way (coffined, live it is a mushroom ; if you die it is a
toadstool. If you strike oil you have
dead), but where you ain't got no
Bud Bug-eaters

bored in the right place ; if you don't last century. The process of being
youIn haven't. — Newsp. made a buffalo fifty years ago was
the United StatesCutting.
the operation of very simple, the victim being sworn
staking all one's money in a gaming hell is on the sacred ibis. Before him and
called ' bucking the tiger '.— G. A. SALA. everyone of the elect a cork was
Bud (Amer.-Eng.). A young girl. placed, when the president told the
Keal original American discovery. acolyte that upon a given word every
The American novelist is in rather a man was to seize his cork, the last to
tight place. When he is in a tight place touch his cork having to pay 2s. 6d.
— or, indeed, whether he is or not — he The word was given, the victim saized
usually takes the world into his confi- his cork, and as no one budged or moved
dence. His grievance at present is the a hand, evidently he was the last to
censorship of the ' bud ', or young girl, touch his cork. So he paid his half-
of his native land.— D. N., 31st May crown. The Buffaloes (A. S. 0. B. ) have
been for a long time a well-ordered
Buff to the Stuff (Thieves', 19 cent.). society — possibly too jovial, but cer-
Accomplices who swear to stolen pro- tainly insome degree charitable. They
perty as theirs. have proper officera, give annual jewels
They might as well have the twenty of gold, not perhaps of a very high
quid as not, for they were sure to get out
of it, as they were going to send some carat, to their officers, and have cere-
monials, in some degree choral, as the
people to ' buff to the stuff ', a slang term astonished outsider may learn for him-
for claiming the property supposed to
have been stolen, and stating that they self as, on passing a lodge, he hears
had sold it. — Newsp. Cutting. the brethren proclaiming their inten-
Buffalo Boys (Music Hall). Comic tion to 'Chase the Buffalo', though
where they would find the buffalo it
negroes, affecting stupidity, probably would be difficult to say. Sisters, i.e.,
from one of the earliest nigger melodies.
brethren's wives, come without to hear
Buffer (Peoples'). A catspaw, inter- these things, and go home trembling
mediator, illustrator of the couplet and minatory. The Buffs are strictly
' Those who in quarrels interpose non-political.
Often get a bloody nose.' Buffy (Com. Lond.). Drunk — pro-
Comes in one line from the railway
buffer, which breaks the impingement of bably Anglicized from bevvy. ' He
railway carriages, and in another line always
be swelledgoes with
to bed drink,
Or French
it may
from buffo, who in comic Italian opera bouffi — temp. Charles II.
is always ill-used. ' Poor old buffer, ' He, the driver, must get up earlier and
said by Robson to the ghost of Lablache, go to bed without getting buffy, which
the buffo, in The Camp at the Olympic, he hadn't done for a week of Sundays,
by J. R. Planche. before he found that little game would
draw in the dibs. — Newsp. Cutting.
Buffer (Navy). A boatswain's mate
— probably because he is the buffer Bug bear—a(Amer.).
state, so to speak, between boatswain nuisance. Abbreviation of bug-
and able seaman. The phraseology of Edison, to judge
Buffer State (Political). A small from his day-book records, is synthetic,
territory dividing the countries or strongly descriptive, and quaint. . . *
colonies of two greater states — as Bel- A ' bug ' is a difficulty which appears
insurmountable to the staff. To the
gium, which is a buffer state between
France and Germany. Holland is master it is ' an ugly insect that lives on
another buffer state. So also is the lazy,Cutting.
Newsp. and can and must be killed.' —
' Andorre '. So also were Monaco and
Mentone the * buffer ' once between Bugaboo (Amer.). A panic — of an
France and Italy. absurd and unreasoning character.
Buffs, Buffaloes (Secret Society) A 1 The recent Fenian bugaboo.'-— 1867.
jovial, so-called, secret society — ' An- Bug -eaters (Amer.). People of
cient Order of Buffaloes.' Probably in Nebraska. This word must be read
the commencement from ' beau fel- 'beetle' in English. Refers to the
enormous amount of insect life in this
lows —' as Hullo ! my beau fellows !— territory.
beau being a word much used in the


Bug-shooter (Schools mid Univs.). negro was to be whipped ; the overseer

A volunteer — volunteers not being was instructed to give him as many lashes
popular with gown — the system being as was applied to an animal, hence the
left to town. term 'bull-doze'."
reference to dozen. Maybe 'doze' has
If you join the Volunteers you are dis- This word is also used in private life
courteously spoken of as a ' bug-shooter'. to describe pestering conduct :
— D. T., 14th August 1899. Serves you just right for bull-dozing
Bugs (Lowest Classes). Wall- me a whole month to make this infernal
flowers. From their colour, signal excursion. — Newsp. Cutting.
example of lower class tendency to The following quotation will show
horribly vulgar association of ideas, that even in the U.S.A. themselves
even in relation to such pleasant visitors this term is not fully understood :
as these blooms — the first of the year — ' What do they mean by bull-dozing ? '
frequently seen in penny bunches in asked an inquisitive wife the other even-
poorest neighbourhoods early in Febru- ing. 'I suppose they mean a bull that
ary. Who'll 'av a pennorth o' bugs ? is half asleep.' And the injured one kept
(See Bloods.) on with her sewing, but said nothing.
Bulley (Westminster School). The
Build up (Thieves'). To array in
good clothes, for trade purposes. lappet
probablyof rather
a King's
meantscholar's gownthe
to describe —
Jennings agreed to ' build up ' Archer wearer than the gown.
with clothes, and at another meeting
brought him a coat in order that he Bullfinches (Hunting). High hedges
might appear respectable when he visited — probably from the name of some
his old fellow-servants at the Lodge. — owner or farmer opposed to hunting.
Newsp. Cutting. To the stag, we imagine, it is a matter
of small concern whether his enemies are
Bulge, To get the (Anglo-Amer.).
To gain an advantage ; from the ap- counter-jumpers or leapers of bullfinches.
proaching conqueror in wrestling or —Newsp. Cutting, March 1883.
A bullfinch in Ireland is a stone hedge.
fighting overcoming the opponent, so —Athenceum, 17th Feb. 1887, p. 221.
that the conqueror's chest-muscles are
forward, or bulging. Bullock's horn (Artizans' rhyming).
Mr Dodsley has, to use the new phrase Pawn.
of American slang, ' the bulge ' on Put— your
horn. Cutting.kicksies in the bullock's
Messrs Longmans. — D. N., 19th June
1891. Bully (0. Eng.). From bullocking
' You wanted to get the bulge on it, and bull -tossing.
didn't you?' 'Wanted to do what?' Yes, you villain, you have defiled my
* Wanted to get the bulge on it.' ' What own bed, you have, and then you have
do you mean by bulge ? ' — N. Y. Mercury, charged me with bullocking you into
owning the truth. It is very likely, an't
Bull (Common Lodging • House) . please your worship, that I should bul-
A second brew of tea. lock him. — Fielding, Tom Jones, bk. ii.
The lodgers divide their food fre- ch. 6. (See Bully-rag.)
quently, and a man seeing a neighbour Bully (Amer.). Capital, good,
without anything will hand him his tea- excellent — perhaps from French
pot, and say, ' Here you are, mate ; here's Colonial times in the south, and from
for you.' left in A ''for
bull '' is
bull is aa teapot
a secoi
teapot with
with * bouilli' — the stewed beef which equals
second brew. — in Gallic popularity and stability the
G. R. Sims, Horrible London.
4 roast ' of England and the States.
Bull and Cow (Rhyming). A row.
' What's the matter with you ? ' ' My
Bull-doze, To bull-doze (Amer.- leg's smashed,' says he. 'Can't yer
Eng., 19 cent.}. Political bullying. walk ? ' 'No.' ' Can yer see ? ' Yes.'
The origin of this phrase is absolutely ' Well,' says I, ' you're a Rebel, but
lost, always supposing that it was ever will you do me a little favour ? ' 'I will,'
found. Mr Rees, an American autho- says he, ' ef I ken.' Then I says, ' Well,
rity on obscure words, says (1887) : ole butternut, I can't see nothin*. My
eyes is knocked out, but I ken walk.
' A bull-doze is a term used in inflicting Come over yere. Let's git out o' this.
punishment upon an unruly animal ; the You pint the way, an' I'll tote yer off the
weapon a strap made out of the hide of field
a bull. During the existence of slavery he. on Andmyso back.' ' Bullyto for
we managed git you,' says
the term "bull-doze" was used when a We shook hands on it.— 1863.

Bully about the Muzzle Buncombe or Bunkum

Mr Rees (N. York) says : ' Bully ' is Bain-marie, a cooking utensil consist-
used as indicating satisfaction amongst ing of a number of little pots in a bath,
lower English classes — as ' Never mind, or ' bain ', of water contained in a
as they say in the waxey crowd, he's a large pot. The French phrase is as
bully boy.' Townshend saw an omnibus
Captain difficult to comprehend as the corrup-
tion— for Marie is beyond analysis —
pole strike a gentleman's horse in the unless it is the name of the inventor.
flank, knocking over both steed and rider,
English books of a later school making
and the man, calling out 'Bully for
you,' drove away laughing. an effort to avoid the first syllable and
be truly Parisian, call the contrivance
Bully about the muzzle (Dog-
a c bang Mary ' — a very alarming
mouth. Too thick and large in the rectification.
' Angelina [a terrier] is bully about the Bummer (Anglo- Amer., 1880). Ori-
muzzle,' said Maulevrier ; we shall have ginal y acommercial traveller, from one
to give Fortune.
Phantom her away.' — Miss Braddon, who * booms '. (Now — a noisy cad. )
'You are nothing but a third-class
Bully-fake (London, 1882). A com- society bummer, fit only to associate
pound of ' bully ' — here meaning with your own class of New York scum.'
advantageous — N. Y. Mercury, 8th October 1883.
result. Fake and 'fake'
is said action,from
to come or
Bun Feast (Soys'). A woeful
facto. description of a very poor and meagre
It's a bully fake for a dona when she feast, where buns need not necessarily
has the fair good luck to snap hold a serve to swell up the juvenile stomach.
husband who will cut up to rights. —
Newsp. Gutting. Bunce (Drapers'). Goods — probably
from a proper name.
Bully-rag (Peoples', 19 cent.). To Bunch of Fives (L. Class). The
scold at length ; said of a woman.
Probably suggested by the irritation fist simply — ingenious mode of proving
the speaker can count up to five.
caused to the bull in the ring, or per- One of the associates of the eccentric
haps pit, by being driven frantic with
Marquis of Waterford formed a collection
a perpetual red flag — the rag. ' Don't of door-knockers, brass plates, bell pulls,
bully -rag me, woman ! ' little dustpans, golden canisters, and
Bum-boozer (Theatr.}. A desperate glovers' ' bunches of fives ', of which, in
drinker. It is to be feared that the the course of a roystering career, he had
following line has been seen in the ad- despoiled private houses and tradesmen's
vertisements for artistes in the com- shop-fronts.— G. A. Sala, Illust. Lond.
moner theatrical papers : Neics, 27th January 1883.
' Bum-boozers— save your stamps.' Buncombe or Bunkum (Amer.-
Bumble puppy (Provincial). A Eng., 19 cent.). Politically, or pos-
tossing game used to cheat simpletons sibly any publicly, spoken flattery.
— hence bumble-puppy means idiot and This word is an admirable instance of
idiocy. Origin unknown. a name at once passing into a language
By-the-bye now that we are to be and even yielding to phonetic spelling.
legalized into such goody-goodies that The press, both in the U.S.A. and in
little or no sport is to be allowed except England, accepted immediately the
battledore and shuttlecock, egg -hat, name as a synonym for humbug. From
push-pin, etc., I am about to offer a prize a celebrated orator of honied phrases
for the championship of Bumble puppy, named Buncombe. Vulgarised rapidly
i.e., if the police authorities will allow it into Bunkum ; but the Americans,
to take place. — Newsp. Cutting.
permanently accepting the word, have
Bummaree (Billingsgate). A mid- restored the original spelling. This
dleman atthe fish auctions. Corruption name-word has as absolutely passed
of bonne maree. French seaside term
into the English language as ' burke ',
for highwater fish.
tide or flood, and also for salt- or ' boycot '. Mr Rees (New York)
The ' bummarees ' or middlemen whip says of this word :—
The origin of this expression was in
up all the plaice, and carry them off to the lower house of Congress. A member
turn a penny on them by breaking them from North Carolina, and from the
up into smaller lots. — Newsp. Cutting. county of Buncombe, was speaking when
Bummarees (Cooks'). Corruption of some of the members showed disappro-
Bundling Burick

bation, manifested in the usual manner general contempt for pubs, increased,
by coughing and sneezing. The member bungary for his house came to be good
was not long in making the discovery
that he was making himself very ob- English. ' Bungs and bimgaries must
noxious, nor willing to yield an iota of
his time to any one, and fully determined passBuniony
away.' (Art, 1880). Terra to
to have his ' talk ', addressed the dis- express lumpiness of outline, from a
affected members thus: — 'Go, gentle- a bunion breaking up the ' drawing '
men, if you like ; clear out, evaporate,
for I would have you to know that I am of a foot. < He has still go, but he's
not addressing the house but — Bun- getting very buniony.'
kum !' Bunk (Peoples'). To retreat judi-
Bundling ( Welsh). Courting — in a ciously.I' shall bunk ', very common
reclining position. in public schools.
That peculiar Welsh institution, Bunker (L. Class). Beer — Angliciz-
' bundling ' has almost disappeared, a
son of the Cymry tells me, from the
ing of ' bona-aqua ' — an idea of some
light-hearted Italian organ-grinder in
Principality. It was a sort of union by the Italian quarter behind Hatton
which a man and woman agreed to take Garden.
one another on trial for twelve months.
If at the end of that time harmonious Bunko (Amer. -Eng.). Doubtful,
relations still subsisted between them, shifty. From S. America. Heard in
they usually took one another, for better Liverpool.
for worse, in the orthodox manner. But, At Mackinao they took him for a lord,
if they separated, no sort of disgrace or and at Cleveland he was taken for a
stigma attached to either ; they went bunko man, and had to identify himself
their ways, and the world thought none by telegraph.
the worse of them for having lived in
open adultery. — People, 17th January Bunter (Thieves'). A woman thief
1897. of the lowest possible kind. The very
Bung (Peoples', 1850 on). A land- gutterling of crime to whom no ' per-
lord— sometimes endearing when used fect lady ' would condescend to fling
by dearest friends, but generally and a ' 'ow d'ye doo ? '
increasingly suggestive of contempt Bunting - tosser (Navy) Signal-
and superiority on the part of the man. The signals are small flags
speaker. Used by a client towards a made of bunting, and they are run up
publican whilst he is holding his court at or near the mast-head.
in his own particular gin palace ; might
lead to an immediate call upon the Bupper (Peoples',
versal infantile 19 cent.).
reduction of bread Uni-
chucker-out to eject the traitor. Only butter used, as a rule, until the speci-
a complete ' pal ' could afford, with an men gets his first paternal spanking
elegant but risky sense of fun, to say, over his first pair of breeches, when the
' Dear Bung, I'll take another bitter ' word passes into ' toke ' for the whole
— beer being understood.
term of his natural boy's life, e.g.,
Bung (Public Schools). A lie — pro- ' Bit o' bupper, p'ease ' — too often
bably from some notorious liar's name, heard in the watches of the night. Said
known in some leading school, whence to be of royal descent. ' Upon my
it has drifted to most schools.
word ', said the old general, ' I think
Bung Ball (London Tr.). A great I prefer bup to anything.'
annual Terpsychorean meet of the Burgle (Soc., 1880). To commit
bungs, or publicans. Celebrated for burglary. Introduced (at all events
the grandeur 'of the diamonds — or to London) by Mr W. S. Gilbert in
what are said to be diamonds — and The Pirates of Penzance.
other precious stones. At this function Burick (L. Class, 19 cent.). A wife
artificial hops and grapes are never — said to be Romany. To administer
worn, they being too suggestive of the manual correction to her is ' to slosh
bar. (See Blood Ball.)
Bungaries (Peoples', 1870 on). theWhen
your'. burick gets boozed, smashes
Public-houses. As taverning came to the crockery, and then calls in her bloom-
be looked down upon, the landlord, ing old ma to protect her from your
once mine host, honest John Barley- cruelty, that's the time to do a guy. —
corn, etc., became a 'bung' — whence, as Cutting, 1883.
Burke Bust

Burke (Polit., 19 cent.). To stifle, of the City of London. The satire was
quash, abate — from one Burke, who completedBus-bellied
by a couplet
Ben —;
with another, Hare, for some years
early in the nineteenth century, Eats enough for ten.
systematically murdered persons of all Bush-ranger (Austral.}. Highway-
ages, in Edinburgh, for the purpose of man. Interesting as a comparative
selling their bodies to medical men for term ; for while the word is fairly
hospital purposes. Their mode was equivalent to our highwayman, it is
by stifling with pitch-plasters, which significant to compare both with the
prevented outcry. Their victims were American evasive ' road-agent '.
first generally made drunk, except in Bushy Park (Rhyming, 1882). A
the case of women. Hence the
appositeness of the word for silencing. synonym
Oh, it isfor
—Cutting. ' lark '.
a bushy park to see the Sal-
First used in Parliament by way of vation souls toddling about arm-in-arm.
attack ; afterwards accepted as a good
verb full of meaning. Business end of a tin tack (Amer. ).
The point.
Burst (Policemen's, 1879). Out- The joke about the pin in the chair,
pour oftheatrical audiences about eleven and the suggestion that the business end
(of course P.M.), into the Strand. 'The of a tin tack would be preferable, are
burst gets thicker every month,' said essentially American.— 7). N., 1882.
the sergeant. ' All the world goes to Persons unaware of the existence of
the play now.' The sudden popularity such agents as buckram or crinoline
of the play-house began about 1879, and muslin might be forgiven for supposing
that such flounces were maintained in
went on increasing in the most mar-
vellous manner. order on the principle of an air cushion,
and that the introduction of the business
Burst her stay-lace (London). A end of a pin would produce sudden
sudden bust-heaving feminine indig- collapse.— D. N., 27th March 1883.
nation, which might even literally, and Busker. He who goes busking.
certainly does figuratively, bring about
this catastrophe. ' Now, gentlemen, don't break out the
bottom o' the plate with the weight o'
Burst your crust (Prize-ring, 1800, silver you 'and this old busker. I'd
etc.). Breaking the skin. Went to send round my 'at as more civil, but
America. yer liberality 'ud knock the bottom
It is not good manners to do so, and
you might slip and burst your crust by Busking (Streetsinging
- singers'). Going
so doing. — American Comic Etiquette for from pub. to pub. and reciting,
Children. generally in tow with a banjo.
Bury (Low Life). To desert. 'out.'
Hang it, I hope I shall never come
down to regular busking ; yes, now
Buryen' face (Amer.) Solemn, and again when bis. is bad, but for
serious countenance — burying face. ever — Lord forbid.'
Boon's I could git my buryen' face on, ' That pub's no good — don't you see
I takes Spider in ter whar the fuss wuz the notice — no buskers after 7. They've
goin' on. — Tobe Hodge. got their evenin' reglers.' — Cutting.
Bus (Soc., 1881). Dowdy dress. Busnacking (Navy). Equals Paul
Applied only to women ; when a badly- Prying — unduly interfering.
dressed victim enters a drawing-room I wish old Nobby wouldn't come
this fatal word may be used — meaning 1 busnacking ' about, worrying a chap
not so much that the lady has come by out of his life. I wasn't doing any harm !
bus as that her style of dress is not To 'busnack' is to be unnecessarily
fussy and busy. — Rev. O. Goodenough,
fitted to any sort of vehicle higher in R.N.
character than the once popular one Buss me — bub (London, 18 cent.).
named. Girl.)
Baise-moi — evidently. (See Country
Bus-bellied Ben (Street, E.G., 1840
on). An ordinary name for an alder- Bust (Street, 1875). Burst, or ex-
man, who used to be frequently corpu- plode with rage, and so join the
lent. The wave of abstinence, however, majority. As a noun it means a
has swept even over the corporations heavy drink.
Busted Buz

A vulgar critic asserts that Poe must probably from general observation that
have been on a bust, and raven mad few butchers are thin and narrow.
when he wrote his famous poem. Butter, To (Cricket, 1898). To
A sculptor can be on a bust without
losing cast.— Newsp. Cutting. miss, fail to catch — from butter-
fingers, or rather buttered, so that
Busted (Amer., 19 cent.). Bank- they have no hold. In cricket gener-
ally applied to the miss of an easy
' We're busted miners, missus,' began catch.
Black Dan, with a wink to his comrades,
' completely busted, an' can't pay. What Butter-churn (Music Hall Artistes').
you giveGutting.
us to eat must be fer charity.'— Rhyming for ' turn ' — the short appear
Newsp. ance of the performer on the stage,
Buster (London, 1844 on). A which he or she occupies about a
penny loaf. This word has rather a quarter of an hour.
pathetic origin. When the abolition When the dona's finished her butter
of the corn laws reduced the price of churn, he fakes his way to her, and if
bread, it increased the size of the there's no other omee mouchin for the
music why he takes her to her next
penny loaf, which at once obtained
Carrier. flop. — Biography of a Toff Bundle
this eulogistic title— a corruption of
burster, a loaf large enough to rend
the enclosing stomach. This term Butter - fingers (Household). A
remains, but not in its appositeness, servant careless in all her ways —
for whereas the baker in those early especially as to crockery. As though
the fingers are so greased that no grip
free trade days took a pleasure in can be made.
showing how much bread he could
give for a couple of halfpence, the Butter upon Bacon (Household
more recent baker has practically English). Extravagance — resulting
abolished the object. Even his penny out of the condemnation of eating bread
roll is not overpowering as to size. and butter with bacon, instead of the
Buster (Music Hall, 1882). A plain loaf. ' What — are you going to
special giantess, called Maid Marian. put lace over the feather — isn't that
For some time after she left London
rather butter upon b'acon ? '
the word was applied to big women, Buttock and File (Thieves', 18 cent. ).
and for some years the boys in the Shop-lifter, evidently French ; filer —
Leicester Square district would shout meaning ' to escape quickly '.
at a big woman, 'My high — yere's a Button-maker (London). A nick-
Maid Marian for yer ! ' Marian was a name of George III.
Bavarian giantess brought to London The King was familiarly called the
in this year. She appeared at the 'Button Maker' by one generation of
Alhambra in the autumn so success- his faithful subjects, and 'Farmer
fully that the dividends paid to share- George ' by another. His son is still
holders were doubled. She was sixteen sarcastically referred to as the 'First
only, more than 8 feet high, and Gentleman in Europe '.— Newsp. Cutting.
was * still growing'. The use of the Buxton Limp (Buxton). Reference
word ' Maid ' before Marian grew out of to the hobbling walk of invalids taking
the waters. Borrowed from the
the suggestion the two words formed —
that of the sweetheart of Robin Hood. Alexandra Limp (q.v., also Grecian
Doubtless this title accelerated the Bend, Roman Fall).
popularity of the giantess, who died If walking is too severe exaction just
before she was twenty. at first and the 'Buxton limp' is too
decided, the patient secures a seat in
Bust yer (Street, 1880 on). A the omnibus.— D. N. (Harrogate), 31st
recommendation to ruin; e.g., 'Bust August 1883.
yer, what do I care about that ? ' Buy your Thirst (Amer., passing
Busy Sack (Travellers'). A carpet English 1894). To pay for drink.
bag. Good word, and capital equivalent Buz (Oxford Common Room). Turn
to the American ' hand-grip ', given to of the don or visitor to whom this
the small hand-bag. word is addressed to fill his glass — the
Butcher (Public House). One of liquor, as a rule, being priceless port.
the synonyms for ' stout ' — obtained ' It's your buz ! ' Very ancient —
Buz-faker, Buz-fdking Callage, The

supposed to be a corruption of ' bouse ', derived from ' sang real ' in this way.
or booze, common London for 'a The 'g' of 'sang' thrown upon the
drink ', and to drink. following <r'— we have great; then
' In excel,
bousing about 'twas his gift to the remaining 'san' has been taken
for e saint ' — holy, and then some
And from all jolly topers he bore off blundering early printer has taken the
the bell.' verbal phrase 'san greal' — and trans-
Buz-faker, Buz-faking (L. London). lated it 'Holy Grail'— and thus it
remains to this day a phrase utterly
One of the applications of ' booze ' — a without meaning. (See More Blue).
buz-faker being an individual, gener-
ally a woman, or rather one that was
a woman, who makes the victim drunk By th' good Katty (Lancashire and
North generally). An ancient Catholic
before the robbery is effected. oath, evidently— By the good Catherine
Buzzards (Amer.). People of — St Catherine of Alexandria, whose
Georgia — probably from the wild popularity in England is probably
turkeys which once abounded there. proved by the number of wheel-
Singular return to Red Indian customs, windows in Gothic architecture. ' By
the Red Indian being always designated th' good Katty, aw feel like as if aw
by the name of something in natural should ne'er ha' done.'
history associated with his surround-
ings. Nearly every state has its in-
habitants named after this system.
(See Blue Grass.)
C. B. U. (Commercial, 1897). Legal
Buzzer (Peoples', 1898 on). A road- initials of Court of Bankruptcy, Un-
motor of any kind, from the noise
made during progress. discharged. Arose from the process
of one H. H. who obtained goods
Byblow (Lower Peoples1). An while an undischarged bankrupt by
illegitimate child. Suggested by an letter headed with these initials which
aside breath. May be from Carolian he held, freed him from a charge of
times, and a corruption of ' bibelot ' — fraud.
(a valuable small art object) — a term The superintendent of police stated
which any one of the famous French that there were hundreds of cases against
' beauties of the Court ' might apply the accused, who pleaded that the letters
to her nursling — and one that may 'C. B. U.' which appeared on his note-
have been translated satirically into paper informed his creditors that he was
byblow. The bas peuple of France to an undischarged bankrupt, the exact
this day style an illegitimate — 'un interpretation of the letters being ' Court
accident '. of Bankruptcy,
23rd March 1897. undischarged'. — D. T.,
By the Holy Grail (Hist.). The
blood of Christ. A solemn invocation C. H. (Popular from Nov. 1882-83).
to this day in thoroughly Catholic Conquering Hero. The term took its
countries, and heard in provincial rise consequent upon the incessant
reception of the soldiers engaged in
France now and again — 'Par le sang the Egyptian War (1882), by the
real.' It is heard in England, in the
west only, and there very naturally playing of ' See the Conquering Hero
reformationised into ' By the Holy It will soon be a military distinction
Grill ' — for Grail has no meaning, Comes.'
while 'grill' has a deal. Probably not to be a C. H.— Ref., 19th November
here the grill refers to St Lawrence,
who was completed by being grilled.
In Paris this invocation is represented C. O. (Military). Soldiers' Greek
for ' the Colonel '.
by ' Sacre ', and ' Sacre* Dieu ' — ' Sang C. S. (American Civil War}.
Real de Dieu.' The English phrase Abbreviation of Confederate soldiers.
has much exercis«d English ety- U. S. and C. S. slept together on
mologists. Many have assumed that blankets. — Newsp. Cutting.
the ' grail ' was a round dish in which
the Redeemer broke the bread. Nay, Cabbage, The (1883). A familiar
there has been published a drawing name given to the Savoy Theatre,
of this very dish. The phrase is opened in 1881, and named after the
Calico Hop
Cabbage Garden Patriots

old could kill by ridicule a pastime to which

was 'built.
Savoy ' liberties, within which it
they took exception. — D. JV., 10th
When I saw the Cabbage Theatre September 1885.
full I thought to myself, etc.— (1883). Cady or Kadi (Whitechapel). A
Cabbage Garden Patriots (PoliL, hat — probably from the Hebrew. It
1848 on). Cowards. has the distinction of offering one of
the rare rhymes to lady. In 1886 a
The phrase ' cabbage garden patriots '
refers to the way king in which Smith years
O'Brien, song-chorusMetbegan —
a lady !
the uncrowned of forty ago
or so, was discovered hiding in a bed of Raised my cady !
cabbages after his followers had fled in
all directions, when they were informed The lady probably being of in-
sufficient virtue — the context borne
as to the coming of the horrid Saxon's in mind.
minions.— Ref., 20th October 1889.
Cackle (Theatrical). To cackle is Ca.esa.r&tion( American). A remark-
able shape of evasive swearing — really
neither to gag, nor to pong — it is damnation.
both, with cackle added. A ceaseless
unpunctuated flow of words and ' Ow ! ow ! Caesaration ! I'll kick the
phrases more or less unconnected and head off you ! ' he roared, catching hold
of a fence and glaring at the boy. —
meaningless. Neivsp. Cutting.
'Cackle' is a convertible substantive Cake (London, 1882). A foolish
or verb which carries a meaning for
which it would be most difficult to sub- stupid fellow. Used in good society,
stitute any other word nearly so effective, Borrowed by Mr Emanual Duperre for
and there is a world of satire in its a comedy of English manners called
application to a human goose. — Stage, Rotten Row, produced at the Odeon
21st August 1885. (Paris, 1882).
Cackle-tub (Thieves'). A pulpit. Cake-walk (Music Hall, 19 cent.).
The dangerous classes evolved this Negro step-dancing.
term in prison, where they probably The science of ' cake-walking ' does not
see a pulpit for the first time. appear to be a particularly abstruse
one. Indeed, it may be said to have
Cackling Cove (Cadgers'). An been anticipated by the English minuet.
actor — the cadger seeing no difference Cake - walking is, in fact, a graceful
between observing Shakespeare, and motion, conducted upon the toes and
whining floridly for pence. ball of the foot. Yet there must be an
unsuspected amount of merit in it, for
Cadaver (A nglo-Amer.). A financi- we are informed that the Farrells won
ally dead
Three * fresh 'un.'Cadavers. Last week the first prize at the Madison Square Gardens
in New York before 10,000 interested
Crawford Mutual Belief Association, of spectators. ... As the reward to the
Ohio, notified the Insurance Commis- dancers generally consists of an elaborate
sioner of that State that it was in the cake we are at once enlightened as to
throes of dissolution. The day following the genesis of a colloquialism, which has
the Northern Ohio Mutual Relief become quite acclimatised in our own
Association and the Eureka Life sur- land.— D. T., 14th March 1898.
rendered their hungry ghosts. — Newtp. Calf Round (Amer. Agricultural,
1870). To dawdle about, asking for
See Dead 'un. some kind of help — suggested by a
Cad-mad (Oxford, 1880). The vain calf worrying its mother.
glory and superciliousness which over- ' No, sir ; I'll die first. Integrity in
come, and permanently, the better business transactions is the rule of my
sense of nouveaux riches, parvenues, life. When I set a time to pay you,
mushroomers (see), 'Poor devil — forgive calf 'round.' — Kentucky State Journal,
him — he's a cad • mad emancipated
haberdasher.' Calico Hop\(Amer.-Eng.). A free
Cads on Castors (1880). Bicylists. and easy calico ball. This function
It will come as a severe blow to was invented to evade expenditure by
fastidious people, who, adopting and providing that all the dresses, ordinary
freely using the rather stupid phrase or fancy, should be strictly of cotton.
that stigmatised all bicyclists as 'cads However cunning people held cotton
velvet to be within the bounds of a
on castors', fondly thought that they 60
Calicot Canaries

calico ball, and so contrived to make Cambridge lot (Oxford Univ.).

rare displays of themselves. General term of scorn for men of the
The Pleasure League gave a calico hop more eastern of the two universities.
to their numerous friends on Wednesday
is The
of a distinction
kind whichof is
thisnot' Cambridge lot '
merely official
evening, at Gerstner's Hall, which was but individual, and of an individuality
largely attended. — N. Y. Mercury, April
1883. specially suitable for recognition by a
University. — Newsp. Cutting, 1883.
Calicot (French). Originally a
Camera Obscura (Amer. - Eng.).
trade phrase for a linen-draperman Le queu.
both in France and England — used to The Arkansan walked behind the
describe a ' snob ' or cad. ' What a stooping darkey, swung his right boot
calicot he is ! ' E. Zola in Au into the air three or four times, and then
Bonheur des Dames (1883) uses the
sent the sole whizzing against the darkey's
word in its original acceptation — cam era-obscura. — Neivsp. Gutting.
' Hein — des calicots qui vendent des Came up (Street, 1890). Come up.
fourrures ! ' Derived from linen - Amongst the masses it is a common
drapers' young men dressing expen- shape of small wit to replace the
sively, but not purchasing good
manners. present by the past tense. 'Came'
for ' come ' is very common and used
Call it 8 Bells (Nautical). Early by most drivers — who invariably say
drink. It is not etiquette in good * Came up '.
nautical circles to have a drink before Camp (Street). Actions and gestures
high noon ; 8 Bells. So the apology of exaggerated emphasis. Probably
for alcoholics before that hour takes from the French. Used chiefly by
this form : ' Come along — I fancy persons of exceptional want of char-
the bar is this way. Call it 8 Bells.' acter.How
* very camp he is.'
And they do.
Can (Navy). A. B.'s Why
breviation of Canopus. familiar ab-
Call-money (Police). Money paid
to policemen for calling artisans early when you can be colloquial, and ' can '
in the morning at a given hour. is still very colloquial in the Navy.
Attention to ' call-money ' appeared to
receive more favourable consideration, Can I help you with that ? (Peoples',
1895 on). Said generally to a man
and sixpences per week for rousing with money, or eating, or more
sleepy shopkeepers were matters not to especially drinking. Drolly begging,
be lightly estimated, even though it is in fact — mean invention. When said
written in the rules, we believe, that no
fees are to be received from the citizen to the fairer sex the import is different.
who requires to be roused. — Papers on Can you say uncle to that ? (Dust-
Metrop. Police. men's). To which the usual answer
Calloh (Hebrew- Yiddish). A bride. appears to be (in a dust-yard) ' Yes—
Proper spelling of the ordinary term, I can.' Uncle in this relationship
kollah (q.v.). appears to equal ' reply '.
Camberwell Death-trap (Camber- Can you smash a thick 'un?
well, 19 cent.). Surrey Canal. (Peoples'). Can you change a sovereign.
A grim sign of woe — suggesting the
Mr Powell, whose little nephew was common experience that the moment
recently drowned in the Surrey Canal,
has called attention in a contemporary a sovereign is changed, it is ' smashed '
or gone.
to the dangerous condition of that water-
way. He regards it as a pitfall for little Canader (Oxford ' er '). A Canadian
boys who walk on or play about its canoe — this word being canoer. Accent
banks, and he tells us that it is locally on the second in Canader.
known as ' the Camberwell Death-trap '. Canaries (London, 1882). Charity
— D. ^.,.27th September 1883. subscription papers. This term took
Cambric (Soc., 18 cent.). A shirt its rise from the use of the word by
of fine linen ; later a handkerchief of Booth, the General of the Salvation
cambric. Derived from name of place of Army. The colours of the Army were
manufacture of fine linen. ' Cambray ' red and yellow, probably in close
or Cambrick, after the fashion of calico. imitation of the scarlet and gold of the
(AtoLully.) officers of the Guards. The idea of

using yellow paper for subscription century the candle was practically the
lists probably arose from the combined only mode of illumination — a common
facts that yellow paper is cheap and object. Now, except in the ' wax '
that yellow was one of the Army division of society, a candle is fre-
colours. On the other hand, red
paper is very expensive. General to end. quently not seen from year's beginning
Booth, who had a marked tendency It requires a stretch of fancy to picture
to very simple forms of humour, forth an old-fashioned post-office, with
named these papers * Canaries '. The clerks ' candling ' the letters as if they
were doubtful eggs. The conditions of
word ' took ' at once. a single letter were that it should be
Canary (Music Hall, 1870). Chorus - written ' on one sheet.' The letters were
singer amongst the public — generally held up to the light to show whether they
in gallery. Invented by Leybourne, required a surcharge for an enclosure. —
a comic singer, probably to give him D. N., 1st August 1883.
rest between his verses, he being Candle-shop (Broad Church). A
pulmonary. ' Go it, canaries ', he Roman Catholic chapel, or Ritualistic
flatteringly would say, meaning that church — from the plenitude of lights.
they sang like canaries. Canister (Street). A preacher.
Chorus-singing by the canaries has Evidently a corruption of a street
long been a South London Institution. — preacher whose name was something
Ref., March 1886.
Canary (Costermonger, 1876). An like, for instance, ' Kynaster ', and
popularly Anglicised. (See Sky Pilot.)
ideal hip adornment.
Upper Benjamin built on a downy Cant. Sneaking, mean, lying, faced
plan, velveteen taoc, kerseymere kicksies, with assertion of religion. Probably
built very slap up, with the artful dodge, first used opprobriously after the Refor-
a canary, very hanky panky, with a mation, when Canterbury fell out of
double fakement down the side. — Gutting. grace for the time being, as the metro-
Very difficult of explanation, and in polis of the English Church. Long
true descent from the cod-piece, though after the destruction of the monasteries
not so glaring in its declaration. It Kent was the headquarters of English
has also some association with ' II Ruos- beggars. It is so perhaps to this day.
signuole ', as spoken of in the sprightly Dickens, who died in 1870, was always
pages of Boccacio.
accompanied in his walks from Gad's
Hill House by several mastiffs, which
Canary Bird (Peoples'). A sove- he declared were for his protection
reign. Canary, as something charming,
is often associated with pleasant things from beggars. The author certainly
that are yellow. ' Yes, it's a canary cleared the roads about Gad's Hill
bird, but it will soon fly away to my from beggars — and the lieges as well
for that matter, for the dogs were as
landlord. He gets them all ! '
Candid Friend (Soc., 1860). Equi- fierce as Bismarck's. The abbey-
valent of the damned kind friend of loupers always begged with canticles
in their noses and mouths, especially
Sir Peter Teazle's. One who says with the prayer to S. Martin, patron
what a mere acquaintance would stu-
diously avoid. Man who urges what saint of beggars. Cant may be from
he should only admit with reluctance. Kent, Canterbury, or canticle, or all
Mr Foster has for a long while taken three, but it certainly means, as it
upon himself the unpleasant r61e of meant, whining imposture on a basis
' candid friend ' with regard to the of religion, as ' He doesn't preach — he
Government, and every now and again cants.' * Don't cant, Bert, or I won't
considers it his bounden duty to chide
the members of it when even those who pay awriters
great doit ofof your debts.' All
the eighteenth the
are in open Opposition would remain use this word — Swift, Addison, Dry-
silent.— Ref., 8th March 1885. den, and many others. Dr Johnson,
of course, gives the word a Latin origin
Candle, To (Peoples', 18 cent.). To
investigate or examine minutely. — ' Cantus ' — but does not say how
Figure of speech derived from the use the journey was made. In Scotland
of candles to test eggs, and to ascertain they believe the word came from two
if a second sheet or other enclosure was Andrew Cants, father and son, time of
included in a letter. In the last Charles II., and both very violent
Cant of Togs Carachtwankterous

Presbyterian preachers. But the word on the high road to fortune ; but unless
went north to them, the Cants did not he promptly ceases to follow what the
send it south, ' I write not always in new-fashioned jargon calls cantillatory
the proper terms of navigation, land realism his rosy prospects may become
overshadowed. — D. T., 1st February
service, or in the cant of any profes- 1898.
sion.'— Dry den. ' A few general rules,
with a certain cant of words, has some- Cap (Eng.-Amer.). Equivalent to
times set up an illiterate heavy writer ' Sir ' — but really abbreviation of
for a most judicious critic.' The word ' Captain '. Common in America —
in Ireland is still used for selling by gaining ground in England.
bids. * Numbers of these tenants or 'Fact, Cap,' asserted a bystander.
their descendants are now offering to Cape Smoke (Cape Town, S. A.).
sell their leases by cant.' — Swift. Indigenous whiskey of the colony,
Terra del Fue*go is, as the cant phrase which is very cloudy in tone.
goes, beyond the sphere of British in- Mr Cecil Ashley strongly insists on the
fluence for either ambition or greed, but
it has not been forgotten by the British present effects
terrible of the
this evil ' CapemaySmoke
vapour '. At
be bought
missionary societies. — D. N., 14th May at sevenpence a bottle, and traders
1889. wander about the country with waggon
loads of it, which they almost force on
Cant of togs (Beggars'). A gift of the natives. — Newsp, Cutting, 1878.
clothes. Here the mode of begging
for clothes affords a word to describe Captain Bates (Been to see)?
the present or benefit gained by cant- (Thieves' and Street). A satirical
ing. Good example of low satire
satirising itself. enquiry of the * How d'ye do ? '
character — applied to a gentleman
once more restored to ungrateful
Can't see a hole in a forty-foot society after a term in jail. Captain
ladder (Colloquial). Drunk in the
extreme degree, for such a ladder offers Bates was a well-known metropolitan
quite forty opportunities. prison-governor.
Every night does my husband come Captain Macfluffer (Theatr.).
home blue, blind, stiff, stark, staring Sudden loss of memory on the stage ;
drunk, till he can't see a hole in a forty e.g., 'He took Captain Macfluffer
foot ladder, sure. — Comic Song, 1882.
awfully bad.' Its origin is beyond the
Can't see it (Peoples'). Reply in the hope of discovery. Cut down to Fluff
way of objection, such as ' Do lend me and fluffy.
five pounds ? ' ' Can't see it.' The prompter's voiceactresses
is dumbtherein
Can't show yourself to (Peoples', America. Actors and
1880). Not equal to ; as thus : ' You are alert and ready for their work ; they
can't show yourself to Jack Spicer ' — don't ' fluff '. — Clement Scott, October
or of a play — ' It can't show itself to
The Golden Prince.' Captain Swosser
Can't you feel the shrimps? cousin of the military(Peoples'). Naval
Captain Jinks,
(Cockney, 1877). I.e., Smell the sea. both blustering specimens of the
Heard on a Thames steamboat when services. Derived from a character of
approaching Gravesend, the metropolis
of shrimps. (See Speak the Brown The inducements of Captain Swosser,
To-morrow, Taste the Sun, See the of the Royal Navy, to have his portrait
Breeze.) taken are far less than they were. —
Cantillory Realism (Soc.t 1897). (1882).
Onomatope applied to singing. The Carachtevankterous (Amer.).
linguistic ' find' of 1897. Means sing- Desperately wanting in self-possession.
ing in which the sounds suggest the Perhaps an intensification of can-
words sung. Very open to ridicule, tankerous, which in its turn is a term
but intended quite gravely. At once beyond investigation. Both probably
burlesqued — where ' kiss ' was used wild onomatopes.
the lips were smacked. If 'thunder' I have seen folks upon this river —
came in the words, the singer used all quiet-looking chaps, too, as ever you
his bass voice, etc. , etc. see — who were so teetotally carachte-
Owing to his powers as a vocalist, Mr vankterous that they'd shoot the doctor
Louis James, of Walthamstow, may be who'd tell them they couldn't live when
Caramlo Carrots

ailing, and make a die of it, jist out nearer the mark than the modern
spite, when told they must get well.— word. (See Cart-wheel.)
Newsp. Cutting. Carpenter Scene (Theatr.). Cloth
Carambo, Caramba (Span. -Amer., or flats, well down the stage, to allow
going north, and passing to Eng.). of some comic dialogue while the next
Hearty good wishes— but more honoured scene is setting.
in the breach than the observance. In
The old, feeble device of ' forward ', or,
fact honestly translated, and loudly as they were sometimes derisively called,
expressed to a departing friend — might 'carpenter' scenes — because notoriously
lead to the interference of any police- written only to give time for the building
man with salvationary or even merely of more elaborate sets behind them —
denominational tendencies. Meaning have now almost entirely disappeared
from the stage. — Newsp. Cutting, 6th
elegantly evaded in Spanish-English April 1885.
dictionaries. Much used in the
extreme south - west of France — Carpet-bagger (Amer. — coming to
especially at Tarbes. Implacable England). A general term for a poor
etymologists may apply at any Spanish person who arrives with a carpet-bag,
and becomes prosperous by audacity or
embassy — perhaps the Spanish door- unfair trading. Originated by the
keeper, if there be one, is the safest
professor of Spanish to trust to, Confederates, as against the Federals,
during this lingual search after useful when after the civil war hungry and
knowledge. place-seeking political adventurers
from the north were appointed to
Carara (European passing, 1898). places in the conquered south, and,
A murderer who cremates his victim.
As she was conveyed to prison the arriving in a poverty-stricken condition,
soon showed signs of wealth and general
Mantes people shouted 'A mort la
Carara,' giving her the name of the prosperity.
Italian mushroom merchant now await- Carpet Dance (Soc., 1877). A
ing trial in Paris for the murder of the familiar dance for a few unfortunates
bank messenger at Bicetre.— D. T., 4th in a drawing-room, as distinct from a
April 1898. large dance to which everybody is
Carding (Irish • Fenian, 1867-82). invited. It was voted bad taste to
A local torture. offer champagne at a carpet dance —
Cardings have very likely been rare or indeed to drink any wine whatever,
in county Wicklow. A carding is a except claret. White soup was often
highly - spirited operation. About served, and became as fashionable as
twenty persons, more or less well armed
and disguised, break into a cottage, and rational, e.g., 'Do come and christen
subject persons who have basely paid our new carpet with a valse or two.'
rent to a more or less severe form of Carried (Rhyming). Married; e.g.,
torture. According to the old Parlia- 1 He was carried yesterday, poor bloke '
board stuck of nails, 'tool'
full carders
mentary reports, with a
but perhaps — very ominous, and searchingly
modern science has provided, or modern graphic. The word is obtained merely
spirit suggested, some less severe instru- by supplanting
what the there
a suggestion * m ' by
is ofa 'harrying
c ' — but
ment of correction. — D. N., 1881.
and rallying on the part of the bride !
Carlylese (Liter., 19 cent.). Bene-
volent despotism, Tory democracy Carriwitchet (Peoples'). A puzzling
(1880-85). question. Probably an invented word,
To him ' (Bismarck) says Mr Lowe in in itself suggestive of bewilderment.
the middle -class Carlylese which he Or it may be from the name of a
affects, ' to him the ballot-box was only woman notorious for asking difficult
a dice-box.'— D. N., December 1885. questions — say Carrie Witchet !
Carnival (Amer., 1882). A fashion Carrots (L. Class). Red hair.
or sudden practice. This is an interesting instance of
It not unfrequently happens that such aggressive Anglicization. It has not in
prominent events are followed by an
or ' carnival
epidemic word— '—to and much-
use amurder. origin
the anything
colour to do
of which has with
never ' carrots
yet been',
abused of suicides
(1882). seen in association with human, or
perhaps any other hair, except,
Caroon (Peoples'). A five-shilling
or crown piece. From Corona, and possibly, that of one of the ' lemurs '.
Carry me Out Cast-iron and Double-bolted

It is a corruption from Catholic times often, several miles from Newgate to

in England when a red man or woman Tyburn Tree, whose site was that of
was called ' Iscariot ', the ' betrayer ' the Marble Arch in Hyde Park. Used
in the Roman Church, and especially by all the dramatists
century. in the last
in Rome where red hair amongst the
people has always been a rarity — 'I care not — welcome pillory or cart.'
because Judas Iscariot was historically — Garrick, Abel Drugget'.
supposed to have had red hair. The Now would I sooner take a cart in
Protestant religion in England more company with the hangman than a week
or less parting with Iscariot, the with that woman.— Farquhar, The In-
historical name became associated with constant.
the vegetable, which, by the way, may Cartocracy (Soc.t 19 cent.). People
have gained its name, seeing its colour, distinguished enough to keep carts —
from the same source as did red hair. especially dog-carts. (See Gigmanity. )
' Hello — carrots — what cheer now, Carts (L. London). A pair of
my lad ! ' boots — generally those of noble size.
* Deceptive — what can you expect of Onomatopoetic — reference to the noise
her ? Isn't she carroty? ' Indeed to this a young navvy can make with his
day there is a firm belief that red-haired understandings as equal to that of the
women are faithless and deceptive — passing waggon.
probably from their frankness, possible
rudeness, yet general desire to please. Cartwheel (Peoples'). A five-shilling
piece. From its noble weight and
In Scotland ' carrots ' has degenerated thickness. (See Crown.)
into 'sandy', invariably applied to
red-haired men, but never to women. Carve up (Amer.). To annihilate
Supposed by correctly thinking people completely.
to be a nickname for Alexander ; but That dear grave holds a disappointed
really a substitute for Iscariot, and a chap who cum out here from Reno to
carve me up. — Neivsp. Gutting.
good one, for there is plenty of ' sand ',
or ' gritwith
', orhair' gomore
' in ormost men or Case (Fast Life, 1850 on). Abbre-
women less auburn. viated form of Casino, and referring to
the rowdy cafes for which the Hay-
Carry me out (Peoples', 18 cent.). market was once celebrated. The
A satirical expression, pretending word has survived the abolition of late
defeat, humiliation, and pardon.
houses and the closing of public-
Sometimes 'carry me out and bury houses at 12.30. The word is applied
me decent.' The latter portion is to any common public-house or con-
possibly an Irish addition. Derived
from the prize ring, when the sense- fectioner's where the business carried
less, defeated hero was, when quite on is not wholly one of stomachic re-
vanquished, as scrappers once were, freshmentHe
s. * kept a case for years
ignominiously carried out. Or it may in Pan ton Street ' — may be from Casa.
be from cock-fighting, or both. The ' Case ' is also thieves' English for a
dead birds were certainly carried out. counterfeit five-shilling piece.
Though Neal kept what is vulgarly
Carry on proper (Common Lond*, known as a case, and was assisted in his
19 cent.). To behave well. unholy work by Mrs Neal, and though
Carsey (L. London). A house ; both of them at different times were
corruption of casa — from the Italian concerned in the management or direction
organ-grinders in Saffron Hill district. of other cases, he seems to have consi-
If you're a bank director and broken dered it his wife's duty to remain,' etc.
up a thousand carsers of poor honest —Ref., 16th March 1890.
people, Gutting.
that's the time to do a guy. — Casket (Amer.). Evasion of
Neiosp. ' coffin '. First mentioned in Webster,
Cart (Peoples', 18 cent.). A meta- in edition
land slowly.of 1879. Coming to Eng-
phor for the gallows — to which
terminal its victims were jolted in a When he got to the house the child
cart. Still heard in provincial places was laid out in a handsome white casket
that must have cost at least twenty
— ' You be
doubtless nowon'y
for thethecartleast
'— dollars.—^. Y. Mercury, 1884.
idea of its original meaning. In Cast - iron and double - bolted
London the cart travelled, only too (Amer., 1880). Samsonly strong.
Cast an Optic Oat-meat Pusher

Striking outcome of the spread of Catholic signs, especially those on the

engineering work. road to Canterbury, are still in exist-
' Stranger, onless yer made of cast-iron ence. For instance, the rendezvous
and double-bolted, ye hadn't better go for the Blackfriars as distinct from the
in till the row is over ! '—1883.
Cast an Optic (Sporting). A para- Southwark pilgrims was 'The Hand
and Flower,' which lent itself readily
phrase of ' look '. to the painter's art. It refers to the
Cast skin, To (Soc.). To rejuven- Virgin and her emblem, the lily. This
ate— from the serpent throwing off house was at the corner of Gravel Lane
its skin annually, and coming forth and Union Street, about half a mile
radiant. Still used. from the Tabard, and it only lost this
'Why, sir, sign some thirty years since. The
Farquhar, The you've cast your skin.' —
Inconstant. Cat and Fiddle is the ' Catherine
Castor (Street). A hat. Of course
fidele', probably broiTght over with
from the first hats being made of the the Conqueror, for 'a la Catherine
fur of the castor, or beaver; passed fidele ' is still a common sign in Nor-
down to the streets, where any hat is mandy. Obviously the Anglo-Saxon
called a castor. Superseded by Gos- knew nothing of the great saint of
samer. Alexandria — but a painted Cat and
Casuals (Hotel). One-day stayers in Fiddle was quite within his means.
luxurious hotels at marine and mineral Necessarily these signs were in the old
water stations. From the casual, or parts of London, which in time became
night pauper, as distinct from the all the low parts of London. For a
superior settled unionist. hundred yearsa ordoubtful
more ' Cathouse,
and Fiddle'
Another day the ' casuals ' at the hotel has meant where
were mystified exceedingly by a care- thieves and loose women abound.
fully printed programme announcing that He's come down in the world, has
a performance of wax-work would be Jim. He keeps a Cat and Fiddle.
given in the drawing-room. — Newsp. Cat and Mutton Lancers (E.
London, 1870). Name given to the
Casualty (Peoples'). A black eye. militia in the district of Dalston when
From the first Soudan war, when
slight injuries were cabled under this drilling in Cat and Mutton Fields.
head. When time, elegance, and the wave of
In one of these contests, in the affair progress
of the Cross Causeway, indeed, Scott away fromhave theirswept these elysium
present ' fields ' the
term will remain an enigma. Probably
became what is now called a ' casualty '. from a chapel or chantrey (llth to
He suffered a contusion. — D. N.. 21st
March 1885. 15th century) dedicated to Catherine
Martyr (of Alexandria). It is a good
Cat (Thieves'). Woman in general,
and a bad one in particular. Sug- instance of human stupidity in accept-
gested probably by her smoothness, ing sheer ignorance as gospel truth
the uncertainty of her temper, and the that within the precincts of these fields
certainty of her claws. a publican had for sign a cat running
Cat and Fiddle (Hist.). A very away with a leg of mutton ; his rebus
common sign for a tavern until words perpetuated the absurdity.
supplanted rebuses, which were for the Cat-lap (L. tioc.). Tea and coffee ;
ignorant. The country arrival who terms used scornfully by drinkers of
could neither pronounce 'The Bac- beer and strong waters. Cat-lap in club-
chanals', nor understand these three life is one of the more ignominious
dancing graces, could nevertheless know names given to champagne by men
who prefer stronger liquors.
he ' was there ' when he saw as a painted Bejl rings, and enter Emperor and
sign the * Bag o' Nails '. The use of Empress ; and then there takes place
the house-sign was its power to paint the general presentation. A vast crowd,
the sound of a word or words by but not much animation ; plenty of card
objects which had a relation of sound tables, but few players ; no supper, but
only to the actual meaning of the sign.
Hence a goat and a pair of compasses, plenty ance.
of soup Empress ;retires
also ' catlap ' in ; abund-
very soon Kaiser
one of the Cromwellian signs after the stays. — News%). Cutting.
Restoration, represented ' God encom- Cat-meat pusher (Street}. A mer-
passes us.' Probably all the old chant of cooked horse-flesh, the final
Cat o' Mountain

term being derived from his truck — tain time. The gentleman gave him the
albeit pusher means generally a maker money for his fare, but saw the man go
in a contrary direction to that of the
or doer of something. Linendrapers' railway station. He followed him, but
young men are calico-pushers, while he ran into a public-house and got out
the trimmers up of old clothes are by the back-door, and the gentleman
called faker- pushers. saw no more of him. He ascertained
Cat o' Mountain (Peoples'). A that he was a Grenadier Guardsman,
shrew. A very common example of and that his battalion could not be at
confused origin, for whether this Windsor, as the Fusilier Guards were
term comes from catamaran, a wild, there. There is not a day but soldiers
over- sailed S. American craft, or from are guilty of such disgraceful acts of
catamount (a panther) it would be ' loafing ', and they glory in it. They
difficult to say. Very common still call it, in the Guards, 'catching cocks'
in London street feminine statements. and 'throwing the hammer'. These
terms may have a far more cogent or
Yer catter mountin', go 'ome an' obscure meaning. — Neivsp. Cutting.
ter yer poreme,childringmum ! an' don't dare Catch on, To (Amer. probably
from New Eng.). To make a hit;
Cat on testy dodge (Soc. 1870 on). to succeed beyond question.
A ladylike beggar worrying ladies at 'Come down to The Bric-a-brac and
their houses for money — if only a six- I'll show you some of the gentlemen
pence (tester), and bringing testi- thieves ; the fellows who have dis-
monials in favour of some charitable covered a way by which they can
institution. These 'cats', generally commit highway robbery by daylight
strong-minded ones, take commission and in the presence of witnesses, and
on the sums they get. not to be amenable to the law', said
Catafalque (Fashion, 1897). The Old Sport to the reporter. 'I don't
high plumed hat — especially black catch on,' replied the reporter.
feathered, which rose to its greatest ' I don't catch on worth a cent ', sadly
height in 1897, towards the end of murmured the managing editor ; ' but
as you have worked on the great dailies,
which year they were sometimes
removed to laps by their wearers when I suppose
I hear it's thatall Miss
— Newsp. Cutting^.is
in theatres and a good temper. coming to the Prince's to play 'One
The ladies with the huge hats have of Our Girls ', the comedy which Bronson
capitulated, and George Alexander has Howard wrote expressly for her. The
added another to his many conquests. piece seems to have caught on in the
States. — Newsp. Cutting.
not the last Saturday
a catafalque to be matine'e therehead,
seen on any was
Ballads. (Street}. Gutter
but towers of plumes in many laps. —
D. T., 25th November 1897.
The origin of the phrase 'catch-
Cataract (Soc., '40's). Voluminous London penny'
of is that
murder inof
and many folded falling cravat, which
swarmed over the length and breadth Weare (1824), a publisher named
of the fashionable masculine chest. Catchpin printed a penny ballad
entitled: We are Alive Again. When
Cat-sneaking (Thieves'). Stealing cried on the streets it sold to the
public-house pots. Probably an easy extent of 2,500,000 copies, the persons
felonious for turn ' so
pot fallen
'. Creatures
as to takeof toa buying supposing from the sound that
the ballad had reference to Weare.
this trade would have little invention. It came, therefore, to be spoken of
Catch Cocks, To (Low Military). as a ' Catch-penny affair '.
To obtain money by false pretences. Catechism (Bankruptcy Court).
Catch-cocks are contrived by character- Interrogatories.
less soldiers who address gentlemen, Caterpillar (Soc., 1848 on). A
invent tales of distress, and often ladies' school. (See Crocodile.)
thereby obtain money. ' Joe, let's go Caterwauling (Peoples'). Cat-
cock-catching.' music. Johnson gives up the attempt
In the Kensington Gardens a soldier
told a gentleman that he lost his railway to derive this word. 'What a cater-
ticket, which was to take him to Windsor wauling(Twelfth
do you Night).
keep here. Used
to join his battalion, and he would be 67 peare now
punished if not at his quarters at a cer- only by the vulgar.
Cats' Party

'So I cannot stay here to be enter- over to Mr Chamberlain, the caucus-

tained with your caterwauling.' — Gay, monger of Birmingham — and to Mr
Beggars' Opera. Sheridan, the outrage-monger of Tub-
bercurry — Lord Randolph Churchill.
Cats' Party (Sporting}. Chiefly Dinner at Woodstock, 27th February
women. Probably from the high 1883.
tone of women's voices.
Upon one occasion she was at a party Caulk, Calk (Naval). Go to bed
given at 88 Adelaide Road. It was termed and to sleep, probably from tucking
a 'cats' party', owing to the number in the clothes under you in the
of ladies who were present. (Laughter.) hammock or bunk, and so suggesting
— Mr Justice Butt: Descriptive of the the action of caulking a seam in the
music, I suppose. (Laughter.) — Divorce vessel's side ; also used for a short
Court, Dunn v. Dunn & Wall, 1st
February 1888. sleep— forty winks: — ' I'll caulk it out.'
Caucus (Amer.-Eng.). Vehmgericht, Fromof this wordhot;
or council of many tens, who secretly Four Irish i.e.,outfour
' caulker'.
worth of Irish whiskey. Quite uaval,
combine on a given line of action.
The word came from U.S.A. about and equal to the mere landsmen's ' night-
1870. Primarily 'caucus' like 'gueux' and cap '—weather
caulk meaning safe. to make all tight
in Flanders (16th century), and
Cave (Cave of Adullam) (Polit.,
'frondeur' in France (17th century)
was a term of reproach, which was 1866-97 on). A secret political com-
adopted by the party attacked with bination— distinct from illegal con-
this word ; and used by themselves to spiracy.
distinguish themselves. Very wide You recollect a new institution brought
into the House of Commons at that time
in its application. Mr Joseph
Chamberlain has done much (1886). It is called the 'Cave'. Into
to popularise this very important the ' Cave ' entered, as was historically
correct, all the discontented — those who
word — not yet admitted into did not like the Bill on the opposite side
dictionaries. of the House, and some on our side who
Gordon, in his history of the American did not like it ; and the result was that
Revolutions, says, ' About the year 1738, the Bill was destroyed, and the destruc-
the father of Samuel Adams, and twenty tion of the Government followed it. We
others who lived in the north or shipping
supposed the ' Cave ' would come into
part of Boston, used to meet to make a office. They came into office, not all the
caucus and lay their plan for introducing ' Cave ', but some of them. — J. Bright :
certain persons into places of trust. Bright Celebrations, Birmingham, June
Each distributed the ballots in his own 1883.
circle, and they generally carried the Many of you will no doubt remember
election. As this practice originated in that a strenuous effort was made by the
the shipping part of Boston, caucus Opposition in which they were joined by
may have probably been a corruption some ' Cave ' men from our side to frus-
of caulker's meeting.' — (1830). trate the Government Bill, which was
'The House of Lords', says Mr rejected, and the Government itself over-
Chamberlain very truly, 'has become, thrown. — John Bright, Leeds, 18th
so far as its majority are concerned, a October 1883.
mere branch of the Tory caucus — a mere Cave Dwellers (Soc., 1890 on).
instrument of the Tory organisation.' — Atavists — people whose habits are on a
D.N., 9th October 1884.
'Then the noble lord says I am the par with those of the pre-historic
Birmingham caucus. This description
is flattering as to my influence and A certain mining camp of cave-dwellers
was wont to beguile its Sabbaths by
ability, but it is a total mistake.' — Mr J. tying up in the same bag a cat, a terrier,
Chamberlain, House of Commons, 30th
October 1884. a monkey, and a parrot, and speculating
on the issue. — Newsp. Cutting.
Caucus-monger (Political, 1883).
Caved out (Amer.-Eng., 19 cent.}.
A political agitator. Introduced by Come to an end — finished. From the
Lord Randolph Churchill (1883), and metal ceasing in a tunnel. The end of
accepted by the Conservative party as the vein.
representing the average radical.
They now knew beyond all manner Cawfin (Marine). A badly found
of doubt, that on the 4th of May last 68 ship. Corruption of 'coffin'— name
the Government of Ireland was handed given as suggestive of a sailor being as
Celestials Chamber of Horrors

bad as dead who sailed in her. Became complainant, whose name did not
popular when Mr Plimsoll forced his transpire, by a solicitor, summoned a
Bill. cab-proprietor for (through his foreman)
Celestials (Theatrical). Gallery marking a licence with secret signs.
What two witnesses for the com-
occupants, a synonym of ' gods ' —
from their superior position to pit and was some plainant
additional regarded as ' chairmarking
writing in the date '
even boxes. column.
One of the ' celestials ' visiting Toole's Mr Hopkins (the magistrate at West-
Theatre (pulled down in 1897) recently minster) said it is possible that the
complains that, although he was elevated, licence is marked in a manner to be
his seat wasn't sufficiently high to enable understood in the trade, but if cabmen
him, with Tarn o' Shanters and Gains- are able to combine to make their terms
boroughs on the heads of the ladies in
the upper boxes, to see more than the top — they have a powerful union of their
own — why should not the proprietors also
of the scenery.—^/., 5th October 1884. combine and by marking a licence in a
Cellars (Street). Boots. Probably particular way, let it be understood that
because these apartments are the lowest the holder of it is not a desirable person
necessities in connection with ordinary to be employed ? They are entitled to do
sumptuary arrangements. (See Garret. ) it.— D. T., 4th August 1891.
Centipedes, The (Military). 100th
Foot. From the insect of that name. Chalk against
ment or desire (Peoples'). Resent-
for explanation. In the
One of the punning regimental cogno- last century when very few of the
smaller shopkeepers could write, a
mens. (See^~ and XL's.) score was kept in chalk on a square of
Cess. See Bad cess to ye !
wood. (See Hogarth's Distressed Poet. )
Chain lightning (L. Class, Lond.). It is most figuratively used to desig-
Potato spirit, imported from Germany. nate an unsettled misunderstanding
Filthy mess — poisonous to a degree. or grudge. (See Score,)
Smuggled chiefly. Chalk marquis (Peoples'). A false
On telling him the charge he exclaimed, marquis. Never applied to any other
1 It's all nonsense ; I only gave her title than this. Probably the result
some chain-lightning,' which he under- of some forgotten pun or play upon a
stood to be some foreign spirit. — D. N., name.
22nd December 1885.
Chair Days (Soc.). Old age. Chalk out (Peoples'). Distinct
Why should a cruel and humiliating
directions. Nothing so vivid as this
malady torture the kindly, upright, con-
in any well-known modern language.
scientious spirit, and rack the strong, ' If you miss it now — you are a
temperate bodily force spent in the service juggins.
of his age, deserving, if any ever did, Challik I've
it clean
oop chalked it out.' A
easy ' chair days ' and the supreme grotesque request to obtain credit —
blessing of the natural euthanasia of old the primitive way of marking up a
age ?— Sir E. Arnold, writing of Glad- credit in public-houses before edu-
stone's death, June 1898. cation was extended.
Chair Warmer (Theatrical Anglo- Chamber of Horrors (Soc.). The
Artier.). A beautiful or pretty woman name of the corridor or repository in
who does nothing on the stage beyond which Messrs Christie (King Street,
he1 ping to fill it. St James's) locate the valueless
Kichard Whalen fired a pistol shot at pictures that are sent to them from all
Carrie Howard, a ' chair-warmer ' at parts of the world as supposed genuine
Esher's Alhambra, St Louis, at the close old masters ; sent, as a rule, with
of the performance on Friday night. A
directions to sell at certain prices
' chair- warmer ' is a lady whose talent most preposterously fixed very high.
is comprised in her physical charms, and
who can neither sing, dance, nor act. Phrase borrowed from Madame Tus-
— Newsp. Cutting. saud's wax-work, where this chamber
Chairmarking (L. Industrial, 19 is coloured black, and filled with the
cent.). Secret markings of licences effigies of murderers.
and employes' characters by masters, Chamber of Horrors (City). Room
foremen, and others. Probably mark- at Lloyd's (Royal Exchange) where
ing by the chairman or master. are ' walled ' notices of shipwrecks and
On 4th August 1894 (see D. T.) a casualties at sea.
Champagner Chappie

Champagner (Mus. Hall, 1880). Towards Christmas the motor once

Lorette. Within the last twenty years more took to its initial behaviour —
the marvellous increase in the con- and ran away.
sumption of champagne — or what The Champion Slump of 1897 was not
seems like it to the unlearned in wines appreciably modified by the natural
— has been most marked. Directly history of the motor car in 1898.
the tap - stopper was invented and
c fizzing ' Yvine came to be sold by oldChancellor's
barristers. Eggs (Legal). Day-
the glass, the ladies who chiefly fre- Every term a new batch of what were
quent the better parts of music-halls once humorously called ' Chancellor's
at once showed their elegance by de- eggs 'is incubated.. — D. T.
serting gin, rum, and other horrors for Change breath (Amer. tavern).
this less damaging, however adul- Take a ' go ' of whiskey — this certainly
terated, drink. Hence the poor souls does change the smell of the breath.
who could not command the ' sparkling' The other day as three or four of the
and its adjuncts, either from want of old boys were sitting around the stove
good looks, good breeding, or good in Schneider's sample room stirring in
clothes, assimilated the new popular the grated nutmeg, Bill Matson came in
drink and its female consumers. to change his breath. — 1882.
Chant (Sporting, 1886 on). To
' Oh, bless you, she won't speak swear — the last satirical popular verb
now — she's quite the champagner.' (See
Tip- topper.) to describe ' language '.
Champagne Shoulders (Soc., 1860). Chanting -ken (L. London). A
Sloping shoulders. From the likeness music-hall.
to the drooping shoulder of the cham- Chapel (Printers'). Secret meeting
pagne bottle as distinct from the and decision. The congregation of
squarish ditto of the sherry or port unionists in a * shop ', to confer upon
bottle. any given matter of trade, or even
personal importance. Little notes are
Champagne Weather (Soc., 1860 sent about, a chapel never being called
on). Bad weather — said satirically. at a moment's notice. They generally
Champion Slump of 1897 (London, take place at tea-time, when the
1897). Motor car. On and after assembly sit in some quiet corner,
Lord Mayor's Day of 1896 the motor drink their tea quietly, and as quietly
car claimed English highways for their discuss the question. Probably from
own. On the 10th there was a pro- ' chapter '—especially as printing in
cession from Westminster to Brighton, England dates from the chapter-house,
with such a lamentable result that Westminster Abbey. (See Garret.)
the ' slump ' or catastrophe prefaced Chapper (L. London). Mouth —
1897 — for some time. from associations with chaps, chops,
Has the great motor car demonstration, and cheeks.
which was to revolutionize British
Chapper, To (L. London). To
humanity, fizzled off into this?— D. T., drink.
15th February 1897.
As this year wore on a dozen or so Chappie (Soc., about 1880). Re-
placed chum, which had become vulgar.
of pale yellow motor-cabs, which came There was quite a friendly meaning in
to be satirically styled ' The Butter- the word ; it was by no means con-
coloured Beauties,' made their appear- temptuous, and thereby varied from
ance. But they had not plied for hire
three months before one of them killed the meaning put upon * Johnny ',
which appeared about this same time.
a hanger-on boy with its back wheel
gear, while in November a driver went Dropped rapidly in the world, and
drunk and amok with his motor-cab ; vanished
The hue from of vine society in the '90's.
and mulberry just now
the two in combination doing consider- is delicious, and makes us regret some-
able damage. what that the Mulberry Gardens liked
By the end of November they were by Pepys when the ' chappies ' and
called the ' Margarine Messes ', which ' Johnnies ' of his day did not carry him
grew out of their first satiric name — off to ' Fox Hall,' have made way for the
'The Butter Beauties '— from their peculiar ugliness of Buckingham Palace.
colour. — D. N., 1882.

Charity Bob CJieshire, TJie

Charity Bob. The quick, jerky ' There are innumerable publicans who
curtsey made by charity school-girls, make a practice of allowing this "cheap
now (1883) rapidly passing away. beer ", and it is tacitly understood that
all cases will be treated leniently in
A little mite about eighteen inches
high on the O.P. side wins loud applause which those houses may choose to form
the scene of future action. The first
for her correct rendering of the charity
bob. — Newsp. Cutting. enquiry of a constable whose beat is
changed to his brother officer, who
Charley (Street, 1662-1829). Lon- shows him ' ' his new relief ", is, which
don street watchmen.
are the houses where "cheap beer" may
In New Boswell Court might be seen be relied upon to be ready when punctu-
until recently (1868) a relic of the light ally called for.' — Newsp. Cutting.
of other days in the shape of an ancient Cheat (Thieves', 18 cent.}. Gallows.
box (which used to be drawn up from Fielding's Jonathan Wild.
the pavement during the day), fitted Check up (Gallery, Theatrical).
for the protection of those slow, anti- To 'check up' is to obtain entry to
quated, muffled -up guardians of the the gallery, not by the ordinary mode
night, covered with their many-caped of payment, but by waiting at the
dark coats, called watchmen. ... At bottom of the gallery stairs and asking
length the Charley found himself one passers out, ' Have yer done with yer
fine morning superseded by that ad- check, sir?' — the pass-out check, by
mirably constituted and well organized production of which the holder
body, the new police, as modelled by obtains re-admission to the theatre.
Sir Robert Peel, who appeared in the When the applicant gets the check,
London streets for the first time, he 'ups' at once — the gallery stairs.
20th September 1829.— Diprose's Cle- Theatrical managers hold that these
ment Danes, vol. i. p. 101. transfers are not legal, but magis-
Between the bellmen and the London trates, certainly in London, will not
watchmen there was always a close convict checkers-up if brought before
alliance, and in the reign of the Merry
Monarch, from whom the Charlies took them
checkedupon up charges
three times of fraud. ' I've
this blessed
their name, their identities were more or
week ! ' said the youth. ' I checked
less merged.— D. T., 17th January 1894.
it up — I wasn't goin' to pay no bloomin'
This same word is used by ' the
general' to describe women's breasts Cheek-ache (Artisans'). Blushing
when well developed. It is said this orshillin'. ' red in the face rather for
term also comes down from Charles II., the meanness of another than your own.
and refers to his many mistresses, who
certainly displayed their charms as ' I got the cheek -ache over him.'
never women did before. Wilder
of Cheeky (Peoples').
cheek — smart Adjective form
etymologists assume the word to come
Cheese and Crust (Low Classes).
from Carolian French — 'cher lis' —
referring to the painted whiteness of Exclamation — perversion of Jesus
the attribute in question. Christ. Frightful at first sight, this
phrase suggests a slight sense of
Charlie Freer (Rhyming, Sporting}. respect by its veiling of the oath.
Beer ; e.g., 'He can put down Charlie Also a little touching as being a
Freer by the gallon, he can.' phrase associated with comfort to
Chateau Dif (S. Exchange). A those amongst whom comfort is little
grotesque play upon Chateau d'If. known. (See Corkscrew.)
Here the exchange is the castle of diff, Chen (Soc., 1840-55 and on). A
or diffs— i.e., ' differences ' on settling charming woman. Derived from
Madame Montigny, of the Gymnase,
Chatham and Dover (London public- Paris. Her stage name remained Rose
rhyming). l Over. ' This phrase Cheri. She was a singularly pure
is generally used as a pacificating one woman, and an angelic actress. Word
— in a tavern quarrel, a friend will used by upper class men in society,
say, ' Come— Chatham and Dover it' in the ' forties ', to describe the nature
— meaning give it over. of their mistresses. Word now forgotten.
Cheap beer (Police). Beer given Cheshire, The (Peoples' 19 cent.).
by publicans at night-time to officers. Perfection. Figure of speech, a meta-
Cheshire Cats Chi-ike

phor wherein the perfection of Cheshire Chew into dish-cloths (Amer.,

cheese is made to stand for perfection 1882). To annihilate.
The wolf came down with his ears
itself. Good example of homely coin- working with delight, and had only
ing of words, e.g., ' She's the Cheshire reached the earth when the goose sprang
— I can tell you.' A variant is — ' That's upon him and chewed him into dish-
the Stilton.' Charles Steyne was very cloths.— New American Fables.
funny as the ratcatcher, who calls
Chic (Franco-English, 1865 on)—
everything ' the Cheshire '. Dash, smartness.
Cheshire Cats (Provincial). Ami- ' Chic ' in its original acceptation
able result of adjacent county criticism,
meant simply ' trick ' or ' knack ', and
— that of Lancashire. Chiefly used in was applied to dexterity of performance
association with the comparison to before it acquired its application to
'grin like a Cheshire cat'. Cat may elegance of result. A painter, for in-
have been derived from kit —
Christopher. that is, stance,
thewas said
knackto orhave 'du ofchic'
dodge —
his brush with effect. It was only later
Chest Plaster (Theatrical, 1883). that a 'stylish' toilette was described
Satirical description of the young actor as displaying the same quality. The
of the day by his much older and more phrase came in, if we remember rightly,
in the early sixties, and with the vogue
' legitimate ' brother actor. From the of Offenbachian opera-bouffe. — G. A.
heart-shaped shirt-front worn with a SALA.
very open dress waistcoat, and starched
almost into a cuirass. ' Bah — he is Chicago Reform Lawyer (Amer.-
but a chest plaster humbug.' (See Eng., 1890 on). A lawyer of lawyers —
Shape and Shirt.) from the fact that Chicago is supposed
to be the most alert spot on the mere
Chesterfield (Soc.). A long, white earth. 'No — he's not an American
coat — originally made with capes —
now applied to white coats generally, advocate — he's a Chicago reform
but sometimes to blue (1840-50). Good She devotes herself to finance, looks
example of qualifying name being used lawyer.'
after railway interests and her bonds,
for the object qualified. assisted therein by her son and daughter,
Chestnut (Amer.-Eng.). An old who lives with her, and she defies even
joke offered as new. Brought to Eng- a 'Chicago reform lawyer' to get the
better of her.— Z>. T., 10th February 1897.
land officially in 1886 by A. Daly's
Company at the Strand Theatre in ' A Chickaleary - cove (Costermongers',
Night Off', where the heroine tells the 1860). A perfect personage. Intro-
duced into society above the gutter by
hero the play was found in an 'old Vance, a comic singer, who used the
chest '— to which he replies, * Very old
— chestnut ! ' word in a cove, song-chorus. ' I'm two,
Chevalier Atkins. See Tommy chickaleary with my one,
Atkins. three' — the numbers probably refer-
Chevaux de frise (Lit.}. Friesland ring to the mere trinity of blows
required to floor the enemy.
Horse, or cavalry — a tangle of spikes The barrowman's one aim and ambition
set at right angles as a rule. The Dutch is to be chickaleary. — D. T., 6th April
had no cavalry in the 17th century. 1893.
Invention of the Frieslanders ; named by Enterprising clothiers at the East End
the French (17th century) in scorn of
Dutch enemies. Good example of a make athe
attire construction
leading feature ofof their
phrase by its construction suggesting — Newsp. Cutting.
an apparently more obvious meaning, Chi-ike (A nglo-Amer. 19 cent.). A
for the frise suggesting 'friser', the distance call used by American
temptation to write Cheveux-de-frise, trappers, and borrowed by them from
as describing the tangle, has in many
instances been fatal. the Red Indians. ' Hullo — don't chi-
ike me like that over there— you'll
Chevy-chase (Rhyming}. Face— in wake
common use. Mr Westminster Abbey.'
G. A. Sala (D. T. , 28th August
After listening for a while her
chevy - chase gets serious looks. — I1894)
have says of this
not the phrase.
remotest idea 'when
Chi-ikethis! '
Ncivsp. Gutting. slang cry was first heard or what it

CJdnwag Choke off, To

means. Emitted, however, from a Chiv(e) (Historical}. A knife.

Said to be Romany, but it may be a
powerful pair of lungs, * Chi-ike ' could
be made almost as far-reaching as the curtailment of She v vie, as the metro-
Australian cry, 'Coo-ee'. Often sent polis of knife manufacture, Sheffield,
in unfriendly salute by street arabs is called to this day. If so, on all
along the street. ' Whoa-chi-ike ' fours with ' jocteleg ' — Jacques de Liege
addressed to a 'toff'. — who manufactured in the 14th
And then a crowd got round and century a splendid knife, long before
began to chi-ike the couple. — Gutting. Sheffield rose to glory.
Chinwag (Hist.). Talk. Chiv is used on the stage. ' I've
I have not been out of my pyjamas all had to be chivved.' Mr H. Marston
day and no further from the tent than to (1870) — meaning stabbed in the course
the next one for a 'chinwag'. — People. of the piece.
August 1898, Letter from near Klondyke. Presently Selby pulls out a chivy
(knife), and gives Big Tim a dig or two
Chin-music (Costers' defiant talk}. — one on his arm and one at his face, and
One of the toughest fights Geoghegan
had ever was with Jim M 'Govern. The another at his leg. Big Tim says to me,
two had indulged in a lot of 'chin ' Costy, I've got it a bit thick ; suppose
I give him a bit of chivy, and see how he
music' on various occasions, and finally likes it.' Then we all laughed, and Big
met in a saloon on the Bowery and
Tim pulls out the chivy, and makes a dig
Hester street one winter's night, when or two at him. — People. 6th January
it was snowin' hard. — Newsp. Cutting. 1898.
Chin-chin (Naval— passed into club
Chiv(e) - fencer (Criminal). One
society). 'Hail!' 'Good health!' who harbours, fences, wards off from
' Here's to you ! ' ' Chin-chin, old chap. ' arrest — murderers.
The answer is * Pa-pa '. Origin obscure, ' He's a chive fencer, the director of a
probably — ' Same to you ! ' Dates railway, or a swell. '— Newsp. Cutting.
from A chive-fencer is also a purveyor in
went the into Chinese of Singapore.
the temples, '"We
and our pockets the streets of cheap razors and knives.
were not rifled; we went into the
prisons, and we were not brained by Chivy (Criminal). Relating to the
use of the knife.
manacled villains ; we mixed in crowds
and were never hustled ; and the only withChivy knives.Duel (Thieves'). A fight
cries we heard were ' Chin, chin ! ' or A 'Chivy' Duel — Described by a
' Pa, Pa ! ' — which means welcome or c Costy.' — At South wark evidence was
good fellows.— Clement Scott, D. T.,
1st August 1893. given in the charge of 'intentionally
and maliciously wounding and inflicting
Chip in (Anglo- Amer.). To join in grievous bodily harm on each other by
discussion ; to subscribe money. stabbing each other', preferred against
two men, etc. — People, 6th January 1895.
' Gentlemen, let's chip in enough more
to buy her a new dress. I'm a poor man, Chivy, To (Hist.). To hunt down,
but here's a quarter for the old lady.' — worry. A corruption of Cheviot
Neivsp. Cutting. (Hills), whence this kind of attention
Chirrup, To (Music-hall, 1886 on). was much practised by the early Eng-
Applaud, cheer. The word was made lish of the north when swinging into
classical on 5th March 1888, when a the Cheviots after the cattle stolen, or
m&n was 'sent' for a month as the to use the more northern term —
' lifted ' — by the Scotch more or less
all along the border.
'Which a pore cove were never
alternative of being hissed if they did chivied as I'm chivied by the cops.'
not ' stump up '. This case killed the Choice Riot (Street, 1870). A
process. horrid noise, such as the festive mar-
Pike, the stage-doorkeeper at the row bones and cleavers. Mildly
Canterbury, proved seeing the prisoner
for some time carrying on the system of satirical. * That there baby's making
obtaining money for what in the slang of a choice riot.'
the gang is called ' chirruping '. He had Choke off, To (Peoples', 18 cent.
seen the prisoner receive money, and had on). To get rid of. From the neces-
cautioned him.— Police Court Report. sity of twisting a towel or other fabric
6th March 1888. about the neck of a bull-dog to make

Choker Chronic Rot

this tenacious hanger-on let go his Chortle, To (Peoples'). To sing.

biting hold. Used against persons of Probably an onomatope. Chortled
pertinacious application. like the nightingale, and smiled like
' Choke off' in the U.S.A. means to anything.
reduce a pleading man to silence. Many present on Boxing Night fully
expected that when he appeared he
Choker (Peoples'). A lie, in its would chortle a chansonnette or two. —
most direct form. ' What a choker ! ' Ref., 29th December 1889.
— such a bare-faced lie that the hearer Mr Wilford Morgan has been engaged
is nearly choked. Also applied to very
large neckties and for similar reasons to chortle the famous song, ' Here's to
the maiden of bashful fifteen ! '—lief.,
— the huge adornment appearing to 18th August 1886.
choke the wearer. The masculine Chortle also means to praise exces-
choker was at its greatest in England sivelyJoe
.' chortles about his kid
in the time of George IV., and the
fashionable lead of Beau Brummel, pretty loudly—
It seems it's 'istime
a curious fust for
! ' an Ameri-
when it was over a yard in length. can critic to chortle over the recent
Now and again a choker breaks out success of Miss Minnie Maddern Fiske. —
about the masculine neck, but in the D. T., 31st March 1897.
'80's and '90's it was steadily replaced to Chouse
cheat. (Peoples', Henshaw17 cent. ). Aitcheat,
derives from
by the * ties '. The feminine choker
is always with us, and assumes a new the Turkish word chiaus, an inter-
shape once a month. preter, and referring to an interpreter
at the Turkish embassy in London in
— Chokey (Sailors').
derived from Imprisonment
the narrow confines of 1609. He robbed the embassy right
and left. In 1610 Ben Johnson in
the ship's lock-up and the absence of The Alchymist made the word classic.
ventilation— chokey generally being
fixed as near the keel as conveniently ' What do you think of me —
it can be managed. However, some That I am a chiaus ? '
authorities maintain that this word is Johnson has this word, but his
modern fine brethren have rejected it,
an Anglicising of the Hong- Kong
though Johnson gives Swift and Dryden
Chinese ' Chow Key ' — a prison.
Been run in ? Been locked up ? Been as his authorities. ' Freedom and zeal
in chokey ? What !— what do you take have choused you o'er and o'er ' (Dry-
me for? Who are you blooming well den). ' From London they came, silly
Cutting. at? Who're you kidding? — people,
also uses to it inchouse' (Swift). Butler
In a very short time the whole of them Chow-chow (Anglo-Ind. ). A hash,
were safely in the chowkey. The parties or resurrection pie, from Hindustanee
implicated have been brought up at the word for mixed confectionery.
Fort Police Court, and committed for
trial. — Bombay Times. Christ-killers (Peoples', 19 cent.).
Jews. Passing away — chiefly used by
Chonkey (Land. Street). A meat old army men. ' What can you ex-
pie — derivation beyond the bounds of pect?—he's a Christ-killer. Pay up
mere discovery. Probably from the your sixty per cent. , and try and look
name of a once historic pieman, whose
fame remains a name alone.
Christen! ' a jack (Thieves'). A grim
Chop up (L. Class ; last cry of the pleasant
use of baptismal ceremony — to replace
19th century). To annihilate ; a the name on a stolen watch by another,
variant of cut up. Jack.)
to defeat detection. (See Church a
Chopping (Nursery). Big, lusty,
handsome. Johnson says : Christmas (Oh) (M. Class). Evasive
swearing. Used by Rudyard Kipling
' A child which would bring money in
the market ' — suggested by chopping in The Day's Work. Of course it is
' Christ's Mass '.
and changing. ' Perhaps,' he says, after Chronic (M. Class, 1896). Ceaseless,
admitting all the etymologies to be
doubtful — ' a greedy, hungry child, persistent. * Oh ! Joe's chronic.'
likely to live.' * Charley's Aunt's chronic ' — said of a
< Both Jack Freeman and Ned Wild piece that ran perpetually.
Would own the fair and chopping Chronic Rot (Peoples'). Despair-
child.' — Fenton. ingly bad. Rot may or may not be

Chuck Chuck up the Sponge

from erotic ; it is more likely an appli- dummy this mornin', an' 'ad to be
cation of the original meaning of the
word ; but it is now quite understood. brought to with o-der-wee !'
' Chuck it out, Creswick ' — then
Chronic is used in its original appli- manager of Surrey.
; widely as — ' Oh, that 'Yes, and chuck it out quick, cully,'
theatre's chronic' — means that never observed Sir John Adamant. — Cutting.
is a good piece seen there. These two Chuck a Shoulder (Costers'). To
words intensify each other. * Jack's turn away — said chiefly by the male
swears to swear off ' (drink) ' is chronic coster of the female; e.g., 'Which
she chucked me a shoulder, an' not the
rot.' one I want — an' 'av been on hice ever
Chuck (Naval}. A biscuit — hard
tack (see). Probably an onomatope the mortal since.'
from the noise made in chewing, or Chuck a yannep (Back Slang). To
perhaps from the hand - broken throw a penny.
biscuit (for to snap it with the teeth ' The Lord loveth a cheerful giver ' ;
were out of the question), being thrown but there's no use chucking a yannep
or chucked carelessly into the mouth, into the collection plate loud enough to
make the people in the back seats think
which is the tar's mode of coaling up. the Communion service has tumbled off
Chuck, To (Old Eng.). To fling. the altar. — Cutting.
Johnson gives half a dozen meanings Chuck his weight about, To
to this word, but not fling, which is its (Milit.). To demonstrate his physical
most forcible meaning. Everything is magnificence — generally said of any
chucked amongst the common folk, soldier who is showing off, but more
from a farthing or a chunk of bread, to particularly one of the household
a wife or a mistress. Now applied to
the process of divorce. brigades. ' So 'e turned up, and
She had three children by him and chucked 'is weight about all over
two by some other fellow, which is the the blooming place — he did.'
habit of some great ladies, so Sir John To Chuck out ink (Press Reporters').
write articles.
chucked her. — Newsp. Cutting. Suddenly it came across my mind that
Jones and Dimsdale were arrested in
court, as they were heard to say, refer- the boss might be waiting about for me
ring to the evidence against the prisoner somewhere with a big boot and genteel
language, and that it might be better
Foster, ' He's sure to get chucked ' — a for my health if I chucked out ink. —
slang expression for discharged. — Police Cutting.
Report, November 1890.
So I takes the knives away and chucks Chuck over the lug (Peoples'). To
them over a bridge. Selby then picks thwack over the ear— lug being high
up an iron bar, and makes a drive at Big Scotch for the auricular. (See Poultice
Tim, but T catches hold of it, and stops over the peeper, One over the gash.)
him. — Cldvey DueL People, 6th Janu- Chuck up, To (L. London). To
ary 1895. abandon.
They would blush a maidenly pink if Did she mean, we says, to chuck us
certain words were uttered in their up ? Of course she did, says she, flaring
presence, and then shake off with relent- up like a mill on fire. — Cutting.
less severity and austerity any erring 1 But after all, cullies, being mashed on
sister who has, in modern parlance,
'chucked everything'. — D. T., John —a dona is nothing ; it's when the bit of
Strange Winter, 5th August 1899. jam chucks you up — that is the stinger.'
Chuck a Chest (Street). Generally Chuck up the bunch of fives
said of a soldier who has a full bust. (Pugilistic). To die. The one poetic
To throw forward the chest, as though figure of speech engendered by the
prepared to meet the world. prize ring. The fives are the two sets
Chuck a Dummy (Tailors'). To of four fingers and a thumb — the fists
faint. Very interesting as illustrating — the ' bunches ' — flaccid in death.
the influence familiar objects have in * Pore Ben — 'e's been an' gorne an'
framing new ideas— from the similarity chucked up 'is bunches o' fives.'
of a falling fainting man to an over- Chuck up the sponge (Prize Ring).
thrown or chucked tailor's dummy — a To admit defeat — by way of a pugilist's
ligure upon which eoats are fitted to attendant, at his chiefs failure,
show them off1 for sale. ' I chucked a throwing up the sponge with which he
Chuck your Money about

has been refreshing his principal. This out are simple and compound. The
custom was, and is, applied to death. first argues the case, he being gener-
All trades yield these figurative modes ally not a giant of strength. The
of referring to birth, marriage, death, ' compound ', who gets his name pro-
and money. bably from his size — large enough for a
'Bill chucked up the sponge this ' compound
out a word— ' whichof men he
— 'seldom
' with-
Chuck your money about (Street, Chuckers-out are of two blooming sorts
1894 on). A satirical but good - generally — simple and compound. The
tempered reproach cast at meanness, simple chucker-out is sometimes a bit
or insufficient reward. ' Jack — you've barmy in the crumpet, and is only kept
for the sake of show, and to prevent the
done me a real good turn — yere's the sweet tarts behind the bar hollering out.
price of a pint.' To which Jack may . . . He's a warm 'un, is the compound
reply, ' "Well — you do just chuck your chucker-out. You generally find him at
money about — you do ! ' music-halls and about the bars of pubs,
Chuck-barge (Naval). Cask in which blokes use that aren't afraid of a
which the biscuit of a mess is kept. couple of black peepers. — Gutting.
Also equivalent to bread-basket. (See Chucking-out Time (Lond. Public-
Bread-barge.) house). Half-past twelve, the closing
Chuck-bread (Beggars'). Waste- hour for metropolitan taverns, when
bread, that which would be thrown those who do not go willingly are
away but for mendicants. ' No chuck - ' chucked out '.
bread for me.'
Chuck-out (L. Theatrical, 1880 on). Chuffy (Peoples' ; rare). Surly ; e.g. ,
' Don't be chuffy ' — probably from the
This verb has the force of ' vigorous'.
1 Can't he chuck it out ? ' would mean behaviour of one ' Ohuffs ' — who may
that a singer or actor has a powerful have once been powerful in the cadger
delivery. Therefore the recommenda-
tion 'Chuck it out' is equal to Chum (Universal). A familiar
friend. This term is probably the
Louder — if you please ' of the public
only one that has steadily remained
Chuckaboo (Peoples'). A name patronised by all classes. Dr Johnson,
given familiarly to a favourite chum. who always sought the unexpected,
No meaning ; but probably the 'chuck' says this word is c Armorick '. He
is a conversion of ' duck '. adds,
in the 'universities.
a chamber fellow ' ; a term used
Chuckaways (London). Lucifer
matches — graphic description of the ' The princes were quite chums.'
act of rejection after the match is done ' I had a chum, etc.' — Fielding, Tom
with. Bill—' I want a light — got Jones, book viii. , ch. 2.
any 'The two actors were very, very friendly
May.)chuckaways?' (See Bryant and indeed. We dressed in the same dressing
Chucked all of a heap (Street). room, and were very friendly. In fact,
Fascinated, ravishingly overcome, Mr Crozier bought some colours from Mr
mashed, enthralled. Franks on Saturday, I believe.' The
When he gazed upon her soft and Coroner : ' They were what is called in
gentle beauty, and heard the gurgling vulgar parlance "chums".' Witness:
sound which smote his ear like the ' Yes. I never knew them to have any
rushing of many waters he was chucked quarrel or speak any angry words to
all of a heap.— Gutting. each other.' — Evidence of Mr C. Lillford
at an inquest upon Crozier, an actor
Chucker - in - Chief (Public-house). accidentally killed at the Novelty
A prince amongst mere chuckers-out. Theatre, London (10th August 1896).—
The magnificent figure of the gentle- D. T., 14th August 1896.
man, who was late literary adviser to
Gussy (Sir A. Harris, of Drury Lane Chump
Chump (Peoples').
initially is a fine The head.
Theatre) and chucker-in-chief , is now to being the sound made by horses in
be seen nightly at the Princess's, where grinding oats. Hence the use of the
its owner finds his services appre-
ciated. word to represent head, of which the
Chucker-out (Public-house, 1880). dentition is only part. Then extended
The name given to a barman who turns to the human head. (See ' Orf Chump ',
out noisy tavern customers. Chuckers- C0rf his Chump'.)

Chump Cinderella

Spain had her flirtations, and Marie He did grand before we was churched,
Antoinette was frivolous and fond of and used to blarney and call me good-
pleasure until she lost her chump. — — Cutting.and squeeze my blooming waist.
Take off yer blooming 'at ; take off Churchyard Cough (Peoples'). A
yer blooming chump as well. — Said in a fatal cold — sometimes in these later
times synonymised by 'cemetery
Chump (Ang.-Amer., 1895). Equi-
valent to Juggins. A youth (as a rule)
who is in any way cheated of his catarrh '.
Churchyard Luck (Peoples'). The
money — especially by the so-called ' good fortune ' which the mother of a
large family experiences by the death
gentler sex. of one or more of her children: e.g.,
What's a chump ? ' Say, pa, what's a 1 Yes, mum, I hev brought 'em all up
chump ? ' asked young Tommy as his — ten boys, and no churchyard luck
father was taking him out walking.
'See that young man in there?' (they with it.' — Said by a Liverpool woman
were just passing an ice cream saloon) to a district-visitor.
said the father, pointing in. ' Yes, I see Cigareticide (Soc., 1883). A word
him ; the one with the girl in the red invented to meet the theory that the
dress ? ' ' Yes ; well, he's buying ice cigarette is the most dangerous form of
cream for his girl with money he ought smoking. More common in America
to save to buy his lunch with till next than in Great Britain.
pay day. He's a chump.' — Gutting.
Chumps Elizas (London, Five That young man'sagegrit
markable in this of isdudisrn
indeed and
Pounder Tourists', 1854 on). A cigareticide. — Cutting.
grotesque pronunciation of Champs
Elyses — still in Paris. Cinder (Peoples', 19 cent.). Hot-
especially alcoholic heat, e.g., 'That's
Churchthe a works
remove Jack, ofToa watch
from To
its a cinder
He had forbeen him.'a teetotaller himself for
case, and put them in another, of seven years, and really left his last
course with the view of destroying the lodgings because the landlady was too
identity of the article. (See Christen fond
a Jack.) that isofto putting
say, flavouring 'a cinder
her inMazawattee
her tea',
Church-bell (Rural). A talkative with a plentiful supply of rum. — D. T..
woman. ' Ah ca'as ma wife choorch 12th May 1896.
bell, cas 'er's yeard arl over t' village/ Cinder-knotter (Navy). A stoker
Church parade (Soc., 1885 on). — very descriptive, and necessarily
The display of dress after morning modern, phrase ; for he does knot the
church. Quite the thing to carry living coals into heaps.
prayer books. Began in Hyde Park ; Cinder-sifter (Fashion, 1878). A
imitated now all over the country. hat with open-work brim, the edge of
Mr Button asked, with respect to some which was turned up perpendicularly.
wearing apparel which prosecutrix paid On all fours with the poke bonnet,
£4c for on delivery for Mrs Gardiner,
whether she did not part with the money called 'coal-scuttle', or the high
collars introduced by George III., and
to enable ' the countess ' on the following styled gills.
Sunday to accompany her to the Church
parade in the Park. Prosecutrix : Cinderella (Society, 1880). A dance
which ends at twelve — the name
'Church parade was never mentioned.' fancifully suggested, it is not known
— D. T., 17th March 1893.
Church-piece (Soc.). A threepenny by whom, in reference to that success-
piece — the smallest silver the genteel ful young professional beauty who, at
mean can put in the absurdly-named midnight, was by force major com-
offertory. pelled to give up dancing. Adopted
Churched (Com. Lond.). Married in France— 1880.
—amongst the common ; attendance N'ayez pas peur, ma chere, ce n'est
at prayers after childbirth amongst qu'une Cendrillon ; a minuit — finis et
higher-class women. The commonest The hours at which balls begin grow
possible term amongst lower classes for later and later. The stroke which sends
marriage, and singularly expressive as the last guest hurrying away from the
marking the distinction between ordin- Cinderella dance scarcely ushers the first
ary come-together marriage, and the arrival to a season ball. — D. N., 27th
real ceremony. March 1884.
Girders Clare Market Cleavers

Circlers (Theatr.). Occupants of awaiting the 'ready' pennies of the

dress - circle. Applied with envious passing public. The humble little
derision by the pit. joke took its rise from this opportunity
Circs (City, 1860). Abbreviation of helping oneself to these drinks with-
of ' circumstances '. out calling for a barman, and then
The Duke and Duchess of Teck patron- planking the money down.
ized the performance of Jolanthe at the Country cousins were told that
Savoy Theatre on Monday last. Under tumblers of city sherry were given
the circs I am disposed to exclaim, away at this particular house all day
' What extravagance ! ' — Gutting, August
1883. long. The victim was taken in, was
The royal couple at this date were handed a glass of fourpenny from the
about economising by leaving England counter, while the operator gave a well-
known wink to the attendant barman
and going to ^umpenheim. who instantly comprehended this joke.
Circuit Rider (Amer., provincial).
A peripatetic preacher. When the wondering eye of the coun-
try cousin was off the counter the
There was no ' circuit rider ' or other town relative paid for the drinks.
evangelical authority to be relied upon.
— Cutting. This 'sherry house/ the European,
fell before the improver at the end of
Circumbendibus (Peoples'). Evasion
— adopted probably from some author 1884, and the jocular ' halves ' ceased
to be drawn for ever. However, city
playing with Latin formation — based
sherry, in the City, is still cloaked
upon circumlocution. ' He allowed
the accusation by a circumbendibus.' satire for a pretended ' free drink'.
Circus (Amer.) Excitement, ad- Clackbox (Hist. ). Male or mascu-
venture—from the pother created when line of chatterbox — generally applied
a wandering circus heaves in sight. to a woman, and especially a girl.
A circus is the most favourite form This word rarely comes to town.
of American provincial amusement. Claim (Ang.-Amer.). To recognise
Lafayette got the check cashed and in travelling. In a railway carriage
spent the money, and then Coghill found one may frequently hear the enquiry —
out that he had paid Lafayette just three ' Surely I claim you — we met at Suez ? '
times too much for the Louisiana lands.
Clamp (N. Eng.). A kick, from
Then there was a circus. — N. Y. Mercury, the name given to the heavy boots
23rd May 1885.
The next day old Hays and young clamped or tipped with iron. Very
formidable weapons.
Hays started out in search of Reed's Clap-trap (Theatrical). Common-
companion — Stephens. The pair found
Stephens in his room. He made a place. Trap to catch a clap from the
desperate fight, but there was no ' circus ' audience, as : —
this time, the two Hays bein' too many ' The man who lays his hands upon
for the one Stephens. — Cutting. a woman, except in the way of kind-
City Road Africans (Street, 1882). ness, ought to be yard-armed.'
— Hetairse of that quarter. Origin Clare Market Cleavers (Strand).
not known. They were the butchers in this once
City sherry densely populated place — now a sixty
1880). Four ale,(Peoples',
which in E. London,
colour may yard street. The rival community was
be said to resemble the worst descrip- Seven Dials— half a mile away — with
tion of sherry or the highest quality of which country there were frequent
rectified varnish. The East London wars. The glory of Clare Market
people have a modified mistrust of began to pitch in 70, rocked in the
those living amongst them, who get early '90's, and was practically gone
their living in the city, especially of in '98. The Cleavers were great
the great body of exclusive clerks, fighters, Princes in Clare, and heavy
whose general poverty they satirise in blackmailers of newly-married couples
many ways, of which this is one. of that ilk — who were always obliged
with a concert of marrow-bones and
' City sherry ' used to be the basis of cleavers. These cleaver serenades
a great perennial practical joke at the
'European,' once a prosperous tavern had to be paid for. 'Oh — he's a
in the Poultry (E.G.), where this cleaver bloke — I can tell you.' As
liquid was set out in imperial half it has been said, the glories of Clare
pints and royal array on the counter Market and her cleavers began to

Clare Market Duclc Clinger

fade in 70. Her commercial and Cleavin (Glare Market). Boastful

butcherly bravery, beginning in the — from the Clare Market Cleavers
west at Drury Lane, and swinging (1750-1860)— the king-butchers of that
south-east down to Temple Bar, with once popular market who were the
a dash over into Strand Lane (see equal pride and terror of that place,
— terror because of their readiness to
before the St Clement
demands Danes),
of the fell
new Law fight, pride, because of the warfare,
Courts. Two-thirds of the parish were continual and unflagging, they carried
swept away ; and with the old crowded on over the border amongst the Pict-
houses the Clare Market customers. pockets and maurauding Scots of the
The butchers shared in the fall — but adjacent Drury Lane. They made
they still remained a combined power much coin by marriage in the neigh-
in the old slaughter-houses, until in bourhood, and far around by their
the '80's their ' cleavin ' propensities rough marrow -bone and cleaver
ended in a steel fight, which finished orchestras.
one of the later cleavers. Resulting Clicker (Printers'). The sub-fore-
precaution, and two School Board man in printing office. Gives out
schools slowly suppressed the cleavers , copy and conveys orders from foreman
who vanished, while the market faded to men. Probably contemptuous, and
into a mere street. from the French — Claqueur. The
Clare Market Duck (19 cent.}. clicker also puts the type into pages.
Baked bullock's heart stuffed with sage Most obscure phrases or words in print-
and onions — which gave a faint resem- ing come from France.
blance to the bird. The term is one Climb in on, To (U.S.). To over-
of those satirical associations of cheap come easily, to get the better of
food with luxurious dishes, of which another by cunning.
there are several specimens. (See * I climbed in on him proper.'
Dr Hall says it is very unhealthy to
'Billingsgate Pheasant,' 'Two -Eyed live on the ground floor of a house.
Steak,' etc.)
Clarkenco (Polit. ). A new political Doctor's right. A fellow's creditors can
climb in on him with so little trouble. —
party. When the Gladstone Government Newsp. Cutting.
went out (June, 1885) and that of Lord To lower pride.
Salisbury came in, Mr Ed. Clarke, Q.C., Climb the Golden Staircase, To
who was expected to get office was left (Amer.). One of the U.S.A. equiva-
out in the cold. He was supposed to
lead a new party which took the place lents to the Latin 'join the majority'.
Edward's Folly Dramatic Company is
of that led previously by Lord R. reported as having climbed the golden
Churchill. stairs. The cash assets are alleged to have
'Mr Edward Clarke and Co.', as the been carefully secured in a pill box.—
new Fourth Party is called in the House, (1883.)
will let the Churchill lot 'have it' at D'Arcy and his company, with Josie
every convenient, and at several incon- Batchelder as star, climbed the golden
venient, opportunities — Ref., 19th July staircase last Monday. They are said to
1885. have been kindly assisted on their tour
Claw-hammer (Amer.-Eng.). Tail- homeward
Gutting. by sympathizing citizens. —
coat, accepted in England about 1880. Climb the Mountain of Piety,
Description of the divided tail, like in
shape and lines to the claw of a To. To pawn ; from the first govern-
hammer. (See Bobtail. ) mental pawnshop being situated on a
height in Rome called Monte di Pieta,
Clean Time (Amer.). A figurative so named, of course, from a group of
expression for honesty ; derived from the dead Christ and the Virgin called
the old phrase, ' clean hands '. ' He in art a Pieta.
never would do the clean thing. ' Mr Candy : On one occasion, I think,
Clean tuckered out (New Eng.). you had to resort to what is called
Utterly exhausted— probably from the ' climbing the mountain of piety ' ?—
name ' Tucker '. Evelyn v. Hulbert, D. N.t 15th April
He was clean tuckered out all but his 1896.
eyes (and he could just barely turn them Clinger (Sail-room). A lady who
in his head) and his bill.— Newsp. holds on in waltzing; e.g., 'She's a
bad 'un to go, but she's a real clinger.'
Clobber Cock and Bull Story

Clobber (Jewish, E. London). the acts of a play, when the nibbled

Superior, or rather startling clothing. clove vainly sought to hide the higher
In Hebrew « KLBR '. perfume of the alcohol. Came to be
' My high— look at Beck.' used (1884) for the refreshment itself.
Clobbered (N. Eng. Prov.). Well Pleasing example of modern meta-
nourished and dressed. Common in
Yorkshire. A belief prevails among Union
1 Eh, he looks well clobbered.' Square
phor. which Theatre patrons that the trick
chairs adorn the auditorium were
Clock (London). A dynamite bomb,
when carried in a small square Glad- designed to trap and hold in place be-
tween the acts clove -hunters. — N. Y.
stone bag. Took its rise in the 'SO's, Mercury, December 1884.
during the dynamite scare, when a
dynamiter, being stopped by a police- Coal-oil Johnny (Amer. coal • oil
man and asked what he had in his fields). The derivation of this word
is interesting. Many of the unedu-
bag, replied — ' A clock '. cated and more wasteful men who
Clock stopped (London, Peoples'). struck oil squandered their money,
No credit. 'No tick* — hence the while Johnny in American is the
clock has stopped. ' No tick ' means equivalent of English Sammy, Sappy,
1 noobtain
to ticket'credit.
— given by master or other or Softy — hence a coal-oil Johnny was
Cloddy (Dog Market). Aristocratic at first a suddenly enriched coal-oil
in appearance. Applied to human miner, who wasted his easily-gained
beings by some divisions of the lower wealth. The term soon spread, and
classes. stood for a description of a stupid,
extravagant, vulgar person.
"E's a cloddy bloke — don't yer He played a ' coal-oil Johnny ' career ;
make no mistake about it ! ' treated to champagne by the basket,
A bull-dog should be low to the ground, had the handsomest carriage and pair in
short in the back, and thickset. An the city, and paid cabmen five dollars to
animal that possesses these qualifications
drive him a few blocks. — Newsp. Gutting.
is known as one of the ' cloddy ', the Coal Sack (People?). Cul de sac-
correct expression among dog-fanciers.
— D. T., 13th November 1895. one of the most egregious Anglicisa-
Close out, To (Amer., 1883). To tions in the language.
finish. Quite local until recently. ' Which we bolted up a blind alley,
Now sometimes heard in England. and found ourselves in a coal sack.'
Do not close out the last of your soup Coal up, To (Trade. Stokers'). To
by taking the plate in your mouth and feed. ' Let's coal up on bread and
pouring the liquid down. — Cutting. cheese — nothing better, sonny.'
Clou (Theatr.). From the French. Cock (Printers', 1874). In throw-
ing types to decide who shall pay
Equal to ' heart ' or central idea of a for drinks or other matters, by the
tale or drama. Of course, literally
number of nicks which turn up, the
' nail ' — upon which the piece or book
hangs. types used sometimes catch together,
Whatever may be the decision arrived and do not fall flat on the imposing
at, the case will be memorable as fairly stone, the general arena for these
placing before the world entirely op- adventures. ' That's a cock ' is said —
posite views as to the degree of copy- abbreviation of ' cock and hen '. The
right in the incentral
it is called idea,of ora drama
France, c clou ', or
as question is once more tried.
romance.— D. N., 4th August 1883. Cock and Bull Story (Peoples').
Every etymologist has had an attack
' The field of the French writer is almost of analysis of this phrase, which Sterne
unlimited. He writes for men and mar-
ried women. His first thought when uses as his abrupt and unintended
hammering out the clou or mainspring termination of ' The Sentimental
of his play is " What shall I do with my Journey'. No one has solved this
adulteress?"'— G. W. Gilbert, D. N., difficulty. Possibly a phrase on all
21st January 1885. fours with ' By hook or by crook, ' ' A
Clouded over (American). Over- miss is as good as a mile,' etc., and
whelmed bymisfortune. (See Bound meaning ' A. Cock, and D. Bull, story'
to shine.) — and may refer to two witnesses of
Clove-hunters (Amer.- Eng.} Fre- these names in some once notorious
80 case.
quent nip-drinkers, especially between
Cock and Hen Club Cock-linnet

Dr Brewer of course goes off at score squatter, whose sheep often ruinously
upon this phrase. He says : ' A cor- injured the unenclosed agricultural
stretches, while too frequently, it is
ruption of" a concocted and bully story ". to be feared, the squatter made a path
The catch-pennies hawked about the
streets are still called cocks, i.e., con- for his sheep, even where an enclosure
cocted things. Bully is the Danish had been made. The squatter still
bullen (exaggerated), our bull-rush (an knows the cockatoo has the sympathy
exaggerated rush), bull-frog, etc., etc.' of the legislature, and he c hates him
All this is confused, contradictory, accordingly '.
wanting in relation of parts. Probably Cocked Hat, To knock into a (18
corruption of perchance Cockaigne cent.). To conquer, tumble about in
Bill — a forgotten teller of inconsequent all directions. Perhaps no phrase is
tales — like the more modern Mrs more obscure than this. It is probably
Partington. one of the expressions which result out
Sir Francis Jeune said the petitioner
had shown a great deal of carelessness. of a change in dress, especially where
His wife told him a cock-and-bull story the change is associated with political
about having been married before, and movement. The hat which preceded
he took no steps to verify it until some the cocked was the cavalier, which
years afterwards. — Sir F. Jeune, Div. possessed a flat flopping brim, above
Court, 29th October 1896. which showed the white feather,
Cock and Hen Club (Soc., 1880). which swung round and trailed
One of mixed sexes — then spoken of between the shoulders. Hence arose
contemptuously probably because they the Puritan term for cowardice
had not at that date quite succeeded. — showing the white feather — this
He takes advantage of his wife's dancing adornment displaying itself
absence from home to ' make a night of very ineffectively when the cavaliers
it', and take supper with a strange took to flight, which they did upon
young lady at a club which, I believe, occasion. The cocked hat might
would be called of the cock-and-hen
order. — Carados. figuratively be described as a cavalier
hat, whose brim had been knocked
What are described as working men's up and in by three spaced blows
clubs (often enough falsely described round the circumference. Now as the
thus), very early breakfast clubs, cock-
and-hen clubs, with one or two other cocked hat came in with the Guelphs
clubs whose names and descriptions will and the Whigs, it can readily be under-
to the initiated suggest themselves, are stood that the Jacobites accepted the
all flagrant and distinct violations of the new cocked hat as a head-gear that
Licensing Acts.— Ref., 19th May 1889. had been assaulted by cavaliers — hence
Cock of the Walk (London, Sporting,
probably a Jacobite term, * I'll knock
18 cent.). Leader — derived from cock- the Whig into one of his own cocked
fighting, or from farmyard, where hats ' — an idea so practical that it was
one cock alone holds the central accepted by the people. It has lasted
ground. to this day, when the three-cornered
Directly you get up one or two steps cocked, or up- turned hat has absolutely
in the ladder, you want to be cock of vanished in England except amongst
the walk — Cutting. mayors and aldermen, and by way of
Cock one's chest (Navy}. To throw the black cap worn by judges while
the chest out, after the manner of vain uttering the death sentence. The
creatures. Generally used with the tricorne is still worn in Germany, and
addition — 'like a half-pay Admiral' — even in France and Italy.
not a full-pay, mark you. I thought that was the worst play I
Cockatoo (Austral., 1880). A small had ever seen, but Nadine knocked it
farmer. The name is given by the into several cocked-hats. — Newsp. Cutting,
8th March 1885.
squatters or sheep breeders to the
agriculturists, from the cockatoos Wilson Barrett licka everything else
following the movements of the farmer into a cocked hat. — Newsp. Cutting.
over his land, especially at sowing Cock-linnet (East London). A
time. The word is offensively used, dapper boy, a tiny buck from the
for there is, or perhaps it is better East End of London, where bird fairs
to say was, bitter war between the are held every Sunday morning. It
settled farmer and the unsettled
is also rhyming slang for ' minute
81 F '.
CocJcs Cod-bangers

1 Hold on for a cock linnet — now In the circle of cocottes, and cocodettes,
barney.' — Newsp. Cutting. by which the French Court has during
Cocks (Dispensing chemist). Con- the last fifteen years managed to sur-
coctions. round itself, fast American women have
—(1867.) no inconsiderable contribution.
Cock-sure (Sporting, 1 8 cent. ). Abso-
lutely certain. In the good old days
of cock-fighting the vanquishing bird Cod (Printers'). A fool; e.g., 'the
always crowed — but never until he fellow's a cod.'
was quite sure, by various modes of Cod (Peoples'). Humbug, swindle,
more generally coddem, cod em, cod
proof, that his enemy was either them.
dead or insensible. Then he gave
Cod, To (Thieves', 18 cent.). To cod
gullet. is to cheat meanly by way of familiarity
Used disparagingly in these later in relation to eccentric erotics. To
days. comprehend this term an intimate
In the identification of prisoners police
constables sometimes blunder, and rarely, acquaintance with Balzac's Vautrin is
if ever, hesitate. They are very 'cock required.
Cod, To (Theatr. ). To flatter ; e.g.,
Decemberin 1884.
their evidence. — D.N., 8th
' Don't try to cod me ' — from Coddem
— a game of deception.
Cocker up, To (Chaunters'). To
make a horse look young for sale. Cod (Trade. Tailors'). A drunkard.
The word is suggested by the fallen
Evidently from the French ' coquet ' ;
the more likely that Chaunter is cer- cheeks and lips' corners of
which are some
of the facial evidences a drunkard,
tainly from Chanteur — an unscrupulous
and daring cheat. and which certainly suggest the
countenance of a cod, which fish,
Cockowax (Peoples', 18 cent.). furthermore from its size, is typical
Obscure — used satirically. ' Hullo
my cock'owax.' Probably corruption of huge drinking. ' He's a bigger cod
of cock of wax, which may have been
said in cock-fighting days of a bird Cod,
every day.'Coddem (Mid. Class). To
which had no mettle in him — a poor ridicule by appealing to the sanity of
soft, waxy, creature, opposite of cock one codded.
of the walk. ' Cod ' is peculiar as a word signifying
ironical chaff, and perhaps it has not
Cock-pit (Political). A convenient much to recommend itself beyond its
place for settling a sanguinary quarrel. brevity.— Stage, 21st August 1885.
From the pit or enclosure in which the I don't know all the perfessionals.
cocks fought, and which would become Irvingroom.—don't
much blood-stained — hence the name coddem in our tap-
was given to that portion of a warship I hear that at the end of Adelphi
to which the wounded were taken for Terrace there is a theatrical club where
treatment. coddem is now the favourite pastime.
England cannot consent to make Egypt
the cock-pit in which the diplomatic Shoreditch isn't what it was ; but
intrigues of Europe are to find a new there's some fun in the old village still.
arena.— D. N., 21st January 1885. You can show off your Sunday togs in the
Cocoa (Nautical). Comic shape of Aquarium. You can play coddem. —
Toko — (sec). Schoolboy expression,
probably from Negronia. When a Cod-bangers (Great Grimsby and
word has become time-weary, it is Billingsgate). Gorgeously arrayed
often newly editioned by being ex- sailors. Good example of an obscure
changed for a well-known word which phrase or word having a solid founda-
rhymes with it. tion. The cod are brought in alive
Charlie Wyndham and W. H. Vernon from the North Sea to Great Grimsby,
must mind their eye, or Onesimus will and are knocked or banged on the
head as wanted for market. The
give 'em 'cocoa' before long. — Newsp.
Cutting. fishermen in this trade make, and
Cocotte ; Cocodette(Franco-English waste, considerable money. They
1860-70). Non-virtuous French, or keep to the blue worsted jersey, but
other young woman of large income. it is complicated with rich silk squares
The second is to the first as a first hauled round the neck, and by fre-
officer is to the captain. quent rings. This gorgeousness has
Cold Coffee

begotten the half-contemptuous, half- Codger's Hall for political discussion

envious name. It has spread to and drinks, under the shadow of
Billingsgate and beyond the cod-trade. S. Bride's, Blackfriars. Word pro-
bably invented itself, in the gutter, or
'Whoa — yere comes a cod-banger.'
The word may also have another near about. Byron first gave it house-
meaning, easily sought and found. room in an occasional address to
Coddem (L. Class). A tavern game — 'Thomas Moore', 'Oh you who are
for from two to say ten, and the equi- all, etc.5 Learned etymologists assume
valent of the American bluff or brag. this wrord to come from cogito, but do
All the shapes of this word come from not suggest the itinerary. Nor indeed
Coddem, which is played by the do codgers ever think. They have no
time for cogitation.
operators dividing into two sets — each
set seated opposite the other— a table Codocity (Printers', 1874). Stupidity
between them. One side have a bean, or — capacity for being codded.
other small object— the hands belong- Coffee- and -B. (Night Tavern,
ing to this side are lowered under the 1880). Coffee and brandy.
table, the bean is placed in one of the On being served the barmaid asked
hands, and all the fists are brought up him to treat her. He inquired what she
in a row on the table. The other side would have, and she said coffee and 'b .'
now have to guess where the bean is. He asked what she meant by ' b ', and
she said brandy, or as they called it
He must not touch the fists, but he
' coffee and cold water'. — Newsp. Gutting.
points to one, and says either ' tip it ' Coffee-sisters (Germany, 19 cent.).
or ' take it away '. If he says ' tip it ', Malignant gossipers. From the
the hand pointed at is opened, and if it women drinking in coffee and scandal
is empty, the other side has lost one, at the same eager moment. Much
and the holders of the bean score one. after the use of the word tea-talker in
Then they begin again, and again
bring up their fists. Now as to the England. • What is she — a mere
other term ' take it away ' ; upon this coffee-sister.
A well-known' society lady in Germany
direction, the owner of the hand is credited with the statement that coffee
pointed at takes it off the table — if it not only keeps those who indulge in it
is empty. On the contrary shows wakeful and gay, but is likewise endowed
the bean if it is in his hand— then with the mysterious ' virtue ' of bringing
the other side loses another point. to light all the vices of a not too-populous
This hand being lowered, the guesser city. And it is well understood that
herein lies the attraction it has for the
begins again with the remaining hands, critical sisterhood of mature German
until he either guesses right, or again
loses a point — all of which may appear ladies known as ' coffee-sisters ', or, as we
to the reader very simple. On the should say, gossips.— -#. T., 26th Septem-
ber 1895.
contrary, it is one of the most psycho- Coigne (Printers'). A clever trade
logical games ever invented. It calls term for money. A play upon coin
for immense intelligence, and there is and coigne, or coin, or quoin, a wedge,
not probably a village in England generally named thus in printing
without its champion codder — a man offices. Pun suggested by the force of
who invariably wins at this game. coin as a wedge, and a wedge as a
When a guess is right, the bean passes coign.
to .the other side that has guessed Gascoigne, I am willing to believe, has
rightly. Money is won or lost at little ' gas ' about him, and not more
this game — but the process is too com- coigne than he knows what to do with. —
plicated for clear explanation. Newsp. Cutting.
Coker-nuts (Low London). Well-
Codger (Peoples'). Roystering, developed feminine breasts. (See Prize
ageing, boon companion. The Faggot.)
earlier dictionaries will have nothing
to say to this word, which does not Cold (London Tavern). The anti-
appear to have come from the Persian thesis of ' warm with ' and ' hot with '
or other equally next-door language. (sugar). Cold is short for cold water.
A modern dictionary describes him as Hence, the usual order in times of
a stingy, clownish fellow, whereas he heat is ' Three of cold '—say gin.
is rarely stingy, and never clownish. Cold Coffee (Artisans' Secret, 1874).
There was, until perhaps 1880, a Beer. In some offices, especially in
Cold Snap
Cold Cook

some printing houses, beer is only He denied

allowed at certain hours, while coffee business in toto, the
and alleged 'coldvigorous
made some deck'
remarks about the moral weakness of a
is admissible at all times. Coffee-
man who puts up all he can raise on four
house mugs are therefore kept, and the aces, with a view to scooping in the
errand boys go for * cold coffee '. The parties of the other part, and then turns
coffee-hoiise keeper has the beer ready, round and 'squeals' when another fel-
and to such an extent was the effort at low takes the pot with a straight flush. —
deception carried that in some cases Newsp. Cutting.
milk was mixed with the beer to com- Cold Four (Public-house). One of
plete the deception — many young the more opprobrious terms for the
printers being very moderate drinkers. cheapest description of beer. The
Cold Cook (London). An under- cold does not refer to the low tem-
taker— for dead humanity being by the
perature of four-ale, or four 'arf-an-
lower classes called ' dead meat', clearly 'arf, but to its fatal want of warmthful
the undertaker who looks after the generosity.
dead is a cold cook. Cold Meat (L. London). Dead
Cold -creams (Military}. Lines-
man's name for the ' Coldstreams ', to The wicked Scorcher says a dead wife
designate their assumption of superior — the
is Cutting.
best bit of cold meat in the house.
manners and distinction. * Look out,
mate — yere comes a cold cream.' (See Cold Shake (of the hand) (Amer.).
Porridge Pots, Grinning Dears, Muck, A new form of cold shoulder, or dis-
mis alLeave
.' you,' he cried — ' do
Cold Day (U.S.). Bad luck— good you give me the cold shake ? ' * No,
instance of climatic influence in pro- no,' she said, ' only for a minute.' He
ducing phrases. watched — it was her false back hair.
She fixed it and returned radiant.
« It's a cold day when I get left any-
where that I can't find my way back. Matsada S. Ingomar, a Japanese
athlete, who had married a rich
Gutting.good-bye, old potatoes.'— Newsp.
Well, Quakeress — one Miss Lodge of Philadel-
This essentially American phrase phia— for a month or so forsook the arena,
(now common in England) intimates and gave his former companions the
that he is very clever, adroit, and rarely ' cold shake '.
bested. A cold day in America is Cold Shoulder (English, coming from
indeed cold, the phrase therefore the Italian of Dante's time). To turn
means — only a very dreadful state of the shoulder upon an applicant. It
weather would result in his discom- is interesting, as illustrating how per-
fiture. sonal wit will deflect a meaning, or add
' It's a cold day when the trotting- to it, that Douglas Jerrold totally
horse reporter gets left,' said the law changed the aspect of this phrase. He
— Newsp. made it refer to cold shoulder of mut-
Cutting. to the managing editor.
Cold Deck of Cards (Calif ornian, ton, and 'cold shoulder' became
synonymous with inhospitality, as it
1849-80). Cards marked for the pur- remains to this day. The climax was
pose of cheating. reached by the comicality (attributed
During the early days of California, a also to Douglas Jerrold) of Paterfamilias
witness giving evidence in court referred (at about
dinnerto table). * Forwe what we
to the operation technically known as are receive may be truly
< ringing in a cold deck ' at poker. For thankful — cold shoulder again ! '
the information of the judge, the witness
Shakespeare used the phrase as turn-
explained that, at the game of poker, it
was not uncommon to introduce a pack, ing the human shoulder from a sup-
or as the American phrase goes, ' deck '
of cards, which was said by professional If you are too clever, people are sure
to find you out, and call you red-hot
cardsharpers to be 'cold' when duly
marked and arranged for the purpose of treats, and will give you the shoulder of
fraud. The judge asked if any person was mutton for ever. — Cutting.
present who could give an explanation of Cold Snap (Amer. -Eng. ). The first
the modus operandi. To his amazement premonitory frost — figuratively a quick,
the audience rose like one man.— Newsp. markedly cool reception.

Cold Tub Colour

When the first 'cold snap', as the Until stopped by the police, these
Americans call it, arrives, then many of tiresome persons found it pay to take
us must wish to be hibernating animals. shilling third-class return tickets some
— D. N., 20th November 1884. way down a line, and change their
Young Blunt had his overcoat in pawn
during the cold snap and wanted to get carriage at every station — making a
it out, so he called on Mr Moses to see collection before every change. The
about it. — Newsp. Cutting. victims fixed, and many of them
nervous, it was a poor collection that did
Cold Tub (Soc., 19 cent.}. A cold notproducethreepence. Granted twenty
morning bath. Good example of stations there and back, five shillings
homely metaphor. Here the water
gets dubbed by its containant. was the result — a profit of three shil-
The speech of the Chancellor of the lings—while they had their ride to
Exchequer, so far from encouraging some fair or festive occasion and back
illusions in the mind of clever youth, was for nothing. Probably derived from
as bracing as cold tub. — D. T., llth Hebrew negro minstrels in the first
November 1899. place — practically all Jews singing
from birth, while most acquire some
Colder'n a wedge ( Western Amer. ). aptitude on some musical instrument.
Dead — colder than a wedge, the iron
quoin used for splitting timber, and Collar (London). In work. Said
which in American winters is cold of a horse when he gets into swing, or
enough to take the skin off upon perhaps when he begins to get wet with
touch. work. Applied to human beings when
Colinderies (Soc., 1886). The in work, and therefore making money.
Colonial and Indian Exhibition, South 'Joe's in collar.'
Kensington. The last of the droll
Term byPeoples'}.
no means The work-
names given to the series of four in-
dustrial exhibitions at South Kensing- and used to avoid the true expression.
ton (1883-86). ' The old gent is gorne inter the col-
The Colinderies was patronized by no
fewer than 81,516 people, making a total
since the opening of 2,240,536.— Ref., ' Mother
lege at last.'ain't 'ome now — she's at the
8th August 1886. college.' (See ' Lump', 'In there'.)
Even the authorities accepted this
droll titling, which began with Colleggers (Oxford ' er'). Aca-
demical collections.
Fisheries, followed by Healtheries, A ceremony at which the whole host
continued with Inventories, and ended of Dons, sitting in solemn boredom,
with Colinderies. Even the attend- frankly say what they think of you — are
ants bore upon their caps the legend ' colleggers. '— D. T., 14th August 1899.
' Colindia '. Collie shangles (Soc., 1884). Quar-
rels. Brought in by Queen Victoria,
andThewasepilogue was called
a very pleasant ' Colindia ',
entertainment. in More Leaves (1884).
It was a sort of ten minutes' pantomime. 'At five minutes to eleven rode off
—Rcf., 8th August 1886. with Beatrice, good Sharp going with
At a Royal Commission of Inquiry into us, and having occasional collie shangles
the Metropolitan Board of Works (7th (a Scotch word for quarrels or rows, but
August 1888) Mr Emil Loibl, a'witness, taken from fights between dogs) with
added the last invention in ' lies' . collies when we came near cottages.'
A song mentioned was Ten to One on
the Lodger, and the songs were said to Colloquials (Soc. , 1890 on). Familiar
have put to the blush two Chinese conversation — good example of adjec-
mandarins. Witness replied: That was tive passing into abstract noun.
another trick of the briberies. — Public Well — well — let us give up the higher
Press, 8th August 1888.
culture now the teapot's here, and have
Collah Carriage (Street Negro Min- some colloquials.
strels). Arailway carriage filled with Colour (Amer. Soc., 1860 on). Ap-
women — Collah being Yiddish for plied to negroes in American as more
young girls. 'Git into a collah car- delicate than black or even negro.
riage. 'Said while waiting on a railway This euphemism commenced with the
platform by one negro minstrel to
another, both with their musical instru- Why thereof should
popularity ' Uncle beTom's Cabin '. to
an objection
ments of torture, their banjos, ready. the word ' negro ' is strange. It defines
Colour Sail Come off, To

a person of a certain African origin and

complexion, and it is gratifying to know too, too stupid.' 'Dear duchess,' re-
that sensible black men are beginning to plied Lord Claud, ' the colt party is
impossible. The charm of maturity,
see it, and despise the studied over- to say nothing of age, dares every-
politeness of some white people who talk
and write of ' color ' without knowing
what it really means. — N. Y. Mercury. Com (Business). A commercial
1883. thing.'
' Color Brewster
General ' at a Discount. — Attorney-
has bounced all the I loved the good old ' com.' I have
spent many a pleasant
mercial rooms with the evening
shrewd inmencom-of
Africans in the Department of Justice.
He found that the ' color ' of money was the world who used to be bagmen, and
a little too much for the ' man and who had strange tales of the road to tell.
brother.'—^. Y. Mercury, 1883. — G. R. Sims,^/., 28th December 1884.
Colour Ball (Amer.-JSng., 1880 on). Comb and Brush (Rhyming]. Lush.
In England a vulgar black Sal and At one time this word signified
Dusty Bob kick-up. In U. S. A. a negro ' drink ', and drink only. ' Won't yer
or ' dignity ' dance. lush us ? ' meant Will you not pay for
Colour the meerschaum, To. some drink for us ? Now the word
Drinking to the extent of reddening has been extended in its meaning,
the nose. ' Aint 'e colourin' 'is meer- and includes all shapes of liberality.
schaum'? The phrase arises from an ' Jack lushed us all three to the Surrey
association of ideas — those in the first
place of darkening the colour of a meer- Comb -cut (Sporting}. Trimmed,
schaum pipe by steady smoking, and Theayter/' ; applied to a man who
in the second, intensifying the hue of has been completely vanquished.
the nose by steady drinking. The From the comb of fighting cocks being
colour harmony between the pipe and removed to prevent the opponent
the nose above it is very droll, the from seizing it ; may be suggested by
hintful phrase itself a singularly good the vanquished bird having had his
example of the keenness of the com- comb torn across by the victor.
mon people masking itself in a mock
politeness which is worse than the Come and have one (Peoples', 1880).
plain truth. Drink is understood. A jocular appli-
Coloured grave (Amer. Puritanism, cation ofthe phrase ' One of those'.
Come and have a pickle (Soc.,
1882). That of a negro — striking
instance of class prejudice creating 1878). An invitation to a quick un-
ceremonious meal.
phrases of its own.
Presently the undertaker came up, Come and wash your neck (Navy,
and I asked him. He said he didn't 1860). Take a drink — from the liquor
know ; that he had told them to dig a flushing the throat.
coloured grave. — Newsp. Gutting.
Colt (Anglo- Amer.}. A revolver. Come-day, go-day (Military). An
Good example of the name of the extravagance, e.g. , ' It's come - day,
manufacturer being given to the manu- go - day with him ' — meaning that
facture. Colonel Colt was the in- he receives on ' come '-day money or
ventor of the commercial as distinct pay that is spent or goes the same day.
from the historical revolver. ' I put Come-down (Common Life). Dis-
aster, ruin, degradation, humiliation,
down five pounds for my ' colt.' ' This
is the colt that is bound to win.' e.g., 'What, no bonnet! What a
Supplanted by one * Derringer', a come-down ; an' I knoo 'er mum when
small pocket revolver, sometimes called she 'ad six of everything.'
a ' saloon ' from its possible conveyance Come down (Theat.). The act of
by way of the waistcoat pocket into moving towards the audience from up
polite society. the stage.
Colt Party (Anglo- Amer.}. A soiree Come off, To (Amer.-Eng., 1892).
of all young people— no elders. Much To cease, refrain, desist, etc. Very
more in vogue in United States than in graphic — probably from the American
England. call to fighting dogs, or men.
' I'll never give another all young ' How much does yez ax for this book ? '
party again,' said her grace — 'it was 86 (Six dollars,' replied the smiling clerk.
Come in, To Coming Bye-and-bye

'Six dollars!
Mercury, February 1892.
Oh, come off ! '— N. Y.
to Come stay (Amer.-Eng.}. Come
Come in, To (Society, 1880). To What he had to say about the origin
and development of that remarkable
become fashionable; e.g., 'You mark institution, which, as the Americans
my words, the horrid old Victorian
furniture, especially from 1840 to 1851, put it, 'has come to stay', was very
interesting.— D. T., 20th May 1899.
will come in. Already spindley Chip-
pendale isa pill.'— (1883.) Come up with (Amer.-Eng.). To
Come on (Theat.). No invitation be
himon instanter
equality ; and
e.g., he
' I came
took upa back
to fight, but a direction to appear upon
or ' come on ', the stage. (See ' Go off'
Come up to the rack, or jump the
and ' Go up '. )
Come over on a Welk (or Wilk) fence (Amer.). To decide to do a
seat.' or take departure. Rack is
Stall (Coster satire). Kg., 'Where
did yer dad come from ? Come over short for ' racket ', this word represent-
ing noise. Racket gives a capital idea
on a whilk-stall ? ' This may be a of the bustle of American life, while
folk-satire upon * Coming over with the
Conqueror,' or the 'whelk' may have 'jump the fence' is singularly sug-
that broad reference which was appli- gestive ofnew settlements, and enclosed
cable to ' He's got 'em on ' — when
first this satirically eulogistic phrase 'Well, I want to bring this young
came out. man to time. Fact is, he's either got
to come up to the rack — or jump the
Come out, To (Soc., 19 cent.). To fence.'— Newsp. Cutting.
appear in society — applied to young
women in society. The crown which Comfy (Soc., 1880 on). An endear-
finishes the work of coming out is pre- ing diminutive of comfortable. Pro-
sentation atCourt. bable origin— a royal nursery.
Mr Francis Knowles called, and ex- Felice is lonely, homesick. These dear
amined byMr Clarke, said : I have known girls are very nice and kind ; but the
simple tastes and simple conversation of
Lady Durham ever since she ' came out '. the truly rural is apt to pall on your
General Reilly, examined by Mr Clarke,
said : I have known Lady Durham ever llase old Diogenes. She feels as if half
since she came out in society. — Evidence only of her were here, and the sensa-
in tion is not 'comfy'.— D. N., 4th July
1885.Lord Durham's Nullity Suit, March 1895 (Craigie v. Craigie).
Come the old soldier over, To Comic-song faker (Music Hall,
(Peoples'). Cajolery, pretended po- 1880). Music-hall way [of describing
verty, specious lying statement. music-hall song- writers.
' Don't come the old soldier over me ' Mr Joseph Tarbar tells me he is the
— from fraudulent uniformed beggars boss author of this or any other country
after Waterloo. —— as
far as comic song-faking is concerned.
A great amount of imposture was
practised by means of the ' old soldier ' Coming bye-and-bye (Amer.-Eng.,
dodge upon the Duke of Wellington 1876 on.) Eternity. The evangelical
during the latter part of his life. To nature of the ballads, and other
' come the old soldier ' is in some quarters musical compositions for the voice,
still a familiar expression signifying
the practice of an artful trick, and the became very marked after 1870, and even
'old soldiers' after Waterloo were so preachers thought it elegant to refer
numerous and so pestered the Duke of to the second personage of the Trinity
Wellington that he was fain to hand as 'our mutual friend J.C.'— evidently
over all applications for alms to the Old without any thought of offence ; indeed
Mendicity Society.— I). N., 3rd March with true sincerity. A ballad entitled
'In the coming bye-and-bye', very
Come to grief, To (Sporting, 1880). namby-pamby, and referring of course
A riding man's term for a smash or to the after life brought (about 1880),
spill ; gradually accepted on all sides this style of composition into sudden
to depict failure. contempt — more especially when Mr
' He tried Hamlet, but to the sur- W. S. Gilbert imported it into a ballad
prise of his family, though not of his 87 for the Lady Jane (Patience), wherein,
friends, he came to distinct grief.' lamenting the lapse of her charms, she
Commandeer, To Commonsensible

fears that in the coming bye-and-bye Commando (Transvaal War, 1899).

— meaning a few years — her charms A regiment. Name found by Dutch. In
will be gone. a few days it was in London differenti-
It seems to me that there will be ated from commandeering — which was
found to be sheer pressing of men,
plenty of calls on that ' Actors' Bene- and annexation of property.
volent Fund' in the coming by-and-by.
—(1883). I believe that the first attack will be
made on the large Free State commando.
Commandeer, To (Transvaal War, — D. M., 25th October 1899.
1899). Required— in Dutch; but in
England held to be robbery. To com- Commercial Drama (Theat., Nov.
mandeer was to press unwilling men 1900). Drama that pays — without
relation to literature, art, wit, poetry,
into the Dutch army, or ' take ' what- or any other comfortable quality.
erer the Dutch came across, and with
no concurrent effort to pay for the Generally depends upon surprise^scenery
property annexed. and machinery, or the reproduction of
Some of the recruits from the inland well-known places, or common objects
districts were wild and uncouth beings, of street life. Used satirically, but
arrayed in rags and patches, and without started quite seriously in a lecture,
boots or shoes. With these attractions with this title ; given before the O. P.
were combined the external polish of club, a society of patrons of the drama.
uncombed bushy hair and beard, and The lecturer warmly applauded the
skins rarely washed. Mausers and commercial drama, of which he declared
ammunition were all they possessed in himself a successful producer (at Drury
many cases. One of them commandeered Lane), while he intensified his position
— otherwise stole — a native's horse, by an attack upon Shakespeare, of
borrowing a saddle from one Britisher
and stirrup leathers from another. — whose plays he declared that some were
D. T. , 24th October 1899. so pervaded by horrors that they were
Mr Labouchere suggested that Sir thereby objectionable, while he main-
tained that some half dozen could not
Michael Hicks- Beach should make a
be produced on the modern stage.
commando among the melodramatic
millionaires of Park Lane. — D. T., ' Oh, yes, quite a commercial drama
24th October 1899. — thousands of pounds in it, and not
The 'last cry' of this term, and one sentence worth hearing. '
practically closing it and the war, was Commercial legs (Recruiting ser-
in the D. T. for 2nd March 1900— the geants'). Bad ones — unfitted to drill.
day of the relief of Ladysmith. A slender, awkward, shambling youth,
Scores of them had commandeered the with
contents bills of the morning and even- which the
show' confounded
that he has commercial
never takenlegsthe',
ing papers announcing the 'Relief of Queen's shilling, etc.— Newsp. Cutting.
Ladysmith ', and, sticking them on their Common-roomed (Varsity). Had
chests, they marched on, blowing trum- up before the head of the college— the
pets and waving flags.
chamber of room beingGood
state. the example
President Kruger, before leaving the
capital, commandeered a quantity of substitution of place for person.
gold.— D. T., 7th June 1890. The descendants of Mr Dickenson may
Commander of the Swiss Fleet not mind a story as to how he climbed the
(Polit., 19 cent.). An impossible title ; college gates, and was being 'common
satirical attack upon titles and posi- roomed ', when cries were heard of
tions which exist only for the money ' Dickenson for ever ! ' from the Quad,
and it was found that he had won the
they produce. This is the best of Latin verse prize. — D. N., 7th October
them, Switzerland being not only in 1886.
the centre of Europe, but generally Commonsensible (Soc., 1890 on).
two miles above the sea-level. The condition of common sense.
It sounds quaint enough to talk of an English jurisprudence has had a blunt
Admiral ' winning his spurs ', articles not and downright
generally associated with seamanship, motives from thewayresults
of presuming a man's
of his conduct —
except in the case of the legendary a somewhat rough and ready method no
Commander of the Swiss Fleet.— D. N.,
6th July 1883. doubt, but still eminently ' Commonsen-
sible '.— Z». T., 21st January 1898.
Compos, Non Considerable Action

Compos, Non (19 cent.}. Abbrevia- and concrete impression. — D. T., 4th
tion of non compos mentis — and a very January 1896.
lame one too. Condemned; Condemnation
The churchwardens proved that he (Sporting, 1870). Damned ; a damn.
raised the disturbance before the
collection had commenced. It was A sort of jocular avoidance of even
mild swearing.
stated that this was not the prisoner's David out-gagged even himself, and
first appearance on a similar charge,
and a doctor had certified that he was caused great laughter. Nobody else was
not altogether compos. — D. T., 23rd worth a condemnation. — Ref., llth
December 1884.
February 1897.
' Ducks ! ' I says ; ' you condemned
Comstockism (Amer.-Eng.,^ 1885 lunatic, them ain't ducks ; them's mud
on). Opposition to the nude in art. hens ! ' — Cutting.
Comstock was quite a public man in
America. He for some years had a Confidence - queen (Ang. - Amer. ,
formidable following in his attacks 1883). A female detective — outcome
of American state of society.
upon ' naked art '. The confidence queen of Miss Caroline
Comstock on Nudity. — He admits that
it is not necessarily obscene — the pro- Hill revealed that lady's stage qualities
prieties observed. Anthony Comstock to great advantage, especially in the
scene of the third act. — N. Y. Mercury,
(in heated bath-room) : ' Hello ! Hello ! June 1884.
I say, porter ! Bring me a match. I
can't see to fix my necktie.' Servant Confidence man (Thieves'}. — He is
(hastening to the door) : ' Did the gas go a specious gentleman who asks his way
out, sah?' 'No; I put it out. I've of one who appears to be a promising
been taking a bath ' — (1889.) (See victim, and whom he never meets,
Horsleyism.) but overtakes, after allowing him to
Con (Polit., 1883). An abbrevia- pass, and so take stock of him. He
tion of Constitutionals, a designation then enters into conversation, asks
fugitively borne by the Conservatives the victim to have a drink — as they
in this year. This rather contemptuous approach federate
theawaitstavern where
word was bestowed by the Radicals in results. If thethevictim
return for the discovery of Rad (q.v.). accepts, the confederate, who appears
Mr Wilson Croker in The Quarterly to be a stranger, begins showing what
Review more than forty years ago re- appears to be gold, and making
commended the Tory party to abandon foolishly weak bets. The confidence
that designation and call themselves man then whispers confidentially to
instead the Conservative party. The victim that they may as well have
Quarterly Review of the present day
seems disposed to think that the title the fool's money as another. If the
of Conservative should be quietly victim is as much rogue as fool, he
consents, and by some one of twenty
dropped, and that of ' Constitutional ' dodges (see 365 Straightforward Ways
adopted instead.—!). N.. 20th October
1883. of Cheating), he is robbed. If he is
honest, however, his honesty saves his
Con (Thieves'}. Simply disguised
Concertize (Musical}. From pocket.
Congo patois (Amer., 1884).
America — to assist musically in con- Slang. Term heard at Liverpool.
certs. The professor bad, probably, been
M. Ovide Musin, the great Belgian reading those shockingly poor books, the
violinist, has returned to this city to Grandissimes, Dr Sevier and the Creoles,
concertize under Mr L. M. Eubens' in which Congo patois, as it is called, is
management. — Neivsp. Cutting. Novem- ascribed to educated white people. —
ber 1885. Newsp. Cutting.
Concrete Impression (Art., 1890 Considerable amount of united
on) Conviction. One of the most action (Parliamentary, 1888). Con-
absurd of the art critical 'finds' of spiracy. Early in this year Mr
the '90's. Herbert Gladstone charged the Conser-
Thus, Mr Peppercorn's 'Bosham, Early vative opposition with ' malicious con-
Morning', is all breeze and grey light, Called tospiracy'account,
to oppose the government.
he modified the
but not much else; the study is not
distinctive enough to call up a definite statement into this phrase, which
Conspiracy of Silence

henceforth remained a satirical Backwardation.) These entries read

euphemism amongst the younger Con- and furthermore understood — contango
servatives for ' conspiracy ' in general. may possibly be comprehended. No
Mr Herbert Gladstone, however, is gain being made on a transaction, and
mildly of opinion that his words were the backwardation being paid, the
contract is renewed, in the same terms,
' stronger
and that hethan wouldthemore occasion justified
accurately have', upon the price at the commencement
expressed whatever amount of meaning of the transaction, and without refer-
was present in his mind by substituting ence to the price of the day when the
for ' malicious conspiracy ' the phrase ' a contango is arranged. This process is
considerable amount of united action '.— more generally indulged in when there
Globe, 16th March 1883. has been no, or very little, variation in
Conspiracy of silence (Soc., 1885). the price of a given security between
Evasion of comment. Created by the purchase-day and settling-day.
silence of general press in relation to Context, To (Printers' and Type-
certain terrible articles in The Pall
writers'}. To try to ascertain, or to
Mall Gazette.— (1885.) discover a badly written word in
Some of the clergy and some of the ' copy ', by its context, by studying
judges have at last been aroused to the the words on both sides of it; e.g.,
danger of the situation, and many * Oh, context it, and do the best you
journals are now breaking through the
' conspiracy of silence ', and boldly Continent (Artier., 1880). The
denouncing the shameless creatures, etc. latest shape of oath in the States; e.g.,
—Me/., 31st August 1885. ' What the continent do you mean by
Constant - screamer (Peoples', 1860 it ?can.'
' It refers of course to the conti-
on). Concertina — A satirical ono- nent of America. Origin obscure.
matope of the musical instrument in Not in any way the transmutation of
question — which is a machine played a word like it.
by an upward pull, and a downward Not one of them even looked up. Not
pressure of the construction, which has one of them seemed to care a continental
much the appearance of a tubular whether his old ore assayed 15 or 95 per
Japanese lantern. cent. They (1883).
Street News had all ' been there '.— Wall
Tommy of the Artillery and Army
Service is brimful of music hall talent, Conversation, A little. Violent
and nightly upon the foredeck to the
melody of a ' Constant- Scream er ' he Coo-ey (1860 on). Shout of good-
warbles, solo or chorus, 'Off to Ashantee'. fellowship. This cry, with a long
— I). T., 20th December 1895. accent on the ' ey ' is an imitation of
Constructive Assault (Sporting, the Australian aborigines' friendly
1880). Attendance at a prize-fight. call to another from long distances in
Some time ago the whole of the the bush. It is therefore naturally a
common law Judges met to decide the friendly call here in the home coimtry,
question, what is an assault? The point and is never used in an inimical spirit.
arose out of a decision of a Chairman at It is generally used to find a friend
Quarter Sessions, who had ruled that any lost in a crowd, or far ahead by night
one ' assisting ' at a prize-fight was guilty in the street. Probably introduced by
of a 'constructive assault'. The Lord sailors, the starters of so much hearty,
Chief Justice of England agreed with
the Chairman, and carried a majority vigorous, popular passing English —
of the Court with him.— D. N., 14th probably miners who have tried their
October 1884. luck at the gold fields, and found it
only trying. The gold diggers were
Consume salt (Theat.). English
equivalent of cum grano salis. the first to adopt the ' coo-ey ' — which,
properly pitched, appears to travel with
A recent Modjeska poisoning item in exceptional vigour. The e-e-e-y is
the country papers suggests that some
stars must consume a great deal of salt always half a tone below the ' coo ',
which is generally pitched as high as
if they read about their reported doings. the individual voice will allow. The
Australian starts upon the «C' in alt,
Contango (Stock Exchange). Practi- or that ut de poitrine which is the
cally, suspense or renewal of a transac- ambition of every operatic tenor in
tion. (See Bull, Bear, and especially 90 the world.
Cooking Day Copper

Cooking Day (Navy). Twenty- obscure, complicated, abbreviated,

four hours devoted to Bacchus. back - phrasing example. It is to
Cool (Sack - phrase). Means look, ' pocket ' (in the shape of receiving) —
the tek being elided — when poc being
' c' being used in place of* k', probably spelt backwards ' cop ' appears. When
because being a true word it is more the police cop a man he is practically
Cool her on Sunday in a black velvet 'pocketed'. So with all the many
costoom, with boots, gloves, and gamp applications of this word — with a little
to match.— Cutting. indulgence — its vigour will be seen.
Its common use is ' cop the yenneps ',
Cooper (Nautical). One who sells
liquors on the sly ; also one who buys pennythebackworded,
for sake of euphony, added
' e ' plural
with an the
illicit spirits. Applied (1884) to the being made in the ordinary way.
vessels, generally Dutch, which follow
English fishing smacks into the North ' I've copped the yenneps, and I'm
off to the carse and the burick'— that
vessel. Also applied to the cooper's
Sea. is, home and wife. Cop has another
Another matter in which he took deep
meaning — to take too much to drink.
In universal use.
interest was the suppression of those
floating grog-shops in the North Sea Cop a mouse (Artisans'). Get a
which have done so much injury, and black eye. Cop in this sense is to
no inconsiderable step was taken in that catch or suffer, while the colour of the
direction when he made arrangements obligation at its worst suggests the
by which duty-free tobacco is now colour aad size of the innocent animal
supplied from the mission smacks in the named.
North Sea to the fishermen, who have
not now the inducement to board the
'Coopers' which before existed.— Prince
To Cop on the
discover guilt,cross, To (Thieves').
by cunning.
of Wales, Birkbeck Testimonial Fish- A good way of copping her on the
cross is to pretend to go off into the
mongers' Hall, 31st October 1885.
There is a queer craft always hanging country for a day or two, and come
on her in the middle of the night.
about. She is called a ' cooper ', and no
man cares whence she comes. She flies
sometimes an English, sometimes a Cop the brewery, To (L. Class,
foreign flag, and is in fact denned by the 19 cent.). To get drunk.
Duke of Edinburgh as a floating grog-
shop of the worst kind.— D. N., 20th Cop the curtain (Music Hall, pass-
June 1883. ing into the theatres, 1880). To gain
so much applause that the curtain is
Cooper (Peoples').
beer-mixture of commonThebeer
(3d. ofpera raised for the performer to appear and
quart) and stout (6d. to 8d. per quart). bow. * The Basher copped the curtain
Named from the coopers who invented twice, and was a great go.'
the mixture. Copper (Street, 1868 on). A police-
man. The term superseded Peeler,
Cooper up, To (Boer War, 1899- Robert, Bob, Bobby. From the com-
1900). To surround, fix, render im-
movable—from the fixing of the staves mon street verb ' cop '. ' There's a
of a tub by its hoops. copper round the corner will (1884)
scurry a covey of toddlers wrangling
The pursuit of De Wet failed, and the in the gutter more rapidly than a
swoop in a semi-circle from Pretoria to
Pinnaar's Poort, miscarried in so far as four-horse
the first word waggon.' Copper street
the infantile is perhaps
' coopering up ' De la Key, Theron, or thoroughly comprehends.
any of the lesser Boer leaders and raiders
was concerned.— D. T., 20th October This word is also used as an ex-
clamation amongst work-people when
Cop (Thieves'). Complex rhyming. any one of their number is blustering.
Taken, seized, thrashed, struck, caiight It means giving himself the airs of
by disease, well-scolded, discovered in police authority.
cheating— a universal verb suggesting ' Copper ! copper ! we shall soon be a
defeat or damage of some kind. There
has been more discussion over this The incident of the trial which will
widely applied word than any other probably '
sergeant !pass on and become history
in the kingdom of phrase. It is a very 91 when the rest is forgotten was the en-
Copper Captain Cork
quiry of Mr Justice Hawkins as to the Copper -slosher. An individual
meaning of the word ' copper '. The with
witness kindly explained to the innocent men. the mania of ' going for ' police-
judge that a copper is a policeman — one
Miss Selina Gripp, the well-known
who 'cops'.— Re/., 15th August 1888. copper-slosher, returned to the buzzim of
' A Lady' writes to a fashionable rag her family on Tuesday from Tothill, where
that the low-necked dress is an abomina- she had been staying for some months. —
' which it is the duty of the Mock Fashionable Intelligence, 1882.
press to look.' Look ! No, old gal. If
any of 'em come near me I shall cry Copy (Printers'). The matter to be
set up in type, and which must be one
' copper ! ' of two kinds, the ever legitimate MS.
' I cry copper ' was the refrain of a or manuscript, and the frequently
popular song (1882) in which the police- stolen reprint.
men got
' it '.
theThe author
copy's bad, as though
wrote, with skewer
and watery ink.
Prison, SouthCaptain
Copper wark). A(Queen's
captain Bench
in neither Army nor Navy List. An ' What word is this ? ' quoth one. ' Ele-
officer of self- promotion. phant, elegant, or telephone?' 'Oh, I
don't know, at this time of night ; put it
' The Affable Hawks and other varieties what you like, and let the reader find it
of copper captains have taken flight from out. ' — Cutting.
the Borough Road. Flash songs are no Coqcigrues (European). Utopias,
longer heard behind the high walls, impossibilities. The word evidently
on the inner side of which the racquet refers to something that will never
courts are still marked out, and a ghastly
stillness has fallen upon the once thickly happen. It is on all fours with the
peopled spot.' —(1881),
Article French folksaying : ' That will happen
Bench Prison thenupon
to be in the week of the four Thursdays.'
pulled tioner
down. 'Buta notable
has shown the modern practi-
advance in May it be Coqs aux Grues— cock fowls
that are half storks or cranes — more
method from the copper captains, table especially referring to the differences
knights, between the gallinaceous claw and the
February and 1882. Dandos of yore.' — I). If.,
long leg and web-foot of the stork.
'The company contains many copper The anticipation of arrival is also con-
captains, brazen adventurers, and women sistent with the migratory habits of
whose character is advertised in their
storks, and also of the coqs de Bray ere.
countenances.'— D. N.t 26th August 1883. ' Coqcigrues ' may have originally been
Copper-clawing (Street.) A fight booth clowns — professional jesters ;
between women. Probably a corrup- applied afterwards generally to foolish
tion of ' cap-a-clawing ' — a pulling of people. They were dressed as cocks,
caps — a phrase which ceased to be with feathers and cocks' heads, and
applicable when lower - class women danced upon stilts, hence the reference
ceased to wear caps. — (1820.) to storks — ' grues ' ; or cocks on storks'
Copper-rattle (Navy) . Irish, gener- legs.
ally Irish, or other stew — from the If reform can only come from within,
hubble-bubble of this boiling delicacy the teaching of history warns us that we
cannot expect reform till the coming of
— called in London city restaurants,
* French Pie '. the Coqcigrues. — D. N., June 1885.
The king sent John de Shoreditch to
Copper's Nark (Thieves'). A police- ask the Dean and Chapter for a loan of
man's civilian spy. the hundred marks left by Bishop Wil-
Upon this the prisoner, who was stand- liam de Marcia, and kept at Wells usque
ing by, accused witness of being a ad generate passagium ad Terrain Sanctum
'copper's nark' (i.e., a police spy), and — ' till the general passage to the Holy
dealt him several severe blows. — I). T., Land ; ' that is to say, till the coming
18th October 1897. of the Coqcigrues, or usque ad adventum
Coqcigruorum. — Newsp. Cutting.
Copper's Shanty (C. L. ). A police
station. Shanty is from the back- Corfee-'ouse cut (Cheesemongers').
The back of bacon, without bones, and
woods of America — a small, cosy
house. exceptionally used by coffee- house
' Do you think I've arrived at my time
of life 'without seeing the inside of a Cork (Workshop). The cork (pro-
copper's shanty ? '— Cutting. bably from the American caucas) is the
Corkscrew Cosh

complainant who brings a charge before Correctitude (Soc., 1900). Correct-

the shop-constable and the garret. ness. Latinised word first seen and
He may bring a complaint against a heard in England in 1900. Probably
fellow-workman of a technical char- from U.S.A.
acter, or of some social nature or even M. Delcasse, it is true, has all along
crime. The restraint upon the cork been a pattern of ' correctitude
takes the shape of the rule which com- the Waldeck - Rousseau Cabinet ' had
; buta
pels him to pay five shillings if he lose difficult people to deal with. — D. T.,
29th December 1900.
the case, while the defendant, when los-
ing, ismulcted in but half-a-crown. Of Corroboree (Nautical). A drunken
these tines half is generally spent in spree, in which there is much yelling.
drink in the shop, the other forwarded Supposed to be derived from a term
to the secretary of the Union, who used by some unknown South Sea
applies it to the General Purposes Islanders to describe a wordy and
Fund. excited interview. Every sailor knows
the word, sometimes used disparag-
Corkscrew (L. Lond.). An evasive
ingly as * It just was a corroboree.'
pronunciation of God's Truth — used Gould (Handbook of the Birds of
satirically. (See Cheese and Crust.) Australia} says it is the Australian
Corn-crackers (Amer. ). The people native word for a discussion, or pow-
of Kentucky ; probably from the im- wow. The
' males ' (of an Australian
mensities ofcorn grown there. bird) ' congregate and form corroboree
Corner Boys (Ihiblin). Loafers,
who generally affect street corners, as Corpse (Theat.). To balk
presenting more scope (1) for seeing, actor on the stage while he isa acting,
and (2) for bolting. byplaces.'
some by-play or facial action which
Kilmainham was reached a few min- attracts attention. Very emphatic.
utes before five o'clock. There were ' Look here, Joe, if you corpse me
only a few corner boys present in the again to-night in the second act, while
neighbourhood of the prison, and there
was no demonstration of any kind. — you are up, I'll pull your long nose ! '
Report of Arrest of Mr Dillon, M.P., Corpse-worship (Club, 1880 on).
1881. The extreme use of flowers at funerals.
The term comes from America. This custom, set by the Queen at the
mausoleum (Frogmore) immediately
Cornichon (Soc., 1880). A muff. after the death of the Prince Consort,
Direct from French— gherkin. grew rapidly, until the custom had
Yet are not all French sportsmen good extended to quite the lower classes,
shots ; indeed, for every decent gun you
must reckon twenty highly developed amongst whom neighbours vied in for-
warding expensive floral tributes.
cornichons — French for muffs. — Newsp.
notices in thethe
Finally, in press'90's,
were many
Cornstalks (A ustral.). The people
of New South Wales ; from this pro- the legend, ' No flowers '.
vince growing quantities of corn. Corsey (Sporting). Stiff betting
Given by the people of Victoria. or play — not from race-course, as it
Being usually of good height, but might well be supposed, but from
French corse.
wanting in depth and breadth, they have
gained for themselves the epithet of corn- Baccarat may be played for any sums,
stalks, which is saying a great deal for from the petit baccarat desante, the family
the value of their heads. — Baden Powell, baccarat, up to the sport which is usually
New Homes for the Old Country. (See described as corse, or in stronger lan-
Gum-suckers. ) 1884. guage reckless. — D. N., 18th January
Cornucopia (Amer.). A rich in-
dividual. Cosey (Slums). A small, hilarious
We who dine at noon, live in one- public-house, where singing, dancing,
story cottages with mortgages on them, drinking, etc. , goes on at all hours.
and have wet blankets thrown over us as Cosh (Amer.). One of the veiled
we slowly elbow our way through life, ways of naming the Deity.
sometimes envy the old cornucopias as The word ' Oshkosh ' is the name of a
we see them go down to the bank to 93 town, and not a form of profanity in use
draw their dividends.— Cutting. by the Scandinavians, from whom the
Coss Counting-house

Americans have obtained it in the modi- A new play by Eobert Buchanan is,
fied form of ' Cosh ! Good-morning '— however, being rehearsed at the Vaude-
said satirically, of course, as to Scandi- ville. Like Sophia, it is a ' costume '
navia. piece.— Re/., 5th February 1888.
Costume plays are, to the thinking of
Coss (Natters'). A blow. Origin some folk, handicapped because they are
obscure — probably the name of a costume plays. It is sneeringly said
pugilist. that the modern young actor cannot be
at ease unless he can dive his hands into
Coster (Low Life). Short for coster- his pockets.— D. T., 18th July 1899.
monger, a great being in low life,
generally a sort of prince, and often a Cot so (18 cent.}. An evasion of
king o' the costers. To be really royal God'smon inoath — the Redemption. Com-
he must make money, but save nothing,
dress beautifully (see Pearlies), be hand- Cottages (Fastpoints
youtJis'). Ves-a
some in a rough way, be always flush pasians ; retiring for half
of cash and liberal with it, possess a minute. Said to be derived from the
handsome girl or wife (generally the published particulars of an eccentri-
latter), and above all, fight well, and cally worded will in which the testator
always be ready to fight. Reign gener- left a large fortune to be laid out in
ally extends to five years (nineteen to building ' cottages of convenience '.
twenty-four), when he either takes a Passing away in favour of the under-
shop and does well, takes to drink and ground palaces dedicated to Cloacina —
does worse, or growing ancient, grizzly, palaces generally termed 'Fountain
or broken with disease, loses a fight, Temples ' or ' Palaces '.
abdicates, and sinks into the ranks.
Coughor even
Poison, Dropanything
(Peoples', 1860 on).
Said to be derived from ' Quatre
saisons' — the 'Marchand des quatre ' Lor', what a cough drop she are ! '
saisons ' — that is fruit and vegetables From the ominous motto used many
of spring, summer, autumn, and years since with a cough lozenge —
' Cough entendre
double no more here
'. was
The first
Costermonger Joe (Com. London).
Common title for a favourite coster. by W. Brough, who incorporated it
in a burlesque — for when you are dead
Costermongering (Musical, 1850).
Altering orchestral or choral music, you cough no more !
' Honest John Burns, ' who has been
especially that of great composers. returned for Battersea by the skin of his
From the habit Sir Michael Costa teeth, and who would have benefited
sometimes showed of modifying the considerably had his constituents given
score of Handel. Happy hit, as con- him a holiday, objects to being called ' a
trasting the guerilla business of the cough drop \-Ref., 27th July 1895.
coster with the proper professional and 'Oh, he's awful leary — a very cough
established tradesman. drop — a genuine red hot treat, make no
But the costermongering was worse blooming error.' 'Oh, she's a cough
than ever this time, and, in mingled Cutting.a red hot treat, and no mistake. ' —
sorrow and anger, amateurs cried, 'Et Couldn't speak a threepenny bit
tu, Brute ! ' Better things were expected (Street, 1890 on). Utter temporary
of Mr Manns, but it was found that
Caesar and Pompey are very much alike incapacity for speech. ' I couldn't
— specially Pompey. — Ref.y 28th June speak a threepenny bit, but I made
myself a luvverley cup o' tea, an' I
Costume Play (Theat.). A drama were soon better.' The lady had pro-
in which the dresses are any before bably been drinking — indeed the phrase
those of the 19th century, but not may be an elegant evasion of the ad-
mission of, at least, partial intoxica-
before say the tenth; e.g., 'Thank tion.
God,' she observed, ' I've got a cos- Counting-house (Street, 1870). A
tume play at last. I shall klobber in
crimson and gold for the first act, blue stupid perversion of countenance —
and amber for the second, and pure supposed to be comic. ' Just take a
white and silver for my death in the squint
We get at his intocounting-house.'
the shop and see a really
third. I shall make a great success. fine-looking dona smiling all over her
Redfern will make.' counting-house. — Gutting.
Country Cousin Cowlick

Country Cousin (Rhyming). A from a French onlooker — equivalent to

dozen, e.g., '„' They put away about our * kickshaw '. Used to be used in
three country cousins o' Bass.' London eating-houses — derived un-
doubtedly from the same French origin.
County-crop (1856). A closely-
cropped head of hair, such as is im- Cover to Cover, From (Soc.t
posed upon prisoners sent to the county 18 eent. on). Through and through.
jails. In 1856 when the Crimean Good example of the spread of educa-
soldiers returned with long heavy tion and reading yielding new phrases,
beards, which for many years remained for of course this figure of speech is
a national fashion, it was found that obtained from reading a book from
longish hair, such as had been worn first page to last.
all the century, gave with the heavy I can vouch that Sir William White,
beard too top-heavy an appearance. who
The hair was therefore cut down, and neverknew him 'fromthis
entertained cover to cover',
view of his
the result was dubbed a county crop, character.— Z>. T., 12th June 1897.
while the beard was called a door-
Covered Br ougham (Peoples' , 1870).
mat, shortened to mat. ' He's got a A waggon with tarpaulin over the top.
crop and mat ' quite described the Given to the vehicles which once plied
swell of 1856-1857. The door -mat from the Bank to the East of London,
mains.vanished — the 'crop' (1897) re- taking up customers too late for even
the last 'bus. They were in especial
Couple of Flats (Theat.). Double force
'Bus.)on Saturday night, and were
meaning. In the old time, before the generally very convivial. The increase
advent of elaborate set scenery, two in the number of 'buses swept away
scene screens run on from opposite
sides and joining in the centre were the covered brougham. (See Virgins'
called a 'couple of flats'. Applied Cow-boy (Local Amer.). A Texas
to two bad actors. (See ' Camp at fanner, from his cattle-raising — boy
Olympia ', by Planche.) being a common term for men of all
Course-keeper ( Winchester School}. ages. 'The graziers of Colorado have
A bully's bully. The Wykehamist come to the title of ' cow-boys '.
strong enough to compel fagging
officeredthe 'course-keeper' — a medium Cow with the iron tail (Peoples').
between the oldest and youngest of the Pump. A way of attacking milkmen
who until about 1865 sold extensively
scholars. He deputed his work to one watered milk. This phrase was very
of the smallest boys. familiar until certain municipal acts
The 'forms
offices which the
are amongst the lightest
Eton fag
of per-
the were passed which by penalties put
duties of the Winchester fag. Besides down the watering of milk. (See
these he had to clean dirty boots, clean 'Dill').
* Simpson', 'Hard Simpson', ' Liquor',
frying-pans, cook breakfasts, and fetch
water. The infliction of some of the
most offensive of these duties, as e.g., Cow-juice (Amer.). Milk — used
cleaning frying-pans, was often deputed by Buckstone, the actor, in Our Ameri-
can Cousin.
to a middle boy, or ' course-keeper ' as
he was called, who gratified any personal Cowlick (Peoples'). A wisp of
grudge he might have against any parti- growing hair, of different colour from
cular small boy by selecting him for the
odious task. — Letter to Daily News. the general tone. ' Lick ' is evidently
The term remains, but fagging at a corruption of * lock ', and cow has
nothing whatever to do with kine.
Winchester is a thing of the wretched Good example how the Anglicizing of
past, one word modifies another in associa-
Couscousou (A Igerian French, 1 840). tion with it. The first word having
The native rendering of qu'est-ce que been turned into ' cow ', and lock
c'est, the enquiry a French soldier having no meaning in connection with
always puts upon every possible * cow ', it became lick, and the double
occasion, and which the Algerian has error suggested a cow-lick which had
supposed to be the name of a stew. turned the colour of the wisp of hair.
Hence in imitating this dish they Probably in the first place from a lock
apply the enquiry it would elicit common to the head of a clan, the

Gow or Gough, Irish or Scotch. This face. "Send my love to Jane, and tell
wisp of hair in all probability fre- her" (this with a woeish face) "I would
quently became a birth-mark, and was like right weel to have a crack " (conver-
probably often imitated by art when sation) "wi' her once more." ' — FKOUDE,
nature arrested the inheritance. ^ A Carlyle's Life in London, vol. ii., p. 96.
very powerful French drama, in which Crack (London). A narrow passage
Fechter was famous in Paris was built of houses ; e.g., ' 'Ave yer seen the
up on a cow-lick (Les Fils de la Nuit). grand duchess of our crack this blessed
A superstition of luck or ill-luck mornin' — gorne to the Cristial Pallis
attaches to the cow -lick. ' Ha ! he in 'lectric blue — she 'av.'
always had a lucky cow-lick.' The Crack a case (Thieves'). To break
' widow's lick ' or ' lock ' is a tuft of into a house. ' Case ' from casa
unmanageable hair which grows lower (Italian) anglicized.
than the rest of the forehead hair, and
is always at or near the centre of the Crack a wheeze (Theatrical). To
top of the forehead. The belief that a utter the last thing out — ' wheeze '
woman possessed of this lock, generally probably from the alcholic guffaw
which follows the tale, especially if it
of a greyish tone, must lose her hus- is erotic.
band has, in past generations, pre-
vented many a good woman from * Cracking a wheeze ' is a phrase which
has always struck us as extraordinary,
getting even a worse husband. John-
son has nothing to say to this word. especially as it has not the recommenda-
tion of brevity. It is synonymous with
Coxey (Aug. -Amer. , 1894). A wild the sailor - slang phrase, ' spinning a
political leader. From an American
politician of this name who pioneered
a number of out-of-work mechanics, Crack the bell (Peoples'). To pro-
who seized trains and invaded Wash- duce failure by speech ; or even act, to
reveal '.a secret unintentionally ; to
ington. yarn
The march of the ' tramps ' in America muddle — the phrase in fact has many
meanings. Derived from the necessity
is ahaving
are very live thing. The
a tremendous 'Coxeyites'
amount of fun, of being silent while casting a bell, the
and the eyes of the world are upon them. belief, coming down from monastic
—Ref., 29th April 1894. times, that a mere word spoken during
Coxies (Low Glass). Corruption of casting may produce a flaw in the bell ;
cock's eyes. A term at dominoes for e.g., 'What? told Tom— Jack's going
double I. A good example of rebus to marry Jill ? Then you have cracked
phrasing. Probably a translation from the bell.' 'She dropped in the mud
with all her new togs on, and cracked
the French ceil de cog — especially as a
single one is called 'udder cock' — ceil the of
out belltheinBag. a jiffy.'
) (See Let the Cat
de coq, although rarely, ' Cock's eye ' is
the general term. The other names for Crack the monica (Music-halls).
dominoes are evidently French — 2, The chairman, who once ruled in these
tray ; 3, duce ; 4, quarters ; 5, sinks. places — he vanished in the '80's — had
The whites are called ' blanks ', while before him a table - bell, which he
the sixes have become quite English. sounded after certain ways, one of
Interesting to mark that ' tray ' and which informed the audience applaud-
' duce ' are used still by old-fashioned ing a singer who had retired that he
people for 2 and 3 at cards, while even or she would appear again. ' He
the French * valet ' is still ' varlet '. cracked the monica, an' on she came
Coy-gutted (Devonshire). Difficult smilin' like "jam"' — the monica is
in the matter of eating. Generally the bell.
used with an addition more emphatic Cracker (American). A biscuit.
than elegant. The English word, evidently meaning
' twice cooked ', or baked, is a mis-
Crabby (W. Eng.). A carpenter-
said despitefully. Origin vague. nomer, while the States'-wide synonym
is at least a good specimen of orioma-
Crack (Jovial, 18 cent.}. A royster-^ tope.
derived from ' cracking ' I, a lone bachelor, a lone fisherman,
and meeting,
ing finishing a bottle of wine. with infinite pains and great pleasure,
'My in
1 comes poor withold her mother', he wrote,
sincere, anxious old first dipped these ink-pots in the freshest
Cracker Credit Draper

of eggs beaten up ; after that into the Roystering ballad, of a cavalier, wine,
finest and crisped cracker dust. — Newsp. and women swing. From the eternal
Cutting. Spanish carambo orcaramba, shortened
This ink-pot is cuttle-fish, named by the omission of the first vowel.
after a protective secretion it throws Probably brought over by Philip of
out when pursued. Its more fish- Spain ; or a countess in the suite of
mongerly title is squid. It abounds in Catherine of Braganza, or Charles II.
New York waters. They are capital may be answerable. This cry would
eating when ' dusted ' and fried. be a beloved one in the mouth of a man
Cracker (S. Carolina). Native — who did not object to be called ' Old
origin unknown. Rowley ' — Charles II. indeed was rather
Imagine a tall, gaunt, loose-jointed proud of the distinction. Rowley him-
man, with long grizzled hair, deep-set self was an etalon in the royal stables.
eyes that glow like coals of living fire, ' The secret flew out of the right pocket of
high, square shoulders, a stooping, his coat in a whole swarm of your carambo
slouching gait ; skin wrinkled and dirty songs, short-footed odes, and long-legged
beyond pen description ; hands and feet
immense, the former grimy and with pindarics.' — Farquhar, The Inconstant.
protruding knuckles, the latter incased Cranky gawk (Chicago). Equal to
in cowhide boots with soles an inch thick Scotch ' dazed
awkward lad. gowk ' — said of a stupid,
and of astonishing width ; clothes beside
Crazy quilt (Awier. Mid. CL). A
which Joseph's coat would sink into insig- quilt of patchwork, made at random.
nificance, so covered are they with patches
of divers colours — this is a South Caro- The old woman's dress looked like a
crazy quilt, and two of the boys had only
lina 'cracker'.— Newsp. Cutting, 1883. one trousers-leg apiece. — Texas Si/tings,
Crackpot (Stock Exchange, 1880).
A doubtful company promoter, a man Craythur, Craytur, or Craychur
who has the appearance of prosperity
and who is but an impostor. This (Irish). Whiskey; e.g., 'Oh, for the
love o' God giv me now a taste o' the
word may come from New York. ' A craythur.' The origin of the word may
familiar that in theit city' is a term
was taken for theso be of singular significance in consider-
ing the history of Ireland and the
chorus in a comic song. It appears
even in France where a commercial Irish if it is really ' creator ' and not
* creature ', as it is generally supposed.
crash of a swindling nature or a politi- In the latter case 'creature' means
cal breakdown is called a ' krach ' Satan. This is certain, that for years
(pronounced crack;, which may repre- after the middle of the 18th century
sent either crack or ' crash ' — more whiskey was not known in Ireland,
probably the latter— bearing in mind while during the period of Home Rule
French spelling of most English words. (1782-1800) Grattan himself in the
' Crackpot ' replaced the phrase ' Lame Dublin House of Commons declared
Duck '. every seventh house in Ireland was a
They take the honours, and they should whiskey shop.
do some of the work. Besides, they Cream Ice Jacks (London Streets).
might improve their minds by listening
occasionally to 'The Crackpot in the Street - sellers of £d. ices. Jacks —
probably from Giacomo and Giacopo.
City' and
January 1883.' Tiddy-fol-lol'.— Ref., 28th 'They've a bad time of it, 'ave the
1 We do a tremendous business in our cream ice Jacks, for whenever a kid
bank,' said one crackpot to another. gits ill the mother goes for the jack an'
' Why, through buying ink at a new 'as it out with 'im.'
place we save £200 a year. Fancy the Creams (London Street). Abbre-
amount of writing we do.' — Cutting. viation of cold-creams, in its turn a
Cracksman (Thieves', 18 cent.). A droll mode of describing the Coldstream
man who cracks buildings — a burglar, Guards. Intimates that they are
as distinct from a high toby man or a dandies, and know how to get them-
low toby fellow. (See High Toby.) selves up. ' Now then, my creams-
Craft (Youths', 1870). A bicycle, gods of the essences,' he observed.
from liking the machine to a ship. ' Then there was a shindy ! '
(See Beast, Bone-Shaker, Craft, Crock.) Credit Draper (Peoples'). A smooth-
Crambo Song (Peoples'). Still spoken seeming cheat — from the tally-
heard in the remoter parts of England. man system, whose practitioners have
97 G
Cremorne Crocus

bestowed upon themselves this evasive fierce beards were thus dubbed, and
and hypocritically benignant name. amongst the people the term has re-
' Don't believe a word 'e 'ave to say — mained. 'My eye, what a Crimeer
Vs on'y a credit draper.' Bill have got along o' the doctor for
Cremorne (Society, 1884). An open- 'is bronkikkis (bronchitis).'
Before the invasion of the Crimea no
air place of amusement frequented by
doubtful women. From public Lon- man, ' unless an officer in Her Majesty's
cavalry, ever ventured to wear a beard or
don gardens of that name, long since moustache'. — Sir A. West, Memoirs, 1897.
built over. Applied in 1884 to the
' Inventories ' (see) when that enter- Criss-cross (Peoples'). A corruption
of Christ's Cross — one of the few re-
tainment was so frequented by ' tarts ' ligious exclamations which have not
that it became in the evening scarcely
a place to which a girl could take her become vulgarized since the Refor-
mation. Generally refers to right
mother. Now applied generally. angles in textile fabrics, wood, and
But as it is certain that no porter with metal work. Sometimes used excla-
a flaming sword can possibly stand at the
gate to decline the shillings of persons not matively. ' S'help me criss-cross ' (or
immaculately virtuous, so it is probable
that some day a cry will be raised about crass), ' I didn't
Not many who ! 'use this word appear
a ' Cremorne '. When once that ominous to have any idea of its meaning, yet it
word is whispered people begin to be shy is one of the few old Catholic oaths
of their natural pastime of letting the which have retained muck of the
evening pass in the open air. — D. N., original sound.
10th November 1886.
Croak (Society, 19 cent.). To be
Creoles (Amer.). People of Louis- hypocritical, suggested by the lament-
iana—probably asatire by the north tunes able
up. declaration of a frog when he
upon the illegitimate mingling of slave-
owners' and slaves' blood previous to John Hollingshead for some time past
1862. has been telling his patrons how they
Crib (Street, 1800-40). To conquer croaked in 1807. — Newsp. Gutting. March
with the fists fairly. From Tom Crib, 1883.
a celebrated pugilist early in the 19th OneCrock
of the (Youths',
more obscure 1870).
namesA bicycle,
for this
century. To crib, meaning to thrash, is
still heard in the slums of London and apparatus. Perhaps from part of the
other great cities. In the nautical name of a builder. (See Beast, Bone-
shaker, Craft.)
novel, 'Rattlin the Reefer' (chap. Ixii.),
is this paragraph : Crocks (Art jargon, 1880). Orna-
mental china. This term came in
Apt quotation !— you are cabined —
you are cribbed — you are confined — when, from 1870 to 1880, the porcelain
cribbed — look at your countenance — as I mania raged, and huge sums were given
said before, 'tis the hand of Providence.
— Gutting. for even poor specimens of china. This
word of meek uuobtrusiveness is an
Crime (Army}. Small fault. Often abbreviation of crockery-ware. (See
intentional. ' Squinting on parade ' is Rags and Timbers. )
a crime. ' What will a sergeant not Crocodile (Society, 1850). A lady's
go for to say — ain't you got a crime ? ' school out walking. A ballad in the
— that is to say, confinement to bar- forties went :
racks or extra drill scored against a ' I'd rather meet a crocodile
Than meet a lady's school.'
Crimea (1856). The full-beard— Crocodiles'
Imitation Tears (Peoples', 19 cent.).
given to the first long beards worn in
England from the time of Elizabeth to Many visitors have probably passed by
that of Victoria. The fashion of shav- the alligator in the somewhat out-of-
ing, which passed from France (Louis the-way corner where he at present
sojourns ; but others know him well,
XIII.) to England, prevailed here long and love to stir him up until he swells
after Frenchmen had begun to grow out with anger, and emits from the
hair. The severity of the winter corners of his eyes the queer little
1854-55 (in the Crimea) caused the bubbles which pass for crocodiles' tears.
issue of an order to wear beards, and — D. N., 21st March 1883.
these were retained. Upon the return Crocus (Thieves'). A mock doctor
of the few survivors, their strange and — a cheap-jack gentleman with a
Crowbar Brigade

wonderful cure. Simple derivation : whom, about whom, and starting from
whom, Lord Lytton may expound his
croak ', to kill, or cause to croak, and social and political philosophy. — D. N..
30th March 1885.
Crony (Peoples'). A friend, or rather
trusted and loved companion. John- Crosses (Peoples'). Woes, miseries,
son says of this word: 'An old sorrows. This may be derived from
acquaintance, a companion of long 'across', or more probably from Catholic
times, and a reference to carrying the
standing.' Generally used with the cross.
this word : adjective ' old '. Swift has
Cross-grained (Peoples'). Ill-tem-
' Strange an astrologer should die pered, hard to manage. A trade
Without one warder in the sky !
Not one of all his crony stars metaphor, from the carpenter's shop,
where cross-grained wood is hard to
To pay their duty at his herse ! ' deal with.
Pepys (30th May 1665) says :
'Died Jack Cole, who was a great Cross -life men (Thieves', 1878).
Men who get their living by felony.
crony of mine.' Used amongst themselves — rather
Probably one of the few words came
from one of the universities. If so, it plaintively it would seem, and in re-
is possibly derived from Chronos. markable contrast with the 18th cen-
Crooked 'un( Peoples'). Crook. The tury term, ' gentlemen of the road ',
' high toby men ', and others.
said of aofhusband
a straight
who 'un.
turns Generally
out bad. Sir H. James— What do you mean by
men of your class ? Witness— Men of the
' He was about as crooked as they world — (laughter) — men like myself. I
make 'em.' (See By Hook or by did not tell him that I had seen gentle-
Crook.) men's servants there — I am certain of
Crop up (Society, 1850). To sud- that. I did not use the term that the
denly appear, or introduced. 'Then room was the resort of cross-life men
Jack cropped up' — from geological (thieves).— Bignell v. Iforsley, 1880.
term referring to a sudden stratum. Cross the Ruby (Fast World, early
Accepted when geology became modish. Id cent.). A grotesque abbreviation of
Croppie (Scottish). Equivalent of 'cross the Rubicon', with the same
Roundhead, and used precisely in the meaning. Ruby was then the name for
same way. Strangely enough, in the port wine.
1798 Irish rebellion, the rebel Irish Crocheteer (Society, 1880). A patron
were called croppies, equally from the of crotchets.
shortness of their hair. A Hanoverian Within later years the ladies and
song was popular, called * Croppies, lie gentlemen who feel so strongly on the
subjects of vivisection, compulsory vac-
down,' which suggestion of treating cination, teetotalism, Sunday closing, and
them as dogs made the rebels very
wild. In one historical instance a other cognate topics, have been called
crotcheteers.— G. A. Sala, /. L. N., 12th
servant of thirty years' standing shot May 1883.
at the family after hearing one of
them singing this song. Crotchetty (Society, 1 9 cent. ). Eccen-
tric, unexpected. Trade metaphor;
Cross-bench mind (Society, IS cent. ). from music. Probably from the time
Undecided, hesitating ; from the cross when solemn, slow church music was
benches in both Houses of Parliament, enlivened by the comparatively quick
upon which those peers or members crotchet ; or it may be from a man
seat themselves who have not made up named Crotchet.
their minds to which party they be-
Crowbar Brigade (Irish, 1848).
' man, with his mother to The Irish Constabulary. From the
the right of him, and his wife to the
left of him, he has but a cross-bench crowbar used in throwing down cot-
tages to complete eviction of tenants.
Lord Glenaveril is brought up partly After a while the whole posse — sheriff,
in Germany, is born to great estates, and sub-sheriff, agent, bailiffs, and attendant
takes his seat on the cross-benches of the policemen — came to be designated the
House of Lords. But poor Lord Glen- 'Crowbar Brigade '.-— A. M. Sullivan,
averil with his title, and his land, and his
Still used to deride policemen in
patronising Disposition, and his ' cross- Ireland.
bench mind '. is merely a puppet through

Crowbar Landlord Culver-head

Crowbar Landlord (Ireland, 19 and so it goes. The English language is

cent.). Outcome of Crowbar Brigade. getting awfully queer !— American Paper.
I recommend my countrymen to shoot Crushera word (Peoples'). A policeman —
the crowbar landlord as we shoot robbers evidently suggesting respect for
or rats, at night, or in the day, on the the force. Mr W. 8. Gilbert used this
roadside or in the market - place ! — word in the Bab Ballads.
T. Mooney, California, 1865. ' One day that crusher lost his way,
Crowd (Theatrical, 1870 on). Simply In Poland Street, Soho ! '
the audience; e.g., 'What sort of a whoCrushers
are the rank (Namj). Ships'
and file of thecorporals,
crowd is it to-night ? ' Also a theatri-
cal company; e.g., 'Who's in the at-arms. Descriptive term, borrowed
from ashore, where this term is still
crowd ? ' ' Lai Brought and Arthur
Roberts.' 'Oh, then, there will be at applied satirically to policemen.
least half-a-dozen laughs.' Also said Crusoe (Iron Trade). A good ex-
of the mass of supers, whose numbers ample of anglicising ; name given by
increase yearly ; e.g., 'I? What do / English ironmasters and workmen to
do ? Oh, I go on with the crowd.' the great French ironworks at Creuzot
—a reminiscence of Robinson Crusoe.
Crows' feet (Soc.). Diverging Delta
wrinkles at the outer angles of the Cry! (Peoples'). Shape of Carai—
eyelids. probably introduced by English gipsies
Crow's nest (Soc., 1850 on). Small passing from Spain. One of the libi-
bedroom for bachelors high up in dinous good- wishes at nightfall, similar
country houses, and on a level with to Carambo. Both words more or less
known to the oi polloi. Now applied
the tree tops ; e.g., 'Give me a crow's indiscriminately to express surprise of
nest, and pray save me from the state
a satiric character.
Cruel classes (Soc., 1893). Used Cry haro (Jersey). A synonym of
by the Duke of York, 6th February justice. Word used by people calling
1893, on the occasion of his first public upon their lords for interference. One
speech, as chairman of a dinner in aid of the first railway engines run out of
of the Society for Prevention of Cruelty St Helier's was named ' Haro '. Now
to Children. At once took, as distin- used as characteristic
It is a 'jollying'. of the satirists of
guishing the savages of the lowest
classes from the lowest classes gener- the hour that they make their victims'
ally. very sobriety a reproach. If he is per-
fectly well dressed, an excellent thing in
Until this Society came into existence youth, is exceptionally quiet and well
the lives of young children belonging to bred, and goes frequently to the theatre,
the cruel classes of the community could
not be considered secure. Their very they dub him a ' masher ', and ' cry haro '
helplessness made them an easy prey. upon him.— Newsp. Cutting, 1883.
Cuff-shooter (Street, 1875 on). A
Crumb. See Bit o' Crumb. clerk. Name invented after the intro-
Crumpet. See Barmy.
duction of shirt-cuffs wide enough to
Crush the stur (Thieves'). To break come down well over the hands ; a
from prison— stur being abbreviation movement of the arm to throw forward
of sturaban.
A short time after I ascertained from the cuffs was called cuff-shooting ; said
the jailor who payed me a visit, that my scornfully or enviously of young clerks
two ' fly ' friends had ' crushed the stir ', popularly supposed to consider them-
and were at large, ready to prey on the selves leading gentlemen; e.g., 'Well,
community again. what if I am a coster? I earns a
Crushed (Soc., 1895). Spoony, in dollar (5s.), where a blooming cuff-
love with.
shooter don't make a 'og ' (Is.).
Quite new is the slang ' crushed '. It This wide cuff was introduced by the
is used in place of the expression, late Duke of Clarence. He also in-
'mashed', 'struck', etc., and is quite vented the high collar. Indeed the
au fait with the summer resort girls.
One hears everywhere murmurs of Charlie prince's designation was familiarly
Binks ' cuffs and collars ' — finally ' cuffs '.
Banks, being
and soutterly
on with'crushed' on various
regard to Mabel Culver -head (Lower Classes). A
things. Dora tells Flora that she is fool ; practically calf-head. Probably
* crushed ' on Jim's new sailor, when she from Dutch fishermen (chiefly with
really isn't damaging his headgear at all, 100 eels) frequenting Billingsgate, once the
Cum Grano Curtains

matrix of so many vigorous phrases. fought field at Inkerman, when the

If from Holland of course the word is 'curled darlings' approved themselves
a corruption of Kalver, which gives a metal of the right temper. — Newsp.
name to one of the chief streets of Cutting, May 1883.
Amsterdam. Curmudgeon (Anglicized French,
When the culver-headed yeknods are 17 cent.). Coeur mediant. Probably
down in the dumps, strike us pink if from court of Charles II. The phrase
they're not as humble as a blackberry is colloquial in France.
swagger. — Cutting. But he would be a curmudgeon, in-
Cum grano (Anglo- Amer.). Ab- deed, who grudged the warmest praise
breviation of ' cum grano salis ' — with for an entertainment light, lively, and
the same meaning. To listen — with melodious, appealing to the eye and
allowances. grateful to the ear.— D. T., 9th May
Managers as a rule agree with Talley- 1899. (See Quandary.)
rand that words were made to conceal Coeur mediant is much objected to
thoughts, hence theatrical announce- as the origin of this word. It is fully
ments are always received cum grano by accepted here on the principle that the
the public.— Newsp. Cutting, 1883. more obvious derivation is preferred to
Cummifo (Peoples'}. Cockney for the more erudite, on the ground that
com/me ilfaut. corrupters of phrases are generally
Were it not that she is a lady, and uneducated.
possesses the cachet of foreign and not
home production, there are folk who Curse o' Cromwell (Irish). One of
might begin to have a dawning suspicion the more vigorous civilities exercised
that she is within a couple of miles or so by the lower Irish to their equals. No
of being not quite as cummifo as she one seems to know what the 'curse'
might be.—Ref., 28th April 1889. Was — probably his presence in his life-
Cup o' tea (Colloquial, 1870). Con- time— possibly tertian fever after the
death of the Protector.
solation— probably suggested by a cup
Curtain (Theatrical, 1860 on). A
of tea being ' so very refreshing ' to tableau at finish of act or play, to
persons who do not drink any shape of
alcohol. Used satirically of a trouble- obtain applause.
some person. It matters little for the purpose of
romance whether or not Nelson saw Miss
'Oh, don't yer though. You are a
nice strong cup o' tea.' — Cutting. Emma herHarta in
met Romney's
married studioatbefore
woman he
Cupboard (Lower Classes). Hungry. These things have to be done for stage-
Hunger suggested by mentioning a food craft, for theatrical tricks, for what are
A pleasant hour or so was spent here, vulgarly
February called 1897. 'curtains'.— P. T., 12th
and then we turned our faces back It is singular, considering how excel-
towards Valletta, full ready for the lunch lently French dramatists write, that they
on which in my mind's eye,while
Horatio, so frequently fail in getting a good
had been feasting for some beforeI < curtain '.—Ref., 15th March 1885.
my internal economy set up its cry of Also a 'call before the curtain' at
' Cupboard ' \-Ref., 6th June 1886. the end of an act or a piece.
Cupboardy (Com. Land.). Close Edward Russell plays well as Peggotty.
and stuffy. His acting, if a little too hurried, was
I ain't one of them fellers as thinks full of power, and he revealed consider-
that able pathos. He was rewarded with
drinksyourosecan't waterkeepandhealthy without
eats cream yer
but, surely me, if the air of the alley several ' curtains '.
(See Take a curtain— Quick curtain.)
ain't a-gettin' rayther too cupboardy for Curtain-taker (Theatrical, 1882).
my stomach. — D. T. (Greenwood).
Curled Darlings (Soc., 1856). A An actor more eager even than his
brethren to appear before the curtain
name given to military officers immedi- after its fall. (See Take a Curtain,
ately after the Crimean War, which tain.)
once more brought soldiers into fashion. Lightning Curtain-taker, Fake a cur-
Referred to the waving of the long
beard and sweeping moustache. Curtains (Regimental.) A name
But it is needless to cite instances to given to one of the first modes of
be found by the score in warlike annals, wearing the hair low on the military
from the ' Gentlemen of the French forehead (1870). The locks were
Guard fire first' at Fontenoy to the well- divided in the centre, and the front
Cut a Finger D. V.

hair was brought down in two loops, opponent of the bicycle, as this vehicle
each rounding away towards the temple. became ubiquitous.
The hair was glossed and flattened. — The chairman, on whose suggestion the
Quiver. (See Sixes, To put on the, communication was laid on the table in
Scoop, etc.). the first instance, explained that he was
not a 'cyclophobist', but he did most
Cut a finger (Lower Classes'). To emphatically object to scorchers, and
cause a disagreeable odour; e.g., 'My racers, and pacemakers, and also to care-
hi ! some cove's cut 'is finger.' less riders, of whom he and many other
Cut and run (Peoples'). Make off people went1897.
December in daily terror. — D. T., 9th
rapidly, retire without permission.
Trade metaphor. From sailoring, and Cyrano (Soc., 1900). A huge nose.
act of cutting a vessel in the night- Due to the popularity of Rostand's
time from her moorings and then run- play, Cyrano de Bergerac, whose hero
ning before the wind. Very general : had a phenomenal nose, imitated in
probably accepted from T. P. Cook in pasteboard by French and English
Black-Eyed Susan. actors who played the part. Pro-
Cut one's stick (Old Eng.) To nounced See-ra-no, with the accent on
travel for work — the stick being cut or the first. A dactyl.
obtained for helpful and probably Miss Annie Hughes was as unlike Sam
defensive purposes. Weller as it is possible to conceive. The
immortal ' man ' was not a dandy ' tiger '
Cut the line (Printers'). To knock with a Whitechapel accent and a Cyrano
off work — for a time ; origin obscure, nose.— D. T., 16th April 1900.
but may refer to the line of type. (See Boko, Duke.)
Cut the record (Peoples' sporting).
Victory. Here cut is used as sur-
People are saying that the Inventions
Exhibition is not so much talked of as
previous displays at South Kensington
have been ; but I think that as soon as
we get hot weather, the admission returns D. B. (Theatrical). A masked mode
of condemnation.
will cut all previous records. — Entr'acte.
30th May 1885. Although Miss Deby was d. b. — which
Cut-throat (W. Amer.J. Destruc- being interpreted means deucedly bad —
some of those about her were deucedly
tive, reckless — applied to card-playing. good. — Newsp. Cutting.
It is not uncommon, therefore, to see
merchants (especially American) having D. D. (Naval). Discharged— dead.
a social game of ' cut - throat monte ', The usual way on board a man-of-war
' eucre ', or ' poker ', with piles of gold of writing a man's epitaph ; as : 'Bill ?
before them.— All the Year Round, 31st Oh! he's D. D. — this year agone.'
October 1868. — Captain Chamier, 1820.
Cycling fringes (Cycling, 1897). D. T. Centres (Lit., 1880 on).
Minor Bohemian, literary, artistic, and
Especially prepared forehead - hair to musical clubs — from the jollity, or
be worn by such women bikers as had
not abjured all feminine vanities. supposed jollity, of a Bacchic character
It may be, of course, both libellous and which continually proceeds within their
walls. D. T. is a reduction to the
ungallant to suggest that there could be
any possible connection with those won- absurd of delirium tremens— or 'tre-
' fringes, warranted never menses,' as some comic folk style that
to come out of curl,' at present filling the self-imposed disease.
barbers' windows.— 10th March 1897. D. V. (Atheistic). A satiric and
Cyclophobist (Literary, 1880). An not very adroit application of the
invented word to describe haters of initials of ' Deo Volente ', to ' Doubtful
tradesmen's circulars. — very '.
The word ' cyclophobist ' is still com- Fred Hughes says that the letters
paratively new to the English language, ' D. V. ' in his advertisement referring
and perhaps it is not a very scholarly to his appearance at the Jumbo Theatre,
compound to express ' a man who hates mean ' doubtful — very '. I thought so. \
and dreads tradesmen's circulars'. — D. V. (Soc.). Divorce. Another
D. N.. 6th January 1882. shape of satire upon Deo Volente —
Naturally came to be applied to the Heaven, of course, having certainly
Daddies Damper

nothing to do with the performance, if Dame (Eton). A master who con-

papal authority is of any value. fines his attention to mathematics. To
Daddies (Pugilistic). Hands. some extent a supercilious term.
All was in readiness, and the men ' Badger ' Hale went to this school as
having shaken daddies, the seconds re- a mathematical teacher, and though for
tired to their corners, and at 12.56 com- the last twenty years he took the classes
menced the fight.— Newsp. Cutting, 1862. in natural science, he remained, to use
Daisy (Amer., passing to England, the Eton term, a ' dame ' — that is to say,
1870). A charming, fresh, delightful a house-master who did not teach the
classics, and whose boys consequently
person or thing.
An enthusiastic admirer of ' The Silver always had a ' tutor ' as well outside. —
D. T., 26th July 1894.
King ' lately, in the upper circle of the Damfino (Anglo- Amer.} The last
Grand Opera House audibly proclaimed instance of abbreviation and obscure
Wilfrid Denver to be 'a daisy '.— Newsp.
Cutting, October 1883. swearing.
This morning a young man walked into is its origin. ' I am damned if I know '
the office with a huge watermelon in his A vicious college student being asked
arms. Placing his burden on the counter what he intended doing after graduating,
he addressed the agent : ' Now, isn't that replied: 'Damfino; preach,
Damfoolishness (Amer., I passing
s'pose.' to
melon a daisy ? ' — Newsp. Cutting.
Specially used (and abused) as a Eng.}. Intensification of foolishness,
and abbreviation of damned foolishness.
sentimental basis ; hence ' Daisy ' came
to he synonymous with humhug. ' Now, Hennery, I am going to break
He took me by the ear and said I you of this damf oolishness, or I will break
couldn't come no ' daisy ' business on your neck.' — Newsp. Cutting.
him.— Detroit Free Press, 1883. Damned (Theatrical, 18 and 19
Also a satirical term for a drunken
man. cent.}. Condemned utterly ; e.g., 'The
piece was damned from the gods to the
Detective Lanthier had hardly ap-
proached the platform where the ' Female groundlings.'
Damned good swine up (Peoples',
Dudes ' were on exhibition when a piping 1880). A loud quarrel. Suspected to
voice exclaimed familiarly : 'Vote for me, be of American origin. In the States
8th October ; I am 1883. a daisy ! ' — N . Y. Mercury, the ' swine ' are more demonstrative
than at home. Here even the common
Daisy Crown of Cricket (Sporting,
1883 on). Poets have their imaginary pig
tone is himself
down ; e.g.,
a bit,'Tell Cecil
or we to
bays, warriors their imagined laurels —
the field daisy, therefore, is the appro- have a damned good swine up.'
Damirish (Amer., 1883). A dis-
priate floral emblem given to the cham-
pion bowler, batter, fielder, et hoc. When guised euphemism
I read the forstory
' damned
in the Irish
Oxford, so far, is retaining her mari- about the explosion in the British Parlia-
time supremacy, though the daisy crown
of cricket is decorating other brows. — ment pa was hot. He said the dam-
D.N., 6th July 1883. irish was ruining the whole world. — A
Bad Boy's Diary, 1883.
Daisy-five-o' docker (Amer.-Eng.}. Damp bourbon poultice (Amer.
A charming five o'clock tea. An ex- Saloon}. A ' go ' of whiskey.
treme application of daisy, as a term
of approbation. ' Postage stamps ', replied the country
merchant, as he slammed the door and
Dam (University}. Abbreviation of went out to soothe his feelings with a
* damage ' in relation to payment for damp bourbon poultice. — Newsp. Cutting.
entertainment or entry to place of Dampen (Amer., Theatrical}. A
amusement; e.g., 'What's the dam?'
' A sov. per fellow.' euphemism for ' to damn '.
Mostso interesting,
dying soon, rather but the the
dampens ' heroine
piece '
Damager (Theatrical, 1880). A
nonsense name for manager. Perhaps in her opinion. — Newsp. Cutting.
some covert reference to his autocratic Damper (Soc., 1886 on). A dinner-
power of sweeping out a comedian. bill — a document which has steadily
The green room became so crowded increased in importance through many
that at last the damager was compelled years. Term recognised in the lines
to put up a notice. — Neiosp. Cutting. attributed to Theodore Hook.
Then a damager took him in hand and
engaged him to come on first. — Newsp. Men
Then laugh
comesand the
talk reckoning,
until the feast
andis o'er
they ;
Cutting. laugh no more !
Dance Dash my Wig

Curiously enough the French found the common name for handcuffs. It
a correlative title to Damper, viz., were curious to trace the first of these
La Douloureuse.
La Douloureuse ! Few know that in bracelets to Derby, which * on the spot '
is, or at all events was, pronounced
modern French slang it means the bill ' Darby.'
that is offered to a generous host after
the dinner is over and the reckoning is at Dark as a pocket (Merchant Sea-
hand.— D. T., 29th June 1897. mens'). Very expressive.
Dance (Fashion, 1890). A ball— Darkies (Lower Lond. Soc., 1860
this latter word being only used for on). A synonym for the coal-hole,
solemn state and aristocratic functions. the shades, and the cider cellar —
The Duke and Duchess of Devonshire places of midnight entertainment in or
gave a large dinner party last evening at near the Strand, all famous in the mid-
Devonshire House, followed by a dance nineteenth century.
reaching the dimensions of a ball, only The days of The Cider Cellars, and
that the word has fallen out of favour
save for public functions. — D. T., 6th The Shades, called in slang terms ' The
Darkies ' and? ' The Coal Holes '. and the
July 1899. low music-halls with their abominable
Dance upon nothing (Peoples', 18 songs, and the Haymarket orgies and the
cent.}. To be hanged— the convulsive dancing saloons disappeared. — D. T.,
motions of the legs in the air suggest- 20th November 1896.
ing the phrase. Probably took the Darn(Eng.-Amer.). A United States
place of * Mount the cart' (q.v.), when evasion of damn, and very suggestive
the place of hanging was in the prison, of household occupation and equally
or its shadow, and a cart was no longer innocent swearing. (See Dern. )
in vogue. Passing away in appositeness, When Sacramento was being destroyed
now that the hangman uses a long rope, by fire some of the merchants managed
so that the neck is broken, and the to save some champagne, and, going
victim does not struggle. (See Hemp outside the town, drank ' Better luck
is grown for you.) next time. This is a great country.'
Dancing dogs (circa, 1880). A Next day a tavern-keeper had a space
cleared among the ruins, and over a little
satirical title applied to ' dancing men ' board shanty hastily run up was this
when dancing began to go out.
Then drop in those supercilious masters inscription : ' Lafayette House. Drinks
of the situation, the dancing young men, two bits. Who cares a darn for a fire ! '
— All the Year Round, 31st October 1868.
the 'dancing dogs', as they have been Some writers maintain that this term
called.— D. N. Leader, 27th March 1884.
Dander riz (Amer.). Classic in went to U.S.A. from England, upon
Sam Slide. * Dander ' is indignation ; the argument of the phrase, ' Darn my
' riz ', a diminutive of ' raised '. Dander old wig,' which cannot be American.
is probably from the old Dutch of Here a kind of pun was intended, for
the early American settlers — the wigs were economically darned. Wigs
source of so much American droll have passed away, as a fashion, over a
hundred years, yet this phrase is still
I don't for a moment say that she heard at and about Plymouth, which
would ; but, quoting from one of the suggests that the word may have
Claimant's own letters, ' Anna Maria has crossed the ditch in due course, sailing
got a timper of her own ', and there is no long after the Mayflower.
knowing what she might say if her Vance thinks that the management of
'danderember were
1884. riz'. — Entr'acte, 1st Nov- Her Majesty's Theatre are a darned sight
too particular. — Newsp. Gutting, March
1883. (V. was a very clever comic singer,
of Darbey (Thieves'). A haul (of course
stolen goods). and most comic in petticoats).
< Ben— You ought to be in London on
the 10th of this month. The Prince of Dash my wig (Peoples'). Another
Wales will be married, every place will version of ' darn ' in the time of wigs.
Still heard, though wigs are seldom
be Juminated, and all the " lads " expect referred to, if worn ; rarely worn
to make a good " darbey " (good haul, or amongst men. Some wild etymologists
robbery). Old Bill Clark expects about
24 reddings (gold watches), and old Tom hold this to be a perversion of ' Dish the
and Joe expect twice as many.' — Thief's Whigs', but they do not give the clue.
Intercepted Letter, March 1863. Dishing the Whigs, by the way, may
In the plural this word represents mean ' douching' them, though, on the
Daverdy Dead-lock

other hand, there is a common expres- tive reference to esoteric effort. ID

' I'm dished ! ' but this is ordinary nautical language
supposed to be a corruption of dashed, are the small clean-cut holes' dead-eyes
worked in'
in its previous turn a corruption of rigging blocks, and in ships' woodwork
d— dash— d, the printer's moral evasion generally. They certainly have an
of 'damn' when the printing of this appearance of shadowed sight, which
word was in bad taste, and was bad in is very startling at times. Mr W. S.
law! Gilbert gave this term to his hero,
Daverdy (Devon). Careless. Pro- Dick Dead-eye, in the opera-bouffe
bably from an individual notoriously E.M.S. Pinafore— (1878).
untidy — possibly David Day. Deadhead (Theatrical, from A mer. ).
Day-bugs (Essex schools). Day One who does not pay his or her entrance
scholars ; e.g., ' Don't row with that fee. Critics are professional deadheads.
fellow, he's only a day-bug ' — said by a Hebrews are the great sinners in this
night-flea or boarder. This phrase is connection, they getting their free
interesting as showing that the U.S.A. passes, they themselves only knowing
habit of using ' bug ' for beetle went where. All 'theatrical people' are
from England. deadheads, for they never pay to enter
Dead as a door-nail (Peoples' ; from a theatre. ' The female deadhead was
Ireland). Dead as O'Donnel ; on all in
fours with ' I'll smash you into Thisa vermilion
red opera stain, cloak however,
— she always is.'
has now
smithereens ' — that is to say, Smithers'
Ruins— S. having had his house pulled I have not paid a cent for a seat at the
theatre in twenty years. I boast of this
about his ears. O'Donnel being dead
and Smithers no longer alive, the two sometimes. Why is this? I am sup-
folk -phrases become, the one anglicized posed to have ' influence '. I am one of
the old 'influence.
without men about Buttown no'.matter.
Really I Let
into ' door-nail ', the other into a
powerful word representing complete me live out the remainder of my theatri-
destruction, one which is heard to this cal days in peace. I shall be a real dead-
day amongst the Irish lower classes
wherever found. Probably many Mr head
B. soon.— Soliloquy
V. Page by ' Old aDeadhead'.
has written good song
phrases, such as ' The Twinkling of a for
AfterMiss this,Tilley how canon the ' deadhead
I expect him to ' pass
Bed-post', etc., are built upon proper
names which have faded from memory, me into the Cambridge stalls ?— Entr'acte,
while the phrases relating to them 30th May 1885. (See Order dead-
remain. Dickens begins his Christmas He wished also to add that there
Carol with this phrase : * Morley was were quite Mr ' Deadheads ' enoughwhat
dead as a door-nail — to begin with ! ' theatres. Chance asked that
Falsta/: What ! is the old king dead ? meant. Mr Parkes said it meant a class
Pistol: As nail in door : the things I of persons who under various excuses
speak are just. Shakspeare. obtained or attempted to obtain admis-
Dead-be at (A mer. ~Eng. ). A pauper sion to theatres and places of public
— lost his last copper. entertainment without paying. — Newsp.
' Hang me ef I savvy ! He didn't
Cutting, 1882.
pungle, he ain't got no kit ; and nobody The experienced eye can always
don't know him ! Now it's my opinion divide the deadheads from the ' plank-
he's a dead beat — that's how I put him downers ' in a theatre. The dead-
up ! ' — Newsp. Cutting. heads are always dressed badly, and
Dead broke (A mer. -Eng.). Another give themselves airs when looking at
reading of dead beat. the inferior parts of the house. The
' Cheap enough— dog cheap for the fun plank- downers never give themselves
I had, but I'm dead broke. Had 60 dol- airs, mean business, and only look at
lars yesterday morning, but she's gone — the stage. Deadheads are very empha-
all gone — not a red left.' — Newsp. Cutting. tically thus described by a theatrical
Dead give away (Amer.). A
swindle, deception. official : 'Here come two more dead-
He would seem to argue with her that heads look
; at their boots.'
a brood of chickens would be a dead give Dead-lock (Street, 1887 on). A
away on them both. — Newsp. Cutting. Lock Hospital. Very significant;
Dead-eye (Sailors', 19 cent.). e.g., ' Don't muck about — always go to
Generally ' A bit o' dead-eye '. Figura- the dead -lock.' Applied from the
Dead Number Delo Diam

habit of stags clinching their horns, seen subterfugal conviction of the

and fighting thus to the death. danger of alcoholic indulgence, even
Dead number (Com. Lond.). The taking possession of the intelligence of
last number in a row or street ; per- the very patron of whiskey himself.
haps the end of the street. Throughout history there is no period
before the end of the 19th century
Dead 'un (City). A bankrupt com- where alcohol is associated with death
pany ;e.g., 'The All Round Blessing
Assurance — if we
usedexcept L'assommoir, a cudgel,a
Cadaver. ) is a dead 'un.' (Set and in France to describe
Dead wood (Amer. forest}. Advan- drinking-bar. (See ' Pisen'. )
tage. Origin very obscure. In clearing Decadent (Soc., 1885 - 90). A
trees a skilful axeman so acts as to synonym for degenerate (noun and
take every advantage from the hang of adjective), and the antithesis of
the tree that it may heel over and save atavism, atavistic (q.v.).
him as much cutting as possible. The The most extravagant guesses were
made as to its authorship — the writer
She isextracted
' dead wood'.a twenty dollar bill, and having for obvious reasons cloaked him-
self with anonymity — and it was even
remarked : ' I reckon I've got the dead whispered that the book came from the
wood on that new bonnet I've been
sufferin' for.' — Texas Siftings. hand of a famous decadent, who ' dropped
Deal of weather about (Nautical). out 'bersome
1899. time back. — Sun. 7th Novem-
Bad meteorological times. For sailors Decencies (Theatrical). Pads used
fine weather is no weather at all. On
by actors, as distinct from actresses, to
the sea the word always means dis- ameliorate outline.
comfort and struggle, as may be seen
Deck (Gaming). A pack of cards.
in its use, ' weather the storm '. John Kernell tells of an actor who
Deaner, The (Oxford 'er). The spouted his trunk for his board, claiming
that it contained fifty-three pieces. When
The dean of a college is the ' deaner' the landlady opened it she found a paper
or the ' dagger ', while even this is re- collar
Cutting.and a deck of cards. — Newsp.
duced bysome to ' the dag'. — D. T., 14th
August 1899.
Dear me (Soc., passed to people). Deck (Costers' ; local). The Seven
Exclamation used by the best people ; Dials (W.
means he London). ' He's
lives in the a decker
classic dials. '
may be a corruption of Dio mio.
Possibly introduced by Maria Beatrice (See Seven Dials' Raker.)
of Modena, second wife of James II. Degenerate (Soc., 1899). A liber-
As a matter of fact, women do appeal tine (male), a woman of gallantry
a good deal, and often when they do not (female). Its antithesis was regenerate,
which probably meant a return to a
know it. What is the meaning of ' Dear reasonable life, and church at least once
me ' ? As English it is absolutely mean-
ingles . Itis a mere phase, an expletive, on Sunday. A play styled The De-
until we understand it as a corruption of generates, bySydney Grundy, with
' Dio mio '. Mrs Langtry for lead, was set before
Or it may be ' Dieu mais ', an ex- the public in the autumn.
clamation which came into use im- To-night you receive — and receive most
mediately after the Restoration — in- hospitably and graciously — a member of
troduced byone of the French Court the theatrical profession. Whether your
beauties. taste in this respect is better or worse
Death on (Amer.). Determined, than your father's, whether you are de-
even at the risk of life. generates or regenerates I must ask
others to decide. — Charles Wyndham (at
Birmingham, to use the Yankee verna- Argonaut Club), 13th November 1899.
cular, which is well understood in that
locality, is 'death on ' Woman Suffrage. — Degrugfger (Oxford
When you passed an 'examination
er '). A degree.
Newsp. Cutting. obtained a testamur or certificate, which
Death - promoter (Amer., about was labelled a ' testugger ', and thanks
1880). An ominous synonym for
alcoholic drink. This phrase is a very to it you could proceed to take a ' de-
grugger ', which is Oxford for Degree. —
fine instance of the etymological land- D. T., 14th August 1899.
marks sometimes — perhaps often — Delo diam (Back slang}. An old
afforded by passing English. Here is maid ; in common use.
Delo Nammow Deuce o' Denas

When a bloke's hard up it's the delo Dern (Amer.). Another of the
diam who is his friend. When a poor
girl goes wrong it is the delo diam who evasive stages of ' damn '.
gives her shelter until the kid is born. ' Never held such derned hands in my
Delo diams are angels on this muddy life. Beat the game, though. '—Newsp.
Cutting. (SeeD&rn.)
earth, and if there is a heaven delo diams
The study of evaded swearing in
will take a front seat there. — Newsp.
Cutting, 1883. English may be interestingly compared
with the same process in French. In
Delo nammow (Back slang). Old
woman. the former the evasion is always a
concession to religious thought, in the
' If he doesn't pay that delo nammow latter it is always an attack. For
eighteenpence for washing there will be
bankruptcy at his door.' — Newsp. instance, 'Sacre nom de Dieu' has
fallen to ' Ore nom de Chou '. Any
one can mark the sound similarity of
Delo nam o' the Barrack (Thieves').
4 Old man ', which is back spelling, and the final words — the pronounciation of
' Master of the house ' — barrack, used ' chou ' being something like the mode
for house ; probably being obtained in which ' dieu ' is uttered by Alsacians
from soldiers on furlough. and Auvergnats. But how needless
is the offence of calling the Almighty
'Delphi (Theatr.). Mass pronoun - a cabbage.
ciation of ' Adelphi ', the great house,
through the Victorian era of melo- Desert (Soc., 1892 on). Ladies'
Club — from the absence of members.
drama in the Strand. (See 'Lane. )
Demijohn (Peoples'). Large mea- Deuce. Dusius — the erotic God of
sure, swingeing draught. Probably Nightmare, passing (15th century in
from a measure of the time of King England) into Robin Goodfellow. Also
John ; e.g., ' All gome — well, that was applied to the four two's of a pack of
a demijohn, that was.' Johnson has cards — here from the French ' deux ',
nothing to say about it. playing cards having arrived from
Demons (Austral.). Old hands at Paris, precisely as the three is called
bushranging ; derived from men who ' tray ' — from trois. There is no
arrive from Van Dieman's Land (Tas- association between dusius and the
mania), some of whom are popularly deuce of clubs say, or any other card
supposed to have inaugurated bush- deuce.
ranging in Australia. ' It's true, I admit, that women have
Den (Public-house). A name gener- babies, but who the dooce has to keep
t a » *
ally given to a public-house frequented em ?
night after night by the same set, and The most familiar shape of Deuce is
bestowed by them half-raefully, half- Robin Goodfellow, whose pictorial re-
satirically. presentation has long since been turned
Dennis (Sailors'). Nothing except
out of good society. If any carious
below contempt ; e.g., ' Hullo, Dennis !'
reader is desirous of seeing him in his
' Oh, I'm Dennis, am I ? ' Sailors always
habit as he lived, he must be prepared
call the ' pig ' Dennis. This may have
to pay him five pounds for a copy of
reference to a certain sister isle — and it Mr Thomas Wright's remarkable little
may not. (See Mud. ) book upon Phallic worship. Its study
Derby (Sporting). To pawn. At a will enable him to comprehend Shake-
time when men still were foolish speare's allusions to this alarming per-
enough to take their watches to races, sonage— probably Robin Goodfiller.
and especially the crowded Derby, Deucid or Deuced (Peoples'). Either
they were frequently ' rushed' (that is,
corruption of decided, or meaning
devilish in the more daily use of that
* pushed at ', but passing language is
always industriously inclined to be word, as in * He's a devilish good
lazy enough to save a word) for their fellow '. In the latter case it is derived
watches. This became so common from deuce. George Eliot, in ' Felix
that men who pawned their watches Holt,' ch. 17, makes it 'deuced'.
would say they had been stolen on ' He has inherited a deuced faculty for
the Derby or other course. Satirical
friends saw the point, and hence a new business.'
Deuce o' denas (Thieves'). From
verb for ' to pawn ' was added to the deux, two, and dena, shilling.
countless stores of changing English. 107 If you ask them to lend you a deuce o'

Deuce take You

denas, Cutting.
Newsp very likely you won't get it. — ale, and ' Kinahan ' for Irish whiskey.
' Twa o' bennevis ' (the ' e ' pronounced
Deuce take you (National). Ejacu- short) is a common request, always
lation desiring that Satan may fly complied with in the hard-working
away with you. Sometimes imper- land o' cakes.
sonal— ' Deuce take it.' From Dusius
— Dusii. Dick's hat -band (Peoples', pro-
vincial). Amakeshift. The hat-band
* They were in fact the fauns and
satyrs of antiquity, haunting, as they in general
time of widowhood, use, even was in aMrportentous
did, the wild woods. As incubi they sweep of crape, draped and bowed
visited houses at night. They made behind. It slipped into a band of
their presence known as nightmare. cloth on the hat, and has now passed
They were known at an early period in to the arm as a strip, in imitation of
Gaul by the name of dusii, from which,
as the church taught that all these the mourning
servants for theworn by the
Prince late Queen's
Consort. Who
mythic personages were devils, we was Dick? 'Tis all that remains of
derive our modern word deuce used in
him. ' What be that, gammer — that
auch phrases as " Deuce take you ! " ' — bean't a bonnet?' 'No, bless thee,
R. Payne Knight, Worship of Priapus.
'tis a Dick's hat-band. '
Very doubt used
commonly you,in The
this (Peoples').
form, but Dicky, Dickey (Peoples'). Very
in full, a'Iviolent
don't' assertion
is added. Used to doubtful
Origin obscure. ; e.g., ' It's
May Dickey,
refer toain't it ? '
concede on the other
III. as conquered. A courtier of
side. ' I'm a scorcher, I am,' to which Henry VII. may have started the
the reply would be, ' The devil doubt phrase as a flattery to the Conqueror.
you — / don't ; ' probably from the time The columbine was less fortunate in his
when compliments were still passed to
Satan on the Persian plan. Means opinion. ' She's werry dicky ; ain't got
what I call " move" about her.' — Green-
' I am not clever enough to dispute wood's Night in a Workhouse.
your theory ; it requires one as clever
as Satan to question your assertion.' Die in a horse's night -cap
Probably the most familiar oath, if it (Thieves'). To die in a halter. Sup-
is an oath, in the English language. posed to be very brilliant satire.
Devil's dinner hour (Artisani). Die Dunghill (Sporting, 18 cent.).
Midnight, the hour for all Satanic Said of a cock that would not fight —
revels. Said in reference to working and applied to human curs ; e.g.,
late. 'I never die dunghill— always p;ame.'
In our days the term has changed to
Devil's luck and my own (Peoples').
No luck whatever. The demon having ' die on a dunghill ', meaning the per-
been lamed early in life, and frequently son spoken of will have no home in
which to die.
cheated of his prey, even of the Fausts
of this world, his luck is not extensive ; Diff (Soc.). Abbreviation of 'dif-
e.g., 'Getting on? Bless me no; I've ferences', e.g., 'No — it is not I love
the devil's luck, and my own too. her — she loves me. — That's the diff.'
When I pay my way I fancy I'm some- Probably came from the Stock Ex-
change, the birthplace of so much
body else.'
Devonshire compliment ( W. passing English.
Country ', except Devonshire). Doubtful There is a great diff between a dona
and a mush. You can shut up a mush
politeness ; e.g., 'Do 'ee 'ave this cup (umbrella) sometimes. — Newsp. Cutting.
o' tea in the pot ; 'full on'y be thrawed
Diffs (Theatr.). A euphemistic ab-
away ! ' breviation of' difficulties', cruelly com-
Dew o' Ben Nevis (Lond. and mon with lessees until the prince,
Edin. Taverns). A fortunate name
discovered by a Scotch distiller to dis- about 1870, completely brought the
theatre into fashion.
tinguish his whiskey. ' Dew ' was
poetic, and ' Ben Diffs (Vulgar). Abbreviation of
in thf heart of theNevis ' wascustomer.
Scotch already
' difficulties '. ' For gentlemen in diffi-
The name is now used in place of the culties arrested in the county of Surrey
word whiskey, much like 'Guinness' there was a single spunging-house in
a street somewhere off the Blackfriars
for stout, ' Alsopp ' and ' Burton ' for108

Road. I remember visiting a friend I said, ' Are you sure ? ' and he said,
there once, who told me that the ' Yes ; she's been murdered in a railway
carriage.' At eleven that same night
apartments were extremely comfort- Sergeant Cox came to the house and
able. The sheriffs officer was an ac- took 'dimensions'. — Newsp. Cutting.
complished whist player, and he had a Dinah (Com. London). A favourite
musical daughter who used to play and
woman; e.g., 'Id Mary your Dinah?'
singA. toSala, the Fifa gentleman in "diffs".' —
G. and Ca Sa, in T. D.} Corruption of ' dona '.
15th August 1893. Dipping dipping.
— literally (Thieves'). Picking pockets
Dig (Mid. Class, Elegant). Abbrevia- Mr Selfe : What is meant by 'dipping'?
tion of 'dignity'; e.g., 'So I stood upon The policeman : It's the last new word
my dig, and told him his room was —Cutting.
it means picking pockets. — Newsp.
nicer than his company.' Sometimes Dirt Road (Amer.). The highway,
1 otium dig ' (from ' otium cum dig- as distinct from the railroad, which is
nitate ' ; e.g. , * Come and see me in my gravelled. Probably railway official
summer-house ; there I am in my
otium dig.' His Honour talked to him in a fatherly
Dig me out (Soc.t 1860). I.e., call way, and told him to start for home by the
for me ; tear me from lazy loafing in dirt road, and David went out. — Newsp.
the house. Cutting.
Digger (Milit.). The guard-room. Dirty Half-Hundred (Milit.— O.S.).
Short for ' Damned guard-room'. 50th Regiment.
Digs. Short for 'diggings'. Austra- The gallant ' Fiftieth, ' otherwise known
lian for lodgings, from the time when as the ' Dirty Half -Hundred, ' a regiment
gold miners lived on their claims, or with a splendid record, retains its title as
diggings. In co tnrnon use by theatrical 'The Queen's Own', with a local habita-
touring companies. tion in West Kent.— D. N., July 1881.
Disagreeable Bore (Soc.). The
The strolling 'mummers ' have alighted antithesis of Agreeable Rattle.
from a cheap excursion train, and are
imbibing hot whisky and water before Discommons (University). To boy-
commencing their chilly exploration of cott, send to Coventry, exclude.
the quiet little country town in search of A man is supposed, on leaving school
'digs'.— D. T., 23rd March 1898. and going to college, to be learning to
Dill (Chemists'). A disguised title take care of himself. Except by ' dis-
for water— no such simple liquor as cominonsing ' dishonest tradesmen, a
mere water being named before the form of permitted Boycotting which
might be more widely exerted, we fail to
than dill' Dill water. ' soundsThe moreword
is a see how the Heads of Houses are to make
extravagant young fellows careful. —
liquidising of 'distilled water'. D. N., 20th March 1885.
Dilly-dally (Peoples'). Hesitative. Disguised (Soc.). One of the
An equivalent of shilly-shally, both numerous evasive synonyms for
generally used as an attack upon the * drunk '.
spoonery of lovers. Probably rhymed
from the latter. Most of Bob Prudhpe's customers are
Cutting. disguised — in liquor. — Newsp.
Dimber-damber (Street). Smart,
active, adroit. One of the alliterative Bob was a very handsome and dashing
phrases with no absolute meaning — a licensed victualler in the ' neck of the
false onomatope. Namby-pamby and Strand', between St Mary's and St
nimmeny-pimmeny are on similar lines. Clement Danes — long since demolished.
He is a bit dimber-damber, and up to Disguised Public-House (Polit.,
everything on the carpet. — Newsp. 1886). Workmen's political clubs.
Cutting. First used in the House of Commons ;
Dime Museum (Freak Show, applied e.g., ' Call it a club if you like — this is
to theatres, 1884). A common show — a free country — but it's an after 12.30
poor piece. From New York, which
has a passion for monstrosity displays, p.m. public,
Dish and nothing else.'To over-
called Dime Museums — the dime being come, to distance — figuratively, to pre-
the eighth of a dollar. sent the enemy trussed in a dish, dis-
Dimensions, To take (Police). To played before the conquerors and the
obtain information. nation.
Dismember for Great Britain

It is alleged that Liberals have stolen Liverpool — from 'diving under to reach
a march upon the Conservatives, that
it'. Equivalent to the lost London
non-political candidates have turned out word ' Shades' — from the underground
to be Radicals in disguise, and, in short, darkness of these resorts. The last
that the Tories have been dished. —
D. T. ' shades ' were in Leicester Square.
The Whigs had been dished, to use The first dive is scarcely more than a
the historic phrase of the great Lord gun-shot away in Piccadilly.
Derby.— D. T., 20th May 1899. (See In many places (U.S.A.), especially in
Dash my Wig.) the cities, the existence of the law makes
Dismember for Great Britain (Soc. no real difference ; in some few, by fits
and starts, it is rigidly enforced, and
1886). The last political nickname the consequence is that the drinking is
given to Gladstone. About the time driven underground, into what they
of the Home Rule Bill.
They used to call him the Member for variously call ' dives ', ' speak easies ', and
' kitchen bar room ' in the North ; and
Midlothian. Now they call him 'the ' blind pigs ' and ' blind tigers ' in the
Dismember for Great Britain.' — Ref., South. The liquor sold deteriorates at
18th April 1886. the same time. Little but spirits is dealt
Distinct(ly) (Society, 1880). Thor- in, and much of it is of the vilest quality.
ough(ly). The use of this word in this — G. A. Sala, D. T., 25th October 1893.
sense in many cases became a mania. A grand entrance takes the place of
'He is a distinct fool.' ' She is a dis- the tavern, which is relegated to ' down
tinct fraud.' * They are distinctly in below,' and is called a 'dive'. — Ref., 10th
May 1885.
the wrong.'
Ditch, the (Local Lond., 1850). Ab- Diver (Thieves'). A pickpocket —
breviation of Shoreditch, one of the obviously from diving the hand down
chief eastern thoroughfares of London. into others' pockets.
The Ditch is the oldest village in Divine punishment (Naval). Divine
London. A bloke named Shore hung service.
out there once. His missus went wrong Jack has little faith, and does not
with a King. When the King snuffed it know, perhaps cares little, what to
the dona had to walk through the streets believe ; and as to worship, it has long
in her nightgown. She died in a ditch been known in the forecastle as ' divine
did Jane. Hence the name Shoreditch.
punishment '.— Newsp. Gutting, 1869.
—Gutting, 1883.
Diviners, or Dimers(0xfprd Univ.).
A. frequenter of the Ditch is a Reduction in Oxford ' er ' of the Divin-
ity Examination, which replaced the
Ditch (Anglo- Amer.). The Atlantic. Rudiments of Faith and Religion.
A playful allusion toitsimmense width Dixie (Polit. Amer.). The pet name
(See Herring Pond.)
Ditch and Chapel (E.London, street). given to the South, or Dixie-land. A
An abbreviation of Shoreditch and of popular negro song went, * I wish I was
Whitechapel in Dixie', that is to say, ' In heaven'.
You only know me, maties, in Ditch Dizzy Age (Soc. of a kind, 19 cent.).
Elderly. Makes the spectator giddy
parlours and Chapel bagatelle rooms. —
Cutting, 1883. to think of the victim's years — gene-
Ditched (Anglo- Amer,}. Off the rally those of a maiden or other woman
highway ; halted. Accepted by the canvassed by other maiden ladies — or
States from old coaching days. others, e.g., ' Poor dear ; but though
she is really very well, especially at a
A portion
circus of Doris's
was ditched Inter - oceanic
on Friday on the distance, on a dull day, she must be,
Missouri Pacific Railroad, near Boone-
ville, Mo. — Newsp. Gutting. theDizzy
dove, flat
a dizzy age.'
A fool whose
foolery makes the hearer giddy.
Now figuratively used ; e.g., 1 1 was
ditched completely, and did not know Do (Peoples'). In one capacity, as a
what to say.' neuter verb, praiseful, as ' He'll do'.
Ditto, Brother Smut (Peoples'). Convert it into an active verb, ' He'll
Your tongue is as coarse as you say do you', and it becomes the most em-
mine is. Probably from chimney- phatic possible warning against a cheat.
sweeps. Rare instance of one word serving two
Dive (Amer. Eng.). An underground
as meaningopposite
to fightpurposes. To 'do',
and conquer, has
drinkingbar. Reached England through
Do Do Oneself Well

quite passed into common English life. the witness said, emphatically, 'Well,
' I got done in three rounds ', simply Cutting.robbed me of my money.' — Newsp.
means that the speaker cried V(K metis
after he had been grounded for the Do again (Navy). Contemptuous
reference to some one who never
third time. A serio-comic singer, Bessie achieved much. Generally applied to
Bellwood, turned this word to great
account while singing a song as a girl marines, who, being neither enrolled
who boasts of her prowess, saying — sailors nor soldiers, are the ' buffers of
' Yoho, you come down our court. If both,
' Pickandhimget uppressed hard'. him and
and pipeclay
I can't do yer, me and my sister he'll do again.' — Newsp. Gutting.
Jemima 'ull do yer proper,' — proper in Do a bunk (Public School). To re-
this case meaning completely.
Finally, this (the emphatic auxiliary tire with precaution.
verb of the eight auxiliary verbs) is Do
house open a bust (Thieves'). To burst a
; burglary.
used to describe murder.
Eedfern and his mate told him they
Her ladyship replied : ' The two men were 'going to do a bust', meaning a
have been trying to do for me.' — Lady robbery.— D. T., 14th December 1897.
Florence Dixie, concerning an armed
attack upon her, 1883. Do a Dutch (prob. Amer. Knicker-
Quite classic in the criminal division bocker). To remove one's furniture
without the preliminary of paying the
of Irish society, and is even used to ex- rent due.
press— hanging by law.
The Spitkinses did a Dutch with all
' What sort of a do did Walsh get?' their stock just before quarter-day. —
Asked by Patrick Joyce, the principal Newsp. Cutting.
assassin in an agrarian outrage, when
almost a whole family were swept away Do a moan (Navy). To growl.
(Nov. 1882). He asked this question Moans are of frequent occurrence.
of a jailer immediately after he had Do a smile (Amer., 1860 on). To
been condemned to death. Walsh had take a drink. Now rarely heard.
some time previously been hanged at Do a stamp (Amer., passing to Eng-
Galway. land). To go for a walk.
Arthur Chewster, of Boston, U.S., was Do him a treat (Pugilistic). To give
committed for trial from the West Ham him a thrashing.
Police Court on Saturday for severely
wounding a labourer at Walthamstow ' He's a gee-gee of another colour.
with a bowie-knife. The prisoner in- Whoa, my
though some rorty
of youpals,
can he's a hot
do him 'un,
a treat
formed the police that he was an Irish- when he gets a trifle cheeky/ — Cutting.
American, and meant 'to do ' for all Do in (Sport, 1886 on). To adven-
Englishmen.— Globe, 5th October 1885.
ture, bet, plank down, etc.
In Lancashire is used to express suf-
I am utterly unable to understand the
fering e.g.,
; ' I've had a severe do this unhealthy state of mind of a young
time — bronchitis, three weeks in bed.' fellow of one or two and twenty who in
Amongst thieves to * do ' is to serve little more than a twelvemonth loses
a term of imprisonment. between three and four hundred
In middle-class life 'do' represents thousand pounds, and who now rushes
a joke, as, ' What a do ! ' to 'do in ' every spare fiver or tenner
Chiefly applied to cheating, as — ' I that comes into his possession. — Ref.,
19th May 1889.
was done Brown' — that is, completely
Do one's bit (Thieves'). To carry out
Carlyle's favourite Cockney, who one's enforced contract as a felon with
the Government.
affirmed that every lottery had ' a do at
the bottom of it', would find his rather It is not easy to persuade a wealthy
cynical view of the gambling world employer who can buy what labour he
strengthened by a case heard at the requires in the cheapest and best market
Guildhall Police Court. — Z>. JV., 25th to take a man who has ' done his bit' in a
May 1885. correctional institution. — Neicsp. Cutting.
Judge : Will you speak to what you Do oneself well (Colloquial, 1881).
know of the morality of Mr Doulton ?— To make an effort to succeed in life.
Well, I will only say that he has ' done ' He was heard to remark to the lady of
me out of my money. (The word 'done' the house, in confidence, that this was
aroused the curiosity of the C ourt, and what he appreciated, that he adored
Do over for Dr Jim

domesticity and 46, and that he intended still throughout the year. It helped
to do himself well. — Newsp. Cutting, to make the piece popular. The oddity
3rd February 1883. of the phrase was got out of its strange
musical character..
Do over for (Low London). To ex-
tract money by flattery or threats. The ' Do ' was used short, as a grace
When they comes back, Selby says to note. Then followed the ' you ' a third
me, ' All J could do him over for was a higher, and held about an ordinary
couple of bob.' — People, 6th January 1895. crotchet's length. The 'know' was
Do the aqua (Public-house}. To put then whole
The taken hada sixth droll the
a mostbelow 'you'.
effect. Mr
in the water, as ' Jo, do the aqua ', and
Joe pours the water into the held-out Penley began on the middle A, rose to
glass, observing ' Say when !' ' When', C, and fell to E. The phrase was in
says the other — at the point he con- common use in all stages of society.
siders the dilution absolute. It went to America.
The Secretary has little more to say
Do the graceful (Peoples'). A para- than ' Do you know', which is delivered
phrase: to fascinate, to charm by
elegance of attention or behaviour. in amazingly sepulchral tones, and which
On Saturday last, on the occasion of is likely to become a ' gag ' expression on
the street.—^. Y. Mercury, 1884.
the graceful of lolanthe, D'Oyly
by presenting Do you savey ? (Naif -society, 1840).
every lady visitor with a choice bouquet. Mongrel French — Savez-vous?
— Newsp. Cutting. ' All right — I shall savey in a minute. '
Do to rights (Lower Classes). To ' I couldn't savey that in a month.'
effect perfectly ; achieve quite satis- Do you to Wain -rights (Lower
factorily. Has shades of meaning. classes, c. 1874). Intensification of
' Did me to rights.' May be said eulo- ' Do you to rights,' by introduction of
gistically of a meal. ' I'll do you to the name of a more than usually notori-
rights ' may be a promise of high de- ous murderer, one Wainwright. (See
light, but it may mean, when addressed Wainwright you.) The phrase was
to a man, that the addressee will be used by men to women, meaning a
thrashed awfully by the speaker. threat of murder, sometimes used quite
Do ut Des (Soc., 1883). Selfish earnestly. Wainwright had killed a
mistress who troubled him very much.
people whose philosophy is ' I give ' Phrase still heard in East London,
that thou ' mayest give '. where the crime was committed.
THE ' Do UT DBS ' AT HOME : Since the Doc (Amer. ). Short for doctor.
time of Bismarck's famous 'do ut des'
policy, we have known that the statesmen 1 Now, doc, I want you to tell me the
of the Fatherland are not inclined to worst. Is she dangerous?' The doc
give favours for nothing. — D. T., 29th said it was not his nature unnecessarily to
December 1900. (See Doddies.) frighten any one, but he said doctors
Do yer feel like that? (Lower often had a duty to perform that they
would prefer to transfer to other
Classes). Addressed to a person gener- shoulders. — Newsp. Cutting.
ally lazy who is being industrious, or
who is doing some unusual work. Used Doctor Brighton (Soc., 19 cent.).
satirically. Brighton : said to be the invention of
George IV. ; one of his few small
Do you know? (Peoples'). The witticisms.
history of this initial phrase is very
odd. 'it was first heard in the East of 'Doctor Brighton' is the prince of
London, used by a popular preacher fashionable physicians, and does not dose
who often preached colloquially in the his patients with nasty physic. The
streets, and whose voice had very droll 'Doctor' has a pleasant face and an
agreeable manner at all times. — D. T.,
chan ges in it. The phrase spread (1883) 13th August 1885.
over the East district, and reached
the West towards the end of the year.
It became public early in 1884 through hat,Drwith
Jimwide (Peoples',
brim. 1896).
When softA felt
soft hats
its adoption by Mr Beerbohm Tree, in began (1895) to overcome the eternal
The Private Secretary. The piece was hard black or brown 'uu bowler, they
soon removed to the Globe when Mr obtained several names of little account,
Tree's part was taken by Mr Penley, the quotation of which was more hon-
who made the phrase more marked oured in the breach than the observance.
Do Without Doing the Bear

Upon the arrival, late in 1896, of Dr Edgar, who doesn't give much away,
Jameson from the Transvaal, the wide arranges to have Rayne drugged with a
rim of his soft Africander felt was at wonderful potion, two drops of which will
once accepted. For some weeks these make a man silly for the time being.—
Newsp. Cutting.
models were called Jemmysons, but
the hero in question becoming more Dog (Peoples'). Clever, cheery,
popular as Dr Jim, the wide soft felter hearty fellow— age not considered.
became a Dr Jim — very soon reduced to Derived from the active, cheerful
Jimmunt, sometimes a Jimkwim — the nature of dogs in general.
outcome of a coalescing between the An Irishman has always been ' a dog
earlier and later titles. at a ballad', as a Shakespearian character
(oddly anticipating modern slang) calls
Do without (Yorkshire). To dis-
like. A Yorkshire man is generally himself 'a dog at a catch'. — D. N.
too cautious to say he hates a man. Dog-cheap (Peoples'). Very cheap.
Who or what was the dog ? Certainly
He circumambulates, and says, 'Eh, not canine, for the word would not be
ah could do wi'out him.' (See Nice apposite — cat-cheap would be nearer
place to live out of. )
Dod rabbit it (Amer.). In Charles the mark. Probably a pedlar, whose
name might be Diggory, abbreviation
II. 's time it was God rebate (assuage) to dig, and thence dog — ' I bought it
it. This passed finally in England
into 'Od rabbit it'. Going over to dog-cheap'. Johnson, who was cruelly
America the phrase was there further puzzled by some of the compounds in
changed. 'dog', says, 'dog and cheap — cheap
as dog's meat; cheap as the offal
Doddies (Peoples') Corruption of bought for dogs.' Dryden uses the
Do ut des ; reduction of Doddies-man ; word — 'Good store of harlots, say
e.g., 'E's a doddies — give a sprat to you ? and dog-cheap ? '
catch a herring any day in the week,
Dog -gone (Peoples'). Devoted ;
and any hour.' from the pertinacious devotion of the
Dodo (Amer., beginning to be doggie. In U.S.A. it is an evasion of
known in England). A human fossil, ' God damn '.
a man who clings to the past, and con- Dog my cats (Amer.). An example
demns future days and present — a of concealed swearing — God damn my
ganache, to use a French term.
Dodo (Press, 1885). Scotland Yard eyes.
— figuratively to express that the metro- of Dog
it andmy setcats if she
three weeksdidn't makebuttons
on the a nest !
politan police were fossil in their — Newsp. Gutting.
organisations. Dog's legs (Soldiers'). The chevron,
The old dodo at Scotland Yard, roused designating non - commissioned rank,
into a state of feverish activity by the worn on the arm, and not unlike in
comments of the press and the public on outline to the canine hindleg.
the failure of Monday, yesterday con-
verted itself by a tremendous effort into Doggie (Milit., 1850). Officer's
a gigantic turkey-cock, or, to use the servant, especially cavalry. The in-
much more expressive Scotch word, a crease of education amongst the men
great bubbly-jock— which strutted and has swept the term away. Men were
rattled and stamped and made its proud of it iu times when officers and
guttural gobble all over the metropolis their servants were more familiar than
yesterday, with the most alarming result. at present.
— Pall Mall Gaz., llth February 1886.
Dodrottedest (Amer., 1883). An Doggie collar.
upright (London Youths'). All-round
(See Sepulchres,
example of evasive swearing. Poultice, Shakespeare navels. )
The Apaches war well mounted, and I Doing (Peoples'). A thrashing ; e.g. ,
recko'nized the leader as a feller they ' I'll give 'im a doin' — which 'e won't
called Chief Billy, the dodrottedest thief see out of 'i* eyes for a fair week after
and cut-throat that ever pestered a com- I've done 'im over.'
munity.— Newsp. Gutting. ' I've had a bad doing this week —
Doesn't give much away (Peoples', lost thirty quid.'
80). Yields few or no advantages — Doing the bear (Span.- Amer., pass-
seizes all chances. Very cogent, and ing volves
over U.S.).
full of folk-keenness. hugging. Courting which in-
Dol Don't Seem

Courtship is carried on in a most extra- reference — a protest against the then

ordinary manner in Mexico. The part a new fashion, with suggestion as to the
man plays in a courtship is called ' doing wearer. Died out as the century wore
the bear', which is a translation of to an end. ' Which when a gent puts
'hacer el oso'. It is quite a common
expression in Mexico to say : 'I am doing a donkey's breakfast a-top of his nut —
the bear to Miss So-and-so ' ; or for the he wants jollying.' It took several
girl to say : ' That young man is doing years for the streets to accept the
straw hat. Even now it is far from
the bear to me.' — Newsp. Cutting. universal.
Dol (Peoples'). Abbreviation of
dollar. Donny brook (Anglo-Irish). Riot,
Dollars to buttons (Anglo- Amer.). disturbance, down to a shrew's
A sure bet. squabble. Applied in a thousand
' She has got to put those clothes on, ways. On 19th February 1900 the
and she feels that it is dollars to buttons Daily Telegraph had a paragraph about
that when she picks up an under-garment a number of torpedo-boat destroyers,
from the floor by the table leg, that she one of which broke away in harbour
will be blown through the roof.' — Newsp.
Cutting. from her moorings, and did much mis-
(See Million to a bit of dirt.) chief. This par was headed ' The
From the Donny historical brookconviction
'. that
Dolly mop (Peoples'). An over-
dressed servant girl. Probably a form Donnybrook Fair (Ireland) is all noise.
of Dollabella and Mopsa, both names Don't be a chump (E. London,
used in 18th century for weak, over- 1889). Do not lose your temper.
dre*sed, slovenly women. Derived probably from the act of
Dolly worship (Nonconformist). The fixing the teeth in passion as though
Roman Catholic religion. From the chumping — that is, biting hard.
use of statues, etc. Don't care a Pall Mall (Club, 1885).
Dominoes (Tavern). The teeth, A synonym for a damn. In July 1885
when bad and yellow. When white, the Pall Mall Gazette gained wide
they are ivories. notoriety by the publication of articles
Don Caesar spouting (Soc., 1850 entitled The Maiden Tribute'. Hence
on). Haughty public elocution — the phrase, ' He may say what he likes ;
espesially after dinner. Probably a I don't care a Pall Mall.'
satirical combination of ' the Don ' — a Don't dynamite (Peoples', 1883).
memory Avoid anger. Result of the Irish
Julius. of Mary Tudor's husband, and
pranks in Great Bdtain with this ex-
Dona Highland Flingers (Rhyming plosive. Their chief result was to add
— Music Hall Singers). One of the a word to the army of phrases.
names of the serio-comic— generally Don't know who's which from
one who sings or flings high notes — when's what! (Street, 1897). Total
hence the term. ' Many a dona High- sentence of stupidity. Speaks for
land Flinger gets nailed when she itself.
thinks .she marries a toff, and finds
Don't lose your hair (Peoples', 19
out that he's a bad egg. cent.). Don't lose your temper. Came
Dona Jack (Lower Glasses). Lowest in when wigs went out, and replaced
description of Jack — man who lives on 'dash my wig'. From the tendency
the dona, a man who preys upon men to tear the hair in a rage, or, at all
of all designations. events,
Done (Texas). Completely. Done hair on. )to seize it. (See Keep your
is the commonest of adjectives ; e.g., Don't mention that (Common Lon-
1 We are done tired ' ; don, 1882). A catch word which pre-
' The kitchen is done swept ' ; vailed for some time in consequence of
' The baby is done woke up.' Mr Baron Huddleston's frequent use
Done Fairly (Sporting, 1860). Com- of the phrase during the endless hear-
pletely cheated. ing (for over forty days) of a libel case
Fairlie has taken the Novelty Theatre. between sculptors — Belt v. Lawes.
Let's hope that nobody will be able to Don't seem (Colloquial). Equivalent
say he's done Fairlie. — Cutting. to 'incapable of ' ; e.g., 'I don't seem
Donkey's breakfast (London, 1893 to see it, my dear fellow ; where does
on). A man's straw hat. Satiric 114 the advantage come in ? '
Don't sell me a Dog

Don't sell me a dog (Soc., 1860). Doorandandbreast

hingeof (Lond.,
Do not deceive me. Derived from the Neck mutton,Peoples').
a joint
experience that the purchase of a dog, which bends readily amongst the cer-
most fanciers being thieves, was ever a vical vertebrae. Very graphic and
deception. Very popular until 1870. humorsome. (See Stickings, Hyde
Park Railings.)
Don't think, I (Mid. Class, 1880).
Emphatically meaning cfo think ; e.g., Door-knocker (Peoples', 1854). A
ring-shaped beard formed by the cheeks
' So you've nailed my young woman- and chin being shaved leaving a chain
well that's a nice thin job, I don't think ' of hair under the chin, and upon each
— simply because he's quite sure of it. side of mouth — forming with moustache
Don't turn that side to London something like a door-knocker.
(Peoples'). Condemnation of any kind Charles Dickens had a moustache and
— of a patched coat or boots, the worst a door-knocker beard.— E. Yates, Recol-
side of a joint of meat, some injury to lections, vol. i., p. 256.
the body, etc., etc. From the supposi- Door-mat (Colloquial, 1856). The
tion that everything of the best is
name given by the people to the heavy
required in the metropolis. (See Turn and unaccustomed beards which the
the best side to London.)
Crimean heroes brought home from
Doogheno (London, Back, lucent.}. Russia in 1855-56, and which started
This is a remarkably complicated speci- the beard movement, much to the
astonishment of French excursionists.
men. It is composed of ' good ' back-
wards, the letter ' h ' to prevent the By 1882 the term came to be applied
softening of the ' g' when brought next to the moustache only, probably be-
an ' e '. ' Eno ' is of course ' one '. cause about this time the tendency to
It can't be denied that Booth has shave the beard and wear only a very
made a doogheno hit, and you ought to heavy moustache became prevalent.
nark his bucket.— (1882.) While writing, a pal comes in and tells
Edwin Booth was an American actor me that the City peelers are to be
who (1881-82) obtained considerable allowed to grow doormats. — Cutting.
success in London in Shakespearian The Corporation of London, always
very conservative, only allowed the
If a chap happens to be a dab tros he City police to wear moustaches in 1882.
gets on better than a doogheno who He was a little joker with a red
keeps himself quiet and never lets any- smeller and a small red doormat over
body Tommy Tripe know how clever he
is. — Cutting. his kisser. — Cutting.
Doormat (Common Lond., 1880).
Dook (Peoples'}. A huge nose. Cor-
ruption of ' duke,' and referring to the Victory (see Grease - spot), meaning
1 Duke ' — time of Wellington, who that the enemy was overcome, and so
during the first half of the 19th cen- fallen that the victor wiped his feet
tury was, with intervals of unpopu- upon the conquered — Vae Victis !
larity, styled 'the duke'. His Grace's I guess that chucker-out won't hit me
high nose was hereditary. The title any more. I made a doormat of him. —
became shortened to this one word, and Cutting (1883).
his nose beiug so exceptional, the title Doping (Hoeing, 1900). Hocussing
of the owner came by metaphor to rather than poisoning racehorses when
represent a huge nose. To this day it about to run. In 1899-1900 large sums
ia u*ed. (See Boko.) of money had been made by American
Dookin (Thieves'). Fortune-telling. betting-men at English race meetings.
Sixpenny horoscopes in by-ways and Gradually the conviction gained groun d
cast upon the lines of the palm of the that runner« were being tampered, with
baud, the left, that being nearest the in new and dangerous ways, resulting
heart. Hence the word — dook, dookes, in more than temporary injury to the
being ancient slang for hand ; generally horses. Especially in the U.S.A. it
used in plural. 'Put up yer dooks.' was remarkable how frequently racers
' Dookin ' has new become fashionable, either died at or shortly after a race,
and is called palmistry. Where all the or that they so went back that they
hand is concerned (this in telling char- were never raced again. In the U.S.A.
acter), the term is chiromancy. the term used for the exercise of this
Dorothy Down the Road

nefarious usage of horses was called in a week no one would stop here. —
Newsp. Cutting.
' doping' — said to be derived from a
proper name. The term came to be Double Scoop (Military, 1890).
heard in England in the summer of Hair parted in centre, and worn low —
1900. In November of this year the gave way to the quitf.
Animals' Aid Society held a weakly Dough-nut (Amer. passing to Eng-
organised meeting to devise means to variety. land). Abaker, especially the German
meet these fraudulent practices. But
it turned out that nobody present knew
anything at all about the matter. ' Shut up, thou dough nut, or thy last
moment may be thy next.' — Cutting.
Dorothy (Soc., 1888). Rustic love- Probably from the too frequent pale,
making. From the mode of an opera- flabby, doughy face of this sickly
comique of this name (1887-88).
Those (letters) of the defendant were operative.
of the most amatory character, contain- Dover Castle boarder (Prison;
ing repeated promises, in Dorothy style, Debtors'}. A circumscribed district
to be true to the plaintiff.— D. N.t 7th around the Que»n's Bench prison
July 1888. (South wark Bridge Road), pulled down
Dorsay (Soc., 1830-45). Perfect. in 1881, was called the ' rules of the
Count d'Orsay, of an old French family, Bench'. Certain debtors, not im-
led the fashion generally during these prisoned inthe Bench itself, were com-
years ; so much so that it was the pelled to sleep in this district, and they
highest praise to say he was a dorsay. were thus called because the most
Dose of Locust (N. fork Police- prominent tavern in the neighbourhood
men's). Abeating with fists. was styled 'The Dover Castle' — much
Mullaley, smarting under the pain of frequented by these poor debtors, who
the wound, gave Mr Supple a dose of were therefore called ' boarders '. The
locust, which induced him to accompany house still exists. It was not a stone's-
the officer to court. — Newsp. Cutting. throw from the prison.
Dossy (Street). Elegant. Probably Down the banks (Irish colloquial).
from Count d'Orsay (q.v.). Failed; e.g., 'I got down the banks
Dot and carry one (Street). Person
with a wooden leg. for my pains' — meaning I failed only
as a result. Probably the outcome of
The 'dot 'is the pegged impression life amongst the bogs, which are scored
made by all wooden legs before the with deep ditches, as the peat is cut
invention of the modelled foot and
perpendicularly. The water at the
calf. The ' one ' is the widowed leg. foot of the banks is frequently quite
Dotted (Tavern, 19 cent.). Black- deep,
head. often enough to go over a man's
eyed. To 'dot' a gentleman is to
punctuate him emphatically with a Down the Lane and into the Mo
black -eye. (Central London, Low). Here the
The chucker-out he dotted,
He got so blooming tight. — Cutting. Lane is that called Drury ; the 'Mo'
is abbreviated ' Mogul Music Hall '
(established 1850), and afterwards
Dotties Man (Peoples'). Greedy, baptized The Middlesex. But the
grasping — giving a sprat to catch a
herring. Lane clung to ' Mo ' — probably a name
Double-breasted water-butt given to the place generations since,
smasher (Street). A man of fine bust when a public garden there was kept
— an athlete. by some wonderful Indian.
The Bobby said that Joey Fanatty What was the good, thought we, of
(aged), described on the charge-sheet as saving
to take your rhino,down
for trots if you've got no
the Lane girl
or into
the double-breasted water-butt smasher,
was charged with a salt.— Newsp. Cutting. the Mo.— Cutting, 1883.
Double intenders (Peoples'). Knock- Down the Road (E. London Streets).
down blows — labial or fistful. Showy, flashy. The road is the Mile End
Double-plated blow-hard (A mer.). Road, which to frequent on a Sunday,
A loud aud contemptible boaster. in a good cart or ' shay', is the ambition
They went away believing I was an old of every costermonger and small trader
in that district.
liar and a double-plated blow-hard, and
Down to the Ground

Down to the ground (Peoples'). Draw the Badger. (See Badger.)

Completely — from head to heels. Draw the dibs (Bootmakers1}. To
The character suits Rignold ' down to take wages — dibs being a trade term
the ground '.— Newsp. Gutting. for money. Dibs are small nails, hence
Drag (Theat.) Petticoat or skirt coins.
used by actors when playing female
parts. Derived from the drag of the Draw the line at tick (Sena-
dress, as distinct from the non-draggi- comics'). A euphemism for declaration
ness of the trouser. of virtue on the part of a serio-comic
Mrs Sheppard is now played by a man lady singer. ' I may sing a hot line
or two, or take a present here or there,
— Mrto Charles
like see low Steyne,
corns, in todrag,
I don't
but but I draw the line at tick,' the mate-
must confess that Mr Steyne is really rial in question being not a scheme of
droll, without being at all vulgar. — Ref., credit or ' tick ', but a covered allusion
24th July 1887. to the textile fabric used for the cover-
Also given to feminine clothing by ing of beds and mattresses.
eccentric youths when dressing up in Dree his weird (Lanes.). To bear
skirts. trouble sadly.
Little do the unthinking youths who
Drag-on conferred
distinction (Cornish}. on theOpprobrious
men of nowadays assemble at a wedding to
Helston by their Cornish neighbours — * guy ' the ' best man ' suspect that a
especially the nearest. generation ago a victim of this descrip-
tion would not have had to 'dree his
A neighbourly legend of Helston — weird ' alone. His weird would have
formerly Hellstone — in Cornwall, says been dreed conjointly with him by a
that the borough was dropped from the
clouds by the Evil One in the course of a • second best ', a third best, down some-
times in a descending scale of excellence
provincial tour over the western county. to an eighth best man.— D. T., 3rd
To this moment, 1 understand, it is a September 1895.
deadly affront to call a Helston man a
4 dragon '.—D. T., 20th August 1896. Dress for the part (Society— drawn
Drapery Miss (Com. Class). A girl from
critically. Theatre, 1870).— To act hypo-
of doubtful character, who dresses in a
striking manner. Libellous generally. The only two authors of real celebrity
Degenerated from the time of Byron, whom I can remember as having looked
who says in a note to st. 49 ca. xi. of ' like themselves ' — I mean their books —
were Douglas Jerrold and Alexandre
Don Juan: — Dumas the Elder. Sham celebrities, on
' Drapery Misses ' : This term is pro- the other tohand,
bably anything now but a mystery. It contrive look ' dress
that for the part
which they', are,
was, however, almost so to me, when I really, not.— G. A. Sala, in III. Lond.
first returned from the East, in 1811-12. News, 16th December 1882.
It means a pretty, a high-born, a fashion- Dressed up to the nines (Com.
able young female, well instructed by her
friends, and furnished by her milliner London). A eulogistic or sarcastic ex-
with a wardrobe upon credit, to be pression of opinion as to another's
repaid, when married, by her husband. dress — according as the accent and
Drasacking (Devon.) Draw-sacking manner of the speaker go. Corruption
— idle, slow, dragging. of 'Dressed to the eyen '. When 'eyen'
' Drasacking ' is a common and cheap (pi. of ' eye ') was departing English,
pastime, consisting of an aimless, point- an 's' was added to give 'eye' a
less, shambling sauntering. The ' dra- modern plural — while the knowledge of
tortoise 'himself,
that ana wise
and ' eyen' remained. After a time ' eyen '
lost its meaning, and the old plural was
just dispensation intended his servant- colloqualized into a comprehensive ex-
girl or hired man to be a hare.— D. T.,
19th October 1895. pression, and 'nines' followed. Con-
Draw iron (Amer.}. To present a currently, the expression 'dressed to
pistol. the nines' took form, and is still used.
If every person who fancied himself Drilling ( Workpeoples'}. Punishment
aggrieved by his cabman were to ' draw by way women
of whowaiting,
make errors applied to needle-
in their work.
would', the
to beof altered
the cabman's
and made shelter
to There is a common punishment in
correspond with the iron huts familiar to these sweating warehouses when work is
Irish police. — Newsp. Gutting. 117 wrongly done. It is termed ' drilling '.
Dririkitite Drunk as a Polony

The woman could not, it seems, be suffi- dropped from under the feet of the
y' ' by merely being sent victim, the significance of the word
home to undo the work and do it again. became evident.
She must be taught to be more careful
by punishment a little more drastic than To Drop
die. the cue (Billiard - players').
that, and accordingly she was told her
bundle would be sent down to her, and Drouthy (Scotch). Wavering per-
till it came she must wait. ' The woman son ; one of no settled will.
stood there expecting the parcel every Leading citizens were occupied the
minute for three days.' — D. N., 26th greater part of the night before the
February 1885. (See Sweater. ) polling-day watching doubtfuls, known
locally as ' drouthies ' ; every voter was
Drinkitite (Peoples': East London). pledged
Thirst. The struggling populace, who halt, the; not a few and
blind, werethe
' nursed
deaf ' ;were
chiefly joke (when they joke apart from escorted to the polling-booth. — D. N.,
abuse) over their struggles, having dis- 27th October 1884.
d' ' as a jocose conver- Drum (Thieves', 1 860). A house.
sion of appetite — came naturally to give Close to the gardens the prisoner said
it a correlative in ' drinkitke '. There 'What do you think of those ''drums"
is also grim satire in the application of there ? ' and witness said, ' I don't think
the last syllable, which is the common much of them.' — felon's Queen's JUvidence.
word for 'drunk', hence 'drinkitite' Drum is not usually applied to a
as a pendent to ' bite-etite ' is positively respectable quaker-like house, but to
perfect. An East London gentleman any one frequented by, say, soldiers.
gently referring to his continued liba- Fielding uses this word in Tom Jones,
tions would evasively but emphatically Bk. xvii., ch. 6.
observe : ' I've been on the drinkitite Drum a (Thieves'). A cell — precisely
right through the week.' because drum is an enclosure.
Driving1 at (Peoples'). Energetic Drunk as a lord (Streets). Very
acti< >n. Good example of phrase coming intoxicated. Descent from 18th cen-
out of general characteristic vigour of tury middle-class — when drunkenness
was honourable.
the race. ' He must be driving at
something.' Even the word drive, ' Drunk as a lord ' and ' Sober as a
without the progressive 'ing' or the judge ' have ceased to have any recognis-
emphatic 'at', is a perfect English able application to the nobility and the
word. Judicial Bench. Judges, in these later
days, are as sober as other folk, take
Drop (Amer.-Eng.). To cause to
drop. them as a class, no more and no less,
About two minutes after he had the and the same applies to the Peerage. —
D. T., 27th May 1888.
revolver his body was swung a little on
one side, when I pointed my revolver Drunk as Floey (Peoples'). Who it
and fired where I thought I could drop appears was dead drunk — may be a cor-
him.— D. N., 5th September 1884. ruption of Flora, but probably a con-
fusion between that comparatively
Self-defence of a burglar named
Wright. Also, to understand. familiar name and 'Chloe'. If the
latter, good instance of the power Swift
' Ah ? ' sobbed the girl, ' you do not
drop.' — Newsp. Cutting. had
Chloeto ispopularize.
always moreIn or the less
Drop (Society and Sporting, 1850). influence of drink.
To lose (money). A racing man or Drunk as a polony (Lond.). At
society man who fails to win money on first sight this expression might be
a race never loses it — he always drops accepted as very literal, seeing that a
it; e.g., ' I dropped awfully on the sausage cannot stand, and that a
Leger.' polony (corruption of Bologna — cele-
Drop (Thieves'). The modern gal- brated for its sausages) exists under
lows. A very significant word to the same conditions. But it is more
describe modern capital punishment. probably one of frequent but obscure
At Tyburn tree the man stood in the expressions derived from the French,
cart, which was drawn from under who to this day say : ' Soul comme un
him. Afterwards, at Newgate, the suf- Pol-»nnais' — this probably took its
ferer was pulled up. But when some origin in reference to Maurice Mai echal
genius invented the falling flap, which 118 de Saxe, who, in his drinks, was more

Polish than French. On the other Duchess (Silk trade). The shapely
hand, the Pole, for drinking com- girl upon whom mantles and jackets
parisons, has long held in France the are tried to enable ladies to judge of
position maintained in England by the the effect.
cobbler — ' drunk as a cobbler'. The Duchess — living lay figures receive
Druriolanus (Theat., 1885). that title, in addition to a whole pound
Drury Lane Theatre. Playful outcome a week. — Besant & Rice, The Golden
Butterfly, vol. i. , ch. 11.
of calling Mr Augustus Harris, after-
wards Sir Augustus Harris, the Duchess (Peoples'). Mother — in-
Emperor Augustus. The word also variable title given between familiar
friends when the mother of either is
suggests that other directorial person-
age, Coriolanus. being asked after. ' How's the Duchess,
The vast stage of Her Majesty's is not The wife, under similar conditions,
a whit less advantageous for the display
of its spectacular effects than that of the would be asked after as ' The Old
Bob?' — a title whose derivation a
house which gives to Mr Harris's tele-
graphic address of ' Druriolanus ' its sharp-witted man may find in the first
special fitness and significance. — D. N., chapter of Sterne's Tristram Shandy.
12th October 1886. Duck-pond (Navy). The shallow
Augustus Druriolanus is their presi- bathing - place on the lower deck,
dent, and they are going to bring off a effected by a rig -up of sail-cloth,
four-oared race from Barnes to Hammer- made watertight, fixed to the deck,
smith on October 31.— Ref., October 1886. and in which the cadets wash and
Dry Bobs (Eton). A cricketer. roll themselves, in batches, under the
(See Wet Bobs.) watchful eyes of a warrant officer.
Dry canteen (Milit.). (See Wet Ducks (Soc., 1840). White
canteen. ) trousers of a peculiarly woven cotton
fabric — mentioned here because it has
Dry guillotine (Franco • English).
Severe imprisonment. From the penal been said to be a corruption of ' dux',
the name given to the material by the
French colony at Cayenne, a fearful Scotch manufacturer who discovered it.
place. Dux was, if not is, used much by the
Cayenne is so malarious that trans-
portation thither used to be styled the Scotch.
Grammar).(See Lindley Murray's English
dry guillotine. — Graphic, 1st November
1884. Duffer-fare (Lond. Cabmen's). In the
neighbourhood of the theatres, as clos-
Dry land (Rhyming}. To under- ing time approaches, the police will not
stand. allow cabmen to drive empty cabs
Whenever you see a chap after your through the Strand highway. In order
judy, the best thing to do is to go up to to get past the police, and so obtain a
her and tell her that you don't mean to chance of a fare when the theatres vomit
stand her blooming kid, that you dry
land her emag. — Cutting. then-thousands, cabmen will ask a pedes-
trian to be ' chummy ' enough to jump
Dry up (Anglo- Amer.). To cease in, and be driven into the Strand.
because effete — from mining districts Here arrived the ' duffing-fare', quits
of W. America, where, when the moun- the cab, the driver is in the Strand —
tain torrents dry up in summer, mining and keeps there till 11 P.M. , when the
operations necessarily cease. theatres disgorging, he gets a fare that
is no duffer, and who pays more or less
Duca di Somevera (Peoples'). Libe-
ral Italian translation of Duke of Some-
where. On a par with the Earl le Bird, Duffing (Soc. and Peoples', 1880 on).
Sir Tinly Someone, and Swift's Lord
Nozoo. The outcoming adjective of 'duffer' and
' duff'. By 1897 this word became one
The unhappy purchaser of a supposed of the most active qualitatives in the
masterpiece must be prepared to hear language. As a verb it had by this time
that his picture is a replica of one in the come to be thoroughly conjugated ;
Isle of Wight, or at Madrid, or in Lord e.g., 'He duffs everything he touches.'
Blank's ' He is the most duffing duffer that
Duca digallery, or in
Somevera — the Palazzo
D. N.. 16th ofJune
ever duffed.' 'He has duffed, he does
119 duff, and he will duff for ever.'
Duke Dutch

Dvk* (Street). Nose. (SeeVook.) Durn(Amer.~JEng.). Another evasion

Duke o' Seven Dials (Low Class, of ' damned '. (See Darn. )
1875). Satirical peerage bestowed upon Worms that rise early are caught —
any male party dressing or behaving gobbled up by birds every time. The
above or beyond his immediate sur- worm's a durn fool to get up so early. —
roundings. There is no corresponding Newsp. Cutting.
duchess. A young person of airs and Dust (American Teamsters). A mere
graces is generally spoken of as about light touch of anything.
to marry the peer in question; e.g., The visiting, the music, the marching,
f I'm going to be the duchess of the the cheering and the excitement of the
Dook o' Seven Dials.' — Parody Song, reunion, with a little dust of liquor, had
Drury Lane Pantomime, 1884. Cutting.him feel quite excited. — Newsp.
Duke's (The) (Lond., 19 cent.). A Dust (Amer., 1880). To walk
nickname of the ArgyllKooms in Wind-
mill Street, Haymarket, W., now re- quickly — suggested by the dust thrown
placed bythe Trocadero. In allusion up in the act. Indirect proof of the
to the Duke of Argyll. dry nature of American weather.
One grabbed a rope that was on the
Why should the Argyll be suppressed sidewalk where they was moving a
and the Pavilion be tolerated ? Of the
building, and pa got up and dusted.
two ' the Pav. ' is far worse than ' the You'd
Cutting. a died to see pa run. — Newsp.
Duke's'. — Newsp. Cutting.
Dukey (Street, Boys'). A penny Dusting (Boer War, 1899-1900).
gaff. The four-farthing theatre obtained Finishing the war — complement of
this title from a Jewish proprietor of ' Sweeping up '.
one of these temples of art. His nose North of Pretoria there is still a good
was very prominent (1840-50). In deal of dusting to be done.— D. T., 2nd
these days such a feature begot its November 1900.
owner the title of duker, from the hero
Dustman's bell (Nursery). Time
of Waterloo, emphatically ' the duke ' for bed. Origin obscure. Is it Dowse
from 1815 to 1850. The 'y' here is man's bell — curfew bell — time to put
an instance of endearing addition.
out ('dowse') the lights? Has it any
Dumbed (Amer. Puritanic). Eva- association with ' dowse the glim ' ?
sion of ' damned '. Johnson gives : ' To fall suddenly into
The man who believes that the Jews the water' — which would certainly put
are such a pack of dumbed fools, as to out the light.
seriously entertain any such plan, should Dust out (Amer. -Eng. ). To retreat
be shut up in an asylum for the feeble-
minded.— Newsp. Cutting. quickly, ' levant '. Suggested by dust
thrown up by rapid walking.
from ( Thieves').
th« softness of the Loaf — probably
crumb. I quickly got inside, locked the door,
and dusted out the back way.— Newsp.
Dumplin' on (L. Classes). Enceinte.
Dun (Peoples'). To worry for money. Dust up (Milit., 19 cent.). An
One of the forcible words gleaned from engagement — from the dust made by
the movements.
proper names. Of course lexico-
graphers trace it to Early English, A member of the Royal Army Medical
Anglo-Saxon, or some other remote Corps, who, in his own words, ' got
source. Webster says it is taken from through the Graspan dust-up nicely ',
the Saxon dynan, to claim. But the was sent, etc.— Z>. T., Boer War, 16th
January 1900.
Saxons did not dun — they recovered
their debts by more forcible means. Dusty (Navy). A ship'g steward's
Here is its true origin : It owes its assistant — probably because this hard-
birth to one John Dun, a famous worked official looks it.
bailiff of the town of Lincoln ; so ex- Dutch
tremely active, and so dexterous was ally from (Peoples').
a creditor, Retreat — especi-
and still more
this man at the management of his especially when accompanied by furni-
rough business, that it became a pro- ture removed from a tenancy, the rent
verb when a man refused to pay his of which has not been handed over.
debts, * Why don't you dun him ? ' It 1 We did a dutch with everything—
originated in the reign of Henry VII. even down to the coal-hammer.'
Dutch Cheese Early Riser

1 Yere comes 'Anner's young bloke — or woman, especially the latter; e.g.,
I think I'll do a quick dutch/ 1 My eye, ain't she jest a dynamiter ? '
I make myself agreeable, and then When ' tart ' came to be common pass-
say, ' I must do a Dutch'. — Cutting. ing English, it was applied to this
Dutch cheese (Low London, 1882). word; e.g., 'Well, she may be tasty,
A bald-head ; derived from the fact but
that Dutch cheeses are generally made (See to my mind she's a dynamitart.'
globular. Dyspepsia (Milit. Hospital). Drink
delirium. D.T.s.
Dutch daubs (Amer., 1883). Com-
mon paintings of still-life, imported
into America by the ten thousands.
Introduced by the New York Herald
(April 1883) in reference to a political
measure which placed a 35 per cent, ad
valorem duty upon imported pictures.
The term soon came to mean a bad
E.G. Women (Snob Soc., 1881).
picture of any kind.
Wives of city people, so named from
The term 'Dutch Daub' has fetched the city forming the East Central
me a little. I call to mind that in almost
every refreshment buffet and miner postal district of the metropolis.
hotel bar in the Southern and Western E.P. (Theat.). Experienced Play-
States you come across oil-paintings of
still-life.— G. A. Sala, 111. London News, The experienced playgoer will readily
28th April 1883. guess that Branson compasses the
(apparent) destruction of Gerald, and
Dutch row (Street}. A got-up un- anon returns to Bally vogan to personate
real wrangle. Rarely heard. On all
the heir — and the e.p. will be right. —
fours— with ' une querelle d'Allemand'. Newsp. Cutting.
Dutchman (Soc. of a sort, 1870 on).
Name for champagne of Deutz and E. R. (Oxford 'er'). Suffix applied
Gelderman. Here the first name is in every conceivable way to every sort
pronounced Dutch, and the last syllable of word.
of the second name is added. reign and Began early lapsed.
has never in the Queen's
A new
Duty (Lower Class, Respectable). woid in 'er' is generally started by
Interest on pawnbrokers' pledges. some quite distinguished Oxonian —
Evasive synonym for interest. generally a boating man, sometimes
a debater.
Dying duck in a thunderstorm There has been a furore at Oxford in
(Peoples'). Lackadaisical. recent years for word-coining of this
* Whoa, call her good-looking ? That character, and some surprising effects
dona with a mug like a dying duck in a have been achieved. A freshman
thunderstorm, and smiling as if she'd became a 'fresher' in the earlier
had a dose of castor oil and didn't like Victorian era, and promises to remain
it.'— Cutting. so for all time and existence. — D. T.,
Dynamite (Afid.-class, 1888). Tea. 14th August 1899.
Early in February two men, Americans, Ear-mark (Parliam., 19 cent.).
were tried in connection with Irish-
?— Note of interrogation, or enquiry.
American attempts to do injury in this
country with dynamite. In the course Used by M.P.'s when reading Bills
and other papers to draw their future
of the trial (D.N., 4th Feb. 1888) attention. A sort of rebus, from this
it came out that dynamite was always
called ' tea' cealment.
— for the took
purposes of con- character
Word oftenbeing something
heard like an 'ear'.
in Parliament.
The word at once. Nervous reference is made to the
Dynamite Racket (Amer. • Eng., assertion of the Chancellor of the
1885). Invented contemptuously to Exchequer that certain items of
describe this sort of explosion. Transvaal revenue would be ear- marked
New York loves a show, whether a for the purpose of the war contribution.
parade, a big funeral, a blazing fire, or a — Newsp. Cutting.
dynamite racket.— Newsp. Cutting.
Early riser (Anglo-Amer. — return-
Dynamiter (1 882). A user of dyna- ing emphasized to England). A sharp,
mite for illegal purposes. It soon came business-like person. Probably from
to be a synonym for any violent man ' Early to bed and early to rise, Makes
Early Purl Eel-skin

a man healthy, and wealthy, and wise,' Eat vinegar with a fork (Peoples').
or again "Tis the early bird catches The extreme of acid sharpness — in
the worm' (who unfortunately is for conversation. The vinegar alone \v ould
himself, too early a riser). In U.S.A. set teeth on edge, the fork intensifies
this phrase takes several shapes— the the condiment.
best being * You'd have to get up early Eatings (Peoples'; old). An ancient
to be before me ! ' word now represented by board ; e.g.,
The general idea is that anybody who ' The room 'ull be 'arf-a-crown a week,
is going to over-reach Hetty Green (New
York), or do her out of a fraction of those without eatin's' — for there are lodgers
millions, will have to be a very early riser who would expect banquets thrown in
indeed. She gives no costume dances, with a sixpenny bed for the night.
and never will ; she would be better liked Eautybeau (Music-hall transposi-
if she did.— D. T., 10th February 1897. tion). Beauty.
Do I know him? Do I rumble the
Early purl (Street, 19 cent.). A
drink made of hot beer and gin, so eautybeau?
Cutting. What do you think? —
named because taken early on a cold
Ebenezar (Puritanic). An exclama-
morning. A song ran — tion of rejoicing— from the Hebrew.
' I'm damned if I think George Eliot often uses this word in
There's another such drink her diary.
As good early purl.'
When princes and princesses are Eccer (Oxford 'er'). Exercise-
born there is a lavish distribution of both c's hard.
Every man after lunch devotes himself
' caudle whereof
nature ', a mysterious beverage
we confess of the
ourselves as to 'eccer', which is, in ordinary parlance,
exercise. This may take the shape of
ignorant as of that of ' early purl '. ' footer ', or a mild constitutional known
Early-turners (Music-hall). Scorn- as a 'constitutor', while if any one
ful reference to an inferior artist who lounges idly about he is, of course, a
'slacker'.—/). T., 14th August 1899.
takes his ' turns ' early in the evening,
before the audience is thrang, or Edgarism (Club, 1882). This was
fashionable, or both. From 8.0 to the new satirical name given to
8,30. (See Enders.) agnosticism, or rather atheism upon
Earth-hunger (Political, 1880). the production of Tennyson's prose
Greed to possess land. Supposed to play The Promise of May. The villain-
have come from Ireland, and in that hero, Edgar, is an educated man of
relation to refer to the desires of position, who bases his arguments
peasants to obtain a bit of land. In for free love and free will upon a denial
England used to define the passion of of the deity. This bit of historical
landed proprietors to add to their land passing English died with the play,
at any cost. which, while never successful, was
East of the Griffin ( W. London). most unfairly damned by critics and
public. The former appear to have
East London. Replaced ' East of
Temple Bar'. Outcome of the city resented the thought
tions of free poet's despotic associa-
with immorality
Griffin on his wonderful pedestal
— as a necessary outcome of atheism.
replacing Temple Bar.
At the Pavilion Theatre, you ought to Edge (Criminal). To bolt, escape.
know by this time, even if you never go Probably from 'dodge' — and retire.
east of the Griffin, they do things in a
way that is not excelled at many West (a One
slangof term
the other
to betwooff),
End theatres that I am acquainted with. away.— D. N.> November 1886.
—Ref., llth October 1885. Eekcher (Peoples', 1882). Inversion
Eat strange meat (Soc., 19 cent.). of cheek — audacity.
A delicate evasion of cannibalism. Well, modesty is not marketable
We feel much less horror than in face nowadays, and perhaps Tippy is right
of the naked fact of cannibalism practised to pin his faith to the doctrine that
by civilized men for the sake of dear life. Cutting. nothing like ' eekcher '.— Newsp.
Life is not worth the imputation of
having 'eaten Eel-skin (Soc.t 1881). A name
14th August 1884.strange meat'. — D. N., given to the tight skirt worn at this
Eat the leek. To apologize. From date; e.g., 'She wore an eel-skin of
Shakespeare. London smoke.' (See One leg.)

Eenque (Streets ; transposition). 'Elderly jam is — elderly jam, and

Queen. A very popular example of heaven preserve it, for man turns from
this queer mode of word-making.
So shout, you beggars, shout ; God Electrate (1890 on). To describe
save the Eenque. — Cutting. locomotion by electricity.
Eetswe (Transposition). Sweet — a They go by train to Bourne End, where
very commoH word in low life ; e.g., they Medmenham
take to the Abbey river andand'electrate'
to Henley.
'Lord, I am eetswe on that udyju' Electrate is one of the recently-invented
Eff., Effy. (Theatr.) Abbreviation verbs toit.'express the new mode of loco-
of Effingham, a small theatre once in motion, to which the words sail and
E. London. steam are inapplicable. — Newsp. Cutting.
Efficient effrontery (Soc., 1885). Applied more recently to violent
Clever audacity — brought in by J. W. and eccentric meetings; e.g., 'They
electrated from 8 to 1 1 . 1 5 p. M. Every-
M'N. Whistler in February by a lecture thing was amended, and then they
at Prince's Hall, called ' Ten o'clock ', amended the amendments.'
from the hour at which it began — Electrocution (Amer.-Eng., 1890).
P.M. It was an attack upon art -critics Execution by electricity. Built upon
in general, and Ruskin in particular. execute.
The lecturer used this term, which at
once became familiar in society in a Elephant's Trunk (Street; rhym-
hundred ways. ing}. Drunk. The phrase became
incomprehensible by the dropping of
Mr Whistler's lecture is distinctly a
surprise. He deprecates the tone in the
which such subjects are too frequently (i.e., rhyming.
intoxicated) 'will,
Oh, inhe's
to come, '
handled. The commonplace world exercise many an etymologist.
endowed with ' efficient effrontery ' no (Daddy) And what am I to be?
longer reverently approaches Art as a (Mother G.) Get out — you're drunk.
dainty goddess, but 'chucks her under (P. Char.) You shall be— let's see— Baron
the chin1.— D. N., 21st February 1885. Elephant's Trunk.
Eicespie (Transposition). Pieces. A capital example of a common bit
An interesting example of the rough of slang phrase locally applied, for
this line is found in an Elephant and
logic used in phrase -making. ' Pieces' Castle Theatre Pantomime. It should
is a figure of speech for money, and
there is the ordinary transposition. be added that 'daddy' was a satire
But that is not all. The i being left upon the Blue Ribbon movement —
as the initial would destroy the ordinary he belonging to it, and yet always
vowel sound of * piece ' ; therefore the being ' elephant's trunk '. on). The
e is placed before the t. Elevator (Soc., 1882
Does the artful, and he draws the crinolette. For some years the dress
eicespie. — Cutting. below the back of the waist was almost
Eighteen-carat lie (Amer., 1883), flat, when in this year bows were seen
A good, sound lie, 18-carat gold being there, and then followed the crinolette,
good, thorough metal. which, throwing up the dress, obtained
Eighty Club (Soc.). A club formed this satiric name amongst young men,
in the year 4 '80 ', shortly before the and was afterwards accepted literally.
general election, with the object of Elijah Two (Amer.-Eng.). A
promoting political education, and false prophet. From one Dr Dowie,
stimulating Liberal organization by an American peripatetic preacher who
supplying Liberal meetings in London first gained this title. His son was
and the country with speakers and dubbed Elijah Three.
Eiley Mavourneen (Commercial). Ellersby
initials (Peoples',
of the London 1870 on).Board.
School The
A non- paying debtor. Refers to the No particular point beyond brevity —
said to be the soul of wit.
line in Moore's song, ' It may be for
months, and it may be for never.' L.S.B. Extravagance : The extraordin-
Elaborate the truth (Soc.). To ary extravagance of the London School
lie. Board is strikingly shown by the con-
stant increase in the amount paid by the
Elderly Jam (Peoples, 1880 on). Strand Board of Works.— People, 20th
Aging woman. Qualified jam ; e.g., 123 September 1896.
Ellessea Establish a Funk

Ellessea (L. Compositors}. The inversion is a sort of rebus, bones

initials of London Society of Com- showing
positors. But heaffording
swalloweda study
a box ofof' knobs '.
Elongated kisser. A wide mouth. one day which burnt away all the fat
and left the mere enoba you see now. —
' Yer looks like a lady, ' I says ; ' then
why do yer wipe yer elongated kisser
Enthuse (A mer.). Abbreviation of
Cutting.a whopping great red stook?' —
'create enthusiasm'. Not yet ac-
Empress Pidgeon (Naval, 1876 on). cepted in England.
Pigeon is discussion, and Empress An entirely new play, called Uncle
Pigeon was a palaver with Queen Tom's Cabin, with muzzled bloodhounds
Victoria for a basis. Now Emperor in their stellar r61e, did not enthuse the
manager nor his patrons of the past
Pidgeon. week. — Newsp. Cutting.
Endacotted (Socialist, 1887). Enthuzimuzzy (Soc., 19 cent.).
Illegally arrested. Attributed to Mrs Satirical reference to enthusiasm.
Annie Besant. Derived evidently, by Attributed to Braham the terror.
partial similarity in sound, from Boy- Entire Squat (Amer., reaching
cott, and referring to a policeman of Eng. 1883). A household, including
the name who was tried and acquitted wife, children, servants, and furniture.
(1887) upon an indictment for illegal
arrest of a young dressmaker, whom he Espysay (Stable, 1880 on). A word
swore was a well-known woman of the composed of the letters S.P.C.A. —
town. After a time the term was initials of the Society for the Preven-
tion of Cruelty to Animals. Secretive
reduced to 'cotted' following the in its nature, being created by people
common tendency to shorten phrases
and even words. about horses and cattle, many of whom
go about in savage fear of this valuable
Ender (Music-hall). A performer
of inferior quality, even inferior to an Essex calves (Provincial). A
'early-turner,' (q.v.) who only 'goes on' contemptuous designation of Essex-
after the great hours. Enders perform men, always looked down upon by
from 11 to 11.80 — when most music-
more prosperous Suffolk.
halls are emptying — except on ' bens '. Essex lion. Lion is a variant of
End -men (Negro Minstrels). The calf. Not used in Essex, but against
two comic black souls who enliven
with small wit a negro entertainment, it ; especially by superior Kent, over
and sit at either end of the line of the way, on the south side of the
seated performers. Now passed to Thames. Interesting as showing inter-
black comics who even sit in the county hostilities, now passing away.
midst. The men of Kent or Keniish men
On the stage there are sixty of these (between whom there would appear to
dark coloured minstrels, whose voices are be great differences) have always
interposed with striking effect in many belonged to an advanced part of
of the choruses. The ' end men ' are England, and have escaped satire by
numerous, and amply endowed with a reason of their superiority. Probably
boisterous humour. — Newsp. Cutting. they gave their county neighbours
Engineer (Amer.-Eng., 1880). To their well-known sobriquets — Hamp-
manage, manipulate, direct. Out- shire Hogs, Sussex Sows, Surrey
growth of railway and steam era Swine. Middlesex they avoided, but
generally. Essex, separated from them by the
Afterwards you may look out for Daly's Thames, and inferior, as a county, to
Company from New York, engineered by Kent, as indeed it remains to this
Terriss.— Rtf., 8th June 1884. day, was specially honoured with a
English pluck (Peoples'). Money, title.
figuratively ; e.g., ' Got any English Establish a funk (Oxford). To
pluck to-day ? ' (Have you any money create a panic — invented by a great
with which to gamble by means of bowler, at cricket, who enlivened this
tossing ?) distinction with some cannon - ball
Enobs (Back slang). Bone, in bowling which was equivalent amongst
ordinary plural. A very favourite the enemy to going into action. Funk
specimen because by chance the for panic, dismay, alarm — is superior
Euro! Eye in a Sling

to origin. Probably from establish a Ewigkeit (Soc., 1880). This

suit in whist. German wordso for ' eternity ' came to
be used not much in adulation of
Euro ! (Navy). Seamen's name for
the Europa — a happy example of the Carlyle as in order to fall in with the
sailor's love of getting in a final 0, bantering spirit of treating religious
as in ' what oh ! ', ' what cheer oh ! ', speculation, which began to grow
etc. rapidly in this year. It spread slowly,
Europe on the chest (Army). and by 1883 was found in popular
Home - sickness. Used chiefly by
soldiers in India, who commit offences journals.
All these things have vanished
sometimes in order to be sent home.
temporarily into the ' ewigkeit ', to
Sir, they are not all bad at the bottom yield the field to beer and spirits — the
of them, but they have had at times people's drink, the birthright of every
the fever, and ague and their heart grows free-born Briton.— Ref., 17th May 1885.
faint for England, and then they get
what the driver terms Europe on the Exceedings (Oxford). Expenditure
chest, and at the same time he is not beyond income. A delicate evasion.
particular what he does as long as he has Extra (Theatrical). An individual
a chance of coming to England. — Letter
by Convict, D. N., 3rd November 1885. of the great brigades who ' go on ', but
do not speak, sing, or dance. An
Even with, To get. A vigorous extra does but fill the eye. Generally
use of this word, to procure equality a pretty girl, of no talent, perhaps
with one who has bested the speaker, with a passion for the stage — perhaps
e.g., 'Never fear, I'll get even with with ulterior intentions.
him yet.'
Evening wheezes (Peoples'). Extra or pull
vantage, (Operatives').
disadvantage, Ad'
as the case
False news, spread in evening half- may be. As an advantage, it is a
penny papers in order to sell them.
Eventuate. To result. A direct figure of speech from the extra pull
importation from America, and not of the handle of the beer engine in
at all wanted. public-houses (See Long Pull) — a pull
which flushes a spirt of beer into
' It appeared as though
mitted to a conflict with we
the were
Housecom-of ' their own jugs ' after the proper
Lords of a nature so strenuous and so
measure, in the publican's pewter, has
exciting that it might possibly have been shot in. As a disadvantage —
eventuated in something like a revolu- refers to the extremely troublesome
tion.'— H. Richard, M.P., Speech, 1st tooth in the dentist s grip. All
January 1885. depends on the context.
Everlasting knock (Amer.-Eng.). Extradition Court (Polit.). The
The stroke of death.
And so he closes his career. He may second justice-room at Bow Street
be far happier as a man than he has ever (London). Name given jocularly by
been, but as a ruling prince he has taken officials. Good example of the mode
the everlasting knock.— Ref., 10th March in which passing English grows out
1889. of the history of the day.
Everything is nice in your garden The case was taken in the second court,
(Soc., passing to People, 1896 on). A which is commonly called the Extradition
gentle protest against self-laudation ; Court, because nearly all the extradi-
e.g., 'I don't wish to praise myself, tion cases are heard in it. — D. N., 10th
but I believe I'm the greatest living April 1883.
tenor, in this world at all events ! ' Extreme Rockite (Clerical). One
Reply: 'Yes, yes, everything is nice who believes in the Rock newspaper,
in your garden ! ' This is said to be and preaches on its basis.
derived from one of the young In a recent issue of a contemporary,
princesses (probably a daughter of for instance, we find a 'liberal' rector
the Princess Beatrice) who made this asking for a fellow labourer, who among
reply when something in her garden other qualifications must be ' an extreme
at Osborne was praised by Her Rockite'. — Newsp. Gutting.
Majesty. If this is a true statement, Eye in a sling (Peoples'). Crushed,
it forms one of the very rare phrases defeated. From the doleful appear-
that have come down from the pre- ance presented by a sufferer with a
cincts ofthe throne. 125 bandage over the suffering eye.
Eye Peeled Fake a Picture

Eye peeled (W. Amer.). Fair trod on (Street, 1887 on).

well opened ; peeled away from droop- Most ill-used.
ing lids ; on the watch. ' Oh, the yeroines o' them penny nove-
The Librarian was instructed to keep lettes— yer 'good old penny ones — none
his eye peeled for a stray copy of a o' yer 'apenny ones for me — o' them
Chinese hymn book which might be yeroinesBellwood— arn't (serio-comic,
they fair trod
bought cheap. — Newsp. Cutting. Bessie Jan. on1891).
? '—
Fair warning (Street). Manly and
frank intimation.
Faire Charlemagne (17 cent.,
Court). To know when to leave off —
especially at cards. A corruption of
' faire chut la main ' — to make quiet
F.C.'s (Theat.). False Calves (i.e. the hand ; that is, do not go on mani-
paddings used by actors in heroic pulating the cards, ' chut ' being the
parts to improve the shape of the legs). equivalent
F.F.V. (Anglo- Amer. Soc.). Dis- to be usedof by the Louise
Englishde' hush'. Said
tinguished. Initials of First Families known as Mother Carwell, and after-
(of) Virginia. Used quite seriously in ward as the Duchess of Portsmouth
the South of the U.S.A. and satirically — a very economic and long-headed
in the North. The origin of the use Bretonne.
of the letters may be traced to Mas- That feat which the French describe
singer's by the mysterious expression, ' faire
in 1622).City Madam) Act V. , sc. 1 (acted Charlemagne ' — the feat of leaving off a
1896. _ — is one of the most difficult in the
Face the music. To fearlessly world to perform. — D. T., 22nd April
meet difficulties.
Before sailing Mr Cecil Rhodes gave a
brief interview to some reporters. He Fairy (Lower Peoples). A de-
stated that he would not resign his seat bauched, hideous old woman, especially
when drunk.
in the Cape Parliament. ' I shall meet Fairy, To go a (Theat.). To toss
my detractors. I will face the music.' —
D. T., 18th January 1896. for a penn'orth of gin, meaning that a
Face ticket (British Museum). A fairy takes very little. In use amongst
ticket is required for the Reading the minor literary men.
Room. It is never asked for when a Fairy tales (Mid. Class, 1899 on).
constant reader passes the janitors. Untruths.
Nothing is said— the passer-by has a Mr Kruger, for the information of his
face ticket. sympathisers in America, has told a
Fade (Pure Amer.). Antithesis of Chicago journalist one of his pretty little
masher and dude. Either of these fairy tales, the only truth in which is
that some burghers are again taking up
ornamental beings gone shabby. arms.— D. T., 4th July 1900.
A young lady employed at one of the Fake a curtain (Theat., 1884).
Exposition displays rather took the shine
off of a fade the other day. The fade, Reference to ' Take a curtain ', ' Curtain-
recently a dude, walked up to the place taker ', and ' Lightning curtain-taker',
where she was stationed, etc. — Newsp. will alone enable the student to com-
Cutting. prehend this term. To fake a curtain
Fair cop (Thieves'). Undoubted is to agitate the act-drop after it has
arrest ; ' fair' here means ' thorough ', fallen, and so perhaps thereby induce
a torpid audience to applaud a little,
while ' cop ' is from Early English for
' catch '. and justify the waiting actor to ' take
Fair herd (Oxf. Univer.). Good a curtain'. The manager himself may
attendance of strangers. direct this operation, but it is generally
Foreigners are sometimes busy, or in- the stage-manager who manipulates the
dif erent, or afraid of the Channel, and maiKEUvre.
many promising schemes for a ' fair herd ' Fake a picture (Artistic, 1860 on).
on Commemoration Day have broken To obtain an effect by some adroit,
down owing to this cause. — D. N., 13th unorthodox means. In this sense it
Tune 1883. is difficult to say where swindling ends
Fair itch (Street). Utter imitation. and genius begins. It is much used
Equally vulgar and vigorous. by inferior artists.
Fake a Poke Farthing -taster

Fake a poke (Thieves'). To pick, getic in the highest. Example of

or manipulate, a pocket. This phrase application of one term to varying
is a singular revival. Johnson has meanings. Derived from West Ameri-
' Fake — amongst seamen a pile of rope,' can gamblers wiring back the trigger
and as to poke — ' a pocket or small of their revolvers, so that its stop-
action is arrested. The six barrels of
bag'. ' I will not buy a pig in a
poke !'— Camden. the revolver are discharged by rapidly
He denied that when entering the striking back the hammer with the
music hall he was accused by a larty of outer edge of the right hand, while
picking her pocket, and further said that the revolver is held in the left. This
when called out he did not say he had vibratory action of the right hand is
never ' faked a poke ' in his life. — People, the fanning. No aim can be taken,
6th September 1896. and fanning is only successful in a
Fake pie (Straitened Soc., 1880).— crowd. Six bullets will generally
A towards -the-end-of-the- week effort clear a crowd. So rapid is word adap-
at pastry, into which go all the ' orts ', tation in the States that already the
' overs ', and ' ends ' of the week. See term 'fanner' is used to describe an
Resurrection pie— a term which this unscrupulously brave man.
has superseded. Far away (Lower Classes, 1884).
Fakement Chorley (Dangerous Pawned. From a song, a parody upon
Classes). A private mark, especially ' Far, far away '. One line ran,
on the outside of houses and in thieves' ' Where are my Sunday clothes?' To
which the singer answered, ' Far, far
Fal (Rhyming, 1868). Represents away '. The ' far away ' is mine
'gal '(girl). uncle's. Passed into a verb; e.g., 'I
Fall in the thick (Street). To be- far-awayed my tools this blessed day
come dead drunk. Full of metaphor. -I Far
did!'gone (Theat., 1882). Ex-
Black beer is called thick, so is mud ;
the phrase suggests equal misery hausted, or worn out, figuratively.
whether the patient plunged in the Miss Gilchrist, who has now matured
mud, or rambled into drunkenness. into a well-formed young woman, is
what I should call a vocal defaulter, her
Fall-downs (Street, 19 cent.). The singing being ' far gone '. — Entr'acte,
fragments of cookshop puddings which April 1883.
fall down while rapidly slicing up the Farcidrama (Theat., 1885). A
puddings for sale ; fragments which failure comedy of a farcical char-
are finally collected on a plate, and acter, tied with a thread of serious
sold for a halfpenny. A boy will rush interest. Discovered by Mr Ashley
in, and, with the air of a general at Sterry to describe a posthumous half-
least, say: "A'porth o' fall-downs'. finished comedy by H. J. Byron, and
Conquered when the reply comes, named The Shuttlecock— one which Mr
'Hall sold!' Sterry quite finished. It failed, and
Fancy oneself (Mid. Classes). On this word at once came to be used to
good terms with oneself. describe a failure of any light piece.
They had never known a Government 'It was a farcidrama' — meaning a
which, if he might use the language of
the street, 'fancied itself ' to the extent To begin with, the description of The
to which the present Government did. — Shuttlecock as a ' farcidrama in three
D. T., 14th December 1897. acts and a song ' may be set down to the
Fanned with a slipper (Amer.- living rather than to the dead dramatist.
Eng., 1880 on). Simply spanked, the — Re/. , 17th May 1885.
vibratory action suggesting the fan- Farthing-faced chit (Peoples').
ning. Small, mean-faced, as insignificant as
Miss Lulu Valli made a hit at once a farthing. Chit also means small and
as the demon child, Birdikins, who is contemptible.
threatened to be 'fanned with the
Farthing-taster (Street Children's,
slipper' of her devoted but erratic 1870 on). Lowest quantity of com-
mother.— D. T., 2nd February 1897. monest ice - cream sold by London
Fanning the hammer ( W. Amer., street itinerant ice-cream vendors.
1886). Brilliantly unscrupulous. In- In other shops may be seen hundreds
stantaneously active, equal to ener- 127 of the thick, small glasses in which the
Fastened Feel like accepting It

' farthing-taster ' will be dealt out to ing it in. Poetical description of the
their juvenile consumers. — Newsp. Cut- merest idea of foam at the point where
ting, 27th June 1898. a ship's cut- water touches the wave,
Fastened (Lanes.}. Pawned. and which shows there either has been,
Fastidious cove (London, 1882). or will be, dirty weather.
A droll phrase for a fashionable So to Elba the Foam was now directing
swindler, who pretends to be of the her course, dancing lightly along upon a
upper ten. sparkling and nearly smooth surface,
with only just enough movement during
You can always tell the ' fastidious the later portion of the day to keep
cove ' by his sending twenty-seven cuffs
and collars to the laundry accompanied aSirvery
E. small ' feather
Arnold, in D. inT.,
her 31st
mouth '.—
by a single shirt. — Cutting. 1897.
Fat ale (Peoples', early 19 cent.}. Feather in the cap (Hist. }. Prob-
Strong ale— as distinct from weak ale, ably from Scotland, where only he who
which is 'thin'. had shot an eagle dared to wear a
4 1 was stupefied as much as if I had feather in his cap.
committed a debauch upon fat ale.' — Features. Practically no features
Marryatt, Rattlin the Reefer, ch. 58.
Fat will burn itself out of the fire worth talking about. Satirical-like
(Peoples'}. Antithesis of ' All the fat's expression,
' Face ' is usede.g., 'Hullo, Features!'
in the fire '.
After a while, however, the fat burnt Fed (Amer., 1860-65). Abbrevia-
itself out of the fire, and the happy tion of federal, given to themselves
couple seemed to get on very comfort- by the Northerners, whereupon the
Southerners cut themselves down to
ably.— Cutting.
Favourite vice (Jovial, 1880). Confeds, and met the Northerners at
General habitual strong drink. that.
'I have watched the Prince's pro- Fed up with (Boer War, 1899-
gress,' says His Worship, 'and I am 1900). Overdone, oppressed, filled
glad to say there has been progress ; with.
for at one time I did not entertain a
' Oh, I'm about fed up with it ' is the
particularly high opinion of him. I current slang of the camps when officers
rather thought that the Prince cared and men speak of the war. — D. T., 20th
more for his pleasures and, I may as October 1900.
well say, for his vices, than for the Feeder (Theat., 1880). Actor or
duties of his high position.' Of course, actress whose part simply feeds that
the word 'vices' is here used in a of a more important comedian. Took
harmless sense : for example, when the
bottles and the cigar-case are to the fore, the place of the ' confidante ' in opera.
even a bishop may enquire of you, with Feeding birk (Thieves'}. Cook-
a jovial smile of boon companionship, shop — ' birk ' being possibly a cor-
What is your favourite vice? — D. N.,
6th October 1885. You have
ruption of ' to be a bit
barrack '. cheeky to go into
a feeding birk to order pannum good
Fearful frights (Peoples'}. Kicks, enough for a prince without a D in your
in the most humiliating quarters.
clye. — Cutting.
I shouldn't like to be in James Carey's
boots — his trousers either, if all I hear is Feel cheap (Peoples', 1890).
true. He's had some fearful frights, you Humiliated, e.g., 'Every other girl was
bet.— Cutting. in white, and I felt quite cheap.'
Fearful wild fowl (Soc.}. From Feel like (Amer.-Eng., 1884).
Shakespeare's line, any extraordinary Inclined towards.
creature not often seen ; even applied
' Do you feel
is certainly like brandyquestion
an incorrect and water
(even? '
to men making antic fools of
themselves. grammatically) in England. Across the
A full programme of the Show is a sea we believe the observation means,
formidable study, but a patient plodding ' Do you feel inclined to partake, at my
through it shows that the fearful wild charge, of the refreshment of cognac and
fowl mentioned are really to take a part water?'—/). N., 16th April 1885.
in the pageant.— D. N., 10th November Feel like accepting it (Amer.). To
1884. repent, be humble.
Feather in her mouth (Marine). In his death we has lost a good man,
Capable of showing temper, but hold- but we has at de same time gained some
Feel One's Oats Field-running

waluable experience, in case we feel like are, to use an expressive Americanism,

accepting it. — Lime-kiln Club, 1883. ' fewer of him '.— Newsp. Gutting.
Feel one's oats (Amer. - Eng. ). Fiddle-face (Peoples^. A doleful
Certain to be active. Figure of speech face, widening abnormally at the
from the work got out of a well oat- fed temples and jaws, and sinking at the
cheek bones.
horse, e.g., 'You needn't be afraid — Put on a fiddle-face and jaw to him
he's a man that feels his oats.'
Feel the collar (Stable). To about
and hishis mates
it's your
most likely he
mug for
perspire in walking. you and sneak your yack. — Cutting.
Feel very cheap (Mid. -class Eng., Fiddler (Racing). Fille de I'air
1885 on). Antithesis of self-sufficiency. French horse. The Anglicization of —thea
Generally refers to condition when names of foreign horses is a positive
recovering from dissipation. study in itself. English racing men
Does some brother officer adjacent who speak French always accept the
'feel very cheap' after some midnight English baptism.
revelry ; or how comes it that my host Another stud horse, Peut-Etre, always
is not in the way ?— Clement Scott, in called in the English betting ring
D. T., 21st January 1893. 'Potater' was, as well as a few other
Female personator (Music - hall). lots, bought in. — Newsp. Cutting.
Another misnomer (see Male im- In the case of Volodyovski (Derby
personator), for the performer is a winner, 1901) no Anglicization was
male who impersonates female appear- possible, so the pencillers tried an
ance, singing, and dancing. A man assonance, and styled him Bottle o'
who dresses and acts like a woman, Whisky, and it is interesting in this
while the male impersonator is a connection to observe that in all
woman who dresses and acts like a professions and trades uncommon
man. These interchanges of sexual proper names are always Anglicized —
appearance are still much relished on roughly, absurdly, no doubt ; but this
the music-hall stage. process clears away all doubt as to
pronunciation. For instance, in the
Fenian (Peoples', 1882 on). Three Navy sailors always simplify a hard-
cold Irish, i.e., threepence worth of
Irish whisky and cold water. Brevity named ship. A person had a vessel
is the soul of cruel as of brilliant wit. named the Spero, which was corrupted
In this instance the wit is very cruel, into Sparrow. As for Psyche, what
for it refers to the hanging and there- they called her can scarcely be men-
fore coldening of the three Fenians tioned in decent company. Another
who were hanged for the murder of person bought a vessel called the
Lord Frederick Cavendish and Mr Daedalus, which was called the Dead-
Burke, Under-Secretary for Ireland,
in the Phoenix Park, Dublin, on 6th Field Lane duck (Holborn, Lond.\
May 1882. Other authorities say that Baked bullock's heart. A good
the three Irish, here referred to with
example of lower peoples' habit of
such grim humour, were the Fenians satirising their own poverty. This
Allen, LarkinforandtheO'Brien, bake is made savoury, and is the
Manchester murder hanged at
of Police nearest approach to duck possible,
Sergeant Brett. They are called by exactly as baked liver with sage and
the Irish national party ' the Man- onions is called ' poor man's goose '.
chester martyrs '. In Manchester itself Field Lane was a near neighbour of
the ' 3 cold Irish ' became at public- Saffron Hill, where Dickens's Fagin
house bars — ' Give me a Fenian '. reigned ; London improvements have
The term spread all over England. nearly swept it away. Field Lane is
(See Got a clock.) great in the annals of charity as the
Fewer of him (Amer. -Eng., 1880). locality where first a night refuge was
Expression of congratulation at absence opened.
of numbers in the given case. Field-running (Builders', 1860).
An English judge is a much more con- Building rickety houses rapidly over
spicuous personage than a judge in any suburban fields. Introduced when the
foreign country. His salary is higher, district railways brought small sub-
his social position is better, and there urban houses into fashion.
Fin de Siecle
Fiery Cross

' Yere — come and look at the bloke

Fiery cross (Liter., 19 cent).
Warning of dagger. Probably from standin' on his filbert,' said the boy.
Scott— who introduces this naming Filibuster (Amer.). To obstruct,
mode of carrying news of clan-risings. impede business.had an all-night sitting,
The Senate
The Police send round the Fiery
the Republicans filibustered from six
Cross:— 'Idle Panic' was the headline
by which we described in our later P.M. tillinearly
means its morning. To ' filibuster
Parliamentary sense to'
editions of yesterday the extraordinary obstruct.— Newsp. Cutting, 1882.
alarm which seized upon the metropolis,
and nothing which occurred during the Filing -lay (Thieves', 18 cent.).
evening calls for any modification of Pocket -picking. Fielding's Jonathan
that description. — P. M. 6?., llth
February 1886. Wild. Probably from the French « fil '
— thread — from threading the fingers
Fifteen puzzle (Mid. -class Eng.). in the pocket.
Complete confusion. The fifteen Fill the bill (Amer.) To suit.
puzzle was an arrangement of move- I have a tree claim and homestead,
able cubes bearing numbers which am a good cook and not afraid to work,
were to be arranged in a square, so and willing to do my part. If any man
that every line counted fifteen. It with a like amount of land, and decent
was very difficult and became a rage face and carcass, wants a good wife, I
(1879). It soon came to represent can fill the bill.— Newsp. Cutting.
confusion, incomprehensibility. Fill, To give a (Thieves'). To
The syrup cup was, for a while, a deceive, e.g., 'I gave the blue belly a
fifteen-puzzle for the bear.— American fill' — would mean that you sent the
Bear Story, 1883. policeman on a wrong scent.
Fight space with a hair-pin Fills a gentleman's eye (Sporting).
(Oxford Univ., 1882). A figurative Shapely — possessed of thoroughly good
way of describing the impossible.
Fighting Fours (Milit.). The What do we not suffer from other
44th Regiment. points.
The 44th East Essex loses nothing of people's
treasure dogs ? Our
of love and own, of course,
loyalty, he hasis aa
its identity in being called ' The Essex splendid nose, is perfectly purely bred,
Regiment' except, perhaps, that the and, in short, as doggy people say, ' he
signification of The Fighting Fours is
hardly so clear as it was.— D. N., July, fills a gentleman's eye'.— D. N., 1875.
1881. Filly (Ball-room). A lady who
goes racing pace in round dances, e.g.,
Fighting the tiger (San Francisco).
Gaming, with all its consequences ; ' She's the quickest filly in the barn. '
some of which are desperate. Practi- Either from French 'fille', or in refer-
ence to the use of the word in stables.
cally applied — desperate game. boy.
He asked me if I had ever heard of ' Colt ' is often applied to an active
Faro, and if I knew the meaning of
' fightingthat the Itiger Filly and foal (Peoples'). A young
learned was '.conversing
Soon afterwards
with theI couple of lovers sauntering apart from
keeper of one of the most notable among the world.
the gaming hells of San Francisco. —
Cutting. Fin de siecle (Soc., 1897 on). Ex-
treme in literature, art, and music.
Figure-head (Nautical). The head From Paris — adopted here in a con-
simple, and suggested of course by the demnatory spirit. Within a year in
prow-terminal of most English ships. London was introduced the phrase
A cove can, too, if he likes, spend the
half of his bob in pongelow and the 'New Century' — first applied in a
other tanner in bread and cheese, but public manner to the 'New Century
we think he's likely to stop out of collar Theatre Society' — whose plays were
based upon the Ibsen theories of life.
longer than a cove who doesn't cloud his The authors appear to have thought
blooming figure-head with booze.
We have onoe or twice landed our these words typical of the 20th cen-
blooming figure-head on the kerb. tury, whereas Ibsen towards the close
Filbert (Street). Head— variety of of the 19th century had been writing
1 nut ' to describe the same. Prob- for more than fifty years, and had long
ably applied to a long-shaped head. been a classic in Scandinavia and, in a
Derived from prize ring. lees degree, throughout Germania.
Find Cold Weather Fitz

Find cold weather (Public-house). bility, for the sculptor and painter of
To be bounced, or expelled ; e.g., ' Yere such forms as those we owe to Watt's
you — if you ain't quiet you'll soon find genius to become suddenly a ' fire-new '
baronet.— D. N., 1st July 1885, referring
cold weather / can tell yer '. to offer of baronetcy to Mr Watts.
Finger and thumb (Rhyming).
Rum. Fire-proof coffin (Amer.). A last
house which will resist the action of
Finger in the pie (Peoples'). Ob- the nethermost region. Said of a bad
vious— and based upon the philosophy man that he will need one.
of too many cooks spoiling the broth.
' My pa says that if your pa would stay
Finish (Soc., 1830). A house where at
the night (which was next morning littlehome
more from
sugarprayer meetin'
with the sand tohemixsellsa
about 4 A.M.) was finished by the for fourteen cents a pound, p'raps he
exhaustion of the debauche". might not need a fire-proof coffin when
he dies '.— Newsp. Cutting.
' We are writing of the days when Fire the question (Amer.). To
the Elysium, Mother H.'s, The Finish,
Jessop's, etc., were in their zenith and propose marriage.
glory.' — Diprose's Clement Danes, vol. First on the top-sail and last in
i., p. 98. the beef-skid (Navy). Truly perfect
' Let us go to a finish — say Jessop's '. able-bodied seaman. More in praise
Jessop's finally expired about 1885. It could not be said of him.
was the building afterwards occupied
by the Echo newspaper. Opposite was Fish-bagger (Suburban). Suburban
resident who working in the city, or in
the celebrated place of accommodation,
town, generally takes home food, espe-
' The Fountain ' — significant title, cially cheap fish, in that respectable
which had then/ been established hun- black bag which looks so very legal.
dreds of years. The tradesman shook his head, and
In 1896, King William Street,
Strand, saw the opening of a brilliantly- explained that ' fish-bagger ' was a con-
tumelious term applied to those who live
appointed lounge entitled ' The Finale', in good suburbs without spending a penny
assuredly good Italian for finish ; a there beyond rent. — Graphic, 27th Sep-
sign the proprietor had brought with tember 1884.
him from South Africa. Fishy about the gills (Street).
Fire (out) (0. Eng. ; now Amer. — Appearance of recent drunkenness.
reaching Eng. 1896). To eject. Pro- Derived from very acute observation.
bably from 14th century, the phrase Drink produces a pull-down of the
being invented from the summary pro- corners of the mouth, and a consequent
cess of the first cannon. ' Let us fire squareness of the lower cheeks or gills,
him ' is equivalent to ' bounce him '. suggesting the gill -shields in fishes.
Then they thought his objection to the Fit in the arm (Street, 1897). A
spending of £20 on a lecture — and its blow. In June 1897 one Tom Kelly
necessary or needful accompaniments — was given into custody by a woman for
on the interesting and entertaining sub- striking her. His defence before the
ject of ' Bacteriology ' too much of a magistrate took the shape of the decla-
good thing, so they had him ' fired ' from ration that ' a fit had seized him in the
the meeting.— E. N., 10th Feb. 1899.
The Americanism ' to fire out ' is seen arm ', and for months afterwards back
in a sonnet of Shakespeare's : street frequenters called a blow a fit.
' Yet this shall I not know, nor live in doubt, Fit-up towns (Theat. , 1880). Poor,
Till my bad angels fire my good one out.' behind-the-times places which cannot
This instance shows that in the matter of boast a theatre amongst them.
the mother - tongue common to both
countries, Yankees are even more con- Perhaps you don't know what the ' fit-
servative ofthe ' well of English ' than up towns ' are. Let me tell you. They
Britishers themselves.— Rees, U.S.A. are the towns which do not possess a
theatre, and which are therefore only
Fire-box (Passionate Pilgrims'). A visited by small companies carrying port-
man of unceasing passion. able scenery, which can be fitted up in a
hall or an assembly room. — Ref., 22nd
Fire-new* (Prov. Potteries'). ' Brand- July 1883.
new', absolutely new — from drawing
pottery from the oven or furnace. Fitz (Peoples'). Royal natural chil-
It seems an incongruity, an impossi- dren — derivation obvious. Broadly
Five-barred Gate Flag Unfurled

applied amongst old theatrical people sum when they start, and nothing by
to the invasion of the stage by educated the time they reach London.
persons of position or fortune. The five-pounders are usually of the
' I wish all the fitzes in the world were genus 'Arry. They are not unwelcomed
in Jersey, so long as their five pounds
at the bottom of the sea.'— Said by a last.— Graphic, 31st March 1883.
young stage manager, October 1883.
Fiz (Society). Champagne.
Five-barred gate (London Streets,
1886 on).- -A policeman, from the force Pat Feeney has sworn off fiz, and will
never touch a drop for the rest of his life.
being chiefly recruited from the agri- Not even a drop of whisky. Another
cultural class.
injustice to Oireland.— Cutting, 1883.
The evidence against the defendant, Pat was a patriotic singer of Irish
given by Constable 308 A, was that whilst
in company with a woman he abused him songs, and constantly wailing over the
(the policeman) without reason, asking ' green sod ' of his native land.
how long he had been away from a ' five- Fizzle (out) (Peoples'). To fail, and
barred gate' (the country).—!). N., 2nd a failure ; from the noise made by the
July 1890. gas escaping from aerated waters when
Five o'clock tea (Soc., 1879). the corks fail, so that the water has no
Strictly tea, and nothing beyond, effervescent quality when opened.
except a wafer biscuit, a little more Gale and
wafery bread and butter, and perhaps company has Spader's
fizzled out' Fizz-Bang-Boom
in San Francisco. '
a microscopic cake, if it is a society — Newsp. Cutting.
holiday. Came to be added first to It is a foolish, highly-peppered story of
the ordinary refreshmentless call love, intrigue and politics. It was little
between three and five P.M. Five better than fizzle.— N. Y. Tribune.
o'clock tea has gradually stolen up Flabbergast (Briv. Class). To
to a four o'clock teapot, for people astound. Rejected of most lexico-
came in a crowd, and the old exclu- graphers, but accepted of all men.
sive puritanic plan of one visitor Probably a proper-name word, possibly
retreating as another came, or retired, Phil Applegarth or Applegast.
even if solus-visiting at the end of a The goings on of Cock-Eyed Sal flabber-
quarter of an hour was abandoned. gasted him much, but he was spliced
Five or seven (Police; London, to her, and he couldn't help it.— Cutting.
1885). Drunk. From 'five shillings Flag (Printers'). Woeful expression
or seven days', the ordinary London referring to an ' out ' ; that is to say,
some missed words in setting up a
magisterialto the
unknown decision
police, upon ' drunksby'
and reduced piece of 'copy'. This may involve
Mr Hosack, a metropolitan magistrate, over-running a number of lines at a
to five or seven. frightful expense of time. Taken
Another is, ' Arthur Eoberts in dress from
writtentheat aspectthe side of of
thethe' out ' words
proof and
Mr Hosack, of asfivemany
or seven,
of myas readers
Mr Hosack.'
may enclosed in a loop ; a line leading from
the nearer end of which concludes in
not be aware, is a magistrate, and ' five
or seven' means but no matter. — the caret which marks the point in
Ref., 17th January 1886. the copy where the missing words are
Fiveoclocquer (Paris-Eng., 1896).
Afternoon tea.
Flag of distress (Street). A boy's
Every one, we suppose, has heard of shirt through a too-open trousers-seat.
From the flag of a distress on a ship
the delightful French phrase, ' five-
oclocquer a quatre heures ', which is, being white — because more easily seen ;
perhaps, the noblest achievement of the though perhaps the flag in question is
art of word-coining in sublime contempt only more or less white.
of meaning. — Newsp. Cutting, 24th June Flag unfurled (Rhyming). A man
of the world— passing into flag, after
Five - pounders (Jersey). Not a the mode of rhyming English of a
piece of ordnance— but cheap excur- passing character.
sionists, who fall upon Jersey in high A cove who fancies himself a flag
summer-time, and who make a stay of unfurled is very now or never we don't
three or four roaring days, having this think. — Cutting.
Flam Flash o' Light

Flam (Soc. 18 cent.). Fib— rather 'Flare-up' at the present time is a

than lie. Quite passed away from purely jocular interjection. A noisy
London, but still heard in the counties. revel is very often spoken of by bac-
Probably from a proper name. Johnson chanalians as ' a jolly flare - up ' ; but
says, ' a cant word of no certain sixty - three
another and ayears ago ' flare-up
very sinister ' had
etymology '. Words from proper names To it was added the admonition ' to join
really have no etymology. Butler the Union '. ' Flare-up and join the
(Hudibras) uses this word : Union ! ' The Union part of the cry is
A flam more senseless than the associated in my mind with processions
roguery. of working men, yelling and cursing
Of old aruspicy and augury ! and bearing banners embellished with
death's - heads and cross - bones, and
Miss "Wilhelmina
Wakefield) is great inSkeggs (Vicar
the use oj
of this inscriptions about ' Bread or Blood ' ;
while ' flare-up ' had a direct bearing on
term. May be from Flamborough incendiarism.— G. A. Sala in D.T., 28th
Head, whence, in the 17th century, July 1894.
came false continental news, exactly
Flash (Thieves'). Imitation gold
as ' Humbug ' came to be the term coins — the name probably suggested
applied to continental false news from by their glitter. Sometimes called
' Hanoverian ' sovereigns — a term
Flannel -jacket (Contractors'). originating probably upon the accession
Familiar name for the gigantic navvy of the House of Brunswick — looked
who, without exception, wears this upon by all true Jacobites as counter-
garment. Generally pronounced feit. The last occasion where these
' flannin ', flannel being a hard word terms were in transitory use was at the
from Wales. Tom Taylor used the trial (1881) of one Lefroy, for murder.
term in a scene of the Ticket of Leave The attorney-general, Sir Henry James
Man. ' Hey - sup (drink) thou dear (afterwards Lord James of Hereford),
flannin -jacket.' prosecuted. In his opening speech he
said :
Flap -jack invalid (Amer.). A
victim of dissipation.
or ' Hanoverian
Precisely similar coins —found
sovereigns the 'inflash
the '
' Keduce the nation to a vast hospital
of flap-jack invalids.' — Texas Siftings. —carriage,
Newsp. which
Cutting.Lefroy repudiated, etc.'
Flapper (Lower Class). Hand — Flash (Milit.). A ribbon decoration
sometimes flipper. Possibly from the of the 23rd Koyal Welsh Fusiliers.
slapping movement of the hand It is easy to imagine the indignation
suggesting the striking tail or fins of which would be displayed at any attempt
a fish— when the word would be an to deprive the officers of the 23rd Royal
onomatope — its sound being that of Welsh Fusiliers of their right to wear
the flap of a fish on wet sand or stones. what is called ' the Flash '. This orna-
Said by some authorities to have a ment consists of a black ribbon sewed
very disagreeable meaning. on to the back of the tunic-collar, and
allowed to flutter in the breeze in
Flapper (Society). A very immoral imitation of the tie of the old pig-tail. —
young girl in her early ' teens '. D.N., July 1881.
A correspondent of Notes and Queries Flash (Street). Grand, splendid.
has been troubling his mind about the Evidently derived from strong flash of
use of the slang word ' flapper ' as lightning.
applied to young girls. Another corre-
They're so flash that it's a blooming
spondent points out that a 'flapper' is wonder they know themselves. — Cutting,
a young wild duck which is unable to fly, 1883.
hence a little duck of any description,
human or otherwise. The answer seems Flash dona (Thieves'). A high-
at first sight frivolous enough, but it is class low-class lady.
probably the correct solution of this ' I was always a real lady, as much as
interesting problem all the same. — any flash dona what gets her portrait
E. N., 20th August 1892.
took and then goes on the boards.' —
Flare-up (Peoples', 19 cent.). A
stir, riot, disturbance — obviously from Flash o' light (New Cut, S.
a house on fire. London). Complimentary description
Flat as a Frying-pan Fly Member

of a woman dressed upon the model of sheets of carbonized or charcoaled paper,

the rainbow. when by writing heavily in pencil on
the mass of flimsy, twelve copies are
Flat as a frying-pan (Peoples', old). obtained. Passed into a verb —
Flat indeed. Probably derived from
the first implement of this kind which ' Flimsy me that par ', means ' make
was level compared with the crocks half a dozen copies on tracing paper '.
of Elizabethan days. Had the questions to be copied out ?—
Yes ; and the answers to be flimsied. —
' Egad — I'm struck as flat as a frying- Sir C. Dilke, Crawford Divorce Suit,
pan '.— Farquhar, The Inconstant. July 1886.
Flat chicken (Lower Class). Stewed
tripe. All common foods have fine Fling out or flung away (Peoples').
satirical names. Angry retreat,whipped before him and
Flat-foot (Navy}. A young sailor flung out of the room. (Charles Keade. )
less than twenty-one. (See Shellback). Theodore flung away and was rushing
off". (Miss Yonge.)
Flatty (Thieves'). A greenhorn. Flip-flap (Street boy, 1898 on).
An endearing diminutive of flat, who
would be more despised than the less Broad fringe of hair covering the
contemned flatty. young male forehead. This fashion,
revived from the time of George IV.,
Flaxation (New Eng.). One of began with the quiff (q.v.), expanded
the more remarkable American hypo- to the guiver, and widened to the
critical evasions of actual swearing. flip-flap, a name evidently gained from
Equal to damnation. its motion in the winds.
' Then, what in flaxation do you want
of those things ? ' — Newsp. Gutting. Flop (Low Lond., 1881). When
the lower classes of women adopted
Fleet (Old Eng.—gone to Nantucktt,
where it stays). To trifle, idle. Heard the ' cretin ' or ' poodle ' style of
wearing the hair low down over the
sometimes in mid-counties, e.g., forehead, they gave it this name.
' He fleets his life away. Many young Flounce (Theatrical and Society,
gentlemen flock to him every day, and
fleet the time carelessly as they did in 1854 on). The thick line of black
the golden age.' — As You Like It. paint put on the edge of the lower
eyelid to enhance the effect of the eye
Fleshy Evasive
1899). part of the thigh (Peoples'.,
military hospital itself. When under the second empire
phraseology to describe a wound on painting the face (see Mind the paint),
became common, this term came to be
that part of the human frame which heard in society.
'goes over the hedge last'. Came
into use upon the news from S. Africa Fluff in (Lower Peoples'). Deceive
of Lord Methuen having been wounded by smooth modes.
in this region.
Fly cop (Anglo-Amer.). Detective
Flier (Sporting, 19 cent.). A breeder (see Tec). Cop is abbreviation of
of carrier and other homing pigeons. copper (q.v.). Fly is quite an old
word for adroit.
' Fliers', a term given to the individuals
whose sportsmanlike instincts induce Fly donah (Street). Adroit lady—
them to spend considerable time and
money on the training of homing pigeons. not perhaps too honest.
— D. T.y 17th December 1897. Fly loo (Student, 1850). Summer
game. The players stand round a
Thick o' of
slices steps
and - butter.
house). table, each having a lump of sugar or
touch of honey well before him. The
Royal order in relation to steps — at owner of the sweets upon which a fly
least four ridge and furrows. first settles takes the stakes. (See
He asks for a pint of mahogany juice, Kentucky Loo.)
a flight of doorsteps, and a penny
halligator. — Mankind (Surrey Theatre), Fly me (Ancient). Exclamation
1883. against mistrust or doubt. From flay.
Flimsy (Press). Copy on very thin Fly member (Com. Peo.). Clever,
tracing paper. A dozen sheets of adroit man —fly being used to give the
flimsy are interleaved with as many idea of speed in apprehending, and
Fly Rink

lighting on what passes. (See Hot force the hand of an adversary is to

member. ) play high in order to compel him to
Fly rink (Peoples', 1875). A play higher. Much used by lawyers —
polished bald head. always great whist-players.
Sir C. Warren agreed with the assessor
Flying: the kite (Soc.). Making that it was hardly fair to put a question
public— in the 90's. Earlier in the of this character.
century it was issuing accommodation Mr Wontner observed that it was
bills. Now, however, it has the other forcing his hand.— Gass Case, July 1887.
meaning, as — Fore God (American). Shape of
He would be very sorry to do entirely
without the interview, and politicians old English oath — ' Before God, I
were said to use it as a means of ' flying
the kite'.— Anthony Hope, April 1898. Foreign line (Railway). Any line
Foal and filly dance (Soc.). swear. is' not that on which the speaker
Dance to which only very young is employed.
people of both sexes are invited. Foreigneering coves (Low London,
Fog in (Soc.). To see a place by 1860). Most graphic description of
chance, or to achieve by accident. dislike to others than British that
has perhaps been invented.
Foot I foot ! Now and again this
expression is cast after the respectably We have no passion for ribbons, and
orders, and all the tinsel trappings of
dressed person who wanders into
strange and doubtful bye-ways. Phrase aliens or 'foreigneering coves', as they
are termed in the simple language of
obtained much attention by its use by ' Those in the Know '.— D. N., 1883.
Emile Zola in L'Assommoir, where it is Foreigner (Negro). Elegant evasive
found even in the mouth of a priest.
It is difficult to say when this term title given by negroes to describe
themselves, in order to avoid the
passed into England. The word is to hated word black.
be found as 'foutre' in Shakespeare
(Henry VI.). Probably reintroduced Forest of fools (Literary. 17 cent.).
into England by the French court of The World.
Charles II. Amongst all the wild men that run up
Foot-and-mouth disease (Lanca- and down in this wide Forest of Fools,
shire). Swearing followed by kicking. etc.— Decker's Gull's Horn-Book, 1609.
Forever - gentleman (Soc. , 1870).
Foot-bath (European. ) Overflow
from glass into saucer. Said in A man in whom good breeding is in-
England of a full glass. grained. (See Half Hour Gentleman.)
It is customary throughout Spain for Forrader (Soc., 1880 on). For-
the warder— adopted from the gutter, one
wine waiters
or liquor of so cafe'sthatto itfill a glass upon
overflows with
night, in the House of Commons.
the saucer. This custom, in which it Used in many jocular ways.
is desired to show an appearance of Whether the Liberal Forwards will get
liberality, is called 'the foot-bath'. — any ' forrarder ' over the light claret
People, 28th July 1895. which we have no doubt is all that they
Foot - rot (Public - house). Con- can conscientiously allow themselves
temptuous name given by the con- remains to be seen. — D. T., 15th
temn ers of fourpenny ale. (See Brown. ) December 1898.
Footless stocking without a leg. Fortnum and Mason (Soc., 1850
(Irish). Nothing— zero. (See What on). Complete, luxurious hamper for
the Connaught man shot at.) picnic or races. From the perfection
of the eatables sent out by this firm of
Fopper (Parvenus1). Mistake. Per- grocers in Piccadilly.
version of ' faux pas '. In its extreme
application an ' event ', if you accept 49ers ( W. - American). Earliest
the word's Latin Californian miners — from the year in
valent to what the meaning.
French call Equi-
brise which the movement to California
du soir. commenced.
Forcing the hand (Soc.). Compel Forum (Birmingham). The
admissions. From whist, where to 135 ' Forum ' is the Town Hall, and known
Forwards French

on both sides of the House of Commons

by that name through all Warwick- urging members to be in their places
Earl Granville, who was received with this evening.— D. N., March 1890.
most enthusiastic cheers, said : I rise a Four thick (Public-house). Four-
stranger in this famous Town Hall — pence per quart beer — the commonest
(cries of ' No ')— known in Birmingham, there is (in London), and generally
I believe, by a still more classical name. the muddiest.
— Bright Celebration (B'rgham), June
1383. Fourpenny cannon (London
Forwards (Polit., 1897). Radicals Slums). Beef-steak pudding — price, a
— last cry of the 19th century in groat. Named possibly from its shape,
discovering a new name for the that of a cannon-ball (cut down to
advanced sections in the House of cannon), but possibly referring to the
Commons. cast-iron character not only of the beef,
Sir Charles Dilke leads a knot of but its integument.
Radical 'forwards' on questions of Fourpenny pit (Rhyming). Four-
foreign affairs, whose views are, pro- penny bit— now antiquarian phrase —
bably, at least as distasteful to the since this silver coin has been
leader of the Opposition as the policy
absolutely withdrawn in favour of the
of Lord Salisbury.—!). T., 21st June
1898. threepenny bit.
Foundling temper (London). A Foxes (American). People of
very bad temper — proverbially said of Maine— probably owing to the foxes
the domestic servants poured upon which prevail there.
London by the metropolitan Foundling Frame (Artists', 1890). Picture.
Hospital. Franc -fileur (French, 1870). A
The ladies who are conducting the cur, a freebolter — in contradistinction
Metropolitan Association for Befriending from franc-tireur, the volunteer light
Young Servants are perpetually thwarted infantry of the defence. Used now
and discouraged by the singular in- and again in England in society for
capacity for self-control of the girls who a man who gets away quietly and
have been bred in the great pauper
schools. Their chief characteristic is an won't dance.
ungovernable temper. This is popularly Freak (Theatrical, 1885). Actors
recognised as the ' Foundling temper'. — who lose professional cast by aiding in
D. N., 9th September 1885. eccentric shows. From New York.
Foundry (Peoples'}. Shop, but Actors who play in dime museums are
chiefly applied to a pork butcher's — now
1906. called 'freaks'.— Mef., 18th April
probably because of the noisy vibra-
tion of the sausage machine. Freakeries (London, 1898).
Fountain temples (London, 90's). Barnum's freak and acrobat shows at
Places of convenience, sunk below the Olympia.
roadways. Remarkable for lavish
marble, mosaic, and clear running Free (Peoples' and School). To
make free. Process never of a very
water. (See Cottages.)
elegant kind — especially amongst
Four arf (Costers'). The coster- school - boys. Expectoration enters
monger's favourite beverage is a pot into the process as a rule. (See
o' four arf. 'Lynch').
Four -legged fortune (Soc.t 1880 Free hand (Political, about 1880).
on). Winning horse. Plenary powers, carte blanche.
They talk Turf slang ; they back ' four- General Gordon has been given, if we
must use a detestable piece of slang a
steed fortunes ', andhim
which brings his tolordship owns
utter grief. 'free hand'. In plainer and better
— D.T., 22nd April 1898. English he has been allowed to do as
Four liner (Soc.). Very important. he pleased.— D. N., 5th May 1884.
From French (S. of N. Amer. Soc.).
which 'whips'
have fromor messages
one to to fourM.P.'s,
lines Term used in Maryland and Virginia
drawn under them, according to for any fashion that is disliked.
importance. Probably from 18th century when the
Four-lined whips have been sent out people of these states very much
Frenchman Fruit of a Gibbet

disliked the French population of with no serious aim in life. Sub-

Louisiana. stantive derived from Lord Beacons-
Frenchman (Soc., 19 cent.). Bottle field's celebrated phrase 'hair-brained
of brandy — from this spirit being frivolity
'Junius'.' contains plenty of fine
stirring lines, even if they awake no
Frenchy (Street, 19 cent., to 1854). more than an occasional echo in the
A term of contempt addressed to any bosoms of the cynical 'frivollers' who
man with a foreign air in the streets. exclusively occupy ' the best parts ' at all
our theatres.— Kef., 1st March 1885.
Fresh -whites (Peoples', 19 cent.).
Pallor. Frochard (Theatrical, about 1870).
Freshers and toshers (Oxford, Savage old woman part — from the
demon-hag in Les Deux Orphelines.
1896). Freshers despised as freshmen,
and toshers beiog men who have no Augustin Daly's Under the Gaslight
sympathy with the Church. Com- was more or less a ' bobtail ' piece, and
thoroughly American in tone. We had
bined term of contempt. a New York blood ; a low-comedy
Fretted (American). Vexed to do character called Bermudas ; a ' side-walk
a thing. merchant prince, with a banjo swarry ' ;
a Wall Street dealer ; a judge of the
Friars (L. G. and D. Railway Tombs Police Court ; and a vile
passengers', 1860). Hurried short for Frochard sort of person called Old
'Blackfriars'. Judas.— D. T., 9th June 1899.
Friction (Polit., 1885). New Froncey (Low. Land., 19 cent.).
satirical term for political or inter- Fran9ais — protest in the interests of
national quarrel. things English and of England.
The letter from Lord Granville which Front (Soc., 1888). Audacity-—
Lord Edmund Fitzmaurice read in the from the forehead, pushing forward.
House of Commons contained an expres- Equals affront.
sion of Lord Granville's hope that the There is another rendering of the word
' friction ' with Germany may now be 'front' in use among some clever folk,
considered a thing of the past. — D. N.,
10th March 1885. but I wouldn't for the world suggest that
the promoters have any of that — to say
Fried carpets (London Theatrical, nothing of 420 ft. of it.— Ref., 9th March
1878-82). Given to the exceedingly 1890.
short ballet skirt, then especially seen Front name (Universal Street, 19
at the old ' Gaiety'. cent.). Christian name, and always
Friendly pannikin (Australian considered as the cognomen.
gold - fields). An amicable drink Front piece (Theatrical, 1880).
together out of the small tin pot — Dramatic trifle which precedes the
one which serves the outlying Aus- piece de resistance.
tralian for most purposes. The new front piece, Written in Sand,
Fright hair (Theatrical). A wig turned out to be a pretty little idyllic
or portion of a wig which by a string affair.— Ref., 31st August 1884.
can be made to stand on end and Frosy (Devonshire). A delicacy in
express fright. food eaten quietly by not more than
Frisk at the tables (London). A two, after the children are in bed — the
moderate touch at gaming. couple generally man and wife.
My object is fulfilled if I have made it Froze out (Amer.-Eng., 1880-96).
clear that ' a frisk at the tables ' is now Conquered, made the other a
rendered easy to Londoners, and that
those wishing to enjoy one have but to
attend the first well-managed sporting Fruit of a gibbet (Peoples', 18 cent.).
meeting, to receive encouragement and Hanged felon. The gibbet, as distinct
respectful protection at the hands of the from the gallows, was the frame upon
police.— G. A. Sala. which the hanged man was swung in
Frisky (Com. London, 1880). Bad- I found thee a complete emblem of
tempered, and a euphemism for the poverty, resembling the fruit of a gibbet
seven years exposed to wind and weather
Frivoller (Soc., 1879 on). Person 137 — Gay's Beggars' Opera.

Frump (Soc.t 1871 on). High cut

bodice. When the second French
Empire fell (1870), the low-cut bodice,
which the Court of the Tuileries had
maintained for eighteen years, was
swept away. London society led with
the high, and afterwards the square G. O. M. (Political Popular, 1882).
cut bodice, which still very generally Grand Old Man. In this year Mr W.
prevails. Young men in society at E. Gladstone, when Premier, was de-
once dubbed the high bodice scribed in this way. The satirical
patroness a ' frump ' — a badly dressed journals took up the phrase, and
woman. reduced it to initials.
Full as a goat (Tavern, 18 cent.). I knocked the G. 0. M. down, North-
Drunk. This phrase is evidently ' Full cote sat on his head, and he gave in. —
as a goitre', the word often used for Ref., 7th December 1884.
the huge throat wen which, common G. T. T. (New York). Gone to
in the last century, is now rarely seen. Texas. Confession of flight put on
The word having no distinct modern office door.
meaning, has been naturally changed Gads O](Hist.). Evaded swearing.
to goat. The idea of fulness is com- Equals God s oath — probably refers to
plete in contemplating a huge goitre, the promises made to the patriarchs.
which always looks upon the point of
bursting. Gadsbud (Queen Anne). God's
. . . New Arrival — 'I want a bed.' blood, or God's bud, meaning the
Infant Saviour. Another shape is
Clerk : ' Can't have one, sir ; they're all
full.' N. A. : 'Then I'll sleep with the Od's Bud (q.v.), ' Gadsbud ! I am pro-
landlord.' Clerk: 'Can't do it, sir. The Double voked into a Dealer.
fermentation.' — Congreve,
He's full, too ; fuller than a goat, and
has been for three days.' — N. Y. Gaelically utter (Soc. ). The Scotch
Mercury, 1888. accent when trying to produce English.
Function (Soc., 1880 on). First ' West of England !' cried a supporter
used for grave musical performances ; of the majority, in an accent too Gaeli-
but the aesthetes began to apply the cally utter for London ink to reproduce.
word to all kinds of meetings — even ' I don't believe there are any solicitors
afternoon teas. in the West of England. Only a set of
The drenching showers of Thursday clerks.'— S. T., 1st February 1883.
night in no way damped the ardour of Gaiety girls (Stage, 1890 on).
Haymarket reopeners. The ceremony Dashing singing and dancing come-
was, in its way, almost a function. — Jief., dians in variety pieces — from their
18th September 1887.
first gaining attention at the Gaiety
Fury (Navy). Crew's name for the Theatre.
One of the most interesting features of
Fuss (Anglo-American, 19 cent.). the Nellie Farren benefit is the promised
Dispute, row, wrangle, without any re-appearance of Miss Marion Hood, one
serious consequences. of the brightest and most graceful of
Fuss and feathers (Amer.-Eng., ' Gaiety ' girls. — People, 27th February
1880). Bosh, pretence, froth. Prob-
ably from 18th century English ; Gaiety step (Theat., 1888-92). A
and referring to cock-fighting where quick, high dancing pas, made popular
the birds only pulled feather and at the Gaiety Theatre. Term spread
threatened. to America.
Well, as an American critic says of the Galbe (Thieves'). Profile of a vio-
notions of the solar mythologists, this lent character, and even applied to any
was 'all fuss and feathers'. — D. 2?., eccentricity of shape above the knees.
10th February 1898. This is from the French, and doubt-
lessly came into fashion at the Court
Fuz-chats (Beggars'). The people of Charles II. The word is one of the
who camp out on commons amongst
the ' furze '. Generally show-people, proper-name series, and comes from
and gipsy cheap-jacks, also gipsies the Emperor Galba, who lived long in
proper. Gaul, where his pronounced profile and
Gallersgood General Backacher

terrific nose begot the word. Galbe is Garret (Hatters', 19 cent.). A con-
used daily all over France, but espe- sultation of the members of a shop
in relation to some trade or social
cially in Paris. — " Quel Galbe."
difficulty of the moment.
Gallersgood (Thieves', 18 cent.).
Corruption of gallows' good. So bad Garret (Street, 19 cent.). Mouth-
that it is worthy of the gallows. probably suggested by the mouth
being high up in relation to all the
Gally-pot baronet (Soc.t 19 cent.).
Ennobled physician — outcome of the
scorn of birth for even the scientific Gas-pipes (Street). Name given to
parvenu. trousers when tight. In France when
fashion causes the hem of the trouser
Gal-sneaker (Co mmonLond., 1870).
A man devoted to seduction. to widen out, this style is called pied
Gambetter (International, 1879). d'elephant, to which it has a fair
To humbug — 'Don't you try to Gam Gaul darned (American). Modern
Better me!' From Gambetta, of
Italian and Jewish origin, who was opposition to too plain bad languagb —
very popular in France from 1870 to ' God damned '.
about 1876, when politicians began to Gawblimy (Street, 1870). Cease-
suspect his sincerity. In 1879 his less apostrophe by the lower orders to
popularity was rapidly waning. In heaven, in reference to some declara-
this year the verb in question was tion. This is 'Gaw Bli Me'. Gaw
invented. It is still used in French from the street shape of the word
politics when accusing an opponent of « God ' — this shape being Gawd, ' bli '
an Gawd
ellipsis,forgive and ' me him'. the prayers he
Gamblous (Soc., 1885). Gambling
—invented by Mr J. Chamberlain. said (Peoples'). Evasion of saying the
(29th April 1885. Speech at dinner of sinner swore consummately.
the Eighty Club.) Gaze at the melody (American).
I suppose Lord Salisbury thinks that Look a thing in the face. Another
if this country only blustered enough we form of ' Face the music '.
might attain all that we desired from the Gee - gees (Infantry}. Cavalry.
fears of foreign Powers. There is some- This term, from the nursery, for a
thing to be said for the game of brag, horse is directed at the cavalry by
but in this case the stakes are so high, the infants. (See Coldcreams, Porridge
the risk so great, that I do not believe
that any sensible men will commit their pots, Grinning dears, Muck. )
fortunes to a party or a statesman who Gee-ru (American, 1880). Exten-
would run such tremendous hazards in
sion of amazement. The ' Ge ' is for
such a gamblous spirit. Jerusalem, a word once much used ;
Gander (London, 1815-40). Fop. accent on first syllable and on second.
It is a perversion of Gandin, the Often used, ' Je — you don't say so ! '
Parisian description of a fop from the
General (Com. Life). Chandler's
Restoration to the '40's. shop — where everything may be
Ganymede (University). Freshman , obtained.
or man in his second or even third General (Mid. - class, 1880 on).
year, of an effeminate tendency. Maid of all work.
Gaperies, The (London, 1902). That the race of generals threatens to
become extinct is a proposition which is
The very last outcome of entertain- not really so startling as it sounds at
ments ending in ' ies ' (see Colindiries, first.— D. T., 18th January 1898.
etc. ) It is simply a rendering of ' Gay General (Middle - class, 19 cent.}
Paris '.
Garbage (Naval). Clothes, etc. — Shilling. ' Can you generalise ? ' A
probably from the appearance of a box delicate mode of saying ' Can you loan
of clothes waiting the wash. me General
a shilling ?Backacher ' (Military,
Garbed (American ; passing to 1899). General Gatacher — modula-
Eng.). Full - dressed. Would appear tion of his name to designate this
to be an intensification of the ordinary soldier's love of hard-working his
use of the word dressed. 139 men. (See Bobs.)
Genitrave Get up Early

Genitrave (Peoples', Hist.) Get fits (Peoples'). Vce victis—

Farthing — or smallest coin. Was suffer rage from being conquered ;
in use before maravedi, which pro- impatient under defeat. Generally
bably came to England with Philip
of Spain. ' git
Getfits in '. (Low London, 19 cent.).
Gentleman (Liverpool). There are Victoriously strike.
no men in Liverpool ; all are gentlemen. And then you goes and gets in both
Gentleman in blue (London, 1840). fists — one, two, three — afore I knew
One of the satirical names for police- where I was. Then o' course I ups and
man. gives you a one-er, and off I goes. —
D. T., 18th October 1897.
Gentleman super (Theatrical — Get inside and pull the blinds
about 1884). A theatre-super of some down (Low London, 19 cent.). Gross
position or standing — the ordinary verbal attack delivered on the high-
super being a person of no standing way at a poor rider.
whatever beyond earning about a Get it down the neck (Lower
shilling or two per evening. In 1884
Mr Wilson Barrett (Princess's Theatre) Peoples'). To swallow.
invented the gentleman super with a Get left (Anglo- Amer.). Abbre-
view to creating a school of actors, viation of' in the lurch '.
who began on the lowest rung of the Get outside (Street). Swallow.
ladder. Their price was about twelve
to fifteen shillings per week. Get religion (Peoples'). Become
Gentleman who pays the rent, Get the drop (Amer.-Eng.). Out-
The (Irish peasantry, 19 cent.). Pig come of the use of the revolver in
— Milesian variety. Origin obvious. U.S.A. The muzzle of the revolver is
The Irish pig, the gentleman who pays dropped down to the aim from a higher
the Irish rent, if not exactly a willing level — hence the term, which means to
immigrant into this country, has always obtain victory.
proved a quiet one after his arrival. He
has generally been cured before leaving Get the g. b. (Amer.). Dismissal
home.— D. T., 17th December 1897. — g. b. being ' go by '.
Gentlemen of the long robe ' Won't he feel cheap when he gets the
(Historical). Term applied by warriors
who wore short tunics, satirically to Get the heels on it (Amer.-Eng.).
designate mere lawyers, who waged Victory, success — from the American
wars with but words. habit ?'
g. b. (rapidly passing away) of resting
the heels, when their proprietor is
George (Military, 1880-96). The seated, on a level with his head, if not
Commander-in- Chief, George, Duke of above it.
Cambridge. Good evidence of the
Get the shillings ready (Street,
duke's popularity, which never waned
to the moment he resigned the 1897). Be prepared to ladle out
command. money. From the rush of charity
Georgium Sidus (Soc.). The which characterised the sixtieth year of
Netherlands — figuratively speaking. Queen Victoria's reign, and especially
The Surrey side of the Styx. referring to the Daily Telegraph shill-
ings charity lists towards the fund for
Geranium (Street, 1882). Red nose. the payment of the debts of the London
German gospel (Peoples', November Hospitals.
1897). Bounce, vain boasting, mega- Get the shoot (Peoples'). Dismissal
lomania. From a phrase addressed — probably from the mill shoot turning
in this month by Prince Henry of out the flour.
Prussia to his brother of Germany at Get the spike (Low London). Lose
a dinner : ' The gospel that emanates one's temper.
from your Majesty's sacred person, etc.' '0' course Chris git's the spike!' —
Get away closer (Coster, Hist.). People, 5th January 1895.
Invitation to yet more pronounced Get to onest (Amer.).
mediately. Retire im-
Get curly (Tailors'). Troublesome. 140 Get up early (Street). Be clever.
Get up Steam Ginger Blue
call the waiter and order, as he pointed
Get up steam (Peoples', 1840 on). to the carte, ' Two Giants'. I arrived at
Be energetic. Outcome of the initia- a solution of the mystery when presently
tion of the railway system. Even
George Eliot, who hated anything I saw the gourmands devouring ' giant '
asparagus.— Ref., 1882.
approaching slang, used this phrase so
early as 1846. Gibby (Navy). Spoon.
' I do not know whether I can get up Giddy young whelp (London,
any steam again on the subject of Quinet 1896). Youth about town. Rather
—but I will try.'— George Eliot's Life, contemptuous. Sometimes giddy
vol. i., p. 150. young whelk — pronounced Wilk.
Get your eye in a sling (Peoples'}. Giddy kipper was the first develop-
Warning that you may receive a ment—from probably giddy skipper.
sudden and early black eye, calling Gigglemug (Street}. An habitually
for a bandage— the sling in question. smiling face.
Getting a big boy now (London). Gigmanity (Soc.). People who
Of age. The line was the leading keep gigsrise
— therefore respectable.
phrase of the refrain of a song made Took its from the trial of one
popular by Herbert Campbell. It is Thurtell for the murder of a Mr
applied satirically to strong lusty Weare, as to whom it was asked by
young fellows about whose manhood counsel of a witness :— ' Was Weare
there can be little or no question. a respectable man ? ' the answer being
Getting all over a man (L. Life, ' Yes — he kept a gig '.
19 cent.). Handling and examining Gilt on the gingerbread (Peoples'
him — not necessarily for theft, but in — almost obsolete). The past - away
all probability feloniously. annual rural fairs were made ghastly
The only reason witness could give for gay with flat gingerbread cakes,
the attack was that a few days previously covered with Dutch metal, which
he prevented Eegan ' getting all over a tried to look like gilt.
strange man ' whom he had brought into Gin and fog (Theatrical). Peculiar
1895.lodging-house.— D. T., 8th October hoarseness, generally believed to be
caused by the abuse of alcohol.
Getting before oneself (Peoples'). Dr Lennox Brown has been delivering
Personal emphasis of any kind — of an interesting lecture on the effects of
vanity, boastfulness, threat, anger. alcohol on the voice. There is a broken-
down voice known in the profession as
Getting behind yourself (Peoples', 'the gin and fog'. — G. R. Sims, Ref.,
19 cent.). Lapse of memory in refer- llth January 1886.
ence to events.
Gin bottle (Street). Dirty, abandoned,
Getting it down fine (American, flabby, debased woman, generally over
1880). Successful by adroitness. thirty, the victim of alcoholic abuse,
Getting it down fine on burglars. It within an ace of inevitable death.
is getting so that even burglars are
seriously interfered with in the practice Gin crawl (London, Fleet St. and
of their professions. A recent invention, Strand). Beaten street tracks haunted
etc.— Albany Argus, 1883. by drunken or broken down literary
Getting ox-tail soup (1867-83). men, journalists, reporters, and inferior
Refers to the maiming of cattle, actors out of employ.
exercised by Fenians and other dis- Phil Benjamin was taking his daily
affected Irish, against the property of constitutional, which consisted in what
cattle-owners who displeased them. is called ' a gin crawl ' — in this instance
between Drury Lane and Covent Garden.
In Ireland there have been no experi-
ments at all, for the cutting off the tails —Bird o' Freedom, 7th March 1883.
of living cattle — 'getting ox-tail soup', Gin - sling (Public-house, 19 cent.).
as some Irish facetiously styled this Practically cold gin-punch. Generally
practice — is not a scientific experiment. supposed to come from U.S.A., and
D. N., 7th June 1883. named thus from slinging the mixture
Good example of historical phrase. from glass to glass.
Giants (Restaurant). Huge Ginger blue (Amer.-Eng., 1855).
asparagus. Exclamation protesting againstcaddish -
I was startled by hearing the player 141 ness. Ginger was applied on the
Girl of the Period Go In

plantations of S. U.S.A. to over -eager Give way to booze (Street). Mode

negroes. Blue was added as a satirical of describing habits of drinking.
reference to blue blood.
Give it a drink (Theatre and Music-
Girl of the period (Soc., 1880 on). hall, 1897). Fin de sttcle shape of
Term invented by Mrs Lynn Linton condemnation conferred upon a bad
in a series of articles in The Saturday piece, or some poor turn at the music
Review, attacking the self-emancipa- halls.
tion of the young lady of this
Give out (American). End — finish ;
generation. from a mine giving out as to ore.
After Naseby, by Mr Briton Riviere.
The reader, even if he has not visited Give way (Ladies', 19 cent.).
the Academy, can imagine for himself Weep, break down, resolve in tears.
the young lady of the period, bowed Unhappily the infection appeared to
down with grief, and holding the fatal extend its influence even to Mr Barry-
letter, below a tall window of the more, who, when Mr Forbes-Robertson
Royalist hall.— D. N., Academy Grit. was preparing to bring the scene to a
Git a bit (L. London). May refer close by 'taking the measure of an
to woman, but generally means obtain- unmade grave ', had begun to exhibit in
ing money. his turn an alarming tendency to ' give
way', as the
November 1882.ladies say. — D. N., llth
On the day this 'ere job came off Chris
comes around to me and says : ' I 'aint Give the shake (American).
going to work to-day ; you had better
Abbreviation of shaking hands upon
come out and see if we can't get a bit. —
People, 6th January 1895. departure.
Git the ambulance (Street, 1897). Give us a rest (American, 1882).
Declaration of incapacity, generally of A figurative way of asking a long
a drunken character, cast at the talker to curtail his sermon.
sufferer. Took the place of 'git the Give him a rolling for his all
stretcher' — which was (and is) main- over (Street). Corruption of give him
tained by the police. Took its rise a Roland for his Oliver.
from the introduction amongst civilians
of ambulance service. Giving one. The one here
mentioned may be a kiss or a blow.
Git the sads (Peoples'). Vulgar Glim (Thieves'). Candle.
synonym for 'to have the vapours'.
(See Smokes). Glory-oh (Navy). Name given by
the crew to the Glory.
Give a lift (Amer.-Eng.). A sharp
quick kick. Glory hole (Street). One of the
names found for the places of meeting
Give it hot (L. Life). Severe
castigation. of the Salvationists — in their early
Remember, remember,
Next month of November, The ' Glory Hole ' Disturbances at
The boycotting, treason, and plot — Maidstone:— The 'Glory Hole' disturb-
For condoning this treason ances were continued last night at
(To win votes the reason) Maidstone.— D. N., 24th October 1887.
We'll give it Lord Salisbury hot ! Glow (Com. Class). Blush.
—Ref., 18th October 1885. Go and eat coke (Back Street).
Direction implying contempt.
Give the crock (Peoples'). Yield-
ing victory — the crock must have been Go around (American). Drift ; go
ug- with current in life ; live thought-
I ha ve been making a long calculation,
and I find that this sum will only just
Go-away (Soc., 1886). The dress
cover ex.'s, so I am simply giving you into which a bride passes before she
the crock. — Our Boys, No. 2, December
1883. departs with her husband.
Give away the racket (American). Go close (Sporting Anglo- American).
Unintentionally to reveal. To the winning post. Abbreviation.
Give him rope enough (Old Go down one (Com. London). To
English). This phrase is abbreviated be vanquished.
from the addition, ' and he'll hang
himself. Go in (Peoples'). Act with absolute
142 vigour. ' Go in and win ' is the best
Go Off

known of the applications of this Go to bed (Printers', 1860-80).

phrase. Phrase used by printers in reference to
The person who jumped on the com- printing a newspaper on the bed of the
munion table at St Paul's Cathedral printing-press.
the other day, pulling down the crucifix, Go to Hell or Connaught (Hist.).
knocking over the flowers and other Be off. From the time of Cromwell,
adornments, may be said to have had
but still heard, especially in Protestant
a very inexpensive 'go in'. He had Ireland. Means utter repudiation of
been fined £5.— Entr'acte, April 1883. the person addressed. The Parliament
Go off (Theatrical}. Go off— the (1653-54) passed a law, driving away
all the people of Ireland who owned
Go off (Soc. ). Not to take place. any land, out of Ulster, Munster, and
Mr Matthews: 'There is something Leinster.
cut out of the diary ? ' ' That was an Go to sleep (American- English).
engagement that went off.' ' Whenever Fail, expire, come to an end, now
an engagement goes off you cut it out ? ' generally accepted ; but in the fiist
'Yes.' 'What do you mean by an place used as to wandering theatrical
engagement going off ? ' ' When a and other amusements companies about
person says he will call and does not, I
the U.S. A.
cut it out.'— Sir C. Dilke, Crawford
Divorce Suit, July 1886. Go up (Oxford and Cambridge). To
Go on the aeger (Oxford). Signs
the sick-list. go, academically, to one 'Varsity or the
If a man is ill, or thinks he is — the Wiclif went up to Oxford between
will often being father to the thought — 1335 and 1340. Balliol was his college
he 'goes on the seger' — that is to say, naturally, as he was a North Country-
he puts his name down on the sick-list man.— D. N., 30th December 1884.
and obtains the luxury of a hot dinner (See Go down).
in his rooms.—/). T., 14th August 1899. Go up (Theatrical). The action of
Go on tick (Hist.), Credit — short going up — the stage — that is to the
for ticket. Fallen very low in the back boards of that platform. (See Go
world. off, Come on).
This phrase is derived from the French
Go upfrom
Derived one the
(Peoples'). Applause.
school class — the
word 'Etiquet,' a little note, breviate or
best — i.e., a ticket or note being made scholar going one nearer the top as he
or taken instead of payment ; con-
sequently, to go on trust or credit. goes up one.
" We'll play on tick, and lose the Indies ; cess.Go-aheaditiveness (Amer.) Suc-
I'll discharge it all to-morrow. " — Dryden,
An Evening's Love. Go-between, The (Holborn, W.C.,
Go on with the funeral (American). 1897). St Alban's Church, Holborn.
Continue the ceremony. This high church used to be called
' Machonichie's ' — from the name of its
Go out foreign (Thieves'). To first spiritual director, who, dying in the
emigrate under shady circumstances.
Go one better (American). snows of Scotland, was succeeded by
Father Stan ton, when the church came
Superiority — from a term at 'poker', to be called ' Stanton's '. It acquired
or 'brag'. the title here given from a police-court
The merry Duchess can see the late case.
Mrs Lydia Pinkham, and go her one
better.— jy. York Puck, September 1883. Mr Horace Smith : What is your re-
Go solid (American- Eng., 1884). The ligiWoman
on ? : Well, my boy was chris-
Thorough. tened at St Alban's, Holborn.
The Irish Nationalist vote, whatever Mr Carr (second clerk) : Is that Church
it may amount to, will, in American of England ?
phraseology, 'go solid', against the The Woman : I don't know. You
Liberal party.— D. N., 10th Sept. 1885. ought
than know ; you're more learned
Go to Hanover (Jacobite, 18 cent.). Mr H. Smith : Is it a Roman Catholic
Paraphrase of ' Go to Hell '—Hanover Church ?
being quite on a par with the hotter Th« Woman: Well, it's between the
place in the opinion of the Jacobites. two. It ain't Roman Catholic, and yet
Go ivithout Passport Gold Hunters

The chronicler adds that the frankness

it's very5th High.
D. T., FebruaryIt's a go-between. —
1897. of this admission so overpowered her
Go without passport (Amer. that she could only squeeze his hand and
1860). Commit suicide. say, ' 6th
Oh, September
George ! and
Ref., 1885.was it good ? ' —
Go wrong (Soc., 1870). Antithesis Gone coon (Amer. -Eng. ). Raccoon,
of prosper. which has taken refuge in a tree, and
Goes Fanti (Scientific, 19 cent.). thus offers a perfect aim to the sports-
Tendency to return to primitive life- man. Conquered, trapped.
Gone over a goodish bit of grass
Another sort of man simply 'goes
Fanti,' like the Rev. John Greedy, M. A., (Peoples'}. Tough— referring to a very
Oxon, and reverts to savagery. — D. N., hard leg of mutton, presumably old.
25th August 1887. Good example of evasive satire.
Gone through Hades with his hat
Going 'ome (L. Class). Dying.
Going into laager (Colonial, pass- off (Amer.— just understood in Eng-
land). Bold.
ing to England). Taking precau-
tions against danger. From S. Africa, Gone through the sieve (Managers').
where the farmers in a given district, Bankrupt— lost from sight.
when fearing an attack from natives, Gone to Chicago (Eng.-Amer.).
assemble their waggons and form them Vanished, levanted. Last outcome
into a zigzag circle or square, and (1884) of G. T. T. (q.v.).
pitch their tents within it. This is The spectacle of half a score of gold-
going into laager. laced and brass-buttoned generals in full
The news from Bechuanaland this uniform gravely discussing whether a
morning is more serious. The magis- fellow-officer was or was not wanting in
trate and farmers at Kuruman have proper respect for a civilian now shorn
gone into laager.— D. T., 9th January
1897. of official station and ' gone to Chicago '
cannot fail to be inspiring.— New York
Mercury, April 1885.
Going ter keep a peanner-shop
(Street, London). Evidence of com- Gone to Rome (Obscure}. Become
plete grandeur, said aloud of and to a
neighbour or other person passing in Catholic Spain still keeps up her old
traditions of Holy Week observances and
all the flaunting array adapted to religious ceremonies. When the clock
holiday-making. strikes ten on the morning of Maundy
Going to Calabar (Naval). Dying Thursday all carriage, cart and tramway-
— from Calabar being situated on the car traffic ceases, even in the streets of
marshy estuary of Cross River, West Madrid ; and the capital of Spain be-
Coast of Africa, and particularly one comes aSilent City for forty- eight hours,
of the spots called white men's graves. until ten o'clock strikes on Saturday
morning, and the bells of the churches
Going to buy anything? (Streets, ' return from Rome ', as the popular say-
1896 on). Evasive request for a drink. ing has it, and announce High Mass. —
One man who wants refreshment D. N. , 4th April 1890.
badly meets another, and puts this (See Sent to Coventry. )
minute inquiry.
Godfer (Peoples'). Troublesome
Going to see a dawg (Sporting}. child. Short for God-forsaken.
Meaning a woman, whose social posi- God-forbids (Rhyming). Kids — a
tion may be assumed by her associa- cynical mode of describing children,
tion with 'dawg' — always thus spelt by poor men who dread a long family.
or pronounced.
God-speed (Nautical). Hospitable
Going to see a man (Anglo- Amer., meal given when a vessel is about to
1883). Going to get a drink. sail.
A young fellow, who had a pretty Mr Sutherland at a God-speed party
young woman iu tow, got up after each on board the Valetta said, etc.— D. N.t
act and went out. When he came back 3rd March 1884.
the second time his companion asked : Golblast (Amer., 1883). A mild
'Did you see him?' 'See whom?' he oath.
demanded. ' The man you went to see. ' Gold hunters (American}.
' I didn't go out to see a man ; I wanted Californians.
to get a drink,' was the candid rejoinder.
Gom Got Line

Gom (Political, 1883). G.O.M. Gosh ding (Anglo- Amer.). God

became a word. Coined on the initials damn.
of Graiid Old Man — Mr Gladstone, Gospel according to St Jeames
who in this year was quite the idol (Soc., 1847 on). Snobbery, abject
of the people. devotion to persons of position.
Gonnows ( Women of Lower Class, Derived
la Pluche.from Thackeray's Jeames de
19 cent.). God knows— with the 'd'
elided. ' Gonnows I'm innercent Mrs Gospel of gloom (Anti - aesthetic,
Biffley — gonnows that.' 1880). Satirical description of
Gonoph (E. London). Thief — this sestheticism which tended to doleful
word being Hebrew for the same. colours, gloomy houses, sad limp
Good curtain (Theatrical). Good dresses, and solemn, earnest behaviour.
ending to an act. As what was called ' the artistic dress '
was never adopted by acknowledged
Good tohiding (Peoples'). The hided.
good beauties or ladies of rank and fashion so
refers the hider, not the did that theory of house decoration
The second word refers to the hide,
or skin of the victim. familiarly
completelyknown as ' obtain
fail to the gospel
anyof gloom
grip in',
Good strange (Queen Ann). God's Grosvenor, Berkeley, St James's, or
strings, that is, the cords which Belgrave Square. — D. N. Workers, etc.,
17th September 1898.
bound — string having possibly been
pronounced strang, as it still is in Gospel of the tub (Society, 1845).
some parts of England. The mania for the use of cold water.
A bath was, all over Europe, a luxury,
Good strange — I swear I'm almost or a remedy for illness, until what has
tipsy. — Congreve, The Double Dealer. been called the gospel of the tub was
Good thing out of it (Peoples' commenced in England. Athletics, tub-
Hist. ). Success —probably not wholly bing, and the Broad Church seized on
unaccompanied by smartness. the English mind together, and cold
Meantime it is as well to put in a word water was preached as the great pre-
of warning against the notion that the server of strength and beauty. — D. N.,
British Government seeks — to use a 9th February 1883.
common commercial phrase — to make a Got a clock (Peoples', Historical).
' good thing oat of it ' from a financial Carrying a handbag. The creation of
point of view. — D. T., 18th January this phrase is quite historical. The
first serious explosion by dynamite in
Good young man (L. Peoples', London (Victoria Terminus, 1883) was
1881). Catch phrase for hypocrite. effected by dynamite in connection
Brought in by Mr Arthur Roberts in with an American clock whose hammer
a song. (See Bad young man.) struck the trigger of a pistol whose
Goose (U.S.A.). Practical joke. charge )fired the explosion. (See
Has nothing to do with goosing in
theatres. Got a collar on (Street). Stuck up.
Gooseberry-picker (Soc.—old). A Got aof face
confidant in love matters, who shields Evasion ugly. on him (Peoples').
the couple, and brings about inter-
views between them. Got the crop (Military — up to
1856). Short hair. Until after the
Gorblimeries (Police). Seven Dials. Crimean War, when the long beards
Gorblimy (about 1875). A gutter the men brought home resulted in the
hair being close cropped as a matter
phrase A corruption of 'God blind of natural taste ; hair in the British
me'. army was worn somewhat long.
Gord keep us (London- Jewish). A
vulgar translation of one of the most Got the glow (Com. London).
beautiful Hebrew ejaculations. To blush.
Got it (General, 19 cent.). The
casual, who has (Street). A ' starver,
obtained this name' or ' it ' here is very emphatic, and means
from his ordinary exclamation — punishment in excelsis.
'Gordelpus (God help us) — what's a Got line (Theatrical, 1870 on).
cove ter do ? ' Shortly ' go ' ; but the words mean
Got Right Grey-mite

more than this. They infer vigour, Grace o' God (Financial). Term
given to the copy of a writ issued upon
grace, strength and charm in move- a bill of exchange.
ment, especially in dancing. Only
applied to women. Grandfather Clock (Peoples', 1868).
Got right (Sporting, 19 cent.}. High eight-day
name clock.
before this Never
date. Fromhad ana
Mr C. Hibbert has, we understand, American song called 'My Grand-
sent Kirkhnl to Jesse Winfield to be got father's Clock,' which became popular
right. Jesse is a good trainer and rider, and gave this title.
but he has theories. — Eo. News, 23rd Grand Old Man (Pol., 1880-90).
January 1896. Mr W. E. Gladstone. Mr Bradlaugh,
Got swing (Artistic generally, 1880). although claiming no originality for
Equivalent this phrase, was the cause of its
French avoir tola ligne.
'go', vigour— or the
popularity, through introducing it, in
Got thar (Anglo- Amer., 1880). Got reference to Mr Gladstone, in a speech
there— completion, triumph, victory. at Northampton.
Got the morbs (See., 1880). Five minutes later an almost painful
silence, followed by a craning of necks
Temporary melancholia. Abstract and a general rising from chairs and
noun coined from adjective morbid. benches, proclaimed the fact that the
Got the pants (Common}. Panting ' Grand Old Man ' had been seen
from over-exertion. Figure of speech. emerging from the central doorway at
the back of the stage.— D. T., September
Got the perpetual (Peoples' ). Chiefly 1896. (SeeG.OM.)
confined to vigorous and go ahead Grand Young Man (Pol., 1885).
young men. R,t. Hon. Joseph Chamberlain — in
Got the shutters up (Peoples'}. contradiction to the Grand Old Man.
Surly— from the silent appearance of Granite-boys (American). People
a closed shop.
of New Hampshire, which is a granite-
Got the woefuls (Peoples'). Miser- producing territory
able, wretched, in the dumps. Grass before breakfast (Irish, 18
Got up and dusted (Amer.-Eng.). cent, and early 19 cent.}. Duel. May
Escaped — from a man when running be a jocular derangement of grace
away throwing up the dust behind before breakfast.
him. Dick Dawson had a message conveyed
to him from O'Grady requesting the
Got up no end (Peoples'). Magnifi- honour of his company the next morning
cent personal display, appertaining to
all parts of the dress and person. to 'grass before breakfast'. — Lover,
Handy Andy, ch. xix.
Cotter -dam-merung (Soc. 1862).
Grotesque swearing which was used Grasses (Printers'}. A cry directed
at any one particularly polite ; pro-
after Wagner had -allowed his Ring to
be performed in London (1862). Bridges.bably
) from French gracieuse. (See
Gowned (L. Fashion, 1890 on).
Evening dressed. Grave-digger (Anglo - Ind., 19
cent.). Strong drink.
The diamonds worn by Mrs Raleigh,
Too much 'route marching, pipe -
exquisitely ' gowned ' — we believed that claying, and starching ' tends to dulness
is the word — would not bear the scrutiny and apathy, whilst it leads the British
of the experts of Hatton Garden. — D. T., soldier, when off duty, to make too free
26th September 1895.
an acquaintance with the ' grave-digger ',
Grab -bag (Anglo-American). as it is termed in India. — D. T., 21st
Tombola, or lucky bag, filled with small August 1896.
and large prizes disguised in sawdust. Graved (Sheer adopted American).
Grabber (Thieves'). Evasive term Buried. (See ' Nuptiated. ' )
amongst the fraternity for a garotter. Gray - mare the better horse
Grabbles (Country). Infantry. (Peoples'). Praise of a wife, as more
able than her husband.
Probably disguised grubbies, from the
evident fact that the infantry are not Gray-mite (American). Vegetarian.
out of the mud as are the cavalry. From one Graham, who advocated
Grease Grinning at the Daisy Roots

severe vegetarianism. Grahamite or actress clears the stage in order to

offered an irresistible opening. have it for himself or herself, and
Grease (Westminster School). — bring down the curtain upon himself.
Struggle, contention, or scramble Green mountain boys (American).
of any kind, short of actual fighting. People of Vermont — a droll translation).
Grease. See Bit o' Grease. Green, To be (Railway, not yet
Grease-spot. The imaginary result come to people). Be cautious, from
of a passage-at-arms. green through the railway world being
Greaser (Navy, 1860-82). A scorn- the colour signal for caution. Good
ful way of describing naval engineers. example of changed meaning — green
still in one sense meaning foolish, in-
Great bed of Ware (Peoples'). experienced. (See All over Red. )
Anything very large in the furniture
way. The great bed of Ware was at Greenery - yallery (Soc., 1880-84).
Distinctive term applied to the
1870. in Hertfordshire,
Shakespeare until
speaks of near
the aesthetes who affected this peculiar
Great Bed of Ware in Twelfth Night. 'colour-tone'. Derived from W. S.
Great bounce (Am., 1883). Death. Gilbert's Patience.
Everyday Americans, disgusted possibly When we all admired maidens clad,
with the sentimental fashion of describ- like the Goddess Venus in an obscure
ing death for some years (see Rocked minor poem, 'in mourning raiment of
to sleep, Joins the angels, Sweet bye green and grey', when, in fact, the
and bye, etc., etc.) invented several ' greenery
then bloodyallery was ' view at aof discount,
life prevailed,
grotesque paraphrases of death — (see albumen ceased to be firm in the
Set to music). This was one of the market.— D. N., llth June 1885.
attempts. Greens (Hist. Pre-reform). Corrup-
Experience has shown that iron steam- tion of groans, no longer compre-
ships are very dangerous in case of hensible after the reformation. This
collisions, so the only plan now to
increase ocean travel will be to build word has got coalesced with 'agree-
vessels entirely of india - rubber. A ings ' — these referring to domesticity,
collision between vessels would hardly and thus the inexplicable 'greens'
do more than give the passengers the become comprehensible.
grand bounce. — Detroit Free Press, 1883. S'elp me greens, yer washup, I don't
Great horn-spoon (American — pro- know
bloke. what booze is. I'm a most ill-used
bably from the Dutch). The Deity.
Great Seizer (Amer. satirical). Grey (Thieves'). Evasive name for
The Sheriff. silver — from its colour presumably ;
and figuratively, money.
Greater Britain (Polit.). Annexa- Griminess (Literature). Eroticism
tion. Term seriously invented by Sir
C. Dilke (1885) to include all colonies. in literature, especially French.
Attempt to write a novel in which the
Greater London (Soc.). Popular,
characters are 'all good' was no doubt
well-known. * He belongs to Greater a spirited reaction against the prevalent
than — meaning to a that
mere he is moreof
division 'griminess' of French fiction. — D. N..
19th January 1895.
society. Originally invented to de-
scribe the vast modern increase in Grin like a Cheshire cat (Peoples').
suburbs. Fearfullest grin of all.
Grecian Bend (1865-70). A satiri- Grinning at the daisy roots (Anglo-
cal description of a stoop forward in Indian). Dead — singular reminiscence
walking noticed amongst women of of home fields, daisies being absent
from the Hindustanee flora.
extreme fashion during the last years of
the Second French Empire, and which For thin potations are fortunately
was due to the use of enormously high- in favour, and the old - fashioned
heeled French boots. The fashion fell gormandizers of twenty dozen of oysters
and unlimited stout are like the beer-
with the Empire. (See " Roman Fall," swilling 'nabobs' or 'old Indians', all,
" Alexandra Limp," " Buxton Limp.") in Calcutta language, 'grinning at the
Greedy Scene (Theatrical). An daisy - roots' now. — D. N.t 25th
acting scene in which a principal actor September 1884.
Grinning Dears
Grinning dears (Military]. Lines- Shakespeare's Measure for Measure,
man's nick-name for ' Grenadiers '. replies to a question, ' I guess not'.
Groceries sundries (Trade). Wine Guffoon (Irish). An awkward,
and bottled spirits sold furtively on shambling fellow. From Italian.
credit to women — the bills sent in to
their husbands including the cost of Gugusse (French — used by certain
English Catholics). An effeminate
these liquids, itemed as (groceries
sundries). youth who frequents the private com-
pany of priests. In Paris (1880) the
Grogging (Peoples'). Adulteration. word was taken from the name of one
Took its rise from making false grog of the novels specially directed about
by pouring boiling water into empty this time at the French priesthood.
whisky barrels, impregnated with the
spirit. Thence passed as a well-under- Guinea gold (Peoples', 18 cent.).
stood word to represent adulteration in Sincere — perfect. The gold coin of
the whole eighteenth century was made
general. of gold from the coast of Guinea.
Groping for Jesus (Peoples', 1882). It was of a magnificent yellow and
Public prayer. Derived from one of
the imitative military orders of General gave the name to the new twenty-one
Booth, the creator of the Salvation shilling coin.
Army. They did actually use the cry Guiver (Street Boy Swells, 1890 on).
The tignasse or sweep of hair worn
' Grope for Jesus — grope for Jesus ', down on the forehead, lower and lower
when the followers fell upon their
knees. as the '90's proceeded. (See Quiff. )
Groundling (Theatre, 16 cent.). Gum (Lower Peoples'). Said to be
Occupier of the pit, probably came out abbreviation of ' God Almighty '.
of the bear-pit.
Gummed (American-English Boys').
Grouse (Army). Grumble and American boys' ways of referring to
growl. This is a provincial word still age. ' He's gummed ' — meaning that
in extensive use for worrying and he has no teeth left — that he is only
scratching. fit to die.
Growler - shovers (Peoples'). Cab- Gummed (Amer.-Eng.). Equal to
men. damned. Disguised swearing. Term
very common in U.S.A.
Grub - hamper (Public Schools'). Gum-suckers. A native of Tas-
Consignment of sweet edibles from
home. mania, where gum-trees abound; a
Gruel (American). Sloppy poetical fool.
effort. Gummy (Sporting, 1870). Swell, a
Guanoing the mind (Sor.., 1847). grandee. Imported by English racing
Reading French novels. Invention book-makers who infested and infest
of Disraeli, published in Tancred. Paris. A translation of ' gommeux '.
Accepted by Geo. Eliot. "This is a Gummy composer (Musical). Old
piece of impiety which you may expect and insipid.
from a lady who has been guanoing
her mind with French novels. This is Gun - flints (Amer.). People of
Rhode Island.
the impertinent expression of Disraeli,
who, writing himself much more Gunnery Jack (Naval). Gunnery
detestable stutf than ever came from a lieutenant — very popular in the Navy
French pen, can do nothing better to during the Boer War, and especially
bamboozle the unfortunates who are after the relief of Ladysmith.
seduced into reading his Twiwred, than Gunning (Amer.-Eng.). Shooting,
speaking superciliously of all other Gyle (Fast Life, 1850-78). Shortened
men and things." — Life, vol. i., familiar, and secretive title for Argyle
p. 163. Rooms, Windmill Street.
Guess (American- English). Think ;
as 'I guess not'. Supposed to have
come from U.S.A. to England, but it
seems in the first place to have gone
there from here. Escalus, in
H. 0. G. Hand-me-down Shop

and quite as readily accepted as a

spoken order throughout London —
except the West district.
H Half a ton of bones done up in
horsehair (Sporting). A thin ill-
H. O. G. (American). Satire upon conditioned young horse.
titles of honour — High Old Genius. Half - a - yennork (Com. Londo-n).
H. Q. (Volunteers', 1860, etc.). Half-crown ball (Mid.-CL, 1880).
Abbreviation of Head Quarters.
Had enough (Street, 19 -cent.). A respectable, commonplace hop.
Way of saying a man is drunk. Half -go. Three pennyworth of
Haggis debate (Parliamentary). spirits, for mixing with hot or cold
Referring to Scotland and Scotch water.
affairs. Half -hour gentleman (Soc., 1870).
Hail up (Australian). Put up, as A man whose breeding is only
at an inn. Also an order by a bush- superficial. (See For-ever gentleman).
ranger— an intimation to throw up the Half - past nines (Lond. Streets).
hands, so that no weapon shall be Very large feminine boots and shoes —
used. nines being a large size even for men
of moderate feet.
Haines (American- Eng.). Intima-
tion of sudden retreat. Heard in
Halfpenny howling swell (1870-
Liverpool, whence it arrived from New 79). An imitation howling swell — a
York. pretender. (See Brown.)
Hair raised (American - Eng.). lot day.)
Halfpenny-lot day. (See 'Apenny-
Feminine quarrelling.
Hairpin (American Soc., 1882). A Half-rats (Peons', 1897). Partially
simpleton. intoxicated.
Hake (Cornish Local). Offensive Half up the pole (Street). Half
description of a man of St Ives — pro- drunk. (See Up the pole.)
bably because hake is a very common
fish, or possibly because it and St Ives A Hallelujah
quick hymngalop
in £ (Salvationists').
or f time, to
smell equally fishy. which they inarched — invented by
It is an unpardonable sin to describe General Booth to attract the multitude.
a gentleman of St Ives as a 'hake'. — Hallelujah lass. (See Ally Luja
D. T., 20th August 1896.
Half-a-brewer (Low Street, 1850). Halligator (Coffee-home). One of
the variety of names for herring.
Half-a-doz (Theatrical). Short for
half-a-dozen. Hamburg
rumour. (Anglo-Indian). Bazaar
Half-a-foot o' port (Strand, 19 Hamlets (Theatrical, 1885). Ome-
cent. ). Glass of that wine at ' Short's ' let es—started onAsh Wednesday by
— opposite Somerset House. From
the height of the glass, its shape being the
where Mr Wilson Princess's
actors of the Theatre,
Barrett was then
that of the champagne beaker of the
'40's. playing Hamlet. These gay souls
dined and supped at the Swiss Hotel,
In the front department we have the
Compton Street, and necessarily there-
' ladies ' who are the life-long companions fore found themselves before omelettes.
of hard work, and enjoy their port of
uncertain date, at 3^d. the half foot, for They were dubbed ' Hamlets ' — and
the size of the long glasses warrants this they have kept the name in 'the
description. — People, 20th November
1898. Hammered (N. Country Iron Trade).
Halfalfanalf. See Arfarfanarf. profession',
Married — very local word.
_Half-and-half. See Arf-an-arf. Hampshire hog (Sussex). Hamp-
Half a pint of mild and bitter shire man. (See Sussex Sow. )
(Tavern). Intimated by a whistled Hand - me - down shop (Poor).
phrase, well known to bar tenders, Illegal pawnbroker's — where halfpence
Hand of Trumps Haussmannisation

are advanced upon property which the water up to the time when the intro-
Lombardians will not look at. Used to duction of the system of market in-
designate the shop. (See Ammedown.) spectors put an end, or almost an end,
Hand of Trumps (Mid. - Class), to adulterated milk. This phrase came
Bound to win. Victory. out in a police court — 1865.
Handful (Mid. - Class). Trouble, Hard tack (Sailors'). A sea biscuit.
difficulty. Much to contend with. In passed-away times it ivas hard.
Tack is the diminutive of tackle, to
Handy Jack (Peoples'). Con- encounter. (See Soft tack. )
temptuous form of 'Jack of all Hard up (All Classes). Impe-
trades'. cunious.
Handy man, The (Boer War. 1899- Harder (Anglo- Amer.). Higher, in
1900). Sailor. When the Boers reference to betting.
(October 1899) overran Natal, the
sailors who went to the front with Hardware (Army and Navy, 1880).
cannon showed themselves very active. Ammunition in general, and shells in
The handy man. High praise for the particular. Jocular description.
naval brigade.— People, 1st April 1900. If King Theebaw has had the precau-
tion to lay in a supply of torpedoes, he
Hang1 up (Amer.). Hold your may be able to give the expedition some
tongue. trouble, but the chances are that the
Hang up the ladle (Soc., 18 cent.). authorities at Kangoon may have had an
To marry. eye
12th onNovember
such kind 1885.
of ' hardware '. — D. N, .
Hanover jacks (Peoples7). Imitation Harlequin Jack (Law Class). A
sovereigns. Probably originally false
coins bearing the effigy of Jacobus, or man who shows off equally in manner
James II., sent over from Germany, and in dress ; e.g., ' What is 'e ?— on'y
and passed as genuine in William a 'arlequin Jack.'
Haro. To yell. (See Cry haro. )
III.'s reign. It may be doubted if the
issuers could have been prosecuted — Harrico veins. (See 'Arrico veins.)
for their coins were not imitations of
really current coin. Harriet Lane (Peoples', 1875).
Australian canned meat — because it
On searching the prisoner I found had the appearance of chopped-up meat;
twenty-five ' To Hanover ' sovereigns and Harriet Lane was chopped up by
usually carried by magsmen, several one Wainwright.
'Bank of Engraving' notes, and two Harvested (Amer.). Guarded,
duplicates relating to coats. — Police
Report, 1888. watched over.

Happen on (People's, Old). Dis- Hash dispensary (Amer.). Board-

cover. ing house.
Hash-slingers (Amer., 1880).
Happy dosser. (Se&'Appy dosser.)
Hard and fast line (Parliamentary). College-student waiters in up-mountain
Equal to obstinacy, argument which
refuses to hear reason.
— for it is pudding
flour and (Peoples'). Literal
water boiled and
Mr Henley did not after 1870 take any
prominent part in the debates. Some of completed in five minutes. (See Stir-
his sayings will probably be always re- about Turn-round
; pudding. )
collected inParliament. The ' hard and hat.)
Hatter? Who's your (See Bad
fast line ' and the ' ugly rush ' are destined
apparently to become stock phrases in
our Parliamentary controversy. — D. N.,
Haussmannisation (1860-70 on).
10th December 1884. Imperious action in relation to the
Hard on the setting sun (Anglo- improvement of cities — without refer-
ence to the liberty of the subject.
Saxon Hist., 19 cent.). Phrase indi- From Haussman, the minister of
cating utter scorn of the Red Indian.
Napoleon III., under whose adminis-
' Hard on the setting sun ' is a charac- tration half Paris, for political pur-
teristic bye-word with which to signalise poses, was pulled down and rebuilt.
his humiliation.— People, 13th June 1897.
But, after all, the possibilities of im-
Hard Simpson (Milk-sellers'). Ice. provement in this direction are strictly
Simpson was the general name for limited; land is too valuable, and the
Have a Cab

imperial process known as ' Haussmanni- Haymaking (College and Army).

Practical joking.
sation ' would not in all cases be popular.
— D. T., 12th July 1898.
A number of men go into a friend's
Have a cab (London). Paraphrase room, find him absent, and testify to
for admission or reproach of intoxica- their chagrin by disturbing the arrange-
tion. ments of his furniture. But haymaking
Have a down (Australian). Bear of this sort is comparatively harmless
and inoffensive.— D. N., 1882.
a grudge. Very significant Saxon. He lies at the Pool of Bethesda
Also, the handicapper would ' have a
down ' — as the phrase goes in Sydney — (St. Beghs'i). This comes from the
on that owner for all forthcoming races. German. To lie at the Pool of Bethesda
—JRef., 26th September 1886. is used proverbially in Germany, in
Have a turn (Pug., 19 cent.). A speaking of the theological candidates
bout of fisticuffs, a pugilistic skirmish. who are waiting for a benefice.
Ansburgh even told one of the officers He never does anything wrong
that he would have liked to ' have a turn (Music Hall, 1883). Satirical modb
with him ', placing himself at the time in of describing a man who never does
a sparring attitude. — D. N., 10th April anything right. ' What — bankrupt
again ? Oh, impossible — he never does
Have out (Peoples', 1860). To hold anything wrong. ' his creator (Soc.).
a frank discussion, verging upon per- He worships
sonalities. Said of a self-made man who has a
But she cannot forego the satisfaction good opinion of himself. .
of ' having it out ' with her husband. — Heap o' coke (Thieves', Rhyming}.
D. N., 2nd April 1883. Bloke — which means a comrade.
Have to rights (Lower Peoples', Some heaps o' coke haven't got an
1880). To vanquish — frequently used ounce of cheek in them until they're
in the passive voice.
Hatch kennurd, but they ain't worth
Have to wait for the honey (Devon- calling into account.
Wait until hungry. Heap o' saucepan lids (Rhyming,
Havelock's saints (Military— In- 1880). Rhyming with dibs— money.
This is one of the trade titles for
dian Mutiny). Teetotallers, abstainers.
Having (Leicestershire). Greedy. money, and comes out of the hard-
ware trades.
Mrs Deane was proud . . . and having
enough — she wouldn't let her husband Heaping in (Amer. -Agri.}. Ac-
stand still for want of spurring.— George cumulating an argument, or debt.
Eliot, Mill on the Floss. From heaping in produce.
Haw-haw toff (Street). Swell, Heapy (Rhyming}. Bloke (a chum).
aristocrat — 'haw-haw' being an ex- Short for heap o' coke.
pression very common as to the opening Heated term (Amer.}. Name for
words of upper class men, while toff is the short but fierce American summer.
almost the sound caused by haughtily
Hearthstone (Coffee Palace}. Butter.
drawing in the breath with the lower
lip on the edge of the upper teeth. It results out of the term ' door-steps ',
as a description of the flight of three
Hawk and pigeon (Soc., 19 cent.). or four thick slices of bread and butter
Villain and victim. on a small plate. The action of rubbing
The station-sergeant on duty}> not hearthstone over house - steps, and of
knowing the detective, supposed him to spreading butter thinly on the slices
be the accused. 'But I am the officer of bread yielded this grotesque figure
in the case.' It was not until the real
captive intervened with an explanation of speech.
that hawk and pigeon were sorted out Heaves (Com. Class}. Spasms.
properly Graphic description of the complaint.
June 1897.for the occasion.' — D. T., 17th
Heavy hand (Com. Peoples'}. Deep
Hawking (Amer.}. Pouncing. De-
rived from the action of birds of prey Heavy merchant (Theatr.}. Man
crashing on their quarry. who plays the villain.
Hawkins, Sir Frederic. (See 151 Heckling (N.B., 18-19 cent.}. Mild
'Awkins.) bullying — from cock-fighting, heck-
Higher Culture

ling being the process of pecking out and applied to the more eccentric
the neck -feathers. novels of the day.
Heckling (Polit., 1850 on). Search- He's saving them all for 'Lisa
ing enquiry by way of questions asked (Peoples').
of political candidates. From passing who will not Said
use of a good
oaths youngblows.
or strike man
hanks of raw hemp through carding This phrase arose in consequence of a
machines. row between a violent beggar and a
There was some timid heckling, to frank young man of the people. The
which Mr Gladstone good-humouredly mendicant asked for a copper, the
replied.— D. N., llth November 1885. frank youth intimated he was saving
Hell and Tommy (Old English). them all for 'Lisa. A fight followed.
Said to be Hal and Tommy, i.e., Hess-u-hen (Lower Middle Class).
Henry VIII. and Thomas Cromwell — A way of asking for a copy of The
this couple, after the fall of Woolsey, Sun newspaper.
playing havoc with church property.
Hey lass — let's be hammered for
' I'll play hell and tommy with you ! ' life on Sunday ! Probably, in the
In all probability this phrase is a cor- first place, from the work of the
ruption of ' hell and torment'. blacksmith at Gretna Green. It was
Helter - skelter (Historic). Full said of him jocularly that he hammered
speed. Reid says : ' Helter-skelter is couples together rather than married
a contraction of the Latin, Hilareter them.
celerter — cheerfully and quickly.' Pro- Heye-glass weather (Street, 1860
bably an onomatope — very .fortunately on). Foggy — requiring the help of
applied when Van Tromp's fleet fled an eye, or rather eye-glass. Attack
before the English — some ships north upon young men wearing single eye-
towards the Helder, others south glasses, which became common in this
towards the Scheldt (Dutch Skelder).
And helter-skelter have Hidgeot
I rode to thee, tion of idiot. (Street). Gutter transla-
And tidings do I bring. year.
Shakespeare, Henry IV., High (Oxford). High Street.
2 part, Act 5, Sc. 3. Why, Oxford has laid out more than
£100,000 in adding a barrack for
He-male (Com. London, 1880). A
full shape of male, and resulting purposes sufficiently
already of examinations to the ' by
modernised Highthe',
from calling female she-male (q.v.). tramway.— D. N., February 1885.
Hemp's grown for you (Peoples', High collar and short shirts
17 cent.). Periphrastic prognostication (Music Hall, 1882). This was an
of the gallows — flax coming from hemp attack upon the cheap swells of the
and rope from flax. Meaning that
already the executioner's cord is in High time, or (intensified), High
existence for the beneficiary referred old time (American). Jovial period,
to. (See ' Dance upon nothing ', ' Mount enjoyment without much control.
the cart'.) ' Look to your safes — the burglars are
Henri Clark (Drury Lane, 1883). having a high old time of it. — G. A.
Flatter. From the flattering stage- Sala, /. L. News, 10th February 1883.
mode of a singer of this name. High part (Dublin Theatrical).
Her Majesty's naval police Satirical phrase for the gallery.
(19 cent.). Sharks — whose presence
all over the world prevents sailors from High shelf (Peoples'). The ground.
deserting by way of harbour water. Highflyer (Nautical). Slave-ship.
Hercules pillars (Lit. and Soc. — High-grade (American- Eng., 1895).
from Latin). Limit of belief. Gibraltar Superior. From railway world — mean-
and the corresponding rock on the ing steep — above the general level.
African coast, were, for the Roman, High - toned coloured society
the limits of the world of waters, and, (American, 1882). Negro-astheticism.
colloquially, of any extreme statement. Higher culture (Soc., 1885 on).
Hero-hotic (Bohemia, 1897). Oatch word of enthusiastic society
Grotesque pronunciation of 'erotic' people interested in education, who
Highland Fling Holloway Castle

assume that all persons are capable of of a host receiving an honoured guest
advanced education. by holding a candle in each hand and
Moreover, even if we neglect to walking backwards before the arrival.
organise in this way the force which Hold stock (Eng.- American, 1879).
appears to be thus mysteriously making Assertion of possession. From the
for ' the higher culture,' its mere appear- money brokering operations in New
ance among us is a highly encouraging York.
sign.— D.T., llth February 1897. I do not come as a grievance monger or
Highland fling (Political, 1881). complainant. I do not ask for your
Series of speeches in Scotland. When pity, and have not the faintest feeling
Gladstone (1879-80) delivered his of revenge. Those were the passions of
famous Midlothian speeches, this term youth — a delightful period in which, as
our American friends phrase it, no
was applied to the statesman's efforts,
and has since been accepted as longer 'held any stock'. — Mr E. Yates,
representing a political speech delivered at Dinner given to him, London, 31st
in Scotland. May 1885.
Hill-top literature. Solid advice. Hold up (Society, 1860 on). To bo
cheated or turned to account. From
Derived from danger- board warnings
to cyclists on the summits of steep the American highway - man's habit
hills. of calling
The attention which is now being his hands, upon
that his victimnotto fire.
he may * hold up '

given to that form of ' hill-top literature ', Holding up the corner (Anglo-
known as ' danger-boards ', has resus- American). Satirical description of a
citated some stories concerning them. leaning idler.
It is said that in Ireland a tourist went
down a steep and dangerous hill and Hollanders (S. London, 1875-85).
was astonished to observe that it seemed Pointed waxed moustache. "When
to be without the necessary warning. Napoleon III. became popular in
However, when he got to the foot of the England (1854) many adopted the
descent he found the notice, ' This hill is chin-tuft or goatee he wore — a tuft to
dangerous to cyclists '.— D. T., 14th July which the necessary name imperial
1898. was given. During the first half of
Hinchinarfer (Streets, 1880 on). the 19th century no face hair in
Gruff-voiced woman, with shrieking England was possible below the
sisterhood tendencies. Obscure erotic. mutton-chop whisker — probably from
national horror of the over-bearded
His hand was out (Peoples'). faces of the French revolutionaries.
Ready to take all and everything at
all times. A Mr "W. Holland became a popular
lessee — he at last reaching Covent
Histed (American, outlying}. Vigil- Garden Theatre. Throughout his
ance committee evasion for hanged.
public life he grew, and always had on
Corruption of hoisted — pronounced hand, or rather on upper lip, the
high-sted. finest pair of black - waxed sheeny
Historical (Society, 1882). Old- moustaches ever beheld.
fashioned—said of a costume or bonnet
which has been seen more than three Holler Cuss (London, 1899). From
times. Holocauste — a French horse in the
Derby of 1899. There is here also a
Now, though dinner-dresses are rich, little satire, for the horse in question
costly, and elaborate, if a lady appears showed several faults in form.
at a fourth dinner or even a third in the
same gown, it is immediately dubbed Holocauste, colloquially ' Holler Cuss ',
historical. — Fashion as it ivas and is, excited some ribald remarks by reason
D. N., 26th December 1882. of
1899.his peculiar hue.— D. T., 1st June
Hitch up (Anglo-American). Start.
From harnessing two horses to run Holloway Castle (Peoples'). Prison
abreast. at Holloway (chiefly for debt), in the
north of London; hence, sometimes
Ho — he's got the white coat called North Castle, as more evasive
(Provincial). Meaning he is drunk. than Holloway.
Hold a candle (Peoples'). Be It may be taken as highly improbable
humble. Serve abjectly, as seen in the that Her Grace (of Sutherland) will be
proverb. Took its rise from the habit subjected to the indignities which are
¥««L ~^BV«*V- -WVW T^^BW^ J*A*»T^

.~,,iL_L- ..- " —

Hug Centre Idle Fellowships

Hug centre (Amer.— passing to Hupper sukkles (Soc., 1846-70).

England}. Head - quarters of public Upper circles. Introduced by
love-making. Thackeray in the De la Pluche
Central Park as a hug centre. The Papers.
amount of love made visible in Central
Hurry up (Anglo-Indian, 1850). Be
Park is simply appalling. — N. Y. quick — originated in the river steamer
Mercury, December 1882. navigation of U. S. A.
The word was soon taken up in Hustler (Amer. Circus). Name
London, Hyde Park doing duty as a invented for flaming advertisements.
' hug centre '. Hyde Park railings (Streets of W.
Hullabaloo (Peoples'}. Noise, dis- London). Breast of mutton — from the
turbance. It would appear to be a parallel bones suggesting the parallel
corruption of the French hurluberlu — railings.
the accent on the two ' lu's '.
Hullo, features ! (Com. Peoples'). or Hyking
after any (Peoples'}.
one. Calling out at
Friendly salute upon meeting an
Hullo, my Buck ! (Peoples'). Ex-
clamation of approbation. Possibly
from Villiers, Duke of Buckingham,
or from the idea of a fine deer. Or it
may be from buckram, the first stiffen-
I. T.
Irish A. (Peoples'}.
toothache (q.v.). Euphemism for
ing used in making men's clothes. In
that case it is a metaphor from the
man to his fashion. I believe you, my boy (L. Class).
Certainly. Accepted by middle-class
Hum (Navy). Crew's name for the
Hermes. about 1850— from the drama of The
Green Bushes, in which Paul Bedford,
Hum (Lower Classes, 19 cent.). then a most popular actor, used the
Smell evilly. This is an application phrase as a catch line.
from the humming of fermentation in
an active manure heap. 'Tis forty
drama years Bushes,
The Green since Buckstone's
was first
played at the Adelphi, and since Paul
Hum (Peoples', Hist.). Attract
attention. Bedford's ' I believe yer, my boy ! ' found
Mr Douglas Sladen has given new life its way on to tongues of the multitude.
to an old and somewhat decrepit annual ; —Ref., 18th October 1885.
a new life that makes it ' hum ' in the I refer you to Smith (1897).
very direction the reading world desires. Synonym of Ananias— champion long
—People, 4th April 1897. bowyer, etc. From a character named
Hunder-hand (Street Boys, 1880). Smith with an affliction of lying in
The Prodigal Father (Strand Theatre,
Sudden blow given with advantage.
Hung (Artists', 19 cent.}. Picture
accepted and hung at an Exhibition. the' Inew
you tocatchword.
Smith.' This will be
' ' I'm hung at the Ac. " (See Walled. ) anyone has been drawing the long bow,
Hung up (Soc., 1879). Said where as Harry Paulton does in the new play,
in lower classes stuck up would be whenever a boaster has been telling
used. From the American — where tarrididles or lying with extra vivacity,
personal catastrophe is referred to by he will be met with the quick rejoinder,
this phrase. (See Screwed up.) 'I refer 1897.
February you to Smith'.—/). T., 2nd
Hunkered down( American prairie).
Stooped, anchored down. I say (Peoples', 19 cent. ). Protest.
Ichabod (Nonconformist). Lamenta-
Hunter (Soc., 1880). Hunting tion. From Biblical source. ' Ichabod
— Ichabod — I have lost my wealth.
Jennings was on Friday presented with
a gold hunter and chain, by a few of his The Lord be praised.'
kind friends in front, who took this Idle fellowships (Oxford and Cam-
opportunity of expressing their opinion bridge). The old as distinct from the
of his form as man and manager. — Ref., new fellowships. Parliamentary action
9th August 1885. 156 swept away towards the end of the
letqui Inventories

19th century most of these fatal sine- In the drag (Tailors'). Behind-
cures. hand.
Much has been said against what are Incident (Amer.— accepted in Eng-
called idle Fellowships. — Z>. N.t land). An illegitimate child.
November 1884.
Indorse (Amer.). To sanction.
letqui (0. L. — Sporting). A re- Inferior portion (Polit. t 1885).
markable shape of phrasing, where
the first letter or so is removed from Eighties party of younger Tories. From
the beginning of the word and added a letter written by Mr W. E. Gladstone,
which commenced
at the end. The word is * quiet'.
He (Complicated rhyming}. Dance — My Dear Sir,— In 1879 and 1880 the
inferior portion of the Tory party circu-
Isle of France— dance. ' Can't he ile ? ' lated a multitude of untruths concerning
I'll give you Jim Smith (Street, me, etc.
1887). Thrashing. Sudden adoption The phrase took at once, and was
of the name of a prize fighter to satirically used.
designate fighting.
Imperial pop (Street, 1854). Pop Ink-bottle (Artisans'). A clerk.
is ginger beer, derived of course from Inkslinger (Navy). Purser's
Term of sovereign contempt. clerk.
the sound made when drawing the
cork. The adjective was added by Innocent (Thieves', Hist.). Re-
street sellers of this refreshment when ferring to a term of undeserved con-
Napoleon III. passed in state through
London. An ex-convict, who admitted having
Imperialists (Polit., 1888 on). undergone long terms of penal servitude,
Name found by the Radicals (who were applied to Mr Denman, at Westminster,
complaining that his worship gave him
in favour of the abandoning of the
colonies) for the Conservatives, who three months' ' innocent ' in May 1893 at
South- Western Police Court.— D. T.,
wished the Empire to remain intact. 16th October 1896.
Impressionist (Soc.t 1884). In- Inquiry note (Theat., 1860). Term
tensely appealing directly to the came into use when provincial com-
emotions. panies were replaced by travelling ones.
Of late years we are accustomed to It is a letter asking for information as
take our notions of French dramatic art to what nights a theatre may be had
more something
vivid and more rapid ' impressionist
and startling ' ;; for performance.
depending more on sudden effects and Ins (Political, 19 cent.). The Minis-
terial side of the House of Commons.
bold splashes of light and shade. — D. (See Outs. )
N., 29th April 1885.
Improve the occasion (American). Inside (Thieves'). Abbreviation of
Take advantage of it. ' inside a prison '.
Beaufort's duke trots by, and then
In (Peoples'). Gain. ' I'm nothing dashes past a once member of the dan-
in by that deal.' (See Out. )
In and out (Common). Pauper who many a gerous
timeclasses, having '
who, ' inside
gives notice frequently to leave the run into a bit of ready, will now go
poor-house, and who returns after a straight while straightness pays. — Ref.,
short holiday, say a day, or from 14th October 1888.
Saturday to Monday. Inside of (American). A very em-
There are considerable numbers of
the work- phaticthe for ' within
synonym mark '.
paupers, who find
it seems, retreat
house aconvenient on emergency, Inside (Anglo- Amer.}.
but have a strong aversion to permanent
residence there. They are known Inside the probable (American-
reaching England). Within proba-
10th December as 'the1884.
ins-and-outs '.— D. N.t
Introduce shoemaker to tailor
In for
on). a badill thing
To have luck. (Peoples', 1880 (Peoples'). Evasive metaphor for
' You are in for a bad thing, Phil, my fundamental kicking.
boy.'— E. N., 23rd February 1896. Inventories (Soc. , 1885). Play upon
In Paris (Soc. , 19 cent. ). Eloped. the word inventions. In the previous
Inveterate Cockney Jacket, To

year a series of industrial exhibitions It's dogged as does it (Pugilistic).

had been started in the then gardens Perseverance.
of the S. Kensington Museum. This Mr Benjamin's race and nation have
generally shown themselves perfectly
initial display was the ' Fisheries ', and alive to the truth of the principle that
from that time the successive exhibi-
tions had their titles changed into ' it's dogged as does it ', and they are not
as a rule devoid of wits. — D. N.. 10th
plurals in ' ries '. Hence the ' Inven- February 1883.
tions became
' the Inventories.
As all the world knows by now, London
was very near losing its ' Inventories ' on
Friday, for about noon a fire broke out
there, and for some time threatened to J
be a big thing.— Ref., 14th June 1885.
This is the close of the season. I sup-
pose the Kensington Inventories has had J. (Peoples'). Lost reduction of
the best of it, and owing to this fact I Juggins (q.v.)— which in 1884 was quite
imagine many of the managers may be exceptionally popular.
deprived of that great pleasure — paying By means of this knowledge we find
income-tax. — Mr J. L. Toole's closing the greatest of all differences between
speech, Toole's Theatre, 7th August 1885. the raid on betting men in 1869 and the
raid on professional gamblers and their
Inveterate Cockney (Political,
J.'s twenty years after.— Ref.. 19th April
1885). Ignorant of country life — a 1889.
mere townsman.
. . . Now, gentlemen, there are three J.A.Y. (Peoples', 1880 on). Fool,
assumptions in this calculation, every one over-trustful person, one of easy belief.
Our business is not, however, with
of which I, an ' inveterate Cockney ', can them or their intentions ; what we have
see at a single glance to be totally in- to do is to think of the jays who offered
ac urate.— Mr Joseph Chamberlain, 14th
October 1885. about ten times the market price for a
Invincibles (Fenian, 1883). Short ten-round spar.— Ref., 17th November
for Invincible Brotherhood.
J. S. or N. or D. (Divorce Court}.
Irish draperies (Peoples', England). The initials of the three forms of
disturbance amongst married folk.
Irish toothache (Peoples). En- Whether it was an application for a
ceinte. (See I. T. A.) divorce, a judicial separation, or for
Irishman's rest (Peoples'). Going up nullity of marriage, no one outside the
a friend's ladder with a hod of bricks. parties interested will, probably, ever be
any the wiser, since the letter indicating
Irons (American). Pistols.
this (either
the case may'',
wasor not
'N.', or ' in
added D.',this
Irvingism (Lond. Soc., 1880 on).
Imitation on or off the stage of the instance, for some inscrutable reason. —
mode of speaking and bearing of Sir People, 16th August 1896.
Henry Irving. Jack (Lambeth, 1865-72). A police-
Mr William Felton may also be heard man— quite local.
of Jack-a-dandy (Rhyming). Brandy.
wasagain. The natural
obviously ' Irvingism
and' ofin his
no voice
way This evolution has something probably
assumed.— D. T., 12th October 1896. to do with brandy, as being the most
Islands (London). Refuges (q.v.) expensive of the ordinary spirits.
or raised pavements in centre of
roads, to facilitate road-crossing by Jack ashore (Peoples'). Jack
elevated — practically drunk, and
The statue (Charles I., Charing Cross)
Jack up (Street). To quit —
amountsituated on an 'island,'
of skirmishing a certain
was necessary in especially in love affairs.
order to reach it.— D. T., 31st January Jacked it (Obscure). Died.
1899. Jacket (Military}. A soldier who
It snowed (Peoples' —from America}. wears a jacket (chiefly cavalry or horse
Catastrophe, misery.
Italian quarrel (Soc.). Death, Jacket, To (Peoples'}. Threat to
poison, treachery, remorselessness. hare you locked up as a madman.

Jag (Spanish - American - Eng.}. Japanned (Soc., 1897-98). Dressed

Desire to use a knife against somebody or furnished in Japanese fashion. Play
— to jag him. upon the old word for lacquering.
J aggers (Oxford). Men of Jesus The play is ' japanned ' by Mr Arthur
College. Diosy of the Japan Society. — From
Daly's Theatre, London, play - bill,
Jesus College men were called 'Jaggers', 1897-98.
long before a certain messenger - boy
played the part of Mercury across the Jarbee (Navy). Able seaman.
Atlantic.— D. T., 14th August 1899.
Jaundy (Navy). Master-at-arms.
Jailed (Peoples', 1879). Sent to Supposed to be from ' gendarme '.
prison. From America, through
Liverpool, over England. Jaunty (Peoples'). Self-sufficient in
appearance or words.
Jakkitch (Provincial). Term of
opprobrium. Probably corruption of Jawkins (Club, 1846). A club bore.
Jack Ketch. Name-word derived from Thackeray's
'Book of Snobs'.
Jam (Lower Class, 1 880 on). Pretty
girl — presumably of easy habits. The Jay town (Anglo - Amer., 1889).
history of this word is very interesting.
A girl of notoriety in Piccadilly was A brother-journalist who has spent
some years in the United States has
named ' Tart '. She, in compliment to written explaining to me the meaning of
her sweetness, came to be styled jam
tart, and the knowing ones would ask — a 'jay town ' — term alleged to have been
used by Mrs Kendal in describing San
' Would you like a bit of jam tart ? ' Francisco. A jay town is a country town.
Then the tyranny of brevity asserting A 'jay' or a 'yapp' is the American
itself, the phrase became 'jam', which equivalent of an English yokel or country
lasted twenty years. bumpkin.— Ref., 25th November 1894.
Here's a timely warning for all Jayhawkers (American). People of
burlesque writers. The Examiner of Kansas.
Plays, which his name is Pigott, has
determined that he will not give his Jee (American). Oath-like expres-
sanction to the production of any piece sion. First syllable of Jerusalem.
in which the word 'tart' occurs. It ts ' Jee ! You don't dare to do it ! '
not yet known whether orders have been
issued from headquarters to all dictionary Jeff (Anglo - American, 1862 - 83).
publishers to wipe the word out of the Master, superintendent, director,
English language ; but the order has
been sent, or will be, first to the burlesque
makers, and to the dictionary-makers it Jenny, To (Thieves'). Comprehend.
may be sent tart-er. — Ref., 27th October Jeremiah, To (Peoples'). To
1889. complain — from the character of
that prophet.
Jam-pot (Political, 1883-84). One
of the opprobrious names cast at Mr Jeremiah-mongering (Soc., 1885).
Gladstone— apropos to his recommend- Deplorable and needless lamentation.
ing to Englishmen the cultivation of Invented to describe the social
fruit and the exportation of jam. behaviour of those who after the fall
Mr Gladstone is insulted day after day of Khartoum went around maintaining
and week after week in Tory prints. He that England had indeed come to a
is a jam-pot, a wood-cutter, a hopeless
lunatic, a Jesuit, an Atheist, a windbag, Jerking a wheeze (Theatrical,
a storyteller, an idiot, and a humbug. — 1860). Telling a wheeze (q.v.) with
G. R. Sims, 28th September 1884. brilliant effect.
Jammiest bits of jam (Com. Lon., Jersey hop (1883). An un-
1883). Absolutely perfect young ceremonious assembly of persons with
females. a common taste for valsing ; from
Jersey, U.S.A.
Jane Shore's fate (Provincial — very
ancient). Death in penury and shame. Jesus'-eyes (Papal). Forget-me-
Jap crock (Soc., I860 on). Any
piece of Japanese porcelain of a value Jettisonise (Col., 19 cent.). Im-
from £10,000 to a mere lOd. ported—placed on a jetty.
Jeune Sikcle Josser

Jeune siecle (Soc., 20 cent.). The tallyman, or ' John Fortnight ', as
Conversion of fin de siecle, and de- the humorists call him, and the caller
scribing people equally of the same for the club - money secure varying
social behaviour. Of course from receptions.
Johnny Crapose (Peoples'). French-
Jib (Soc., 1848-80). Flat- folding, but howmen. comes
The second word this
it that is ' crapaud
word has',
set in centre ofhat, closedribs.
vertical by springs
Name been accepted in conjunction with
from that of the French inventor Johnny to describe a Frenchman ?
'Gibus3. Johnny Horner (Rhyming). Round
Jib, Big (Navy). Good wishes — the corner — meaning a public-house.
' Long may your big jib draw ' Joined the angels (Amer., 1880).
ostensibly refers to a valuable sail, One of the ways of mentioning death.
but furtively has an erotic meaning. ' Do not ask me after my dear John
Practically it is wishing a man, who Thomas— he has joined the angels.'
has served his time and is leaving the Joint (Street). Wife.
service, health and happiness. Jolly (Middle Class). Rally, a shout,
Jig-got o' mutton (Thieves'). French a chevy. This word is evidently very
— gigot. old.
Jimmies (Hist., 17 cent.). Guineas He chanced to come where was a jolly
— in the reign of James II. Remains Knight. — Spenser.
to this day. Those were jolly days. — Dryden.
Jimmy Bungs (Navy). Coopers. While the jolly horns lead on pro-
Jimmy Rounds (Nelsonic Period). pitious day. — Milton. — Beattie.
The jolly hunting band convene.
Frenchmen — according to the Jack Tar
of the wars with France in Nelson's Jolly utter (London, 1881). One of
time. From the cry of the French
sailor when face to face with the the phrases resulting out of Punch's
attack (1881) upon the Esthetic
English mariner— ,/e me rends. School. This is to be found in Sir W.
Joburg (Military, 1900 on). S. Gilbert's piece Patience.
Johannesburg. Broken Hearts is rather a ticklish piece
Jinks the Barber (M. Class, 1850). to tackle. Badly or even carelessly
Secret informant. Idea suggested by played, the love-sickness and the moon-
the general barber being such a struckness would be quite too jolly utter
gossiper. Jinks is a familiar name for for the ordinary Philistine mind to stand.
— Ref., 18th February 1883.
an easy-going man. Invented by
Pierce Egan. Jonah (Theatrical, 1883). An actor
who brings bad luck to a theatre.
Job (Peoples', Hist.}. Hen-pecked Suggests the superstition of the evil
husband. Patient origin obvious.
Douglas Jerrold gave this Biblical eye. From Jonah's supposed ill-luck
name to Mr Caudle. — bringing catastrophe, when at sea.
Apt antithesis to Mascotte.
Jobanjeramiah(Peo^gs'). Maunderer Joseph and Jesse (Polit., 1886).
— combination of the two doleful Political satiric cry against Mr Joseph
patriarchs. Chamberlain and Mr Jesse Collings,
Jockies, By (American- Provincial). raised immediately after the latter took
Said to be survival of early English ; office (February 1886).
' By Jesus ' cries. The amendment did not expressly con-
Jockeying (London Streets, 19 cent.). tain the principle of compulsion, and the
Vehicular racing. speech of Mr Collings is not binding upon
the House of Commons or the Govern-
Joey (Theatrical). To mug, or ment. But, as Mr Chaplin rather neatly
attract the attention of the public, put it on the night of his last appearance
while the 'mugger' is up the stage, as Chancellor of the Duchy, ' the voice is
and should be quiet, letting actors the voice of Jesse, the hand is the
"down the stage" have their chance. hand of Joseph.— D. N.. 26th February
John Fortnight ( Workmen's '
London). The tallyman — from his 160 1886. (Hong-Kong). A swell, a
calling every other week. From joss, the name of the
Keep the Devil Out of One's Clothes

figures of Chinese gods, with the Exclamation equivalent to Great

personal 'er' added. Suggested by
observation of the request paid by the
June too-too (Peoples', 1897). June
Chinese to the 'joss'. 22 in 1897— the celebration of the
Jubilee (Mid. Class, 1887). The sixtieth anniversary of the Queen's
Jubilee (1887) came to be applied in reign. Survival, or rather resuscita-
many ways — but one, satirically tion of the phrase 'too-too', satirically
descriptive of supremacy chiefly directed against sestheticism in the
survived. '80's — meaning (satirically) too, too
Judaic superbacey (C. Garden and good. Here used as a comic variation
of ' 22 '—two two.
vicinity, 1897). Jew in all the glory
of his best clothes — generally a young Jupiter Scapin (Parisian, 1810).
Joseph, or a young old David. Napoleon I. Used in England now
and again to indicate a tricky minister.
Judy - slayer (London, Jewish).
Lady-killer. Just ached (American). Longed.
Just too sweet for anything
Juggins's boy (L. Lond., 1882). (American). Highest form of praise.
The sharp and impudent son of a
stupid and easily ridiculed father.
Juggins-hunting (Tavern). Look-
ing for a man who will pay for liquor.
Jumbo (London, 1882). Anything
particularly large and striking became
a 'jumbo' — there being at this time a
large elephant of that name in the Zoo.
The vulgar assert that Epsom is a very K.A.B.G.N.A.L.S. (Myttic). The
hotbed of training theories, and it must letters of back slang (less the needless
be admitted that it has its peculiarities
in this direction. Nay, did it not pro- 'c'), this
that and mode
uttered rapidly to indicate
of conversation will be
duce the genial Mr Ellis, whom the
agreeable to speaker. Another form is
wicked called 'Jumbo'?— E. N., 23rd Kabac genals.
January 1896.
Mr Ellis was a big, heavy, solemn Kangaroo (Nautical in origin). A
official. Some months after Jumbo's tall, thin man, especially ill-shaped
expatriation, a very tall man appeared and round-shouldered.
in Drury Lane Theatre, and all the Kansas neck -blister (American).
boys on hand, yelled ' Jumbo ' ; an
amiable Bavarian eight-foot giantess The same with a knife. Horsemen,
was trotted out at a music hall — she when travelling, carry it in the boot, and
was at once baptised Jumba by the footmen down the neck ; hence a bowie-
very press itself. knife is popularly known as a 'Kansas
Jumbo (Tavern, 1882). The neck-blister'.
October 1883. —All Year Round, 31st
Elephant and Castle Tavern, S.
London. (See Animal.) Kaps walla (N. American- Indian).
To steal— adopted from the original by
Jumboism (Polit., 1882). The American thieves.
Liberals having invented Jingoism
to describe the warlike tendency of Katterzem (Scotland). Quartor-
sieme. A man willing to go out dining
the Conservative party, this latter
took advantage of the Jumbo craze to at a moment's notice — a parasite.
dub the hesitative policy of the Liberal Kee gee (E. London, 1860). Go,
Whigs jumboism. vigour.
Jump bail (Anglo-American). To Keep off the grass (Peoples'). Be
run away from it. Both jumped their
bail. Keep the boiler clear (Engineers',
1840). Watch your stomach — in
Jumped up swell (Street). Sudden reference to health.
leap from rags to royal raiment ; also
a ton0 in a hurry. devil outy offrom
Keep the —probabl clothes
one's Dutch).
Jumping Moses (Amer. - Eng.). To fight against poverty.
Keep up Old Queen Kicked the Cat

Keep up, old queen (Street). Vale- of ' qui vive,' the French sentry
diction addressed by common women
to a sister being escorted into a prison Khaki is a tint once called Devon-
van. shire grey. It was recommended by a
Keep yer 'air on (L. Class, 1800 on). military convention (1882) to replace
A favourite monitory proverb recom- the scarlet cloth of the British army —
mending patience as distinct from this scarlet being condemned in conse-
impatience, and tearing the 'air off. quence of its offering a ready mark for
Keep your nose clean (Army). the distant bullet.
Avoid drink. Khaki (Military, February 1900).
Keep yourself good all through Volunteer — especially yeomanry
(Soc., 1882). Modern paraphrase of volunteer for the Boer war, 1899-1900.
Keep yourself unspotted from the Applied in all ways— to pease-pudding
world. amongst many, from the colour.
Keeping Dovercourt (E. Anglia). Hence resulted in common eating-
Making a great noise. Dovercourt houses the order, 'Cannon and Khaki,'
(Essex) was once celebrated for its i.e., round beef-steak pudding and a
scolds— this we have on the authority dump of pease -pudding.
of Halliwell. On the other hand the Kibe ? (University). To whose
term may come from the great noise benefit ? Abbreviation of ' cui bono '.
made by a local insect called the Kick (A nglo-A merican) . To succeed
Dovercourt beetle. in pleasing audience.
Kemble pipe (Hereford). Last pipe
of the evening. An ancestor of John Kick (Costermongers'). Trousers —
short for kicksies, probably from the
Kemble, a Catholic priest, suffered garment being that in which the
martyrdom at Hereford, in the wearer uses his boots at angles. Or it
seventeenth century. On his way
to execution he smoked his pipe may be from ' quelques choses'.
and conversed with his friends. 'That dona's dotty,' said Obadiah, as
he gazed upon his half-a-dollar, and put
Kenealyism (Soc., 1874). Social it carefully away in his only kick ; ' and
method composed of alternate pro- nowIf for
the aburick
jolly spree.'
(wife) wears the kicksies,
found humility and complete rebuke
— supposed to have been invented that's your luck, not ours.
from Dr Kenealy, who in this year Kick is also used by thieves for
defended Arthur Orton, called 'the 1 pocket ', probably because the kicksies
or trousers have pockets. Fine example
claimant', upon a charge of perjury. of application of the title of a whole
Orton claimed to be Sir Roger Tich-
borne. to a portion.
When your kick is empty, and your
Kentucky loo (Students'). Summer mouth is dry, your blooming pals will not
gaming operation. (See Fly loo.)
give a yannep to get a drop of four
Kepple's snob (Naval, 1870). Ex-
pression of scorn by superfine naval
Kick (Trade-tailors'). To seek for
named officers.
after the ' admiral.
The Kepple's
The Head
uaval', work — probably suggested by a
clubmen have converted knob into barbarous mode of kicking at a door,
before knocker or bell was invented.
snob. ' Cut him — he puts up at the
Kick a lung out (Anglo- Amer.).
"Kepple's snob".' Severe castigation.
Kerwollop (Amer., 19 cent.). To
Kick into dry goods (American).
beat, or wallop. ' Ker ' is also fre- To dress— clothes being dry goods.
quently used before words implying
movement, as kersmash, kerbang, Kick up my dust in the park (Soc. ).
kerash (crash), kerflummux, kerslap. Promenade there. From French 'Faire
(See Artemus Ward—' I went kerwallop ma poussiere aux Champs Elysees '.
over the fence.') Kick out (Anglo-American). Die
Kew (Reverse Slang). Week— spelt — from the frequent nervous move-
with one ' e '. ment of the legs as death approaches.
Key-vee (Peoples', 1862). Alert, on Kicked the cat (L. Class]. Shown
the key-vee — of course a corruption signs of domestic dissatisfaction,
Kid- Catcher Knock Along

Kid-catcher (L. School Board, 1869 —I believe that is the aristocratic term,
on). L.S.B. official who beat up Kate ought to know, now — donned for
school tenants. the occasion.— Ref., 17th May 1885.
Coroner: How did you escape the 1 And belted knight
school board officers ?— Witness : I don't Isn't such a sight
know how I managed to escape the ' kid- As Becky Moss in her klobr.'
catcher', sir, but I did it.— People, 30th
August 1896. ' So I klobbered myself up as well
as circs would permit.'
Kill who? (Peoples', 1870 on). K' mither (Provincial). Corruption
Satirical protest against a threat, and of "Come hither" — a woman of the
an assertion of quiet bravery. town.
Kill with kindness (Peoples'). This Klondyke (Peoples', 1897 on). Mad
phrase is not generally understood ; — not fit to be trusted. From the
supposed to be literal. Really means craze that set in August 1897 around
to cause shame by overwhelming with the Klondyke gold-bearing district.
satirical attentions a person who has
Klondyke fever (July, 1897).
misbehaved himself. It is not forgive-
ness, but retaliation. Rush for gold in British Columbia.
Began in this month, increased as the
Killing the canary (Bricklayers'). year waned.
Shirking work.
Kilmainham (Political, 1882). Klondike gold fever has 'caught on'
in the City. . . .— D. T., 31st July 1897.
Compromise. Said of an arrangement
in which each of two parties concedes Knapsack descent (Peoples').
Soldiers in a family, either on the
something to the other in order that
a third party may be defeated. Took father's or mother's side, and very
its rise early in 1882, when the Con- possibly both.
servative opposition unintentionally Knee-drill (Peoples', 1882). Hypo-
brought about the Kilmainham Treaty. critical praying. Derived from the
military terms introduced into prayer
Kin'd (Soc., 1884). Satirical pro- meetings by the Salvation Army.
nunciation ofkind. Result of Barrett's Knickerbocker (N. York). Man or
production of Hamlet (October 1884)
woman in best society in New York.
wherein he made this reading ' A little Accepted from opponents and made
more than kin and less than kin'd.' a class word.
Kingsman of the rortiest (Sporting,
early 19 cent.). Square, folded necktie Knife (Lowest Lond., 19 cent.). A
of high colours. shrew — suggestive of being ' into you '
in a moment.
Kippers (Navy). Stokers. Very prob- Knife (Theatrical, 1880 on). Con-
ably because they are so smoke-dried, dense a piece. Knife is now modified
and dark of complexion.
into blue pencil.
Kiss-curl (Peoples', 1854-60). Flat Knife and fork tea (Middle Class,
temple curl, abandoned by middle- 1874). Vulgarisation of high tea (see).
class in 1860 or about. Still seen in
S.E. London, where it is patronised Knights of the Jemmy (Soc.,
by the street belles of that locality. 19 cent.). Burglars — the arms of the
Kite (American, 19 cent.). The cavaliers in question being jemmies ;
face. the modern name for short crow-bars.
Kite, Blow out the (Com. Lond.). Some seasons ago the place was over-
To have a full stomach — suggested run by knights of the jemmy, who com-
either by an inflated bladder, or a mitted their depredations on other
soldier's full ' kit '. people's property in the coolest manner
possible, and yet contrived to evade
Klobber (E. London). Jewish for capture.— Z>. T., 8th August 1896.
best or state clothes generally. Knock about drolls. (See Athletic
Kate Vaughan was perhaps a trifle too drolls.)
dainty, and I fancy any Kitty so circum-
stanced, on the sudden return of master Knock along (Austral.). To idle.
in the midst of unlawful revelry, would
have taken some pains to cover up the 163 there, withis reference
There an Australian phrase, isn't
to an idle fellow?
resplendent and unaccustomed ' klobber ' they say &he goes 'knocking along'.— I
Knock Fairly Silly La!

am not aware that it is an Australian Kollah (Hebr.- Yiddish). A bride.

phrase. We get our bad language from Often spelled calloh (q.v.).
The Lord Chief Justice: « Knocking Kop-gee (Peoples', 1899). Last
along ' is not an English phrase. It is discovery of the century for head —
from the Transvaal kopje or mound.
' knocking about '.
Dr Kenealy: Well, it is 'knocking Kosal Kasa (Hebrew — Trade).
along '. I Hon't think it an improvement Is. 6d. — the Hebrew words for '!'
on the English phrase. — Tichborne Case,
Knock fairly silly (Lower Class] andKosher
' 6 '. (E. Lond., Judaic). Pure
— undefiled. Word used by the Jews
Almost, if not quite annihilated. in reference to eatables, and especially
Capt. Thatcher said that when they alcoholic drinks at certain feasts of the
first came in touch with the Boers they year, especially Passover and Pentecost.
expected to be attacked, and they were. The word is here written phonetically,
But they ' knocked the Boers fairly silly ' but in actuality the vowels are omitted
and then made for Krugersdorp at a
K SH R, or rather R SH K, to be
hand-gallop all the way.— People, 16th
February 1896. very precise. The antithesis of this
word is Trifer — unclean, unholy,
Knock in (Costermongers'). To written T R F R.
make money— into the pocket under-
stood. Kruger - spoof (Peoples', 1896).
Knock in (Club). Make one at a Lying. From the promises of fair
card table. dealing forwarded in January 1896,
made by the President of the Transvaal
Knock off corners (Music Hall, republic, and not kept.
1880). Be successful.
Just as Arthur Williams had com- Kwy (Fast Life, 1800-40). First
menced to 'knock corners off' at the syllable of ' quietus ' — death.
music hall, he is once more summoned Kyacting (Navy). Jocularity
to the Gaiety. More study !— Entr'acte, during work.
16th April 1885. 'Here, knock off that "kyacting",
Knock -upable (Soc.). Open to will you?' an irate P.O. will say if he
being knocked up. sees a youngster playing the fool instead
For some time I have been weak and of attending to his work. — Rev. G.
Goodenough, R.N.
knock-upable. — G. Eliot's Life, vol. i., Kypher (L. Class). To dress hair
p. 440.
Knocker on the front door — from the French ' eoiffer '.
(Peoples'). Achieve respectibility.
Knows how many go to a dozen
(Hist.). Sharp. Even to this day
many things are sold thirteen to the
dozen — especially books and news-
.' ' is generally called
a baker's dozen from thirteen loaves
being sold as a dozen, exactly as L., The (N. York, 1880 on). The
thirteen rolls in our days go to the Elevated Railway.
dozen. We have in New York a rich man who
Knuckle end (Cornwall). The is almost the counterpart of Hetty Green.
I refer to Mr Russell Sage. He was once
extreme west of the duchy — the Land's associated with Jay Gould, and between
End, so named from its shape.
them they of
Railroad engineered the 'much
New York, L,' or Elevated
to their
Kodak (Soc., 1890 on). To sur-
reptitiously obtain shape-information. advantage, as most people imagine. —
From the snap-shot photographic D. T., 18th February 1897.
camera — named after its inventor. L. L. (Dublin Tavern). Best
We are watching him (Sir Henry whisky. Initials of Lord Lieutenant.
Irving, Richard 111.), our eyes are L. L. (Financial, 1870 on). Initials
riveted on his face, we are interested in of Limited Liability, and used satiri-
the workings of his mind, we are secretly
kodaking every expression, however cally to suggest fraud.
slight.— D. T., 21st December 1896. La ! (Suburban London). Nimminy-
La-di-da Lassitudinarian

on the great north gate, and the

is for the vulgar
an abbreviation of the ' lor ! ' which
exclamation church being frequented (in Roman
'Lord!' Catholic times) by cripples in great
La-di-da (Street). Elegant leisure, numbers — many of them being
and liberal expenditure. fraudulent limpers — the gate came
to be called Cripplegate ; and this
Laagered (S. African). Waggon- phrase suggested a lame excuse. The
defence. The waggons are zig-zagged great bastion near the north gate is
in line or in square, so that the head of still represented by about half of it.
one waggon is half way down the side
of the next — thus giving an extended Land Navy (Cadgers'). Imitation
firing line, while the length of the
waggon is used to offer its fullest Land o' Cakes (Historical).
protection as compared with its width. Scotland.
For several hours after we were - It was my firm intention when I
laagered in position on Monday to returned from my little Scotch tour to
receive the attack, concealed behind write glowing accounts of the scenery
trees and tall grass, their sharp-shooters of 'the land of cakes.'— G. R. Sims,
kept up a scathing fire. — D. N>, 29th Ref., 5th October 1884.
January 1885.
Land o' Scots (Eng. - American,
Lady from the ground up 1884). Heaven.
(American). (See Perfect Lady.)
'Lane (Theatrical). Classic term —
Lady in the straw (Hist.). 'Our became popular for Drury Lane
Lady ininthewhich
stable Straw'the
— referring
Redeemerto was the
Langtries (Society, 1880). Fine
born. An old popular oath. eyes. Mrs Langtry, whose portraits
Lady Jane (Soc., 1882). A stout, as a celebrated beauty had been seen
handsome, cheery woman. for years in shop windows, suddenly
became popular (1882) by appearing
Lally-gagging (American Peoples'). on the stage in England and America,
Flirting— origin probably Dutch. where immense crowds were attracted.
You see, Pa has been in a habit lately
of going to the store a good deal and
lally -gagging with the girl clerks. — Bad Language (Peoples'), Sheer swear-
ing. Satire upon violent expressions.
Boy, 1883. Meanwhile a scramble has been taking
Lamartinism (Literary). Goody- place between two omnibuses behind for
goody. Lamartine introduced the the lead of the road, illustrated by a free
novelty, in historical writing, of use of what is called 'language.' — D. N.,
maintaining that everybody has 1st August 1890.
always acted for the best, whatever Language of flowers (Bow Street
his action, in the best of possible Police Court, 1860-83). Ten shillings
worlds. Term used scornfully since — or seven days ; the favourite sentence
1848 in French literature. Now of Mr Flowers, a very popular and
sometimes exercised deprecatingly at amiable magistrate at this court for
Oxford, and in London. many years.
Lambeth (Peoples', S. L.). Wash. Lap (Co/ee-house). Tea.
From the popular cleansing place in
S. London being the Lambeth baths. of Lapsy lingo (Peoples'). Corruption
lapsus linguce.
Lambies (Navy). Mizzen-top men. Lard - king (Anglo - American).
Lame as St. Giles Cripplegate, Typical Cincinnati millionaire, whose
fortune is based upon pig.
As (Peoples' Hist.). Very lame —
applied to a badly-told untruth. St.
Giles was the patron saint of cripples, Lardy - dardy
Affected. (Peoples', 1862).
as distinct from St. Martin, who was
the patron of all beggars. Cripples, Large - heads (Anglo - Amer.).
therefore, had two saintly patrons.
St. Giles's, Large-sized scare (Amer.). Wild
London WallLondon,
at its was
mostjust under
point, and was St. Giles's Without — Lassitudinarian (Soc., 1894 on).
that is, outside the city. It abutted Satirical evolution from valetudinarian.
Last Bit o' Family Plate Leave yer 'Omer
Evasive term for a constitutionally destruction of his costly game by the
lazy man. fox.— D. N., llth November 1885.
... an occupation, by the way, exactly Leaderette (Press, 1875). When,
probably borrowing from the French,
suiting a ' lassitudinarian ' temperament. the idea of lightening journalism, short
— D. T., 4th February 1897.
pithy 'leaders'
technical name was wereto introduced,
be found fora
Final bit o'coin.
family plate (Artisans').
them, and ' leaderette ' was the result.
Last shake o' the bag (Peoples'— Leading article (Trade, 1870). A
old). Youngest child. term used to denote the best bargain
Latch - key (Irish Constabulary, in the shop — one that should lead to
1881-82). Crowbar — name given by other purchases.
the Irish Constabulary to the crowbar,
as the too frequent key with which Leading heavies (Theat.). Middle-
they had to open house doors when in aged
I amwomen's serious roles.
an actress. I was in Mr
the process of eviction.
O'Connor's company during his engage-
Law (Police). Advantage, start, ment at the Star Theatre, playing the
privilege. Invented by the police. ' leading heavies ' throughout that en-
The defendants were placed in the gagement. Iwas to receive 12 dollars
police van and driven off under the very a week and expenses. — N. Y. Mercury,
noses of their would-be persecutors, who 9th June 1888.
were quite unaware that their prey had Leak (Anglo-American, 1880). To
escaped them. Having given the van a lie.
good extent of 'law', the crowd were
allowed to go where they wished, but only Leaky (Peoples'). Talkative when
in time to find that they had been out-
witted.—D. N., 15th September 1885. Learn by rote (Scholastic). Learn
Law's - a - me (Hist. — now chiefly by the road, route, or rut — that is to
used in U.S.A.). Lord save me. say, without intelligence, perfunctorily.
Learning shover (Com. London,
He's full of the Old Scratch, but laws-
a-me — he's my own dead sister's boy !— 1869 on). Schoolmaster — took its rise
Mark Twain, Tom Sawyer, p. 19. at the institution of the London School
Lay (lie)
Dissipate on the face (Peoples').
exorbitantly. Leather and prunella (Middle- Class
Lea toff (Local Lond.). A youth of — ancient). Expresses flimsiness. A
social aspirations, chiefly in relation to corruption of ' All lather and prunella '
Sunday ; one who displays his distinc- — the ' lather ' being whipped cream,
tion, in a hired boat, rowing up and the ' prunella ' probably damson puree
down the River Lea. or plum jelly. Sometimes used to
express humbug.
Lead poisoning (W. America). Then who shall say so good a fellow,
Active bullets.
Was only leather and prunella.— Don
Very recently a gentleman who was at
once editor of a local newspaper and
town constable found it necessary to The Foreign Office regards all the
relinquish the latter post in consequence organised cheerfulness of the last few
of a disease which he euphemistically days' Chinese diplomatic blandishments
and promises, edicts and telegrams,
termed ' lead -poisoning ', the result of alike, as so much leather and prunella.
being shot through part of the lungs by
a desperado of the township under his — Z). T., 24th July 1900.
care.— D. N., 27th March 1883. Leave them to fry in their own fat
Leaden pill — sometimes Leaden (Plantagenet English). This phrase is
favour (Anglo-American). Bullet. equal to — Give him rope enough and
Leadenhall market sportsman he'll hang himself. The phrase was
(Sporting, 1870). Landowner who brought into fashion again by Prince
sells his game to Leadenhall market Bismarck, who (1871) after the partial
retirement of the German forces,
The true foxhunter loathes the pre- applied it to Parisians and their
server of pheasants as ' an old woman ',
or ' a Leadenhall-market sportsman ' ; politics. Leave yer 'omer (L. Class —
while the latter rages at the wholesale 166 Women's). A handsome, dashing
Leccers Lethal

man. This is derived, very satirically, 'strengthy' when they mean 'strong',
from 'That's the man I'm goin* to are fond of saying 'utilise' when they
mean use.— Z). N., April 1883.
leave me
street 'ome for '. Good example of
sentiment. Let, To (Art). Sparsely - filled
Leccers (Oxford 'er'). Lectures —
both 'c's'hard. Let 'em all come (Peoples', 1896).
Each man attends as cheerfully as he Cheery defiance. Outcome of the
can his 'leccers'. — I). T., 14th August plucky way in which the British, in
1899. the first days in the new year, accepted
Left centre (PoliL, 1885). Whig. the message of congratulation by the
Bestowed by advanced Liberals on Emperor of Germany to President
cautious Liberal party. Kruger on the repulse of the Jameson
Thiers used to say that France was raid ; followed next day by the im-
essentially Left Centre, and that power perial message sent by President of
would come to the party of the most the U.S.A., apropos to the English
prudent.—/). N., 20th October 1885. boundary dispute with Venezuela ;
Left her purse on her piano both followed by some defiant com-
(Peoples', 19 cent.). Satirical hit at ments in the French press.
self-sufficiency. Let her rip (English-American, 1840
Left the minority (Soc. , 1879). No onwards). Let her go as she wants.
longer with the living. This phrase has a very striking history.
Poor ' Benefit Thompson ' has left the "When rival river steam-boats were
minority.— Entr'acte, 30th April 1885. fully established on the Mississippi
Leg (Fast Society, 1860). Footman and other American rivers, the rival
— from the display of the lower limbs. captains would put on every ounce of
Leg maniac (Stage, 1880 on). steam in order to keep ahead. Too
Eccentric, rapid dancer. frequently the boiler would burst, or
Mr Fred Storey holds a unique position 'rip', as emphatically it would when
as a ' leg maniac ' — horrible term ! — bursting. ' Let her rip ' came to be
D. T., 3rd December 1896. a common expression amongst these
captains when more timid passengers
Leg up (Peoples'). Help. or sensible sub-officers urged him to
Legit (Theatrical). Shortening of lower the steam pressure.
legitimate, in its turn the curtailing
of the legitimate drama. Let out (American). Releases —
Leisure hours (Rhyming). Flowers. very emphatic.
' Well, sah, I wanted to ax how many
Leisured rich (Soc.t 1885). In- kinds of religun you had up dat way ? '
vented byMr Gladstone. ' Oh, about a dozen, I guess.'
Lemon squash party (Soc., 1882). ' Cracky, golly ! ' he whispered, ' but
A meeting of young men, initially at dat lets me out ! '—Detroit Free Press,
Oxford, when nothing was drunk but 1883.
this preparation. Let out your back - band
(American). Be more familiar and
Lemoncholy (Transposition —
London). Melancholy. friendly in your statement.
I ax you let out your back band a little
Lend us your breath to kill Jumbo on that last statement.
(Low London). Protest against the
odour of bad breath. Let through (Peoples'). (1) Escape ;
(2) Cause injury.
Length of the foot (Irish). Com-
prehend and manipulate the victim. Let up (Anglo-American). Make
Does the enterprising tradesman who an end. From 'letting' or lifting
thus shields himself behind magisterial up the engine bar which, down, puts all
patronage undertake to teach the steam on. To end pressure.
district the length of Mr Bushby's foot ? Lethal (Press, 19 cent.). Mortal.
— D. N., 18th August 1884. From the waters of Lethe. Now
Lengthy (Parl., 1875). Used by applied by careless writers to any mode
both houses for 'long'. of violent death.
The fine people who think it elegant It is always understood among the
to say ' lengthy ' when they mean ' long ', most distinguished members of the pro-
though they have not yet come to say 167 fession—the higher burglarious circles,
Lion Chang

as they are called — that nothing but the Light - comedy merchant
direst necessity shall ever make them (Theatrical). Comedian pure and
use a revolver or other lethal weapon. — simple.
He/., 3rd February 1889. Despite its title, The Mormon, has no
Letter - fencers (London). Post- connection with the followers of Brigham
men. Young, and the scene is laid not at Salt
Levenses (E. Anglican). Lunch— Lake City, but at Eamsgate; a very light-
the meals of the elevens, whence this comedy merchant, the Hon. Charles
pleonastic plural has been evolved. Nugent, being heavily in debt. — Ref..
13th March 1887.
Liberal forwards (Political, 1898). Light - food (Lower Peoples').
Modified Radicals— without fads. Tobacco for chewing as a repast — very
' Liberal forwards ' — as Mr George light.
Kussell's party styles itself — are Light-house (Navy}. Pepper-castor.
notoriously suspicious of the reactionary
designs which they attribute to Lord Lightning curtain - taker
Salisbury.— Z>. T., 2nd February 1899. (Theatrical, 1884). A curtain-taker
(q.v.), who does not wait for much
Lick into shape (Com.). To get applause (which he may not receive),
ready. Obviously — from animals, and who therefore rushes on upon the
especially bears, licking their young. least approbation. (See Take a
It had not been thought necessary to curtain, Fake a curtain.)
lick the piece into shape. The result
was most laughable ; the last act created Lights up (Theat., circa, 1900).
more laughter than has done any farce Condemnation of a new piece on the
for years.— Stage, 21st Auguat 1885. first night of its production (see Boo).
Chiefly the decision of the gallery.
Lie down and die (Anglo • Like to meet her in the dark
American). Despair.
(L. Class, 1884). Plain.
Lie down to rest (Amer. - Eng.,
Street). Fail, come to an end, a Lime-juice (Theatrical, 1875).
Lime light.
dramatic company which has collapsed.
Often seen, in the past tense, in Limerick (Peoples'). Queer and
American graveyards ; finally it passed coarse rhymes, like 'There was a
into a colloquialism. (See Climb the young stylelady of
golden staircase. ) this of Lea,'
rhyme etc. wasSomecalled
Limericks because all the specimens
Henderson's Uncle Tom Company laid go to a tune to the original words,
down to rest at Dunkirk, Ohio, on
Tuesday. — N. Y. Mercury. December ' Won't you come up — up — up
1884. Won't you come up to Limerick ? '
Reached England about 1883. Lincoln & Bennett (Soc., 1840 on).
Life and everlasting (Peoples', Superior hat. From makers' name.
Hist.). Complete, final, without (See Dorsay, Nicholls, Poole, Redfern.)
appeal — especially applied to sales. Lined (Low Life). Passive voice of
active verb to line, and derived from
His the
take Honour
horse :back
Why then
? you jib, and certificate of marriage.
Defendant: I took it back the next Link and froom (Street, Hebrew).
morning. When he sold it he said 'it ' Dolly ', who was a Jewess, but one
was for
23rd life and1897.
November everlasting'. — D. T., who was link rather than froom, was
about forty years old at the time of her
Lift up (N. Eng. Methodists'). To death.— Ref., 3rd February 1889.
pray. Linkman ( W. London). General
Lifter (Stable). Kicking horse, one man-servant about kitchen or yard.
which lifts. Lion Chang (Fugitive Ang., 1896).
Lifu (Motor car, 1897). Reduction Jocular Anglicising of the name of Li
of liquid fuel (paraffin or other oil). Hung Chang — and referring to his
Starting punctually to time, the Lifu, fleeting popularity. He arrived in the
which takes its name from the liquid beginning of the month, went to
fuel (oil) which it uses, as the odour America before the end of it, and in
proclaims, arrived at London Bridge. — the meantime was dubbed long Lion
D. T., 17th December 1897. Chang. His entourage also obtained,
Lion Comique Lizards

in several instances, droll names. Lo Little more Charley behind

Feng Luh became Loafing Loo, Vis- (Theatrical). More lumbar width —
count Li became Lud Lulliety, and speaking of feminine dress or costume.
Seng became S'eng-song. Little season (Society, 1880 on).
Lion comique (Music Hall, 1880). London season between 6th January
This term was a way of describing a and Shrove Tuesday. The real season
leading comic singer. July. about 15th April and ends with
Changes of fancy and taste have
abolished the ' lion comique ', as he was London has been during the last few
known to an antecedent generation, and years not only full of visitors after Easter,
the death of Mr Macdermott practically
snaps the last link.— D. T., 9th May but has developed a pre-Lenten or 'little'
1901. season, as it is called.— D. N., 6th July
Liqueur of four ale (City, satirical).
Precisely as the common folk make Little whack (Drinking men's).
Small quantity of spirits.
fun of cheap food and give it impressive
You may choose for the moment of
titles such as calling sheep's head illustration either your going into or your
broth turtle soup ; so middle - class coming out of the Carnarvon Arms ;
young city men chaff their drinks. where you intend to have or where you
The most expensive liqueur, green have had your little whack. — Besant &
Chartreuse would be eighteenpence — Bice, Golden Butterfly, vol. i., ch. xii.
while four ale (City sherry) is the
Live down (Soc., 1870). To over-
cheapest. Phrase really means, *a come by strenuous patience.
glass of bitter' — beer understood. When it took six months to go from
Liquor (Public - house keepers'). India to England they made the most of
Euphemism for the water used in a bad situation, and tried to live down
adulterating beer. heat and care. — (Indian Hospitality)
Listening to oneself (Irish, old). Graphic, 17th March 1883.
Live messages (Telegraphers', 1870).
Little beg (Pub. Sch. ). Abbreviation Messages in course of transition.
of little beggar — friendly term applied In the telegraph department dining
by upper form to lower form boys. accommodation has been provided,
because it is thought undesirable that
Little bit o' keg (L. Class). Keg- those who are engaged in the trans-
meg meat, that is, common meat — mission of telegraph messages should
Little bit of sugar for the bird leave the premises during their period
of duty. With what are called 'live
(Peoples', 1897). Premium, unexpected messages ' fresh in their minds, there is
benefit, surprise, acquisition. felt to be an objection to their adjourn-
She applied for five Ordinary shares at ing to neighbouring restaurants. — D. N.,
£1 premium, paying £2, 10s. with her 27th September 1883.
application, and on allotment she paid
up the balance, £7, 10s. in full. She Live on (L. Peoples'). Fine girl or
held all the shares when the corporation woman. (See Leave yer 'ome.)
was wound up, and received nothing for Live up to (Esthetic, 1878-83).
her money. Exist purely up to a pure standard.
You didn't get anything of Goodman's Invented by Du Maurier (Punch).
'little bit of sugar'? (Laughter. )— No. Phrase used quite seriously by the
— D. T., 24th December 1898. Burne Jones school. (See Apostle of
culture. )
Little deers (Soc. Anglo- American).
Young women — generally associated, Living bache (Soc.). Life in
or declaring themselves to be associated,
with the stage. New spelling of chambers — living like a bachelor.
' dears ' to form a feminine to stags. Living with mother now (Music
Hall, 1881). The refrain of a doubtful
Little go (Thieves'). First im- song, in which this answer is made by
prisonment, first invented by a fallen
university man. the young person to all the blandish-
ments of her inamorato.
Little Ireland (1879). The then
Home Rule brigade in the House of Lizards (American). Men of
Commons. Alabama.
Loaferies, The Look into the Whites

Loaferies, The (E. London). — a medical man who performs for

Whitechapel Workhouse — from the another who is ill or away.
tenderness shown towards the inmates.
Lolliker (Durham— old). Tongue.
In 1898 the guardians even wished to Lollipop dress (Theatrical, 1884).
do away with the term workhouse.
Stripy dress, generally red and white,
No very luminous suggestions were suggestive of sticks of confectionery.
forthcoming as to a new title, though
London, Best side towards
one of the guardians thought ' Paradise '
a fitting change. The others, however, (Peoples'). Making the best of every-
seemed to consider this a little previous. thing. Good example of the national
Perhaps 'House of Repose' or 'The desire to battle through adversity.
Loaferies ' would be considered appro- Derived from the desire of all country
priate. Mr Perez remarked that what- people to visit London for themselves,
ever the new name, in a few years it and make their fortunes, though its
would be as \inpopular as the old one. — street are not paved with gold.
D. T., 10th February 1898.
Loan (American). Lend, now London ivy (Colloquial). Dust —
sometimes used for fog.
becoming English. Has been accepted
probably as a euphemism. London smoke (Soc., 1860). A
Such a term as ' I will loan you my dog yellowish grey ; became once a favourite
colour because it hid dirt.
1882. is hardly British.— D. N..
Long last (Eng. Prov.). Time or
Loathly (London Chib, October period spaciously waited for.
1897). Offensive. At long last Sir George White and his
This savage sacrificial feat, performed gallant garrison are free. Lord Dun
with horrible frequency by Bitchlieli and donald rode into Ladysmith on Wednes-
his reverend subordinates on the day night.— D. T., 2nd March 1900.
' teocalli ', or green stone, surmounting Long pull (Public - house). Over-
the shrines of the loathly idols that were measure, either as a custom, or to
eventually overthrown and destroyed by induce trade.
Hernan Cortes.— D. T.. 24th December
1898. Long - shore (Maritime). Land-
Lobby (Amer. — coming to Eng.). lubber ; coast people who have the
misfortune not to be sailors.
To corrupt by process. To attempt to
exercise an influence on members of a But what would have been the alarm
legislative body by persons not members of those timid ' long-shore ' races if they
— who attend the session of a legislative could have imagined the present dangers
body for the purpose of influencing the of the deep.— D. N., 6th January 1886.
debates. Long stale drunk (American- Eng. ,
Lobby through (Amer.— passing to 1884). State of depression owing to
Eng.). Is to get a bill accepted by physical inability to throw off the
influence. effects of intoxication.
Loblifer (Cornwall). Luck -bringing . . . recovery from what our American
mannikin. Probably a corruption of cousins describe as a ' long stale drunk '.—
Lob-lie-by-the-fire — from this genius Ref., 9th April 1885.
being fond of warmth after his damp Long-tailed bear (Peoples', Hist.).
cave abode. One of the evasions of saying 'you
lie'. From the fact that bears have
' Lob-Lie-by-the-Fire,' is a pretty story
of farm life and rustic folk, in which no tails.
mysterious agrarian services rendered by Long 'un (Poachers'). Pheasant-
an unseen benefactor awaken all the old referring to the length of the tail.
country superstitions. — D. N., 17th
December 1885. (See Short-'un.)
Local pot. (See Pot.) Long's (Strand, 19 cent.). Short's
wine-house opposite Somerset House.
Locate (American). To settle.
Locked up (Street). Arrested. Look into the whites (Peoples') —
' Of each other's eyes ' understood. To
Locust (Soc. ). Extravagant person be about to fight — from the fact that
who sweeps everything away. the eyes protrude, or the lids recede
Locum (Doctors'). Deputy— short more than usual when a set-to is about
for locum tenens. Sometimes Moke' 170 to commence.
Look Old
Lump o' Stont

It would be absolutely impossible for Lottermy (Mid. Counties — rarely

any adjustment of the boundary question Corruption of Lord take me !
to be made if the Russians and Afghans Lotties and Totties (Theatrical).
kept advancing until they could look into Ladies at large.
14th whites
March of1885.
each other's eyes. — D. N., If time and space permitted I should
like to tell you all about the Lotties and
Look old (Street}. Severe. Very the Totties and the other out-of-work pets
fine eulogy of the wisdom of age, as who pervaded the stalls, and showed a
compared with the carelessness of liberal proportion of their backs — backs
youth. and bosoms, too — as bare as they were
Look slippery (Naval). Hurry up, born.— Ref., 15th November 1885.
be quick — from the association of Lotus (L. Class, 1885.) Rhyme to
slipperiness and speed. hocuss.
Look through the fingers (Irish). Love curls (Society, 1880). This
To evade ; to pretend not to observe term came in when women began to
and see. cut their hair short and wear it low
over the forehead.
Looking as if he hadn't got his For the defence the respondent, Mr
right change (London). Appearing
mad or wild. Robert Nathaniel Latham, was called.
Looking round the clock He gave a positive denial to the charge
of cruelty. He had objected to his wife
(American). Getting appearance of
age — parallel between life and comple- wearing
Latham v.what she called
Latham, Probate'love
and curls'.—
tion of the orbit of the hands of a Division, 9th February 1883.
Lovely as she can be and live, As
Looking seven ways for Sunday (American, 1882). Superlative praise
(Lower Middle London). Squinting. of beauty. That is to say— she could
Looks like a widder woman only be more lovely when raised to the
(Amer., 1883). Appears old. condition of an angel.
Loose bit o' goods (Street, 1870 Lovey dovey (Low London).
on). Young woman who has abandoned Example of nonsense rhyming.
the proprieties. (See Straight bit o' Low comedy merchant (Theat.,
goods.) 1883). Farcical actor.
Loosing a fiver (Peoples'). Having The success of Indiana mainly depends
to pay extravagantly for any pleasure upon the extravagant humours of the
or purchase. chief low - comedy merchant. — Ref.,
October 1886.
Loosing French (Street). Violent He won't be able to box Mr Fred J.
language in English. Stimson, the low comedy merchant, for
Lord Blarney (Irish, 1885). some weeks to come.
Aristocratic flatterer. First given to
(See 'Shop'.)
Lord Carnarvon, who after his appoint-
ment as Lord Lieutenant of Ireland Lully (L. Class). Shirt.
(1885) made many flattering speeches. Lumberer (Soc. ). Lying adventurer
— obscure.
Lord Carnarvon's plausible and sooth- Mr Gill felt instinctively that there
ing, or to adopt the Irish expression
'soothering', speeches appear only to was something wrong with this man's
have won for him the nickname of Lord appearanee ; and when this man came,
Blarney.— D. N., 14th November 1885. in cross-examination, to give an account
of himself, it accorded with the well-
Lordy me (Prov. Hist.). Exclama- known expression 'lumberer'. — Lord
tion. Corruption of Lord have me ! Dunlo's Divorce, July 1890.
One of the sacred ejaculations of early
reform days. Lump of ice (Rhyming}. Advice —
in common use.
Lost a cartful and found a
Lump of school (Rhyming). Fool.
stout. - load (Peoples'). Getting
Lump o' jaw on (Street}. Talk-
Lot's wife's back-bone (Peoples').
To suggest extreme saltness, as * Salt Lump o' stone (Thieves'). County
as Lot's wife's back-bone '.
Lumpy-Roar Make a Stuffed Bird Laugh

Lumpy-roar (Low London, 1855). the evening of that day the news of
A grandee, a swell of the first water. the relief of Mafeking arrived at about
Said to be an anglicization of 9 P.M. — by eleven o'clock the streets
were absolutely riotous.
TEmpereur' — Napoleon III., who
became popular in 1885 by his visit Magdalen Marm (Southward, 19
to England, owing to the excitement cent.). A servant from. the Magdalen,
produced by the Crimean War, and a refuge for fallen women in the Black-
his encouragement of English trade. friars Road, which existed there until
about the middle of the century. The
women who went out as servants from
that place had been too often pampered
there, and gave little satisfaction —
hence the Surrey side found this
M satirical term.
Mailed fist (Peoples', 1897). Need-
less threats, boasting. From a send-
M. D. (Bridgeivater, 1857). Money off dinner speech by the Emperor of
down — referring to electioneering Germany when sending forth his only
bribery. brother, Henry, to conquer China with
McKinleyism — McKinleyise a fleet of two sail — all of which ended
(American- JEng., 1897). Protection. in leasing
to Germany.a coaling-station by China
From President Mackinley, U.S.A.,
the great apostle of protection. Mailing (Anglo - American). To
Meanwhile Congress is hearing from post for the mail.
the people in no uncertain tones as to After mailing, I returned to the
certain schedules which Mr Dingley Capitol, and rejoined Agneni on the
proposes to 'McKinleyise'.— D. T., 23rd
March 1897. balcony
1870. of the Senator's hall.— D. N.,

Mating (Peoples', 19 cent.). Severe, Maintenon (Soc., Hist.). Mistress

but regulated thrashing by fists. who affects piety. From the position
and life of Madame de Maintenon, the
Early in the '19th century Mace was last favourite of Louis XIV.
for an exceptional time a leading
prize-fighter. Major MacFluffer — or Fluffy
(Theatrical, 19 cent.). Sudden lapse
Mackinaw (American Hunters'). of memory, and use of words to call
A very strong and ingeniously-woven the attention of the inattentive
blanket, said to have been first made
and sold by a Scotch wool - stapler prompter. It is said to have arisen
called Maclnor. from an actor, in this strait, yelling
half a dozen times as he looked off on
Mad as hops (American).
Excitable. the prompt side — * Major MacFluffer
Made in Germany (London, 1890 — where the devil is Major MacFluffer.'
on). Bad, valueless. Outcome of the More than one of the principals were
foggy with the text, and were reduced
vast quantity of inferior goods im-
ported from Germany. Term increased to fluffing or to waiting for ' the word '
1887. the wings. — Ref.. 13th November
in force from the date when this phrase
had, legally, to be printed on the
object. Major Methodist (Soc., '80's on).
Extremely precise person. Intensifica-
Maffickers, Early. tion of Methodist.
Japanese merchants in New York Make a fun (Irish). Exercise fuss.
met at dinner last night 'to celebrate The villagers make a fun over every
the Japanese victory'. — Star, 10th
February 1904. sister leaving, but we don't like it in any
instance. Being externs, they might
Several days after the first naval express their gratitude that way, but we
success of the Japanese. wish to avoid it. It was done in the case
Mafficking: (Street, 1900). Street of Sister Mary Clare. — Miss Sauriris
rowdyism. April 1, 1900, added this 1 Nunnery' Case.
word to the English language. It is Make a stuffed bird laugh
quite as likely to stay as boycott. On (American). Absolutely preposterous.
Make All Right Married the Widow

Make all right (Election, 19 cent.). Manny (Jewish E. London). Term

Promise to pay for vote. of endearment or admiration prefixed
Make - it (London Poor). Corrup- to Jewish name, as ' Manny Lyons '.
tion of make-weight, the piece of bread Apparently a muscular Hebrewism.
added by bakers when weighing a loaf, Mantalini (Mid. Class, 1840 on).
to make up the weight — few loaves A man-milliner— from the milliner's
being baked of the correct weight. husband inDickens's Nicholas Nickleby.
Make it warm (London, 1880). A famous Mantalini, one who will very
Punish. shortly open a palatial branch establish-
Mr Firth remarked that he himself ment in London town, has draped and
adorned the feminine form divine of
was engaged in the icy latitude of the handsome Jane Hading. — D. T., 2nd
north endeavouring, as some one had January 1897.
said, to make it warm for their good
friends on the other side, and to help From about 1860-90 this name was
to carry the flag of progress once more superseded by that of * Worth ', th^
to victory.— D. N., 7th October 1885. English man-milliner of the second
Make leg (Com. Lond.). To empire, and afterwards of the third
become prosperous. republic.
Marcus Superbus (Theat., 1896).
on). up (Soc.
To make love and
to. Peoples', 1860 Grandee. This was the name given to
himself by Mr Wilson Barrett in his
Make up my leg (Costermongers'). play, The Sign of the Cross (1896).
To make money. From the time of Soon after the success of this morality,
smalls, stockings and buckled shoes, a variety piece called The Gay Parisienne
when making up the leg was a necessary was produced ; therein Miss Louie
prelude to going into society. (See Freear made an immediate success as
Pull up my boot. ) a burlesque actress, who invented a
Making your coffin (Tailors'). grotesque name — Marcus Superfluous.
Charging too highly for an article. Margery (L. London, 19 cent.).
Said when a tailor charges a heavy Effeminate.
price for a first job, and so probably Mark time (Mil., 19 cent.). Wait,
loses a second.
hold on, be patient, don't be in a
Male impersonator (Music Hall). hurry. From the military order when
A misnomer — for the performer is a soldiers are halted for a short time on
female who personates a man — and march, or drill, and which is done
sings like one. that step may not be lost.
Mall (Metal Trades'). Credit. Marking M. (Irish Peoples').
Man of Sedan (Political). Last Kapidity. The M. is the initial of
nickname given for Napoleon III. — the Virgin Mary, still a very sacred
from his fall at that city. symbol in Ireland. Usually used in
describing rapidity of action.
Man-killer (Abstainers'). Porter, Marksman (Old). Legal term for
stout, cooper— the black beers. a man who cannot write, and who
Manchester school of nutrition makes his mark.
(Soc., 1860). High-feeding, emphatic- Marm - poosey or Marm - puss
ally introduced by certain medical men
of that city. (Public-house, 1863). Applied to a
showily-dressed landlady.
Mandamus (Legal). Verb invented
from a writ of mandamus. Marmalade country (Scotland).
Music hall reference to the orange
The court was not dispensed from con- marmalade made in Dundee and other
sidering this part of the case, as it would Scotch places.
have been if Mr Bradlaugh had been
trying to ' mandamus ' the Speaker or the Marriage face (Middle Class). Sad
Serjeant-at-Arms. — D. N., 28th January one — because generally a bride cries
1885. a good deal, and so temporarily spoils
her looks.
Mange, letty, bevy and clobber.
Italian — through the organ-grinders' Married the widow (French —
lodging-houses. Eating, bed, drink, known in England, 19 cent. ). Made a
clothes — this last word being Hebrew. 173 mess of things. Derived from a man
Married to Brown Bess May God Blind Me

going to the guillotine, which makes Materials (Irish). Evasive term

widows, while the idea of marriage is for whisky-punch.
suggested by the momentary associa- Matinee (Theatrical, 1870). Morn-
tion with the guillotine, which is ing theatrical performance. This
called in French slang ' the widow '. entertainment came from New York,
Married to Brown Bess (Mil., 18- and was speedily adopted not only in
19 cent. ). To serve as a soldier. Brown England, but in France, which accepted
Bess was of course the musket. the word.
You can tell her that you are safe and Matin6e dog (Theatrical). Sufferer
married to Brown Bess (that is to say en- experimented upon. From vivisection
listed). Thackeray, Barry Linden, ch. v. of canines, or testing food for poison
Martialist (Soe., 1885). Soldier by submitting it to tykes. Of course
holding a commission. a figure of speech in relation to the
The marvel was ' that the colonel stood frequent dramatic rubbish which is
it '. He was, indeed, a long-suffering submitted at matinees, as distinct
martialist.— D. N., 31st December 1885. from evening performances.
Marwooded (Peoples'). Hanged. Arrangements have been made by
This term prevailedjwhile Executioner Irvine Bacon and Charles Groves to try
Marwood held office. He died in it ere long on the matinee dog — probably
1883. at the Haymarket.— Re/., 3rd February
Mary Ann (L. London, 19 cent.).
An effeminate man. Matineers (Soc., 1885). Frequenters
Mash, Made a (Soc., 1883). of matinees. Outcome of the rage
Effected a conquest — struck somebody for matinees, 1884-85. They are com-
all of a heap. posed of quite 80 per cent, of ladies.
Mash that (Com. Land.). Hold Matineers on the look out for a really
your tongue. Probably from macher excellent and varied show will thank me
to chew, or figuratively — keep to your- for calling their attention to a matin€e
self in your mouth. to be given in compliment to Mrs Robert
O.P. corners
and P.S. (Soc.,to1882).
entrances The
the stalls Maty (London Workmen's). Mate.
of the old Gaiety Theatre. Maungo (N. Country, 1869).
Shoddy. This word is said to come
Masonics (Soc., Hist.). Secrets —
from the secret rites of Freemasonry. from the term ' it maun go '—that is
Not that there are either secrets or to say it must sell from its cheapness.
rites in Freemasonry — at all events in Maw-sang (Northumbrian). Blood
England — where combined secrets are — a corrupted oath — probably mort
neither wanted nor expected. saint, holy death.
Massites (Soc., 1897). Members of Mawther (E. Anglican). Not only
the Anglican Church who believe in mother, but applied to even a girl
transubstantiation. These believers baby, girl, maid, wife, and childless
accept the term gravely ; but it was widow.
invented by the representative, or
Low Church, party. Mawwormy (Peoples'). Fault-find-
ing, dismally anticipating wretched-
ness. From the character Mawworm.
Masterpiece o' night work (Street). Augustus Harris insisting on Carl Rosa
Admiringly said of a handsome un-
fortunate. accepting the wreath thrown on the stage
Match (Soc., 19 cent.). Society last Saturday night was a delicious and
touching spectacle. Here is a glorious
classic for marriage throughout the subject for one of our figure-painters.
reign — giving rise to the compound Without being mawwormy, I fail to see
matchmaker, a woman who brings why a wreath should be presented to
about marriages. any man who makes a business of giving
Mrs Gerard did her best to make the opera.— Entr'acte, 6th June 1885.
match, and although she afterwards con- (See Pecksniffian.)
ceived doubts as to whether her sister
really loved him, she said nothing to May God blind me (Street). The
Lord Durham to that effect. — Lord original invocation of the gutterling,
1885.Lord Durham's Nullity Suit, 174 reduced to ' Gaw blin' me '. ' bly me ',
'blyme', 'bly'.

Mayhap (Peoples}. Abbreviation of Mentisental (Syllable traversion—

may happen. E. of London only). Sentimental.
'Your Merchant (Theatrical, 1882). The
rick, Abel widow?
Drugger. Mayhap not.' — Gar-
theatre coming to be called the ' shop ',
Mean to do without 'em (Music actors dubbed themselves ' merchants ',
Hall, 1882). The "em' infers to qualified by their line.
women. The phrase was first made Merely moral man (Soc., 1890).
popular by the singer Arthur Roberts. Started by Ritualistic incumbents.
Mean white (Anglo-Indian). A Attack upon men who are moral with-
poor Englishman. out expressed Christian belief.
Meater (Street). Coward. Said of Mervousness (Polit., 1885).
a dog who only bites meat, that is to Satirical synonym for nervousness
say, one who will not fight. Thence invented about 1876 by the political
applied to cowardly men. party who did not believe in the
Meddle and muddle (Political, advance of Russia towards India.
1879). Came in during contest Messengers (Country). The small
between Beaconsfield and Gladstone —
unmasterly policy which harries and dark, rapidly-drifting cloudlets which
foretell a storm.
does nothing.
The Board is pursuing a policy of Micky. See Bob, Harry and Dick.
meddle and muddle, and is getting itself Microbe of sectionalism (Soc., and
most cordially hated all round, — Ref., Parl, circa 1896). Social fad in the
26th April 1885. House of Commons. As gradually
the * microbe ' was discovered to be
Meddling duchess (Peoples1, 1880). the cause of all disease, or the effect
Intensification of duchess (q. v. ). Ageing,
pompous woman who fusses about and of all tendency to disease, the phrase
achieves nothing. was used figuratively. In this case it
Melt (Financial). To discount a is applied to the total break up of the
bill. Liberal party in the '90's, by the
divided feeling upon most extreme
Melton hot day (Sporting and points. Such as total abstinence,
Club, 1885). Equivalent to melting local veto, vaccination, voluntary
hot day. Created Derby Day (3rd schools, etc.
June), which was very sultry, and
The abdication by the Radical party
apropos to the winner of the day — of its proper functions has an unfortunate
* Melton '. tendency to foster what we have called
Several who came near me after the the microbe of sectionalism. — D. T.,
big race remarked that it was a Melton 21st June 1890.
hot day, and seemed to think they were
saying something original and something Mid vire (Sporting, Paris). Midday
funny.— Ref., 7th June 1885. wires, giving last prices in the coming-
on races. Heard in London.
Memugger (Oxford). Martyrs'
memorial. A satirical and even pro- Middle cuts (Slums'). These are
fane application of ' er'. the prime cuts of fried fish at fried
fish shops.
The triumph of this jargon was reached
when some one christened the Martyrs' Midge (Devon, old). A tell-tale.
Memorial the ' Martyrs' Memugger '.—
D. T., 14th August 1899. Mighty roarer (Yankee). Niagara
Mended (Street, 19 cent.}. Bandaged.
Menkind (Soc., J90's). Male Mikey (Corrupt Rhyming). Sick
relatives simply. after
Dick). drink. (See Bob, Harry and
The great pull which Pekin had, over
other Eastern or over South American Milikers (Com. London, 1870).
Legations was that it is the traditional Militia — probably a corruption of the
custom that the ladies of the Corps
true word, upon the basis that public-
Diplomatique, who can rarely be pre- house is idiotically called shuvly-
vailed upon to venture so far from Paris
as Chili and Peru, accompany their
menkind forth to the Celestial City.— Military (Tavern, 1885). Porter.
D. T., 4th July 1900. One of the later baptisms.
Milk-Bottle Monday Mice

Milk-bottle (Com. Peoples'). Baby. Misery junction (Music Hall

M ilken (Thieves' , 1 8 cent. ). House - Singers').
west cornerTheof angle forming
the York and the south-
Wild.) (See Fielding's Jonathan Roads. So named from the daily
Million to a bit of dirt (Sporting, meeting here of music hall ' pros ' who
are out of engagements, and who are in
1860). A sure bet requiring no caution. this neighbourhood for the purpose of
'It's a million to a bit o' dirt the calling on their agents, half a dozen of
Plunger )pulls it off.' (See Dollars to
buttons whom
Avenue. live
) within hail. (See Pro's
Mimodrama (Theatrical, 1897). Misleading paper (1876 on). Name
Drama of dumb show, as distinct from given to Times newspaper when it
melodrama, wherein the more noise the began to lose its distinctive feature as
the ' leading paper ' in Liberal policy.
He had found the argument of this Probably the critic of the leading — I
minodrama in an artic e of criticism should say the misleading — morning
written by Theophile KJautier.— D. T., paper did not see the show.
3rd March 1897.
Miss (American). To be unlucky.
Minchin Malacho (Peoples', 18 cent. Mistaken (Birmingham, 1885).
on). Whatever this may mean it is Lie. From a satirical paragraph by
evidently still understood by the Mr Chamberlain (9th November), at
vulgar. In April 1895 the present Birmingham.
writer heard a man in the gallery of Mitching (Canadian). Common
the Palace of Varieties (London), after term for playing the truant. Comes
several scornful phrases, say derisively, from Devonshire, where the term is
* Oh— ah — minchin maleego.' still in use.
Mind the grease (Peoples'). Let Mitten (Amer.t Hist.). Refusal of
me pass, please.
marriage by a lady. ' She gave him the
Mind the paint (Peoples'). Said of
passing girls who have painted their Mixologist (American Saloon).
faces. Adopted from the ordinary Outcome
mitten.' of the complicated nature of
phrase used by house -painters who American drinks — a learned mixer.
flourish this legend on floor, pavement,
and wall. (See Aristocratic veins.) Mo'. (See 'Art a mo'.)
Mock litany men (Irish mendi-
or Mind
satiric the step (Peoples').
suggestion that the Veiled
victim cants'). Sing-song beggars who utter
plaints or requests in a chanting
addressed is drunk. manner.
Mine (Low Life). Husband — of a Modernity
kind. Sometimes really applied to a This word was (Soc.t '90's).
invented earlyObvious.
in the
husband. '90's — first as a satire, then as a
Mine-jobber (City, 1880 on). Cheat. perspicacious descriptive.
When English copper mining became Nothing seems to be wanting to the
comparatively valueless by reason of perfect 'modernity' of the process by
the import of Australian and other ore which Clerkenwell is endeavouring to
as ballast, all the rascals on change discover its most fitting 'shepherd of
floated mine companies, which had souls ' save the presence of a few book-
not a chance of success. makers and a daily report of the state
of the odds against the various competing
Minnie P. play (Stage, 1885 on). candidates.— D. T., 16th June 1898.
Drama in which a little maid variety Moll-hunters (Street). Men, of all
actress is the chief motive. She must
ages, who are always lurking after
sing, dance, play tricks, and never women.
wear a long dress. From Miss Minnie Monaker (Cow,. Lond., 1870). Title
Palmer's or name. From Italian lingo for name,
Sweetheart.creations, chiefly in My
Now obsolete.
Monaco being the Italian for monk.
Misery (Old Eng. and American). Monday mice (L. Sir. , Hist. ). The
processions of black eyes, in both sexes,
and in back streets — as the result of
basin bowl (Tourists'). Relief-
— at sea. the week-end closing at 11 P.M. on
Monday Pops Mother of the Modern Drama

Sunday nights — a black eye getting Moony cove (Peoples'). The word
this name from its ordinary size and is derived from trie tendency of persons
rounded shape suggesting a huddled suffering from incipient insanity to
up mouse. keep the eyes raised when walking.
Monday pops (Soc. ). Abbreviation Moon-struck is another form of the
of popular and put in plural. Refers word.
to celebrated long-established concerts Moorgate - rattler (Clare Market,
at St James's Hall, London. 1899). Startlingly - dressed passer-
We have been to a Monday pop this by— a swell of that district, or in
week. — Geo. Eliot, Letters, 26th it. Perhaps a corruption of Moorgate,
November, 1862. or possibly Margate.
Money bag lord (Soc., 19 cent.). Mops and brooms (Peoples').
Ennobled banker. (See Paint brush Drunk — probably suggested by the
baronet and Gaily pot baronet. ) hair getting disordered and like a
Money bugs (Amer. • Eng.). mop. long.
worn From a time when hair was
Millionaires. Beetles are called bugs,
or were, in the U.S.A. The golden ' Mops and brooms ' doubtless express
bug is a beetle that has the appear- a sense of confusion. — Daily News.
ance of a lump of dead gold. Moral Cremorne (Soc., 1883).
It is estimated, I see, that the Vander- Fisheries Exhibition, Royal Horti-
bilt family of millionaires control among cultural Gardens, 1883. So named
them 20,000 miles of American railways, because there had been no illumina-
which in one way and another afford tion fetes since the closing of immoral
employment for three millions of human Cremorne Gardens.
beings. . . . The happiness or the The Fisheries Exhibition is over. The
misery of three millions of people wholly lights of the moral Cremorne are out. —
dependent on the whims and caprices Ref., 3rd November 1883.
of, say, half a dozen 'money bugs'. — More blue (Devon, old). Exclama-
People, 20th March 1898.
tion. Absolute pronunciation of ' mort
Monkey (Mechanics'). Clerk. bleue', and coming down probably
from the Frenchified court of Charles
Monkey and parrot time
(American). Equivalent to cat and II., when Exeter was a western
dog life. metropolis. (See Big beck, Zounds,
Maw Odd's fish, Please the pigs,
Monkey motions (Military}. Ex-
tension drill. Used satirically by the
men in reference to the manoeuvres of More war (Street, 1898). Street
this really droll drill. quarrel or wrangle, especially amongst
women. Outcome of the somewhat
Monkey on the house (Soc.). discussive warfare carried on between
Expression current in Cambridgeshire. U.S.A. and Spain in this year.
It means that the owner of the house Satirical to some degree.
has raised money on it. The natives Mother (Complicated Rhyming,
also say, ' A monkey on the land ', the1868). Water. Abbreviation of
word 'monkey' being exactly equi- * mother and daughter' — rhyming
valent to 'mortgage'.
with 'water'.
Monkey, To (American - Eng.). Mother of the modern drama
Prance and carry on effusively — (Theatrical). An actress who took up
especially towards a pretty girl.
high matronly ground in a lecture
Monks. Sickly parrots. They hold delivered (1884) at Birmingham. The
their heads down and in. lady, successful early in life, and
Monos ( Westminster School). married to a rich, prosperous and
devoted husband, spoke veryea? cathedra,
King's scholar who at 4 P.M. and during her oration pitied the
announces, in Latin, the finish of
the day's work. strugglers, and announced her inten-
Moo (L. Class). Common woman. tion of quitting the stage whenthe ' con-40 '.
Calculating people arrived at
Moocheries (Peoples', 1885). One clusion that the lady never therefore
of the names given to The Inventions. intended to leave the stage, as no one
(See Muckeries. ) can be ' 40 ' twice.
177 M
Mother's Help Muffin- Wallopers

Mother's help (Mid. Class, 1883 intention, as bin and gitters for * gin
on). Nursery governess. Term in- and bitters'. Very common, 1840-56.
vented for the accommodation of Brought into fashion by Albert Smith
people who want a governess, and do from hospital life. Now chiefly
not want to pay for one. patronised in America.
Motor (London Soc., 1896). Fast, A mowrowsky is often a transfer of
two words, as in the Taming of the
hard-living ; said of a man about town.
Shrew, where Grumio cries, in pre-
Motor (Oxford, 1897). Coach, cram
tutor for exams. Origin obvious. tended fright, 'The oats have eaten
the horses'. During the Donnelly
Simply the conversion of the old-time discussion (1888) wherein it was con-
coach into the new-time motor — with- tended that the plays of Shakespeare
out the car.
had been written by Lord Bacon, an
Motor (Soc., 1896). The motor-car, intended satirical mowrowsky was
immediately shortened to motor, was invented by an interchange of initials
first shown in London streets on 10th between the two names, Bakespeare
November 1896. Before the end of and Shacon.
the year a score of phrases were built Muck (Military). Scornful appella-
up around it. tion bestowed upon all infantry by all
Byron had shown the true origin of the
Motor long before the gentlemen who Muck and halfpenny afters (Middle
thought they invented it were born.
Did he not say in his famous riddle : Class). Bad, pretentious dinner —
spotted at the corners with custard
'Twas whispered in Heaven, 'twas powder preparations, and half-dozens
Motor'd 1896.
November in Hell. — D. T., 19th of stewed prunes, etc., etc.
Motter (Street, 1896). Name given Muckeries (Youths, 1885). Name
to the motor carriage on its very first given to the ' Inventories' (Inventions
official appearance in London on Lord Exhibition at S. Kensington) as the
season went on, by the youthful
Mayor's Day, 1896. frequenters.
Mount the cart (Peoples', 18 cent.). Mucking ( Westminster School).
Be hanged — from the then habit of Idling, hanging round.
carting culprits from Newgate to
Tyburn tree, or gallows — the cart Mud island (E. London). South-
being drawn from under the wretch end — watering-place on the mouth of
when the rope had been attached to the Thames, whose estuary still pro-
the beam. duces adeal of mud.
Mourning coach horse (Middle Mud show (Soc.). An agricultural,
Class London, 1850). A tall, solemn or other out-door show.
woman, dressed in black and many Mud - hovel argument (Political,
inky feathers. (See Sala's B. ) 1879-84). Term given to Tory argu-
Mouth-pie (Street). Emphatic name ment against extension of political
for feminine scolding. liberty in Ireland.
Move the previous question (Soc., A great part of his speech, however,
from Parliamentary Life). To evade ; consisted only of what we may call the
to object to explain. ' mud - hovel ' argument, an argument
which he applied to Ireland, and on
To ' move the previous question ' is in which it will be remembered he had
Parliamentary phraseology simply to say recently an opportunity of expatiating
that the present is not the most con- in Ireland.— D. N., 4th March 1884.
venient moment for discussing any
particular motion. Another time, it Mud-pusher (Street, 1870). Cross-
says — another time, by all means ; but ing sweeper.
not just now. Muff (Soc., 1840 on). A stupid,
Move the procession (American dilatory, inactive, and generally
Mining). To incite a crowd against amiable young man.
some unpopular person. Muffin - puncher (Street). Muffin -
Mowrowsky (Anglo • American).
Interchange of initial consonants of Muffin - wallopers (Middle Class
two adjacent words, by accident or
178London, 1880). Scandal -loving women,
My Elm is Grown

chiefly spinsters, who meet over a cup Mushroom (Public - house). Name
of tea. given by frequenters (presumably in
Mug (Theatrical). To show variety contempt), to the great clock to be
of comic expression in the features. seen in most taverns, and which gives
warning as to closing time.
Multa bona fakement (Tavern,
1800-35). Very good trick — from Music Hall howl (Musicians'). The
the Italian molto bono, and abstract peculiar mode of singing in music-halls,
the result of endeavouring rather to
noun made from fake — to manipulate make the words of a song heard than
adroitly if dishonestly, to create musical effect.
A hand truck was procured, and
drugged Charley (watchman) and his Music Hall public (Soc.t 1884).
box were then transferred to another Satirical description of public who do
locality, so that when Charley awoke he not care for high-class compositions.
found himself and box ready for doing Next time M. Kiviere organises a
duty in another parish. This trick was benefit let him make up his mind whether
estimated to be a multa bona fakement.
he will seek the suffrages of the musical
— Diprose's Clement Danes; Pierce Egan, or the music hall public. He might be
Life in London, vol. i., p. 101.
happy with either, but he will never get
Mumchance (Peop., Hist.). Dole- both at once.— fief., 3rd May 1885.
fully silent.
The man or woman who can sit Musk-rats (American). People of
Delaware — given because those animals
'mumchance', and with faces as long prevail in this division.
as a yard measure, over a well-acted
farce do not deserve to be ranked in the Must know Mrs Kelley? You
noble army of all-embracing playgoers. (London, 1898 on). Joking exclama-
— Z>. T., llth March 1897. tion with no particular meaning,
Mumming booth (Lower Stage). A generally shot at a long - winded
wandering marquee in which short talker. Phrase used for two years at
plays are produced. all times and places by Dan Leno.
Munching house (City, 1850). Mustard plaster (Peoples'). Dismal
Onomatope for Mansion House — from young man. Put a mustard plaster on
the lusty-feeding going on there. his chest. Said of a doleful and dismal
The distinguished artists who repeated pallid young man. Derived from a
The Masque of Painters at the Munching comic song, in association with
House the other day do not seem to Colman's mustard, written by the
have been quite satisfied with their celebrated pantomime writer, E. L.
treatment.— Ref., 5th July 1885. Blanchard, and sung in one of his
Mundane (Franco-Eng.y 1890 on). pantomimes at Drury Lane.
Person of fashion.
Mustard pot (Peoples'). Carriage
The Comtesse de Maupeou, a mundane with a light yellow body. Obvious
who has recently risen upon the musical outcome of mere relation of colours.
horizon, rendered several songs. — D. JV., Mutton shunter (Policemen, 1883).
12th April 1897. Policeman.
Murder an' Irish (Peoples', 19 cent.).
Exclamation intimating that things My elm is grown (Peoples', 18 cent.).
are at a climax. Sometimes more Prognostication of one's own death —
figure of speech depending upon the
emphatically used as ' murderin' Irish '.
practical fact that elm is used through-
Museum headache (Authors', 1857). out the land for coffins.
Many a student avers, whether
candidly or not, that it costs him less
to buy rare books than to hang about
the Museum, waiting the leisure of the
attendants, and struggling against a
'Museum 1882.
December headache'. — Z>. JV., llth

Mush, gush, and lush (Amer.-

Eng., 1884). Mean interested criticism
— critiques paid for either in money or
N.—A.—D. Natural, All Your

The negroes of the West Indies call an

old wife's fable ' a Nancy story ', derived
from Ananzi, the African spider who
told tales.— D. N., 17th January 1891.
Nanny Rabbit,
Tommy (Street )boys'). Banana. (See
N.—A.—D. (Military Hospital). Nanty (Italian organ-grinders').
Shamming in any way. Initials of No Nothing— corruption of niente.
Appreciable Disease. ' 'E's a nanty cove.'
N. D. (Soc., 19 cent.). Initials of Nanty narking (Tavern, 1800 on
No Date, used by librarians in making
their lists. Applied to a woman who to
Life1840). Great fun. (See Egan's
in London.)
tries to look young. Nanty worster (Common London).
of N.
No F. (Artisans', masked). Initials
Fool. Nanty (Italian) here means ' no ' ;
worster an intensification of 'worst'.
N. G. (Peoples', 19 cent.). Em- The phrase means therefore a 'no-
phatic initials of No Go — which in its
turn implies failure. Nark'. the titter (Dangerous Classes).
N. N. (Soc.). Necessary Nuisance Watch the woman. ' Nark ' is prob-
— generally applied to husband.
N. Y. D. (Military Hospital). Titter ablyisa rhyming
the veryword to mode
lowest ' mark of
Evasive for drunk. Initials of Not describing a woman— one who has
Yet Diagnosed — found on military
hospital bed-cards as a direction to Nap (London, 1855-70). A very
visiting medical men and to nurses. pointed moustache — the two points
In this case the true diagnosis would
lead to a confinement to barracks. forming a long line which 'cut' the
face. It was re-introduced by Napo-
leon III., and is still worn by Napo-
Nail a goss (Thieves'). To steal a leonists in Paris.
hat — industry gone out since hats
became so cheap. The silk plush hat Nap or nothing (Club, 1868). All
which succeeded and killed the beaver or naught.
was so comparatively light that it was
called a gossamer, soon naturally re- Nap (knap)
Receive or grabthetheregulars
duced to goss. of the money resulting from the sale of
stolen property.
Nail a strike (Thieves'). To steal a
tail. A tale (Middle • class).— tale
is a narrative Dog's
Nailed up drama (Theat., 1881).
Satirical title found for the drama tail in pronunciation.
which depends upon elaborate scenery. Nathaniel, Below (Old English).
Said first in relation to The World, Even lower than Hades — Nathaniel
produced at Drury Lane about this (like Samuel, or Zamiel in Germany)
time. and Old Nick, or Nicholas, being
Nana, Nanaish (Club, 1882). Out- familiar synonyms for Satan.
rageous, overstepping decency — from Throughout my life I have always had
the French romance Nana, by Zola. a burning desire and a dogged deter-
Theodora would be an unpresentable mination to get below the surface of
being to a London or a New York audi- things, and Eugene Sue's masterpiece
ence, and is almost too ' high ' in the took you, as the saying is, ' down below
sense poulterers attach to the word for Nathaniel', as regards the basements
even a Boulevardier public. In the and the subterraneans of society. — G. A.
Sala, D. T., 18th July 1895.
name of history, Zola's Nana is out-
Nana-ed. — D. N. (criticism on Theodora), Nattermy (Peoples').
29th December 1884. thin human being. From Word for a
Nancy (Low London, 19 cent.).
Effeminate in a slight degree. Also Natural, All your (Peoples'). Ellip-
sis of all your natural born days.
used in the U.S.A.
Natural probably here meant as ' or-
Nancy tales (Lit. , 1890). Humbug, dinary', which phrase would exclude
bosh. your 'extraordinary' days.
Nautical Triumvisetta Nice Place to Live Out Of

Nautical triumvisetta (Music Hall). Neversweat (Common English, 19

A singing and dancing nautical scene cent.). A graphic, one-word descrip-
by three persons, of whom two are tion ofa lazy, or even a slow individual,
generally women. used only towards men and boys.
Near and far (Public-house Rhym- New (Britannia training ship).
ing). The bar. Fresh arrival, last addition. Used in
Neat (Low Peoples'). Unadulterated, the plural.
unmixed — in relation to drink : e.g., New (American). News. 'Oh, is
Two o' gin neat is quite an improve- that the new ? '
ment upon a similar quantity of ' raw'. New cut warrior (S. London, 1830).
Nec Ultra (Soc., 17-19 cent.). West An inhabitant fighter, in or near the
side of Temple Bar. New Cut, a road made only in the
To the Countess Blushrose, Nature 19th century through the Lambeth
herself had written Nec Ultra on the west Marshes from Blackfriars to Lambeth.
side of Temple Bar.— D. Jerrold's The New departure (Soc., 1880).
Story of a Feather, chap. ix.
Neck oil (E. London). Beer Synonym for change of any kind.
generally. We have often pointed out that the
electoral changes which have just been
Ned Skinner (Rhyming). Dinner. accomplished must produce a new era —
or, as the Americans would call it, a new
Neddyvaul (Street boys'). ' Ned of
all'. Chief, commander, conqueror. departure — in legislation. — D. N., 9th
Neecee peeress (Soc.). An E. C. August 1885.
or city bride of little or no family, and New pair of boots (Mid.-class).
an immense fortune, both of which are Another question altogether — later
wedded to some poor lord or baronet. shape of another pair of shoes.
Once they have the concession made
Needful (Peoples', 19 cent.). Money to them, then it becomes a ' new pair of
— and one of the most urgent terms for boots
1883. ' altogether.— Entr'acte, 17th March
it. In use by all classes.
Needle (Tailors'). Got the needle, Newcastle programme (1894 on).
i.e., irritated, as when the needle runs Extreme promises, difficult of execu-
into a finger. Has spread generally tion. From afepeech of extreme Radical
over working classes, who have accepted promise made by Mr John Morley at
the graphic nature of the phrase. Newcastle.
Needles and pins (Peoples'). Warn- Next parish to America (Irish).
ing against marriage. The rhyming Arran Island — most western land of
runs —
Pins and needles — needles and pins Just sixteen miles beyond Barna, and
When a man marries his trouble begins. at the mouth of the Bay of Gal way, is
Common also to America, to which Arran island, which the people here call
land it passed from Devonshire, where the ' Next 1887.
December Parish to America '.—D. N.t
the phrase is still very common.
Next thing to the judgment day
Neetrith gen (Backspeech). Thirteen (wholly American). Absolute social
shillings. The first word is thirteen shock.
spelt back wards— the 'th' very properly
being taken as one letter. 'Gen' is Nice way
Evasive as ofnasty (Lower
declaring Peoples').
the opponent
the short for general (a shilling).
wine and (Queen Ann's heightened
hot water, reign). Port
by Nice blackberry (American).
grated nutmeg. One of the name Satirical phrase, intimating that the
other is a bitter weed or fruit.
words — from a Colonel Negus who in-
vented the beverage. Nice joint (Street). Charming, if
over-pronounced, young person.
Never fear (Peoples'). Don't be
Nice place
Evasive way ofto condemning
live out of a(Peoples').
Never squedge (Low. London). A
poor pulseless, passionless youth — a Without corresponding to the idea of
181 ' a nice place to live out of ', Harrogate
Nice Thin Job No Rats

is assuredly one of those spots which owe Embankment to Brighton, were dis-
much to their surroundings. appointed bythe immediate results.
(See Do without it. ) No. I. (New York, 1883). When
Nice thin job (Peoples', 1895). the U.S.A. were interested, early in
Mean evasion of a promise. ' Thin ' — this
of theyear, as to Brotherhood
Invincible whether the (Fenian)
'No I. '
to be seen through, comes from
America — and in England antitheti- was or was not in America, the term
cally suggested thick — now very pre- No. I. was often applied to noisy, or
valent for ill-usage and misbehaviour even merely evident, Irishmen.
in general. No. I. (Political, 1883). Mysterious.
Nicholls (Soc.t 1860 on). Complete This phrase took its rise early this
riding habit. From the splendid year, consequent upon the collapse of
habits made by Nicholls, of Regent ' The Brotherhood of Invincibles'.
No better than they ought to be
Nickel - plate (American). An
(Peoples'). Worse than many.
equivalent to our German silver — a There are fireworks on certain nights
swindle, a social fraud. now at the Crystal Palace, and they are
The name ' nickel plate ', as applied to about the most successful of the displays
the New York, Chicago & St Louis Rail- given here ; though it may be said they
way, came into use in this way : speak- attract very many persons whom Mrs
ing of the road by its initial letters — a Grundy says are no better than they
common practice among railroad men — ought to be.— Entr'acte, 6th June 1885.
N. Y. C. L. suggested nickel, and from
No beyond jammer (Street).
that to ' nickel plate ' was an easy transi-
tion.— Detroit Free Press, 1882. Perfectly beautiful woman.
No church (Peoples'}. When thegreat
A Niggers' duel (Anglo-American).
never-intended encounter. Each wrangle took place between the High
behind a mile-stone, therefore a mile Church party and the Low Church
apart. party, this phrase, which at once took,
Night flea (Essex School). Boarder and has remained popular, was deftly
— in contradistinction from Day-bug discovered by Douglas Jerrold to
represent the religious condition of
(**). the utterly outcast. The phrase was
Niminy-piminy (Soc., 19 cent.). first published by the wit in a page
Effeminately affected. of Punch.
Mr Beckford wrote in Leigh Hunt's No class (Street, 1893 on).
Story of Rimini :
Nimmini Pimmini Commonplace.
The Story of Rimmini. He proposed to Sal and she knew he was
— D. N., llth December 1882. last;
gone on her a bit —
Nimshes (American Federal, 1860- Although I knew quite well it couldn't
65). One of the contemptuous names
describing the Secessionists. Origin But when she said, 'I love him, Bill,' it
fairly knocked me sick,
not known.
Cos class.
I seemed to know 'e wasn't any
Nine mile nuts (Japanese pigeon).
Anything to eat or drink very sustain- ' Soldiers ! Why, soldiers ain't no
ing. From the nutritive qualities of class.'— D. T., June 1897.
chestnuts — especially in Japan. No earthly (London, 1899). Ab-
Nine tailors make a man (OldEng. ). The actorsbreviatiowho
n of' no have
not chance
booked '.their
Said derisively of a small man, whether seats vid Mr Henry Dana, are hereby
tailor or not. notified that they have now no earthly,
Nines, Up to the (Common). as all seats have been allotted. — Ref.,
Perfect. 22nd October 1899.
90 dog (Street). Pug. Referring to No grease (Engineers'). Absence
aspect of tail. of behaviour, of politeness.
97 champion No rats (Peoples').
to thatScotchman.
motor cars. Thefrostexpectations
(Peoples'). raised
First Evasive reference native, it
on 10th November, 1896, by the being supposed that a Scot is always
procession of motor cars from the associated with bagpipes, and that no
No Return Ticket Not In It

rat can bear the neighbourhood of that Nose (Boating). The extreme tip
musical instrument. of the bow of a boat.
No return ticket (Common, London). Nose and chin (Rhyming). One of
Abbreviation of ' He's going to Han well the modes of referring to gin.
and no return ticket' — said of a man Nose-bag (Mid. -class, 19 cent.). A
who shows signs of madness. hospitable house.
Nobby (Navy). Anelicization of
'These gulls', remarked the keeper
the 'Niobe'. before referred to, ' come now in larger
Nolled (American). Form of nolle numbers from year to year. The fact is
prosequi. Used by lawyers. they are like a good many of the people
Non compos. See Compos, Non. you see walking about — if they once find
out where there's a good nose-bag they
Non me (Peoples', 1820-30). Lie. take care to
December near it.'— D. T., 22nd
* That's a non me for one.' Took its
rise from the trial of Queen Caroline, Nose-bagger (Seaside Soc.). A
wherein the Italian witnesses observed day visitor to the seaside, who brings
' non mi ricordo ' (I do not remember) his own provisions, presumably in a
to every important question put to bag — one who is of no monetary value
them in cross-examination. to the resort visited. Contemptuous
Nonsensational (Critical, 1897). comparison to the cab-horse, or even
Sensational nonsense. the shore-donkey.
With a piece of nonsensational ex- 'Last season was a bad one ; there were
travagance entitled The MacHaggis, Mr plenty of visitors, but nearly all "nose-
Penley on Thursday night re-opened his baggers " — people who come for the day
theatre.— People, 28th February 1897. and bring butcher
Southend their own provisions,'
in his said ata
Norfolk Howard (Popular). A the Chelmsford Bankruptcy Court. —
bed-bug. Due to a man named
Buggey advertising a change of name Lloyds', 24th November 1807.
Noser (Covent Garden). Said of
to this phrase, a combination of the visitors to the market who inspect
family name and title of the Duke of the flowers and fruits, sometimes quite
Norfolk. Produced much press com- closely, and who do not buy.
ment and even sympathy for all
persons with objectionable names. Nosper (Low London back}.
The following list of vexatious names Common word for stranger. It is
was compiled and published in the
Times. ' person
Not a '.feather to fly with (Colloquial
Asse, Bub, Belly, Boots, Cripple, —from Universities). When the word
Cheese, Cockles, Dunce, Dam, Drink- ' plucked ' was used to designate failure
milke, Def, Flashman, Fatt, Ginger, to pass an examination, the figure of
Goose, Beaste, Barehead, Bungler, speech was carried out by describing a
Bugg, Buggey, Bones, Cheeke, Clodd, very doleful failure as being plucked
Cod, Demon, Fiend, Funck, Frogge,
Ghost, Gready, Hagg, Humpe, Hold- ' without a feather to fly with ' — mean-
water, Headach, Jugs, Jelly, Idle, ing that no success whatever was
Kneebone, Kidney, Licie, Lame, Lazy, obtained. Applied in many ways.
Leakey, Maypole, Mule, Monkey, Not dead yet (Theatrical, 1883).
Milksop, Mudd, Honeybum, Mayden- Ancient — generally said of an antique
head, Mug, Piddle, Paswater, Pisse,
Pricksmall, Pricke, Phisicke, Pighead,
Pot, Poker, Poopy, Prigge, Pigge, Not enough writtencorrected
Punch, Proverbs, Quicklove, Quash, 1870). Not sufficiently for
Radish, Rumpe, Rawbone, Rottengoose,
Swette, Shish, Sprat, Sheartlifte, Stiffe, style.
Not in it (Sporting}. Failure— re-
Squibb, Sponge, Stubborne, Swine, ferring to a horse in a race as having
Shittel, Shave, Shrimps, Shirt, Skim, no chance.
Squalsh, Silly, Shoe, Smelt, Skull,
Spattel, Shadow, Snaggs, Spittle, Teate, The gentleman who declared that gold-
Taylecoate, Villain, Vittels, Vile, Whale. mining was not in it was strictly correct.
The gold production in the United States
North Castle (Slang of the im- is worth between nine and ten millions,
pecunious, 1880). Holloway Jail, in but the profit upon it is nothing like that
the north of London. on sugar.— D. T., 26th February 1897.
Not on Borrowing Terms Nursery Noodles

Not on borrowing terms (American , Nothing to do with the case

1882). Not in friendly relations — said (Peoples', Hist.). Elegant evasion of
of next-door neighbours. ' you lie ! ' Made very popular by Mr
The families of the two young souls W. S. Gilbert's The Mikado, wherein
were not on ' borrowing terms '.— Texas Mr G. Grossmith had a capital song
Siftings, 1883. which began :
Not the cheese (Peoples', Hist.). ' The flowers that bloom in the spring
Not satisfactory. Dr Brewer abso- Have nothing to do with the case.'
lutely refers this word back to the Nottub (Back phrasing). Button.
Persian and the Hindoo — cheez, thing ; Now or never (Rhyming). Clever.
though he says nothing of the journey.
Well, these Tommy Rotters kid the
May be from the French, 'Ce n'est
pas la chose' — chose being used a great poor judy never
now and they're verygetrich,
they and if they're
carefully carried
deal for thing in the sixties. (married) to her. — Biography of Cheap
Heiress Hunters, 1882.
Not to-day, Baker (Peons', 1885).
Said at a youth who is paying atten- Now we're busy (Peoples', 1868).
tions which are obviously unwelcome. To suggest action. Also an evasive
Term used by housewives refusing bread intimation that the person spoken of
when the morning baker calls. But is no better for his liquor, and is about
satirically applied in reference to a to be destructive.
military man of this name who was
given into custody for pressing his Now we shan't be long (Peoples',
attentions upon a young lady travelling 1895 on). Intimation of finality.
by accident alone with him. Origin obscure. Probably from rail-
end ofwayatravellers'
journey. phrase when near the
to try signs himself ' Baker
an experiment on my',
family. In the words of the poet, I ' Now we shan't be long ', said Henry
Martin to Thomas Hiom, as the couple
reply, 'Not to-day, Baker !'— Ref. , 8th
March 1885. equipped themselves with a pair of
double-barrelled catapults and a copious
Not too nice (Soc., 1870 on). First supply of indiarubber pellets, and started
degree of condemnation — equals bad. off on a partridge-shooting expedition to
Outcome of the frequent use of nice. the Finchley Road.— D. T. , 8th Septem-
ber 1896.
Not up to Dick (Common Respectable
Life). Not well ; ill and wretched. Now we shall be shan't (Dec.
Not worth a rap (Irish, Hist.). 1896). Another jocular shape of
Worth nothing. In the early years of 'Now we shan't be long'— and pur-
the 18th century, from 1721, notwith- posely having no meaning.
standing the savage Drapier Letters, Nudities (Critics, 1890 on). New
copper money was so rare in Ireland
that a quantity of base metal was in shape of ' nude studies ' or ' nudes '.
The nudities, though of the usual
circulation in the shape of small coins. class, are fewer and less fragrant than
They came to be called raps — probably usual, the horrors less horrible, and what
the short of rapparee, a good-for- may be called the medical pictures less
nothing fellow — hence the word came repulsive.— D. N., 19th April 1898.
to be applied to describe valuelessness. Nuf ced (From America). Con-
Note (Soc., 1860 on). Intellectual traction of ' enough said ' — absurdly
signature, polite war-cry. spelt. Warning to say no more.
Culture is the 'note' of Boston. — Used in Liverpool chiefly.
D. N., 18th November 1884. Number one (Navy). Strictly naval
Notergal Wash, or N. Wash (L. for first lieutenant.
Class, 1857 on). No wash at all — Nuptiated (Wilful American).
grubbiness. Very interesting if from Married.
Nightingale. Miss Nightingale, the
creator (1855-56) of rational nursing, Nurse the hoe-handle (Agricultural
had the misfortune to incur the lower American). Lazy.
public satire for stating that a person Nursery noodles (Literary). Critics
could keep himself clean on a pint of who are very fastidious.
washing water per day. She did not
say he was preferably to do this.
0 Oaky-Pokeys

Katharine of Arragon (Henry VIII.),

or perhaps from that of Catherine of
Braganza (Charles II.).
' Ay di mi ! ' as the Spaniards say, we
shall have no Pomard this year ! The
storms of yesterday and of Monday have
devastated the vineyards. — D. N., 1874.
O (Peoples', Hist. ). Most emphatic O Gomorrah to you ! (Com. Life).
form of liking and satisfaction — always
used as a suffix. " What 0 ! " Play of a word upon ' to-morrow ', and
said either savagely or jocularly.
O (Printers').
viation ofoverseer.Emphatic, and abbre- O— good night ! (Low English).
9- B. (Criminal). Old Bailey, City Meaning, ' This is too much— I think
Criminal Court. I must be going.'
O. P. H. (Polit., 1886). Old Par- O ! la ! (European — almost histori-
cal). 0! law ! The influence of the
liamentary Hand — meaning Gladstone. Crusades upon European society was
Invented by Times (February 1886). notoriously immense. Surely some
O. T. (Street, Satirical, 1880). One expressions were imported ? What
way of observing that the weather is more likely than that of * Allah ! ' —
warm. which is in the mouth of every Maho-
O. V. (Sooth). Abbreviation of medan at all times, and always at the
oven — the name given to the open beginning
•pace below the stage in which the may be fromofthea same
sentence ? * Hullo ! '
Pepper's ghost illusion is worked. O my eye (Peoples'— Old Catholic).
This apparatus, which is at an angle Corruption of ' Ah mihi '—the opening
of 35, and upon which the phantom- words of the prayer to St Martin, the
ised comedians lie, is surrounded by patron of beggars. Implies doubt, and
lamps, and is very hot — hence the a suggestion of deceptive utterance.
title. (See Phant.) O. P. H. (Street, 19 cent.). Off.
OVO (Low Class, Hist.} Quite O Pollaky 1 (Peoples',
inexplicable. No solution ever ob- clamation ofprotest against1870). Ex-
too urgent
tained from the initiates. enquiries. From an independent, self-
O Bergami, or O Begga me constituted, foreign detective, who
resided on Paddington Green, and
(London Peoples', 1820). Still used in became famous for his mysterious and
the streets as intimating that the
person addressed is a liar, or worse. varied advertisements, which invari-
ably ended with his name (accent on
From one Ber'gami — a lying witness at the second syllable), and his address.
the trial of Queen Caroline — whose
denial of everything brought about O soldiers ! (Peoples'). Exclamation
— not now often heard.
this phrase, with his eternal ' non mi
ricordo '. (See Non me.) O Smith ! (Peoples', 1835 - 50).
O chase me (Streets, 1898 on). Cavernous laugh, very popular, for
Satiric invitation, or pretended satiric, nearly a score of years. ' What an
ty a maiden to a youth to run after 0 Smith ' would be the comment upon
her and hug and kiss her. hearing did
a grim
always the'Ha-ha'.
frequent 0 Adelphi
O Cheese and Crust (Lower
villains of that day, also the un-
Peoples'). 0, Jesus Christ ! scrupulous villains.
O cricum jiminy (Peoples', Hist.). O the language 1 (Peoples1).
An exclamation of pretended fear. Generally said to a drunken woman
O ! cry ! (Peoples'). Exclamation using violent or spluttering English.
of satiric surprise, confounded with O Willie, Willie (Peoples', 1898).
cry, but probably nothing to do with Term of satiric reproach addressed to a
taradiddler rather than a flat liar.
it. ' 0 ! crickey ! ' may be another
shape of the expression. May be an Oak (Rhyming). Joke — very
evasion of ' 0 ! Christ ! ' common. Now passed into chestnut.
O dear me 1 (Peoples'). Exclamation Oaky-pokeys (Devonshire). Cock-
of regret. Probably from the Court of 185 chafers.
Oat-Stealer Old Ebenezer

Oat-stealer (Country Tavern). Officers of the 52nds (Irish— City of

Ostler. A play upon the original word. Cork). Known generally in Irish
Obvious (Soc.t 1897). Fat, stout. garrison towns. Young men, chiefly
Origin evident. clerks and shopkeepers, who make a
rigid official appearance on Sundays.
'Mary, you are becoming too obvious. ' There are fifty-two Sundays in a year.
Obviously severe (Soc., 1890 on).
Hopelessly rude of speech. Officers' wives (Army, 19 cent.).
Occifer (Colloquial imbecile, 19 cent. ).
Officer. The bugle sang out 'Officers' wives
have puddings and pies, while soldiers'
Ochorboc (Italian organ-grinders'). wives have of
skilly', that tois mess.
the soldiers'
Beer. The word is here found by translation the call — Re/.,
taking the first letter of the word 10th April 1885.
' bochor ' and adding it to the end, also Ofters (Sporting, 1884). Fre-
adding 'oc'. The original word is
'Bocca' (mouth). quenters.
We may almost assume that the
Odd job man (Trade). Modified principle of heredity has once again
description of the Shyster, who pro- asserted itself, and that the youthful
fesses to do anything and only does his ' of ters ' whom I saw in the Haymarket
employer. the other night, all shirt front and fur
collar, are the offspring of the very same
Odd-fellows (Peoples'). Name of a sort of tpringalds who exploited them-
mutual benefit society. Corruption of selves thirty years ago in the very self-
God-fellows. same neighbourhood. — Ref., 23rd
December 1888.
Odd's Bobs (Peoples'). God's Babe
(the Redeemer). May be found in Og-rattin (Land. Restaurant). Au
Roderick Random.
gratin — anglicization.
Od's death. The Crucifixion— Hia Ogotaspuotas (Street, S. L., 1897).
death ; long since passed into 'Sdeath. Bosh, nonsense. At once dubbed ' Oh,
Od's fish (Peoples', Hist.). Scotch go to spue'. Legend upon a Radical
exclamation, probably brought south flag carried on Sunday, 7th March 1897,
to Hyde Park and to a meeting in
by James I. ' Od ' is an evasion of favour of the Cretans.
'God', while fish is a Scotticism for
fash, which in its turn is from /ache", Old boots, To fight like. Fight
one of the French terms brought into like Marlborough — the first English
Scotland through French influence. general to wear immense jack boots.
William III. preceded him in this
Od's my life (Lower Class). One of
the religious adiurations — ' God's my display— but the Orange's were lighter
boots. For several generations Marl-
Know Lieutenant Bowling — odd's my borough was the people's hero. Indeed
life ! and that I do.— Roderick Random, he was only displaced first by Nelson,
ch. xxiv. and then by Wellington. The heroes
have given several boots to society —
Odsbud (Peoples'). Is probably Wellington and Blucher amongst
God's Bud — and meaningthe Redeemer, others. ' My dawg can fet like old
or it may be God's Blood. (See Tom
Jones, bk. xvi., ch. viii.) boots, and shoon too.'
Odso (Provincial). Now only heard Old boys (Soc., 1880). Old school-
in country places. One of the evasive
religious ejaculations of 17th century An ' Old Boy's ' Dinner. — An ' Old
— 'God's oath'. Boy's' dinner
Amersham of Amersham
Hall School was held and
Young Mirabel : ' Odso — the relics, night at the Freemasons' Tavern, when
Inconstant.from Rome ! ' — Farquhar, The about 130 were present.— 2). N., 9tk
April 1885.
Off chump (Stable). No appetite— Old Ebenezer (American - Sport).
onomatope of the noise made by horses Grizzly and grisly bear. Probably
in eating.
applied from its appearance.
Off the rails (line) (Peoples', 1840 The hunter on the lonely heights of
on). Unsteady. the Rocky Mountains is far too well
Old Gal
On (a Bit o') Toast
armed to-day to fear either a ' mountain on all sides, and trying to attract,
lion ', as the panther is locally called, or while having no will of its own.
'Old Ebenezer', the renowned grizzly Old splendid (American, 19 cent.).
bear himself.— D. N., 2nd February 1883. Splendid in the highest.
Old gal (Peoples'}. General term of Old Whiskers (Street, 19 cent.).
affection describing a wife.
Old gang ^Parliamentary, 1870- Cheeky whiskers
whose boys' salute
are to a working-man
a little wild and
1900). Ancient Tory party— uncom- iron-grey.
promising Tories, generally old men.
Lord Randolph Churchill has probably Old Wigsby (Middle - class).
not gained all the points on which he was Crotchety, narrow - minded, elderly
disposed to insist. But, in deference to man, who snappishly can see no good
his opinion, there will no doubt be a in any modern thing. Same in French
clearance out of some of those whom the — equivalent perruque.
Fourth Party is in the habit of politely M. Halevy, whom he welcomed at the
designating as the 'Old Gang'.— Mr J. Academy, is also no perruque, or solemn
Chamberlain, 17th June 1885. big wig, and it may be said, with some
Old geyser (Street). Elderly man. emphasis, that he is no prude — D. N.,
February 1886.
Old hat (Old English and new Aus- Olds, middles, and youngs (Pro-
tralian). Modern anatomical reference vincial). Scotch, English, and Irish.
— very cogent, but not explainable. Some one who had studied the idio-
I shall conclude this note with remark- syncrasies ofthe three chief component
ing that the term ' old hat ' is at present parts of the United Kingdom, summed
used by the vulgar in no very honourable up his experiences of them by comparing
sense.— Fielding, Jonathan Wild. the Scotch to old people, the English to
Old Mother Hubbard (Common middle-aged, and the Irish to children.
English, 1880). Fictional— said of a — D. N., 5th March 1885.
story which is past belief. Oldster (Slang, Clubs, 1884). Age-
Old moustache (Street, 1880). ing man. Gift from U.S.A.
Elderly vigorous man with grey You mustn't trust the oldsters too
moustache. implicitly when they endeavour to per-
suade you, as they always will, that
' Prisoners of War ', two English there never was such a time as their
middies, one of them with his arm in
a sling, on a bench in a French seaport. time.— Ref., 7th March 1886.
An old moustache guards them. — D. N., Olive oil (Music Hall, 1884). Eng-
9th April 1885. lish pronunciation of Au revoir.
Old put (Soc., early 19 cent. — now Oliver (Compound Rhyming). Fist.
Peoples). A pretentious, stupid, aged As thus : Oliver Twist. Derived from
gentlemanly man. Derived probably Dickens.
from a proper name.
It is quite credible that such a man, forOmnes (Wine of
the mixtures Merchants'). Wordof
odds and ends
meeting in an omnibus an elderly gentle- various wines.
man of antiquated air and costume,
should consider it funny to insult the On dig (School). Abbreviation of
' old put ' by pretending to be an inti- ' on his dignity '.
mate acquaintance, and accosting him
with a familiar 'How's Maria?' — St On for a tatur (Peoples'). Fas-
cinated, enraptured. Said of a man
James1 Gazette, 7th August 1883. talking to a barmaid, and making eyes
Old Shake (Amer. Press, 1870). at her. Evidently from Ute-&-Mte.
On his ear (Amer.-Eng.). In dis-
Old shoes. Rum. (See Old boots. ) grace— from American handy mothers
Old Shovel-penny (Military). The grabbing their boys' ears while battling
in the streets with other boys.
cient. who is generally an an-
On his feet (American). Ruined.
Old slop (London, 19 cent.). A Qnice(Amer.-Eng.\ Dead. From
corruption of ' saloop ', derived from placing
it . body on ice to aid in ' faking
the French ' salope '. Applied to the
Times newspaper from 1840-50, to in-
timate that it was bowing and smiling 187 on On(a (a bit o') toast. 'He had me
bit o') toast ' ; figuratively to
On the Back Seam Oner over the Gash

say he absorbed or swallowed me so I like Shine — I cannot help admiring

readily that the act was no more the large amount he possesses of what is
trouble to him than swallowing any- vulgarly called 'once'. — Rcf., 24th
October 1886.
thing that will lie on a fragment of
the toast in question. Once a week man or Sunday
On the back seam (Tailors'}. An- promenader (London, 1830-40). Man
other elegant evasion. Flat on the in debt. Could only go out on Sunday,
floor. because on that day no arrests for
On the beer (Peoples'). Evident. debt in
Life could be made.
London. ) (See Egan's Eeal
On the bias (Dressmakers'). Ille-
gitimate. On the cross. Onces (Artisans'). Wages — ab-
breviation of' once a week '.
On the deck (Costers' local). Living One and a peppermint drop (Com.
in Seven Dials. (See Deck.)
On the marry (American). Look- London). One-eyed person.
ing out for a wife or husband. One bites (Loud. Costers, 1870 on).
On the nail (Peoples'). Immediate Small, acrid apples — which, being
payment — no trust. From the habit tested with one bite, are thrown away.
of ancient shop - keepers having a One consecutive night (Soc. and
square - headed, large nail driven Stage). Enough.
through the counter. Upon its head The second lecture is almost invariably
the money in payment was laid.
a dismal failure. ' One consecutive night '
On the pig's back (Irish}. In is the limit of the funny man's course. —
luck's way. Comes from Rome. D. N., 15th August 1890.
During the reigns of the Twelve a One drink house (Common London,
golden amulet in the shape of a pig 19 cent.). Where only one serving is
was supposed to bring good luck. permitted. If the customer desire a
On the pounce (Irish). Preparing second helping, he has to take a walk
to spring, verbally. Brought into ' round the houses ' after the first.
sudden fashion by Mr E. Harrington, One leg trouser (Soc. , 1 882). Tight,
H.R., M.P. (13th September 1887). feminine skirt of the period.
Upon his being suspended he observed,
'You, Mr Speaker, have been on the . . . and ladies in the latest ' one-leg-
pounce for me since I rose — you have trouser' fashion from Paris. — D. J\T.,
18th April 1883.
been on the pounce waiting for me
all the evening, and I claim my right (See Eel-skin.)
to speak. One of them (Streets). A shilling.
Mr Smith has the further* function of
keeping ready — ' on the pounce ', as the One of those (Peoples' 1880). An
obscure phrase, coming probably from
irreverent phrase goes — to clap on the
closure whenever he and his colleagues a comic song entitled, ' I really must
think they have had enough of a debate. have one of those'. No ascertained
— D. N., 10th October 1890. meaning above the class in which it
On the run (Anglo • American). originated — but evidently quite under-
Escaping. stood by its patrons. Remained in
gutter fashion for about four years,
On the slate (Loiver Peoples'). when it fell from its high intent.
Written up against you — from the
credit-slate kept in chandlers' shops. 1.30 (Tavern). That is to say, ' one
hour and a half — derived from railway
On the square (Peoples'). Totally mode of counting time.
honest and straightforward. From
Freemasonry, where the square is One-eyed city (American). A poor,
typical of everything that is good. inactive place.
On the tapis (Diplomatic). Rumour, One - light - undershirt - and - no -
equivalent to ' on dit '. suspenders weather (American).
On velvet (Mid. • class 1860), Very hot.
Luxurious success.
One-two (Peoples'). Familiar figure
Once (Street). Vigour, go, cheek — of speech for rapidity.
the substantivizing of ' on ' — most A Oner overthethe
blow over gash (Peoples').
Oolfoo Ought to Know

Oolfoo (Low. Cl-ass). Fool. Order (Theat.). Free pass.

He'll make oolfoo
the judy Order dead-head (Theat., 1880).
the biggest that think
ever that you're
was started Patron of the theatre— the dead-head
on the blessed earth.
—who passes on with an order. ' Dead-
Oons (Provincial — Romanesque). head' (q.v.) comes from America, and
Evasion of ' God's wounds '. Once is there unqualified by the word ' order'
pronounced 'ouns'. (See 'Tare an'
ouns ', ' Hounds '). On Monday the house was quite full of
what looked like money, leavened by a
' No — hang it. 'Twill never do — oons.' faint sprinkling of the order dead-head.
— Farquhar, The Inconstant.
—Ref., 17th April 1885.
Op (Soc., 1870). Opera.
Order of the Boot (M. Class). A
Open-airs (Salvationist). Meetings species of violent assault. The order
beyond roofs. of knighthood is bestowed by a tap
We have had some blessed heart-re- with a sword on the shoulder. The
joicing times. Last week three sinners Order of the Boot is conferred by the
wept their way to Calvary, and enlisted toe of the boot — farther down.
to fight under the blood-stained banner.
Our open-airs are glorious. — War Cry, Orf chump (Peoples'). No appetite.
1884. ' Orf is a variation of ' off'. Derived
Open door (Polit., 1898). Colonial from stablemen's tongues in reference
free trade. Heard long before this to their horses — ' I'm orf chump alto-
year, but took form in the autumn of
this, due to the discord in China— Orf his chump (Peoples'). Mad,
when England urged that Chinese cranky. It has nothing to do with
commerce should be equally free to gether.'
all nations— hence the term, which at —' orf
his chump '. Means
brain not in order.' off his head '
once passed over Europe. Ornary (American). Expression
Open eye (Trade, 1899). Correla- for contemptible. Corruption of ' or-
tive and completion of open door —
meaning that though the foreigner may But I dinawas
ry '. roused by a fiendish laugh
trade with the whole empire, a sharp That might have raised the dead —
eye must be kept on him. Invention Them ornary sneaks had sot the clocks
A half an hour ahead !
of Mr Stuart Wortley (at Stoke-upon-
Trent, December 1899), who said in a Ornin' (L. Class). Boasting, praising
dinner-speech : ' For our commercial oneself. Probably from the bombastic
prosperity we needed the open eye as self-assertion of the hunter's horn.
well as the open door.' Chiefly provincial.
Open to (L. London). To tell—
confess. Otamies (Lower Peoples'). Surgical
operations of all kinds. Probable cor-
I knew then that Selby had got a bit ruption ofanatomies.
more (money) than he opened to (told) And now, poor man, he is among the
me.— People, 6th January 1895. otamies, at Surgeons' Hall. — Gay, Beg-
Opera (Amer., 1880). Perversion gars' Opera.
of 'uproar'. Other arrangements (Theatrical).
Defeat— retreat.
Operation (Tailors'). Patch, especi- Wherefore Hartt, though still by no
ally in relation to the rear of trousers.
means bowed down by weight of woe or
Opportunism (Polit., 1860 on). otherwise, thinks it now time to make
Shaping ways to most available means. other
Used rather in contempt, as subserving 1885. arrangements. — Ref., 5th July
conscience to convenience, or to per- Other side (Anglo-American). In
sonal advantage. U.S.A. it is G. Britain. In G. B. it
Opt (American— passing to England, is U.S.A.
1882). Abbreviation of verb ' optate '. Ouah (Erotic, Peoples', 1882). Ex-
Food and treatment are much better clamation ofdelight.
at lunatic asylums than at gaols, or in
casual wards; therefore Mr Wickham Ought to know (Soc. ). Expression
of belief in capability of person spoken
'opts' for1882.
February lunatic asylums. — D. N.,

Out (Peoples'). Loss. Sometimes — but she would not go, and finally
used in the plural. smashed a plate-glass window.
Outward man (Devon). A guzzler,
Out (Soc. and Peoples', 19 cent.). one who does not stop at home.
Nor is Russian statesmanship our only Ovate (American - English, 90's).
trouble at the present moment. Prince Verb derived from ovation.
Bismarck is or has been ' out with us ', An acute stage of the troubles in China
as the children say. — D. N., 6th March seems to have been thoughtlessly ended
1885. by the Allies without their Commander-
in-Chief, who was really very busy being
Out of commission (Clerks'). Re- received and ovated. — N. Y. Times,
quiring an appointment.
August 1900.
Out of the cupboard (Peoples', Over the bender (Old English).
Soys'). Turn out in the world. Implying that the statement made is
Out of mess (Military, Hist.).
Dead — he eats no more. untrue, e.g., ' You'll pay me cock sure
bender? ' is ' Yes—
the over the bender.'
elbow. It is
In the Eastern Soudan, in 1884, at El
Teb, many of our men were wounded — historical in common English life that
indeed, I believe, some killed — by the a declaration made over the elbow
wounded, wily enemy ; and it became as distinct from not over it, need not
necessary, as we searched the field for be held sacred. Probably from early
our own dead and wounded, to put some Christian if not from Pagan times.
of these treacherous foes out of rness ;
but there was no unnecessary butchery. The bender is always the left elbow,
— D. T., 7th January 1899. and may therefore have something to
do with 'over' the left.
Out of sorts (Printers'). Literally,
out of sorts of types — some of the Over the lefter (Poachers'). A
composing compartments empty. This partridge before 1st September, or a
term is quite obsolete — now that com- pheasant before 1st October.
posing machines are universal. Over the stile (Rhyming). Com-
mitted for trial.
Out of the tail of the eye (Irish).
Furtive observation. Over-eye (Peoples', old). To watch.
Out of the whole cloth (Amer.). Owl, Biled (Eng.-Amer., 1880 on).
Untruth in the deepest degree. Equi- Bad complexion — signs facial of dis-
valent to ' Whole hog ' (q.v.}. sipation.
But Christmas scooped the sheriff,
Out of the wood (American). Out The egg-nogs gathered him in ;
of the difficulty. Derived from pioneers And Shelby's boy, Leviticus,
and others in the West.
Was, New Year's, tight as sin ;
And along in March the Golyers
Outs (Polit., 19 cent.). The Oppo- Got so drunk that a fresh-biled owl
While the Outs look upon this dis- Would 'a' looked 'longside o' them two
young men,
covery as a tremendous blow to the Ins, Like a sober temperance fowl.
while Tory newspapers insist that all this —Col. Hay, U.S.A., Ambassador
is the outcome of Liberal concessions, to Eng., 1897.
there is little or no chance of our getting
the remedy that is so necessary.— Ref., Oyster months (Peoples', Hist.).
25th February 1883. All the months (8) in which there
Outs (Anglo- Amer. ). Out of friend- is an ' R ' — oysters being quite ' out '
in May, June, July, August.
ship. Probably old provincial English.
It is currently believed that Mrs Willie Oysterics (Mid. -class, 1900-04 on).
K. Vanderbilt, nee Alva Smith, and the A coined word, suggesting hysterics,
Baroness Fontenilliat, nee Mimi Smith, to satirize the panic in reference to
are decidedly and emphatically on the oysters creating typhoid fever.
outs. — New York Mercury, 1892. Once again the public is thrown into a
Outside Eliza (Low. London). state of what is grimly known in the
Drunk again, Eliza. Applied to in- trade as at
deaths ' oysterics ', owingfrom
Portsmouth to reports
toxicated, reeling women. Derived oysters. It is two years since the great
from a police case where a barman oyster scare followed on the deaths
stated that he said to the prisoner following the mayoral banquet at Win-
over and over again, ' Outside, Eliza ' 190 chester.— D. T., llth November 1904.
P. 0. Paint tlie Town Red

P. W. Abney (Streets', 1897). A

high, feminine hat which first appeared
in 1896, and grew. The phrase is a
reduction of Prince of Wales Abney
Cemetery ; it is got from three black,
upright ostrich feathers, set up at the
side of the hat in the fashion of the
P. C. (Soc., 1880). Initials of 'poor
classes'. Prince of Wales's crest feathers. (See
P. P. and C. C. (Irish). Parish 'Catafalque'.)
priest ; Catholic curate. P. Y. C. (Baltic Coffee - house).
P. P. C. (Middle-class). Snappish Pale yellow candle — from this establish-
ment persistently rejecting gas.
good-bye. Of course from departure
card, Pour prendre conge". Pa (Peoples'). Relieving officer of a
P. P. C. (Soc., 19 cent.). Pour
prendre conge". aUsed in If
ways, Pack (Navy). Curtailment 01
when sending card. ' Pactolus '.
addition, it means good-bye — if with Pack. (Texas). To carry.
future date added, it means au revoir.
P. P. C., To (Soc., 1880 on). To Packing (Peoples'). Food.
quarrel and cut. Packing-ken (Low. Class). Eating-
house — because you pack the food in
P. P. M. (Soc., 19 cent.). Initials your stomach then and there.
of Pour Ptit Moment, a modification of
P. P. C. Padder (Oxford). Short for Pad-
dington Terminus.
P. R. (Sporting). Initials of Prize Paddington Station, dearest of all the
Ring. London termini to the undergraduate
P. R. B. (Soc., 1848 on). Pre- heart during term, is Padder. — D. T.,
Raphaelite Brotherhood. Sometimes 14th August 1899.
ironically styled 'the Purby'. In Paid shot (Old Scotch). 'Shot' is
1848 three artists, D. G. Rosetti, a common mode of expression to
Holman Hunt and J. E. Millais, denote a reckoning, etc. ' I have paid
formed a brotherhood, with these my shot,' or rather 'scot', from
letters following their names. Several 'scottum', a tax or contribution, a
other painters joined them, together shot.
with T. Woolner, the sculptor.
Theirs was a revival of religion in Paint a proof (Printers'). To make
a number of corrections on a proof, and
art, religion which the brotherhood so paint it with ink on both margins.
maintained had been swept out of
Italian art by the materialistic force Paint the town red (Amer.-Eng.,
of the Renaissance. 1890). Originally to produce a sense
of danger by night rioting. From
The Pre-Raphaelite brethren, or railway system, where red is the
'P.R.B.'s,' as they are familiarly danger signal. Now applied in a
called, brought skill, earnestness, and
thoroughness to the purpose of over- thousand ways.
turning established beliefs in matters The delegates from California are full
artistic.— D. N., November 1885. of Chicago firewater, and are in the
streets howling for Elaine and threaten-
P. S. (Theatrical). Prompt side — ing to paint the town red.
first entrance left hand of the stage,
when facing the audience. An effectual stop has been put to the
last eccentricity of the facetious ex-
P. S.'s (Hatter's term). This secret Communist Maxime Lisbonne, who had
trade phrase is called as here written, lately, it will be remembered, en-
but is always described in the trade deavoured to ' paint the town red ' by
promenading the streets of Paris in a
by ' x '. It represents a sum of money scarlet brougham. — D. T.. 6th November
which the master is willing to advance 1894.
to a valuable workman in addition to
his statement of weekly account, when After a time variety was gained by
he has made a short week, and which the use of vermilion.
P. S. arrives.
he will repay when a 'long' There are no dreary exhibitions of
week ' comic ' drunkenness — as if drunkenness
Paint-Brush Baronets Parable

could ever be comical — nor any repre- Sudden alarm, followed by fall in
sentation of 'racketty' young bloods
painting the place vermilion.
Pannum (Thieves'}, Bread, dinner.
Paint-brush baronets (Soc., 1885).
Title invented for ennobled artists. Panny (Low Peoples').
house. A familiar
The two paint-brush baronetcies are
also sure to be popular. Mr Watts has Panny (Low Peoples'}. Fight
amongst women.
his admirers in the circles of ' culture ',
and is a magnificent artist of the Panorama (Lower Class}. Para-
imaginative school. Mr Christmas phrase of paramour.
Number Millais is, however, a household Mr Branson, the bank forger, murders
word, and popular with all classes. Now his wretched panorama, Mary Power,
he is a bart. he will be more popular
still, and his pictures will fetch bigger and departs for Australia.— Ref., 17th
November 1889.
prices than ever.— Ref., 28th June 1885.
Pantile Park (London}. View of
Painter stainers (Soc., 1883). roofs and chimney pots. Used by
Artists. At the Royal Academy Charles Dickens upon viewing the
Banquet, 1883, remarkable for much
erratic observation, the Lord Mayor scene from Foster's back windows at
endeavoured to obtain a lift for the 58 Lincoln's Inn Fields.
then threatened glories of the city Panto (Theatrical). Brief for
pantomime. Who would call a
by declaring that ' in earlier times the pantomime by any other name than
Corporation was the means whereby this, would be voted an outsider at a
art was fostered in this country, and
we have still amongst us a body which blow. 'I now hear that this house
is not to be altered until after the
has devoted itself largely to the en-
couragement of Art — namely, the
Pantry Politics (Soc., 1884).
Painter Stainers' Company, which
existed in the reign of Edward III., Servants' talk.
and is still in a flourishing condition. The case has laid bare one side of
This company may really be described panto.'
' Society journalism ', or, if we may
as having been the Royal Academy of suggest an amendment, ' pantry politics ',
England until the foundation of the and very curious the revelation is.— Sat.
Rev., 21st March 1885.
present Academy
For the remainder in 1761of'. the season Pants - shoulder (American). The
artists were in society jocularly called broadest part of a pair of trousers.
painter-stainers. Indeed the term Paper house (Theatrical). No
lasted for many seasons. money — all free admissions.
Paper trunk and twine lock
Pair o' compasses (London, 1880).
This term for a couple of human legs (Figurative Anglo - American). The
(in connection with a human body) least possible amount of luggage —
came into vogue when the narrowness packed in an old news sheet and
of the trousers brought out the
stretched, compass-like effect of a pair Paperer (Theatrical, 1879). The
of long legs. (See Gas-pipes.) official who issues ' paper ', or free
Pair o' round -mys (Low Life}.
Trousers. passes, and so ' papers the house '.
Results showed that the ' paperer '
understood his business. — Ref., 14th
Palpitate with actuality (A merican- June 1885.
Eng., 1885). Intensely evident.
As no one of any influence is at present Par-banging (Street). Tramping,
proposing a separation between Church seeking for work. Origin obscure —
and State, the vow does not, in the but probably French.
beautiful phrase which has been wafted Par-leader (Press, 1875). A short,
to us across the Atlantic, ' palpitate with commenting article, in which no break
actuality '.— D. N., 12th November 1885. occurs. A little essay of perhaps a
score of sentences, but all in one
Pan out boss
Successful. (American
Pan out Miners1}.
is derived from
the process of washing for gold.
Parable (Amer. - Eng.). Long,
Panic (Stock Exchange, 19 cent.}. 192 dreary egotistical statement.
Parish Pick-Axe Pear

Parish pick-axe (Peoples'). A himself a bore, the protest ran ' Pas
prominent nose. de Lafarge '. Now ' Pas de Dreyfus '.
Parker (Local L., 1850 and on). Pass round the arm (American).
Street description of a very well-dressed To apply open-handed castigation to
man in the neighbourhood of the children — after the manner of applause.
parks. Pass the Rubicon (Classic). Venture
Parliament Whiskey (Irish). everything, no going back.
Satirical description of potheen which Pattern (Irish). Delightful,
has paid inland revenue dues.
If you are very ignorant, you must be brilliant. Abbreviation of 'pattern
told that poteen is the far famed liquor fair ', which is a corruption of ' patron
which the Irish, on the faith of the pro- fair', which is short for ' patron saint'.
verb, 'stolen bread is sweetest', prefer, Paul capstan (Navy). Expression
in spite of law, and — no — not of law- of admission of excellency on the other
givers, they drink it themselves, to its side— as ' Well, you paul my capstan'.
unsuccessful rival, parliament whiskey.
—Mirror, 1829. Paulies (Transvaal War, 1899).
Followers of Oom Paul Kruger — a pun
Parlour-jumper (Police, 1870 on).
From jump, to thieve, to start property between this word and ' poor lies '.
from you to him. ' The writer calls the Boers ' Paulies '.
— E. N., 9th December 1899.
A constable explained that the prisoner
Pawked up stuff (Sporting). False
was known as a ' parlour-jumper '. This,
in ordinary language, meant that he goods — bad horses, or dogs, or value-
went in for robbing rooms. — D. T., 4th less ^portsmen.
August 1898.
Pay out (American miners'— passing
Parnelliament (Soc., 1886). In- to England}. Derived from a mine
vented and accepted name for ' Parlia- ceasing to be productive, when it was
ment —' from the astounding success of said to have paid out. Passed into
Parnell in throwing the Conservatives general use amongst English-speaking
and Liberals into confusion.
Parrot and monkey time (Amer.- people.
Peabody (L. Class). Short for
Eng., 1885). Period of quarrelling. block of houses built under the Peabody
Started from a droll and salacious tale Bequest to the poor of London.
of a monkey and a parrot. Soon Peacock (Anglo-Indian). Walk up
shortened to parroty. and down in full fig while the band
There is no work to be had for them
and the unfortunate creatures are likely
to have what has graphically been called Peacock and the ladies, Before
' a Leonard
parroty time ' in chairs
their new the (Old Eng.}. A solemn promise —
and the havehome.
had what an appeal to knightly honour.
Leonard's gay countrymen call 'a parroty In olden days the peacock was a
favourite dish with lords and ladies of
time'.— D. N., 12th October 1886.
high degree. It was customary to skin
Parsley bed (Peoples', Hist.}. The the bird without plucking, and send the
supposed matrix of the new baby, as roast bird to table with its natural
chronicled in nurseries. (See Visit envelop. The peacock was considered in
from the stork. ) the days of chivalry not simply as an ex-
Part that goes over the fence last quisite delicacy, but as a dish of peculiar
(American). Evident. solemnity. When it was brought to the
Parts his hair with a towel table, decorated with its plumage, its
comb gilded, and a sponge in its bill, wet
(American, 1882). Bald. with spirits of wine and lighted, it was
Pas de Lafarge (Soc., '40's). the signal for the gallant knights present
Tabooed subject — as the result of its to make vows to accomplish some deed
being over discussed. Did or did not of chivalry ' before the peacock and the
Madame Lafarge poison her husband ?
The dinner discussions became as great Peacock
ladies '. horse (Street}. Mourning
a bore as did, long after, the Tichborne coach horse — which generally has much
case — which by the way, led to the parade in his movements.
yell at dinner tables—' No Tich '. In Pear (Parisian, 1830-48). Name
Paris, for years, when a man showed 193 given to Louis Philippe — from the
Peas in the Pot Permanent Pug

shape of his head. (See Jupiter Pennorth o' treacle (L. London,
Scapin). 1882). A charming girl— the final
Peas in the pot (Low London}. outcome of the use of 'jam '.
erotic. phrase — meaning ' hot ', Pennorth o' treason (Newsvendors').
Copy of a notorious penny Sunday
Big Tim says you are very peaa. — London paper, which attacks every
Peoples', 6th January 1895. party, and has no policy of its own.
Pecksniffian (Peoples'). Hypo- Penny death-traps (L. London
critical — from Dickens's Martin 1897). Penny glass paraffin lamps —
Chuzzlewit. made in Germany. Fragile and easily
Peel off (City, 1860). To obtain upset ; they caused many deaths.
money by a Stock Exchange transaction. Penny gush (1880-82). Exagger-
Peel the patch off the weak point ated mode of writing English frequently
seen in a certain London daily paper.
(A merican) . Expose a man's weakness . This, published in an English paper
Peep o' Day tree (Theatrical, 1862). would probably be described as penny
In this Exhibition year, one Edmund gush. — G. A. Sala, Illustrated London
Falconer produced a piece called Peep News, 16th December 1882.
o' Day, at the Lyceum, and made out
of it a great fortune, chiefly by the Penny
afraid to loaf
steal (Thieves'}.
; a man who Cur —would
ingenuity displayed in a stage tree, on rather live on a penny loaf than steal
the edge of a quarry. Its chief branch
moved on a pivot by the use of which good beef. locket (Rhyming}.
the hero swung down on to the stage just Penny Pocket.
in time to prevent the murder of the While he's got his peepers on the
heroine. From that time forward this penny locket, you know, perhaps, how
to be a bit careful
providential stage machinery has been
thus called. Penny pick (London, circa 1838).
The hero and heroine escape by a Peep Cigar. From Pickwick, Dickens's first
o' Day tree, which enables them to popular creation.
descend from the cliff, amidst the Penny puzzle (Street, 1883).
enthusiastic and unanimous applause of Sausage — because it is never found
the audience.— Era, April 1883.
out. (See Bag o' mystery.)
Peg (Theatrical, 1884). Sensation Penny starver (Street). Lowest
point or effect of a piece. Something description of cigar — commercial value
upon which the actors, or more pro- three for twopence.
bably an actor, can build up a scene.
Penny toff (London, 1870 on). The
Pegging away (American, lowest description of toff — the cad
Military). Used by General Grant imitator of the follies of the jeunesse
for heavy artillery attack. Previously
known as a careless phrase, but after
the Civil War accepted gravely. Perfect lady (Street). Not at
Penances and leatherheads all one — anything but. Satirically
(American). People of Pennsylvania applied to any woman drunk and mis-
behaving herself in the streets. The
—probably from their early puritanic phrase took its rise from a police court
origin — still very marked. case, in which a witness deposed that,
Pencil, open, lost, and found though the prisoner did get her living
(Com. Lond., 19 cent.). Rhyming in the streets and drank a little, she
phrase, means £10.
was otherwise a ' perfect lady '.
Pencil dates (Theatrical, 1896 on). Perfumed talk (Anglo-American).
Make engagements to perform. Satirical synonym for vile language.
The fourth D'Artagnan is Mr Charles Perhaps (Old Eng.). Equivalent
Warner, who, full of spirit and energy, to most decidedly.
intends to bombard Suburbia and the
provinces with the already successful Permanent pug (Printers' and
Hamilton version, and is, as the phrase Tavern). Fighting man around the
goes, 'pencilling in dates' as fast as a door of the premises. Originally ap-
manager can who knows his business. —
D. T., 6th August 1898. offices. plied to the door-porter of editorial
Perpetual Staircase Pickles

Perpetual staircase (Thieves'). The Philistine (Soc. ). Formerly an out-

tread-mill. sider, but with no offensive meaning ;
but now with an offensive meaning.
Perpetuana (Norfolk, IS cent.). A
very strong dress fabric, which lasted In 1840 Liszt's reputation was at its
an immense time. Still applied to highest, but he met with indifference
describe old women in Norfolk. here, and no doubt regarded us as given
over to philistinism. — Ref.. llth April
Norfolk folk want a little fresh impulse 1886.
now, to restore the flourishing condition
of their textile manufactures. Beauty Physic-bottle (Peoples'). Doctor.
arrayed herself in bravery that was Piano (Soc., 1870). To sing small,
cheap and was not nasty. Perpetuana to take a back seat.
lasted for ever. — Athenceum, 1870. Piccadilly fringe (Loiv. Class, 1884).
Perplexed and transient phantom Front hair of women cut short and
(Politics). Politician who fails and brought down, and curled over the
vanishes. forehead. Fashion originated in Paris
Lord Salisbury hopes to be something about 1868.
more than a 'perplexed and transient By Mr Russell— When Jarrett talked
phantom '.— D. N., 1st July 1885. about cutting my hair, she asked me if I
Perseus (Soc., 1883). An editor. wanted a ' Piccadilly fringe '.
From a phrase used by Professor What is the ' Piccadilly fringe ' J— Cut
Huxley at the Royal Academy Ban- your hair on your forehead.
Is there anything objectionable about
quet, 1883. that? — It makes you look ugly. — Arm-
Petit bleu (Franco-Eng.t 1898). strong Abduction Case, October 1885.
Forgery. From the colour of the
French telegraphic paper. Piccadilly window (Street, '90's).
Single eye-glass worn by some men of
Then, with regard to the petit bleu fashion — hence the Piccadilly.
which Picquart is accused of forging.
It is true that the address on this tele- Pick of the basket (Sporting).
graphic post card was scratched out, the Best — derived from market baskets.
name of the addressee being effaced, Some of Sir Watkin's horses are of
and that of Easterhazy written over it. extraordinary build and value. Comet
— D. T., 28th November 1898. stands out foremost, and 'is the pick of
Peto (Soc.). Evasion of P.T.O.— • the basket '.— World, 1878.
initials of Please turn over.
Picker of-up
Woman (Thieves', 19 cent.).
the town.
Petticoat interest (Literature, 1860
on). Those portions of fiction referring Picking its eyes (Stock Exchange,
to womankind. '90's). Getting the best, or top, of a
Scott did not trouble himself much good thing. From S. Africa mining,
about Maid Marian. He had enough of there applied to obtaining the imme-
what is now called ' petticoat interest ' diate and easily obtained gold.
in his story without her. — D. N., 29th It is to be feared that more attention
March 1892.
would, naturally, be paid to extracting
Phant (Shatomen's). The sheet of the richest ore from the mines ('picking
plate-glass placed sloping, or diagon- its eyes ', as the popular term is) than to
ally, on the stage, to reflect from below proceeding with the regular course of
or from the side the illusion known as development.—!). T., 26th July 1900.
Pepper's ghost. In order to keep the Pickled dog (Provincial). Term of
secret as far as possible, the word contempt — rarely now heard.
glass was never used, but the first
syllable of phantom. Sometimes Pickles (Peoples'). Exclamation of
good-tempered mistrust, or even want
fant', at other times, in the North, of belief.
' peeble ' — a new evasive name. The promoters say that benefit will
Pheasant (Common London). Dried accrue to our Indian fellow-subjects by
herring. (See Two-eyed steak. ) bringing before the English people actual
representations of the methods of manu-
Phil and Jim (Oxford, 1890 on). factures, amusements, etc., of our vast
Church of S. Philip and S. James. Indian empire, and will thus serve im-
This phrase is sometimes pronounced perial interests. That, of course, is all
' Fillin Jim '. 195 .—^e/., 5th July 1885.
Pickpocketienne Pill-Pusher

Pickpocketienne (A nglo - French). Pie-shop (London). Dog— from the

Woman pickpocket. supposition (1842), when one Blauchard
first started a penny pie-shop, that the
Picnic (American-English}. A treat pies were made of dogs.
— from the frequency of picnics in
America, where there is always room Pieuvre (Anglo-French, '60's).
for them. Prostitute. When Victor Hugo pub-
lished his Les Travailleurs de la Mer,
Native dramatists for the past week
have enjoyed what the street gamins his terrible description of the octopus
would call a picnic. — N. Y. Mercury, — the pieuvre — as a creature which
January 1884. overcame a man by embraces, was at
once seized upon by the boulevardier-
Pidgin ( World's Sea-shore). Sim- journalists as an apt description of the
plified mixture of two or three lan- woman of the town.
guages, of which English is generally
one. Lingua Franca, the common Pig months (Peoples', Hist.). All
tongue of the Mediterranean, has the months (eight) in which there is
Italian chiefly for its basis, mixed with an ' R '. These pig months are those
French and Arabic. The word started in which you may more safely eat
in the Chinese waters. The chief fresh pork than in the others — the four
summer months in fact.
English pidgin, sometimes erroneously
called pigeon, is the mixture of Eng- Pig-bridge (Trin. Col., Cambridge).
lish with Hindostanee, and of English The beautiful Venetian-like bridge
with Chinese — but there must in all over the Cam, where it passes St
be scores of pidgin in the world, negro John's College, and connecting its
specimens being the more curious. quads. Thus called because the
Pidgin is a corruption of business. Johnians are styled pigs (q.v.).
According to Herr Leo Wigner, this Pigeon pair (Familiar). A boy
mysterious Yiddish is not the mere born first, a girl following, within not
barbarous trade-jargon, the ' pidgin- more than two years. Probably from
Hebrew ', of the indigent alien of White- the known fidelity of winged pigeon
chapel.— D. T., 6th July 1899. pairs to each other.
Pie (Eng.- American, 19 cent.). De- Pigs (Trin. Col., Cambridge, 19
lightful—very enjoyable. cent.). Name given by the men of
At the depot the light was dim, and so Trinity to their neighbours of St
it was in the sleeper, as it generally is ;
but as she got into the car a neat leg in a
white stocking showed plainly enough to John's.
Pigs, An't please the (Pre-Reforma-
make Jim murmur to himself, ' Well, this tion, Eng. ). Corruption of ' Please the
is pie '.— N. Y. Mercury, 3rd January Pyx '. Still common in West England,
1885. where * x ' becomes ' gs '. (See Please
the pigs.)
Piebald eye (Peoples'). Black one
— black by a blow. Pigot or Piggot (Hist., 1888-89).
My ! Bill — where was yer piebaldered ? Lie — unblushing, obvious lie. Passed
(See Mouse, Eye in a sling.) into verb, generally passive — to be
pigotted. From the forger Pigot.
Piebald mucker sheeny (E. Lond.). I must print the verses, and leave the
Low old Jew. reader to judge if I have been Pigotted
Pie-pusher (Streets). Street pieman, or not.— Ref., 17th March 1889.
who ceaselessly recommends, or pushes, Pigtail (Street, obsolete about 1840).
his wares. An old man, from the ancients cling-
Pieces, All to (Soc. , from Sporting, ing to the 18th century mode of wearing
the hair.
1880). Exhausted — generally said of
horses. Pill (Street). Dose, suffering,
She was as pale as death, and trem- sentence, punishment. Endless in
bling from head to foot. He was
perfectly satisfied that what she had application.
described took place, for when she came Pill (Sailors'). Custom-house officer.
Because both are so very searching.
in she was ' all to pieces '.— Statement
by Sir Beaumont Dixie concerning an Pill - pusher (Peoples'). Doctor.
attack on his wife, Lady Florence Dixie, Fine example of the graphic in
March 1883. phraseology.
Pillow Securities Play Camels

If the pill-pushers will only chuck it spurt in rowing practice — to open the
out now that diamond rings are poison- lungs, and get that kind of pipe
ous, broughams pestilential, oysters and in working order.
champagne deadly, and villas in Singin's Pirate (Low London). Emphatic
Wood fatal in every case, many a man
will be happy, many a pal will be saved. person — man or woman — especially
the latter, and in music halls, where
Pillow securities (City, 19 cent.). the actresses and singers of great force
Safe scrip, shares that rarely vary in obtain this distinction.
price. Pistol-pockets (American - Eng. ).
The shares of the earliest cable com-
panies did not enjoy their present Warning not to fool.
character of ' safe ', or, as Mr Draper, Pitch in (Scotch). Railway collision.
Secretary of the Eastern Telegraph Com- Pith (Hospital). Sever the spinal
pany, who was associated with Sir John cord.
Fender thirty years, aptly terms, ' pillow
securities '—those which do not trouble Pittite (Theatrical). Frequenter of
an investor's dreams at night and which the pit. Took the place of groundling
a man need not worry about. — D. T., 8th (q.v.), when seats destroyed the force
July 1896. of the Shakespearian term.
Pin (Peoples'). To pawn clothes. A correspondent wishes me to ask Mr
When Lantier was doing up his bundle Irving if, when he has finished looking
after the interests of Lyceum pittites,
to send to the pawnbroker's, one in- he will be kind enough to turn his
telligent pittite shouted out ' Pin ! ' attention to Lyceum dress-circlers. —
Evidently that pittite knew something.
—Ref., 1882. Ref., 10th May 1885.
Pin pricks (Hist., 1898). Slight (See Stall-pots.)
attacks — assaults. Pizen (American, circa 1875).
Our friendship with France is not to Corruption of poison, and here describ-
be obtained by a policy of pinpricks — a ing alcohol — generally in its whiskey
phrase, by the way, which is not, as form. (See Death promoter.)
some suppose, of English origin, but was
first employed by a responsible French Plain as a pipe-stem (Peoples', 17
journal, Le Matin. — D. T.. 9th December cent. on). Utterly plain — nothing
1898. could be plainer than the stem of the
white clay pipe from the cutty of the
Ping (Sportsman, to 1854). To time of Charles II., to the long church-
speak in a quick singing high voice. warden— tempo George III.
From the sharp ping of the old musket.
Plank the knife in (L. Class, Hist.).
Pink 'un (Sporting Times, 1880). Stab deeply.
Sporting life — from the tint of the
paper, and to distinguish it from the Planter (Anglo - Indian). Bad-
tempered horse.
Brown 'un, Sportsman.
Before doing so, I took the advice of Plaster (Peoples', 1890 on). A collar
one John Corlett, who propriets a paper — a huge shirt or applied collar, said
called the Pink 'Un.—Ref., 31st July to be introduced by the late Duke of
1887. Clarence.
Pink wine (Military}. Champagne.
Plasterer's trowel and seringa-
Pinnacles (Peoples'). A corruption patam (Rhyming). It means ' fowl
of ' barnacles ', eye-glasses, spectacles.
and ham '.
Pint o* mahogany (Coffee-house).
Coffee. Plates o* meat (Low London —
Rhyming}. Feet. (See Barges. )
Piou-piou (Soc.). Tommy Atkins Platform ticket (Railway). Phrase
translated into French. uttered by friend who has been to see
a friend off by train, and is stopped
Pip-pip (Streets'). Hue and cry as a passenger.
after any one, but generally a youth
in striking bicycle costumery. Play camels (Anglo-Indian). Get
Onomatope of the horn warning drunk, or drink too much. Playful
which sometimes replaces the bell of reference to the drinking habits of the
the bike. camel, who stores his drink rather than
Pipe - opener (Universe First 197 drinks it.
Play Consumption Poet of the Brush

Play consumption (American — which is utterly antagonistic to

becoming English). This is the equal shadowed or claustral art.
of malingering, or shamming. These pretty illustrations, from the
Play dirt (American). Deceive. designs of the well - known French
pleinairiste and figure painter, Raphael
Play for paste (Billiard - room). Collin, are delicate and graceful even
For drink — probably from ' pasta ' to the verge of effeminacy.— D. T., 10th
February 1897.
(Spanish) — a meal, or perhaps ' vino
di pasta' — a light sherry.
Play low (American-Eny.). Act linePlimsoll (Nautical).
in merchant The Plimsoll,
shipping. 'cargo'
meanly. in the House of Commons, forced the
Farewell banquets have lately been Bill for the better regulation of
played a little low down, but the ' send- merchant shipping.
off' supper given to Wilson Barrett at Plon-plon (Parisian, 1855). Name
the Criterion, on Thursday night, was an
exception.— /£<•/., 15th August 1886. given to the despised Prince Jerome
Napoleon after he hurried away from
Play owings (Sporting phrase). the Crimean War.
Living on credit.
Play the bear (Lancashire). Pluck
from slow (Peoples').
courage. Daring, as distinct
Plucking (Peoples'). Robbing.
Played out untruth.
can). Ancient since '49 (W. Ameri- Plug (American). To get into
If he further informs you that 'this
has been Ply (Mid.-class). Tendency, kink,
that sinceplayed out since
the first '49 ', he of
colonization means
the inclination, leaning. Probably from
Pacific coast by 'smart men', such a the French ' pli '.
thing was never believed in : 1849 being
the year of the commencement of the Pocket
Calif ornian gold digging. — All the Year Small actor orartist (Critical,
actress. '90's).
Meant kindly,
Round, 31st October 1868. but not liked by the victims.
Playing a big game (Criminal). To the prettiness and grace of Miss
Cutler Florodora owed not a little. She
Trying for a daring success.
Prior to his finally leaving her, he had is quite a 1899.
November 'pocket' artist.— D.T., 13th
often spoken about 'playing a big game'. Pod (Commercial). Practical short
— D. T., 31st March 1897.
for Post Office Directory.
Playing for a sucker (American,
1880). Attack upon the innocence of Podsnap (Soc., 1865 on). A Sir
a youth. Oracle; whose word is sufficient — for
himself. From Dickens.
Please I want the cook - girl
(London). Said of a youth haunting Podsnappery. Wilful determina-
the head of area steps. tion to ignore the objectionable or
Please mother open the door inconvenient, at the same time assum-
(Street). Expressed admiration of a ing airs of superior virtue and noble
passing girl. Always said in a high resignation.
monotone, except ' door ', which is Oppressed nationalities have not been
uttered in a falling minor third. accustomed to expect sympathy or assist-
ance from Austria. But the question is
a very grave one, and no amount of
diplomatic Podsnappery can keep it any
longer in the background. — D. N., 8th
Please mo-ther o - pen the door. July 1889.
Please the pigs (Old Catholic). Poet of the brush (Art, 1890 on).
Artist. Outcome of the eternal search
Deo volente — God willing. Corruption for new phrases.
of ' An it please the pyx ' (Pyxis). A
very interesting form of this phrase Mr T. Hope M'Lachlan is the painter
is to be found in Devonshire — 'An of night skies, through which the moon
sails with an opalescent halo round her
it please the pixies.' disc. He is in his truest conceptions a
Pleinairists (Art, 1886 on). Open- poet of the brush.— D. T., 4th January
air artists — the school of pleinair, 198 1896.
Poke Portuguese Pumping

Poke (Thieves'). Purse. This word Then

face, and big
had popped
a bit of ita spar
on Selby's
for sack, pouch, satchel, is to be found
in Shakespeare. like.—
1895. A Chivy Duel, People, 6th January
Poked up (Anglo-American). Em-
barassed, inconvenienced. Pop visit (Soc., 18 cent.). Short
Poker (American- Eng.). Game of ones.
cards. I have a dozen friendly pop visits to
Polka, To (Anglo-Amer. ). Another make in less than an hour, and would
of the forms of expressing rapid retreat. not
Abel miss one for the universe. — Garrick's
' Boss, dis woman neber raise dat money Pope (Com. Eng.). Abbreviation of
in dis -world ; ' and with a plaintive
farewell, she polkaed from the office, and pope o' Rome, the rhyming for
once more deep silence prevailed. — * home '.
Providence Journal. Poppa (Amer. • Eng., 1890 on).
(See Bailey, Skip, Valse.) Papa.
But even those who have never seen
Pomatum pot (Soc., 1885). Small or read the American play can guess
china. of pot-shaped and covered how an old Kansas millionaire, vulgar,
bombastic, dictatorial, and good-hearted,
Mr Gladstone at twenty-five minutes
to five was fairly embarked on his speech. the typical Yankee 'poppa', came to
The familiar throat mixture commonly New York 1897.
February with his 'gals'.— D. T., 15th
known as the pomatum pot was at his
side, only on this occasion there were Popping-crease
Junction station. (Railway Officials').
two pots instead of one.— D. N., 9th May
Pppsy wopsy (Low. Lond.). A
smiling, doll-like, attractive girl.
19 'Pon my Wife.
cent.). life (Com. Lond. Rhyming,
Pork pie hat and crinoline (Street,
Pongelo (Anglo - Indian Army}. 1866 - 71). Satirical reference to
Pale ale — but relatively any beer. women's appearance in the streets.
Poole (Soe.t 1840 on). Perfect Suppose my (Edipus should lurk at last
clothing — from Poole, a leading tailor, Under a pork-pie hat and crinoline.
in Saville Row. (See Dorsay, Lincoln — R. Browning, Prince Hohenstiel
& Bennet, Redfern, Nicholls, etc.) Schwangau, 1871.
Poor as a Connaught man (Irish, Porky (Low. Class). Name for a
Personal). Poorest even amongst Irish- pork-butcher, and sometimes satirically
men. for a Jew.
Marrying Mr Cecil Devereux, who is Porridge-hole (Scotch). The mouth.
as poor they say as a Connaught man. — Porridge-pots (Military). Lines-
Miss M. Edgeworth, Ennui, ch. xi. men's satirical mode of naming the
Poor man's goose (Low. Classes). Scotch guard. (See Cold creams,
Bullock's Grinning dears, Gee-gees, Muck. )
onions and liver, baked
a bit of with sage and
fat bacon.
Port wine don (University). Scorn-
Poot (Hindostanee). Shilling — use ful description of the college profes-
confined to E. London where once
sorial grandee, who leans to the Man-
E. Indian beggars were common. chester school of nutrition.
Pop goes the weasel (Street, about Mr Mark Pattison was a very remark-
1870). Phrase — a great mystery of able character. . . . He was extremely
passing English. In the 70's every unlike the port wine don of fiction and
etymologist wrote about this phrase — caricature.— D. N., 6th March 1885.
and left it where it was. Activity is Portable property (Doubtful Soc.).
suggested by 'pop', and the little Easily stolen or pawned values— espe-
weasel is very active. Probably erotic cially plate.
origin. Chiefly associated with these The testimonial consisted of a silver
lines — tea-pot, coffee-pot,
Up and down the City Road, all of which would and chocolate-jug
doubtless —
have been
In and out the Eagle, considered by my friend Wemmick very
That's the way the money goes, fine specimens of portable property. —
Pop goes the weasel ! Ref., 7th June 1885.
Pop on (Sporting). Quick blow — Portuguese pumping (Nautical).
generally on the face. Not to be learnt. Ask sailors the

meaning of this phrase, and they may attended upon them ; but head-waiters
laugh a good deal, but they give no are alive to the perils of this practice,
etymology. It is probably nasty. which they call patching, and dismissal
will be the punishment of the waiter
Possle (Low. Class). Earnest advo-
cate. Corruption of apostle. Used who is caught taking vails on the sly. —
Graphic (Restaurant Management), 17th
satirically. March 1883).
Post the blue (Racing). Gain the
Derby. Potentially (Polit., 1883). To all
intents and purposes.
Post haste (18 cent. English — sur- This person considered that Russia was
vival). Rapid — from the post-chaise through her railway system practically,
being the most rapid mode of travel- or as it is the fashion to say potentially,
ling before 1840. (See Motor.) mistress of Herat— D. N., 29th April
Postage stamp (Tavern, 1837-85).
Facetious name given to hotels and Potsheen (Irish). Whiskey. Word
taverns signed the 'Queen's Head.' varies in various districts — generally
Postern gate (American). Widest Potheen.
part of the trouser.
Potsheen, plase your honour — becaase
Secret informant. sister (Mid. -class, 1883). it's the little whiskey that's made in the
private still or pot ; and sheen, becaase
For any little inaccuracy of detail it's a fond word for whatsoever we'd
which may have crept into the above like, and for what we have little of and
paragraph I am in no way to blame. I would make much of. — Miss Edgeworth,
tell the tale as 'twas told to me — by the The Absentee, chap. x.
1885. sister. — Ref.. 18th October Potter's field (American). Portion
of graveyard appropriated to unpaid
(See Jinks the barber, Boy Jones.) burials.
Pot (Naval). Executive officer — as Poultice (Soc., 1880). Fat woman.
distinct from Greaser and Scratcher
Poultice (Soc., 1882). Very high
(q.v.). collar, suggestive of a neck poultice,
Pot of all (O. London, 1883). Pot
in excelsis, pot of exaltation, a perfect ring-like in shape.
Poultice-mixer (Navy). Sick-bay
leader-hero, demigod. man, or nurse.
Pot o' beer (Abstainers'). Bottle of
ginger beer. Poultice
A blow overeye.the peeper (Peoples').
on the
A Pot o' bliss
fine tall woman.(Public-house, 1876). Pound to an olive (Jewish). This
is a phrase resulting out of the
Pot of O' (Rhyming, 1868). Short
for ' Pot of 0, my dear,' which is the Hebrews' love of olives, and is equi-
rhyme for beer. valent to the sporting term, 'It's a
Potty (Low Class). Tinker. million pounds to a bit o' dirt.'
Pot-au-feu(P0^., 1885). Domestic Powdering hair (Tavern, 18 cent.).
policy. Due to Clemenceau, who in- Getting drunk— still heard in remote
vented it,and named it in antagonism places. Euphemism invented by a
to the Chauvinist principles of Ferry. polite landlord to account for lengths
of time such as dressing and powdering
M. Clemenceau 's rapidly - increasing hair required.
influence is the most significant fact in
the current politics of France. One
might imagine that the pot-au-feu prin- Ppw-wow (Anglo-American).
vention or tentative Con-
meeting. From
ciple, as he himself has named it, would North American Indian — this word
fail, as a cry, among a people like the
meaning in that language Congress.
French.— D. N., 8th August 1885.
Pot-house (Club Life). Easy-go Prairie. (See Bit o' prairie.)
club. Suggestive of a licensed vic- Prairie comedians (U.S.A.). Poor,
tualler's house. ranting, talentless actor.
Nothing can be more painful to a city
Potching (Hotel Waiters'). Taking summer audience than the wild rantings
fees against rules. Probably from the
of barn-storming tragedians, or more
French to ' pocher' or ' empocher'. aggravating than the inane drivel of
Good-natured customers may imagine
that if they have given a fee to the prairie comedians. — N. Y. Mercury, 1883.
waiter who presents the bill, they may Prayer-book (Sporting, circa 1870).
hand another to the usual man who has Ruff's Guide to the Turf.
Predeceased Prospect

Predeceased (Legal — become satiri- mixed with oatmeal, shaped into

cal). Used to ridicule the statement rounded lumps and baked until the
of some obvious fact, such as two and outside forms a crust. They are sold
and two make four. in all the busy lower parts of London
Premiere (Press, 1884). Abbrevia- at a penny. Prize faggots would be
tion of premiere representation, an those larger than usual.
ordinary Paris phrase. First used in Problem novel (Literary, 1888 on).
London press for first night in 1884. Title bestowed upon novels with a
Prescot (Rhyming}. Waistcoat. purpose — generally as affecting women,
their aspirations and wrongs.
'Spot his blooming prescot.'
It was impossible to resist the question
Prester John (Peoples'). The
unknown. whether the ' problem novel ' had had its
He's no more related to our family day, and it appears ' not quite, but it is
than Prester John. — Farquhar, The considerably less in demand than it was.'
Inconstant. — D. T., 2nd October 1896.
Preterite (Soc., 19 cent.). Ancient Process-pusher (1880). Lawyer's
— especially applied to women. clerk. Satirical description.
' Young ? She's quite a preterite — Process server (Artists', 1886 on).
nevertheless, intense.' (See Has been.) Photogravure printers.
Pretty -boy clip (Soc., 1880 on). Perhaps many of our artists have not
Hair brought flat down over the fore- yet learned the technique which best
head, and cut in a straight line from suits processes, or perhaps our process-
ear to ear. servers are not yet adepts in their
business.— D. N., 9th December 1890.
We happen to know that the style
termed by irreverent mashers the pretty- Procesh (American - Eng.). Ab-
boy clip, the style sometimes called the breviation of procession — growing
upward drag, and the quiff which common in England (1884).
ranges from a delicate fringe to furze-bush I was removed on a plank, escorted by
proportions, at first amazed and amused a torchlight procesh of the local fire
the neat Japanese damsels. — D. N., 26th brigade.— -Besant & Rice, Golden Butter-
January 1885. fly, vol. i., ch. xviii.
Pro-donnas (Music Hall, 1880).
Pretty sometimes
handsome, fellow (Peoples').
satirical. Fine, Professional ladies — actresses.
Polly thinks him a very pretty man. — Professional beauty (Fashionable
Gay, Beggars' Opera. slang, 1879-82). This term arose in
Pretty steep (American). one of the Society papers, and was at
Threatening. once accepted by the best people, and
Previous. (See Behind yourself. ) even by the best of the Press. It
referred to women in society, some-
Price of a pint ( Workmen's). Any
sum below sixpence. times the verybyhighest, who any
' professed
their beauty permitting number '
Prince's points (Soc. and Club, of their photographic portraits to be
1877). Shilling points at whist.
Takes its origin from about this date. sold in infinite varities of poses.
Very keen reasoning on the part of the Promoted (October 1890). Dead.
then Prince of Wales, an eager whist- From the public funeral of Mrs Booth,
player. H.R.H. laid down the theory wife of General Booth, the originator
that the best whist-players were not of the Salvation Army.
necessarily the richest of men, and Propers (Low. Class). Meaning
therefore if he played high points he refused — but thoroughly comprehended
might deprive himself of the pleasure by the coster classes. Erotic.
of meeting the best players. Prince's Proper donas and rorty blokes
points became very rapidly fashionable.
men Peoples',
and women. 1880). Good and true
Printing House Square (Club, 19
cent., to 1880). Powerful — crushing, Properties (Theatrical). Theatrical
ex cathedra, from the Times being adjuncts.
published in that locality. Propper bit of frock (Com. Lond. ,
Prize faggots (Street). Well 1873). Pretty and clever well-dressed
developed breasts in women. Faggots
are savoury preparations of minced
Prospect (American Miners'). To
bullocks or sheeps' viscera — or plucks, search for new gold-fields.
Prostituted Pulling a Pop

Prostituted (Patent Law}. Made Puff -puff (Children's, 19 cent.}.

common. Said of a patent, so long on Railway engine. (See Gee-gee.)
the market, waiting to be taken up by Puffing billy (N. Eng.}. Steam-
a capitalist or company, that it is engine, given contemptuously to
common, and known to one and all. Stephenson's first engine, still at Dar-
lington, and accepted seriously by him.
Pros' Avenue (Theatrical, circa
1880). The Gaiety Bar (Strand). Pull (Peoples'}. Anxious moment.
From this bar being the resort of (See Extra pull. )
Pull-down (Soc., 1870, etc.). Name
gentlemen of ' the profession '.
Prosser (Theatrical, 1880). Pro given toceeded thethe
nap. moustache
(q.v.}. which suc-
passed into ' prosser '. Pull down the blind (Low London.,
Protean entertainer (Theatrical). 1880 on). This was addressed in the
Artiste whose exceptional ability con- first place to spooney young couples
sists in rapid changes of dress. who in public were making too great
Few will deny that Leopold! Fregoli a display of their love.
is an artist to the tips of his fingers, Pull down your basque (American
alert, versatile, neat in his business,
quick as lightning in his changes, and, — amongst women). The ' basque ' is
when all is said and done, the best the spine of the corset. The recom-
mendation isa suggestion to behave
' protean ' entertainer that the oldest
playgoer has ever seen. — D. T., 10th properly.
March 1897. Pull down your vest (American}.
Be well bred, behave yourself.
Proud nothing (Provincial.). Ob-
vious. Pull leg (Peoples'}. Satirize, hum-
Prudes on the prowl (Soc., 1895 bug, mislead, ridicule.
Young Chinny hinted that they must
on). Hypersensitive women who be pulling his leg. — Rudyard Kipling,
haunted music halls to discover mis- The Tomb of his Ancestors.
behaviour either on or off the stage. Pull oneself over (Com. London}.
Prudes on the prowl have long ceased To feed.
to minimise the much too meagre fund I took one for myself, and essayed to
of human enjoyment left in the world, pull myself over it. But there, I will
and their place has been taken by a spare further recital, beyond that, burnt
body who may be described as Guardians outside, the chops were raw inside, and
on the Growl. — D. T., 16th December like iron all over.— Ref., 6th June 1886.
Pull the string proper (Theatrical].
Pschutt (Parisian, 1883). Ton, To know how to succeed with the
fashion, distinction. Reached Ame- public. Suggested by manipulating
rica in 1884, and at once became ridi- marionnettes.
culous as pasha. Dressed in the uniform of the London
derivation. (Peoples'}. Exclamation. No Scottish Rifles, he hides from his mother-
in-law in a shower-bath, and is swamped
Psychological moment (Soc. and by that awful lady, who knows how and
Literary, 1894 on). Opportunity. when
Nick of time. Became very popular Octoberto 1884.
'pull the strings'. — Ref., 5th
in 1896.
Pull-up (American — becoming Eng-
I seized the p. m., and nailed him for lish,870).
1 Wave of prosperity follow-
a tenner. ing disaster ; chiefly used in theatrical
It can afford to bide its time, and life.
strike a decisive blow when the psycho-
logical moment has arrived.— D. T.. 6th Pull up my boot (Costermongers1}.
March 1896. To make money. When a man pre-
pares for his day's work, he pulls on
Pub (Tlieatrical}. The public— and strings up his boots. (See Make
sometimes P. B. up my leg.)
Publican (1883). One of the names The Strand people are pulling the
of General Booth after buying the string with the Comedy of Errors, I am
Grecian Theatre and Tavern in the told (1883).
City Road (1883). (See Salvation
Army.) Pull your ear (Peoples', Hist.}. To
produce memory.
Publicaness (Tavern, 1880). The Pulling a pop (Anglo-American}.
wife of a publican. Firing a pistol,
Pulling the Right String Put you on your Back Seam

Pulling the right string (Cabinet- phrase having been invented before
domestic ovens.
makers', 1863). Before calipers were Put down (Low London). To eat.
in use by carpenters and others, small
measurements were made with string. Put it on (L. London). Extract
Hence arose the term, * Are you pull- money by threats, or whining lying,
ing the right string ?' Some maintain as the case may best be met.
it refers to the pulling of puppet-show Arter all the brass was nearly all gone,
strings. Selby says, ' I'll go round to the Mug
Pumblechook (American - Eng.). agin, and put it on him (make him pay)
Human ass. for
1895.another bit.' — People. 6th January
Pumpkin - face (American}. A
round face with no expression in it. Put on (Street). Old woman mendi-
cant who puts on a shivering and
Puncheous Pilate (Peoples1). Cor- wretched look.
ruption of Pontius Pilate, jocosely Put on (Theatrical). To produce.
addressed to a person in protest of
some small asserted authority. Put on a boss (Street). Take a
look — of a malevolent character, so
Punkah one's face (Anglo- Indian}.
Fan the features. From the Hindo- that a squint is suggested — for squint-
stanee. ing suggests malevolence.
Push-buggy (American — heard in Put on a cigar (Peoples', 1850 on).
Liverpool}. Perambulator. Assertion of gentility, to the injurious
exclusion of the pipe.
Pushing (Peoples', 1885). Endea-
vouring to induce a man to propose Put Attract,
on the flooence
marriage. Early in 1885, in the suit 83). subdue,(Peoples',
brought by Lord Durham to obtain a mental force. Corruption of 'fluence
nullity of marriage (Durham v. Milner, — from influence.
otherwise Durham), the Hon. Mrs Put on the pot (All Classes). Be
Gerard, the sister of the defendant,
said in evidence : Put oneself outside (American-
Lord Durham joined my sister at English, 1860). To eat or drink.
Buxton. Put out (Low Class, Hist.). Killed
What was her bearing towards him ? — abbreviation of ' Put out his lights '
—I thought she seemed shy, but I con-
sidered that was chiefly on account of Brien, on the way to the station re-
there being only one sitting-room in the (q.v.).
marked to the officer, ' I am not in this,
house. I had a conversation with my but I know they meant to put you out
sister as to the propriety of visiting to-night.'— D. T., 14th May 1901.
Lambton. She was nervous, and said it Put the gloves on him (Scotch
looked ' rather pushing ' to go. — 28th
February 1885. Thieves', 1868). Ameliorate him.
Pusley (American — heard in Liver- Put the light out (Criminal and
pool). Most mysterious — who was Street), Kill.
Pusley ? In the days of Shakespeare wise men
Pa is better, thanks to careful nursing. called ' stealing ' conveying ; now a male-
factor does not murder, he pops a man
You see, Pa began finding fault with me
off, or he puts his light out. — Graphic,
again because I didn't play more jokes 24th September 1884.
on him. I told him that people were
getting an idea that I was mean as
Pusley, because I played jokes on him, To Put
use the miller's
too much eye inout
water (Peoples').
making grog
and I had quit. Pa said 'never mind or tea.
what people say. I am your father, and Put the windows in (Street).
it pleases me to have you practise on me.' Smashing them.
— Peck's Bad Boy, 1884. Put to bed (Music Hall). To
Pusserspock (Naval). Corruption conquer, to annihilate, figuratively.
of 'pursers pork' — bad, hard salt- Put to find (Low Class). Prison.
meat, name being given to it because Put you on your back seam
the purser was the purchaser. (Tailors). To seat a gentleman
Put a steam on the table (Peoples'). suddenly, not only on the ground,
To earn enough money to obtain a hot but on the seam which hemispheres
Sunday dinner. A figure of speech. the
local.'shoulder' of his trousers. Very
Refers chiefly to boiled food, the
Put your Hat up there Queer Shovers

Put your hat up ofthere (Peoples1). was half French by his mother. Qu'
Friendly accusation courting there en dirai-je ? Skinner gives this deriva-
— meaning you are resolved to make tion. Possibly a frequent expression
one of the family. of Louise Querouille (the Mother
Put your clothes together when Carwell of the streets), who afterwards
became Louise, Duchess of Portsmouth,
you come (Provincial, Peoples'). Shape when she built Portsmouth Place,
of inviting for a long visit, stretching
over time, requiring many changes of S.W., seven
corner houses,
of Lincoln's
garments. some thoseInnremaining
Fields —
still showing on the pilasters alternate
Puts a 'and in a pocket (Lower roses of England, lilies of France,
Classes). Hospitable, given to charity.
Putting a poor mouth (Irish). To double flanked with torches of Hymen
complain moaningly. that look like rams' horns — which
The Irishman, putting a poor mouth insignia would probably be more appro-
on his position, declared that at his house priate. Johnson calls ' quandary ' a
'whin they had a red herring it was ' low word '. (See Curmudgeon. )
Christmas Day wid 'urn '.— D. N., 1884. Quarter pound bird's eye (Low.
Putting the value on it (Artists'}. Class Smokers'). Quarter of one ounce
Signing a canvas. Satirical — mean- — a pennorth. Asked for quite
ing the work has no real value, and seriously. Probably begun as a joke.
sells only by reason of the name (See Sherry.)
attached. Quarter sessions (Legal). Jocose
Putty-medal (Peoples', 1856). No
medal at all. Satirical recommenda-
tion to reward for mischief or injury. Quarter stretch (Thieves'). Three
A tailor makes a misfit; e.g., 'Give months' imprisonment. ' Saucy Sail's
got a quarter with hard.' (See
him a putty medal.'
Pyrotechnic pleasantries (Soc.,
1897). Dynamite explosions of a Quartern o' bliss (Low London,
feeble and harmless character. Prob- 1882). A taking small woman.
ably the work of semi-idiots. Sign Diminutive of ' Pot o' bliss ' — a fine
that destructive anarchy was abating.
There is, indeed, a growing impression Quartern o' bry (Complicated
that if he is found out, it will at once be Rhyming, 1868). Short for Bryan o'
perceived that he is a monomaniac, who Lynn— which rhymes with gin.
has acted out of sheer silliness in indulg- Quartern o' finger (Complicated
Rhyming], 1868). Short for finger
ing in these ' pyrotechnic pleasantries '. and thumb, which rhymes with rum —
—D. T., 17th June 1897. the refreshment called for.
Queenie (Street). Mock endearing
name called after a fat woman trying
to walk young. ' Queenie, come back,
sweet' (Drury Lane Panto., 1884).
Addressed to Mr H. Campell, one of
the heaviest men on the stage, and
then playing 'Eliza', a cook. (See
Q. B. (Law, '90's). Queen's Bench.
Now King's Bench. A Queen's
recruit whobad
turnsbargain (Military}.
out a bad soldier
Q. S. (Peoples'). Initials of Queer
Street — a figure of speech, even a — from Queen's shilling.
metaphor, whereby a gentleman in Queen's weather (Soc.t 1837 to end
difficulties relegates them to his of reign). Fine sunshine — from the
district. singular fact that through her reign
the Queen almost always had fine
Quagger (Oxford 'cr'). Queen's weather when she appeared in public.
man — student of Queen's College.
Also called ' gooser '. Quaggers is Queer-bit makers (Police}. Coiners.
possibly goose, duck, quack — quaggers. Queer shovers (Police}. Queer is
Quandary (Peoples', 17 cent.). bad money — shovers any kind of
Difficulty, fix. Probably from the industrials ; the whole — passers of bad
half-French court of Charles II., who
Queer the Pitch Rail-Birds

Queer the pitch (Music Hall, 1880).

Spoil business, impede applause. This
phrase comes from the patter of street
performers, whose ' pitch ' for perform-
ance is 'queered' by a severe police-
man. In its application in music halls
it means any act which injures a R. C. (Catholic, 1880 on). Roman
performance — the pitch. For instance Catholic.
a jeer, a cough, a sneeze will queer R. M. D. (London, Lower Financial).
the pitch, but it is chiefly applied to Ready money down.
the band, when by a sudden stoppage, Racial atavism (Society, 1897).
or error in accompaniment, the singer Atavism. Came from Paris. It is a
is, or might be, brought to grief. synonym for heredity.
At home, if an actor or actress dared We prefer to believe that it is a case
to act whilst some one else was speaking, of what might be scientifically described
he or she would be fined or dismissed as
as ' racial atavism '. It is simply that
' queering somebody's pitch ', whereas 'fault of the Dutch' which Canning
every gesture, every animated movement discovered in the course of treaty
assists the speaker instead of spoiling negotiations at an early period of the
him.— D. T., 29th June 1897. century, and which has now broken out
in a fresh place among their colonial
Queue (Theatrical). Tail-piece, last descendants. — /). T., 19th February
word, upon which another actor has to 1897.
reply. Evidently from French, and
Rad (Political). Abbreviation of
quite clear from ' queu ', as it is often Radical, and bestowed by the Con-
lamentably spelt.
servatives probably from its suggestive-
Quick-change artiste (Theatrical).
Translation of protean entertainer. nessRagof '(Oxford,
rat '. 19 cent. ). Disarrange-
England has boasted a goodly supply
of what were once called ' quick-change with noment ofdamage.
another man's furniture, but
Charles ',Mathews
from the
untildays of the
the more elder
decadent If you return and find your rooms in
and mechanical times of W. S. Woodin. a state of chaos, your friends have been
— D. T., 10th March 1897. indulging in a 'rag'. — D. T., 14th
Quick curtain (Theatrical}. Rapid August 1899.
descent of curtain. Rag-stick (Peoples').
names for umbrella, said of One of and
a loose the
Quid -fishing (Thieves'). Skilled unreefed implement.
thieving — quid being a sovereign. Ragged edge (Amer.~Eng., 1884).
Quid to a bloater (Street}. Sovereign Deserted.
to a herring — commonest shape of It seems fair to assume that father,
street cock-sure betting. daughter and her child sailed yesterday
Quiff (Anglo-Indian). Idea, fancy, for Paris, leaving poor Tom on the
movement, suggestion. ragged edge. — N. Y. Mercury, 10th
January 1885.
Quiff (Army, 1890 on). The sweep
of hair over the forehead. Raggies (Navy). Steady chums.
Quifs (Military, 19 cent.}. The term, however, seems to be gener-
Manoeuvres. rally one of disparagement.
Rags (Art Jargon, 1880). Old lace
Quit off (American). To refrain. used for decorative purposes. (See
Quite a dizzy (Mid. -class). Very Crocks and Timbers. )
clever man — evidently from Disraeli.
lower class Daily (Printers'). London
daily newspapers.
Quite the don (Peoples' Hist.).
Perfect, magnificent. Probably from A man in the country wants to sell
the name given to the husband of his old kicksies, Charley Prescotts and
Queen Mary Tudor — Philip being a coats, and seeing the advertisements in
very magnificent Spaniard. the respectable daily rags, he sends them
all up to the buyer, and gets five bob in
worth. which, he is told, is all they're
Rail-birds (Racing, 1890 on).
205Watchers of race-horses when exer-
Railroad Bible Real Lady

cising. From their perching on five- Bloomers — from an American lady of

barred and other gates while on the that name. A generation passed, when
wait. they loomed up again as divided skirts
The ' rail-birds ', as certain people are and Bectives (probably from Lady
called who closely watch the work of Bective having approved the fashion).
horses on the race tracks, would do well Next, about 1890, they took over the
to keep an eye on Tommy Ryan. — N. T, name for young boys' knee-trousers,
Mercury, December 1891. and were styled knickerbockers — the
Railroad Bible (Amer. Travellers', name of which probably came from
1880). Pack of cards. Washington Irving. Finally, in 1895,
the female trouser was known as
Railways (Railway Servants'). Red rational costume.
stockings — of course worn by women,
and resulting out of ' signal red ' — Rattle (Sporting). Good news of
used throughout the British dominions ; certain reliance, and in relation to a
e.g., ' She's a pair of smart railways — horse entered for a given race.
ain't she ?' Rattle-belly-pop (American Saloon).
Rain-napper (Street). Umbrella — Whiskey and lemonade. Changed,
because it catches the rain. From when speaking to the more elegant
* knap ' — to catch quickly. sex, to rattle-blank-pop.
Raise (Amer., 1880). Kick- Rattle, With a (Racing) Unex-
vigorous instance of replacing cause pected rapidity.
by effect. The only approach to a sensation was
Rajah, The (Drury Lane, 1850 on). caused by Warrington and Kettleholder,
Synonym for the Mogul. the former coming ' with a rattle ' in the
Raked fore and aft (Mariners'). morning to the price taken about him in
Desperately in love. Figure of speech the excitement caused by his forward
from damage done to the whole of running in the Cesarewitch. — Newsp.
rigging by a well-directed shelling.
Raker (Common Classes, 1840-56). Raum method (Anglo- Amer., 1890).
Comb. Nepotism, corruption.
'Ral (Navy). Strict naval for The ' Kaum method ' is simply the
admiral. method by which Mr Commissioner
Rampers (London Street). Noisy Raum is said to determine the fitness of
street-rangers, chiefly young men. candidates for clerkships in the Pension
Randy-voo (Army). Tavern which Office. It consists in simply 'looking
is the headquarters of recruiting ser- them in the his
He looked faceown
and son,
giving a judgment
Green B. Raum,'.
geants. Also synonymous with noise jun., in the face and formed a judgment
and wrangling — from Rendez-vous. of him.— D. N., 17th July 1890.
Rank and smell (L. Peoples', 19 Raven (Public-house). Small bit of
cent.). Common person. bread and cheese — 2d. From the idea
Rare old water-bruiser (Nautical). that the ravens could only carry small
A tough, hard-working old shore-man.
Rarified (Soc., 1860 on). Tamed. quantities to Elisha.
Readied the rosser (Lower Classes).
Usually applied to tamed women— Bribed the police. Readied, past tense
from one Rarey, a horse-tamer.
Rasher and doorstep (L. Classes). of to ready,
Rosseur from— the
— French 'readyharries
one who '-money.
Coffee-house phrasing — the rasher worries.
speaks for itself. The doorstep is a Ready-money betting (Racing).
thick slice of bread and butter. Where the backer at once pays his
Raspberry. (See Bit o' raspberry.) money to the bookmaker, and awaits
Rat (Artisans'). A man who has the result.
not served his time, and therefore who
has no indentures. He may, however, Real healthy (American— passing
be a very fine workman ; but he can to England). Well-brained.
enter no society or union. Real Kate (London Local, Clare
Market, 1882— swept away, 1900).
Rat hair.
Short back clip (Peoples', 1856). Kind matron. In this year a charitable
Rational costume (Society, 1895). queen of the market, one Kate, died.
Trousers for women. Early in the Real lady (Music Hall, 1881). A
fifties these appendages were called lady in excelsis.
Real Peacer Redundant

Real Peacer (Street Soys'). Final Red herring (Soc.). Intended

shape of Charley Peace, a hero-mur- deceit. From dragging a red herring,
derer. at the end of a string, over the track
Real raspberry jam (Street, 1883). of a fox — whereby the hounds are
thrown out.
Climax of the use of ' jam ' to describe
lovely woman. The Conservative candidate gravely
Real razor (Westminster School, stated that if Home Rule is granted,
Irishmen will come over in such numbers
1883). A defiant, quarrelsome, or
bad-tempered scholar. that instead of the labourers' wages
being 12s. or 13s. a week, they will be
Real Rugby (Public-school). Cruel. reduced to 6s. and 7s.; and this red
Derived from the Rugby rules of foot- herring has been implicitly believed. —
ball, which are more likely to lead to D. N., 17th July 1886.
accident, it is generally held, than the
Red-handed (Hist.). In the fact—
more modified rules of the * Soccer '.
Real scorcher (Street). Vigorous, flagrante delicto.
George Wallis, 30, was charged on
active personality — but without vice. remand with stealing some cloth from
Real sweet (Eng. -A mer.) Perfect. a shop in Whitechapel. — The prisoner
Reb (American Civil War, 1862-65). was caught almost redhanded. — People,
27th December 1896.
Abbreviation of ' rebel ', given in scorn
by the Federals to the Confederates, Red-hot miracle (Sporting, 1882).
and afterwards adopted by them. Startling paradox of the very day.
Reconstituting an epoch (Lit., Red - hot treat (Lower Peoples').
1875). Misrepresenting history. De- Extremely dangerous person.
vised when Mr Wills produced Charles Red peppers (American). Form of
I. at Lyceum Theatre. swearing.
M. Sardou lays the scene of his story Red-shirts (Colonial and American
in a historic period, introducing more or Mining World). The name given to
less authentic historic personages ; or, as gold and silver miners, all of whom
the phrase goes, reconstituting an epoch. wear red flannel shirts. Garibaldi
— D. N.'s Criticism of M. Sardou's Theo- while in America adopted the red
dora, 13th July 1885.
Receipt of fernseed (Proverbial shirt for life, introduced it upon the
superstition). Ability to be present continent of Europe, and made it
historically famous.
invisibly. The statement that if you
held fernseed you were invisible was Red -tie (Univ., Oxford, 1876).
based upon the supposition that you Synonym for vulgarity.
could not do so, because fernseed had Reading up (N. Country, Hist.).
no existence — ferns showing no flowers. Tidying, putting the house in order.
From the habit of rubbing red ochre
Rifle green, the dark artillery blue, over the cleaned doorsteps, side-posts,
and the dark grey of the service great-
coat were as bad, or nearly as bad, as and hearth - stones. Passing away
black ; so that at present the British rapidly.
soldier of all arms must be admitted to Readings (Thieves'). One of the
be singularly destitute of the ' receipt of words for watches. Probably from
fernseed '.—/>. N., March 1883. the name of a receiver of that name,
Recently struck it (Amer.-Eng.). who gave the best prices.
Nouveau riche — man of sudden wealth. Redfern (Soc., 1879). Perfectly,
That is— he has recently struck gold. fitting lady's coat or jacket. From
Common to U.S.A. — growing in Eng- the vogue obtained, 1879 on, by
land. Redfern, Maddox, W. Regent Street,
Re-dayboo (Music Hall, 1899). Re- whose brated
over the tailoring became cele-
whole world.
first appearanceAbsurdity, of course
a second time.— being a
Redundant (City, 1898). Impudent.
This welcome ' re-dayboo ', as Dan Arose from the invention of Mr H.
Leno would doubtless call it, was made, Bottomly in a speech.
etc.— Sun, 29th November 1899.
Personally, and speaking entirely for
Red. (See Bit o' red.) myself, I regard the attitude taken up
Red, All over. (See All over red.) by Dr Alexander as a little redundant,
Red heart (London Tavern — about 207 having regard to the appointment of the
1870. Short for ' redheart — rum '. committee.— D. T., 2nd June 1898.
Reelings Rib-shirts

Reelings (Rhyme). Feelings. good at reparty, so artists are not, as a

Ref. (Political}. Abbreviation of body,
1886. good at spelling. — Ref., 7th March
Reformer. Invented by the Tories as
a term of brief contempt. Repentance curl (Soc., 1863). It
was a solitary, heavy curl made of a
Refuges (London Mid. -class}. The portion of the back hair, and brought
lamp-islands centred at wide crossings over the left shoulder and allowed to
as half-way oases in the desert of fall over the left breast. The Princess
London roads.
of Wales brought this fashion into
Reg. duck egg! (Sporting}. A England (1863), where it held good for
cypher of no value. From cricket — many years. (See Zarndrer.)
when a batter going out on nothing Repetitious (Literary). Repetitional.
at all is marked ' 0 ' — playfully First applied by the Daily Telegraph.
described as a ' duck egg '. The ' reg ' It was just as well, for the scheme of
is a common abbreviation of ' regular '. ' Self and Lady ' had a tendency to
Regenerate. (See Degenerate.) become monotonous and to be repetitious
Regionalism (Political, 1880 on). in its effects.— D. T., 20th September
Sub-nationality. Word to describe
differences of political and social feel- Reprint (Printers'). Printed matter
ing between differing races or sub- for putting in type, as opposed to
races under one government — as N.
and S. of North America, Hungary Resistance - piece (Press). Chief
and Austria, Poland and Russia. dish, or leading stage - piece. From
Adopted in England during the Home the French — piece de resistance.
Rule struggle in House of Commons. The Christmas treat was a great success.
As platinum and silver do not melt at About sixty sat down to the banquet.
the same degree of heat, so, too, diversity After this, the resistance-piece, was over,
of disposition, which in Italy is more etc.— Ref., 10th January 1886.
marked than elsewhere, will not allow of
the Southerners being educated by the to Responsible
lead. He is(Theatrical).
an actor more Fee'dof
same method as the Piedmontese. The common sense than parts, who steadily
twenty-six years which have elapsed obeys the lead — and takes that leader's
since our unification have proved this place when not acting.
abundantly. Regionalism is still a pro- Wanted, for a first-class portable,
found sore.— Signer Fazzari, D. JV., 21st Entire Co., including Gent, for Entire
April 1886. Lead, Juveniles, Responsibles, etc.
Regular oner (Peoples'). Indi- Resting (Theatrical, 1890 on).
vidual past praying for — a scapegrace. Obvious — but it has another satirical
Sometimes used in satirical praise.
meaning — that of 'out of an
Reign of Queen Dick (Peoples'}.
Never — a quibble. This is the '.period of the year when the
Removal (Political, 1883). Assassi- actor casts off his stage - mantle, and
nation. When the exposure of the settles down to that easy, indefinite,
Phoenix Park and other assassinations unemployed time which comes under the
(1882) took place Carey, one of the description of 'Resting'. — D. T., llth
chief informants, in his evidence, August 1898.
always referred to a political murder Resurrection pie (Peoples'). All
as a removal. The word at once took. sorts pasty.
Umbrellas as Weapons. — In reading Revolveress (Soc, 1885). A woman
the evidence which Town Councillor who uses a pistol.
Carey gave as to the Phoenix Park The details of the career of the charm-
murders — or ' removals ', as the Irish ing Lucille, the latest revolveress, are
Invincibles call them — it is impossible romantic, though slightly mixed. — Ref.,
to avoid wishing that the heroic victims 8th February 1885.
of hired slabbers had been armed. — 'Ria (Maria). Passing to 'Aryet
Graphic, 24th February 1883. (Harriet). The typical name of the
Reparty (Soc., 1874). Satirical costermonger's young lady — a coster
pronunciation of repartee. herself.
Just as the young Gaiety lady favoured Rib-shirts (Street, 1880). Fronts,
by royalty who had a speaking part pre- or dickeys, worn over a grubby shirt
sented to her on that account was not to give the air of a fresh one.
Rice Christians Road Combination

Rice Christians (8oc.t 19 cent.}. Right off determination.

(Peoples', 1897). Rejec-
Natives in rice-bearing countries, who tion, failure,
accept the missionaries in order to gain Right racket (Amer. - Eng.).
rice or food. Now used generally of Successful public declaration. Chiefly
people who make of religion a business. refers to entertainments and publishing.
It is extremely doubtful, in these Right tenpenny on the cranium
circumstances, whether such converts
as the missions boast are ever more (Peoples'). Good phrasing. A new
than the dregs of Chinese society, rendering
coolies without family, home, or pedi- Messrs of ' Right nail
Robertson andon the head at'.
gre ,rice-Christians
' ' as they are scorn- Toole's Theatre, with 'M.P.', seem to
fully named.— Ref., llth August 1895. have hit the right tenpenny on the
Rich as crazes (Irish). Of course
— Croesus. Rights (Thieves', 1 860). Perfection.
Rich -one (Upper ffetairice). A Ring dropping (Peoples'}. Equi-
wealthy wife. Said of the luckless valent to ' Tell your grandmother to
spouse of a man who finds home not suck eggs'. Said in scorn of weak
to his liking. attempts at deception. From the stale
cheat of the operator pretending to
Richmonds in the field (Peoples'). pick up a ring in the street in front of
Satirical description of rivals in active the intended victim.
work — no matter of what kind. From
Shakespeare's Richard III. Rip (Anglo-American). Creation of
I think there be six Richmonds in the a word from the initials of Requiescat in
field. pace — in Catholic cemeteries, the pious
wish being declared by these initials.
There were so many Richmonds in the
field, so many pretenders to the throne,
that it was quite impossible to discover of Ripper
women. (Thieves'). Very common Daring
the real king. I cannot tell you how it from rip, the ripper making his wound
is going to end. Wars of disputed suc- with a knife in the human body. In
cession are proverbially long and bloody. 1888-91 a number (ten) of murders of
—Sir W. Harcourt (June 1885) in House women were perpetrated, presumably
of Commons. by the same man, as the ripping treat-
Ricing (Mid.-class). Throwing rice ment of the victims was common to
over the bride when in her go-away all or almost all the cases.
carriage. From the East Indies, where Ripping slum (Tavern, 1800-30).
this custom intimates the hope of London.)
Capital trick. (See Egan's Life in
children— rice being a prolific growth.
Ride square (Racing). Square here Rise bristles (Anglo. - American).
means ' fair '. Excite to resentment.
Riding (Sporting, 19 cent.). Adroit- butRisky
not openly (Soc.,so.'90's). Adulterous—
ness, ability — from racing, where a
There are plenty of ladies living, as all
jockey's riding is a great factor in their world knows, lives which are gener-
working out success. Applied in
every possible way. ally called ' risky ', who are personally
most scrupulous in observing all the
Nobody questions the guilt of William minor conventionalities. — John Strange
Palmer. But there was some truth in
Winter, D. T., 5th August 1899.
his remark
and if Mrs Bartlett that ' thewere
riding had done with
acquainted it ',
the language of the turf, she might pay A Rit (University,
ritualistic passing to(See
clergyman. Peoples').
the same compliment to Mr Clarke as Cad, Pot.)
Palmer paid to Sir Alexander Cockburn. Ritualistic knee (Doctors', 1840-50).
— D. N., 19th April 1886. When genuflection came in, with the
Rig sale (London, 19 cent.). success of Dr Pusey's church theories,
Swindle— a false sale. the ritualistic knee really became
known to medical men. It was caused
Right, About (Peoples'). Modest
self-depreciation, or depreciation in by severe untrained momentary kneel-
general ; not absolutely right, but ing— when passing the altar, etc.
nearly so, e.g., 'I thrashed him about Road combination (Anglo -
right'. (See To rights.) American Theatrical). Congregation
Right gee-gee (Sporting, 1880). of variety artists moving rapidly from
The horse certain to win. town to town.
Road-Starver Rose, Under the

Road-starver (Mendicants, 1881). the banker- poet, who in his age looked
Long coat made without pockets, very old ; or from the pirate flag, the
especially without a fob for money. Jolly Roger, which showed a skull.
Road meaning generally the mass of Rogues' walk (Soc., 1882). The
beggars — the starver is that which ' Walk ' in the '90's was the north of
deprives the road of food. Piccadilly — from the Circus to Bond
Reader (Local London). Sunday Street.
splendour of the youthful persuasion, Roman Fall (1865-70). A droop in
who displays himself in the Mile End the back produced by throwing the
Road. Superior to Whitechapel shoulders well behind. A fashion of
streeter (q.v.). the last years of the French Empire,
Roast 'and an* noo (Eating -house borrowed from French military officers,
waiters'). Short for 'roast shoulder who were compelled to accept this
(of mutton)
or hand usedand
for new potatoes
shoulder '. 'And,
shortens the attitude as the result of tight lacing,
one of the more ominous excesses of
word by more than one -half, while French life in those terrible days. The
' noo ' is quite a reasonable reduction. fashion being accepted in England, it
Robbing the barber (Peoples', 19 was dubbed the Roman Fall, as a
cent.). Wearing long hair. counterpoise to the Grecian Bend (q.v.).
Robin (Street, 19 cent.). Little boy Said to have been invented by Mr F.
or girl beggar standing about like a C. Burnaud, in Punch. ' Proud ? Not
starving robin.
Two ? Spot his Roman
beyond upright.)fall.' (See
' Eobin Dinners ' are due to the kindly
suggestion of the Rev. Charles Bullock, Roof scrapers (Theatrical). Gallery
editor of Home Words whose appeals to
the generosity of his readers to enable boys — especially those standing behind
him to entertain 25,000 or 30,000 London the highest row of seats — and therefore
children every year.— D. T., 7th January nearest the roof.
1899. Rooster (Parliamentary, I860).
M.P. who makes himself heard, who is
Robin Goodfellow (Peoples', Hist. ). not a silent member.
In Shakespeare's time he was a merry Whether the returned member be a
urchin boy. See A Midsummer Night's
Dream. Previously he was associated rooster or not time will tell. — Bird o'
with the dusius, and even with Satan Freedom, March 1883.
— for in the drawings of the 15th Roosters (River Lea Anglers').
century frequently he had horns and Followers of the gentle craft, who do
hoofs added to his peculiar qualifica- not move from one spot — probably
tions. Descendant of the fauns. Pro- because they ground-bated it the night
bably his pre-Shakespearian title was before.
Good-Filler. This term Robin Good- Rope-yarn Sunday (Mercantile
fellow would result out of the national Marine). Thursday. On Sunday the
tendency, as Puritanism spread over food being at its best, Sunday and
the land, to veil the erotic by Angli- feasting well are synonymous. Thurs-
cized euphemism. day, as the half-way day, is distin-
Robustious (Peoples'). Pompous. guished by duff, or pudding, which
Mr Barnes's unfortunate tendency on is always made long, roly-poly shape,
this occasion was to a rather ' robustious which suggests rope - yarn hanks —
periwig-pated ' style that sits ill upon hence Rope-yarn Sunday.
the shoulders of so sentimental a person-
Rorty bloke (Costers'). Vigorous,
age as Lord
D. N., 29th Lytton's Claude Melnotte. —
October 1883.
Rocked to sleep (1880). One of Rorty toff (Costers1). Variation of
the sentimental American modes of rorty bloke — an inferior rorty bloke.
describing death, one which began to Rortyness (Street). Vitality.
prevail about this time. Before that she reminded me a little
Rockiness (Low. Class, 1887 on). too much, in her rortyness, of the serio-
Want of foundation, unsteadiness. comic lady who sings ' What cheer
Used chiefly of a drunken man. "Ria", Ria's on the job!'— Ref., 23rd
Rogers (Soc., 1830-50). A ghastly August 1885.
countenance — probably from Rogers 210 Rose, Under the. (See Sub rosa.)
Rose-coloured Spectacles Rumbo

Rose-coloured spectacles (Soc.). The barmaid replied : 'It's good enough

Optimism. Free translation oicouleur for you ; go into the other bar, where the
de rose. men are. ' Mrs Montgomery retorted :
' You're wrong all round the corner,'
In these days, when the mind's eye is meaning that she had had something to
less apt to observe things through rose- drink.— D. T., 16th July 1898.
coloursd spectacles, a good many of the
grand old crusted adages have broken Rovers (American). People of
down badly.— G. R. Sims, Ref., 1st Colorado — given in consequence of
February 1885. their prospecting habits.
Roses and raptures (Lit, 1830 on). Row in (Peoples'). Unfair con-
Satire of the Book of Beauty style of spiracy. From Thames life through
literature, the precursor of sestheticism. centuries. A man 'rowed in' in a
Attributed to Dr Maginn. river robbery, or even a murder.
The social and religious life of Hellas It's very likely the sellers and the
was by no means what a vain people general public concerned in auction sales
supposes. It was no more all roses and are anything but satisfied with the results
raptures than our modern existence is of sales by auction where a ' knock-out
all beer and skittles.— I). N., June 1885. is arranged, and especially where the '
auctioneer 'rows in' with the crew. —
Rossacrucians (Press, 1885). D. T., 12th February 1897.
Followers of O'Donoran Rossa. Row-de-dow (Irish, 19 cent.). Riot
Satirical term invented by Mr G. R. — term applied scornfully by Irish to
Sims.— Ref., 8th February 1885. a disturbance. From a chief portion
Rot-funks (Cricket). Panics. of the chorus of ' British Grenadiers'.
Rothschild (Soc.). A rich man. With regard to the Prince and
(See Vanderbilt.)
Princess's visit to Ireland, the 'row-de-
Rotten dow' — that is, we believe, the Hibernian
1686). Termorange (Lower Historical
of contempt. Peoples',
term for it — which took place, etc. —
— from the name given by the Jacobites Ref., 9th March 1885.
to William III.— Prince of Orange. Rubbing it in well (Police). Giving
Rotten -apple (American, Theatri- fatal evidence.
cal). To condemn an actor by hissing Rubbish (Military Anglo-Indian,
him. Figurative expression. early 19 cent.). Luggage of any
The last new American verb is ' To kind, and especially furniture, which
rotten-apple was frequently very shabby. (See
of the minor '. NewActors,
York ittheatres,
seems, inaresome
infrequently rotten-appled, much in the Ruck down (West Provincial, 19
same way as our legislative candidates in cent.). To courtesy very low.
the old hustings days used to be ' rotten-
egged '.— London Figaro, March 1883. Ruckerky (Soc., 90's). Grotesque
Rotten row (Rhyming}. Bow. pronunciation of recherche'.
It was a security which a member of
Rotter (Theatrical and Street). the Asylums Board had described, in a
Failure in any way, especially on the
stage. Presumably from rot. glowing adjective, as 'ruckerky'. —
D. T., 4th April 1898.
Rotting about (Soc. of a kind). Rudders (Oxford). Rudiments of
Wasting time from place to place. Faith and Religion (now abolished) —
Roughs and toughs (Peoples'). irreverent statement in ' er '.
Beautiful rhyming coalescing, for Ruffer (Peoples'). One who is rough.
'rough' is English and 'tough' is Rugger (Oxford Football, 1880 on).
the New York equivalent observation. Rugby rules. (See Soccer.)
All the way down, whenever there was Rule the roast (Old Eng.). To
a stop, they were insulted by Boers, and govern noisily.
we in the truck had to mix with sixty
Rule chance.
Another was granted (Lawyers'}.
or more of the ' roughs ' and ' toughs ' of
a score of nations. — Sun, 7th November Rum-bottle (Navy, 1860). Sailor—
from the liquor affected by mariners.
Round (Sail-room). A valse, galop, Rumbo (Middle-class, 1860). This
or polka. (See Square.) is an exclamation of congratulation,
Round the corner (Street). Drink. probably obtained from the gipsies,
Figurative expression— not as the high as amongst them ' Rumbo ' is a
road. common cry upon the meeting of
Rumourmongers Sad, and Bad, and Mad

two men. Women never interchange Run home on the ear (American).
this cry. It is a corruption of Entirely defeated.
the Spanish carambo, the accent of Run through (Parliamentary).
which is upon the second, the word Rapid in action — especially official.
becoming almost k'rambo. Runner (Thieves'). Technical name
Rumourmongers (City, 1897). for dog-stealer.
New coinage. Hitherto there have Rushing business (Thieves' and
been iron, fish and cheesemongers. Public-house). Robbery by adroitness,
Newsmonger was the first modern cheating under the semblance of fair
discovery in this direction, and now
the debased ' rumour ' follows suit. They go out on the rushing business,
It would almost seem as if the once and a very profitable emag they find it. —
ingenious class of rumour mongers were Hag., 1882.
losing its power of skilful imagination, Rushlight (Peoples'). Very thin
and the method of the new school is to man. Derived from use of candles —
cover one blunder by a still greater of which the forgotten rushlight was
blunder.— D. T., 19th November 1897. the slimmist.
Run amok (Asia). Amok means Rusted in (American). Settled
homicidal mania — accompanied by down. Suggested by rust fixing in a
running blindly forward. Passing nail or screw.
from India to England it has got Ruttat-pusher (1882). Keeper of a
Anglicized into ' Running a muck ', potato car.
probably from the fleeting destroyer
showing himself in a muck sweat.
This corrupted phrase is now applied
in England in a score of ways — all of
which imply a good deal of action.
In Malacca, Siani, Java and adjacent
places the mental state which leads to
amok is equally well known and S. A. These are the initials and
dreaded. The perpetrator shows signs sign of the Salvation Army.
of moroseness for days, more or less S. D. (Theatrical). Stage door.
in number, before he is seized with S. M. (Theatrical). Stage manager.
amok, when he dashes up, with a S. P. (Press, 1870 on). Letters
drawn knife, and lays about him equalling special correspondent, being
amidst the scudding people until he first two letters of first word.
himself is killed by a general onslaught. S. S. (Street, 1883). These initials
In the more civilised spots where this originally stood for sinner saved. The
custom prevails, especially in Batavia, letters were revived, with a similar
precautions are taken which prevent meaning by (1882)
some ofinGeneral Booth's
the destruction either of the victim Army.
enthusiasts the Salvation
to 'amok', or those near him when
the murderous moment arrives. Every Sacred lamp (Theatrical, 1883).
policeman is armed with a catch-fork. Ballet-girl burlesque. The origin of
Directly a patient starts upon amok, this term is quite historical. Mr John
supposing the police are not ready for Hollingshead, lessee for many years
him, as, being warned of the symptoms, of the Gaiety Theatre, Strand, London,
they generally are, the spearing of issued one of a series of remarkable
this strange fish commences. Over- lessee's ukases, in which he cynically
taken, the springed points of the referred to the burlesques he had pro-
amok-spear are pushed round the neck, duced as keeping alight the sacred
which passed, the incurved articula- lamp of burlesque.
tions once more expand, and the victim Sad, and bad, and mad (Soe., 1880).
is held at spear's length, when all the Fashionable Jeremiah-mongering.
damage he can do is to himself. Thus Philosophers and sages, and people
hooked he is 'run in', where, if he who speak of the ' fatal gift of beauty'
has not wounded himself fatally, he is
would say, with Mr Browning's half-
treated for * D.T.'s '—the origin of most repentant lover, this was all very ' sad,
amok — when he either recovers or is and
1885.bad, and mad '.— D. N.. 10th March
passed into an asylum. 212
Sad Vulgar Sal Hatch

Sad vulgar (Soc., 18 cent, and earlier St Giles' carpet (Seven Dials— old).
19 cent.}. Synonym for cad, snob. A sprinkling of sand.
He is a 'sad vulgar', as the ladies' St John's Wood donas (Public-
expression was in the days of George III. ; house, 1882). Immoral women of the
and there is something very droll about better class, living at St John's Wood
the poetical retribution he meets with. — generally.
St James' Gazette, 17th August 1883. St Lubbock (Lower London, 1880
Saddling - paddock (Australian). on). An orgy, a drunken riot. From
Place of amusement or rather place of the August Bank Holiday, the first
assignation. Monday in the month, chiefly invented,
Saffron Walden God - help - ye in the parliamentary sense, by Sir
(Provincial). Beggars, outcasts, John Lubbock. The tendency on the
mendicants of that place. (See part of the more violent holiday-
Gordelpus. ) makers produced the satirical ' St ', and
The triumph of scornful nomenclature its accompanying meaning.
was reached in the case of Saffron St Lubbock, Feasts of (Public,
Walden, nicknamed 'Saffron Walden 1 8 7 1 on) . Bank holidays as established
God - help - ye of
wretchedness ', its
from the presumed
inhabitants. . . . by law — Easter Monday, Whit
In the heart of the New Forest occurs Monday, first Monday in August and
a similar instance of nomenclature to Boxing Day, 26th December. From
that of Saffron Walden, with the Sir John Lubbock's Act, 1871, by
difference only that it is accepted by the which the first, second, and fourth
inhabitants instead of being thrust upon were made legal, and the third created.
them by the surrounding population. The feasts of St Lubbock— i.e., Bank
The village of Burley is always spoken of Holidays — established in consequence of
the exertions of Sir John Lubbock, M.P.
by the native as ' Burley God-help-us '.— (afterwards Lord Avebury), in 1871, are
D. N., August 1884.
regarded with the highest favour. Their
Sag (Amer.-Eng.). Sinking, cessa- influences upon the commercial world
tion, non-success — from mining, where and whole community have been remark-
a sinking of the bed, or roof, of a mine, able.— D. T., July 1899.
has this term applied.
Still more when Mr Matthew Arnold St Peter's the beast (Oxford, 1890
or Mr Irving appears in the States, then on). St Peter's in the East.
there is ' no sag in the popular boom ', All who have dwelt near St Peter's-in-
which, being interpreted, means that the-East and been tortured by its fear-
there is no lull in the general excitement. some bell will understand why, despite
— D. N.t 5th October 1886. its pleasant situation and curious crypt,
Sage hens (American). People of it should be referred to as ' St Peter's the
Beast'.— D. T., 14th August 1899.
Nevada — probably from the multi-
plicity of prairie fowl which frequent St Stephen's hell (Parliamentary).
No. 15 Committee Room, House of
the sage bushes which cover the prairie
in that state. Commons. When the Parnellite 'split'
took place, the Irish Nationalist
Sail in (American - En g.).
members 'discussed' in this chamber
Equivalent to 'Go it', and taking its for many days — the noise resulting in
place in England. the bestowal by the lower officials of
Sailor's champagne (Peoples'). this title upon the room in question.
Champagne on the do ut des principle
— an easy-go sailor shoots all his pay Sal hatch (Peoples'). Umbrella-
in a day, and then reminds you all the origin quite obscure, but probably
rest of his run on shore that you only
exhibit beer— and mere board and Sal hatch (Prob. Hist., 17 cent.).
lodging. Dirty weneh. Probably one of the
St Alban's clean shave (Church). court of Charles II. French phrases
Appearance of the ritualistic or high of a certain fashion. Of course a cor-
church clergymen's face. ruption—from 'Sale Ange', which is
St Alban's doves (Electioneering, itself a French corruption of Sallanches,
1869). Two active political canvassers, a town in Savoy whence spread over
so called from attending a certain France, as from all other Swiss towns,
church of which they were shining women servants. The French have
lights. historically always considered the
Sal Stoppers Sandwich Board

Swiss less cleanly than themselves; For us Radicals, the Salvation Army
they still use the phrase to worry of politics, as Mr Goschen denominated
servant girls from Savoy, now, of us, the keen desire for social improve-
course, part of France. Sal Hatch is ment, the great and healthy efforts for
actual and immediate reforms, the en-
applied in exactly the same way to thusiasm ofsocial progress ; but for him
dirty - looking young English girls. the better part, for the educated and
This word, however, may come from thinking men the nobler mission of the
the Italian — Salaccia — a dirty, ugly, candid friend, the duty of criticising the
big woman. If so, it reaches us from work in which his culture and refinement
the Hatton Garden division of London. prevent him from taking any part. — Mr
J. Chamberlain's Speech : Dinner of the
Sal slappers (Costers'). Modifica- Eighty Club, 28th April 1885.
tion of a vigorous name for a common
woman. Salvation jugginses (Com. London,
Salad march (Ballet, 19 cent.). 1882). The early aversion exhibited
March of ballet girls in green, white, towards the more violent members of
and pale amber — from the usual colours the Salvation Army led to the addition
of salads. of the word juggins.
A ' salad ' march, with the coryph&s Salvation rotters (1883). Final
dressed as lettuces and spring cabbages, term of scorn levelled at the early
is an admirably harmonious arrange- Salvationists.
ment.—/). T.,7th May 1899. Salvation - soul - sneakers (1883).
Sally B. (American, 1880 on). A This was one of the last terms applied,
very thin, tall woman in evening dress. before General Booth (February) yielded
This phrase, which fleetingly passed to circumstances and with almost papal
through London, is quite historical. authority forebade outdoor processions
Derived from Madame Bernhardt, in London. (See Skeleton Army.)
who, though at the end of the Victorian
Sam (Peoples'). Abbreviation of
era, she became a well-developed come- Stand Sam — pay for a drink.
dian, was for many years the most abso- Sam Hill (American). Some hell,
lutely thin woman on the stage. replacing the name of a notoriously
Sally Lunn (Peoples'). Bun, in- wild-tongued man.
vented in the 18th century by a
Chelsea industrial of that name. (See Same o. b. (Peoples', 1880). Abbre-
Simnel.) viation of * old bob ' — this standing
for shilling. Phrase has reference to
Saloon (Amer. ~Eng.). Tavern- the universal shilling entrance-fee to
applied to a brilliant establishment. most ordinary places of information or
Salt, Barrel of. (See Barrel.) amusement.
Salt-cellars (Peoples'). The cavi- Same old 3 and 4 ( Workmen's).
ties behind the feminine collar-bones. 3 shillings and 4 pence — which, multi-
Salt-horse squires (Naval, lucent.). plied bysix working days, gives £1 per
Warrant, as distinct from commis-
sioned, officers. Name used to suggest Sampan (Navy). Historical name,
the parvenu grandeurs of the warrant from Nelson's time, of the Sans
officer, who was dined upon salt beef— Sandford and Merton (Press).
the salt horse in question.
Didacticism— from the lofty tone of
Salt-pen (Lit., 1860 on). Nautical. the speakers in this once celebrated
Figurative description of the pen of a
writer of sea-stories. boys' book.
It would, we think, have been more
Salt junk (Music Hall, 1897). Last attractive but for an occasional tendency
rhyming cry for drunk — passing into to fall into the Saiiftford and Mertoun
' salt '. or directly didactic vein, as when we are
Salt's pricker (Naval). Thick roll reminded that ' an undue concession to
of compressed Cavendish tobacco. Used narrow prejudice or cowardly convention
sometimes very figuratively. should be unsparingly denounced, be-
Salvation Army (Street, 1882). cause itis insidiously and subtly destruc-
Drunk. tive'.— D. N., 2nd February 1885.
Salvation Army of politics (Polit., Sandwich board (Street, 19 cent.).
1885). Radicals. Invented by Mr Police station stretcher, used chiefly
Goschen in this year. for conveying drunken persons.

Sandwich Men

Sandwich men (Street, 1860 on). Sarcasm (Soc., 19 cent.). Satirical

The doleful, broken-down men em- assumption of the meaning of a
ployed at one shilling per day to carry stupidly-said thing.
pairs of advertisement boards, tabard- Sardine-box (Peoples'). A jocular
fashion, one on the unambitious chest, name given to the prison- van, in which
t\e other on the broken back. the prisoners were stowed away or
Sangster (London, 1850). Um- packed,*as it were. (See V.R., Black
brella. AMr Sangster, of Fleet Street, Maria, Virtue Rewarded, Vagabonds
Removed, etc.)
invented a light and elegant steel-
ribbed • umbrella, which he called Sarey umbrella.
market Gamp (London,
Now '40's).
not seenHuge
Sangster's patent umbrella. of museums, and mostly bought up for
Sanguinary muddle (Polit., 1884). their mines of valuable whalebone.
Policy of Europe — which seemed always
destructive. Invented by Lord Derby. Sargentlemanly (Peoples', 19 cent.).
Lord I)erby used a very strong expres- Satirical perversion of 'so gentle-
sion the other day about the diplomacy manly', and importing that the person
of Europe. He called it a ' sanguinary has taken rank above a mere private.
muddle ', and recommended that Eng- Sarkaster (Press, 1880). Invented
land should keep out of it.— D. N., 17th
October 1885. word; synonym for satirist— derived
from sarcastic.
Sans-culottes (Peoples', 1793-1830). Sarken News (London, 1860-83).
San skillets — such was the translation The common term for Clerkenwell
by the people for the people in the News — a journal which was begun in
loyal later times of George III. This a small way in Clerkenwell, and be-
phrase came to be immediately applied came one of the chief metropolitan
to the most wretchedly -clad men in mediums for advertising.
the revolutionary streets of Paris. Sashay (Anglo-American). Slide,
Sapheadism (Agricultural, Amer.). skip, dance, skirt, walkingly haunt,
When the sap is rising, the bark is etc. From term used by French and
soft — hence this term for weak-headed- other dancing - masters — chasser — to
glissade from one side to the other.
Sapper (Music Hall, 2nd French Sat(lTniver., 1860). Satisfaction.
Empire). Gay, irresistible dog. From
Satellite (Public - school). Modern
* Eien est sacre pour un sssapeur !' —
the chorus of a song by Theresa, a synonym for « fag' — a boy who revolves
great Paris music hall cantatrice, round a bigger one, whom he has set
1860-70. She came to London about up as his model and hero. Sometimes
Saturday middles (Soc., 1875).
Mr Clement -Smith, the well-known The article on the left of the middle
theatrical bill printer, being captured
the other day by another of those even- of the Saturday Review — where it
ing paper sappers to whom nothing is opened in the centre.
sacred, was irreverently christened by Saturday
within which pie (Peoples').
is interred Pasty,
all the dis-
his tormentor 'the Bill-poster King.' —
Ref., 3rd February 1899. jecta membra of the week.
Sappy (Low. London). Weak- Sauce-box (Peoples'). The mouth.
headed. Origin obscure. Sausanmash (Jww. Clerks'). Lowest
Saratoga (American - English). common denomination of ' one sausage
Anything large, huge. Saratoga is an and mashed potatoes '.
example of new word-growth. Sara- Saveloy Square (E. London). Duke
toga Springs being the most fashion- Place, Aldgate— so named satirically
able inland station for New Yorkers, on the lucus a non lucendo principle —
necessarily the largest amount of per- because, being wholly inhabited by
sonal luggage accompanied the fashion- Jews, no ordinary sausages are ever
able frequenters, while size was re- found there.
quired that ladies' costumes might not Say (American colloquial). Com-
be crushed in travelling. But the monest form of 'listen'. Probably
most remarkable development of Saro- descended from the Plymouth Brethren
toga was that of being used to describe who crossed to the States. ' Say ',
anything of unusual size.
215 equivalent to ' do ', is a common form
Say Howdy for Me Scooped

of expression in Devonshire to this book of Mr Hardy's. Pinero urged

day. that his chief desire had been to waft
Say howdy for me (Amer.-Eng.)' a scent of the hay across the footlights.
Remember me to, etc. (See Howdy). M. Mayer's company have been
Passing rapidly into English every-day engaged in wafting the scent of the hay
expression. across the footlights. It is French hay,
Say soldi (Italian — through organ- but good of the sort. — Ref., 21st
February 1886.
grinders') Six shillings.
'Sblood (Oath. Exclamatory). His Schlemozzle (E. London, Jews').
blood. Will be found in Tom Jones, Riot, quarrel, noise of any kind.
bk. xviii. ch. 10 ; where also will be Colloquial Hebrew.
I had espied W. A. P., sitting not far
found Od zookers — God's hooks, or off, and partly with a desire to prevent
three usedwhich
in theequals 'nails' — the
Crucifixion. bloodshed, partly in the hope of promot-
ing a schlemozzle, I notified Jones
'S'bodlikins (Cath. Exclamatory). accordingly.— Ref., 1st December 1889.
His bodily-kins ! Meaning obscure. School Board 'ull be after you
Some say it refers to the earthly kin of (London Streets, 1881). Practically
Jesus — His brothers and sisters on
meaning — ' Look out — or the police
Joseph's side. Others, extremists say will have you.'
the word is His body leakings — mean-
ing the blood flowing from the side. School-marm (Soc.t 1886). School-
mistress. (From U.S.A.)
Scaffold-pole (Common London). Celibacy of the clergy is a familiar
Is the fried potato chip sold with fried doctrine, both for banning and for bless-
ing. But the celibacy of the 'school
Scaling down (American-English). marm' is a heresy which as yet only
Repudiation of debt. exists in the pious dream of school
Scalp (American- Eng. , 19 cent). managers and school boards, by whom
Victories. marriage is regarded as an even more
After securing all the amateur scalps ruthless enemy than death. — Pall Mall
in San Francisco, Corbett became a Gazette, 12th January 1888.
professional pugilist. — D. T., 18th March Schoolmaster is abroad (Peoples').
1897. In other times the country may have
Scalper (American - English). A heard with dismay that 'the soldier
savage horse, suggested by the Indian was abroad '. It will not be so now.
habit of achieving the scalp, and the Let the soldier be abroad if he will ;
tendency of the scalper to snap at the he can do nothing in this age. There
head of his groom. Now extended to is another personage abroad — a person-
describe briefly any human being of age less imposing — in the eyes of some,
merciless tendencies, especially in his perhaps, insignificant. The school-
financial dealings. master isabroad ; and I trust to him,
Scalps (Soc., 1896). Jewel chain armed with his primer, against the
soldier in full military array.
charms worn upon bangles, and given
by young men to young girls. Schooners, frigates, and full-
Scandal village (Sussex). London masters (Naval). Degrees of com-
Super Mare or Brighton, where the parison as to the capabilities of
virtuous natives assume their London apprentices in the Navy — the least
accomplished being the schooner, the
patrons to be all libellous.
frigate the youth who is handy at his
Scare (American - English, 1880). business, and the full - master the
Grow frightened. achieved youngster who can learn no
Scare - crown (American, Boys'). more of the art — of navigation under-
Intensification of scare - crow, and stood.
adapted to a woolless old man. (See Scoop (Military, 1880). One of the
Bald head, Bottle nose. ) modes of wearing the hair when the
Scent of the hay (Theatrical). mode of bringing it down flat upon
Sneer at false pastoral writing for the the forehead came in. (See Curtain.)
stage. From the protest of Mr Pinero Scooped (Amer. - Eng., 1880).
upon being accused, in The Squire (a Swindled— money being scooped out
pastoral comedy), of plagiarising a of the pocket.

Score (Peoples'}. Reckoning — said to be prevalent amongst Scotch-

figuratively used. 'I've got a score
against An exhibition of Scotchmen's knees
— from you,
the and custom some indayoldyou'll
timespayof' took place at the Castle, and was
drawing lines upon a board with a bit attended with great success. Mr Sandy
of chalk — the number of marks in a M'Alister MacDonoughloch took the first
line being a score. (See Chalking prize and a cold in the nose. The prize
consists of a scratching poll.
Scorpions (Theatrical). Babies — Screamer (Press). Alarmist article
whose observations do not help the or leader.
performance. Screaming gin and ignorance
Scorpions (Army, Hist.}. Scornful (Sporting Reporters, 1868). Bad news-
reference by officers to the civil in- paper writing.
habitants of Gibraltar. Originally Screed (American - English). A
referred to the natural children of pelt, or muck running. Widely applied.
English soldiers by Spanish mothers. Side by side with these garrulous
Sometimes 'Rock scorpions', the 'screeds' about what took place six or
* Rock ' being Gibraltar. seven weeks ago comes news of what is
A military correspondent writes from doing to-day.— Mef., 9th March 1885.
Gibraltar complaining of want of houses Screw your nut (L. London).
for officers attached to the garrison. Dodge a blow aimed at the head.
The ' Scorpions ', as the inhabitants are When we gets there, the Mug says,
facetiously called, have all the best
houses in their hands. — D. T.t 5th ' How did he get that ? ' looking at
November 1897. Selby's eye, and I says, ' He got it
because he could not screw his nut.' —
Scotch (Rhyming). Abbreviation Peoples', 6th January 1895.
of Scotch-pegs, the catch-rhyme for Screwed up (Oxford and Cambridge
'leg'. Universities). To be vanquished.
Scrag-hole (Theatrical). Gallery. The term takes its rise from the ancient
Probably suggested by the stretching
habit of screwing up an offender's door,
of the scrag or neck, and the re- generally a don's. The action was
semblance ofthe gallery to a dark hole. only complete by breaking off the
heads of the very thin screws.
live alongfrom
somehow (PoordayPeoples'}.
to day, To
to Screwed up (Artisans'). Without
scrape off a living. money — can't move. More emphati-
Scraper (Soc., 1880). Short one cally—screwed upin a corner. (See
to two-inch whisker, slightly curved, Hung up, Stuck up. )
and therefore differing from the square Scribe (Pressy 1870 on). A poor
inch. writer.
Scratch down (Street). The public Scribley (Provincial). Screw-belly,
scolding of a man by a woman. i.e., sourish small beer.
Scratch me (L. Lond., 19 cent.}.
Lucifer match. Script (Authors', 1897). Short for
manuscript — especially in the theatre.
Scratch - rash (Artisans'}. Face Scripturience (Literary, 1900).
scratched — presumably by wife. Rage for writing ; cacoethes scribendi.
Scratchers (Lower Class). Lucifer Presumably invented by Mr William
matches. Splendid example of peoples' Archer, who wrote —
onomatope — always going on. The It is true that Mr Stedman's net is one
lower classes never took to the absurdly of very small meshes, which hauls in the
pompous word — lucifer ; and even the minnows as well as the Tritons ; but what
middles added matches, from the old an amazing harvest, even of mediocrity !
sulphur matches, probably a corrup- There is a serious danger, it seems to me,
tion of ' meche '. in this universal scripturience. — M.
Scratchers (Naval). Pay-masters Leader, 27th October 1900.
and their subordinates. Comes down
Scrummage (Youths', 1860).
from the noisy times of quill pens. Struggle. Derived from foot-ball term.
cattle poll (Peoples').
to rub their Pole for
sides against. A Scrunging (Country Boys'). Steal-
ing unripe apples and pears — probably
reference to a skin disease erroneously 217 from the noise made in masticating.
Scug or Smug See the Breeze

Scug, or Smug (Schools'). A new Sea-side moths (Mid. -class). Bed

— that is new boy. vermin.
In regard to the general charge, it is well Seats Bill (Political, 1884). Short
known that everywhere bullying has been name suddenly given to the Redistribu-
reduced to the smallest proportion. In tion of Parliamentary seats. Due to
our fathers' time every new boy, ' scug ', Mr Gladstone, and instantly accepted
or c smug ', or whatever the generic name as a brevity, clear in meaning.
may have boen, was kicked and knocked Further progress was made in the
about as a matter of course for the first settlement of the main outlines of the
part of his curriculum. — D. T., 12th June Redistribution scheme, or the Seats Bill
as it has now become the fashion to call
Sculps (American). Convenient it.— D. N., 27th November 1884.
abbreviations of pieces of sculpture.
^ Sec.
tion for(Commercial,
second. 1860). Abbrevia-
Perhaps no statue, except the un-
fortunates inTrafalgar Square, and the Second - hand sun (Poor Folk).
melancholy meeting of ' sculps ' in Nothing much to be proud of — sug-
Parliament Square, was more sharply
criticised at the time of its erection, gested where sunlight is only reflected
or more heartily laughed at afterwards into a given room from a neighbouring
than the gigantic equestrian effigy of the wall.
late Duke of Wellington.—!). N., 18th Second-hand woman (Anglo-Indian
January 1883. Army, 1859). Widow.
Second liker (Tavern, 1884 on).
Sculpt (American Artists'). Verb
from sculptor — as writer — to write ; Repetition drink — another like the
dancer — to dance ; singer — to sing ; first. Now applied generally to
sculptor — to sculpt. repetition.
Second picture (Theatrical, 1885).
whose name is ghost (Art). with
not associated Sculptor
the Tableau upon the rising of the curtain
marble upon which he works. May to applause, after it has fallen at the
be the actual creator of a work which end of an act, or a play.
Secrets of the alcove (Soc., 1890
goes in another's name, or may be on). Most intimate influence of the
engaged only for his speciality which wife over the husband. Outcome of
may be hair, or bust, or legs, or hands, analytical fiction. Phrase invented by
or drapery. Dumas fils.
Scurry around (American, 1876).
Be active. It may be what Dumas called 'the
If you care to lynch him there are secret of the alcove ', but when perfectly
represented, and with absolute purity,
barrels of tar, and one of us might scurry on the stage, it is very delightful to
around and get some feathers. — Detroit witness. Here we see a married woman
Free Press, 1883. using every feminine art and charm to
Scuttler (Manchester, 1870 on). tempt her husband back to companion-
Young street rough. ship and love.— D. T., 29th June 1897.
Might it not be possible to teach Sedition - mongers (Polit., 1886).
manners, and to enforce their observ- Name given to supporters of Home
ance, even by means of the rod and the Rule. Started by Lord R. Churchill,
cane, at the Board schools? It is in 22nd February 1886, at Belfast.
those expensive seminaries, we appre-
hend, that the majority of the juvenile theSee
card(American). To each
game of poker 'bet'. In
'scuttlers' are educated. — D. T.. October
1893. ' sees ' an opponent for so much — that
is, bets so much upon cards which he
'Sdeath (Poetical). Abbreviation of holds, but has not yet shown. It is
His death — meaning the Crucifixion. a word which now may often be heard
(See 'Sflesh.) in Liverpool commercial cotton circles.
Se Ta.nnha.user(Frenc7i-Eng., 90's). Stearn Carpenter, the Heracles of the
Bore oneself— as ' Que je me tannhause'. Troy Times, would have ' seen ' Achilles,
Sea William (Naval — early 19 cent). ' and gone ten dollars more ', to employ
Civilian. the language understood by the country-
men of Mr Charles Dudley Warner. —
' For d'ye see— I'm a Sea William, and D. N., 13th February 1883.
not in no ways under martial law,' said See the breeze (Cockney, 1877).
the pilot.— Marryat, Rattlin the Reefer,
ch. Iviii. Expression of summer enjoyment at
Seek, a Clove Set the Hudson on Fire

escaping from London to an open for seven days for begging. — People.
common. (See Taste the sun.) 20th March 1898.
Seek a clove (American). Take a Sent across the Herring - pond
drink. Bay.
(Lower Class). Transported to Botany
Seen better days (Middle-class).
Euphemism for saying a person is Sent to Coventry (Rural). Cut-
poor. not spoken to. Origin so obscure as
Seen the elephant (American - not to be within view of any known
English, 1880 on). Climax — witnessed etymologist.
the finish. From the universal Sent to the skies (L. Mid.-dass).
American circus — whose chief attrac- Killed — evasive accusation of murder.
tion in country places is the elephant. Sent up (American-Eng. ). Exposed,
Therefore the phrase means proud publicized. From the New York
exultation, and is applied to boastful Police Court term for imprisonment.
persons. 'Sent up for a month' — up to the
Selah (American - English). The prison that is.
Hebrew 'vale', 'God be with you'. Sentimental hairpin (Soc., 1880).
Probably the origin of the London An affected, insignificant girl.
artisan phrase, ' So long'. (See.) Sentry go (Military). Mounting
Happy, happy England ! Everybody
has got plenty of work to do except the
judges of the Divorce Court. Selah !— The Volunteer billets himself now
D. T.. 29th October 1896. preferentially in forts and in barracks,
Senal pervitude (Com. Street Satire). enjoys compliance with the stern regula-
Penal servitude. tions enforced in such places, and would
Send for Gulliver (Soc., 1887 on). rather be on 'sentry go' than in a
1886. carouse. — 2J. N., 28th April
Depreciatory comment upon some
affair not worth discussion. From a
cascadescent incident in the first part Sepulchre (Middle-class, London).
Name given to the flat cravats covering
of Dr Lemuel Gulliver's travels. the shirt front between the coat and
Send off (Anglo-American Lit.). throat. Satire upon their effect in
Poem, tale, or article written specially covering over and burying the shirt-
to attract attention — direct opposite front, when no longer immaculate.
to pot-boiler. Afterwards called chest-plasters. (See
Mr English, then a journalist in active Doggie, Poultice, Shakespeare-navels.)
harness, promised the firm a 'send-of Serio-comic (Music Hall, 1860-82).
poem.— N. Y. Mercury, 1888. The title given only to lady-singers of
Sensation scene (Theatrical, 1862). a lively turn, and in distinction from
Exciting scene of action in a play. ' comics ', who are always men.
Title invented by Edward Falconer.
Serve (Thieves Soc.). Euphemism
(See Nailed up drama, Peep o' day
tree.) for passing through a term of imprison-
Searching for effect. Sessions (Peoples'). Noise, quar-
Mr Chamberlain has resolved to take relling, disturbance, from the fact that
at sessions there are conditions not
no part in a controversy raised and main- peculiar to quietude.
tained either for party purposes or in
pursuit of sensation-mongering. — D. N., Set (Street, 1880). Conquered, put
26th February 1886. down.
Sensational (American Press, passed Set about (Peoples'). To assault.
to Eng. about 1870). Omniscient The present assault was committed on
the 20th ult. As frequently happened,
adjective used wherever extraordinary
might be a possible equivalent. they because
and ' had words ' about not
she would money
to his
Sensational writing (Lit.). Crude, demands he 'set about her'. — People,
frank, banal description, or dialogue, 4th April 1897.
intended to excite or dismay. Set the Hudson on fire (New York,
Sent (Peoples'). Evasion and con- 1884). Instance of imitation, of ' Set
traction of' sent to prison '. the Thames on fire '.
At North wich William Flynn was sent 'Mme. Boniface' is not likely to set
Seven Dials Ralcer Shapes and Shirts

the Hudson on fire, as it is original in

neither plot nor music. — ff. Y. Mercury, Shake-up (Peoples'). Start, begin-
1884. ning, spurring.
The first French Revolution, with all
Seven Dials raker (Costers'— local). its attendant horrors, was entirely due
A girl of the town who never smiles to the fact that in a little preliminary
out of the Dials. (See Deck.) shake-up the Paris masses found them-
Seven times seven man (Peoples' — selves, to nobody's surprise more than
Satirical). Hypocritical religionist. their own, fully equal to cope with
Seventy-five cent, word (Ainer.- the
1887.gendarmerie. — Ref., 27th November
Eng., 1884). Sesquipedalian.
'Sflesh (Provincial). His flesh— a Shake yer toe - rag (Beggars')
very rare Catholic exclamation, de- Show a clean pair of heels — run away.
scended from before the Reformation.
Shakespeare-navels (Lond. Youths',
(See 'Sdeath.) 1870). Long - pointed, turned -down
Shack-per-swaw (Sporting). Every collar.
man for himself. French — chaque Sham-abram (Peoples'). Pretend
pour soi. Introduced in England by illness. Very common use still in
a French gentleman rider. the Navy. The captain is sham-
Shadder ( Work.-dass, 19 cent.). A abraming again — he wants a day on
thin, worn person. shore, to see — a doctor.
Shadow of a shade (Pol-it., 1886). Sham-ateurs (Sporting). People
More than immaculate, when used in who are not even amateurs.
the negative, as it always was. In- The amateurs of Pancras Road showed
vented byLord R. Churchill. themselves distinctly different from the
But of confiscation, of taking away a sham-ateurs of Her Majesty's Theatre.
man's is property —Ref., 16th December 1888.
there not, as without paying him
Lord Randolph for it,
Churchill Shamrock (Military, 19 cent.). A
would say, the shadow of a shade of a bayonet prick.
hint or suggestion or implication or
Shan von Voght (Irish Peoples').
inference.— I). Jv~., 26th February 1886. The Pasquinade, Mrs Harris, or Paul
Shadow of the owl (Athenceum Pry of Irish life.
Club). Cellar smoking - room (until Can anything as spirited and stirring
1899, when the Council added a floor, as the ' Shan von Voght ' be rhymed in
part of which was the newfumoir of the favour of declining to pay rent? — ti. N..
Athenaeum), where the visitor was at 5th November 1883.
once met by the topaz eyes of the high- Shanghai gentleman (Naval). The
perched owl, raised in honour of the very reverse of a gentleman.
tutelary goddess of that ilk, Minerva. Shank (American). Centre or heart.
Shadwoking (Soc.). Grotesque From the shank or grip of a button.
rendering of shadowing.
Shake a flannin (Navvies', 19 cent.). Why, you ain't going home already ?
To fight. (See Flannel-jacket.) It's
Texasright in the1883.
Siftings, shank of the evening.—
Shake fleas (Old Eng. ). To thrash .
Shank yersels awa (Scotch). Take
Shake leg (Peoples'). Remove. yourselves off — move your shanks.
Shake old fel (American). Greet-
ing— ' Shake hands, old fellow.' Shant of bivvy (Hatton Garden).
Shake-out (Stock Exchange, 19 cent.). Pint of beer.
Sudden revulsion and following clear- Shan't take salt (Theatrical). Small
ance— due to panic, the result of dis- returns. Good example of an elision
covery of fraud, or of stupendous creating obscurity. Means, ' We shall
bankruptcy, or even the death of a not take enough money to pay for salt,
powerful financier of known specula- let alone bread.'
tive turn of mind.
Shape up (Peoples', 18 cent.). Show
After Saturday's heavy shake-out in fight — from the aspect of a prize-
New York, occasioned by the news of fighter when prepared to kill.
Mr Flower's death, the market has When Fred called him an all-round
settled down a little in consequence of ass— he shaped up !
the evidences afforded that the big
financial houses were fully prepared to Shapes and shirts (Theat., 1883).
grapple with the situation.— D. T.. 16th Satirical name given by young come-
May 1899. dians of the present day to distinguish
Shave Shingle

old actors, who swear by the legiti- Sherry (Tavern). Four ale— that
mate Elizabethan drama, which in- is, ale at fourpence per quart.
volves either the 'shape' or the She's been a good wife to him
' shirt ' — the first being the cut-in (Streets'). Satire cast at a drunken
tunic ; the other, or shirt, being inde- woman rolling in the streets.
pendent ofshape. (See Chest-plaster.) Shet down (Engineers', American).
Shave (Peoples', 1884). Drink. Thoroughly commenced ; suggested by
Shaves (Services). False news — ' shotting ' or ' shutting ' down a safety
sometimes mere jokes. valve.
Belgrade is getting livelier because of
the influx of miscellaneous foreigners. Shet up, Sossidge (Peoples', 1896).
Recommendation to a German, noisy
It still maintains its pre-eminence for
'shaves'.— D.N., 1876. in public, to be quiet— really, 'Shut
Shawl (Mid. -class). Symptom of up,Sheltered
Sausage'. (Low Life). Complete
Lady Clonbrony was delighted to see ignominy.
shutter. Word derived from shop-
that her son assisted Grace Nugentin in
Shevvle chap (Sheffield). A man
shawling Miss Broadhurst. — Miss Edge- of that city.
worth, The Absentee, 1809.
Shift (Irish, 1800). Blow up.
She (Soc., 1887). Queen Victoria.
From She, the African romance by Mr Shiftmonger (Tavern, 1882). Very
remarkable expression. When the
Rider Haggard — produced early in this
chappies and Johnnies became noto-
year. rious for frequenting the old Gaiety
She didn't seem to mind it very Theatre stalls (1879-82), they were
much (Peoples', 1885). Cant phrase, remarkable for the display of very
intimating jealousy on 'her' part. large, rigid shirt-fronts. Indeed, this
Hebrew. (Peoples'). Money. From shirt became a specialty — hence the
Shed a tear (Peons', 1860). Take The shiftmonger rolled into the
a short drink — not a draught.
Shedduff (Mid.-class). Corruption Roman's (Romano's — an Italian restaurant
in the Strand) blind, speechless, para-
of chef d'asuvre. lytic. Staggering up to the well-known
this dish. o' tripe (Streets'). Plate of slate, he wrote thereon, in trembling
characters, ' Coffee and soda for one.
She'll go off in an aromatic faint Wake me in time to bress for Baiety
(Soc., 1883). Said of a fantastical Gurlesque '.— Bird o' Freedom, 7th March
woman, meaning that her delicate 1886.
nerves will surely be the death of her. Shillelagh (Irish, Hist.}. Knobbed
Shellback (Navy). Sailor of full stick carried for fighting.
age. (See Flatfoot.) What did he hit you with ? Witness :
She-male (Common London, 1880). An Irish shillelagh — a crinkled and thick
Synonym for female, and pairing with stick — a kind of Irishman's truncheon. —
he-male. (See He-male.) D. T., 31st December 1895.
I love the she-male sex.
Sheol (E. London). Evasion of Shilling tabernacle (Peoples').
Wesley an or Baptist tea-meeting — at
' Hell ' — the word being Hebrew for twenty-four halfpence per head.
this place.
In our own channels or in the great Shin stage (Peoples', 18 cent.}.
Journey on foot — or by propelling the
Australian bight we who would go to sea shins.
for pleasure would go to Sheol for pas- Shine (American). Smiling look.
time.— Ref., 4th October 1887.
Shepherd, To (Boer War, October Shingle (American}. Close-cropped
1899-1900). To surround, to drive hair — ridge and furrow. When (1880)
following a London fashion, the hair
into a crowd — from surrounding the of American men of fashion was cut
close, this term came to be applied.
Since Cronje was shepherded with his It is derived from the name of thin
army into the bed of the Modder by a
turning movement, the remaining Boer wooden tiles — shingles, which, of
commanders have been very nervous lest course, lie flat and close to the roof-
a similar manoeuvre should be tried rafters.
against them.— D. T., 2nd April 1900. ' There will be no more parting there ',
Shipwrecked Short 'Uns
said the man when he looked into the Shoot the chimney (American).
mirror after having his hair shingled. — Chimney is figurative for talking, and
Texas Si/tings. derived from movement of chin. Shoot
Shipwrecked (E. London). Drunk. here means stop.
(See Floored.) Shoot f wood to t' hole (Yorks.).
Shirtsleeves and shirt - sleeves Be secret. Let no one hear you.
(Peoples'). Poor and rich, work and Translated thus : ' Shut the wood to
luxury. The first are rolled up to the the hole ; ' or, in other words, ' Shut
shoulders. ' I do my work in my
shirtsleeves.' The shirt-sleeves are theShoot
fair, white, smooth, and only dis- Make the your cuff (Peoples',
best personal 1875 on).
appearance you
played, as a rule, at the cuff. can and come along — from the habit
Shoe's on the mast (Sailors' and of wearing wide cuffs. (See Cuff-
Peoples', Hist.). • If you like to be
liberal, now's your time.' Originally Shooter (American- Eng., 1870).
typical of homeward-bound and pay- Pistol.
off. In the 18th century, when near Shooting at sight (American).
the end of a long voyage, the sailors Instantaneous homicide — without
nailed a shoe to the mast, the toes
downward, that passengers might deli- Shop (Theat., 1880). Theatre.
cately bestow a parting gift. One of the mock-modest affectations
Shofel (E. London). Hansom cab. of actors, putting themselves and their
Said to be derived from the peaked work on a trade basis. (See Low
bonnets in use about 1850-53, which comedy merchant. )
Jewesses dubbed by this name. Shofel, Shop, To (Low. London). To be
it seems, is a common word for hood, instrumental in sending an individual
peak, or eave — even a hook nose. to prison. Generally used to describe
Shool (E. London}. Church or imprisonment.
chapel — from this Hebrew word repre- Sullivan shopped him — real landed
senting synagogue. him.— People, 6th January 1895.
The beadle's eye was all over the Shop-constable (Workshop}. He
shool at once. — Zangwill, Children of represents the first principle of justice,
the Ghetto. the most primitive type of the
Shoot (S. Exchange). To give a magistrate. He is appointed for a
man a close price in a stock without day ; he takes his turn with the rest
knowing whether there will be a profit of his shop companions, and commands
or loss on the transaction. one day, only to obey the next. When
Shoot (S. London, 1868). Walworth there is a trade or a personal quarrel,
Road Station, L. C. & D. Railway.
Because of the immense number of an
who appeal is made
has the to the ' constable ',
case tried.
persons 'shot' Shopped (Theatrical). Verb derived
A recent writeroutonthere.
the condition of from shop. Engaged for piece.
Italy adduces the wretched character of Short (Bankers'). A cheque paid in
most of the railway stations as evidence as few notes as possible.
of the poverty of the country. I would Short (Public-house). Raw spirits
give something to know his opinion of —water.
to distinguish it from spirits and
Walworth, as evidenced by the condition
of the * Shoot
November 1882. ! '—South London Press, Short turn (Hatters' men). A
particular ring at the warehouse bell
Shoot, Blooming (Common London, requires that the boy shall answer it.
1880). Cursed crowd. Upon his return he gives to the shop
Here's bad luck to the whole blooming constable (see), of the day the message
shoot. — Cutting. he has heard at the gate. ' Gentlemen,
Shoot into the brown (Volunteers', a short turn ', he may say, or ' a long
circa 1860). Figuratively— to fail. turn '. In the first case, the applicant
The phrase takes its rise from rifle is presumably a well - authenticated
practice, where the queer shot misses ' Unionist '.
the black and white target altogether, Short 'uns (Poachers'). Partridges
and shoots into the brown — i.e., the — referring to the almost complete
earth butt.
absence of tail feathers. (See Long 'un. )
Slwrt Week Sieve-Memory

Short week (Artisans'}. Not a Shulleg-day (Street, 1880). Cor-

full six days' wages to take. ruption of show-leg day — referring to
Shortage (Anglo-American, 1880 muddy day in London when the ladies
on). Abbreviation of defalcation. carry their skirts high and expose their
Sho's (American). Abbreviation of
' sure as '. Shunt (Railway Officials'). To kill
or move out of the way — from shunting
Shot (Peoples', Hist.). Freed— from carriages and engines.
past tense of a verb rarely used in the
singular in police society. Shut down (Amer. -Eng.). Ceased
It was a horse that didn't mean work, — from closing the lid of the cash-box.
and witness was very glad to ' get shot But Coghill didn't want any more of
of him'.— D. T., 14th December 1897. the lands at any price. Then Lafayette
Shoulder-dab (London, 1800). A tried to get the balance of the money
warrant officer or bailiff, who tapped due in honour to Coghill from Barin' by
the debtor on the shoulder as a legal selling Baring some more of the lands.
arrest. But Baring by this time had got enough
of the lands himself, and shut down. —
Shouldering' (Undertakers'). Carry- N. Y. Mercury, 23rd May 1885.
ing corpse in coffin.
It appeared that at a late hour on Shut down (Anglo - American).
Monday night the prosecutors were Forbidden — very emphatic form of
'shouldering' a coffin, containing a
corpse which they had just brought away Dr Oliver and Dr Myrtle — what pretty
from the Westminster Hospital. — D. N., names !— have ' shut d own ' on ' monopole '
20th August 1890. and 'extra dry'. — Harrowgate D. N.t
31st August 1883.
Shov (Thieves'). Knife, or rather Shut up your garret (Street). Hold
dagger or dirk. Said by some to be an
application of ' shove ' — the movement your tongue.
made with the knife ; by others a Shuvly kouse (Street). Perversion
corruption, very cogent, of 'chiv' — of public-house. This phrase spread
the Romany for knife. through London from a police-court
Shove (Street, 1880 — adopted gener- case, in which a half-witted girl used
ally). Bounce, gas, self-glorification, this phrase.
preposterous patriotic yell. Sick in 14 languages (American
You only get to know what a nice Marine). Very ill indeed.
place England is by going abroad, and Sick man of Europe (Polit., 1853
about thewhatglorification
a lot of ' shove ' there
of most otheris on). Any reigning sultan of Turkey.
The phrase, as applied to Turkey, is
places.— Ref., 24th July 1887. said to have been given currency by
Shove in (Common Glass). Pawn the Emperor Nicholas I. of Russia.
— requires no elucidation. Conversing in 1853 with Sir George
Shove off (Navy). To quit, go, Hamilton Seymour, the English Am-
flee, depart — from shoving off a boat bassador atSt Petersburg, he used the
from land or ship. words :— ' We have on our hands a
Show drink, To (Amer. - Eng.). sick man — a very sick man. It will
Obvious. be a great misfortune if, one of these
Show-houses (Soc., 18 and 19 cent.). days, he should slip away from us
Mansions containing valuable works of before the necessary arrangements have
Show-houses is a very appropriate term been made.'
Side-scrapers (Middle-class London,
for such of the mansions of our nobility 1879-82). This was the name given to
and gentry as are open to public the square inch or two of whisker
inspection. — Mirror, 1829. parallel with the ear which came in
about this time.
Show the hand (Peoples'). To
reveal unintentionally. From card- memory.
playing, where showing the hand is Sieve-memory (Peoples'— old). Bad
sure to lose the game.
I pray you, sir, write down these
Showy (Society, 1880). This word charms, for I have but a sieve-memory.
for overdressed and over ' made up ' All runs through. — Garrick, Abel
began to be common in this year. Drugger.
Signed All Over Six-Cornered Oath

Signed all over (Artists'). Said of Singing Spanish (Old Eng.).

a good picture which instantly reveals Making a wild, crooning noise —
its creator in every inch. probably suggested by the church
Silence -yelper (Thieves"). Usher services
husband. of Queen Mary Tudor's
in a court of law — this word being his
chief shape of speech. Sinjin's Wood (Streets', 1882).
Silly dinner (Soc. , Anglo-American, Satirical
Wood. way of announcing St John's
1897). Free and easy feasts. Took
its rise in an evasive paraphrase of the You have tasted the bad lush called
name Seeley. Mr Herbert Barnum wines from the wood. Well, there is
Seeley gave (20th December 1896) a worse tipple than that, cully — the wines
dinner in New York which was con- of Sinjin's Wood. They generally run
you in about a dick a bottle.
cluded by a femimine music - hall
entertainment. Sip (Com. Lond. , 19 cent. ). Synonym
for kiss.
Instantly the news of the Seeley dinner
got into the newspapers, Mr Oscar Sissies (Soc., 1890 on). Effeminate
Hammerstein put a clever burlesque of men in society.
the whole business on the stage of Sissy men in Society. — Powdered,
Olympia — a music hall in Broadway. — painted and laced. They swarm at
D. T., 28th January 1897. afternoon teas. Of late, says a London
From this time a doubtful dinner writer, a certain type of man has become
was spoken of as a Silly one. Became protuberant — a languid, weak-kneed,
vain, and lazy specimen of humanity
quite colloquial. 'There will be a who has literally no redeeming points
silly snack on Sunday, 11.30, that can be discovered, and who yet
T. W. B. F. gives himself all the airs of one to whom
Silly mop! (Provincial, Rural). the universe ought to do unquestioning
Evasion of silly cow. Said generally homage.— N* Y. Mercury, May 1893.
of a stupid woman. Sit down supper (Soc., 1860).
Silver streak (Patriotic). English When about this date the medical
press began to agitate against high
The silver streak shelters England from feeding, one of the economical results
those direct consequences of a great war
on the Continent which might be ex- was the invention of the ' stand up '
supper, a necessarily thinner meal
pected to overtake France.— D. N., 14th than the old ball - banquet. Old-
October 1885.
fashioned people thereupon adopted
Simnel (Scarborough). Cake of two this term.
kinds set one on the other, and so Sitter (Cricket, 1898). Easy catch.
baked. The result of an accidental
Siwy, Upon my (Common London).
baking. There is a legend in Scar- A polite way of taking or making oath
borough, however, that this name
refers to the pretender Simnel, and — possibly a corruption of asseveration.
that this cake was first baked by him I'll not disgrace your toffish lot. I'll
be a great man, upon my sivvy. — Cutting,
in Henry VII. 's kitchen. 1882.
The day was termed ' Mothering (See Thuzzy -muzzy. )
Sunday ', because all children in service Six buses through Temple Bar
repaired to their homes, taking with
them a spiced cake, called a simnel, to (Peoples', 1840 - 50). Impossibility.
which quaint ceremony, still observed in Originated by the celebrated M.P.,
many rural districts, Herrick alludes in General Thompson.
the lines — Everybody who asks the Government
A simnel also will I bring to go on with the Suffrage Bill and the
'Gainst thou goest a-mothering. Seats Bill as one measure, and at one
—D. T., 16th March 1901. time, will be committing that great
mistake which our old friend General
Simpson v. Hard Simpson. Thompson used to describe as being
Singing drolls (Music Hall). Comic made by the man who insisted on driving
male duettists who invented this title six omnibuses abreast through Temple
to distinguish themselves from comic Bar.—
1883. John Bright, Leeds, 18th October
singers, who were not droll, and who
rarely wore costume. (See Athletic Six-cornered oath (Anglo-Ameri-
drolls.) can). Complicated swearing.
Six Feet above Contradiction Stagger

Since we are going to have German

opera this season, it is high time to dressing.
Skettling (Naval Officers'). Full
explain that Die Gfotterdammerung is not Ski (Westminster School). Street
a six-cornered German oath, but an Arab, road boy.
opera.— N. Y. Mercury, September 1883. Skilamalink (L. London). Secret,
Six feet above contradiction
shady, doubtful. If not brought in
(American). Completely imperious.
by Robson, it was re-introduced by
Six feet and itches (Peoples"). him at the Olympic Theatre, and in a
Over six feet. Corruption of inches, burlesque.
usually written ' ichs ' — hence the
word. Skin-changers (Peoples'). Apper-
taining tometamorphosis. It referred,
Six mile bridge assassins and refers generally, to the wehr-wolf
(Tipperary). Soldiers — from the fact throughout Europe.
that once upon a time certain rioters Lycanthropy (a charming subject) is by
were shot at this spot, not far from the late Mr J. F. M'Lennan. The wolf
is the animal, as Mr M'Lennan says, into
Six of everything ( Workwomen's). which European ' skin-changers ' com-
Said by workwomen and workmen's monly turn themselves. — D. N., 7th
wives in praise of a girl who marries August 1883.
with a trousseau meeting the respect- Skinners (Street). Mental torture
able requirements of this phrase. — figure of speech. From the agony
Six - monthser (Police). A endured by being flayed alive.
stipendiary magistrate of a savage Skins a wicked eye (American).
nature who always gives, where he Evil-looking eye — the skinning re-
can, the full term (six months) ferring to the wide opening of the lid.
allowed him by law.
Skip (Anglo-American, 1870). A
Six-quarter rapid retreat, quick march to avoid
There are two men
widths(Cloth Drapers'').
of cloth — six consequences. Also to run away
quarter and three quarter. The meanly. (See Bailey, Polka, Valse. )
superior employes are called 'six- Skippable (Soc., 1882). To be
quarter men ' — the inferior ' three- avoided — from skipping in reading.
quarter men ' — a term of contempt.
Sixes, Put on the (Military, 1879). Mrs Oliphant's contessa is not so odious
nor quite such a bore as some contessas
Small hook curls, hence 'sixes' we have known, but she is skippable,
gummed by some privates on their too.— D. N., 26th December 1884.
foreheads, and composed of their
forehead hair. Skipper (Criminal, 1870). One
' Ain't the 3rd putting on the sixes,' Skipper (Military). Naval way of
said by a private at Dover of another describing a military captain.
regiment in reference to the 3rd, whose
colonel allowed this style of hair- Skivvy (Navy). Japanese — equi-
valent to rumbo.
Sky -pilot (Naval). Chaplain
Skalbanker (Paper-makers'). An — brought in about the time of Dibdin
outsider paper-maker, one who has not and Tom Bowline. (See Holy Joe,
served seven years to the trade. Devil-dodger. )
Skeleton Army (Street, 1882). While some of the members of the
Street fighting. The origin of this term Congregational Union were enquiring the
for fighting in public took its rise about way to the hall where refreshments were
the end of 1882, when the Skeleton served, the doorkeeper shouted in a
Army was formed to oppose the ex- stentorian voice : ' Sky - pilots' bean-
treme vigour of the early Salvation feast \'—D. T., 4th October 1895.
Serious Affray between the Skeleton Skying a copper (Peoples', 1830
on). Making a disturbance — upsetting
and Salvation Armies. — A man named
the apple-cart. From Hood's poem,
Timothy M'Cartney is at present lying A Report from, Below, to which this
in the London Hospital suffering from a
severe wound in the back, which he re- title was popularly given until it abso-
ceived from one of the members of the lutely dispossessed the true one.
Skeleton Army.— D. N., 10th January Slagger (Low Life). Fellow who
1883. keeps a house of accommodation.
Slam Small and Early

Slam (American — passing to Eng- Sling your body (Low. London).

land}. To skurry or chevy, probably Dance with vigour.
from the vigour displayed in slamming
a door. Slipper
Slippery(Tailors'). Sixpence.
or slippy (Marine).
Slam - slam (Anglo-Indian}. To Active.
salute — taken from Eastern salaam. Sloan, To (Peoples', 1899).
Slanging (Music Hall, 1880). This Hamper, baulk, cut. A word that
is a term for singing, and is due to the lasted
quantity of spoken slang between the leaves. only
Fromas an
as a summer's
verses. (Archer), who, riding a French horse
Slap (Theatrical). Paint used in (Holocaust) in the Derby this year,
creating a stage complexion. Prob- attempted to slant him across the
course inside Tottenham corner and
ably from its being liberally and liter-
ally slapped on. hamper the race. It was a fearless
Slated (London Hospital, 19 cent.). trick, invented by Archer at the risk
To die. Visitors to their relations and of his life — one that Sloan imitated at
friends in hospital are only admitted theWhen
expense of hisof horse's
on certain days — until a patient is the rider a mare life.
named Nurse-
maid finished d la Sloan, the Devonshire
doomed, when he is 'slated' — that is labourer expressed his mingled surprise
to say, his name is placed on the door- and admiration at the daring of the feat.
porter's slate, in order that his rela- — D. T., 12th August 1899.
tions and friends may mention his
name, and obtain entrance to the hos- Slop-made (Australian). Dis-
pital at any reasonable hour.
Slosh the burick (Common London
Slaughter-house (Thieves'). Name Life}. Beating the wife.
for the Surrey Sessions-house. (See Slosh the old gooseberry (Low.
Steel, X.'s hall, jug.) London). Beat the wife.
Sleeps like a top (Old English).
From taupe — a mole, which is prac- Sloshiety paper (Press, 1883). A
satiric imitative, equivalent to Society
tically always in bed.
Slice off (Military). Paying part of paper — invented to attack the ' sloshy'
an old score. gushing tendency of these prints.
Sloshing around (American).
'Slife (Ancient). Catholic excla- Hitting out indiscriminately.
mation— His life. (See Odd's my life.) Slow (Cricketting). Slow ball.
Slightly tightly (Fast Life). Be- Slow curtain (Theatrical). Curtain
mused with beer ; not drunk. lowered gradually.
Sling a slobber (Low Life). To
kiss, or rather sling a kiss — the salute Slug (Thieves'). Hard drive of the
fist into a face. Probably an onoma-
itself being the slobber. tope.
Sling hook (Peoples'). Dismissal. Slumming (Soc., 1883). Visiting
From the mining districts. Refers to the poorest parts or slums of a city
a hooked bag which is hung up in with a view to self-improvement.
dressing - room, and contains such The results of a little experiment,
things as the miner does not require which has been tried with the kindly
down the shaft. When dismissed the consent of the Benchers of the Inner
miner removes his hooked bag, and Temple, are well worth the attention of
takes it away. people who interest themselves in what
Sling in (American — now English, is cynically called 'slumming'. — D. N.,
1860). Very common American verb August 1884.
to recommend action.
Slung derived
probably (Art Students'}.
from rhymeRejected—
to hung.
' Sling in your feet ', said to a break-
down dancer. Slush (Com. People}. Coffee and
' Sling us in something hot in your rag ', tea served in common coffee-house.
said to a newspaper critic. Small and early (Soc., 1877). A
Sling joints (American). Gain a carpet dance to which only a few inti-
living rather by physical than mental mates are invited. It is begun about
effort. eight and ends about eleven.
Sling over (Soc. , from Amer.). To The Earl of Northbrook had a dinner-
embrace emphatically. party at his official residence yesterday.
Smash a Brandy Peg Snapping your Head Off

A small and early party assembled after Smothering a parrot (French).

dinner.— D. N., 6th March 1884. Draining a glass of absinthe neat.
Smash a brandy peg (Military, Derived from the green colour of the
1880), Drink the spirit in question. absinthe.
Abdullah Bey would smash a brandy peg Smouge (American-English, 1880),
with any one of us, and on the present To steal — probably Dutch.
occasion quaffed his laager beer like a While grace is being said at the table,
stolid old Dutchman.— D. N., 7th May children should know that it is a breach
1884. of good breeding to smouge fruit-cakes
Smash the teapot (Street}. Break just because their parents' heads are
the abstinence pledge. bowed down. — American Comic Etiquette
for Children, 1882.)
Smash-up (Military, 1854 on).
Defeat. Snaggle-tooth (Street). Woman of
Every one who was present at the lower order, generally a shrew, who,
' smash-up ' and victory at Tamai used lifting her upper lip when scolding,
to say that no battle like it would again shows an irregular row of teeth.
be witnessed in the Soudan. — D. N,, Snake out (Amer.-Eng., 1835-40).
28th January 1885. Hunt down. From rattle-snake hunt-
Smashed (Navy). Reduced in rank. ing. Now dead in U.S.A. cities,
where the force of the verb is lost.
Smell hell through a gridiron
(American). Reference to drink- Comes from early settlers. Heard
madness. sometimes in rural England.
Smell the foot -lamps (Historic The present is a fair opportunity to
survival}. Stage-struck ; but in many snake Thompson out. — Proclamation,
ways referring to the stage. Of course Boston 1835, against the English Aboli-
referring to the whale oil lamps used tionist, Mr George Thompson, then visit-
ing America.
as the foot-lamps, where candles could
not be conveniently snuffed. Snakes (Anglo-American). Drink-
madness — delirium tremens.
Smilence (Peoples'). Word - dis- Snakes (Eng.- American, 19 cent.).
guising— with a suggested point. Danger.
Smilence, ladies, if you please. Mr Cluer asked if anybody was chasing
Smithereens, Smither's ruins the prisoner when he cried out, ' They're
(Irish). Destruction. 'Faith, I was after
The mewitness
'? replied in the negative.
smashed entirely into smithereens.' Mr Cluer : Then I suppose he saw
May be an Irish word, but .probably
snakes.— D. T., 2nd January 1900.
corruption of ' Smither's ruins ' — as Snakes alive (American). Much
typical of complete smash. Though
who Smithers may have been seems worse than snakes.
not t* be known. Snaky (A merican Backwoods).
Smoke-waggons ( W. American- Evidently suggested by the back-
English, 1890). Revolvers — pistols. woodsman associating untruth with
They certainly do carry condensed the doubtful and uncertain behaviour
smoke. of the serpent.
Smoker (Social, 1878). Club or Snakes also have the vice of developing
corps concert, where the members mendacity in the human race so con-
sing, play, and smoke, and, as a rule, spicuously that in the Far West ' snaky '
recite. is the term applied to a tale more vivid
Upon Mr A. D. Sturley and Mr M. G. than probable.— D. N., 19th February
Dearin devolved the pleasant duty of
presiding at the ' smoker '. — D. T., Snap-manager (Anglo-American).
February 1894. One who hurries a company together.
Smoking (School). Blushing. A snap-manager in Canada lately ex-
emplified the ultimate of check by asking
Smole (Word disguise). A gro- James Herne to loan him his lithographs
tesque variation of smile. to advertise the playing of a filched copy
S'mother evening (Music Hall of flerne's • Heart of Oak '.
1884). Cynical refusal. Snapping your head off (Society,
Among the items was Roberts's song, 19 cent.). Brusqueness of manner.
' S'mother evening '. — Ref., 7th June 227 Anthony Trollope seemed a singularly
1885. gruff and ponderous personage, rather
Snapping Soccer

blundering in converse, and slightly ad- S'elp me greens (Pre-reformation).

dicted to 'snapping your head off' if ' So help me, groans ' — groans being
you differed from him. — Illustrated aids to repentance after the manner of
London News (G. A. Sala), 16th Decem- Jeremiah. To-day the word has a very
ber 1882.
remarkable meaning — 'may I lose the
Snapping (Colliers'). Eating — very attributes of masculine vigour if I am
good suggestion of hungry man de- diverging from the line of rectitude.'
A close study of Balzac's Vautrin will
Snappy (Soc,, 1893 on). Attrac- throw much probable light upon
tive. Applied in all ways. phrases of this kind.
I must sand you a few lines to tell you
to take care of yourself, and be a good Here's a nice little story, and it's all
little boy, and keep out of mischief. I true, s'elp me greens. — 1883.
am going to keep the spotted jersey, and S'elp me never (Modern Low
it looks quite snappy.— D. T., 4th July London). Meaning, probably, ' May
God never help me if I lie now '
'Never', however, may be a corrup-
Sneaking-budge (Thieves'). tion of a distinct word.
Shop-lifting. (See Fielding, Jonathan
Wild.) So and so (Military). Short for
Snide and shine (E. London). Senior Ordnance Store Officer.
General description of the common So'brien (Mariners'). Corruption
Jews of the East of London by their of Sobraon, a well-known favourite
Christian brethren. Both words bear Australian steam-ship, named after
the same meaning, but taken together one of Wellington's victories. Good
are most emphatic. example of anglicizing.
Snide - sparkler ( Trade — Jewish So glad (London, 1867 on). Catch
Jewellers'). False diamond. word from William Brough's Field of
Snippety (Literature, 1890 on). the Cloth of Gold.
Journals made up of snippings from His song is as likely to take the town
other and generally ancient journals. as the French King's catch phrase, 'So
Used satirically. From the noise glad ', which was all over London twenty
made by scissors in the operation of years ago.— D. T., June 1867.
editing. So long v. Aspect.
Men-folklications,may So very human (Soc., 1880).
but thisbuyfactthenever
' snippety'
Apology, originally for conduct, but
deter women from getting copies for applied finally in so many ways that it
themselves.— D. T., 2nd October 1896. fell into disuse 1884.
Snossidge (Commonest London, An attempt to exclude foreign material
1880). A nonsense mode of pronounc- would in all probability be met by
retaliatory measures. This would not
ing sausage
' '. be a wise policy on the part of other
Snubber (Public • school). countries, but then it would be, in the
Snuff a bloke's candle (Thieves' slang
D. N., of27ththeOctober
day, 'so
1884.very human'. —
English, 18 cent.). To murder a man.
Soaked the mill (American). Sold
S'elp me, Bob (Pre-reformation). all his property through drink.
Corruption of ' So help me, Babe '. An
appeal to the mediation of the infant Soap. Girls. (See Bits o' soap.)
Soccer (Oxford Football, 1880 on).
Saviour. Following the rule of peoples' Association football — saves three
colloquial, which always finds a new
meaning for an exploded word, Bob has syllables.
here been substituted. Some writers 'Soccer', however, is an excellent
insist upon Bob being the diminutive example of Oxford minting, whether or
not she can claim the credit of its inven-
of Robert, a policeman — as though the tion. For the rule is as follows : Take
classes using such a phrase as this any word in common use ; knock the end
would ask assistance from the nearest
off and add 'er'. If it should sound
constituted authority? acceptable, it suffers no further mult a-
The City coppers can't leave the poor tion. If it is still harsh and cacophonous,
costers alone. It riles the coppers, s'elp see what it will look like by striking off
me bob, to see a cove trying to get an its head and the casual removal of an
honest living.— Cutting, 1 883. 228 intermediate syllable. All these pro-
Social E.
cesses appear to have been gone through sorry to learn that on this occasion some
in order to produce ' Soccer ' from one has blundered.— Ref., 5th July 1885.
Association. Rugby was more fortunate.
It had only a tail to lose.— D. T., 14th Something in the city (Peoples').
Evasive suggestion of doubtfulness as
August 1899. (-See Rugger.)
to the person spoken of.
Social E. (Mid. -class, 19 cent.). (Something) please (Amer.-Eng.).
Evasion of social evil.
Substitution of ' dam -well ' please.
workhouse. (Artisans'). A synonym We cannot all go to learn English
accent and style in Boston or New York,
Society journal (Soc., 1878). and must try to be intelligible without
Evasive name for a scandal-publishing hoping to be accurate or elegant. We
newspaper. are told not to say ' above his strength * ,
It seems that Mr Legge is the proud but ' beyond his strength '. We shall do
inventor of the phrase Society Journal, as we (something) please, to quote
and he may further plume himself on another Transatlantic authority. — D. N.,
having rendered it much the same service 16th April 1885.
as Hyperbolus performed for ostracism. Sooper (Theatrical). Common pro-
Probably no paper will be ambitious of
the title Society Journal after the nunciation of * super', contraction of
account which Mr Legge gave in the wit- supernumerary, the name given to the
rank and file of a theatrical company.
nes -box ofthe way in which the business
is conducted. — Sat. Rev., 21st March Sossidge - slump (Polit., 1896).
1885. Failure — derived from sossidge (a
Society journalist (Press, 1875). A German), and slump (failure or pay-out
contributor to the Society Journal. of a mine-vein), and referred to the
Society maddists (Soc., 1881). telegram of the Emperor of Germany
Term to describe people not born in in January, to President Kruger,
society, who devote their whole lives, congratulating him on repulsing Dr
and often fortunes, to get into society. Jameson's raid. This telegram made
Sodgeries (London, 1890). Latest the Germans unpopular, and caused
outcome of fisheries, colindries, etc. German trade in England to fall off
Started by Punch (April 1880). A
Military Exhibition, Chelsea Barracks. Soul -faker (Peoples', 1883). One
Soft sawder to order (Anglo- of the early names given to the
Salvationists before their value was
Amer. ). Tailor's clothes ordered and in any way recognized.
not ready made. for any
There is a fine op portunity Souper and slang
rlessly erei Watch and chain. Probably(Thieves').
the first
pulpit, and tell a few truths to those word is soup-plate from the once huge
eminent personages whose preachers size of the watch, while the second
supply them regularly with soft-sawder may be a wilful corruption of sling,
to order.— Entr'acte, 7th April 1883. because the old long chain, worn round
Soldier's farewell (Garrison). the neck would habitually sling about
1 Go to bed ', with noisy additions. a great deal.
Soldier's supper (Garrison). sickness.
Soupy (Low Peoples'). Drank to
Nothing at all — tea being the final
meal of the day.
Soured on, To be (Anglo-
Some (Anglo-American). Is this American). To dislike thoroughly.
word or not a pun ? The question put South Chicago rough (U.S.A.).
' Are you an American ? ' he will reply Typical rough of American cities.
'Some, sir'. Is this sum, Sam, or Souvenir egg (American). Ancient
some, used with satire for out and out ?
Some pumpkins (American specimen — hence cogency of ' souvenir '
farmers'). Considerable importance. always associated with time — which an
Some when (Soc., 1860-70). Some egg should never possess.
Souvenir'd (Theatrical). Gratis
Some one has blundered (Soc., picture or pamphlet, celebrating a
1860 on). Emphatic yet evasive mode centenary, or bicentenary, or even a
of complaint. From Tennyson's Charge tercentenary of a new piece or variety
of the Light Brigade. show.
I am sure the Lord Mayor will be very First anniversary of The New Boy at
Sovereign not in It Spilled in the Big Drink

the Vaudeville next Thursday, when all Sperrib (Middle-class, Loud.}. Wife
the audience will be magnificently of his bosom. Corruption of spare-rib,
' souvenired ' as the Americans now say. and derived from the legend of the
—Ref.t 17th February 1895. creation of Eve.
Sovereign not in it (Nautical).
Jaundiced — said of a man whose com- Speshul! (Street, 1884-85). Lie.
During the Soudan War the afternoon
plexion has suffered from yellow fever and evening papers were perpetually
or other illness which leaves the skin
chromy. issuing special editions with extra-
vagant news, rarely repeated in the
Spangle (Theatrical, 19 cent.). A next morning's editions.
Sphere of influence (Diplomatic,
Spank the kids (Common London). 1898). Nascent colony, range of
Figurative way of describing bad country under a foreign eye, which so
temper. (See On his ear.) far has no real locus standi. Came
out of the abortive scramble for China
Spark (Peoples'). Man of fashion.
Now and again heard in country places. (1897-1900).
Still very common in U.S.A., where it A rumour is current that France has
comes from Carolian times. Then offered the Pekin Government to sup-
chiefly used as a verb — ' to spark press the revolt, considering the southern
provinces within her sphere of influence.
about' — equal to our once common, — D. T., 14th July 1898.
'To beau about'. Evidently a figure
of speech derived from the brilliancy Spieler (Australasia, 1890 on).
and movement of a fire spark. Used Swindler.
as verb by Spenser, ' In her eyes the Spieler, it would appear, is the Anti-
fire of love doth spark.' In Prior's podean synonym for the professional
time it was quite commonly used in swindler, whose business — and pleasure
place of beau. He says ' The finest — it is to take in his fellow-man, to
whom he contemptuously applies the
sparks, and cleanest beaux.' Dryden
has ' A spark like thee, of the man- feneric term 'mug'. — D. T., 14th July
killing trade, fell sick.' Farquhar
(The Inconstant) says : ' Then the ideas Spierpon orchestra (Soc., 1885 on).
wherewith the mind is preoccupate — Public restaurant musical. This is
but this subject is not agreeable to you Spiers and Pond, and the transmuta-
sparks, that profess the vanity of the tion was due to a French musical
times. conductor, who converted his em-
Sparrer (Dustman's) (Sparrow). ployers' names into Spiere et Pon.
Finds in dust-bins — generally silver Criterion.— Grand Hall, 3s. 6d. Dinner,
spoons, thimbles, etc. at separate tables, 6 to 9, accompanied
I give you my word, sir, that I had by the celebrated Spierpon Orchestra. —
never stole — in a regler sort of way, I D. T., 8th October 1894.
mean — as much as a sixpence in my life. Spill (Jovial). Drink.
Course I had took plenty o' sparrers, Spill and pelt (Theatrical, 1830,
but that you'll own is different. — James
Greenwood, D. T., 19th October 1895.
etc.). The name given to the practical
fun at the end of each scene in the
Speak (Lower People). To court, comic portion of a pantomime. Supers
or make love. rush on with rnock vegetables, meat,
Speak a piece (American). Recite. poultry, fish, etc., spill them all, and
This phrase was taken, especially by then pelt them at each other and
Artemus Ward, from the schoolboy's altogether off the stage.
way of referring to his own oratory. Spill milk against posts (Lowest
Speak brown to-morrow (Pure Class). Extreme condemnation of the
Cockney, 1877). To get sunburnt. habits of the man spoken of.
(See Can't you feel the shrimps, Taste Spilled in the big drink (American-
the sun, See the breeze. ) English). Drowned in the Atlantic.
(See Ditch.)
Spellken (Thieves', 18 and early 19
cent.). Cock-pit. Zeus threw a thunderbolt at the rock,
Booze in the ken, or at the spellken and, as the American says, Ajax was
hustle. — Byron, Don Juan, canto xi., ' spilled in the drink '. — D. N. 8th
stanza xix. 230 August 1884.
Spin Square Up-and-Down Man

Spin (Anglo - Indian, 1800 - 50). and endearing instincts of the childish
Short for spinster — the brigades of nature. Such infantile 'sports', how-
unmarried and poor young ladies who ever, are happily rare. — D. T., 29th
December 1896.
once went out habitually to India for
husbands. Sportsman for liquor (Sporting,
Spin a cuff (Navy). Bore a mess 1882). A fine toper.
with a long, pointless story, which the We never knew what a sportsman
narrator is finally, as a rule, recom- Algernon Charles Swinburne was for his
mended to cut. liquor till we took up his last volume of
Spin the bat (Anglo-Indian, 19 poems.— Sporting Times, 1882.
cent.). Used figuratively for remark- Spot winner (Sport and People).
able military language. Lucky, or capable — perhaps both.
Spit amber (Amer., 1870). To From racing — spotting meaning
expectorate while chewing tobacco.
Spits on his hands (American). judgment.
Some of them may have 'spotted
Goes to work with a will — suggested winners ', and were perhaps reflecting
by this habit on the part of energetic pleasurably on a success which they felt
workmen when about to start work. to be much more due to their own sound
Splinters fly (American Pastoral). judgment than to mere good luck. —
D. T., 14th June 1898.
Riot — derived from the kicking experi-
ments of the mule. Spotted dog (Street Boys'). Plain
Split (Low London). Souteneur. plum-pudding — spotted dough. The
Split soda (Tavern, 1860 on). A dog here is one of the pronunciations
bottle of soda water divided between of dough — the 'h' being removed and
two guests. The 'baby' soda is for the ' g ' made hard.
' one r client Spotted duff (Street, 19 cent.).
Sponge it out (Anglo- Amer. , 1883). Another shape of spotted dog. Duff
Forget it. has always been a street pronunciation
A new phrase is destined to become of ' dough '.
popular, viz. : ' Sponge it out '.—N. Y. Spotted
Another leopard
variety (Street
of spotted dog.Boys').
Mercury, November 1883.
Spoof— oof (Theat., 1896). Money.
Mr Shine sings of Mashonaland, the notA apenny's
bad wayworth of spotted
of filling up theleopard is
space of
land of British spoof, where the niggers the internals, though spotted leopard
do the digging and the white men get may make you have to squander some
rhino in pongelow. — 1883.
the ' oof '.—People, 16th February 1896.
Spooferies (L. Peoples', 1888 on). everSpout
(See Boko.)Large mouth —
Sporting clubs of an inferior kind.
About half-past one this morning I Spread (Anglo - American). Take
was in the ' Spooferies '. — Where ? In
great, self - satisfied aims in doing
the 'Spooferies' in Maiden Lane. — People,
6th January 1895. Spring like a ha'penny knife
Spoon, Big (Amer.). An oath — (Peoples'). Floppy, dumpy, no
resilience — from the absolute want of
the origin of which is lost. Some- Sheffield perfection in the make of
' the great horn spoon '. pen-knives at sixpence the dozen.
Probably Biblical.
Rolling — roll — hold on ! By the big Sprung up (Middle - class). A
spoon you've hit it ! parvenu — in the nature of a ready-
made or self-made man.
Spooning the burick (Thieves').
Making love to a friend's wife. Spurrings ( Yorkshire — Old).
Marriage banns. Origin vague; but
1882). stuff sentimental
(London Theatres',
work, ominously suggestive of the bride-
below contempt. groom being goaded to the church-
Sport (Anglo-American, 19 cent.).
Eccentric, physical aberration, chiefly Square (Ball-room). A quadrille
relating to human beings. or lancers. (See Round. )
It is still undeniable that a child who Square up-and-down man (Amer.).
is not interested in animals, especially of Square-shouldered, upright, tall man,
the larger and wilder species, must be with no fat or superfluous flesh about
wanting in some of the most graceful him.
Squash Stand

Squash (Club and Hotel, 1877). A hangs about the market with a paltry
temperance drink of lemon, soda-water, order, and who will not deal fairly.
ice, and sugar — came into fashion dur- Squirt (L. Class, 18 cent.). Doctor.
ing a panic against spirits and, in Very suggestive of Moliere in general,
modified form, against wine. Onoma- and of Le Malade Imaginaire in par-
tope, from the noise made by pressing ticular.
the lemon.
By ten P.M., at the latest, you may be Squirt (Doubtful Soc., 1870). One
in the smoking-room of your club sipping of the onomatopoetic titles of cham-
lemon 'squash'. — lllus. London News pagne suggested by its uppishness.
(G. A. Sala), 17th February 1883. Stable Jack (Infantry). Cavalry
Squash ballads (Peace Party). — a scornful description, as intimating
Ballads prompting war and personal that the miserable man has inces-
devotion. santly to be the slave of his horse, an
The new laureate has started off on a oppression from which the happier in-
fantry man is free. (See Jack Tar,
squash ballad apropos to Jameson's stir- Jack in the water, Jack of all trades,
up. — London Correspondent of N. Y.
Clipper, January 1896. Hulking Jack, Dona Jack. )
Squasho (American — pasting into Stable mind (Soc.). Devoted to
land). Negro — a title probably
Stage, To (American, 1860). To
resulting from the negro's love of stage a piece is to put a piece on the
melons, pumpkins, squashes, etc. stage.
Squat (Com. London). A seat —
probably derived from squatter. Stagger (American, 1883). Effort.
Squat on (American). To oppose. Staked out (Mining, 1880 on).
Divided, measured.
Squeaker, The (Press, '90 's). Bur- When the first discovery of gold was
lesque name given to the paper called
The Speaker— a, journal of representa- made at Klondyke, in August 1896, the
tive Radicalism. creek was staked off from end to end in
Squealer (Fenian, 1867, etc.). In- claims— D. T., 21st July 1897.
former. Stalked unchecked (American ori-
gin). Freed from the attentions of
Squeejee (Streets'). Mud -clearer; the criminal classes. Satirically said
plate of vulcanized india-rubber fixed
at right angles to a long handle. to have been invented by a West
Onomatope — the cleaner in question U.S.A. criminal upon being about to
actually saying the word now and be lynched, and in reference to the
again. villain public, who moved around him
We were more than once awakened by without being ordered by him to hold
the avalanche of the deck bucket and i T • 1 f *

the noise of sandpaper and 'squeejee '.— The thieving and ruffianism of Moscow
D. N., 27th April 1897. took its country holiday ; and at the
Coronation and its attendant festivities
Squeezability (Polit., 1884). Poli-
tical pressure. Word invented long respectability, in the bitter words of the
since, but only accepted politically Western American desperado, 'stalked
about 1884. unchecked '.— D. T., 29th April 1897.
They could not realise the change Stall off (Peoples'). Damp, impede,
which the Franchise Act had made in hinder, warn.
the counties ; or they believed too im- Stall-pots (Theatrical). Occupants
plicitly in the squeezability of the of the stalls. Applied by the gods
newly - enfranchized electors. — D. N., derisively to these well-dressed patrons
3rd December 1885. of the drama.
Squeeze-box (Navy). The ship Stalwarts (Conservatives', 1886).
harmonium — used in the hasty Sun- Satirical name for Radicals, used by
day service. From the action of the Mr Chamberlain seriously ; accepted
feet. satirically by Conservative party.
Squilde (L. Class, 1895-96). Term
of street chaff. Word designed from of Stamps (Thieves'). Boots— a sort
a Christian name and a surname Stand (Colloquial— all Classes). Pay
for — only used in a general way for
Squint (S. Exchange). Man who drink or eatables.
Stand Pat Stem-Winder

Stand pat (American, 1860). Satis- (Beggars' Opera) : ' If you doubt it, let
fied. Taken from a game of cards me stay and be hanged.'
called poker. ' Stand pat ' means, ' I Steal thunder (Soc., Hist.). An-
have got sufficient cards— go ahead !' nexing another man's idea, or work,
Stand-up supper (Society, 1860). without remunerating him, and to
About this date the ' stand-up ' ball your own advantage. Said to be de-
supper came into vogue — probably as rived from —
the result of modern medical condem- John Dennis, a play-writer in the 17th
nation of late feeding. Necessarily century, who invented stage thunder for
more economical than its antithesis — a piece of his own which failed. But the
the sit-down supper. It took im- manager translated
another piece. Dennis's
It was highlythunder into
mensely, so that very rapidly the term when Dennis started up in the pit, and
came to suggest anything of a mean
and paltry character. cried out to the audience : ' They won't
act my piece, but they steal my thunder.
Star company (Theatrical). A Hence the origin of the phrase.
wandering dramatic company, com-
posed of one well-known person and Steam on the table (Workmen's,
a number of nobodies, all of whom 18 cent. on). Boiled joint — generally
steaming, on Sunday.
appear in but one piece, as a rule, Steel v. Bastile.
with which they travel.
A popular local leading lady writes for Steeple Jack (Builders'). Climber
information regarding a Mr Henry C. of steeples and shafts for fixing scaf-
Warren, of Troy, N. Y., who is alleged folding when repairs are required.
to load recognized actresses with propo- Steeplechase (Sporting and Soc.).
sitions to take them starring next season. Direct line, defying and overcoming
all obstructions.
— N. Y. Mercury, February 1884.
Stars and stripes (New fork). Mr Fowler was one of the oldest inha-
bitants ofAylesbury, not forgetful of the
Contemptuous phrase applied by the historic cross-country ride to Aylesbury
younger New York society to the church-steeple from Waddesdon Wind-
Puritanic habits still clinging to New mill, which gave the name to the very
England, and above all to Boston. modern sport called steeplechasing. I
It refers to the solemn Sunday cold apprehend that the name of steeplechase
dinner of the ' hub ' of the universe, arose from Aylesbury Church steeple
which distinctively consists — or did being the goal of the famous race, in
consist — of cold boiled belly of pork which Mr Peyton acted as starter, the
(stripes) and Boston beans (stars). Marquis of Waterford, of facetious
memory was nearly drowned, Jem
New Englanders are proud of their Mason finished third with Prospero, and
national dish of pork and beans, eaten
Captain Beecher won on Vivian. — D. N.,
cold on Sundays in Boston, and deri- 13th July 1885.
sively called ' stars and stripes ' in New
York.— D. N., 13th July 1883. Steever's worth of copper (Streets',
Start a jolly (Theatre and Music E. Lond.). One penny — from Stuyver.
Hall). To lead the applause, and Stellar (American- Eng., 1884 on).
effect a diversion in favour of a given Leading toLatin shape of ' starring ' in
relation acting.
State tea (Soc., 1870). Tea at William Terriss and Miss Millward, of
which every atom of the family plate is London, and their company made their
exhibited. Name probably suggested stellar debtit at Niblo's garden to a toler-
ably good
October attendance. — N. Y. Mercury,
by State ball. (See Five o'clock tea.)
States can be saved without it
Stellardom (Anglo • American —
(Pol., 1880). Condemnation. Origin Theatrical). The condition of being
not known. a star, or leading actor or actress.
In short, Mr Stephenson may be ad- Impossible to form a company of actors
vised to take away SSverine. States can and actresses who have not sought the
be saved without it.—Ref., 10th May divorce courts, and who do not aspire to
1885. stellardom.— N. Y. Mercury, November
Stay and be hanged (Peoples').
Still h«ard amongst lower middle-class. Stem -winder (American — Liver-
Probably started by Captain Macheath pool). Keyless watch.

Steps (Low. London, 19 cent.}. She was the real Stilton, I can tell
Thick slices of bread and butter, over-
laying each other on a plate — thus (See Cheshire.)
suggesting the idea of a flight of steps. Stinker (Working Boys'). Penny
Stern ambition (City. 1898). De- cigars. Frequently so named in
taverns. Also the most emphatic
termination. Brought in by Mr H.
Bottomley in speech (1st June 1889) : term
herring.for the high - smelling dried
I will invite you to pass the necessary
resolutions for getting the Market Trust Stir-about (Peoples'}. Pudding or
out of the trouble into which it has got, porridge made by stirring the ingre-
and out of which it will be my own very dients— generally oatmeal or wheat-
stern ambition, as well as that of my flour — when cooking. (See Hasty
colleagues, to extricate you at the very pudding and Turn-round pudding.)
earliest possible moment.
Stir up (Peoples'). Equivalent to
Stick a bust (Thieves', 19 cent.). beat up in society. To visit on the
Commit a burglary. spur of the moment.
Mr Paul Taylor : What were his exact Stolypin's necktie (Europ. Politics,
words? 1897). The final halter. This term
Witness: I am going to 'stick a was brought into fashion in 1907
(Nov. -Dec.), at a Duma then recently
Mr ' Paul Taylor: What does that
bust. assembled in St Petersburg. One
mean ?
Rodicheff, an extreme Radical, brought
Detective-sergeant Fitzgerald : Com- in the term on 30th November 1907. a burglary.— D. T., 28th December Stone and a beating (Sporting, 18
Stick and bangers (Sporting). cent.). The speaker offers to weight
himself with 14 Ibs. avoirdupois, and
Billiard cue and balls. A phrase then outrun his opponent.
having also an erotic meaning.
Canis vulpis is, as a rule, able to give,
S t i c k i n g s (Lower Peoples' ). intellectually speaking, and in language
Butchers' cuttings laid on a board, to germane to the matter, ' a stone and a
which they clammily cling. (See beating ' to the majority of his pursuers.
Door and hinge, Hyde Park railings.) — D. N., 4th February 1885.
Sticks (Navy and Army). Stop-gap (Theatr.). Piece rushed
Drummer. on between a failure and the produc-
Still (Anglo - American). Quiet tion of a carefully -prepared new piece
drunkard. or new arrival.
After the first act The Denhams was
Still still.
Quite as a mouse But a(Peoples',
mouse 18is cent.).
never well received, the adaptor receiving a
still ! Good example of a bad transla- call ; but, except as a stop-gap, we do
tion. No doubt from the half- Dutch not think it will prove of much service to
Court of William III. Mr Rees the management. — Re/., 21st February
(U.S.A.) says very keenly : 1885.
Expressive of noiseless action. The Stop -gap administration (Polit.,
1885). The Conservative Government
Dutch phrase is evidently its origin : formed June 1885. Name given by
A Is stille als in hose, i.e., as still as
Mr J. Chamberlain (17th June 1885).
one in his stockings — a listener. Stork, Visit from the (Soc., 1880
Or it may be, ' Still as Amos '— on). Arrival of a baby. From the
though what Amos is beyond ken. German.
Still he is not happy (London, She was in the habit of receiving visits
1870 on). Satire shot at a man whom from the Stork — as the Germans put it
nothing pleases or satisfies. to the children — by which it is meant
In 1870, a catch phrase used by Mr J. that she occasionally presented her
L. Toole in a burlesque at the Gaiety husband with an infant.— D. T., 15th
February 1897.
Theatre, ' Still I am not happy', enjoyed
for some months considerable accept- Stote-an'-bottle (N. York Theatre).
ance among sportive youths in the metro- Audience who neither applaud nor
1894. politan thoroughfares.— D. T., 28th July laugh. Probably corruption from
Stilton (Peoples', 1850 on). Dis- We had but a stote-an'-bottlish crowd
tinction. Synonym for cheese (see). last night.
Stow Stuffed Monkey

In the end I agreed to charge him

bestow. (Streets'}. Abbreviation of 26s. per week, and we then struck the
of Strad (Musicians').
Stradivarius violin. Abbreviation
Strike a bright (Peoples'). Have a
Straight (Theatr.). happy thought.
In the United States the expression Strike legislation (Amer. -Eng.t
1897). Enforced bribery of legislators
'straight* is very generally used in — the pressure being applied by the
theatrical circles to signify a part in
which the actor or actress has but to be legislators themselves — to burke en-
him or herself upon the stage. quiriesSir,
.' this is not fair trading ;
Straight as they make 'em (Lon- it is nothing less than strike legisla-
don Streets, from America). Upright tion.' Known slightly in England.
and honest. Strike me pink (Soc., 18 cent. on).
Straight bit o' goods (Streets', 1870 Literally an exclamation to declare
on). A young woman of good char- truthfulness. Cover me with my own
acter. (See Loose bit o' goods.) blood. Sometimes God, etc. From
Straight drinking (Low. London, duelling times — when to pink was not
19 cent.). Drinking without sitting so much to pierce as to draw blood.
down — bar-drinking. Strike oil (American — becoming
Straight up and down the mast
(Irish). Calm. An Irish sailor's way English). To be successful. 'I've
of describing a calm — when the mast struck oil at last.' This expression
comes from the paraffin districts of
is fairly perpendicular. North America, where sometimes
Strapped (Amer. ). Without money numerous expensive artesian borings
— possibly suggested by the impossi- are made without the least success.
bility ofremoving when without money,
as when strapped and bound. Strike us up a gum tree (Low.
London). Bring to grief.
Straps (Streets'). Sprats. One of Yes, and strike us up a gum tree, she
the rhyming shapes of passing English.
Street yelp (Low. Class, 1884). says, if you
bloaters for won't her teagiveinstead
her sardines and
of winkles
Evolution of passing street cry, such
she'll go back to her old man. — 1850.
as ' Walker ', ' Does your mother know Australian — probably meaning
you're out?' Every few weeks some ' terrible '. The gum tree is enor-
new street yelp is invented, and eagerly
taken up as a substitute for wit by mously high, 100 feet of clear, smooth
trunk without a branch, so that a man
the class that enjoys these things.
Stretch (Navy). Outstay leave. up a gum tree could not descend
without help.
Stretch his breeches (Peoples'). Stricken field (Soc., 1898). Field
Said of a boy who has been thrashed.
It comes down from the time when the where' lie the vanquished. Term
found in several poets. Re-introduced
tight leather breech might be fairly upon the fall of Omdurman in the
said to be stretched when flattened.
autumn of this year.
Stretcher, The (Irish). Layer out
of dead men. Colonel Holden's happy idea of
organizing in the museum of the Royal
Stretching (Anglo- American, 1895). United Service Institution an exhibition
Helping oneself at table without the
help of servants. of the trophies brought home from ' the
stricken field ' of Omdurman has brought
a vast number of visitors to see the
Strict Q.T. (Peoples', 1870). The
letters being the first and last of collection.— D. T., 25th November 1898.
' quiet '. The phrase is an invocation Struguel (Peoples'). Struggle.
to secrecy.
Strike (Anglo-Amer.). To come Stuck up (American - English).
across a person, or thing. Moneyless — very figurative expression
Strike a bargain (Sporting, 18 derived from being * stuck up ' by
cent.). To conclude it by the act of highwayman, after which you have
no money left in your pocket.
striking the butt ends of the riding
whips of the seller and buyer as a Stuff. Girl. (See Bit o' stuff.)
mutual agreement — equal to the Stuffed monkey (Jewish Lond.).
stipulation of the Roman buyer and A very pleasant close almond biscuit.
seller, who exchanged straws. 235 Now the confectioner exchanges his
Stun Sun, Been in the

stuffed monkeys, and his bolas ... for The next time Mr Biggar thinks fit to
unleavened pa lavas, etc. — Zangwill, leave these shores, perhaps he will try to
Children of the Ghetto. be less fascinating, bearing in mind that
Stun (Reversed word). Nuts. women are weak and not always able
Sub (Editorially). Abbreviation of to wrestle successfully with the blandish-
subject. Very common in U.S.A. ments of such a Lothario. 'Such a
With Captain Williams, her namesake, dawg ! '—Entr'acte, 17th March 1883.
as chairman, would be the judges here. Suck
The Mercury will be pleased to hear wait on thethecab-rank
mop (Cabmem').
for a job. To
from Mrs Williams on this sub. — N. Y. The man who gives his horse a rest on
Mercury, May 1885. the rank is, in cabmen's phraseology,
Sub rosa (Soc. ). In secret. Some- 'sucking the mop'. — D. N., 10th June
' the rose '. Used by the
author of Junius's Letters as his motto, Sucker (American). A young and
the rose being above. Confounded confiding youth.
with ' under the rows ' — a sort of rebus. Suffolk punches (Provincial).
When houses were built floor out Descriptive name for Suffolk folk,
above floor, so that the ground floor much on all fours with Norfolk
was some feet within the front of the dumplings. A punch is a comfortable
garrets, talkers, say lovers, could not kind of cob-like horse. This is rather
be seen from the floors above — there- a complimentary term.
' the rows ' (rows of super- Sugar (Low. Class). Grocer.
There posed still jutting floors)(1907)
exists implied
in 'London,
secretly '.a Sugar-shop (Electioneering). Money
shop, literally ; but figuratively a head
group of 'rows', forming the north centre of bribery.
side of Staple Inn (Holborn) — where it
can be seen that a maiden on the first Suggestionize (Legal, 1889 on).
floor might almost shake hands, from To prompt.
the window, with a grenadier on the Many witnesses were called to establish
pavement, while from the second floor, his identity, and for the defence it was
an observer could not catch a glimpse alleged that these people might have
been ' suggestionized ' by the influence
of the military heels ' under the rows '. of the crime on their minds. — D. T.,
The rose, a symbol of silence, gave rise 16th October 1896.
to the phrase, ' under the rose ', from the Suitable for electioneering pur-
circumstance of thewhich
consecrated roses, Pope'swere
placed poses (Polit., Historic.). Bad eggs.
over confessionals to denote secrecy, From the exercise of projecting them
whilst others contend that the old Greek at antagonistic candidates.
custom of suspending a rose over the Leather Lane supplies the greater pro-
guest table was employed as an emblem portion of the eggs, and if not to be
that the conversation should not be
classified as 'suitable for electioneering
repeated elsewhere. — Cutting. purposes', would probably be of that
Sub rosa look (Anglo - Amer.). order curtly set forth as ' eggs ', without
Doubtful aspect. Perversion of the
Latin proverb. any subtle grading as 'Fresh laid',
June 1898. or ' Cooking '.—D. T.t 27th
The business had a sub rosa look
throughout. — Newsp. Cutting. Sum. (See Some.)
Submerged tenth (Soc.t 1890 on). Summer, Another (Devonshire
Tenth of London, which is always in chiefly). Butterfly — generally the
utter poverty. Originated by General first - seen ' Oh ! — here's another
Booth. First accepted satirically but
summer ! ' Very poetic. Remarkable
now quite received as a serious phrase. that Devonshire offers most of the
If the population of London is reckoned poetic phrases. (See Any birds can
roughly at 4,000,000 and ' the submerged build in my bonnet.)
tenth ' — as the phrase goes — is taken as
the basis of the calculation of recipients, Sun, Fine
in of the (Peoples').
400,000 meals will have to be given, and Drunk. speech. Drink
at a shilling a head £20,000 at least will and hot sun both produce red face.
be required.— World, May 1897. Good example of double entendre, or
Such a dawg (Theatrical, 1888). rather perhaps of direct satire by
Tremendous masher. First used by indirect means,
E. Terry in a Gaiety burlesque. ' I see you've been in the sun, Tom ! '
Sun over the Fore-Yard Swipe

Sun over the fore-yard (Navy). Swear off (American — passing to

Evasive mode of observing that So- JEng.). To abandon, in relation to
and-so is pretty well dead drunk. drinking habits.
Sunclear (Lit., 1885). Very clear. Swearing apartment (Tavern).
What there is in Royal subjects to The street.
paralyze the genius of a painter we fail Sweat (Thieves'). To unsolder a
to divine, but it is sunclear that Mr tin box by applying fire, or a blow-
Haag could no more resist this un-
fortunate influence than the greater
Landseer — D. N., 10th November 1885. Sweater ( Work-peoples'). One who
* middles ' between the manufacturer,
Sunday (Soc.). To pass Sabbath pipe.
or tradesman, and the worker. He is
with a given person. answerable for the value of the work,
Sunday face (Irish). Holiday and is therefore preferred to the worker
countenance. himself. The middle levies a heavy
Sunday - flash - togs (Street). blackmail upon the worker. Probably
Sabbath garments. he pays no more than 50 per cent,
A Sunday-flash-togs young man, to the worker of the money he receives
A pocket-of-hogs young man, from the tradesman.
A save-all-his-rhino,
To cut-a-big-shine, oh, In the second number of the Charity
Will soon-have-a-pub young man. Organisation Review there is a short
— Parody of a song in Patience, 1880. account of a co-operative needlework
Sunrise London (London). East experiment, the object of it being to
London. emancipate poor workwomen from the
And, indeed, it cannot be denied that 'sweaters'.— D. N., 21st February 1885.
what has ofbeenthespoken Sweeping up (Boer War, 1899-
division great ofmetropolis
as the ' sunrise
has of'1900). Grew out of the end of the
late years been greatly favoured. Thanks war, when the dispersed Boers harassed
mainly to the advocacy of the most the English very much.
influential of the newspaper press, the Though the time has come when
aspect of the whole poverty-stricken Volunteers, Yeomen, and Guards should
area, in its length and breadth, from the be sent home, there is still a good deal
Minories to Mile End, and from Spital- of sweeping up to be done in the
fields to Shadwell, has been vastly Transvaal.— D. T., 2nd October 1900.
improved.— Z>. T., 30th July 1896. (See Dusting.)
Surrey side (London, exclusive}.
Transpontine portion of London. The Sweeps and saints (City, 19 cent.).
Stockbrokers and their surrounders,
northern portion of London bounded
by the Thames, and especially the from the First of May (Sweeps' Day)
more western quarters, have always and the First of November (All Saints'
Day) being holidays on the Exchange.
spoken of this division of the metro- Sweet waters (W. England).
polis (Southwark and Lambeth) to the
Illicit spirit made from the residue
south of the Thames, as the ' Surrey of the cider press. Fearfulest drink in
side '. the world. Term well known in all
Susanside (Idiot Phrasing}.
Suicide. the apple counties.
Swell donas (Low Life). Great
Sussex sow (Hampshire). Prob- ladies — in their way.
ably a return compliment for the
name of Hampshire hog (q.v.). Swell donas lushes up on port wine, and
Swagger man (Soc. ,1880). Person that sort of pizon.
of position. Used rather with praise Swig Day (Jesus College, Oxford).
than not. St David's Day— so called because a
Swaller a sailor (Port and drink called swig, composed of spiced
Harbour). Get drunk upon rum. ale, wine, toast, etc., is dispensed out
Swallered the anchor (Marine). of an immense silver-gilt bowl holding
Said of a sailor who comes home, ten gallons, and served by a ladle of
loafs, and does not show signs of going half-pint capacity — presented to the
to sea again. college in 1732 by the then SirWatkin
Williams Wynn.
Swank (Printers'). Small talk,
lying. Swipe (Thieves', 18 cent.). Steal-
Swanny (American Provincial). ing. When silk pocket handkerchiefs
237 (Indian bandannas) were used by all
Corruption of ' swear now '.
Sworn at Highgate Table Part

men of position and were worth steal- Probably means 'harmony of treat-
ing (see Dickens's ' Oliver Twist ')—
they were called * Wipes ' — hence to
'Swipe a Wipe' was to steal a ment '. dispensing
amongst (Druggists'). A trade
chemists word
for money.
Sworn at Highgate (Peoples').
Convenient asseveration whereby the
declarant undertakes never to accept
anything offered while he can obtain
a better. The phrase took the shape
of a coloured cartoon in 1796, when
it was published (12th September) by
Laurie and Whittle of 53 Fleet Street.
A good impression of this print is now T. O. (Printers'). Turn-over, short
to be found at the Old Gate House, at for a turn-over apprentice from one
master to another.
the top of Highgate Hill— the locale of
the toll-gate — where the swearing at T. and O. (Sporting, 1880). New
form of 2 to 1.
Highgate was held to be only properly
administered. The oath-taker is ac- The betting to-night (Saturday) against
companied bya herald who holds aloof the Empire's chance of getting the music
the significant horns, which are re- hall licence is two and one (t & o). — Ref..
4th August 1887.
produced inletter-form on the front of
the tavern before which the operation T. W. B. F., also C. W. D.
is completed. The ' maid ' pins mean- (New York). Mystic initials under-
while a ragged clout to his coat-tail, stood in certain New York society; but
while the mistress waits with a foam- quite beyond the outer world. Placed
ing pot of beer, or rather gallon at the foot of invitations, only one of
measure, for the garnishing of every- these two series is used. When the
body after the oath is complete. This recipient is a gentleman the arcana
declaration runs as follows :— are T. W.are B.
masonics C. F.
W. ; D.while the lady's
* Pray, sir — lay your right hand on T. W. K. (Military, Anglo-Indian,
this Book, and attend to the Oath —
1840 on). Condemnatory initials of
you swear by the Rules of Sound Judg-
ment that you will not eat Brown ' Too well-known '.
Bread when you can have White, Tab (L. C.). The ear, amongst
tailors and other workmen.
except you like the Brown the better ;
that you will not drink Small Beer Tabby meeting (London). May
when you can get Strong, except you meeting of the evangelical party at
like the Small Beer better — but you Exeter Hall (Strand, London — now
will kiss the Maid in preference to the turned to other uses). Probably con-
Mistress, if you like the Maid better — traction ofTabitha — generic name for
so help you Billy Bodkin. Turn round quakerly persons.
and fulfil your oath.' Table beer (Peoples'). Poor beer.
Commonly applied to any ordinary
Sympathetic truth (Art, 1890 on). thing or proceeding.
True, but not too true — some con- The Spartan hosts entertained the
cession to the artistic ideal.
visitor with cold beef, table beer, cheese,
Mr J ames S. Hill has less experience, and pickles.— D. N., 6th November 1884.
less power, perhaps, of making or seeing Table companions (Oxford). Men
a picture, than some of his friendly rivals ;
but few, if any, of them surpass him in of the same College are called ' table
the sympathetic truth with which he companions' in one of the reports,
renders some of the less obvious, the less which we take to be analogous to the
showy aspects of nature. — D. T., 4th ' stable companions ' of our sporting
January 1896. contemporaries, and in certain cases
Synagogue (Covent Garden, 1890 are said, somewhat unintelligibly, to
on). Shed in the north-east corner of make the running for one another.
' the Garden '. So called from this Table part (Theatrical). R61e
place (erected 1890) being wholly which is played only from the waist
' run ' by Jews. upwards, and therefore behind a table.
Synthetic breadth (Art, 1890 on). 238 Term in association with the protean
Table-Talk Take Gruel Together

entertainer, and the quick change teas. The King relegated drawing-
artiste. rooms to the late evening.
Tail-twisting (American, 19 cent.).
The whole of the ' table parts ', as
they were called, were, as usual, by Worrying England — figuratively,
Charles Mathews himself, but he was twisting the tail of the British lion.
relieved in the dramatic acts by Yates, Generally a political process in order
who undertook a series of rapid changes to deflect the conviction of the voter.
of dress and character then originally We must, of course, be prepared for a
introduced.— D. T., 10th March 1897. little ' tail the
-twisting ' fromconcerns
time tointime
Table-talk (Soc., 1883). Talk whenever domestic the
bordering on the unkind. States are turning out uncomfortably for
In summer we have the new pictures, the party in power.— 17th October 1896.
and some critics will say 'the old are Taits (Church). Moderate clergy-
better'. But they are not better stuff men— from their following in the foot-
to table-talk, because spite can get little steps of Dr Tait, Archbishop of
pleasure out of condemning Sir Joshua Canterbury, who sought, vainly, to
or Rubens.— D. N., 1st February 1884. assimilate all parties. (See Anglican
Tabled (American Legislation). inch,
Short for placed on the table. church. St ) Alban's clean shave, No
Mr Forster spoke the other day of the
amendments on the English Education Taj (Boys'}. Lucious, ripping.
Bill which he had just ' tabled ', meaning Take (Printers'}. The bit of copy
which he had just laid on the table. — the printer's compositor ' takes ' at one
D. N., 1st February 1884. time.
Taboo (Soc., 19 cent.}. Prohibited, Take a curtain (Theatrical, 1880).
forbidden. Sacred, not to be touched. Appear before the curtain in answer to
sufficient applause.
The King of Dahomi is not allowed so
much as to see the gold in the Fetish Written in Sand was well received, and
House where the remains of his dead Broughton had to 'take a curtain'. —
forefathers lie. That gold is taboo. — Re/., 31st August 1884.
D. N., 22nd July 1887. (See Curtain - taker, Lightning
Tabs (Theatrical}. Ageing women. curtain-taker, Fake a curtain. )
Abbreviation of Tabby, one of the Take a squint (Low. Class). Look.
common names for the cat, always
associated with ancient women. * Take a squint at the donah, now ! '
(See Cast an optic.)
— from Seamens'). Take a trip (Trade). To discharge
Tacking end
Obtaining (Peoples'by roundabout means, oneself from a situation — which act
from the mode of sailing against wind would be followed by movement search-
by zigzag courses. May be from tact. ing for a new situation.
Take and give (C. L., rhyming).
Tacks (Art}. Artist's apparatus.
From tackle, taken from angling. ' Live ', generally referring to man and
Tadpoles (American). People of wife.
Take care of (Police). To arrest.
Mississippi — probably from the super- Take care of dowb (Political, 1855).
abundance ofwater there.
Tail out (Amer.-Eng., 1880). To New reading of Take care of No. I.
run away, scuttle, bolt. From the Take gruel (Low. Classes). To die
tail of birds and animals being last — from the fact that gruel general
seen as they retreat. accompanies any long illness which
ends in death.
Next I made out a brown thing, seated
on the table in the centre, and in another Take gruel together (Low Life,
moment when my eyes grew accustomed 1884). To live together as man and
to the light, and I saw what these things wife. Derived from a case where a
were_I was tailing out of it as hard as housekeeper to an eccentric clergyman
my legs could carry me. — Haggard, King was
Solomon's Mines. from 'want
inquested ' as theattendance.
of medical result of death
Tail tea (Soc., 1880 to death of police newsmonger put a severe con-
Victoria). The afternoon tea following struction upon the case.
royal drawing-rooms, at which ladies ' They took their gruel together ! '
who had been to court that afternoon, This is a charming euphemism per-
petrated byan old clergyman to explain
appeared in their trains — hence tail 239
Take In Tamaroo

his relations with an elderly female who ment where the wife is a shrew, and
lived alone in his house with him. ' We by scolding draws attention to the
take our gruel together ! ' is likely to domus. The removal of the number
become a fashionable expression. — Rsf., would make the cottage less dis-
14th December 1884.
Take in (Anglo-American, 1882). Take the pastry (Amer.). Lead.
Patronize — from taking in papers. Take the tiles off (Soc.). Extreme
Take it fighting (American- Eng., extravagance.
1880). Be courageous, antithesis of He flings his money about with a lavish
take it lying down. recklessness, sufficient to take, as they
But if we intend ' to take it fighting ', say, the tiles off the roof of a house. —
then the most ordinary economy and Truth, May 1878.
plain sense demand that the construction
Taken in and done for (Peoples',
and supply of the proper depots be com- 1880 on). Absorbed.
5th Marchmenced1885.
without an hour's delay. — D. N.,
As it is, they are literally ' taken in
and done for'. They visit a theatre,
Take it lying down (American- where they have no notion that the
Eng., 1880). To be cowardly — on the presence of tobacco-smoke will be felt,
basis that a self-respecting fighter will and find themselves only separated by a
not strike a prostrate enemy. curtain from a saloon where noxious
If we mean to ' take it lying down ', cigarettes poison the atmosphere. —
like the preacher threatened by Colonel Entr'acte, 1883.
Quagg — then every penny we spend on Take time by the forelock
the volunteers, and every hour they give
to drill, is so much wanton waste. — (Peoples'). Be in time — probably
D. N., 5th March 1885. suggested by long forehead tuft of
hair, now and again worn by old
Take my Bradlaugh (Peoples', men. Certainly time is always repre-
1883). New phrase for 'take my sented with one tuft on the head.
oath'. Humorously, or perhaps Taken stripes (U.S.A.). Equi-
satirically adopted at the time when valent to our ' wears the broad arrow '.
Mr Charles Bradlaugh's name was Evasion in reference to an U.S.A. state
intimately associated with the Affirma-
tion Bill. prisoner.
After 4th July the convicts with a good
Take off corner pieces (Com. record in the Kansas State Penitentiary
Classes). To beat another, generally will wear suits of cadet grey instead of
one's wife. (See Knock off corners.) striped suits.— D. T., 4th June 1897.
Take off my coat (Street). Taken to the stump (Polit.).
Challenge to fight. (See Blood or Public oratory. From the tree stump
Beer.) on which the wandering puritans
Take soles off your shoes (Anglo- preached. Good example of freedom of
American). To surprise utterly. opinion, existing long since in England,
when wayside stumps could be used
'But ah, my dear sir,' with another
engaging smile which took the soles off as points for public speaking.
the shoes of the interviewer, ' I did not According to our correspondent at
know what was coming. I did not know Sofia, General Kaulbars has now taken
what that initiation really was.' — N. Y. to the stump.— D. N., 4th October 1886.
Mercury, 1884. Talk by a bow (Com. London,
Take the egg (American). To 1860-82). Periphrase of quarrel.
win. Talk to his picture (Suffolk
Take the flour (American. -Eng., Peoples'). Admonish so gravely that
1885). Outcome of Take the cake, the admonished one will be no more
which was followed by Take the bun. able to speak than could his portrait.
There is a woman in Fargo who takes Tall 'un (Com. Life). Pint of coffee,
the flour.— N. Y. Mercury, 1885.
half a pint being a short 'un.
Take the kettle (Com.). Obtain Tall weeping (Amer., 1883). Deep
the prize. It is said at one time a
kettle was the reward (U.S.A.), of Tamarinds (Chemists'). Sometimes
village spelling bees. used by chemists for 'money'. Not
Take the number off the door grief.
Tamaroo (Irish). Noisy.
(Peoples'). Said of a domestic establish- 240 general.
Tammany Tec, Teck

Tammany (American • Eng., 19 Taste of his quality (Peoples', 19

cent}. Bribery — from Tammany Hall, cent. ). Obvious. From the prize ring.
a place where for forty years the Widely applied.
corrupt manipulators of the munici- A fair ' taste of his quality ' is afforded
pality of New York have held their by a comparison between pp. 40 and 43.
meetings. John Storm, who has become curate to a
Not long ago there was an election on Canon of an outrageously caricatured
the other side of the water, and we were type of worldliness, is being taken by
all full of contemptuous denunciation of him to call upon one of his lady
Tammany. What was this but Tammany ? parishioners, etc. — D. T. (Grit. The
This was a Tammany Government. — Christian), 1898.
D. T., 14th December 1897. Taste the sun (Cockney, 1877).
Tandem (Cambridge, 1870 on). Used as an intensifier by Londoners
Long. Used in speaking of a tall man. out in the country for the day. (See
Tangle - leg (Anglo - Amer.). Speak brown to-morrow, Can't you
Whisky. Derivation obvious. feel the shrimps, See the breeze.)
Tangle - monger (Soc., 19 cent.). Tatur-trap (Irish, 19 cent.). The
Application of word ' monger '. Speaks mouth ; tatur being short for potato.
for itself— an individual, generally a Tax -fencer (Com. Lond., 1878).
woman, who fogs and implies every- Disreputable shopkeeper — as distinct
thing. from the honest pusher.
Tanky (Navy). Foreman or captain
of the hold — which looks like a tank. Tea and toast struggle (Peoples').
Said of Wesleyan tea-meetings where
Tannery (Anglo-American, 1880). the supply is rarely adequate to the
Large boots— also absolute reference to demand.
feet almost as capacious.
Tanter go (Provincial, Mid. Hist.). Tea and
cent.). turn out way
A roundabout (Peoples', 19
of saying
End, finish, departure. May be from there is no supper.
Catholic times, and the 'Tantum Tea in a mug (Irish). Suggestive
Ergo' — the last division of a mass. of bad breeding.
Tap from
blow, (Peoples'). the nose. Draw Derived
blood, byfroma Tea -bottle (Mid. -class). An old
the beer barrel. maid — from the ordinary drink of
Before the magistrate one of them ex- spinsters.
plained that they were simply engaged Tea-kettle purgers (L. London).
in a friendly, good-humoured contest, Total abstainers. 'Purgers5 would
the one whose nose got 'tapped' first appear to be a reminiscence of attacks
paying for a round of beer for the com- upon Puritanism.
pany.— D. T., 19th July 1897. Tea-pot (Peoples'). Total abstainer.
Taper (Polit.). Seeker after profit- This phrase is a reduction of tea-pot
able office. Abbreviation of Red sucker.
Taper — from the colour of official tape. Tea-pot ('Varsities, 1880). Tea
We have our Tadpoles and our Tapers, party — antithesis of wine (q.v.).
it is true, and our greedy party -men About this year the more earnest life
clamouring for rewards, but our dis- at the universities then commencing
appointed seekers after job, place and took as one shape that of temperance.
pay do not snarl and fight for their prey
in public like hungry dogs over a bone. Tea-room party (Parliament, 1866).
— D. T., 27th April 1897. A Radical party in the House of
Commons, whose members first fore-
Tare an' ouns (Irish - English).
gathered in the tea-room. Gladstone
Corruption of ' Tear and wounds ' — and Bright were in favour of some
created when wounds rhymed with
limitation of the franchise, one which
pounds. (See Oons, Zounds?)
Tart (Street, 1884). A common would exclude the so-called residuum,
and it was proposed to draw a line
girl — the outcome of * Bit of jam ' somewhere above household suffrage
(q.v.). Also a rhyming phrase —
pure and simple. Hereupon forty-eight
agreeing with 'sweet heart'. (See Radicals held a meeting in the tea-
Banbury. ) room of the House of Commons.
I have to do my needlework
To make myself look smart, Teatchgir (Coster). Right.
ButI found yesterday a littleI'm tart.
glad to say cutTec,
down Teck after (Peoples').
an ordinary Detective-
Teeth-Drawing That kind of Thing will not answer

I'm told that Jack Shaw, the smartest Tenip (Public-house, inverted word)-
and best tec in London or anywhere Pint. As suggesting natural euphony.
else, thinks of retiring from the force. — boy.Terrier (American). Troublesome
Teeth-drawing (Med. Students', 19 A policeman came along and the dude
cent, to 1860). Wrenching off door- told him I was a terrier, and the police-
knockers with club-like sticks. Head- man jerked my coat collar off. — 1883.
quarters, Lant Street, Southwark — Terror to cats (American — passing
street now cleared away, but until to England). Most troublesome —
1860 the bowers of St Thomas's and chiefly applied to over - active and
Guy's students. mischievous boys.
Teetotically (Peoples', '90's). Comic Pa says I am a terror to cats. Every
intensification of teetotally. time pa says anything it gives me a new
Tekram (Inverted word). Market ; idea. I tell you pa has got a great brain,
very common usage. but sometimes he don't have it with him.
—Detroit Free Press, 1883.
Telescope (American Railway] . Testril (Hist.). Sixpenny piece,
To collide and close in like a telescope
— applied to the running into each and another shape of tester. Shake-
other of railway carriages in collision. speare proves that the testril was of
Now applied in various ways. the value of sixpence in the poet's time.
The excursion train, of twenty cars, Sir Toby (to clown) : Come on, there is
came into collision with a goods car. sixpence
Sir Andrew for you. Let'sis have
: There a song.
a testril of me
The shock was so severe that five crowded
too !— Shakespeare, Twelfth Night, Act
D. N.,were
1878. completely 'telescoped'.— ii., scene ii.
Temporiser (Polit.). Shiftless un- Testugger (Oxford). Testamur — a
certain man. From a speech by Mr
Gladstone (17th November 1885) in Thames butter (Poor London, 1870).
Scotland. Very bad butter. A Mr W. Sawyer,
then editor of South London Press,
Ten bob squats (Theatrical}. Stalls published a paragraph to the effect
in a theatre. About 1880 going to the that a Frenchman was making butter
theatre had become so fashionable, out of Thames mud at Battersea. In
owing possibly to the steady patronage truth this chemist was extracting
of the Prince of Wales, that the price
of stalls in most of the best houses yellow grease from Thames mud-worms.
was raised. Thank the mussies (Peoples, 1870).
Ten stroke (Billiard • players'). Equivalent to 'Thank the gods'.
Complete victory — from the fact that Thank you for the next (Hist.)
ten is the highest stroke at billiards Lancashire expression of gratitude for
that can be made ; cannon off the red, something given.
all three balls in. That gets me (Amer.). Defeat —
from the game of poker, the other side
10 wedding (Peoples', 1897). '!'
the wife, and '0' the husband = 10 getting the stakes.
wedding. That kind of thing will not answer
Tenderfeet (American mining, 1849 (Peoples', 1885). Poverty — from a
on). Doubtful roving industrials. fragment of evidence given by the Hon.
Given to the mining rabble in Cali- Mrs Gerard, sister of the defendant in
fornia, during the gold-rush (1849), the case ' Durham versus Milner (other-
and now classic in U.S.A., and all wise Durham) ' — the celebrated suit
Colonial mining districts. Applied in brought by Lord Durham (1885),
all ways. against his wife for nullity of marriage,
Numbers of prospectors and tender- on the ground that the lady was insane
feet started for the then unknown gold- at the time of the ceremony. Mrs
fields, and when a steamer reached San Gerard said —
Francisco with some of these miners who In the season of 1881 Lord Burghersh
had ' struck it rich ' aboard, the fact that paid her a great deal of attention. I did
gold had been found in abundance along not think it would be a suitable marriage.
the Klondike again excited public It was one that would be distasteful to
interest in the matter.— D. T., 21st July her family. That was made pretty plain
to my sister. I don't think she was very
That Moan's soon made Think and Thank

much attached to Lord Burghersh. My to improve on Shakespeare, and enable

sister, in reference the gifted actors to rant and storm the
attentions, said that tokind
Lordof thing
would more.— D. T., 21st December 1896.
not answer, as he was poor. Then comes a pig to be killed
That moan's soon made (Scotch (Peoples'}. Expression of misbelief-
and Peoples', 19 cent). Grief easily based upon the lines of Mrs Bond who
There is no more to be said on the would call to her poultry — ' Come
chicks, come ! Come to Mrs Bond and
subject ; as the Scottish saying has it
'that moan's soon made'. — D. N.. 10th be Then
killed.' the band played (Parlia-
March 1885.
mentary). Climax, finality. Derived
That won't pay the old woman from the use of brass bands on the
her ninepence (Bow Street Police nomination day, which immediately
Court). Condemnation of an evasive sounded when the opponent of their
employer attempted to address the
That's a cough lozenge for him
(Peoples', 1850 on). Punishment. There, All (Street, 1860 on). Ex-
Arose from an advertisement, 'Cough no
clamation, declaring perfection. ' I'm
more lozenges '. It was to be inferred all there, completely happy '. ' She is
that they might kill the patient, who
would then certainly cough no more. an Mrs
all there
Saker bithaso' jam done '.great things at
That's gone to Pimlico (W. the Liverpool Alexandra with being
London, Streets', the scenery and company alike
ruined. Derived 1888).
from theSmashed-
fact that excellent. Miss Jenny Hill is all there,
Pimlico became a favourite residential as she ever was, and I suppose ever will
centre of women who fell. be.— Ref., 18th January 1885.
That's the ticket (Peoples', 18 cent.). There's 'air (London Streets, 1900).
Proper thing to do — corruption of Shortened ' there is hair !' — meaning
1 etiquette ' — that's the etiquette. a quantity, and shaping out of the
Diprose in his St Clement Danes pulled up side hair, and fringe being
says :— This term arose in 1717 when about this time deserted in favour of
Spiller, a comedian, used the expression Cked
upon seeing the card of admission jhead.masses, coming down over the
designed by Hogarth, then a very Thick (Peoples'). Severe, also too
young man, for a benefit at Drury daring in cheating.
Lane Theatre, in favour of the cele-
brated Joe Miller. However, a good So Selby says at: ' his
I looks I've leg,
got itand
Norman French. says : — ' Ticket
The 'rules
is fromof ableeding '.— People, 6th January 1895.
Thick ear (Street, 19 cent.). One
* etiquette ' were written upon cards — swelled by a blow.
hence the name 'ticket'. The Thick end of a hundred years
* etiquette ' or pass - card was also ( Yorks. ). Nearly a century.
affixed to a bag or bundle, to show it Thick starch double blue (Common
was not to be examined. Soc.). Rustling holiday dress for
That's up against your shirt summer — • white dress very severely
(Street). Significant of victory. laundried.
That's where you spoil yourself Thick tea (N. England). A tea as
(Peoples', 1880-81). A very popular solid as a dinner. Long known in the
catch - sentence applied to smart in- Ridings before high tea was thought of.
dividuals who went a little too far.
Thick 'un (Peoples'). Sovereign.
Theatre Royal amen (Low. Class).
Church. (See Holy Ghost shop.) Thieves' kitchen (London Street,
1882), The name satirically given to
Theatricality (Soc., 1888 on). Any- the then new Law Courts.
thing generically theatrical. Arose Thin as a rasher of wind (Com.
when theatres ceased to be a luxury. London). Complete skeleton of a man.
And as if this 'terrible acting', these
* terrible frowns', and these 'terrific of Thingembobs (Com.
the idiotic names for Peoples').
trousers — One
impressions ', were not enough, as if inexpressibles, unmentionables, etc.
the tinfoil, and the tinsel, and the
theatricality were not sufficient, they Think and thank (English-Jewish).
must needs call in good old Colley Gibber 243 Translated from the first words of the
Think Some Three is an Awkivard Number

ordinary Hebrew morning prayer. Three and sixpenny thoughtful

Implies gratitude. (Soc., 1890 on). Satire upon the
Think some (American). Mature feminine theorv novel, which became
consideration. dominant, 1890-96. Antithesis of the
Thinking part (Theatrical). That shilling shocker, which was so full of
of a supernumerary who has nothing action that it had no time to think.
to say. Satirical. Fielding, according to the theory
Thinks he holds it (Sporting, which has apparently suggested this
becoming general 1875). Said of a undertaking, is so constantly in the
vain man. As obscure as emphatic. hands of his countrymen of mature
It refers to any sort of championship years,ence forthey show
him as so marked
a novelist a prefer-
over the author
in athletics.
Thirteenth juryman (Legal, 19 of the latest ' shilling dreadful ' or ' three
cent.). A judge who, in addressing a and sixpenny thoughtful ', that they long
to admit the younger generation to a
jury, shows leaning or prejudice. share in their enjoyment. — D. T., 27th
No English Judge would have so far May 1896.
forgotten the impartiality of the Bench,
prone as one here and there may be to Three a'porth o' gordepus
convert himself into a 'thirteenth, jury- (Streets'). A street Arab.
man '.— D. T., 10th October 1895. Three B's, The (Clerical). Bright,
brief, and brotherly — the modern pro-
This is all right (Peoples', 1896 on). test against the sleepy nature of a
With accent on the all. Satirical —
meaning everything is wrong. majority of the 19th century church
Mrs Harris was not there, and Harris
remarked : ' This is all right, nothing to Three cold Irish (Tavern). Three-
eat or drink, and no one to speak to '.— penny-worth of Irish whiskey with
People, 7th November 1897. cold water. Because (1867) of a pass-
Thistle down (Irish). Children of ing pun between this order and three
a wandering nature generally, but more hanged Fenians. The three cold Irish
particularly in open breezy places, were Allen, Larkin, and Gould, who
describing the children who gather were executed at Manchester (1867),
thistle down in autumn — the down for the murder of Sergeant Brett in
with which the Irish peasant, especially the attempt to rescue from him
in Donegal, makes pillows. certain Fenian prisoners.
Thistle seed (Peoples'). Devonshire Three cornered constituency (Soc. ).
for gipsies, because they drift carelessly House where an only child or mutual
— like winged thistle seed. friend throws in the domestic casting
Thorough-handed man (American). vote, and so gives victory to husband
Candid, open specimen of the genus. or wife. From the parliamentary
arrangement (1867), whereby certain
Thou (Society, 1 860, etc. ). Abbrevia- boroughs returned three members
tion for thousand.
while the voter was only allowed to
Three acres and a cow (Peoples', vote for two members.
1887). Satirical exclamation directed
at illogical optimism. This was the Three d. masher (Peoples', 1883).
panacea suggested for the renascence Young men of limited means and
of agriculture in England. Every more or less superficial gentlemanly
peasant was to have these blessings — Three is an awkward number
but no one discovered where the money
was to come from to meet the ex- (Soc. and Peoples', 1885). Paraphrase of
penditure. Mr George Smith of Coal- ' three are company, two are not ',
ville claimed the invention of this and brought in with surprising rapidity
phrase in a letter to the Daily News from a line of evidence given by the
Hon. Mrs Gerard in the celebrated
(27th August 1887), wherein he
says :— brought the subject before the suit. Durham's nullity of marriage
I also
Select Committee on Canals in 1883, and On the ride to Raby in the pony car-
about which Lord Wemyss good- riage did not your sister get as far away
humouredly made some fun in the House from Lord Durham as she could ?— I did
of Lords in 1884, which fun gave new not notice.
life to the phrase living to-day. But you said that Lord Durham was

Three Out Brush TicJflers

very nice while your sister was very Throwing the hammer (Low Mili-
silent? — Three is an awkward number tary). Erotic. Obtaining money under
under the circumstances of the case. false pretences. (See Catch cocks.)
(Laughter.) Thumper (American). Man who
Three out brush (Public-house). A steals by misrepresentation — thumper
glass shaped like an inverted cone,
being ' a big
Thusly lie '.
(American). In this manner.
and therefore something like a house-
The word was the invention of Artemus
painter's brush, especially when dry.
The glass holds one-third of a quartern Ward (about 1860).
— a quartern being just half of half a T h u z z y-m u z z y (Low. London).
Wilful corruption of enthusiasm. Said
Three planks (Com. English). A to come down from the tenor Brahan,
coffin. who either invented the term or
thought he was using the true word.
In France the'coffin is spoken of as —
la machine a quatre planches et quatre His English was not great, as wit-
'Twas in Trafalgar Bay
Three-quarter man (Cloth-drapers'). ness— We saw the Frenchman lay.
An inferior employe. (See Six-quarter
Three wise men of Gotham Ticket o' leave (Peoples', 70's).
Holiday, vacation, outing.
(Peoples'). Meaning that they were The expression, 'Ticket o' leave',
not wise. Generally applied to a trio of probably the invention of the criminalis
male fools. In the twenty-fourth year intellect, which, as everybody knows,
of the reign of Henry VI 1 1. , 3rd October, delights in giving utterance to its own
a law was passed by the magistracy of ideas in its own peculiar way. — D. N.,
27th October 1886.
Westham, for the purpose of prevent-
ing unauthorised persons from setting Ticket-skinner (New York). Opera
and theatre ticket speculator, who
' nettes, pottes, and annoyances', or in buys for a rise. Sometimes sells a
anywise taking fish within the privi- 2-dollar ticket for 5 or even 10 dollars.
lege of the march of Pevensey. The
King's commission was directed to Innocent people regard the high rates
John Moor, of Lewes ; Richard, Abbot announced by the managers as final, and
only discover at the entrance that the
of Begeham ; John, Prior of Myehil- advertised price for seats is a ruse to lure
lym ; Thomas, Lord Dacre, and others. them to the merciful treatment of middle
Upon the proceedings of this meet- men, called ticket-skinners, who, having
ing, which was held at Gotham, near temporary possession of nearly all the
Pevensey, the facetious Andrew Borde, tickets, exact just what they please for
a native of that town, founded his a seat.— N. Y. Mercury, October 1883.
Merrie Talcs of the Wise Men of
Gotham. Tickle one's innards (Anglo -
American). Indulge in a drink.
Threepenny shot (Artizans'). Beef- Thankee, mister ; that war well
steak globular pudding at that price,
sold in common cook- and coffee- thought of. It's Sunday ; but come,
shops. let's steer for a side door, and tickle our
innards, ye know. — N. Y. Mercury, 16th
Throat - latch (American). The January 1885.
larynx, as outwardly developed. Tickle to death (U. S. ). Delight in
the extreme.
Throw it up (Theatrical). Don't
repeat it ; figuratively. Really means Ticklers (Transvaal War, 1900).
reject it, as something not fit to be Peacock feathers, which were sold to
If Miss Hodson ever revises and com- the youth of both sexes on '' Mafeking
Night ' for the first time, at one penny
presses the piece, she must take heed a piece, and so named by the vendors.
that she removes the ' throw it up ' lines, It appears that the peacock feathers
and the references to Somebody's virgin — 'ticklers', for short — which were such
20th and Somebody
December 1885. else's soap. — Ref., an important feature in the popular re-
joicings ofthe last few days, come from
Throw mud at the clock (Peoples'). France. The cheaper kind of Union
Despairg — even to suicide. Means Jacks oome from Germany, the better
defy time and dis. Mostly used figu- kind from Scotland.— D. T., 28th May
ratively. 1900.
Ticklish Tins

Street genius immediately raised the tered and knocked at the door whence
word to an endearment by changing it the sounds of revelry were proceeding.
into tiddler. Here we get our first glimpse of the
Ticklish (Peoples'). Easily excited, mystery
In one ofattachingthe panels to of
or spurred to resistance. was a slide. Somebody looked through
Tiddle - a - wink (Rhyming). A this aperture, shook his head, and the
drink. slide was closed again. Was the some-
Tie o* mutton (Irish, London body a 'tiler'? — a term derived, like
Tailors'). Thigh of — meaning leg; that of ' mason ', from the old trade
and refers to the hopes of a hot Sunday guilds.— D. T., 2nd July 1896.
dinner. Timbers (Art jargon, 1880).
Tie up your stocking (Oxford Cabinets, bookcases, escritoires, ela-
Univer.). Finish your tumbler of borate tables — worked wood in general.
champagne — don't leave any. No (See Crocks and rags).
heel-taps. Timbers (Gutter commerce). Lucifer
Tie up with a curly one (Cricketing, matches.
1890). Bowl out with a screwed or
rifled projection of the ball, sent from Timothy grass (American). Cat's
tail grass.
the shoulder on a parabolic curve pro- Tin hat (Anglo-Port Said). Drunk
duced by simultaneous swing of the — two tin hats very drunk — three, in-
arm and turn of the wrist.
capable, and to be carried on board.
Tied down (American). Crushed
by the force of circumstances. Tinman (Sporting, 1880). Mil-
Tiger (American). Prostitute. lionairefrom
; man possessing tin.
Never tigress. Shadwell, London, was Too many of the big swells found profit
in the Tinman to allow him to pass into
called by sailors Tiger Bay — long since retirement while able to earn winnings
swept away. for them if conditions were modified for
Tiger (Soys', 19 cent.). Tough- his benefit.— Ref., 14th November 1886.
crusted bread. Probably from both
offering a deal of fight. (Referring to F. Archer, a popular
Tiger (San Francisco). The guardian and rich jockey, who had some days
before committed suicide.)
— inside the inner door of a gaming-
house— equivalent to the chucker-out Tin - shin - off (American). Tin is
of a London tavern. money ; shin is to walk ; and together
Tiger (Political, 1895). Hon. J. with the third word means — abscond
with money.
Chamberlain. Bestowed by the Radi-
cal party. Sir J. Kitson quoted this Tinder - tempered (Peoples', old).
verse in a political speech : — Hot-tempered — from the tinder some-
There was a young lady of Riga times taking fire in a moment from the
Who went for a ride on a tiger ; Hash of the flint and steel.
inside, finished the ride with the lady
'Tis both your faults, you tinder-tem-
And a smile on the face of the tiger. pered knaves. — Garrick, Abel Drugger.
Tintamarre (Devon). Noise,
The young lady was presumably hubbub. One of the French phrases
common, and only common, to Devon.
Tiger bit him hard (American Tip the velvet (Grim. Clatses).
gamester). Meaning that he had lost Kiss with the point of the tongue.
a good deal of money at a sitting.
Tight as a biled (or boiled) owl Tipping the office (Soc., 18 cent.).
(American). Completely drunk. Revealing a secret — frequently in
ceeding. with some doubtful pro-
Tiled (Masonic). Closed — from the
tiler closing in a house by way of the Titotular bosh (Music Hall, 1897).
tilea. The outer-door paid officer of a Absolute nonsense — made up by an
masonic lodge is the tiler. absurd play upon the word teetotal, and
What is a 'tiled lodge of the Ante- one of the terms for ' humbug '.
diluvian Order of Buffaloes?' One of Tittimatorterin (E. Anglican). See-
the Bristol lodges saw fit to meet to- saw.
gether in a room in a public-house, and
at this gathering there was singing and Tius (East London — reversed word).
playing. Thereupon a constable en- 246 Suit of clothes.
To Away Tommy RdbUt

To away (Theatrical). Creation of against her husband for separation. The

a verb from the dramatic exclamation lady is young and good-looking and is
exquisitely toileted. — N. Y. Mercury,
'away'. January 1885.
To Christmas (Soc., 1880). To
make high holiday with plenty of Tom (Street, 19 cent. ). A masculine
woman of the town. In higher ranks
The associations of Christmas for the one who does not care for the society
young and for the people are almost
of others than those of her own sex.
wholly of a festive character. They Tom and funny (Rhyming).
conjugate actively the verb ' to Christ- Figurative description of money.
mas '.— D. N., 25th December 1884. Tom o' Bedlam (Provincial). A
Toast v. On (a bit of) toast. wild, maddish fellow — from the name
Toast your blooming eyebrows once given to inoffensive imbeciles who
were licensed to go about begging.
(Peoples'). Probably a delicate way of
telling a man to go to blazes. Abram-men, otherwise called Tom o'
Bedlams, are very strangely and antickly
Toby garbed, with several coloured ribbons or
from the (Soc.,
wide 1882). Lady's
frill worn collarthe
round —
tape in their hat, it may be ; instead of a
neck by Mr Punch's dog. feather, a fox-tail hanging down a long
Toe-path (Cavalry). Regiment of stick with ribbons streaming and the
infantry. Eminently suggestive of the like. Yet for all their seeming madness
they have wit enough to steal as they go.
contempt in which the cavalry hold — The Canting Academy, 1674.
the infantry, who as a rule are much
smaller men than the gee-gees (q.v.). Tomahawk (Street). Policeman's
Toe-rag (Peoples', Prov.). Beggar. Tomasso di rotto (Middle-class
Most country people ride or drive,
Youths'). Italian shape of Tommy
hence the contempt enclosed in ' toe ', rot.
with which the possessor walks. An- Tomb-stone (Com. Lond., 19 cent.).
other term (Devon) is footpad — with- A pawn-ticket— the shape and printed
out reference to robbery. Rags speak heading of which do give the idea of a
for themselves.
doll's tombstone.
Toff bundle - carrier (Music Hall, Tommy (Bobby) Atkins (Popular,
1870 on). He is the gentleman in 1882). The friendly name found about
attendance upon a serio-comic, and this year for a soldier of the line —
see her from hall to hall — a prosperous presumably invented amongst line
serio-comic often having to sing at soldiers, and certainly adopted by
three or four music halls in the course them. Tommy Atkins first appeared
of one evening. Her changes of dress, in print in the correspondence sent
etc., call for a large assortment of home during the Egyptian campaign
flying luggage, to which the devoted
one gives all his attention — hence the (1882).
This time it was some other member
term. of the family of Thomas Atkins who
resumed the colloquy of which our friend
of Toff-omee
toff. (Thieves'). Superlative
Bill had dropped the thread.— D. N.,
Toff-shoving (London Rough, 1882). 28th September 1882.
Pushing about well-dressed men in a
crowd. Tommy and exes (Workmen's).
Bread— beer, and 'bacca.
Tog -bound Tommy make room for your uncle
clothes to wear. (Peoples'). No good (Music Hall). Suggestive of the uncle
Tog-fencer (Com. Lond., 1870). A being a better man than the nephew,
tailor. and accepted very willingly by the
Toga-play (Theatrical). Classical less juvenile of music-hall patrons.
Adopted as the leading line of a
'ogies (Public - school). Knotted chorus to a comic song. Said, how-
ropes' ends carried about hidden by ever, to have a recondite meaning.
elder boys to beat their fags with — Tommy pipes (Navy, 19 cent.).
once-called 'colts'. Boatswain — because he pipes or
Toileted (American - Eng., 1884). whistles all hands.
Dressed. Conjugated throughout. 247 Tommy rabbit (Street Soys').
Pretty Martha Springsteen brings suit Pomegranate. (See Nanny.)
Tough as Tacker

Tomtug (Rhyming). Bed insect. Toothpick (A merican-Eng.). Clasp

Tone - painting (Soc., 1890 on). knife — or bowie knife. Satirical de-
Referring to programme music. scription ofits formidable appearance.
Mr Silas points out that even great Toothpicks (American).
Arkansas. People of
musicians do not appear at their best in
tone-painting.— D. T., 31st March 1897. Top-drawing-room (Low. London).
Tony (American — coming to A garret.
England, 1890). Adjective, formed Topical allusion (Political— Music
upon the abstract noun. Hall). Direct or indirect reference to
As for fashionable matters, there was passing events.
less 'society', of course, in point of When Miss Victor, exclaiming, ' Noble
numbers in Hone's time than in ours, but nation, the Russians ! ' a faint laugh,
it was just as ' tony ' of its kind, if any- broken by a faint hiss, indicated that a
thing a little more so. — H. Y. Mercury, perception had somewhere dawned upon
18th May 1890. somebody of what burlesque writers call
(See No class.) a 'topical allusion'. — D. N., 27th April
Too all but (London, 1881). One
of the phrases resulting out of Punch's Topical vocalist (Music Hall).' One
who sings concerning the events or
trouvaille 'too-too' (1881), and to be topics of the day.
found in Mr W. S. Gilbert's extrava-
ganza, Patience. Tpra - loorals (Theatrical).
Feminine bust. Generally used in
Too cheap (Peoples'). Under reference to a dress very decolletee.
valued. Used in every possible way.
Too damned good (Military). Torch-light procession (American,
Second Dragoon Guards. From the 1883). One of the more fiery American
regimental indication on the shoulder-
straps. Tory democracy (Polit., 1885).
2 Impossibility, absurdity.
D.G. Lord R. Churchill had given a new
Too full of holes to skin (W. combination in the words 'Tory Demo-
America}. Very much riddled with cracy '. A Tory could not be a Democrat,
bullets. and a Democrat could not be a Tory. —
Mr H. Labouchere, Finsbury, 13th
Too mean to raise (American}. October 1885.
Utterly contemptible. Tory rory (London, 18 cent, to
Too much with us! (Soc., 1897). 1845). Name given to those who
Boredom, incubus. wore their hats fiercely cocked.
Klondyke is ' too much with us ' just Tosh (Cricket, 1898). Fatally easy
now. It has long been dragged into
conversation with the persistency of a
pantomime gag.— D. T., 14th January Tosh (Thieves' — old). Pocket-
1897. probably a corruption from the French
Too numerous to mention (London, Tot - hunter (Low Life). Bone-
1882). Angrily drunk. poche.
collector — generally used offensively
Too too (Soc., 1881). More than in quarrels, and in reference to
perfect. Too-too was first found in
Punch in the height of the aesthetic parents.
Tot-hunting (Low. Class). Scour-
craze (1881). ing the streets in search of pretty
Too utterly too (Society, 1883).
Final phrase resulting from the
satirical use of 'too-too'. Totty all colours (London Streets').
Tooled (Soc., 19 cent.). Murdered. Young person who has contrived to
Satirical metaphor. Invented by De get most of the colours of the rainbow
into her costume.
Totty one lung (Street, 1885). An
Sir Edward Reed's suspected assassin asthmatic, or consumptive young
is thought to have 'tooled', as De person who, whether good or bad,
Quincey says, with a Japanese dagger.
—D. N., 12th February 1885. thinks herself somebody.
Tooleries (Theatrical, 1885). Tough as tacker (Peoples').
Toole's Theatre — now swept away. 248 Tough in excelsis.

Tourney (Pugilistic}. Mill or en- for putting a polish of politeness on ugly

counter of two fighters. Word coined facts are infinite. When M. DelcassS's
after the Eglintoun tournament. mendacity in connection with the Muscat
Concerning the present tourney — I incident was exposed, a leading Paris
paper extenuated his offence by the
think that's the word — arrangements ingenious excuse that, after all, he
for a special train were attempted to be
made. — Morning Star, 1862. merely 'translated
19th March 1899. the truth'. — People,
Tournure (Dres»makers' , 1882).
Happily invented name for the dress- Translated (Soc., 80's). Emphati-
improver of that year. cally — intoxicated. Probably a re-
Town (Rhyming). Halfpenny. miniscence of Shakespeare — ' Bless
Thus — town — brown — so named from thee, Bottom, thou art translated'
colour. (Midsummer Night's Dream).
Trap (Australian, 1870). Mounted
Tra la la (Peoples', 1880). Parting trooper.
benediction — not too civil ; possibly
contemptuous. Died out about 1890. Travelling1 tinkers (Inter - regi -
The phrase took its rise with a comic mental). 30th Regiment — Lancashire
singer named Henri Clarke, whose regiment.
speciality was imitating Parisians. Treacle-man
male decoy who is(Thieves'}. Beautiful
the pretended young
Wk ether he invented 'tra la la', or man of the housemaid and the real
heard it in Paris, or uttered by a
Frenchman in London — he made a forerunner of the burglar. (See Leave-
great hit with it as the burden of a yer-homer.)
chorus. Often used to designate the com-
mercial traveller who has to make sales
Thanks. I hate personalities. Good-
morning. So tra, la, la !— Funny Folk, of type-writers, sewing machines, etc.
No. 519. to young girls and old women. Some-
Traffy (Wavy). Portsmouth's sea- timestobitterly
assistants any applied by drapers'
one of their number
faring reduction of the Trafalgar who makes the smartest sales.
anchored for lifeship),
(once Nelson's and long since
at Portsmouth. Treason - mongers (Polit., 1885).
Contemptuous name found for dyna-
Trailing coat (Irish — spread to miters as their great schemes for the
England in 19 cent.). Defiance. In destruction of London faded into
Irish village fights the man trailed his nothingness.
coat by way of challenge — he who None but treason-mongers will dispute
took up the cartel trod on it, and the applicability of the inscription on the
the fight began. pedestal, which, in the familiar words
Irishmen in the postal service may say from Henry V11L, represents him as
that in introducing his 'blacklegs' Mr having fallen a martyr for his country.—
Raikes was 'trailing his coat'. — D. N., Globe, 1st July 1885.
10th July 1890.
Train too fine (Soc. and Sport, Trelawny ( West Cornwall}. War-
cry of the Cornish men ; derived from
1890 on). Push things too oppressively one of the three leading septs of
— from sporting life, where men with
too much training overdo the training. Cornwall —
There is undoubted ground for the By Tre, Pol, and Pen
Ye shall know the Cornish men.
belief that our bishops as a body are Used as a defiance.
beginning to 'train too fine'. — D. T.,
10th June 1898.
Trifa (Jewish}. Unclean — clean
Tram-fare (London Streets1, 1882). things may become trifa ; others, such
Twopence. Until the toll over Waterloo as pork and shell-fish, are always trifa.
Bridge (London) — one halfpenny — was Applied widely in E. London.
abolished, the lower women of the Tripha, ritually unclean. — I. Zangwill,
streets used to ask for coin to go over Children of the Ghetto.
the bridge. The slaughterer must be a man of high
Transfer (Society). To steal. moral character. In opening the animal,
he must make a thorough inspection of
Translate the truth (Soc., 1899). it, and if he finds it in any way diseased,
Lie evasively. In general use during
this year. he pronounces
for the 'trefa* — that it is unfit
food of Jews.
The resources of the French language (See Kosher.)
True Inwardness

Trilby (Soc., 1894). Woman's Triumphant toast (Soc., 18 cent.).

exquisite foot. American - English. Toast in excelsis.
From Du Maurier's book (1894) Trilby Miss Chudleigh next was the triumph-
— the name of the book, and of the ant toast: a lively, sweet-tempered,
heroine, whose beautifully rare foot is gay, self-admired, and not altogether
insisted on. without reason, generally-admired lady
Having exhausted palmistry an — she moved not, without crowds after
American paper has spent its energy her. She smiled at every one. — Richard-
of psychological investigation on the son, Lettters from Tunbridge Wells, 1748.
foot (I beg pardon, the trilby), but a Trot (Com. Lond., 1875). A walk
rival comes out with a page of illustrated — probably suggested by the ordinary
description of the mouth. — People, 7th quick movement of most young
July 1895.
Trimming (Polit., 18 cent. on).
Not sailing straight. Trot theThis
(Street). udyjuis Pope
very o' Rome
' He's a trimmer of trimmers, and English, composed of rhyming and
he Trimming
lies by heredity.' transposition styles, and is generally
was the name which the used by one man to another when he
18th century politician gave to what wants the wife, or other feminine
we now call opportunism. — Ouida, An person, out of the way. Udyju is
Altruist (1896).
Trimmings (Trade, 1897). Masked judy (wife) transposed — Judy being
very common word for wife or mistress
alcohol. When, by the contrivance of
Mr Gladstone, it was attempted to equally.
home. Pope o' Rome is rhyming for
modify the attraction of the public- Trots (Common London). Feet —
house by giving licenses to sell
alcoholic drinks to various tradesmen, derived from 'trotting'.
some linen-drapers and silk-mercers Trotsto (Peoples',
Refers 1846).
these officers being Policemen.
always on
who gave credit, opened liberal refresh-
ment rooms at their establishments, the go — or beat.
Trotter-cases (Com. London, 1860).
and put down their lady- customers' Boots.
wine sent
bills -lunches
to theashusbands.
'trimmings' in the
Hence the Trotting away from the pole
word became synonymous with secret (American). In error — wandering
drinking by women. from subject. From horse - trotting
sport; the pole being the winning
The Drapers' World declares ' alcoholic
trimmings' to be fiction.— D. T., 18th Trouble (American, 1870). Distinct
January 1897.
Trinity kiss (Soc., about 1870). American for ' anxiety '.
Troubled with the slows (Aquatics).
A triple kiss — generally given by Observed of the losing boat or swimmer.
daughters and very young sons, when
going to bed, to father and mother. Trouting (Piscatorial). Catching
T fi i p e (Journalistic). Rubbish ,
'rot'. April and May are the best months for
Yet she puts in six or seven pages of trouting on the Thames. — People, 3rd
her own tripe, and limits me to three April 1898.
columns. —T. Le Breton, The Modern, Trowser (E. London, 1895 on).
Christian (1902), ch. 8. Jack of all trades and master of none.
Sir Reginald Hanson: What is a
Tripe, Blooming six foot o' 'trowser'. Sweeting: Vy, a man as
(Street, 1880). A giant policeman.
' Yer blooming six foot o' tripe, how's doesNovember
4th any hod 1897.
jobs. Any thin'. — D. T.,
yer fat old head ? ' — attack upon a tall True bill, judgment, execution
(Anglo-American). Medical analysis
Triper (Streets', E. London}. of the course of paralysis.
Trifa (?) — this being the Jewish for
unclean. True inwardness (Literary, 1890
Tripos pup (Cambridge Univ.) on). Reality. One of the principal
Undergrad cantabs. shapes
'80's. of literary jargon produced in
Every year the coaches exact more the '90's. Probably the only serious
survival of the aesthetic craze of the
and more work out of their 'Tripos
pups'.— D. N., 14th June 1887. 250
Trying it on the Dog Turn the Tap on

Trying it on the dog (Theatrical). staunchest supporters at the Savoy, and

at the Royalty and the Tunnels.— JRef.,
Derived from the of amiable
' the matine'e
habit, indogthe'. 10th January 1886.
good old times of testing a present of (Mr Gilbert had been complaining
eatables by giving a portion to the dog. of the angry reception, by the gallery,
In the present relation it is a con- of a play by him. )
temptuous reference to the lower
judging capacities of afternoon theatri- Tup (Streets' — especially in Wool-
cal audiences. Testing the value of a wich'). Arrested. It is derived from
new piece by an afternoon audience ' locked up ', the ' t ' of locked being
prefixed to up.
is trying it on the matinee dog — who
is below consideration, but may be Tuppenny 'apenny ones (Street).
useful. Very poor and common sort.
If any enterprising person desires to Tupper (Soc. , 1850 on). A common-
place honest bore who talks or writes
make money from a play or a composition ABC. Takes its rise from Mr Martin
of music he does not boldly attempt the Tupper who wrote a phenomenally
experiment upon the public. His shrewd successful book called Proverbial
suspicion that they would avenge the
torture induces him to adopt the pre- Philosophy— composed entirely of self-
liminary precaution of ' trying it on the evident propositions.
dog.— D. T., 4th February 1897. Turf (Street, 19 cent.). Prostitu-
Tub practice (Boating}. Unskilled tion. From loose women being on
efforts in broad-bottomed boats. parade. Thence came turfer.
During the intervals of racing in the Turn down your cup (Soc., 19 cent. ,
eight they should have been taken out 1785-1890). Die — from the once exist-
for 'tub' practice in convenient gig ing provincial habit of reversing one's
pairs.— D. T., 17th June 1897. cup in one's saucer when no more tea
or coffee was required. Finish — hence
Tubbichon (Peoples', '60'a). Cor- the figure of speech.
ruption of tire - buchon (corkscrew) This last word cost Mr Palmer half his
which was the Paris argot in the '60's breakfast ; on hearing it he turned down
for the long solitary ringlet of a portion
of the back hair worn in front of the his cup with a profound sigh. — Miss M.
left shoulder, a fashion created by the Edgeworth, Manoeuvring.
Empress Eugenie, and accepted in Turn over (Press, 1860 on). Last
London by the middle - classes im- column on the right of the front page
mediately after that lady visited of a newspaper, especially an evening
London (1855), when for a time every- one. So called from the social article
thing French was very popular. which fills that column turning a few
lines, for the sake of effect, over on to
Miss Spong's fair hair is all pushed top of first column on second page.
into a gold net, save for one long tire-
louchon hanging over the left shoulder. Turn paper collars (American).
— Z>. T., 21st January 1898. collar.)
Figurative for poverty. (See Out o'
Tug of war (Peoples'). Contest Turn round pudding
final and settling. Now applied to
two sets of boys or men pulling from Any slop pudding or porric
the two ends of one rope — the tug by turning round the ingredients with
being to get one side a mere inch over a spoon, in a saucepan. (See Stir about,
the dividing chalk line. Hasty pudding.)
Turn the best side to London
Tumbling down to grass (Peoples',
1884). Equivalent to going to the (Peoples'). Shrewd way of recommend-
bad. Breaking up, failing. From the ing the hearer to make the best of
fact of land going out of cultivation everything.
1875-85. Turn the tap on (Common London).
Tunnels (Theat., 1885). Opera To be ready with tears.
Comique Theatre (swept away by Strand ' You noticed, perhaps ', said my com-
improvements) — Strand. From the panionthat
,' when she had finished her
several subterranean passages leading song
strongshein.fellShe a crying ? That's
can turn whaton she's
the taps at a
to this underground theatre.
moment's notice, and that in a way you'd
These same ' coarse bullies ' have often never think was any other than natural.'
enough been Mr W. S. Gilbert's 251 — D. T.t 8th February 1883.
Turn Turtle Two Inches beyond Upright

Turn turtle (Naval). Tumble down speculator, Swhose only legacy to the
drunk — from the over-turning of a world was this phrase.
vessel — which is to turn turtle.
head soup(See
broth. ( Workmen's}.
Clare market Sheep's
Turn up (Universal). Appear un- City sherry.)
Turn up friendly lead (Coster, 1870). Tweedle-dum sirs (Soc.). Baronets
Final jovial co-operation. A public- or knights who gain their titles by way
of music. Started when Sir Michael
house sing-song to pay the burial Costa obtained his title. Almost
expenses of a dead friend, or a pal
who has turned up life. forgotten when Sir Arthur Sullivan
Turnover (Cornish mining). was knighted. (See Gally-pot baronet. )
Capital. Alas — it is generally the Twelve o'clock (Artizan*'). Action
shareholders in these toils who are — time to be moving. Derived from
turned over. the fact that this is (or rather was),
the dinner hour, and that the diners
Turn-over (Lit., 1880). A work to
dip into rather than read. move rapidly towards home.
Twelve pound actor (Theatrical).
The book has as a ' turn over ' much of
the character of a good volume of Punch, A well-weighted newly-born baby — a
and it has the merits (both rare in French child born in ' the profession ' of course.
comic drawing) of bringing no blush on Mrs James O'Neill has added a twelve-
the cheek of the young person, and of pound actor to Jimmy's board account.
having its work finished and not merely
indicated in outline. — Sat. Rev., 26th 20 in the pounder (Peoples'). Gentle-
December 1885. man who, owing a sovereign, does not
make a composition, but pays his 240
Turn-up (Thieves?). Acquittal — the pence in full.
prosecution being turned up, or Twicers (Lower Class, 19 cent.).
abandoned. ' This will be only a turn Twins.
up. ' Also used socially. ' Ginger Twisting the lion's tail. (See
May's turned me up', does not mean
that this yellow-haired Circe has com- Twixter (L. London). Either a
mitted an assault upon the speaker, lady-like young man, or a man-like
but has abandoned him.
young woman — as the case may be.
Dear Parnell, — For heaven's sake stop Two 'arts in a pond (Lower Class).
the boycotting and the Moonlighting and
the outrages. I have promised you Two hearts (bullocks'), in a pond-dish,
this receptacle being a baking dish
Home Rule, and you shall have it ; but divided in two parts by a transverse
if you let your lads play old gooseberry
with law and order as they are doing wall — hence the ponds. Used on
now, I shall have to turn it up. — Sunday morning at the bake-houses to
Salisbury, Ref., 18th October 1885. describe dinner baked there — and
called for.
Turnups (Lower Peoples' ). Rej ection Two brothers alive, and one
of a suitor. She dismisses him — or
married (Music Hall, 1897). The one
turns him up— said to be from hospital married being as bad as dead.
practice of turning up the ordinary
joint bedstead when a patient left it Two buckle horses (Stables').
for the grave. Corrupted into an idea Two ends and the middle of a bad
of turnips — generally pronounced lot (Middle-class). Evasive method of
turnups by the vulgar. utter condemnation.
Turkey-buyer (Leadenhall market). Two F's(Mid.-class, 1880). Fringe
Swell, toff, dude, person of con- and followers — of lady servants.
sequence, banker. Because it requires
more than two-pence to buy gobblers. As for the two F's — fringes (forehead
hair) and followers — surely they should
Turkey merchant (City). Extensive be permitted in moderation. The fringe
financier in scrip — a city plunger, need not become a fuzz, the followers
supposed to have some reference to the need not degenerate into polyandry. —
gaming traffic in Turkish bonds which D. N., 20th October 1886.
continued until 1878. More probably Two inches beyond upright
a name-word, a corruption of ' T. K. ' (Peoples'). Hypocritical liar. Perver-
— the initials of some past away sion of description of upright-standing
Two L.'s, The
man, who throws his back backwards tramcar, the underground railway, and
beyond upright. the 'two-penny tube'.— D. T. (Sir E.
Arnold), 13th October 1900.
Two L's, The (American • Eng. ,
1880). In England means certain
destruction. In America — lead or
liquor. Comes from the Wild West,
and chiefly Arizona, where between
taking eternal pulls at Bourbon
whiskey, and for ever drawing lead at u
sight upon the next door neighbour,
or being drawn upon — a man of thirty
was a phenomenon of old age. U.K. (London, 1870). Emphatic
initials of United Kingdom.
Two to one against you (Peoples').
Very much against you. Refers to the Minnie Palmer is on all call nightly,
pawnbroker's golden sign ' the three and may be pronounced the finest anti-
balls dyspeptic dose in the U.K. — U bet !—
' two above one, implying that Sunday Times, 14th October 1883.
it is two to one that you will never
get your pledge back.
to U.P.
make (Lower Social).
the word 'Up'forcible.
more spelt,
Two upon ten (Tradesmen's).
' Two ' eyes upon ' ten ' fingers — warn- Usually used with all — as 'It's all
ing that a thief is in the neighbour- U.P. he with him', to which
hood ; generally given out by one that is about die, may meanin
or fail
shopman for the benefit of the others. business, or his winnings, or his power
Two white, two red, and after of work of any kind.
Still the box did not come down, and
you with the blacking brush — usually
cut down— two white, two red, and Iallthought
of us. certainly it was
By this time some ' U.P.
of the' with
the brush (London Street, 1860-70). who felt better had climbed up, but
This phrase is absolutely a legacy from most of us were not strong enough to do
the second French empire. Under so.— D. T., 17th May 1897.
Napoleon III., the use of colour See N.G. and G.T.T.
cosmetics became very marked. Like
most French fashions this came to Ud's my life (Peoples', 18 cent.).
London, and even penetrated for a One of the evasive forms of religious
short time into fairly respectable swearing,
Zounds, etc.)'God's my life'. (See
society, whence it rapidly reached the
streets, with much exaggeration — hence Ugger, The (Oxford). The Union.
the phrase which thus satirizes the Marvels have been done with the most
vulgarity of the use of colours. It unpromising material. For example,
means ' two dabs of red, two of white, one would have thought
and the use of blacking brush to make defied corruption. But that
not ' the
so. Union
Some '
ingenious wit had an inspiration and
up the eyebrows '. ' After you, miss,
with the two two's and the two b's' called it ' the Ugger ', and his friends
(i.e., blacking brush). bowed low before him. — D. T., 14th
August 1899.
Two with you (Tavern Life). Sug-
gesting atwopenny drink. Ugly (Common Coffee • housey 19
Arthur Eoberts may be congratulated. cent.). Thick. (See Ungryome.)
At the finish his friends crowded around,
Ugly (Soc., 50's). Bonnet shade.
and challenged him with a 'Two with 'Ugly'. The passing name bestowed
you '.—JRef., 12th June 1887. by common consent upon the hideous
shades worn upon the front of the
Twopenny tube (C. London, 1900). bonnet, and made of silk drawn in
The Central London Underground
Electric Railway (opened in the first gathers upon wires.
week in August 1900), gained this Ugly rush (Parliamentary). Speed
shortened designation within ten to prevent enquiry — forcing a bill.
days. At once it became a phrase to (See Hard and fast line. )
stay. From the then one and only Uhlan (Parliamentary, 1883).
fare — twopence. Free lance — or perhaps free-booter.
We have already, it is true, the omni- Lord Randolph Churchill. The Uhlans
bus, the hansom, the four-wheeler, the were first familiarly known in England

during the Franco-German War (1870- Uncrowned king (Political, 1881).

71) — but only by report. They were Satirical name for C. S. Parnell, M.P.
the avant • courriers of the German for Cork, the leader of the Irish move-
advance into France, their appearance ment. The crown referred to that of
presaging the arrival of a numerous Ireland, from one of whose kings, like
body. The word soon came to repre- most Irish leaders, C. S. Parnell was
sent a daring, headstrong skirmisher. descended.
Lord Randolph in politics answering Under or over (American-English,
this description, ultimately acquired 1860 on). Contraction of under the
this title. grass or over the grass— this phrase
Such an idea had long been in the mind being a metaphor of death (under the
of Lord Randolph Churchill, the Uhlan grass) and of life (over the grass).
of the Conservative army. — D. N., 17th Applied to widows — meaning either a
February 1883. husband who is dead, or a husband in
Ulster (Anglo • Amer.). Skin of divorce, who of course is over and
anything. Jocosely suggested by the above the grass.
long ulster coat covering the whole
body. This widow of ' Under the grass ' and
1 Over the grass ', the dead husband and
Ultra-crepidation (Soc., 19 cent.). the divorced one, is very fascinating, very
Plunging, vaulting ambition. From brilliant, and certainly cynical. — D. T.,
Ne sutor ultra crepidam. 9th August 1899.
But be that as it may, the man whom Under the rose v. Sub rosa.
proverbial wisdom exhorts to ' stick to Underdone (Colloquial). Pale com-
his last ' is the very man who most often plexion. Took the place of doughy.
sets that advice at nought. He has Underground Russia (Socialistic).
been ' ultra-crepidating ', to use a word Nihilistic Russia.
of Coleridgian coinage, throughout all
history.— D. T., 14th May 1895. Andre" Frangoli has himself played an
Ululation (Press, about 1875). important part in the Russian revolu-
tionary movement; nobody is better
First night condemnation by all the acquainted than he with ' Underground
gallery and the back of the pit. (See Russia ', and his name is not unknown in
Damned, Hornpipe.) England. I give the story, word for
Umble-cum-stumble (Low. Class). word, as he gave it to me — D. N., 15th
Thoroughly understood. September 1883.
Unattached (Parliamentary, 1850, Understudy (Theatrical). Pre-
on). A member of the legislation sumed inferior actor or actress, who
whose vote is never quite to be counted learns a part played by a presumedly
upon by any party. superior actor or actress, and who only
Unavoidable circumstances gets a chance of appearing as the
result of illness or other indisposition
(American Satirical). Court knee- on the part of the superior being.
Unbounded assortment of gra- In the theatrical profession it is always
tuitous untruths (Polit., 1885). Ex- understood to be a perfectly legitimate
tensive systematic lying. From speech proceeding, and occasionally in the
(llth November 1885) of Mr Glad- interests of art, for an ' understudy ' to
pray for the collapse of a principal. —
stone's at Edinburgh, wherein may be D. T., 20th May 1897.
found :—
It has become the fashion with a Undigested Ananias (Peoples'^
portion of the Tory party to circulate in 1895). Triumphant liar.
reference to myself personally and indi- ' Just listen to him ! ' exclaimed Mra
vidually an unbounded assortment of the Quick ; ' look at his impudence. Hear
most gratuitous untruths. how he cheeks the Court. Why, it's as
Unconscious self (Soc., 1885). bad as when he once called my husband
Genius — the quality of exceptional and an "undigested
24th June 1896. Ananias'". — D. T..
inexplicable production of intellectual
work. Unfair done by (Peoples', Hist.),
Dore's very best drawings look like the
work of an inspired 'unconscious self, Ungryome (Common Cofec-hoiae,
to borrow the latest terminology of 1880). Unaspirated and collided condi-
psychical research. — D. N., 25th June •home*. tion of the(See twoUgly.) words, ' hungry ' and
1885. 254
Unhitched (Liverpool — spreading) . Up the pole (Peoples', 1896 on).
Let go, released, separated. Drunk.
When all the arrangements were made Plaintiff : I did not ; but your little
and the pair stood up the 'Squire gazed juently saying that you were
at them over his spectacles and unhitched ' up the poll
on them in the most solemn and im- The Judi
Fudge: Up the what?— Up the
pressive tones. — N. Y. Mercury. April
1886. poll,
Whatsir. is that?— You know, sir.
the poll.
Unicorn carman (L. Streets', 19
cent. }. Driver of three horses harnessed The Judge : I don't know.
tandem. The High Bailiff explained that the
Unkinned (Soc., 1884). Satirical term was a slang one for being intoxi-
cated.— D. T.t llth December 1897.
pronunciation of ' unkind ' — the result The approach to drunkenness is
of the production (1884) of Hamlet at
the Princess's Theatre, where Mr 'getting on the pole'.
in the Up Total
to date (Soc. and Peoples', 1873
under kin title-rdle,
instead ofacting
kind on). modernity.
in the great soliloquy. The two principals were made up like
Unrelieved holocaust (Society, Corbett and Fitzsimmons, and the enter-
1883). In 1882 the destruction of tainment was a triumph of 'the up-to-
the Ring Theatre (Vienna), and of a date '.—Peoples', 4th April 1897.
circus at Berditscheff (Russia), both Up to
accompanied by terrible loss of life, cent.). Fit, the scratchallowable.
sufficient, (Peoples',Said
led a writer in the Times to use the to be from the lady committee of
above odd phrase in reference to these Almacks approving of names sub-
catastrophes — whereupon the satirical mitted to them by scratching some
spirits of society adopted it to ridicule cabalistic mark intimating that the
the most absurd incidents. owner of the name might be allowed
Up (Sporting). In the saddle. to enter Almacks. 'Not up to the
scratch ' referred to the fact that all
'Archer up' — favourite cry meaning who applied for entrance were not
success — in 1880-83.
That most enterprising of picture found worthy. Said to have been
§ublishers, Mr George Eees, of Russell started by Beau Brummel.
treet, Covent Garden, has issued a The picture-destroyer pays his polite
splendidly got up coloured lithograph of attentions to Mr Herbert as well as to
St Blaise (a horse), ' with Charlie Wood up'. Mr Alma Tadema. Who can say after
Up (Theatrical). Up — the stage. this that Mr Herbert's pictures are not
Under this condition as a rule the up'd up the scratch ?— Entr'acte, 30th May
one has only to look on. (See Come
down. ) Up-end (Street, 1880 on). Fling
down heavily, so that the heels fly up.
Up a tree for tenpence (Peoples',
1850 on). Moneyless, stone-broke. Used figuratively for amazement — as
Up fields (Westminster School). ' I was fair-upended ! '
Enclosure of Vincent Square, West- Up-keep^oc., 1897). Maintenance,
minster, practically the private keeping up, keeping as a going concern.
First noticed in print in this year.
the fieldof St Peter's.
where the It Westminsters
is historically The Council has now resolved to relieve
local authorities of the cost of the up-keep
played, and play — especially football. of those places which they at present
Up my sleeve (Ancient English). defray.— D. T., 1st December 1897.
This phrase is very obscure, but it is Upper and downer (Lower People).
certainly used in the sense of being
intoxicated. Wrestling struggle, in which com-
It was six pots up my sleeve when we batants upset, but rarely if ever strike,
reached port ; and Sarah asked me to each other. Generally for a bet.
her next Sunday tea fight.
gentlemen ten set (Servants'}.
employed by the Ladies
Up or down (Peoples'). Heaven or
Hades. ten thousand. Phrase found by them-
Up School (Westminster School). selves for themselves.
Short for 'Upper School' — the great Uppertendom (New York}. Word
school-room. coined from upper ten.
Use Very Well

Use (High Church, 1890 on). Vagabonds removed (Peoples').

Function. Droll application of the initials V.R.
On Palm Sunday the benediction of — the letters standing, of course, for
palms carried in procession was more Victoria Regina, which appeared on the
than ever the ' use ', not merely in very outside of the prison van to the end of
advanced Anglican churches, and in more the reign of Victoria.
than one case a bishop was the chief Vales (Soc., 18 cent.). Presents to
officiator.— World, April 1897. servants. Still used in old houses.
Usher of the hall (Soc., 1883).
Valse (Anglo - Amer.). Synonym
Odd kitchen man — male. Equivalent for airy walking, especially in quitting
of char or chore woman.
a room. (See Bailey, Polka, Skip).
Mr M'Coan asked as to 'the sentence Vanderbilt (American). The U.S.A.
upon George Gardiner, described as a
tutor, charged with stealing a jug of synonym for Rothschild (q.v.). To
beer and sentenced to six weeks' describe a very rich man — the Vander-
imprisonment. Sir W. Harcourt, amid bilts of New York being historical
much laughter, explained that owing to millionaires. — 1884.
the custom in large establishments of Vapourage (American). Medical
the odd man being called ' the Usher of vapour bathing.
the Hall', a position held by Gardiner, Vardy the carsey (Criminal).
the writer of the newspaper paragraph Italian. Look at the house. One of
had converted him into a tutor. — House
of Commons, 19th April 1883. the Italian organ-men's expressions —
Util (Theatrical). Utility. The passed on. From ' vedere ' and ' casa '.
util actor in a company. He is the divergency.
Variant (Lit., J90's). Variation,
odd man — ready to do anything. He piloted Florodora into the harbour
Generally a clever man who has missed
his mark. of safety by his diverting variant of
John Wellington Wells.— D. T., 13th
November 1899.
Variety stage (Music Hall, 1880).
As distinct from the dramatic. Out-
growth of the prosperity of music halls.
Varnish (Soc., 19 cent.). Badcham-
fary means (Polit., 18 cent.).
V.C. (London, about 1882). Plucky. Contradict, turn - coat, prevaricate.
The initials of Victoria Cross. Introduced by Burke. Held its ground
until 1840.
V.C. (American -Eng., 19 cent.}. The contradiction between his methods
Abbreviation of Vigilance Committee. is due, he pleads, to the identity of the
A body of American neighbours bound object at which he aimed then, and at
together to punish an evil - doer, which he aims now. He varies his
murderer, highwayman, horse-stealer, means, as Burke expressed it, to secure
or unscrupulous sensualist who con- the essential unity of his end. — W. E.
trives to evade the law. Chiefly Gladstone (Edinburgh, llth November
operates in out - lying and southern
districts. 'Take care, or you'll be Venture girl (Anglo-Indian). Early
V.C.'d ' (veeceed). (See Burke, Wain- Victorian. Poor young lady sent out
wright). to India to obtain a husband.
V.R. (Peoples'). Evasive reference Verandah (S. London). The gallery
to the prison van, which, in the reign of the old Victoria theatre.
of Victoria, bore these initials on Very famillionaire (Soc., 1870).
each side. (See Black Maria, Virtue Referring to the shape of patronage
rewarded, Vagabonds removed, Sardine displayed by rich men. Derived from
box). the satirist Heine.
V.R., V.R., V.R. (Jubilee, 1897). Very froncey (Soc., 19 cent.). Too
Ve are, ve are, ve are = we are, we are, pronounced. Shape of Tres Francais.
we are. One of the jocular readings of upposed to be an elegant evasion of
'V.R.' during the Diamond Jubilee. saying a given thing is vulgar.
Applied to a placard in Kensington Very well (Soc., 1860 on).Bad Second
when the Queen visited that suburb degree of
(28th June 1897). the first. approval — Not

Vestrify (Parliamentary, 1884). To A remarkable instance of the com-

minimise ; to reduce in dignity. mercial value of ' vogue ' in art occurred
Mr Chaplin has enriched the English at Christie's
March 1897. on Saturday.— D. T., 8th
dictionary with the verb ' vestrify ', which Voice, To (Sor.., 1897 on). Assert,
is perhaps destined to a longer life than
the somewhat uncouth verb ' boycott '. — declare loudly. This use of a noun as
D. N., 31st December 1884. a verb is very significant of public life.
Vic (Theatrical}. When the first London yesterday voiced the very
theatre was built in the New Cut spirit
October of1899.
the country.— D. T., 17th
(Lambeth) it was called the Brunswick,
in honour of the Princess Charlotte. Volunteer knee drill. Abject
It was burnt down before it was adulation. Outcome of volunteer
opened, and by the time it was re-
built the poor Princess Charlotte was
dead, and the eyes of the nation turned Vote khaki, To (Peoples', 1900).
Opting for the Conservatives, plumping
to the Princess Victoria. The new for the Liberal Unionist. First heard
theatre was baptized the Royal Vic- in the May of 1900.
toria, cut down by the New Cut One would give something to hear Mr
warriors to Vic, before the first
Hosea Biglow's opinion upon 'voting
dramatic week was out. Strangely khaki'.— M. Leader, W. Archer, 27th
enough, the Princess Royal came to be October 1900.
called by this prompt diminutive. Voulez-vous squatty-vous?
She is often thus named in the Queen's (Theatre
Diary. One of gods').
the halfWillFrench
you sitnonsense
Lane). (See Bird, Brit., 'Delphi, Eff, phrases which began with the frequency
Viewy (Political, 1860-70). Mis- of French emigres and prisoners in
trustedly theoretical, dilletante, lacking England. Started by Grimaldi.
breadth. Invented in opposition to
the philosophy of J. S. Mill. Remained
as a condemnatory adjective.
Village blacksmith (Music Hall-
passing to theatres). An artiste who
never has a longer engagement than a
week. Euphemism for a failure. W
Figuratively derived from a verse in
Longfellow s poem :
' Week in, week out, from noon till night W. 2. (Peoples', 1896). Double-u
You can hear his bellows roar.' Two — satirical description of the
Vintage (Anglo-American). Year Emperor William II., following on his
of birth. telegram to President Kruger on New
'I want to sue a man for breach of Year's Day 1896. Said of any military-
looking man stalking town.
promise, ' said a maiden of the vintage of
1842, coming into W.P.B. (Press). Waste paper
N.Y.Mercury, 1883. a lawyer's office. — basket. Ominous initials — generally
Virgins' bus (Peoples', 1870). The referring to communications.
last bus from Piccadilly Corner west- If the criticism or remark is nice, I
ward. So named satirically in refer- read and enjoy it ; if it is nasty, it is
ence to the character of the chief thrown into the W.P.B., and it troubles
patronesses at that late hour. No me not'— fief., 2nd March 1884.
longer runs — the tubes bowled over I should say the printer's devil picked
this vehicle. (See Covered brougham). up
and the piecesthem
handed fromin the
for editor's
copy. W.P.B.,
Virtue rewarded (Peoples'). Prison Wabbler (Sporting). Pedestrian.
van — ironical reference to the moral
nature of its occupants, and based upon Mr Edward Payson Weston, the well-
the initials V.R., which used to be known long - distance pedestrian, illus-
seen on each side. trated 'endurance withotit alcohol' by
walking 50 miles in ten hours, or rather in
Vogue (Soc., 1897). Fashion. This
word was markedly used only early in nine
ten fifty minutes,of forhisthe advertised
minutes ' wabbler'
1897. 257 time.
Wad Wardour Street Woods

Wad (Navy), Gunner — interesting Walking round (Peoples' — old).

as a survival from the days of muzzle - Preparing for assault. From dog&
loading cannon. walking round each other to look for
Wade in (American). To begin a the safest attack.
fight. This expression was begun
during the Civil War, and was pro- Walled (Artists', 1882). Picture
accepted — took the place of hung.
bably started by some farmer recruits Wallop down (Com. Land.). To
who obtained the figure of speech from fall with a crash.
the memory of the courage vith which
ducklings take to the water almost as Waltzing off on the ear (American}.
soon as born. A person who acts upon the first word
to which he happens to listen.
Wag-gernery, O (Lower Soc. y '80's). Wander (Street, 19 cent.}. Satirical
New shape of ' 0 agony ', based upon
the ignorant contempt for the great expression and meaning ' Be off'.
German, Wagner, through this decade. Want of proportion (Criticism,
Waistcoat piece (Tailors'}. Breast 1883). Term providing a new shape
and neck of mutton — from its resem- of attack upon the inductive process.
blance to the shape of half the front of Attributed to Mr Theodore Watts
a waistcoat not made up. (See Hyde Dunton.
Park railings. )
Want to score (Peoples'). Desire to
Waistrel (Lancashire and the North succeed. From scoring, or marking in
generally — old}. A wretched, half- all athletic and many other exercises.
starved wanderer. He was engaged in the most difficult
Wait (Theatrical). Time between scenes of a risky play. And he helped
the acts ; the time between the appear- it, not because
because he is he
a 'thorough
wanted to artist,
score ', and
ances of an actor in the same piece. knows the responsibility of his business.
Wait till the clouds roll by —D. T., 6th January 1896.
(Peoples', 1884). Catch line used to Wants a apron ( Workman's}. Out
induce hopefulness — from an American of work — the apron off.
ballad, in which this phrase formed
the chief feature of the chorus. Wants salt (American - English,
1880 on). Wants grit.
Wherever I have been lately and found
the people festively inclined I have Oh, thunder, you want salt on you. A
super is an adjunct to the stage. — Bad
gathered that they intend to 'wait till Boy's Diary, 1883.
the crowds roll loy'.—Ref., August 1884.
Wait a quarter of a sec ! (Society). War Cry (Salvation Army, 1882-
Intensification of ' Half a sec ! ' Pro- 83). The ' huzza ' of this body and of
religious, and a title to their peculiar
test against being over-hurried. newspaper.
Wake snakes (American - Eng.}.
Provoke to the uttermost. That's a very pretty dona, though, I
came across in Eegent Street the other
Walk out (American - Eng. , evening who sold me a War Cry. — 1883.
Theatrical, 1890 on). Failure — from War - cry (Public - house, 1882).
the American habit of condemning a
bad play before it is over by going home. Mixture of stout and mild — ale under- *
Reached England by way of Liverpool. stood. Applied
because satiricallyArmy
the Salvation by ' topers
spoke '
I am delighted to find, on the assur- stoutly and ever used mild terms.
ance of the author, that though New
(See Brighton bitter, Cold four,
York ' walked out ', Washington ' walked Baby and nurse.)
in' and received it warmly, and the
Boston audience gave it a most enthusi- War-paint (Soc., 1875). Court,
astic reception also. — Z>. T., 24th state, and evening dress in general —
February 1897. jewels, white gloves, etc. , etc. Derived
Walk out with the bat (Soc., 1880). from North American Indians who
Victory — from the last cricketer in an always painted themselves when going
innings taking his bat out, the last into battle. (See Full fig.)
player but one having 'gone out'. Wardour Street woods (Cabinet-
Walk turkey (American - Eng.}. makers'). Imitation old furniture,
Promenade with constrained effort, like knocked together yesterday. Name
the movement of the turkey. obtained from Wardour Street (Soho,
Warm as They Make Them Weasel

London), because that place is or was Waterloo (Streets, 19 cent, to about

supposed to be the headquarters of this 1870). Half-penny— as thus. Ther«
business. (See Worm-eater.) was a half-penny toll over Waterloo
Warm as they make them (Street). Bridge, on the Surrey side of which
Immoral. lived most of the poorer common
women who harassed the Strand. Aa
Warm bit (Com. London, 1880).
Yigorous woman. midnight arrived, these moneylesa
women who hung about Wellington
Warm corner (Soc., Sporting). A. Street at the Strand end of the bridge
nook where birds are found in plenty.
Warm with (London Taverns). begged
toll over for
thea bridge.
' Waterloo ' to pay their
Refers to orders for spirits and water,
Wauns (Peoples', provincial).
the * with ' refers to sugar. Wounds — God's wounds. Another
Warrocks (American — passing to shape of zounds.
JSng.). Beware! This seems to be a Wauns — so sound that they never
•orruption of war - hawks — meaning wake? I wish my wife lay there.—
tomahawks. Certainly it is menacing Farquhar, The Recruiting Officer.
and comes originally from the vocabu- Way of all flesh (Peoples'). Dead
lary of the North American Indians. — probably from Puritanic phrase.
Warwick weed ( Warwickshire). , Weak in the arm (Public-house}.
Warwick elm. Disguised self-glorifica- Caustic euphemism for a short pull of
tion of the splendour of the county beer, as compared with th« long pull.
elms. Chiefly refers to half-pint drawn in
Passing through the ridge and furrow a pint pot.
•ountry where the elm, the ' Warwick- Weaken (Amer., 1880). Soften.
shire weed', rises straight out of the Wears a revolver-pocket (Doubtful
corn, etc. — I). N., August 1885. Soc., 1880 on). Evasive statement to
Warwickshire Will. Name given the effect that the speaker carries a
to Shakespeare in his county. revolver.
The hateful and barbarous custom of
Washer-dona (Com. Lond.,19 cent. ).
Washer-woman. carrying these deadly weapons has risen
to an incredible height ; it has long been
Watch him like a hawk (Hist.). known to the Home Office, who need
Watch to the very death. only to have asked the tailors how many
Hawks were tamed by watching. revolver pockets they now make. —
Shakespeare has several allusions to this. Mitchell Henry, Times, 23rd January
Desdemona in assuring Cassio how she
will urge his suit with Othello, says :
Wears the broad arrow (Thieves').
' I'll watch him tame, and talk him out Elegant evasion of a reference to
of patience.' convict life. (See Taken stripes. )
Selden, in his Table Talk, says: Wears the head large (Low. Mid.-
' Lecturers get a great deal of money, class). Recovering from alcoholic
because they preach the people tame, excess.
as a man watches a hawk.' It was half -past six before all was over,
Watchers (Election). Euphemism and during the day heads were worn
for spies on the look out for bribery. large.— Ref., loth August 1886.
Water - bottle (Street). Total Wears the leek (Popular). Is a
abstainer. (See Rum -bottle, Milk- Welshman. It seems likely that th«
bottle, Ink-bottle, etc., etc.) wearing of the leek actually came into
Water down (Political). Weaken usage when Henry VII. conquered at
— minimise results. Bosworth by the aid of his Welsh
It is no use increasing the number of followers under the Tudor colours,
Toters if you water down and minimise white and green, suggestive of the leek
the political influence which the vote itself. To this view a Harleian MS.,
•onfers. — Mr J. Chamberlain, 13th June written by a Welshman, in the time of
1883. James I., gives some grounds.
Water dona (Lower Class). Weasel (East Anglia). Bribe— pro-
Washer-woman— a lady who disports bably from this animal slimly intro-
herself in water, together with soap holes. ducing himself into pocket-like rabbit
and suds.

Weases (Amer.). People of S. Weg Ewart

1885). Initials of
Carolina. William Given in
Weather peeper (Nautical). Best memory of Mr Wegg (Our Mutual
eye. Friend), who was a great sayer of
Web-foots (Provincial). People of It seems that in 1857 a speech was
Lincolnshire, probably bestowed upon delivered by a Mr James Hall who called
them by their higher county neigh- Weg a great political coward. This
bours, who did not live in the wretched speech is now reprinted in the Globe
fens of Lincolnshire. Also called
nearly thirty years afterwards. — Ref.,
yellow - bellies. Taken together sug- 17th May 1885.
gestive offen -game, such as wild ducks (fiteG.O.M.)
and geese, widgeon, all common to the Welcher or welsher (Racing). A
fens. In the States, most of the state
nicknames are derived from the flora, cheat. When a book-maker does not
fauna, or prevailing geology of the pay his debts after a race he is often
district. fallen upon with almost
cries ofas ' often
and his clothes
Why English people give each other torn off his back. It is said the word
comical names is a question fitter for a takes its rise from the name of a man
learned essay than a descriptive sketch :
but the fact remains that we have besides who, after repeated warnings, was the
first to suffer from this adaptation of
Yorkshire 'tykes', Norfolk 'dumplings',
Cheshire 'cats', Essex 'calves', and Lynch law.
Suffolk 'punches', as well as Lincoln- Weigh in (American-Eng.). Assert
shire folk, who are web-foots. — D. -ZV., oneself — from weighing, in horse-
August 1884.
This term web-foot is applied to the The journal ' weighs in ' with a
people of Oregon — but as an alterna- prismatic Christmas number. — D. N.,
tive to web-foot they are often called November 1885.
hard-cases. Weigh out (//. London). Give one
his fair share. Fine idea of the
Wedge (Thieves'). Jew. A wedge
fixes objects or breaks them up. So a distribution of stolen plate melted
Jew-fence, in relation with thieves, down to avoid identification.
or a Jew ordinary, in his everyday ' I made Criss weigh out my share ! ' —
other. is supposed to 'wedge' the Peoples', 6th January 1895.
Weighing the thumb (L. Class,
Wee - wees (Peoples' — Hogarth 19 cent.). Cheating in weight by
period). Frenchmen — from the habit sticking down the scale with the
of Frenchmen, common to this day, thumb, so as to give the idea of full
of repeating the ordinary affirmative weight, and then seizing the scale
oui. before the rebound occurs.
This looks very much as if the English
race were dwindling into a people of For practising the old trick of ' weigh-
ing his thumb ' to the disadvantage of
town- loafers, afraid to risk themselves in the customer, a City coster, named James
new enterprises in rude lands, and as Martin, who said he thought it ' a light
incapable of being genuine colonists as affair ', was directed to pay a fine of 20s.
the despised 'men of Wee Wee' — the and costs.—/). T., 25th August 1896.
French.— D. N., 20th October 1886. Well (Soc., 1860). Capital, very
Weed out (Polit., 1870). Change good, satisfactory. Used as an ad-
politics. jective instead of an adverb.
The Chairman had said that he had no Well certainly (American Soc.).
hesitation in saying that if Mr Goschen This phrase is very common in U. S. A.
did not weed himself out of the Liberal
— now and again used in England.
party, the Liberal party would not at-
tempt to weed him out. — Mr J. Morley, Well-groomed (Peoples', 1881).
Nottingham, October 1885. Perfectly dressed. From the stables,
when the highest praise is to speak of
Weeper (Soc., 1884). Long sweep-
ing moustache. Probably adapted from a horse as well-groomed.
the long ends of crape worn at funerals Well-sinking (Anglo - Indian, 18
until burial reform (1866-67) swept them cent. on). Digging for treasure.
away. Generally — making money.
Well Shod What Would Mrs Boston Say?

Questioned as to why he had no of a gourmand who has long since been

pension for his wounds, Fraser stated forgotten.
that after the relief of Lucknow he
bought his discharge ; he had then What a tale our cat's got (Peoples'
upwards of £200. He got the money proverbial — old). Figure of speech to
describe a woman or girl flaunting in
by 'well-sinking', i.e., the discovery of a new dress, and swinging the hind
buried treasure. — People, 22nd Septem-
ber 1895. part of the skirt from side to side with
a haughty motion of the hips.
Well shod (Anglo-American}.
Well off. Specimen of figurative What do you think? (Mid. -class,
slang — a horse only going prosperously 1882). What is your general opinion
when well shod. of things ? Introduced in this year by
Well sot up (Provincial American). a comic singer, who interpolated the
Well-dowried. Only said of middle- enquiry at various strong points in his
class brides, chiefly agriculturally.
Wellingtons (Mid. -class, 1812 on). song ; accent
What ho !onshe
' youbumps
'. ! (London,
Plural of Wellington, and referring to 1899). Satirical cry upon any display
boots named after the Iron Duke. of vigour — especially feminine. Said
'Where are my Wellingtons?' (See to be derived from a report of a boat-
Von Blucher). ing adventure, where this term was
Wen, The (Middle-class). London used as ' she ' fetched land. A popular
— from its shape, and figuratively from song made this term more popular.
its absorbing quality. To see Willie Edouin dance a hornpipe
Cobbett called the London of his day is a liberal education, and his official
• The Wen '. The movement of the rural Ob-
population townwards was only then be- Eilamation, ' I trade in bumps.
ginning.— D. N., 26th June 1885. saying,
by not an
me tempted "What ho!'"
ost Ibsenite to smile. —
D. T., 13th November 1899.
Wet a line (Anglers'). Go fishing.
Year by year the communications with What next, and next? (Peoples',
the lovely Thames Valley have been 19 cent. ). Exclamation signifying con-
increased until there is no difficulty in tempt for audacious assertion. A
the way of the Thames angler ' wetting favourite phrase of William Cobbett's.
a line '. The Tories must be hard up for a stick
Wet -bobs (Eaton). Bobs means to bang Gladstone with when the Globe
boys — the phrase designates boating actually has to reprint an attack upon
Etonians, as distinct from dry-bobs, or him from the Oswestry Observer of 1857.
cricketers. Ye gods ! what next, and next?— Ref.,
Wet canteen (Military). Where 17th May 1885.
liquors are sold. Antithesis of dry What Paddy gave the drum
canteen — which is the stores-centre (Irish Military, 1845). Elegant
of the barracks, where all things but euphemism for a sound thrashing,
beer may be obtained— on payment. as ' I'll give you what Paddy gave the
Wet ship (Nautical). Ship in
which captain and company drink What the Connaught man shot
deeply. drum '.
at (Irish}. Roundabout for 'nothing
Wet 'uns (Low. Glass, 19 cent.).
Wet ones— meaning tears. at ' all
What'. the Connaught man shot at '
up (American, from Irish). of late far from ' nothing '.—
To Whack
Z). N.,
(See Footless stocking without a leg. )
Whales (American— passing to Eng-
land). Desperately devoted. What the hell ! (People*). Excla-
mation of anger. Is it one of the
e The Red Lamp ' belongs to the Prin-
cess Claudia Morakoff, who is whales on Catholic corruptions? 'What the
Nihilist-hunting.—^/., 24th April 1887. hail!'— from 'Hail, Mary'?
What a bean feast I (Peoples'). What will you liq. ? (Middle-class).
Satirical exclamation in reference to a What will you drink ?
riot, quarrel, or wretched meal ; or other What would Mrs Boston say?
entertainment. (See Bean feast.) Equiva-
(American-Eng., 1850Mrson).
lent to— What would Grundy say ?
What a Collins ! (Exeter, 19 cent.).
Greedy person— evidently from name Sometimes heard in England. The
Whatchir Where do I Come inf

people of Boston hold Boston to be the away, was a singular evidence of evem
most superior city in the U.S.A. the lowest of the people accepting and
adopting the early royal Georgian
Whatchir ! (Sailors'). Shape of modes of pronouncing English. Sam
' What cheer ? ' Weller made this mode classic. Old
What-er, A (Street). Shape of
' what ' — thus formed in answer to puns reek with it. * Oh — it's a wherry
some reply as to what the speaker is. is it ?— werry good, etc., etc.'
Wheel-house, Abaft the (Amer.).
He may say I'm a chimbler (chimney- Below the small of the back.
sweep)— to which the reply, always in
The next instant a huge bull charged
response to a noun ending in ' er ' — ' A out of the door, and, catching the hero
what-er ? ' of Valley Forge abaft the wheelhouae,
What's the dynamite now ? (Soc., incontinently slammed him into a big
1890 on). Protest against a burst of apple tree. — Newsp. Cutting.
ill-temper, as suggestive of blowing Wheeled (Low Life}. Moved upon
people up. wheels, as distinct from wheel, which
What's the hullaballoo ? (Peoples',
18 cent, and 19 cent.). Riot, noise, is 'barrered' (q.v.). Instance of ex-
contention. Is this one of the Catholic pressed awe in the contemplation «f
— in a cab. luxury. That is wheeled
corruptions — is it ' What's the holy
belly' — ' Ventre Saint Gris ' — the nick- Wheeze (Theatr.). Gag, i.e., linet
name of Henri IV. of Navarre — and
referring to the dead, therefore grey, (usually comic) interpolated in the
text by the player.
body of Christ. On the other hand,
Wheezer (Music Hall, 1897).
* Hurliberlieu ' is a French term. Phonograph.
What's the lyddite? (Boer War, Whelps (American). People of
1899-1900). Latest shape of ' What's Tennessee.
the row ? ' When at Rome do as Rome does
What's the mat? (Public-school, (Proverbial). Recommendation to fall
1880). Abbreviation of ' matter '. in with the arrangements of those
What's yer fighting weight? about you. Counsel to be not too
(Street, 1883). 'At what weight do conscientious.
you fight, and are you fit ? I'm your
Where are you a-going to — can't
man ! ' yer! (Low. London, 1880). Really
What's yer Gladstone weight? meaning, Take care who you're shov-
(Street, 1885). Satirical shape of ing against.
'What's your fighting weight?' Where did you get the Rossa?
Means that the speaker doubts if
you will fight if invited. From the (Peoples', 1885). Enquiry as to
borrowed plumes. Arose from the
disrepute into which Mr Gladstone trial of a Mrs Dudley (New York,
passed with the Jingoes, or war party,
for his alleged unwillingness to carry July
Rossa.1885) for shooting at O'Donovan
on the war in the Soudan with
When Rossa said his name was
Jeremiah O'Donovan Rossa, Mrs Dudley
What'syourpoll to-day? (Printers', asked,
19 cent.}. Amount of piece wages — — D. N.,' Where
1st Julydid1885.
you get the Rossa ? '
from numbers on a statement of votes. It was supposed that the Rossa wa»
Whaty ?, A (Peoples', 18 cent.). An a flight of fancy. This phrase com-
enquiry made when any strange state- menced in New York, thence went to
ment is made: e.g., 'He's a jimjack ' Liverpool and over all England.
—'A whaty ? '—'A jimjack.' This di- Where do I come in? (Peoples1,
minutive isprobably of court descent ; J90's). Personal protest. From a
for all the familiar memoirs of George police - court case in which a shrevr
III. give an anecdote of his defiance to put this question until she was turned
some peeress to fog him with Scotch, out.
and his immediate defeat, when he
'Where', to use a phrase which Mr
cried ' A whaty, my lady — a whaty ? ' Labouchere has made Parliamentary, ' do
The popular interchange of ' v ' and we come in ? ' Unfortunately, we do not
*w', which has now utterly passed come in at all.— D. T., 5th August 1899.
Where the Flies won't Get It Whistler

donned my caubeen, my brogues and

Where the flies won't get it other things, and lighting my dhudeen,
(American}. To swallow ' it ' — and selecting my finest shillelagh, went
generally drink. off to Olympia to assist at the opening of
Where's the war ? (Peoples', 1900). the Whiskyries, otherwise the Irish
Applied to some scattered and divided Exhibition.— Ref., 10th June 1888.
street wrangle. From the Boer War Whisky-bottle (Scotch). A Scotch
after June 1900 — when both sides drunkard.
seemed to be distributed over creation,
and never appeared to get really face Whisky stalls (Press, 1883). End
to face. stalls, or near the end, so that an
occupier can adjourn to the refresh-
Whig (Mid-class, 1860-99). Ir- ment bar without much inconveni-
resolute person — even a turncoat. ence to himself, or a long line of
From the Whig, in parliament, being
generally a temporiser. neighbours.
Whisky straight (A merican Saloon).
Whipped out of one's boots Whisky — with no water about it.
(American). Completely conquered.
Whirl (Anglo- American}. A stormy Whispering gallery (Theatrical,
turn, a general challenge. 1883). The then Gaiety Bar — long
since razed, and its site aiding in the
Whisht (Provincial). Dangerous — formation of the front of Aldwych.
to be avoided. Probably an onoma- Derived from the Whispering Gallery
tope from the catching of the breath of St Paul's Cathedral. Said in satire
in fear.
Companionship offered to such beings of the poorer actors 'out of a ship',
who frequented that hostelry, aad
(Protestant nuns) in a remote rural
neighbourhood in England was not all •whispered to any one of their more
fortunate brethren — as, 'Could you
kindly. They were 'whisht' women, Avenue.)
even witches, to the rustics. — D. N., lend me half a dollar?' (See Pros'
29th December 1884.
Whiskbroom 'with' (American - Whist drive (Soc. 1895). Whist—
Eng., 1897). Cry describing drunken- where the players are shifted, at the
ness. This phrase came from U.S.A. end of a rubber, to other tables and
on 8th of July 1897. other players.
Prohibition (U.S.A.) has always been Whistle for wind (Peoples', 19 cent.).
followed by a remarkable display of Description of a fool.
ingenuity in evasion, but, according to The reef -points clatter upon your fair
Miss Kate Field, no State ever evaded white mainsail and the helmsman whistles
the prohibitory law so neatly as Kansas. softly for the wind which will not come.
Desiring to purchase a whiskbroom when —Sir E. Arnold, D. T., 31st March 1897.
on a lecture tour out there, Miss Field
Whistler (E. London). Chance
went into a druggist's where they were labourer at docks — from the poor
displayed in the window. ' Will you have fellow whistling for work.
one with or without?' asked the man
behind the counter. ' I do not under- Only fifty men were wanted beyond
stand your meaning,' she replied. Hold- the 'royals', or regular hands. So a
ing up two whiskbrooms apparently 'whistlers'—
exactly alike, he parted the wisps of one, hundred
the and for
dock term needylabourers
fiftychance — had
disclosing a small flask, and with a little to turn with heavy hearts away.— Ref.,
whirl of his thumb and finger the top of 29th March 1885.
the broom came off, like the cork out of Whistler (Soc., 1880). Misty,
a bottle. Miss Field bought the two
whiskbrooms, one for ordinary use, the dreamy, milky, softly opalescent
other to exhibit to audiences as an argu- atmosphere — from many peculiarly
ment in her lecture, ' Does Prohibition exceptional pictures painted by the
artist of this name. Came to be
Prohibit ?'—/). T., 8th July 1897.
The whiskbroom is a small coir applied to ethics, aesthetics, and even
conversation, where the doctrines
"brush about a foot lo»g. enunciated were foggy.
Whisker -fake (Theatrical). Cos-
metic for facial hair. The river, too, never looks better than
Whiskeries (London, 1888). Irish on one of these 'Whistler' evenings.
Exhibition in London. Symphonies in silver and gold and blue
and purple and cold grey are to be found
Early on Monday morning I arose and on the embankments, notably on the
Whistlers Whitehall

south of the river, for the trouble of fair women. Also applied by Protestant
going there. — D. N., llth November writers to the Roman Catholic ritual.
White nigger (Negro). Term of
Whistlers (Scotland). Bag-pipers. contempt and offence used by blacks
In their native wilds, the people of against white folk.
Fife are known as 'whistlers', not on The emancipated blacks of Sierra
account of their musical proclivities, but
because their country take its name from Leone not only address each other as
a very highly-pitched musical instrument, ' niggers
all ', but with
Europeans salutewhom
as ' white
they niggers
are not '
between which and a ' whistle ' the Cale- on friendly terms.— D. N., 20th Jun&
donian ear distinguishes little difference. 1883.
—D. T., 4th March 1898.
White Army, The (Street, 1883). White soup (Thieved). Melted
A band of men who formed themselves silver — run down from stolen plate, to
avoid identification.
together to combat social evil.
One or two colleges at Oxford have a
Another 'army' has been formed. crozier or so of the fourteenth century,
This time it is a band of youths and
men who are to wear a white cross, and or a platter of the time of Edward IV.
battle against the social evil. The White But most of the college plate made
Army may be very earnest, but if it is to 'white soup' at the time of the Civil
parade the streets like the other armies War, and went unavailingly to buy
it will be just what it is formed to put horses and feed men for the King. —
D. N., 5th May 1887.
down.— Ref., 18th February 1883.
White Brahmins (Anglo-Indian, 19 Whitechapel
Woman murder. In (Peoples',
and about 1888).
cent.). Excessively exclusive persons. a number of women of the town in the
Invented by Hindoo satire to describe East of London were murdered and
the Brahminic-like exclusiveness of
those of the English in India, who mutilated. Before the year was out
a woman murder came to be called
wished to prevent the native Indian a Whitechapel.
from obtaining any power.
When Indians mean to be sarcastic, When charged prisoner said he knew
they denominate the English in India nothing about the murder ; he was very
drunk. A witness who worked with him
White Brahmins.— D. N., 9th December
1884. said he had heard Nicholson say, ' I shall
White elephant (Soc., 18 cent, and do a Whitechapel on my wife yet '.
Whitechapel oner (Local London).
on). An article (generally large and A leader of light and youth in the
expensive), for which you have no use.
Again, a present which entails more Aldgate district — chiefly in the high
coster interests. (See Roader. )
expense than advantage, one generally
bestowed by a donor who wishes to Whitechapel warriors (E. London).
relieve himself of a burden. Derived Militia of the Aldgate district.
from a habit of the remoter Kings of Whitechokery (Peoples', 1870).
Siam, who, when they wished to ruin Figure of speech for the general scheme
a courtier, made him a present of a of life maintained by the various classes
white elephant, whose sacred nature who wear white neckties habitually —
made his keep and that of his atten- or only in the evening.
dants so expensive that the owner was Whitehall (Military, 19 cent.).
necessarily reduced to beggary. Metaphor of cheerfulness. When a
White horse (Irish). Cowardice. soldier has leave of absence to London,
Derived from the tradition that James his sergeant probably says to him,
II. fled from the battle of the Boyne
on a white horse. ' Don't go near Whitehall, or we shan't
see you to time'. This refers to the
White light (Railway — now spread fact that a soldier can generally get au
to Peoples'). All right, correct, safe. extension of leave of absence if he
From a white light throughout the makes personal application for it at the
railway world representing safety, and Horse Guards, which is the very heart
freedom from danger. (See All over of Whitehall. It is popularly supposed
red, Be green. ) in the army that if a soldier on leave
White magic (Soc., 19 cent.). In goes near Whitehall he cannot resist
general, innocent legerdemain, but the temptation to apply for extra leave.
figuratively applied to very beautiful Hence when a soldier looks particularly
White -Washed Whoa, Emma!

cheerful, it is said of him, * He's been inadvertently shot a dog.— D. T. (G. A.

to Whitehall'. Sala), 28th July 1894.
White-washed (Builders'}. Com- Who stole the goose? (Peoples'
pounded with creditors or passed —provincial). Interjection of con-
through the bankruptcy court. tempt, which appears to have some
hidden meaning, probably of an erotic
Whittington Priory (Debtors').
Holloway prison for debt — from its pro-
pinquity toHighgate, and the associa- Who sups with the devil must
tions of Highgate with Whittington. have a long spoon (Historical).
Brought into fashion again by Mr J.
Whittling (Polit.). Niggling and Chamberlain (1898), meaning of course,
reducing things by fragments. From that in dealings with rascals one must
the ancient and past away habit of
agricultural Americans, shaving away keep one's eye open — said in reference
to Russia's action in China.
a stick with a clasp-knife, while talk- Who took it out of you ? (Street).
ing. Is now used for petty, wasteful
action, as distinct from sheer evident Meaning wholly unknown to people
work. not absolutely of lower class.
Lord Salisbury put forward with great Who ? who ? (Soc. , 1852). Doubt-
ingenuity and ability what he called the ful, to be mistrusted. From a parlia-
Tory programme at Newport. He has mentary episode.
since been engaged in whittling it away The c Who ? who ? Government '. The
until what was little before has become story went that the Duke of Wellington,
small by degrees and beautifully less ; asking Lord Derby one evening in the
until there is hardly any of it left for House of Commons for the names of the
your consideration. — Mr Chamberlain new Ministers, and knowing nothing of
(Birmingham), 3rd November 1885.
many of them, had to call out 'Who?
Who are yer? (Street, 1883). who ? ' so often in tones audible to the
Enquiry in an offensive tone, made in whole House, that the attention of friends
the street, and which, when answered, and enemies was alike attracted, and the
humour of the day found a title for the
usually receives the counter- enquiry,
Ministry out of the Duke's astonished
and repeated
December 1884. enquiry. — D. N., 10th
Who did you say? (L. Streets',
'90's). Satire levelled at a passing Whoa, bust me (Low. London).
person of evident, or self-asserting Protest. A very common expression
importance, and uttered by one friend through the 19th century.
to another, without any preliminary Whoa, carry me out (Common
statement on any side. London, 19 cent.). Here we have the
Who pawned her sister's ship? protecting 'Whoa' preceding a droll
(Local London, Clare Market, Strand). affectation of being shocked to death,
The meaning of the term is quite
obscure, but during the last year of out. involves being effectually carried

this historical ramshackle and labyrin-

thine spot, this sentence would always Whoa, Emma! (Street, '80's).
create a burst of laughter amongst the Entreaty to be modified — addressed to
women with marked appearance or
intimateg of that doubtful locality. behaviour in the streets. It came from
May have been an evasion of ' shift '. an inquest on a woman who had died
Who shot the dog? (L. C., Ws). under astounding circumstances. She
Term of contempt levelled at volunteers, was suffering from inflammation ; she
who were not at their initiation popular induced her hraband to allay her pain
with the masses, who had not got over by the use of a small Dutch clock
the revulsion of feeling in favour of weight. Finding relief from the con-
the real soldier. The phrase arose tact of the cold iron, she urged the
from the rash shooting of a dog in the husband to continue the operation —
streets by a Surrey Volunteer. whereupon she died. At the inquest
the husband had to defend himself.
'Who shot the dog?' was a very ill- He urged that he said to his wife
natured cry prevalent in London streets
in the early days of the Volunteer move- « Whoa Emma ! ' over and over again,
ment, and was supposed to refer to a but she would not listen to him. For
misadventure of some rifleman who had years this phrase lasted as a street
Whoa, Jameson ! Willie — We have Missed You

protest, too often shot at drunken dressed girl passing near them. Also
wojnen. (See Outside Eliza, Now the cry of welcome amongst London
we're busy.) costermongers.
Whoa, Jameson! (Peoples', 1896). Whyms (Club, 1882). Consolida-
An admiring warning against plucky tion into a word of the initials
rashness. When Dr Jameson invaded 'Y.M.C.A.' (q.v.).
the Transvaal, with a handful of men, Widow, The (Army, 1863 on).
and lost, the people recognised his Affectionate name for Queen Victoria.
equal pluck and rashness. In no way disparaging.
Whole hog (Anglo - American). Widow, The (Soc., 1850 on).
Thorough bare-faced lie — derived in Clicquot champagne — brand of la
the first place from a recommendation Veuve Cliquot, hence the term. (See
to a man of Connecticut (where pork Squat, Dutchman, etc.)
affords the chief menu) to go the Wielder of the willow (Sporting).
whole hog — the man having made a Cricketer — from the bats being made
statement as to a quantity of pork he of this wood.
had eaten. As usual with popular Wife out of Westminster (Old Eng-
phrases, it passed into a song — 'The lish). Doubtful spouse — sometimes
whole Hog or None.' time (American, still heard in the East of London.
Whole souled
1882). Perfect delight. Wig-faker (Low. London, 18 cent.
It was a whole-souled time, as the on). Hair-dresser.
Americans call it — now unknown. — Wigs on the green (Irish, 18 cent.).
Graphic, 17th March 1883. Fighting. The Irish Parliament
Whole team (American, 1878). House (1782-1800) was on the Green,
Perfect, absolute — from the agri- Dublin, in days when wigs were worn.
The Green was the constant scene of
cultural states, where the ' whole riots, and as constantly wigs would
team' does the work.
It is an Americanism. We cannot tell strew the roadway. Still used figura-
who invented it, but it means that a man tively all over Ireland.
is in possession of uncommon powers of In taking leave of Bayreuth and the
mind. That he is a whole team when he ' JRing ', I can only counsel a continuance
is smart ; when he is very smart he is a of that policy of peace which seems
whole team and a horse to spare, and happily to have been adopted both by
when the smartest, a whole team and a ardent Wagnerites and by those who
horse to spare and a pair of coach dogs choose to cleave to the older ways of
under the waggon. — N. Y. Mercury, 2nd music. Twenty years ago, if the
March 1878. chroniclers tell us truth, it was almost a
Whole team and a little dog under case of ' wigs on the green ' at Festival
time, to such heights did party feeling
the waggon (American). Distin- run.— D. T., 25th August 1896.
thing. guished, liberal, proper — said of any-
Wild - goose (American mining).
Promise of fortune. A thin vein of
Wholeskin brigade (Transvaal
War). Cautious cowards in its ore, generally referring to silver, which
general application, but in actual war presages
veins. the discovery of valuable
meaning a regiment, battalion or
brigade which has not been in action. Wilhelm II. much (Soc., 1898).
Does not necessarily mean that the Wilhelm Too much. Obvious chaff
brigade in question has shirked action. suggesting the extremely busy activity
of the Emperor of Germany.
. . . the ' wholeskin brigade ', to borrow
a phrase from the pungent vocabulary of Will you short? (Australian
the British private in South Africa, etc. Tavern). Pay for a small dose of
— D. T., 31st October 1901.
Whoop up (American}. To tune a spirits.
Willie — we have missed you
musical instrument.
(Peoples', 1899). Welcome. In the
Whooperups (Theatrical and Enter- 'fifties a ballad with this title was
tainment generally}. Inferior, noisy very popular. Finally it became a
singers. march which is played to this day.
Whoy-oi! (Street). Cry used by On 20th November the Emperor of
coster - class upon sight of a gaily- Germany arrived at Portsmouth, and
Willie— Willie— Wicked, Wicked I Without Authorial Expenses
this march was the first music to St Winifred's Well, in Flintshire,
welcome him when he came on shore. whose miraculous cures are the envy of
Lourdes and the wonder of the North
While the inspection was in progress of England, is not to be turned into
the band of the Koyal Marine Light
a soda-water manufactory without a
Infantry played ' Willie, we have missed struggle.— D. T., 15th December 1898.
you ', a playful attention which pleased Wink (American Saloon). Dumb
the Emperor, who heartily shook the
bandmaster, Lieutenant Miller, by the mode of ordering liquor.
hand as he passed. — D. T., 21st Winter campaign (Peoples', 1884).
November 1899. Riot, shrewishness, drunken disturb-
Willie— Willie— wicked, wicked ! ance— from the name given by the
(Street). Satiric street reproach dynamiters to their operations in the
addressed to a middle-aged woman winter months, when general darkness
talking to a youth. From a county threw but little light upon their
court case in which a middle-aged proceedings.
landlady sued for a week's rent from After the explosion of 30th May there
a young man lodger whose defence was a lull, and then there commenced
was that he left the house because what, on the other side of the Atlantic,
the plaintiff would not only come they were pleased to call the 'winter
into his room, but would proceed to campaign'. There was an attempt to
sit on his bed. blow up London Bridge, then there wai
the explosion in the railway tunnel near
Windfall (Hist.). Unexpected
fortune. King's Cross, and afterwards the ex-
plosions atWestminster and the Tower.
Window (Street, 1860). Eye-glass D. N., 3rd March 1885.
— invented to meet the requirements Wipe off your chin (American,
of the round, rimless, stringless eye- 1860). To drink a liqour— probably
glass which so many young men still suggested by the habit of a bearded
carry, as by a miracle, in the right eye. man wiping the moustache and beard
Wine ('Varsities, 19 cent.). Ab- about the chin, with the hand, after
breviation ofwine-party. a drink. Also used as a recommenda-
His first ' wine ', given in his own tion to be silent — from chin being used
room, was an awful ordeal. — D. N., to mean speech.
6th March 1885.
(See Tea-pot.) Wiping
Asking feet-money.
for beer (Hoppers'—
Wing (Theatrical). Perform with asking for money from visitors to hop-
much help from the prompter — who fields. The boots are brushed with
stands at the win. hop-bines, and the money is waited
Let us take the slang verb ' to wing '. for.
It indicates the capacity to play a Wire in and get your name up
without knowing the text, andplay the a word
(Peoples', 1862). Recommendation to
itself came into use from the fact that struggle for success, but originally very
the artiste frequently received the assist- erotic.
ance of a special prompter, who often
stood upon the stage, but screened from By-and-bye, when the white heat of
the audience by a piece of the scenery or excitement is over, no one will be able
a wing.— Stage, 31st August 1885. to say that anybody connected with thi«
maladorous squabble missed a chance of
Wingers — sometimes called
Flanges (Colloquial — about 1865). ' wiring in and getting his name up'.—
After the Crimean beard, which meant Ref., 21st October 1888.
all the hair growable on the face, had Without any (L. Class, 1890 on).
lasted in fashion about ten or twelve Abstinence from any shape of alcohol.
years, the chin came to be once more One of the elegant evasions.
shown, and the whiskers were thrown The old lady made a curtsey to the
back, or pulled away from the cheeks, Bench as she entered the dock, and re-
and allowed to grow as long as nature peated her obeisance when asked what
decided. The name was obtained from she had to say. She said she had gone
their streaming and waving character. ' without any
for years taken ', and was afraid
she had too much.— D. T., 1/tk
Winifred, O (Peoples', '90's). Ex- December 1897.
clamation importing disbelief — from Without authorial expenses
St Winifred's Well, in Wales.
207 (Literary). Cheating, piracy, theft.
Witness-Stand Wreckers, First-Night

From this phrase being used against He will never do any good — he ia too
the U.S.A. to explain that the original quite a wooden spoon.
English author has been paid nothing This year a student from Caius Col-
for the reprinted work.
were lege and another
bracketed equalfrom
for St
the Catharine's
honour of
Witness-stand (American). Wit-
ness-box in court of law. Rather a the ' wooden spoon ' in the Mathematical
misnomer, as the witnesses are seated. Tripos, and to each was presented a huge,
trophy in the form of a malt shovel,
In the English witness-box no witness gaily adorned with his college arms and
ia allowed a seat while he can keep his colours.— D. T., 19th June 1894.
Wooden Ulster (Street). Coffin.
Talk of volubility, why, a darkey lady Word - mongering (Press, 1878).
on the witness-stand is irrepressible. Redundancy of description. Used in
They are all ladies, and I observed that critical scorn.
each of them referred to the other as a
Work (Theatrical and Music Hall),
lady, even when she was an opponent. — Perform. Natural affected outcome
D. T., 2nd April 1897.
Woffle (Music Hall and Music gener- of calling the theatre ' shop ' (q.v.).
Work the steam off (Soc., 1870
ally). To mask, evade, manipulate a energy. Get rid of superabundant
note or even difficult passage. on).
Wellies (E. London). Well known
term for olives, of which the great Work up (Peoples'). To aggravate.
Worker (Polit., American). A
mass brought to London are consumed
by the Jews and other East Londoners. civil service placeman who politically
Probably an abbreviation of the call, works to bring in his candidate, so-
that this voter may not go out of
' O ! olives
these delicacies. ! ' by the street vendors of office at the next presidential election.
Wolverines (American). People of Workus (Church of England).
Methodist chapel — from its plain,
Michigan — probably from the territory white-washed appearance.
being over-run with wolves.
Worm-eater (Trade — Cabinet -
Won't run to it, It (Sporting
makers'). A deft artisan who drills
Peoples'). Too poor. Figure of speech very diminutive holes in imitation old
from a horse not reaching the post ;
in other words — a horse with no stay. furniture, to give the effect of worm-
holes to the wood. (See Wardour
Very common expression. Street Woods.)
Won't take off his coat (Street).
Equal to a coward. Worrab (Costers1 transposed word).
Won't wash (Peoples'). No Worrocks (Peoples'). Beware.
permanent value — derived from the
printed calico trade. Probably a corruption of ' 'Ware
hawks ' — ware being short for beware.
Wood - spoiler (Navy). Merely The phrase implies — look after your
average ship's carpenter. pockets ; there are thieves about — a
Woodbine (L. London). Name of threat presaging attack.
the maker of a penny packet of five Worry down (American). To
cigarettes. swallow greedily, like a dog.
Wooden nutmegs (American).
People of Connecticut. Given in con- — Worry
said of a the mandogwho(Peoples').
upsets evenBully
sequence ofthese traders having been welcome of the house-dog, which re-
the first to discover this spice, which, treats at his approach.
it has been said, they once palmed off Worth (Soc.t 1860-85). Most
upon the unwary. fashionable costume. From name of
Wooden spoon (Soc., 19 cent.) a man -milliner of the second French
Thick -head ; idiot. From Cambridge empire.
University — a wooden spoon being Wotchero! (Peoples'). Agglomera-
until recently given as the lowest tion of ' What cheer oh ! '
possible mathematical honour — but at Wotchero ! another one.— E. T., llth
least an honour — at the Tripos Exa- April 1885.
minations. (Now no longer given, Wreckers, First-night (Theatr.),
Tripos being abolished.) In 1882 a small band of men, chiefly
X's Hall

very young, but led by a man of fifty, Write one's name across another's
who combined to wreck pieces on their (Sporting). To strike in the face.
first night, became very troublesome. Mr John Coleman, having been ac-
They numbered about ten or a dozen, cused of being the author of a certain
were chiefly superior journeymen, and book, writes to the papers demanding to
combined only in relation to their know the originator of the ' slander '.
behaviour in, the theatres, rarely even Mr Coleman is anxious 'to write my
signature across his'. This picturesque
drinking together. Injudicious ap- phrase will be a useful addition to the
proval ofone or two of their remarks, vocabulary of the ring. — Globe, 5th
published in one or two cheap Sunday October 1885.
papers, touched their vanity, and they Wrong scent (Hunting, 19 cent.).
proceeded from objection to objection Mistaken enquiry. From the phrase
until nothing pleased them. They
received their first check at the Vaude- ' on a wrong scent '. Good parallel is
Barking up a wrong tree (q.v.).
ville on the first night of The Gutfnor,
Wrong side of the hedge (Coaching
when they were ' rushed ' from pit and times). A figurative way of describing
gallery. But their great shock was
experienced on the first appearance of a fling from a coach-top.
Miss Lotta at the Opera Comique Wroth of reses (Theatrical, 1882).
(1883), where they were attacked by He, wore a wrothe of reses — letter in-
friends of the management, in which version of 'wreath of roses'. This
it was said the son of a military duke treatment was started by Mr F. C.
took victorious part as against the Burnaud (Punch, about 1877), who
wreckers. So powerful did these began with 'she smole a smile', etc.,
etc. Said of a male singer who
people become in the '80's, that man- vocalises too sentimentally.
agers, even including Irving, changed
their first nights from Saturday to Wrux (Modern Public-school, 1875).
some other day in the week, in the A rotter ; a humbug.
belief that the wreckers were generally
patrons who could only, as a rule,
frequent the theatres on the last night
of the week.
Happily there are good reasons for
believing that the managerial belief in
'first-night wreckers', as they are called,
is greatly exaggerated. — D. N., 25th
September 1884.
Wrecking (Financial, 1880).
Destroying without mercy — and ob- X. S. (People* t 1860, etc.). Ab-
viously adopted from the old Cornish breviation ofexpenses.
custom of attracting vessels by false
lights, and then destroying all who X. X. (Tavern). Double X— ab-
came ashore. About 1880, the im- breviation of* double excellent '.
mense height of consols encouraged X. X. X. (Tavern). Treble X—
speculation, and for some three years Treble excellent.
a vast number of limited liability com- X's hall (Thieves'). Sessions House,
panies were started, of which nine out Clerkenwell. X's is a corruption of
of ten came to complete grief. A class Hicks — Hicks being a dreaded judge
of financial solicitors then sprang into who sat for many years on the bench.
existence, who gained doubtful in- In the time of imprisonment for debt,
comes by 'wrecking' companies and every county jail was called by its
grabbing what they could. Governor's name with hotel added
— as Chelmsford Jail was called
Wriggle off (Land., 1860). Take
one's departure. house. )
MacGorrorey's Hotel. (See Slaughter
Wriggling in for a commish
(American). Sneaking for the pay-
ment of a commission.
Writ - pushers (Legal — vulgar).
Lawyers' clerks. 269
Y.M.C.A. You Mate Me Tired

Misa Hilton was engaged — 0, ye gods

and little fishes !— at a salary of £15 a
week.— Rff., 1st March 1885.
Probably means that the lady would
be receiving quite enough.
Yell (Yale College, U.S.A.).
Classical war-cry.
Yell -play (Theatr.). A farcical
piece in several acts where the laughter
Y. M. C. A. (Anglo- Amer.). Goody- is required to be unceasing.
goody, pure in excelsis. Initials of Yellow journalism (Political). Ex-
' Young Men's Christian Association '. treme jingoistic and overwhelming
Yaller-bellies (Lincoln). People of views.
Lincolnshire — from the quantity of America remains true to her British
geese which came from the county friendship, and the stories of American
of Lincoln. The belly feathers of the Fenians invading Canada are officially
$ oose are yellowish in the shade. characterised as ' the latest outbreak of
Yaller dog (American). Yellow is yellow journalism
December 1899. '. — D. T.t 27th
the tint of most dogs in America —
kence it is the most searching term of Yellow-backs (Middle-class). They
•rdinary contempt. were cheap two-shilling editions of
Yankee main tack (Navy). Direct novels, which were generally bound in
line ; is generally associated with a a yellow, glazed paper, printed in
threat to knock a man down. ' I'll
lay you along like a Yankee main tack.' Yellow-bellies. (See Web-foots.)
Yankee paradise (England). Paris. Yelp (Music Hall, 1870, etc.). To
In the time of the Second Empire, it sing in chorus. In all music halls
was said, 'All good Americans go to the audience join in the choruses.
Paris when they die'. As, however, Yere they come smoking their
the century wore on, the excessive
•xtortions of the Parisians drove the pipes
said by (Billingsgate,
buyers of fish J70's). Always
at the auctions
touring Americans to London, where when the bids were awfully rapid and
they remain in peace and comparative busy.)
high — it meant probably independence
and determination. (See Now we're
Yankeeries (London, 1887).
American and American- Indian display Yo Tommy (Minor Theatr. and
at Earl's Court Gardens.
Peoples'). Exclamation of condemna-
Bill West's Wild Buffalo — I mean tion by the small actor. Amongst the
West Buffalo's Wild Bill— at any rate, lower classes it is a declaration of
you know what I do mean, though I can't admiration addressed to the softer sex
get it quite right — has been the Jubilee
boom up to the present. Her gracious by the sterner.
Majesty has been to the Yankeeries. — Yon kipper ( Yiddish'). The Day of
fief., 15th May 1887. Atonement — New Year's Day amidst
the Hebrews. The phrase is yon
Yard of satin ( Women's). Glass of
gin. Specimen of grim satire, com- kippur — this final word being a
paring the colour and smoothness of
the spirit with a material generally spondee.
Yorkshire (Peoples'). Fair and
far distant from the fashions of the square payments.
patronesses of gin. You musn't squeal (Peoples', Anglo-
Yardnarb (Transposed word, 1880). American, 1898). Exhortation to be
This is confused back-phrasing, being brave. Often satirically used. From
'brandy'. Here the 'y' for ease in the first speech by Mr Roosevelt, New
pronunciation is converted into 'yar' York, to volunteers formed in May
to collide with the ' d '. 1898, upon outbreak of war between
U.S.A. and Spain.
Ye gods and little fishes ! (Peoples').
Exclamation of contempt, mocking the You make me tired (Anglo-
theatrical appeal to the gods by an American, '90's). 'You bore me' —
added invocation to finny small fry. exact synonym. Sometimes now heard
You get Yourself DisliJced Zulu Express

in London — supposed to be introduced Zarndrer (Street, 1863-70). The long

by the Duchess of Marlborough (1898) single curl brought from the back hair
— a then leader of fashion. over the left shoulder, and allowed to
lie on the breast. From Alexandra,
You'll get yourself disliked (Street, Princess of Wales, having brought over
1878). A satirical protest against any this fashion from Denmark.
one who is behaving abominably.
Zeb (Shortened inverted word, 1882).
Young person, The (Soc., about Best.
1880). Girl from fifteen to marriage.
The zeb way we know is to throw the
To know ' Th&j-Critt ' is to like him. crockery at her. If you owe rent, toss
It is true that his morality is rather lax the landlord double or quits, and if you
even for a cavalry officer, and that he
cannot be recommended to the young know off
come anything of tossing you're bound to
first zeb.
person. But then there is such plenty of
literature for the young person. — Sat. Zeb taoc (Curtailed inverted word).
Rev., 26th December 1885. Best coat.
Zedding about (Soc., 1883). Going
Young thing (Masculine Women's zigzag, diverging.
Society). A youth between seventeen
and twenty-one. Zoodikers (Catholic Survival).
You're a off the grass (Cricketing). God's hooks — hook sometimes being
Without chance. hooker. — Tom Jones, bk. xviii., ch. 13.
Yurup (American Street). Europe — Zooks (Catholic Survival). God's
hooks — hooks being old English for
accent on the ' rup '. nails ; here meaning the nails used
«pon the cross.
' Zouks ', said my father. — Sterne,
Tristram, Shandy.

wounds (Catholic
— this Survival).
word here rhyming God's
' sounds '. This oath has survived even
Zambo (Merchant Marine, 19 cent.). to our times. It was common in the
time of Latimer.
Probably a perversion of Sambo (see).
Zounds and blood. May be found
A term on the Spanish main for a race in Tom Jones, bk. xvi., ch. 4.
produced by the union of the negro
and the Indian — it literally means Zulu express (Railway}. Name
given to a Great Western afternoon
bow-legged. — Smyth's Sailors'
Book. Word-
express, at date of Zulu War.

Uniform with the present Work.



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The above two Works form part of

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SIONS. By Archdeacon NARES. Edited by J. O. HALLIWELL
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Ware, James Redding

Passing English of the
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c 19093






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