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Wednesday 1st March 2023

WALT: Identify elements that need to be included in the devised performance.

Task 2 – while you are watching (OR afterwards) make some notes so we can
discuss it next lesson

What did you like about the piece?

I enjoyed the use of sound scape from the rest of the cast as it kept each and
every actor involved even when their characters were not.

What did you not like about the piece?

One thing I did not like about the piece would be the twist that it was
actually the prison guard who murdered Lola Brown as it is an un-needed
twist and confuses me on why he would inspect the others instead of just
getting rid of the body. With this being a prison he could play it off on a
prisoner labeled 'crazy' we know they have one as one is in the performance.

What do you think the stimulus material might have been?

I believe the stimulus material was a report on the death of Lola Brown as it
is the key stem connecting all the characters.

What do you think was their intention for the audience?

I believe the key intention was to first fool the audience by making them
think it was a prisoner who killed Lola and then slowly change their mind
with the tragic flashbacks only for the audience to be shocked by the twist.

The piece used lots of performance styles and devices.

Which ones stood out?

.Tableaux/still image - as it provided a clear view of the key event in the

.Ensemble gestures – choreographed movements that symbolise something -

as it allowed interesting moments to be put into a place even if it didn't have
a set.

.Monologue – talking directly to the audience - as it allowed the audience to

feel connected to the characters making it easier to emphasise with them.

.Multi-role – playing more than 1 character - as it was an interesting way to

add more characters and was clear when used.

What did you think of the ending?

As I discussed earlier I didn't think the twist was needed
Who do you think was the strongest performer?
Even though I dislike what they did with his character I think Felix Fuller
Kerley was the strongest performer
Try to explain why you think this.
I think this as he shows large use of tone, pitch and gestures to show what
he is doing and has an interesting way of portraying the common twist

If you could give them an EBI – what would you suggest?

Try not to cram all of theese devices into the performance as sometimes they
can clash such as the twist ending.

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