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Copyright © 2023 by Browmies All rights reserved.

This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner
whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for
the use of brief quotations in a book review.
Welcome to

A Journey of calmness

This coloring book is made with love and care, giving it a personal touch.

In this book, you will meet the Browmies, eight gentle spirits who have been blessed with
unique gifts for creating harmony. At the center of their sanctuary is Ella, a peaceful
presence who spreads serenity to everyone around her. Ella’s four close friends find
solace in nature, meditation, art, and friendship. Together, they weave a beautiful tapestry
of peacea.

The other four Browmies each bring their own special gifts. They share soothing melodies
that transport you to a place of tranquility. They have a healing touch when it comes to
gardening, nurturing both plants and spirits. They offer mindfulness exercises that bring
clarity and focus. And their joyful presence uplifts everyone they meet.

However, harmony is not always easy to maintain. Along their journey, the Browmies face
subtle disturbances that threaten their equilibrium. But through reflection and moments of
silence, they overcome these challenges and restore balance to their world.

As you embark on your coloring adventure, let the bond among the Browmies inspire you
to explore your own inner peace. Allow your creativity to flow as you bring vibrant colors
to these pages, reflecting the harmony that resides within you.

So, open your heart, embrace the calming hues, and immerse yourself in the world of
Browmies. May this coloring book be your companion on a journey to serenity and self-
We are grateful that you’ve selected Browmies to enhance your
creative pursuits.
Our mission is to create delightful, Cute and Strees relief moments for you.
We highly value your satisfaction and encourage you to share your experience
by submitting a review. Your constructive feedback is crucial in refining our
products to better serve you and future clientele.

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Página de prueba de coloreado.
Breakfast Playing cards
Biscuit’s Trumpet Puppets theater
Calm place Roller donut
Chocolate cake Shuush... it’s library
Crochet Sleeping time
Cow-boy Snow day
Ella’s Dream Sophie’s morning
fresh delivery Spring fun
Fair fun Traffic aid
Halloween Train moment
Kite wind Tree house
Land of cake Video games
Lake fishing Waiting for the bus
Picnic coffee watering roses
Piñata party We love music
Coloring Test Page
Biscuit’s Trumpet
Calm place
Chocolate cake
Ella’s Dream
Fresh delivery
Fair fun
Kite wind
Land of cake
Lake fishing
Picnic coffee
Piñata party
Playing cards
Puppets theater
Roller donut
Shuush... it’s library
Sleeping time
Snow day
Sophie’s morning
Spring fun
Traffic aid
Train moment
Tree house
Video games
Waiting for the bus
watering roses
We love music
Congratulations on completing Browmies: A Journey of Calmness!
You’ve reached the end of this enchanting coloring adventure, and we applaud your
creativity and dedication. We hope this book has provided you with moments of relax-
ation, joy, and artistic expression.

As you close these pages, take a moment to reflect on the journey you’ve taken. Each
stroke of color was an act of self-care and a testament to your imagination. Remem-
ber, the magic of coloring lies not only in the finished artwork but also in the peace-
ful moments you’ve carved out for yourself.

We hope that Browmies has inspired you to continue exploring your artistic potential,
both on paper and in life. Remember to embrace the beauty of simplicity, find solace
in creativity, and always make time for moments of calmness.

Thank you for joining us on this delightful journey. We hope Browmies has left a last-
ing impression on your heart and brought a sense of tranquility to your days. Keep
coloring, keep creating, and keep nurturing your inner artist.

Wishing you many more colorful adventures ahead!

With love,

The Browmies Team

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