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With over 3,500 Instructors Certified and • Has established the standard for female self defense
nearly 160,000 women trained, R.A.D. Sys- programs
tems is the country’s largest and fastest
growing self-defense program for women • Presents no-nonsense, practical techniques of de-
and children. The R.A.D. Systems curriculum fense
is taught at over 400 colleges and universi- • Uses the researched effects of “The Fight or Flight
ties across the United States and Canada, Syndrome”
and is the only self defense program ever to
be endorsed by the International Associa- • Offers advanced self-defense courses that build
tion of Campus Law Enforcement Adminis- upon the physical defense system
trators (IACLEA).
• Provides realistic and dynamic hands on training
• Supplies students with a comprehensive reference
• Certifies Instructors from the community
• Offers state of the art programs at reasonable rates
R.A.D. Basic Physical
 Every student receives a lifetime membership
“To develop and enhance the
R.A.D. is an international alliance of thou-
sands of instructors united in offering practi-
R.A.D. SYSTEMS options of self-defense, so they
may become viable
considerations to the woman
cal options for responding to increasing acts Radically Changing Defense for who is attacked”
of violence against women. We offer a life- Women
long opportunity for physical skill mastery
provided through our trademark Lifetime
Return and Practice Policy.
Could You
Visit the R.A.D. website at Effectively Defend
Yourself if
East Stroudsburg Attacked?
University Police
“NO” Means “NO”

161 Smith Street

Suite 100 What Will You
East Stroudsburg, PA Do if He Doesn’t
18360 Listen?
R.A.D. Course Description
Basic Physical Defense
Session 1:
The Rape Aggression Defense System is a program R.A.D. Objective:
“To develop and enhance the options of self- Utilizing the R.A.D. student manual, students
of realistic self-defense tactics and techniques.
will be involved in a discussion of risk reduc-
defense, so they may become viable considera- tion strategies, date rape, continuum of sur-
It is a comprehensive course for women that begins
tions to the woman who is attacked” vival, defensive strategies and the basic princi-
pals of defense. We also discuss the pros and
with awareness, prevention, risk reduction, and
cons of defensive weaponry, how to develop
a defensive mindset, understanding offensive
avoidance, while progressing on to the basics of
and defensive postures, recognizing vulnera-
ble locations and utilizing personal weapons.
hands-on defense training. R.A.D. is not a martial • Somewhere

arts program. Our courses are taught by certified in America, a Session 2:

woman is sex-
R.A.D. instructors and provide you with a workbook/ Participating students will begin the process of
ually assaulted
hands on training. The techniques utilized by
reference manual. This manual outlines the entire every 2 R.A.D. Systems are based on simple gross
motor skills and are developed to the point
physical defense program for reference and minutes, ac-
that they become instinctual through repeti-
cording to the U.S. Department of Justice. tion. Students will have the opportunity to
continuous personal growth. The R.A.D. System of use these techniques dynamic impact training
by striking padded equipment held by the
Physical Defense is currently being taught at many  Approximately 73% of rape victims knew instructors. All techniques target a single at-
their assailant. [2005 National Crime Vic- tacker.
Colleges and Universities. The growing, widespread
timization. Study, U.S. Department of
acceptance of this system is primarily due to the ease, Session 3:
Justice, 2005]
simplicity and effectiveness of our tactics, solid research, Participating students will continue to refine
Safety and survival in today’s world requires a the skills previously learned with “practice,
and unique teaching methodology. practice and practice”.
definite course of action. We provide effective
The R.A.D. Systems is dedicated to teaching
options by teaching women to take an active
women defensive concepts and techniques against role in their
own self- East Stroudsburg University Police Dept.
various types of assault, by utilizing easy, effective
defense and
161 Smith Street Suite 100
and proven self-defense tactics. Our system of realistic
psychological East Stroudsburg, PA 18301-2999
defense will provide a woman with the knowledge to well being. Phone: 570-422-3064
make an educated decision about resistance.
Fax: 570-422-3677

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