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Journal of the

American Academy of



Nonneoplastic disorders of the eccrine glands
Frederick G. Wenzel, MD, and Thomas D. Horn, MD* Baltimore, Maryland

Eccrine glands are uniquely susceptible to a variety of pathologic processes. Alteration in

the rate of sweat secretion manifests as hypohidrosis and hyperhidrosis. Obstruction of
the eccrine duct leads to miliaria. The excretion of drugs into eccrine sweat may be a con-
tributory factor in neutrophilic eccrine hidradenitis (NEH), syringosquamous metaplasia
(SSM), coma bulla, and erythema multiforme (EM). Alterations in the electrolyte com-
position of eccrine sweat can be observed in several systemic diseases, most notably cys-
tic fibrosis. This article summarizes current knowledge of eccrine gland pathophysiology.
(J Am Acad Dermatol 1998;38:1-17.)

Eccrine sweat glands serve in a thermoregula- Briefly, the eccrine secretory unit comprises (1)
tory capacity to maintain homeostasis in the pres- simple tubular epithelium lining the secretory
ence of increased body temperature caused by a coils, situated in the reticular dermis, and (2) the
hot environment or physical exertion. This is eccrine ducts that conduct the sweat through the
accomplished primarily by the secretion of water dermis and epidermis onto the surface of the skin.
onto the skin surface and subsequent evaporative In the epidermis, the duct assumes a corkscrew
cooling. Although other functions, such as prima- shape and is referred to as the acrosyringium (Fig.
ry excretion of waste products, have been ascribed 1), terminating in an orifice approximately 15 µm
to eccrine glands, these appear to be of minor sig- in width. Eccrine glands number from 2 to 4 mil-
nificance except in disorders related to the excre- lion per person and are nearly universal in distrib-
tion of drugs. The rate of sweat secretion by ution on the skin, but vary in density across the
eccrine glands far surpasses that of other exocrine body surface. They are most dense on the palms
glands, such as the salivary glands or pancreas,
and soles, in which they are the only cutaneous
and can reach up to several liters per hour.1
appendage, and are found in decreasing order of
STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION OF ECCRINE density on the head, trunk, and extremities.
SWEAT GLANDS The secretory coils are composed of a single
Sato et al.2 provide a detailed review of the cell layer containing two cell types: clear cells and
structure and function of eccrine sweat glands. dark cells. The clear cells are broader at the base
and contain periodic acid–Schiff (PAS)–positive
diastase-labile glycogen, whereas the dark cells
From the Department of Dermatology, The Johns Hopkins School of
are broader at the lumen and and contain
Reprint requests: Thomas D. Horn, MD, Department of basophilic granules.3 These granules contain both
Dermatology, Division of Dermatopathology, The Johns Hopkins neutral and nonsulfated acid mucopolysaccharides
University School of Medicine, Blalock 907, 600 N. Wolfe St.,
Baltimore, MD 21287.
that are PAS-positive diastase-resistant and stain
*Dr. Horn is now at the Department of Dermatology, University of with alcian blue at pH 2.4.4 Surrounding the
Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Slot 576, 4301 W. Markham St., secretory layer yet still within the basement mem-
Little Rock, AR 72205-7199.
Copyright © 1998 by the American Academy of Dermatology, Inc. brane are the myoepithelial cells, which exhibit a
0190-9622/98/$5.00 + 0 16/2/86471 contractile function that greatly enhances the

Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology
2 Wenzel and Horn January 1998

consists of two types of segments: a small-diame-

ter segment that closely resembles the eccrine
secretory coil and a larger diameter segment that
resembles apocrine secretory epithelium, which
lacks dark cells and intercellular canaliculi. The
innervation of the apoeccrine gland is similar to
eccrine glands, but the secretory rate is approxi-
mately 10 times higher.12 These glands may rep-
resent up to 50% of axillary glands in patients
with axillary hyperhidrosis and may contribute to
the pathophysiology of the condition.


Fig. 1. Tortuous morphology of the eccrine acrosy-
ringium. (Original magnification ×200.) Disorders affecting eccrine function, causing
either increased or decreased secretion of sweat,
stem from many causes (Table I). These disorders
delivery of sweat to the skin surface.5 The ductal have been extensively reviewed by Sato et al.13,14
epithelium is composed of two layers of cuboidal and are not a primary focus of this review.
cells and is lined on the luminal surface by a PAS- Hyperhidrosis most commonly affects the axil-
positive, diastase-resistant eosinophilic cuticle. lae, palms, and soles. Although the glands are
Eccrine gland cells stain for carcinoembryonic morphologically and functionally normal, there
antigen6 and epithelial membrane antigen.7 The appears to be an abnormal response to emotional
ductal epithelium and acrosyringium express S- stimuli in the hypothalamic sweat centers.
100 protein.8 The acrosyringial epithelial cells Apoeccrine glands may be important in axillary
constitutively express class II major histocompat- hyperhidrosis, which is precipitated by both emo-
ibility complex antigens.9 tional and thermal stimuli. Treatment with topical
The primary constituents of eccrine sweat aluminum salts, tap water iontophoresis, or oral
include water, sodium, potassium, lactate, urea, anticholinergic medications is usually successful,
ammonia, and small quantities of various amino but sympathectomy may be necessary in extreme
acids and proteins. The formation of eccrine sweat cases. Other causes of localized hyperhidrosis
is a biphasic process that begins with the secretion include causalgia, perilesional hyperhidrosis,
of precursor sweat from the clear cells in the eccrine nevus, granulosis rubra nasi, and abnor-
secretory coils. This isotonic or slightly hyperton- mal gustatory sweating in response to diseases
ic solution of salt and water then passes through affecting the sympathetic innervation of the face.
the ducts, where sodium and potassium are prefer- Generalized hyperhidrosis most commonly occurs
entially reabsorbed over water, resulting in a during a febrile illness, but can also be observed in
hypertonic solution. Dark cells contribute the a variety of other systemic illnesses, such as
mucinous contents of their metachromatic gran- pheochromocytoma, thyrotoxicosis, congestive
ules into sweat. Although eccrine glands are heart failure, and diabetes mellitus. Nocturnal
innervated by the sympathetic nervous system, hyperhidrosis has been classically associated with
acetylcholine is the principal neurotransmitter at Hodgkin's disease, but may also occur in other
the nerve ending. The various types of sweating chronic diseases. Hyperhidrosis of large areas
(e.g., emotional, thermal) are controlled by reflex- occurs in the setting of disorders affecting the ner-
ive signals from corresponding higher neural cen- vous system, such as spinal cord injuries, brain
ters in the central nervous system. lesions, and peripheral neuropathies. Finally,
An unusual gland with features of both apo- paroxysmal unilateral hyperhidrosis may be asso-
crine and eccrine glands, apoeccrine glands were ciated with an intrathoracic neoplasm or other dis-
initially found in the axilla of a patient with hyper- ease.
hidrosis.10,11 Like eccrine glands, the apoeccrine Hypohidrosis or anhidrosis is most commonly
gland has a long duct terminating directly onto the caused by poral occlusion associated with a vari-
skin surface. However, the secretory apparatus ety of chronic dermatoses, such as psoriasis,
Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology
Volume 38, Number 1 Wenzel and Horn 3

Table I. Hyperhidrosis and hypohidrosis* Table I. Cont’d

Hyperhidrosis Generalized (cont’d)
Localized Fabry's disease
Emotional hyperhidrosis (palms, soles, axillae) Neuropathy
Gustatory sweating Congenital sensory neuropathy
Processes affecting sympathetic innervation Type II (Riley-Day syndrome)
Auriculotemporal or Frey's syndrome Type IV (congenital insensitivity to pain with
Eccrine nevus anhidrosis)
Granulosa rubra nasi Progressive segmental anhidrosis with Adie's tonic
Idiopathic unilateral circumscribed pupils (Ross syndrome)
Perilesional Autonomic insufficiency syndrome
Blue rubber bleb nevus Chronic idiopathic anhidrosis
Glomus tumor Diabetic neuropathy
Causalgia Guillain-Barré syndrome
POEMS syndrome Localized
Burning feet syndrome Local damage to glands
Pachydermoperiostosis Local denervation
Pretibial myxedema Follicular atrophoderma (Bazex syndrome)
Generalized Sjögren's syndrome
Spinal cord injuries
Peripheral neuropathies
Familial dysautonomia (Riley-Day syndrome)
Congenital autonomic dysfunction with universal
pain loss atopic dermatitis, or systemic sclerosis.
Cold exposure Neuropathies also represent an important cause of
Brain lesions hypohidrosis. Congenital sensory neuropathies,
Hypothermia (Hines-Bannick syndrome)
Posttraumatic hypertension such as familial dysautonomia (Riley-Day syn-
Olfactory hyperhidrosis drome) and congenital insensitivity to pain with
Intrathoracic processes anhidrosis, as well as those caused by diabetes
Paroxysmal unilateral hyperhidrosis mellitus or Guillain-Barré syndrome may affect
Systemic illnesses eccrine gland function. Progressive segmental
Febrile illnesses
hypohidrosis with tonic pupils (Ross syndrome) is
Parkinson's disease a specific type of hyperhidrosis. Eccrine glands
Thyrotoxicosis may be totally absent, as in anhidrotic ectodermal
Diabetes mellitus dysplasia, or dysfunctional, as in Fabry's disease
Congestive heart failure or systemic sclerosis. Localized hypohidrosis may
Anxiety be the result of local damage from inflammation
Poisoning (insecticides, herbicides, mercury) or tumor, denervation, follicular atrophoderma, or
Night sweats Sjögren's syndrome.
Lymphoma (Hodgkin's disease)
Miscellaneous chronic diseases MILIARIA
Compensatory One of the most common disorders of the
After sympathectomy eccrine sweat glands, miliaria is a generic term
Associated with diffuse anhidrosis
Hypohidrosis and anhidrosis
denoting retention of eccrine sweat at various lev-
Generalized els of the skin. After the initial description by
Poral occlusion Robinson15 in 1884, observations on the clinical
Papulosquamous, ichthyosiform, dermatitic lesions manifestations of miliaria have led to a more
Xerosis refined classification based on the level of the
Tropical anhidrotic asthenia eccrine ductal obstruction. There are three types
Absence of sweat glands (anhidrotic ectodermal
dysplasia) of miliaria: miliaria crystallina, with ductal
Sweat gland dysfunction or atrophy obstruction in the stratum corneum; miliaria
Systemic sclerosis rubra, with obstruction within the stratum
*Adapted from Sato K, Kang WH, Saga K, Sato KT. J Am Acad malpighii; and miliaria profunda, with obstruction
Dermatol 1989;20:713-26. at or below the dermoepidermal junction.
Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology
4 Wenzel and Horn January 1998

Fig. 3. Miliaria pustulosa.

commonly on the head, neck, and upper trunk and

likely reflects a delay in patency of the sweat
ducts after birth.19 A large retrospective study of
5387 Japanese infants found miliaria crystallina in
4.5%, with a peak frequency at 1 week of age.20
Two patients with congenital miliaria crystallina
have also been described.21,22

Miliaria rubra
Miliaria rubra, or "prickly heat," is the most
Fig. 2. Erythematous papules of miliaria on the back of clinically significant manifestation of eccrine
a bed-bound patient. sweat retention. The primary lesion is an erythe-
matous nonfollicular macule or papule (Fig. 2)
that may contain a minute central vesicle. Pustule
Miliaria crystallina formation in some of the lesions can occur, and if
Also known as sudamina, miliaria crystallina is widespread, the term miliaria pustulosa (Fig. 3)
characterized by a diffuse eruption of 1 to 2 mm can be employed. Unlike other forms of miliaria,
superficial asymptomatic vesicles on a nonin- miliaria rubra characteristically is accompanied
flamed base, sometimes appearing as "drops of by paroxysmal pruritus or a stinging sensation,
water." These vesicles appear in crops, typically which are frequently exacerbated by stumili that
on the trunk. The onset occurs after days to weeks induce sweating.23 In adults, the eruption tends to
of excessive exposure to heat and humidity, espe- occur most commonly on the trunk and neck, but
cially in tropical areas or during summer can involve most other areas of the skin except the
months.16,17 In addition, miliaria crystallina is fre- face and volar areas. Miliaria rubra tends to occur
quently seen with the profuse sweating accompa- mainly in hot, humid environments, affecting up
nying persistent febrile illnesses, or in response to to 30% of persons exposed to these condi-
drugs that induce sweating, such as bethanechol.18 tions.24,25 The incidence appears maximal at 2 to
The individual vesicles are extremely fragile, rup- 5 months of exposure, but the process can begin
turing spontaneously or with slight friction, and within only a few days in a tropical environment,
resolve with a superficial branny desquamation. reflecting a wide individual susceptibility.25
Therapy is generally not required because the Episodes of miliaria are typically followed by
eruption is self-limited. periods of anhidrosis in affected sites, sometimes
Miliaria crystallina occurs in the neonatal peri- lasting up to several weeks.23 Rarely, extensive
od and can be confused with other vesicular dis- miliaria can lead to hyperpyrexia and heat exhaus-
orders in neonates. In this setting it occurs most tion.26
Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology
Volume 38, Number 1 Wenzel and Horn 5

Like miliaria crystallina, miliaria rubra affects

infants and occurs in up to 4% of neonates, with a
peak frequency at 11 to 14 days of life.20 In
infants, the eruption occurs most commonly in the
flexural areas and, unlike adults, frequently affects
the face and scalp.20
Treatment of miliaria consists of regulating the
heat and humidity of the patient's environment to
reduce sweating. After several days, the poral
obstructions are gradually relieved, although they
may persist for 2 to 3 weeks.26 Oral ascorbic acid,
1 gm daily,27 as well as the topical application of
lanolin, were reported to be helpful.28 Oral and Fig. 4. Photomicrograph of biopsy specimen of mil-
topical antibiotics are effective in preventing iaria lesion shows subcorneal vesicle with epidermal
experimentally induced miliaria, but their use in and periductal inflammation. (Original magnification
the treatment of established miliaria has been dis- ×100.)

Miliaria profunda quently be identified in the acrosyringium, which,

Miliaria profunda, or mamillaria, is usually in older lesions, is followed by a parakeratotic
only seen in a tropical environment after repeated plug.34 In miliaria profunda, rupture of the intra-
episodes of miliaria rubra. The cutaneous findings dermal duct is present below the dermoepidermal
can be subtle and are characterized by pale or junction with marked lymphocytic infiltration of
flesh-colored, 1 to 3 mm papules located predom- the adjacent dermis, as well as spongiosis of the
inantly on the trunk, but also on the extremities.16 intraepidermal portion of the duct.31
These lesions are asymptomatic, and individual The origin of the PAS-positive material
papules may become more prominent when the obstructing the eccrine duct has been the subject
patient is stimulated to sweat because each papule of debate. Dobson and Lobitz,34 who originally
actually represents a deep-seated sweat retention described the phenomenon, postulated that this
vesicle.26 Other common findings include com- material was a product of the eccrine secretory
pensatory facial hyperhidrosis and inguinal and coils. This view was later supported by Yanagawa,
axillary adenopathy.26 Yokozeki, and Sato,35 who demonstrated that this
Because of widespread inactivation of eccrine material was not derived from serum glycopro-
sweat glands, patients with miliaria profunda are teins, but possibly from the dark cell secretory
predisposed to the development of tropical granules, which also stain PAS-positive. O'Brien30
anhidrotic asthenia when exposed to prolonged suggested an alternative hypothesis, in which
heat stress.30 In addition to the cutaneous findings lipoid depletion of the keratinocytes lining the
of miliaria profunda, these patients have malaise, eccrine pore leads to obstruction of the duct and
weakness, dyspnea, and tachycardia leading up to the parakeratotic plug. This idea was compatible
hyperpyrexia and exhaustion. with his observations that lanolin application
quickly reverses the anhidrotic state in miliaria
Pathogenesis of miliaria induced by soap and other lipid solvents.
The characteristic histologic finding in miliaria Subsequent studies28 led him to regard
crystallina is an intracorneal or subcorneal vesicle Staphylococcus aureus as a key causative factor in
arising from the acrosyringium of the sweat miliaria, supporting the view originally put forth
duct.31 Miliaria rubra is characterized by spongi- by Unna36 and Acton37 that miliaria is related to
otic vesicles in the stratum malpighii, also in com- bacterial colonization and overgrowth on the skin
munication with sweat ducts, as well as a chronic surface. A threefold increase in the density of the
inflammatory infiltrate of the dermis surrounding resident bacteria in patients with miliaria has been
the ducts32,33 (Fig. 4). In addition, an amorphous documented,38 and several studies have shown the
PAS-positive, diastase-resistant material can fre- efficacy of antimicrobial agents in suppressing
Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology
6 Wenzel and Horn January 1998

and secretion into eccrine sweat is a well-recog-

nized phenomenon. Drugs known to be so secret-
ed include sulfaguanidine, sulfadiazine, anti-
pyrine, aminopyrine,45 amphetamines,46 iodide,47
phenytoin, phenobarbital, carbamazepine,48
ethanol,49 griseofulvin,50 ketoconazole,51 barbitu-
rates,52 ciprofloxacin,53 heroin, cocaine,54 flu-
conazole,55 nicotine,56 and triethylenephos-
phamide (thiotepa).57 Undoubtedly, many other
drugs that have not been studied are also secreted.
During the past few decades, drugs have been
increasingly implicated in the cause of various
eccrine disorders. As most of the information
comes mainly from case reports, a truly consistent
and thorough understanding of these observations
has yet to be achieved.

Neutrophilic eccrine hidradenitis

Chemotherapy-associated neutrophilic eccrine
hidradenitis. NEH was first described in 1982 by
Harrist et al.,58 and numerous case reports have
followed.59-76 The initial patient was a 38-year-
old man undergoing induction chemotherapy with
cytarabine, vincristine, and doxorubicin for acute
myelogenous leukemia. Subsequent reports have
Fig. 5. Erythematous edematous papules and plaques
emphasized antineoplastic chemotherapeutic
on a patient with neutrophilic eccrine hidradenitis. agents in the pathogenesis of this eruption.
A review of the literature reveals 28 cases of
NEH temporally linked to chemotherapy. Both
experimentally induced miliaria.29,39,40 Hölzle children and adults are affected. The most com-
and Kligman29 demonstrated that the induction of mon malignant neoplasm is acute myelogenous
miliaria is proportional to the increase in density leukemia (64% of patients), followed by various
of resident bacteria, most notably coagulase-nega- other leukemias and solid tumors. The eruption
tive cocci, presumably from some excreted bacte- typically consists of erythematous and edematous
rial product. A complex, PAS-positive extracellu- papules and plaques (Fig. 5) that can also be pur-
lar polysaccharide substance (EPS) produced puric and painful. Pustule formation was noted in
specifically by Staphylococcus epidermidis has only one patient.65 The sites affected, in decreas-
been described41 and is thought to represent a vir- ing order of reported frequency, are the extremi-
ulence factor.42 Mowad et al.43 confirmed the cen- ties, trunk, periorbital region, neck, face, ears, and
tral role of EPS in the pathogenesis of miliaria. By palms. Unilateral or bilateral periorbital edema
using inocula of various strains of coagulase-neg- and erythema can be the sole manifestation.75,76
ative cocci under occlusive dressings and thermal Occurrence at sites of injections has also been
stimulation, they found only S. epidermidis capa- reported.76 Other unusual presentations include
ble of producing EPS-induced miliaria under their bilateral painful edema of the ears74 and hyper-
experimental conditions. Immunostaining of the pigmented plaques and linear papules in a patient
PAS-positive plugs in the eccrine ducts revealed with typical bleomycin-induced flagellate hyper-
the presence of mannose, which is considered spe- pigmentation.63 Excluding one case that occurred
cific for EPS.44 5 months after chemotherapy, the eruption begins
approximately 10.6 days (mean, 8 days) after
DRUG-RELATED ECCRINE DISORDERS institution of chemotherapy. The onset is often
Concentration of drugs in the eccrine glands associated with neutropenia and fever. When the
Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology
Volume 38, Number 1 Wenzel and Horn 7

duration of the eruption was reported, it lasted

from 6 to 33 days (mean, 10 days) and resolved
without therapy. Recurrence after subsequent
courses of chemotherapy have been reported in
three patients.58,72
Histologic examination reveals a variably
dense neutrophilic infiltrate surrounding the
eccrine coils and infiltrating the eccrine epitheli-
um (Fig. 6). Necrosis of the secretory coils,
including vacuolar degeneration and nuclear
pyknosis, is usually present. Neutrophils are also
found in the ductal lumina, with occasional
microabscess formation. The infiltrate can also Fig. 6. Neutrophilic eccrine hidradenitis. Photomicro-
involve the eccrine ducts in which findings range graph of biopsy specimen shows degeneration of the
from minimal spongiosis to frank necrosis. In one eccrine coils associated with infiltrate of neutrophils.
case involvement only of the ducts and not the (Original magnification ×400.)
secretory coils was found.63 Variable findings
include dermal hemorrhage, edema, and mucinous
degeneration of the adipose tissue cuff and periad- lated eccrine necrosis. To support this argument,
nexal dermis. In addition, perivascular infiltrates several cases of chemotherapy-related eruptions
have been reported in some cases, usually com- have been reported, in which histologic examina-
posed of a mixture of lymphocytes, histiocytes, tion showed degenerative changes and necrosis of
and occasionally neutrophils.58,59,61,69,70,72 the eccrine coils, but no significant infiltrate of
Coincident SSM of the ducts was noted in three neutrophils.79,80 In addition, SSM was identified
cases.58,59,63 Most cases reported that stains for in one of the cases.80
bacteria and fungi, as well as tissue cultures, were Infectious NEH. The eccrine glands are nor-
negative. mally resistant to infection from agents found on
Efforts to link NEH with specific chemothera- the skin surface and in the environment. However,
peutic agents, particularly cytarabine, have been there are three reports of bacteria causing a
unsuccessful. Although cytarabine is the most process at least histologically similar to NEH. The
common agent in the regimens of the reported first by Moreno et al.81 involved a 48-year-old
patients, it was almost always used in combination man who had been undergoing hemodialysis for 6
with other agents, usually daunorubicin, doxoru- years because of renal failure from glomeru-
bicin, vincristine, and mitoxantrone. In addition, lonephritis. A recurrent, pruritic, papular eruption
cytarabine was absent from the regimen of seven developed on the extremities. A biopsy specimen
patients, in which mitoxantrone, cyclophos- showed typical NEH involving the coils and ducts.
phamide, and bleomycin were most commonly Bacterial culture of the specimen grew Serratia.
employed. In the report of a case of NEH herald- The eruption resolved in 3 months with topical
ing the onset of acute myelogenous leukemia, one antibiotic therapy.
author has suggested that NEH may manifest A similar case was reported by Allegue et al.,82
itself as a paraneoplastic phenomenon.77 in which an otherwise healthy 49-year-old man
However, further evidence for a link to had a flu-like syndrome along with erythematous
chemotherapy as the inciting cause was provided and violaceous papules and pustules on the trunk
by a study by Templeton, Solomon, and and extremities. The biopsy specimen showed
Swerlick,78 in which the intradermal injection of NEH of the secretory coils, with dermal hemor-
bleomycin in healthy volunteers resulted in the rhage and SSM of the ducts. Culture of a pustule
histologic findings of NEH and SSM after 24 grew Enterobacter cloacae. The patient was treat-
hours. ed with intramuscular amikacin and the eruption
Several authors have suggested that NEH may resolved in 1 week.
be just one part of a spectrum of chemotherapy- NEH was also observed in the biopsy specimen
related eccrine changes that include SSM and iso- of a 47-year-old man with recurrent crops of
Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology
8 Wenzel and Horn January 1998

papules on his left wrist.83 The patient had under- ued, and the eruption resolved in 5 days without
gone heart transplantation 4 years previously and recurrence.90
was receiving cyclosporine. Tissue cultures were
Syringosquamous metaplasia
positive for S. aureus, and the patient was treated
with oral dicloxacillin with rapid resolution of the Like NEH, the term syringosquamous metapla-
papules. In none of these cases was the presumed sia (SSM) is a histopathologic finding that has
been adapted to clinical use. The initial reports of
pathogen directly identified in lesional tissue by
SSM viewed it as a reactive phenomenon in the
light microscopy.
vicinity of chronic inflammation associated with
Palmoplantar hidradenitis. Recent reports of
pressure necrosis and venous stasis ulcera-
NEH of the palms and soles of healthy children
tions.91,92 Although SSM has been linked to cer-
and young adults have added to the spectrum of tain medications, its manifestation as a distinct
this disorder. In 1994, Stahr, Cooper, and skin disease has become increasingly associated
Caputo84 described six patients, whose ages with chemotherapy in recent years.
ranged from 9 to 21 years, with painful papules SSM most commonly appears as generalized
exclusively on the plantar surfaces. Biopsy speci- erythematous papules and vesicles, but may be
mens showed an NEH, mainly centered on the localized to the extremities or intertriginous
eccrine coils. The acrosyringia were involved in areas.93,94 Unusual presentations include occur-
two cases, and neutrophilic abscesses were pre- rence in sun-exposed areas in association with
sent in four cases. Stains for bacteria and fungi benoxaprofen use95 or in fields previously
were negative. The papules resolved in 1 to 2 exposed to ionizing radiation in a patient undergo-
weeks with oral or topical steroids. Only one ing systemic chemotherapy.96 The eruption typi-
patient had a recurrence. An additional patient cally appears during, or shortly after, the course of
with similar findings was described the same chemotherapy and subsides slowly in several
year.85 weeks. The patients have had a variety of solid
Rabinowitz et al.86 described two additional and hematopoietic neoplasms. Among the
children with recurrent nodules on the palms and chemotherapeutic agents, cytarabine has been
soles. Biopsy specimens again showed NEH. most commonly implicated in the pathogenesis of
However, the infiltrate of neutrophils was present SSM.93,94 Hovever, several patients were taking
in a focal nodular pattern in the reticular dermis, mixed drug regimens without cytarabine,93 and
with abscess formation. one patient was receiving monotherapy with
Other causes of NEH. Two cases of NEH in suramin.97 Although no definite correlation of
association with HIV were described by Smith et SSM with specific drugs or tumors has been
al.87 Both patients were taking azidothymidine at established, evidence for a direct causative effect
of chemotherapy was provided by two cases of
the time of the eruption.
extravasation of doxorubicin into the skin.98
NEH has also been described in a 12-year-old
Biopsy specimens revealed extensive SSM, along
girl with neonatal onset multisystem inflammato-
with interface dermatitis and dermal reactive
ry disease, a rare condition with features of juve-
changes analogous to radiation dermatitis.
nile rheumatoid arthritis and hyperimmunoglobu- The histopathologic hallmark of this disorder is
lin D syndrome, but with onset shortly after the transformation of the normal cuboidal ductal
birth.88 The only previous report noted a perivas- epithelium cells into cells with an ample
cular eosinophilic infiltrate at the level of the eosinophilic cytoplasm and a larger more irregular
eccrine glands.89 nucleus (Fig. 7). The ducts often appear as islands
Only one case has been reported of NEH in an of squamous epithelium mimicking squamous cell
otherwise totally healthy adult, who had experi- carcinoma, or as dilated structures resembling
enced minor trauma to the knee and had been tak- syringomas. Focal dyskeratosis or necrosis of the
ing acetaminophen for 5 months before the erup- ductal epithelium and fibrosis of the adjacent der-
tion. Stains of the biopsy specimen for bacteria mis are frequently noted.93 Typically the eccrine
and fungi were negative, but tissue culture was not coils are unaffected, and a sparse lymphoid infil-
performed. The acetaminophen was not discontin- trate may be present.
Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology
Volume 38, Number 1 Wenzel and Horn 9

Fig. 7. Transformation of the normal cuboidal ductal Fig. 8. Hemorrhagic bulla and macular erythema in a
epithelium in syringosquamous metaplasia. (Original patient with coma bulla.
magnification ×200.)

SSM has also been reported as an associated drug,105-108 similar findings have been noted in
histologic finding in lobular panniculitis,99 pyo- association with benzodiazepines,109-111 nar-
derma gangrenosum,99 cytarabine-related acral cotics,106,112-115 tricyclic antidepressants,110,116,117
erythema,100 and early chloracne lesions in chil- as well as hypoglycemic coma118 and central ner-
dren exposed to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p- vous system disorders.119-123
dioxin during an industrial accident in Italy.101 A The unusual constellation of cutaneous find-
2-year prospective study of the incidence of SSM ings, including bullae, violaceous plaques, ero-
in all skin biopsy specimens taken in a hospital in sions, and macular erythema (Fig. 8), has been
Barcelona, Spain found 21 cases of SSM.102 It reported in 4% to 5% of patients hospitalized for
was seen most frequently in association with drug-induced coma115,124,125 and in 40% of such
ulcerations from ischemia or surgical excision (10 patients at autopsy.126 The lesions typically occur
cases), but also with burn scars, neurodermatitis, in pressure areas on the extremities and trunk after
pyoderma gangrenosum, chemotherapy extravasa- several hours or days, but occassionally as early as
tion, furuncle, and thromboangiitis obliterans 1 hour after acute intoxication.124 In addition,
(Buerger's disease). These numerous associations areas not typically prone to pressure may be
suggest that SSM represents a nonspecific reactive involved.124
change to damaged eccrine ductal epithelium. Based largely on the initial histopathologic
description by Adebahr,126 necrosis of the eccrine
Drug-induced coma secretory coils is considered the hallmark of drug-
Eccrine gland necrosis has been frequently induced coma (Fig. 9). Subsequent reports have
observed in patients with drug-induced coma. confirmed this finding,105,106,127,128 and others
Because many other structures in the skin are have also described involvement of the eccrine
affected as well, it is unclear whether eccrine duct,105,106,108,109,129 with the inner cell layer of
gland necrosis is the primary pathologic event and the duct being more susceptible to necrosis.111
is better considered as the most consistently Although often uninvolved in earlier lesions, the
reported histopathologic finding. The question of epidermis in later lesions may show spongiosis
whether the ingested drugs play a direct role in the and intraepidermal and subepidermal vesicles that
pathophysiology of this phenomenon has been the sometimes coalesce into subepidermal bullae.111
subject of much debate. Linear, erythematous, and Occassionally, degenerative changes in the epider-
bullous lesions in comatose patients with carbon mis have been noted, ranging from mild vacuolar
monoxide poisoning were first described by alteration106,128 to massive necrosis of the blister
Larry103 in 1806. The first report of bullae in bar- roof resembling toxic epidermal necrolysis.125
biturate-induced coma came in 1950.104 Although Necrosis of the pilosebaceous apparatus has also
barbiturates remain the most frequently reported been reported.108,111 A sparse inflammatory infil-
Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology
10 Wenzel and Horn January 1998

cases to herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection,

Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection, or drug
hypersensitivity.132 Assier et al.133 proposed that
drug-related EM manifested a pattern of atypical
flat targets or purpuric macules with diffuse
involvement, whereas HSV-related EM had an
acrally distributed pattern with more typical targe-
toid lesions. Some cases of EM display acrosy-
ringial concentration of necrotic keratinocytes his-
tologically. A retrospective histologic study of 23
cases of EM while blinded to clinical impressions
showed a strong correlation between drug-related
EM cases and acrosyringial concentration of
Fig. 9. Photomicrograph of biopsy specimen of coma
bulla shows necrosis of the eccrine coils with no necrotic keratinocytes.134 None of the HSV-relat-
inflammatory infiltrate. (Original magnification ×200.) ed cases exhibited this histologic pattern. These
findings raise the possibility that drug-induced
EM relates in some way to eccrine concentration
trate may be present. Mild degenerative changes of the inciting medication.
in dermal blood vessels have been
described108,111,126,129 and immunofluorescence Hyperpigmentation
studies have demonstrated IgM and C3 in vessel Concentration of a drug in the eccrine sweat
walls,111,128 consistent with a reactive phenome- can produce epidermal damage. Hyperpigmenta-
non, although one report described massive gran- tion from this phenomenon has been described in
ular deposits of IgM, C3, and fibrinogen in the five patients receiving thiotepa.57 The hyperpig-
upper dermal vessels of two patients.130 Only one mentation was limited to skin occluded by adhe-
immunofluorescence study has reported positive sive bandages and electrocardiogram pads.
findings in the epidermis, with IgG, IgA, and C3 Measurement of thiotepa in gauze and bandages
in a patchy intercellular pattern in a bulla.131 containing sweat revealed concentrations several
The pathogenesis of the cutaneous changes in times that of concurrent plasma levels, suggesting
drug-induced coma remains the subject of debate. that concentration of the drug by the eccrine
Location in pressure areas, linear pattern, unilater- glands with subsequent occlusion caused the cuta-
ality, and occurrence in comas not related to drugs neous findings. Although excretion of bleomycin
and in immobilized noncomatose patients all favor in sweat has not been documented, it may under-
pressure and hypoxia as causative factors. lie the flagellate hyperpigmentation seen with this
However, appearance of some lesions in 1 to 2 drug.
hours after intoxication, occurrence in areas not
typically prone to pressure, and the occasional Graft-versus-host reaction
widespread and irregular pattern of the eruption Although eccrine involvement is not usually
implicate factors other than pressure.111 The fact seen in graft-versus-host reaction (GVHR), a
that the inner cell layer of the eccrine ducts is recent study of GVHR induced by roquinimex in
affected earliest and most severely discounts the three of eight autologous bone marrow transplant
involvement of hypoxia, which would affect the recipients found necrosis of the eccrine sweat
more metabolically active outer cell layer.111 glands.135 Roquinimex is a carboxamide-
Whether the various case reports represent the quinolone and acts as a potent immunomodulating
same entity is questionable because histologic drug that increases the number and activity of nat-
findings were often vague or not reported, and ural killer cells, monocytes, and T lymphocytes,
investigation into other possible causes was not but possesses no cytotoxic properties. The eccrine
mentioned. necrosis occurred in the setting of histologic find-
ings compatible with typical grade II GVHR and
Erythema multiforme appeared 12 to 30 days after transplantation (2 to
Erythema multiforme (EM) is related in most 11 days after initiation of roquinimex). This phe-
Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology
Volume 38, Number 1 Wenzel and Horn 11

nomenon might alternatively be explained by a With pilocarpine stimulation tests, Morris,

delayed reaction to the preparative chemothera- Dische, and Mott136 studied six normal and 28
peutic regimen. irradiated patients. All 11 patients who had
received high-dose radiation (> 50 Gy) had signs
Pathophysiology of drug-mediated eccrine dis- of late radiation dermatitis and exhibited no func-
orders tional eccrine glands. In patients given lower
Whether the conditions described in the previ- doses with no signs of skin changes, the results
ous paragraphs represent separate, distinct reac- ranged from normal numbers of eccrine glands to
tions to drugs or are simply a spectrum of related partial and, rarely, complete loss of functional
drug-induced eccrine injury is debatable. Several glands. A follow-up study in mice confirmed that
authors have suggested that the spectrum of eccrine glands are more radiosensitive than epi-
chemotherapy-related eccrine reactions range dermis.137 After irradiation, a loss of function as
from NEH to eccrine necrosis with no infiltrate to measured by pilocarpine-induced sweat output
SSM, depending on the individual host response was noted within 2 weeks, which continued for 8
to injury. The most obvious hypothesis to explain weeks at a dose-dependent rate. A dose-dependent
this injury is concentration of the drug in the nadir was reached at 8 weeks, followed by a grad-
eccrine glands and its excretion into sweat. The ual recovery in 30 weeks, but resulting in a final
relative susceptibility to injury of the coils, ducts, dose-dependent residual deficit in function.
and acrosyringium would then determine which In addition to functional effects, radiation has
reaction prevails. Host factors influencing such been implicated in the formation of a keratotic
reactions include the differential metabolism of miliaria-like eruption in a patient with non-
each drug in the various cell types of the eccrine Hodgkin's lymphoma.138 After nine courses of
unit, as well as host immune and inflammatory systemic chemotherapy, the patient received 40
responses. The possibility of an immune-mediated Gy of radiation to the lower abdomen. Three
process participating in the pathogenesis of these weeks after therapy had begun, an eruption
disorders must also be considered. The possibility restricted to the radiation field was noted. The
that the acrosyringial epithelium is immunologi- lesions were characterized histologically by dilat-
cally "primed" through the constitutive expression ed eccrine orifices and ducts filled with lamellat-
class II major histocompatibility complex anti- ed keratin, as well as focal SSM. The eruption
gens was raised by a recent observation, although resolved in several weeks after completion of the
this has not yet been confirmed by other investi- radiotherapy.
gators.9 This observation may be of particular
consequence in drug-related EM, in which acrosy- ELECTROLYTE ABNORMALITIES IN
ringial concentration of necrosis appears to be ECCRINE SWEAT
present. Supporting this possibility is the presence Abnormalities of electrolyte levels in eccrine
of eosinophils in the infiltrate of drug-related sweat can be observed in several systemic dis-
cases, which may represent an immunologic eases. This phenomenon was first described in
process rather than direct toxicity only (unpub- patients with cystic fibrosis (CF), in whom an ele-
lished data). The possibility of a cross-reacting vated sweat sodium chloride concentration has
antibody to a shared epitope between a drug and become a diagnostic criterion. This abnormality is
the eccrine unit epithelium also exists. In addition, consistent, persists throughout life, and varies lit-
because the eccrine coils are invested with a rich tle with disease severity.26 Because the primary
vascular supply, it is possible that eccrine gland sweat from the secretory coils in both patients
damage may occur secondary to processes affect- with CF and control subjects is isotonic to plasma,
ing these vessels. the elevated sodium chloride concentration results
from defective reabsorption in the ductal epitheli-
RADIATION-INDUCED ECCRINE INJURY um.139 Although the exact mechanism of this
Although the effects of ionizing radiation on defect remains unknown, the initial observation
the skin in general and on hair follicles in particu- that the electrical potential of the ductal lumen is
lar has been thoroughly studied, its effect on twice as negative in patients with CF as in control
eccrine glands has only recently been evaluated. patients has led to further investigations into regu-
Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology
12 Wenzel and Horn January 1998

in metabolic disorders that lead to abnormal accu-

mulation of material inside affected cells. In the
various mucopolysaccharidoses, such as Hurler's,
Hunter's, and Sanfillipo's syndromes, membrane-
bound vacuoles can be identified in the secretory
cells of the eccrine coils.147 Secretory cells may
also be characteristically affected by the intracyto-
plasmic accumulation of lipids in the lipid storage
diseases, such as those characterized by Sandhoff
and Neimann-Pick (cited in Drut148) as well as
those associated with angiokeratoma corporis dif-
fusum, such as Fabry's disease,149-151 fucosido-
Fig. 10. Periodic acid–Schiff–positive granules in the sis,152 and Kanzaki disease.153 Other metabolic
eccrine ductal epithelium in Lafora's disease. (Periodic diseases with intracytoplasmic inclusions in the
acid–Schiff stain; original magnification ×400.) secretory cells include amaurotic idiocy, acid mal-
tase deficiency, and adrenoleukodystrophy.154 The
outer layer of eccrine ductal cells in patients with
lation of ion transport in the ductal epithelium.140 Lafora's myoclonic epilepsy (Lafora's disease)
It appears that chloride ion transport, which contain PAS-positive granules155 (Fig. 10).
involves a voltage-dependent chloride channel, In addition to metabolic disease, PAS-positive,
responds abnormally to regulatory stimuli and is diastase-resistant granules may be observed in the
abnormally slow across the luminal membrane.141 secretory cells of patients with hypothyroidism.156
Unlike normal patients, neither cyclic adenosine A recent study of the eccrine glands in alcoholic
monophosphate (cAMP) nor the cAMP agonist liver disease revealed deposits of IgA in the base-
foskolin opens chloride channels in patients with ment membrane of the secretory coils with high
CF.142 The secretory coils show a similar unre- specificity and sensitivity.157 Finally, the relative
sponsiveness to cAMP accumulated in response to length of the eccrine duct compared with the
β-adrenergic stimulation.143 Thus the abnormal length of the secretory coil is reported to be help-
ion transport seems to be related to defects in ful in distinguishing among trisomy D1, G1, and
intercellular regulatory pathways that are not yet 18.158
clearly defined. An understanding of the eccrine
pathophysiology in CF will likely explain the sys-
temic disease as well.
Measurement of electrolyte levels to establish Multiple sweat gland abscesses
the diagnosis of CF is accomplished by means of Multiple sweat gland abscesses, sometimes
a standardized pilocarpine iontophoresis test.144 referred to as periporitis, represent a primary pyo-
Sweat levels of sodium 60 mmol/L or higher or of derma of the eccrine sweat glands seen mainly in
chloride 70 mmol/L or higher are required for the infants. Although it has received little attention
diagnosis in children. In adults, sodium levels 80 recently, it was frequently reported earlier this
mmol/L or higher are expected. However, normal century in Europe,159 followed by several reports
electrolyte levels do not absolutely exclude the in the United States.160 Chronically ill and debili-
diagnosis of CF because a minority of mutations tated infants are particularly susceptible, but
do not cause the typical changes in electrolyte healthy infants may also be affected. The distinc-
concentrations.145,146 tive eruption consists of multiple, dome-shaped,
cold, nontender nodules that most commonly
DIAGNOSTIC INCLUSIONS AND ALTER- involve the occiput, back, and buttock.160 The
ATIONS IN ECCRINE GLANDS more superficial pustules that may precede these
Characteristic histologic alterations in eccrine findings are more appropriately called periporitis.
glands can be of diagnostic aid in several systemic Later in the course, the abscesses commonly
disorders. Eccrine glands are frequently involved break down, yielding thin pus. Fever is typically
Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology
Volume 38, Number 1 Wenzel and Horn 13

absent or mild. Bacteria, most commonly gram- Excretion of certain ingested foods and drugs,
positive cocci, can usually be found in intact such as garlic and alcohol, into eccrine sweat may
lesions. Biopsy specimens reveal large focal impart an odor. In addition, certain systemic dis-
abscesses extending throughout the dermis into orders, such as various heritable amino-acidurias,
the subcutaneous fat. Therapy consists of incision may produce odoriferous eccrine sweat.167 A "fish
and drainage of larger abscesses, as well as topi- odor" is reported to be characteristic of trimethy-
cal and systemic antibiotics. laminuria.168
Eccrine chromhidrosis is uncommon and is
Granulosa rubra nasi
almost always exogenous in nature. Chemicals,
Granulosa rubra nasi (GRN), first described in dyes from clothing, or pigment production from
1900, is a rare disease involving the eccrine glands bacteria may lend a slight color to eccrine sweat,
of the nose.161 Typically beginning in early child- but it is seldom striking.26
hood, the first manifestation is hyperhidrosis,
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CME examination Identification No. 898-101

Instructions for Category I CME credit appear in the front advertising section. See last page of Contents for page number.

Questions 1-30, Wenzel FG, Horn TD. J Am Acad Dermatol 1998;38:1-17.

Directions for questions 1-30: Give single best a. familial dysautonomia (Riley-Day syndrome)
response. b. anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia
1. Basophilic granules are present in which of the c. diabetes mellitus
following cells? d. pheochromocytoma
a. Clear cells e. systemic sclerosis
b. Dark cells 8. What percentage of neonates is affected by mil-
c. Ductal epithelium iaria rubra?
d. Myoepithelial cells a. 1%
e. Keratinocytes b. 4%
2. The principal neurotransmitter at the nerve end- c. 12%
ings innervating eccrine glands is d. 25%
a. acetylcholine e. 50%
b. norepinephrine 9. Tropical anhidrotic asthenia is caused by pro-
c. substance P longed episodes of
d. epinephrine a. neutrophilic eccrine hidradenitis
e. dopamine b. hypohidrosis
3. S-100 protein is expressed in c. miliaria crystallina
a. dark cells d. miliaria profunda
b. clear cells e. heat stroke
c. myoepithelial cells
10. A characteristic histopathologic finding in mil-
d. eccrine ductal epithelium
iaria is
e. lipocytes surrounding the eccrine coils
a. a tortuous eccrine duct
4. Each of the following is a constituent of eccrine b. necrosis of the eccrine coils
sweat except c. loss of eccrine units
a. lactate d. periodic acid–Schiff–positive plug in the
b. phosphate acrosyringium
c. urea e. abscess formation
d. sodium
11. Which of the following bacteria has been impli-
e. potassium
cated (under experimental conditions) in the
5. How many times higher is the secretory rate of pathogenesis of miliaria?
apoeccrine glands than eccrine glands? a. Staphylococcus aureus
a. 2 b. Propionibacterium acnes
b. 10 c. Corynebacterium minutissimum
c. 50 d. Micrococcus sedentarius
d. 100 e. Staphylococcus epidermidis
e. 1000
12. The most common malignancy associated with
6. Each of the following is considered effective in neutrophilic eccrine hidradenitis is
the treatment of hyperhidrosis except a. acute myelogenous leukemia
a. aluminum salts b. chronic lymphocytic leukemia
b. tap water iontophoresis c. Hodgkin's disease
c. anticholinergics d. neuroblastoma
d. sympathectomy e. carcinoma of the lung
e. antihistamines
13. The most common chemotherapeutic agent asso-
7. Each of the following is a cause of hypohidrosis ciated with neutrophilic eccrine hidradenitis is
except a. 5-fluorouracil

Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology
Volume 38, Number 1 CME examination 19

b. cyclophosphamide a. Doxorubicin
c. cytarabine b. Thiotepa
d. vincristine c. Ciprofloxacin
e. methotrexate d. Griseofulvin
e. Phenobarbital
14. Palmoplantar hidradenitis in healthy persons is
most frequently observed in which of the follow- 21. The most likely explanation of eccrine gland
ing age ranges? injury in drug-related eccrine disorders is
a. Up to 1 year a. direct blood vessel damage
b. 1 to 20 years b. immune complex–mediated damage
c. 21 to 40 years c. concentration of the drug in eccrine sweat
d. 41 to 60 years d. shared epitopes between eccrine epithelium
e. Older than 60 years and the drug
e. overgrowth of bacteria invading the eccrine
15. Syringosquamous metaplasia is most commonly
observed in which of the following clinical situa-
tions? 22. Necrosis of the eccrine glands in graft-versus-
a. Antibiotic therapy host disease has been reported in association with
b. Radiation therapy a. granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating
c. Prolonged febrile episodes factor
d. UV light therapy b. bone marrow infusion
e. Systemic chemotherapy c. roquinimex
16. The histopathologic characteristics of syringo- d. cyclosporine
squamous metaplasia can mimic which of the fol- e. thalidomide
lowing? 23. After ionizing radiation, eccrine function is low-
a. Miliaria est at
b. Eccrine poroma a. 2 days
c. Squamous cell carcinoma b. 1 week
d. Neutrophilic eccrine hidradenitis c. 4 weeks
e. Eccrine hidrocystoma d. 8 weeks
17. Each of the following conditions has been e. 16 weeks
described in drug-induced coma except 24. Sweat sodium levels above which of the follow-
a. bullae ing levels are diagnostic of cystic fibrosis in chil-
b. violaceous plaques dren?
c. subcutaneous nodules a. 10 mmol/L
d. erosions b. 25 mmol/L
e. macular erythema c. 60 mmol/L
18. The histopathologic hallmark of drug-induced d. 100 mmol/L
coma is e. 120 mmol/L
a. necrosis of the eccrine coils 25. Periodic acid–Schiff–positive granules in the
b. dilation of the eccrine ducts outer layer of eccrine ductal cells can be
c. loss of eccrine units observed in
d. loss of fat investing the eccrine coils a. Niemann-Pick disease
e. neutrophilic infiltrate of the eccrine ducts b. Lafora's disease
19. Acrosyringeal concentration of keratinocyte c. Fabry's disease
necrosis has been observed in which of the fol- d. Hurler's syndrome
lowing disorders? e. Kanzaki syndrome
a. fixed drug eruption
26. IgA deposits in the basement membrane of
b. drug-induced coma
eccrine coils have been observed in patients with
c. graft-versus-host disease
a. alcoholic liver disease
d. septic emboli
b. inflammatory bowel disease
e. drug-related erythema multiforme
c. chronic sinusitis
20. Which of the following drugs excreted into sweat d. hyperthyroidism
has been reported to cause hyperpigmentation? e. Fabry's disease
Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology
20 CME examination January 1998

27. Multiple sweat gland abscesses occur most com- 29. A "fish odor" of the sweat is characteristic of
monly in a. trimethylaminuria
a. immunocompromised patients b. Hartnup's disease
b. patients undergoing antibiotic therapy c. Fabry's disease
c. healthy adults d. alkaptonuria
d. bed-bound elderly e. Hurler's syndrome
e. chronically ill children
30. Eccrine chromhidrosis is usually caused by
28. The first manifestation of granulosa rubra nasi is a. excess lipofuscin granules in the dark cells of
a. erythema the secretory coils
b. edema b. ingestion of certain foods
c. pustules c. clothing dyes
d. tenderness d. metabolic disorders
e. hyperhidrosis e. minocycline

Answers to CME examination Identification No. 897-112

December 1997 issue of the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology

Questions 1-33, Requena L, Sangueza OP. J Am Acad Dermatol 1997;37:887-920.

1. e 12. e 23. d
2. d 13. b 24. e
3. b 14. d 25. a
4. e 15. e 26. d
5. e 16. c 27. e
6. b 17. e 28. c
7. e 18. e 29. e
8. b 19. e 30. d
9. c 20. e 31. c
10. c 21. a 32. a
11. c 22. e 33. b

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