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Chapter 7 Manufacture of Metallurgical Coke and Recovery of Coal Chemicals 4 4, Sundhotm, Senor Development Enginer, LTV Stel Company 4115 Sai, Scientist, pt Llano F 1 Kicosfing, Diteciar Coke Marketing, Indianapolis Coke 4 Richardson Manager, Coke and Coal Chemicals, ICFKetacr Enger, Ine WCE. Buss, Vie President and General Manage, Thyssen Sill Ote Teche Servis 4 Worberg, Thyssen Stl Oto Anagentecaik Gast U Selnare Taysen Stil Oto Anlagentecik Gab +H, Boer, Baropean Cokemaking Technology Center A. Calderon, President, Calderon Energy Company 2G. Dita, Group Executive of Operations snd Marking, Antaus Energy ee eee TA Introduction 741 Carbon as a Reducing Agent frm the destructive dala of selected coking from SOO°C to TOBS°C SU" t 2000") 742 Chemical Effects of Coking Coal i made un principally ofthe retains of vacate mtr which hasbeen patil decom. posed in the presence of moisture abd the absence of air and subjected to Waratons in Lane {ure and pres by geologic action, ace Chapter. tis complex mnture o aanis ome, the principal elements of which ae carbon and Iydogen wth smaller amon of ee {and sali Iso consis some nonconbusibe comport called ssh Thessh seme ‘aly of inorganic compounds which became imbedded in the coal maine Gooey ihe ‘coalition paocess The chemical compouns making up coal, ike mos of those in animal and vegetable li are utsabl when subjected to high degree of heat or terial tatment When hassel tog eras Inthe absence ofa, the compiex organic molecules weak down loyld pies ese ‘ith guid and sold organic compounds of lower molecular weight anda seasteck nares ‘atbonaccousreske (coke). Coke, then, isthe residue ftom the destructive distillation of coal. Structurally, ty cellu, Porous substance whic i heterogeneous in both pict and chemical pret The physical ropetcs of metallic cokes well ass composition, depen agely upon the com eed aa the temperature at which itis earbonized. Not al coals wil form coke, ad na llolong eae il ive the sme firm, clllar mass characteristic of coke stale ox mcalluycal pagponee Some coals wll price an actepable coke without Hlenling with oder coals wile eter usable only as cnsivents of bends. The type and method of operation of cabin Totes ase ‘exert profound influence on the quality a yield of coke forthe ble hamaces 713 Kinds of Coke ‘Ther ate thre ppl kinds ofcoke clasiied according to the methods by which hey ae man ftured: low, medion and high temperature coke ke se for tealargieal purposes mest be carbonized in the higher ranges of temperature (between 900°C and 1ODSC) (Lose and 2000°F) if the produ sto have satisfactory physical properties Even with good celine cole Product obtained by low temperate carbonization between SBOMC al 760°C (90 Fad 1100°F) SSunsecepabl fr good blast famace operon 44 Important Properties of Metallurgical Coke Probably the most important physical property of metallurgical coke is its stength to withstand breakage and abrasion during handling and ss use inthe bist farce Inthe Uited Sees te Standard ASTM tests wed oevalte these properties ate the saility index for brehage sed ‘mdnes index for abrasion. Boh of these test involve tumbling cok of ected sin sane ard drum rotated for a specifi ime ata specific ate, The ably index and the hades inden ae the percentages of coke remaining on in. andi, seen, respectively, we the coke Screened ae tumbing. in moder blast faace practice, the trend is toward we of ion-besing burden meri of cone trolled size such as sine ad pelts; thus, the sie ofthe coke ued i the burda avons one lpariance then inthe past wien only erude ore was used. The sizeof cake produced sr topos ct oFns is somewhat dependent upon the typeof eos, ating rates wih tte on, se the bulk density ofthe coal charg, grater amount of low-volaile ca, wider even ad seater bl,

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