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psychedelic-themed poems

Kaleidoscope Eyes

In the tapestry of a thousand hues, Where the kaleidoscope eye views, Worlds within
worlds spin and weave, Colors dance, and shadows deceive.

Stars explode in symphonies bright, Whispers of time blend day and night, Mind’s
corridors twist and twine, Where the echoes of dreams intertwine.

Electric Dreams

In electric dreams, the cosmos sings, Neon rivers and diamond rings, Through liquid
skies, thoughts cascade, In the heartbeat of the night, truths evade.

Fractals pulse in vibrant beat, Where reality and fantasy meet, Eyes wide open, yet
vision’s skewed, In the haze of colors, the soul's renewed.

Quantum Reverie

Lost in the quantum reverie, Particles of light, dancing free, Synaptic waves in cosmic
tides, In the quantum sea, my spirit glides.

Past the veils of the conscious mind, Universes in a spark confined, Infinity in a single
beat, Where the known and unknown greet.

Celestial Echoes

Celestial echoes in a starlit mind, Galaxies of thought, so intertwined, Planets of ideas in

orbit round, In the silence of space, truth is found.

Nebulas of wonder, expanding wide, In the vastness where the soul resides, Through the
black holes of doubt and fear, To the supernova of vision clear.

Cosmic Groove
In the cosmic groove, we find our place, Spirals of light, interstellar race, Rhythms of
the universe in our veins, Where the mystic beats dissolve the chains.

Dancing atoms in a cosmic waltz, Truths unveiled in the hidden vaults, Harmony in
chaos, peace in strife, In the groove of the cosmos, we find life.

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