Why Did The Pastor

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Children’s Ministries Help Sheets

from the Children’s Ministries Agency of the Assemblies of God

Why Did the Pastor Eat an

Unpeeled Banana in Church Today?
by Rob Evans

P astor Whataguy had just ing the children’s sermon when he 1. He and the children’s pastor
invited the kids to come was an intern. would try to coordinate sermon
down front for a children’s As the kids settled on the floor, topics. Of course the adult content
sermon. He gulped as they rushed he thought back to the meeting would be far more mature, but the
toward the altar area in a flood of with the children’s workers that essence would be the same. The
smiling, eager faces. They wiggled had led to this sermon. He could arts, crafts, and handouts the kids
against each other in anticipation. still hear the words of one of the took home would give the family
He really wasn’t known for being a more dedicated workers: “Families something to do and talk about
“kids-kind-of-guy.” He had always come to church together and they during the week.
been more “steady-as-she-goes,” leave together, but they 2. They decided to have a
and in some ways feared losing book table to provide parents with
that handle. But his fear of ap- tapes, books, and videos that would
pearing the fool in front of the reinforce the sermons and songs
adults was pushed aside by the heard in children’s church and the
sheer enthusiasm and energy of adult service. That way families
the kids. would be equipped with music and
Besides, he thought, there stories they could use in the car or
are more important issues at at home. And when the kids came
stake here than appearances. to church, they would already know
He had finally agreed to make the songs and stories. The workers
this bold move to address an also decided to take all profits from
issue that had been stirring the book table and use them to
in his heart: I must become buy materials for struggling single
a better example of pro-kid parents in their church and com-
and pro-family values in my don’t do munity.
church. anything
together. Parents leave this
3. The adult choir director—a
Pastor Whataguy is proud new grandmother—sug-
looking forward to the day when place week after week with
gested that the choir include a kids’
the church he pastors is like the no inspiration, equipment, mate-
song every Sunday. Pastor Whata-
church in the Book of Acts. But rial, or ideas for what they can do
guy smiled as he tried to imagine
right now it seems the church with their own kids. We must do
the choir doing songs with hand
resembles American culture a better job equipping parents for
more than biblical culture with their own ministry at home.”
its programs, departments, and “OK, what do you propose we 4. The team suggested that
do?” Pastor Whataguy asked. Sev- when the pastor led in prayer, per-
specialists. And here he is initiating
eral hours of discussion produced a haps his wife could join him during
another program—a kids’ sermon.
consensus: the petition part of his prayer. This
He shuddered. He had dreaded do-
might encourage couples to pray
For the Senior Pastor
together at home. That made sense. Church Today?” It would explain heart—he loved God more than
But now the hard part. Would he, this new approach to the more anything.”
the senior pastor, consider present- conservative members of the con- Most of the kids were getting
ing a children’s sermon? gregation. The pastor is modeling the message. He could tell some
“Why not use a kids’ specialist?” pro-kid, pro-family values from the of the smaller ones were a bit lost,
he asked. pulpit. Nice ring to it. Great idea. perhaps wondering if David was a
“Because the men in the End of meeting. banana.
church look up to you,” came the And now he was looking down “So next time you eat a banana,
reply. at all of these smiling young faces. don’t forget to peel it first. And
The children’s workers were The atmosphere was more pleasant when you get to the inside, I want
persuasive. They even used one of than he had anticipated. you to think about David, who had
his favorite Scriptures—Malachi He felt like a playful, young a heart that made God happy, be-
4:6—where God would “turn the dad again as he held up the banana cause of his great love for God. Do
hearts of the fathers to their chil- and said, “I’m hungry. I didn’t you love God?”
dren, and the hearts of the children have breakfast yet today.” He then The kids shouted, “Yes!”
to their fathers.” But a kids’ ser- proceeded to take a bite out of the “Good, you may go back to your
mon? top of the unpeeled banana. He seats.”
“What do I do in front of all of chewed with exaggeration. It was As the kids went back to their
those kids?” he asked. quite bitter. seats, the choir sang “As David
“Here’s a book of object les- “Yuck,” he said, “it tastes bitter. Did,” a song about David. The choir
sons,” came the reply. “It’ll get you I don’t think this is the right way to rippled with hand motions and
started.” eat a banana.” tambourines. The kids listened with
The workers decided on one The kids were shocked. Some rapt attention; this was a song they
about peeling a banana and talking laughed. He hoped that at least one could understand and enjoy.
about “what’s inside that counts.” child would speak up. One finally The morning was a triumph.
He would then tie the object les- did. The bulletin announcement worked
son to the story of Saul and David. “You should peel it before you well. The conservative members
Saul looked great on the outside, eat it,” a helpful little future admin- were pleased. Even the tape table
but he had no heart for God. David istrator cried out. was swamped with requests for the
was small on the outside, but had “I should? Oh! Thank you very tape with the song about David on
a heart that loved God. He thought much for telling me. I’ll try it.” Pas- it. The new “Family Resources” col-
he could handle that. He was tor Whataguy peeled the banana, umn in the bulletin was obviously
impressed with the content. Kids’ took a bite, chewed thoughtfully, doing its job.
presentations that had annoyed and said, “Yes, that is much better.” With kids hanging on him
him in the past usually had weak He then began his children’s afterwards, much like a human
content. sermon with his mouth full of jungle gym, Pastor Whataguy
The adults could use this too, banana. He had their attention looked forward to getting back to
he thought to himself. But that and made the most of it. He talked that book on object lessons. Then
brought up another issue. about Saul and how handsome he he paused and thought, I wonder
“What will the adults think of was. He held up the banana peel if there’s anything in it that deals
all of this playfulness in church? and said, “Saul looked good on the with pizza?
Will they regard it as showing dis- outside, but he was bitter to God,
respect for God?” he asked. because he did not obey God.” Rob Evans, better known as the
Someone had a suggestion: Then he talked about David. Donutman on the popular Donutman
Write an insert for the church “David was just a little boy who video series for children, has produced
bulletin and call it, “Why Did the didn’t look like much on the 15 Donutman videos and 20 audiocas-
Pastor Eat an Unpeeled Banana in outside, but on the inside—in his

©2006 Gospel Publishing House. Used by permission. Permission to reproduce for local church use.

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