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Arab Academy for Science, Semester 4 – Naval Architecture

Technology & Maritime Transport & Ship Construction

Marine Engineering Technology Sheet 3

Displacement and Buoyancy

1.A piece of metal 250 cm3 in volume is attached to the bottom of a block of wood 3.5 dm3 in
volume and having a relative density of 0.6. The system floats in fresh water with 100 cm 3
projecting above the water. Calculate the relative density of the metal.

2. A raft 3 m long and 2 m wide is constructed of timber 0.25 m thick having a relative
density of 0.7. It floats in water of density 1018 kg/m3. Calculate the minimum mass which
must be placed on top of the raft to sink it.

3. A box barge 65 m long and 12 m wide floats at a draught of 5.5 m in sea water. Calculate:
a) the displacement of the barge,
b) its draught in fresh water.

4. A cylinder 15 m long and 4 m outside diameter floats in sea water with its axis in the
waterline. Calculate the mass of the cylinder.

5. Bilge keels of mass 36 tonne and having a volume of 22 m3 are added to a ship. If the TPC
is 20, find the change in mean draught.

6. A vessel 40 m long bas a constant cross-section in the form of a trapezoid 10 m wide at the
top, 6 m wide at the bottom and 5 m deep. It floats in sea water at a draught of 4 m.
Calculate its displacement.

Good Luck,

1|Page Eng. Ahmed Balata

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