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Team: Seneca High School Investment Team

Advisor: Grace McCloskey

Advisor Email:

Team Leader: Benjamin Dahlin

Team Leader Email:

Team Members: Christian Chinosi, Luke Rath, Andrew Haas, Luke Urgo, Carter Applegate,

Ryan Grossmick

Team ID: 7137916

The simplest way to describe our client’s goals would be to create a long-term allocation

of his account that is meant for producing a steady increase in its value as well as the majority of

his account going towards growth through a portfolio of diverse stocks with a small amount of

more aggressive, shorter-term investments. This will allow our client to create the long-term fund

that he desires in addition to growing the bulk percentage of his portfolio enough to achieve both

his short-term goals and future goal of creating a wellness center.

Our portfolio has been shaping up fairly well, considering the fact that we took a large hit

earlier in the competition. Shortly after purchasing most of our portfolio, we saw a small period

of growth followed by a large pullback that kept our account around -1% to -2%. After

leveraging our positions more at a cheaper price and holding, we eventually saw a rise in the

portfolio and we are currently sitting around +5%. Our team was able to work through the loss in

the account and make smart decisions that brought us to where we are currently, and therefore,

we believe our portfolio is doing well.

Our team is focused on large-cap consumer stocks and energy stocks. We are using a

combination of shorter-term momentum stocks that are in rising industries and have solid bullish

markers and analysis, as well as longer-term value stocks that may not be at their high right now

but are at a discount price and have great long-term bullish analysis. This combination of both

long-term and shorter-term stocks allows us to fulfill our client’s goals of having a long-term

allocation in his portfolio and a standard percentage of his portfolio used for growth. This makes

our strategy unique as we believe that most teams will have too much emphasis on long-term
goals and this will cause them to neglect current stock market news and happenings. Our team

believes that true stock market success comes from a combination of patiently holding long-term

stocks as well as actively monitoring and investing in high quality industries and companies.

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