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Departamento de Educación
y Ciencia
Escuela Oficial de Idiomas nº 2
de Zaragoza INGLÉS

Make subject questions to ask about the missing information.
The ZX Computer has a big memory. The MP-100 has a big memory. What
do you ask the shop assistant?
Which computer has a bigger memory, the ZX or the MP-100?
1 You and a friend are watching a good film on TV when the phone rings,
and you miss the end. What do you ask your friend when you come back
into the room?
What ?
2 You hear a crash. You go into the living room and find your two children
near a smashed vase. What do you ask them?
Who ?
3 You want to know how many people in your class come to school by car.
What do you ask the class?
Who ?
4 All your friends are talking about something that happened at a party last
night. You don’t know anything about it. What do you ask?
What ?
5 You are with a lot of children when you get to an ice-cream shop. They can
have either an ice-cream or a lolly. What do you ask them?
Who ?
6 A BMW goes fast. So does a jaguar. Ask a question.
Which ?
7 You are working at your desk at home, and go away for a minute. When
you come back, your pen is missing. What do you ask your family?
Who ?
8 You are a teacher. Some of your class can watch a film, and some can
work on a computer. What do you ask your class?
Who and who ?
1. What happened at the end?
2. Who broke the vase?
3. Who comes to school by car?
4. What happened at the party last night?
5. Who wants (an) ice-cream, and who wants a lolly?
6. Which goes faster, a jaguar or a BMW?
7. Who took my pen?
8. Who wants to watch a film, and who wants to work on the computer?

From Headway Preintermediate Workbook, unit 10

© O.U.P. This material may only be used for individual study; multiple copying and distribution are prohibited.

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